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Strategy Builder Verbal Test 4 50 Questions

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Verbal test 4

Find the odd statement out (d) only D

(e) None of the above
1. A. I guess what I’m saying is that I’m not sure that this
book fits into any one category. 4. A. But the loss is not only theirs.
B. I profile three people who I think embody those types, and B. Unless disadvantaged racial groups are integrated into
then I use the example of Paul Revere and his midnight ride mainstream social institutions, they will continue to suffer
to point out the subtle characteristics of this kind of social from segregation and discrimination.
epidemic. C. Current affirmative action debates have lost sight of the
C. I think that word of mouth is something created by three ideal of integration as a compelling moral and political goal.
very rare and special psychological types, whom I call D. It is high time that institutions of higher education
Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen. forthrightly defend this ideal in its own right.
D. There’s a whole section of the book devoted to explaining (a) only A
the phenomenon of word of mouth, for example. (b) A and B
(a) only A (c) only C
(b) only B (d) only D
(c) only C (e) None of the above
(d) only D
(e) None of the above 5. Poets often use archaic words THAT ARE NO LONGER
IN USE greater effect.
2. A. Much of the African surface is covered by savannas, A) that are not any longer used
or open grasslands, and by arid plains and deserts. B) that are used no longer
B. Africa is a continent of great size, almost 12 million square C) that no longer are used
miles or about three times the size of the United States. D) no improvement
C. We have already noted the origins of humankind in East
Africa where some of the earliest fossil remains of 6. We must have serious reading for the mind AS WE
protohominids have been found. NEED wholesome and nutritious food for the body.
D. Most of it lies in the tropics and, although we often think A) like we need
of Africa in terms of its rain forests, less than 10% of the B) like as we need
continent is covered by tropical forests, and those are mostly C) just as we need
in West Africa. D) no improvement
(a) only A
(b) A and B 7. He LOOKS UP to his father.
(c) only C A) looks away from
(d) only D B) stares at
(e) None of the above C) respects
D) obeys

3. A. In these centuries, there were important advances in 8. When the clock struck six I WAS READING here for an
the aesthetics of nature, including the emergence of the hour.
concepts of disinterestedness and the picturesque, as well as A) Had waited
the introduction of the idea of positive aesthetics. B) had been waiting.
B. Although environmental aesthetics has developed as a C) waited
sub-field of philosophical aesthetics only in the last 40 years, D) No improvement
it has historical roots in eighteenth and nineteenth-century
aesthetics. 9. IF THE ROOM HAD BEEN BRIGHTER, I would have been
C. Thus, by the end of the eighteenth century, there were able to read for a while before bed time.
three clearly distinct ideas each focusing on different aspects A) Had the room been brighter
of nature’s diverse and often contrasting moods. B) Have the room brighter
D. These notions continue to play a role in contemporary C) Has the room brighter
work in environmental aesthetics, especially in the context of D) no improvement
its relationship to environmentalism.
(a) only A Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in
(b) A and B it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The
(c) only C
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Verbal test 4
number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the earth's land, at a very unsustainable rate. Global warming is
answer is 5). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.) having a serious impact as well. A six-degree Celsius increase
10. . in global temperature killed 95% of All species on Earth 251
(a) INTRENSIC million years ago. An increase of six-degree Celsius is forecast
(b) INTRINSIC this Century if a change is not made to..(5).. the damage
(c) ENTRENSIC done to earth. Humans will be one of the 95% of species lost.
(d) ENTRINSEC Noticeable, changes of global warming include migration.
15. Q1.
11. . (a) killing
(a) VIOLENCE (b) alive
(b) VOILENCE (c) born
(c) VOLENCY (d) left
(d) VIOLANCE (e) lost
16. Q2.
12. . (a) speak
(a) CRICKETCISM (b) told
(b) CRITICISM (c) estimation
(c) CRETECISM (d) believe
(d) CRITECESM (e) consider
17. Q3.
13. . (a) shape
(a) HUMORROUS (b) development
(b) HOMOROUS (c) deterioration
(c) HUMOUROUS (d) warmth
(d) HUMOROUS (e) expansion
18. Q4.
14. . (a) altered
(a) DEMCRATEC (b) created
(b) DOMOCRATIC (c) produced
(c) DEMECROTIC (d) made
(d) DEMOCRATIC (e) brought
19. Q5.
Directions (Qs. 1-10) : In the following passage there are (a) void
blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers (b) dissipate
are printed below the passage and against each, five words (c) argument
are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find (d) reverse
out the appropriate word in each case. (e) increase

