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CICS Performance Guide

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CICS® Transaction Server for OS/390® 

CICS Performance Guide

Release 3

CICS® Transaction Server for OS/390® 

CICS Performance Guide

Release 3

Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on
page xiii.

Fourth edition (July 1999)

This edition applies to Release 3 of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, program number 5655-147, and to all
subsequent versions, releases, and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Make sure you are using
the correct edition for the level of the product.
This edition replaces and makes obsolete the previous editions. The technical changes for this edition are
summarized under ″Summary of changes″ and are indicated by a vertical bar to the left of a change.
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Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Chapter 2. Gathering data for
Programming Interface Information . . . . . . xiv performance objectives . . . . . . . . 7
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Requirements definition phase . . . . . . . . 7
External design phase . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii Internal design phase . . . . . . . . . . . 7
What this book is about . . . . . . . . . . xvii Coding and testing phase . . . . . . . . . . 8
Who this book is for . . . . . . . . . . xvii Post-development review . . . . . . . . . . 8
What you need to know to understand this Information supplied by end users . . . . . . . 8
book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
How to use this book . . . . . . . . . xvii Chapter 3. Performance monitoring and
Notes on terminology . . . . . . . . . xvii review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Deciding on monitoring activities and techniques. . 11
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . xix Developing monitoring activities and techniques . . 12
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 . . . . . . xix Planning the review process . . . . . . . . . 13
CICS books for CICS Transaction Server for When to review? . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
OS/390 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix Dynamic monitoring . . . . . . . . . . 13
CICSPlex SM books for CICS Transaction Server Daily monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . 14
for OS/390 . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx Weekly monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Other CICS books . . . . . . . . . . . xx Monthly monitoring . . . . . . . . . . 15
Books from related libraries . . . . . . . . . xx Monitoring for the future . . . . . . . . . . 15
ACF/VTAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx Reviewing performance data . . . . . . . . 16
CICSPlex System Manager for MVS/ESA . . . xx Confirming that the system-oriented objectives are
DATABASE 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . xx reasonable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor (DB2PM) . . xx Typical review questions . . . . . . . . . . 17
DFSMS/MVS . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi Anticipating and monitoring system changes and
IMS/ESA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
MVS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi
OS/390 RMF. . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi
Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 . . . xxi
Part 2. Tools that measure the
NetView Performance Monitor (NPM) . . . . xxi performance of CICS. . . . . . . . 21
Tuning tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi
Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi Chapter 4. An overview of
Determining if a publication is current . . . . . xxii performance-measurement tools . . . 23
CICS performance data . . . . . . . . . . 24
Summary of changes. . . . . . . . xxiii CICS statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
| Changes for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 The CICS monitoring facility . . . . . . . 24
| Release 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiii The sample statistics program (DFH0STAT). . . 25
Changes for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 CICS trace facilities . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Release 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiv Other CICS data . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Changes for the CICS Transaction Server Operating system performance data . . . . . . 27
Release 1 edition . . . . . . . . . . . xxiv | System management facility (SMF) . . . . . 27
Changes for the CICS/ESA 4.1 edition . . . . xxv Resource measurement facility (RMF). . . . . 27
Generalized trace facility (GTF) . . . . . . . 29
Part 1. Setting performance GTF reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 . . . . 31
objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Performance data for other products . . . . . . 32
ACF/VTAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Chapter 1. Establishing performance Virtual telecommunication access method
objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (VTAM) trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Defining some terms. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Network performance, analysis, and reporting
Defining performance objectives and priorities . . . 4 system (NETPARS) . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Analyzing the current workload . . . . . . . . 5 VTAM performance, analysis, and reporting
Translating resource requirements into system system II (VTAMPARS II). . . . . . . . . 33
objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Generalized performance analysis reporting
(GPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 iii

VTAM storage management (SMS) trace . . . . 33 The SYSEVENT class of monitoring data . . . 67
VTAM tuning statistics . . . . . . . . . 33 CICS Monitoring Facility (CMF) and the MVS
NetView for MVS . . . . . . . . . . . 33 workload manager . . . . . . . . . . . 67
NetView performance monitor (NPM) . . . . 34 Using CICS monitoring SYSEVENT information
LISTCAT (VSAM) . . . . . . . . . . . 34 with RMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
DB monitor (IMS) . . . . . . . . . . . 35 CICS usage of RMF transaction reporting . . . 67
Program isolation (PI) trace . . . . . . . . 35 CICS monitoring facility use of SYSEVENT . . . 67
IMS System Utilities/Database Tools (DBT) . . . 35 MVS IEAICS member . . . . . . . . . . 68
IMS monitor summary and system analysis II ERBRMF member for Monitor I session . . . . 69
(IMSASAP II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 ERBRMF member for Monitor II session . . . . 69
DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor (DB2PM) . . 36 RMF operations . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Teleprocessing network simulator (TPNS) . . . 37 | Using the CICS monitoring facility with Tivoli
| Performance Reporter for OS/390 . . . . . . . 69
Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics . . . . 39 Event monitoring points . . . . . . . . . . 69
Introduction to CICS statistics . . . . . . . . 39 The monitoring control table (MCT) . . . . . . 71
Types of statistics data. . . . . . . . . . 39 DFHMCT TYPE=EMP . . . . . . . . . . 71
Resetting statistics counters . . . . . . . . 43 DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD . . . . . . . . 71
Processing CICS statistics . . . . . . . . . . 45 Controlling CICS monitoring . . . . . . . . 72
Interpreting CICS statistics . . . . . . . . . 45 Processing of CICS monitoring facility output . . . 72
Statistics domain statistics . . . . . . . . . 46 Performance implications . . . . . . . . . . 73
Transaction manager statistics . . . . . . . . 46 Interpreting CICS monitoring . . . . . . . . 73
Transaction class (TRANCLASS) statistics . . . . 47 Clocks and time stamps . . . . . . . . . 73
CICS DB2 statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Performance class data . . . . . . . . . 74
Dispatcher statistics . . . . . . . . . . . 47 | Performance data in group DFHCBTS . . . . 83
TCB statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Performance data in group DFHCICS. . . . . 84
Storage manager statistics . . . . . . . . . 48 | Performance data in group DFHDATA . . . . 86
Loader statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Performance data in group DFHDEST . . . . 87
Temporary storage statistics . . . . . . . . . 49 | Performance data in group DFHDOCH . . . . 87
Transient data statistics . . . . . . . . . . 50 Performance data in group DFHFEPI . . . . . 87
| User domain statistics . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Performance data in group DFHFILE . . . . . 88
VTAM statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Performance data in group DFHJOUR . . . . 90
Dump statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Performance data in group DFHMAPP . . . . 90
Enqueue statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Performance data in group DFHPROG . . . . 90
Transaction statistics . . . . . . . . . . . 53 | Performance data in group DFHSOCK . . . . 92
Program statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Performance data in group DFHSTOR . . . . 92
Front end programming interface (FEPI) statistics . 54 Performance data in group DFHSYNC . . . . 95
File statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Performance data in group DFHTASK . . . . 95
Journalname and log stream statistics. . . . . . 55 Performance data in group DFHTEMP . . . . 103
LSRPOOL statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Performance data in group DFHTERM . . . . 104
Recovery manager statistics . . . . . . . . . 56 | Performance data in group DFHWEBB . . . . 106
Terminal statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Exception class data . . . . . . . . . . . 107
ISC/IRC system and mode entry statistics . . . . 57 Exception data field descriptions . . . . . . 108
Summary connection type for statistics fields . . 57
General guidance for interpreting ISC/IRC Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance
statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Reporter for OS/390 . . . . . . . . 113
Are enough sessions defined? . . . . . . . 59 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Is the balance of contention winners to Using Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 to
contention losers correct? . . . . . . . . . 60 report on CICS performance . . . . . . . . 115
Is there conflicting usage of APPC modegroups? 61 Monitoring response time . . . . . . . . 115
What if there are unusually high numbers in the Monitoring processor and storage use . . . . 116
statistics report? . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Monitoring volumes and throughput . . . . 116
ISC/IRC attach time entries . . . . . . . . . 63 Combining CICS and DB2 performance data . . 117
Shared temporary storage queue server statistics . . 64 Monitoring exception and incident data . . . 118
| Coupling facility data tables server statistics . . . 64 Unit-of-work reporting . . . . . . . . . 119
| Named counter sequence number server statistics 64 Monitoring availability . . . . . . . . . 119
Monitoring SYSEVENT data . . . . . . . 119
Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 65
Introduction to CICS monitoring . . . . . . . 65 Chapter 8. Managing Workloads . . . 123
The classes of monitoring data . . . . . . . . 65 MVS workload manager. . . . . . . . . . 123
Performance class data . . . . . . . . . 65 Benefits of using MVS Workload Manager. . . 123
Exception class data . . . . . . . . . . 66

iv CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

MVS workload management terms . . . . . 124 CICS hang . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Requirements for MVS workload management 125 Effect of program loading on CICS . . . . . . 159
Resource usage . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 What is paging? . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Span of workload manager operation . . . . 125 Paging problems . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Defining performance goals . . . . . . . 126 Recovery from storage violation . . . . . . . 161
Setting up service definitions . . . . . . . 127 Dealing with limit conditions . . . . . . . . 161
Guidelines for classifying CICS transactions . . 131 Identifying performance constraints . . . . . . 162
Using a service definition base . . . . . . 131 Hardware constraints. . . . . . . . . . 162
Using MVS workload manager . . . . . . 131 Software constraints . . . . . . . . . . 163
| CICSPlex SM workload management . . . . . 133 Resource contention . . . . . . . . . . . 164
| Benefits of using CICSPlex SM workload Solutions for poor response time . . . . . . . 165
| management . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Symptoms and solutions for resource contention
| Using CICSPlex SM workload management . . 134 problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
DASD constraint . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Chapter 9. Understanding RMF Communications network constraint. . . . . 167
workload manager data . . . . . . . 135 Remote systems constraints. . . . . . . . 167
Virtual storage constraint . . . . . . . . 167
Explanation of terms used in RMF reports. . . . 135
Real storage constraint . . . . . . . . . 168
The response time breakdown in percentage
Processor cycles constraint . . . . . . . . 168
section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
The state section . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Interpreting the RMF workload activity data . . . 137 Chapter 12. CICS performance
RMF reporting intervals . . . . . . . . . 137 analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Example: very large percentages in the response Assessing the performance of a DB/DC system 169
time breakdown . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 System conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Possible explanations . . . . . . . . . . 141 Application conditions . . . . . . . . . 170
Possible actions. . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Methods of performance analysis. . . . . . . 170
Example: response time breakdown data is all zero 142 Full-load measurement . . . . . . . . . . 171
Possible explanations . . . . . . . . . . 143 CICS auxiliary trace . . . . . . . . . . 171
Possible actions. . . . . . . . . . . . 143 RMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Example: execution time greater than response Comparison charts . . . . . . . . . . 173
time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Single-transaction measurement . . . . . . . 174
Possible explanation . . . . . . . . . . 144 CICS auxiliary trace . . . . . . . . . . 175
Possible actions. . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Example: large SWITCH LOCAL Time in CICS Chapter 13. Tuning the system . . . . 177
execution phase . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Determining acceptable tuning trade-offs . . . . 177
Possible explanations . . . . . . . . . . 145 Making the change to the system . . . . . . . 177
Possible actions. . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Reviewing the results of tuning . . . . . . . 178
Example: fewer ended transactions with increased
response times . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Possible explanation . . . . . . . . . . 145 Part 4. Improving the performance
Possible action . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 of a CICS system . . . . . . . . . 179

Part 3. Analyzing the performance Chapter 14. Performance checklists 181

of a CICS system . . . . . . . . . 147 Input/output contention checklist . . . . . . 181
Virtual storage above and below 16MB line
checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Chapter 10. Overview of performance Real storage checklist. . . . . . . . . . . 183
analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Processor cycles checklist . . . . . . . . . 184
Establishing a measurement and evaluation plan 150
Investigating the overall system . . . . . . . 152 Chapter 15. MVS and DASD . . . . . 187
Other ways to analyze performance . . . . . . 153 Tuning CICS and MVS . . . . . . . . . . 187
Reducing MVS common system area
Chapter 11. Identifying CICS requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Splitting online systems: availability . . . . . . 189
Major CICS constraints . . . . . . . . . . 155 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Response times . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Storage stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Making CICS nonswappable . . . . . . . . 190
Controlling storage stress . . . . . . . . 158 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 190
Short-on-storage condition . . . . . . . . 158 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Purging of tasks . . . . . . . . . . . 159 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Contents v
Isolating (fencing) real storage for CICS (PWSS and SNA transaction flows (MSGINTEG, and
PPGRTR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 ONEWTE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 191 Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Increasing the CICS region size . . . . . . . 192 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 209
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 192 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 209
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 192 SNA chaining (TYPETERM RECEIVESIZE,
Giving CICS a high dispatching priority or BUILDCHAIN, and SENDSIZE) . . . . . . . 209
performance group . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 193 Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Using job initiators . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 210
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 210
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 194 Number of concurrent logon/logoff requests
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 194 (OPNDLIM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Region exit interval (ICV) . . . . . . . . . 194 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Main effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Secondary effects . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 How implemented. . . . . . . . . . . 211
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 196 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 211
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 197 Terminal scan delay (ICVTSD) . . . . . . . . 211
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Use of LLA (MVS library lookaside) . . . . . . 197 Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Effects of LLACOPY . . . . . . . . . . 198 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
The SIT Parameter LLACOPY . . . . . . . 198 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 213
DASD tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 214
Reducing the number of I/O operations . . . 199 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Tuning the I/O operations . . . . . . . . 199 Negative poll delay (NPDELAY) . . . . . . . 214
Balancing I/O operations . . . . . . . . 200 NPDELAY and unsolicited-input messages in
TCAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM 201 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Terminal input/output area (TYPETERM Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
IOAREALEN or TCT TIOAL) . . . . . . . . 201 Compression of output terminal data streams . . 215
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 202 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 216
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 203 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 216
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Automatic installation of terminals . . . . . . 216
Receive-any input areas (RAMAX) . . . . . . 203 Maximum concurrent autoinstalls (AIQMAX) 216
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 The restart delay parameter (AIRDELAY) . . . 216
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 The delete delay parameter (AILDELAY) . . . 217
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 218
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 204 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 219
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Receive-any pool (RAPOOL) . . . . . . . . 204 | Chapter 17. CICS Web support . . . . 221
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 | CICS Web performance in a sysplex . . . . . . 221
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 | CICS Web support performance in a single address
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 | space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 206 | CICS Web use of DOCTEMPLATE resources . . . 222
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 206 | CICS Web support use of temporary storage . . . 223
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 206 | CICS Web support of HTTP 1.0 persistent
High performance option (HPO) with VTAM. . . 207 | connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 | CICS Web security. . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 | CICS Web 3270 support . . . . . . . . . . 223
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 207 | Secure sockets layer support . . . . . . . . 224
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 207
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Chapter 18. VSAM and file control . . 225
vi CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
VSAM considerations: general objectives . . . . 225 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 240
Local shared resources (LSR) or Nonshared How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 240
resources (NSR) . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Hiperspace buffers . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Number of strings . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Size of control intervals . . . . . . . . . 229 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Number of buffers (NSR) . . . . . . . . 230 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Number of buffers (LSR) . . . . . . . . 230 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 241
CICS calculation of LSR pool parameters . . . 231 Subtasking: VSAM (SUBTSKS=1) . . . . . . . 241
Data set name sharing . . . . . . . . . 232 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
AIX considerations . . . . . . . . . . 233 Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Situations that cause extra physical I/O . . . 233 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Other VSAM definition parameters . . . . . 234 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 243
VSAM resource usage (LSRPOOL) . . . . . . 234 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 244
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 | How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Data tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 244
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 234 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 245
VSAM buffer allocations for NSR (INDEXBUFFERS How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 245
and DATABUFFERS) . . . . . . . . . . . 235 | Coupling facility data tables . . . . . . . . 245
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 | Locking model . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 | Contention model . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 | Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 235 | Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 248
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 235 | How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 249
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 236 | How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 249
VSAM buffer allocations for LSR . . . . . . . 236 | CFDT statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 | RMF reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 | VSAM record-level sharing (RLS). . . . . . . 251
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 236 | Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 236 | How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 253
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 236 | How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 254
VSAM string settings for NSR (STRINGS) . . . . 237
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 | Chapter 19. Java program objects . . 255
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 | Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 | Performance considerations. . . . . . . . . 255
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 237 | DLL initialization . . . . . . . . . . . 255
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 237 | LE runtime options . . . . . . . . . . 256
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 237 | API costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
VSAM string settings for LSR (STRINGS) . . . . 238 | CICS system storage . . . . . . . . . . 257
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 | Workload balancing of IIOP method call requests 258
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 | CICS dynamic program routing . . . . . . 258
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 | TCP/IP port sharing . . . . . . . . . . 258
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 238 | Dynamic domain name server registration for
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 238 | TCP/IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Maximum keylength for LSR (KEYLENGTH and
| Chapter 20. Java virtual machine
MAXKEYLENGTH) . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 | (JVM) programs . . . . . . . . . . 259
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 | Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 239 | Performance considerations. . . . . . . . . 259
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 239 | Storage usage . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Resource percentile for LSR (SHARELIMIT) . . . 239 | How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 Chapter 21. Database management 263
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 240 DBCTL minimum threads (MINTHRD). . . . . 263
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 240 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
VSAM local shared resources (LSR) . . . . . . 240 Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 240 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 264

Contents vii
DBCTL maximum threads (MAXTHRD) . . . . 264 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 286
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Maximum task specification (MXT) . . . . . . 287
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 287
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 264 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 288
DBCTL DEDB parameters (CNBA, FPBUF, FPBOF) 264 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Transaction class (MAXACTIVE) . . . . . . . 288
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 266 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 288
CICS DB2 attachment facility . . . . . . . . 266 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 289
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Transaction class purge threshold
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 267 (PURGETHRESH) . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
CICS DB2 attachment facility (TCBLIMIT, and Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
THREADLIMIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 290
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 268 Task prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
CICS DB2 attachment facility (PRIORITY) . . . . 269 Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 293
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 269 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 293
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 269 Simplifying the definition of CICS dynamic
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 269 storage areas . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Extended dynamic storage areas . . . . . . 294
Chapter 22. Logging and journaling 271 Dynamic storage areas(below the line) . . . . 295
Coupling facility or DASD-only logging? . . . . 271 Using modules in the link pack area (LPA/ELPA) 297
Integrated coupling migration facility . . . . 271 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Monitoring the logger environment . . . . . . 271 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Average blocksize . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Number of log streams in the CF structure . . . 274 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 298
AVGBUFSIZE and MAXBUFSIZE parameters 274 Map alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 276 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 299
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 276 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 299
LOWOFFLOAD and HIGHOFFLOAD parameters Resident, nonresident, and transient programs . . 299
on log stream definition . . . . . . . . . . 276 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 300
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 278 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 300
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Putting application programs above the 16MB line 300
Staging data sets . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Activity keypoint frequency (AKPFREQ) . . . . 279 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 301
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 281 Transaction isolation and real storage requirements 301
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 281 Limiting the expansion of subpool 229 using
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 281 VTAM pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
DASD-only logging . . . . . . . . . . . 281 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 302
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 303
Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage 283
Tuning CICS virtual storage . . . . . . . . 283 Chapter 24. MRO and ISC . . . . . . 305
Splitting online systems: virtual storage . . . . 284 CICS intercommunication facilities . . . . . . 305
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 306
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 286 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 307

viii CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Intersystems session queue management . . . . 307 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Relevant statistics . . . . . . . . . . . 307 The 75 percent rule . . . . . . . . . . 325
Ways of approaching the problem and Temporary storage data sharing . . . . . . . 325
recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 308 CICS transient data (TD) . . . . . . . . . 326
Monitoring the settings . . . . . . . . . 309 Recovery options . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Using transaction classes DFHTCLSX and Intrapartition transient data considerations . . 327
DFHTCLQ2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Extrapartition transient data considerations . . 329
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 309 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 330
Terminal input/output area (SESSIONS Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 330
IOAREALEN) for MRO sessions . . . . . . . 310 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 | Global ENQ/DEQ . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 | How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 331
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 | Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 310 CICS monitoring facility . . . . . . . . . . 331
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 310 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Batching requests (MROBTCH) . . . . . . . 311 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 332
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 311 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Extending the life of mirror transactions CICS trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
(MROLRM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Deletion of shipped terminal definitions Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
(DSHIPINT and DSHIPIDL) . . . . . . . . 312 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 333
Where useful . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 CICS recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 314 Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . 334
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 314 How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 334
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Chapter 25. Programming CICS security . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
BMS map suffixing and the device-dependent
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 335
suffix option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 335
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . 315
CICS storage protection facilities . . . . . . . 335
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 315
Storage protect . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Transaction isolation . . . . . . . . . . 336
COBOL RESIDENT option . . . . . . . . . 316
Command protection . . . . . . . . . . 336
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . 336
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Transaction isolation and applications . . . . 336
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 317
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 317
| CICS business transaction services . . . . . . 336
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 317
| Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
PL/I shared library . . . . . . . . . . . 317
| Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 337
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 318
| How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 337
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 318
VS COBOL II . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 Chapter 27. Improving CICS startup
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 318 and normal shutdown time . . . . . 339
How monitored . . . . . . . . . . . 318 Startup procedures to be checked. . . . . . . 339
| Language Environment (LE) . . . . . . . . 318 Automatic restart management . . . . . . . 341
| LE run time options for AMODE (24) programs 319 Buffer considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 342
| Using DLLs in C++ . . . . . . . . . . 319
Part 5. Appendixes . . . . . . . . 343
Chapter 26. CICS facilities . . . . . . 321
CICS temporary storage (TS) . . . . . . . . 321
Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 345
Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Interpreting CICS statistics . . . . . . . . . 345
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Summary report . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Autoinstall global statistics . . . . . . . . 347
How implemented . . . . . . . . . . 324
CICS DB2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352

Contents ix
DBCTL session termination . . . . . . . . 364 Storage Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
Dispatcher domain . . . . . . . . . . 367 Loader and Program Storage Report. . . . . . 543
Dump domain . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 Storage Subpools Report . . . . . . . . . 547
System dumps . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 Transaction Classes Report . . . . . . . . . 549
Transaction dumps . . . . . . . . . . 376 Transactions Report . . . . . . . . . . . 551
Enqueue domain . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Transaction Totals Report . . . . . . . . . 552
Front end programming interface (FEPI) . . . 381 Programs Report . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
File control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Program Totals Report . . . . . . . . . . 556
ISC/IRC system and mode entries . . . . . 396 DFHRPL Analysis Report . . . . . . . . . 558
System entry . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 Programs by DSA and LPA Report . . . . . . 559
Mode entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Temporary Storage Report . . . . . . . . . 561
ISC/IRC attach time entries . . . . . . . 410 Temporary Storage Queues Report . . . . . . 566
Journalname . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 Tsqueue Totals Report . . . . . . . . . . 567
Log stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 Temporary Storage Queues by Shared TS Pool . . 567
LSRpool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 Transient Data Report . . . . . . . . . . 569
Monitoring domain . . . . . . . . . . 428 Transient Data Queues Report . . . . . . . . 571
Program autoinstall . . . . . . . . . . 430 Transient Data Queue Totals Report . . . . . . 572
Loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Journalnames Report . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Logstreams Report . . . . . . . . . . . 574
Recovery manager. . . . . . . . . . . 445 Autoinstall and VTAM Report . . . . . . . . 577
Statistics domain . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Connections and Modenames Report . . . . . 580
Storage manager . . . . . . . . . . . 452 | TCP/IP Services Report . . . . . . . . . . 584
Table manager . . . . . . . . . . . . 464 LSR Pools Report . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
TCP/IP Services - resource statistics . . . . . 465 Files Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
TCP/IP Services - request statistics . . . . . 467 File Requests Report . . . . . . . . . . . 593
Temporary storage . . . . . . . . . . 468 Data Tables Reports . . . . . . . . . . . 595
Terminal control . . . . . . . . . . . 474 Coupling Facility Data Table Pools Report . . . . 597
Transaction class (TCLASS) . . . . . . . . 478 Exit Programs Report. . . . . . . . . . . 598
Transaction manager . . . . . . . . . . 482 Global User Exits Report . . . . . . . . . 599
Transient data . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 DB2 Connection Report . . . . . . . . . . 600
User domain statistics . . . . . . . . . 499 DB2 Entries Report . . . . . . . . . . . 606
VTAM statistics . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Enqueue Manager Report . . . . . . . . . 609
Recovery Manager Report . . . . . . . . . 612
Appendix B. Shared temporary Page Index Report. . . . . . . . . . . . 614
storage queue server statistics. . . . 503
Shared TS queue server: coupling facility statistics 503 Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual
Shared TS queue server: buffer pool statistics. . . 505 storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
Shared TS queue server: storage statistics . . . . 506 MVS storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
The MVS common area . . . . . . . . . 616
| Appendix C. Coupling facility data Private area and extended private area . . . . 619
| tables server statistics . . . . . . . 509 The CICS private area . . . . . . . . . . 619
High private area . . . . . . . . . . . 621
| Coupling facility data tables: list structure statistics 509
MVS storage above region . . . . . . . . . 623
| Coupling facility data tables: table accesses
The CICS region . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
| statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
CICS virtual storage . . . . . . . . . . 623
| Coupling facility data tables: request statistics . . 512
MVS storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
| Coupling facility data tables: storage statistics . . 513
The dynamic storage areas . . . . . . . . . 625
CICS subpools . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
| Appendix D. Named counter sequence | Short-on-storage conditions caused by subpool
| number server . . . . . . . . . . . 515 | storage fragmentation . . . . . . . . . . 636
| Named counter sequence number server statistics 515 CICS kernel storage . . . . . . . . . . . 639
| Named counter server: storage statistics . . . . 516
Appendix G. Performance data . . . . 641
Appendix E. The sample statistics Variable costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
program, DFH0STAT . . . . . . . . 519 Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
Analyzing DFH0STAT Reports . . . . . . . 520 Syncpointing . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
| System Status Report . . . . . . . . . . . 521 Additional costs . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
Transaction Manager Report . . . . . . . . 526 Transaction initialization and termination . . . . 644
Dispatcher Report . . . . . . . . . . . . 528 Receive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
Dispatcher TCBs Report . . . . . . . . . . 530 Attach/terminate . . . . . . . . . . . 644

x CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Send . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644 Non-Recoverable TS Queue . . . . . . . 648
File control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644 Recoverable TS Queue . . . . . . . . . 648
READ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645 Shared Temporary Storage . . . . . . . . 648
READ UPDATE . . . . . . . . . . . 645 Transient Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
Non-recoverable files . . . . . . . . . . 645 Intrapartition Queues. . . . . . . . . . 649
Recoverable files . . . . . . . . . . . 645 Non-Recoverable TD Queue . . . . . . . 649
REWRITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645 Logically Recoverable TD Queue . . . . . . 649
Non-recoverable files . . . . . . . . . . 645 Physically Recoverable TD Queue . . . . . 649
Recoverable files . . . . . . . . . . . 645 Extrapartition queues. . . . . . . . . . 649
WRITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646 Program Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
Non-Recoverable files . . . . . . . . . 646 Storage control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
Recoverable files . . . . . . . . . . . 646 Interregion Communication . . . . . . . . 650
DELETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646 Transaction routing . . . . . . . . . . 650
Non-Recoverable files . . . . . . . . . 646 Function shipping (MROLRM=YES) . . . . . 651
Recoverable files . . . . . . . . . . . 646 Function shipping (MROLRM=NO) . . . . . 651
Browsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
UNLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
| Coupling facility data tables . . . . . . . . 647
Record Level Sharing (RLS) . . . . . . . . 647
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
Temporary Storage . . . . . . . . . . . 648
Main Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . 648
Auxiliary Storage . . . . . . . . . . . 648 Sending your comments to IBM . . . 685

Contents xi
xii CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
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Programming Interface Information

This book is intended to help you to:
v Establish performance objectives and monitor them
v Identify performance constraints, and make adjustments to the operational CICS
system and its application programs.

This book also documents Product-sensitive Programming Interface and Associated

Guidance Information and Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information provided
by CICS.

Product-sensitive programming interfaces allow the customer installation to

perform tasks such as diagnosing, modifying, monitoring, repairing, tailoring, or
tuning of CICS. Use of such interfaces creates dependencies on the detailed design
or implementation of the IBM software product. Product-sensitive programming
interfaces should be used only for these specialized purposes. Because of their
dependencies on detailed design and implementation, it is to be expected that
programs written to such interfaces may need to be changed in order to run with
new product releases or versions, or as a result of service.

Product-sensitive Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information is

identified where it occurs, either by an introductory statement to a chapter or
section or by the following marking:

Product-sensitive programming interface

End of Product-sensitive programming interface

Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information is provided to help you tune your

CICS system.

Attention: Do not use this Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information as a

programming interface.

Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information is identified where it occurs, either

by an introductory statement to a chapter or section or by the following marking:

Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information

End of Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information

xiv CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines
Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both:


CICS/ESA Hiperspace OS/390

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks
of others.

Notices xv
xvi CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
What this book is about
This book is intended to help you to:
v Establish performance objectives and monitor them
v Identify performance constraints, and make adjustments to the operational CICS
system and its application programs.

This book does not discuss the performance aspects of the CICS Transaction Server
for OS/390 Release 3 Front End Programming Interface. For more information
about the Front End Programming Interface, See the CICS Front End Programming
Interface User’s Guide. This book does not contain Front End Programming Interface
dump statistics.

Who this book is for

This book is for a person who is involved in:
v System design
v Monitoring and tuning CICS® performance.

What you need to know to understand this book

You need to have a good understanding of how CICS works. This assumes
familiarity with many of the books in the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
Release 3 library, together with adequate practical experience of installing and
maintaining a CICS system.

How to use this book

If you want to establish performance objectives, monitor the performance of a
CICS system, and occasionally make adjustments to the system to keep it within
objectives, you should read through this book in its entirety.

If you have a performance problem and want to correct it, read Parts 3 and 4. You
may need to refer to various sections in Part 2.

Notes on terminology
The following abbreviations are used throughout this book:
v “CICS” refers to the CICS element in the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390®
v “MVS” refers to the operating system, which can be either an element of
OS/390, or MVS/Enterprise System Architecture System Product (MVS/ESA SP).
v “VTAM®” refers to ACF/VTAM.
v “DL/I” refers to the database component of IMS/ESA.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 xvii

xviii CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390: Planning for Installation GC33-1789
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release Guide GC34-5352
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Migration Guide GC34-5353
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Installation Guide GC33-1681
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory GI10-2506
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Licensed Program Specification GC33-1707

CICS books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390

CICS Master Index SC33-1704
CICS User’s Handbook SX33-6104
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Glossary (softcopy only) GC33-1705
CICS System Definition Guide SC33-1682
CICS Customization Guide SC33-1683
CICS Resource Definition Guide SC33-1684
CICS Operations and Utilities Guide SC33-1685
CICS Supplied Transactions SC33-1686
CICS Application Programming Guide SC33-1687
CICS Application Programming Reference SC33-1688
CICS System Programming Reference SC33-1689
CICS Front End Programming Interface User’s Guide SC33-1692
CICS C++ OO Class Libraries SC34-5455
CICS Distributed Transaction Programming Guide SC33-1691
CICS Business Transaction Services SC34-5268
CICS Problem Determination Guide GC33-1693
CICS Messages and Codes GC33-1694
CICS Diagnosis Reference LY33-6088
CICS Data Areas LY33-6089
CICS Trace Entries SC34-5446
CICS Supplementary Data Areas LY33-6090
CICS Intercommunication Guide SC33-1695
CICS Family: Interproduct Communication SC33-0824
CICS Family: Communicating from CICS on System/390 SC33-1697
CICS External Interfaces Guide SC33-1944
CICS Internet Guide SC34-5445
Special topics
CICS Recovery and Restart Guide SC33-1698
CICS Performance Guide SC33-1699
CICS IMS Database Control Guide SC33-1700
CICS RACF Security Guide SC33-1701
CICS Shared Data Tables Guide SC33-1702
CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide SC33-1777
CICS DB2 Guide SC33-1939

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 xix

CICSPlex SM books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
CICSPlex SM Master Index SC33-1812
CICSPlex SM Concepts and Planning GC33-0786
CICSPlex SM User Interface Guide SC33-0788
CICSPlex SM View Commands Reference Summary SX33-6099
Administration and Management
CICSPlex SM Administration SC34-5401
CICSPlex SM Operations Views Reference SC33-0789
CICSPlex SM Monitor Views Reference SC34-5402
CICSPlex SM Managing Workloads SC33-1807
CICSPlex SM Managing Resource Usage SC33-1808
CICSPlex SM Managing Business Applications SC33-1809
CICSPlex SM Application Programming Guide SC34-5457
CICSPlex SM Application Programming Reference SC34-5458
CICSPlex SM Resource Tables Reference SC33-1220
CICSPlex SM Messages and Codes GC33-0790
CICSPlex SM Problem Determination GC33-0791

Other CICS books

CICS Application Programming Primer (VS COBOL II) SC33-0674
CICS Application Migration Aid Guide SC33-0768
CICS Family: API Structure SC33-1007
CICS Family: Client/Server Programming SC33-1435
CICS Family: General Information GC33-0155
CICS 4.1 Sample Applications Guide SC33-1173
CICS/ESA 3.3 XRF Guide SC33-0661

If you have any questions about the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 library,
see CICS Transaction Server for OS/390: Planning for Installation which discusses both
hardcopy and softcopy books and the ways that the books can be ordered.

Books from related libraries

ACF/VTAM Installation and Migration Guide, GC31-6547-01
ACF/VTAM Network Implementation Guide, SC31-6548

CICSPlex System Manager for MVS/ESA

IBM CICSPlex System Manager for MVS/ESA Setup and Administration - Volume 1,
IBM CICSPlex System Manager for MVS/ESA Setup and Administration - Volume 2,

DB2 for OS/390 Administration Guide, SC26-8957

DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor (DB2PM)

DB2 PM Batch User’s Guide, SH12-6164
DB2 PM Command Reference, SH12-6167

xx CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

DB2 PM Online Monitor User’s Guide, SH12-6165
DB2 PM Report Reference, SH12-6163
DB2 for OS/390 Capacity Planning, SG24-2244
DB2 PM Usage Guide Update, SG24-2584

DFSMS/MVS NaviQuest User’s Guide, SC26-7194
DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference, SC26-4920

IMS/ESA Version 5 Admin Guide: DB, SC26-8012
IMS/ESA Version 5 Admin Guide: System, SC26-8013
IMS/ESA Version 5 Performance Analyzer’s User’s Guide, SC26-9088
IMS/ESA Version 6 Admin Guide: DB, SC26-8725
IMS/ESA Version 6 Admin Guide: System, SC26-8720
IMS Performance Analyzer User’s Guide SC26-9088

OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide, SC28-1751
OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference, SC28-1752
OS/390 MVS JCL Reference, GC28-1757
OS/390 MVS System Management Facilities (SMF), GC28-1783
OS/390 MVS Planning: Global Resource Serialization, GC28-1759
OS/390 MVS Planning: Workload Management, GC28-1761
OS/390 MVS Setting Up a Sysplex, GC28-1779

OS/390 RMF
OS/390 RMF User’s Guide, GC28-1949-01
OS/390 Performance Management Guide, SC28-1951-00
OS/390 RMF Report Analysis, SC28-1950-01
OS/390 RMF Programmers Guide, SC28-1952-01

Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390

Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390: Administration Guide, SH19-6816
Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390: CICS Performance Feature Guide and
Reference, SH19-6820
SLR to Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390: Migration Cookbook, SG24-5128

NetView Performance Monitor (NPM)

NPM Reports and Record Formats, SH19-6965-01
NPM User’s Guide, SH19-6962-01

Tuning tools
Generalized Trace Facility Performance Analysis (GTFPARS) Program
Description/Operations Manual, SB21-2143
Network Performance Analysis and Reporting System Program Description/Operations,
Network Program Products Planning, SC30-3351

CICS Workload Management Using CICSPlex SM and the MVS/ESA Workload
Manager, GG24-4286
System/390 MVS Parallel Sysplex Performance, GG24-4356

Bibliography xxi
System/390 MVS/ESA Version 5 Workload Manager Performance Studies, SG24-4352
IBM 3704 and 3705 Control Program Generation and Utilities Guide, GC30-3008
IMSASAP II Description/Operations, SB21-1793
Screen Definition Facility II Primer for CICS/BMS Programs, SH19-6118
Systems Network Architecture Management Services Reference,SC30-3346
Teleprocessing Network Simulator General Information, GH20-2487

Determining if a publication is current

IBM regularly updates its publications with new and changed information. When
first published, both hardcopy and BookManager softcopy versions of a publication
are usually in step. However, due to the time required to print and distribute
hardcopy books, the BookManager version is more likely to have had last-minute
changes made to it before publication.

Subsequent updates will probably be available in softcopy before they are available
in hardcopy. This means that at any time from the availability of a release, softcopy
versions should be regarded as the most up-to-date.

For CICS Transaction Server books, these softcopy updates appear regularly on the
Transaction Processing and Data Collection Kit CD-ROM, SK2T-0730-xx. Each reissue
of the collection kit is indicated by an updated order number suffix (the -xx part).
For example, collection kit SK2T-0730-06 is more up-to-date than SK2T-0730-05. The
collection kit is also clearly dated on the cover.

Updates to the softcopy are clearly marked by revision codes (usually a “#”
character) to the left of the changes.

xxii CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Summary of changes
Changes since CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 are indicated by
| vertical lines to the left of the text.
| Changes for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3
| The chapter on Service Level Reporter(SLR) has been removed.

| “Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390” on page 113 replaces the
| chapter on Performance Reporter for MVS..

| Performance considerations resulting from enhancements to CICS Web support and

| the introduction of Secure Sockets Layer for Web security, are discussed in
| “Chapter 17. CICS Web support” on page 221.

| The performance implications of using Coupling Facilities Data Tables, including

| information about contention model and locking model, are discussed in
| “Chapter 18. VSAM and file control” on page 225.

| A chapter has been added, “Chapter 19. Java program objects” on page 255, to
| introduce performance considerations when using Java language support.

| “Chapter 20. Java virtual machine (JVM) programs” on page 259 describes
| performance implications for programs run using the MVS Java Virtual Machine
| (JVM).

| “Chapter 8. Managing Workloads” on page 123 has been revised to discuss more
| fully the implications and benefits of using the MVS workload manager, and to
| introduce the CICSPlex SM dynamic routing program used by the WLM.

| Additional or changed statistics for the following have been documented:

| v Dispatcher domain
| v Enqueue domain
| v Files
| v TCP/IP Services
| Separate appendixes have been created to show the statistics obtained for the
| following:
| v Coupling facility data tables server
| v Named counter sequence number server

| Changes have also been made to several reports in the sample statistics program,

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 xxiii

Changes for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2
v The CICS DB2 attachment facility supplied with CICS Transaction Server for
OS/390 Release 2 provides resource definition online (RDO) support for DB2
resources as an alternative to resource definition table (RCT) definitions. CICS
DB2 statistics, collected using standard CICS interfaces, are provided in
Appendix A.
v “Chapter 21. Database management” on page 263 discusses relevant parameters
of the CICS DB2 attachment facility.
v Information about tuning the performance of DASD-only log streams has been
added to “Chapter 22. Logging and journaling” on page 271.
v A full description of User Domain statistics is provided.
v Additions have been made to performance data for groups DFHFILE,
DFHPROG, DFHTASK, and DFHTEMP in “Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring
facility” on page 65.
v “Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage” on page 615 has an additional
section, “Short-on-storage conditions caused by subpool storage fragmentation”
on page 636.

Changes for the CICS Transaction Server Release 1 edition

v As part of the restructure of the temporary storage section, the TSMGSET system
initialization parameter has been deleted.
v The XRF function has not changed for CICS Transaction for OS/390 Release 1,
but the chapter, Tuning XRF, has been removed from this book. For information
about tuning XRF see the CICS/ESA 4.1 edition of the Performance Guide.
v For VSAM RLS files, the IMBED cluster attribute has been withdrawn, and the
REPLICATE cluster is no longer recommended. You can achieve the effects of
Imbed and Replication by using caching controllers.
v The enterprise performance data manager introduced in CICS Transaction Server
for OS/390 Release 1 has been renamed Performance Reporter for MVS. See
Chapter 7.
v The role of the system initialization parameters, DSHIPINT and DSHIPIDL is
discussed in “Chapter 24. MRO and ISC” on page 305.
v Information about automatic restart management (ARM), as a sysplex-wide
restart mechanism is given in “Chapter 27. Improving CICS startup and normal
shutdown time” on page 339.
v Journal control statistics have been replaced by Journalname statistics and Log
Stream statistics. They represent the activity on journals within MVS log streams
and SMF data sets. See “Journalname” on page 411, and “Log stream” on
page 413.
v An Appendix has been added to explain the shared temporary storage server
statistics that are produced when determining how much available storage can
be allocated to the server. See Appendix B. Shared temporary storage queue server
v A temporary storage domain has been introduced, and a number of TSMAIN
subpools are to be added to the list of CICS subpools in the ECDSA in
“Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage” on page 615.
v A different methodology has been used to produce the latest data presented in
“Appendix G. Performance data” on page 641.

xxiv CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Changes for the CICS/ESA 4.1 edition
Changes for the CICS/ESA Version 4 Release 1 edition include the following:
v Additional or changed statistics in the following areas have been documented:
– Autoinstalled statistics
– DBCTL statistics
– Dispatcher statistics
– DL/I statistics
– FEPI pool statistics
– FEPI connection statistics
– FEPI target statistics
– File control statistics
– ISC/IRC system and mode entry statistics
– Journal control statistics
– Loader statistics
– LSR pool statistics
– Program autoinstalled statistics
– Storage manager statistics
– Suspending mirrors and MROLM
– Terminal control statistics
– Terminal autoinstalled statistics
– Transaction statistics
– Transaction class statistics
– Transaction manager statistics
– Transient data statistics
– VTAM statistics.
v The domain manager statistics have been removed from this release.
v The description of the data produced by the CICS monitoring facility has been
transferred from the Customization Guide and is included in “Interpreting CICS
monitoring” on page 73.
v “Chapter 9. Understanding RMF workload manager data” on page 135 has been
added to explain CICS-related data in an RMF workload activity report.
v “Use of LLA (MVS library lookaside)” on page 197 includes a section on
persistent sessions delay interval (PSINT).
v “Intersystems session queue management” on page 307 has been added to
“Chapter 24. MRO and ISC” on page 305.
v A new appendix has been added giving details of the sample statistics program
(DFH0STAT). See “Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT” on
page 519.
v The storage chapter has been modified, and a new section about kernel storage
has been added in “CICS kernel storage” on page 639.

Summary of changes xxv

xxvi CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Part 1. Setting performance objectives
This book describes how CICS performance might be improved. It also provides
reference information to help you achieve such improvement.

Good performance is the achievement of agreed service levels. This means that
system availability and response times meet user’s expectations using resources
available within the budget.

The performance of a CICS system should be considered:

v When you plan to install a new system
v When you want to review an existing system
v When you contemplate major changes to a system.

There are several basic steps in tuning a system, some of which may be just
iterative until performance is acceptable. These are:
1. Agree what good performance is.
2. Set up performance objectives (described in Chapter 1. Establishing
performance objectives).
3. Decide on measurement criteria (described in Chapter 3. Performance
monitoring and review).
4. Measure the performance of the production system.
5. Adjust the system as necessary.
6. Continue to monitor the performance of the system and anticipate future
constraints (see “Monitoring for the future” on page 15).

Parts 1 and 2 of this book describe how to monitor and assess performance.

Parts 3 and 4 suggest ways to improve performance.

This part contains the following chapters:

v “Chapter 1. Establishing performance objectives” on page 3
v “Chapter 2. Gathering data for performance objectives” on page 7
v “Chapter 3. Performance monitoring and review” on page 11.

Recommendations given in this book, based on current knowledge of CICS, are general in
nature, and cannot be guaranteed to improve the performance of any particular system.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 1

2 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Chapter 1. Establishing performance objectives
The process of establishing performance objectives is described in this chapter in
the following sections:
v “Defining some terms”
v “Defining performance objectives and priorities” on page 4
v “Analyzing the current workload” on page 5
v “Translating resource requirements into system objectives” on page 5

Performance objectives often consist of a list of transactions and expected timings for
each. Ideally, through them, good performance can be easily recognized and you
know when to stop further tuning. They must, therefore, be:
v Practically measurable
v Based on a realistic workload
v Within the budget.

Such objectives may be defined in terms such as:

v Desired or acceptable response times, for example, within which 90% of all
responses occur
v Average or peak number of transactions through the system
v System availability, including mean time to failure, and downtime after a failure.

After you have defined the workload and estimated the resources required, you
must reconcile the desired response with what you consider attainable. These
objectives must then be agreed and regularly reviewed with users.

Establishing performance objectives is an iterative process involving the activities

described in the rest of this chapter.

Defining some terms

For performance measurements we need to be very specific about what we are
measuring. Therefore, it is necessary to define a few terms.

The word user here means the terminal operator. A user, so defined, sees CICS
performance as the response time, that is, the time between the last input action (for
example, a keystroke) and the expected response (for example, a message on the
screen). Several such responses might be required to complete a user function, and
the amount of work that a user perceives as a function can vary enormously. So,
the number of functions per period of time is not a good measure of performance,
unless, of course, there exists an agreed set of benchmark functions.

A more specific unit of measure is therefore needed. The words transaction and task
are used to describe units of work within CICS. Even these can lead to ambiguities,
because it would be possible to define transactions and tasks of varying size.
However, within a particular system, a series of transactions can be well defined
and understood so that it becomes possible to talk about relative performance in
terms of transactions per second (or minute, or hour).

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 3

In this context there are three modes of CICS operation.
Nonconversational mode is of the nature of one question, one answer; resources
├────────────────── Transaction ──────────────────┤
│ │
├───────────────────── Task ──────────────────────┤
│ ┌────────┐ │
├────── Input ──────┤ Work ├────── Output ──────┤

are allocated, used, and released immediately on completion of the task. In this
mode the words transaction and task are more or less synonymous.
Conversational mode is potentially wasteful in a system that does not have
├────────────────── Transaction ──────────────────┤
│ │
├───────────────────── Task ──────────────────────┤
│ ┌────┐ ┌────┐ │
└────┘ └────┘

abundant resources. There are further questions and answers during which
resources are not released. Resources are, therefore, tied up unnecessarily waiting
for users to respond, and performance may suffer accordingly. Transaction and task
are, once again, more or less synonymous.
Pseudoconversational mode allows for slow response from the user. Transactions
├────────────────── Transaction ──────────────────┤
│ │
├───────── Task ─────────┼──────── Task ──────────┤
│ ┌────┐ ┌────┐ │
└────┘ └────┘

are broken up into more than one task, yet the user need not know this. The
resources in demand are released at the end of each task, giving a potential for
improved performance.

The input/output surrounding a task may be known as the dialog.

Defining performance objectives and priorities

Performance objectives and priorities depend on user’s expectations. From the
point of view of CICS, these objectives state response times to be seen by the
terminal user, and the total throughput per day, hour, or minute.

The first step in defining performance objectives is to specify what is required of

the system. In doing this, you must consider the available hardware and software
resources so that reasonable performance objectives can be agreed. Alternatively
you should ascertain what additional resource is necessary to attain users’
expectations, and what that resource would cost. This cost might be important in
negotiations with users to reach an acceptable compromise between response time
and required resource.

An agreement on acceptable performance criteria between the data processing and

user groups in an organization is often formalized and called a service level

4 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Common examples in these agreements are, on a network with remote terminals,
that 90% of all response times sampled are under six seconds in the prime shift, or
that the average response time does not exceed 12 seconds even during peak
periods. (These response times could be substantially lower in a network consisting
only of local terminals.)

You should consider whether to define your criteria in terms of the average, the
90th percentile, or even the worst-case response time. Your choice may depend on
the audit controls of your installation and the nature of the transactions in

Analyzing the current workload

Break down the work to be done into transactions. Develop a profile for each
transaction that includes:
v The workload, that is, the amount of work done by CICS to complete this
transaction. In an ideal CICS system (with optimum resources), most
transactions perform a single function with an identifiable workload.
v The volume, that is, the number of times this transaction is expected to be
executed during a given period. For an active system, you can get this from the
CICS statistics.

Later, transactions with common profiles can be merged, for convenience into
transaction categories.

Establish the priority of each transaction category, and note the periods during
which the priorities change.

Determine the resources required to do the work, that is:

v Physical resources managed by the operating system (real storage, DASD I/O,
terminal I/O)
v Logical resources managed by the subsystem, such as control blocks and buffers.

To determine transaction resource demands, you can make sample measurements

on a dedicated machine using the CICS monitoring facility. Use these results to
suggest possible changes that could have the greatest effect if applied before
system-wide contention arises. You can also compare your test results with those in
the production environment.

See “Chapter 2. Gathering data for performance objectives” on page 7 for more
detailed recommendations on this step.

Translating resource requirements into system objectives

You have to translate the information you have gathered into system-oriented
objectives for each transaction category. Such objectives include statements about
the transaction volumes to be supported (including any peak periods) and the
response times to be achieved.

Any assumptions that you make about your installation must be used consistently
in future monitoring. These assumptions include computing-system factors and
business factors.

Chapter 1. Establishing performance objectives 5

Computing-system factors include the following:
v System response time: this depends on the design and implementation of the code,
and the power of the processor.
v Network response time: this can amount to seconds, while responses in the
processor are likely to be in fractions of seconds. This means that a system can
never deliver good responses through an overloaded network, however good the
v DASD response time: this is generally responsible for most of the internal
processing time required for a transaction. You must consider all I/O operations
that affect a transaction.
v Existing workload: this may affect the performance of new transactions, and vice
versa. In planning the capacity of the system, consider the total load on each
major resource, not just the load for the new application.
Response times can vary for a number of reasons, and the targets should,
therefore, specify an acceptable degree of tolerance. Allow for transactions that
are known to make heavy demands on the processor and database I/O.
To reconcile expectations with performance, it may be necessary to change the
expectations or to vary the mix or volume of transactions.

Business factors are concerned with work fluctuations. Allow for daily peaks (for
example, after receipt of mail), weekly peaks (for example, Monday peak after
weekend mail), and seasonal peaks as appropriate to the business. Also allow for
the peaks of work after planned interruptions, such as preventive maintenance and
public holidays.

6 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 2. Gathering data for performance objectives
During the design, development, and test of a total system, information is gathered
about the complexity of processing with particular emphasis on I/O activity. This
information is used for establishing performance objectives.

The following phases of installation planning are discussed in this chapter:

v “Requirements definition phase”
v “External design phase”
v “Internal design phase”
v “Coding and testing phase” on page 8
v “Post-development review” on page 8
v “Information supplied by end users” on page 8

Requirements definition phase

In this phase, careful estimates are your only input, as follows:
v Number of transactions for each user function
v Number of I/O operations per user function (DASD and terminals)
v Time required to key in user data (including user “thinking time”)
v Line speeds (number of characters per second) for remote terminals
v Number of terminals and operators required to achieve the required rate of
v Maximum rate of transactions per minute/hour/day/week
v Average and maximum workloads (that is, processing per transaction)
v Average and maximum volumes (that is, total number of transactions)
v Likely effects of performance objectives on operations and system programming.

External design phase

During the external design phase, you should:
1. Estimate the network, processor, and DASD loading based on the dialog
between users and tasks (that is, the input to each transaction, and consequent
2. Revise your disk access estimates. After external design, only the logical data
accesses are defined (for example, EXEC CICS READ).
3. Estimate coupling facility resources usage for the MVS system logger and
resource files, or any cross-system coupling facility (XCF) activity.

Remember that, after the system has been brought into service, no amount of
tuning can compensate for poor initial design.

Internal design phase

More detailed information is available to help:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 7

v Refine your estimate of loading against the work required for each transaction
dialog. Include screen control characters for field formatting.
v Refine disk access estimates against database design. After internal design, the
physical data accesses can be defined at least for the application-oriented
v Add the accesses for CICS temporary storage (scratchpad) data, program library,
and CICS transient data to the database disk accesses.
v Consider if additional loads could cause a significant constraint.
v Refine estimates on processor use.

Coding and testing phase

During the coding and testing phase, you should:
1. Refine the internal design estimates of disk and processing resources.
2. Refine the network loading estimates.
3. Run the monitoring tools and compare results with estimates. See “Chapter 4.
An overview of performance-measurement tools” on page 23 for information on
the CICS monitoring tools.

Post-development review
Review the performance of the complete system in detail. The main purposes are
v Validate performance against objectives
v Identify resources whose use requires regular monitoring
v Feed the observed figures back into future estimates.
To achieve this, you should:
1. Identify discrepancies from the estimated resource use
2. Identify the categories of transactions that have caused these discrepancies
3. Assign priorities to remedial actions
4. Identify resources that are consistently heavily used
5. Provide utilities for graphic representation of these resources
6. Project the loadings against the planned future system growth to ensure that
adequate capacity is available
7. Update the design document with the observed performance figures
8. Modify the estimating procedures for future systems.

Information supplied by end users

Comments from users are a necessary part of the data for performance analysis
and improvement. Reporting procedures must be established, and their use

Log exceptional incidents. These incidents should include system, line, or

transaction failure, and response times that are outside specified limits. In addition,
you should log incidents that threaten performance (such as deadlocks, deadlock
abends, stalls, indications of going short-on-storage (SOS) and maximum number
of multiregion operation (MRO) sessions used) as well as situations such as

8 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

recoveries, including recovery from DL/I deadlock abend and restart, which mean
that additional system resources are being used.

The data logged should include the date and time, location, duration, cause (if
known), and the action taken to resolve the problem.

Chapter 2. Gathering data for performance objectives 9

10 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Chapter 3. Performance monitoring and review
This chapter describes in the following sections some monitoring techniques; and
how to use them.
v “Deciding on monitoring activities and techniques”
v “Developing monitoring activities and techniques” on page 12
v “Planning the review process” on page 13
v “When to review?” on page 13
v “Monitoring for the future” on page 15
v “Reviewing performance data” on page 16
v “Confirming that the system-oriented objectives are reasonable” on page 16
v “Typical review questions” on page 17
v “Anticipating and monitoring system changes and growth” on page 19

Once set, as described in “Chapter 1. Establishing performance objectives” on

page 3, performance objectives should be monitored using appropriate methods.

Deciding on monitoring activities and techniques

In this book, monitoring is specifically used to describe regular checking of the
performance of a CICS production system, against objectives, by the collection and
interpretation of data. Subsequently, analysis describes the techniques used to
investigate the reasons for performance deterioration. Tuning may be used for any
actions that result from this analysis.

Monitoring should be ongoing because it:

v Establishes transaction profiles (that is, workload and volumes) and statistical
data for predicting system capacities
v Gives early warning through comparative data to avoid performance problems
v Measures and validates any tuning you may have done in response to an earlier
performance problem.

A performance history database (see “Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390” on

page 31 for an example) is a valuable source from which to answer questions on
system performance, and to plan further tuning.

Monitoring may be described in terms of strategies, procedures, and tasks.

Strategies may include:

v Continuous or periodic summaries of the workload. You can track all
transactions or selected representatives.
v Snapshots at normal or peak loads. Peak loads should be monitored for two
1. Constraints and slow responses are more pronounced at peak volumes.
2. The current peak load is a good indicator of the future average load.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 11

Procedures, such as good documentation practices, should provide a management
link between monitoring strategies and tasks. The following should be noted:
v The growth of transaction rates and changes in the use of applications
v Consequent extrapolation to show possible future trends
v The effects of nonperformance system problems such as application abends,
frequent signon problems, and excessive retries.

Tasks (not to be confused with the task component of a CICS transaction) include:
v Running one or more of the tools described in “Chapter 4. An overview of
performance-measurement tools” on page 23
v Collating the output
v Examining it for trends.

You should allocate responsibility for these tasks between operations personnel,
programming personnel, and analysts. You must identify the resources that are to
be regarded as critical, and set up a procedure to highlight any trends in the use of
these resources.

Because the tools require resources, they may disturb the performance of a
production system.

Give emphasis to peak periods of activity, for both the new application and the
system as a whole. It may be necessary to run the tools more frequently at first to
confirm that the expected peaks correspond with the actual ones.

It is not normally practical to keep all the detailed output. Arrange for summarized
reports to be filed with the corresponding CICS statistics, and for the output from
the tools to be held for an agreed period, with customary safeguards for its

Conclusions on performance should not be based on one or two snapshots of

system performance, but rather on data collected at different times over a
prolonged period. Emphasis should be placed on peak loading. Because different
tools use different measurement criteria, early measurements may give apparently
discrepant results.

Your monitoring procedures should be planned ahead of time. These procedures

should explain the tools to be used, the analysis techniques to be used, the
operational extent of those activities, and how often they are to be performed.

Developing monitoring activities and techniques

When you are developing a master plan for monitoring and performance analysis,
you should establish:
v A master schedule of monitoring activity. You should coordinate monitoring
with operations procedures to allow for feedback of online events as well as
instructions for daily or periodic data gathering.
v The tools to be used for monitoring. The tools used for data gathering should
provide for dynamic monitoring, daily collection of statistics, and more detailed
monitoring. (See “When to review?” on page 13.)
v The kinds of analysis to be performed. This must take into account any controls
you have already established for managing the installation, for example, the use
of the Performance Reporter, and so on. You should document what data is to be

12 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

extracted from the monitoring output, identifying the source and usage of the
data. Although the formatted reports provided by the monitoring tools help to
organize the volume of data, you may need to design worksheets to assist in
data extraction and reduction.
v A list of the personnel who are to be included in any review of the findings. The
results and conclusions from analyzing monitor data should be made known to
the user liaison group and to system performance specialists.
v A strategy for implementing changes to the CICS system design resulting from
tuning recommendations. This has to be incorporated into installation
management procedures, and would include items such as standards for testing
and the permitted frequency of changes to the production environment.

Planning the review process

Establish a schedule for monitoring procedures. This schedule should be as simple
as possible. The activities done as part of the planning should include the
v Listing the CICS requests made by each type of task. This helps you decide
which requests or which resources (the high-frequency or high-cost ones) need
to be looked at in statistics and CICS monitoring facility reports.
v Drawing up checklists of review questions.
v Estimating resource usage and system loading for new applications. This is to
enable you to set an initial basis from which to start comparisons.

When to review?
You should plan for the following broad levels of monitoring activity:
v Dynamic (online) monitoring.
v Daily monitoring.
v Periodic (weekly and monthly) monitoring.
v Keeping sample reports as historical data. You can also keep historical data in a
database such as the Performance Reporter database.

Dynamic monitoring
Dynamic monitoring, is “on-the-spot” monitoring that you can, and should, carry
out at all times. This type of monitoring generally includes the following:
v Observing the system’s operation continuously to discover any serious
short-term deviation from performance objectives.
Use the CEMT transaction (CEMT INQ|SET MONITOR), together with end-user
feedback. You can also use the Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) to collect
information about processor, channel, coupling facility, and I/O device usage.
v Obtaining status information. Together with status information obtained by
using the CEMT transaction, you can get status information on system
processing during online execution. This information could include the queue
levels, active regions, active terminals, and the number and type of
conversational transactions. You could get this information with the aid of an
automated program invoked by the master terminal operator. At prearranged
times in the production cycle (such as before scheduling a message, at shutdown
of part of the network, or at peak loading), the program could capture the
transaction processing status and measurements of system resource levels.

Chapter 3. Performance monitoring and review 13

v The System Management product, CICSPlex® SM, can accumulate information
produced by the CICS monitoring facility to assist in dynamic monitoring
activities. The data can then be immediately viewed online, giving instant
feedback on the performance of the transactions. To allow CICSPlex SM to
collect CICS monitoring information, CICS monitoring must be active using

Daily monitoring
The overall objective here is to measure and record key system parameters daily.
The daily monitoring data usually consists of counts of events and gross level
timings. In some cases, the timings are averaged for the entire CICS system.
v Record both the daily average and the peak period (usually one hour) average
of, for example, messages, tasks, processor usage, I/O events, and storage used.
Compare these against your major performance objectives and look for adverse
v List the CICS-provided statistics at the end of every CICS run. You should date
and time-stamp the data that is provided, and file it for later review. For
example, in an installation that has settled down, you might review daily data at
the end of the week; generally, you can carry out reviews less frequently than
collection, for any one type of monitoring data. If you know there is a problem,
you might increase the frequency; for example, reviewing daily data
immediately it becomes available.
You should be familiar with all the facilities in CICS for providing statistics at
times other than at shutdown. The main facilities, using the CEMT transaction,
are invocation from a terminal (with or without reset of the counters) and
automatic time-initiated requests.
v File an informal note of any incidents reported during the run. These may
include a shutdown of CICS that causes a gap in the statistics, a complaint from
your end users of poor response times, a terminal going out of service, or any
other item of significance. This makes it useful when reconciling disparities in
detailed performance figures that may be discovered later.
v Print the system console log for the period when CICS was active, and file a
copy of the console log in case it becomes necessary to review the CICS system
performance in the light of the concurrent batch activity.
v Run one of the performance analysis tools described in “Chapter 4. An overview
of performance-measurement tools” on page 23 for at least part of the day if
there is any variation in load from day to day. File the summaries of the reports
produced by the tools you use.
v Transcribe onto a graph any items identified as being consistently heavily used
in the post-development review phase (described in “Chapter 2. Gathering data
for performance objectives” on page 7).
v Collect CICS statistics, monitoring data, and RMF™ data into the Performance
Reporter database.

Weekly monitoring
Here, the objective is to periodically collect detailed statistics on the operation of
your system for comparison with your system-oriented objectives and workload
v Run the CICS monitoring facility with performance class active, and process it. It
may not be necessary to do this every day, but it is important to do it regularly
and to keep the sorted summary output as well as the detailed reports.

14 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Whether you do this on the same day of the week depends on the nature of the
system load. If there is an identifiable heavy day of the week, this is the one that
you should monitor. (Bear in mind, however, that the use of the monitoring
facility causes additional load, particularly with performance class active.)
If the load is apparently the same each day, run the CICS monitoring facility
daily for a period sufficient to confirm this. If there really is little difference from
day to day in the CICS load, check the concurrent batch loads in the same way
from the logs. This helps you identify any obscure problems because of peak
volumes or unusual transaction mixes on specific days of the week. The first few
weeks’ output from the CICS statistics also give guidance for this.
It may not be necessary to review the detailed monitor report output every time,
but you should always keep this output in case the summary data is insufficient
to answer questions raised by the statistics or by user comments. Label the CICS
monitoring facility output tape (or a dump of the DASD data set) and keep it for
an agreed period in case further investigations are required.
v Run RMF, because this shows I/O usage, channel usage, and so on. File the
summary reports and archive the output tapes for some agreed period.
v Review the CICS statistics, and any incident reports.
v Review the graph of critical parameters. If any of the items is approaching a
critical level, check the performance analysis and RMF outputs for more detail
and follow any previously agreed procedures (for example, notify your
v Tabulate or produce a graph of values as a summary for future reference.
v Produce weekly Performance Reporter reports.

