Labview: Statistical Process Control Toolkit Reference Manual
Labview: Statistical Process Control Toolkit Reference Manual
Labview: Statistical Process Control Toolkit Reference Manual
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Chapter 1
Introduction to Statistical
Process Control in LabVIEW .............................................1-1
Installation ................................................................................1-1
Windows ...........................................................................1-1
SPARCstation ...................................................................1-2
Macintosh .........................................................................1-3
Requirements for Using the SPC Toolkit ................................1-3
SPC Toolkit Organization ........................................................1-4
VI Libraries .......................................................................1-4
Custom Controls ................................................................1-6
LabVIEW SPC Toolkit Examples ....................................1-7
Implementing SPC Applications in LabVIEW ........................1-8
Representation of Process Data in LabVIEW ..................1-8
Viewing Raw Process Data ..............................................1-9
Creating Control Charts and
Determining Whether the Process Is in Control ...............1-13
Detecting Out-of-Control Points and Process Shift ..........1-15
Process Capability Analysis .............................................1-19
Pareto Analysis .................................................................1-20
Chapter 2
Control Chart VIs ....................................................................2-1
Calculating Control Chart Limits and Points ...........................2-1
Variables Chart VIs ..........................................................2-2
Attributes Charts VIs ........................................................2-3
VIs for Drawing Charts ....................................................2-4
VIs for Plotting Control Chart Points and Limits ......2-5
VIs for Creating Graphs of Raw Process Data ..........2-5
Rule Checker VIs for Testing
Out of Limits, Run Rules, and Process Shift ....................2-7
Chapter 3
Process Statistics VIs ..............................................................3-1
Process Mean and Sigma ...........................................3-1
Compute Process Capability ......................................3-3
Sample Statistics VI ..................................................3-5
General Histogram .....................................................3-6
Fit Nrml PDF to Histogram .......................................3-8
Normal PDF Graph with Limits ................................3-9
Plot Normal PDF .......................................................3-10
Vertical Bar Graph with Limits .................................3-12
Vertical Bar Graph ....................................................3-13
Rotate Graph ..............................................................3-14
Chapter 4
Pareto Analysis VIs .................................................................4-1
Pareto Counter ...........................................................4-2
Pareto Chart ...............................................................4-3
Cause Code Lookup ..................................................4-4
Array to Bar/Comb Graph .........................................4-5
Customer Communication....................................................A-1
Glossary ........................................................................................G-1
Figure 1-1. Basic Run Chart ...........................................................1-10
Figure 1-2. Diagram for Basic Run Chart .......................................1-10
Figure 1-3. Basic Histogram Plot ....................................................1-11
Figure 1-4. Diagram for Basic Histogram Plot ...............................1-12
Figure 1-5. Basic Tier Chart ...........................................................1-12
Figure 1-6. Diagram for Basic Tier Chart .......................................1-13
Figure 1-7. X-bar and S Chart Example ..........................................1-14
Figure 1-8. Diagram for X-bar and S Chart Example .....................1-14
Figure 1-9. p Chart with Variable Limits VI Example ...................1-15
Figure 1-10. Diagram for p Chart with Variable Limits VI
Figure 1-11. X-bar and R Chart Check Limits Example ................1-16
Figure 1-12. Diagram for X-bar and R Chart Check Limits
Example .......................................................................................1-17
Figure 1-13. Zone Rule Test (AT&T/WE) Example ......................1-18
Figure 1-14. Diagram for Zone Rule Test (AT&T/WE) Example...1-18
Figure 1-15. Process Capability Example 1 ....................................1-20
Figure 1-16. Diagram for Process Capability Example 1 ...............1-20
Figure 1-17. Pareto Chart Example .................................................1-21
Figure 1-18. Diagram for Pareto Chart Example ............................1-21
File Refnum
Related Documentation
The following documents contain information that you may find helpful
as you read this manual:
Customer Communication
National Instruments wants to receive your comments on our products
and manuals. We are interested in the applications you develop with our
products, and we want to help if you have problems with them. To make
it easy for you to contact us, this manual contains comment and technical
support forms for you to complete. These forms are in the appendix,
Customer Communication, at the end of this manual.
The following sections contain instructions for installing the SPC Toolkit
on Windows, Sun SPARCstation, and Macintosh. The SPC Toolkit
comes in compressed form on floppy disks. Installing the SPC Toolkit
requires approximately 4 MB.
You can install the SPC Toolkit from the DOS prompt, the Windows File
Manager, or with the Run... command from the File menu of the
Program Manager.
1. Insert the first SPC Toolkit disk into the 3.5-in. disk drive and run the
SETUP.EXE program using one of the following three methods.
After you install the LabVIEW SPC Toolkit, your LabVIEW directory
should contain a new SPC directory, and the LabVIEW Functions and
Controls menus will contain SPC entries the next time you launch
You can install the SPC Toolkit as shown in the following steps. You do
not need root privileges to install the SPC Toolkit, but you must be able
to write to the LabVIEW directory where the SPC Toolkit will be
On systems running Solaris 2.2 or later you must determine whether your
system is running the volume manager, by entering the following
ps -a | fgrep vold
The following message usually appears to tell you that the volume
manager is running:
2. Insert the first SPC Toolkit disk into the 3.5 in. disk drive.
3. Type volcheck.
2. Insert the first SPC Toolkit disk into the 3.5 in. disk drive.
After you install the LabVIEW SPC Toolkit, your LabVIEW directory
should contain a new SPC directory, and the LabVIEW Functions and
Controls menus will contain SPC entries the next time you launch
1. Insert the first SPC Toolkit disk into the 3.5 in. disk drive and
double-click on the LabVIEW SPC Toolkit Installer icon.
2. After you select the Install button, you are prompted to select a
destination directory. Select your LabVIEW folder.
After you install the LabVIEW SPC Toolkit, your LabVIEW directory
should contain a new SPC directory, and the LabVIEW Functions and
Controls menus will contain SPC entries the next time you launch
In the next section you will take a brief look at the organization of the
SPC VIs. Then the following section guides you through some of the
LabVIEW programming techniques you will use in statistical
VI Libraries
After you have read this chapter, you are ready to begin using the SPC
Toolkit VIs. Click on the block diagram to activate it and select SPC
under the Functions menu. You see the menu and submenu shown in the
following illustration. Then select the VI you want; the icon
corresponding to that VI will appear in the block diagram, ready for you
to wire it.
Note: The screens illustrated in this manual were taken on the Macintosh. If
you are using Sun or Windows, your screens will look slightly different,
but the information on the screens is the same across all three
The Control Chart VIs include VIs for calculating control chart limits for
both attributes and variables charts, drawing control chart graphs, and
applying run rules to control charts.
The Process Statistics VIs include VIs for estimating process distribution
and capability, calculating and plotting histograms, and functions for
plotting and fitting normal probability distribution functions to
The Pareto Analysis VIs include VIs for counting and sorting assigned
causes and for creating Pareto charts.
When you view the VIs from your block diagram using the help window,
notice that some of the input parameters are labeled in bold typeface.
Bold typeface identifies parameters that should be wired to make the VI
operate properly. Plain typeface identifies input parameters that are
optional. Optional parameters can help you take advantage of advanced
modes of operation, but are not necessary for the VI to work. When you
do not wire the optional input parameters they are automatically set to
reasonable default values.
