Energy Efficient Channel Estimation in MIMO Systems: Sarod Yatawatta, Athina P. Petropulu Charles J. Graff

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Energy Efficient Channel Estimation in MIMO Systems

Sarod Yatawatta, Athina P. Petropulu1 Charles J. Graff

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department US Army RDECOM CERDEC STCD,
Drexel University, Philadelphia PA 19104 Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703
{sarod, athina}

Abstract— We consider the problem of MIMO channel estimation for different channel estimation schemes obtained by varying the
subject to a given error and delay constraints. Our objective is to number of active transmit/receive antennas under a fixed delay and
minimize the energy spent during the channel estimation phase, which
error constraint.
includes transmission of training symbols, storage of those symbols at
the receiver, and also channel estimation at the receiver. We develop a II. G ENERAL METHODOLOGY
model that is independent of the hardware or software used for channel
estimation, and use a divide and conquer strategy to minimize the overall In this section we describe the proposed method in a general sense.
energy consumption.

x0 (t) y0 (t)
The use of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channels
formed using multiple transmit/receive antennas has been demon- x1 (t) y1 (t)
strated to have great potential for achieving high data rates [7].
Of concern, however, is the increased complexity associated with
multiple transmit/receive antenna systems. First, increased hardware h(N −1)0
cost is required to implement multiple RF chains. Second, increased xM −1 (t) yN −1 (t)
complexity and energy is required to estimate large size MIMO
Fig. 1. MIMO channel
Energy conservation in MIMO systems has been considered in
different perspectives. In [2] for instance, hardware level optimization The fundamental property that we assume in our scheme is the
is done to minimize energy. On the other hand, in [4],[5], energy modularity of hardware. For instance, when a complex hardware
consumption is minimized at the receiver by using low rank equal- system is built, it is done in a modular way by assembling less
ization. In [3] reducing the order of MIMO systems by selection of complex blocks. Hence, a MIMO system can be considered as a
antennae is given as a viable option to minimize energy consumption collection of SISO systems, with respect to hardware. For instance,
both at the receiver and transmitter, without degrading the system we assume a 4 by 4 MIMO system can operate as a 2 by 2 system
performance. In [6] the transmission and circuit energy consumption by turning off some modules.
per bit of information transmitted is analyzed. The authors claim in Let us consider a MIMO system with M transmitters and N
[6] that single input single output (SISO) (1 × 1) systems gives best receivers as given in Fig. 1. We call the set of transmitters T and
performance over MIMO (2×2) systems for short range transmission. the set of receivers R. Their cardinalities, |T| and |R|, are M
In this paper we focus on MIMO channel estimation subject to and N respectively. The objective is to estimate the channels hij ,
delay and error constraints. We propose an antenna selection scheme 0 ≤ i ≤ N − 1, 0 ≤ j ≤ M − 1 in an energy efficient manner. The
for channel estimation that can minimize energy consumed both at channel estimation requires the consumption of energy and time.
the transmitter and the receiver. We make the following assumptions:
We can summarize the novelty of the proposed scheme as follows. A1 We can ignore electromagnetic interaction between antenna
(i) we concentrate exclusively on the channel estimation phase unlike elements. Thus, if we estimate hij by having active only a
in [6] where the authors have considered the data transmission phase; subset of transmitters/receivers, the estimate will be the same
(ii) we propose an antenna selection scheme to minimize energy as the estimate we would get for the same channel if all
during channel estimation unlike [3] where information theoretic transmitters/receivers were active.
performance during data transmission is considered for antenna A2 The channels are frequency flat fading and during the training
selection; (iii) the proposed method can be applied independent phase, the channels remain time invariant.
of the hardware or software used for channel estimation. In fact, We propose the following divide and conquer strategy. Instead of
the hardware and software can be optimized independently of the estimating all M by N channels at once, we estimate subsets of
proposed method as in [2]. channels step by step. This seemingly gives an obvious reduction
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section we in complexity at the receiver. For instance, if we estimate all the
describe the generalized energy reduction scheme. After this we focus channels at once, the complexity is O(N M 2 ), (inversion of an N by
on minimizing energy at the transmitter and the receiver separately. M matrix is approximately O(N M 2 )) assuming a matrix inversion
Next we consider joint transmitter and receiver energy minimization. is required. However, if we use only half the transmitters M/2
To illustrate our method we consider a scalar MIMO system of and all receivers N with two steps, the complexity is 2O(N M 2 /4)
arbitrary size and give comparisons of energy and error variation which cuts the complexity by half. However, such reduction does not
consider the energy required for transmission and data acquisition
1 This work has been supported by NSF under grant CNS-0435052 and so we need more detailed models.
Instead of estimating the full channel matrix at once (which we Before we proceed, let us consider the feasibility of the problem.
call the naive method), we propose to estimate the full channel matrix We see that all the parameters are bounded. Hence the feasibility
in K steps. On the k-th step, (k ∈ [1, K]) we select the transmitters region is bounded and in order to find feasible solutions, we should
given by the set Tk (⊆ T) and the receivers given by the set Rk choose the limits ² and L in a suitable manner. For instance if
(⊆ R) and estimate the channels between those transmitters and we choose ² = 0 or L = 0 it is obvious that no solutions exist.
receivers. Let Pk be the power level of each transmitter at the k- Hence by increasing either or both of these values, we can increase
th step, and lk denote the length of training data to be used in the feasibility region. In other words, we can trade off energy with
channel estimation. Moreover, let the noise power level at the receiver channel estimation error and delay.
be σ 2 . Hence, at the k-th step, the average SNR at the receiver
will be proportional to Pk /σ 2 . We assume all transmitters have the