Monthly monitoring
v Run RMF.
v Review the RMF and performance analysis listings. If there is any indication of
excessive resource usage, follow any previously agreed procedures (for example,
notify your management), and do further monitoring.
v Date- and time-stamp the RMF output and keep it for use in case performance
problems start to arise. You can also use the output in making estimates, when
detailed knowledge of component usage may be important. These aids provide
detailed data on the usage of resources within the system, including processor
usage, use of DASD, and paging rates.
v Produce monthly Performance Reporter reports showing long-term trends.

Monitoring for the future

When performance is acceptable, you should establish procedures to monitor
system performance measurements and anticipate performance constraints before
they become response-time problems. Exception-reporting procedures are a key to
an effective monitoring approach.

In a complex production system there is usually too much performance data for it
to be comprehensively reviewed every day. Key components of performance
degradation can be identified with experience, and those components are the ones
to monitor most closely. You should identify trends of usage and other factors
(such as batch schedules) to aid in this process.

Chapter 3. Performance monitoring and review 15

Consistency of monitoring is also important. Just because performance is good for
six months after a system is tuned is no guarantee that it will be good in the
seventh month.

Reviewing performance data

The aims of the review procedure are to provide continuous monitoring, and to
have a good level of detailed data always available so that there is minimal delay
in problem analysis.

Generally, there should be a progressive review of data. You should review daily
data weekly, and weekly data monthly, unless any incident report or review raises
questions that require an immediate check of the next level of detail. This should
be enough to detect out-of-line situations with a minimum of effort.

The review procedure also ensures that additional data is available for problem
determination, should it be needed. The weekly review should require
approximately one hour, particularly after experience has been gained in the
process and after you are able to highlight the items that require special
consideration. The monthly review will probably take half a day at first. After the
procedure has been in force for a period, it will probably be completed more
quickly. However, when new applications are installed or when the transaction
volumes or numbers of terminals are increased, the process is likely to take longer.

Review the data from the RMF listings only if there is evidence of a problem from
the gross-level data, or if there is an end-user problem that can’t be solved by the
review process. Thus, the only time that needs to be allocated regularly to the
detailed data is the time required to ensure that the measurements were correctly
made and reported.

When reviewing performance data, try to:

v Establish the basic pattern in the workload of the installation
v Identify variations from the pattern.

Do not discard all the data you collect, after a certain period. Discard most, but
leave a representative sample. For example, do not throw away all weekly reports
after three months; it is better to save those dealing with the last week of each
month. At the end of the year, you can discard all except the last week of each
quarter. At the end of the following year, you can discard all the previous year’s
data except for the midsummer week. Similarly, you should keep a representative
selection of daily figures and monthly figures.

The intention is that you can compare any report for a current day, week, or month
with an equivalent sample, however far back you want to go. The samples become
more widely spaced but do not cease.

Confirming that the system-oriented objectives are reasonable

After the system is initialized and monitoring is operational, you need to find out
if the objectives themselves are reasonable (that is, achievable, given the hardware
available), based upon actual measurements of the workload.

When you measure performance against objectives and report the results to users,
you have to identify any systematic differences between the measured data and

16 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

what the user sees. This means an investigation of the differences between internal
(as seen by CICS) and external (as seen by the end user) measures of response

If the measurements differ greatly from the estimates, you must revise application
response-time objectives or plan a reduced application workload, or upgrade your
system. If the difference is not too large, however, you can embark on tuning the
total system. Parts 3 and 4 of this book tell you how to do this tuning activity.

Typical review questions

Use the following questions as a basis for your own checklist. Most of these
questions are answered by the TIVOLI Performance Reporter for OS/390.

Some of the questions are not strictly to do with performance. For instance, if the
transaction statistics show a high frequency of transaction abends with usage of the
abnormal condition program, this could perhaps indicate signon errors and,
therefore, a lack of terminal operator training. This, in itself, is not a performance
problem, but is an example of the additional information that can be provided by
1. How frequently is each available function used?
a. Has the usage of transaction identifiers altered?
b. Does the mix vary from one time of the day to another?
c. Should statistics be requested more frequently during the day to verify this?

A different approach must be taken:

v In systems where all messages are channeled through the same initial task
and program (for user security routines, initial editing or formatting,
statistical analysis, and so on)
v For conversational transactions, where a long series of message pairs is
reflected by a single transaction
v In transactions where the amount of work done relies heavily on the input

In these cases, you have to identify the function by program or data set usage,
with appropriate reference to the CICS program statistics, file statistics, or other
statistics. In addition, you may be able to put user tags into the monitoring
data (for example, a user character field in the case of the CICS monitoring
facility), which can be used as a basis for analysis by products such as the
TIVOLI Performance Reporter.

The questions asked above should be directed at the appropriate set of

2. What is the usage of the telecommunication lines?
a. Do the CICS terminal statistics indicate any increase in the number of
messages on the terminals on each of the lines?
b. Does the average message length on the CICS performance class monitor
reports vary for any transaction type? This can easily happen with an
application where the number of lines or fields output depends on the input

Chapter 3. Performance monitoring and review 17

c. Is the number of terminal errors acceptable? If you are using a terminal
error program or node error program, does this indicate any line problems?
If not, this may be a pointer to terminal operator difficulties in using the
3. What is the DASD usage?
a. Is the number of requests to file control increasing? Remember that CICS
records the number of logical requests made. The number of physical I/Os
depends on the configuration of indexes, and on the data records per
control interval and the buffer allocations.
b. Is intrapartition transient data usage increasing? Transient data involves a
number of I/Os depending on the queue mix. You should at least review
the number of requests made to see how it compares with previous runs.
c. Is auxiliary temporary storage usage increasing? Temporary storage uses
control interval access, but writes the control interval out only at syncpoint
or when the buffer is full.
4. What is the virtual storage usage?
a. How large are the dynamic storage areas?
b. Is the number of GETMAIN requests consistent with the number and types
of tasks?
c. Is the short-on-storage (SOS) condition being reached often?
d. Have any incidents been reported of tasks being purged after deadlock
timeout interval (DTIMOUT) expiry?
e. How much program loading activity is there?
f. From the monitor report data, is the use of dynamic storage by task type as
g. Is storage usage similar at each execution of CICS?
h. Are there any incident reports showing that the first invocation of a
function takes a lot longer than subsequent ones? This may arise when
programs are loaded that then have to open data sets, particularly in
IMS/ESA, for example. Can this be reconciled with application design?
5. What is the processor usage?
a. Is the processor usage as measured by the monitor report consistent with
previous observations?
b. Are batch jobs that are planned to run, able to run successfully?
c. Is there any increase in usage of functions running at a higher priority than
CICS? Include in this MVS readers and writers, MVS JES, and VTAM if
running above CICS, and overall I/O, because of the lower-priority regions.
6. What is the coupling facility usage?
a. What is the average storage usage?
b. What is the ISC link utilization?
7. Do any figures indicate design, coding, or operational errors?
a. Are any of the resources mentioned above heavily used? If so, was this
expected at design time? If not, can the heavy use be explained in terms of
heavier use of transactions?
b. Is the heavy usage associated with a particular application? If so, is there
evidence of planned growth or peak periods?
c. Are browse transactions issuing more than the expected number of
requests? In other words, is the count of browse requests issued by a
transaction greater than what you expected users to cause?

18 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

d. Is the CICS CSAC transaction (provided by the DFHACP abnormal
condition program) being used frequently? Is this because invalid
transaction identifiers are being entered? For example, errors are signaled if
transaction identifiers are entered in lowercase on IBM® 3270 terminals but
automatic translation of input to uppercase has not been specified.
A high use of the DFHACP program without a corresponding count of
CSAC may indicate that transactions are being entered without proper
operator signon. This may, in turn, indicate that some terminal operators
need more training in using the system.

In addition to the above, you should regularly review certain items in the CICS
statistics, such as:
v Times the MAXTASK limit reached (transaction manager statistics)
v Peak tasks (transaction class statistics)
v Times cushion released (storage manager statistics)
v Storage violations (storage manager statistics)
v Maximum RPLs posted (VTAM statistics)
v Short-on-storage count (storage manager statistics)
v Wait on string total (file control statistics)
v Use of DFHSHUNT log streams.
| v Times aux. storage exhausted (temporary storage statistics)
| v Buffer waits (temporary storage statistics)
| v Times string wait occurred (temporary storage statistics)
| v Times NOSPACE occurred (transient data global statistics)
| v Intrapartition buffer waits (transient data global statistics)
| v Intrapartition string waits (transient data global statistics)

You should also satisfy yourself that large numbers of dumps are not being

Furthermore, you should review the effects of and reasons for system outages and
their duration. If there is a series of outages, you may be able to detect a common
cause of them.

Anticipating and monitoring system changes and growth

No production system is static. Each system is constantly changing because of new
function being added, increased transaction volumes because of a growth in the
number of terminal users, addition of new applications or software components,
and changes to other aspects of the data processing complex (batch, TSO, and so
on). As much as possible, the effects of these changes need to be anticipated,
planned for, and monitored.

To find out what application changes are planned, interviewing system or

application development managers can be useful in determining the effect of new
function or applications and the timing of those changes. Associated with this is
the effect of new software to be installed, as well as the known hardware plans for
installing new equipment.

When a major change to the system is planned, increase the monitoring frequency
before and after the change. A major change includes the addition of:
v A new application or new transactions

Chapter 3. Performance monitoring and review 19

v New terminals
v New software releases.

You should look at individual single-thread transactions as well as the overall

behavior of the production system.

If the system performance has altered as a result of a major change to the system,
data for before-and-after comparison of the appropriate statistics provides the best
way of identifying the reasons for the alteration.

Consider having extra tools installed to make it easier to project and test future
usage of the system. Tools such as the Teleprocessing Network Simulator (TPNS)
program can be used to test new functions under volume conditions before they
actually encounter production volumes. Procedures such as these can provide you
with insight as to the likely performance of the production system when the
changes are implemented, and enable you to plan option changes, equipment
changes, scheduling changes, and other methods for stopping a performance
problem from arising.

20 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Part 2. Tools that measure the performance of CICS
This part gives an overview of the various tools that can be used to find out which
resources are in contention.
v “Chapter 4. An overview of performance-measurement tools” on page 23
v “Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics” on page 39
v “Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility” on page 65
v “Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390” on page 113
v “Chapter 8. Managing Workloads” on page 123
v “Chapter 9. Understanding RMF workload manager data” on page 135.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 21

22 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Chapter 4. An overview of performance-measurement tools
This overview discusses methods of measuring performance in the following
v “CICS performance data” on page 24
v “Operating system performance data” on page 27
v “Performance data for other products” on page 32
After reasonable performance objectives have been agreed, you have to set up
methods to determine whether the production system is meeting those objectives.

Performance of a production system depends on the utilization of resources such

as CPU, real storage, ISC links, coupling facility, and the network.

You have to monitor all of these factors to determine when constraints in the
system may develop. A variety of programs could be written to monitor all these
resources. Many of these programs are currently supplied as part of IBM products
such as CICS or IMS/ESA, or are supplied as separate products. This chapter
describes some of the products that can give performance information on different
components of a production system.

The list of products in this chapter is far from being an exhaustive summary of
performance monitoring tools, yet the data provided from these sources comprises
a large amount of information. To monitor all this data is an extensive task.
Furthermore, only a small subset of the information provided is important for
identifying constraints and determining necessary tuning actions, and you have to
identify this specific subset for your particular CICS system.

You also have to bear in mind that there are two different types of tools:
1. Tools that directly measure whether you are meeting your objectives
2. Additional tools to look into internal reasons why you might not be meeting

None of the tools can directly measure whether you are meeting end-user response
time objectives. The lifetime of a task within CICS is comparable, that is, usually
related to, response time, and bad response time is usually correlated with long
lifetime within CICS, but this correlation is not exact because of other contributors
to response time.

Obviously, you want tools that help you to measure your objectives. In some cases,
you may choose a tool that looks at some internal function that contributes
towards your performance objectives, such as task lifetime, rather than directly
measuring the actual objective, because of the difficulty of measuring it.

When you have gained experience of the system, you should have a good idea of
the particular things that are most significant in that particular system and,
therefore, what things might be used as the basis for exception reporting. Then,
one way of simply monitoring the important data might be to set up
exception-reporting procedures that filter out the data that is not essential to the
tuning process. This involves setting standards for performance criteria that
identify constraints, so that the exceptions can be distinguished and reported while

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 23

normal performance data is filtered out. These standards vary according to
individual system requirements and service level agreements.

You often have to gather a considerable amount of data before you can fully
understand the behavior of your own system and determine where a tuning effort
can provide the best overall performance improvement. Familiarity with the
analysis tools and the data they provide is basic to any successful tuning effort.

Remember, however, that all monitoring tools cost processing effort to use. Typical
costs are 5% additional processor cycles for the CICS monitoring facility
(performance class), and up to 1% for the exception class. The CICS trace facility
overhead is highly dependent on the workload used. The overhead can be in
excess of 25%.

In general, then, we recommend that you use the following tools in the sequence
of priorities shown below:
1. CICS statistics
2. CICS monitoring data
3. CICS internal and auxiliary trace.

In this chapter, the overview of the various tools for gathering or analyzing data is
arranged as follows:
v CICS performance data
v Operating system performance data
v Performance data for other products.

CICS performance data

v “CICS statistics”
v “The CICS monitoring facility”
v “The sample statistics program (DFH0STAT)” on page 25
v “CICS trace facilities” on page 26.

CICS statistics
CICS statistics are the simplest and the most important tool for permanently
monitoring a CICS system. They collect information on the CICS system as a
whole, without regard to tasks.

The CICS statistics domain writes five types of statistics to SMF data sets: interval,
end-of-day, requested, requested reset, and unsolicited statistics.

Each of these sets of data is described and a more general description of CICS
statistics is given in “Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics” on page 39and “Appendix A.
CICS statistics tables” on page 345.

The CICS monitoring facility

The CICS monitoring facility collects information about CICS tasks, and is
described more completely in “Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility” on
page 65.

24 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

The CICS Customization Guide contains programming information on the data set
formats and the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide describes the monitoring utility
programs, DFHMNDUP and DFH$MOLS.

The sample statistics program (DFH0STAT)

You can use the statistics sample program, DFH0STAT, to help you determine and
adjust the values needed for CICS storage parameters, for example, using DSALIM
and EDSALIM. The program produces a report showing critical system parameters
from the CICS dispatcher, an analysis of the CICS storage manager and loader
statistics, and an overview of the MVS storage in use. The program demonstrates
commands to produce an analysis of a CICS system. You can use the sample
program as provided or modify it to suit your needs. It can be used to provide
data about the following:
v System Status, Monitoring and Statistics
v Transaction Manager and Dispatcher
v Storage
v Loader
v Storage Subpools
v Transaction Classes
v Transactions
v Transaction Totals including Subspace usage information
v Programs
v Program Totals
v DFHRPL Analysis
| v Programs by DSA and LPA
v Temporary Storage
v Temporary Storage Queues
| v Temporary Storage Queues by TSPOOL
v Transient Data
v Transient Data Queues
v Transient Data Queues Total
| v User Domain
v Journalnames
v Logstreams
v Connections and Modenames
| v TCP/IP Services
v Autoinstall and VTAM
v LSR Pools
v Files
| v Coupling Facility Data Table Pools
| v DB2® Connections and Entries
v Data Tables
v Exit Programs
v Global User Exits
v Enqueue Manager

Chapter 4. An overview of performance-measurement tools 25

v Recovery Manager.

See “Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT” on page 519 for the
details and interpretation of the report.

CICS trace facilities

For the more complex problems that involve system interactions, you can use the
CICS trace to record the progress of CICS transactions through the CICS
management modules. Whereas a dump gives a “snapshot” of conditions at a
particular moment, CICS trace provides a history of events leading up to a specific
situation. CICS includes facilities for selective activation or deactivation of some
groups of traces.

The CICS trace facilities can also be useful for analyzing performance problems
such as excessive waiting on events in the system, or constraints resulting from
inefficient system setup or application program design.

Several types of tracing are provided by CICS, and are described in the CICS
Problem Determination Guide. Trace is controlled by:
v The system initialization parameters (see the CICS System Definition Guide).
v CETR (see the CICS Supplied Transactions manual). CETR also provides for trace
selectivity by, for instance, transaction type or terminal name.
the CICS Supplied Transactions manual).
SET TRACETYPE (see the CICS System Programming Reference for programming

Three destinations are available for trace data:

1. The internal trace table, in main storage above the 16MB line
2. Auxiliary trace data sets, defined as BSAM data sets on tape or disk
3. The MVS generalized trace facility (GTF) data sets, which can be accessed
through the MVS interactive problem control system (IPCS).

Other CICS data

The measurement tools previously described do not provide all the data necessary
for a complete evaluation of current system performance. They do not provide
information on how and under what conditions each resource is being used, nor
do they provide information about the existing system configuration while the data
is being collected. It is therefore extremely important to use as many techniques as
possible to get information about the system. Additional sources of information
include the following:
v Hardware configuration
v VTOC listings
v CICS table listings, especially:
– SIT (and overrides in the CICS startup procedure)
| – FCT (file control table)for any BDAM files
| v CICS resource definitions from the CSD file:

26 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| – Use the DFHCSDUP LIST command to print resource definitions, groups, and
| lists. For information about the CSD file utility program, DFHCSDUP, see the
| CICS Resource Definition Guide.
| v Link pack area (LPA) map
v Load module cross-reference of the CICS nucleus
v SYS1.PARMLIB listing
| v MVS Workload Manager (WLM) service definition
| v MVS System Logger configuration - LOGR couple data set listing
v Dump of the CICS address space. See the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide
for information on how to get an address space dump for CICS when the CICS
address space abends.

This data, used with the data produced by the measurement tools, provides the
basic information that you should have for evaluating your system’s performance.

Operating system performance data

v “System management facility (SMF)”
v “Resource measurement facility (RMF)”.
v “Generalized trace facility (GTF)” on page 29
v “Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390” on page 31

| System management facility (SMF)

| System management facilities (SMF) collects and records system and job-related
| information that your installation can use in:
| v Billing users
| v Reporting reliability
| v Analyzing the configuration
| v Scheduling jobs
| v Summarizing direct access volume activity
| v Evaluating data set activity
| v Profiling system resource use
| v Maintaining system security.
| For more information on SMF, see the OS/390 MVS System Management Facilities
| (SMF) manual, GC28-1783-05.

Resource measurement facility (RMF)

The Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) collects system-wide data that describes
the processor activity (WAIT time), I/O activity (channel and device usage), main
storage activity (demand and swap paging statistics), and system resources
manager (SRM) activity (workload).

RMF is a centralized measurement tool that monitors system activity to collect

performance and capacity planning data. The analysis of RMF reports provides the
basis for tuning the system to user requirements. They can also be used to track
resource usage.

RMF measures the following activities:

Chapter 4. An overview of performance-measurement tools 27

v Processor usage
v Address space usage
v Channel activity:
– Request rate and service time per physical channel
– Logical-to-physical channel relationships
– Logical channel queue depths and reasons for queuing.
v Device activity and contention for the following devices:
– Unit record
– Graphics
– Direct access storage
– Communication equipment
– Magnetic tapes
– Character readers.
v Detailed system paging
v Detailed system workload
v Page and swap data set
v Enqueue
v CF activity
v XCF activity.

RMF allows the OS/390 user to:

v Evaluate system responsiveness:
– Identify bottlenecks. The detailed paging report associated with the page and
swap data set activity can give a good picture of the behavior of a virtual
storage environment.
v Check the effects of tuning:
– Results can be observed dynamically on a screen or by postprocessing
v Perform capacity planning evaluation:
– The workload activity reports include the interval service broken down by
key elements such as processor, input/output, and main storage service.
– Analysis of the resource monitor output (for example, system contention
indicators, swap-out broken down by category, average ready users per
domain) helps in understanding user environments and forecasting trends.
– The post-processing capabilities make the analysis of peak load periods and
trend analysis easier.
v Manage the larger workloads and increased resources that MVS can support
v Identify and measure the usage of online channel paths
v Optimize the usefulness of expanded storage capability.

RMF measures and reports system activity and, in most cases, uses a sampling
technique to collect data. Reporting can be done with one of three monitors:
1. Monitor I measures and reports the use of system resources (that is, the
processor, I/O devices, storage, and data sets on which a job can enqueue
during its execution). It runs in the background and measures data over a
period of time. Reports can be printed immediately after the end of the
measurement interval, or the data can be stored in SMF records and printed

28 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

later with the RMF postprocessor. The RMF postprocessor can be used to
generate reports for “exceptions”: conditions where user-specified values are
2. Monitor II, like Monitor I, measures and reports the use of system resources. It
runs in the background under TSO or on a console. It provides “snapshot”
reports about resource usage, and also allows its data to be stored in SMF
records. The RMF postprocessor can be used to generate exception reports.
3. Monitor III primarily measures the contention for system resources and the
delay of jobs that such contention causes. It collects and reports the data in real
time at a display station, with optional printed copy backup of individual
displays. Monitor III can also provide exception reports, but its data cannot be
stored in SMF records. It must be used if XCF or CF reports are needed.

RMF should be active in the system 24 hours a day, and you should run it at a
dispatching priority above other address spaces in the system so that:
v The reports are written at the interval requested
v Other work is not delayed because of locks held by RMF.

A report is generated at the time interval specified by the installation. The largest
system overhead of RMF occurs during the report generation: the shorter the
interval between reports, the larger the burden on the system. An interval of 60
minutes is recommended for normal operation. When you are addressing a specific
problem, reduce the time interval to 10 or 15 minutes. The RMF records can be
directed to the SMF data sets with the NOREPORT and RECORD options; the
report overhead is not incurred and the SMF records can be formatted later.

Note: There may be some discrepancy between the CICS initialization and
termination times when comparing RMF reports against output from the
CICS monitoring facility.

For further details of RMF, see the OS/390 Resource Measurement Facility (RMF)
Users Guide, SC28-1949.

Guidance on how to use RMF with the CICS monitoring facility is given in “Using
CICS monitoring SYSEVENT information with RMF” on page 67. In terms of CPU
costs this is an inexpensive way to collect performance information. Shorter reports
throughout the day are needed for RMF because a report of a full day’s length
includes startup and shutdown and does not identify the peak period.

Generalized trace facility (GTF)

As described above, CICS trace entries can be recorded via GTF, and reports
produced via IPCS. More generally, GTF is an integral part of the MVS system, and
traces the following system events: DASD seek addresses on start I/O instructions,
system resources manager (SRM) activity, page faults, I/O activity, and supervisor
services. Execution options specify the system events to be traced. The amount of
processing time to be used by GTF can vary considerably, depending on the
number of events to be traced. You should request the time-stamping of GTF
records with the TIME=YES operand on the EXEC statement for all GTF tracing.

GTF should run at a dispatching priority (DPRTY) of 255 so that records are not
lost. If GTF records are lost and the DPRTY is specified at 255, specify the BUF
operand on the execute statement as greater than 10 buffers.

Chapter 4. An overview of performance-measurement tools 29

GTF is generally used to monitor short periods of system activity and you should
run it accordingly.

You can use these options to get the data normally needed for CICS performance


If you need data on the units of work dispatched by the system and on the length
of time it takes to execute events such as SVCs, LOADs, and so on, the options are:


The TRC option produces the GTF trace records that indicate GTF interrupts of
other tasks that it is tracing. This set of options uses a higher percentage of
processor resources, and you should use it only when you need a detailed analysis
or timing of events.

No data-reduction programs are provided with GTF. To extract and summarize the
data into a meaningful and manageable form, you can either write a
data-reduction program or use one of the program offerings that are available.

For further details, see the OS/390 MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids.

GTF reports
You can produce reports from GTF data using the interactive problem control
system (IPCS). The reports generated by IPCS are useful in evaluating both system
and individual job performance. It produces job and system summary reports as
well as an abbreviated detail trace report. The summary reports include
information on MVS dispatches, SVC usage, contents supervision, I/O counts and
timing, seek analysis, page faults, and other events traced by GTF. The detail trace
reports can be used to follow a transaction chronologically through the system.

Other reports are available that:

v Map the seek addresses for a specific volume
v Map the arm movement for a specific volume
v Map the references to data sets and members within partitioned data sets
v Map the page faults and module reference in the link pack area (LPA).

These reports are described later in this section.

Before GTF is run, you should plan the events to be traced. If specific events such
as start I/Os (SIOs) are not traced, and the SIO-I/O timings are required, the trace
must be re-created to get the data needed for the reports.

If there are any alternative paths to a control unit in the system being monitored,
you should include the PATHIO input statement in the report execution statement.
Without the PATHIO operand, there are multiple I/O lines on the report for the
device with an alternative path: one line for the primary device address and one
for the secondary device address. If this operand is not included, the I/Os for the
primary and alternate device addresses have to be combined manually to get the
totals for that device.

30 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Seek histogram report
The seek histogram report (SKHST) can help you find out if there is any arm
contention on that volume, that is, if there are any long seeks on the volume being
mapped. It produces two reports: the first shows the number of seeks to a
particular address, and the second shows the distance the arm moves between
seeks. These reports can be used to determine if you should request a volume map
report to investigate further the need to reorganize a specific volume.

Volume map report

The volume map report (VOLMAP) displays information about data sets on the
volume being mapped and about seek activity to each data set on that volume. It
also maps the members of a partitioned data set and the count of seeks issued to
each member. This report can be very useful in reorganizing the data sets on a
volume and in reorganizing the members within a partitioned data set to reduce
the arm movement on that specific volume.

Reference map report

The reference map report (REFMAP) shows the page fault activity in the link pack
area (LPA) of MVS. This reference is by module name and separates the data faults
from the instruction faults. The report also shows the count of references to the
specific module. This reference is selected from the address in the stored PSW of
the I/O and EXT interrupt trace events from GTF. This report can be useful if you
want to make changes to the current MVS pack list in order to reduce real storage
or to reduce the number of page faults that are being encountered in the pageable
link pack area of MVS.

Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390

Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 is an IBM product that collects and
analyzes data from CICS and other IBM systems and products. With the Tivoli
Performance Reporter you can build reports which help you with the following:
v System overviews
v Service levels
v Availability
v Performance and tuning
v Capacity planning
v Change and problem management
v Accounting.

A large number of ready-made reports are available, and in addition you can
generate your own reports to meet specific needs.

In the reports the Tivoli Performance Reporter uses data from CICS monitoring
and statistics. Tivoli Performance Reporter also collects data from the MVS system
and from products such as RMF, TSO, IMS™ and NetView. This means that data
from CICS and other systems can be shown together, or can be presented in
separate reports.

Reports can be presented as plots, bar charts, pie charts, tower charts, histograms,
surface charts, and other graphic formats. The Tivoli Performance Reporter for
OS/390 simply passes the data and formatting details to Graphic Data Display

Chapter 4. An overview of performance-measurement tools 31

Manager (GDDM) which does the rest. The Tivoli Performance Reporter can also
produce line graphs and histograms using character graphics where GDDM is not
available, or the output device does not support graphics. For some reports, where
you need the exact figures, numeric reports such as tables and matrices are more

See “Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390” on page 113 for more
information about the Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 as a CICS
performance measurement tool.

Performance data for other products

v “NetView for MVS” on page 33
v “NetView performance monitor (NPM)” on page 34
v “LISTCAT (VSAM)” on page 34
v “DB monitor (IMS)” on page 35
v “DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor (DB2PM)” on page 36
v “Teleprocessing network simulator (TPNS)” on page 37.

This section gives an overview of the tools that can be used to monitor information
on various access methods and other programs used with CICS and the operating

ACF/VTAM® (program number 5735-RC2) provides information about buffer
usage either to GTF in SMF trace data or to the system console through DISPLAY
and BFRUSE commands. Other tuning statistics can also be recorded on the system
console through the MODIFY procname, TNSTAT command. (This command is
described in the ACF/VTAM Diagnostic Techniques manual.)

Virtual telecommunication access method (VTAM) trace

The VTAM trace facility is provided as part of VTAM, and tracks messages
through different points to and from CICS. The time-stamps that are included can
be particularly useful in determining where a transaction spends large amounts of

Network performance, analysis, and reporting system

NETPARS is a program offering (program number 5798-CZX) that analyzes
network log data from the NetView® Performance Monitor (NPM). Further
information on NETPARS is given in the Network Performance, Analysis, and
Reporting System (NETPARS) Description/Operations.

32 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

VTAM performance, analysis, and reporting system II
The VTAMPARS program offering (program number 5798-DFE) provides
information on network traffic through the VTAM component of a network.
Information on terminal connect time, message characteristics and rates, and so
forth, can be collected and analyzed. Further information on VTAMPARS is given
in the VTAM Performance, Analysis, and Reporting System (VTAMPARS) Program

Generalized performance analysis reporting (GPAR)

Generalized Performance Analysis Reporting (GPAR) (program number 5798-CPR)
is a prerequisite for VTAMPARS. GPAR is designed as a base for reporting
programs (IBM or user-written). It helps summarize sequential activity traces like
GTF traces. It also contains facilities to print user-tailored graphs from any
performance data log or non-VSAM sequential data set.

VTAM storage management (SMS) trace

The VTAM storage management (SMS) trace facility collects information on
VTAM’s usage of its buffers, including which buffers are used in the various buffer
pools, and the number of buffer expansions and depletions.

VTAM tuning statistics

Information provided in the VTAM tuning statistics includes data on the
performance between VTAM and the network control program (NCP), the number
of reads and writes and what caused that activity, and message counts.

NetView for MVS

NetView is a network management program offering (program number 5665-362)
which provides a cohesive set of SNA host network management services in a
single product. NetView includes the functions of the network communication
control facility (NCCF), network logical data manager (NLDM), and network
problem determination application (NPDA), as well as functions of the VTAM
node control application (VNCA) and network management productivity facility
(NMPF). Support is provided for problem determination of the IBM 3720
Communication Controller and for online configuration control and testing of IBM
586X modems.

NetView’s set of network management functions consists of the following:

v Command facility
v Session monitor
v Hardware monitor
v Status monitor
v Online HELP and Help Desk facility
v Browse facility.

NetView’s capabilities include:

Chapter 4. An overview of performance-measurement tools 33

v Terminal access facility support of large screen and color applications (for
example, the NetView performance monitor)
v CLISTs driven by application messages
v Disk log enhancements
v Support for 586X Models 2 and 3 and 5812 modems
v Token-ring network support
v Virtual route blockage indication
v Session setup failure notification
v Extended recovery facility
v Automatic operations and recovery
v Real-time update of the domain status panel
v Easy-to-use installation procedure.
The benefits provided by NetView include:
v Improved cohesion and usability in support of network management functions
v Enhanced installation, operation, and utilization of network management
functions in MVS environments.

For further information on NetView, see the Systems Network Architecture

Management Services Reference, and Network Program Products Planning manual.

NetView performance monitor (NPM)

The NetView Performance Monitor (NPM) program product (program number
5665-333) is designed to aid network support personnel in managing VTAM-based
communications networks. It collects and reports on data in the host and NCP.

NPM data can be used to:

v Identify network traffic bottlenecks
v Display screens showing volume and response times for various resources
v Generate color graphs of real-time and historical data
v Alert users to response time threshold exceptions.

NPM performance data can also help to:

v Determine the performance characteristics of a network and its components
v Identify network performance problems
v Tune communications networks for better performance as well as verify the
effects of problem resolutions
v Gauge unused capacity when planning for current network changes
v Produce timely and meaningful reports on network status for multiple levels of

Further information on NPM is given in NetView Performance Monitor At A Glance.

VSAM LISTCAT provides information that interprets the actual situation of VSAM
data sets. This information includes counts of the following:
v Whether and how often control interval (CI) or control area (CA) splits occur
(splits should occur very rarely, especially in CA).

34 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

v Physical accesses to the data set.
v Extents for a data set (secondary allocation). You should avoid this secondary
allocation, if possible, by making the primary allocation sufficiently large.
v Index levels.

Virtual storage access method (VSAM) or ICF catalog

Information kept in the VSAM or Integrated Catalog Facility (ICF) catalog includes
items on record sizes, data set activity, and data set organization.

DB monitor (IMS)
The IMS DB monitor report print program (DFSUTR30) provides information on
batch activity (a single-thread environment) to IMS databases, and is activated
through the DLMON system initialization parameter. As in the case of CICS
auxiliary trace, this is for more in-depth investigation of performance problems by
single-thread studies of individual transactions.

The DB monitor cannot be started and stopped from a terminal. After the DB
monitor is started in a CICS environment, the only way to stop it is to shut down
CICS. The DB monitor cannot be started or stopped dynamically.

When the DB monitor runs out of space on the IMSMON data set, it stops
recording. The IMSMON data set is a sequential data set, for which you can
allocate space with IEFBR14. The DCB attributes are:


If you are running the DB monitor in a multithread (more than one) environment,
the only statistics that are valid are the VSAM buffer pool statistics.

Program isolation (PI) trace

The program isolation (PI) trace can point out database contention problems
arising from the nature of task’s access to a particular database. Because only one
task can have access to a record at one time, and any other task waits till the
record is freed, high contention can mean high response time. This trace is part of
IMS, and can be activated by the CEMT SET PITRACE ON|OFF command.
Information on the format of the PI trace report is given in the IMS/ESA Version 3
System Administration Guide.

IMS System Utilities/Database Tools (DBT)

The IMS System Utilities/Database Tools (DBT) program product (program
number 5668-856) is a powerful package of database programs and products
designed to enhance data integrity, data availability, and performance of IMS
databases. It provides the important tools that are needed to support both
full-function (index, HDAM, HIDAM, and HISAM) and fastpath (DEDB)

DBT can help you maintain data integrity by assisting the detection and repair of
errors before a problem disrupts operations. It speeds database reorganization by
providing a clear picture of how data is stored in the database, by allowing the
user to simulate various database designs before creating a new database, and by
providing various sort, unload, and reload facilities. DBT also improves

Chapter 4. An overview of performance-measurement tools 35

programming productivity by providing monitoring capabilities and by reducing
the need to write reformatting programs. It increases the user’s understanding of
the database for analysis, tuning, and reorganization. It also helps enhance the
overall database performance.

For further information, see the IMS System Utilities/Database Tools (DBT) General
Information manual.

IMS monitor summary and system analysis II (IMSASAP II)

IMSASAP II (program number 5798-CHJ) is a performance analysis and tuning aid
for IMS/ESA® database and data communication systems. It is a report program
that executes under IMS/ESA for Generalized Performance Analysis Reporting
(GPAR). IMSASAP II processes IMS/ESA DB and DC monitor data to provide
summary, system analysis, and program analysis level reports that assist in the
analysis of an IMS/ESA system environment. The monitor concept has proven to
be a valuable aid in the performance analysis and tuning of IMS systems.
IMSASAP II extends this capability by providing comprehensive reports (from
management summaries to detail program traces) to meet a broad range of
IMS/ESA system analysis objectives.

v Produces a comprehensive set of reports, organized by level of detail and area of
analysis, to satisfy a wide range of IMS/ESA system analysis requirements
v Provides report selection and reporting options to satisfy individual
requirements and to assist in efficient analysis
v Produces alphanumerically collated report items in terms of ratios, rates, and
percentages to facilitate a comparison of results without additional computations
v Reports on schedules in progress including wait-for-input and batch message
processing programs
v Provides reports on IMS/ESA batch programs.

Further information on IMSASAP is given in the IMSASAP II Program

Description/Operations manual.

DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor (DB2PM)

DATABASE 2™ Performance Monitor (program number 5665-354) analyses DB2
performance data and generates a comprehensive set of reports. These include the
v A set of graphs showing DB2 statistics, accounting, and frequency distribution
performance data
v A summary of DB2 system activity, including system tasks (statistics data)
v A summary of DB2 application work, reported either by user or by application
(accounting data)
v A set of transit time reports detailing DB2 workload performance
v System- and application-related DB2 I/O activity
v Locking activity, reported both by DB2 application type and by database
v SQL activity
v Selective tracing and formatting of DB2 records.

36 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

For further information, see the DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor (DB2PM) General
Information manual.

Teleprocessing network simulator (TPNS)

The Teleprocessing Network Simulator (TPNS) (program number 5662-262) is a
program that simulates terminal activity such as that coming through the NCP.
TPNS can be used to operate an online system at different transaction rates, and
can monitor system performance at those rates. TPNS also keeps information on
response times, which can be analyzed after a simulation.

Further information on TPNS is given in the Teleprocessing Network Simulator

(TPNS) General Information manual.

Chapter 4. An overview of performance-measurement tools 37

38 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics
This chapter discusses CICS statistics in the following sections: Methods for
collecting statistics are described, and statistics that can be used for tuning your
CICS system are included.
v “Introduction to CICS statistics”
v “Processing CICS statistics” on page 45
v “Interpreting CICS statistics” on page 45

Introduction to CICS statistics

CICS management modules control how events are managed by CICS. As events
occur, CICS produces information that is available to you as system and resource

The resources controlled by CICS include files, databases, journals, transactions,

programs, and tasks. Resources that CICS manages, and values that CICS uses in
its record-keeping role, are defined in one of the following ways:
v Online, by the CICS CEDA transaction.
v Offline, by the CICS system definition (CSD) utility program, DFHCSDUP. See
the CICS Customization Guide for programming information about DFHCSDUP.
v Offline, by CICS control table macros.

Statistics are collected during CICS online processing for later offline analysis. The
statistics domain writes statistics records to a System Management Facilities (SMF)
data set. The records are of SMF type 110, sub-type 002. Monitoring records and
some journaling records are also written to the SMF data set as type 110 records.
You might find it useful to process statistics and monitoring records together. For
programming information about SMF, and about other SMF data set
considerations, see the CICS Customization Guide.

Types of statistics data

CICS produces five types of statistics:
Interval statistics
Are gathered by CICS during a specified interval. CICS writes the interval
statistics to the SMF data set automatically at the expiry of the interval if:
v Statistics recording status was set ON by the STATRCD system
initialization parameter (and has not subsequently been set OFF by a
default is STATRCD=OFF.
v ON is specified in CEMT SET STATISTICS.
v The RECORDING option of the EXEC CICS SET STATISTICS command
is set to ON.
End-of-day statistics
Are a special case of interval statistics where all statistics counters are
collected and reset. There are three ways to get end-of-day statistics:
v The end-of-day expiry time

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 39

v When CICS quiesces (normal shutdown)
v When CICS terminates (immediate shutdown).
The end of day value defines a logical point in the 24 hour operation of
CICS. You can change the end of day value using CEMT SET STATISTICS
or the EXEC CICS SET STATISTICS command. End-of-day statistics are
always written to the SMF data set, regardless of the settings of any of the
v The system initialization parameter, STATRCD, or
The statistics that are written to the SMF data set are those collected since
the last event which involved a reset. The following are examples of resets:
v At CICS startup
STATISTICS commands.
v Interval statistics

The default end-of-day value is 000000 (midnight).

End-of-day statistics are always written to the SMF data set, regardless of
the settings of any of the following:
v The system initialization parameter, STATRCD, or
Requested statistics
are statistics that the user has asked for by using one of the following
These commands cause the statistics to be written to the SMF data set
immediately, instead of waiting for the current interval to expire. The
PERFORM STATISTICS command can be issued with any combination of
resource types or you can ask for all resource types with the ALL option.
For more details about CEMT commands see the CICS Supplied
Transactions; for programming information about the equivalent EXEC
CICS commands, see the CICS System Programming Reference.
Requested reset statistics
differ from requested statistics in that all statistics are collected and
statistics counters are reset. You can reset the statistics counters using the
following commands:

The PERFORM STATISTICS command must be issued with the ALL option
if RESETNOW is present.

You can also invoke requested reset statistics when changing the recording
status from ON to OFF, or vice versa, using CEMT SET STATISTICS

40 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide


Note: It is valid to specify RECORDNOW RESETNOW options only when

there is a genuine change of status from STATISTICS ON to OFF, or
vice versa. In other words, coding EXEC CICS SET STATISTICS ON
RECORDNOW RESETNOW when statistics is already ON will cause
an error response.

RESETNOW RECORDNOW on the SET STATISTICS command can only be

invoked if the RECORDING option is changed. See also Figure 1.

Note: Issuing the RESETNOW command by itself in the SET STATISTICS

command causes the loss of the statistics data that has been
collected since the last interval. Interval collections take place only if
you set the RECORDING status ON. To set the statistics recording
status ON or OFF, use either the RECORDING option on this
command or the SIT parameter STATRCD. Statistics are always
written, and counts reset, at the end of day. See Figure 1 for further

Expiry of INTERVAL
Writes to the SMF data set
Resets counters
Writes to the SMF data set
Resets counters only
Writes to the SMF data set
Resets counters only
if ALL and RESETNOW specified

Expiry of ENDOFDAY
Writes to SMF data set
Resets counters

Expiry of INTERVAL
No action
Writes to the SMF data set
Resets counters only
Writes to the SMF data set
Resets counters only
if ALL and RESETNOW specified

Expiry of ENDOFDAY
Writes to SMF data set
Resets counters

08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Resetting statistics counters

Figure 1. Summary of statistics reset functions

Unsolicited statistics
are automatically gathered by CICS for dynamically
allocated and deallocated resources. CICS writes these

Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 41

statistics to SMF just before the resource is deleted
regardless of the status of statistics recording.
Unsolicited statistics are produced for:
autoinstalled terminals
Whenever an autoinstalled terminal entry in the TCT
is deleted (after the terminal logs off), CICS collects
statistics covering the autoinstalled period since the
last interval. The period covers any delay interval
specified by the system initialization parameter,
If an autoinstall terminal logs on again before the
expiry of the delay interval, the accumulation of
statistics continues until the next interval. At that
interval, the accumulation of statistics is restarted.
Whenever CICS disconnects from DBCTL, CICS
collects the statistics covering the whole of the
DBCTL connection period.
DB2 Whenever CICS disconnects from DB2, CICS collects
the statistics for the DB2 connection and all
DB2ENTRYs covering the period from the last
Whenever a DB2ENTRY is discarded, CICS collects
the statistics for that DB2ENTRY covering the period
from the last interval.
FEPI connection
Unsolicited connection statistics are produced when
a connection is destroyed. This could occur when a
DISCARD TARGETLIST command is used.
FEPI pools
Unsolicited pool statistics are produced when a pool
is discarded by using the DISCARD POOL or
DELETE POOL command.
FEPI targets
Unsolicited target statistics are produced when a
target is destroyed or removed from a pool. This
command is used.
files Whenever CICS closes a file, CICS collects statistics
covering the period from the last interval.
Unsolicited journalname statistics are produced
when a journalname is discarded by using the

42 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Unsolicited logstream statistics are produced when
the logstream is discarded from the MVS system
When CICS closes a file which is in an LSRPOOL,
CICS collects the statistics for the LSRPOOL. The
following peak values are reset at each interval
v Peak number of requests waiting for a string
v Maximum number of concurrent active file control

The other statistics, which are not reset at an interval

collection, cover the entire period from the time the
LSRPOOL is created (when the first file is opened)
until the LSRPOOL is deleted (when the last file is
When an installed program definition is discarded,
CICS collects the statistics covering the installed
period since the last interval.
| TCP/IP Services
| Whenever CICS closes a TCP/IP service, CICS
| collects the statistics covering the period since the
| last interval.
When an installed transaction definition is
discarded, CICS collects the statistics covering the
installed period since the last interval.
When an installed transaction class definition is
discarded, CICS collects the statistics covering the
installed period since the last interval.
Unsolicited transient data queue statistics are
produced when a transient data queue is discarded
by using DISCARD TDQUEUE, or when an
extrapartition transient data queue is closed.

Note: To ensure that accurate statistics are recorded unsolicited statistics (USS)
must be collected. An unsolicited record resets the statistics fields it contains.
In particular, during a normal CICS shutdown, files are closed before the
end of day statistics are gathered. This means that file and LSRPOOL end of
day statistics will be zero, while the correct values will be recorded as
unsolicited statistics.

Resetting statistics counters

When statistics are written to the SMF data set, the counters are reset in one of the
following ways:
v Reset to zero

Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 43

v Reset to 1
v Reset to current values (this applies to peak values)
v Are not reset
v Exceptions to the above.

For detailed information about the reset characteristics, see “Appendix A. CICS
statistics tables” on page 345.

The arrival of the end-of-day time, as set by the ENDOFDAY parameters, always
causes the current interval to be ended (possibly prematurely) and a new interval
to be started. Only end-of-day statistics are collected at the end-of-day time, even if
it coincides exactly with the expiry of an interval.

Changing the end-of-day value changes the times at which INTERVAL statistics are
recorded immediately. In Figure 2, when the end-of-day is changed from midnight
to 1700 just after 1400, the effect is for the interval times to be calculated from the
new end-of-day time. Hence the new interval at 1500 as well as for the times after
new end-of-day time.

When you change any of the INTERVAL values (and also when CICS is
initialized), the length of the current (or first) interval is adjusted so that it expires
after an integral number of intervals from the end-of-day time.

These rules are illustrated by the following example. I indicates an interval

recording and E indicates an end-of-day recording.

CICS initialized with


Change to
Change to

08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Figure 2. Resetting statistics counters

If you want your end-of-day recordings to cover 24 hours, set INTERVAL to


Note: Interval statistics are taken precisely on a minute boundary. Thus users with
many CICS regions on a single MVS image could have every region writing
statistics at the same time, if you have both the same interval and the same
end of day period specified. This could cost up to several seconds of the
entire CPU. If the cost becomes too noticeable, in terms of user response
time around the interval expiry, you should consider staggering the
intervals. One way of doing this while still maintaining very close
correlation of intervals for all regions is to use a PLT program like the
supplied sample DFH$STED which changes the end-of-day, and thus each
interval expiry boundary, by a few seconds. See the CICS Operations and
Utilities Guide for further information about DFH$STED.

44 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Setting STATRCD=OFF reduces the number of times that statistics are written to
the SMF data set and the counters are reset, to the end-of-day only.

Processing CICS statistics

There are four ways of processing CICS statistics:
1. Use the CICS DFHSTUP offline utility. For guidance about retrieving CICS
statistics from SMF, and about running DFHSTUP, see the CICS Operations and
Utilities Guide.
2. Write your own program to report and analyze the statistics. For details about
the statistics record types, see the assembler DSECTs named in each set of
statistics. For programming information about the formats of CICS statistics
SMF records, see the CICS Customization Guide.
3. Use the sample statistics program (DFH0STAT).
You can use the statistics sample program, DFH0STAT, to help you determine
and adjust the values needed for CICS storage parameters, for example, using
DSALIM and EDSALIM. The program produces a report showing critical
system parameters from the CICS dispatcher, an analysis of the CICS storage
manager and loader statistics, and an overview of the MVS storage in use. The
program demonstrates the use of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE and EXEC CICS
COLLECT STATISTICS commands to produce an analysis of a CICS system.
You can use the sample program as provided or modify it to suit your needs.
In addition, the DFH0STAT report produces reports from the CICS statistics
reports. For more information about these, see “Appendix E. The sample
statistics program, DFH0STAT” on page 519.
4. Use the Performance Reporter program to process CICS SMF records to
produce joint reports with data from other SMF records. For more information,
see “Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390” on page 113.

Interpreting CICS statistics

In the following sections, as indicated in Table 1, guidance is given to help with the
interpretation of the statistics report. Information is presented in the order that it
appears in the DFHSTUP report. Some headings have been omitted where they
have little or no performance impact. Detailed information about the statistics
tables is given in “Appendix A. CICS statistics tables” on page 345.
Table 1. Performance statistics types
Statistic type page
CICS DB2 statistics 47
Dispatcher statistics 47
Dump statistics 53
Enqueue domain statistics 53
Front end programming interface statistics 54
Files 54
ISC/IRC attach time statistics 63
Journalname and logstream statistics 55
Loader statistics 49
Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 45
Table 1. Performance statistics types (continued)
Statistic type page
Programs 53
Recovery manager statistics 56
Shared TS queue server statistics 64
Statistics domain statistics 46
Storage manager statistics 48
Temporary storage 49
Terminals 57
Transaction class statistics 47
Transaction manager statistics 46
Transactions 53
Transient data (global) 50
Transient data (resource) 50
| User domain statistics 50
VTAM statistics 51

Statistics domain statistics

Statistics recording on to an SMF data set can be a very CPU-intensive activity. The
amount of activity depends more on the number of resources defined than the
extent of their use. This may be another reason to maintain CICS definitions by
removing redundant or over-allocated resources.

For more information about the statistics domain statistics, see page 451.

Transaction manager statistics

The “Times the MAXTASK limit reached” indicates whether MXT is constraining
your system, or any possible integrity exposures are resulting from forced
resolutions of UOWs relating to the transactions. The only time that you may need
to constrain your system in this way is to reduce virtual storage usage. As most
CICS virtual storage is above the 16MB line you may be able to run your system
without MXT constraints, but note that CICS does preallocate storage, above and
below the 16MB line, for each MXT whether or not it is used. Changing MXT
affects your calculations for the dynamic storage areas. See “Maximum task
specification (MXT)” on page 287 for more information.

For more information about transaction manager statistics, see page 482.

46 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Transaction class (TRANCLASS) statistics
If you are never at the limit of your transaction class setting then you might
consider resetting its value, or review whether there is any need to continue
specifying any transaction types with that class.

For more information, see the transaction class statistics on page 478

CICS DB2 statistics

In addition to the limited statistics output by the DSNC DISP STAT command and
those output to the STATSQUEUE destination of the DB2CONN during attachment
facility shutdown, a more comprehensive set of CICS DB2 statistics can be
collected using standard CICS statistics interfaces:
v The EXEC CICS COLLECT statistics command accepts the DB2CONN keyword
to allow CICS DB2 global statistics to be collected. CICS DB2 global statistics are
mapped by the DFHD2GDS DSECT.
v The EXEC CICS COLLECT statistics command accepts the DB2ENTRY()
keyword to allow CICS DB2 resource statistics to be collected for a particular
DB2ENTRY. CICS DB2 resource statistics are mapped by the DFHD2RDS DSECT.
v The EXEC CICS PERFORM STATISTICS command accepts the DB2 keyword to
allow the user to request that CICS DB2 global and resource statistics are written
out to SMF.

The CICS DB2 global and resource statistics are described in the CICS statistics
tables on page 352. For more information about CICS DB2 performance, see the
CICS DB2 Guide.

Dispatcher statistics

TCB statistics
The “Accum CPU time/TCB” is the amount of CPU time consumed by each CICS
TCB since the last time statistics were reset. Totaling the values of “Accum time in
MVS wait” and “Accum time dispatched” gives you the approximate time since
the last time CICS statistics were reset. The ratio of the “Accum CPU time /TCB”
to this time shows the percentage usage of each CICS TCB. The “Accum CPU
time/TCB” does not include uncaptured time, thus even a totally busy CICS TCB
would be noticeably less than 100% busy from this calculation. If a CICS region is
more than 70% busy by this method, you are approaching that region’s capacity.
The 70% calculation can only be very approximate, however, depending on such
factors as the workload in operation, the mix of activity within the workload, and
which release of CICS you are currently using. Alternatively, you can calculate if
your system is approaching capacity by using RMF to obtain a definititve
measurement, or you can use RMF with your monitoring system. For more
information, see OS/390 RMF V2R6 Performance Management Guide, SC28-1951.

Note: “Accum time dispatched” is NOT a measurement of CPU time because MVS
can run higher priority work, for example, all I/O activity and higher
priority regions, without CICS being aware.

Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 47

| Modes of TCB are as follows:
| QR mode
| There is always one quasi-reentrant mode TCB. It is used to run
| quasi-reentrant CICS code and non-threadsafe application code.
| FO mode
| There is always one file-owning TCB. It is used for opening and closing
| user datasets.
| RO mode
| There is always one resource-owning TCB. It is used for opening and
| closing CICS datasets, loading programs, issuing RACF® calls, etc.
| CO mode
| The optional concurrent mode TCB is used for processes which can safely
| run in parallel with other CICS activity such as VSAM requests. The SIT
| keyword SUBTSKS has been defined to have numeric values (0 and 1) to
| specify whether there is to be a CO TCB.
| SZ mode
| The single optional SZ mode TCB is used by the FEPI interface.
| RP mode
| The single optional RP mode TCB is used to make ONC/RPC calls.
| J8 mode
| A task has a J8 mode TCB for its sole use if it needs to run a JVM.
| L8 mode
| L8 mode TCBs are not in use for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
| Release 3.
| SO mode
| The SO mode TCB is used to make calls to the sockets interface of TCP/IP.
| SL mode
| The SL mode TCB is used to wait for activity on a set of listening sockets.
| S8 mode
| A task has an S8 TCB for its sole use if it needs to use the system Secure
| Sockets Layer..

| For more information about dispatcher statistics, see page 367.

Storage manager statistics

Dynamic program compression releases programs which are not being used
progressively as storage becomes shorter. However, short-on-storage conditions can
still occur and are reported as “Times went short on storage”. If this value is not
zero you might consider increasing the size of the dynamic storage area. Otherwise
you should consider the use of MXT and transaction classes to constrain your
system’s virtual storage.

Storage manager requests “Times request suspended”, and “Times cushion

released”, indicate that storage stress situations have occurred, some of which may
not have produced a short-on-storage condition. For example, a GETMAIN request
may cause the storage cushion to be released. However, loader can compress some
programs, obtain the cushion storage, and avoid the short-on-storage condition.

48 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Note: In the task subpools section, the “Current elem stg” is the number of bytes
actually used while “Current page stg” is the number of pages containing
one or more of these bytes.

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 452.

Loader statistics
“Average loading time” = “Total loading time” / “Number of library load
requests”. This indicates the response time overhead suffered by tasks when
accessing a program which has to be brought into storage. If “Average loading
time” has increased over a period, consider MVS library lookaside usage.
“Not-in-use” program storage is freed progressively so that the “Amount of the
dynamic storage area occupied by not in use programs”, and the free storage in
the dynamic storage area are optimized for performance. Loader attempts to keep
not-in-use programs in storage long enough to reduce the performance overhead of
reloading the program. As the amount of free storage in the dynamic storage
decreases, the not-in-use programs are freemained in order of those least frequently
used to avoid a potential short-on-storage condition.

Note: The values reported are for the instant at which the statistics are gathered
and vary since the last report.

“Average Not-In-Use queue membership time” = “Total Not-In-Use queue

membership time” / “Number of programs removed by compression”. This is an
indication of how long a program is left in storage when not in use before being
removed by the dynamic program storage compression (DPSC) mechanism. If the
interval between uses of a program, that is, interval time divided by the number of
times used in the interval, is less than this value, there is a high probability that
the program is in storage already when it is next required.

Note: This factor is meaningful only if there has been a substantial degree of
loader domain activity during the interval and may be distorted by startup
usage patterns.

“Average suspend time” = “Total waiting time” / “Number of waited loader


This is an indication of the response time impact which may be suffered by a task
due to contention for loader domain resources.

Note: This calculation is not performed on requests that are currently waiting.

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 431.

Temporary storage statistics

If a data item is written to temporary storage (using WRITEQ TS), a temporary
storage queue is built.

The “Writes more than control interval” is the number of writes of records whose
length was greater than the control interval (CI) size of the TS data set. This value

Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 49

should be used to adjust the CI size. If the reported value is large, increase the CI
size. If the value is zero, consider reducing the CI size until a small value is

The number of “times aux. storage exhausted” is the number of situations where
one or more transactions may have been suspended because of a NOSPACE
condition, or (using a HANDLE CONDITION NOSPACE command, the use of
RESP on the WRITEQ TS command, or WRITEQ TS NOSUSPEND command) may
have been forced to abend. If this item appears in the statistics, increase the size of
the temporary storage data set. “Buffer writes” is the number of WRITEs to the
temporary storage data set. This includes both WRITEs necessitated by recovery
requirements and WRITEs forced by the buffer being needed to accommodate
another CI. I/O activity caused by the latter reason can be minimized by
increasing buffer allocation using the system initialization parameter, TS=(b,s),
where b is the number of buffers and s is the number of strings.

The “Peak number of strings in use” item is the peak number of concurrent I/O
operations to the data set. If this is significantly less than the number of strings
specified in the TS system initialization parameter, consider reducing the system
initialization parameter to approach this number.

If the “Times string wait occurred” is not zero, consider increasing the number of
strings. For details about adjusting the size of the TS data set and the number of
strings and buffers, see the CICS System Definition Guide.

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 468

Transient data statistics

You should monitor the data provided by CICS on the amount of I/O activity for
transient data, in the form of the number of READs and WRITEs to the transient
data intrapartition data set. If there is a large amount of READ activity, this
indicates that the buffer allocation may be insufficient, even though the “peak
concurrent string access” may be fewer than the number allocated.

You should aim to minimize the “Intrapartition buffer waits” and “string waits” by
increasing the number of buffers and the number of strings if you can afford any
associated increase in your use of real storage.

| For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on pages 503 and 468.

| User domain statistics
| The user domain attempts to minimize the number of times it calls the security
| domain to create user security blocks (such as the ACEE), because this operation is
| very expensive in both processor time and input/output operations. If possible,
| each unique representation of a user is shared between multiple transactions. A
| user-domain representation of a user can be shared if the following attributes are
| identical:
| v The userid.
| v The groupid.

50 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| v The applid. This is not necessarily the same for all the users in a region. The
| applid is shipped with the userid across MRO links.
| v The port of entry. This can be the netname for users signed on at VTAM
| terminals, or the console name for users signed on at consoles. It is null for
| other terminal types and for users associated with non-terminal transactions.

| The user domain keeps a count of the number of concurrent usages of a shared
| instance of a user. The count includes the number of times the instance has been
| associated with a CICS resource (such as a transient data queue) and the number
| of active transactions that are using the instance.

| Whenever CICS adds a new user instance to the user domain, the domain attempts
| to locate that instance in its user directory. If the user instance already exists with
| the parameters described above, that instance is reused. USGDRRC records how
| many times this is done. However, if the user instance does not already exist, it
| needs to be added. This requires an invocation of the security domain and the
| external security manager. USGDRNFC records how many times this is necessary.

| When the count associated with the instance is reduced to zero, the user instance is
| not immediately deleted: instead it is placed in a timeout queue controlled by the
| USRDELAY system initialization parameter. While it is in the timeout queue, the
| user instance is still eligible to be reused. If it is reused, it is removed from the
| timeout queue. USGTORC records how many times a user instance is reused while
| it was being timed out, and USGTOMRT records the average time that user
| instances remain on the timeout queue until they are removed.

| However, if a user instance remains on the timeout queue for a full USRDELAY
| interval without being reused, it is deleted. USGTOEC records how many times
| this happens.

| If USGTOEC is large compared to USGTORC, you should consider increasing the

| value of USRDELAY. But if USGTOMRT is much smaller than USRDELAY, you
| may be able to reduce USRDELAY without significant performance effect.

| You should be aware that high values of USRDELAY may affect your security
| administrator’s ability to change the authorities and attributes of CICS users,
| because those changes are not reflected in CICS until the user instance is refreshed
| in CICS by being flushed from the timeout queue after the USRDELAY interval.
| Some security administrators may require you to specify USRDELAY=0. This still
| allows some sharing of user instances if the usage count is never reduced to zero.
| Generally, however, remote users are flushed out immediately after the transaction
| they are executing has terminated, so that their user control blocks have to be
| reconstructed frequently. This results in poor performance. For more information,
| see “User domain statistics” on page 499.

VTAM statistics
The “peak RPLs posted” includes only the receive-any RPLs defined by the
RAPOOL system initialization parameter. In non-HPO systems, the value shown
can be larger than the value specified for RAPOOL, because CICS reissues each
receive-any request as soon as the input message associated with the posted RPL
has been disposed of. VTAM may well cause this reissued receive-any RPL to be
posted during the current dispatch of terminal control. While this does not
necessarily indicate a performance problem, a number much higher than the

Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 51

number of receive-any requests specified via RAPOOL may indicate, for MVS, that
VTAM was required to queue incoming messages in subpool 229 when no
receive-any was available to accept the input. You should limit this VTAM
queueing activity by providing a sufficient number of receive-any requests to
handle all but the input message rate peaks.

In addition to indicating whether the value for the RAPOOL system initialization
parameter is large enough, you can also use the “maximum number of RPLs
posted” statistic (A03RPLX) to determine other information. This depends upon
whether your MVS system has HPO or not.

For HPO, RAPOOL(A,B) allows the user to tune the active count (B). The size of
the pool (A) should be dependent on the speed at which they get processed. The
active count (B) has to be able to satisfy VTAM at any given time, and is
dependent on the inbound message rate for receive-any requests.

Here is an example to illustrate the differences for an HPO and a non-HPO system.
Suppose two similar CICS executions use a RAPOOL value of 2 for both runs. The
number of RPLs posted in the MVS/HPO run is 2, while the MVS/non-HPO run
is 31. This difference is better understood when we look at the next item in the

This item is not printed if the maximum number of RPLs posted is zero. In our
example, let us say that the MVS/HPO system reached the maximum 495 times.
The non-HPO MVS system reached the maximum of 31 only once. You might
deduce from this that the pool is probably too small (RAPOOL=2) for the HPO
system and it needs to be increased. An appreciable increase in the RAPOOL value,
from 2 to, say, 6 or more, should be tried. As you can see from the example given
below, the RAPOOL value was increased to 8 and the maximum was reached only
16 times:

In a non-HPO system, these two statistics are less useful, except that, if the
maximum number of RPLs posted is less than RAPOOL, RAPOOL can be reduced,
thereby saving virtual storage.

VTAM SOS simply means that a CICS request for service from VTAM was rejected
with a VTAM sense code indicating that VTAM was unable to acquire the storage
required to service the request. VTAM does not give any further information to
CICS, such as what storage it was unable to acquire.

This situation most commonly arises at network startup or shutdown when CICS
is trying to schedule requests concurrently, to a larger number of terminals than
during normal execution. If the count is not very high, it is probably not worth
tracking down. In any case, CICS automatically retries the failing requests later on.

If your network is growing, however, you should monitor this statistic and, if the
count is starting to increase, you should take action. Use D NET,BFRUSE to check
if VTAM is short on storage in its own region and increase VTAM allocations
accordingly if this is required.

The maximum value for this statistic is 99, at which time a message is sent to the
console and the counter is reset to zero. However, VTAM controls its own buffers
and gives you a facility to monitor buffer usage.

52 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

If you feel that D NET,BFRUSE is insufficient, you can activate SMS tracing in
VTAM to sample buffer activity at regular intervals. If you have installed NetView,
you can also have dynamic displays of the data that is obtained with D NET,

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 500.

Dump statistics
Both transaction and system dumps are very expensive and should be thoroughly
investigated and eliminated.

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 373.

