Ngo Project Report ON "A Study To Understand The Functioning and Management of Janakalyan"

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“A Study to understand the

Functioning and Management of Janakalyan”

Submitted to: Submitted By:

Mr. Prasen Raptan Abhishek Mourya
Executive Director Ashish Kumar Tamraka
Janakalyan Jitendra Singh Kaurav
Vikas Sharma
A Team Committed for People’s Empowerment

Shanti Nagar, R H Colony No.4, Sindhanur – 584128

Raichur District, Karnataka State, India
Tel: +91 8535 264488, 264140, Fax: +91 8535 220515

This is to certify that Abhishek Mourya, Ashish Kumar Tamrakar, Jitendra Singh Kaurav and Vikas
Sharma of MBA (Full Time) Semester III in Sanghvi Innovative Academy, Indore has carried out a
NGO study program titled “A Study to understand the Functioning and Management of
Janakalyan”. The work done by them is genuine and authentic.

The work carried out by these students was found satisfactory. We wish them all the success in

Mr. Prasen Raptan

( Executive Director )

This is to certify that Abhishek Mourya, Ashish Kumar Tamrakar, Jitendra Singh Kaurav and Vikas
Sharma of MBA (Full Time) Semester III in Sanghvi Innovative Academy, Indore has carried out a
NGO study program titled “A Study to understand the Functioning and Management of
Janakalyan”. The work done by them is genuine and authentic.

The work carried out by the students was found satisfactory. We wish them all the success in

Prof- Gaurav Moghe


We, Abhishek Mourya, Ashish Kumar Tamrakar, Jitendra Singh Kaurav and Vikas Sharma a
student of Sanghvi Innovative Academy, Indore, hereby declare that the work done by me to do
the NGO study program titled “A Study to understand the Functioning and Management of
Janakalyan.” is genuine and authentic.

Abhishek Mourya

Ashish Kumar Tamrakar

Jitendra Singh Kaurav

Vikas Sharma

We sincerely and religiously devote this folio to all the gem of persons who have openly or silently
left an ineradicable mark on this research so that they may be brought into consideration and
given their share of credit, which they genuinely and outstandingly deserve.

This expedition of research encountered many trials, troubles and tortures along the way. We
essentially indebted to my guides “Mr. Prasen Raptan” for this sweating learning experience.
They overlooked my faults and follies, constantly inspired and mentored via the proficient
direction. It was a privilege to work under their sincere guidance.

We express my thanks to Dr. Naresh Singh, Director (M.B.A.), Sanghvi Innovative Academy,
Indore for his considerate support whenever and wherever needed. We honestly acknowledge the
sincere guidance provided by the Head of Department Prof. Gaurav Moghe. We express my
indebtedness to the management of Sanghvi Innovative Academy, for inspiring us to grab and
utilize this opportunity.

With profound sense of gratitude, we would like to truthfully thank a recognizable number of
individuals whom we have not mentioned here, but who have visibly or invisibly facilitated in
transforming this research into a success saga.

Above all, we would like to conscientiously thank the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient
God for His priceless blessings!

Abhishek Mourya

Ashish Kumar Tamrakar

Jitendra Singh Kaurav

Vikas Sharma

This project has been performed as a part of our NGO study program in the Second year of MBA.

Janakalyan has made a remarkable presence as a Non Government organization in Karnataka.

This will also serve as a basic knowledge in respect of “A Study to understand the
Functioning and Management of Janakalyan.” followed in the organization.

This project report covers a brief detail about organization and some sort of recommendations,
which help in understanding the functioning and management of the organization,
recommendations may be taken into consideration by the board for the betterment of this non
government organization.

