coWPAtty MAIN:
"coWPAtty is designed to audit the pre-shared key (PSK) selection for WPA networks
based on the TKIP protocol." - Joshua Wright.
Project Homepage:
also see:
Local Mirror: cowpatty-4.6.tgz MD5: b90fd36ad987c99e7cc1d2a05a565cbd
Installing coWPAtty
coWPAtty Dictionary Attack
Precomputing WPA PMK to crack WPA PSK
coWPAtty Precomputed WPA Attack
coWPAtty Tables
NOTE: coWPAtty 4.0 and above also include WPA2 attack capabilities (usage
remains the same).
Installing coWPAtty:
Download the latest coWPAtty (currently coWPAtty-4.2) to /tools/wifi
tar zxvf cowpatty-4.2.tgz
cd cowpatty-4.2
As you can see this dictionary attack took in excess of 3 minutes, we can speed up this
process by precomputing the WPA-PMK to crack the WPA-PSK (see below).
wpa-test-01.cap is the capture containing the four-way handshake
dict is the password file
cuckoo is the network SSID
dict is the password file
hashfile is our output file
cuckoo is the network SSID
coWPAtty Tables:
The Church of Wifi have produced some lookup tables for 1000 SSID's computed
against a 170,000 word password file.
The resultant table are approximately 7 Gigabytes [LINK NO LONGER
A second set of 33 Gigabytes tables were later produced and are available via:
Or you can buy them via DVD, direct from Renderman (initiator of the project):