IGCSE Digestion - Print - Quizizz
IGCSE Digestion - Print - Quizizz
IGCSE Digestion - Print - Quizizz
IGCSE Digestion
20 Questions
a) Proteins are digested by proteases b) Proteins are digested into fatty acids
c) Vitamin C d) Vitamin D
a) A b) B
c) C d) D
c) C, H, O, N d) C, O, N, Ca
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3/14/2021 IGCSE Digestion | Print - Quizizz
c) Iodine solution and Benedict's solution d) Benedict's solution and Biuret's solution
c) Add ethanol and shake well d) Add distilled water and shake well
a) Starch b) Vitamin C
c) Iron d) Calcium
c) A-T, C-G
a) Fat b) Glycogen
c) Starch d) Protein
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3/14/2021 IGCSE Digestion | Print - Quizizz
a) Stomach b) Oesophagus
c) 3&4 d) 4&1
a) Made in the liver, stored in the gall b) Made in the gall bladder, stored in the
bladder pancreas
c) Made in the liver, stored in the pancreas d) Made in the stomach, stored in the gall
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3/14/2021 IGCSE Digestion | Print - Quizizz
c) Rectum d) Colon
18. The removal of faces from the body through the anus is
a) Excretion b) Egestion
c) Ingestion d) Assimilation
a) to breakdown fats into fatty acid and b) To neutralise stomach acids and emulsify
glycerol and to neutralise stomach acid proteins
c) To emulsify fats and to break them down d) To neutralise stomach acids and emulsify
into fatty acids and glycerol fats
a) Peristalsis b) Constipation
c) Obesity d) Kwashiokor
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3/14/2021 IGCSE Digestion | Print - Quizizz
Answer Key
1. a 6. c 11. c 16. b
2. c 7. a 12. d 17. a
3. a 8. d 13. a 18. b
4. c 9. c 14. d 19. d
5. d 10. d 15. a 20. b
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