Janakalyan is a team of professionals committed for people’s empowerment. What started with 4
rehabilitation colonies of Sindhanur taluk in 1997 to empower refugees and ensuring their rights
has now spread across the district in more than 1000 villages directly and also through its network
partners. A community based organization transformed as a fully equipped professional institution
to handle varieties of interventions both directly as implementer and also through its network
partners as facilitator.
Besides having a special team for handling refugee rights it has a specialized wing for NRM based
interventions with focus on biodiversity, eco-farming, organic approach, chain completion, value
addition with Intensified Integrated Farming Systems (IIFS). Janakalyan has also specialized in
health, hygiene, nutrition, sanitation and education to mothers and children through various
innovative strategies and community based monitoring mechanisms. Education has remained as
one of its focal area since from the inception and has developed a pool of experiences in
addressing the issues like drop out, slow learners, child labors, vocational training, remedial
coaching, etc. along with the formal education programs.
The major activity-frames of Janakalyan are Jana Sanghatan, Jana Krishi, Jana Jala, Jana
Raksha, Jana Shakti, Jana Udyog and Jana Shiksha; all these are centered to 4 holy mothers –
manavi mata (woman), bhoomata (soil), gomata (animal) and gangamata (water). Janakalyan
believes in empowerment and sustainability strategies and all its programs are designed with
these core principles. Accountability and transparency are core values of Janakalyan and
maintained at all levels to its highest level. Janakalyan never considers itself an alternative to
Government but a watchdog for the community. It does believe itself as an assisting agency for
the Government in developing the nation and its citizens.
India lives in its villages and therefore Janakalyan dedicated itself for the upliftment of the rural
communities believing in Gandhijee’s words. To practice the same in letter and spirit, Janakalyan
has it operates from a remote village with a fully fledged office on 2-acre lush-green campus with a
training hall having a capacity for 100 participants with all modern audio-visual facilities.

Janakalyan logo depicts its goal of serving four mothers in 4 arms of the + sign; the woman
(manavimata), the soil (bhoomata), the animal (gomata) and the water (gangamata). The plus (+)
sign also signifies that any person who wish to serve these mothers must possess the quality of a
doctor and thus it has 4 colors; the red represents quality of a doctor of human beings (MBBS), the
blue represents quality of a doctor of animals (BVSc), green represents quality of a doctor of crops
(BScAg) and white represents quality of a doctor (MSW) who can change the mind and mindset of
people. A person serving through Janakalyan must possess the qualities of all these 4 kinds of
doctors in order to bring desired changes in the society.
Creation of an enabling healthy environment where all individual has equal access to and control
over the Social, cultural, Educational and Political Institutions with an economically secured
Janakalyan exists to empower the four holy mothers so that an economically secured healthy
atmosphere is developed where all individual identity has their deserved status through institution
building by 2020.


• To implement development programs for child, woman & weaker sections.

• To implement programs for socio-economic status improvement of the communities.

• To implement programs for disabled, handicapped & street children.

• To develop & demonstrate new technologies, suitable for rural population in all the related
fields and motivating the people to adopt it.

• To implement programs for healthy environment development.

• To implement poverty alleviation programs.

• To open and manage nursery, primary, middle and High Schools and also colleges of
various disciplines including UG and PG courses in the field of medical, engineering,
computer sciences, agriculture, social works and also in other disciplines, as may be found
necessary from time to time.

• To run technical colleges such as DEd, BEd, ITI, Diploma, Engineering, Medical, Ayurvedic,

• To run any kind of educational institutions for children, women and farmers of the country
including KVK, RSK, etc.

• To conduct teachers training courses

• To open and manage reading rooms, Libraries with all kinds of facilities.

• To run adult education programs for the rural illiterate.

• To conduct skill up-gradation & vocational training programs for unemployed youths,
women and farmers.

• In fulfillment of the objectives, it may seek any kind of assistance from various sources and
take up any other activities as found necessary by the Governing Board.

• It may borrow the loans from various Government and Non-Govt. Organization.

• Publication of Journals, Magazines and Souvenir etc. in the public interest.

First day
1 day we visited to pond. These pond are part of NREGA where government provide 50% of fund
and 50% fund given by farmer.
First day we saw so many ponds which are made by janakalyan for the welfare of farmers. These
ponds are utilize by farmer for their cultivation of land, for fishing and for other livelihood.
Jankalyan help farmer to raise these funds from government, how? They went to government
office and give them data of those farmer who need these funds. And government provide fund
according to need of that farmer.
First day learning:

• Evaluate work

• Time management

• Interaction with peoples

• How to implement schemes

• Utilize manpower

• Team work

• Planning

Second Day:
Visit to farmer home to collect them for Panchayat meeting. After roaming around 4 hour in village,
we collect all the villagers and 12:30 pm meeting will start. Our sir wants to make them aware
about the NREGA, that how NREGA will helpful for them in long future.
And also we met farmers for free distribution of seed. Janakalayan team wants that farmer will
grow vegetables in their field so that on regular basis they something for their livelihood.
For the distribution of seeds, we went into the market and looking for from where we purchase
seed for distribution. After looking 3-4 shop, we went to one shop and give them order for seed.
Second day learning:

• Convince the customers

• Interaction Technique

• Convey message behind work

• How to deal in big deals

• Market research for deal

• Bargaining strategies

• Team work

Third Day visit:

Celebrated Republic Day at Janakalyana. Next day we went to same shop for purchase of seed.
On that we finally close our deal and pay whole amount of seed. Collect seed from the shop and
went to Janakalyan office.