Enqueue statistics
The enqueue domain supports the CICS recovery manager. Enqueue statistics
contain the global data collected by the enqueue domain for enqueue requests.

Waiting for an enqueue on a resource can add significant delays in the execution of
a transaction. The enqueue statistics allow you to assess the impact of waiting for
enqueues in the system and the impact of retained enqueues on waiters. Both the
current activity and the activity since the last reset are available.

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 378.

Transaction statistics
Use these statistics to find out which transactions (if any) had storage violations.

It is also possible to use these statistics for capacity planning purposes. But
remember, many systems experience both increasing cost per transaction as well as
increasing transaction rate.

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 484.

Program statistics
“Average fetch time” is an indication of how long it actually takes MVS to perform
a load from the partitioned data set in the RPL concatenation into CICS managed

The average for each RPL offset of “Program size” / “Average fetch time”. is an
indication of the byte transfer rate during loads from a particular partitioned data
set. A comparison of these values may assist you to detect bad channel loading or
file layout problems.

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 442.

Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 53

Front end programming interface (FEPI) statistics
CICS monitoring and statistics data can be used to help tune FEPI applications,
and to control the resources that they use. FEPI statistics contain data about the
use of each FEPI pool, a particular target in a pool, and each FEPI connection.

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 382.

File statistics
File statistics collect data about the number of application requests against your
data sets. They indicate the number of requests for each type of service that are
processed against each file. If the number of requests is totalled daily or for every
CICS execution, the activity for each file can be monitored for any changes that
occur. Note that these file statistics may have been reset during the day; to obtain a
figure of total activity against a particular file during the day, refer to the
DFHSTUP summary report. Other data pertaining to file statistics and special
processing conditions are also collected.

The wait-on-string number is only significant for files related to VSAM data sets.
For VSAM, STRNO=5 in the file definition means, for example, that CICS permits
five concurrent requests to this file. If a transaction issues a sixth request for the
same file, this request must wait until one of the other five requests has completed

The number of strings associated with a file when specified through resource
definition online.

String number setting is important for performance. Too low a value causes
excessive waiting for strings by tasks and long response times. Too high a value
increases VSAM virtual storage requirements and therefore real storage usage.
However, as both virtual storage and real storage are above the 16MB line, this
may not be a problem. In general, the number of strings should be chosen to give
near zero “wait on string” count.

Note: Increasing the number of strings can increase the risk of deadlocks because
of greater transaction concurrency. To minimize the risk you should ensure
that applications follow the standards set in the CICS Application
Programming Guide.

A file can also “wait-on-string” for an LSRpool string. This type of wait is reflected
in the local shared resource pool statistics section (see “LSRPOOL statistics” on
page 56) and not in the file wait-on-string statistics.

If you are using data tables, an extra line appears in the DFHSTUP report for those
files defined as data tables. “Read requests”, “Source reads”, and “Storage
alloc(K)” are usually the numbers of most significance. For a CICS-maintained
table a comparison of the difference between “read requests” and “source reads”
with the total request activity reported in the preceding line shows how the
request traffic divides between using the table and using VSAM and thus indicates
the effectiveness of converting the file to a CMT. “Storage alloc(K)” is the total
storage allocated for the table and provides guidance to the cost of the table in
storage resource, bearing in mind the possibility of reducing LSRpool sizes in the
light of reduced VSAM accesses.

54 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 385.

Journalname and log stream statistics

CICS collects statistics on the data written to each journal and log stream which
can be used to analyze the activity of a single region. However, because log
streams can be shared across multiple MVS images, it can be more useful to
examine the statistics generated by MVS.

Journalname statistics contain data about the use of each journal, as follows:
v The journal type (MVS logger, SMF or dummy)
v The log stream name for MVS logger journal types only
v The number of API journal writes
v The number of bytes written
v The number of flushes of journal data to log streams or SMF.

Note that the CICS system journalname and log stream statistics for the last three
items on this list are always zero. These entries appear in journalname statistics to
inform you of the journal type and log stream name for the special CICS system

For more information on journalname statistics, see the CICS statistics tables on
page 411.

Log stream statistics contain data about the use of each log stream including the
v The number of write requests to the log stream
v The number of bytes written to the log stream
v The number of log stream buffer waits
v The number of log stream browse and delete requests.

For more information on log stream statistics, see the CICS statistics tables on page

Journalnames are a convenient means of identifying a destination log stream that is

to be written to. CICS applications write data to journals using their journalname.
CICS itself usually uses the underlying log stream name when issuing requests to
the CICS log manager, and this must be considered when interpreting journalname
and log stream resource statistics. For example, these may show many operations
against a log stream, but relatively few, if any, writes to a journalname which maps
to that log stream. This indicates that it is CICS that accesses the resource at the
log stream level, not an application writing to it through the CICS application
programming interface. These results can typically be seen when examining the
journalname resource statistics for DFHLOG and DFHSHUNT, and comparing
them with the resource statistics for their associated CICS system log streams.

For more information on logging and journaling, see “Chapter 22. Logging and
journaling” on page 271.

For information about the SMF Type 88 records produced by the MVS system
logger, see the OS/390 MVS System Management Facilities (SMF) manual.

Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 55

LSRPOOL statistics
CICS supports the use of up to eight LSRpools. CICS produces two sets of statistics
for LSRpool activity: one set detailing the activity for each LSRpool, and one set
giving details for each file associated with an LSRpool. Statistics are printed for all
pools that have been built (a pool is built when at least one file using the pool has
been opened).

You should usually aim to have no requests that waited for a string. If you do then
the use of MXT may be more effective.

When the last open file in an LSRPOOL is closed, the pool is deleted. The
subsequent unsolicited statistics (USS) LSRPOOL record written to SMF can be
mapped by the DFHA08DS DSECT.

The fields relating to the size and characteristics of the pool (maximum key length,
number of strings, number and size of buffers) may be those which you have
specified for the pool, through resource definition online command DEFINE
LSRPOOL. Alternatively, if some, or all, of the fields were not specified, the values
of the unspecified fields are those calculated by CICS when the pool is built.

It is possible to change the LSRPOOL specification of a file when it is closed, but

you must then consider the characteristics of the pool that the file is to share if the
pool is already built, or the file open may fail. If the pool is not built and the pool
characteristics are specified by you, take care that these are adequate for the file. If
the pool is not built and CICS calculates all or some of the operands, it may build
the pool creations of that pool. The statistics show all creations of the pool, so any
changed characteristics are visible.

You should consider specifying separate data and index buffers if you have not
already done so. This is especially true if index CI sizes are the same as data CI

You should also consider using Hiperspace™ buffers while retaining a reasonable
number of address space buffers. Hiperspace buffers tend to give CPU savings of
keeping data in memory, exploiting the relatively cheap expanded storage, while
allowing central storage to be used more effectively.

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on pages 416.

Recovery manager statistics

Recovery manager statistics detail the syncpoint activity of all the transactions in
the system. From these statistics you can assess the impact of shunted UOWs
(units of work that suffered an indoubt failure and are waiting for
resynchronization with their recovery coordinator, or for the problem with the
resources to be resolved). Shunted UOWs still hold locks and enqueues until they
are resolved. Statistics are available on any forced resolutions of shunted UOWs to
help assess whether any integrity exposures may have been introduced. The
current activity and the activity since the last reset are available.

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 445.

56 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Terminal statistics
There are a number of ways in which terminal statistics are important for
performance analysis. From them, you can get the number of inputs and outputs,
that is, the loading of the system by end users. Line-transmission faults and
transaction faults are shown (these both have a negative influence on performance

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 474.

ISC/IRC system and mode entry statistics

You can use the ISC/IRC system and mode entry statistics to detect some problems
in a CICS intersystem environment.

The following section attempts to identify the kind of questions you may have in
connection with system performance, and describes how answers to those
questions can be derived from the statistics report. It also describes what actions, if
any, you can take to resolve ISC/IRC performance problems.

Some of the questions you may be seeking an answer to when looking at these
statistics are these:
v Are there enough sessions defined?
v Is the balance of contention winners to contention losers correct?
v Is there conflicting usage of APPC modegroups?
v What can be done if there are unusually high numbers, compared with normal
or expected numbers, in the statistics report?

Summary connection type for statistics fields

The following two tables show the connection type that is relevant for each
statistics field:
Table 2. ISC/IRC system entries
System entry Field IRC LU6.1 APPC
Connection name A14CNTN X X X
AIDS in chain A14EALL X X X
Generic AIDS in chain A14ESALL X X X
ATIs satisfied by contention losers A14ES1 X
ATIs satisfied by contention winners A14ES2 X X
Peak contention losers A14E1HWM X X
Peak contention winners A14E2HWM X X
Peak outstanding allocates A14ESTAM X X X
Total number of allocates A14ESTAS X X X
Queued allocates A14ESTAQ X X X
Failed link allocates A14ESTAF X X X
Failed allocates due to sessions in use A14ESTAO X X X
Total bids sent A14ESBID X

Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 57

Table 2. ISC/IRC system entries (continued)
System entry Field IRC LU6.1 APPC
Current bids in progress A14EBID X
Peak bids in progress A14EBHWM X
File control function shipping A14ESTFC X X X
Interval control function shipping A14ESTIC X X X
TD function shipping requests A14ESTTD X X X
TS function shipping requests A14ESTTS X X X
DLI function shipping requests A14ESTDL X X X
Terminal sharing requests A14ESTTC X X

All the fields below are specific to the mode group of the mode name given.
Table 3. ISC/IRC mode entries
Mode entry Field IRC LU6.1 APPC
Mode name A20MODE X
ATIs satisfied by contention losers A20ES1 X
ATIs satisfied by contention winners A20ES2 X
Peak contention losers A20E1HWM X
Peak contention winners A20E2HWM X
Peak outstanding allocates A20ESTAM X
Total specific allocate requests A20ESTAS X
Total specific allocates satisfied A20ESTAP X
Total generic allocates satisfied A20ESTAG X
Queued allocates A20ESTAQ X
Failed link allocates A20ESTAF X
Failed allocates due to sessions in use A20ESTAO X
Total bids sent A20ESBID X
Current bids in progress A20EBID X
Peak bids in progress A20EBHWM X

For more information about the usage of individual fields, see the CICS statistics
described under “ISC/IRC system and mode entries” on page 396.

General guidance for interpreting ISC/IRC statistics

Here is some guidance information on interpreting the ISC/IRC statistics:
1. Usage of A14xxx and A20xxx fields:
v In most cases, the guidance given in the following section relates to all
connection types, that is, IRC, LU6.1, and APPC. Where the guidance is
different for a particular connection type, the text indicates the relevant type
of connection.

58 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

v The statistics fields that relate to IRC and LU6.1 are always prefixed A14,
whereas the APPC fields can be prefixed by A14 or A20. For more
information on which field relates to which connection type, see Table 2 on
page 57 and Table 3 on page 58.
2. Use of the terms “Contention Winner” and “Contention Loser”:
v APPC sessions are referred to as either contention winners or contention losers.
These are equivalent to secondaries (SEND sessions) and primaries
(RECEIVE sessions) when referring to LU6.1 and IRC.
3. Tuning the number of sessions defined:
v In the following sections, it is sometimes stated that, if certain counts are too
high, you should consider making more sessions available. In these cases, be
aware that, as the number of sessions defined in the system is increased, it
may have the following effects:
– Increased use of real and virtual storage.
– Increased use of storage on GATEWAY NCPs in the network.
– Increased use of storage by VTAM.
– Increased line loading in the network.
– The back-end CICS system (AOR) may not be able to cope with the
increased workload from the TOR.
– Possible performance degradation due to increased control block scanning
by CICS.
v The recommendation is to set the number of sessions available to the highest
value you think you may need and then, through monitoring the statistics
(both ISC/IRC and terminal statistics) over a number of CICS runs, reduce
the number of sessions available to just above the number required to avoid
4. Tuning the number of contention winner and contention loser sessions
v Look at both sides of the connection when carrying out any tuning, because
changing the loading on one side could inversely affect the other. Any
change made to the number of contention winner sessions available in the
TOR has an effect on the number of contention loser sessions in the AOR.
5. Establish a connection profile for comparison and measurement.
One of the objectives of a tuning exercise should be to establish a profile of the
usage of CICS connections during both normal and peak periods. Such usage
profiles can then be used as a reference point when analyzing statistics to help
v Determine changed usage patterns over a period of time
v Anticipate potential performance problems before they become critical.

Are enough sessions defined?

To help you determine whether you have enough sessions defined, you can check
a number of peak fields that CICS provides in the statistics report. These are:
1. “Peak outstanding allocates” (fields A14ESTAM and A20ESTAM) “Total number of
allocates” (field A14ESTAS) “Total specific allocate requests” (field A20ESTAS).
When reviewing the number of sessions for APPC modegroups, and the
number of “Peak outstanding allocates” appears high in relation to the “Total
number of allocates”, or the “Total specific allocate requests” within a statistics
reporting period, it could indicate that the total number of sessions defined is
too low.

Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 59

2. “Peak contention winners” (fields A14E2HWM and A20E2HWM) “Peak contention
losers” (fields A14E1HWM and A20E1HWM)
If the number of (“Peak contention winners” + “Peak contention losers”) equals
the maximum number of sessions available (as defined in the SESSIONS
definition), this indicates that, at some point in the statistics reporting period,
all the sessions available were, potentially, in use. While these facts alone may
not indicate a problem, if CICS also queued or rejected some allocate requests
during the same period, the total number of sessions defined is too low.
3. “Failed allocates due to sessions in use” (fields A14ESTAO and A20ESTAO)
This value is incremented for allocates that are rejected with a SYSBUSY
response because no sessions are immediately available (that is, for allocate
requests with the NOSUSPEND or NOQUEUE option specified). This value is
also incremented for allocates that are queued and then rejected with an AAL1
abend code; the AAL1 code indicates the allocate is rejected because no session
became available within the specified deadlock timeout (DTIMOUT) time limit.
If the number of “Failed allocates due to sessions in use” is high within a
statistics reporting period, it indicates that not enough sessions were
immediately available, or available within a reasonable time limit.

Action: Consider making more sessions available with which to satisfy the allocate
requests. Enabling CICS to satisfy allocate requests without the need for queueing
may lead to improved performance.

However, be aware that increasing the number of sessions available on the front
end potentially increases the workload to the back end, and you should investigate
whether this is likely to cause a problem.

Is the balance of contention winners to contention losers

There are several ways to determine the answer to this, because CICS provides a
number of fields which show contention winner and contention loser usage.

The following fields should give some guidance as to whether you need to
increase the number of contention winner sessions defined:
1. “Current bids in progress” (fields A14EBID and A20EBID) “Peak bids in progress”
(fields A14EBHWM and A20EBHWM)
The value “Peak bids in progress” records the maximum number of bids in
progress at any one time during the statistics reporting period. “Current bids in
progress” is always less than or equal to the “Peak bids in progress”.
Ideally, these fields should be kept to zero. If either of these fields is high, it
indicates that CICS is having to perform a large number of bids for contention
loser sessions.
2. “Peak contention losers” (fields A14E1HWM and A20E1HWM).
If the number of “Peak contention losers” is equal to the number of contention
loser sessions available, the number of contention loser sessions defined may be
too low. Alternatively, for APPC/LU6.1, CICS could be using the contention
loser sessions to satisfy allocates due to a lack of contention winner sessions.
This should be tuned at the front-end in conjunction with winners at the
back-end. For details of how to specify the maximum number of sessions, and
the number of contention winners, see the information on defining SESSIONS
in the CICS Resource Definition Guide.

60 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide


For APPC, consider making more contention winner sessions available, which
should reduce the need to use contention loser sessions to satisfy allocate requests
and, as a result, should also make more contention loser sessions available.

For LU6.1, consider making more SEND sessions available, which decreases the
need for LU6.1 to use primaries (RECEIVE sessions) to satisfy allocate requests.

For IRC, there is no bidding involved, as MRO can never use RECEIVE sessions to
satisfy allocate requests. If “Peak contention losers (RECEIVE)” is equal to the
number of contention loser (RECEIVE) sessions on an IRC link, the number of
allocates from the remote system is possibly higher than the receiving system can
cope with. In this situation, consider increasing the number of RECEIVE sessions

Note: The usage of sessions depends on the direction of flow of work. Any tuning
which increases the number of winners available at the front-end should
also take into account whether this is appropriate for the direction of flow of
work over a whole period, such as a day, week, or month.

Is there conflicting usage of APPC modegroups?

There is a possibility of conflicting APPC modegroup usage, where a mixture of
generic and specific allocate requests is used within a CICS region.

A specific allocate is an allocate request that specifies a particular (specific) mode

group of sessions to allocate from, whereas a generic allocate does not specify any
particular mode group only the system to which an allocate is required. In the
latter case CICS determines the session and mode group to allocate.

The fields you need to investigate to answer this question, are:

“Total generic allocates satisfied” (field A20ESTAG)
“Total specific allocate requests” (field A20ESTAS)
“Peak outstanding allocates” (field A20ESTAM)
“Total specific allocates satisfied” (field A20ESTAP).
If the “Total generic allocates satisfied” is much greater than “Total specific allocate
requests”, and “Peak outstanding allocates” is not zero, it could indicate that
generic allocates are being made only, or mainly, to the first modegroup for a

This could cause a problem for any specific allocate, because CICS initially tries to
satisfy a generic allocate from the first modegroup before trying other modegroups
in sequence.

Action: Consider changing the order of the installed modegroup entries.

Modegroups for a connection are represented by TCT mode entries (TCTMEs),
with the modegroup name being taken from the MODENAME specified on the
SESSIONS definition. The order of the TCTMEs is determined by the order in
which CICS installs the SESSIONS definitions, which is in the order of the
SESSIONS name as stored on the CSD (ascending alphanumeric key sequence). See
Figure 3 on page 62 for an illustration of this. To change the order of the TCTMEs,
you must change the names of the SESSIONS definitions. You can use the CEDA
RENAME command with the AS option to rename the definition with a different

Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 61

SESSIONS name within the CSD group. By managing the order in which the
TCTMEs are created you can ensure that specific allocates reference modegroups
lower down the TCTME chain, and avoid conflict with the generic ALLOCATEs.
Alternatively, make all allocates specific allocates.

Group installed
ISCGROUP in CSD in CICS region:


. Special TCTME
. First user TCTME
MODENAME(MODEGRPY) - - - - - - - - - created for
. Pointer to
. next modegroup

Second user
- - - - - TCTME created

Figure 3. How the sequence of TCT mode entries is determined

What if there are unusually high numbers in the statistics

When looking down the ISC/IRC system and mode entries statistics report, you may
notice a number of fields that appear to be unusually high in relation to all others.
This section lists some of those fields, and what action you can take to reduce their
1. “Peak contention losers” (fields A14E1HWM and A20E1HWM).
If the number of “Peak contention losers” is equal to the number of contention
loser sessions available, the number of contention loser sessions defined may be
too low, or, if your links are APPC/LU6.1, CICS could be using the contention
loser sessions to satisfy allocates due to a lack of contention winner sessions.
Action: Consider making more contention winner sessions available with which
to satisfy the allocate requests. If IRC, increase the RECEIVES.
2. “Peak outstanding allocates” (fields A14ESTAM and A20ESTAM)
If the number of “Peak outstanding allocates” appears high, in relation to the
“Total number of allocates”, or the “Total specific allocate requests” for APPC
modegroups within a statistics reporting period, it could indicate that the total
number of sessions defined is too low, or that the remote system cannot cope
with the amount of work being sent to it.
Action: Consider making more sessions available with which to satisfy the
allocate requests, or reduce the number of allocates being made.
3. “Failed link allocates” (fields A14ESTAF and A20ESTAF)

62 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

If this value is high within a statistics reporting period, it indicates something
was wrong with the state of the connection. The most likely cause is that the
connection is released, out of service, or has a closed mode group.
Action: Examine the state of the connection that CICS is trying to allocate a
session on, and resolve any problem that is causing the allocates to fail.
To help you to resolve a connection failure, check the CSMT log for the same
period covered by the statistics for any indication of problems with the
connection that the statistics relate to.
It may also be worth considering writing a connection status monitoring
program, which can run in the background and regularly check connection
status and take remedial action to re-acquire a released connection. This may
help to minimize outage time caused by connections being unavailable for use.
See the CICS System Programming Reference manual for programming
information about the EXEC CICS INQUIRE|SET CONNECTION and the
EXEC CICS INQUIRE|SET MODENAME commands that you would use in
such a program.
4. “Failed allocates due to sessions in use” (fields A14ESTAO and A20ESTAO)
This value is incremented for allocates that have been rejected with a SYSBUSY
response because no sessions were immediately available, and the allocate
requests were made with the NOSUSPEND or NOQUEUE option specified.
This value is also incremented for allocates that have been queued and then
rejected with an AAL1 abend code; the AAL1 code indicates the allocate was
rejected because no session was available within the specified deadlock timeout
(DTIMOUT) time limit.
If the number of “Failed allocates due to sessions in use” is high, within a
statistics reporting period, it indicates that not enough sessions were
immediately available, or available within a reasonable time limit.
Action: The action is to consider making more contention winner sessions
available. This action would result in a reduction in the amount of bidding
being carried out, and the subsequent usage of contention loser sessions.
Increase the sessions if IRC is used.
5. “Peak bids in progress” (fields A14EBHWM and A20EBHWM)
Ideally, these fields should be kept to zero. If either of these fields are high, it
indicates that CICS is having to perform a large amount of bidding for sessions.
Action: Consider making more contention winner sessions available, to satisfy
allocate requests.

ISC/IRC attach time entries

ISC/IRC Signon activity. If the number of “entries reused” in signon activity is low,
and the “entries timed out” value for signon activity is high, the value of the
USRDELAY system initialization parameter should be increased. The “average
reuse time between entries” gives some indication of the time that could be used
for the USRDELAY system initialization parameter.

ISC Persistent verification (PV) activity. If the number of “entries reused” in the PV
activity is low, and the “entries timed out” value is high, the PVDELAY system
initialization parameter should be increased. The “average reuse time between
entries” gives some indication of the time that could be used for the PVDELAY
system initialization parameter.

Chapter 5. Using CICS statistics 63

Note: If there are a lot of either signed-on or PV-entries timed out, and not many
reused, your performance may be degraded because of the need to make
calls to an external security manager, such as RACF for security checking.

For more information, see the CICS statistics tables on page 410.

Shared temporary storage queue server statistics

Shared temporary storage queue server statistics are provided by the AXM page
pool management routines for the pools AXMPGANY and AXMPGLOW. For more
information, see “Appendix B. Shared temporary storage queue server statistics” on
| page 503.

| Coupling facility data tables server statistics
| Coupling facility data tables server statistics are provided by the AXM page pool
| management routines for the pools AXMPGANY and AXMPGLOW. For more
| information, see “Appendix C. Coupling facility data tables server statistics” on
| page 509.

| Named counter sequence number server statistics
| Named counter sequence number server statistics are provided by the AXM page
| pool management routines for the pools AXMPGANY and AXMPGLOW. For more
| information, see “Appendix D. Named counter sequence number server” on
| page 515.

64 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility
This chapter is divided as follows:
v “Introduction to CICS monitoring”
v “The classes of monitoring data”
v “Event monitoring points” on page 69
v “The monitoring control table (MCT)” on page 71
v “Controlling CICS monitoring” on page 72
v “Processing of CICS monitoring facility output” on page 72
v “Performance implications” on page 73
v “Interpreting CICS monitoring” on page 73

Introduction to CICS monitoring

CICS monitoring collects data about the performance of all user- and
CICS-supplied transactions during online processing for later offline analysis. The
records produced by CICS monitoring are of the MVS System Management Facility
(SMF) type 110, and are written to an SMF data set.

Note: Statistics records and some journaling records are also written to the SMF
data set as type 110 records. You might find it particularly useful to process
the statistics records and the monitoring records together, because statistics
provide resource and system information that is complementary to the
transaction data produced by CICS monitoring. The contents of the statistics
fields, and the procedure for processing them, are described in
“Appendix A. CICS statistics tables” on page 345.

Monitoring data is useful both for performance tuning and for charging your users
for the resources they use.

The classes of monitoring data

Three types, or “classes”, of monitoring data may be collected. These are
performance class data, exception class data, and SYSEVENT data.

Performance class data

Performance class data is detailed transaction-level information, such as the
processor and elapsed time for a transaction, or the time spent waiting for I/O. At
least one performance record is written for each transaction that is being

Performance class data provides detailed, resource-level data that can be used for
accounting, performance analysis, and capacity planning. This data contains
information relating to individual task resource usage, and is completed for each
task when the task terminates.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 65

You can enable performance-class monitoring by coding MNPER=ON (together
with MN=ON) in the system initialization table (SIT). Alternatively you can use

This information could be used periodically to calculate the charges applicable to

different tasks. If you want to set up algorithms for charging users for resources
used by them, you could use this class of data collection to update the charging
information in your organization’s accounting programs. (For previous versions of
CICS, we did not recommend charging primarily on exact resource usage, because
of the overheads involved in getting these figures.)

Exception class data

| Exception class monitoring data is information on CICS resource shortages that are
| suffered by a transaction. This data highlights possible problems in CICS system
| operation and is intended to help you identify system constraints that affect the
| performance of your transactions. There is one exception record for each type of
| exception condition. The exception records are produced and written to SMF as
| soon as the resource shortage encountered by the transaction has been resolved.
| Exception records are produced for each of the following resource shortages:
v Wait for storage in the CDSA
v Wait for storage in the UDSA
v Wait for storage in the SDSA
v Wait for storage in the RDSA
v Wait for storage in the ECDSA
v Wait for storage in the EUDSA
v Wait for storage in the ESDSA
v Wait for storage in the ERDSA
v Wait for auxiliary temporary storage
v Wait for auxiliary temporary storage string
v Wait for auxiliary temporary storage buffer
| v Wait for coupling facility data tables locking (request) slot
| v Wait for coupling facility data tables non-locking (request) slot
v Wait for file buffer
v Wait for LSRPOOL string.
v Wait for file string

| If the monitoring performance class is also being recorded, the performance class
| record for the transaction includes the total elapsed time the transaction was
| delayed by a CICS system resource shortage. This is measured by the exception
| class and the number of exceptions encountered by the transaction. The exception
| class records can be linked to the performance class records either by the
| transaction sequence number or by the network unit-of-work id. For more
| information on the exception class records, see “Exception class data” on page 107.

You can enable exception-class monitoring by coding the MNEXC=ON (together

with MN=ON) system initialization parameters. Alternatively, you can use either

66 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

The SYSEVENT class of monitoring data
SYSEVENT data is a special kind of transaction timing information.

CICS invokes the MVS System Resource Manager (SRM) macro SYSEVENT at the
end of every transaction to record the elapsed time of the transaction.

You can enable SYSEVENT class monitoring by coding the MNEVE=ON (together
with MN=ON) system initialization parameters. Alternatively, you can use either

If the SYSEVENT option is used, at the end of each transaction CICS issues a Type
55 (X'37') SYSEVENT macro. This records each transaction ID, the associated
terminal ID, and the elapsed time duration of each transaction. This information is
collected by the SRM and output, depending on the Resource Measurement
Facility (RMF) options set, can be written to SMF data sets.

CICS Monitoring Facility (CMF) and the MVS workload

If you are running CICS with the MVS workload manager in compatibility mode,
CICS supports the SYSEVENT class of monitoring by default, regardless of the
status of the monitoring options. You do not need to set monitoring and sysevent
monitoring on (with MN=ON and MNEVE=ON respectively).

If you are running CICS with the MVS workload manager environment in goal
mode, the MVS workload manager provides transaction activity report reporting
which replaces the SYSEVENT class of monitoring.

Using CICS monitoring SYSEVENT information with RMF

This section explains how to use the CICS monitoring facility with the Resource
Measurement Facility (RMF) to obtain transaction rate reporting.

CICS usage of RMF transaction reporting

CICS monitoring facility with RMF provides a very useful tool for performing
day-to-day monitoring of CICS transaction rates and response times.

The objective of using the CICS monitoring facility with RMF is to enable
transaction rates and internal response times to be monitored without incurring the
overhead of running the full CICS monitoring facility and associated reporting.
This approach may be useful when only transaction statistics are required, rather
than the very detailed information that CICS monitoring facility produces. An
example of this is the monitoring of a production system where the minimum
overhead is required.

CICS monitoring facility use of SYSEVENT

The CICS monitoring facility issues a SYSEVENT macro that gives to MVS/SRM
the following information:
v The time at which the user-task was attached.

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 67

v The subsystem identification. This is derived from the first four characters of the
CICS generic APPLID or from the four character name specified on the
MNSUBSYS parameter if it is specified in the system initialization table (SIT).
v The transaction identifier of the task. This is the name of the CICS RDO
transaction in the CICS program control table. This can be the name of a CICS
system transaction, such as CSMI, CSNC, or CSPG.
v The user identifier.
v The specific APPLID of the CICS region. This is derived from the system
initialization parameter, APPLID. It is expressed as the full 8 bytes of the
transaction class parameter.


An IEAICS member needs to be coded and placed in SYS1.PARMLIB on the MVS
system. For further information about this, see the OS/390 MVS Initialization and
Tuning Reference manual. Reporting groups are assigned to the CICS system as a
whole and to individual transactions.

How CMF SYSEVENT data is mapped to the IEAICSxx member of

Table 4. How CMF SYSEVENT data is mapped to IEAICSxx
SYSEVENT macro IEAICSxx member CICS monitoring facility data
Transaction start time N/A Time at which user-task attached
Subsystem name SUBSYS= First 4 characters of the Generic APPLID
Transaction name TRXNAME= Transaction ID of task
User identification USERID= User ID
Transaction class TRXCLASS= The specific APPLID of the CICS region

For more information about how to use RMF, refer to the MVS Resource
Measurement Facility (RMF), Version 4.1.1 - Monitor I & II Reference and Users Guide.
If records are directed to SMF, refer to the OS/390 MVS System Management
Facilities (SMF) manual. The following example shows the additional parameters
that you need to add to your IEAICS member for two MRO CICS systems:
1. The reporting group (number 100) assigned to the ACIC subsystem reports on
all transactions in that system.
2. RMF reports on an individual transaction by name only if it is assigned a
unique reporting group. If multiple transactions are defined with one reporting
group, the name field is left blank in the RMF reports.

68 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

ERBRMF member for Monitor I session
This member defines the options that are used on the RMF Monitor I background
session. This session does not include transaction reporting as used by CICS, but a
Monitor I session has first to be active. A WKLD has to be defined to allow TRX
reporting to be activated.

ERBRMF member for Monitor II session

This member defines the options that are used on the RMF Monitor II background
session. This session performs transaction reporting as used by CICS. TRX defaults
to TRX(ALLPGN) which reports on all transactions. Individual transactions can be
named if desired.

RMF operations
A RMF job has to be started and this includes the Monitor I session. The RMF job
should be started before initializing CICS. The RMF Monitor II session is started by
the command F RMF,S aa,MEMBER(xx) where ‘aa’ indicates alphabetic characters
| and ‘xx’ indicates alphanumeric characters.
| Using the CICS monitoring facility with Tivoli Performance Reporter for
| OS/390
| Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 assists you in performance management
| and service-level management of a number of IBM products. The CICS
| Performance feature used by the Tivoli Performance Reporter provides reports for
| your use in analyzing the performance of CICS. See “Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance
| Reporter for OS/390” on page 113 for more information.

Event monitoring points

Product-sensitive programming interface

CICS monitoring data is collected at system-defined event monitoring points

(EMPs) in the CICS code. Although you cannot relocate these monitoring points,
you can choose which classes of monitoring data you want to be collected.
Programming information about CICS monitoring is in the CICS Customization

If you want to gather more performance class data than is provided at the
system-defined event monitoring points, you can code additional EMPs in your
application programs. At these points, you can add or change up to 16384 bytes of
user data in each performance record. Up to this maximum of 16384 bytes you can
have, for each ENTRYNAME qualifier, any combination of the following:
v Between 0 and 256 counters
v Between 0 and 256 clocks
v A single 8192-byte character string.
You could use these additional EMPs to count the number of times a certain event
occurs, or to time the interval between two events. If the performance class was
active when a transaction was started, but was not active when a user EMP was
issued, the operations defined in that user EMP would still execute on that

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 69

transaction’s monitoring area. The DELIVER option would result in a loss of data
at this point, because the generated performance record cannot be output while the
performance class is not active. If the performance class was not active when a
transaction was started, the user EMP would have no effect.

User EMPs can use the EXEC CICS MONITOR command. For programming
information about this command, refer to the CICS Application Programming

Additional EMPs are provided in some IBM program products, such as DL/I.
From CICS’s point of view, these are like any other user-defined EMP. EMPs in
user applications and in IBM program products are identified by a decimal
number. The numbers 1 through 199 are available for EMPs in user applications,
and the numbers from 200 through 255 are for use in IBM program products. The
numbers can be qualified with an ‘entryname’, so that you can use each number
more than once. For example, PROGA.1, PROGB.1, and PROGC.1, identify three
different EMPs because they have different entrynames.

For each user-defined EMP there must be a corresponding monitoring control table
(MCT) entry, which has the same identification number and entryname as the EMP
that it describes.

You do not have to assign entrynames and numbers to system-defined EMPs, and
you do not have to code MCT entries for them.

Here are some ideas about how you might make use of the CICS and user fields
provided with the CICS monitoring facility:
v If you want to time how long it takes to do a table lookup routine within an
application, code an EMP with, say, ID=50 just before the table lookup routine
and an EMP with ID=51 just after the routine. The system programmer codes a
TYPE=EMP operand in the MCT for ID=50 to start user clock 1. You also code a
TYPE=EMP operand for ID=51 to stop user clock 1. The application executes.
When EMP 50 is processed, user clock 1 is started. When EMP 51 is processed,
the clock is stopped.
v One user field could be used to accumulate an installation accounting unit. For
example, you might count different amounts for different types of transaction.
Or, in a browsing application, you might count 1 unit for each record scanned
and not selected, and 3 for each record selected.
You can also treat the fullword count fields as 32-bit flag fields to indicate
special situations, for example, out-of-line situations in the applications, operator
errors, and so on. CICS includes facilities to turn individual bits or groups of
bits on or off in these counts.
v The performance clocks can be used for accumulating the time taken for I/O,
DL/I scheduling, and so on. It usually includes any waiting for the transaction
to regain control after the requested operation has completed. Because the
periods are counted as well as added, you can get the average time waiting for
I/O as well as the total. If you want to highlight an unusually long individual
case, set a flag on in a user count as explained above.
v One use of the performance character string is for systems in which one
transaction ID is used for widely differing functions. The application can enter a
subsidiary ID into the string to indicate which particular variant of the
transaction applies in each case.
Some users have a single transaction ID so that all user input is routed through
a common prologue program for security checking, for example. In this case, it

70 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

is very easy to record the subtransaction identifier during this prologue.
(However, it is equally possible to route transactions with different identifiers to
the same program, in which case this technique is not necessary.)

End of Product-sensitive programming interface

The monitoring control table (MCT)

Product-sensitive programming interface

You use the monitoring control table (MCT):

v To tell CICS about the EMPs that you have coded in your application programs
and about the data that is to be collected at these points
v To tell CICS that you want certain system-defined performance data not to be
recorded during a particular CICS run.

There must be a DFHMCT TYPE=EMP macro definition for every user-coded EMP.
This macro has an ID operand, whose value must be made up of the
ENTRYNAME and POINT values specified on the EXEC CICS MONITOR
command. The PERFORM operand of the DFHMCT TYPE=EMP macro tells CICS
which user count fields, user clocks, and character values to expect at the
identified user EMP, and what operations to perform on them.

The DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD macro allows you to exclude specific system-defined
performance data from a CICS run. (Each performance monitoring record is
| approximately 1288 bytes long, without taking into account any user data that may
be added, or any excluded fields.)

Each field of the performance data that is gathered at the system-defined EMPs
belongs to a group of fields that has a group identifier. Each performance data
field also has its own numeric identifier that is unique within the group identifier.
For example, the transaction sequence number field in a performance record
belongs to the group DFHTASK, and has the numeric identifier ‘031’. Using these
identifiers, you can exclude specific fields or groups of fields, and reduce the size
of the performance records.

Full details of the MCT are provided in the CICS Resource Definition Guide, and
examples of MCT coding are included with the programming information in the
CICS Customization Guide.

Three sample monitoring control tables are also provided in

v For terminal-owning regions (TORs) - DFHMCTT$
v For application-owning regions (AORs) - DFHMCTA$
v For application-owning regions (AORs) with DBCTL - DFHMCTD$
v For file-owning regions (FORs) - DFHMCTF$.

These samples show how to use the EXCLUDE and INCLUDE operands to reduce
the size of the performance class record in order to reduce the volume of data

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 71

written by CICS to SMF.
End of Product-sensitive programming interface

Controlling CICS monitoring

Product-sensitive programming interface

When CICS is initialized, you switch the monitoring facility on by specifying the
system initialization parameter MN=ON. MN=OFF is the default setting. You can
select the classes of monitoring data you want to be collected using the MNPER,
MNEXC, and MNEVE system initialization parameters. You can request the
collection of any combination of performance class data, exception class data, and
SYSEVENT data. The class settings can be changed whether monitoring itself is
ON or OFF. For guidance about system initialization parameters, refer to the CICS
System Definition Guide.

When CICS is running, you can control the monitoring facility dynamically. Just as
at CICS initialization, you can switch monitoring on or off, and you can change the
classes of monitoring data that are being collected. There are two ways of doing
1. You can use the master terminal CEMT INQ|SET MONITOR command, which
is described in the CICS Supplied Transactions manual.
2. You can use the EXEC CICS INQUIRE and SET MONITOR commands;
programming information about these is in the CICS System Programming

If you activate a class of monitoring data in the middle of a run, the data for that
class becomes available only for transactions that are started thereafter. You cannot
change the classes of monitoring data collected for a transaction after it has started.
It is often preferable, particularly for long-running transactions, to start all classes
of monitoring data at CICS initialization.
End of Product-sensitive programming interface

Processing of CICS monitoring facility output

Product-sensitive programming interface

See “Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390” on page 113 for more

Or, instead, you may want to write your own application program to process
output from the CICS monitoring facility. The CICS Customization Guide gives
programming information about the format of this output.

CICS provides a sample program, DFH$MOLS, which reads, formats, and prints
monitoring data. It is intended as a sample program that you can use as a skeleton
if you need to write your own program to analyze the data set. Comments within
the program may help you if you want to do your own processing of CICS
monitoring facility output. See the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide for further
information on the DFH$MOLS program.
End of Product-sensitive programming interface

72 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Performance implications
For information on the performance implications of using the CICS monitoring
facility, see “CICS monitoring facility” on page 331.

Interpreting CICS monitoring

Product-sensitive programming interface

All of the exception class data and all of the system-defined performance class data
that can be produced by CICS monitoring is listed below. Each of the data fields is
presented as a field description, followed by an explanation of the contents. The
field description has the format shown in Figure 4, which is taken from the
performance data group DFHTASK.

001 (TYPE-C, 'TRAN', 4 BYTES)

| | | |
| | | Length of the field (as re-
| | | presented by CMODLENG in the
| | | dictionary entry).
| | |
| | Informal name for the field, as used,
| | perhaps, in column headings when the
| | monitoring output is postprocessed
| | (CMODHEAD of the dictionary entry).
| |
| Data type, which may be one of the following:
| A - a 32-bit count, a 64-bit count, a string of 64-bit counts
| C - a byte string
| P - a packed decimal value
| S - a clock comprising a 32-bit accumulation
| of 16-microsecond units followed by an
| 8-bit flag followed by a 24-bit count
| (modulo-16 777 216) of the number of
| intervals included in the accumulation.
| T - a time stamp derived directly from the
| output of an STCK instruction.
| (CMODTYPE of the dictionary entry)
Field identifier by which the field may be individually
excluded or included during MCT preparation (CMODIDNT of
the dictionary entry).

Figure 4. Format of the descriptions of the data fields

Note: References in Figure 4 to the associated dictionary entries apply only to the
performance class data descriptions. Exception class data is not defined in
the dictionary record.

Clocks and time stamps

In the descriptions that follow, the term clock is distinguished from the term time

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 73

A clock is a 32-bit value, expressed in units of 16 microseconds, accumulated
during one or more measurement periods. The 32-bit value is followed by 8
reserved bits, which are in turn followed by a 24-bit value indicating the number
of such periods.

Neither the 32-bit timer component of a clock nor its 24-bit period count are
protected against wraparound. The timer capacity is about 18 hours, and the
period count runs modulo 16 777 216.

The 8 reserved bits have the following significance:

Bits 0, 1, 2 and 3
Used for online control of the clock when it is running, and should always
be zeros on output.
Bits 4 and 7
Not used.
Bits 5 and 6
Used to indicate, when set to 1, that the clock has suffered at least one
out-of-phase start (bit 5) or stop (bit 6).

A time stamp is an 8-byte copy of the output of an STCK instruction.

Note: All times produced in the offline reports are in GMT (Greenwich Mean
Time) not local time. Times produced by online reporting can be expressed
in either GMT or local time.

Performance class data

The performance class data is described below in order of group name. The group
name is always in field CMODNAME of the dictionary entry.

A user task can be represented by one or more performance class monitoring

records, depending on whether the MCT event monitoring option DELIVER or the
system initialization parameters MNCONV=YES or MNSYNC=YES have been
selected. In the descriptions that follow, the term “user task” means “that part or
whole of a transaction that is represented by a performance class record”, unless
the description states otherwise.

A discussion about transaction timing fields

The CMF performance class record provides detailed timing information for each
transaction as it is processed by CICS. A transaction can be represented by one or
more performance class records depending on the monitoring options selected. The
key transaction timing data fields are:
v The Transaction Start time and Stop time represent the start and end of a
transaction measurement interval. This is normally the period between
transaction attach and detach but the performance class record could represent a
part of a transaction depending on the monitoring options selected. The
"Transaction Response Time" can be calculated by subtracting the transaction
start time from the stop time.
v The Transaction Dispatch time is the time the transaction was dispatched.
v The Transaction Dispatch Wait time is the time the transaction was suspended
and waiting for redispatch.

74 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

v The Transaction CPU time is the portion of Dispatch time when the task is using
processor cycles
v The Transaction Suspend time is the total time the task was suspended and
– All task suspend (wait) time, which includes:
- The wait time for redispatch (dispatch wait)
- The wait time for first dispatch (first dispatch delay)
- The total I/O wait and other wait times.
v The First Dispatch Delay is then further broken down into:
– First Dispatch Delay due to TRANCLASS limits
– First Dispatch Delay due to MXT limits.

The CMF performance class record also provides a more detailed breakdown of the
transaction suspend (wait) time into separate data fields. These include:
v Terminal I/O wait time
v File I/O wait time
v RLS File I/O wait time
v Journal I/O wait time
v Temporary Storage I/O wait time
| v Shared Temporary Storage I/O wait time
v Inter-Region I/O wait time
v Transient Data I/O wait time
v LU 6.1 I/O wait time
v LU 6.2 I/O wait time
v FEPI suspend time
| v Local ENQ delay time
| v Global ENQ delay time
| v RRMS/MVS Indoubt wait time
| v Socket I/O wait time
v RMI suspend time
v Lock Manager delay time
v Interval Control delay time
v ″Dispatchable Wait″ wait time
| v IMS(DBCTL) wait time
| v DB2 ready queue wait time
| v DB2 connection wait time
| v DB2 wait time
| v CFDT server syncpoint wait time
| v Syncpoint delay time
| v CICS BTS run process/activity synchronous wait time
| v CICS MAXOPENTCBS delay time
| v JVM suspend time

A note about response time

You can calculate the internal CICS response time by subtracting performance data
field 005 (start time) from performance data field 006 (stop time).

Figure 5 on page 76 shows the relationship of dispatch time, suspend time, and
CPU time with the response time.

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 75

Response Time

A Suspend Time Dispatch Time O
First T
T Dispatch Dispatch CPU Time I
I Delay Wait M

Figure 5. Response time relationships

A note about wait (suspend) times

| The performance data fields 009, 010, 011, 063, 100, 101, 123, 128, 129, 133, 134, 156,
| 171, 174, 176, 177, 178, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 195, 196, 241, 250,
| and 254 all record the elapsed time spent waiting for a particular type of I/O
operation. For example, field 009 records the elapsed time waiting for terminal
I/O. The elapsed time includes not only that time during which the I/O operation
is actually taking place, but also the time during which the access method is
completing the outstanding event control block, and the time subsequent to that
until the waiting CICS transaction is redispatched. See Table 5 on page 77 for the
types of wait (suspend) fields. Figure 6 on page 78 shows an example of the
relationship between a typical transaction wait time field, and the transaction’s
suspend time, dispatch time, CPU and dispatch wait time fields.

76 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 5. Performance class wait (suspend) fields
Field-Id Group Name Description
009 DFHTERM TC I/O wait time
010 DFHJOUR JC I/O wait time
011 DFHTEMP TS I/O wait time
063 DFHFILE FC I/O wait time
100 DFHTERM IR I/O wait time
101 DFHDEST TD I/O wait time
| 123 DFHTASK Global ENQ delay time
| 128 DFHTASK Lock Manager delay time
| 129 DFHTASK Local ENQ delay time
133 DFHTERM TC I/O wait time - LU6.1
134 DFHTERM TC I/O wait time - LU6.2
156 DFHFEPI FEPI Suspend time
171 DFHTASK Resource manager interface (RMI) suspend time
174 DFHFILE RLS FC I/O wait time
| 176 DFHFILE Coupling Facility data tables server I/O wait time
| 177 DFHSYNC Coupling Facility data tables server syncpoint and
| resynchronization wait time
| 178 DFHTEMP Shared TS I/O wait time
| 183 DFHTASK Interval Control delay time
| 184 DFHTASK ″Dispatchable Wait″ wait time
| 186 DFHDATA IMS (DBCTL) wait time
| 187 DFHDATA DB2 ready queue wait time
| 188 DFHDATA DB2 connection time
| 189 DFHDATA DB2 wait time
| 191 DFHTASK RRMS/MVS wait time
| 195 DFHTASK CICS BTS run process/activity synchronous wait time
| 196 DFHSYNC Syncpoint delay time
| 241 DFHSOCK Socket I/O wait time
| 249 DFHTASK User task QR TCB wait-for-dispatch time
| 254 DFHTASK Java Virtual Machine (JVM) suspend time

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 77

Wait Times

Dispatch Dispatch
and and
Suspend Time
Time Time

Figure 6. Wait (suspend) time relationships

Improvements to the CMF suspend time and wait time measurements allow you to
perform various calculations on the suspend time accurately. For example, the
"Total I/O Wait Time" can be calculated as follows:

Total I/O wait time =

(Terminal control I/O wait +
Temporary storage I/O wait +
| Shared temporary storage I/O wait +
Transient data I/O wait +
| Journal (MVS logger) I/O wait +
File control I/O wait +
| RLS file I/O wait +
| CF data table I/O wait +
| Socket I/O wait +
Interregion (MRO) I/O wait +
LU 6.1 TC I/O wait +
LU 6.2 TC I/O wait +
FEPI I/O wait)

The "other wait time" (that is, uncaptured wait (suspend) time) can be calculated as

Total other wait time =

(First dispatch delay +
| Local ENQ delay +
| Global ENQ delay +
Interval control delay +
Lock manager delay +
Wait external wait +
| CICS BTS run synchronous wait +
| CFDT server synchronous wait +
Syncpoint delay time +

78 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

RRMS/MVS wait +
RMI suspend +
JVM suspend time
“Dispatchable wait”s wait)

Note: The First Dispatch Delay performance class data field includes the MXT and
TRANCLASS First Dispatch Delay fields.

| The Uncaptured wait time can be calculated as follows:

| Uncaptured wait time =

| (Suspend − (total I/O wait time + total other wait time))

| In addition to the transaction "Suspend (wait) Time" breakdown, the CMF

performance class data provides several other important transaction timing
measurements. They include:
v The Program load time is the program fetch time (dispatch time) for programs
invoked by the transaction
v The Exception wait time is the accumulated time from the exception conditions
as measured by the CMF exception class records. For more information, see
“Exception class data” on page 107.
v The RMI elapsed time is the elapsed time the transaction spent in all Resource
Managers invoked by the transaction using the Resource Manager Interface
| v The JVM elapsed time is the elapsed time the transaction spent in the Java
| Virtual Machine (JVM) for the the Java programs invoked by the transaction.
v The Syncpoint elapsed time is the elapsed time the transaction spent processing
a syncpoint.

A note about program load time

Figure 7 shows the relationship between the program load time (field 115) and the

Response Time

A Suspend Time Dispatch Time O
First T
T Dispatch Dispatch CPU Time I
I Wait Wait M

Figure 7. Program load time

dispatch time and the suspend time (fields 7 and 14).

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 79

A note about RMI elapsed and suspend time

RMI Elapsed Time

Dispatch and Dispatch and

RMI Suspend Time
CPU Time (Suspend) CPU Time


Figure 8. RMI elapsed and suspend time

Figure 8 shows the relationship between the RMI elapsed time and the suspend
| time (fields 170 and 171).

| Note: In CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, or later, the DB2 wait, the
| DB2 connection wait, and the DB2 readyq wait time fields as well as the
| IMS wait time field are included in the RMI suspend time.

| JVM elapsed time and suspend time

| The JVM elapsed and suspend time fields provide an insight into the amount of
| time that a transaction spends in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

| Care must be taken when using the JVM elapsed time (group name DFHTASK,
| field id: 253) and JVM suspend time (group name DFHTASK, field id: 254) fields in
| any calculation with other CMF timing fields. This is because of the likelihood of
| double accounting other CMF timing fields in the performance class record within
| the JVM time fields. For example, if a Java application program invoked by a
| transaction issues a read file (non-RLS) request using the Java API for CICS (JCICS)
| classes, the file I/O wait time will be included in the both the file I/O wait time
| field (group name DFHFILE, field id: 063), the transaction suspend time field
| (group name DFHTASK, field id: 014) as well as the JVM suspend time field.

| The JVM elapsed and suspend time fields are best evaluated from the overall
| transaction performance view and their relationship with the transaction response
| time, transaction dispatch time, and transaction suspend time. The performance
| class data also includes the amount of processor (CPU) time that a transaction used
| whilst in a JVM on a CICS J8 mode TCB in the J8CPUT field (group name:
| DFHTASK, field id: 260).

| Note: The number of Java API for CICS (JCICS) requests issued by the user task is
| included in the CICS OO foundation class request count field (group name:
| DFHCICS, field id: 025).

80 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| A note about syncpoint elapsed time

Syncpoint Elapsed Time

Dispatch Dispatch
and Dispatch and
Suspend Time CPU Suspend Time
Time Time Time

Dispatch Dispatch
Wait Wait

Figure 9. Syncpoint elapsed time

Figure 9 shows the relationship between the syncpoint elapsed time (field 173) and
the suspend time (field 14).

A note about storage occupancy counts

An occupancy count measures the area under the curve of user-task storage in use
against elapsed time. The unit of measure is the “byte-unit”, where the “unit” is
equal to 1024 microseconds, or 1.024 milliseconds. Where ms is milliseconds, a user
task occupying, for example, 256 bytes for 125 milliseconds, is measured as

125 / 1.024 ms = 122 units * 256 = 31 232 byte-units.

Note: All references to “Start time” and “Stop time” in the calculations below refer
to the middle 4 bytes of each 8 byte start/stop time field. Bit 51 of Start time
or Stop time represents a unit of 16 microseconds.

To calculate response time and convert into microsecond units:

Response = ((Stop time − Start time) * 16)
To calculate number of 1024 microsecond “units”:
Units = (Response / 1024)
Units = ((Stop time − Start time) / 64)
To calculate the average user-task storage used from the storage
occupancy count:
| Average user-task storage used = (Storage Occupancy / Units)

To calculate units per second:

Units Per Second = (1 000 000 / 1024) = 976.5625
To calculate the response time in seconds:
Response time = (((Stop time − Start time) * 16) / 1 000 000)

During the life of a user task, CICS measures, calculates, and accumulates the
storage occupancy at the following points:
v Before GETMAIN increases current user-storage values
v Before FREEMAIN reduces current user-storage values
v Just before the performance record is moved to the buffer.

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 81

Response Time

.... .... .... ................... .............. ......... ......... ......... T
I . . . M
M . . . E
E . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .


Dotted line = Average storage occupancy

Figure 10. Storage occupancy

A note about program storage

The level of program storage currently in use is incremented at LOAD, LINK, and
XCTL events by the size (in bytes) of the referenced program, and is decremented
at RELEASE or RETURN events.

Note: On an XCTL event, the program storage currently in use is also decremented
by the size of the program issuing the XCTL, because the program is no
longer required.

Figure 11 on page 83 shows the relationships between the “high-water mark” data
fields that contain the maximum amounts of program storage in use by the user
task. Field PCSTGHWM (field ID 087) contains the maximum amount of program
storage in use by the task both above and below the 16MB line. Fields PC31AHWM
(139) and PC24BHWM (108) are subsets of PCSTGHWM, containing the maximum
amounts in use above and below the 16MB line, respectively. Further subset-fields
contain the maximum amounts of storage in use by the task in each of the CICS
dynamic storage areas (DSAs).

Note: The totaled values of all the subsets in a superset may not necessarily equate
to the value of the superset; for example, the value of PC31AHWM plus the
value of PC24BHWM may not equal the value of PCSTGHWM. This is
because the peaks in the different types of program storage acquired by the
user task do not necessarily occur simultaneously.

The “high-water mark” fields are described in detail in “User storage fields in
group DFHSTOR:” on page 92. For information about the program storage fields,
see “Program storage fields in group DFHSTOR:” on page 94.

82 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

PCSTGHWM - high-water mark of program storage in all CICS DSAs

PC31AHWM - HWM of PC storage above 16MB




16MB line

PC24BHWM - HWM of PC storage below 16MB




Figure 11. Relationships between the “high-water mark” program storage data fields

| Performance data in group DFHCBTS

| Group DFHCBTS contains the following performance data:
| 200 (TYPE-C, ‘PRCSNAME’, 36 BYTES)
| The name of the CICS business transaction service (BTS) process of which the
| user task formed part.
| The process-type of the CICS BTS process of which the user task formed part.
| 202 (TYPE-C, ‘PRCSID’, 52 BYTES)
| The CICS-assigned identifier of the CICS BTS root activity that the user task
| implemented.
| 203 (TYPE-C, ‘ACTVTYID’, 52 BYTES)
| The CICS-assigned identifier of the CICS BTS activity that the user task
| implemented.
| 204 (TYPE-C, ‘ACTVTYNM’, 16 BYTES)
| The name of the CICS BTS activity that the user task implemented.
| The number of CICS BTS run process, or run activity, requests that the user
| task made in order to execute a process or activity synchronously.
| The number of CICS BTS run process, or run activity, requests that the user
| task made in order to execute a process or activity asynchronously.
| 207 (Type-A, ‘BALKPACT’, 4 BYTES)
| The number of CICS BTS link process, or link activity, requests that the user
| task issued.

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 83

| The number of CICS BTS define process requests issued by the user task.
| The number of CICS BTS define activity requests issued by the user task.
| The number of CICS BTS reset process and reset activity requests issued by the
| user task.
| The number of CICS BTS suspend process, or suspend activity, requests issued
| by the user task.
| The number of CICS BTS resume process, or resume activity, requests issued
| by the user task.
| The number of CICS BTS delete activity, cancel process, or cancel activity,
| requests issued by the user task.
| The number of CICS BTS acquire process, or acquire activity, requests issued
| by the user task.
| 215 (Type-A, ‘BATOTPCT’, 4 BYTES)
| Total number of CICS BTS process and activity requests issued by the user
| task.
| The number of CICS BTS delete, get, or put, container requests for process data
| containers issued by the user task.
| The number of CICS BTS delete, get, or put, container requests for current
| activity data containers issued by the user task.
| 218 (Type-A, ‘BATOTCCT’, 4 BYTES)
| Total number of CICS BTS delete, get or put, process container and activity
| container requests issued by the user task.
| The number of CICS BTS retrieve-reattach event requests issued by the user
| task.
| The number of CICS BTS define-input event requests issued by the user task.
| DELETE TIMER EVENT, and FORCE TIMER EVENT requests issued by the
| user task.
| Total number of CICS BTS event-related requests issued by the user task.

| Performance data in group DFHCICS

Group DFHCICS contains the following performance data:
005 (TYPE-T, ‘START’, 8 BYTES)
Start time of measurement interval. This is one of the following:

84 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

v The time at which the user task was attached
| v The time at which data recording was most recently reset in support of the
| MCT user event monitoring point DELIVER option or the monitoring
For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.

Note: Response Time = STOP − START. For more information, see “A note
about response time” on page 75.
006 (TYPE-T, ‘STOP’, 8 BYTES)
Finish time of measurement interval. This is either the time at which the user
task was detached, or the time at which data recording was completed in
support of the MCT user event monitoring point DELIVER option or the
monitoring options MNCONV, MNSYNC or FREQUENCY. For more
information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.

Note: Response Time = STOP − START. For more information, see “A note
about response time” on page 75.
| Number of CICS OO foundation class requests, including the Java API for
| CICS (JCICS) classes, issued by the user task.
User identification at task creation. This can also be the remote user identifier
for a task created as the result of receiving an ATTACH request across an MRO
or APPC link with attach-time security enabled.
Accumulated data for exception conditions. The 32-bit clock contains the total
elapsed time for which the user waited on exception conditions. The 24-bit
period count equals the number of exception conditions that have occurred for
this task. For more information, see “Exception class data” on page 107

Note: The performance class data field ‘exception wait time’ will be updated
when exception conditions are encountered even when the exception
class is inactive.
112 (TYPE-C, ‘RTYPE’, 4 BYTES)
Performance record type (low-order byte-3):
C Record output for a terminal converse
D Record output for a user EMP DELIVER request
F Record output for a long-running transaction
S Record output for a syncpoint
T Record output for a task termination.
130 (TYPE-C, ‘RSYSID’, 4 bytes)
The name (sysid) of the remote system to which this transaction was routed
either statically or dynamically.

This field also includes the connection name (sysid) of the remote system to
which this transaction was routed when using the CRTE routing transaction.
The field will be null for those CRTE transactions which establish or cancel the
transaction routing session.

Note: If the transaction was not routed or was routed locally, this field is set to
null. Also see the program name (field 71).

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 85

131 (TYPE-A, ‘PERRECNT’, 4 bytes)
The number of performance class records written by the CICS Transaction
Server for OS/390 Monitoring Facility (CMF) for the user task.
167 (TYPE-C, ‘SRVCLASS’, 8 bytes)
The MVS Workload Manager (WLM) service class for this transaction. This
field is null if the transaction was WLM-classified in another CICS region.
168 (TYPE-C, ‘RPTCLASS’, 8 bytes)
The MVS Workload Manager (WLM) report class for this transaction. This field
is null if the transaction was WLM-classified in another CICS region.

| Performance data in group DFHDATA

| Group DFHDATA contains the following performance data:
| 179 (TYPE-A, ‘IMSREQCT’, 4 bytes)
| The number of IMS (DBCTL) requests issued by the user task.
| 180 (TYPE-A, ‘DB2REQCT’, 8 bytes)
| The number of DB2 (EXEC SQL and IFI) requests issued by the user task.
| 186 (TYPE-S, ‘IMSWAIT’, 8 bytes)
| The elapsed time in which the user task waited for DBCTL to service the IMS
| requests issued by the user task.

| For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note
| about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014)
| field.
| 187 (TYPE-S, ‘DB2RDYQW’, 8 bytes)
| The elapsed time in which the user task waited for a DB2 thread to become
| available.

| For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note
| about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014)
| field.
| 188 (TYPE-S, ‘DB2CONWT’, 8 bytes)
| The elapsed time in which the user task waited for a CICS DB2 subtask to
| become available.

| For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note
| about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014)
| field.
| 189 (TYPE-S, ‘DB2WAIT’, 8 bytes)
| The elapsed time in which the user task waited for DB2 to service the DB2
| EXEC SQL and IFI requests issued by the user task.

| For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note
| about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

86 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014)
| field.

| Performance data in group DFHDEST

Group DFHDEST contains the following performance data:
Number of transient data GET requests issued by the user task.
Number of transient data PUT requests issued by the user task.
Number of transient data PURGE requests issued by the user task.
Total number of transient data requests issued by the user task. This field is
Elapsed time in which the user waited for VSAM transient data I/O. For more
information see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait
| (suspend) times” on page 76. This field is a subset of the task suspend time,
| SUSPTIME (014) field.

| Performance data in group DFHDOCH

| Group DFHDOCH contains the following performance data:
| 226 (TYPE-A, ‘DHCRECT’, 4 bytes)
| The number of document handler CREATE requests issued by the user task.
| 227 (TYPE-A, ‘DHINSCT’, 4 bytes)
| The number of document handler INSERT requests issued by the user task.
| 228 (TYPE-A, ‘DHSETCT’, 4 bytes)
| The number of document handler SET requests issued by the user task.
| 229 (TYPE-A, ‘DHRETCT’, 4 bytes)
| The number of document handler RETRIEVE requests issued by the user task.
| 230 (TYPE-A, ‘DHTOTCT’, 4 bytes)
| The total number of document handler requests issued by the user task.
| 240 (TYPE-A, ‘DHTOTDCL’, 4 bytes)
| The total length of all documents created by the user task.

| Performance data in group DFHFEPI

Group DFHFEPI contains the following performance data:
150 (TYPE-A,‘SZALLOCT’, 4 bytes)
Number of conversations allocated by the user task. This number is
151 (TYPE-A,‘SZRCVCT’, 4 bytes)
Number of FEPI RECEIVE requests made by the user task. This number is also
incremented for each FEPI CONVERSE request.

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 87

152 (TYPE-A,‘SZSENDCT’, 4 bytes)
Number of FEPI SEND requests made by the user task. This number is also
incremented for each FEPI CONVERSE request.
153 (TYPE-A,‘SZSTRTCT’, 4 bytes)
Number of FEPI START requests made by the user task.
154 (TYPE-A,‘SZCHROUT’, 4 bytes)
Number of characters sent through FEPI by the user task.
155 (TYPE-A,‘SZCHRIN’, 4 bytes)
Number of characters received through FEPI by the user task.
156 (TYPE-S,‘SZWAIT’, 8 bytes)
Elapsed time in which the user task waited for all FEPI services. For more
information see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait
| (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014)
| field.
| 157 (TYPE-A,‘SZALLCTO’, 4 bytes)
Number of times the user task timed out while waiting to allocate a
158 (TYPE-A,‘SZRCVTO’, 4 bytes)
Number of times the user task timed out while waiting to receive data.
159 (TYPE-A,‘SZTOTCT’, 4 bytes)
Total number of all FEPI API and SPI requests made by the user task.