same fading level, i.e., each transmitter is approximately at the same We make the following assumptions:
distance from the receiver and the channel is flat fading. B1 We assume the receiver has no constraints on energy because
We will focus on minimizing the total energy consumption, both we only minimize energy at the transmitter. This allows us to
at the receiver and transmitter. We define the following functions. Let always make Rk = R. In other words, we use all receivers at
gT be the energy spent by all the transmitters. At the receivers, the all steps.
energy consumption can be broken down into two components: the B2 We assume the antennas to be uncorrelated, so that the channel
energy required to perform data acquisition and storage, which we estimate will not change with the selection of Tk and Rk .
denote by gI , and the energy needed to perform channel estimation Moreover, we assume the only variable affecting the channel
or computations, which we denote by gC . In our formulation, gT , estimation error to be the sizes of Tk and Rk and not the
gI , and gC are functions of the variables K, Tk , Rk , lk , Pk k = individual elements in them.
1, . . . , K. For notational convenience, this dependence in not shown B3 We assume retransmissions to be costly and hence select disjoint
in the sequel. sets of transmitters, i.e. Tk are disjoint. In other words each
The total energy consumed can be given as transmitter only transmit during only one step k.
Proposition 1: The channel estimation error at the k-th step
g = gT + gI + gC . (1)
²k = c1 |Tk | (7)
Our objective is to minimize g. Next we consider the constraints P k lk
where σ 2 is the noise variance, c1 is a constant.
• Avoiding trivial solutions: In order to estimate all the channels The proof is given in Appendix I.
we need [ The total energy spent by all the transmitters can be given as
Tk ⊗ Rk = T ⊗ R (2) K
gT = c2 Pk lk |Tk | (8)
where ⊗ is the Cartesian product. In order to avoid trivial k=1
solutions we need where c2 is a constant. Due to Rk = R, and Tk being disjoint, we
can simplify (2) as
Tk 6= φ, Rk 6= φ, k ∈ [1, K] (3)
where φ is the null set. |Tk | = |T| = M. (9)
• Satisfying a channel MSE constraint: For acceptable perfor- k=0
mance, the mean channel estimation error (MSE) at each step This is a standard integer partition problem. For instance if M = 4
²k should be below a minimum threshold, the ways we can select the number of transmitters during the K steps
are {4}(K = 1),{3, 1}(K = 2),{2, 2}(K = 2),{2, 1, 1}(K = 3) and
²k = ²k (Tk , Rk , Pk , lk ) ≤ ², k ∈ [1, K]. (4)
{1, 1, 1, 1}(K = 4). Thus there are 5 possible ways in this case. If
The exact expression for ²k is dependent on the channel esti- the number of possible ways of selecting |Tk | is p(M ) for |T| = M ,
mation method. If we consider the power level at each step, we have [1]
„ π√(2/3)M «
it should be higher than some threshold Pk for the channel 1 e
p(M ) ≈ √ . (10)
estimation to work, and it should be lower than the maximum 4 3 M
allowed by the transmitter P . For small values of M , i.e. M ≤ 10, we can try all possible
Pk ≤ Pk ≤ P, k ∈ [1, K] (5) partitions to find the best one. Once we have enumerated Tk the
problem reduces to
• Satisfying a transmission delay constraint: The training length K
at step k should be above a certain threshold lk for the channel
min c2 Pk lk |Tk | (11)
estimation to work and the total data length would be below the Pi ,li ,i∈[1,K]
maximum delay allowed L.
subject to (4), (5), (6), where Tk , Rk and K are constants.
X Proposition 2: Under assumptions A1-A2 and B1-B3, the channel
lk ≤ lk , k ∈ [1, K], lk ≤ L (6) estimation scheme that minimizes transmitter energy is to reduce the
k=1 MIMO channel into a set of single input multiple output (SIMO)
Our objective is to find Tk ,Rk ,Pk and lk for k = 1, . . . , K subject channels and transmit using one transmitter only at a time. Thus
to the above constraints (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), that minimizes g given each time we estimate a SIMO channel. The minimum energy is
in (1). This is an NP hard problem. However, we pursue simplified σ2
solutions in the following sections. g = c1 c2 M (12)
as opposed to the energy of the naive method the lowest error but highest energy consumption. Scheme 3 has the
2 lowest energy consumption and lowest delay, but the channel cannot
g = c1 c2 M 2 (13) be estimated because the training matrix does not have full row rank.
The proof is given in appendix II. Schemes 2 and 4 have intermediate performance in terms of error
This result agrees with intuition since in this case there is reduced and energy, and we see that a trade off can be accomplished between
interference from other transmitters. However under different assump- error and energy. Although in this example schemes 2 and 4 have
tions and different channel estimation schemes, we might get different higher channel estimation error, the final conclusion can be drawn
results. only after numerical evaluation of the performance in terms of the
bit error rate. The constants P , c1 ,c2 ,c3 ,c4 can be calculated given
the hardware or can be experimentally measured.
In contrast to the transmitter, the energy consumption at the
receiver is due to data acquisition and computation. From Appendix VII. C ONCLUSIONS
I we see that the computational energy required will be Using a generic model for channel estimation error and energy
consumption of a MIMO system, we have shown that the optimal
gC,k = c3 |Tk ||Rk |lk2 (14) channel estimation scheme in terms of minimizing energy consump-
where c3 is a constant. The energy required for data acquisition and tion is to convert the MIMO system into a set of SIMO channels
storage will be proportional to the data length. Hence by activating each transmitter individually and performing channel
estimation on each SIMO system. However, the energy reduction
gI,k = c4 |Rk |lk (15) comes at an increase in estimation error. In our formulation, we have
where c4 is a constant and the total energy will be assumed a homogeneous, isotropic, uncorrelated set of transmitters
and receivers. There is room in this area for future work on adapting
X this method to a MIMO channel formed by a disparate set of
gT = c3 |Tk ||Rk |lk2 + c4 |Rk |lk (16)
transmitters and receivers with different power, computation and
storage capabilities and different radiation patterns.
Our objective is to minimize gT subject to the (4), (5), (6) constraints.
Proposition 3: Under assumptions A1-A2 and B2, the channel A PPENDIX I
estimation scheme that minimizes the energy consumption at the C HANNEL ESTIMATION ERROR AND ENERGY
receiver is to estimate each SIMO channel individually by using one In this section we consider a MIMO system with frequency flat
transmitter and all receivers at each step. The minimum energy is fading channels. We consider the least squares channel estimation

