Artemisia Abrotanum. Lady's Love. Southernwood. (Southern Europe.) N. O. Compositæ. Tincture of Fresh Leaves and Stems
Artemisia Abrotanum. Lady's Love. Southernwood. (Southern Europe.) N. O. Compositæ. Tincture of Fresh Leaves and Stems
Artemisia Abrotanum. Lady's Love. Southernwood. (Southern Europe.) N. O. Compositæ. Tincture of Fresh Leaves and Stems
1. Mind.─Great anxiety and depression.─Child cross, depressed, very
peevish.─Feels she would like to do something cruel; no humanity.─Thinking
difficult.─Feels as if brain softening.─Excited, loquacious, like shouting, good-
humoured, happy (secondary, after ceasing the drug).
2. Head.─Cannot hold the head up.─The l. brain seems esp. weak, easily tired by
conversation or mental effort.─Sensation as of creeping chills along the
convolutions of the brain, accompanied by prickling sensation.─Scalp sore, esp. l.
side; itching.
19. Heart and Pulse.─Pain across chest sharp and severe in region of heart;
rheumatism.─Metastasis of rheumatism to heart.─Pulse weak and small.