Custom Controls
A set of custom controls for SPC graphs and legends are also installed as
part of the LabVIEW front panel Controls menu. These include XY
graphs specially preformatted to match the multiplot XY graphs output
by the various SPC subVIs. The following illustration shows the SPC
Graphs & Legends palette with a set of custom controls for use with the
SPC Toolkit VIs.
The custom controls are installed as part of SPC Toolkit. These custom
controls are pre-formatted and labeled X-Y graphs and legends for
wiring directly to the outputs of the drawing VIs for control charts,
process statistics and Pareto analysis. They are as follows:
Basic Control Chart. A pre-formatted X-Y graph for use with the Draw
Control Chart VI.
Control Chart Lines cluster. A cluster displaying values for the control
chart lines for use as a legend with all the drawing VIs for control charts.
Control Chart with Zones. A pre-formatted X-Y graph for use with the
Draw Control Chart with Var Limits VI.
Control Chart Zones cluster. A cluster displaying values for the control
chart zones A, B and C, for use as a legend with the Draw Control Chart
with Zones VI.
Control Chart with Var Limits. A pre-formatted X-Y graph for use
with the Draw Control Chart with Var Limits VI.
Run Chart with Limits. A pre-formatted X-Y graph for use with the
Draw Run Chart VI.
Tier Chart. A pre-formatted X-Y graph for use with the Draw Tier Chart
Histogram Bar Graph with Limits. A pre-formatted X-Y graph for use
with the Draw Vertical Bar Graph with Limits VI.
Normal PDF Graph with Limits. A pre-formatted X-Y graph for use
with the Normal PDF Graph with Limits VI.
Histogram and Normal PDF Plot. A pre-formatted X-Y graph for use
with histogram and superimposed normal PDF plot with limits. See the
example VI Proc Cap Example 2 in SCP_EXMP.llb for a
demonstration of how to use this type of graph format.
Pareto Chart. A pre-formatted X-Y graph for use with either Pareto
Chart output of the Pareto Chart VI.
Pareto Chart legend. A pre-formatted table indicator for use with the
legend output of the Pareto Chart VI.
These examples are useful for getting started and learning how to group
the SPC VIs to perform typical SPC calculations and presentations.
This section also directs you to the relevant standard LabVIEW features
or the additional SPC Toolkit features to use when implementing an
application. Definitions of the SPC terms used in this overview appear in
the Glossary at the end of this manual. All examples that appear in this
section are located in the SPC_EXMP.llb library.
contain the observations. To use these VIs, group your measured process
data into appropriate 1D array samples (subgroups), and then group the
samples together to form a 2D array. All samples in a 2D array must be
the same size. The control chart VIs automatically calculate sample size
by measuring the width of the 2D array. You can use the LabVIEW
Reshape Array function to convert a 1D array to a 2D array.
If you have a sample (subgroup) size of one, you can keep your data in
1D arrays. In this case, you will be limited to using the X & moving
Range chart or mX-bar & moving Range VIs. Attribute data, such as
number of defects per unit, are handled as 1D arrays.
There are two ways you can graphically present your measured data in
LabVIEW—as you acquire each data point or sample, and after you have
acquired a collection of samples. LabVIEW has several standard
methods for viewing process data. Three basic graph types—the
waveform chart, the waveform graph, and the XY graph—are all useful
to you.
SPC charts typically plot process data against reference lines, which may
be specification limits, control chart limits, or some other useful
reference. In LabVIEW, you can use an XY graph to plot a set of points
and reference lines by specifying the reference lines as X-Y pairs. The
LabVIEW SPC Toolkit automatically generates these types of XY
graphs for you.
If you are updating a waveform chart one point at a time, you can group
each point into a cluster with the reference points, and wire the cluster to
your waveform chart.
viewing your raw process data—a basic run chart, a histogram, and a tier
chart. An example of a basic run chart is illustrated in Figure 1-1. A run
chart is a plot of the individual measurements plotted in time order. It is
displayed on an XY graph and generated by the Draw Run Chart VI. The
specification limits are shown against the individuals in the example. The
block diagram for the example VI Basic Run Chart is illustrated in
Figure 1-2.
Another useful reference for viewing the raw process data is the natural
process limits, calculated from the average mean and sigma of the group
of samples. The natural process limits measure the distribution of the
process data. The natural process limits are typically the process mean
+/- 3.0 * process sigma. The Process Mean and Sigma VI, in the process
statistics library, estimates the process mean and sigma from the process
You can superimpose the specification limits on the histogram, which the
Vertical Bar Graph with Limits VI does for you. Figure 1-3 shows a basic
histogram plot of the individual observations in the 2D samples array
plotted against both the natural process limits calculated by the Process
Mean and Sigma VI, and the specification limits. Figure 1-4 illustrates
the block diagram for the Basic Histogram Plot VI example.
Another useful way to view the raw process data is on the tier chart, also
known as a tolerance diagram. This plot charts the observations in each
sample in a straight, vertical line. With this vertical line plot, you can
visualize the spread and location of the observations in each sample. The
Draw Tier Chart VI generates the tier chart for you, as shown in Figure
1-5. Figure 1-6 illustrates the block diagram for the Basic Tier Chart VI.
• Variables charts:
– X-bar and standard deviation (X-bar & s Chart VI)
– X-bar and range (X-bar & R Chart VI)
– X and moving range (x & mR Chart VI)
– moving average and moving range (mX-bar & mR Chart VI)
• Attributes Charts:
– p (p Chart VI)
– np (np Chart VI)
– u (u Chart VI)
– c (c Chart VI)
The control chart VIs calculate the control limits for a control chart.
Normally, the control chart VIs use the process data to calculate the
control limits. You must choose the set of samples from which to
calculate the control limits. Variables charts typically use the first 20 to
30 samples of sample size four or five, for a total of about 100 individual
observations of the process. The control chart VIs can also calculate
control limits from standard values.
Once the VI calculates the limits, there are several ways to plot the
control charts with corresponding VIs that will generate the XY graphs
for the different chart styles. The most common presentation is a control
chart that draws the data against the three standard error control limits
illustrated in Figure 1-7, in which the Draw Control Chart VI does the
graphing. Figure 1-8 shows the block diagram for this VI example.
The Draw Chart with Zones VI divides the area between the three sigma
control limits into six zones that are one sigma wide, and draws the zones
against the control chart points. This presentation is useful when you
want to apply rules to the chart to detect out-of-control points. This use
of a zones chart is illustrated in the next section, Detecting
Out-of-Control Points (Figures 1-13 and 1-14).
Some of the attributes charts calculate variable control limits, which are
plotted by the Draw Chart with Var Limits VI. The front panel and block
diagram of the p Chart with Variable Limits VI Example, which uses the
Draw Chart with Var Limits VI, are shown in Figures 1-9 and 1-10.
lower control limits. The Check Limits VI identifies the index of each
sample that exceeds the process limits.
Figure 1-11 shows the Check Limits VI applied to the X-bar chart in the
X-bar & Range Chart Check Limits example; its block diagram is
illustrated in Figure 1-12. Notice that, out of the given 40 samples, 25
samples (index zero to 24) are selected for calculating the control limits.
The VI calculates the points of the remaining samples for the graph, but
does not include them in the control limit calculation.