σ4 σ2
« using training symbols with all transmitters and receivers active (we
g = N M c3 c21 2 2 + c4 c1 (17) call this the naive method). The basic equation can be given as y =
P ² P²
Hx+v where y is a N by 1 vector, H is the N by M channel matrix,
as opposed the the energy of the naive method x is the M by 1 training vector and v is the N by 1 noise vector. Let
σ4 σ2 us use J training blocks to estimate the channel. Grouping J blocks
„ «
g = N M c3 c21 2 2 M 2 + c4 c1 (18) we have Y = HX + V where Y = [y1 , . . . , yJ ], X = [x1 , . . . , xJ ]
P ² P²
The proof is given in Appendix III. and V = [v1 , . . . , vJ ]. For full rank condition of X we need J ≥ N .
The channel estimation error is
RECEIVER ξ = Ĥ − H = VX† (19)
From Propositions 2 and 3 we can conclude that the optimal and the MSE
scheme of channel estimation for a MIMO system that minimize 1 1
both transmitter and receiver energy consumption is to reduce the M SE = trace(ξξ H ) = trace((XH X)† VH V) (20)
system into a set of SIMO channels and estimate each SIMO channel
We consider X having orthogonal rows and full row rank. Then
individually. In other words, instead of transmitting the training
XXH = I. However, since J > N there is no way to choose all
symbols from all transmitters simultaneously, we have to transmit
columns orthogonally. Hence XH X will not be diagonal. Similarly,
them in a sequential manner by activating only one transmitter at a
VH V will not be diagonal if J > M . If we consider any generic
time. In order to satisfy the delay requirement, each transmitter will
channel estimation scheme, we know that the channel estimation
be active only for a fraction of the time it would have been active if
error is inversely proportional to the SNR and the data length while
all transmitters were transmitting simultaneously.
it is directly proportional to the interference i.e. the number of
VI. N UMERICAL E XAMPLE transmitters. Hence we formulate the error as
We considered an 8×8 system with SNR 20 dB. In Fig. 3 we show M
M SE = cσ 2 (21)
results of 4 possible schemes for channel estimation. Our constraints JP
are, maximum error ² = 10−3 and delay L = 56. In scheme 1, where σ 2 is the noise power, P is the signal power and c is a
we used 56 symbols per each transmitter (total 448) and employed constant. In order to verify above formulation, we have simulated
the naive method to estimate the 8 × 8 system. In scheme 2 we random channels and have given the result in Fig. 2. By substituting
used Proposition 2 and used 7 symbols per each transmitter (total J = lk , P = Pk , M = |Tk | we get (7).
56) to estimate the 8 × 1 SIMO systems (8 times). In scheme 3 Next we calculate the total number of computations required.
we transmitted 7 symbols from each transmitter (total 56) and again If the rows of X are not orthogonal, the computation of the
used the naive method. Finally in scheme 4 we used 14 symbols per psuedoinverse X† requires approximately O(M J 2 ) operations. The
each transmitter but reduced the system into 4, 8 × 2 systems (total multiplication YX† requires O(M N J 2 ) operations. Altogether we
112) to estimate the channel in 4 steps. We see that scheme 1 has have an O(M N J 2 ) computation assuming X† = XH .
A PPENDIX II Minimizing (30) subject to (31) is a standard discrete programming
P ROOF OF P ROPOSITION 2 problem. It is easy to see that in order to satisfy (31) we need to
The Lagrangian (ignoring the lower bounds for Pk and lk ) is partition the transmitters disjointly. In that case, the partition that
minimizes (30) is |Tk | = 1 for all k. In this case, we need to
X X σ2 use all the receivers and the only possible partition for Rk is R.
L = c2 Pk lk |Tk | + λ1,k (c1 |Tk | − ²) (22)
P k lk Hence we can conclude that the channel estimation scheme that
k=1 k=1
minimizes receiver energy consumption is to estimate each SIMO
channel individually. Substituting |Tk | = 1 into (30) we get (17)
+ λ2,k (Pk − P ) + λ3 ( lk − L)
k=1 k=1
and substituting K = 1,|Tk | = M ,and (26) we get (18). ¥
where λ1,k ,λ2,k ,λ3 are the multipliers. For optimality we need R EFERENCES
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X σ2 X σ2
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P² P²
k=1 k=1
and we see that by selecting lk according to (25), (6) is automatically x 10
satisfied. Hence we have a feasible solution. Next we check its
optimality. Since (6) is satisfied and active, we have λ3 > 0. From Variation with M at N=4
Variation with N at M=4
(23) we have 3

