Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87
STT Cau trac Nghia
1 | Starta relationship with sb = strike up | Bat du méi quan hé v6i ai
a friendship with sb
2 | Be inaromantic relationship Quan hé yeu durong
3 | Asingle-sex school Truong hoc chi cho Nam hodc cho Nir
4 | An opposite-sex friend ‘Nguoi ban khdc gidi
5 | Stay awake Thire
6 | Follow in one’s footsteps Tiép buéc ai
7 | Lend an ear sympathetic to sb Lang nghe ai mét cdch cam théng
8 | Havea date with sb Hen ho voi ai
9 | Be/keep on good terms with sb C6 méi quan hé t6t v6i ai, hoa hop voi ai
= have a good relationship with sb
= get on well with sb
10 | Make jokes about st= make fun of sb Tréu choc, cham choc vé diéu gi
11 | Be/get in trouble with sb/st Gap rac réi v6i ai/cdi gi
= have trouble with sb/st
12 | Make a decision (to do st) Quyét dinh (lam gi)
13 | Break rules Phd vé quy dinh, quy tac
14 | Have confidence in sb Tin turéng vao ai
15 | Get one’s permission to do st Xin phép ai lam gi
16 | Cheat in the exam Gian lan trong thi cit
17 | Get into conflict with sb Mau thudn vi ai
18 | Seta time for sb Lén lich/quy dinh vé thoi gian cho ai
lam gi
19 | Inthe company of sb DBng hanh cing ai
20 | Meet face to face Gtip méit trurc tiép
21 | Make up one’s mind Quyét dinhChange one’s mind
Thay doi y dinh
22 | Meet/miss deadlines Kip/I han
23. | Judge sb by one’s appearance Banh gid ai qua vé b8 ngoai
24 | Try/do one’s best (to do st) C6 gang hét sitc (lam gi)
25 | Make plans Lén ké hoach
26 | Ata loss Lting ting, béi réi, ludng cuéng
27 | Tend to do st = have a tendency to do st | Cé khuynh huéng lam gi
28 | Lead an independent life C6 cude song adc lap
29 | Make friends with sb Két ban voi ai
30 | Set (sb) a goal Déit ra muc tiéu (cho ai)
31 | Make an effort to do st Cé gang lam gi
= Attempt/try to do st
32. | Have attitudes to/towards C6 thdi d6 d6i voi
33. | Launch a campaign to do st Phat ddng mét chién dich dé lam gi
34 | Raise awareness of/about st Nang cao nhan thitc vé cdi gi
35 | Follow one’s advice Nghe theo Ii Khuyén cia ai
36 | Donate st to sb/st = make a donation to | Quyén gép cdi gi cho ai/cdi gi
37 | Achieve a goal Dat muc tiéu
38 | Show respect for sb/st Thé hién swr ton trong d6i voi ai/cdi gi
39 | Have difficulty (in) doing st Gdip khé khan trong vide lam gi
40 | Inaccordance with Phu hop, theo ding (cdi gi)
41 | Make st clear to sb Gitip ai hiéu cdi gi
42 | Contribute to st/doing st Gép phiin vao cdi gi/lam gi
= make contributions to st
43 | Make way/room for Nhuwéng ché, don ché cho
44 | Have severe /serious/negative C6 hdu qud/tdc déng nghiém
consequences /impacts/effects on trong/tiéu cue t6i
45 | Study abroad Di du hoc
46 | Take a gap year Nghi mét ném gitta chirng (danh ra
‘mét néim ma ban quyét dinh “nghigitta hiép” trong mét qud trinh hoc tap
hay lam viéc, cho phép ban tim dén
nhiing ké hoach khdc biét (so v6i cuéc
song thong ngay)
Have opportunities to do st
C6 co hdi lam gi
Take/do a course
Enroll for/in/on a course
Tham gia vao mét khéa hoc
Biing ki mét khéa hoc
A wide range/variety of
See the point of st/doing st
= understand the importance of or the
reason for st
Hiéu duoc tim quan trong hay lido
cho cdi gi
51 | Keep/catch up with Budi kip, theo kip
52 | Sit for = take an examination Tham gia vao ki thi
53 | Make sense of = understand Hiéu
54 | Be ondisplay Duec trung bay
55 | Inruins >< intact Bi pha hily hoan toan >< con nguyén
56 | Makea promise todost=promiseto | Hita lamgi
57 | Make discovery = discover Kham phd, phat hién
58 Onadiet an kiéng
59 | Attribute st to st néi/nghi mét diéu gi dé 14 két qua cla
ci gi
60 | Life expectancy = Longevity Tudi tho
61 | Stick to = adhere to = obey = follow = Tuan theo, theo
abide by = conform to/with = comply
62 | Invain V6 ich
63 | Raise awareness of st ‘Nang cao nhdn thie vé cdi gi
64 | Get over = recover from Vugt qua, binh phuc
65 Lose weight Gidm canGain/put on weight Tang can
66 | Take prescription medicine Ding thudc theo don
67 | Increase the risk of st Lam téing nguy co’ vé cdi gi
68 | Take precautions C6 bién phdp phong ngira
69 | Keep fit= stay healthy Khée manh/ can doi
70 | Under the weather = off color Khong duoc khée
71 | Do workout/exercise Luyén tp, tap thé duc
72. | Atrisk of = in danger of Cé nguy co
73 | Under treatment of Dang chita tri
74 | Take measures Dua ra cdc bién phdp
78 | Make a difference Tao ra su khde biét
76 | Have st in common C6 diém gi chung
77 | Makea fuss Lam ami
78 | Have (no) objection to doing st (khdng) phan déi lam gi
Object to doing st Phan d6t lam gi
79 | Have difficulty (in) doing st Gap khé khan trong vige lam gi
80 | Grow in popularity Lan rong, phé bién
81 | Setanew world record Thiét ldp ki luc thé gidi méi
82 | Breaka record Phd ki luc
83 | Win the medal inst Danh huy chuong trong linh vire gi
84 | For the purpose of Vimuc dich
85 | Keep sb occupied = make sb busy Khign ai d6 ban ron
86 | Attract one’s attention Thu hit su chiiy
87 | Marka milestone Danh dau mét c6t mac
88 | Make improvement Cai tién
89 | Make progress Tigh bd
90 | Save one’s lives Citu s6ng/citu mang