Control points calculated from a process can stay within the control
limits but still exhibit nonrandom behavior such as repeated patterns in
the data. To detect such patterns you can use the rule checker VIs to
apply run rules to the control chart array. The run rules included in the
SPC Toolkit are AT&T/Western Electric and Nelson rules. The rule
checker VIs identify the indices of samples that violate the run rules. You
can individually enable run rules. Figure 1-13 shows the Zone Rule Test
(AT&T/WE) Example, which applies the AT&T/Western Electric rules
to an X-bar chart. Figure 1-14 shows the block diagram for this example.
After you have identified samples that have violated run rules, you can
recalculate the control limits by calling the Control Chart VI again, and
pass in the list of sample indices to ignore.
Note: Before ignoring a sample in a control limit calculation, you must know
what caused the sample to be out of control (that is, you need to know
the assignable cause).
You can also apply run rules to detect process shift, which indicates that
control chart limits should be recalculated because the process has
changed (shifted with respect to the center line). The Process Shift
Detector VI uses four rules to detect process shift and identifies the first
point of the process shift.
Pareto Analysis
In SPC applications, you often need to quantify and prioritize assignable
causes that prevent a process from being in control or otherwise prevent
a product from conforming to specifications. You can assign causes to a
sample when you detect samples being out of control from a control
chart. There are other things that can prevent a product from conforming
to specifications that need to be analyzed such as tabulated results from
product inspection. You can totalize, order, and present causes using the
Pareto VIs. Figure 1-17 shows the Pareto analysis and presentation
example, Pareto Chart Example. Figure 1-18 illustrates the block
diagram for this example.
This chapter describes the control chart VIs which include the variables
charts, attributes charts, chart drawing, and rule checking VIs. The
control chart VIs compute control limits for control charts, create control
chart graphs, and apply rules to control chart data that detect
out-of-control conditions.
The chart limits cluster contains the upper control limit (UCL), center
line (CL), lower control limit (LCL), and the standard error from which
the upper and lower control limits are calculated. The limits are center
line +/- 3 standard errors by default.
To compute the control limits from the input sample data, you select a
subset of the array input to the Control Chart VI by wiring an index
specifier. The index specifier designates the start and end index of the
samples the control chart limit calculations use. You can also exclude
specific samples from the control limit calculation by wiring an array of
the sample indices to the indices to ignore input of the VI. Doing this is
useful when samples are detected to be out of control by one of the rule
checking VIs. The # samples in calc output returns the actual number of
samples the VI used to calculate the control limits. If you do not wire
either input, the VI calculates the control limits from the entire input
Normally the control limits are calculated from the input sample data,
however the control chart VIs will calculate control limits based on
standard values if you wire the chart limit src input cluster.
The standard error multiplier input specifies the multiplier for the VI to
use when calculating the upper and lower control limits, normally three.
You do not need to wire this input unless you are using upper and lower
control limits that are not at +/- 3.0 standard errors.
The variables chart VIs, whose names appear in the following list, are
described in more detail in this chapter.
• x & mR Chart
The X-bar & s Chart and X-bar & R Chart VIs take a two-dimensional
input array of samples, where each column contains an individual
observation within a sample, and each row is a sample. The sample size
is the number of columns in the 2-D array. The X-bar & R Chart VI is
limited to sample sizes of 25 or less (25 columns). The X-bar & s Chart
VI has no limit on the sample size.
The Single Point X-bar & R/S VI calculates points for sample mean and
variation control charts one sample at a time and uses both the range and
sample standard deviation calculations. This VI is useful for calculating
individual points for a control chart when generating control charts in
real time. It is still necessary to use the X-bar & s or X-bar & R VI for
calculating the control limits.
The Single Point x/mX-bar & mR VI calculates the individual points for
an X and moving range or moving average and moving range control
chart. This VI is useful for calculating individual points for a control
chart when generating control charts in real time. It is still necessary to
use the X & mR or mX-bar & mR VI for calculating the control limits.
The variables control chart VIs are each described in more detail later in
this chapter.
• p chart
• np chart
• c chart
• u chart
The attributes chart VIs take one or more one-dimensional arrays as the
input data. The p chart and u chart can handle both a fixed sample size or
variable sample sizes. If the sample sizes are variable, the VI calculates
the variable control limits.
A typical attributes chart VI, the p Chart VI, is shown in the following
The attributes chart VIs generate outputs for a single control chart. Inputs
are one or more 1D arrays that contain values counted from the process.
The output includes an array of points for the control chart and the chart
limits. In the case of the p chart (shown in the preceding illustration) and
the u chart, the sample size inspected may vary for each value of # units
non-conforming, or the sample size may be constant. So, you can choose
one of the following two inputs: a scalar input for a constant number
inspected, n, or an array input for a variable number inspected, n. You
should use only one of these two inputs.
The output arrays UCL and LCL are the variable control limits (p and
u charts only). The chart limits cluster contains the average upper control
limit (UCL), center line (CL), average lower control limit (LCL), and the
standard error from which the VI calculates the upper and lower control
The attributes chart VIs are described in more detail later in this chapter.
Custom controls already preformatted for use with the VIs for drawing
charts are available in the SPC Graphs & Legends Control Menu.
• Draw Control with Var Limits—to use with variable control limits
(p and u charts)
These VIs have a display mode specifier that you can use to turn on and
off drawing of the specification limits or the natural process limits. The
display specifier also designates the sigma multiplier for the VI to use for
the natural process limits (default 3). You can leave the display mode
input unwired, in which case the graphing VI will use the defaults. The
defaults are not the same for all the VIs.
The x-axis on all the graphs in the control chart VI library is labeled by
sample number (the default starting sample number is zero). You can
wire a different number to suit your needs. Notice that array index
counting in LabVIEW is zero-based; therefore, numbering samples
starting from zero is the least confusing method to use. The control chart
VIs use simple (X,Y) pairs to define horizontal limit lines drawn on the
XY graph.
An easy way to use these graphing VIs is to copy the graph on the front
panel of the VI, and paste it on the front panel of your application. The
graph already has appropriate labels, colors, and patterns selected for all
the graph lines. You can then size and customize the graph display to fit
your needs.
You can also use waveform charts (sometimes called strip charts) to plot
your control charts, in which case the VI passes information to the chart
one sample at a time. The SPC Toolkit does not provide VIs for strip
chart presentation. To draw control chart, natural process, or
specification limits against your control chart points, cluster the limit
values with your point, and wire the cluster to your waveform chart.
The VIs for drawing charts are described in more detail later in this
Rule Checker VIs for Testing Out of Limits, Run Rules and
Process Shift
The SPC Toolkit contains the following rule checker VIs to test whether
points exceed the control limits or whether any of the run rules are
violated, and to detect process shift.
After a VI has identified out-of-control points, you can wire the rule
checker VI output to the indices input of the control chart VIs and
exclude these samples from the control limit calculation.
The rule checker VIs are described in more detail later in this chapter.
also calculate control limits from standard values by wiring the chart
limit src input.
index spec. Use this cluster to choose a range of samples to use for the
control limits calculation.
If you do not wire this cluster, the VI includes all samples in the samples
X input array in the control limit calculation.
std error multiplier. The multiplier to use for the upper and lower
control limits. Normally you leave std error multiplier unwired, and the
VI sets the control chart limits to +/- 3.0 standard errors. The default is
X-bar. The mean of each input sample. This is the array plotted on the
X-bar control chart.
X-bar chart limits. This cluster contains the limits for the X-bar chart.
s. The sample standard deviation of each input sample. This is the array
plotted on the s control chart.
s chart limits. This cluster contains the limits for the s chart.
