Reams RBTI System

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Reams Biological Theory of Ionization

Understand what health is and what it means.

Understand levels of body chemistry using urine and saliva.
Understand the proper relationship of mental and spiritual aspects of
health relating to body chemistry.

Throughout his research, Dr. Reams discovered that only two bodily fluids were needed to show your
body chemistry levels - saliva and urine. If a person keeps his numbers in the Perfect Health or
Healing range - it is believed the human body will maintain health. If the human body in not kept in the
Perfect Health or in the Healing range - it is believed the body becomes diseased. The great news in
pH testing is that you can manipulate your balances by controlling what you put into your body.

REAMS testing, this is how it works.

¬ The Carbohydrate measurement is made with a refractometer and it measures the number of brix
in a urine specimen. It also represents the amount of potential energy available per pound of body
weight. The ideal carbohydrate measure is 1.5 brix. Healing range is 1.2-2.0 brix. Below 1.2
represents low blood sugar. 5.5 and above represents borderline diabetes.

¬ The pH is a measurement of resistance and indicates the speed at which energy is

moving through the body. A reading of 6.4 is the ideal speed for energy to move through
the body. The pH is written as a fraction. The top number is the urine pH and the bottom
number is the saliva pH. Healing range is 6.2-6.6. If you add the urine pH number to two
times the saliva pH number and divide by three - the results will yield your average bodily
pH. This is helpful in analyzing the direction of the overall pH of your body. Urine pH
provides information about the blood, saliva pH provides information about the liver.

¬ The Salt or conductivity reading is ideally 6-7C. The conductivity number indicates the
level of salts in the body. The salt number indicates whether the body has the correct
number of electrolytes. Electrolyte levels indicate whether the body is undercharging or

¬ Cell debris is an indication of the number of dead cells leaving the body. A sick body needs to rid
itself of excess dead cells. The ideal cell debris number is .04M. The cell debris number tells how
well the body is cooperating in the healing process. It is also the last number to come into

¬ Urea readings are the Ammonia Nitrates and the Nitrate Nitrates added together. They equal the
total ureas. Total ureas represent the total amount of unutilized protein that is being handled by
the liver and sent to the kidneys for elimination.

¬ Cell Exchange Rate - Ultimately the entire body chemistry depends upon the correct cell
exchange rate. Homeostasis - a new healthy cell is produced for each old cell dying off. If any of
the numbers are off, the cell exchange rate is off and cells are not getting produced to maintain
homeostasis. There are three classes of cells: Alpha Cells - perfect whole cells, Delta Cells -
damaged or dead cells ready to be replaced, and Omega Cells - dead cells clumping and sticking
together. Good health demands an even exchange rate - dead cells out and new cells in. If any of
the numbers in the equation are out of range then the delta cells are not leaving the body. Any
time the cell exchange is off, there is a mineral problem in the body. The body is made of
minerals...The dust of the earth...Minerals are the basis for good health...You cannot build healthy
cells without minerals.

¬ Mineral Assimilation is determined by the pH of the digestive system. A second issue is the
atomic number of each of the minerals. The higher the frequency, the more difficult it is to
assimilate the particular mineral.

What does this test reveal?

Determines calcium needs for your body chemistry

Tells what you are digesting or not digesting
Tells if your body is assimilating nutrients
Shows vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Reveals if blood sugar is high, low or normal
Will show if your body is supporting excess yeast candidiasis) or parasites
Indicates if there is excess stress on internal organs such as the kidneys, liver, heart, colon or gall
Gives the health level of the liver and gall bladder
Reveals if your body’s environment may be supporting:
circulatory problems
high blood pressure
low blood pressure
weight gain
high cholesterol
kidney/gall stones
Through extensive research, Dr. Carey Reams discovered the “perfect numbers” for Biological
Ionization, which represent the ideal cellular resistance required for life, just as 98.6 degrees represents
the perfect resistance (temperature) for a healthy body. The higher the resistance, the higher the
temperature. The lower the resistance, the colder the temperature. Death may occur from either
We do not live off the food we eat but off the energy produced by the food we eat. It is believed that we
receive approximately 20% of our mineral energy from this digestive principal. Approximately 80%
comes from the atmosphere. The more efficient the digestion, the more efficient the body is in
extracting mineral energy from the air.
Resistance is required for life. An excess of resistance can result in disease and death. Likewise, a
deficiency of resistance can also result in disease and death. Dr. Reams determined that each of the 7
parameters, when all occurring simultaneously, represents the perfect 100% Metabolism Efficiency (the
conversion of food into energy). The theory being that, if one could maintain a lifestyle that continually
manifested the “perfect numbers”, there would be no premature aging.
Of course there is no such perfect world, hence aging does occur. The objective, using “Reams Testing”
as a guide, is to determine the proper lifestyle that allows a person to age, but not prematurely age. As
the metabolism efficiency decreases, premature aging is more likely to occur, predisposing one to the
disease process.
How are urine and saliva tests different than a blood test? According to Dr. Reams, the blood
changes every 15 minutes. The urine and saliva test was found to be more accurate. The testing of these
two substances is amazingly accurate in determining the degree of wellness one might be experiencing
and importantly what minerals, vitamins, and foods one should or should not eat.
Biological Ionization Analysis is an excellent metabolic biofeedback device to indicate whether a
particular lifestyle is beneficial or detrimental for any individual. It gives specific information on what
vitamins and minerals are not being assimilated into the body’s cellular structure. It provides
biofeedback on a holistic (emotional, physical, spiritual) level.


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