Lets Talk About Work Fun Activities Games 4485
Lets Talk About Work Fun Activities Games 4485
Lets Talk About Work Fun Activities Games 4485
What do you do? What’s your father’s job? What does your mother do?
Do you enjoy being a (…) ? What time does he start What time does she finish
Why? work? work?
What would you like to be? Which jobs pay well? In which jobs do you have to
Why? Give minimum 3 examples. wear a uniform?
Give minimum 3 examples.
Would you prefer a job that Do you prefer working Name 3 outdoor jobs.
pays well or a job you enjoy? indoors or outdoors? Why? Would you like to do any of
Explain. them?
What kind of office work Do you think being a singer In which jobs do you need to
does a secretary do? is a hard job? work evenings and
Explain why. weekends?
Which job would you never What three things are most If you could have your own
want to do? important for you in a job? business, what would it be?
In your opinion, what is the Who in your family or among Do you think professional
most boring job in the your friends has the most sports player are overpaid?
world? interesting job? Explain. Explain.