CLs. The center line for the s chart. Cls = s-bar if calculated
from the input samples, or is standard s0 or standard sigma
chart limit src. Specifies whether or not to use standard values for the
chart limit calculations. If unwired, this cluster defaults to the common
case where the chart limits are calculated from the data in the input
sample array. You do not have to wire this cluster unless you want the
chart limits to be calculated from standard values. When using standard
values, the center line for the X-bar control chart, X-bar-bar, is set to std
mean, and the center line for the s control chart, s-bar, is set to std s0, or
std sigma*c4.
The control limit calculations for the chart limits are as follows.
If standard values are used for the control limit calculations, then
CLx = X
standard error = ------------
c4 n
s 1 –c4
UCLs = s + stderr mult --------------------
CLs = s
s 1 –c4
LCLs = s – s tderr mult --------------------
s 1 –c4
standard error = --------------------
Note: Use the Range Chart for samples or subgroups of 25 or less, because
for sample size of ten or more, the sample range loses efficiency of
sample variance. For sample sizes of ten or larger, you should use the
X-bar & s Chart VI instead of Range Chart.
index spec. Use this cluster to choose a range of samples to use for the
control limits calculation.
If you do not wire this cluster, the VI includes all the samples in the
samples X input array in the control limit calculation.
std error multiplier. The standard error multiplier to use for the upper
and lower control limits. Normally you leave std error multiplier
unwired, and the VI sets the control chart limits to +/- 3.0 standard errors.
The default is 3.0.
X-bar. The mean of each input sample. This is the array plotted on the
X-bar control chart.
X-bar chart limits. This cluster contains the limits for the X-bar chart.
range R. The range of each input sample. This is the array plotted on the
R control chart.
R chart limits. This cluster contains the limits for the Range chart.
chart limit src. Specifies whether or not to use standard values for the
chart limit calculations. If unwired this defaults to the common case
where the chart limits are calculated from the data in the input sample
array. You do not have to wire this cluster unless you want the chart
limits to be calculated from standard values. When using standard values
the center line for the X-bar control chart, X-bar-bar is set to std mean,
and the center line for the Rcontrol chart, R-bar, is set to std R0, or std
The control limit calculations for the chart limits are as follows.
If standard values are used for the control limit calculations, then
X (X-bar-bar) is set to std mean
CLx = X
standard error = ------------
d2 n
d3 R
UCLr = R + stderr mult --------- = D 4 R for stderr mult = 3.0
CLr = R
d 3 R
LCLr = R – s tderr mult --------- = D 3 R for stderr mult = 3.0
d3 R
standard error = --------
X& mR Chart
Computes points and limits for individuals x and moving Range charts.
These are control charts for charting mean and moving range. This VI
computes for a moving range from n consecutive observations. By
default, n is two. Optionally, you can choose a range of indices for
individuals to use and indices of individuals to ignore in the control
calculation. The actual number of individuals the VI uses to calculate the
control limits is also output. By default, control limits are calculated from
the input samples. You can also calculate control limits from standard
values by wiring the chart limit src input.
index spec. Use this cluster to choose a range of individuals to use for
control limits calculation.
If you do not wire this cluster, all values in individuals x input array are
included in the control limit calculation.
std error multiplier. The multiplier to use for the upper and lower
control limits. Normally you leave std error multiplier unwired, and the
VI sets the control chart limits to +/- 3.0 standard errors. The default is
x chart limits. This cluster contains the limits for the x chart.
CLx. The center line for the x control chart. Clx = x-bar or
standard mean and is also the estimated process mean if
calculated from the input individuals.
mR chart limits. This cluster contains the limits for the mR chart.
chart limit src. Specifies whether or not to use standard values for the
chart limit calculations. If unwired this defaults to the common case
where the chart limits are calculated from the data in the input individuals
array. You do not have to wire this cluster unless you want the chart
limits to be calculated from standard values. When using standard values
the center line for the x control chart, x-bar is set to std mean, and the
center line for the mR control chart, mR-bar, is set to std R0, or std
If standard values are used for the control limit calculations, then
CLx = x
standard error = ---------
d 3 mR
UCLmr = mR + stderr mult -------------- = D 4 mR for stderr mult = 3.0
CLmr = mR
d 3 mR
LCLmr = mR – stderr mult -------------- = D 3 mR for stderr mult = 3.0
d 3 mR
standard error = --------------
index spec. Use this cluster to choose a range of individuals to use for
control limits calculation.
If you do not wire this cluster, all values in individuals x input array are
included in the control limit calculation.
std error multiplier. The multiplier to use for the upper and lower
control limits. Normally you leave std error multiplier unwired, and the
VI sets the control chart limits to +/- 3.0 standard errors. The default is
mX-bar chart limits. This cluster contains the limits for the moving
average chart.
mR chart limits. This cluster contains the limits for the mR chart.
chart limit src. Specifies whether or not to use standard values for the
chart limit calculations. If unwired this defaults to the common case
where the chart limits are calculated from the data in the input individual
array. You do not have to wire this cluster unless you want the chart
limits to be calculated from standard values. When using standard
values, the center line for the mX-bar control chart, X-bar-bar, is set to
std mean, and the center line for the mR control chart, mR-bar, is set to
std R0, or std sigma*d2.
If standard values are used for the control limit calculations, then
CLx = X
standard error = ------------
d2 n
d 3 mR
UCLmr = mR + stderr mult -------------- = D 4 mR for stderr mult = 3.0
CLmr = mR
d 3 mR
LCLmr = mR – stderr mult -------------- = D 3 mR for stderr mult = 3.0
d 3 mR
standard error = --------------
X-bar. The mean of the input sample. Wire this output to the waveform
chart to create an X-bar control chart.
range R. The range of the input sample. Wire this output to the
waveform chart to create an range R control chart.
std dev S. The sample standard deviation of the input sample. Wire this
output to the waveform chart to create an s control chart.
n: sample size. The sample size to use for the moving average and
moving range calculations. n: sample size ranges from 2 to 25. By
default, sample size is 2.
first point(F). Use this input to initialize the VI. first point should be
TRUE for the first point, FALSE afterwards. The VI will calculate the
first point moving range mR as zero.
moving Range mR. The range of the current individual x and the
previous sample size n-1 individual x values. Wire this output to the
waveform chart to create a moving range control chart.
p chart
Computes points and limits for a p chart, a control chart for fraction non-
conforming. Number of units inspected n can be constant for all r or vary
for each element of r. Calculates both variable and constant chart limits.
Optionally, you can choose a range of indices for samples to use and
indices of samples to ignore in the control calculation. The actual number
of samples the VI uses to calculate the control limits is also output. By
default, control limits are calculated from the input samples. You can
also calculate control limits from standard values by wiring the chart
limit src input.
n: sample size (variable). The number of units inspected per sample for
each value of r. Use this array if a variable number of units were
inspected for each entry in r. The array length must be the same the
length of the array r.
n: sample size (constant). Use this input if the same number of units was
inspected for each entry in r. Otherwise, if you are providing an array for
n, leave this input unwired.
std error multiplier. The multiplier to use for the upper and lower
control limits. Normally you leave std error multiplier unwired, and the
VI sets the control chart limits to +/- 3.0 standard errors. The default is
index spec. Use this cluster to choose a range of samples to use in r for
the control limits calculation.
If you do not wire this cluster, the VI includes all elements in the r input
array in the control limit calculation.
UCLp. The variable limit for the upper control limits. If std error
multiplier is three, this will be p-bar + 3 standard errors. The standard
error calculation varies with n.