Hundreds of plants and animals are..(1).. every day due to In each question, there are two statements which can be
deforestation and urbanization what might happen if this combined into a single statement in a number of different
continues in the future? The last mass extinction of plant and ways without changing their meaning. Below them are given
animal species occurred 65 million years ago with the three probable starters (A), (B) and (C) of such a combined
Dinosaurs. In all, five mass extinctions have occurred and sentence. One, two, three or none of them may be correct.
scientists..(2).. earth is in sixth mass extinction. The world as Decide upon which is/are correct, if any, and mark the option
it is now is threatened, including people, who are responsible which denotes your answer on the answersheet. If none of
for earth’s …(3)…. Pesticides contaminating water; over the three starters is suitable mark (e) i.e.; 'None' as your
harvesting of animals and plants; air pollution; illegal fishing answer.
and the Clearing of land are direct results of urbanization and
deforestation. People have …(4).. and damaged almost half a
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Verbal test 4
20. Twelve million youth enter the Indian workforce every 24. RBI is concerned about the risk of investing in mutual
year. Eighty percent of these youth are unskilled. funds. RBI is likely to ask banks to reduce their investments
in mutual funds.
(A) While eighty percent…………………….
(B) Since 12 million………………………… (A) At the risk of investing
(C) Of the twelve million…………………… (B) To reduce investments
(C) Concern for the risk
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (C) (a) Only (A)
(c) Only (A) and (C) (b) Only (B)
(d) All (A), (B) and (C) (c) Only (C)
(e) None (d) Only (A) and (B)
(e) None
21. Food inflation is touching 20 per cent. The government
will have to tighten monetary policy to prevent further rise. Directions: Choose the option which is the antonym of the
word mentioned in the question.
(A) Although food inflation is…………………
(B) With the tightening of monetary…………. 25. Overbearing
(C) Given that food inflation………………….. (a) servile
(b) dictatorial
(a) Only (A) (c) haughty
(b) Only (B) (d) irate
(c) Only (C) (e) arrogant
(d) Only (A) and (B)
(e) None 26. Lucid
(a) diurnal
22. The government has decided to install renewable (b) pellucid
energy devices at prominent sites. Citizens will be more (c) indifferent
aware of their benefits. (d) obscure
(e) transparent
(A) The government's decision………………
(B) Deciding to install……………………….. 27. Puerile
(C) By making citizens………………………. (a) obliging
(b) uncivilized
(a) Only (A) (c) platonic
(b) Only (A) and (B) (d) mature
(c) Only (B) (e) credulous
(d) Only (C)
(e) None 28. Pulchritude
(a) ugliness
23. The company's sales were low at the beginning of the (b) fitness
year. Its sales have picked up in the past few months. (c) daintiness
(d) robustness
(A) Though the company's sales were low…… (e) charm
(B) Despite low sales at.........
(C) However the company's sales have picked… 29. Eschew
(a) taunt
(a) Only (A) (b) embrace
(b) Only (A) and (B) (c) possess
(c) All (A),(B) and (C) (d) castigate
(d) Only (B) and (C) (e) abstain
(e) None

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Verbal test 4
Read the following passage carefully and choose the best (a) utmost sincerity and devotion
answer to each question out of the four given alternatives. (b) devoid of zeal or fervour
(c) abundance of spirit
There are basically three choices available to you when trying (d) high rate of efficiency
to influence people. The first is to ignore people and simply (e) low rate of strength
hope they will act in your best interest. You probably will
agree that this is not a very practical option, since the results 33. The best way to get things done by people is to
can be neither effective nor predictable. By ignoring other (a) force them to do it
people, you are giving up any hope of influencing them and (b) tell them to do it
thus are surrendering yourself to the whims of fate. In effect, (c) make them socially conscious
you are saying to the world, “I will leave you alone and, in (d) convince them that they stand to gain by doing it
return, I want you to do what I want”, a naive and unrealistic (e) not to convince them
The second option is to use coercion and force to compel 34. The highest reward we can offer people for the work
others to act in the specific way desire. The use of threats they do for us is
and intimidation may produce results, at least in the short (a) to pay them handsomely
term. Fear-inducing tactics, however, never bring out the (b) to praise them lavishly
best in the people, since people themselves must be the (c) to provide them with opportunity to bring out the best in
driving force behind their motivation if they are to put their themselves
hearts and souls into what they are doing. Fear forces people (d) show utmost concern for their well-being
to operate in a survival mode. They may follow your (e) steps aimed at allaying fear
instructions and orders to the letter, but seldom will they
contribute any real energy or enthusiasm to their efforts. 35. The best mode of influencing people according to the
The third option is to persuade people to do what you want passage, is
them to do simply because they really want to. People will do (a) to use coercion and compulsion
what you want them to do willingly in direct proportion to (b) to use persuasion
how they see their self-interest being served. In other words, (c) to be always polite
you must convince people that they will receive real benefits (d) to be undemanding
and rewards if they follow the path you are suggesting. (e) to issue warning
These benefits must be something the other party
understands and inherently wants, for whatever reason. In 36. Q7. The phrase ‘fear-inducing tactics’, in the passage
effect, you are offering a reward that is valued by others in means
exchange for a reward that is valued by you. The highest (a) steps aimed at arousing fear
reward you can offer people is to provide them with (b) steps aimed at allaying fear
opportunities to maximize their full potential. (c) spreading fear
(d) to use persuasion
30. By ignoring people and hoping they will act in our best (e) none of the above
interest, we are
(a) adopting a practical and fruitful approach 37. The phrase ‘to the letter’, in the passage, means
(b) harming our self-interest (a) instinctively
(c) stifling our personality (b) just as directed
(d) being unrealistic and simple (c) enthusiastically
(e) is being harsh (d) effortlessly
(e) imagination
31. The use of compulsion and intimidation in our dealings
with others produces 38. The word inherently’, here, means
(a) far reaching results (a) objectively
(b) entirely satisfactory results (b) intrinsically
(c) only limited and short-term results (c) whole-heartedly
(d) a lot of goodwill (d) beyond a doubt
(e) missing will power (e) before somebody

