Acid Corrosion Inhibitor - I-123 - Propargyl Alcohol Free

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Acid Corrosion Inhibitor

I-123 is a cost effective acid corrosion inhibitor for use in acidizing. It is compatible with
all strengths of HCl and Mud acids and has special additives to ensure it doesn’t interfere
with emulsified acids.

I-123 is formulated without Propargyl Alcohol and is designed to form a protective film
on metal surfaces for use in acidizing treatments and spearheads in fracturing treatments
up to formation temperatures of 250 F. For higher temperatures increased dosage may be
required or user could switch to I-124 or add an intensifier to the acid system.
Physical & Chemical Properties:
Parameter Specification
Density 8.5 to 9 lb/gal
Solubility in Water Soluble
Solubility in Diesel Insoluble
Appearance Dark colored liquid
Odor Alcohol/Glycol/Aromatic
Flashpoint 185°F
Freeze point < 20°F
Compatible with most known acidizing fluids and additives used in acidizing treatments.
However, a compatibility test is recommended before use
I-123 is hazardous to the environment.
Typical Dosage:
Pumped at 0.5 to 4 gpt with acid fluids to provide effective corrosion inhibition.
Temperature Limitations:
Can be used across a wide temperature range, no lower or upper temperature limitations
on performance. It has been effectively used up to BHT of 300 deg F. It is
recommended to use an intensifier at BHT above 250 deg F or switch to I-124.
330 ga one way totes, 275 ga one way totes, 55 ga drums and bulk tank trucks
Pleasanton, TX; Beasley, TX and Midland, TX
DoT Classification:

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Performance Testing
15% HCl @ 150 F
Test Temp Dosage Corrosion Rate Pitting
# Acid Metal (F) CI (gpt) (lbs/sqft-day) Index
1 15% HCl N80 150 Blank 0 0.192 5
2 15% HCl L80 150 Blank 0 0.194 5
3 15% HCl N80 150 I-123 2 0.0079 0
4 15% HCl L80 150 I-123 2 0.0088 0
5 15% HCl N80 150 I-123 4 0.0072 0
6 15% HCl L80 150 I-123 4 0.0074 0

15% HCl @ 185 F

Start End Weight Loss
weight weight Loss (lbs per ft^2- Inhibitor
Coupon Additive Dosage (gm) (gm) (gm) Loss % 24 hrs) Efficiency
P110 Blank 0 gpt 41.4 26.678 14.722 35.56% 0.9525 NA
P110 I-123 2 gpt 39.059 38.243 0.82 2.10% 0.053 94%
P110 I-123 4 gpt 40.705 40.147 0.56 1.38% 0.036 96%
P110 I-123 8 gpt 39.081 38.661 0.42 1.07% 0.027 97%

20% HCl @ 175 F

Start End Weight Loss
weight weight Loss (lbs per ft^2- Inhibitor
Coupon Additive Dosage (gm) (gm) (gm) Loss % 24 hrs) Efficiency
L80 #1 Blank 0 gpt 41.402 23.676 17.726 43% 1.1465
L80 #2 I-123 2 gpt 39.068 26.456 12.612 32% 0.816 29%
L80 #3 I-123 4 gpt 43.101 34.513 8.588 20% 0.555 52%
L80 #4 I-123 8 gpt 40.767 39.127 1.64 4% 0.106 91%
L80 #5 I-123 10 gpt 42.138 40.666 1.472 3% 0.095 92%

35% HCl (22 Be) @ 110 F over 6 hours

Start End
Loss Inhibitor Pitting
Coupon Additive Dosage weight weight Loss %
(gm) Efficiency Index
(gm) (gm)
L80 Blank 0 gpt 41.402 21.767 19.635 47.43% NA
L80 I-123 1 gpt 41.026 40.895 0.131 0% 100% 1
L80 I-123 2 gpt 36.491 36.376 0.115 0% 100% 0

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15% HCl @ 225 F
Coup Additi Dosag Start End Loss Inhibitor Pitting Corr
on ve e weight weight (gm) Efficiency Index Rate lbs/
(gm) (gm) sq ft per
L80 I-123 8 gpt 36.674 36.935 0.261 99.30% 0 25.2
L80 I-123 + 6 + 1 39.806 38.772 0.200 97.40% 0 19.3
PA gpt

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