Third day learning:

• How to wind up deal

• Time management

• Team work
Deshpande foundation
Founded by Gururaj (Desh) and Jaishree Deshpande in 1996, the Deshpande Foundation is the
family’s investment in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation as catalysts for change. Over
the last 15 years, the Deshpande Foundation has embarked on large scale projects in the United
States and India.

The Foundation is currently involved in several major initiatives:

• The Sandbox in Northwestern Karnataka, India

• The Deshpande Center for Social Entrepreneurship in Hubli, Karnataka

• The MIT Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation in Boston, Massachusetts

• The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), in both the US and across India

• The Indo US Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE)

Over the last eight years, the Foundation has helped over 80 NGOs in India to connect their
innovations to relevance.
The Deshpande Foundation helps entrepreneurs and leaders put together the right pieces to grow
and succeed with their innovation.
Fourth day:
Fourthday, we went to hubli for international conference. Day started with NGO visit. NGO we
visited were Akshaya Patra, Samarthanam and many more. After that we attain LEAD Awards
Ceremony and Yuva Summit Closing Ceremony, where givers his speech on young generation
and also top project were awarded.
At the evening Gururaj Deshpande and Jaishree Deshpande started conference with an
interactive overview of Deshpande Foundation activities, with a focus on this year’s theme of
“Leveraging Opportunities”.

Fourthday Learning:

• Evaluation of work

• How to manage events

• How to give presentation

• How to represent our group

• Interaction technique

• Effective utilization of team

• Time management

• Event management
Fifth Day:
The day started with panel discussion, where CEO’s and Founder’s of different NGO’s were come
and gave their views on “Leveraging Opportunities” and how they started their NGO and what
were the problems they were faced in their past. These key pannel discussion was followed by
breakout sessions. In the breakout sessions, different speakers givers their views on the different
topic and answered questions asked by listeners. After that there was lunch. After lunch, again
there was breakout session with different topics. In the evening Dr. Veerendra Heggade went to
Deshpande Foundation, their Dr. Heggade gave their views on “Leveraging Opportunities” and
share his experience. After his speech, he inaugurated stall.
Fifthday Learning:

• Evaluation of work

• How to manage even

• How to give presentation

• How to represent our group

• Interaction technique

• Effective utilization of team

• Time management

• Event management
Day started with breakout sessions on various topics. Followed by key panel II. In the key panel,
founder and CEO of different NGO gave on “Leveraging Opportunities”. How they started their
NGO and what are the challenges they were facing, and how they converted opportunities into
business. Conference ended with concluding remarks.

Sixthday Learning:

• Evaluation of work

• How to manage events

• How to give presentation


• Expanding working area besides of Karnataka.

• Hiring more human resources to carry the activity of the organization for increased number
of projects. In NGO it doesn’t possible to carry the employee after the completion of the
project but in absence of human resource it is also not possible to take new projects in
execution. If sequential project taken by the organization will help retain the employee in
the organization.

• Besides the loyalty of employees there is some need to motivate the employees in the
organization. The motivation may be performance appraisal reward, recognition
appreciation etc. such motivation may results in to more stable work place in the
organization and it will also helps in retaining the human assets of the organization.

• Even though the employees are skilled but there is some need of training & development
(pre/post training) to the employees to enhance their performance level.

• Awareness camps organized by Janakalyan are very helpful to attach Janakalyan among
villages. It creates familiar relation of Jnakalyan employees /volunteers to the villagers so
there should be such awareness camp and events to built strong & warm relationship.

Janakalyan is one of the Rural Development NGO which is working for a since 1997 with a strong
dedication, the work done by Janakalyan is recognizable. The faith shown by the people of these
villages is incredible and this is also the greatest achievement of Janakalyan. Performance of
Jankalyan in past is extremely good, This level of performance providing opportunities to work in
relatively large area but for this there should be some amendments as well as new strategy will
have to be formed and applied.

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