LCLp. The variable limit for the lower control limits. If std error
multiplier is three, this will be u-bar - 3 standard errors. The standard
error calculation varies with n.
p chart limits. This cluster contains the constant limits for the p chart.
CLp. The center line for the p chart, p-bar or standard p0.
p-bar is the estimated fraction non-conforming for the
process if calculated from the input data.
chart limit src. Specifies whether or not to use standard values for the
chart limit calculations. If unwired this defaults to the most common case
where the chart limits are calculated from the data in the input array(s).
You do not have to wire this cluster unless you want the chart limits to
be calculated from standard values. When using standard values the
center line for the control chart, p-bar, is set to p0.
If standard values are used for the control limit calculations, then
p-bar is set to std p0, otherwise, p-bar is calculated from the input
samples as specified by the index spec and indices to ignore inputs.
∑ r
p = ----------- if calculated from input data, otherwise p = p0
∑ n
p ( i ) = ---------
p(1 – p)
UCLp = p + stderr mult --------------------
CLp = p
p(1 – p)
LCLp = p – stderr mult --------------------
p(1 – p)
standard error = --------------------
np Chart
Computes points and limits for an np chart, a control chart for number
non-conforming. Optionally, you can choose a range of indices of
samples to use and indices of samples to ignore in the control calculation.
The actual number of samples the VI uses to calculate the control limits
is also output. By default, control limits are calculated from the input
samples. You can also calculate control limits from standard values by
wiring the chart limit src input.
std error multiplier. The multiplier to use for the upper and lower
control limits. Normally you leave std error multiplier unwired, and the
VI sets the control chart limits to +/- 3.0 standard errors. The default is
index spec. Use this cluster to choose a range of samples in r to use for
the control limit calculation.
If you do not wire this cluster, the VI includes all elements in r input array
in the control limit calculation.
np chart limits. This cluster contains the limits for the np chart.
chart limit src. Specifies whether or not to use standard values for the
chart limit calculations. If unwired this defaults to the most common case
where the chart limits are calculated from the data in the input array. You
do not have to wire this cluster unless you want the chart limits to be
calculated from standard values. When using standard values, the center
line for the control chart, np-bar, is set to n*p0.
If standard values are used for the control limit calculations, then
np-bar is set to std n*p0, otherwise, np-bar is calculated from the input
samples as specified by the index spec and indices to ignore inputs.
∑ r
p = ------------------------------------------- , if calculated from input data,
n ( r array length )
otherwise p = p0
CLnp = n x p
standard error = np ( 1 – p )
c Chart
Computes points and limits for a c chart, a control chart for number of
non-conformities or defects. Optionally, you can choose a range of
indices for samples to use and indices of samples to ignore in the control
calculation. The actual number of samples the VI uses to calculate the
control limits is also output. By default, control limits are calculated from
the input samples. You can also calculate control limits from standard
values by wiring the chart limit src input.
std error multiplier. The multiplier to use for the upper and lower
control limits. Normally you leave std error multiplier unwired, and the
VI sets the control chart limits to +/- 3.0 standard errors. The default is
index spec. Use this cluster to choose a range of samples in c to use for
the control limit calculation.
If you do not wire this cluster, the VI includes all elements in c input
array in the control limit calculation.
c chart lines. This cluster contains the limits for one c chart.
UCLc. The upper control limit for the c chart. If std error
multiplier is three, this will be c-bar + 3 standard errors.
CLc. The center line for the c chart, c-bar or standard c0.
c-bar is the estimated number of non-conformities for the
process if calculated from the input data.
LCLc. The lower control limit for the c chart. If std error
multiplier is three, this will be np-bar - 3 standard errors.
chart limit src. Specifies whether or not to use standard values for the
chart limit calculations. If unwired this defaults to the most common case
where the chart limits are calculated from the data in the input array. You
do not have to wire this cluster unless you want the chart limits to be
calculated from standard values. When using standard values, the center
line for the control chart, c-bar, is set to c0.
If standard values are used for the control limit calculations, then
c-bar is set to std c0, otherwise, c-bar is calculated from the input samples
as specified by the index spec and indices to ignore inputs.
∑ c
c = ----------------------------------- if calculated from the input data,
c array length
otherwise c = c0
CLc = c
standard error = c
u Chart
Computes points and limits for a u chart, a control chart for fraction of
non-conformities or defects. Number of units inspected n can be constant
for all c or vary for each element in c. Calculates both variable and
constant chart limits. Optionally, you can choose a range of indices for
samples to use and indices of samples to ignore in the control calculation.
The actual number of samples the VI uses to calculate the control limits
is also output. By default, control limits are calculated from the input
samples. You can also calculate control limits from standard values by
wiring the chart limit src input.
n: sample size (variable). The number of units inspected for each value
of c. Use this array if a variable number of units were inspected for each
entry in c. The array length must be the same as the length of the array c.
n: sample size (constant). Use this input if the same number of units was
inspected for each entry in c. Otherwise, if you are providing an array for
n, leave this input unwired.
std error multiplier. The multiplier to use for the upper and lower
control limits. Normally you leave std error multiplier unwired, and the
VI sets the control chart limits to +/- 3.0 standard errors. The default is
index spec. Use this cluster to choose a range of samples in u to use for
the control limit calculation.
If you do not wire this cluster, the VI includes all elements in u input
array in the control limit calculation.
UCLu. The variable limit for the upper control limits. If std error
multiplier is three, this output will be u-bar + 3 standard errors.
LCLu. The variable limit for the lower control limits. If std error
multiplier is three, this will be u-bar - 3 standard errors. The standard
error calculation varies with n.
u chart limits. This cluster contains the constant limits for the u chart.
CLu. The center line for the u-chart, u-bar or standard u0.
u-bar is the estimated fraction of non-conformities or
defects for the process if calculated from the input data.
chart limit src. Specifies whether or not to use standard values for the
chart limit calculations. If unwired this defaults to the most common case
where the chart limits are calculated from the data in the input array(s).
You do not have to wire this cluster unless you want the chart limits to
∑ c
u = ----------- , if calculated from input data,
∑ n
otherwise u = u0
u ( i ) = ---------
UCLu = u + stderr mult ---
CLu = u
LCLu = u – stderr mult ---
standard error = ---
points. The points to be plotted on the control chart, normally the output
of one of the control chart VIs, such as an X-bar array.
starting sample number. The sample number of the first sample the VI
uses to label the chart x-axis. If you do not wire this input, sample
labeling on the x-axis will start at zero.
control chart. A control chart XY graph with points and limit lines
drawn. You can wire this to the Basic Control Chart custom SPC control.
control chart lines. This cluster is useful as a legend for the limit lines.
You can wire this to the Control Chart Lines custom SPC control.
UCL. The upper control limit value for the control chart.
LCL. The lower control limit value for the control chart.
# zones. The number of zones to mark on the control chart. If you do not
wire this input, three zones—zone A, B, and C—are marked on the chart.
starting sample number. The sample number of the first sample the VI
uses to label the chart x-axis. If you do not connect this input, sample
labeling on the x-axis will start at zero.
control chart with zones. A control chart XY graph with points and
horizontal zone lines drawn. You can wire this to the Control Chart with
Zones custom SPC control.
control chart zones. This cluster is useful as a legend for the zone lines.