Performance data in group DFHFILE

Group DFHFILE contains the following performance data:
Number of file GET requests issued by the user task.
Number of file PUT requests issued by the user task.
Number of file browse requests issued by the user task. This number excludes
the START and END browse requests.
Number of file ADD requests issued by the user task.
Number of file DELETE requests issued by the user task.
Elapsed time in which the user task waited for file I/O. For more information,
see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait (suspend)
| times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014)
| field.
| 070 (TYPE-A, ‘FCAMCT’, 4 BYTES)
Number of times the user task invoked file access-method interfaces. This
number excludes requests for OPEN and CLOSE.

88 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Total number of file control requests issued by the user task. This number
excludes any request for OPEN, CLOSE, ENABLE, or DISABLE of a file.

How EXEC CICS file commands correspond to file control monitoring fields is
shown in Table 6.
Table 6. EXEC CICS file commands related to file control monitoring fields
EXEC CICS command Monitoring fields

Note: The number of STARTBR, ENDBR, RESETBR, and UNLOCK file control
requests can be calculated by subtracting the file request counts,
total file request count, FCTOTCT.
| Elapsed time in which the user task waited for RLS file I/O. For more
| information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait
| (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014)
| field.
| 175 (TYPE-S, ‘RLSCPUT’, 8 BYTES)
The RLS File Request CPU (SRB) time field (RLSCPUT) is the SRB CPU time
this transaction spent processing RLS file requests. This field should be added
to the transaction CPU time field (USRCPUT) when considering the
measurement of the total CPU time consumed by a transaction. Also, this field
cannot be considered a subset of any other single CMF field (including
RLSWAIT). This is because the RLS field requests execute asynchronously
under an MVS SRB which can be running in parallel with the requesting
transaction. It is also possible for the SRB to complete its processing before the
requesting transaction waits for the RLS file request to complete.

Note: This clock field could contain a CPU time of zero with a count of greater
than zero. This is because the CMF timing granularity is measured in 16
microsecond units and the RLS file request(s) may complete in less than
that time unit.

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 89

| Elapsed time in which the user task waited for a data table access request to
| the Coupling Facility Data Table server to complete. For more information, see
| “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait (suspend)
| times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014)
| field.

| Performance data in group DFHJOUR

Group DFHJOUR contains the following performance data:
Elapsed time for which the user task waited for journal I/O. For more
information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait
| (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014)
| field.
Number of journal write requests issued by the user task.
Number of CICS log stream write requests issued by the user task.

Performance data in group DFHMAPP

Group DFHMAPP contains the following performance data:
Number of BMS MAP requests issued by the user task. This field corresponds
to the number of RECEIVE MAP requests that did not incur a terminal I/O,
and the number of RECEIVE MAP FROM requests.
Number of BMS IN requests issued by the user task. This field corresponds to
the number of RECEIVE MAP requests that incurred a terminal I/O.
Number of BMS OUT requests issued by the user task. This field corresponds
to the number of SEND MAP requests.
Total number of BMS requests issued by the user task. This field is the sum of
SEND CONTROL requests issued by the user task.

Performance data in group DFHPROG

Group DFHPROG contains the following performance data:
Number of program LINK requests issued by the user task, including the link
to the first program of the user task. This field does not include program LINK
URM (user-replaceable module) requests.

90 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Number of program XCTL requests issued by the user task.
Number of program LOAD requests issued by the user task.
The name of the first program invoked at attach-time.

For a remote transaction:

v If this CICS definition of the remote transaction does not specify a program
name, this field contains blanks.
v If this CICS definition of the remote transaction specifies a program name,
this field contains the name of the specified program. (Note that this is not
necessarily the program that is run on the remote system.)

For a dynamically-routed transaction, if the dynamic transaction routing

program routes the transaction locally and specifies an alternate program
name, this field contains the name of the alternate program.

For a dynamic program link (DPL) mirror transaction, this field contains the
initial program name specified in the dynamic program LINK request. DPL
mirror transactions can be identified using byte 1 of the transaction flags,
TRANFLAG (164), field.

For an ONC RPC or WEB alias transaction, this field contains the initial
application program name invoked by the alias transaction. ONC RPC or WEB
alias transactions can be identified using byte 1 of the transaction flags,
TRANFLAG (164), field.
Number of program LINK URM (user-replaceable module) requests issued by,
or on behalf of, the user task.

A user-replaceable module is a CICS-supplied program that is always invoked

at a particular point in CICS processing, as if it were part of the CICS code.
You can modify the supplied program by including your own logic, or replace
it with a version that you write yourself.

The CICS-supplied user-replaceable modules are:

v bridge exit program
v program error program
v transaction restart program
v terminal error program
v node error program
v terminal autoinstall program(s)
v program autoinstall program
v dynamic routing program
v CICS-DBCTL interface status program
v CICS-DB2 dynamic plan exit program
| v distributed dynamic routing program
| v inbound IIOB exit program

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 91

For detailed information on CICS user-replaceable programs, see the CICS
Customization Guide.
| 073 (TYPE-A, ‘PCDPLCT’, 4 BYTES)
| Number of distributed program link (DPL) requests issued by the user task.
Original abend code.
Current abend code.
Elapsed time in which the user task waited for program library (DFHRPL)
fetches. Only fetches for programs with installed program definitions or
autoinstalled as a result of application requests are included in this figure.
However, installed programs residing in the LPA are not included (because
they do not incur a physical fetch from a library). For more information about
program load time, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note
about program load time” on page 79.

| Performance data in group DFHSOCK

| 241 (TYPE-S, ‘SOIOWTT’, 8 BYTES)
| The elapsed time in which the user task waited for socket I/O. For more
| information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait
| (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (O14),
| field.
| The number of bytes encrypted by the secure sockets layer for the user task.
| The number of bytes decrypted by the secure sockets layer for the user task.
| 244 (TYPE-C, ‘CLIPADDR’, 16 BYTES)
| The client IP address (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn)

| Performance data in group DFHSTOR

User storage fields in group DFHSTOR:
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of user storage allocated to the user task
below the 16MB line, in the user dynamic storage area (UDSA).
Number of user-storage GETMAIN requests issued by the user task below the
16MB line, in the UDSA.
Storage occupancy of the user task below the 16MB line, in the UDSA. This
measures the area under the curve of storage in use against elapsed time. For
more information about storage occupancy, see “A note about storage
occupancy counts” on page 81.
Number of user-storage GETMAIN requests issued by the user task for storage
above the 16MB line, in the extended user dynamic storage area (EUDSA).

92 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Maximum amount (high-water mark) of user-storage allocated to the user task
above the 16MB line, in the EUDSA.
Storage occupancy of the user task above the 16MB line, in the EUDSA. This
measures the area under the curve of storage in use against elapsed time. For
more information, see “A note about storage occupancy counts” on page 81.
116 (TYPE-A, ‘SC24CHWM’, 4 BYTES)
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of user-storage allocated to the user task
below the 16MB line, in the CICS dynamic storage area (CDSA).
Number of user-storage GETMAIN requests issued by the user task for storage
below the 16MB line, in the CDSA.
118 (TYPE-A, ‘SC24COCC’, 8 BYTES)
Storage occupancy of the user task below the 16MB line, in the CDSA. This
measures the area under the curve of storage in use against elapsed time. For
more information, see “A note about storage occupancy counts” on page 81.
119 (TYPE-A, ‘SC31CHWM’, 4 BYTES)
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of user-storage allocated to the user task
above the 16MB line, in the extended CICS dynamic storage area (ECDSA).
Number of user-storage GETMAIN requests issued by the user task for storage
above the 16MB line, in the ECDSA.
121 (TYPE-A, ‘SC31COCC’, 8 BYTES)
Storage occupancy of the user task above the 16MB line, in the ECDSA. This
measures the area under the curve of storage in use against elapsed time. For
more information, see “A note about storage occupancy counts” on page 81.
Table 7. User storage field id cross reference
Getmain count 054 105 117 120
High-water-mark 033 106 116 119
Occupancy 095 107 118 121

Shared storage fields in group DFHSTOR:

144 (TYPE-A, ‘SC24SGCT’, 4 BYTES)
Number of storage GETMAIN requests issued by the user task for shared
storage below the 16MB line, in the CDSA or SDSA.
145 (TYPE-A, ‘SC24GSHR’, 4 BYTES)
Number of bytes of shared storage GETMAINed by the user task below the
16MB line, in the CDSA or SDSA.
146 (TYPE-A, ‘SC24FSHR’, 4 BYTES)
Number of bytes of shared storage FREEMAINed by the user task below the
16MB line, in the CDSA or SDSA.
147 (TYPE-A, ‘SC31SGCT’, 4 BYTES)
Number of storage GETMAIN requests issued by the user task for shared
storage above the 16MB line, in the ECDSA or ESDSA.

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 93

148 (TYPE-A, ‘SC31GSHR’, 4 BYTES)
Number of bytes of shared storage GETMAINed by the user task above the
16MB line, in the ECDSA or ESDSA.
149 (TYPE-A, ‘SC31FSHR’, 4 BYTES)
Number of bytes of shared storage FREEMAINed by the user task above the
16MB line, in the ECDSA or ESDSA.

Program storage fields in group DFHSTOR:

For more information on program storage see “Storage manager” on page 452.
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user
task both above and below the 16MB line.
108 (TYPE-A, ‘PC24BHWM’, 4 BYTES)
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user
task below the 16MB line. This field is a subset of PCSTGHWM (field ID 087)
that resides below the 16MB line.
122 (TYPE-A, ‘PC31RHWM’, 4 BYTES)
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user
task above the 16MB line, in the extended read-only dynamic storage area
(ERDSA). This field is a subset of PC31AHWM (field ID 139) that resides in the
139 (TYPE-A, ‘PC31AHWM’, 4 BYTES)
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user
task above the 16MB line. This field is a subset of PCSTGHWM (field ID 087)
that resides above the 16MB line.
142 (TYPE-A, ‘PC31CHWM’, 4 BYTES)
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user
task above the 16MB line, in the extended CICS dynamic storage area
(ECDSA). This field is a subset of PC31AHWM (139) that resides in the
143 (TYPE-A, ‘PC24CHWM’, 4 BYTES)
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user
task below the 16MB line, in the CICS dynamic storage area (CDSA). This field
is a subset of PC24BHWM (108) that resides in the CDSA.
160 (TYPE-A, ‘PC24SHWM’, 4 BYTES)
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user
task below the 16MB line, in the shared dynamic storage area (SDSA). This
field is a subset of PC24BHWM (108) that resides in the SDSA.
161 (TYPE-A, ‘PC31SHWM’, 4 BYTES)
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user
task above the 16MB line, in the extended shared dynamic storage area
(ESDSA). This field is a subset of PC31AHWM (139) that resides in the ESDSA.
162 (TYPE-A, ‘PC24RHWM’, 4 BYTES)
Maximum amount (high-water mark) of program storage in use by the user
task below the 16MB line, in the read-only dynamic storage area (RDSA). This
field is a subset of PC24BHWM (108) that resides in the RDSA.

94 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Performance data in group DFHSYNC
Group DFHSYNC contains the following performance data:
Number of SYNCPOINT requests issued during the user task.
1. A SYNCPOINT is implicitly issued as part of the task-detach processing.
2. A SYNCPOINT is issued at PSB termination for DBCTL.
Total elapsed time for which the user task was dispatched and was processing
Syncpoint requests.
| Total elapsed time in which the user task waited for syncpoint or
| resynchronization processing using the Coupling Facility data tables server to
| complete.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (O14),
| field.
| 196 (TYPE-S, ’SYNCDLY’, 8 BYTES)
| The elapsed time in which the user task waited for a syncpoint request to be
| issued by it’s parent transaction. The user task was executing as a result of the
| parent task issuing a CICS BTS run-process or run-activity request to execute a
| process or activity synchronously. For more information, see “Clocks and time
| stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014)
| field.

| Performance data in group DFHTASK

Group DFHTASK contains the following performance data:
001 (TYPE-C, ‘TRAN’, 4 BYTES)
Transaction identification.
004 (TYPE-C, ‘T’, 4 BYTES)
Transaction start type. The high-order bytes (0 and 1) are set to:
"TO" Attached from terminal input
"S" Attached by automatic transaction initiation (ATI) without data
"SD" Attached by automatic transaction initiation (ATI) with data
"QD" Attached by transient data trigger level
"U" Attached by user request
"TP" Attached from terminal TCTTE transaction ID
"SZ" Attached by Front End Programming Interface (FEPI).
Total elapsed time during which the user task was dispatched on each CICS
TCB under which the task executed. This can include QR, RO, CO, FO, SZ if
FEPI is active, and RP if the RPC ONC support or CICS Web interface is active.
For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.
| Processor time for which the user task was dispatched on each CICS TCB SL,

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 95

| SO, J8, L8, and S8, or QR, RO, CO, FO, SZ if FEPI is active, and RP if the RPC
ONC support or CICS Web interface is active, For more information see
“Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.
Total elapsed wait time for which the user task was suspended by the
dispatcher. This includes:
v The elapsed time waiting for the first dispatch. This also includes any delay
incurred because of the limits set for this transaction’s transaction class (if
any) or by the system parameter MXT being reached.
v The task suspend (wait) time.
v The elapsed time waiting for redispatch after a suspended task has been
For more information, see “A note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.
Transaction identification number.

Note: The transaction number field is normally a 4-byte packed decimal

number. However, some CICS system tasks are identified by special
character ‘transaction numbers’, as follows:
v ‘ III’ for system initialization task
v ‘ TCP’ for terminal control.

These special identifiers are placed in bytes 2 through 4. Byte 1 is a

blank (X'40') before the terminal control TCP identifier, and a null value
(X'00') before the others.
Number of interval control START or INITIATE requests during the user task.
Task error flags, a string of 32 bits used for signaling unusual conditions
occurring during the user task:
Bit 0 Reserved
Bit 1 Detected an attempt either to start a user clock that was already
running, or to stop one that was not running
Bits 2–31
Total number of Interval Control Start, Cancel, Delay, and Retrieve requests
issued by the user task.
| 082 (TYPE-C, ‘TRNGRPID’, 28 BYTES)
| The transaction group ID is assigned at transaction attach time, and cab ve
| used to correlate the transactions that CICS executes for the same incoming
| work request (for example, the CWXN and CWBA transactions for Web
| requests). This transaction group ID relationship is useful when applied to the
| requests that originate through the CICS Web, IIOP, or 3270 bridge interface, as
| indicated by the transaction origin in Bytes 4 of the transaction flags field
| (group name DFHTASK, field ID 164).
Fully qualified name by which the originating system is known to the VTAM
network. This name is assigned at attach time using either the netname

96 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

derived from the TCT (when the task is attached to a local terminal), or the
netname passed as part of an ISC APPC or IRC attach header. At least three
padding bytes (X'00') are present at the right end of the name.

If the originating terminal is VTAM across an ISC APPC or IRC link, the
NETNAME is the networkid.LUname. If the terminal is non-VTAM, the
NETNAME is networkid.generic_applid.

All originating information passed as part of an ISC LUTYPE6.1 attach header

has the same format as the non-VTAM terminal originators above.

When the originator is communicating over an external CICS interface (EXCI)

session, the name is a concatenation of:
'DFHEXCIU | . | MVS Id | Address Space Id (ASID)'
8 bytes | 1 byte | 4 bytes | 4 bytes

derived from the originating system. That is, the name is a 17-byte LU name
consisting of:
v An 8-byte eye-catcher set to ‘DFHEXCIU’.
v A 1-byte field containing a period (.).
v A 4-byte field containing the MVSID, in characters, under which the client
program is running.
v A 4-byte field containing the address space id (ASID) in which the client
program is running. This field contains the 4-character EBCDIC
representation of the 2-byte hex address space id.
Name by which the network unit of work id is known within the originating
system. This name is assigned at attach time using either an STCK-derived
token (when the task is attached to a local terminal), or the network unit of
work id passed as part of an ISC APPC or IRC attach header.

| The first six bytes of this field are a binary value derived from the system
| clock of the originating system and which can wrap round at intervals of
| several months.

The last two bytes of this field are for the period count. These may change
during the life of the task as a result of syncpoint activity.

Note: When using MRO or ISC, the NETUOWSX field must be combined with
the NETUOWPX field (097) to uniquely identify a task, because
NETUOWSX is unique only to the originating CICS system.
Elapsed time for which the user task waited for redispatch. This is the
aggregate of the wait times between each event completion and user-task

Note: This field does not include the elapsed time spent waiting for first
dispatch. This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME
(014), field.
Transaction priority when monitoring of the task was initialized (low-order

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 97

Note: This field is a subset of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014), field.
| The elapsed time waiting for a CICS task control global enqueue. For more
| information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.

| Note: This field is a subset of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014), field.
Bridge listener transaction identifier.
The elapsed time waiting for first dispatch.

Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
field. For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.
The elapsed time waiting for first dispatch which was delayed because of the
limits set for this transaction’s transaction class, TCLSNAME (166), being
reached. For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.

Note: This field is a subset of the first dispatch delay, DSPDELAY (125), field.
The elapsed time waiting for first dispatch which was delayed because of the
limits set by the system parameter, MXT, being reached.

Note: The field is a subset of the first dispatch delay, DSPDELAY (125), field.
The elapsed time that the user task waited to acquire a lock on a resource. A
user task cannot explicitly acquire a lock on a resource, but many CICS
modules lock resources on behalf of user tasks using the CICS lock manager
(LM) domain.

For more information about CICS lock manager, see CICS Problem Determination

For information about times, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A
note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
The elapsed time waiting for a CICS task control local enqueue. For more
information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.

Note: This field is a subset of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014), field.
The identifier of the unit of work (unit of recovery) for this task. Unit of
recovery values are used to synchronize recovery operations among CICS and
other resource managers, such as IMS and DB2.
Transaction facility name. This field is null if the transaction is not associated
with a facility. The transaction facility type (if any) can be identified using byte
0 of the transaction flags, TRANFLAG, (164) field.

98 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Transaction flags, a string of 64 bits used for signaling transaction definition
and status information:
Byte 0 Transaction facility identification
Bit 0 Transaction facility name = none (x’80’)
Bit 1 Transaction facility name = terminal (x’40’)
If this Bit is set, FCTYNAME and TERM contain the same
terminal id.
Bit 2 Transaction facility name = surrogate (x’20’)
Bit 3 Transaction facility name = destination (x’10’)
Bit 4 Transaction facility name = 3270 bridge (x’08’)
Bits 5–7
Byte 1 Transaction identification information
Bit 0 System transaction (x’80’)
Bit 1 Mirror transaction (x’40’)
Bit 2 DPL mirror transaction (x’20’)
Bit 3 ONC/RPC Alias transaction (x’10’)
Bit 4 WEB Alias transaction (x’08’)
Bit 5 3270 Bridge transaction (x’04’)
| Bit 6 Reserved (x’02’)
| Bit 7 CICS BTS Run transaction
Byte 2 MVS workload manager request (transaction) completion information
Bit 0 Report the total response time for completed work request
Bit 1 Notify that the entire execution phase of the work request is
Bit 2 Notify that a subset of the execution phase of the work request
is complete
Bits 3-7
Byte 3 Transaction definition information
Bit 0 Taskdataloc = below (x’80’)
Bit 1 Taskdatakey = cics (x’40’)
Bit 2 Isolate = no (x’20’)
Bit 3 Dynamic = yes (x’10’)
Bits 4–7
Byte 4 Reserved
Byte 5 Reserved

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 99

Byte 6 Reserved
Byte 7 Recovery manager information
Bit 0 Indoubt wait = no
Bit 1 Indoubt action = commit
Bit 2 Recovery manager - UOW resolved with indoubt action
Bit 3 Recovery manager - Shunt
Bit 4 Recovery manager - Unshunt
Bit 5 Recovery manager - Indoubt failure
Bit 6 Recovery manager - Resource owner failure
Bit 7 Reserved

Note: Bits 2 through 6 will be reset on a SYNCPOINT request when

the MNSYNC=YES option is specified.
Transaction class name. This field is null if the transaction is not in a
Amount of elapsed time spent in the Resource Manager Interface (RMI). For
more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, “A note about
wait (suspend) times” on page 76, and Figure 8 on page 80.
Amount of elapsed time the task was suspended by the dispatcher while in the
Resource Manager Interface (RMI). For more information, see “Clocks and time
stamps” on page 73, “A note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76, and
Figure 8 on page 80.

Note: The field is a subset of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014), field
and also the RMITIME (170) field.
The elapsed time that the user task waited for one or more ECBs, passed to
CICS by the user task using the EXEC CICS WAIT EXTERNAL ECBLIST
command, to be MVS POSTed. The user task can wait on one or more ECBs. If
it waits on more than one, it is dispatchable as soon as one of the ECBs is
posted. For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and
“A note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, (SUSPTIME) (014),
The elapsed time the user task waited for:
v One or more ECBs, passed to CICS by the user task using the EXEC CICS
WAITCICS ECBLIST command, to be MVS POSTed. The user task can wait
on one or more ECBs. If it waits on more than one, it is dispatchable as soon
as one of the ECBs is posted.
v Completion of an event initiated by the same or by another user task. The
event would normally be the posting, at the expiration time, of a timer-event
control area provided in response to an EXEC CICS POST command. The

100 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

EXEC CICS WAIT EVENT command provides a method of directly giving
up control to some other task until the event being waited on is completed.
For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note
about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
The elapsed time the user task waited as a result of issuing either:
v An interval control EXEC CICS DELAY command for a specified time
interval, or
v A specified time of day to expire, or
v An interval control EXEC CICS RETRIEVE command with the WAIT option
specified. For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73,
and “A note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
The elapsed time the user task waited as a result of giving up control to
another task. A user task can give up control in many ways. Some
examples are application programs that use one or more of the following
EXEC CICS API or SPI commands:
v Using the EXEC CICS SUSPEND command. This command causes the
issuing task to relinquish control to another task of higher or equal
dispatching priority. Control is returned to this task as soon as no other
task of a higher or equal priority is ready to be dispatched.
v Using the EXEC CICS CHANGE TASK PRIORITY command. This
command immediately changes the priority of the issuing task and
causes the task to give up control in order for it to be dispatched at its
new priority. The task is not redispatched until tasks of higher or equal
priority, and that are also dispatchable, have been dispatched.
v Using the EXEC CICS DELAY command with INTERVAL (0). This
command causes the issuing task to relinquish control to another task of
higher or equal dispatching priority. Control is returned to this task as
soon as no other task of a higher or equal priority is ready to be
v Using the EXEC CICS POST command requesting notification that a
specified time has expired. This command causes the issuing task to
relinquish control to give CICS the opportunity to post the time-event
control area.
v Using the EXEC CICS PERFORM RESETTIME command to synchronize
the CICS date and time with the MVS system date and time of day.
v Using the EXEC CICS START TRANSID command with the ATTACH
For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A
note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 101

| 190 (TYPE-C, ‘RRMSURID’, 16 BYTES)
| RRMS/MVS unit-of-recovery ID (URID).
| The elapsed time in which the user task waited indoubt using resource
| recovery services for EXCI.

| For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A
| note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
| field.
| The elapsed time in which the user task waited for completion of a
| transaction that executed as a result of the user task issuing a CICS BTS
| run process, or run activity, request to execute a process, or activity,
| synchronously.

| For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A
| note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
| field.
| The number of CICS change-TCB modes issued by the user task.
| The elapsed time for which the user task waited for redispatch on the
| CICS QR TCB. This is the aggregate of the wait times between each event
| completion. and user-task redispatch.

| Note: This field does not include the elapsed time spent waiting for the
| first dispatch. The QRMODDLY field is a component of the task
| suspend time, SUSPTIME (014), field.
| The elapsed time in which the user task waited to obtain a CICS open
| TCB, because the region had reached the limit set by the system parameter,

| For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A
| note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time,

| The number of CICS TCBs attached by or on behalf of the user task.
| 253 (TYPE-S, ‘JVMTIME’, 8 BYTES)
| The elapsed time spent in the CICS JVM by the user task
| 254 (TYPE-S, ‘JVMSUSP’, 8 BYTES)
| The elapsed time the user task was suspended by the CICS dispatcher
| while running in the CICS JVM.

| Note: This field is a subset of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
| field.

102 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| 255 (TYPE-S, ‘QRDISPT’, 8 BYTES)
| The elapsed time for which the user task was dispatched on the CICS QR
| TCB. For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.
| 256 (TYPE-S, ‘QRCPUT’, 8 BYTES)
| The processor time for which the user task was dispatched on the CICS QR
| TCB. For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.
| 257 (TYPE-S, ‘MSDISPT’, 8 BYTES)
| Elapsed time for which the user task was dispatched on each CICS TCB
| (RO, CO, FO, SZ if FEPI is active, and RP if the ONC/RPC or CICS WEB
| Interface Feature is installed and active. Modes SO and SL are used only if
| TCPIP=YES is specified as a system initialization parameter). For more
| information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.
| 258 (TYPE-S, ‘MSCPUT’, 8 BYTES)
| The processor time for which the user task was dispatched on each CICS
| TCB (RO, CO, FO, SZ if FEPI is active, and RP if the ONC/RPC or CICS
| WEB interface feature is installed and active. Modes SO and SL are used
| only if TCPIP=YES is specified as a system initialization parameter). For
| more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.
| 259 (TYPE-S, ‘L8CPUT’, 8 BYTES)
| The processor time for which the user task was dispatched on the CICS L8
| TCB. For more information see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.
| 260 (TYPE-S, ‘J8CPUT’, 8 BYTES)
| The processor time for which the user task was dispatched on each CICS J8
| TCB. For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.
| 261 (TYPE-S, ‘S8CPUT’, 8 BYTES)
| The processor time for which the user task was dispatched on the CICS S8
| TCB. For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73.

Performance data in group DFHTEMP

Group DFHTEMP contains the following performance data:
Elapsed time for which the user task waited for VSAM temporary storage I/O.
For more information see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note
| about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
| field.
| 044 (TYPE-A, ‘TSGETCT’, 4 BYTES)
Number of temporary-storage GET requests issued by the user task.
Number of PUT requests to auxiliary temporary storage issued by the user
Number of PUT requests to main temporary storage issued by the user task.
| Total number of temporary storage requests issued by the user task. This field
| is the sum of the temporary storage READQ (TSGETCT), WRITEQ AUX
| (TSPUTACT), WRITEQ MAIN (TSPUTMCT), and DELETEQ requests issued by
| the user task.

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 103

Elapsed time that the user task waited for an asynchronous shared temporary
storage request to a temporary storage data server to complete. For more
information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait
(suspend) times” on page 76.

Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),

Performance data in group DFHTERM

Group DFHTERM contains the following performance data:
002 (TYPE-C, ‘TERM’, 4 BYTES)
Terminal or session identification. This field is null if the task is not associated
with a terminal or session.
Elapsed time for which the user task waited for input from the terminal
operator, after issuing a RECEIVE request. For more information, see “Clocks
and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait (suspend) times” on
| page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
| field.
| 034 (TYPE-A, ‘TCMSGIN1’, 4 BYTES)
Number of messages received from the task’s principal terminal facility,
including LUTYPE6.1 and LUTYPE6.2 (APPC) but not MRO (IRC).
Number of messages sent to the task’s principal terminal facility, including
LUTYPE6.1 and LUTYPE6.2 (APPC) but not MRO (IRC).
Number of messages received from the LUTYPE6.1 alternate terminal facilities
by the user task.
Number of messages sent to the LUTYPE6.1 alternate terminal facilities by the
user task.
Number of TCTTE ALLOCATE requests issued by the user task for LUTYPE6.2
(APPC), LUTYPE6.1, and IRC sessions.
Number of characters received from the task’s principal terminal facility,
including LUTYPE6.1 and LUTYPE6.2 (APPC) but not MRO (IRC).
Number of characters sent to the task’s principal terminal facility, including
LUTYPE6.1 and LUTYPE6.2 (APPC) but not MRO (IRC).
Number of characters received from the LUTYPE6.1 alternate terminal facilities
by the user task. (Not applicable to ISC APPC.)
Number of characters sent to the LUTYPE6.1 alternate terminal facilities by the
user task. (Not applicable to ISC APPC.)

104 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Elapsed time for which the user task waited for control at this end of an MRO
link. For more information, see “Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A
| note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
| field.
| 111 (TYPE-C, ‘LUNAME’, 8 BYTES)
VTAM logical unit name (if available) of the terminal associated with this
transaction. If the task is executing in an application-owning or file-owning
region, the LUNAME is the generic applid of the originating connection for
MRO, LUTYPE6.1, and LUTYPE6.2 (APPC). The LUNAME is blank if the
originating connection is an external CICS interface (EXCI).
133 (TYPE-S, ‘LU61WTT’, 8 BYTES)
The elapsed time for which the user task waited for I/O on a LUTYPE6.1
connection or session. This time also includes the waits incurred for
conversations across LUTYPE6.1 connections, but not the waits incurred due to
LUTYPE6.1 syncpoint flows. For more information see “Clocks and time
| stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait (suspend) times” on page 76.

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
| field.
| 134 (TYPE-S, ‘LU62WTT’, 8 BYTES)
The elapsed time for which the user task waited for I/O on a LUTYPE6.2
(APPC) connection or session. This time also includes the waits incurred for
conversations across LUTYPE6.2 (APPC) connections, but not the waits
incurred due to LUTYPE6.2 (APPC) syncpoint flows. For more information, see
“Clocks and time stamps” on page 73, and “A note about wait (suspend)
| times” on page 76

| Note: This field is a component of the task suspend time, SUSPTIME (014),
| field.
| 135 (TYPE-A, ‘TCM62IN2’, 4 BYTES)
Number of messages received from the alternate facility by the user task for
LUTYPE6.2 (APPC) sessions.
136 (TYPE-A, ‘TCM62OU2’, 4 BYTES)
Number of messages sent to the alternate facility by the user task for
LUTYPE6.2 (APPC) sessions.
137 (TYPE-A, ‘TCC62IN2’, 4 BYTES)
Number of characters received from the alternate facility by the user task for
LUTYPE6.2 (APPC) sessions.
138 (TYPE-A, ‘TCC62OU2’, 4 BYTES)
Number of characters sent to the alternate facility by the user task for
LUTYPE6.2 (APPC) sessions.
Terminal or session information for this task’s principal facility as identified in
the ‘TERM’ field id 002. This field is null if the task is not associated with a
terminal or session facility.
Byte 0 Identifies whether this task is associated with a terminal or session.
This field can be set to one of the following values:
X'00' None

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 105

X'01' Terminal
X'02' Session
Byte 1 If the principal facility for this task is a session (Byte 0 = x’02’), this
field identifies the session type. This field can be set to one of the
following values:
X'00' None
X'01' IRC
X'02' IRC XM
X'04' LU61
X'05' LU62 Single
X'06' LU62 Parallel
Byte 2 Identifies the access method defined for the terminal id or session id in
field TERM. This field can be set to one of the following values:
X'00' None
X'01' VTAM
X'02' BTAM
X'03' BSAM
X'04' TCAM
X'06' BGAM
Byte 3 Identifies the terminal or session type for the terminal id or session id
in TERM.
v See RDO Typeterm

For a list of the typeterm definitions, see the CICS Resource Definition
Terminal session connection name. If the terminal facility associated with this
transaction is a session, this field is the name of the owning connection (sysid).

A terminal facility can be identified as a session by using byte 0 of the terminal

information, TERMINFO (165), field. If the value is x’02’ the terminal facility is
a session.

| Performance data in group DFHWEBB

| Group DFHWEBB contains the following performance data:
| 231 (TYPE-A, ‘WBRCVCT’, 4 BYTES)
| The number of CICS Web interface RECEIVE requests issued by the user task.
| 232 (TYPE-A, ‘WBCHRIN’, 4 BYTES)
| The number of characters received by the CICS Web interface RECEIVE
| requests issued by the user task.
| The number of CICS Web interface SEND requests issued by the user task.
| The number of characters sent by the CICS Web interface SEND requests
| issued by the user task.
| The total number of CICS Web interface requests issued by the user task.

106 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| The number of reads from the repository in shared temporary storage issued
| by the user task.
| The number of writes to the repository in shared temporary storage issued by
| the user task.

End of Product-sensitive programming interface

Exception class data

Product-sensitive programming interface

Exception records are produced after each of the following conditions encountered
by a transaction has been resolved:
v Wait for storage in the CDSA
v Wait for storage in the UDSA
v Wait for storage in the SDSA
v Wait for storage in the RDSA
v Wait for storage in the ECDSA
v Wait for storage in the EUDSA
v Wait for storage in the ESDSA
v Wait for storage in the ERDSA
v Wait for auxiliary temporary storage
v Wait for auxiliary temporary storage string
v Wait for auxiliary temporary storage buffer
| v Wait for coupling facility data tables locking (request) slot
| v Wait for coupling facility data tables non-locking (request) slot (With coupling
| facility data tables each CICS has a number of slots available for requests in the
| CF data table. When all available slots are in use, any further request must wait.)
v Wait for file buffer
v Wait for file string
| v Wait for LSRPOOL buffer
v Wait for LSRPOOL string

These records are fixed format. The format of these exception records is as follows:

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 107

| EXCMNURI DS XL16 MVS/RRMS Unit of Recovery Id

Exception data field descriptions

Transaction identification.
Terminal identification. This field is null if the task is not associated with a
terminal or session.
User identification at task creation. This can also be the remote user identifier
for a task created as the result of receiving an ATTACH request across an MRO
or APPC link with attach-time security enabled.
Transaction start type. The low-order byte (0 and 1) is set to:
"TO" Attached from terminal input
"S" Attached by automatic transaction initiation (ATI) without data
"SD" Attached by automatic transaction initiation (ATI) with data
"QD" Attached by transient data trigger level
"U" Attached by user request
"TP" Attached from terminal TCTTE transaction ID
"SZ" Attached by Front End Programming Interface (FEPI)
Start time of the exception.
Finish time of the exception.

Note: The performance class exception wait time field, EXWTTIME (103), is a
calculation based on subtracting the start time of the exception
(EXCMNSTA) from the finish time of the exception (EXCMNSTO).
Transaction identification number.
Transaction priority when monitoring was initialized for the task (low-order
VTAM logical unit name (if available) of the terminal associated with this
transaction. This field is nulls if the task is not associated with a terminal.

108 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Exception sequence number for this task.
Exception resource type. The possible values for EXCMNRTY are shown in
Table 8 on page 112.
Exception resource identification. The possible values for EXCMNRID are
shown in Table 8 on page 112.
Exception type. This field can be set to one of the following values:
Exception due to a wait (EXCMNWT)
Exception due to a buffer wait (EXCMNBWT)
Exception due to a string wait (EXCMNSWT)
Transaction class name. This field is null if the transaction is not in a
transaction class.
MVS Workload Manager Service Class name for this transaction. This field is
null if the transaction was WLM-classified in another CICS region.
MVS Workload Manager Report Class name for this transaction. This field is
null if the transaction was WLM-classified in another CICS region.
Fully qualified name by which the originating system is known to the VTAM
network. This name is assigned at attach time using either the NETNAME
derived from the TCT (when the task is attached to a local terminal), or the
NETNAME passed as part of an ISC APPC or IRC attach header. At least three
passing bytes (X'00') are present at the right end of the name.

If the originating terminal is a VTAM device across an ISC APPC or IRC link,
the NETNAME is the networkid.LUname. If the terminal is non-VTAM, the
NETNAME is networkid.generic_applid

All originating information passed as part of an ISC LUTYPE6.1 attach header

has the same format as the non-VTAM terminal originators above.

When the originator is communicating over an external CICS interface (EXCI)

session, the name is a concatenation of:
'DFHEXCIU | . | MVS Id | Address space Id (ASID)'
8 bytes | 1 byte | 4 bytes | 4 bytes

derived from the originating system. That is, the name is a 17-byte LU name
consisting of:
v An 8-byte eye-catcher set to ’DFHEXCIU’.
v A 1-byte field containing a period (.).
v A 4-byte field containing the MVSID, in characters, under which the client
program is running.

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 109

v A 4-byte field containing the address space ID (ASID) in which the client
program is running. This field contains the 4-character EBCDIC
representation of the 2-byte hex address space ID.
Name by which the unit of work is known within the originating system. This
last name is assigned at attach time using either an STCK-derived token (when
the task is attached to a local terminal) or the unit of work ID is passed as part
of an ISC APPC or IRC attach header.

The first 6 bytes of this field are a binary value derived from the clock of the
originating system and wrapping round at intervals of several months. The last
two bytes of this field are for the period count. These may change during the
| life of the task as a result of syncpoint activity.

| Note: When using MRO or ISC, the EXCMNNSX field must be combined with
| the EXCMNNPX field to uniquely identify a task, because the
| EXCMNNSX field is unique only to the originating CICS system.
Transaction flags—a string of 64 bits used for signaling transaction definition
and status information:
Byte 0 Transaction facility identification
Bit 0 Transaction facility name = none
Bit 1 Transaction facility name = terminal
Bit 2 Transaction facility name = surrogate
Bit 3 Transaction facility name = destination
Bit 4 Transaction facility name = 3270 bridge
Bits 5–7
Byte 1 Transaction identification information
Bit 0 System transaction
Bit 1 Mirror transaction
Bit 2 DPL mirror transaction
Bit 3 ONC RCP alias transaction
Bit 4 WEB alias transaction
Bit 5 3270 bridge transaction
| Bit 6 Reserved
| Bit 7 CICS BTS Run transaction
Byte 2 MVS Workload Manager information
Bit 0 Workload Manager report
Bit 1 Workload Manager notify, completion = yes
Bit 2 Workload Manager notify
Bits 3–7
Byte 3 Transaction definition information

110 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Bit 0 Taskdataloc = below
Bit 1 Taskdatakey = cics
Bit 2 Isolate = no
Bit 3 Dynamic = yes
Bits 4– 7
Byte 4 Reserved
Byte 5 Reserved
Byte 6 Reserved
Byte 7 Recovery manager information
Bit 0 Indoubt wait = no
Bit 1 Indoubt action = commit
Bit 2 Recovery manager - UOW resolved with indoubt action
Bit 3 Recovery manager - shunt
Bit 4 Recovery manager - unshunt
Bit 5 Recovery manager - indoubt failure
Bit 6 Recovery manager - resource owner failure
Bit 7 Reserved

Note: Bits 2 through 6 will be reset on a SYNCPOINT request when

the MSYNC=YES option is specified.
Transaction facility name. This field is null if the transaction is not associated
with a facility. The transaction facility type (if any) can be identified by using
byte 0 of the transaction flags field, EXCMNTRF.
The name of the currently running program for this user task when the
exception condition occurred.
3270 Bridge transaction identification.
| RRMS/MVS unit-of-recovery ID (URID)
| Exception resource ID length.
| Exception resource ID (extended).

The following table shows the value and relationships of the fields EXCMNTYP,

Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility 111

Table 8. Possible values of EXCMNTYP, EXCMNRTY, and EXCMNRID. The relationship between exception type,
resource type, and resource identification.
Exception type Resource type Resource ID
| EXCMNWT ‘CFDTLRSW’ poolname Wait for CF data tables locking request slot
| EXCMNWT ‘CFDTPOOL’ poolname Wait for CF data tables non-locking request slot
EXCMNWT ‘STORAGE’ ‘UDSA’ Wait for UDSA storage
EXCMNWT ‘STORAGE’ ‘CDSA’ Wait for CDSA storage
EXCMNWT ‘STORAGE’ ‘SDSA’ Wait for SDSA storage
EXCMNWT ‘STORAGE’ ‘RDSA’ Wait for RDSA storage
EXCMNWT ‘TEMPSTOR’ TS Qname Wait for temporary storage
EXCMNSWT ‘FILE’ filename Wait for string associated with file
EXCMNSWT ‘LSRPOOL’ filename Wait for string associated with LSRPOOL
EXCMNSWT ‘TEMPSTOR” TS Qname Wait for string associated with DFHTEMP
EXCMNBWT ‘LSRPOOL’ LSRPOOL Wait for buffer associated with LSRPOOL
EXCMNBWT ‘TEMPSTOR’ TS Qname Wait for buffer associated with DFHTEMP

End of Product-sensitive programming interface

112 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390
Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390, Version 1 Release 3, previously known as
Performance Reporter for MVS, supercedes Service Level Reporter (SLR).

Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 is described in the following sections:

v “Overview.”
v “Using Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 to report on CICS performance”
on page 115

Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 is a reporting system which uses DB2. You
can use it to process utilization and throughput statistics written to log data sets by
computer systems. You can use it to analyze and store the data into DB2, and
present it in a variety of forms. Tivoli Performance Reporter consists of a base
product with several optional features that are used in systems management, as
shown in Table 9. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 uses Reporting Dialog/2
as the OS/2® reporting feature.
Table 9. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 and optional features
CICS IMS Network System Workstation AS/400® Reporting Accounting
Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Dialog/2
Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 Base

The Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 base includes:

v Reporting and administration dialogs that use the Interactive System
Productivity Facility (ISPF)
v A collector function to read log data, with its own language
v Record mapping (definitions) for all data records used by the features

Each feature provides:

v Instructions (in the collector language) to transfer log data to DATABASE 2
(DB2) tables
v DB2 table definitions
v Reports.

The Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 database can contain data from many
sources. For example, data from System Management Facilities (SMF), Resource
Measurement Facility (RMF), CICS, and Information Management System (IMS)
can be consolidated into a single report. In fact, you can define any non-standard
log data to Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 and report on that data
together with data coming from the standard sources.

The Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 CICS performance feature provides
reports for your use when analyzing the performance of CICS Transaction Server
for OS/390, and CICS/ESA, based on data from the CICS monitoring facility
(CMF) and, for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, CICS statistics. These are
some of the areas that Tivoli Performance Reporter can report on:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 113

v Response times
v Resource usage
v Processor usage
v Storage usage
v Volumes and throughput
v CICS/DB2 activity
v Exceptions and incidents
v Data from connected regions, using the unit of work as key
v CICS availability
v CICS resource availability

The Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 CICS performance feature collects
only the data required to meet CICS users’ needs. You can combine that data with
more data (called environment data), and present it in a variety of reports. Tivoli
Performance Reporter for OS/390 provides an administration dialog for
maintaining environment data. Figure 12 illustrates how data is organized for
presentation in Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 reports.

Operating system

System data

Data written to
Logs various logs

Performance Reporter
Performance collects only
Reporter Performance relevant data
CICS Reporter
performance records

Performance User- environment data
Reporter supplied maintained in the
tables data Performance Reporter

Required data
Report Report Report presented in
report format

Figure 12. Organizing and presenting system performance data

The Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 CICS performance feature processes
these records:

114 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

CICS Transaction Server performance
CICS/ESA performance
CICS/ESA exceptions
CICS/MVS accounting, performance, and exceptions
CICS Transaction Server statistics

Using Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 to report on CICS

To understand performance data, you must first understand the work CICS
performs at your installation. Analyze the work by its basic building blocks:
transactions. Group the transactions into categories of similar resource or user
requirements and describe each category’s characteristics. Understand the work
that CICS performs for each transaction and the volume of transactions expected
during any given period. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 can show you
various types of data for the transactions processed by CICS.

A service-level agreement for a CICS user group defines commitments in several

areas of quantifiable CICS-related resources and services. CICS service
commitments can belong to one of these areas:
v Response times
v Transaction rates
v Exceptions and incidents
v Availability.

The following sections describe certain issues and concerns associated with
systems management and how you can use the Tivoli Performance Reporter for
OS/390 CICS performance feature.

Monitoring response time

Use the Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 CICS response-time reports to see
the CICS application internal response times, whose elements are shown in
Figure 13.

S ---------------Response time------------------ F
A -Suspend time-- --------Dispatch time------- N
T ----Service time--- S

Figure 13. CICS internal response-time elements

As described in Performance Reporter Network Performance Feature Reports, the

Network Performance feature generates reports that show the total, end-to-end
average response time (operator transit time) for VTAM applications (for example,
a CICS region) by logical unit. The operator transit time consists of the host transit
time and the network transit time, which are also shown in the Network
Performance feature reports. Using these reports, you can isolate a response-time
problem either to the network or to CICS and act on it accordingly. Should the

Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 115

problem be in CICS, you can use the Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 CICS
performance feature reports to identify the application causing the response-time

Monitoring processor and storage use

Poor response time usually indicates inefficient use of either the processor or
storage (or both). Tivoli Performance Reporter-supplied reports can help you
isolate a resource as the cause of a CICS performance problem.

If both the Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 CICS performance feature’s
statistics component and the Performance Reporter System Performance feature’s
MVS component are installed and active, these reports are available for analyzing
transaction rates and processor use by CICS region:
v The CICS Transaction Processor Utilization, Monthly report shows monthly
averages for the dates you specify.
v The CICS Transaction Processor Utilization, Daily report shows daily averages
for the dates you specify.

Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 produces several reports that can help
analyze storage usage. For example, the CICS Dynamic Storage (DSA) Usage
report, shows pagepool usage.

CICS Dynamic Storage (DSA) Usage

Date: '1998-09-21' to '1998-09-22'

Free Free Largest

Pagepool DSA Cushion storage storage free
name (bytes) (bytes) (bytes) (pct) area Getmains Freemains
-------- --------- -------- --------- ------- --------- -------- ---------
CDSA 1048576 65536 802816 76 765952 3695 3620
ECDSA 8388608 262144 7667712 91 7667712 8946 7252
ERDSA 3145728 262144 1302528 41 1290240 204 3
EUDSA 8388608 262144 8388608 100 8388608 1 1
UDSA 4194304 65536 4186112 99 4182016 6 4

Tivoli Performance Reporter Report: CICS809

Figure 14. CICS Dynamic storage (DSA) usage report

Monitoring volumes and throughput

Because CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 uses an MVS subtask to page and
because an MVS page-in causes an MVS task to halt execution, the number of
page-ins is a performance concern. Page-outs are not a concern because page-outs
are scheduled to occur during lulls in CICS processing. If you suspect that a
performance problem is related to excessive paging, you can use Tivoli
Performance Reporter for OS/390 to report on page-ins, using RMF data.

The best indicator of a transaction’s performance is its response. For each

transaction ID, the CICS transaction performance detail report (in Figure 15 on
page 117) shows the total transaction count and the average response time.

116 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

CICS Transaction Performance, Detail
Date: '1998-09-19' to '1998-09-20'

Avg Avg Prog Program

resp CPU load Prog FC storage Getmains Getmains
Tran Tran time time reqs loads calls Excep- bytes < 16 MB > 16 MB
ID count (sec) (sec) (avg) (avg) (avg) tions (max) (avg) (avg)
------------ -------- ------- ---- ----- ----- ------ --------- -------- --------
QUIT 7916 0.085 0.017 0 0 18 0 74344 22 0
CRTE 1760 4.847 0.004 0 0 0 0 210176 1 0
AP00 1750 0.184 0.036 0 0 8 0 309800 66 0
PM94 1369 0.086 0.012 0 0 6 0 130096 24 0
VCS1 737 0.073 0.008 2 0 7 0 81200 14 0
PM80 666 1.053 0.155 1 0 62 0 104568 583 0
CESN 618 8.800 0.001 0 0 0 0 41608 0 0
SU01 487 0.441 0.062 4 0 126 0 177536 38 0
GC11 1 0.341 0.014 1 0 2 0 37048 10 0
DM08 1 0.028 0.002 0 0 0 0 5040 3 0
======== =========
20359 309800

Tivoli Performance Reporter Report: CICS101

Figure 15. CICS transaction performance, detail report

Use this report to start verifying that you are meeting service-level objectives. First,
verify that the values for average response time are acceptable. Then check that the
transaction rates do not exceed agreed-to limits. If a transaction is not receiving the
appropriate level of service, you must determine the cause of the delay.

Combining CICS and DB2 performance data

For each CICS task, CICS generates an LU6.2 unit-of-work ID. DB2 also creates an
LU6.2 unit-of-work ID. Figure 16 shows how DB2 data can be correlated with CICS
performance data using the DB2 token (QWHCTOKN) to identify the task.

DB2 accounting record


CICS performance-monitoring record


Figure 16. Correlating a CICS performance-monitoring record with a DB2 accounting record

If you match the NETNAME and UOWID fields in a CICS record to the DB2
token, you can create reports that show the DB2 activity caused by a CICS

Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 117

Monitoring exception and incident data
An exception is an event that you should monitor. An exception appears in a report
only if it has occurred; reports do not show null counts. A single exception need
not be a cause for alarm. An incident is defined as an exception with severity 1, 2,
or 3.

The Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 CICS performance feature creates
exception records for these incidents and exceptions:
v Wait for storage
v Wait for main temporary storage
v Wait for a file string
v Wait for a file buffer
v Wait for an auxiliary temporary storage string
v Wait for an auxiliary temporary storage buffer
v Transaction ABEND
v System ABEND
v Storage violations
v Short-of-storage conditions
v VTAM request rejections
v I/O errors on auxiliary temporary storage
v I/O errors on the intrapartition transient data set
v Autoinstall errors
v MXT reached
v DTB overflow
v Link errors for IRC and ISC
v Log stream buffer-full conditions
v CREAD and CWRITE fails (data space problems)
v Local shared resource (LSR) pool ( string waits (from A08BKTSW)
v Waits for a buffer in the LSR pool (from A09TBW)
v Errors writing to SMF
v No space on transient-data data set (from A11ANOSP)
v Waits for a transient-data string (from A11STNWT)
v Waits for a transient-data buffer (from A11ATNWT)
v Transaction restarts (from A02ATRCT)
v Maximum number of tasks in a class reached (CMXT) (from A15MXTM)
v Transmission errors (from A06TETE or AUSTETE).

Figure 17 shows an example of an incidents report.

CICS Incidents
DATE: '1998-09-20' to '1998-09-21'

operator User Exception Exception
Sev Date Time ID ID ID description
--- ---------- -------- -------- -------- ------------------ ---------------------------

Tivoli Performance Reporter report: CICS002

Figure 17. Example of a Tivoli Performance Reporter CICS incidents report

Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 can pass the exceptions to an

Information/Management system.

118 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Unit-of-work reporting
In a CICS multiple region operation (MRO) or intersystem communication (ISC)
environment, you can trace a transaction as it migrates from one region (or
processor complex) to another and back. The data lets you determine the total
resource requirements of the combined transaction as a unit of work, without
having to separately analyze the component transactions in each region. The ability
to combine the component transactions of an MRO or ISC series makes possible
precise resource accounting and chargeback, and capacity and performance

The CICS UOW Response Times report in Figure 18 shows an example of how
Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 presents CICS unit- of-work response

CICS UOW Response Times

Time: '09.59.00' to '10.00.00'
Date: 1998 09-20

UOW UOW Response
start Tran CICS Program tran time
time ID ID name count (sec)
-------- ---- -------- -------- ----- --------
09.59.25 OP22 CICSPROD DFHAPRT 2 0.436

09.59.26 AP63 CICSPRDE APPM00 2 0.045

09.59.26 ARUS CICSPROD DFHAPRT 3 0.158

09.59.27 CSM5 CICSPRDB DFHMIR 4 0.639


Tivoli Performance Reporter report: CICS902

Figure 18. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 CICS UOW response times report

Monitoring availability
Users of CICS applications depend on the availability of several types of resources:
v Central site hardware and the operating system environment in which the CICS
region runs
v Network hardware, such as communication controllers, teleprocessing lines, and
terminals through which users access the CICS region
v CICS region
v Application programs and data. Application programs can be distributed among
several CICS regions.
In some cases, an application depends on the availability of many resources of the
same and of different types, so reporting on availability requires a complex
analysis of data from different sources. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390
can help you, because all the data is in one database.

Monitoring SYSEVENT data

If the SYSEVENT option is used, CICS records at the end of each transaction:
v Transaction ID
v Associated terminal ID
v Elapsed time

Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 119

This is useful when you require only transaction statistics, rather than the detailed
information that CMF produces. In many cases, it may be sufficient to process only
this data, since RMF records it as part of its SMF type-72 record. Analysis (and
even recording) of SMF records from CMF can then be reserved for those
circumstances when the detailed data is needed. Use the Tivoli Performance
Reporter System Performance feature (MVS performance component) to report on
this data.

When running under goal mode in MVS 5.1.0 and later, CICS performance can be
reported in workload groups, service classes, and periods. These are a few
examples of Tivoli Performance Reporter reports for CICS in this environment.
Figure 20 shows how service classes were served by other service classes. This
report is available only when the MVS system is running in goal mode.

2.50 Response
time (s)

Response Time (sec)

Look wait

I/O wait
Conv wait

Distr wait
Syspl wait

Timer wait
Other wait
8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00

Time of Day Misc wait

Figure 19. Example of an MVSPM response time breakdown, hourly trend report

MVSPM Served Service Classes, Overview

Sysplex: 'SYSPLEX1' System: MVS_SYSTEM_ID
Date: '1998-09-22' Period: 'PRIME'

Workload Service Served No of times No of No of times

group class class served tx's served per tx
-------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ --------------
CICS CICSREGS CICS-1 15227 664 22.9
CICS-2 6405 215 29.8
CICS-3 24992 1251 20.0
CICS-4 87155 1501 58.1
CICSTRX 67769 9314 7.3

Tivoli Performance Reporter report: MVSPM79

Figure 20. Example of an MVSPM served service classes overview report

120 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

MVSPM Response Time Breakdown, Overview
Sysplex: 'SYSPLEX1' Subsystem: SUBSYSTEM
Date: '1995-09-22' Period: 'PRIME'

Service MVS Total Activ Ready Idle Lock I/O Conv Distr Local Netw Syspl Timer Other Misc
Workload class sysstate state state state wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
group /Period Ph ID (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
-------- ---------- --- --------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
CICS CICS-1 /1 BTE CA0 6.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
C80 29.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.6 0.0
C90 3.8 0.4 1.3 1.5 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
* 13.3 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.1 7.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 0.0

/1 EXE CA0 16.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 15.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
C80 14.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 3.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.0 0.0
C90 14.0 1.6 4.5 4.8 0.0 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
* 14.9 0.6 1.6 1.7 0.0 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 0.0

IMS IMS-1 /1 EXE CA0 20.7 0.4 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
C80 1.1 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
C90 22.2 5.3 11.9 1.2 0.0 0.2 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
* 14.7 2.0 4.2 0.6 0.0 0.1 7.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tivoli Performance Reporter report: MVSPM73

Figure 21. Example of an MVSPM response time breakdown overview report

Figure 21 shows how much the various transaction states contribute to the average
response time. This report is available when the MVS system is running in goal
mode and when the subsystem is CICS or IMS.

Figure 19 on page 120 shows the average transaction response time trend and how
the various transaction states contribute to it. (The sum of the different states adds
up to the average execution time. The difference between the response time and
the execution time is mainly made up of switch time, for example, the time the
transactions spend being routed to another region for processing). This report is
available when the MVS system is running in goal mode and when the subsystem
is CICS or IMS.

Chapter 7. Tivoli Performance Reporter for OS/390 121

122 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Chapter 8. Managing Workloads
Workload management in a sysplex is provided by:
v MVS workload manager: see “MVS workload manager”
v CICSPlex SM workload management: see “CICSPlex SM workload
management” on page 133

MVS workload manager

This is particularly significant in a sysplex environment, but is also of value to
subsystems running in a single MVS image.

| CICS provides dynamic routing and distributed routing user-replaceable programs

| to handle the routing of the work requests to the selected target region. For details,
| see the CICS Customization Guide and CICS Intercommunication Guide.

To help you migrate to goal-oriented workload management, you can run any
MVS image in a sysplex in compatibility mode, using the performance management
tuning methods of releases of MVS before MVS/ESA 5.1.
1. If you do not want to use the MVS workload management facility, you should
review your MVS performance definitions to ensure that they are still
appropriate for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3. To do this,
review parameters in the IEAICS and IEAIPS members of the MVS PARMLIB
library. For more information about these MVS performance definitions, see the
OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide.
| 2. If you use CICSPlex SM to control dynamic routing in a CICSplex or BTS-plex,
| you can base its actions on the CICS response time goals of the CICS
transactions as defined to the MVS workload manager. See “Using
CICSPlex SM workload management” on page 134. For full details, see the
CICSPlex SM Managing Workloads manual.

Benefits of using MVS Workload Manager

The benefits of using MVS workload manager are:
v Improved performance through MVS resource management
The improvement is likely to depend on many factors, for example:
– System hardware configuration
– The way the system is partitioned
– Whether CICS subsystems are single or multi-region
– The spread of types of applications or tasks performed, and the diversity of
their profile of operation
– The extent to which the sysplex workload changes dynamically.
v Improved efficiency of typical MVS sysplexes
– Improved overall capacity
– Increased work throughput.
v Simplified MVS tuning

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 123

Generally, systems whose operating signature makes attaining or maintaining
optimal tuning difficult or time consuming to achieve by current means will
tend to obtain the greater benefit.

The main benefit is that you no longer have to continually monitor and tune CICS
to achieve optimum performance. You can set your workload objectives in the
service definition and let the workload component of MVS manage the resources
and the workload to achieve your objectives.

The MVS workload manager produces performance reports that you can use to
establish reasonable performance goals and for capacity planning.

MVS workload management terms

The following terms are used in the description of MVS workload management:
classification rules
The rules workload management and subsystems use to assign a service
class and, optionally, a reporting class to a work request (transaction). A
classification rule consists of one or more work qualifiers. See “Defining
classification rules” on page 129.
compatibility mode
A workload management mode for an MVS image in a sysplex using the
pre-workload management MVS performance tuning definitions from the
IEAICSxx and IEAIPSxx members of the SYS1.PARMLIB library.
goal mode
A workload management mode for an MVS image in a sysplex using an
MVS workload management service definition to automatically and
dynamically balance its system resources according to the active service
policy for the sysplex.
report class
Work for which reporting information is collected separately. For example,
you can have a report class for information combining two different service
classes, or a report class for information on a single transaction.
service class
A subset of a workload having the same service goals or performance
objectives, resource requirements, or availability requirements. For
workload management, you assign a service goal to a service class. See
“Defining service classes” on page 128.
service definition
An explicit definition of all the workloads and processing capacity in a
sysplex. A service definition includes service policies, workloads, service
classes, resource groups, and classification rules. See “Setting up service
definitions” on page 127.
service policy
A set of performance goals for all MVS images using MVS workload
manager in a sysplex. There can be only one active service policy for a
sysplex, and all subsystems in goal mode within that sysplex process
towards that policy. However, you can create several service policies, and
switch between them to cater for the different needs of different processing

124 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Work to be tracked, managed and reported as a unit. Also, a group of
service classes.
workload management mode
The mode in which workload management manages system resources in
an MVS image within a sysplex. The mode can be either compatibility
mode or goal mode.

Requirements for MVS workload management

To use MVS workload management you need the following software:
v MVS/ESA System Product (MVS/ESA SP) - JES2 Version 5 Release 1 or a later,
upward-compatible, release
v MVS/ESA System Product (MVS/ESA SP) - JES3 Version 5 Release 1 or a later,
upward-compatible, release

For MVS workload manager operation across the CICS task-related user exit
interface to other subsystems, such as DB2 and DBCTL, you need the appropriate
releases of these products.

For more information about requirements for MVS workload management see the
following manuals: MVS Planning: Workload Management, and MVS Planning:
Sysplex Manager.

Resource usage
The CICS function for MVS workload management incurs negligible impact on
CICS storage.

Span of workload manager operation

MVS workload manager operates across a sysplex. You can run each MVS image in
the sysplex in either goal mode or compatibility mode. However, there can be only
one active service policy for all MVS images running in goal mode in a sysplex.

All CICS regions (and other MVS subsystems) running on an MVS image with
MVS workload manager are subject to the effects of workload management.

If the CICS workload involves non-CICS resource managers, such as DB2 and
DBCTL, CICS can pass information through the resource manager interface (RMI1)
to enable MVS workload manager to relate the part of the workload within the
non-CICS resource managers to the part of the workload within CICS.

CICS does not pass information across ISC links to relate the parts of the task
execution thread on either side of the ISC link. If you use tasks that communicate
across ISC links, you must define separate performance goals, and service classes,
for the parts of the task execution thread on each side of the ISC link. These rules
apply to ISC links that are:
v Within the same MVS image (so called “intrahost ISC”)
v Between MVS images in the same sysplex (perhaps for compatibility reasons)

1. The CICS interface modules that handle the communication between a task-related user exit and the resource manager are usually
referred to as the resource manager interface (RMI) or the task-related user exit (TRUE) interface.

Chapter 8. Managing Workloads 125

v Between MVS images in different sysplexes.
If you use tasks that communicate across ISC links between two sysplexes, the
separate performance goals are defined in the active service policy for each

Defining performance goals

You can define performance goals, such as internal response times, for CICS (and
other MVS subsystems that comprise your workload). As an alternative to defining
your own goals, you can use “discretionary goals”—the workload manager decides
how best to run work for which this type of goal is specified. You can define goals
v Individual CICS regions
v Groups of transactions running under CICS
v Individual transactions running under CICS
v Transactions associated with individual userids
v Transactions associated with individual LU names.

Workload management also collects performance and delay data, which can be
used by reporting and monitoring products, such as the Resource Measurement
Facility (RMF), the TIVOLI Performance Reporter for OS/390, or vendor products.

The service level administrator defines your installation’s performance goals, and
monitoring data, based on business needs and current performance. The complete
definition of workloads and performance goals is called a service definition. You
may already have this kind of information in a service level agreement (SLA).

Determining CICS response times before defining goals

Before you set goals for CICS work, you can determine CICS current response
times by running CICS in compatibility mode with an arbitrary goal. For this
purpose, use the SRVCLASS parameter, provided by MVS 5.1 in the installation
control specification (ICS). This parameter lets you associate a service class with a
report performance group, to be run in compatibility mode. You would then:
1. Define a service policy, with a default service class, or classes, for your CICS
work, and specify an arbitrary response time goal (say 3 seconds)
2. Define classification rules for the service class or classes (see “Defining
classification rules” on page 129)
3. Install the service definition
4. Activate the service policy in compatibility mode.
The average response time for work within the service classes is reported under
the report performance group in the RMF Monitor I workload activity report.

This information helps you to set realistic goals for running your CICS work when
you switch to goal mode. The reporting data produced by RMF reports:
v Is organized by service class
v Contains reasons for any delays that affect the response time for the service class
(for example, because of the actions of a resource manager or an I/O

From the reported information, you may be able to determine configuration

changes to improve performance.

126 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Example of using SRVCLASS parameter of IEAICSxx
To obtain CICS response time information while in compatibility mode, you can set
up the following:
v In your service definition, set up the following:
– A test policy, comprising the following:
Service Policy Name . . . : CICSTEST
Description . . . . . . . : Migration (compatibility) mode
– A workload definition, in which to define the required service class:
Workload Name . . . . . . . : CICSALL
Description . . . . . . . . . CICSTEST migration workload
– A service class for all CICS transactions:
Service Class Name . . . . . : CICSALL
Description . . . . . . . . . All CICS transactions
Workload Name . . . . . . . . CICSALL
---Period--- ---------------------Goal---------------------
Action # Duration Imp. Description
__ 1 1 Average response time of 00:00:03.000

Note: It does not matter what goal you specify, since it is not used in
compatibility mode, but it cannot be discretionary.
– Specify the name of the service class under the classification rules for the
CICS subsystem:
Subsystem Type . . . . . . : CICS
Default Service Class . . : CICSALL
v In your ICS member in SYS1.PARMLIB (IEAICSxx), specify:
v Install the workload definition in the coupling facility.
v Activate the test service policy, either by using options provided by the WLM
ISPF application, or by issuing the following MVS command:

You receive response time information about CICS transactions in the RMF
Monitor I Workload Activity Report under report performance group 100. For more
information about defining performance goals and the use of SRVCLASS, see the
MVS Planning: Workload Management manual.

