DbFinal Key
DbFinal Key
DbFinal Key
2a. A transaction processing system uses Timestamping method for concurrency control.
A transaction started at time unit 45 wants to read a data item q, and finds its (q’s) read-
stamp to be 40, and write-timestamp to be 43. Explain briefly what happens then? [3]
read is allowed and read-ts increments to 45. p 573, ch 19, no (1)
2b. Explain with some data values what type of concurrency-related problem the
following schedule will face. [4]
Time T1 T2
.1 begin trans
.2 read(x) begin trans
.3 x = x*2 read(x)
.4 write(x) x = x –3
.5 end trans write(x)
.6 end trans
Lost update problem, as in p 556, fig 19.4.
2c. Explain if the following schedule is conflict-serializable or not. [3]
Time T1 T2
.1 begin trans
.2 read(x)
.3 x = x*2
.4 write(x) begin trans
.5 read(x)
.6 x = x –3
.7 write(x)
.8 read(z)
.9 z = z –3
.10 write(z)
.11 read(y) end trans
.12 y = y*2
.13 write(y)
.14 end trans
serializable, no cycle of wait, as in fig 19.9, taken from fig 19.8, p 560
where Hotel contains hotel details and hotelNo is the primary key;
Room contains room details for each hotel and (roomNo, hotelNo) forms the primary key;
Booking contains details of the bookings and (hotelNo, guestNo, dateFrom) forms the primary key;
and Guest contains guest details and guestNo is the primary key.
For each relation, the primary key must not contain any nulls.
Room is related to Hotel through the attribute hotelNo. Therefore, the hotelNo in Room should either
be null or contain the number of an existing hotel in the Hotel relation. In this case study, it would
probably be unacceptable to have a hotelNo in Room with a null value.
Booking is related to Hotel through the attribute hotelNo. Therefore, the hotelNo in Booking should
either be null or contain the number of an existing hotel in the Hotel relation. However, because
hotelNo is also part of the primary key, a null value for this attribute would be unacceptable.
Similarly for guestNo. Booking is also related to Room through the attribute roomNo.
4a. List all ‘double’ or ‘family’ rooms with a price below $40.00 per night, in ascending order of price.
5.10 SELECT * FROM Room WHERE price < 40 AND type IN (‘D’, ‘F’)
ORDER BY price;
4b. Translate in plain English what does the following query want:
5.11 List the bookings for which no dateTo has been specified.
5. List the rooms that are currently unoccupied at the Hilton hotel.
5.20 SELECT * FROM Room r
(SELECT roomNo FROM Booking b, Hotel h
b.hotelNo = h.hotelNo AND hotelName = ‘Hilton’);