You can wire this to the Control Chart Zones Cluster custom SPC
zone A+. The upper 3 standard error control limit value for
the control chart.
zone B+. The upper 2 standard error control limit value for
the control chart.
zone C+. The upper 1 standard error control limit value for
the control chart.
zone C-. The lower 1 standard error control limit value for
the control chart.
zone B-. The lower 2 standard error control limit value for
the control chart.
zone A-. The lower 3 standard error control limit value for
the control chart.
points. The points to be plotted on the control chart, normally the output
of one of the control charts, such as an u chart array.
starting sample number. The sample number of the first sample the VI
uses to label the chart x-axis. If you do not wire this input, sample
labeling on the x-axis will start at one.
control chart. A control chart XY graph with points and variable limit
lines drawn. You can wire this to the Control Chart with Var Limits
custom SPC control.
control chart lines. This cluster is useful as a legend for the constant
limit lines. You can wire this to the Control Chart Lines custom SPC
UCL. The average upper control limit value for the control
LCL. The average lower control limit value for the control
You can turn on and off drawing of the specification limits or the natural
process limits, and choose the sigma multiplier to use for the natural
process limits (default three), by wiring in the display mode. If you do
not wire the display mode, the VI does not draw the specification limits
and natural process limits by default.
process mean. The estimated process mean. See the description of the
Process Mean and Sigma VI in Chapter 3, Process Statistics VIs, for an
explanation of how the process mean and process sigma values are
Note: If you wire the display mode cluster to change one of the default
settings, you must specify all three elements.
You can turn on and off drawing of the specification limits or the natural
process limits, and choose the sigma multiplier to use for the natural
process limits (default three), by wiring in the display mode. If you do
not wire the display mode, the specification limits and natural process
limits are not drawn.
starting sample number. The sample number of the first sample the VI
uses to label the chart x-axis. If unwired, sample labeling on the x-axis
will start at zero.
process mean. The estimated process mean. See the description of the
Process Mean and Sigma VI in Chapter 3, Process Statistics VIs, for an
explanation of how the process mean and process sigma values are
Note: If you wire the display mode cluster to change one of the default
settings, you must select all three elements.
tier chart. A graph in which the VI plots the observations in each sample
vertically. Optionally the VI plots the upper and lower specification
limits and the mean specification value, and/or the natural process limits
and process mean against the sample plots. You can wire this to the Tier
Chart custom SPC control.
points. The points plotted on the control chart, normally the output of
one of the control chart VIs, such as an X-bar array.
upper control limit. The upper limit line from the control chart VI limits
lower control limit. The lower limit line from the control chart VI limits
points exceeded limits. TRUE if any of the points exceeded the limits
out of control points. Lists the index of each point in the points array
that exceeded the limits. The out of control points are listed in order of
how much each point exceeds the control limits. The most extremely out-
of-control point is listed first, followed by the next most out-of-control
point, and so forth.
The front panel in the following illustration lists which rules you can
enable. The VI outputs the rules that are violated along with the first
point and length of the sequence of points violating the rule, and a list of
all points violating any of the enabled rules.
points. The points plotted on the control chart, normally the output of
one of the control chart VIs, such as an X-bar array.
center line. The center line from the control chart VI limits cluster.
std error. The standard error associated with CL from the control chart
VI limits cluster.
rule enable. The run rules to apply to the points array. Each element of
the array corresponds to a rule 1, 2, 3, 4 from element 0 to 3, in that order
(see front panel for rule explanation). Set the corresponding element to
TRUE for each rule you want to apply. (An easy way to do this from the
diagram is to use an unsigned 8-bit integer, set the appropriate bits, and
then use the number for binary array conversion.)
rule violations. This cluster lists the rules being violated and which
sequence of points violated the rule.
out of control points. Lists the index of each point in the points array
that the VI identified as out of control according to the applied rules.
The front panel in the following illustration lists which tests you can
enable. The VI outputs the rules that are violated along with the first
point and length of the sequence of points violating the tests, and a list of
all points violating any of the enabled tests.
points. The points plotted on the control chart, normally the output of
one of the control chart VIs, such as an X-bar array.
center line. The center line from the control chart VI limits cluster.
std error. The standard error associated with CL from the control chart
VI limits cluster.
test enable. The run rules to apply to the points array. Each element of
the array corresponds to a test 1, 2, 3, … 8 from element 0 to 7, in that
order (see front panel for test explanation). Set the corresponding
element to TRUE for each test you want to apply. (An easy way to do this
from the diagram is to use an unsigned 8-bit integer, set the appropriate
bits, and then use the number to binary array conversion.)
tests flagged. This cluster lists the tests violated and which sequence of
points violated the test.
out of control points. Lists the index of each point in the points array
that the VI identified as out of control according to the applied tests.
The VI searches for the following patterns that signal a process shift:
points. The points plotted on the control chart, normally the output of
one of the control chart VIs, such as an X-bar array.
center line. The center line from the control chart VI limits cluster.
process shift detected. If true, the VI detected one or more of the four
patterns listed above in the control chart points with respect to the center
line, indicating a process shift.
first point of shift. If process shift detected is true, this outputs the index
of the first point in the detected process shift. This point can be used as
the start index for recalculating control limits.
pattern #. If process shift detected is true, this outputs the number of the
first pattern [1 to 4] the VI found.
Sequence Checker
Searches Boolean input array point exceeds bound for # violations per
run set to TRUE within run length. Values in the point exceeds bound
array are set to TRUE if they violate some rule limit. Returns arrays with
the index of each violation point and run length associated with that
point. You use this VI as a generic building block in the rule checker VIs.
For example, to test the rule four out of five points above two standard
errors, set # violations per run to four and run length to five, test
whether each of the control chart points is greater than center line plus
two standard errors, and wire resulting boolean array to point exceeds
bound input.
point exceeds bound. Set each element to TRUE if point exceeds test
# violations per run. The number of violations per run length that
indicate a rule has been violated.
violation start point. Start point of each sequence violating the rule.
violation run length. The length of each sequence violating the rule.
This chapter describes the process statistics VIs, which are useful for
process capability analysis and for viewing and measuring process
sigma multipler. The sigma multiplier for calculating upper NPL and
lower NPL. By default, sigma is multiplied by 3.0.
process mean. Mean of the process, estimated from X-bar-bar (or x-bar
if sample size is one).
---- if type is S,
----- if type is r, or
--------- if sample size is 1.
upper NPL. The upper natural process limit of the process computed as
process mean + sigma multiplier * process sigma. By default, this is
process mean + 3.0 * process sigma.
lower NPL. The lower natural process limit of the process computed as
process mean - sigma multiplier * process sigma. By default, this is
process mean - 3.0 * process sigma.
n for moving Range. This input is ignored unless the sample size
(number of columns) in the input array samples X is one, in which case
the moving range is used as a basis for estimating process mean and
sigma. n for moving Range ranges from 2 to 25. By default, n for
moving Range is set to 2.
process mean. The estimated process mean. See the description of the
Process Mean and Sigma VI in this chapter, for an explanation of how
the values for process mean and process sigma are calculated.
default, which is the tolerance spread most commonly used for process
capability calculations.
CpU & CpL. This cluster contains the one-sided upper and lower
process capability ratios.
Cpk. The centered capability ratio also known as the Cpk index.
where tau=
Sample Statistics VI
Computes statistics on the input array sample X.
sum ( x [ i ] – x ) 2
sum (x[i]-x)3
n*sample std dev3
sum (x[i]-x)4
n*sample std dev4
General Histogram
Finds the discrete histogram of the input sequence X based on the given
bin specifications.