Setting up service definitions

You define one service definition for each sysplex. A service definition consists of:
Service policies
See “Defining service policies” on page 128
See “Defining workloads” on page 128
Service classes
See “Defining service classes” on page 128
Classification rules
See “Defining classification rules” on page 129

Chapter 8. Managing Workloads 127

You should record the details of your planned service definition on worksheets, as
described in the MVS Planning: Workload Management manual. MVS 5.1 provides an
ISPF panel-based application for setting up and adjusting the service definition.

Defining service policies

You can have one or more service policies, which are a named set of performance
goals meant to cover a certain operating period.

If you have varying performance goals, you can define several service policies.

You can activate only one service policy at a time for the whole sysplex, and, when
appropriate, switch to another policy.

Defining workloads
A workload comprises units of work that share some common characteristics that
makes it meaningful for an installation to manage or monitor as a group. For
example, all CICS work, or all CICS order entry work, or all CICS development

A workload is made up of one or more service classes.

Defining service classes

Service classes are categories of work, within a workload, to which you can assign
performance goals. You can create service classes for groups of work with similar:
v Performance goals
You can assign the following performance goals to the service classes:
Response time
You can define an average response time (the amount of time required
to complete the work) or a response time with percentile (a percentage
of work to be completed in the specified amount of time).
You can specify that the goal is discretionary for any work for which
you do not have specific goals.
For work not related to transactions, such as batch jobs and started
tasks. For CICS regions started as started tasks, a velocity goal applies
only during start-up.
1. For service classes for CICS transactions, you cannot define velocity
performance goals, discretionary goals, or multiple performance periods.
2. For service classes for CICS regions, you cannot define multiple performance
v Business importance to the installation
You can assign an importance to a service class, so that one service class goal is
recognized as more important than other service class goals. There are five levels
of importance, numbered, from highest to lowest, 1 to 5.

You can also create service classes for started tasks and JES, and can assign
resource groups to those service classes. You can use such service classes to
manage the workload associated with CICS as it starts up, but before CICS

128 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

transaction-related work begins. (Note that when you define CICS in this way, the
address space name is specified as TN, for the task or JES “transaction” name.)

There is a default service class, called SYSOTHER. It is used for CICS transactions
for which MVS workload management cannot find a matching service class in the
classification rules—for example, if the couple data set becomes unavailable.

Defining classification rules

Classification rules determine how to associate incoming work with a service class.
Optionally, the classification rules can assign incoming work to a report class, for
grouping report data.

There is one set of classification rules for each service definition. The classification
rules apply to every service policy in the service definition; so there is one set of
rules for the sysplex.

You should use classification rules for every service class defined in your service

Classification rules categorize work into service classes and, optionally, report
classes, based on work qualifiers. You set up classification rules for each MVS
subsystem type that uses workload management. The work qualifiers that CICS
can use (and which identify CICS work requests to workload manager) are:
LU LU name
LUG LU name group
SI Subsystem instance (VTAM applid)
SIG Subsystem instance group
TN Transaction identifier
TNG Transaction identifier group
UI Userid
UIG Userid group.
1. You should consider defining workloads for terminal-owning regions only.
Work requests do not normally originate in an application-owning region. They
(transactions) are normally routed to an application-owning region from a
terminal-owning region, and the work request is classified in the
terminal-owning region. In this case, the work is not reclassified in the
application-owning region.
If work orginates in the application-owning region it is classified in the
application-owning region; normally there would be no terminal.
2. You can use identifier group qualifiers to specify the name of a group of
qualifiers; for example, GRPACICS could specify a group of CICS tranids,
which you could specify on classification rules by TNG GRPACICS. This is a
useful alternative to specifying classification rules for each transaction

You can use classification groups to group disparate work under the same work
qualifier—if, for example, you want to assign it to the same service class.

You can set up a hierarchy of classification rules. When CICS receives a

transaction, workload manager searches the classification rules for a matching
qualifier and its service class or report class. Because a piece of work can have
more than one work qualifier associated with it, it may match more than one

Chapter 8. Managing Workloads 129

classification rule. Therefore, the order in which you specify the classification rules
determines which service classes are assigned.

Note: You are recommended to keep classification rules simple.

Example of using classification rules: As an example, you might want all CICS
work to go into service class CICSB except for the following:
v All work from LU name S218, except the PAYR transaction, is to run in service
class CICSA
v Work for the PAYR transaction (payroll application) entered at LU name S218 is
to run in service class CICSC.
v All work from terminals other than LU name S218, and whose LU name begins
with S2, is to run in service class CICSD.
You could specify this by the following classification rules:
Subsystem Type . . . . . . . CICS

-------Qualifier----------- -------Class--------
Type Name Start Service Report
1 LU S218 CICSA ________
2 TN PAYR CICSC ________
1 LU S2* CICSD ________

Note: In this classification, the PAYR transaction is nested as a sub-rule under the
classification rule for LU name S218, indicated by the number 2, and the
indentation of the type and name columns.

Consider the effect of these rules on the following work requests:

Request 1 Request 2 Request 3 Request 4

LU name ...... S218 A001 S218 S214

Transaction .. PAYR PAYR DEBT ANOT

v For request 1, the work request for the payroll application runs in service class
CICSC. This is because the request is associated with the terminal with LU name
S218, and the TN—PAYR classification rule specifying service class CICSC is
nested under the LU—S218 classification rule qualifier.
v For request 2, the work request for the payroll application runs in service class
CICSB, because it is not associated with LU name S218, nor S2*, and there are
no other classification rules for the PAYR transaction. Likewise, any work
requests associated with LU names that do not start with S2 run in service class
CICSB, as there are classification rules for LU names S218 and S2* only.
v For request 3, the work request for the DEBT transaction runs in service class
CICSA, because it is associated with LU name S218, and there is no DEBT
classification rule nested under the LU—S218 classification rule qualifiers.
v For request 4, the work request for the ANOT transaction runs in service class
CICSD, because it is associated with an LU name starting S2, but not S218.

However, if the classification rules were specified as:

1 TN PAYR CICSA ________
1 LU S218 CICSA ________
2 TN PAYR CICSC ________
1 LU S2* CICSD ________

130 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

the PAYR transaction would always run in service class CICSA, even if it were
associated with LU name S218.

Guidelines for classifying CICS transactions

For RMF to provide meaningful Workload Activity Report data it is suggested that
you use the following guidelines when defining the service classes for CICS
transactions. In the same service class:
1. Do not mix CICS-supplied transactions with user transactions
2. Do not mix routed with non-routed transactions
3. Do not mix conversational with pseudo-conversational transactions
4. Do not mix long-running and short-running transactions.

Using a service definition base

To minimize the amount of data you need to enter into the ISPF workload
application, you use a service definition base. When you set up your service
definition, you identify the workloads, the service classes, and their goals, based
on your performance objectives. Then you define classification rules. This
information makes up the service definition base. The base contains workloads,
service classes, resource groups, report classes, and classification rules.

All workloads, service classes, and classification rules defined in a service

definition base apply to every policy that you define. You should use classification
rules for every service class defined in your service definition. If you do not have
any other business requirements to modify a service goal or a resource group from
the service definition base, you can run an installation with one policy.

Using MVS workload manager

To use the MVS workload manager facility, you should:
1. Implement workload management on the MVS images that the CICS workload
is to run on, as outlined in “Implementing MVS workload management”.
2. Ensure that CICS performance parameters correspond to the policies defined
for MVS workload management, as outlined in “Matching CICS performance
parameters to service policies” on page 132.
3. Activate MVS workload manager, as outlined in “Activating CICS support for
MVS workload manager” on page 133.

Implementing MVS workload management

The task of implementing MVS workload management is part of the overall task of
planning for, and installing, MVS 5.1.

Implementing MVS workload management generally involves the following steps:

1. Establish your workloads.
2. Set your business priorities.
3. Understand your performance objectives.
4. Define critical work.
5. Define performance objectives based on current:
v Business needs

Chapter 8. Managing Workloads 131

v Performance:
– Reporting and monitoring products
– Capacity planning tools
– IEAICS and IEAIPS parameters.
6. Get agreement for your workload performance objectives.
7. Specify a service level agreement or performance objectives.
8. Specify an MVS WLM service definition using the information from step 7.

Note: It is helpful at this stage to record your service definition in a form that
will help you to enter it into the MVS workload manager ISPF
application. You are recommended to use the worksheets provided in
the MVS publication Planning: Workload Management.
9. Install MVS.
10. Set up a sysplex with a single MVS image, and run in workload manager
compatibility mode.
11. Upgrade your existing XCF couple data set.
12. Start the MVS workload manager ISPF application, and use it in the following
13. Allocate and format a new couple data set for workload management. (You
can do this from the ISPF application.)
14. Define your service definition.
15. Install your service definition on the couple data set for workload
16. Activate a service policy.
17. Switch the MVS image into goal mode.
18. Start up a new MVS image in the sysplex. (That is, attach the new MVS image
to the couple data set for workload management, and link it to the service
19. Switch the new MVS image into goal mode.
20. Repeat steps 18 and 19 for each new MVS image in the sysplex.
1. CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 support for MVS workload manager is
initialized automatically during CICS startup.
2. All CICS regions (and other MVS subsystems) running on an MVS image with
MVS workload management are subject to the effects of workload manager.

Matching CICS performance parameters to service policies

You must ensure that the CICS performance parameters are compatible with the
workload manager service policies used for the CICS workload.

In general, you should define CICS performance objectives to the MVS workload
manager first, and observe the effect on CICS performance. Once the MVS
workload manager definitions are working correctly, you can then consider tuning
the CICS parameters to further enhance CICS performance. However, you should
use CICS performance parameters as little as possible.

Performance attributes that you might consider using are:

132 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

v Transaction priority, passed on dynamic transaction routing. (Use prioritization
carefully, if at all.) The priority assigned by the CICS dispatcher must be
compatible with the task priority defined to MVS workload manager.
v Maximum number of concurrent user tasks for the CICS region.
v Maximum number of concurrent tasks in each transaction class.

Activating CICS support for MVS workload manager

CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 support for MVS workload manager
is initialized automatically during CICS startup.

Customer-written resource managers and other non-CICS code which is attached to

CICS via the RMI must be modified to provide workload manager support, if
workload manager is to work correctly for CICS-based tasks which cross the RMI
| into such areas.
| CICSPlex SM workload management
| CICSPlex SM workload management directs work requests to a target region that
| is selected using one of the following:
| The queue algorithm
| CICSPlex SM routes work requests initiated in the requesting region to the
| most suitable target region within the designated set of target regions.
| The goal algorithm
| CICSPlex SM routes work requests to the target region that is best able to
| meet the goals that have been predefined using MVS workload manager.

| The CICSPlex SM dynamic routing program EYU9XLOP is invoked to route work

| requests to the selected target region. EYU9XLOP supports both workload
| balancing and workload separation. You define to CICSPlex SM which requesting,
| routing, and target regions in the CICSplex or BTS-plex can participate in dynamic
| routing, and any affinities that govern the target regions to which particular work
| requests must be routed. The output from the Transaction Affinities Utility can be
| used directly by CICSPlex SM.

| For more information about CICSPlex SM, see the CICSPlex SM Concepts and
| Planning manual.

| Benefits of using CICSPlex SM workload management

| There are no special requirements to be able to use the dynamic transaction routing
| mechanism, but it offers the user the following:
| v A dynamic routing program to make more intelligent routing decisions; for
| example, based on workload goals.
| v CICS can provide improved support for MVS goal-oriented workload
| management.
| v Make it easier to use a global temporary storage owning region in the MVS
| sysplex environment, which avoids intertransaction affinity that can occur with
| the use of local temporary storage queues.
| v Can be used by CICSPlex SM to provide intelligent routing in a CICSPlex or a
| BTS-plex that has at least one requesting region linked to multiple target regions.

Chapter 8. Managing Workloads 133

| Using CICSPlex SM workload management
| For information on setting up and using CICSPlex SM workload management, see
| the CICSPlex SM Concepts and Planning and the CICSPlex SM Managing Workloads
| manuals.

134 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 9. Understanding RMF workload manager data
This chapter provides in the following sections an explanation, together with a
number of examples, of CICS-related data from an RMF workload activity report.
v “Explanation of terms used in RMF reports”
v “Interpreting the RMF workload activity data” on page 137

RMF provides data for subsystem work managers that support workload
management. In MVS these are IMS and CICS.

This chapter includes a discussion of some possible data that may be reported for
CICS and IMS, and provides some possible explanations for the data. Based on this
discussion and the explanations, you may decide to alter your service class
definitions. In some cases, there may be some actions that you can take, in which
case you can follow the suggestion. In other cases, the explanations are provided
only to help you better understand the data. For more information about using
RMF, see the RMF User’s Guide.

Explanation of terms used in RMF reports

It might help to relate some of the terms used in an RMF activity report to the
more familiar CICS terms. For example, some of terms in the RMF report can be
equated with CEMT INQUIRE TASK terms.

These explanations are given for two main sections of the reports:
v The response time breakdown in percentage section
v The state section, covering switched time.

The response time breakdown in percentage section

The “Response time breakdown in percentage” section of the RMF report contains
the following headings:
The percentage of response time accounted for by tasks currently executing
in the region—tasks shown as Running by the CEMT INQUIRE TASK
The percentage of response time accounted for by tasks that are not
currently executing but are ready to be dispatched—tasks shown as
Dispatchable by the CEMT INQUIRE TASK command.
IDLE The percentage of response time accounted for by a number of instances or
types of CICS tasks:
v Tasks waiting on a principal facility (for example, conversational tasks
waiting for a response from a terminal user)
v The terminal control (TC) task, CSTP, waiting for work
v The interregion controller task, CSNC, waiting for transaction routing
v CICS system tasks, such as CSSY or CSNE waiting for work.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 135

A CEMT INQUIRE TASK command would show any of these user tasks as
Suspended, as are the CICS system tasks.
The percentage of response time accounted for by tasks that are not
currently executing and are not ready to be dispatched—shown as
Suspended by the CEMT INQUIRE TASK command.

The WAITING FOR main heading is further broken down into a number of
subsidiary headings. Where applicable, for waits other than those described for the
IDLE condition described above, CICS interprets the cause of the wait, and records
the ‘waiting for’ reason in the WLM performance block.

The waiting-for terms used in the RMF report equate to the WLM_WAIT_TYPE
parameter on the SUSPEND, WAIT_OLDC, WAIT_OLDW, and WAIT_MVS calls
used by the dispatcher, and the SUSPEND and WAIT_MVS calls used in the CICS
XPI. These are shown as follows (with the CICS WLM_WAIT_TYPE term, where
different from RMF, in parenthesis):
Term Description
LOCK Waiting on a lock. For example, waiting for:
v A lock on CICS resource
v A record lock on a recoverable VSAM file
v Exclusive control of a record in a BDAM file
v An application resource that has been locked by an EXEC CICS ENQ
I/O (IO)
Waiting for an I/O request or I/O related request to complete. For
v File control, transient data, temporary storage, or journal I/O.
v Waiting on I/O buffers or VSAM strings.
Waiting on a conversation between work manager subsystems. This
information is further analyzed under the SWITCHED TIME heading.
DIST Not used by CICS.
Waiting on the establishment of a session with another CICS region in the
same MVS image in the sysplex.
Waiting on establishment of a session with another CICS region in a
different MVS image in the sysplex.
Waiting on the establishment of an ISC session with another CICS region
(which may, or may not, be in the same MVS image).
Waiting for a timer event or an interval control event to complete. For
example, an application has issued an EXEC CICS DELAY or EXEC CICS
WAIT EVENT command which has yet to complete.
Waiting on another product to complete its function; for example, when
the work request has been passed to a DB2 or DBCTL subsystem.

136 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

MISC Waiting on a resource that does not fall into any of the other categories.

The state section

The state section covers the time that transactions are “switched” to another CICS
The percentage of response time accounted for by tasks in a TOR that are
waiting on a conversation across an intersystem communication link (MRO
or ISC). This information provides a further breakdown of the response
time shown under the CONV heading.

The SWITCHED TIME heading is further broken down into a number of

subsidiary headings, and covers those transactions that are waiting on a
conversation. These are explained as follows:
The work request has been switched, across an MRO link, to another CICS
region in same MVS image.
The work request has been switched, across an XCF/MRO link, to another
CICS region in another MVS image in the sysplex.
The work request has been switched, across an ISC link, to another CICS
region (which may, or may not, be in the same MVS image).

For more information on the MVS workload manager states and resource names
used by CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, see the CICS Problem
Determination Guide.

Interpreting the RMF workload activity data

Figure 23 on page 138 shows an example of the CICS state section of an RMF
Monitor I workload activity report. It is based on an example hotel reservations
service class.

The text following the figure explains how to interpret the fields.

RMF reporting intervals

Chapter 9. Understanding RMF workload manager data 137


interval RMF reporting interval RMF reporting int


Starts Runs and completes Completes TxnA

TxnA TxnA, which is which is included
and routes included in EXE in BTE total for
it to AOR. total for this this interval.

Figure 22. Illustration of snapshot principle for RMF reporting intervals



--------------------------RESPONSE TIME BREAKDOWN IN PERCENTAGE------------------- ----STATE------
SUB P TOTAL ACTIVE READY IDLE -------------------------WAITING FOR--------------------- SWITCHED TIME (%)
CICS BTE 93.4 10.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 83.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 83.3 0.0 0.0
CICS EXE 67.0 13.2 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Figure 23. Hotel Reservations service class

An RMF workload activity report contains “snapshot data” which is data collected
over a relatively short interval. The data for a given work request (CICS
transaction) in an MRO environment is generally collected for more than one CICS
region, which means there can be some apparent inconsistencies between the
execution (EXE) phase and the begin to end (BTE) data in the RMF reports. This is
caused by the end of a reporting interval occurring at a point when work has
completed in one region but not yet completed in an associated region. See
Figure 22.

For example, an AOR can finish processing transactions, the completion of which
are included in the current reporting interval, whilst the TOR may not complete its
processing of the same transactions during the same interval.

The fields in this RMF report describe an example CICS hotel reservations service
class (CICSHR), explained as follows:
CICS This field indicates that the subsystem work manager is CICS.
BTE This field indicates that the data in the row relates to the begin-to-end work
CICS transactions are analyzed over two phases: a begin-to-end (BTE)
phase, and an execution (EXE) phase.
The begin-to-end phase usually takes place in the terminal owning region
(TOR), which is responsible for starting and ending the transaction.
EXE This field indicates that the data in the row relates to the execution work
phase. The execution phase can take place in an application owning region
(AOR) and a resource-owning region such as an FOR. In our example, the

138 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

216 transactions were routed by a TOR to another region for execution,
such as an AOR (and possibly an FOR).
This field shows that 216 hotel reservation transactions completed.
This field shows that the AORs completed 216 transactions in the reporting

Note: In our example the two phases show the same number of
transactions completed, indicating that during the reporting interval
all the transactions routed by the TORs (ENDED) were completed
by the AORs (EXECUTD) and also completed by the TORs. This will
not normally be the case because of the way data is captured in
RMF reporting intervals. See “RMF reporting intervals” on page 137.
Shown under TRANSACTION TIME, this field shows the average response
time as 0.114 seconds, for the 216 transactions completed in the BTE phase.
Shown under TRANSACTION TIME, this field shows that on average it
took 0.078 seconds for the AORs to execute the transactions.

While executing these transactions, CICS records the states the transactions are
experiencing. RMF reports the states in the RESPONSE TIME BREAKDOWN IN
PERCENTAGE section of the report, with one line for the begin-to-end phase, and
another for the execution phase.

| The response time analysis for the BTE phase is described as follows:
| For BTE
| Explanation
| The CICS BTE total field shows that the TORs have information covering
| 93.4% of the ACTUAL response time, the analysis of which is shown in the
| remainder of the row. This value is the ratio of sampled response times to
| actual response times. The sampled response times are derived by
| calculating the elapse times to be the number of active performance blocks
| (inflight transactions) multiplied by the sample interval time. The actual
| response times are those reported to RMF by CICS when each transaction
| ends. The proximity of the total value to 100% and a relatively small
| standard deviation value are measures of how accurately the sampled data
| represents the actual system behavior. “Possible explanations” on page 141
| shows how these reports can be distorted.
| On average, the work (transactions) was active in the TORs for only about
| 10.2% of the ACTUAL response time
| In this phase, the TORs did not detect that any part of the average
| response time was accounted for by work that was dispatchable but
| waiting behind other transactions.
| IDLE In this phase, the TORs did not detect that any part of the average
| response time was accounted for by transactions that were waiting for
| work.

Chapter 9. Understanding RMF workload manager data 139

| Only one field shows a value in the WAITING FOR section—the CONV
| value (this is typical for a TOR). It indicates that for about 83.3% of the
| time, the transactions were waiting on a conversation. This is further
| explained by the SWITCHED TIME data.
| From the SWITCHED TIME % data you can see the reason for the
| ‘waiting-on-a-conversation’. This is 83.3 % LOCAL, which indicates that
| the transactions were routed locally to an AOR on the same MVS image.

| Note: In the analysis of the BTE phase, the values do not exactly add up to the
TOTAL value because of rounding—in our example, 10.2 + 83.3 = 93.5,
against a total shown as 93.4.

The response time analysis for the EXE phase is described as follows:
The CICS EXE total field shows that the AORs have information covering
67% of the ACTUAL response time.
On average, the work is active in the AOR for only about 13.2% of the
average response time.
On average the work is ready, but waiting behind other tasks in the region,
for about 7.1% of the average response time.
PROD On average, 46.7% of the average response time is spent outside the CICS
subsystem, waiting for another product to provide some service to these
You can’t tell from this RMF report what the other product is, but the
probability is that the transactions are accessing data through a database
manager such as Database Control (DBCTL) or DB2.

Example: very large percentages in the response time breakdown

Figure 24 on page 141 shows an example of a work manager state section for the
PERCENTAGE section of the report, both the CICS EXE and the CICS BTE rows
show excessively inflated percentages: 78.8K, 183, 1946 and so on.

140 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide




-------------------------------RESPONSE TIME BREAKDOWN IN PERCENTAGE---------------------- ---STATE--------

SUB P TOTAL ACTIVE READY IDLE ------------------------WAITING FOR-------------------------- SWITCHED TIME (%)
CICS BTE 78.8K 183 265 1946 0.0 0.0 235 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 76.2K 229 0.0 17.9
CICS EXE 140 91.8 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 45.4 0.0 19.6K 0.0 0.0

Figure 24. Response Time percentages greater than 100

Possible explanations
There several possible explanations for the unusual values shown in this sample
v Long-running transactions
v Never-ending transactions
v Conversational transactions
v Dissimilar work in service class

Long-running transactions
| The RMF report in Figure 23 on page 138 shows both very high response times
| percentages and a large standard deviation of reported transaction times.

| The report shows for the recorded 15 minute interval that 1648 transactions
| completed in the TOR. These transactions had an actual average response time of
| 0.111seconds (note that this has a large standard deviation) giving a total of 182.9
| seconds running time (0.111 seconds multiplied by 1648 transactions). However, if
| there are a large number of long running transactions also running, these will be
| counted in the sampled data but not included in the the actual response time
| values. If the number of long running transactions is large, the distortion of the
| Total value will also be very large.

The long running transactions could be either routed or non-routed transactions.

Routed transactions are transactions that are routed from a TOR to one or more
AORs. Long-running routed transactions could result in many samples of waiting
for a conversation (CONV) in the CICS begin-to-end phase, with the AOR’s state
shown in the execution phase.

Non-routed transactions execute completely in a TOR, and have no execution

(CICS EXE) phase data. Non-routed CICS transactions could inflate the ACTIVE or
READY data for the CICS BTE phase.

Never-ending transactions
Never-ending transactions differ from long-running transactions in that they persist
for the life of a region. For CICS, these could include the IBM reserved transactions
such as CSNC and CSSY, or customer defined transactions. Never-ending
transactions are reported in a similar way to long-running transactions, as
explained above. However, for never-ending CICS transactions, RMF might report
large percentages in IDLE, or under TIMER or MISC in the WAITING FOR section.

Chapter 9. Understanding RMF workload manager data 141

Conversational transactions
Conversational transactions are considered long-running transactions. CICS marks
the state of a conversational transaction as IDLE when the transaction is waiting
for terminal input. Terminal input often includes long end-user think time, so you
might see very large values in the IDLE state as a percent of response time for
completed transactions.

Dissimilar work in the service class

A service class that mixes:
v Customer and IBM transactions,
v Long-running and short-running transactions
v Routed and non-routed transactions
v Conversational and non-conversational transactions
can expect to have RMF reports showing that the total states sampled account for
more than the average response time. This can be expected if the service class is
the subsystem default service class. The default is defined in the classification rules
as the service class to be assigned to all work in a subsystem not otherwise
assigned a service class.

Possible actions
The following are some actions you could take for reports of this type:

Group similar work into the same service classes: Make sure your service classes
represent groups of similar work. This could require creating additional service
classes. For the sake of simplicity, you may have only a small number of service
classes for CICS work. If there are transactions for which you want the RMF
response time breakdown data, consider including them in their own service class.

Do nothing: For service classes representing dissimilar work such as the subsystem
default service class, recognize that the response time breakdown could include
long-running or never-ending transactions. Accept that RMF data for such service
classes does not make much sense.

Example: response time breakdown data is all zero

Figure 25 on page 143 shows an example of a work manager state section for the
CICSLONG service class. All data shows a 0.0 value.

142 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

CICS Long Running Internal Trxs

-------------------------------RESPONSE TIME BREAKDOWN IN PERCENTAGE--------------- ---------STATE---

SUB P TOTAL ACTIVE READY IDLE ----------------------------WAITING FOR---------------- SWITCHED TIME (%)
CICS BTE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Figure 25. Response time breakdown percentages all 0.0

Possible explanations
There are two possible explanations:
1. No transactions completed in the interval
2. RMF did not receive data from all systems in the sysplex.

No transactions completed in the interval

While a long-running or never-ending transaction is being processed, RMF saves
the service class state samples to SMF Type 72 records, (subtype 3). But when no
transactions have completed, (and average response time is 0), the calculations to
apportion these state samples over the response time result in 0%.

RMF did not receive data from all systems in the sysplex.
The RMF post processor may have been given SMF records from only a subset of
the systems running in the sysplex. For example, the report may represent only a
single MVS image. If that MVS image has no TOR, its AORs receive CICS
transactions routed from another MVS image or from outside the sysplex. Since the
response time for the transactions is reported by the TOR, there is no transaction
response time for the work, nor are there any ended transactions.

Possible actions
The following are some actions you could take for reports of this type:

Do nothing
You may have created this service class especially to prevent the state samples of
long running transactions from distorting data for your production work. In this
case there is no action to take.

Combine all SMF records for the sysplex

The state data is contained in the SMF records. If you combine the data from an
MVS image that doesn’t have a TOR with another MVS image that does, the state
data from the two MVS images is analyzed together by RMF. This ensures that the
response time distribution data is no longer reported as zeros.

Chapter 9. Understanding RMF workload manager data 143

Example: execution time greater than response time
Figure 26 shows an example of a work manager state section for the CICSPROD
service class. In the example, there are 1731 ENDED transactions yet the EXECUTD
field shows that only 1086 have been executed. The response time (ACTUAL field)
shows 0.091 seconds as the average of all 1731 transactions, while the AORs can
only describe the execution of the 1086 they participated in, giving an execution
time of 0.113.

CICS Trans not classified singly

Figure 26. Execution time greater than response time

Possible explanation
The situation illustrated by this example could be explained by the service class
containing a mixture of routed and non-routed transactions. In this case, the AORs
have recorded states which account for more time than the average response time
of all the transactions. The response time breakdown shown by RMF for the
execution phase of processing can again show percentages exceeding 100% of the
response time.

Possible actions
Define routed and non-routed transactions in different service classes.

Example: large SWITCH LOCAL Time in CICS execution phase

Figure 27 shows a work manager state data section for a CICSPROD service class.
The SWITCH LOCAL time in the response time breakdown section shows a value
of 6645.


-------------------------------RESPONSE TIME BREAKDOWN IN PERCENTAGE----------------- ------STATE------

SUB P TOTAL ACTIVE READY IDLE ---------------------------WAITING FOR---------------------- SWITCHED TIME (%)
CICS BTE 26.8K 75.1 98.4 659 0.0 0.3 154 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.8K 149 0.0 7.8
CICS EXE 93.7 38.6 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.4 0.0 6645 0.0 0.0

Figure 27. High SWITCH time in a CICS execution environment

144 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Possible explanations
This situation can be explained by instances of distributed transaction processing

If, while executing a transaction, an AOR needs to function ship a request to

another region (for example, to a file-owning or queue-owning region), the
execution time reported in the RMF report for the AOR (the CICS EXE field)
includes the time spent in that other region.

However, if a program initiates distributed transaction processing to multiple

back-end regions, there can be many AORs associated with the original transaction.
Each of the multiple back-end regions can indicate they are switching control back
to the front-end region (SWITCH LOCAL). Thus, with a 1-many mapping like this,
there are many samples of the execution phase indicating switched requests—long
enough to exceed 100% of the response time of other work completing in the
service class.

Possible actions

Example: fewer ended transactions with increased response times

The RMF workload activity report shows increased response times, and a decrease
in the number of ended transactions.

Possible explanation
This situation could be caused by converting from ISC to MRO between the TOR
and the AOR.

When two CICS regions are connected via VTAM intersystem communication (ISC)
links, the perspective from a WLM viewpoint is that they behave differently from
when they are connected via multiregion (MRO) option. One key difference is that,
with ISC, both the TOR and the AOR are receiving a request from VTAM, so each
believes it is starting and ending a given transaction. So for a given user request
routed from the TOR via ISC to an AOR, there would be 2 completed transactions.

Let us assume they have response times of 1 second and .75 seconds respectively,
giving for an average of .875 seconds. When the TOR routes via MRO, the TOR
will describe a single completed transaction taking 1 second (in a begin-to-end
phase), and the AOR will report it’s .75 seconds as execution time. Therefore,
converting from an ISC link to an MRO connection, for the same workload, could
result in 1/2 the number of ended transactions and a corresponding increase in the
response time reported by RMF.

Possible action
Increase CICS transaction goals prior to your conversion to an MRO connection.

Chapter 9. Understanding RMF workload manager data 145

146 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Part 3. Analyzing the performance of a CICS system
This part gives an overview of performance analysis, identifies performance
constraints, and describes various techniques for performance analysis.
v “Chapter 10. Overview of performance analysis” on page 149
v “Chapter 11. Identifying CICS constraints” on page 155
v “Chapter 12. CICS performance analysis” on page 169
v “Chapter 13. Tuning the system” on page 177.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 147

148 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Chapter 10. Overview of performance analysis
This chapter discusses performance analysis in the following sections:
v “Establishing a measurement and evaluation plan” on page 150
v “Investigating the overall system” on page 152
v “Other ways to analyze performance” on page 153

There are four main uses for performance analysis:

1. You currently have no performance problems, but you simply want to adjust
the system to give better performance, and you are not sure where to start.
2. You want to characterize and calibrate individual stand-alone transactions as
part of the documentation of those transactions, and for comparison with some
future time when, perhaps, they start behaving differently.
3. A system is departing from previously identified objectives, and you want to
find out precisely where and why this is so. Although an online system may be
operating efficiently when it is installed, the characteristics of the system usage
may change and the system may not run so efficiently. This inefficiency can
usually be corrected by adjusting various controls. At least some small
adjustments usually have to be made to any new system as it goes live.
4. A system may or may not have performance objectives, but it appears to be
suffering severe performance problems.

If you are in one of the first two categories, you can skip this chapter and the next
and go straight to “Chapter 12. CICS performance analysis” on page 169.

If the current performance does not meet your needs, you should consider tuning
the system. The basic rules of tuning are:
1. Identify the major constraints in the system.
2. Understand what changes could reduce the constraints, possibly at the expense
of other resources. (Tuning is usually a trade-off of one resource for another.)
3. Decide which resources could be used more heavily.
4. Adjust the parameters to relieve the constrained resources.
5. Review the performance of the resulting system in the light of:
v Your existing performance objectives
v Progress so far
v Tuning effort so far.
6. Stop if performance is acceptable; otherwise do one of the following:
v Continue tuning
v Add suitable hardware capacity
v Lower your system performance objectives.

The tuning rules can be expressed in flowchart form as follows:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 149


Monitor the system

following a
measurement and
evaluation plan
- Objectives
- Resource
- Predictions

Have the Identify major

performance No
resolvable resource
objectives contention
been met?


Devise a tuning
Continue strategy that will:
monitoring the - Minimize usage
system as planned of resource
- Expand the
capacity of
the system

the variables

the effects

Make the change

Figure 28. Flowchart to show rules for tuning performance

Establishing a measurement and evaluation plan

For some installations, a measurement and evaluation plan might be suitable. A
measurement and evaluation plan is a structured way to measure, evaluate, and
monitor the system’s performance. By taking part in setting up this plan, the users,
user management, and your own management will know how the system’s
performance is to be measured. In addition, you will be able to incorporate some
of their ideas and tools, and they will be able to understand and concur with the
plan, support you and feel part of the process, and provide you with feedback.

The implementation steps for this plan are:

1. Devise the plan

150 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

2. Review the plan
3. Implement the plan
4. Revise and upgrade the plan as necessary.

Major activities in using the plan are:

v Collect information periodically to determine:
– Whether objectives have been met
– Transaction activity
– Resource utilization.
v Summarize and analyze the information. For this activity:
– Plot volumes and averages on a chart at a specified frequency
– Plot resource utilization on a chart at a specified frequency
– Log unusual conditions on a daily log
– Review the logs and charts weekly.
v Make or recommend changes if objectives have not been met.
v Relate past, current, and projected:
– Transaction activity
– Resource utilization.
to determine:
– If objectives continue to be met
– When resources are being used beyond an efficient capacity.
v Keep interested parties informed by means of informal reports, written reports,
and monthly meetings.

A typical measurement and evaluation plan might include the following items as
objectives, with statements of recording frequency and the measurement tool to be
v Volume and response time for each department
v Network activity:
– Total transactions
– Tasks per second
– Total by transaction type
– Hourly transaction volume (total, and by transaction).
v Resource utilization examples:
– DSA utilization
– Processor utilization with CICS
– Paging rate for CICS and for the system
– Channel utilization
– Device utilization
– Data set utilization
– Line utilization.
v Unusual conditions:
– Network problems
– Application problems
– Operator problems
– Transaction count for entry to transaction classes

Chapter 10. Overview of performance analysis 151

– SOS occurrences
– Storage violations
– Device problems (not associated with the communications network)
– System outage
– CICS outage time.

Investigating the overall system

Always start by looking at the overall system before you decide that you have a
specific CICS problem. The behavior of the system as a whole is usually just as
important. You should check such things as total processor usage, DASD activity,
and paging.

Performance degradation is often due to application growth that has not been
matched by corresponding increases in hardware resources. If this is the case, solve
the hardware resource problem first. You may still need to follow on with a plan
for multiple regions.

Information from at least three levels is required:

1. CICS: Examine the CICS interval or end-of-day statistics for exceptions, queues,
and other symptoms which suggest overloads on specific resources. A shorter
reporting period can isolate a problem. Consider software as well as hardware
resources: for example, utilization of VSAM strings or database threads as well
as files and TP lines. Check run time messages sent to the console and to
transient data destinations, such as CSMT and CSTL, for persistent application
problems and network errors.
Use tools such as CEMT and RMF, to monitor the online system and identify
activity which correlates to periods of bad performance. Collect CICS
monitoring facility history and analyze it, using tools like TIVOLI Performance
Reporter to identify performance and resource usage exceptions and trends. For
example, processor-intensive transactions which do little or no I/O should be
noted. After they get control, they can monopolize the processor. This can cause
erratic response in other transactions with more normally balanced activity
profiles. They may be candidates for isolation in another CICS region.
2. MVS: Use SMF data to discover any relationships between periods of bad CICS
performance and other concurrent activity in the MVS system. Use RMF data to
identify overloaded devices and paths. Monitor CICS region paging rates to
make sure that there is sufficient real storage to support the configuration.
3. Network: The proportion of response time spent in the system is usually small
compared with transmission delays and queuing in the network. Use tools such
as NetView, NPM, and VTAMPARS to identify problems and overloads in the
network. Without automatic tools like these, you are dependent on the
application users’ subjective opinions that performance has deteriorated. This
makes it more difficult to know how much worse performance has become and
to identify the underlying reasons.

Within CICS, the performance problem is either a poor response time or an

unexpected and unexplained high use of resources. In general, you need to look at
the system in some detail to see why tasks are progressing slowly through the
system, or why a given resource is being used heavily. The best way of looking at
detailed CICS behavior is by using CICS auxiliary trace. But note that switching on
auxiliary trace, though the best approach, may actually worsen existing poor
performance while it is in use (see page 332).

152 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

The approach is to get a picture of task activity first, listing only the task traces,
and then to focus on particular activities: specific tasks, or a very specific time
interval. For example, for a response time problem, you might want to look at the
detailed traces of one task that is observed to be slow. There may be a number of
possible reasons.

The tasks may simply be trying to do too much work for the system. You are
asking it to do too many things, it clearly takes time, and the users are simply
trying to put too much through a system that can’t do all the work that they want

Another possibility is that the system is real-storage constrained, and therefore the
tasks progress more slowly than expected because of paging interrupts. These
would show as delays between successive requests recorded in the CICS trace.

Yet another possibility is that many of the CICS tasks are waiting because there is
contention for a particular function. There is a wait on strings on a particular data
set, for example, or there is an application enqueue such that all the tasks issue an
enqueue for a particular item, and most of them have to wait while one task
actually does the work. Auxiliary trace enables you to distinguish most of these

Other ways to analyze performance

Potentially, any performance measurement tool, including statistics and the CICS
monitoring facility, may tell you something about your system that help in
diagnosing problems. You should regard each performance tool as usable in some
degree for each purpose: monitoring, single-transaction measurement, and problem

Again, CICS statistics may reveal heavy use of some resource. For example, you
may find a very large allocation of temporary storage in main storage, a very high
number of storage control requests per task (perhaps 50 or 100), or high program
use counts that may imply heavy use of program control LINK.

Both statistics and CICS monitoring may show exceptional conditions arising in the
CICS run. Statistics can show waits on strings, waits for VSAM shared resources,
waits for storage in GETMAIN requests, and so on. These also generate CICS
monitoring facility exception class records.

While these conditions are also evident in CICS auxiliary trace, they may not
appear so obviously, and the other information sources are useful in directing the
investigation of the trace data.

In addition, you may gain useful data from the investigation of CICS outages. If
there is a series of outages, common links between the outages should be

The next chapter tells you how to identify the various forms of CICS constraints,
and Chapter 12 gives you more information on performance analysis techniques.

Chapter 10. Overview of performance analysis 153

154 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Chapter 11. Identifying CICS constraints
If current performance has been determined to be unacceptable, you need to
identify the performance constraints (that is, the causes of the symptoms) so that
they can be tuned. This chapter discusses these constraints in the following
v “Major CICS constraints”
v “Response times” on page 156
v “Storage stress” on page 157
v “Effect of program loading on CICS” on page 159
v “What is paging?” on page 159
v “Recovery from storage violation” on page 161
v “Dealing with limit conditions” on page 161
v “Identifying performance constraints” on page 162
v “Resource contention” on page 164
v “Solutions for poor response time” on page 165
v “Symptoms and solutions for resource contention problems” on page 166

Major CICS constraints

Major constraints on a CICS system show themselves in the form of external
symptoms: stress conditions and paging being the chief forms. This chapter
describes these symptoms in some detail so that you can recognize them when
your system has a performance problem, and know the ways in which CICS itself
attempts to resolve various conditions.

The fundamental thing that has to be understood is that practically every symptom
of poor performance arises in a system that is congested. For example, if there is a
slowdown in DASD, transactions doing data set activity pile up: there are waits on
strings; there are more transactions in the system, there is therefore a greater
virtual storage demand; there is a greater real storage demand; there is paging;
and, because there are more transactions in the system, the task dispatcher uses
more processor power scanning the task chains. You then get task constraints, your
MXT or transaction class limit is exceeded and adds to the processor overhead
because of retries, and so on.

The result is that the system shows heavy use of all its resources, and this is the
typical system stress. It does not mean that there is a problem with all of them; it
means that there is a constraint that has yet to be found. To find the constraint,
you have to find what is really affecting task life.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 155

Response times
The basic criterion of performance in a production system is response time, but
what is good response time? In straightforward data-entry systems, good response
time implies subsecond response time. In normal production systems, good
response time is measured in the five to ten second range. In scientific,
compute-bound systems or in print systems, good response time can be one or two

Good performance, then, depends on a variety of factors including user

requirements, available capacity, system reliability, and application design. Good
performance for one system can be poor performance for another.

When checking whether the performance of a CICS system is in line with the
system’s expected or required capability, you should base this investigation on the
hardware, software, and applications that are present in the installation.

If, for example, an application requires 100 accesses to a database, a response time
of three to six seconds may be considered to be quite good. If an application
requires only one access, however, a response time of three to six seconds for disk
accesses would need to be investigated. Response times, however, depend on the
speed of the processor, and on the nature of the application being run on the
production system.

You should also observe how consistent the response times are. Sharp variations
indicate erratic system behavior.

The typical way in which the response time in the system may vary with
increasing transaction rate is gradual at first, then deteriorates rapidly and
suddenly. The typical curve shows a sharp change when, suddenly, the response
time increases dramatically for a relatively small increase in the transaction rate.

C Unacceptable (poor) response time

B Acceptable response time

A Good response time

Increasing load or
decreasing resource availability

Figure 29. Graph to show the effect of response time against increasing load

For stable performance, it is necessary to keep the system operating below this
point where the response time dramatically increases. In these circumstances, the

156 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

user community is less likely to be seriously affected by the tuning activities being
undertaken by the DP department, and these changes can be done in an unhurried
and controlled manner.

Response time can be considered as being made up of queue time and service
time. Service time is generally independent of usage, but queue time is not. For
example, 50% usage implies a queue time approximately equal to service time, and
80% usage implies a queue time approximately four times the service time. If
service time for a particular system is only a small component of the system
response, for example, in the processor, 80% usage may be acceptable. If it is a
greater portion of the system response time, for example, in a communication line,
50% usage may be considered high.

If you are trying to find the response time from a terminal to a terminal, you
should be aware that the most common “response time” obtainable from any aid
or tool that runs in the host is the “internal response time.” Trace can identify only
when the software in the host, that is, CICS and its attendant software, first “sees”
the message on the inbound side, and when it last “sees” the message on the
outbound side.

Internal response time gives no indication of how long a message took to get from
the terminal, through its control unit, across a line of whatever speed, through the
communication controller (whatever it is), through the communication access
method (whatever it is), and any delays before the channel program that initiated
the read is finally posted to CICS. Nor does it account for the time it might take
for CICS to start processing this input message. There may have been lots of work
for CICS to do before terminal control regained control and before terminal control
even found this posted event.

The same is true on the outbound side. CICS auxiliary trace knows when the
application issued its request, but that has little to do with when terminal control
found the request, when the access method ships it out, when the controllers can
get to the device, and so on.

While the outward symptom of poor performance is overall bad response, there
are progressive sets of early warning conditions which, if correctly interpreted, can
ease the problem of locating the constraint and removing it.

In the advice given so far, we have assumed that CICS is the only major program
running in your system. If batch programs or other online programs are running
simultaneously with CICS, you must ensure that CICS receives its fair share of the
system resources and that interference from other regions does not seriously
degrade CICS performance.

Storage stress
Stress is the term used in CICS for a shortage of free space in one of the dynamic
storage areas.

Storage stress can be a symptom of other resource constraints that cause CICS
tasks to occupy storage for longer than is normally necessary, or of a flood of tasks
which simply overwhelms available free storage, or of badly designed applications
that require unreasonably large amounts of storage.

Chapter 11. Identifying CICS constraints 157

Controlling storage stress
Before CICS/ESA® Version 3, all non-resident, not-in-use programs were removed
when a GETMAIN request could not be satisfied. Since CICS/ESA Version 3,
storage stress has been handled as follows.

Nonresident, not-in-use programs may be deleted progressively with decreasing

free storage availability as CICS determines appropriate, on a least-recently-used
basis. The dispatching of new tasks is also progressively slowed as free storage
approaches a critically small amount. This self-tuned activity tends to spread the
cost of managing storage. There may be more program loading overall, but the
heavy overhead of a full program compression is not incurred at the critical time.

The loading or reloading of programs is handled by CICS with an MVS subtask.

This allows other user tasks to proceed if a processor of the MVS image is
available and even if a page-in is required as part of the program load.

User runtime control of storage usage is achieved through appropriate use of MXT
and transaction class limits. This is necessary to avoid the short-on-storage
condition that can result from unconstrained demand for storage.

Short-on-storage condition
CICS reserves a minimum number of free storage pages for use only when there is
not enough free storage to satisfy an unconditional GETMAIN request even when
all, not-in-use, nonresident programs have been deleted.

Whenever a request for storage results in the number of contiguous free pages in
one of the dynamic storage areas falling below its respective cushion size, or
failing to be satisfied even with the storage cushion, a cushion stress condition
exists. Details are given in the storage manager statistics (“Times request
suspended”, “Times cushion released”). CICS attempts to alleviate the storage
stress situation by releasing programs with no current user and slowing the
attachment of new tasks. If these actions fail to alleviate the situation or if the
stress condition is caused by a task that is suspended for SOS, a short-on-storage
condition is signaled. This is accompanied by message DFHSM0131 or

Removing unwanted data set name blocks

One of the CICS dynamic storage areas, the ECDSA, is also used for data set name
blocks, one of which is created for every data set opened by CICS file control.
These DSN blocks are recovered at a warm or emergency restart. If you have an
application that creates a large number of temporary data sets, all with a unique
name, the number of DSN blocks can increase to such an extent that they can
cause a short-on-storage condition.

If you have application programs that use temporary data sets, with a different
name for every data set created, it is important that your programs remove these
after use. See the CICS System Programming Reference for information about how
you can use the SET DSNAME command to remove unwanted temporary data sets
| from your CICS regions.

158 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| LE run time options for AMODE(24) programs
| The default LE run time options for CICS are (among other things) ALL31(ON)
| and STACK(ANY). This means that all programs must run above the line
| (AMODE(31)) in an LE environment. To allow AMODE(24) programs to run in an
| LE environment, ALL31(OFF) and STACK(BELOW) can be specified. However, if
| you globally change these options so that all programs can use them, a lot of
| storage will be put below the line, which can cause a short-on-storage condition.

Purging of tasks
If a CICS task is suspended for longer than its DTIMOUT value, it may be purged
if SPURGE=YES is specified on the RDO transaction definition. That is, the task is
abended and its resources freed, thus allowing other tasks to use those resources.
In this way, CICS attempts to resolve what is effectively a deadlock on storage.

CICS hang
If purging tasks is not possible or not sufficient to solve the problem, CICS ceases
processing. You must then either cancel and restart the CICS system, or initiate or
allow an XRF takeover.

Effect of program loading on CICS

CICS employs MVS load under an MVS subtask to load programs. This provides
the benefits, relative to versions of CICS prior to CICS Transaction for OS/390
Release 1, of fast loading from DASD and allows the use of the library lookaside
function of MVS to eliminate most DASD I/Os by keeping copies of programs in
an MVS controlled dataspace exploiting expanded storage.

A page-in operation causes the MVS task which requires it to stop until the page
has been retrieved. If the page is to be retrieved from DASD, this has a significant
effect. When the page can be retrieved from expanded storage, the impact is only a
relatively small increase in processor usage.

The loading of a program into CICS storage can be a major cause of page-ins.
Because this is carried out under a subtask separate from CICS main activity, such
page-ins do not halt most other CICS activities.

What is paging?
The virtual storage of a processor may far exceed the size of the central storage
available in the configuration. Any excess must be maintained in auxiliary storage
(DASD), or in expanded storage. This virtual storage occurs in blocks of addresses
called “pages”. Only the most recently referenced pages of virtual storage are
assigned to occupy blocks of physical central storage. When reference is made to a
page of virtual storage that does not appear in central storage, the page is brought
in from DASD or expanded storage to replace a page in central storage that is not
in use and least recently used.

The newly referenced page is said to have been “paged in”. The displaced page
may need to be “paged out” if it has been changed.

Chapter 11. Identifying CICS constraints 159

Paging problems
It is the page-in rate that is of primary concern, because page-in activity occurs
synchronously (that is, an MVS task stops until the page fault is resolved).
Page-out activity is overlapped with CICS processing, so it does not appreciably
affect CICS throughput.

A page-in from expanded storage incurs only a small processor usage cost, but a
page-in from DASD incurs a time cost for the physical I/O and a more significant
increase in processor usage.

Thus, extra DASD page-in activity slows down the rate at which transactions flow
through the CICS system, that is, transactions take longer to get through CICS, you
get more overlap of transactions in CICS, and so you need more virtual and real

If you suspect that a performance problem is related to excessive paging, you can
use RMF to obtain the paging rates.

Consider controlling CICS throughput by using MXT and transaction class limits in
CICS on the basis that a smaller number of concurrent transactions requires less
real storage, causes less paging, and may be processed faster than a larger number
of transactions.

When a CICS system is running with transaction isolation active, storage is

allocated to user transactions in multiples of 1MB. This means that the virtual
storage requirement for a CICS system with transaction isolation enabled is very
large. This does not directly affect paging which only affects those 4K byte pages
that have been touched. More real storage is required in ELSQA, however, and for
more information on transaction isolation and real storage see “Transaction
isolation and real storage requirements” on page 301.

What is an ideal CICS paging rate from DASD? Less than one page-in per second
is best to maximize the throughput capacity of the CICS region. Anything less than
five page-ins per second is probably acceptable; up to ten may be tolerable. Ten
per second is marginal, more is probably a major problem. Because CICS
performance can be affected by the waits associated with paging, you should not
allow paging to exceed more than five to ten pages per second.

Note: The degree of sensitivity of CICS systems to paging from DASD depends on
the transaction rate, the processor loading, and the average internal lifetime
of the CICS tasks. An ongoing, hour-on-hour rate of even five page-faults
per second may be excessive for some systems, particularly when you
realize that peak paging rates over periods of ten seconds or so could easily
be four times that figure.

What paging rates are excessive on various processors and are these rates
operating-system dependent? Excessive paging rates should be defined as those
which cause excessive delays to applications. The contribution caused by the
high-priority paging supervisor executing instructions and causing applications to
wait for the processor is probably a minor consideration as far as overall delays to
applications are concerned. Waiting on a DASD device is the dominant part of the
overall delays. This means that the penalty of “high” paging rates has almost
nothing to do with the processor type.

160 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

CICS systems are usually able to deliver much better response times with
somewhat better processor utilization when the potential of large amounts of
central and expanded storage is exploited by keeping more data and programs in

Recovery from storage violation

CICS can detect storage violations when:
v The duplicate storage accounting area (SAA) or the initial SAA of a TIOA
storage element has become corrupted.
v The leading storage check zone or the trailing storage check zone of a user task
storage has become corrupted.

A storage violation can occur in two basic situations:

1. When CICS detects an error during its normal processing of a FREEMAIN
request for an individual element of a TIOA storage, and finds that the two
storage check zones of the duplicate SAA and the initial SAA are not identical.
2. CICS also detects user violations involving user task storage by checking the
storage check zones of an element of user task storage following a FREEMAIN

When a storage violation is detected, an exception trace entry is made in the

internal trace table. A message (DFHSM0102) is issued and a CICS system dump
follows if the dump option is switched on.

Storage violations can be reduced considerably if CICS has storage protection, and
transaction isolation, enabled.

See the CICS Problem Determination Guide for further information about diagnosing
and dealing with storage violations.

Dealing with limit conditions

The main limit conditions or constraints that can occur in a CICS system include
those listed at the beginning of this chapter. Stress conditions generally tell you
that certain limiting conditions have been reached. If these conditions occur,
additional processing is required, and the transactions involved have to wait until
resources are released.

To summarize, limit conditions can be indicated by the following:

v Virtual storage conditions (“short-on-storage”: SOS). This item in the CICS
storage manager statistics shows a deficiency in the allocation of virtual storage
space to the CICS region.
In most circumstances, allocation of more virtual storage does not in itself cause
a degradation of performance. You should determine the reason for the
condition in case it is caused by some form of error. This could include failure of
applications to free storage (including temporary storage), unwanted multiple
copies of programs or maps, storage violations, and high activity of nonresident
exception routines caused by program or hardware errors.
All new applications should be written to run above the 16MB line. The
dynamic storage areas above the 16MB line can be expanded up to the 2GB limit
of 31-bit addressing. The dynamic storage areas below the 16MB line are limited
to less than the region size, which is less than 16MB.
Chapter 11. Identifying CICS constraints 161
v Number of simultaneous tasks (MXT and transaction class limit) reached (shown
in the transaction manager statistics).
v Maximum number of VTAM receive-any RPLs in use (shown in the VTAM
v ‘Wait-on-string’ and associated conditions for VSAM data sets (shown in the file
control statistics).

Check how frequently the limit conditions occur. In general:

v If no limit conditions occur, this implies that too many resources have been
allocated. This is quite acceptable if the resource is inexpensive, but not if the
resource is both overallocated and of more use elsewhere.
v Infrequent occurrence of a limit condition is an indication of good usage of the
particular resource. This usually implies a healthy system.
v Frequent occurrence (greater than 5% of transactions) usually reveals a problem,
either directly or indirectly, that needs action to prevent more obvious signs of
poor performance. If the frequency is greater than about 10%, you may have to
take some action quickly because the actions taken by CICS itself (dynamic
program storage compression, release of storage cushion, and so on) can have a
perceptible effect on performance.
Your own actions should include:
– Checking for errors
– Raising the limit, provided that it does not have a degrading effect on other
– Allocating more resources to remove contention
– Checking recovery usage for contention.

Identifying performance constraints

When you are dealing with limit conditions, you may find it helpful to check the
various points where performance constraints can exist in a system. These points
are summarized below under hardware and software constraints.

Hardware constraints
1. Processor cycles. It is not uncommon for transactions to execute more than one
million instructions. To execute these instructions, they must contend with
other tasks and jobs in the system. At different times, these tasks must wait for
such activities as file I/O. Transactions give up their use of the processor at
these points and must contend for use of the processor again when the activity
has completed. Dispatching priorities affect which transactions or jobs get use
of the processor, and batch or other online systems may affect response time
through receiving preferential access to the processor. Batch programs accessing
online databases also tie up those databases for longer periods of time if their
dispatching priority is low. At higher usages, the wait time for access to the
processor can be significant.
2. Real storage (working set). Just as transactions must contend for the processor,
they also must be given a certain amount of real storage. A real storage
shortage can be particularly significant in CICS performance because a normal
page fault to acquire real storage results in synchronous I/O. The basic design
of CICS is asynchronous, which means that CICS processes requests from
multiple tasks concurrently to make maximum use of the processor. Most
paging I/O is synchronous and causes the MVS task that CICS is using to wait,
and that part of CICS cannot do any further processing until the page

162 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

operation completes. Most, but not all, of CICS processing uses a single MVS
task (called ‘QUASI’ in the dispatcher statistics).
3. Database-associated hardware (I/O) contention. When data is being accessed to
provide information that is required in a transaction, an I/O operation passes
through the processor, the processor channel, a disk control unit, the head of
string on a string of disks, and the actual disk device where the data resides. If
any of these devices are overused, the time taken to access the data can
increase significantly. This overuse can be the result of activity on one data set,
or on a combination of active data sets. Error rates also affect the usage and
performance of the device. In shared DASD environments, contention between
processors also affects performance. This, in turn, increases the time that the
transaction ties up real and virtual storage and other resources.
The use of large amounts of central and expanded storage by using very large
data buffers, and by keeping programs in storage, can significantly reduce DB
I/O contention and somewhat reduce processor utilization while delivering
significant internal response time benefits.
4. Network-associated hardware contention. The input and output messages of a
transaction must pass from the terminal to a control unit, a communications
link, a network controller, a processor channel, and finally the processor. Just as
overuse of devices to access data can affect response time, so excessive use of
network resources can cause performance degradation. Error rates affect
performance as well. In some cases, the delivery of the output message is a
prerequisite to freeing the processor resources that are accessed, and contention
can cause these resources to be tied up for longer periods.

Software constraints
1. Database design. A data set or database needs to be designed to the needs of the
application it is supporting. Such factors as the pattern of access to the data set
(especially whether it is random or sequential), access methods chosen, and the
frequency of access determine the best database design. Such data set
characteristics as physical record size, blocking factors, the use of alternate or
secondary indexes, the hierarchical or relational structure of database segments,
database organization (HDAM, HIDAM, and so on), and pointer arrangements
are all factors in database performance.
The length of time between data set reorganizations can also affect
performance. The efficiency of accesses decreases as the data set becomes more
and more fragmented. This fragmentation can be kept to the minimum by
reducing the length of time between data set reorganizations.
2. Network design. This item can often be a major factor in response time because
the network links are much slower than most components of an online system.
Processor operations are measured in nanoseconds, line speeds in seconds.
Screen design can also have a significant effect on overall response time. A
1200-byte message takes one second to be transmitted on a relatively
high-speed 9600 bits-per-second link. If 600 bytes of the message are not
needed, half a second of response time is wasted. Besides screen design and
size, such factors as how many terminals are on a line, the protocols used
(SNA, bisynchronous), and full-or half-duplex capabilities can affect
3. Use of specific software interfaces or serial functions. The operating system, terminal
access method, database manager, data set access method, and CICS must all
communicate in the processing of a transaction. Only a given level of
concurrent processing can occur at these points, and this can also cause a
performance constraint. Examples of this include the VTAM receive any pool
(RAPOOL), VSAM data set access (strings), CICS temporary storage, CICS

Chapter 11. Identifying CICS constraints 163

transient data, and CICS intercommunication sessions. Each of these can have a
single or multiserver queueing effect on a transaction’s response time, and can
tie up other resources by slowing task throughput.

One useful technique for isolating a performance constraint in a CICS system with
VTAM is to use the IBMTEST command issued from a user’s terminal. This
terminal must not be in session with CICS, but must be connected to VTAM.

You enter at a VTAM terminal:

IBMTEST (n)(,data)

where n is the number of times you want the data echoed, and data may consist of
any character string. If you enter no data, the alphabet and the numbers zero
through nine are returned to the terminal. This command is responded to by

IBMTEST is an echo test designed to give the user a rough idea of the VTAM
component of terminal response time. If the response time is fast in a
slow-response system, the constraint is not likely to be any component from VTAM
onward. If this response is slow, VTAM or the network may be the reason. This
sort of deductive process in general can be useful in isolating constraints.

To avoid going into session with CICS, you may have to remove APPLID= from
the LU statement or CONNECT=AUTO from the TERMINAL definition.

Resource contention
The major resources used or managed by CICS consist of the following:
v Processor
v Real storage
v Virtual storage
v Software (specification limits)
v Channels
v Control units
v Lines
v Devices
v Sessions to connected CICS systems.

Contention at lower levels prevents full use of higher-level resources. To avoid or

reduce resource contention, you can:
v Minimize or eliminate the use of a resource by:
– Reordering, relocating, or reducing its size
– Redesign, rewriting, rescheduling, or reducing processing time
– Education, eliminating a function, or controlling its usage.
v Give the resource more capacity
v Exchange one resource with another:
– Processor with virtual storage
– Real storage with paging I/O
– Paging I/O with program library I/O
– Priorities of various end-users with each other

164 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

– CICS response times with batch throughput
– Batch throughput with more DP operators.

Two sets of symptoms and solutions are provided in this chapter. The first set
provides suggested solutions for poor response, and the second set provides
suggested solutions for a variety of resource contention problems.

Solutions for poor response time

Table 10 shows four levels of response time, in decreasing order of severity. The
major causes are shown for each level together with a range of suggested
solutions. Your first step is to check the causes by following the advice given in
“Chapter 12. CICS performance analysis” on page 169. When you have identified
the precise causes, the relevant checklist in “Chapter 14. Performance checklists” on
page 181 tells you what solutions are available and where to find information in
Part 4 of this book on how to implement the solutions.
Table 10. CICS response time checklist
Level Symptom Major Causes Overall Solution
1 Poor response at all High level of paging Reduce working set, or allocate
loads for all more real storage
Very high usage of Reconsider system resource
major resources requirements and redesign

Check for application errors and

resource contention
2 Poor response at High level of paging Reduce working set, or allocate
medium and high more real storage
High processor usage Reduce pathlength, or increase
processor power
High DB or data set Reorganize data sets, or reduce
usage data transfer, or increase
High communication Reduce data transfer, or increase
network usage capacity
TP or I/O Increase buffer availability
CICS limit values Change operands, or provide
exceeded more resources, or check if
errors in application

Chapter 11. Identifying CICS constraints 165

Table 10. CICS response time checklist (continued)
Level Symptom Major Causes Overall Solution
3 Poor response for Identify common As for level 2
certain transactions characteristics
Lines or terminal Increase capacity, or reduce data
usage transfer, or change transaction
Data set usage Change data set placement
buffer allocations or change
enqueue logic or data set design
High storage usage Redesign or tune applications
Same subprograms Redesign or tune application
used by transactions subprograms
Same access method Reallocate resource or change
or CICS features used application. Reevaluate use of
by transactions feature in question
Limit conditions Reallocate resource or change
4 Poor response for Check network Increase capacity of that part of
certain terminals loading as network
Check operator Revise terminal procedures
Check CEDA Redefine CEDA terminal
terminal definitions definitions

Symptoms and solutions for resource contention problems

This section presents a general range of solutions for each type of constraint. You
1. Confirm that your diagnosis of the type of constraint is correct, by means of
detailed performance analysis. “Chapter 12. CICS performance analysis” on
page 169 describes various techniques.
2. Read “Chapter 13. Tuning the system” on page 177 for general advice on
performance tuning.
3. See the relevant sections in Part 4 of this book for detailed information on
applying the various solutions.
4. Improve virtual storage exploitation. This requires:
v Large data buffers above the 16MB line or in Hiperspace
v Programs that run above the 16MB line
v Large amounts of central and expanded storage to support the virtual
storage exploitation.
Such a system can deliver better internal response times, while minimizing
DASD I/O constraint and reducing processor utilization.