32. Works done under compulsion or coercion tend to be

marked by 39. The word ‘potential’, here, means
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Verbal test 4
(a) basic abilities (a) D
(b) natural abilities capable of being developed (b) E
(c) power (c) A
(d) imagination (d) B
(e) instinctively (e) C

Directions: Given below is one sentence after which there In the following questions a word/phrase is given followed by
are five more sentences marked (A), (B), (C), (D) (E). These five alternatives. Select the alternative that conveys the
sentences are not in their proper sequence. Rearrange them same meaning OR opposite meaning as the word/phrase
so as to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the given.
questions given below them.
The three century old White minority rule has at last come to (a) capacious
an end in South Africa. (b) shrewd
(c) ribald
(A) Violence of all shades has pervaded throughout the (d) hardy
history of the struggle movement of the Blacks. (e) adept
(B) The Blacks have achieved equality and elected their own
government. 46. PHLEGMATIC
(C) In fact, it has been replete with bloodshed and violence. (a) redolent
(D) But the statesmanship of Mr. Mandela successfully led (b) stolid
the movement to its culmination in the recently held (c) vigorous
elections. (d) reclusive
(E) But the path to freedom has not been an easy one. (e) contemplative

40. Which sentence should come third in the paragraph? 47. SALUBRIOUS
(a) B (a) listless
(b) D (b) illustrious
(c) C (c) sanative
(d) A (d) prominent
(e) E (e) pious

41. Which sentence should come second in the paragraph? 48. ADEPT
(a) B (a) devious
(b) C (b) wily
(c) A (c) strong
(d) E (d) dexterous
(e) D (e) obsessive

42. Which sentence should come fourth in the paragraph? 49. FLEETING
(a) A (a) enigmatic
(b) E (b) epidural
(c) D (c) ephemeral
(d) B (d) strong
(e) C (e) malleable

43. Which sentence should come sixth in the paragraph? 50. Read each sentence to find out whether there is any
(a) E grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be
(b) D in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the
(c) C answer. If there is ‘No error’, The answer is (e). (Ignore errors
(d) A of punctuation, if any.)
(e) B Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN envoy to (a)/ Syria, said that the
second round (b)/ of talks in Geneva has failed (c)/ to make
44. Which sentence should come fifth in the paragraph? progress. (d)/ No error (e)
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Verbal test 4
that time, we use the past perfect continuous tense. Here 6
1. Ans.(a) Sol. D, C and B in that order is the writer o’clock is that past time before that the action of waiting
commenting about a whole section of his book. That it does began and it also says that the action was in continuation till
not fit into any category – sentence A – has hardly any that time at least. FOR AN HOUR says how long before 6
relation to the other three sentences. In D the beginning of o’clock the action of waiting began.
the paragraph is rather abrupt but there is no other sentence
that can begin this paragraph. 8. No improvement as both ‘If the room had been
brighter’ and ‘Had the room been brighter’ are equally good.
2. Ans.(c) Sol. The other three sentences follow the theme NOTE: IF the helping verb in a conditional IF-CLAUSE is
of the geography of Africa – the origin of humankind cannot SHOULD, BE, or HAD we can leave out IF and put that helping
be linked to this theme. If you try to arrange the other verb at the start of the clause.
sentences in a sequence it could be BDA.
9. EXAMPLES: a) If any of this SHOULD cost you anything,
3. Ans.(c) Sol. B, A and D in that order talks about the send me the bill. = SHOULD any of this cost you anything,
development of environmental aesthetics – its roots in the send me the bill. b) It would be embarrassing if she were to
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries – the emergence of the find find out the truth. = It would be embarrassing, were she
concepts of disinterestedness and the picturesque in these to find out the truth. c) If they hadn’t rushed Mohan to
centuries and how these concepts still influence… C does not hospital, he would have died. = Had the not rushed Mohan to
fit into this theme in any way – there is no place for “thus.” hospital, he would have died.

