Balter (2013)
Balter (2013)
Balter (2013)
ical Transactions of the Royal Society A, tioning of the Earth system as a whole.” coming up with arbitrary markers, and ask-
a team led by climate change expert Will Would moving the start of the Anthropo- ing what are the human and environmental
Steffen of the Australian National Univer- cene back into prehistory blunt the epoch’s interactions that are driving it.”
sity in Canberra, argued that warming of impact? “When originally proposed, this Geologists are apparently willing to hear
the planet is a key feature of the Anthropo- was a strategy for getting the public to such ideas. The new journal, Anthropocene,
cene and that increases in greenhouse gases appreciate the extent to which humans were plans a special issue on archaeological per-
due to early farming were too small to trig- destroying the world,” Smith noted in the spectives, largely drawn from the Honolulu
ger climate change. The authors also argued question and answer session. But Zeder said talks, says editor-in-chief and geomorphol-
against tying the Anthropocene to megafau- that if the Anthropocene does become offi- ogist Anne Chin of the University of Colo-
nal extinctions, claiming that the megafauna cial in 2016 as proposed, it should be based rado, Denver.
had little “appreciable impact on the func- on solid science. “We are backing away from –MICHAEL BALTER
down to the size of Earth’s moon. It has depends on a host of characteristics of the ellite (TESS) mission approved earlier this
done that by staring year after year at more exoplanet, none of which is usually known. month by NASA for a 2017 launch will find
than 100,000 stars, waiting for the few hun- The big unknown is the nature of an exo- those brighter systems, Seager notes. Still,
dredths of a percent dip in a star’s brightness planet’s atmosphere. The Kepler team fol- fully characterizing TESS’s exoplanets will
that signals that a planet is orbiting across lows convention and assumes that the exo- challenge even NASA’s next great orbiting
the star’s face. planet has a greenhouse atmosphere of observatory, the James Webb Space Tele-
Kepler’s latest find is a system of five nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water. The scope, scheduled for launch in 2018.
planets orbiting a star designated Kepler-62. habitable zone—the range of orbital dis- –RICHARD A. KERR
Editor's Summary
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