The input Bins is an array of clusters where each cluster defines the range
of values for a bin. The cluster includes the following elements.
If you do not wire the inputs max and min, the VI will use the maximum
and minimum values in the input sequence Xd.
inclusion specifies how the boundaries of each bin are handled. The
valid values for inclusion are:
0: include the lower boundary
1: include the upper boundary
2: include both boundaries
The centers of each bin are set according to the following equation and
returned in the output array axis.
lower + upper
center [ i ] = ------------------------------------
bin centers. The x-axis values for the center of each histogram bin.
Connect the x values output of the histogram VI to this input.
normal PDF height. The height of the normal PDF that will fit the
histogram. Use this as an input to the Plot Normal PDF VI or Normal
PDF Graph with Limits VI.
You can turn on and off drawing of the specification limits or the natural
process limits, and specify the sigma multiplier to use for the natural
process limits (default 3), by wiring in the display mode. If you do not
wire the display mode, the VI automatically draws the specification
limits and natural process limits.
process mean. The estimated process mean. See the description of the
Process Mean and Sigma VI in this chapter for an explanation of how the
process mean and process sigma is calculated.
# PDF points to plot. The number of points to create for the normal
PDF plot. In most cases, you can leave this unwired. By default 50 points
are plotted.
PDF height. The height to draw the PDF. If zero, the VI will draw the
PDF with a height proportional to 1/(process sigma), corresponding to an
area of one under the PDF curve. When fitting a normal PDF to a
histogram, use the PDF height output from the Fit Normal PDF to
Histogram VI.
PDF width. The width to draw the PDF in terms of +/- sigma. If
unconnected, the VI draws the PDF from -3 sigma to +3 sigma by
display mode. Optional display mode specifier. If you do not wire this
cluster, the specification limits and the natural process limits will be
drawn by default. This cluster contains the following inputs.
Note: If you wire the display mode cluster to change one of the default
settings, you must specify all three elements.
normal PDF graph with limits. An XY graph with the normal PDF of
the process plotted against the specification limits and process mean and
standard deviation. You can wire this output to the normal PDF graph
with Limits custom SPC control.
process mean. The estimated process mean. See the Process Mean and
Sigma VI or the Sample Mean and Std Dev VI to calculate this value.
process sigma. The estimated process sigma. See the Process Mean and
Sigma VI or the Sample Statistics VI to calculate this value.
# points to plot. The number of points to create for the PDF plot.
Normally, you can leave this unwired. By default, 50 points are plotted.
PDF height. The height to draw the PDF. If 0, the VI will draw the PDF
with a height proportional to 1/sigma, corresponding to an area of 1
under the PDF curve. When fitting a normal PDF to a histogram, use the
PDF height output from the Fit Normal PDF to Histogram VI.
PDF width. The width to draw the PDF in terms of +/- sigma. By default,
the width is 3, and the VI draws the PDF from -3 sigma to +3 sigma.
This output can also be treated as an XY graph output; you can wire it
directly to an XY graph.
You can turn on and off drawing of the specification limits or the natural
process limits, and specify the sigma multiplier to use for the natural
process limits (default 3), by wiring in the display mode. If you do not
wire the display mode, the VI will draw the specification limits and
natural process limits (at +/-3 sigma) by default.
histogram y[]. Each element of this array is arranged so that the number
of observations in each bin of the histogram is from left to right. This is
an output from the Histogram VI or the General Histogram VI.
bin centers/axis x[]. The x-axis values for the center of each histogram
bin. Connect the x values output of the Histogram or General Histogram
VI to this input.
process mean. The estimated process mean. See the description of the
Process Mean and Sigma VI in this chapter for an explanation of how the
process mean and process sigma are calculated.
Note: If you wire the display mode cluster to change one of the default
settings, you must specify all three elements.
vertical bar graph with limits. Centered vertical bar graph, in which
each bar is the height given in the histogram input and is centered at the
values given in the bin centers input. You can wire this output to the
Histogram Bar Graph with Limits custom SPC control.
bin centers. The x-axis values for the center of each histogram bin.
Connect the x values output of the histogram VI to this input.
bar graph. Centered vertical bar graph. Each bar is of the height given
in the histogram input and centered at the values given in the bin
centers input.
Rotate Graph
Given a multiplot XY graph, transposes the X and Y values so that the
graph is rotated clockwise 90°.
X. X value of point.
Y. Y value of point.
X. X value of point.
Y. Y value of point.
This chapter describes the Pareto analysis VIs, which include the Pareto
Counter VI, the Pareto Chart VI, and the Cause Code Lookup VI. The
Array to Bar/Comb VI, which the Pareto Analysis VIs use as a subVI, is
also included.
The Pareto Counter VI will accept two alternative inputs. You can either
pass in an unsorted list of causes (an array of strings) or an array of
clusters with each cluster containing a cause string and the corresponding
total number of occurrences of that cause. You may be using numeric
cause codes instead of strings. In this case, you can use the Cause Code
Lookup VI to count the number of occurrences of cause codes and
generate a list of cause strings with the count for each cause to be passed
to the Pareto Counter VI. If no cause string is given for a cause code, the
code itself will be put in string form.
Pareto Counter
Given an unsorted list of causes and the number of occurrences for each
cause, sorts the list from the cause with the largest number of occurrences
to the smallest and computes Pareto statistics for each cause.
The causes with count array has the number of occurrences for each
cause counted. If the causes input is empty, the Pareto values are
calculated from the causes with count input.
Pareto Chart
Given a set of Pareto values (output of the Pareto Counter VI), creates
two Pareto charts and the associated legend. One is a bar chart of the
frequency of occurrence of each cause. The other is a bar chart of the
percentage contribution of each cause. The legend is a list of cause codes
with their rank in a table (2D array of strings) format.
Legend. A table (2D array of strings) listing the cause (string) for each
bar in the Pareto chart from the rank of 1 (cause with highest frequency
of occurrence) on. You can wire this output to the Pareto Chart Legend
custom SPC control.
Default is 0 = Left.
Customer Communication
For your convenience, this appendix contains forms to help you gather
the information necessary to help us solve technical problems you might
have as well as a form you can use to comment on the product
documentation. Filling out a copy of the Technical Support Form before
contacting National Instruments helps us help you better and faster.
Corporate Headquarters
(512) 795-8248
Technical Support fax: (800) 328-2203
(512) 794-5678
If you are using any National Instruments hardware or software products related to this problem,
include the configuration forms from their user manuals. Include additional pages if necessary.
Name __________________________________________________________________________
Company _______________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________
Fax (___) ___________________ Phone (___) ___________________
Computer brand ________________ Model ________________ Processor __________________
Operating system (include version number) ____________________________________________
Clock speed ______MHz RAM _____MB Display adapter _____________________________
Mouse ___yes ___no Other adapters installed _______________________________________
Hard disk capacity _____MB Brand _________________________________________________
Instruments used _________________________________________________________________
Boards installed (include revision and configuration) ____________________________________
LabVIEW Version ____ VI Libraries installed (other than standard libraries) _________________
The problem is: __________________________________________________________________
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Assignable Cause A cause that can be detected and identified as contributing to process
Attribute Data Data from counting process results such as number of units non-
conforming per inspected sample, or number of defects per inspected
sample containing n units. As opposed to measured data, attribute data
has a discrete number of possible values. p, np, u and c control charts
are used to track attribute data.