4. Ans.(d) Sol. C, B and A is about the theme of integration

with reference to affirmative action. “they will continue to 10. Ans.(b) Sol. intrinsic-belonging naturally; essential.
suffer…” logically follows into “but the loss is not only 11. Ans.(a) Sol. VIOLENCE- strength of emotion or of a
theirs.” – There is no need to bring in institutions of higher destructive natural force.
education into all this. “this ideal” is also ambiguous. Even if 12. Ans.(b) Sol. CRITICISM- is correct word.
we force “this ideal” to be “integration” there seems to no 13. Ans.(d) Sol. humorous- causing laughter and
place for respect to the other sentences. amusement; comic.
5. 14. Ans.(d) Sol. democratic- relating to or supporting
THAT NO LONGER ARE USED (option ‘C’). NO LONGER democracy or its principles.
precedes the verb and ANY LONGER follows it. The given
sentence needs improvement as NO LONGER is following the
verb i.e. ARE. Option ‘A’ is not right as ANY LONGER is not 15. Ans.(e) Sol. Lost fits in the context correctly.
used AFTER the verb here USED). Again option ‘B’ is not right 16. Ans.(d) Sol. Believe fits in the context correctly.
as use of NO LONGER is not at right place. Yeah option ‘C’ fits 17. Ans.(c)Sol. deterioration fits in the context correctly.
the ruling on that well. 18. Ans.(a) Sol. altered fits in the context correctly.
19. Ans.(d)Sol. reversefits in the context correctly.
6. JUST AS WE NEED (Option ‘c’). This is a case of
comparison. LIKE is used only with nouns, pronouns or 20. Ans: (c)
gerunds, means when they are not followed by a finite verb. 21. Ans: (c)
And AS is used when there is a finite verb. Therefore options 22. Ans: (a)
‘a’ and ‘b’ both are incorrect. In the sentence above NEED is 23. Ans: (c)
a finite verb as it’s limited by the subject WE. So AS is quite 24. Ans: (b)
correct there. But the word AS should be preceded by the
word JUST as it’s a comparison between two clauses because 25. Ans.(a)Sol. Overbearing -unpleasantly overpowering.
it’s a case of comparison with establishing relation between 26. Ans.(d)Sol. Lucid -expressed clearly; easy to
them. understand.
NOTE: LIKE can replace AS in conversational/informal English 27. Ans.(d)Sol. Puerile -childishly silly and immature.
only, but in the exam it must be standard English. 28. Ans.(a)Sol. Pulchritude -beauty.
29. Ans.(b)Sol. Eschew -deliberately avoid using; abstain
Option ‘3’ (RESPECTS) is right as LOOK UP TO SOMEBODY (an from.
idiom) means to admire or respect somebody.
30. Ans.(d) Sol. being unrealistic and simple
7. HAD BEEN WAITING (option ‘B’). For an action that 31. Ans.(c) Sol. only limited and short-term results
began before a certain action in the past and continued upto 32. Ans.(b) Sol. devoid of zeal or fervour
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Verbal test 4
33. Ans.(d) convince them that they stand to gain by doing
34. Ans.(c) Sol. to provide them with opportunity to bring
out the best in themselves
35. Ans.(b) Sol. to use persuasion

36. Ans.(a) Sol. steps aimed at arousing fear

37. Ans.(b) Sol. just as directed
38. Ans.(b) Sol. intrinsically- belonging to a thing by its very
39. Ans.(b) Sol. natural abilities capable of being developed
40. Ans.(e) Sol. E is third sentence of the paragraph.
41. Ans.(a) Sol. B is second sentence of the paragraph.
42. Ans.(e) Sol. C is fourth sentence of the paragraph.
43. Ans.(b) Sol. D is sixth sentence of the paragraph.
44. Ans.(c) Sol. A is fifth sentence of the paragraph.

45. Ans.(b) Sol. CANNY-having or showing shrewdness and

good judgement, especially in money or business matters.
46. Ans.(b) Sol. PHLEGMATIC- (of a person) having an
unemotional and stolidly calm disposition.
47. Ans.(c) Sol. SALUBRIOUS- health-giving; healthy.
48. Ans.(d) Sol. ADEPT- very skilled or proficient at
49. Ans.(c) Sol. FLEETING- lasting for a very short time.

50. Ans.(a)Sol. Pure subject-verb agreement question. The

subject ‘nuclear power generation’ requires the singular verb
‘relies’ and ‘heavy elements’ requires the plural verb ‘break'.

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