166 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

DASD constraint
v Slow response times (the length of the response time depends on the number of
I/O operations, with a longer response time when batch mode is active)
v High DSA utilization
v High paging rates
v MXT limit frequently reached
v SOS condition often occurs.

v Reduce the number of I/O operations
v Tune the remaining I/O operations
v Balance the I/O operations load.
See “DASD tuning” on page 199 for suggested solutions.

Communications network constraint

v Slow response times
v Good response when few terminals are active on a line, but poor response when
many terminals are active on that line
v Big difference between internal response time and terminal response time.

v Reduce the line utilization.
v Reduce delays in data transmission.
v Alter the network.

Remote systems constraints

v SOS condition or MXT occur when there is a problem with a connected region.
v CICS takes time to recover when the problem is fixed.

v Control the amount of queuing which takes place for the use of the connections
to the remote systems.
v Improve the response time of the remote system.

Virtual storage constraint

v Slow response times
v Multiple loads of the same program
v Increased I/O operations against program libraries
v High paging rates
v SOS condition often occurs.

Chapter 11. Identifying CICS constraints 167

v Tune the MVS system to obtain more virtual storage for CICS (increase the
region size).
v Expand or make more efficient use of the dynamic storage area.

See the “Virtual storage above and below 16MB line checklist” on page 182 for a
detailed list of suggested solutions.

Real storage constraint

v High paging rates
v Slow response times
v MXT limit frequently reached
v SOS condition often occurs.

v Reduce the demands on real storage
v Tune the MVS system to obtain more real storage for CICS
v Obtain more central and expanded storage.

See the “Real storage checklist” on page 183 for a detailed list of suggested

Processor cycles constraint

v Slow response times
v Low-priority transactions respond very slowly
v Low-priority work gets done very slowly.

v Increase the dispatching priority of CICS.
v Reevaluate the relative priorities of operating system jobs.
v Reduce the number of MVS regions (batch).
v Reduce the processor utilization for productive work.
v Use only the CICS facilities that you really require.
v Turn off any trace that is not being used.
v Minimize the data being traced by reducing the:
– Scope of the trace
– Frequency of running trace.
v Obtain a faster processor.

See the “Processor cycles checklist” on page 184 for a detailed list of suggested

168 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 12. CICS performance analysis
This chapter describes aspects of CICS performance analysis in the following:
v “Assessing the performance of a DB/DC system”
v “Methods of performance analysis” on page 170
v “Full-load measurement” on page 171
v “Single-transaction measurement” on page 174

Performance analysis, as compared with monitoring, is the use of certain

performance tools described in Part 2 to:
v Investigate a deviation from performance objectives that is resulting in
performance deterioration, and identify performance problems
v Identify where a system can be adjusted to give a required level of performance
v Characterize and calibrate individual stand-alone transactions as part of the
documentation of those transactions, and for comparison with some future time
when, perhaps, they start behaving differently.

Assessing the performance of a DB/DC system

You may find the following performance measurements helpful in determining the
performance of a system:
1. Processor usage: This item reflects how active the processor is. Although the
central processor is of primary concern, 37X5 communications controllers and
terminal control units (these can include an intelligent cluster controller such as
the 3601 and also the 3270 cluster control units) can also increase response time
if they are heavily used.
2. I/O rates: These rates measure the amount of access to a disk device or data set
over a given period of time. Again, acceptable rates vary depending on the
speed of the hardware and response time requirements.
3. Terminal message or data set record block sizes: These factors, when combined with
I/O rates, provide information on the current load on the network or DASD
4. Indications of internal virtual storage limits: These vary by software component,
including storage or buffer expansion counts, system messages, and program
abends because of system stalls. In CICS, program fetches on nonresident
programs and system short-on-storage or stress messages reflect this condition.
5. Paging rates: CICS can be sensitive to a real storage shortage, and paging rates
reflect this shortage. Acceptable paging to DASD rates vary with the speed of
the DASD and response time criteria. Paging rates to expanded storage are only
as important as its effect on processor usage.
6. Error rates: Errors can occur at any point in an online system. If the errors are
recoverable, they can go unnoticed, but they put an additional load on the
resource on which they are occurring.

You should investigate both system conditions and application conditions.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 169

System conditions
A knowledge of these conditions enables you evaluate the performance of the
system as a whole:
v System transaction rate (average and peak)
v Internal response time and terminal response time, preferably compared with
transaction rate
v Working set, at average and peak transaction rates
v Average number of disk accesses per unit time (total, per channel, and per
v Processor usage, compared with transaction rate
v Number of page faults per second, compared with transaction rate and real
v Communication line usage (net and actual)
v Average number of active CICS tasks
v Number and duration of outages.

Application conditions
These conditions, measured both for individual transaction types and for the total
system, give you an estimate of the behavior of individual application programs.

You should gather data for each main transaction and average values for the total
system. This data includes:
v Program calls per transaction
v CICS storage GETMAINs and FREEMAINs (number and amount)
v Application program and transaction usage
v File control (data set, type of request)
v Terminal control (terminal, number of inputs and outputs)
v Transaction routing (source, target)
v Function shipping (source, target)
v Other CICS requests.

Methods of performance analysis

You can use two methods for performance analysis:
1. Measuring a system under full production load (full-load measurement), to get
all information that is measurable only under high system-loading.
2. Measuring single-application transactions (single-transaction measurement),
during which the system should not carry out any other activities. This gives
an insight into the behavior of single transactions under optimum system

Because a system can have a variety of problems, we cannot recommend which

option you should use to investigate the behavior of a system. When in doubt
about the extent of a problem, you should always use both methods.

Rapid performance degradation often occurs after a threshold is exceeded and the
system approaches its ultimate load. You can see various indications only when the

170 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

system is fully loaded (for example, paging, short-on-storage condition in CICS,
and so on), and you should usually plan for a full-load measurement.

Bear in mind that the performance constraints might possibly vary at different
times of the day. You might want to run a particular option that puts a particular
pressure on the system only at a certain time in the afternoon.

If a full-load measurement reveals no serious problems, or if a system is not

reaching its expected performance capability under normal operating conditions,
you can then use single-transaction measurement to reveal how individual system
transactions behave and to identify the areas for possible improvement.

Often, because you have no reliable information at the beginning of an

investigation into the probable causes of performance problems, you have to
examine and analyze the whole system.

Before carrying out this analysis, you must have a clear picture of the functions
and the interactions of the following components:
v Operating system supervisor with the appropriate access methods
v CICS management modules and control tables
v VSAM data sets
v DL/I databases
v DB2
v External security managers
v Performance monitors
v CICS application programs
v Influence of other regions
v Hardware peripherals (disks and tapes).

In addition, you should collect the following information:

v Does performance fluctuate or is it uniformly bad?
v Are performance problems related to a specific hour, day, week, or month?
v Has anything in the system been changed recently?
v Have all such changes been fully documented?

Full-load measurement
A full-load measurement highlights latent problems in the system. It is important
that full-load measurement lives up to its name, that is, you should make the
measurement when, from production experience, the peak load is reached. Many
installations have a peak load for about one hour in the morning and again in the
afternoon. CICS statistics and various performance tools can provide valuable
information for full-load measurement. In addition to the overall results of these
tools, it may be useful to have the CICS auxiliary trace or RMF active for about
one minute.

CICS auxiliary trace

CICS auxiliary trace can be used to find situations that occur under full load. For
example, all ENQUEUEs that cannot immediately be honored in application

Chapter 12. CICS performance analysis 171

programs result in a suspension of the issuing task. If this frequently happens,
attempts to control the system by using the CEMT master transaction, are not

Trace is a very heavy overhead. Use trace selectivity options to minimize this

It is advisable to do the RMF measurement without any batch activity. (See
“Resource measurement facility (RMF)” on page 27 for a detailed description of
this tool. Guidance on how to use RMF with the CICS monitoring facility is given
in “Using CICS monitoring SYSEVENT information with RMF” on page 67.)

For full-load measurement, the system activity report and the DASD activity report
are important.

The most important values for full-load measurement are:

v Processor usage
v Channel and disk usage
v Disk unit usage
v Overlapping of processor with channel and disk activity
v Paging
v Count of start I/O operations and average start I/O time
v Response times
v Transaction rates.

You should expect stagnant throughput and sharply climbing response times as the
processor load approaches 100%.

It is difficult to forecast the system paging rate that can be achieved without
serious detriment to performance, because too many factors interact. You should
observe the reported paging rates; note that short-duration severe paging leads to a
rapid increase in response times.

In addition to taking note of the count of start I/O operations and their average
length, you should also find out whether the system is waiting on one device only.
With disks, for example, it can happen that several frequently accessed data sets
are on one disk and the accesses interfere with each other. In each case, you should
investigate whether a system wait on a particular unit could not be minimized by
reorganizing the data sets.

The RMF DASD activity report includes the following information:

v A summary of all disk information
v Per disk, a breakdown by system number and region
v Per disk, the distribution of the seek arm movements
v Per disk, the distribution of accesses with and without arm movement.

Use IOQ(DASD) option in RMF monitor 1 to show DASD control unit contention.

After checking the relationship of accesses with and without arm movement, for
example, you may want to move to separate disks those data sets that are
periodically very frequently accessed.

172 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Comparison charts
You might wish to consider using a comparison chart to measure key aspects of
your system’s performance before and after tuning changes have been made. A
suggested chart is as follows:
Table 11. Comparison chart
DL/I transactions
VSAM transactions
Response times

Most heavily used Number

transaction Response

Average-use Number
transaction Response
Paging rate
DSA virtual storage

Most heavily used Response

DASD Utilization
Average-use DASD

CPU utilization

The use of this type of comparison chart requires the use of TPNS, RMF, and CICS
interval statistics running together for about 20 minutes, at a peak time for your
system. It also requires you to identify the following:
v A representative selection of terminal-oriented DL/I transactions accessing DL/I
v A representative selection of terminal-oriented transactions processing VSAM
v The most heavily used transaction
v Two average-use nonterminal-oriented transactions writing data to intrapartition
transient data destinations
v The most heavily used volume in your system
v A representative average-use volume in your system.

To complete the comparison chart for each CICS run before and after a tuning
change, you can obtain the figures from the following sources:

Chapter 12. CICS performance analysis 173

v DL/I transactions: you should first identify a selection of terminal-oriented DL/I
transactions accessing DL/I databases.
v VSAM transactions: similarly, you should first identify a selection of
terminal-oriented transactions processing VSAM files.
v Response times: external response times are available from the TPNS terminal
response time analysis report; internal response times are available from RMF.
The “DL/I” subheading is the average response time calculated at the 99th
percentile for the terminal-oriented DL/I transactions you have previously
selected. The “VSAM” subheading is the average response time calculated at the
99th percentile for the terminal-oriented VSAM transactions you have previously
v Paging rate (system): this is from the RMF paging activity report, and is the figure
shown for total system non-VIO non-swap page-ins added to the figure shown
for the total system non-VIO non-swap page-outs. This is the total paging rate
per second for the entire system.
v Tasks: this is from the transaction manager statistics (part of the CICS interval,
end-of-day, and requested statistics). The “Peak” subheading is the figure shown
for “Peak Number of Tasks” in the statistics. The “At MXT” subheading is the
figure shown for “Number of Times at Max. Task” in the statistics.
v Most heavily used DASD: this is from the RMF direct access device activity report,
and relates to the most heavily used volume in your system. The “Response”
subheading is the figure shown in the “Avg. Resp. Time” column for the volume
you have selected. The “Utilization” subheading is the figure shown in the “%
Dev. Util.” column for that volume.
v Average-use DASD: this is also from the RMF direct access device activity report,
and relates to a representative average-use volume in your system. The
“Response” subheading is the figure shown in the “Avg. Resp. Time” column for
the volume you have selected. The “Utilization” subheading is the figure shown
in the “% Dev. Util.” column for that volume.
v Processor utilization: this is from the RMF processor activity report.

This chart is most useful when comparing before-and-after changes in performance

while you are tuning your CICS system.

Single-transaction measurement
You can use full-load measurement to evaluate the average loading of the system
per transaction. However, this type of measurement cannot provide you with
information on the behavior of a single transaction and its possible excessive
loading of the system. If, for example, nine different transaction types issue five
start I/Os (SIOs) each, but the tenth issues 55 SIOs, this results in an average of
ten SIOs per transaction type. This should not cause concern if they are executed
simultaneously. However, an increase of the transaction rate of the tenth
transaction type could possibly lead to poor performance overall.

Sometimes, response times are quite good with existing terminals, but adding a
few more terminals leads to unacceptable degradation of performance. In this case,
the performance problem may be present with the existing terminals, and has
simply been highlighted by the additional load.

To investigate this type of problem, do a full-load measurement as well as a

single-transaction measurement. To be of any use, the single-transaction

174 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

measurement must be done when no batch region is running, and there must be
no activity in CICS apart from the test screen. Even the polling of remote terminals
should be halted.

You should measure each existing transaction that is used in a production system
or in a final test system. Test each transaction two or three times with different
data values, to exclude an especially unfavorable combination of data. Document
the sequence of transactions and the values entered for each test as a prerequisite
for subsequent analysis or interpretation.

Between the tests of each single transaction, there should be a pause of several
seconds, to make the trace easier to read. A copy of the production database or
data set should be used for the test, because a test data set containing 100 records
can very often result in completely different behavior when compared with a
production data set containing 100 000 records.

The condition of data sets has often been the main reason for performance
degradation, especially when many segments or records have been added to a
database or data set. Do not do the measurements directly after a reorganization,
because the database or data set is only in this condition for a short time. On the
other hand, if the measurement reveals an unusually large number of disk
accesses, you should reorganize the data and do a further measurement to evaluate
the effect of the data reorganization.

You may feel that single-transaction measurement under these conditions with only
one terminal is not an efficient tool for revealing a performance degradation that
might occur when, perhaps 40 or 50 terminals are in use. Practical experience has
shown, however, that this is usually the only means for revealing and rectifying,
with justifiable expense, performance degradation under full load. The main reason
for this is that it is sometimes a single transaction that throws the system behavior
out of balance. Single-transaction measurement can be used to detect this.

Ideally, single-transaction measurement should be carried out during the final test
phase of the transactions. This gives the following advantages:
v Any errors in the behavior of transactions may be revealed before production
starts, and these can be put right during validation, without loading the
production system unnecessarily.
v The application is documented during the measurement phase. This helps to
identify the effects of later changes.

CICS auxiliary trace

Auxiliary trace is a standard feature of CICS, and gives an overview of transaction
flows so that you can quickly and effectively analyze them.

From this trace, you can find out whether a specified application is running as it is
expected to run. In many cases, it may be necessary for the application
programmer responsible to be called in for the analysis, to explain what the
transaction should actually be doing.

If you have a very large number of transactions to analyze, you can select, in a
first pass, the transactions whose behavior does not comply with what is expected.

Chapter 12. CICS performance analysis 175

If all transactions last much longer than expected, this almost always indicates a
system-wide error in application programming or in system implementation. The
analysis of a few transactions is then sufficient to determine the error.

If, on the other hand, only a few transactions remain in this category, these
transactions should be analyzed next, because it is highly probable that most
performance problems to date arise from these.

176 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 13. Tuning the system
When you have identified specific constraints, you will have identified the system
resources that need to be tuned. The three major steps in tuning a system are:
1. Determine acceptable tuning trade-offs
2. Make the change to the system
3. Review the results of tuning.

Determining acceptable tuning trade-offs

The art of tuning can be summarized as finding and removing constraints. In most
systems, the performance is limited by a single constraint. However, removing that
constraint, while improving performance, inevitably reveals a different constraint,
and you might often have to remove a series of constraints. Because tuning
generally involves decreasing the load on one resource at the expense of increasing
the load on a different resource, relieving one constraint always creates another.

A system is always constrained. You do not simply remove a constraint; you can
only choose the most satisfactory constraint. Consider which resources can accept
an additional load in the system without themselves becoming worse constraints.

Tuning usually involves a variety of actions that can be taken, each with its own
trade-off. For example, if you have determined virtual storage to be a constraint,
your tuning options may include reducing buffer allocations for data sets, or
reducing terminal scan delay (ICVTSD) to shorten the task life in the processor.

The first option increases data set I/O activity, and the second option increases
processor usage. If one or more of these resources are also constrained, tuning
could actually cause a performance degradation by causing the other resource to
be a greater constraint than the present constraint on virtual storage.

Making the change to the system

The next step in the tuning process is to make the actual system modifications that
are intended to improve performance. You should consider several points when
adjusting the system:
v Tuning is the technique of making small changes to the system’s resource
allocation and availability to achieve relatively large improvements in response
v Tuning is not always effective. If the system response is too long and all the
system resources are lightly used, you see very little change in the CICS
response times. (This is also true if the wrong resources are tuned.) In addition,
if the constraint resource, for example, line capacity, is being fully used, the only
solution is to provide more capacity or redesign the application (to transmit less
data, in the case of line capacity).
v Do not tune just for the sake of tuning. Tune to relieve identified constraints. If
you tune resources that are not the primary cause of performance problems, this
has little or no effect on response time until you have relieved the major
constraints, and it may actually make subsequent tuning work more difficult. If

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 177

there is any significant improvement potential, it lies in improving the
performance of the resources that are major factors in the response time.
v In general, tune major constraints first, particularly those that have a significant
effect on response time. Arrange the tuning actions so that items having the
greatest effect are done first. In many cases, one tuning change can solve the
performance problem if it addresses the cause of the degradation. Other actions
may then be unnecessary. Further, improving performance in a major way can
alleviate many user complaints and allow you to work in a more thorough way.
The 80/20 rule applies here; a small number of system changes normally
improves response time by most of the amount by which it can be improved,
assuming that those changes address the main causes of performance problems.
v Make one tuning change at a time. If two changes are made at the same time,
their effects may work in opposite directions and it may be difficult to tell which
of them had a significant effect.
v Change allocations or definitions gradually. For example, when reducing the
number of resident programs in a system, do not change all programs in a
system from RES=YES to RES=NO at once. This could cause an unexpected
lengthening of response times by increasing storage usage because of
fragmentation, and increasing processor usage because of higher program
loading activity. If you change a few programs at a time, starting with the
lesser-used programs, this can give you a better idea of the overall results.
The same rule holds true for buffer and string settings and other data set
operands, transaction and program operands, and all resources where the
operand can be specified individually for each resource. For the same reason, do
not make large increases or decreases in the values assigned to task limits such
as MXT.
v Continue to monitor constraints during the tuning process. Because each
adjustment changes the constraints in a system, these constraints vary over time.
If the constraint changes, tuning must be done on the new constraint because
the old one is no longer the restricting influence on performance. In addition,
constraints may vary at different times during the day.
v Put fallback procedures in place before starting the tuning process. As noted
earlier, some tuning can cause unexpected performance results. If this leads to
poorer performance, it should be reversed and something else tried. If previous
definitions or path designs were not saved, they have to be redefined to put the
system back the way it was, and the system continues to perform at a poorer
level until these restorations are made. If the former setup is saved in such a
way that it can be recalled, back out of the incorrect change becomes much

Reviewing the results of tuning

After each adjustment has been done, review the performance measurements that
have been identified as the performance problem to verify that the desired
performance changes have occurred and to quantify that change. If performance
has improved to the point that service level agreements are being met, no more
tuning is required. If performance is better, but not yet acceptable, investigation is
required to determine the next action to be taken, and to verify that the resource
that was tuned is still a constraint. If it is not still a constraint, new constraints
need to be identified and tuned. This is a return to the first step of the tuning
process, and you should repeat the next steps in that process until an acceptable
performance level is reached.

178 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Part 4. Improving the performance of a CICS system


Always tune DASD, the network, and the overall MVS system before tuning
any individual CICS subsystem through CICS parameters.

Also review your application code before any further tuning

“Chapter 14. Performance checklists” on page 181 itemizes the actions you can take
to tune the performance of an operational CICS system.

The other chapters in this part contain the relevant performance tuning guidelines
for the following aspects of CICS:
v “Chapter 15. MVS and DASD” on page 187
v “Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM” on page 201
v “Chapter 18. VSAM and file control” on page 225
v “Chapter 21. Database management” on page 263
v “Chapter 22. Logging and journaling” on page 271
v “Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage” on page 283
v “Chapter 24. MRO and ISC” on page 305
v “Chapter 25. Programming considerations” on page 315
v “Chapter 26. CICS facilities” on page 321
v “Chapter 27. Improving CICS startup and normal shutdown time” on page 339.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 179

180 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Chapter 14. Performance checklists
The following checklists provide a quick reference to options that you can adjust to
relieve different constraints. They assume that you have identified the exact cause
of an existing constraint; they should not be used for random tuning exercises.

There are four checklists, corresponding to four of the main contention areas
described in “Chapter 11. Identifying CICS constraints” on page 155.
1. I/O contention (this applies to data set and database subsystems, as well as to
the data communications network)
2. Virtual storage above and below the 16MB line
3. Real storage
4. Processor cycles.

The checklists are in the sequence of low-level to high-level resources, and the
items are ordered from those that probably have the greatest effect on performance
to those that have a lesser effect, from the highest likelihood of being a factor in a
normal system to the lowest, and from the easiest to the most difficult to

Before taking action on a particular item, you should review the item to:
v Determine whether the item is applicable in your particular environment
v Understand the nature of the change
v Identify the trade-offs involved in the change.

Input/output contention checklist

Ideally, I/O contention should be reduced by using very large data buffers
and keeping programs in storage. This would require adequate central and
expanded storage, and programs that can be loaded above the 16MB line

Item Page
VSAM considerations
Review use of LLA 197
Implement Hiperspace buffers 240
Review/increase data set buffer allocations within 235
Use data tables when appropriate 244

Database considerations
Replace DL/I function shipping with IMS/ESA 263
DBCTL facility
Reduce/replace shared database access to online 263
data sets
Review DB2 threads and buffers 266


© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 181

Item Page
Increase activity keypoint frequency (AKPFREQ) 279

Terminals, VTAM and SNA.

Implement terminal output compression exit 215
Increase concurrent VTAM inputs 204
Increase concurrent VTAM logon/logoffs 210
Minimize SNA terminal data flows 208
Reduce SNA chaining 209

Reduce DFHRPL library contention 299
Review temporary storage strings 321
Review transient data strings 326

Virtual storage above and below 16MB line checklist

The lower the number of concurrent transactions in the system, the lower the
usage of virtual storage. Therefore, improving transaction internal response
time decreases virtual storage usage. Keeping programs in storage above the
16MB line, and minimizing physical I/Os makes the largest contribution to
well-designed transaction internal response time improvement.

Item Page
CICS region
Increase CICS region size 192
Reorganize program layout within region 299
Split the CICS region 284

DSA sizes
Specify optimal size of the dynamic storage areas 625
upper limits (DSALIM, EDSALIM)
Adjust maximum tasks (MXT) 287
Control certain tasks by transaction class 288
Put application programs above 16MB line 300

Database considerations
Increase use of DBCTL and reduce use of shared 263
database facility
Replace DL/I function shipping with IMS DBCTL 263
Review use of DB2 threads and buffers 266

Compile COBOL programs RES, NODYNAM 316
Use PL/I shared library facility 317
Implement VS COBOL II 317


182 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Item Page
Increase activity keypoint frequency (AKPFREQ) 279

Terminals, VTAM and SNA

Reduce VTAM input message size 203
Reduce concurrent VTAM inputs 204
Reduce terminal scan delay 211
Discourage use of MSGINTEG and PROTECT 208
Reduce concurrent VTAM logon/logoffs 210
Reduce AIQMAX setting for autoinstall 216

MRO/ISC considerations
Implement MVS cross-memory services with MRO 305
Implement MVS cross-memory services with shared 305
database programs

Reduce use of aligned maps 298
Prioritize transactions 291
Use only required CICS recovery facilities 334
Recycle job initiators with each CICS startup 193

Real storage checklist

Adequate central and expanded storage is vital to achieving good
performance with CICS.

Item Page
MVS considerations
Dedicate, or fence, real storage to CICS 190
Make CICS nonswappable 190
Move CICS code to the LPA/ELPA 297

VSAM considerations
Review the use of Hiperspace buffers 240
Use VSAM LSR where possible 240
Review the number of VSAM buffers 235
Review the number of VSAM strings 237

Task control considerations

Adjust maximum tasks (MXT) 287
Control certain tasks by transaction class 288

MRO/ISC considerations
Implement MVS cross-memory services with MRO 305
Implement MVS cross-memory services with shared
database programs
Use CICS intercommunication facilities 305

Database considerations

Chapter 14. Performance checklists 183

Item Page
Replace DL/I function shipping with IMS DBCTL 263
Review use of DB2 buffers and threads 266

Temporary storage and transient data

Reduce temporary storage strings or buffers 321
Reduce transient data strings or buffers 326


Increase activity keypoint frequency (AKPFREQ) 279


Terminal, VTAM and SNA

Reduce terminal scan delay 211
Reduce concurrent VTAM inputs 204
Reduce VTAM input message size 203
Prioritize transactions 291
Reduce concurrent VTAM logon/logoffs 210

Use PL/I shared library facilities 317
Compile COBOL programs RES, NODYNAM 316

Decrease region exit interval 194
Reduce trace table size 332
Use only required CICS recovery facilities 334

Processor cycles checklist

Minimizing physical I/Os by employing large data buffers and keeping
programs in storage reduces processor use, if adequate central and expanded
storage is available.

Item Page
Reduce or turn off CICS trace 332
Increase CICS dispatching level or performance 192

Terminal, VTAM and SNA

Implement VTAM high performance option 207
Increase terminal scan delay 211
Minimize SNA terminal data flows 208
Reduce SNA chaining 209

Task control considerations

184 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Item Page
Adjust maximum tasks (MXT) 287
Control certain tasks by transaction class 288
Define CICS maps with device suffixes 315

MRO/ISC considerations
Implement MVS cross-memory services with MRO 305
Implement MRO fastpath facilities 305
Implement MVS cross-memory services with shared 263
database programs
Use CICS intercommunication facilities 305

Database considerations

Increase activity keypoint frequency (AKPFREQ) 279

Temporary storage and transient data

Increase temporary storage queue pointer allocations 321
Increase use of main temporary storage 321
Review the use of CICS transient data facilities 326

Use only required CICS monitoring facilities 331
Review use of required CICS recovery facilities 334
Review use of required CICS security facilities 334
Increase region exit interval 194
Review use of program storage 299
Use NPDELAY for unsolicited input errors on TCAM 214
Prioritize transactions 291

Chapter 14. Performance checklists 185

186 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Chapter 15. MVS and DASD
The information in this chapter appears under the following headings:
v “Tuning CICS and MVS”
v “Splitting online systems: availability” on page 189
v “Making CICS nonswappable” on page 190
v “Isolating (fencing) real storage for CICS (PWSS and PPGRTR)” on page 190
v “Increasing the CICS region size” on page 192
v “Giving CICS a high dispatching priority or performance group” on page 192
v “Using job initiators” on page 193
v “Region exit interval (ICV)” on page 194
v “Use of LLA (MVS library lookaside)” on page 197
v “DASD tuning” on page 199

Tuning CICS and MVS

Tuning CICS for virtual storage under MVS depends on the following main
v MVS systems tuning
v VTAM tuning
v CICS tuning
v VSAM tuning.

Because tuning is a top-down activity, you should already have made a vigorous
effort to tune MVS before tuning CICS. Your main effort to reduce virtual storage
constraint and to get relief should be concentrated on reducing the life of the
various individual transactions: in other words, shortening task life.

This section describes some of the techniques that can contribute significantly to
shorter task life, and therefore, a reduction in virtual storage constraint.

The installation of a faster processor can cause the current instructions to be

executed faster and, therefore, reduce task life (internal response time), because
more transactions can be processed in the same period of time. Installing faster
DASD can reduce the time spent waiting for I/O completion, and this shorter wait
time for paging operations, data set index retrieval, or data set buffer retrieval can
also reduce task life in the processor.

Additional real storage, if page-ins are frequently occurring (if there are more than
5 to 10 page-ins per second, CICS performance is affected), can reduce waits for
the paging subsystem.

MVS provides storage isolation for an MVS performance group, which allows you
to reserve a specific range of real storage for the CICS address space and to control
the page-rates for that address space based on the task control block (TCB) time
absorbed by the CICS address space during execution.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 187

You can isolate CICS data on DASD drives, strings, and channels to minimize the
I/O contention suffered by CICS from other DASD activity in the system. Few
CICS online systems generate enough I/O activity to affect the performance of
CICS seriously if DASD is isolated in this manner.

So far (except when describing storage isolation and DASD sharing), we have
concentrated on CICS systems that run a stand-alone single CICS address space.
The sizes of all MVS address spaces are defined by the common requirements of
the largest subsystem. If you want to combine the workload from two or more
processors onto an MVS image, you must be aware of the virtual storage
requirements of each of the subsystems that are to execute on the single-image
ESA processor. Review the virtual storage effects of combining the following kinds
of workload on a single-image MVS system:
1. CICS and a large number (100 or more) of TSO users
2. CICS and a large IMS system
3. CICS and 5000 to 7500 VTAM LUs.
By its nature, CICS requires a large private region that may not be available when
the large system’s common requirements of these other subsystems are satisfied. If,
after tuning the operating system, VTAM, VSAM, and CICS, you find that your
address space requirements still exceed that available, you can split CICS using
one of three options:
1. Multiregion option (MRO)
2. Intersystem communication (ISC)
3. Multiple independent address spaces.

Adding large new applications or making major increases in the size of your
VTAM network places large demands on virtual storage, and you must analyze
them before implementing them in a production system. Careful analysis and
system specification can avoid performance problems arising from the addition of
new applications in a virtual-storage-constrained environment.

If you have not made the necessary preparations, you usually become aware of
problems associated with severe stress only after you have attempted to implement
the large application or major change in your production system. Some of these
symptoms are:
v Poor response times
v Short-on-storage
v Program compression
v Heavy paging activity
v Many well-tested applications suddenly abending with new symptoms
v S80A and S40D abends
v S822 abends
v Dramatic increase in I/O activity on DFHRPL program libraries.

Various chapters in the rest of this book deal with specific, individual operands
and techniques to overcome these problems. They tell you how to minimize the
use of virtual storage in the CICS address space, and how to split it into multiple
address spaces if your situation requires it.

For an overall description of ESA virtual storage, see “Appendix F. MVS and CICS
virtual storage” on page 615.

188 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Reducing MVS common system area requirements
This can be the most productive area for tuning. CICS installations that have not
previously tuned their ESA system may be able to recover 1.5 to 2.0 megabytes of
virtual storage. This topic is outside the scope of this book, but you should
investigate it fully before tuning CICS. A manual that gives information about this
is the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual.

Splitting online systems: availability

Splitting the CICS system into two or more separate address spaces may lead to
improved availability. If CICS failures are being caused by application program
errors, for example, separating out the failing application can improve overall
availability. This can also give virtual storage gains and, in addition, can allow you
to use multiprocessors and MVS images more efficiently. See “Splitting online
systems: virtual storage” on page 284 for more information. A fuller account can be
found in the System/390 MVS Sysplex Application Migration Guide (GC28-1211).

The availability of the overall system may be improved by splitting the system
because the effects of a failure can be limited or the time to recover from the
failure can be reduced.

The main ways of splitting a system for availability are to have:

v Terminal owning regions. With one or more terminal owning regions (TORs) using
transaction routing, availability can be improved because a TOR is less likely to
fail because it contains no application code. The time taken to restart the failed
part of the system is reduced because the terminal sessions are maintained at
failure if the TOR continues to operate.
v Multiple application owning regions. Using multiple application owning regions
(AORs), you can separate unstable or new applications from the rest of the
system. If these applications cause a failure of that AOR, all other AORs are still
available. If the region susceptible to failure contains no terminals or files and
databases, it also tends to restart quickly.
Applications under test in AORs can use function shipping to access ‘live’ data,
which adds to the realism of the test environment.
v File owning regions. File requests from many CICS regions can be
function-shipped to file owning regions (FORs). The FORs contain no application
code and so are unlikely to fail, so that access to files can be maintained even if
other regions fail. Removing the files and databases from these other regions
speeds up their recovery by removing file allocation and opening time.
Having only one FOR in a system, or logical subset of a system, can reduce the
operational difficulties of restarting a system. It is possible to split the regions in
different ways to those described so far, by having many regions all of which own
some terminals, some applications, and some files and databases. This type of
splitting is very complex to maintain and operate, and also needs careful
monitoring to ensure that the performance of the overall system is optimal. For
these reasons, a structured approach with each of the regions having a clearly
defined set of one type of resource is recommended.

Chapter 15. MVS and DASD 189

Splitting a CICS system requires increased real storage, increased processor cycles,
and extensive planning. These overheads are described in more detail in “Splitting
online systems: virtual storage” on page 284.

If availability of your system is an important requirement, both splitting systems
and the use of XRF should be considered. The use of XRF can complement the
splitting of systems by automating the recovery of the components.

When splitting your system, you should try to separate the sources of failure so
that as much of the rest of the system as possible is protected against their failure,
and remains available for use. Critical components should be backed up, or
configured so that service can be restored with minimum delay. Since the
advantages of splitting regions for availability can be compromised if the queueing
of requests for remote regions is not controlled, you should also review
“Intersystems session queue management” on page 307.

Making CICS nonswappable

You can take a variety of actions to cause the operating system to give CICS
preferential treatment in allocation of processor resources.

Making CICS nonswappable prevents the address space from being swapped out
in MVS, and reduces the paging overhead. Consider leaving only very lightly used
test systems swappable.

How implemented
You should consider making your CICS region nonswappable by using the
PPTNSWP option in the MVS Program Properties Table (PPT).

Using the PPT will make all CICS systems (including test systems) nonswappable.
As an alternative, use the IPS. For more information about defining entries in the
PPT see the OS/390 MVS Programming: Callable Services for HLL manual.

How monitored
The DISPLAY ACTIVE (DA) command on SDSF gives you an indication of the
number of real pages used and the paging rate. Use RMF, the RMFMON command
on TSO to provide additional information. For more information about RMF see
“Resource measurement facility (RMF)” on page 27 or the MVS RMF User’s Guide.

Isolating (fencing) real storage for CICS (PWSS and PPGRTR)

Real storage isolation, or “fencing” in MVS, is a way of allocating real storage to
CICS alone, and can reduce paging problems.

190 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Use PWSS=(a,b) and PPGRTR=(c,d) or PPGRT=(c,d) in the IEAIPSxx.

The PWSS=(a,b) parameter specifies the range (minimum,maximum) of page

frames needed for the target working set size for an address space.

The target working set size of an XRF alternate CICS system can vary significantly
in different environments.

The PPGRTR=(c,d) or PPGRT=(c,d) parameter specifies the minimum and

maximum paging rates to use in adjusting the target working set size specified in
PWSS. PPGRTR means that the system resource manager (SRM) calculates the
paging rate using the alternate system’s residency time, rather than the execution
time if PPGRT is specified.

For the XRF alternate system that has a low activity while in the surveillance
phase, PPGRTR is a better choice because the target working set size is adjusted on
the basis of page-faults per second, rather than page-faults per execution second.

During catchup and while tracking, the real storage needs of the XRF alternate
CICS system are increased as it changes terminal session states and the contents of
the TCT. At takeover, the real storage needs also increase as the alternate CICS
system begins to switch terminal sessions and implement emergency restart. In
order to ensure good performance and minimize takeover time, the target working
set size should be increased. This can be done in several different ways, two of
which are:
1. Parameter “b” in PWSS=(a,b) can be set to “*” which allows the working set
size to increase without limit, if the maximum paging rate (parameter “d” in
PPGRTR=(c,d)) is exceeded.
2. A command can be put in the CLT to change the alternate CICS system’s
performance group at takeover to one which has different real storage isolation
parameters specified.

If you set PWSS=(*,*), and PPGRTR=(1,2), this allows CICS to use as much storage
as it wants when the paging rate is > 2 per second. The values depend very much
on the installation and the MVS setup. The values suggested here assume that
CICS is an important address space and therefore needs service to be resumed

For the definition and format of the storage isolation parameters in IEAIPSxx, see
the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual.

How implemented
See the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual.

How monitored
Use RMF, the RMFMON command on TSO for additional information. The
DISPLAY ACTIVE (DA) command on SDSF will give you an indication of the
number of real pages used and the paging rate.

Chapter 15. MVS and DASD 191

Increasing the CICS region size
If all other factors in a CICS system are kept constant, increasing the region size
available to CICS allows an increase in the dynamic storage areas.

Changes to MVS and other subsystems over time generally reduce the amount of
storage required below the 16MB line. Thus the CICS region size may be able to be
increased when a new release of MVS or non-CICS subsystem is installed.

To get any further increase, operating-system functions and storage areas (such as
the local shared queue area, LSQA), or other programs must be reduced. The
LSQA is used by VTAM and other programs, and any increase in the CICS region
size decreases the area available for the LSQA, SWA, and subpools 229 and 230. A
shortage in these subpools can cause S80A, S40D, and S822 abends.

If you specify a larger region, the value of the relevant dsasize system initialization
parameter must be increased or the extra space is not used.

How implemented
The region size is defined in the startup job stream for CICS. Other definitions are
made to the operating system or through operating-system console commands.

To determine the maximum region size, determine the size of your private area
from RMF II or one of the storage monitors available.

To determine the maximum region size you should allocate, use the following
Max region possible = private area size – system region size – (LSQA + SWA +
subpools 229 and 230)

The remaining storage is available for the CICS region; for safety, use 80% or 90%
of this number. If the system is static or does not change much, use 90% of this
number for the REGION= parameter; if the system is dynamic, or changes
frequently, 80% would be more desirable.

Note: You must maintain a minimum of 200KB of free storage between the top of
the region and the bottom of the ESA high private area (the LSQA, the SWA,
and subpools 229 and 230).

How monitored
Use RMF, the RMFMON command on TSO for additional information. For more
information about RMF see “Resource measurement facility (RMF)” on page 27 or
the MVS RMF User’s Guide.

Giving CICS a high dispatching priority or performance group

Giving CICS a high dispatching priority causes the processor to be accessible more
often when it is needed.

192 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Performance groups in MVS are another way of giving CICS increased access to
the processor. Putting CICS at a high dispatching priority or in a favorable
performance group is most effective when CICS is processor-constrained.

The relative order of priority can be:

v Performance monitor
v Database

How implemented
Set the CICS priority above the automatic priority group (APG). See the OS/390
MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual for further information.

There are various ways to assign CICS a dispatching priority. The best is through
the ICS (PARMLIB member IEAICSxx). The ICS assigns performance group
numbers and enforces assignments. The dispatching priorities are specified in
PARMLIB member IEAIPSxx. Use APGRNG to capture the top ten priority sets (6
through 15). Specify a suitably high priority for CICS. There are priority levels that
change dynamically, but we recommend a simple fixed priority for CICS. Use
storage isolation only when necessary.

You cannot specify a response time, and you must give CICS enough resources to
achieve good performance.

See the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual for more

How monitored
Use either the DISPLAY ACTIVE (DA) command on SDSF or use RMF, the
RMFMON command on TSO. For more information about RMF see “Resource
measurement facility (RMF)” on page 27 or the MVS RMF User’s Guide.

Using job initiators

The management of the MVS high private area can sometimes result in
fragmentation and stranded subpools caused by large imbedded free areas known
as “holes”.

Some fragmentation can also occur in a region when a job initiator starts multiple
jobs without being stopped and then started again. If you define the region as
having the maximum allowable storage size, it is possible to start and stop the job
the first time the initiator is used, but to have an S822 abend (insufficient virtual
storage) the second time the job is started. This is because of the fragmentation
that occurs.

In this situation, either the region has to be decreased, or the job initiator has to be
stopped and restarted.

Chapter 15. MVS and DASD 193

Two methods of starting the CICS job are available, to maximize the virtual storage
available to the region. One is to start and stop the initiator with each initialization
of CICS, executing CICS in a newly started initiator; and the other is to use the
MVS START command.

If CICS is executed as an MVS-started task (using the MVS START command)

instead of submitting it as a batch job, this not only ensures that a clean address
space is used (reducing the possibility of an S822 abend), but also saves a
significant amount of LSQA storage.

Some installations have had S822 abends after doing I/O generations or after
adding DD statements to large applications. An S822 abend occurs when you
request a REGION=nnnnK size that is larger than the amount available in the
address space.

The maximum region size that is available is difficult to define, and is usually
determined by trial and error. One of the reasons is that the size depends on the
system generation and on DD statements.

At least two techniques can be used to reduce storage fragmentation:

1. Dynamic allocation. You might consider writing a “front-end” program that
dynamically allocates the cataloged data sets for the step and then transfers
control (XCTL) to CICS. The effect of this is that only one eligible device list
(EDL) is used at a time.
2. UNITNAME. You might consider creating a new UNITNAME (via EDT-GEN or
IOGEN). This UNITNAME could be a subset of devices known to contain the
cataloged data set. By using the “unit override” feature of JCL, it could cause
the EDL to be limited to the devices specified in the UNITNAME.

Available virtual storage is increased by starting new initiators to run CICS, or by
using MVS START. Startup time may be minimally increased.

How implemented
CICS startup and use of initiators are defined in an installation’s startup

How monitored
Part of the job termination message IEF374I 'VIRT=nnnnnK' shows you the virtual
storage below the 16MB line, and another part 'EXT=nnnnnnnK' shows the virtual
storage above the 16MB line.

Region exit interval (ICV)

When CICS cannot dispatch a task, either because there are no tasks in the system
at that time, or because all tasks are waiting for data set or terminal I/O to finish,
CICS issues an operating-system WAIT. The ICV system initialization parameter
(see also “Terminal scan delay (ICVTSD)” on page 211) controls the length of this

194 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

wait (but bear in mind that any interrupt, for example, data set I/O or terminal
I/O, before any of these expires, causes CICS to be dispatched).

The ICV system initialization parameter specifies the maximum time in

milliseconds that CICS releases control to the operating system when there are no
transactions ready to resume processing. CICS issues a region wait in this case for
the time specified in the ICV system initialization parameter. If activity in the
system causes CICS to be dispatched sooner, this parameter has no effect.

In general, ICV can be used in low-volume systems to keep part of the CICS
management code paged in. Expiration of this interval results in a full terminal
control table (TCT) scan in non-VTAM environments, and controls the dispatching
of terminal control in VTAM systems with low activity. Redispatch of CICS by
MVS after the wait may be delayed because of activity in the supervisor or in
higher-priority regions, for example, VTAM. The ICV delay can affect the
shutdown time if no other activity is taking place.

The value of ICV acts as a backstop for MROBTCH (see “Batching requests
(MROBTCH)” on page 311).

Main effect
The region exit interval determines the maximum period between terminal control
full scans. However, the interval between full scans in very active systems may be
less than this, being controlled by the normally shorter terminal scan delay interval
(see “Terminal scan delay (ICVTSD)” on page 211). In such systems, ICV becomes
largely irrelevant unless ICVTSD has been set to zero.

Secondary effects
Whenever control returns to the task dispatcher from terminal control after a full
scan, ICV is added to the current time of day to give the provisional due time for
the next full scan. In idle systems, CICS then goes into an operating-system wait
state, setting the timer to expire at this time. If there are application tasks to
dispatch, however, CICS passes control to these and, if the due time arrives before
CICS has issued an operating-system WAIT, the scan is done as soon as the task
dispatcher next regains control.

In active systems, after the due time has been calculated by adding ICV, the scan
may be performed at an earlier time by application activity (see “Terminal scan
delay (ICVTSD)” on page 211).

Operating-system waits are not always for the duration of one ICV. They last only
until some event ends. One possible event is the expiry of a time interval, but
often CICS regains control because of the completion of an I/O operation. Before
issuing the operating-system WAIT macro, CICS sets an operating-system timer,
specifying the interval as the time remaining until the next time-dependent activity
becomes due for processing. This is usually the next terminal control scan,
controlled by either ICV or ICVTSD, but it can be the earliest ICE expiry time, or
even less.

In high-activity systems, where CICS is contending for processor time with very
active higher-priority subsystems (VTAM, TSO, other CICS systems, or DB/DC),
control may be seized from CICS so often that CICS always has work to do and
never issues an operating-system WAIT.

Chapter 15. MVS and DASD 195

Where useful
The region exit interval is useful in environments where batch or other CICS
systems are running concurrently.

Too low a value can impair concurrent batch performance by causing frequent and
unnecessary dispatches of CICS by MVS. Too high a value can lead to an
appreciable delay before the system handles time-dependent events (such as
abends for terminal read or deadlock timeouts) after the due time.

A low ICV value does not prevent all CICS modules from being paged out. When
the ICV time interval expires, the operating system dispatches CICS task control
which, in turn, dispatches terminal control. CICS references only task control,
terminal control, TCT, and the CSA. No other modules in CICS are referenced. If
there is storage constraint they do not stay in real storage.

After the operating-system WAIT, redispatch of CICS may be delayed because of

activity in the supervisor or in higher-priority regions such as VTAM, and so on.

The ICV delay can affect the shutdown time if no other activity is taking place.

The time interval can be any decimal value in the range from 100 through 3600000

In normal systems, set ICV to 1000-10000 milliseconds, or more.

A low interval value can enable much of the CICS nucleus to be retained, and not
be paged out at times of low terminal activity. This reduces the amount of paging
necessary for CICS to process terminal transactions (thus representing a potential
reduction in response time), sometimes at the expense of concurrent batch region
throughput. Large networks with high terminal activity tend to drive CICS without
a need for this value, except to handle the occasional, but unpredictable, period of
inactivity. These networks can usually function with a large interval (10000 to
30000 milliseconds). After a task has been initiated, the system recognizes its
requests for terminal services and the completion of the services, and overrides this
maximum delay interval.

Small systems or those with low terminal activity are subject to paging introduced
by other jobs running in competition with CICS. If you specify a low interval
value, key portions of the CICS nucleus are referenced more frequently, thus
reducing the probability of these pages being paged-out. However, the execution of
the logic, such as terminal polling activity, without performing productive work
might be considered wasteful.

You must weigh the need to increase the probability of residency by frequent but
unproductive referencing, against the extra overhead and longer response times
incurred by allowing the paging to occur. If you increase the interval size, more
productive work is performed at the expense of performance if paging occurs
during the periods of CICS activity.

196 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Note: If the terminal control negative poll delay feature is used, the ICV value
selected must not exceed the negative poll delay value. If the negative poll
delay used is zero, any ICV value may be used (see “Negative poll delay
(NPDELAY)” on page 214).

How implemented
ICV is specified in the SIT or at startup, and can be changed using either the
CEMT or EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM (time) command. It is defined in units of
milliseconds, rounded down to the nearest multiple of ten. The default is 1000
(that is, one second; usually too low).

How monitored
The region exit interval can be monitored by the frequency of CICS
operating-system WAITs that are counted in “Dispatcher domain” on page 367.

Use of LLA (MVS library lookaside)

Modules loaded by CICS from the DFHRPL libraries may be managed by the MVS
LLA (library lookaside) facility. LLA is designed to minimize disk I/O by keeping
load modules in a VLF (virtual lookaside facility) dataspace and keeping a version
of the library directory in its own address space.

LLA manages modules (system or application) whose library names you have put
in the appropriate CSVLLA member in SYS1.PARMLIB.

There are two optional parameters in this member that affect the management of
specified libraries:
Tells the system always to use the copy of the directory that is maintained
in the LLA address space.
Tells the system always to search the directory that resides in DASD

However, FREEZE and NOFREEZE are only relevant when LLACOPY is not used.
When CICS issues a LOAD and specifies the directory entry (DE), it bypasses the
LLA directory processing, but determines from LLA whether the program is
already in VLF or must be fetched from DASD. For more information about the
FREEZE and NOFREEZE options, see the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning

The use of LLA to manage a very busy DFHRPL library can show two distinct
1. Improved transaction response time
2. Better DASD utilization.

It is possible, as throughput increases, that DASD utilization actually decreases.

This is due to LLA’s observation of the load activity and its decisions about which
modules to stage (keep) in the VLF dataspace.

Chapter 15. MVS and DASD 197

LLA does not automatically stage all members that are fetched. LLA attempts to
select those modules whose staging gives the best reductions in response time,
contentions, storage cost, and an optional user-defined quantity.

In addition to any USER-defined CICS DFHRPL libraries, LLA also manages the
system LNKLST. It is likely that staging some modules from the LNKLST could
have more effect than staging modules from the CICS libraries. LLA makes
decisions on what is staged to VLF only after observing the fetch activity in the
system for a certain period. For this reason it is possible to see I/O against a
program library even when it is managed by LLA.

Another contributing factor for continued I/O is the system becoming “MAXVIRT
constrained”, that is, the sum of bytes from the working set of modules is greater
than the MAXVIRT parameter for the LLA class of VLF objects. You can increase
this value by changing it in the COFVLF member in SYS1.PARMLIB. A value too
small can cause excessive movement of that VLF object class; a value too large can
cause excessive paging; both may increase the DASD activity significantly.

See the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide manual for information on LLA
and VLF parameters.

Effects of LLACOPY
CICS can use one of two methods for locating modules in the DFHRPL
concatenation. Either a build link-list (BLDL) macro or a LLACOPY macro is
issued to return the directory information to pass to the load request. Which macro
is issued is dependant upon the LLACOPY system initialization parameter and the
reason for the locate of the module.

The LLACOPY macro is used to update the LLA-managed directory entry for a
module or a list of modules. If a module which is LLA managed has an LLACOPY
issued against it, it results in a BLDL with physical I/O against the DCB specified.
If the directory information does not match that which is stored within LLA, the
LLA tables are then updated, keeping both subsystems synchronized. While this
activity takes place an ENQ for the resource SYSZLLA1.update is held. This is then
unavailable to any other LLACOPY request on the same MVS system and therefore
another LLACOPY request is delayed until the ENQ is released.

The BLDL macro also returns the directory information. When a BLDL is issued
against an LLA managed module, the information returned will be from the LLA
copy of the directory, if one exists. It will not necessarily result in physical I/O to
the dataset and may therefore be out of step with the actual dataset. BLDL does
not require the SYSZLLA1.update ENQ and is therefore less prone to being
delayed by BLDLs on the same MVS system. Note that it is not advisable to use a
NOCONNECT option when invoking the BLDL macro because the DFHRPL
concatenated dataset may contain partitioned data set extended (PDSE) datasets.
PDSE can contain more function than PDS, but CICS may not recognise some of
this function. PDSE also use more virtual storage .

The SIT Parameter LLACOPY

If you code LLACOPY=YES, the default, CICS issues a LLACOPY macro each time
a module is located from the RPL dataset. This is done either on the first
ACQUIRE or on any subsequent NEWCOPY or PHASEIN requests. This ensures
that CICS always obtains the latest copy of any LLA-managed modules. There is a

198 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

small chance of delay because of a failure to obtain an ENQ while another
LLACOPY completes and there is some extra pathlength involved in maintaining
the LLA tables.

If you code LLACOPY=NO, CICS never issues an LLACOPY macro. Instead, each
time the RPL dataset is searched for a module, a BLDL is issued.

If you code LLACOPY=NEWCOPY to request a new copy of an LLA-managed

module, a MODIFY LLA,REFRESH or F LLA,REFRESH must be issued before the
NEWCOPY is performed within CICS. (MODIFY LLA,REFRESH rebuilds LLA’s
directory for the entire set of libraries managed by LLA.) When you code
LLACOPY=NEWCOPY, CICS issues the LLACOPY macro when loading a module
as a result of a NEWCOPY or PHASEIN request. A BLDL macro is issued on the
first use of the module, but when it is due to one of these requests, the REFRESH
option results in loading the new module. If an out of date version of a module is
loaded upon its first use, the latest version would be used after a NEWCOPY or
PHASEIN. For more information about the LLACOPY system initialization
parameter, see the CICS System Definition Guide.

DASD tuning
The main solutions to DASD problems are to:
v Reduce the number of I/O operations
v Tune the remaining I/O operations
v Balance the I/O operations load.

Reducing the number of I/O operations

The principal ways of reducing the number of I/O operations are to:
v Allocate VSAM Hiperspace buffers
v Allocate additional address space buffers
v Use data tables when appropriate
v Use or increase the use of main temporary storage
v Eliminate or minimize program compression
v Review and improve the design of applications run on CICS
v Make use of a DASD controller cache, but only if data set placement tuning has
been done
v Minimize CI/CA splits by:
– Allocating ample free space (free space can be altered by key range during
– Timely reorganizations of disk storage.

Tuning the I/O operations

This can reduce service time. The principal ways of tuning the I/O operations are
v Specify the correct CI size. This has an effect on:
– The space used on the volume
– Transfer time
– Storage requirements for buffers

Chapter 15. MVS and DASD 199

– The type of processing (direct or sequential).
v Specify the location of the VTOC correctly.
v Take care over data set placement within the volume.
v Use an appropriately fast device type and, if necessary, use a cache memory (but
only if data set placement tuning has been done and if there are sufficient
channels to handle the device speed).

Balancing I/O operations

This can reduce queue time. The principal ways of balancing I/O operations are to:
v Spread a high-use data set across multiple volumes.
v Minimize the use of shared DASD volumes between multiple processors.
v Place batch files and online files on separate volumes, especially:
– Spool files
– Sort files
– Assembler or compiler work files
– Page data sets.
v Place index and data on separate volumes (for VSAM KSDS files).
v Place concurrently used files on separate volumes. For example, a CICS journal
should be the only data set in use on its volume.

Take the following figures as guidelines for best DASD response times for online
v Channel busy: less than 30% (with CHP ids this can be higher)
v Device busy: less than 35% for randomly accessed files
v Average response time: less than 20 milliseconds.

Aim for multiple paths to disk controllers because this allows dynamic path
selection to work.

200 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM
This chapter includes the following topics:
v “Terminal input/output area (TYPETERM IOAREALEN or TCT TIOAL)”
v “Receive-any input areas (RAMAX)” on page 203
v “Receive-any pool (RAPOOL)” on page 204
v “High performance option (HPO) with VTAM” on page 207
v “SNA transaction flows (MSGINTEG, and ONEWTE)” on page 208
page 209
v “Number of concurrent logon/logoff requests (OPNDLIM)” on page 210
v “Terminal scan delay (ICVTSD)” on page 211
v “Negative poll delay (NPDELAY)” on page 214
v “Compression of output terminal data streams” on page 215
v “Automatic installation of terminals” on page 216

Terminal input/output area (TYPETERM IOAREALEN or TCT TIOAL)

If you are using VTAM, the CEDA DEFINE TYPETERM IOAREALEN command
determines the initial size of the terminal input/output area (TIOA) to be passed
onto a transaction for each terminal. The syntax for IOAREALEN is
({0|value1},{0|value2}). This operand is used only for the first input message for
all transactions.

For TCAM, the DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL TIOAL=value macro, is the only way
to adjust this value.

One value defining the minimum size is used for non-SNA devices, while two
values specifying both the minimum and maximum size are used for SNA devices.

This book does not discuss the performance aspects of the CICS Front End
Programming Interface. See the CICS Front End Programming Interface User’s Guide
for more information.

When value1,0 is specified for IOAREALEN, value1 is the minimum size of the
terminal input/output area that is passed to an application program when a
RECEIVE command is issued. If the size of the input message exceeds value1, the
area passed to the application program is the size of the input message.

When value1, value2 is specified, value1 is the minimum size of the terminal
input/output area that is passed to an application program when a RECEIVE
command is issued. Whenever the size of the input message exceeds value1, CICS
will use value2. If the input message size exceeds value2, the node abnormal
condition program sends an exception response to the terminal.

If you specify ATI(YES), you must specify an IOAREALEN of at least one byte.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 201

For TCAM supported devices, if the TIOAL operand is omitted, it defaults to the
INAREAL length value in the TCT TYPE=LINE operand. Do not omit the TIOAL
operand for remote terminals.

Real storage can be wasted if the IOAREALEN (value1) or TIOAL value is too
large for most terminal inputs in the network. If IOAREALEN (value1) or TIOAL
is smaller than most initial terminal inputs, excessive GETMAIN requests can
occur, resulting in additional processor requirements, unless IOAREALEN(value1)
or TIOAL is zero.

IOAREALEN(value1) or TIOAL should be set to a value that is slightly larger than
the average input message length for the terminal. The maximum value that may
be specified for IOAREALEN/TIOAL is 32767 bytes.

If a value of nonzero is required, the best size to specify is the most commonly
encountered input message size. A multiple of 64 bytes minus 21 allows for SAA
requirements and ensures good use of operating system pages.

For VTAM, you can specify two values if inbound chaining is used. The first value
should be the length of the normal chain size for the terminal, and the second
value should be the maximum size of the chain. The length of the TIOA presented
to the task depends on the message length and the size specified for the TIOA.
(See the example in Figure 30.)

Without chain assembly:

TIOA size: ────────────────────Y│
Message length: ──────────────Y│
TIOA acquired: ────────────────────Y│
TIOA size: ────────────────────Y│
Message length: ───────────────────────────Y│
TIOA acquired: ───────────────────────────Y│
With chain assembly
Value1 size: ────────────────────Y│
Value2 size: ───────────────────────────Y│
Message1 length: ────────────────Y│
TIOA acquired: ────────────────────Y│
Message2 length: ───────────────────────Y│
TIOA acquired: ───────────────────────────Y│

Figure 30. Message length and terminal input/output area length

Avoid specifying too large a value1, for example, by matching it to the size of the
terminal display screen. This area is used only as input. If READ with SET is
specified, the same pointer is used by applications for an output area.

If too small a value is specified for value1, extra processing time is required for
chain assembly, or data is lost if inbound chaining is not used.

In general, a value of zero is best because it causes the optimum use of storage and
eliminates the second GETMAIN request. If automatic transaction initiation (ATI) is
used for that terminal, a minimum size of one byte is required.

202 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

The second value for SNA devices is used to prevent terminal streaming, and so
should be slightly larger than the largest possible terminal input in the network. If
a message larger than this second value is encountered, a negative response is
returned to the terminal, and the terminal message is discarded.

How implemented
For VTAM, the TIOA value is specified in the CEDA DEFINE TYPETERM
IOAREALEN attribute.

For TCAM, the TIOAL value can be specified in the terminal control table (TCT)
TYPE=TERMINAL operand. TIOAL defaults to the INAREAL value specified in
the TCT TYPE=LINE operand.

How monitored
RMF and NetView Performance Monitor (NPM) can be used to show storage usage
and message size characteristics in the network.

Receive-any input areas (RAMAX)

The system initialization parameter, RAMAX, specifies the size in bytes of the I/O
area that is to be allocated for each VTAM receive-any operation. These storage
areas are called receive-any input areas (RAIAs), and are used to receive the first
terminal input for a transaction from VTAM. All input from VTAM comes in
request/response units (RUs).

Storage for the RAIAs, which is above the 16MB line, is allocated by the CICS
terminal control program during CICS initialization, and remains allocated for the
entire execution of the CICS job step. The size of this storage is the product of the
RAPOOL and RAMAX system initialization parameters.

VTAM attempts to put any incoming RU into the initial receive-any input area,
which has the size of RAMAX. If this is not large enough, VTAM indicates that
and also states how many extra bytes are waiting that cannot be accommodated.

RAMAX is the largest size of any RU that CICS can take directly in the receive-any
command, and is a limit against which CICS compares VTAM’s indication of the
overall size of the RU. If there is more, VTAM saves it, and CICS gets the rest in a
second request.

With a small RAMAX, you reduce the virtual storage taken up in RAIAs but risk
more processor usage in VTAM retries to get any data that could not fit into the

For many purposes, the default RAMAX value of 256 bytes is adequate. If you
know that many incoming RUs are larger than this, you can always increase
RAMAX to suit your system.

For individual terminals, there are separate parameters that determine how large
an RU is going to be from that device. It makes sense for RAMAX to be at least as
large as the largest CEDA SENDSIZE for any frequently-used terminals.

Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM 203

Where useful
You can use the RAMAX system initialization parameter in any networks that use
the VTAM access method for terminals.

Real storage can be wasted with a high RAMAX value, and additional processor
time can be required with a low RAMAX value. If the RAMAX value is set too
low, extra processor time is needed to acquire additional buffers to receive the
remaining data. Because most inputs are 256 bytes, this should normally be

Do not specify a RAMAX value that is less than the RUSIZE (from the CINIT) for
a pipeline terminal because pipelines cannot handle overlength data.

Code RAMAX with the size in bytes of the I/O area allocated for each receive-any
request issued by CICS. The maximum value is 32767.

Set RAMAX to be slightly larger than your CICS system input messages. If you
know the message length distribution for your system, set the value to
accommodate the majority of your input messages.

In any case, the size required for RAMAX need only take into account the first (or
only) RU of a message. Thus, messages sent using SNA chaining do not require
RAMAX based on their overall chain length, but only on the size of the constituent

Receive-any input areas are taken from a fixed length subpool of storage. A size of
2048 may appear to be adequate for two such areas to fit on one 4KB page, but
only 4048 bytes are available in each page, so only one area fits on one page. A
size of 2024 should be defined to ensure that two areas, including page headers, fit
on one page.

How implemented
RAMAX is a system initialization parameter.

How monitored
The size of RUs or chains in a network can be identified with a VTAM line or
buffer trace. The maximum size RUs are defined in the CEDA SENDSIZE attribute.

Receive-any pool (RAPOOL)

The RAPOOL system initialization parameter specifies the number of concurrent
receive-any requests that CICS is to process from VTAM. RAPOOL determines how
many receive-any buffers there are at any time and, therefore, if VTAM has a lot of
input simultaneously, it enables VTAM to put all the messages directly into CICS
buffers rather than possibly having to store them itself elsewhere. The first operand
(value1) is for non-HPO systems, the second operand (value2) is for HPO systems.

204 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

The HPO value for the non-HPO operand is derived according to the formula
shown in the CICS System Definition Guide. The second operand (value2) for HPO
systems is used with minimal adjustment by the formula.

Initially, task input from a terminal or session is received by the VTAM access
method and is passed to CICS if CICS has a receive-any request outstanding.

For each receive-any request, a VTAM request parameter list (RPL), a receive-any
control element (RACE), and a receive-any input area (RAIA)—the value specified
by RAMAX (see “Receive-any input areas (RAMAX)” on page 203) are set aside.
The total area set aside for VTAM receive-any operations is:

(maximum RAIA size + RACE size + RPL size) * RAPOOL

If HPO=YES, both RACE and RPL are above the 16MB line.

See page 203 for RAIA considerations.

In general, input messages up to the value specified in RAPOOL are all processed
in one dispatch of the terminal control task. Because the processing of a
receive-any request is a short operation, at times more messages than the RAPOOL
value may be processed in one dispatch of terminal control. This happens when a
receive-any request completes before the terminal control program has finished
processing and there are additional messages from VTAM.

VTAM receive-any processing is for the first terminal message in a transaction, so

RAPOOL has no effect on further inputs for conversational tasks. Those additional
inputs are processed with VTAM receive-specific requests.