P lk2
λ1,k = (λ3 + c2 P |Tk |) (28)
c1 σ 2 |Tk | 2.5

which is positive. Next from (24) we have λ2,k = λ3 lPk which is

again positive. Hence the solution is optimal. By substitution of P = 2

Pk and (25) in (8), we get (29). The minimum transmitter energy

given the partition of T is 1.5

σ2 X J=70
gT = c1 c2 |Tk |2 (29)
² 1
k=1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
N or M
Thus we see that the partition that minimizes (29) consists of
all ones, i.e. {1, 1, . . . , 1}. In other words, in order to minimize Fig. 2. MSE variation with N , M and J . We see that the MSE is independent
transmission energy, we should estimate channels selecting each of N , has a linear variation with M and is inversely proportional to J.
transmitter individually. Substituting |Tk | = 1 into (29) we get (12)
and substituting K = 1,|Tk | = M ,and (26) we get (13). ¥
Scheme MSE/10−3 Energy
1 0.2 c2 P 448 + c3 (448)2 + c4 448
2 1.0 c2 P 56 + c3 (56)2 + c4 448
Note that there is no transmitter power term Pk in (16) and we 3 ∞ c2 P 56 + c3 (56)2 + c4 56
can select Pk = P . Next we select the data length as in (25). By 4 0.8 c2 P 112 + c3 (112)2 + c4 448
substitution into (16) we have
Fig. 3. MSE and Energy for different channel estimation schemes for 50,
X σ4 σ2 random 8 by 8 channels .
g= c3 c21 2 2 |Tk |3 |Rk | + c4 c1 |Tk ||Rk | (30)
P ² P²

and the only constraint (6) reduces (using (26)) to

X σ2 X
c1 |Tk | ≤ L, or |Tk | ≤ M. (31)

k=1 k=1

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