LOPA Procedure

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LOPA Procedure

A Safety

!. Determine the Tolerable Risk Level

Define the hazardous event (fire, overpressure, mechanical failure, etc)

Assess its severity (minor, serious, extensive)

Consult the ‘risk table’ to establish the tolerable frequency

2. Determine the Unmitigated Hazardous Event Frequency

Identify all initiating causes (e.g. from HAZOP)

Assess the frequency of each cause and summate them

3. Calculate the Intermediate Event Frequency

Identify non-independent protection layers - PL (BPCS, alarms, post-event mitigation)

Identify Independent Protection Layers - IPL (preventive and control measures)

Assess the risk reduction by each PL and IPL and multiply them

Multiply the total risk reduction by the hazardous event frequency

4. Determine the need for additional risk reduction

SIF is only required if item 3 > item 1

Divide the tolerable frequency (item 1) by the Intermediate event frequency (item 3)

This value is the target risk reduction for the SIF, i.e. the SIL level for Safety

B Environmental

Repeat section A for environmental impacts to obtain the EIL

C Commercial

Repeat section A for commercial impacts to obtain the CIL

D Select the highest of SIL/EIL/CIL

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