Attributes Chart A control chart that tracks whether a process is in control by tracking
attribute data—data counted from the process. p, np, u, c charts are
attributes charts.
block diagram Pictorial description or representation of a program or algorithm. In
LabVIEW, the block diagram, which consists of executable icons called
nodes and wires that carry data between the nodes, is the source code for
the VI. The block diagram resides in the Diagram window of the VI.
Boolean controls Front panel objects used to manipulate and display or input and output
and indicators Boolean (TRUE or FALSE) data. Several styles are available, such as
switches, buttons and LEDs.
c Chart Control chart that uses number of defects per sample to monitor the
stability of the process. Each sample contains n units, and contains c
defects per sample (zero or more defects per unit). The value of n must
be constant from sample to sample.
center line A line on a control chart representing average long-term value of the
statistic plotted on the control chart.
cluster A set of ordered, unindexed data elements of any data type including
numeric, Boolean, string, array, or cluster. The elements must be all
controls or all indicators.
connector Part of the VI or function node that contains its input and output
terminals, through which data passes to and from the node.
control Front panel object for entering data to a VI interactively or to a subVI
control chart A charting method for determining the stability of a process; that is,
whether or not a process is in a state of statistical control. Shewart
control charts monitor process stability by plotting sample statistics
against a center line and control limits.
control limits Upper and lower limits on a control chart represent the amount of
variation about a center line that can be attributed to chance causes for a
given process characteristic. Control chart points that fall outside the
control limits signal that the process is not in control and that some
action should be taken. Control limits may be calculated from process
data or from standard values.
Cp process A measure in sigma units of the process capability that is a ratio
capability index of the spread between the specification limits over the m sigma spread of
the process variation, where m is normally 6.
Cpk centered A measure in sigma units of the process capability with respect to how
capability ratio well the process is centered relative to the specification limits, also
known as distance to nearest specification.
current VI VI whose Panel window, Diagram window, or icon editor window is the
active window.
Diagram window VI window that contains the block diagram code.
Defect A measured characteristic of a specific unit of product or service that
prevents the unit from meeting a specification requirement or is
otherwise undesirable. In a unit, one or more defects are possible, and
many different types of defects are possible. Also known as a
non-conformity, if the characteristic prevents the unit from meeting a
specification requirement.
fraction non- the number of units in a sample not conforming to specification divided
conforming by the total number of units in the sample.
front panel The interactive user interface of a VI. Modeled from the front panel of
physical instruments, it is composed of switches, slides, meters, graphs,
charts, gauges, LEDs, and other controls and indicators.
Help window Special window that displays the names and locations of the terminals
for a function or subVI, the description of controls and indicators, the
values of universal constants, and descriptions and data types of control
Histogram A graphical summary of data in which the individual values are sorted
by the range of values into which they fall (also known as bins), and in
which the number of individuals falling within a each bin is counted.
The data is plotted by showing the number of values (frequency) in each
icon Graphical representation of a node on a block diagram.
in-control process A stable process whose variation is due only to chance causes; that is,
no assignable causes of variation are present.
indicator Front panel object that displays output.
individual A single measurement of a process characteristic.
matrix Two-dimensional array.
measurement data Data that is a result of observations or measurements of a characteristic
that has a continuous range. As opposed to attribute data, measurement
data is not discrete; that is, any discreteness in measurement data is due
to the resolution of the measuring device, not the characteristic.
moving Average Control chart that uses the average of n successive individual
chart observations from a process to track the stability of the process mean.
This type of control chart is typically used when the sample size is one.
moving Range Chart Control chart that uses the range between n successive individual
observations from a process to track the stability of the process
variation. This type of control chart is typically used when sample size
is one.
natural process The limits which contain a stated fraction of the individual
limits observations in a population. For a normally distributed population, the
stated fraction is typically the process mean +/- 3.0 sigma.
non-conforming unit A unit of product or service that does not meet a specification
normally distributed If a process is normally distributed, expected values for individuals
within the process population fall on a normal or bell-shaped curve.
np Chart Control chart that uses the number of non-conforming units in a sample
to monitor the stability of the process. The sample contains n units, and
zero or more units may be non-conforming. The value n be constant
from sample to sample.
numeric controls Front panel objects used to manipulate and display or input and output
and indicators numeric data.
observation A measurement of a process characteristic.
p chart Control chart that uses the fraction of non-conforming units in a sample
to monitor the stability of the process. The sample contains n units, and
zero or more units may be non-conforming. The value n may vary from
sample to sample.
Panel window VI window that contains the front panel, the execution palette, and the
icon/connector pane.
plot A graphical representation of an array of data shown either on a graph or
a chart.
pop up To call up a special menu by clicking on an object with the right mouse
pop-up menus Menus accessed by command-clicking, usually on an object. Menu
options pertain to that object specifically.
Pareto chart A chart of a set of counted or totalized characteristics in which the
characteristics are ranked in order of their frequency of occurrence. In
SPC, Pareto charts are normally used to evaluate relative contribution of
assignable causes and prioritize corrective action.
R (Range) chart Control chart that uses the sample range R to track the stability of the
variation in the process. Sample range is max sample value minus min
sample value. Sample size must be two or more.
representation Subtype of the numeric data type, of which there are signed and
unsigned byte, word, and long integers, as well as single-, double-, and
extended-precision floating-point numbers, both real and complex.
run chart A chart of the individual observations in a set of samples plotted in time
order of occurrence.
run rules Rules applied to a consecutive set of points on a control chart, that are
used to detect changes in the process such as out-of-control conditions,
or process shift.
s (std dev) chart Control chart that uses the sample standard deviation s to determine the
stability of variation in the process. Sample size must be two or more.
sample For measurement data, this is the number of observations (or
(or subgroup) size individual measurements) making up the sample. For attribute data, this
is the number of units n inspected for the counted characteristic.
sample a set of measurements (observations) or units (from which counted data
is taken) used as a basis for evaluating the process.
specification limits Limits that define the range within which a product or characteristic
conforms to specification or user requirements (also known as tolerance
standard values known standard values for process range, sample standard deviation,
mean or sigma from which control limits can be calculated.
subdiagram Block diagram within the border of a structure.
subgroup a set of measurements (observations) taken from a larger set.
subVI VI used in the block diagram of another VI; comparable to a subroutine.
tier chart A chart in which the individual observations in each sample are plotted
vertically. It is a useful means of visualizing the variation or spread in
each sample.
top-level VI VI at the top of the VI hierarchy. This term distinguishes the VI from its
u chart Control chart that uses the average number of defects per sample to
monitor the stability of the process. The sample contains n units, and
contains c defects per sample (zero or more defects per unit). The value
n may vary from sample to sample.
variables chart A pair of control charts that track whether a process is in control by
tracking mean and variability of samples of measured data. Variables
charts include X-bar and s, X-bar and R, x and mR charts, and mX-bar
and mR charts.
VI library Special file that contains a collection of related VIs for a specific use.
waveform chart A numeric plotting indicator modeled after a paper strip chart recorder,
which scrolls as it plots data.
wire Data path between nodes.
Wiring tool Tool used to define data paths between source and sink terminals.
x (individual) chart Control chart that uses the individual observations from a process to
track the stability of the process mean. This type of control chart is
typically used when sample size is one.
X-bar chart Control chart that uses the sample mean, X-bar, to track the stability of
the process mean. Sample size must be two or more.