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Prof. Sunny Arora Nikhil Ojha

PGPBM (2010-12)

TYPE : Cooperative

FOUNDED : 1946

HEADQUARTERS : Anand, Gujrat



Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is

India’s largest food product producing company. It is a state
level co-operative body in Gujarat which aims to provide
remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the
interests of consumers by providing quality products under
family brand name AMUL ( Anand Milk-producers Union
Limited),formed in 1946.The brand name Amul, sourced from
Sanskrit word Amoolya, meaning priceless. Amul has spurred
the White Revolution of India, which has made India the largest
producers of milk.

Amul Butter was first product which was officially launched by
Amul in 1945.It has been the market leader in last four decade.
AMUL BUTTER is made from Butter, Common Salt, permitted
natural color-Annatto.
Milk Fat 80%
Moisture 16%
Salt 2.5%
Curd 0.8%
Calorific Value
720 kcal./100g
At the time Amul was formed, consumers had limited
purchasing power and modest consumption levels of milk and
other dairy products. Thus Amul adopted a low cost price
strategy to make its product affordable and attractive to
consumers by guaranteeing them value for money.
Despite competition in the high value dairy product segments
from firms such as Hindustan Lever, Nestle and Britannia,
GCMMF ensures that the product mix and the sequence in
which Amul introduces its products is consistent with the core
philosophy of providing butter at basic ,affordable price to
appeal the common masses. This helped AMUL BUTTER to
create its brand image in the household sector of the society.
Place:A Global Distributor
Currently Amul has around 3 million milk producers producing
around 9 million liters. Beside India, Amul has entered overseas
markets by such as Mauritius, UAE, USA, Bangladesh, China,
Singapore, Hongkong.


In 1966, SYLVESTER Da Cunha, from the ad agency of ASP, took
over the Amul account. And in 1967 he began innocently
enough. In India, food was something one couldn’t afford to
fool around with. It had been taken too seriously, for too long.
Sylvester decided it was time for a change of image.
Scott Bradbury, the marketing genius behind Nike and
Starbucks, once said “A great brand is a story that is never
completely told. A brand is metaphorical story that’s evolving
all the time. Stories create the emotional context people need
to locate themselves in the larger experience.”He could easily
have been talking about the Amul moppet.
The moppet who put Amul on India’s breakfast table
The year Sylvester took over the account, the country
saw the birth of a campaign whose charm has endured
fickle public union, gimmickry and all else. The Amul
moppet, the little girl who created a home in the hearts
and minds of millions and millions of Indians. No easy
Call her the Friday to Friday star because every Friday,
since 1967, this little girl appears at billboards,
strategically placed all over India, focusing on the item of
the week- tongue in cheek, of course. Round eyed,
chubby cheeked, winking at you, from strategically
placed hoardings at many traffic lights. How often have
we stopped, looked, chuckled at the Amul hoarding and
product wrappers with the equally recognizable tagline
Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul that cast her sometime as
the coy, shy Madhury, a bold sensuous Urmila or simply
as herself, dressed in her little polka dress and a red and
white bow, holding out her favorites packet of butter.
There are no boundaries and nothing is off limits. From
the political scene, to entertainment, from local news to
international, from sports to stars, she has a line for
everything. Often said to be playing the role of a “social
observer with evocative humor.”
Where does Amul magic actually lie?
Many believe that the charm lies in the catchy lines. That
we laugh because the humor is what anybody could
enjoy. They don’t pander to your nationality or certain
sentiments. It is pure and simple, everyday fun.
The first products with the Amul brand name were
launched in 1955.There is something that makes
the Amul brand special and that something is the
reason for commitment to quality and value for
money. This is the heart of Amul, it is what gives
strength to Amul, and it is what is so special about
Amul saga.
The Amul pattern has established itself as a
uniquely appropriate model for rural development.
Amul therefore is the brand with difference. That
difference manifests itself in a larger than life
purpose. The purpose-freedom to farmers by giving
total control over procurement, production and
Four Basic components of their Brand identity are:-
2.Value for money
So we can say Amul means quality, value for
money, availability and service.

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