The pool is used only for the first input to start a task; it is not used for output or
conversational input. VTAM posts the event control block (ECB) associated with
the receive any input area. CICS then moves the data to the terminal I/O area
(TIOA) ready for task processing. The RAIA is then available for reuse.

Where useful
Use the RAPOOL operand in networks that use the VTAM access method for

If the RAPOOL value is set too low, this can result in terminal messages not being
processed in the earliest dispatch of the terminal control program, thereby
inducing transaction delays during high-activity periods. For example, if you use
the default and five terminal entries want to start up tasks, three tasks may be
delayed for at least the time required to complete the VTAM receive-any request
and copy the data and RPL. In general, no more than 5 to 10% of all receive-any
processing should be at the RAPOOL ceiling, with none being at the RAPOOL
ceiling if there is sufficient storage.

Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM 205

If the RAPOOL value is set too high, this can use excessive virtual storage, but
does not affect real storage because the storage is not page-fixed and is therefore
paged out.

Whether RAPOOL is significant or not depends on the environment of the CICS
system: whether, for example, HPO is being used.

In some cases, it may sometimes be more economical for VTAM to store the
occasional peak of messages in its own areas rather than for CICS itself to have a
large number of RAIAs, many of which are unused most of the time.

Furthermore, there are situations where CICS reissues a receive-any as soon as it

finds one satisfied. It thereby uses the same element over and over again in order
to bring in any extra messages that are in VTAM.

CICS maintains a VTAM RECEIVE ANY for n of the RPLs, where n is either the
RAPOOL value, or the MXT value minus the number of currently active tasks,
whichever is the smaller. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more information
about these SIT parameters.

A general recommendation is to code RAPOOL with the number of fixed request

parameter lists (RPLs) that you require. When it is not at MXT, CICS maintains a
receive-any request for each of these RPLs. The number of RPLs that you require
depends on the expected activity of the system, the average transaction lifetime,
and the MXT specified.

The RAPOOL value you set depends on the number of sessions, the number of
terminals, and the ICVTSD value (see page 211) in the system initialization table
(SIT). Initially, for non-HPO systems, you should set RAPOOL to 1.5 times your
peak local 2 transaction rate per second plus the autoinstall rate. This can then be
adjusted by analyzing the CICS VTAM statistics and by resetting the value to the
maximum RPLs reached.

For HPO systems, a small value (<= 5) is usually sufficient if specified through the
value2 in the RAPOOL system initialization parameter. Thus, RAPOOL=20, for
example, is specified either RAPOOL=(20) or RAPOOL=(20,5) to achieve the same

How implemented
RAPOOL is a system initialization parameter.

How monitored
The CICS VTAM statistics contain values for the maximum number of RPLs posted
on any one dispatch of the terminal control program, and the number of times the
RPL maximum was reached. This maximum value may be greater than the
RAPOOL value if the terminal control program is able to reuse an RPL during one
dispatch. See “VTAM statistics” on page 51 for more information.

2. The RAPOOL figure does not include MRO sessions, so you should set RAPOOL to a low value in application- or file-owning
regions (AORs or FORs).

206 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

High performance option (HPO) with VTAM
The MVS high performance option (HPO) can be used for processing VTAM
requests. The purpose of HPO is to reduce the transaction pathlength through

| HPO bypasses some of the validating functions performed by MVS on I/O
operations, and implements service request block (SRB) scheduling. This shortens
the instruction pathlength and allows some concurrent processing on MVS images
for the VTAM operations because of the SRB scheduling. This makes it useful in a
multi processor environment, but not in a single processor environment.

HPO requires CICS to be authorized, and some risks with MVS integrity are
involved because a user-written module could be made to replace one of the CICS
system initialization routines and run in authorized mode. This risk can be reduced
by RACF protecting the CICS SDFHAUTH data set.

Use of HPO saves processor time, and does not increase real or virtual storage
requirements or I/O contention. The only expense of HPO is the potential security
| exposure that arises because of a deficiency in validation.

| The general recommendation is that all production systems with vetted
| applications can use HPO. It is totally application-transparent and introduces no
function restrictions while providing a reduced pathlength through VTAM. In the
case of VTAM, the reduced validation does not induce any integrity loss for the

How implemented
The SVCs and use of HPO are specified in the system initialization table (SIT) and,
if the default SVC numbers are acceptable, no tailoring of the system is required.

How monitored
There is no direct measurement of HPO. One way to tell if it is working is to take
detailed measurements of processor usage with HPO turned on (SIT option) and
with it turned off. Depending on the workload, you may not see much difference.
Another way to check whether it is working is that you may see a small increase
in the SRB scheduling time with HPO turned on.

RMF can give general information on processor usage. An SVC trace can show
how HPO was used.

| Note that you should be take care when using HPO in a system that is being used
| for early testing of a new application or CICS code (a new release or PUT). Much
of the pathlength reduction is achieved by bypassing control block verification
| code in VTAM. Untested code might possibly corrupt the control blocks that CICS
| passes to VTAM, and unvalidated applications can lead to security exposure.

Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM 207

SNA transaction flows (MSGINTEG, and ONEWTE)
Within CICS, the MSGINTEG option can be used to control the communication
requests and responses that are exchanged between the terminals in a network and
the VTAM and NCP communications programs.

One of the options in Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is whether the
messages exchanged between CICS and a terminal are to be in definite or
exception response mode. Definite response mode requires both the terminal and
CICS to provide acknowledgment of receipt of messages from each other on a
one-to-one basis.

SNA also ensures message delivery through synchronous data link control (SDLC),
so definite response is not normally required. Specifying message integrity
(MSGINTEG) causes the sessions for which it is specified to operate in definite
response mode.

In other cases, the session between CICS and a terminal operates in exception
response mode, and this is the normal case.

In SNA, transactions are defined within brackets. A begin bracket (BB) command
defines the start of a transaction, and an end bracket (EB) command defines the
end of that transaction. Unless CICS knows ahead of time that a message is the last
of a transaction, it must send an EB separate from the last message if a transaction
terminates. The EB is an SNA command, and can be sent with the message,
eliminating one required transmission to the terminal.

Specifying the ONEWTE option for a transaction implies that only one output
message is to be sent to the terminal by that transaction, and allows CICS to send
the EB along with that message. Only one output message is allowed if ONEWTE
is specified and, if a second message is sent, the transaction is abended.

The second way to allow CICS to send the EB with a terminal message is to code
the LAST option on the last terminal control or basic mapping support SEND
command in a program. Multiple SEND commands can be used, but the LAST
option must be coded for the final SEND in a program.

The third (and most common) way is to issue SEND without WAIT as the final
terminal communication. The message is then sent as part of task termination.

You have the following options:

v Not specifying MSGINTEG
v Specifying MSGINTEG (which simply asks for definite response to be forced)

Where useful
The above options can be used in all CICS systems that use VTAM.

The MSGINTEG option causes additional transmissions to the terminal.
Transactions remain in CICS for a longer period, and tie up virtual storage and

208 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

access to resources (primarily enqueues). MSGINTEG is required if the transaction
must know that the message was delivered.

When MSGINTEG is specified, the TIOA remains in storage until the response is
received from the terminal. This option can increase the virtual storage
requirements for the CICS region because of the longer duration of the storage

How implemented
With resource definition online (RDO) using the CEDA transaction, protection can
be specified in the PROFILE definition by means of the MSGINTEG, and ONEWTE
options. The MSGINTEG option is used with SNA LUs only. See the CICS Resource
Definition Guide for more information about defining a PROFILE.

How monitored
You can monitor the use of the above options from a VTAM trace by examining
the exchanges between terminals and CICS and, in particular, by examining the
contents of the request/response header (RH).


Systems Network Architecture (SNA) allows terminal messages to be chained, and
lets large messages be split into smaller parts while still logically treating the
multiple message as a single message.

Input chain size and characteristics are normally dictated by the hardware
requirements of the terminal in question, and so the CEDA BUILDCHAIN and
RECEIVESIZE attributes have default values which depend on device attributes.
The size of an output chain is specified by the CEDA SENDSIZE attribute.

Because the network control program (NCP) also segments messages into 256-byte
blocks for normal LU Type 0, 1, 2, and 3 devices, a SENDSIZE value of zero
eliminates the overhead of output chaining. A value of 0 or 1536 is required for
local devices of this type.

If you specify the CEDA SENDSIZE attribute for intersystem communication (ISC)
sessions, this must match the CEDA RECEIVESIZE attribute in the other system.
The CEDA SENDSIZE attribute or TCT BUFFER operand controls the size of the
SNA element that is to be sent, and the CEDA RECEIVESIZEs need to match so
that there is a corresponding buffer of the same size able to receive the element.

If you specify BUILDCHAIN(YES), CICS assembles a complete chain of elements

before passing them to an application. If you do not specify BUILDCHAIN(YES),
each individual RU is passed to an individual receive-any in the application. With
SNA/3270 BMS does not work correctly if you do not specify BUILDCHAIN(YES).

Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM 209

If you are dealing with very large inbound elements that exceed a maximum of
32KB, you cannot use the BUILDCHAIN attribute or CHNASSY operand. You
must use multiple individual RUs, and this extends the transaction life in the

Where useful
Chaining can be used in systems that use VTAM and SNA terminals of types that
tolerate chaining.

If you specify a low CEDA SENDSIZE value, this causes additional processing and
real and virtual storage to be used to break the single logical message into multiple

Chaining may be required for some terminal devices. Output chaining can cause
flickering on display screens, which can annoy users. Chaining also causes
additional I/O overhead between VTAM and the NCP by requiring additional
VTAM subtasks and STARTIO operations. This additional overhead is eliminated
with applicable ACF/VTAM releases by making use of the large message
performance enhancement option (LMPEO).

The CEDA RECEIVESIZE value for IBM 3274-connected display terminals should
be 1024; for IBM 3276-connected display terminals it should be 2048. These values
give the best line characteristics while keeping processor usage to a minimum.

How implemented
Chaining characteristics are specified in the CEDA DEFINE TYPETERM statement
with the SENDSIZE, BUILDCHAIN, and RECEIVESIZE attributes.

How monitored
Use of chaining and chain size can be determined by examining a VTAM trace.
You can also use the CICS internal and auxiliary trace facilities, in which the VIO
ZCP trace shows the chain elements. Some of the network monitor tools such as
NetView Performance Monitor (NPM) give this data.

Number of concurrent logon/logoff requests (OPNDLIM)

The OPNDLIM operand defines the number of concurrent VTAM logons and
logoffs that are to be processed by CICS. In systems running ACF/VTAM Release
3.2 and later, this operand is not necessary and will be ignored. In all other
instances this system initialization parameter limits the number of concurrent
logon OPNDST and logoff CLSDST requests. The smaller this value, the smaller
the amount of storage that is required during the open and close process.

Each concurrent logon/logoff requires storage in the CICS dynamic storage areas
for the duration of that processing.

210 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Particularly when logons are being done automatically with either the CICS
CONNECT=AUTO facility or the VTAM LOGAPPL facility, large numbers of
logons can occur at CICS startup or restart times. In systems running ACF/VTAM
with a release prior to 3.2 this can require significant amounts of storage, which
can be reduced with the OPNDLIM operand. In ACF/VTAM Release 3.2 and later
systems, this operand is not necessary and will be ignored.

If an automatic logon facility is required, the LOGAPPL facility offers two

advantages. It requires approximately 3500 bytes less storage in VTAM than the
CONNECT=AUTO facility, and it logs terminals back on to CICS each time the
device is activated to VTAM, rather than only at CICS initialization.

Where useful
The OPNDLIM system initialization parameter can be used in CICS systems that
use VTAM as the terminal access method.

The OPNDLIM system initialization parameter can also be useful if there are times
when all the user community tends to log on or log off at the same time, for
example, during lunch breaks.

If too low a value is specified for OPNDLIM, real and virtual storage requirements
are reduced within CICS and VTAM buffer requirements may be cut back, but
session initializations and terminations take longer.

Use the default value initially and make adjustments if statistics indicate that too
much storage is required in your environment or that the startup time (DEFINE
TYPETERM AUTOCONNECT attribute in CEDA) is excessive.

OPNDLIM should be set to a value not less than the number of LUs connected to
any single VTAM line.

How implemented
OPNDLIM is a system initialization parameter.

How monitored
Logon and logoff activities are not reported directly by CICS or any measurement
tools, but can be analyzed using the information given in a VTAM trace or VTAM
display command.

Terminal scan delay (ICVTSD)

The terminal scan delay (ICVTSD) system initialization parameter determines the
frequency with which CICS attempts to process terminal output requests.

Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM 211

In general, this value defines the time that the terminal control program must wait
to process:
v Non-VTAM terminal I/O requests with WAIT specified
v Non-VTAM output deferred until task termination
v Automatic transaction initiation (ATI) requests
v VTAM terminal management, including output request handling, in busy CICS
systems with significant application task activity.

This last case arises from the way that CICS scans active tasks.

On CICS non-VTAM systems, the delay value specifies how long the terminal
control program must wait after an application terminal request, before it carries
out a TCT scan. The value thus controls batching and delay in the associated
processing of terminal control requests. In a low-activity system, it controls the
dispatching of the terminal control program.

The batching of requests reduces processor time at the expense of longer response
times. On CICS VTAM systems, it influences how quickly the terminal control
program completes VTAM request processing, especially when the MVS high
performance option (HPO) is being used.

In VTAM networks, a low ICVTSD value does not cause full TCT scans because
the input from or output to VTAM terminals is processed from the activate queue
chain, and only those terminal entries are scanned.

With VTAM terminals, CICS uses bracket protocol to indicate that the terminal is
currently connected to a transaction. The bracket is started when the transaction is
initiated, and ended when the transaction is terminated. This means that there
could be two outputs to the terminal per transaction: one for the data sent and one
when the transaction terminates containing the end bracket. In fact, only one
output is sent (except for WRITE/SEND with WAIT and definite response). CICS
holds the output data until the next terminal control request or termination. In this
way it saves processor cycles and line utilization by sending the message and end
bracket or change direction (if the next request was a READ/RECEIVE) together in
the same output message (PIU). When the system gets very busy, terminal control
is dispatched less frequently and becomes more dependent upon the value
specified in ICVTSD. Because CICS may not send the end bracket to VTAM for an
extended period of time, the life of a transaction can be extended. This keeps
storage allocated for that task for longer periods and potentially increases the
amount of virtual storage required for the total CICS dynamic storage areas.

Setting ICVTSD to zero can overcome this effect.

ICVTSD is the major control on the frequency of full terminal control table (TCT)
scanning of non-VTAM terminals. In active systems, a full scan is done
approximately once every ICVTSD. The average extra delay before sending an
output message should be about half this period.

212 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

In non-VTAM networks, partial scans occur for other reasons, such as an input
arriving from a terminal, and any outputs for that line are processed at the same
time. For that reason, a value of between 0.5 and one second is normally a
reasonable setting for non-VTAM networks.

CICS scans application tasks first, unless there is an ICVTSD-driven scan. In a

highly utilized system, input and output messages may be unreasonably delayed if
too large a ICVTSD value is specified.

All networks
The ICVTSD parameter can be changed in the system initialization table (SIT) or
through JCL parameter overrides. If you are having virtual storage constraint
problems, it is highly recommended that you reduce the value specified in
ICVTSD. A value of zero causes the terminal control task to be dispatched most
frequently. If you also have a large number of non-VTAM terminals, this may
increase the amount of nonproductive processor cycles. A value of 100—300
milliseconds may be more appropriate for that situation. In a pure VTAM
environment, however, the overhead is not significant, unless the average
transaction has a very short pathlength, and ICVTSD should be set to zero for a
better response time and best virtual storage usage.

Where useful
The ICVTSD system initialization parameter can be used in all except very
low-activity CICS systems.

In TCAM systems, a low ICVTSD value can cause excessive processor time to be
used in slower processor units, and can delay the dispatch of user tasks because
too many full TCT scans have to be done. A high ICVTSD value can increase
response time by an average of one half of the ICVTSD value, and can tie up
resources owned by the task because the task takes longer to terminate. This
applies to conversational tasks.

In VTAM systems, a low value adds the overhead of scanning the activate queue
TCTTE chain, which is normally a minor consideration. A high value in
high-volume systems can increase task life and tie up resources owned by that task
for a longer period of time; this can be a significant consideration.

A low, nonzero value of ICVTSD can cause CICS to be dispatched more frequently,
which increases the overhead of performance monitoring.

Set ICVTSD to a value less than the region exit time interval (ICV), which is also in
the system initialization table (see page 192). Use the value of zero in an
environment that contains only VTAM terminals and consoles, unless your
| workload consists of many short transactions. ICVTSD=0 in a VTAM terminal-only
| environment is not recommended for a CICS workload consisting of low terminal
| activity but with high TASK activity. Periods of low terminal activity can lead to
| delays in CSTP being dispatched. Setting ICVTSD=100-500 resolves this by causing
| CSTP to be dispatched regularly. For non-VTAM systems, specify the value of zero
only for small networks (1 through 30 terminals).

Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM 213

For almost all systems that are not “pure” VTAM, the range should be somewhere
in the region of 100 milliseconds to 1000 milliseconds. ICVTSD can be varied
between, say, 300 and 1000 milliseconds without a very significant effect on the
response time, but increasing the value decreases the processor overhead. An
ICVTSD larger than 1000 milliseconds may not give any further improvement in
processor usage, at a cost of longer response times.

If ICVTSD is reduced, and, if there is ample processor resource, a small reduction

in response time can be achieved. If you go below 250 milliseconds, any
improvement in response time is likely to seem negligible to the end user and
would have an increased effect on processor usage.

The recommended absolute minimum level, for systems that are not “pure”
VTAM, is approximately 250 milliseconds or, in really high-performance,
high-power systems that are “pure” VTAM, 100 milliseconds.

How implemented
The ICVTSD system initialization parameter is defined in units of milliseconds.
Use the commands CEMT or EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM SCANDELAY (nnnn) to
reset the value of ICVTSD.

In reasonably active systems, a nonzero ICVTSD virtually replaces ICV (see page
194) because the time to the next TCT full scan (non-VTAM) or sending of output
requests (VTAM) is the principal influence on operating system wait duration.

How monitored
Use RMF to monitor task duration and processor requirements. The dispatcher
domain statistics reports the value of ICVTSD.

Negative poll delay (NPDELAY)

NPDELAY in the TCT TYPE=LINE macro helps reduce unsolicited-input errors on
TCAM lines.

NPDELAY and unsolicited-input messages in TCAM

Any CICS users who do not want unsolicited-input messages to be discarded
should consider using the optional NPDELAY operand for the DFHTCT
TYPE=LINE macro used to define each of the TCAM queues. This allows you to
define a time interval during which CICS suspends the reading of messages from
the respective TCAM queue following the receipt of unsolicited input. Upon
completion of the preceding transaction associated with the same terminal as the
unsolicited message, within the NPDELAY-defined interval, processing resumes

If the preceding transaction fails to terminate during the NPDELAY interval, the
X'87' unsolicited-input error condition is raised.

When NPDELAY is used, it is frequently advisable to define several input queues

to CICS, each defined by a separate LINE entry but with each entry naming the
214 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
same corresponding output queue using the OUTQ parameter. An equivalent
number of queues must be defined to TCAM with the TPROCESS macro. This set
of queues can then be processed as a “cascade” list within TCAM.

Where useful
When several queues are defined for TCAM-to-CICS processing, CICS can suspend
the acceptance of input messages from one or more of the queues without
completely stopping the flow of input from TCAM to CICS.

Choosing an appropriate value for NPDELAY is a matter of tuning. Even with the
“cascade” list approach, some messages may be held up behind an unsolicited
message. The objective should be to find the minimum value that can be specified
for NPDELAY which is sufficient to eliminate the unsolicited-input errors.

Compression of output terminal data streams

For output messages, CICS provides user exits with access to the entire output
data stream. User code can be written to remove redundant characters from the
data stream before the data stream is sent to the terminal. This technique can
produce a dramatic improvement in response times if the proportion of characters
not needed is large, because telecommunication links are usually the slowest paths
in the network.

Some additional processor cycles are required to process the exit code, and the
coding of the exit logic also requires some effort. Use of a compression exit reduces
the storage requirements of VTAM or TCAM and NCP, and reduces line
transmission time.

The simplest operation is to replace redundant characters, especially blanks, with a
repeat-to-address sequence in the data stream for 3270-type devices.

Note: The repeat-to-address sequence is not handled very quickly on some types
of 3270 cluster controller. In some cases, alternatives may give superior
performance. For example, instead of sending a repeat-to-address sequence
for a series of blanks, you should consider sending an ERASE and then
set-buffer-address sequences to skip over the blank areas. This is satisfactory
if nulls are acceptable in the buffer as an alternative to blanks.

Another technique for reducing the amount of data transmitted is to turn off any
modified data tags on protected fields in an output data stream. This eliminates
the need for those characters to be transmitted back to the processor on the next
input message, but you should review application dependencies on those fields
before you try this.

There may be other opportunities for data compression in individual systems, but
you may need to investigate the design of those systems thoroughly before you
can implement them.

Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM 215

How implemented
The global user exits used to compress terminal messages are the XZCOUT1 exit
for VTAM devices, and the XTCTOUT exit for TCAM-supported devices. See the
CICS Customization Guide for programming information.

How monitored
The contents of output terminal data streams can be examined in either a VTAM or
TCAM trace.

Automatic installation of terminals

During autoinstall processing, CICS obtains storage from the control subpool in the
extended CICS dynamic storage area (ECDSA), to handle each autoinstall request.
The amount of virtual storage obtained is mainly determined by the length of the
CINIT request unit, which varies for different LU types. For a typical autoinstall
request from an LU6.2 terminal, the amount of dynamic virtual storage obtained is
between 120 to 250 bytes.

Overall, the principal consumer of CICS resource in autoinstall processing is the

autoinstall task (CATA) itself. If, for some reason, the autoinstall process is not
proceeding at the rate expected during normal operations, there is a risk that the
system could be filled with CATA transaction storage.

Maximum concurrent autoinstalls (AIQMAX)

This system initialization parameter codes the maximum number of devices that
can be queued concurrently for autoinstall.

The AIQMAX value does not limit the total number of devices that can be

The restart delay parameter (AIRDELAY)

This system initialization parameter specifies whether you want autoinstalled
terminal definitions to be retained by CICS across a restart. The value of the restart
delay is specified as “hhmmss” and the default is “000700”, which is seven
minutes. This means that if a terminal does not log on to CICS within seven
minutes after an emergency restart, its terminal entry is scheduled for deletion.

Setting the restart delay to zero means that you do not want CICS to re-install the
autoinstalled terminal entries from the global catalog during emergency restart. In
this case, CICS does not write the terminal entries to the catalog while the terminal
is being autoinstalled. This can have positive performance effects on the following

Autoinstall By eliminating the I/O activity, autoinstall has a shorter pathlength

and becomes more processor-intensive. So, in general, the time taken to autoinstall
a terminal is reduced. However, the response time of other tasks may increase
slightly because CATA has a high priority and does not have to wait for as much
I/O activity.

216 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Emergency and warm restart When no autoinstalled terminal entries are cataloged,
CICS has to restore fewer entries from the GCD during emergency restart. Thus, if
you have a large number of autoinstalled terminals, the restart time can be
significantly improved when restart delay is set to zero.

Normal shutdown CICS deletes AI terminal entries from the GCD during normal
shutdown unless they were not cataloged (AIRDELAY=0) and the terminal has not
been deleted. If the restart delay is set to zero, CICS has not cataloged terminal
entries when they were autoinstalled, so they are not deleted. This can reduce
normal shutdown time.

XRF takeover The system initialization parameter, AIRDELAY, should not affect
XRF takeover. The tracking process still functions as before regardless of the value
of the restart delay. Thus, after a takeover, the alternate system still has all the
autoinstalled terminal entries. However, if a takeover occurs before the catchup
process completes, some of the autoinstalled terminals have to log on to CICS
again. The alternate CICS system has to rely on the catalog to complete the
catchup process and, if the restart delay is set to zero in the active system, the
alternate system is not able to restore the autoinstalled terminal entries that have
not been tracked. Those terminals have to log on to the new CICS system, rather
than being switched or rebound after takeover.

You have to weigh the risk of having some terminal users log on again because
tracking has not completed, against the benefits introduced by setting the restart
delay to zero. Because catchup takes only a few minutes, the chance of such a
takeover occurring is usually small.

The delete delay parameter (AILDELAY)

The delete delay system initialization parameter lets you control how long an
autoinstalled terminal entry remains available after the terminal has logged off.
The default value of zero means that the terminal entry is scheduled for deletion
as soon as the terminal is logged off. Otherwise, CICS schedules the deletion of the
TCTTE as a timer task.

In general, setting the delete delay to a nonzero value can improve the
performance of CICS when many autoinstalled terminals are logging on and off
during the day. However, this does mean that unused autoinstalled terminal entry
storage is not freed for use by other tasks until the delete delay interval has
expired. This parameter provides an effective way of defining a terminal whose
storage lifetime is somewhere between that of an autoinstalled terminal and a
statically defined terminal.

The effect of setting the delete delay to a nonzero value can have different effects
depending on the value of the restart delay:

Nonzero restart delay When the restart delay is nonzero, CICS catalogs
autoinstalled terminal entries in the global catalog.

If the delete delay is nonzero as well, CICS retains the terminal entry so that it is
re-used when the terminal logs back on. This can eliminate the overhead of:
v Deleting the terminal entry in virtual storage
v An I/O to the catalog and recovery log
v Re-building the terminal entry when the terminal logs on again.

Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM 217

Zero restart delay When the restart delay is zero, CICS does not catalog
autoinstalled terminal entries in the global catalog whatever value is specified for
the delete delay.

If the delete delay is nonzero, CICS retains the terminal entry so that it is re-used
when the terminal logs back on. This can save the overhead of deleting the
terminal entry in virtual storage and the rebuilding of the terminal entry when the
terminal logs on again.

You can control the use of resource by autoinstall processing in three ways:
1. By using the transaction class limit to restrict the number of autoinstall tasks
that can concurrently exist (see page 288).
2. By using the CATA and CATD transactions to install and delete autoinstall
terminals dynamically. If you have a large number of devices autoinstalled,
shutdown can fail due to the MXT system initialization parameter being
reached or CICS becoming short on storage. To prevent this possible cause of
shutdown failure, you should consider putting the CATD transaction in a class
of its own to limit the number of concurrent CATD transactions.
3. By specifying AIQMAX to limit the number of devices that can be queued for
autoinstall. This protects against abnormal consumption of virtual storage by
the autoinstall process, caused as a result of some other abnormal event.
If this limit is reached, the AIQMAX system initialization parameter affects the
LOGON and BIND processing by CICS. CICS requests VTAM to stop passing
LOGON and BIND requests to CICS. VTAM holds such requests until CICS
indicates that it can accept further LOGONs and BINDs (this occurs when CICS
has processed a queued autoinstall request).

If the autoinstall process is noticeably slowed down by the AIQMAX limit, raise it.
If the CICS system shows signs of running out of storage, reduce the AIQMAX
limit. If possible, set the AIQMAX system initialization parameter to a value higher
than that reached during normal operations.

In a non-XRF environment, settings of (restart delay=0) and (delete delay=

hhmmss>0) are the most efficient for processor and DASD utilization. However,
this efficiency is gained at a cost of virtual storage, because the TCT entries are not
deleted until the delay period expires.

A value of zero for both restart delay and delete delay is the best overall setting
for many systems from an overall performance and virtual-storage usage point of

If restart delay is greater than zero (cataloging active), the performance of

autoinstall is significantly affected by the definition of the global catalog
(DFHGCD) . The default buffer specifications used by VSAM may not be sufficient
in a high activity system.

Because a considerable number of messages are sent to transient data during logon
and logoff, the performance of these output destinations should also be taken into

218 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

In an XRF environment, a restart delay value of greater than zero should give
better performance when catchup of a large number of autoinstalled terminals is

How monitored
Monitor the autoinstall rate during normal operations by inspecting the autoinstall
| statistics regularly.

Chapter 16. Networking and VTAM 219

220 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Chapter 17. CICS Web support

| This chapter includes the following topics:
| v “CICS Web performance in a sysplex”
| v “CICS Web support performance in a single address space” on page 222
| v “CICS Web use of DOCTEMPLATE resources” on page 222
| v “CICS Web support use of temporary storage” on page 223
| v “CICS Web support of HTTP 1.0 persistent connections” on page 223
| v “CICS Web security” on page 223
| v “CICS Web 3270 support” on page 223
| v “Secure sockets layer support” on page 224

| CICS Web performance in a sysplex
| The dynamic routing facility is extended to provide mechanisms for dynamically
| routing program—link requests received from outside CICS. The target program of
| a CICS Web application can be run anywhere in a sysplex by dynamically routing
| the EXEC CICS LINK to the target application. Web bridge transactions should
| either be not routed or always routed to the same region so that there are major
| affinitites. Using CICSPlex SM to route the program-link requests, the transaction
| ID becomes much more significant because CICSPlex SM’s routing logic is
| transaction-based. CICSPlex SM routes each DPL request according to the rules
| specified for its associated transaction. This dynamic routing means that there is
| extra pathlength for both routed and nonrouted links, and routing links.

| CICSPlex SM allows you to take advantage of two dynamic routing models:

| The hub model
| A hierarchical system used traditionally with CICS dynamic transaction
| routing. Routing is controlled by one region,
| The distributed model
| Each region may be both a routing region and a target region. A routing
| region runs in each region.

| In addition, you can define your own algorithm.

| Analyzer and converter programs must run in the same region as the instance of
| DFHWBBLI which invokes them, which in the case of CICS Web support, is the
| CICS region on which the HTTP request is received.

| If the Web API is being used by the application program to process the HTTP
| request and build the HTTP response, the application program must also run in
| the same CICS region as the instance of DFHWBBLI which is linking to it.

| In a typical current scenario, a Web-based business transaction might be

| implemented as a pseudoconversational CICS application. The initial request from
| the browser invokes a CICS transaction that does some setup work, returns a page
| of HTML to the browser, and ends. Subsequent requests are handled by other CICS

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 221

| transactions (or by invoking further the same transaction). The CICS application is
| responsible for maintaining state data between requests.

| Using Business Transaction Services, a Web-based business transaction could be

| implemented as a BTS process. An advantage of this is that state data is
| maintained by BTS.
| CICS Web support performance in a single address space
| The additional cost of using the WEB API commands, compared with the cost of
| commarea manipulation as a means of processing the received requests and
| building the HTTP responses, can be in the range of from 6% to 12%. Using very
| large number of bookmarks in the building of CICS documents can add more to
| this figure. However, the ease of programming offered by the WEB API commands
| makes the cost worthwhile.;

| The use of HTTP persistent connection operation, which is supported by most

| client Web browsers, is also supported by the CICS Web interface in CICS
| Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, and very significant savings in CICS and
| TCP/IP CPU cost, plus response times at the browser, are typically made by
| activating this feature in the TCPIPSERVICE definition. For more information
| about using the TCPIPSERVICE definition, see the CICS Internet Guide
| CICS Web use of DOCTEMPLATE resources
| In releases of CICS prior to CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, CICS
| web applications use CICS HTML templates to facilitate the building of HTTP
| responses. These HTML templates had to reside in one MVS partitioned data set,
| designated by the DFHHTML DD statement n the CICS startup job. In CICS
| Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, CICS HTML template support has been
| extended, and each template should now be defined in the CICS CSD as a
| DOCTEMPLATE. When defining the DOCTEMPLATE, systems administrators can
| store their HTML templates in:
| v Extrapartition transient data
| v Temporary Storage
| v CICS loaded programs
| v MVS partitioned data sets or PDSEs
| v Another location, invoking a user-written program to load the template from
| that location (for example, DB2 or another database manager).

| To achieve optimum performance when using templates, you should ensure you
| have defined the template as DOCTEMPLATE and installed the definition before
| using it, especially when using the DFHWBTL program. If the template is not
| preinstalled when this program is used, DFHWBTL attempts to install it for you,
| assuming that it is a member of the partitioned dataset referenced by the
| DFHHTML DD statement.

| The fastest results can be achieved by storing your templates as CICS load
| modules. For more information about this, see the CICS Internet Guide. These
| modules are managed like other CICS loaded programs and may be flushed out by
| program compression when storage is constrained.

222 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| CICS Web support use of temporary storage
| CICS Web support now uses CICS temporary storage to store the inbound HTTP
| request and any outbound response built using the new Web API. You should
| define the characteristics of the TS queue used by CICS Web support for each
| TCPIPSERVICE by defining a TS model for the TS Q prefix identified on the
| relevant TCPIPSERVICE definition. A sample TS model named DFHWEB is
| provided in group DFHWEB, which defines the characteristics of a TS Queue with
| the prefix DFHWEB. The default definition uses MAIN temporary storage to
| mimimize the amount of I/O needed to process CICS Web requests. For those
| HTTP requests and responses which handle small amounts of data, this may be
| acceptable. If CICS Web support is being used to transfer large amounts of data,
| MAIN TS may not be appropriate, so the relevant TCPIPSERVICE should specify a
| TS Q prefix matching a model which uses AUXILIARY temporary storage.

| When the CICS Web Business Logic Interface is used, the TS queue prefix is
| always DFHWEB.
| CICS Web support of HTTP 1.0 persistent connections
| In most circumstances CICS Web performance will be improved by enabling
| support of the HTTP 1.0 Keepalive header.

| To enable CICS support of this header, you have to specify NO or a numeric value
| for the SOCKET CLOSE keyword on the relevant TCPIPSERVICE definition; if NO
| or a numeric value is specified, and the incoming HTTP request contains the
| Keepalive header, CICS keeps the socket open in order to allow further HTTP
| requests to be sent by the Web Browser. If a numeric value is specified, the interval
| between receipt of the last HTTP request and arrival of the next must be less than
| the interval specified on the TCPIPSERVICE, else CICS closes the socket. Some
| HTTP proxy servers do not allow the HTTP 1.0 Keepalive header to be passed to
| the end server (in this case, CICS), so Web Browsers which wish to use this header
| may not be able to pass it to CICS if the HTTP request arrives via such an HTTP
| proxy server.
| CICS Web security
| If Secure Sockets Layer is used to make CICS Web transactions more secure, there
| will be a significant increase in pathlength for these transactions. This increase can
| be minimized by use of the HTTP 1.0 Keepalive header. Keeping the socket open
| removes the need to perform a full SSL handshake on the second and any
| subsequent HTTP request. If CICS or the Web Browser closes the socket, the SSL
| handshake has to be executed again.
| CICS Web 3270 support
| Use of the HTTP 1.0 Keepalive header can improve the performance of CICS Web
| 3270 support, by removing the need for the Web Browser to open a new sockets
| connection for each leg of the 3270 conversation or pseudoconversation.

Chapter 17. CICS Web support 223

| Secure sockets layer support
| Transactions using Secure Sockets Layer for Web security will see an increase in
| pathlength because of the SSL handshake that occurs when the socket connection is
| established. Encryption and decryption impact performance, but degradation can
| be minimized by:
| v Installing the appropriate cryptographic hardware.
| v Making use of the HTTP 1.0 keepalive header.
| v Making the CICS region as large as possible (The SSL support can use large
| amounts of non-CICS storage.)
| v Only using SSL for applications that really need to use encrypted data flows.

| You should also only use client authentication (SSL(CLIENTAUTH) in the

| TCPIPSERVICE definition) when you really need your clients to identify
| themselves with a client certificate. This is because client authentication involves
| more network interchanges during the SSL handshake, and more internal CICS
| processing to handle the received certificate. This includes a search of the external
| security manager’s database to locate a user ID to associate with the certificate.

224 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control
This chapter discusses performance tuning issues related to VSAM and file control.
v “VSAM considerations: general objectives”
v “VSAM resource usage (LSRPOOL)” on page 234
v “VSAM buffer allocations for NSR (INDEXBUFFERS and DATABUFFERS)” on
page 235
v “VSAM buffer allocations for LSR” on page 236
v “VSAM string settings for NSR (STRINGS)” on page 237
v “VSAM string settings for LSR (STRINGS)” on page 238
v “Maximum keylength for LSR (KEYLENGTH and MAXKEYLENGTH)” on
page 239
v “Resource percentile for LSR (SHARELIMIT)” on page 239
v “VSAM local shared resources (LSR)” on page 240
v “Hiperspace buffers” on page 240
v “Subtasking: VSAM (SUBTSKS=1)” on page 241
v “Data tables” on page 244
v “Coupling facility data tables” on page 245
v “VSAM record-level sharing (RLS)” on page 251

VSAM considerations: general objectives

Tuning consists of providing a satisfactory level of service from a system at an
acceptable cost. A satisfactory service, in the case of VSAM, is likely to be obtained
by providing adequate buffers to minimize physical I/O and, at the same time,
allowing several operations concurrently on the data sets.

The costs of assigning additional buffers and providing for concurrent operations
on data sets are the additional virtual and real storage that is required for the
buffers and control blocks.

Several factors influence the performance of VSAM data sets. The rest of this
section reviews these and the following sections summarize the various related
parameters of file control.

Note that, in this section, a distinction is made between “files” and “data sets”:
v A “file” means a view of a data set as defined by an installed CICS file resource
definition and a VSAM ACB.
v A “data set” means a VSAM “sphere”, including the base cluster with any
associated AIX® paths.

Local shared resources (LSR) or Nonshared resources (NSR)

The first decision to make for each file is whether to use LSR or NSR for its VSAM
buffers and strings. It is possible to use up to eight separate LSR pools for file
control files. There is also a decision to make on how to distribute the data sets
across the LSR pools.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 225

Note that all files opened for access to a particular VSAM data set normally must
use the same resource type: see “Data set name sharing” on page 232.

CICS provides separate LSR buffer pools for data and index records. If only data
buffers are specified, only one set of buffers are built and used for both data and
index records.

LSR files share a common pool of buffers and a common pool of strings (that is,
control blocks supporting the I/O operations). Other control blocks define the file
and are unique to each file or data set. NSR files or data sets have their own set of
buffers and control blocks.

Some important differences exist between NSR and LSR in the way that VSAM
allocates and shares the buffers.

In NSR, the minimum number of data buffers is STRNO + 1, and the minimum
index buffers (for KSDSs and AIX paths) is STRNO. One data and one index buffer
are preallocated to each string, and one data buffer is kept in reserve for CI splits.
If there are extra data buffers, these are assigned to the first sequential operation;
they may also be used to speed VSAM CA splits by permitting chained I/O
operations. If there are extra index buffers, they are shared between the strings and
are used to hold high-level index records, thus providing an opportunity for saving
physical I/O.

In LSR, there is no preallocation of buffers to strings, or to particular files or data

sets. When VSAM needs to reuse a buffer, it picks the buffer that has been
referenced least recently. Strings are always shared across all data sets.

Before issuing a read to disk when using LSR, VSAM first scans the buffers to
check if the control interval it requires is already in storage. If so, it may not have
to issue the read. This buffer “lookaside” can reduce I/O significantly.

Another important difference between LSR and NSR is in concurrent access to

VSAM CIs. NSR allows multiple copies of a CI in storage; you can have one (but
only one) string updating a CI and other strings reading different copies of the
same CI. In LSR, there is only one copy of a CI in storage; the second of the
requests must queue until the first operation completes. LSR permits several read
operations to share access to the same buffer, but updates require exclusive use of
the buffer and must queue until a previous update or previous reads have
completed; reads must wait for any update to finish. It is possible, therefore, that
transactions with concurrent browse and update operations that run successfully
with NSR may, with LSR, hit a deadlock as the second operation waits
unsuccessfully for the first to complete.

Transactions should always be designed and programmed to avoid deadlocks. For

further discussions, see the CICS Application Programming Guide.

LSR has significant advantages, by providing:

v More efficient use of virtual storage because buffers and strings are shared.
v Better performance because of better buffer lookaside, which can reduce I/O
v Self-tuning because more buffers are allocated to busy files and frequently
referenced index control intervals are kept in its buffers.
v Better read integrity because there is only one copy of a CI in storage.

226 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

v Use of synchronous file requests and a UPAD exit. CA and CI splits for LSR files
do not cause either the subtask or main task to wait. VSAM takes the UPAD exit
while waiting for physical I/O, and processing continues for other CICS work
during the CA/CI split.
File control requests for NSR files are done asynchronously, however, and still
cause the CICS main task or subtask to stop during a split.
NSR, on the other hand:
v Allows for specific tuning in favor of a particular data set
v Can provide better performance for sequential operations.

The general recommendation is to use LSR for all VSAM data sets except where
you have one of the following situations:
v A file is very active but there is no opportunity for lookaside because, for
instance, the file is very large.
v High performance is required by the allocation of extra index buffers.
v Fast sequential browse or mass insert is required by the allocation of extra data
v Control area (CA) splits are expected for a file, and extra data buffers are to be
allocated to speed up the CA splits.

If you have only one LSR pool, a particular data set cannot be isolated from others
using the same pool when it is competing for strings, and it can only be isolated
when it is competing for buffers by specifying unique CI sizes. In general, you get
more self-tuning effects by running with one large pool, but it is possible to isolate
busy files from the remainder or give additional buffers to a group of high
performance files by using several pools. It is possible that a highly active file has
more successful buffer lookaside and less I/O if it is set up as the only file in an
LSR subpool rather than using NSR. Also the use of multiple pools eases the
restriction of 255 strings for each pool.

Number of strings
The next decision to be made is the number of concurrent accesses to be supported
for each file and for each LSR pool.

This is achieved by specifying VSAM “strings”. A string is a request to a VSAM

data set requiring “positioning” within the data set. Each string specified results in
a number of VSAM control blocks (including a “placeholder”) being built.

VSAM requires one or more strings for each concurrent file operation. For
nonupdate requests (for example, a READ or BROWSE), an access using a base
needs one string, and an access using an AIX needs two strings (one to hold
position on the AIX and one to hold position on the base data set). For update
requests where no upgrade set is involved, a base still needs one string, and a path
two strings. For update requests where an upgrade set is involved, a base needs
1+n strings and a path needs 2+n strings, where n is the number of members in
the upgrade set (VSAM needs one string per upgrade set member to hold
position). Note that, for each concurrent request, VSAM can reuse the n strings
required for upgrade set processing because the upgrade set is updated serially.
See “CICS calculation of LSR pool parameters” on page 231.

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 227

| A simple operation such as read direct frees the string or strings immediately, but a
| read for update, mass insert, or browse retains them until a corresponding update,
| unlock, or end browse is performed.

The interpretation of the STRNO parameter by CICS and by VSAM differs

depending upon the context:
v The equivalent STRINGS parameter of the file definition has the same meaning
as the STRNO in the VSAM ACB for NSR files: that is, the actual number of
concurrent outstanding VSAM requests that can be handled. When AIX paths or
upgrade sets are used, the actual number of strings which VSAM allocates to
support this may be greater than the STRINGS value specified.
v The equivalent STRINGS parameter of the LSR pool definition (LSRPOOL) has
the same meaning as the STRNO in the VSAM BLDVRP macro: that is, the
absolute number of strings to be allocated to the resource pool. Unless an LSR
pool contains only base data sets, the number of concurrent requests that can be
handled is less than the STRINGS value specified.

| Note: There are some special considerations for setting the STRINGS value for an
| ESDS file (see “Number of strings considerations for ESDS files” on
| page 229).

| For LSR, it is possible to specify the precise numbers of strings, or to have CICS
calculate the numbers. The number specified in the LSR pool definition is the
actual number of strings in the pool. If CICS is left to calculate the number of
strings, it derives the pool STRINGS from the RDO file definition and interprets
this, as with NSR, as the actual number of concurrent requests. (For an explanation
of CICS calculation of LSR pool parameters, see “CICS calculation of LSR pool
parameters” on page 231.)

You must decide how many concurrent read, browse, updates, mass inserts, and so
on you need to support.

If access to a file is read only with no browsing, there is no need to have a large
number of strings; just one may be sufficient. Note that, while a read operation
only holds the VSAM string for the duration of the request, it may have to wait for
the completion of an update operation on the same CI.

| In general (but see“Number of strings considerations for ESDS files” on page 229)
| where some browsing or updates are used, STRINGS should be set to 2 or 3
initially and CICS file statistics should be checked regularly to see the proportion
of wait-on-strings encountered. Wait-on-strings of up to 5% of file accesses would
usually be considered quite acceptable. You should not try, with NSR files, to keep
wait-on-strings permanently zero.

CICS manages string usage for both files and LSR pools. For each file, whether it
uses LSR or NSR, CICS limits the number of concurrent VSAM requests to the
STRINGS= specified in the file definition. For each LSR pool, CICS also prevents
more requests being concurrently made to VSAM than can be handled by the
strings in the pool. Note that, if additional strings are required for upgrade-set
processing at update time, CICS anticipates this requirement by reserving the
additional strings at read-for-update time. If there are not enough file or LSR pool
strings available, the requesting task waits until they are freed. The CICS statistics
give details of the string waits.

228 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

When deciding the number of strings for a particular file, consider the maximum
number of concurrent tasks. Because CICS command level does not allow more
than one request to be outstanding against a particular data set from a particular
task, there is no point in allowing strings for more concurrent requests.

If you want to distribute your strings across tasks of different types, the transaction
classes may also be useful. You can use transaction class limits to control the
transactions issuing the separate types of VSAM request, and for limiting the
number of task types that can use VSAM strings, thereby leaving a subset of
strings available for other uses.

All placeholder control blocks must contain a field long enough for the largest key
associated with any of the data sets sharing the pool. Assigning one inactive file
that has a very large key (primary or alternate) into an LSR pool with many strings
| may use excessive storage.

| Number of strings considerations for ESDS files

| There are some special performance considerations when choosing a STRINGS
| value for an ESDS file.

| If an ESDS is used as an ‘add-only’ file (that is, it is used only in write mode to
| add records to the end of the file), a string number of 1 is strongly recommended.
| Any string number greater than 1 can significantly affect performance, because of
| exclusive control conflicts that occur when more than one task attempts to write to
| the ESDS at the same time.

| If an ESDS is used for both writing and reading, with writing, say, being 80% of
| the activity, it is better to define two file definitions—using one file for writing and
| the other for reading.

Size of control intervals

The size of the data set control intervals is not an parameter specified to CICS; it is
defined through VSAM AMS. However, it can have a significant performance effect
on a CICS system that provides access to the control interval.

In general, direct I/O runs slightly more quickly when data CIs are small, whereas
sequential I/O is quicker when data CIs are large. However, with NSR files, it is
possible to get a good compromise by using small data CIs but also assigning extra
buffers, which leads to chained and overlapped sequential I/O. However, all the
extra data buffers get assigned to the first string doing sequential I/O.

VSAM functions most efficiently when its control areas are the maximum size, and
it is generally best to have data CIs larger than index CIs. Thus, typical CI sizes for
data are 4KB to 12KB and, for index, 1KB to 2KB.

In general, you should specify the size of the data CI for a file, but allow VSAM to
select the appropriate index CI to match. An exception to this is if key compression
turns out to be less efficient than VSAM expects it to be. In this case, VSAM may
select too small an index CI size. You may find an unusually high rate of CA splits
occurring with poor use of DASD space. If this is suspected, specify a larger index

In the case of LSR, there may be a benefit in standardizing on the CI sizes, because
this allows more sharing of buffers between files and thereby allow a lower total
Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 229
number of buffers. Conversely, there may be a benefit in giving a file unique CI
sizes to prevent it from competing for buffers with other files using the same pool.

Try to keep CI sizes at 512, 1KB, 2KB, or any multiple of 4KB. Unusual CI sizes
like 26KB or 30KB should be avoided. A CI size of 26KB does not mean that
physical block size will be 26KB; the physical block size will most likely be 2KB in
this case (it is device-dependent).

Number of buffers (NSR)

The next decision is the number of buffers to be provided for each file. Enough
buffers must be provided to support the concurrent accesses specified in the
STRINGS parameter for the file (in fact VSAM enforces this for NSR).

Specify the number of data and index buffers for NSR using the DATABUFFER
and INDEXBUFFER parameters of the file definition. It is important to specify
sufficient index buffers. If a KSDS consists of just one control area (and, therefore,
just one index CI), the minimum index buffers equal to STRINGS is sufficient. But
when a KSDS is larger than this, at least one extra index buffer needs to be
specified so that at least the top level index buffer is shared by all strings. Further
index buffers reduces index I/O to some extent.

DATABUFFERS should generally be the minimum at STRINGS + 1, unless the aim

is to enable overlapped and chained I/O in sequential operations or it is necessary
to provide the extra buffers to speed up CA splits.

Note that when the file is an AIX path to a base, the same INDEXBUFFERS (if the
base is a KSDS) and DATABUFFERS are used for AIX and base buffers (but see
“Data set name sharing” on page 232).

Number of buffers (LSR)

The set of buffers of one size in an LSR pool is called a “subpool.” The number of
buffers for each subpool is controlled by the DATA and INDEX parameters of the
LSRPOOL definition It is possible to specify precise numbers or to have CICS
calculate the numbers. (The method used by CICS to calculate the number of
buffers is described below.)

Allowing CICS to calculate the LSR parameters is easy but it requires additional
overhead (when the first file that needs the LSR pool is opened) to build the pool
because CICS must read the VSAM catalog for every file that is specified to use the
pool. Also it cannot be fine-tuned by specifying actual quantities of each buffer
size. When making changes to the size of an LSR pool, refer to the CICS statistics
before and after the change is made. These statistics show whether the proportion
of VSAM reads satisfied by buffer lookaside is significantly changed or not.

In general, you would expect to benefit more by having extra index buffers for
lookaside, and less by having extra data buffers. This is a further reason for
standardizing on LSR data and index CI sizes, so that one subpool does not have a
mix of index and data CIs in it.

Note: Data and index buffers are specified separately with the LSRPOOL
definition. Thus, there is not a requirement to use CI size to differentiate
between data and index values.

230 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Take care to include buffers of the right size. If no buffers of the required size are
present, VSAM uses the next larger buffer size.

CICS calculation of LSR pool parameters

If you have not specified LSR parameters for a pool, CICS calculates for you the
buffers and strings required. To do this, it scans all the installed file resource
definitions for files specified to use the pool. For each, it uses:
v From the CICS file resource definitions:
– The number of strings, as specified on the STRINGS parameter
v From the VSAM catalog:
– The levels of index for each of these files
– The CI sizes
– The keylengths for the base, the path (if it is accessed through an AIX path),
and upgrade set AIXs.

Note: If you have specified only buffers or only strings, CICS performs the
calculation for what you have not specified.

The following information helps you calculate the buffers required. A particular file
may require more than one buffer size. For each file, CICS determines the buffer
sizes required for:
v The data component
v The index component (if a KSDS)
v The data and index components for the AIX (if it is an AIX path)
v The data and index components for each AIX in the upgrade set (if any).

The number of buffers for each is calculated as follows:

v For data components (base and AIX) = (STRINGS= in the file resource definition
entry) + 1
v For index components (base and AIX) = (STRINGS= in the file resource
definition entry) + (the number of levels in the index) – 1
v For data and index components for each AIX in the upgrade set, one buffer

When this has been done for all the files that use the pool, the total number of
buffers for each size is:
v Reduced to either 50% or the percentage specified in the SHARELIMIT in the
LSRPOOL definition. The SHARELIMIT parameter takes precedence.
v If necessary, increased to a minimum of three buffers.
v Rounded up to the nearest 4KB boundary.

To calculate the number of strings, CICS determines the number of strings to

handle concurrent requests for each file as the sum of:
v STRINGS parameter value for the base
v STRINGS parameter value for the AIX (if it is an AIX path)
v n strings if there is an upgrade set (where n is the number of members in the
upgrade set).

Note: If the LSR pool is calculated by CICS and the data sets have been archived
by HSM, when the first file that needs the LSR pool is opened, the startup

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 231

time of a CICS system can be considerably lengthened because the data sets
are needed one by one. CICS obtains the necessary catalog information, but
it does not open the database. Therefore the database is still effectively
archived. This problem recurs when the region is started again, and remains
until the data set has been opened.

When the strings have been accumulated for all files, the total is:
v Reduced to either 50% or the percentage specified in the SHARELIMIT
parameter in the LSR pool definition. The SHARELIMIT parameter takes
v Reduced to 255 (the maximum number of strings allowed for a pool by VSAM).
v Increased to the largest specified STRINGS value for a particular file.

The parameters calculated by CICS are shown in the CICS statistics.

Switching data sets from RLS mode to LSR mode

Although it is not generally recommended, there may be occasions when you need
to switch a data set from RLS mode to non-RLS mode (for example, to read-only
LSR mode during a batch update). This could lead to the LSR pools that are not
explicitly defined, and which CICS builds using default values, not having
sufficient resources to support files switched to LSR mode after the pool has been

To avoid files failing to open because of the lack of adequate resources, you can
specify that CICS should include files opened in RLS mode when it is calculating
the size of an LSR pool using default values. To specify the inclusion of files
defined with RLSACCESS(YES) in an LSR pool being built using values that CICS
calculates, use the RLSTOLSR=YES system initialization parameter
(RLSTOLSR=NO is the default)

See the CICS System Definition Guide for more information about the RLSTOLSR

Data set name sharing

Data set name (DSN) sharing (MACRF=DSN specified in the VSAM ACB) is the
default for all VSAM data sets. It causes VSAM to create a single control block
structure for the strings and buffers required by all the files that relate to the same
base data set cluster, whether as a path or direct to the base. VSAM makes the
connection at open time of the second and subsequent files. Only if DSN sharing is
specified, does VSAM realize that it is processing the same data set.

This single structure:

v Provides VSAM update integrity for multiple ACBs updating one VSAM data
v Allows the use of VSAM share options 1 or 2, while still permitting multiple
update ACBs within the CICS region
v Saves virtual storage.

DSN sharing is the default for files using both NSR and LSR. The only exception
to this default is made when opening a file that has been specified as read-only
resource definition. CICS provides this option so that a file (represented by an

232 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

installed file resource definition) can be isolated from other users of that same data
set in a different LSR pool or in NSR by suppressing DSN sharing. CICS ignores
this parameter for files with update, add, or delete options because VSAM would
not then be able to provide update integrity if two file control file entries were
updating the same data set concurrently.

| The NSRGROUP= parameter is associated with DSN sharing. It is used to group

| together file resource definitions that are to refer to the same VSAM base data set.
| NSRGROUP=name has no effect for data sets that use LSR.

When the first member of a group of DSN-sharing NSR files is opened, CICS must
specify to VSAM the total number of strings to be allocated for all file entries in
the group, by means of the BSTRNO value in the ACB. VSAM builds its control
block structure at this time regardless of whether the first data set to be opened is
a path or a base. CICS calculates the value of BSTRNO used at the time of the
open by adding the STRINGS values in all the files that share the same
NSRGROUP= parameter.

If you do not provide the NSRGROUP= parameter, the VSAM control block
structure may be built with insufficient strings for later processing. This should be
avoided for performance reasons. In such a case, VSAM invokes the dynamic
string addition feature to provide the extra control blocks for the strings as they
are required, and the extra storage is not released until the end of the CICS run.

AIX considerations
For each AIX defined with the UPGRADE attribute, VSAM upgrades the AIX
automatically when the base cluster is updated.

For NSR, VSAM uses a special set of buffers associated with the base cluster to do
this. This set consists of two data buffers and one index buffer, which are used
serially for each AIX associated with a base cluster. It is not possible to tune this
part of the VSAM operation.

For LSR, VSAM uses buffers from the appropriate subpool.

Care should be taken when specifying to VSAM that an AIX should be in the
upgrade set. Whenever a new record is added, an existing record deleted, or a
record updated with a changed attribute key, VSAM updates the AIXs in the
upgrade set. This involves extra processing and extra I/O operations.

Situations that cause extra physical I/O

Listed below are some situations that can lead to a lot of physical I/O operations,
thus affecting both response times and associated processor pathlengths:
v When a KSDS is defined with SHROPT of 4, all direct reads cause a refresh of
both index and data buffers (to ensure latest copy).
v Any sequence leading to CICS issuing ENDREQ invalidates all data buffers
associated with the operation. This may occur when you end a get-update
(without the following update), a browse (even a start browse with a
no-record-found response), a mass-insert or any get-locate from a program. If the
operation is not explicitly ended by the program, CICS ends the operation at
syncpoint or end of task.

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 233

v If there are more data buffers than strings, a start browse causes at least half the
buffers to participate immediately in chained I/O. If the browse is short, the
additional I/O is unnecessary.

Other VSAM definition parameters

Free space parameters need to be selected with care, and can help reduce the
number of CI and CA splits. Where records are inserted all over a VSAM data set,
it is appropriate to include free space in each CI. Where the inserts are clumped,
free space in each CA is required. If all the inserts take place at just a few positions
in the file, VSAM should be allowed to split the CA, and it is not necessary to
specify any free space at all.

Adding records to the end of a VSAM data set does not cause CI/CA splits.
Adding sequential records to anywhere but the end causes splits. An empty file
with a low-value dummy key tends to reduce splits; a high-value key increases the
number of splits.

VSAM resource usage (LSRPOOL)

The default for all VSAM data sets is LSR. If multiple pools are supported CICS
provides for the use of pools 1 through 8

The LSRPOOLID parameter specifies whether a file is to use LSR or NSR and, if
LSR, which pool.

Where useful
The LSRPOOLID parameter can be used in CICS systems with VSAM data sets.

All files with the same base data set, except read-only files with
DSNSHARING(MODIFYREQS) specified in the file definition, must use either the
same LSR pool or all use NSR.

SERVREQ=REUSE files cannot use LSR.

See “VSAM considerations: general objectives” on page 225. Consider removing
files from an LSR pool.

How implemented
The resource usage is defined by the LSRPOOL definition on the CSD. For more
information about the CSD, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide.

234 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

VSAM buffer allocations for NSR (INDEXBUFFERS and
For files using nonshared resources (NSR), the INDEXBUFFERS and
DATABUFFERS parameters define VSAM index buffers and data buffers

INDEXBUFFERS and DATABUFFERS specify the number of index and data buffers
for an NSR file.

The number of buffers can have a significant effect on performance. The use of
many buffers can permit multiple concurrent operations (if there are the
corresponding number of VSAM strings) and efficient sequential operations and
CA splits. Providing extra buffers for high-level index records can reduce physical
I/O operations.

Buffer allocations above the 16MB line represent a significant part of the virtual
storage requirement of most CICS systems.

INDEXBUFFERS and DATABUFFERS have no effect if they are specified for files
using LSR.

Where useful
The INDEXBUFFERS and DATABUFFERS parameters should be used in CICS
systems that use VSAM NSR files in CICS file control.

These parameters can be overridden by VSAM if they are insufficient for the
strings specified for the VSAM data set. The maximum specification is 255. A
specification greater than this will automatically be reduced to 255. Overriding of
VSAM strings and buffers should never be done by specifying the AMP= attribute
on the DD statement.

See “VSAM considerations: general objectives” on page 225.

How implemented
The INDEXBUFFERS and DATABUFFERS parameters are defined in the file
definition on the CSD. They correspond exactly to VSAM ACB parameters:
INDEXBUFFERS is the number of index buffers, DATABUFFERS is the number of
data buffers.

For LSR files, they are ignored.

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 235

How monitored
The effects of these parameters can be monitored through transaction response
times and data set and paging I/O rates. The CICS file statistics show data set
activity to VSAM data sets. The VSAM catalog and RMF can show data set
activity, I/O contention, space usage, and CI size.

VSAM buffer allocations for LSR

For files using local shared resources (LSR), the number of buffers to be used is not
specified explicitly by file. The files share the buffers of the appropriate sizes in the
LSR pool. The number of buffers in the pool may either be specified explicitly
using the BUFFERS parameter in the file definition on the CSD, or be left to CICS
to calculate. For more information about the CSD, see the CICS Resource Definition

The BUFFERS parameter allows for exact definition of specific buffers for the LSR

The number of buffers can have a significant effect on performance. The use of
many buffers can permit multiple concurrent operations (if there are the
corresponding number of VSAM strings). It can also increase the chance of
successful buffer lookaside with the resulting reduction in physical I/O operations.

The number of buffers should achieve an optimum between increasing the I/O
saving due to lookaside and increasing the real storage requirement. This optimum
is different for buffers used for indexes and buffers used for data. Note that the
optimum buffer allocation for LSR is likely to be significantly less than the buffer
allocation for the same files using NSR.

Where useful
The BUFFERS parameter should be used in CICS systems that use VSAM LSR files
in CICS file control.

See “VSAM considerations: general objectives” on page 225.

How implemented
The BUFFERS parameter is defined in the file definition on the CSD. For more
information about the CSD, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide.

How monitored
The effects of these parameters can be monitored through transaction response
times and data set and paging I/O rates. The effectiveness affects both file and
lsrpool statistics. The CICS file statistics show data set activity to VSAM data sets.
The VSAM catalog and RMF can show data set activity, I/O contention, space
usage, and CI size.

236 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

VSAM string settings for NSR (STRINGS)
STRINGS is used to determine the number of concurrent operations possible
against the file and against the VSAM base cluster to which the file relates.

The STRINGS parameter for files using NSR has the following effects:
v It specifies the number of concurrent asynchronous requests that can be made
against that specific file.
v It is used as the STRINGS in the VSAM ACB.
v It is used, in conjunction with the BASE parameter, to calculate the VSAM
| v A number greater than 1 can adversely affect performance for ESDS files used
| exclusively in write mode. With a string number greater than 1, the cost of
| invalidating the buffers for each of the strings is greater than waiting for the
| string, and there can be a significant increase in the number of VSAM EXCP
| requests.

Strings represent a significant part of the virtual storage requirement of most CICS
systems. With CICS, this storage is above the 16MB line.

Where useful
The STRINGS parameter should be used in CICS systems that use VSAM NSR files
in CICS file control.

A maximum of 255 strings can be used as the STRNO or BSTRNO in the ACB.

See “Number of strings considerations for ESDS files” on page 229 and “VSAM
considerations: general objectives” on page 225.

How implemented
| The number of strings is defined by the STRINGS parameter in the CICS file
definition on the CSD. It corresponds to the VSAM parameter in the ACB except
where a base file is opened as the first for a VSAM data set; in this case, the
CICS-accumulated BSTRNO value is used as the STRNO for the ACB.

How monitored
The effects of the STRINGS parameter can be seen in increased response times and
monitored by the string queueing statistics for each file definition. RMF can show
I/O contention in the DASD subsystem.

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 237

VSAM string settings for LSR (STRINGS)
STRINGS is used to determine the number of strings and thereby the number of
concurrent operations possible against the LSR pool (assuming that there are
buffers available).

The STRINGS parameter relating to files using LSR has the following effects:
v It specifies the number of concurrent requests that can be made against that
specific file.
v It is used by CICS to calculate the number of strings and buffers for the LSR
v It is used as the STRINGS for the VSAM LSR pool.
v It is used by CICS to limit requests to the pools to prevent a VSAM
short-on-strings condition (note that CICS calculates the number of strings
required per request).
| v A number greater than 1 can adversely affect performance for ESDS files used
| exclusively in write mode. With a string number greater than 1, the cost of
| resolving exclusive control conflicts is greater than waiting for a string. Each
| time exclusive control is returned, a GETMAIN is issued for a message area,
| followed by a second call to VSAM to obtain the owner of the control interval.

