Product Hunting Criteria

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1.Keyword Search Volume -5000 to ensure that

enough people are searching this product)

2. Keyword must be in title of at least 5 Sellers out of 10 (for

Keyword validation that we are getting relevant search
results to our Keyword)

3. There must be 3 Sellers in top 10 having reviews less than

250 and Sales more than 8000 GBP (to ensure that low
review products are also making good revenue so can
be good opportunity for us as well as we are willing to
rank ourselves in top 10)

4. Amazon must not be a seller more than 2 times in top 5 and

3 times in top 10 (amazon does not has rules for himself.
so If a niche where amazon is leading should be

5. Price in top 10 must be Minjmum 10 and Maximum 30

(to ensure the enough profit margins, low priced
products has mostly low profit margins)
6. There should be at least 5 FBA Sellers in top 10 (to insure
that there is no logistics issue and people are doing
FBA easily

7. There should not be 1000+ AVG reviews in top 10 (if there

would be more than 2-3 Sellers in top 10 having more
than 1000 reviews means niche is super competitive so
we should not enter there)

8. Product Size and weight must be standard (Amazon FBA

fee calculates on the basis of product type, Size and
weight to lesser the product dimension and weight
means lesser the FBA Fees.

Amazon should not be dominant (Amazon should not
be leading in the nicho, means should not be in top 10 in
a way like only amazon is making a hugo revenue and
rest are making very low)

No brand dominancy.

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