Mozambique Country Programme.................................................................................3
Initia Results...................................................................................................................5
Pair atention in this wolk, because we want speak about the important topic in our life.
In this wolk, essay we are going to learn more about mozambique in 2025. We Will
have to know wich tye of situation that we Will have in our future life.Now so, theys
another information about the sum topic (Mozambique in 2025).
After that we have to now again about Mozambique country programme.
Mozambique Country Programme
The Government of Mozambique will implement the programme through the Ministry
of State Administration (MAE).
Local partners include the National Association of Mozambique (ANAMM) and the
Medium Level institute for Physical Planning and the Faculty of Architecture and
Physical Planning at the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM).
Funded by the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation,the programme is facilitated and
supported by the Cities Aliciance.
Mozambique is urbanising at breakneck speed. In 2005, it was among the least
urbanised countries in Southern Africa, by 2025, it is projected to be the fourth most
urbanised , after Botswana, South Africa and Angola.
While Mozambique's economic growth is strong, its cities lack the capacity to
respond effectively to urbanisation. One of the key development challenges is the
need to strengthen municipal-level government and ensure that the poor also benefit
from the country's economic growth.
It is a considerable challenge. Over 80 percent of Mozambique's urban population
lives in "bairros" with limited or no services and very basic concrete block houses,
according to UN estimates. In Maputo alone , some 75 percent of the population lives
in slums. The situation is especially acute in secondary citicies, where unregulated,
informal settlements make up roughly 90 percent of municipal territory.
In its approach to slum upgrading, Mozambique is the first country to benefit from a
unique form os South-South cooperation- the Italian-Brazilian Triangular Cooperation
Programme, wich is based on an agreement between Italy and Brazil to carry out
cooperation activities with third countries. Through the programme, Mozambique is
able to draw on more than ten years of experience with integrated and participatory in
Bahian, Brazil with the support of Italy and the Cities Alliance.
The programme builds on two major activities already underway: A City development
Strategy and slum upgrading initiative in Nampula; and a slum upgrading initiave in
Maputo, which is being piloted in chamanculo-C settlement.
Building capacity at the municipal level;
Upgrading Maputo's Chamanculo C settlement;
Nampula a slum upgrading and CDS;
Technical capacity in support of fast growing cities along the Nacala corridor.
Initial Results
Leveraged funding. The Mozambique Country Programme activities and
investments have leveraged an additional $9 million in co-funding from
partners such as the Governments of Italy and Brazil,GIZ, the World Bank, and
local partners.
It is a considerable challenge. Over 80 percent of Mozambique's urban population
lives in "bairros" with limited or no services and very basic concrete block houses,
according to UN estimates. In Maputo alone , some 75 percent of the population lives
in slums. The situation is especially acute in secondary citicies, where unregulated,
informal settlements make up roughly 90 percent of municipal territory.
The programme builds on two major activities already underway: A City development
Strategy and slum upgrading initiative in Nampula; and a slum upgrading initiave in
Maputo, which is being piloted in chamanculo-C settlement.