Where useful
The STRINGS parameter can be used in CICS systems with VSAM data sets.

A maximum of 255 strings is allowed per pool.

| See “Number of strings considerations for ESDS files” on page 229 and “VSAM
| considerations: general objectives” on page 225.

How implemented
The number of strings is defined by the STRNO parameter in the file definition on
the CSD, which limits the concurrent activity for that particular file.

How monitored
The effects of the STRINGS parameter can be seen in increased response times for
each file entry. The CICS LSRPOOL statistics give information on the number of
data set accesses and the highest number of requests for a string.

Examination of the string numbers in the CICS statistics shows that there is a
two-level check on string numbers available: one at the data set level (see “File
control” on page 385), and one at the shared resource pool level (see “LSRpool” on
page 416).

238 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

RMF can show I/O contention in the DASD subsystem.

Maximum keylength for LSR (KEYLENGTH and MAXKEYLENGTH)

| The KEYLENGTH, parameter in the file definition in the CSD, or the
| MAXKEYLENGTH in the LSR pool definition specifies the size of the largest key
| to be used in an LSR pool.

The maximum keylength may be specified explicitly using the KEYLENGTH

parameter in the file definition on the CSD, or it may be left to CICS to determine
from the VSAM catalog. For more information about the CSD, see the CICS
Resource Definition Guide.

The KEYLENGTH parameter causes the “placeholder” control blocks to be built
with space for the largest key that can be used with the LSR pool. If the
KEYLENGTH specified is too small, it prevents requests for files that have a longer
key length.

Where useful
The KEYLENGTH parameter can be used in CICS systems with VSAM data sets.

See “VSAM considerations: general objectives” on page 225.

The key length should always be as large as, or larger than, the largest key for files
using the LSR pool.

How implemented
The size of the maximum keylength is defined in the KEYLEN parameter in the
file definition on the CSD. For more information about the CSD, see the CICS
Resource Definition Guide.

Resource percentile for LSR (SHARELIMIT)

The SHARELIMIT parameter in the LSR pool definition specifies the percentage of
the buffers and strings that CICS should apply to the value that it calculates.

The method used by CICS to calculate LSR pool parameters and the use of the
SHARELIMIT value is described in “VSAM considerations: general objectives” on
page 225.

This parameter has no effect if both the BUFFERS and the STRINGS parameters
are specified for the pool.

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 239

Where useful
The SHARELIMIT parameter can be used in CICS systems with VSAM data sets.

See “VSAM considerations: general objectives” on page 225.

Because SHARELIMIT can be applied only to files that are allocated at

initialization of the LSR pool (when the first file in the pool is opened), it is always
wise to specify the decimal STRINGS and BUFFERS for an LSR pool.

How implemented
The SHARELIMIT parameter is specified in the LSR pool definition. For more
information, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide.

VSAM local shared resources (LSR)

CICS always builds a control block for LSR pool 1. CICS builds control blocks for
other pools if either a LSR pool definition is installed, or a file definition at CICS
initialization time has LSRPOOL= defined with the number of the pool.

Where useful
VSAM local shared resources can be used in CICS systems that use VSAM.

See “VSAM considerations: general objectives” on page 225.

How implemented
CICS uses the parameters provided in the LSR pool definition to build the LSR

How monitored
VSAM LSR can be monitored by means of response times, paging rates, and CICS
LSRPOOL statistics. The CICS LSRPOOL statistics show string usage, data set
activity, and buffer lookasides (see “LSRpool” on page 416).

Hiperspace buffers
VSAM Hiperspace buffers reside in MVS expanded storage. These buffers are
backed only by expanded storage. If the system determines that a particular page
of this expanded storage is to be used for another purpose, the current page’s
contents are discarded rather than paged-out. If VSAM subsequently requires this

240 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

page, it retrieves the data from DASD. VSAM manages the transfer of data
between its Hiperspace buffers and its CICS address space buffers. CICS file
control can only work with VSAM data when it is in a CICS address space buffer.
Data is transferred between Hiperspace buffers and address space buffers in blocks
of pages using CREAD and CWRITE commands. See “Hiperspace: data buffer
statistics” on page 419 for more information.

The use of a very large number of Hiperspace buffers can reduce both physical
I/O and pathlength when accessing your CICS files because the chance of finding
the required records already in storage is relatively high.

Because the amount of expanded storage is limited, it is possible that the
installation will overcommit its use and VSAM may be unable to allocate all of the
Hiperspace buffers requested. MVS may use expanded storage pages for purposes
other than those allocated to VSAM Hiperspace buffers. In this case CICS
continues processing using whatever buffers are available.

If address space buffers are similarly overallocated then the system would have to
page. This overallocation of address space buffers is likely to seriously degrade
CICS performance whereas overallocation of Hiperspace buffers is not.

Hiperspace buffer contents are lost when an address space is swapped out. This
causes increased I/O activity when the address is swapped in again. If you use
Hiperspace buffers, you should consider making the CICS address space

Keeping data in memory is usually very effective in reducing the CPU costs
provided adequate central and expanded storage is available. Using mostly
Hiperspace rather than all address space buffers can be the most effective option
especially in environments where there are more pressing demands for central
storage than VSAM data.

How implemented
CICS never requests Hiperspace buffers as a result of its own resource calculations.
You have to specify the size and number of virtual buffers and Hiperspace buffers
that you need.

You can use the RDO parameters of HSDATA and HSINDEX, which are added to
the LSRPOOL definition to specify Hiperspace buffers. Using this method you can
adjust the balance between Hiperspace buffers and virtual buffers for your system.

For further details of the CEDA transaction, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide.

Subtasking: VSAM (SUBTSKS=1)

Modes of TCB are as follows:

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 241

QR mode
There is always one quasi-reentrant mode TCB. It is used to run
quasi-reentrant CICS code and non-threadsafe application code.
FO mode
There is always one file-owning TCB. It is used for opening and closing
user datasets.
RO mode
There is always one resource-owning TCB. It is used for opening and
closing CICS datasets, loading programs, issuing RACF calls, etc.
CO mode
The optional concurrent mode TCB is used for processes which can safely
run in parallel with other CICS activity such as VSAM requests. The SIT
keyword SUBTSKS has been defined to have numeric values (0 and 1) to
specify whether there is to be a CO TCB.
SZ mode
The single optional SZ mode TCB is used by the FEPI interface.
RP mode
The single optional RP mode TCB is used to make ONC/RPC calls.
J8 mode
A task has a J8 mode TCB for its sole use if it needs to run a JVM.
L8 mode
L8 mode TCBs are not in use for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
Release 3.
SO mode
The SO mode TCB is used to make calls to the sockets interface of TCP/IP.
SL mode
The SL mode TCB is used to wait for activity on a set of listening sockets.
S8 mode
A task has an S8 TCB for its sole use if it needs to use the system Secure
Sockets Layer.

The objective of subtasks is to increase the maximum throughput of a single CICS
system on multiprocessors. However, the intertask communication increases total
processor utilization.

When I/O is done on subtasks, any extended response time which would cause
the CICS region to stop, such as CI/CA splitting in NSR pools, causes only the
additional TCB to stop. This may allow more throughput in a region that has very
many CA splits in its file, but has to be assessed cautiously with regard to the
extra overhead associated with using the subtask.

When the SUBTSKS=1 system initialization parameter has been specified:

| v All Non-RLS VSAM file control WRITE requests to KSDS are subtasked.
| v All other file control requests are never subtasked.
| v Auxiliary temporary storage or intrapartition transient data requests are
| subtasked.
| v Resource security checking requests are subtasked when the CICS main TCB
| (quasi-reentrant mode) exceeds approximately 70% activity.

242 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Where useful
Subtasking can be useful with CICS systems that use VSAM.

Subtasking should only be used in a multiprocessing system in a region that is

limited by a single processor but has spare capacity on other processors in the
MVS image. If used in other circumstances, it can cause throughput degradation
because of the dispatching of multiple tasks.

Subtasking can improve throughput only in multiprocessor MVS images, because
additional processor cycles are required to run the extra subtask. For that reason,
we do not recommend the use of this facility on uniprocessors (UPs). It should be
used only for a region that reaches the maximum capacity of one processor in a
complex that has spare processor capacity or has NSR files that undergo frequent
CI/CA splitting.

Regions that do not contain significant amounts of VSAM data set activity
(particularly update activity) do not gain from VSAM subtasking.

Application task elapsed time may increase or decrease because of conflict between
subtasking overheads and better use of multiprocessors. Task-related DSA
occupancy increases or decreases proportionately.

SUBTSKS=1 should normally be specified only when the CICS system is run on a
MVS image with two or more processors and the peak processor utilization due to
the CICS main TCB in a region exceeds, say, about 70% of one processor, and a
significant amount of I/O activity within the CICS address space is eligible for

In this environment, the capacity of a second processor can be utilized to perform

the I/O scheduling activity for VSAM data sets, auxiliary temporary storage, and
intrapartition transient data.

The maximum system throughput of this sort of CICS region can be increased by
using the I/O subtask, but at the expense of some additional processing for
communication between the subtask and the MVS task under which the
transaction processing is performed. This additional processing is seldom justified
unless the CICS region has reached or is approaching its throughput limit.

A TOR that is largely or exclusively routing transactions to one or more AORs has
very little I/O that is eligible for subtasking. It is not, therefore, a good candidate
for subtasking.

An AOR is a good candidate only if a significant amount of VSAM I/O is

performed within the AOR rather than being function-shipped to an FOR.

Subtasking should be considered for a busy FOR that often has a significant
amount of VSAM I/O (but remember that DL/I processing of VSAM data sets is
not subtasked).

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 243

How implemented
The system initialization parameter, SUBTSKS=1, defines that subtasking is to be
| used.

| How monitored
| CICS dispatcher domain statistics include information about the modes of TCB
| listed in “Subtasking: VSAM (SUBTSKS=1)” on page 241.

| Note: CMF data and CICS trace are fully available.

Data tables
Data tables enable you to build, maintain and have rapid access to data records
contained in tables held in virtual storage above the 16MB line. Therefore, they can
provide a substantial performance benefit by reducing DASD I/O and pathlength
resources. The pathlength to retrieve a record from a data table is significantly
shorter than that to retrieve a record already in a VSAM buffer.

v After the initial data table load operation, DASD I/O can be eliminated for all
user-maintained and for read-only CICS-maintained data tables.
v Reductions in DASD I/O for CICS-maintained data tables are dependent on the
READ/WRITE ratio. This is a ratio of the number of READs to WRITEs that
was experienced on the source data set, prior to the data table implementation.
They also depend on the data table READ-hit ratio, that is, the number of
READs that are satisfied by the table, compared with the number of requests
that go against the source data set.
v CICS file control processor consumption can be reduced by up to 70%. This is
dependent on the file design and activity, and is given here as a general
guideline only. Actual results vary from installation to installation.

For CICS-maintained data tables, CICS ensures the synchronization of source data
set and data table changes. When a file is recoverable, the necessary
synchronization is already effected by the existing record locking. When the file is
nonrecoverable, there is no CICS record locking and the note string position (NSP)
mechanism is used instead for all update requests. This may have a small
performance impact of additional VSAM ENDREQ requests in some instances.

v Remember that data tables are defined by two RDO parameters, TABLE and
MAXNUMRECS of the file definition. No other changes are required.
v Start off gradually by selecting only one or two candidates. You may want to
start with a CICS-maintained data table because this simplifies recovery
v Select a CICS-maintained data table with a high READ to WRITE ratio. This
information can be found in the CICS LSRPOOL statistics (see page 416) by
running a VSAM LISTCAT job.
v READ INTO is recommended, because READ SET incurs slightly more internal

244 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

v Monitor your real storage consumption. If your system is already real-storage
constrained, having large data tables could increase your page-in rates. This in
turn could adversely affect CICS system performance. Use your normal
performance tools such as RMF to look at real storage and paging rates.
v Remember to select files that have a high proportion of full keyed direct reads as
CICS-maintained data table candidates.
v Files that have a large proportion of update activity that does not require to be
recovered across a restart would be better suited for user-maintained data tables.
v User-maintained data tables can use the global user exit XDTRD to modify as
well as select records. This could allow the user-maintained data table to contain
only the information relevant to the application.
v If storage isolation is specified allow for the extra storage needed by the data
tables to prevent CICS incurring increased paging.

How implemented
Data tables can be defined using either the DEFINE FILE command of the CEDx
transaction or the DFHCSDUP utility program. See the CICS Resource Definition
Guide for more information.

How monitored
Performance statistics are gathered to assess the effectiveness of the data table.
They are in addition to those available through the standard CICS file statistics.

The following information is recorded:

v The number of attempts to read from the table
v The number of unsuccessful read attempts
v The number of bytes allocated to the data table
v The number of records loaded into the data table
v The number of attempts to add to the table
v The number of records rejected by a user exit when being added to the table
either during loading or via the API
v The number of attempts to add a record which failed due to the table being full
(already at its maximum number of records)
v The number of attempts to update table records via rewrite requests.
v The number of attempts to delete records from the table
v The highest value which the number of records in the table has reached since it
was last opened.

There are circumstances in which apparent discrepancies in the statistics may be

| seen, caused, for example, by the existence of inflight updates.
| Coupling facility data tables
| For a description of how to define a coupling facility data table (CFDT), and start a
| coupling facility data table server, see the CICS System Definition Guide

| A CFDT is similar in many ways to a shared user-maintained data table, and the
| API used to store and retrieve the data is based on the file control API used for
| user-maintained data tables. The data, unlike a UMT, is not kept in a dataspace in

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 245

| an MVS image and controlled by a CICS region, but kept in a coupling facility list
| structure, and control is shared between CFDT server regions. A CICS region
| requesting access to a CFDT communicates with a CFDT server region running in
| the same MVS image, using the MVS authorised cross-memory (AXM) server
| environment. This is the same technique used by CICS temporary storage servers.

| CFDTs are particularly useful for informal shared data. Uses could include a
| sysplex-wide shared scratchpad, look-up tables of telephone numbers, and creating
| a subset of customers from a customer list. Compared with existing methods of
| sharing data of this kind, such as shared data tables, shared temporary storage or
| RLS files, CFDTs offer some distinct advantages:
| v If the data is frequently accessed for modification, CFDT provides superior
| performance compared with function-shipped UMT requests, or using an RLS
| file
| v CFDT-held data can be recoverable within a CICS transaction. Recovery of the
| structure is not supported, but the CFDT server can recover from a unit of work
| failure, and in the event of a CICS region failure, a CFDT server failure, and an
| MVS failure (that is, updates made by units of work that were in-flight at the
| time of the failure are backed out). Such recoverability is not provided by shared
| temporary storage.

| There are two models of coupling facility data table, a contention model or locking
| model.

| Using the contention model, an exception condition (CHANGED) notifies an

| application that a rewrite following a read for update, or a delete following a read
| for update, needs to be retried because the copy of the record in the table has been
| updated by another task before the rewrite or delete could be performed. The
| contention model does not lock a record, but uses the version number of the table
| entry for the record to check that it has not been altered. If the version of this
| record on rewrite or delete is not the same as when the original read for update
| was performed, the CHANGED condition is returned.

| The locking model causes records to be locked following a read for update request
| so that multiple updates cannot occur.

| A contention model CFDT is non-recoverable. A locking model CFDT may be

| recoverable or non-recoverable. For a non-recoverable locking model, CFDT locks
| are held until a read for update sequence is completed by a rewrite or delete, but
| not until the next syncpoint. Changes are not backed out if a unit of work fails. In
| the recoverable case, locks are held until syncpoint, and the CFDT record is
| recoverable in the event of a unit of work failure or CICS region failure.

| The relative cost of using update models and recovery is related to the number of
| coupling facility accesses needed to support a request. Contention requires the least
| number of accesses, but if the data is changed, additional programming and
| coupling facility accesses would be needed to handle this condition. Locking
| requires more coupling facility accesses, but does mean a request will not need to
| be retried, whereas retries can be required when using the contention model.
| Recovery also requires further coupling facility accesses, because the recovery data
| is kept in the coupling facility list structure.

| The following table shows the number of coupling facility accesses needed to
| support the CFDT request types by update model.

246 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Table 12. Coupling facility acess by request type and update model.
| Request description Contention Locking Recoverable

| Open, Close 3 3 6
| Read, Point 1 1 1
| Write new record 1 1 2
| Read for Update 1 2 2
| Unlock 0 1 1
| Rewrite 1 1 3
| Delete 1 1 2
| Delete by key 1 2 3
| Syncpoint 0 0 3
| Lock WAIT 0 2 2
| Lock POST 0 2 2
| Cross-system POST 0 2 per waiting 2 per waiting
| server server

| Locking model
| Records held in a coupling facility list structure are marked as locked by updating
| the adjunct area associated with the coupling facility list structure element that
| holds the data. Locking a record requires an additional coupling facility access to
| set the lock, having determined on the first access that the data was not already
| locked.

| If, however, there is an update conflict, a number of extra coupling facility accesses
| are needed, as described in the following sequence of events:
| 1. The request that hits lock contention is initially rejected.
| 2. The requester modifies the locked record adjunct area to express an interest in
| it. This is a second extra coupling facility access for the lock waiter.
| 3. The lock owner has its update rejected because the record adjunct area has
| been modified, requiring the CICS region to re-read and retry the update. This
| results in two extra coupling facility accesses.
| 4. The lock owner sends a lock release notification message. If the lock was
| requested by a different server, this results in a coupling facility access to write
| a notification message to the other server and a coupling facility access to read
| it on the other side.

| Contention model
| The contention update model uses the entry version number to keep track of
| changes. The entry version number is changed each time the record is updated.
| This allows an update request to check that the record has not been altered since
| its copy of the record was acquired.

| When an update conflict occurs, additional coupling facility accesses are needed:-
| v The request that detects that the record has changed is initially rejected and a
| CHANGED response is sent.
| v The application receiving the response has to decide whether to retry the
| request.

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 247

| Effects
| In a test that compared the use of a CFDT with a function-shipped UMT between 2
| CICS regions running on different MVS members of a sysplex, it was found that
| overall CPU utilization was reduced by over 40% by using CFDTs. Some general
| observations that may be useful are:
| v Access to CFDT records of 4094 bytes or less (4096 or 4K including 2 bytes of
| prefix data) are handled as synchronous coupling facility requests by the CFDT
| server. Requests for records of greater then 4K bytes are made asynchronously.
| These asynchronous accesses cost a little more in CPU usage and response time.
| In a benchmark test comparing the same transaction rates (337 per second) but
| different record sizes, the less-than-4K CFDT workload took 41.7% less CPU
| than the UMT equivalent. The greater than 4K CFDT workload took 41.1% less
| CPU with no measurable degradation of response time.
| v Using the contention model requires the least coupling facility accesses but
| because the CHANGED condition needs to be handled and may need to be
| retried, maximum benefit is derived when there are few CHANGED conditions.
| These occurrences are reported in the CICS statistics which follow.
| v If the CFDT records are 63 bytes or less in length, the record data is stored in the
| entry adjunct area of the coupling facility list structure, which gives improved
| performance when using the contention update mode.
| v Using the locking model with recovery is the most costly mode of CFDT
| operation. Not only does this require more coupling facility accesses, but the
| CFDT server is also acting as a resource manager, co-ordinating the committal of
| updates in conjunction with the requesting CICS region. In a benchmark test
| involving the READ/UPDATE and REWRITE of CFDT records at a transaction
| rate of 168 per second, there was no significant difference in CPU utilization
| between transactions using contention and locking CFDTs. However, if the CFDT
| was defined as recoverable, the CPU utilization of the same transactions
| increased by approximately 15%.

| Recommendations
| Choose an appropriate use of a CFDT. For example, for cross-system, recoverable
| scratchpad storage, where shared TS does not give the required functional, or
| VSAM RLS incurs too much overhead.

| A large file requires a large amount of coupling facility storage to contain it.
| Smaller files are better CFDT candidates (unless your application is written to
| control the number of records held in a CFDT).

| The additional cost of using a locking model compared with a contention model is
| not great. Considering that using the contention model may need application
| changes if you are using an existing program, locking is probably the best choice
| of update model for your CFDT. If coupling facility accesses are critical to you,
| they are minimized by the contention model.

| Recovery costs slightly more in CPU usage and in coupling facility utilisation.

| Allow for expansion when sizing the CFDT. The amount of coupling facility
| storage a structure occupies can be increased dynamically up to the maximum
| defined in the associated coupling facility resource management (CFRM) policy
| with a SETXCF ALTER command. The MAXTABLES value defined to the CFDT
| server should allow for expansion. Therefore, consider setting it to a value higher

248 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| than your initial requirements. If a CFDT does become full, its capacity can be
| increased using the CFDT operator command SET TABLE=name,MAXRECS=n.

| The utilization of the CFDT should be regularly monitored both through CICS and
| CFDT statistics and RMF. Check that the size of the structure is reasonable for the
| amount of data it contains. A maximum-used of 80% is a reasonable target.
| Defining a maximum coupling facility list structure size in the CFRM policy
| definition to be greater than the initial allocation size specified by the POOLSIZE
| parameter in the CFDT server startup parameters enables you to enlarge the
| structure dynamically with a SETXCF ALTER command if the structure does fill in
| extraordinary circumstances.

| Ensure that the AXMPGANY storage pool is large enough. This can be increased
| by increasing the REGION size for the CFDT server. Insufficient AXMPGANY
| storage may lead to 80A abends in the CFDT server.

| How implemented
| A CFDT is defined to a CICS region using a FILE definition with the following
| parameters:
| v MAXNUMRECS(NOLIMIT|number(1 through 99999999))
| v CFDTPOOL(pool_name)
| v TABLENAME(name)

| MAXNUMRECS specifies the maximum number of records that that CFDT can
| hold.

| The first CICS region to open the CFDT determines the attributes for the file. Once
| opened successfully, these attributes remain associated with the CFDT through the
| data in the coupling facility list structure. Unless this table or coupling facility list
| structure is deleted or altered by a CFDT server operator command, the attributes
| persist even after CICS and CFDT server restarts. Other CICS regions attempting to
| open the CFDT must have a consistent definition of the CFDT, for example using
| the same update model.

| The CFDT server controls the coupling facility list structure and the data tables
| held in this structure. The parameters documented in the CICS System Definition
| Guide describe how initial structure size, structure element size, and
| entry-to-element ratio can be specified.

| How monitored
| Both CICS and the CFDT server produce statistics records. These are described in
| “Appendix C. Coupling facility data tables server statistics” on page 509.

| The CICS file statistics report the various requests by type issued against each
| CFDT. They also report if the CFDT becomes full, the highest number of records
| held and a Changed Response/Lock Wait count. This last item can be used to
| determine for a contention CFDT how many times the CHANGED condition was
| returned. For a locking CFDT this count reports how many times requests were
| made to wait because the requested record was already locked.

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 249

| CFDT statistics
| The CFDT server reports comprehensive statistics on both the coupling facility list
| structure it uses and the data tables it supports. It also reports on the storage used
| within the CFDT region by the AXM routines executed (the AXMPGLOW and
| AXMPGANY areas). This data can be written to SMF and may also be produced
| automatically at regular intervals or by operator command to the joblog of the
| CFDT server.

| The following is an example of coupling facility statistics produced by a CFDT

| server:
| DFHCF0432I Table pool statistics for coupling facility list structure DFH
| Structure: Size Max size Elem size Tables: Current Highest
| 12288K 30208K 256 4 4
| Lists: Total In use Max used Control Data
| 137 41 41 37 4
| 100% 30% 30% 27% 3%
| Entries: Total In use Max used Free Min free Reserve
| 3837 2010 2010 1827 1827 191
| 100% 52% 52% 48% 48% 5%
| Elements: Total In use Max used Free Min free Reserve
| 38691 12434 12434 26257 26257 1934
| 100% 32% 32% 68% 68% 5%

| This above example shows the amount of space currently used in a coupling
| facility list structure (Size) and the maximum size (Max size) defined for the
| structure. The structure size can be increased by using a SETXCF ALTER
| command. The number of lists defined is determined by the MAXTABLES
| parameter for the CFDT server. In this example, the structure can support up to
| 100 data tables (and 37 lists for control information).

| Each list entry comprises a fixed length section for entry controls and a variable
| number of data elements. The size of these elements is fixed when the structure is
| first allocated in the coupling facility, and is specified to the CFDT server by the
| ELEMSIZE parameter. The allocation of coupling facility space between entry
| controls and elements will be altered automatically and dynamically by the CFDT
| server to improve space utilization if necessary.

| The reserve space is used to ensure that rewrites and server internal operations can
| still function if a structure fills with user data.

| The amount of storage used with the CFDT region to support AXM requests is also
| reported. For example:-
| AXMPG0004I Usage statistics for storage page pool AXMPGANY:
| Size In Use Max Used Free Min Free
| 30852K 636K 672K 30216K 30180K
| 100% 2% 2% 98% 98%
| Gets Frees Retries Fails
| 3122 3098 0 0
| AXMPG0004I Usage statistics for storage page pool AXMPGLOW:
| Size In Use Max Used Free Min Free
| 440K 12K 12K 428K 428K
| 100% 3% 3% 97% 97%
| Gets Frees Retries Fails
| 3 0 0 0

| The CFDT server uses storage in its own region for AXMPGANY and
| AXMPGLOW storage pools. AXMPGANY accounts for most of the available

250 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| storage above 16MB in the CFDT region. The AXMPGLOW refers to
| 24-bit-addressed storage (below 16MB) and accounts for only 5% of this storage in
| the CFDT region. The CFDT server has a small requirement for such storage.

| RMF reports
| In addition to the statistics produced by CICS and the CFDT server, you can
| monitor the performance and use of the coupling facility list structure using the
| RMF facilities available on OS/390. A ‘Coupling Facility Activity’ report can be
| used to review the use of a coupling facility list structure. For example, this section
| of the report shows the DFHFCLS_PERFCFT2 structure size (12M), how much of
| the coupling facility is occupied (0.6%), some information on the requests handled,
| and how this structure has allocated and used the entries and data elements within
| this particular list structure.
| LIST DFHCFLS_PERFCFT2 ACTIVE 12M 0.6% 43530 93.2% 169.38 3837 39K N/A N/A
| 1508 11K N/A N/A

| RMF will also report on the activity (performance) of each structure, for example:-
| # REQ -------------- REQUESTS ------------- -------------- DELAYED REQUESTS -------------
| MV2A 43530 SYNC 21K 49.3% 130.2 39.1
| 169.4 ASYNC 22K 50.7% 632.7 377.7 NO SCH 0 0.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0
| DUMP 0 0.0% 0.0 0.0

| This report shows how many requests were processed for the structure
| DFHFCLS_PERFCFT2 and average service times (response times) for the two
| categories of requests, synchronous and asynchronous. Be aware that requests of
| greater then 4K are handled asynchronously. For an asynchronous request, the
| CICS region can continue to execute other work and is informed when the request
| completes. CICS waits for a synchronous request to complete, but these are
| generally very short periods. The example above shows an average service time of
| 130.2 microseconds (millionths of a second). CICS monitoring records show delay
| time for a transaction due waiting for a CFDT response. In the example above, a
| mixed workload of small and large files was used. You can see from the SERV
| TIME values that, on average, the ASYNC requests took nearly 5 times longer to
| process and that there was a wide variation in service times for these requests. The
| STD_DEV value for SYNC requests is much smaller.
| VSAM record-level sharing (RLS)
| VSAM record-level sharing (RLS) is a VSAM data set access mode, introduced in
| DFSMS™ Version 1 Release 3, and supported by CICS. RLS enables VSAM data to
| be shared, with full update capability, between many applications running in many
| CICS regions. With RLS, CICS regions that share VSAM data sets can reside in one
| or more MVS images within an MVS parallel sysplex.

| RLS also provides some benefits when data sets are being shared between CICS
| regions and batch jobs.

| RLS involves the use of the following components:

| v A VSAM server, subsystem SMSVSAM, which runs in its own address space to
| provide the RLS support required by CICS application owning regions (AORs),
| and batch jobs, within each MVS image in a Parallel Sysplex environment.

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 251

| The CICS interface with SMSVSAM is through an access control block (ACB),
| and CICS registers with this ACB to open the connection. Unlike the DB2 and
| DBCTL database manager subsystems, which require user action to open the
| connections, if you specify RLS=YES as a system initialization parameter, CICS
| registers with the SMSVSAM control ACB automatically during CICS
| initialization.
| A CICS region must open the control ACB to register with SMSVSAM before it
| can open any file ACBs in RLS mode. Normal file ACBs remain the interface for
| file access requests.
| v Sharing control data sets. VSAM requires a number of these for RLS control.
| The VSAM sharing control data sets are logically-partitioned, linear data sets.
| They can be defined with secondary extents, but all the extents for each data set
| must be on the same volume.
| Define at least three sharing control data sets, for use as follows:
| – VSAM requires two active data sets for use in duplexing mode
| – VSAM requires the third data set as a spare in case one of the active data sets
| fails.

| See the DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference for more

| information about sharing control data sets, and for a JCL example for defining
| them.
| v Common buffer pools and control blocks. For data sets accessed in non-RLS
| mode, VSAM control blocks and buffers (local shared resources (LSR) pools) are
| located in each CICS address space and are thus not available to batch
| programs, and not even to another CICS region.
| With RLS, all the control blocks and buffers are allocated in an associated data
| space of the SMSVSAM server. This provides one extremely large buffer pool for
| each MVS image, which can be shared by all CICS regions connected to the
| SMSVSAM server, and also by batch programs. Buffers in this data space are
| created and freed automatically.
| DFSMS provides the RLS_MAX_POOL_SIZE parameter that you can specify in
| the IGDSMSxx SYS1.PARMLIB member. There are no other tuning parameters
| for RLS as there are with LSR pools—management of the RLS buffers is fully
| automatic.

| Effects
| There is an increase CPU costs when using RLS compared with function-shipping
| to an FOR using MRO. When measuring CPU usage using the standard DSW
| workload, the following comparisons were noted:
| v Switching from local file access to function-shipping across MRO cross-memory
| (XM) connections incurred an increase of 7.02 ms per transaction in a single
| CPC.
| v Switching from MRO XM to RLS incurred an increase of 8.20ms per transaction
| in a single CPC.
| v Switching from XCF/MRO to RLS using two CPCs produced a reduction of
| 2.39ms per transaction.
| v Switching from RLS using one CPC to RLS using two CPCs there was no
| appreciable difference.

| In terms of response times, the performance measurements showed that:

252 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| v Function-shipping with MRO XM is better than RLS, but this restricts
| function-shipping to within one MVS image, and prevents full exploitation of a
| Parallel Sysplex with multiple MVS images or multiple CPCs.
| v RLS is better than function-shipping with XCF/MRO, when the FOR is running
| in a different MVS image from the AOR.

| However, performance measurements on their own don’t tell the whole story, and
| do not take account of other factors, such as:
| v As more and more applications need to share the same VSAM data, the load
| increases on the single file-owning region (FOR) to a point where the FOR can
| become a throughput bottleneck. The FOR is restricted, because of the CICS
| internal architecture, to the use of a single TCB for user tasks, which means that
| a CICS region generally does not exploit multiple CPs
| v Session management becomes more difficult as more and more AORs connect to
| to the FOR.
| v In some circumstances, high levels of activity can cause CI lock contention,
| causing transactions to wait for a lock even the specific record being accessed is
| not itself locked.

| These negative aspects of using an FOR are resolved by using RLS, which provides
| the scalability lacking in a FOR.

| How implemented
| To use RLS access mode with CICS files:
| 1. Define the required sharing control data sets
| 2. Specify the RLS_MAX_POOL_SIZE parameter in the IGDSMSxx SYS1.PARMLIB
| member.
| 3. Ensure the SMSVSAM server is started in the MVS image in which you want
| RLS support.
| 4. Specify the system initialization parameter RLS=YES. This enables CICS to
| register automatically with the SMSVSAM server by opening the control ACB
| during CICS initialization. RLS support cannot be enabled dynamically later if
| you start CICS with RLS=NO.
| 5. Ensure that the data sets you plan to use in RLS-access mode are defined, using
| Access Method Services (AMS), with the required recovery attributes using the
| LOG and LOGSTREAMID parameters on the IDCAMS DEFINE statements. If
| you are going to use an existing data set that was defined without these
| attributes, redefine the data set with them specified.
| 6. Specify RLSACCESS(YES) on the file resource definition.

| This chapter has covered the three different modes that CICS can use to access a
| VSAM file. These are non-shared resources (NSR) mode, local shared resources
| (LSR) mode, and record-level sharing (RLS) mode. (CICS does not support VSAM
| global shared resources (GSR) access mode.) The mode of access is not a property
| of the data set itself—it is a property of the way that the data set is opened. This
| means that a given data set can be opened by a user in NSR mode at one time,
| and RLS mode at another. The term non-RLS mode is used as a generic term to
| refer to the NSR or LSR access modes supported by CICS. Mixed-mode operation
| means a data set that is opened in RLS mode and a non-RLS mode concurrently,
| by different users.

Chapter 18. VSAM and file control 253

| Although data sets can be open in different modes at different times, all the data
| sets within a VSAM sphere must normally be opened in the same mode. (A sphere
| is the collection of all the components—the base, index, any alternate indexes and
| alternate index paths—associated with a given VSAM base data set.) However,
| VSAM does permit mixed-mode operations on a sphere by different applications,
| subject to some CICS restrictions.

| How monitored
| Using RLS-access mode for VSAM files involves SMSVSAM as well as the CICS
| region issuing the file control requests. This means monitoring the performance of
| both CICS and SMSVSAM to get the full picture, using a combination of CICS
| performance monitoring data and SMF Type 42 records written by SMSVSAM:
| CICS monitoring
| For RLS access, CICS writes performance class records to SMF containing:
| v RLS CPU time on the SMSVSAM SRB
| v RLS wait time.
| SMSVSAM writes Type 42 records, subtypes 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19,
| providing information about coupling facility cache sets, structures, locking
| statistics, CPU usage, and so on. This information can be analyzed using
| RMF III post processing reports.

| The following is an example of the JCL that you can use to obtain a report of
| SMSVSAM data:
| //RMFCF JOB (accounting_information),MSGCLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A
| // DISP=(NEW,PASS),SPACE=(CYL,(10,10))
| //SYSIN DD *
| //SYSIN DD *
| /*

| CICS file control statistics contain the usual information about the numbers of file
| control requests issued in the CICS region. They also identify which files are
| accessed in RLS mode and provide counts of RLS timeouts. They do not contain
| EXCP counts, ar any information about the SMSVSAM server, or its buffer usage,
| or its accesses to the coupling facility.

254 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide


| Chapter 19. Java program objects

| This chapter describes CICS performance considerations for Java program objects
| built using VisualAge for Java, Enterprise Toolkit for OS/390 (ET/390). The
| following topics are included:
| v “Overview”
| v “Performance considerations”
| v “Workload balancing of IIOP method call requests” on page 258

| Overview
| The high level of abstraction required for Java or any OO language involves
| increased layering and more dynamic runtime binding as a necessary part of the
| language. This incurs extra runtime performance cost.

| The benefits of using Java language support include the ease of use of Object
| Oriented programming, and access to existing CICS applications and data from
| Java program objects. The cost of these benefits is currently runtime CPU and
| storage. Although there is a significant initialization cost, even for a Java program
| object built with ET/390, that cost amounts to only a few milliseconds of CPU time
| on the latest S/390® G5 processors. You should not see a noticeable increase in
| response time for a transaction written in Java unless CPU is constrained, although
| there will be a noticeable increase in CPU utilization. You can, however, take
| advantage of the scalability of the CICSplex architecture, and in particular, its
| parallel sysplex capabilities, to scale transaction rates.
| Performance considerations
| The main areas that may affect the CPU costs associated with running Java
| program objects with CICS, are discussed in the following sections:
| v “DLL initialization”
| v “LE runtime options” on page 256
| v “API costs” on page 257
| v “CICS system storage” on page 257

| DLL initialization
| At run time, when a Java program is initialized, all dynamic link libraries (DLLs)
| that contain functions that are referenced within that program are loaded into CICS
| storage. They remain in CICS storage until program compression occurs or they
| are explicitly refreshed using the CEMT SET NEWCOPY command. DLLs that
| have functions in them that are referenced by any of the DLLs being loaded are
| also brought into storage. This is referred to as ’aggressive loading’. Although the
| DLLs remain in storage, when they are reused by subsequent transactions, address
| resolution for all the functions within the DLLs is recalculated. Keeping the
| number of extraneous functions in diverse DLLs to a minimum can therefore

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 255

| reduce this initialization cost. Also, you should avoid grouping occasionally-used
| classes that refer to a diverse number of multiple DLLs with classes that are
| frequently used.

| LE runtime options
| Language environment (LE) runtime options can have a major impact on both
| storage usage and CPU costs of Java application programs running under CICS.
| The key LE runtime options for Java are STACK, HEAP and ANYHEAP. If the
| initial size for any of these options is too large, excessive storage will be allocated,
| which may result in a short-on-storage condition in the CICS region. If an initial
| value is too small, LE will issue a GETMAIN to allocate additional storage, which
| increases the CPU cost. Additional CPU cost can also be incurred due to extra
| GETMAINs and FREEMAINs if the FREE parameter is specified for any option
| where the initial size is too small.

| LE runtime options for a Java program can be specified using the -lerunopts option
| of the hpj command, which is used to invoke the VisualAge® for Java, Enterprise
| Toolkit for OS/390 (ET/390) bytecode binder to bind Java bytecodes into a fully
| bound program object. For example,
| -lerunopts="STACK(24K,4080,ANY,KEEP)"

| The VisualAge for Java documentation is supplied in HTML format with the
| product. For more information about LE runtime options, see the LE for OS/390 and
| VM Programming Reference manual, (SC28–1940), and the LE for OS/390
| Customization Guide, (SC28–1941).

| To get a report on the storage used by your Java program object, specify the
| following runtime option on the hpj command
| -lerunopts="RPTSTG(ON)"

| When the Java program object is invoked in a CICS system, a storage report will
| be written to the CICS CESE transient data destination, which is usually directed
| to the data set defined by the CEEMSG DD statement. The report shows the
| number of system level get storage calls, such as EXEC CICS GETMAIN, that were
| required while the application was running. To improve performance, use the
| storage report numbers as an aid in setting the initial and increment size for
| STACK, HEAP and ANYHEAP to values which will reduce the number of times
| that the language environment storage manager makes requests to acquire storage.
| RPTSTG should only be used in a test environment because of the overheads
| incurred in writing the storage report each time the Java program object is
| executed.

| Performance can also be improved by turning off the Java garbage collection
| routines. You do this by setting the following LE run time option:
| 'lerunopts="(envar('IBMHPJ_OPTS=-Xskipgc'))"

| If you do not specify values for STACK, HEAP, and ANYHEAP when you use the
| hpj command to bind your Java program object, the program inherits default
| values from hpj. The defaults are:

256 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| 128K, 4080, ANY, KEEP
| HEAP 3200K, 300K, ANY, KEEP, 4K, 4080
| 20K, 4080, ANY, KEEP

| The default values have been calculated to minimize excessive allocation of

| storage, but to provide sufficient storage so that the CPU cost is not pushed up by
| avoidable GETMAINs and FREEMAINs.

| LE run-time options can only be explicitly specified for Java program objects which
| are built with the -exe option used on the hpj command. Program objects which
| are built with the -jll option, such as CICS CORBA server programs, inherit their
| LE runtime options from the invoking program. In the case of CICS CORBA server
| programs, this is DFJIIOP. The values used by DFJIIOP are:
| 24K, 4080, ANY, KEEP
| HEAP 3200K, 300K, ANY, KEEP, 4K, 4080
| 20K, 4080, ANY, KEEP

| API costs
| When a Java program is executing it gains access to CICS resources via the JCICS
| classes. These classes ’wrap’ a subset of the standard CICS API and give the Java
| application the ability to read a record from a VSAM KSDS file, for example. When
| accessing these CICS resources from a Java application there is an additional cost
| over and above that associated with the invocation of the API from other
| languages which use the CICS transalator. The costs associated with these various
| CICS APIs for the other languages are documented in “Appendix G. Performance
| data” on page 641. Although the additional cost with Java can vary slightly
| depending on the number of arguments passed, for the purposes of capacity
| planning and in keeping with the methodology stated in “Appendix G.
| Performance data” on page 641, you should add 6.5K instructions to any cost listed
| for the other languages.

| CICS system storage

| Java applications require more storage than programs written in traditional CICS
| programming languages, such as COBOL. Although a single Java application may
| run in a CICS system with an EDSA limit as low as 65M, you should specify a
| value much higher than this in the CICS EDSALIM system initialization parameter
| in order run a significant Java workload. The actual value you require for
| EDSALIM depends on the expected number of concurrently active Java program
| objects. Each invocation of a Java program object uses approximately 3.6M of

Chapter 19. Java program objects 257

| Workload balancing of IIOP method call requests
| As resource usage is so high when using Java program objects under CICS, it may
| be difficult to obtain the required throughput for your IIOP workload from one
| CICS region. Therefore, you may need to employ some form of workload
| balancing to spread the work over a number of cloned CICS regions.

| There are three ways of balancing an IIOP workload over a number of CICS
| regions:
| v CICS Dynamic Program Routing
| v TCP/IP port sharing
| v Dynamic Domain Name Server (DNS) registration for TCP/IP

| CICS dynamic program routing

| This is analogous to workload balancing using dynamic routing in a classic CICS
| TOR/AOR environment. Program DFJIIOP, the CICS ORB runtime which invokes
| the required CORBA method, is defined in the TOR as being dynamic. All IIOP
| requests are received by the TOR. Then, when program DFHIIOPA (the IIOP
| sender and application context handler) links to DFJIIOP, CICS dynamic routing
| services are used to invoke DFJIIOP in the least loaded or most efficient one of a
| series of cloned AORs. The AORs can be located anywhere in the sysplex.

| TCP/IP port sharing

| This provides a simple way of spreading the workload over multiple cloned CICS
| regions in one CEC by allowing all the CICS regions to listen on the same TCP/IP
| port number. The SHAREPORT parameter of the PORT TCP/IP configuration
| statement is used to define the names of all of the CICS regions which may listen
| on a particular port (for more information, see the OS/390 eNetworks
| Communications Server:IP Configuration manual, SC31–8513). The IIOP
| TCPIPSERVICE definition installed in each CICS system has the same portnumber.
| When TCP/IP receives an incoming client connection request, it selects the listener
| (the active CICS region) with the fewest current connections (both active and in the
| backlog), and routes the request to that CICS region. All further requests from the
| same client are routed to the same CICS region until the connection is closed.

| This method of workload balancing could be used in conjunction with CICS

| dynamic routing to provide multiple TORs in a TOR/AOR environment. This
| could eliminate a possible single point of failure.

| Dynamic domain name server registration for TCP/IP

| The dynamic domain name server (DNS) balances IP connections and workload in
| a Sysplex domain. The initial Interoperable Object reference (IOR) to the CICSplex
| contains a generic host name and port number. With dynamic DNS, multiple CICS
| systems are started to listen for IIOP requests on the same port (using virtual IP
| addresses), and the host name in the initial IOR is resolved to an IP address by
| MVS DNS and Workload Management (WLM) services.

| Connection optimization in a sysplex domain is described in the OS/390 eNetworks

| Communications Server: IP Planning and Migration Guide (SC31–8512).

258 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide


| Chapter 20. Java virtual machine (JVM) programs

| This chapter describes CICS performance considerations for Java programs run
| using the MVS Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The following topics are included:
| v “Overview”
| v “Performance considerations”
| v “Storage usage” on page 260
| v “How monitored” on page 261

| Overview
| Java application programs can be run under CICS control in CICS Transaction
| Server for OS/390 Release 3 and later releases, using the MVS Java Virtual
| Machine (JVM), which runs unchanged within CICS.

| You can write CICS applications in Java and compile them to bytecode using any
| standard Java compiler, such as VisualAge for Java, or javac. Such programs will
| be referred to as JVM programs in order to distinguish them from Java Program
| Objects that are built using VisualAge for Java, Enterprise Toolkit for OS/390.

| When a JVM program executes, an MVS JVM running inside CICS is interpreting
| the Java bytecodes. When a Java Program Object executes, it is running OS/390
| machine code with runtime support from Language Environment (LE/370).

| Java Program Objects are restricted to a subset of the core Java classes whereas a
| JVM program can use the full Java package set.
| Performance considerations
| JVM programs are not recommended to be used for high volume, high priority
| transactions. Java Program Objects provide better performance in the CICS
| environment. Indeed it is expected that the vast majority of Java programs running
| in CICS will be Java Program Objects and that the restrictions concerning which
| core classes can be used by Java Program Objects will not be an issue for most
| programs.

| JVM programs execute by means of the MVS JVM interpreting the Java bytecodes.
| This interpretation will involve more CPU usage than for conventionally compiled
| programs executing platform—specific machine code. JVM programs cannot take
| advantage of the JVM Just-in-time (JIT) compiler because at present CICS cannot
| safely reuse a JVM created for one JVM program in order to run a second JVM
| program. A JVM is created and destroyed for each JVM program that is run. It is
| recommended that the JVM is run with the JIT disabled. This is the default setting
| shipped by CICS in the DFHJVMEV member of the SDFHENV dataset which
| contains the JVM tailorable options.

| A large part of the CPU overhead associated with running JVM programs is
| consumed with creating and destroying a JVM each time a JVM program is run.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 259

| As JVM technology evolves over time, it is anticipated that CICS will be able to
| reuse JVMs, thereby allowing costs to be lowered.

| A Java Virtual Machine executing a JVM program is run inside CICS under its own
| TCB. The CICS-JVM Interface uses the Open Transaction Environment (OTE)
| function provided in CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 to provide the
| ″Open TCB″ under which the JVM is run. Each JVM program running in CICS is
| running its own JVM on its own open TCB. The particular type of open TCB
| provided for use by the JVM is called a J8 TCB. The priority of J8 TCBs is set
| significantly lower than that of the main CICS QR TCB to ensure that JVM
| programs, which have a high CPU cost, are treated as low priority transactions and
| so do not affect the main CICS workload being processed under the CICS QR TCB.

| Storage usage
| An MVS JVM runs under a J8 TCB within the CICS address space. It runs as a
| Unix System Services process and utilizes MVS Language Environment® services
| rather than CICS Language Environment services. That is to say, it uses the variant
| of Language Environment (LE) normally used outside of CICS, for example, by a
| batch COBOL program. The JVM uses MVS LE and not CICS LE because CICS
| LE—conforming applications do not support threading. As a result, all storage
| obtained by the JVM is MVS storage, acquired with a GETMAIN, within the CICS
| region, but outside of the CICS DSAs.

| An MVS JVM uses a significant amount of storage in the region. Multiple JVM
| instances running within CICS will require a significant increase in the CICS region
| size. Each JVM requires the following:
| v A minimum of 112K storage below the line. If the Java application utilises Java
| threads, there is an additional 5-6K of storage consumed for each thread.
| v A minimum of 19M of storage above the 16MB line. This very substantial
| amount of storage includes stack and heap storage used to create Java objects.
| The figure is based upon running the JVM with the IBM recommended values
| for stack and heap as shipped in the DFHJVMEV member of the SDFHENV
| dataset.

| The amount of storage required above the 16MB line by the JVM means that a
| minimum region size of 40M is required to run a single JVM inside CICS.
| Allowing for multiple JVM instances to run inside CICS will require a significant
| increase in region size. This may require changes to installation exits, IEALIMIT or
| IEFUSI, that are used to limit the region size of a job. Note that running with a
| default IEFUSI and specifying REGION=0M will result in a region size of 32M
| which is not enough to support a JVM.

| The amount of storage required below the line by the JVM effectively puts a
| maximum limit of 30 JVMs in a CICS address space, assuming a DSALIMIT of 4M
| and assuming enough storage above the line is available. It is recommended that
| transactions running JVM programs are limited using techniques such as
| TRANCLASS. An alternative approach could be to have a JOR, a JVM owning
| region, to which all JVM program executions are routed. Such a region would run
| only JVM workloads thereby minimising the amount of CICS DSA storage required
| and allowing the maximum amount of MVS storage to be allocated for use by
| JVMs.

260 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| How monitored
| The following facilities are available to monitor the CICS-JVM interface:
| v The CICS monitoring facility may be used to monitor the CPU time used by a
| transaction that invokes a JVM program including the amount of CPU time used
| by the MVS JVM on the J8 TCB. The CICS monitoring facility also includes the
| elapsed time spent in the JVM and the number of JCICS API requests issued by
| the JVM program.
| v The CICS sample DFH0STAT provides statistical information including the
| amount of user storage allocated above and below the 16MB line. The same
| information can also be obtained from the job termination message IEF374I.
| ’VIRT=nnnnnK’ shows you the virtual storage below the 16MB line, and
| ’EXT=nnnnnnnK ’ shows you the virtual storage above the 16MB line.

Chapter 20. Java virtual machine (JVM) programs 261

262 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 21. Database management

This chapter includes the following topics:
v “DBCTL minimum threads (MINTHRD)”
v “DBCTL maximum threads (MAXTHRD)” on page 264
v “DBCTL DEDB parameters (CNBA, FPBUF, FPBOF)” on page 264
v “CICS DB2 attachment facility” on page 266
v “CICS DB2 attachment facility (TCBLIMIT, and THREADLIMIT)” on page 268
v “CICS DB2 attachment facility (PRIORITY)” on page 269

DBCTL minimum threads (MINTHRD)

This parameter specifies the number of threads that are created when CICS
connects to DBCTL. They remain allocated while the database resource adapter
(DRA) is active. These threads continue to remain allocated until the CICS system
is disconnected from DBCTL, unless a thread is stopped by a /STOP command or
by a thread failure.

The DRA allocates control blocks for the specified number of threads at DBCTL
connection time. One thread is equivalent to one MVS TCB, thus giving more
concurrency on multiprocessors. Because these threads are available for the
duration of the DBCTL connection, there is no pathlength overhead for collapsing
and reallocating thread related storage, and throughput should, therefore, be faster.

The number you specify should be large enough to cover average DL/I transaction
loads. After the MINTHRD limit is reached, additional threads are allocated up to
the MAXTHRD limit, the number specified in the MAXREGN, or the maximum of
255, whichever is the lowest.

When multiple CICS systems or Batch message processing programs (BMPs) are
connected to DBCTL, the sum of MINTHRD and BMPs must be less than or equal
to MAXREGN (MAXREGN is specified in the IMS sysgen macros).

Where useful
MINTHRD can be used in DBCTL systems to synchronize thread allocation with
workload requirements.

There is a storage allocation of about 9KB per thread in the local system queue
area (LSQA) below the 16MB line.

The MINTHRD and MAXTHRD parameters are specified in the DRA startup table

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 263

How monitored
DBCTL statistics are available when the CICS/DBCTL interface is shut down
normally. The MINTHRD value is recorded (see page 364 for further information).
You can also use CICS auxiliary trace to check for queueing for threads and PSBs.

DBCTL maximum threads (MAXTHRD)

The MAXTHRD parameter specifies the maximum number of threads that this
CICS system may use up to a value of 255, or the limit imposed by MAXREGN.
The default is 1 or the number defined by MINTHRD, whichever is the highest.

This parameter controls the maximum number of tasks for which this CICS system
can have PSBs scheduled in DBCTL. Any requests to schedule a PSB when the
MAXTHRD limit is reached is queued by the DRA.

Where useful
MAXTHRD can be used in DBCTL systems to ensure that, at peak loads,
additional threads can be built in addition to those already allocated as a result of
MINTHRD, thus avoiding waiting for threads.

After the MINTHRD limit is exceeded, threads continue to be built up to the
MAXTHRD limit but, because each thread’s control blocks are allocated during
PSB scheduling, the pathlength is greater for the tasks running after the MINTHRD
limit has been reached.

The MINTHRD and MAXTHRD parameters are specified in the DRA startup table

How monitored
DBCTL statistics are available when the CICS/DBCTL interface is shut down
normally. The MAXTHRD value is recorded (see page 364 for further information).
You can also use CICS auxiliary trace to check for queueing for threads and PSBs.


Because DEDB parameters are defined both in the CICS region and the IMS/ESA
(DBCTL) region, both sets of interdependent parameters are included here.

If you use DEDBs, you must define the characteristics and usage of the IMS/ESA
DEDB buffer pool. You do this by specifying parameters (including DRA startup
parameters) during IMS/ESA system definition or execution.

264 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

The main concerns in defining DEDB buffer pools are the total number of buffers
in the IMS/ESA region, and how they are shared by CICS threads. You use the
following IMS/ESA FPCTRL parameters to define the number of buffers:
v DBBF: total number of buffers
v DBFX: number of buffers used exclusively by the DEDB system.

The number remaining when you subtract the value specified for DBFX from the
value specified for DBBF is the number of buffers available for the needs of CICS
threads. In this discussion, we have assumed a fixed number for DBFX. DBBF
must, therefore, be large enough to accommodate all batch message processing
programs (BMPs) and CICS systems that you want to connect to this DBCTL

When a CICS thread connects to IMS/ESA, its DEDB buffer requirements are
specified using a normal buffer allocation (NBA) parameter. For a CICS system,
there are two NBA parameters in the DRA startup table:
1. CNBA buffers needed for the CICS system. This is taken from the total
specified in DBBF.
2. FPBUF buffers to be given to each CICS thread. This is taken from the number
specified in CNBA. FPBUF is used for each thread that requests DEDB
resources, and so should be large enough to handle the requirements of any
application that can run in the CICS system.

A CICS system may fail to connect to DBCTL if its CNBA value is more than that
available from DBBF. An application may receive schedule failure if the FPBUF
value is more than that available from CNBA. The FPBUF value is used when an
application tries to schedule a PSB that contains DEDBs.

When a CICS system has connected to DBCTL successfully, and the application has
successfully scheduled a PSB containing DEDBs, the DRA startup parameter
FPBOF becomes relevant. FPBOF specifies the number of overflow buffers each
thread gets if it exceeds FPBUF. These buffers are not taken from CNBA. Instead,
they are buffers that are serially shared by all CICS applications or other dependent
regions that are currently exceeding their normal buffer allocation (NBA)

Because overflow buffer allocation (OBA) usage is serialized, thread performance

can be affected by NBA and OBA specifications. If FPBUF is too small, more
applications need to use OBA, which may cause delays due to contention. If both
NBA and OBA are too small, the application fails. If FPBUF is too large, this affects
the number of threads that can concurrently access DEDB resources, and increases
the number of schedule failures.

Where useful
The DBCTL DEDB parameters are useful in tuning a CICS/DBCTL DEDB fastpath

In a CICS/DBCTL environment, the main performance concern is the trade-off
between speed and concurrency. The size of this trade-off is dictated by the kind of
applications you are running in the CICS system.

Chapter 21. Database management 265

If the applications have approximately the same NBA requirements, there is no
trade-off. You can specify an FPBUF large enough to never need OBA. This speeds
up access and there is no waste of buffers in CNBA, thus enabling a larger number
of concurrent threads using DEDBs.

The more the buffer requirements of your applications vary, the greater the
trade-off. If you want to maintain speed of access (because OBAs are not being
used) but decrease concurrency, you should increase the value of FPBUF. If you
prefer to maintain concurrency, do not increase the value of FPBUF. However,
speed of access decreases because this and possibly other threads may need to use
the OBA function.

For further guidance on DEDB buffer specification and tuning, see the information
on DEDBs in the IMS/ESA Database Administration Guide, and the IMS/ESA System
Administration Guide.

How implemented
DBBF and DBFX are parameters defined during DBCTL system generation or at
DBCTL initialization. CNBA, FPBUF, and FPBOF are defined in the DRA startup
table (DFSPZP).

How monitored
Monitoring data at the transaction level is returned to CICS by DBCTL at schedule
end and transaction termination. This data includes information on DEDB

Note: To obtain the monitoring data, two event monitoring points (EMPs) must be
added to your CICS monitoring control table (MCT). For information about
coding the DBCTL EMPs, see the CICS Customization Guide.

CICS DB2 attachment facility

The CICS DB2 attachment facility provides a multi-thread connection to DB2. The
connections between CICS and DB2 are called threads. There are three types of
Command threads.
One or more threads can be reserved for command usage. It is used for
DB2 commands only; for example, the DSNC -DIS command. During
periods of heavy command usage, requests for command threads may be
transferred to pool threads.
Pool threads
Pool threads are normally used for low volume transactions, and
transactions that overflow from either entry threads or command threads.
These threads are created when needed and terminate immediately when
Entry threads
These threads are intended for high-volume, high-priority transactions.
Each thread is associated with a particular application plan, and the
threads are reusable. Entry threads can be defined as protected which means
that they are not terminated immediately if unused. They are terminated
after two consecutive periods of inactivity. These periods are defined in the

266 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

DB2CONN parameter, PURGECYCLE. Many CICS transactions can use the
same protected threads and avoid the overhead involved in creating and
terminating the thread for each transaction.

| The DB2CONN, DB2ENTRY, and DB2TRAN definitions of the CICS DB2

attachment facility define the authorization and access attributes on a transaction
and transaction group basis.

| The THREADWAIT parameter of DB2CONN, and DB2ENTRY define whether the
| requests for a thread should be queued, abended, or sent to the pool thread in the
| case of a shortage of entry or command threads. If THREADWAIT=YES is
| specified instead of THREADWAIT=POOL the transaction is queued rather than
| sent to the pool thread. Using THREADWAIT=YES, therefore, avoids the thread
| initialization and termination overhead. If a transaction is made to wait because of
the lack of entry threads, a queueing arrangement is necessary. This is done by the
CICS DB2 attachment facility. The advantages of this are that, once the entry
thread finishes its current piece of work, it continues with the next transaction

You can optimize performance between CICS and DB2 by adjusting the transaction
| class limits, MXT system parameters of CICS and the THREADWAIT, TCBLIMIT,
| THREADLIMIT, and PRIORITY attributes of DB2CONN, and DB2ENTRY.

Where useful
In a high-volume, highly-utilized system using DB2.

How implemented
THREADWAIT is defined in the DB2CONN and DB2ENTRY definitions of the
CICS DB2 attachment facility.

How monitored
The following facilities are available to monitor the CICS DB2 attachment facility.
v The CICS auxiliary trace facility and the CICS monitoring facility may be used
to trace and monitor the SQL calls issued by a specific CICS application
v The CICS DB2 attachment facility command (DSNC DISPLAY) provides
information about CICS transactions accessing DB2 data, or statistical
information associated with entries in resource definition online.
v There are also various DB2 facilities which can be used. (See the DB2
Administration Guide for more information.)

| The CICS performance class monitoring records include the following DB2–related
| data fields:
| v The total number of DB2 EXEC SQL and instrumentation facility interface (IFI)
| requests issued by a transaction.
| v The elapsed time the transaction waited for a DB2 thread to become available.

Chapter 21. Database management 267

| v The elapsed time the transaction waited for a CICS DB2 subtask to become
| available.
| v The elapsed time the transaction waited for DB2 to service the DB2 requests
| issued by the transaction.

| CICS monitoring is used in the CICS DB2 environment with the DB2 accounting
| facility, to monitor performance and to collect accounting information.

CICS DB2 attachment facility (TCBLIMIT, and THREADLIMIT)

| TCBLIMIT, and THREADLIMIT are parameters in the DB2CONN and DB2ENTRY
| definitions. They can be set for each of the three types of thread (see page 266 for
| more information). TCBLIMIT specifies the maximum number of threads between
| CICS and DB2, which, in turn, specifies the maximum number of active DB2
| threads. THREADLIMIT specifies the maximum number of active DB2 threads.
| THREADLIMIT is modified dynamically.

The sum of all the active threads from TSO users, all CICS and IMS systems and
| other systems accessing DB2 should not exceed CTHREAD. Otherwise, the result
could be unpredictable response times. When this occurs, a CICS DB2 attachment
facility “create thread” request is queued by DB2, and the CICS transaction is
placed is a wait state until a thread is available.

Note: CTHREAD is a DB2 parameter, specified in ZPARMS, and it defines the

number of concurrent threads for all of DB2.

Each thread linking CICS to DB2 has a corresponding TCB in the CICS address
space. Too many TCBs per address space involve the MVS dispatcher scanning the
TCBs to identify an active TCB. If there is a large number of TCBs then there may
be a significant cost of processor time.

| Increasing the TCBLIMIT value or setting up an additional CICS system with
| access to the same DB2 system may require increasing the CTHREAD parameter of
| DB2.

For a protected entry thread environment, implementation involves reviewing the
number of application plans and, if possible, reducing the number of plans by
combining infrequently used ones while balancing the issues of plan size and

Initially, you should start with one thread per plan. In a high-volume transaction
processing environment, you can estimate the initial number by using the
occupancy time of a thread by a transaction and multiplying it with the expected
transaction rate. For example, an occupancy time of 0.2 seconds and a transaction
rate of 20 transactions per second (0.2 x 20) would give an initial thread number of
between three and four.

268 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

How monitored
The following facilities are available to monitor the CICS DB2 attachment facility.
v The CICS auxiliary trace facility and the CICS monitoring facility may be used
to trace and monitor the SQL calls issued by a specific CICS application
v The CICS DB2 attachment facility command (DSNC DISPLAY) provides
information about CICS transactions accessing DB2 data, or statistical
information associated with attributes of DB2CONN, and DB2ENTRY.
v There are also various DB2 facilities which can be used. (See the DB2
Administration Guide for more information.)

CICS DB2 attachment facility (PRIORITY)

| PRIORITY is a parameter of the DB2CONN and DB2ENTRY definitions of the
| CICS attachment facility that can be specified for both the pool and entry threads.
| This parameter controls the priority of the CICS TCBs. There are three options:
Administration Guide for more information.)

| When PRIORITY=HIGH is specified, transactions run at a higher priority than
CICS thus saving virtual storage, releasing locks, and avoiding other transactions
deadlocking or timing out. However, if all threads are specified with
PRIORITY=HIGH, CICS itself may be effectively at too low a priority.

Where useful
| Setting PRIORITY=HIGH is useful for high-priority and high-volume transactions.

A complex SQL call could spend a long time in DB2, and the CICS TCB may not
be dispatched.

| Set PRIORITY=HIGH for your transactions with the highest weighted average
number of SQL calls. The highest weighted average is equal to the number of SQL
| calls per transaction multiplied by the frequency of transaction. Set
| PRIORITY=LOW or EQUAL for other transactions. If the CPU usage per call is
| high, you should not set PRIORITY=HIGH.

How implemented
PRIORITY is a parameter of the DB2CONN and DB2ENTRY definitions of the
CICS attachment facility.

How monitored
The following facilities are available to monitor CICS attachment facility.

Chapter 21. Database management 269

v The CICS auxiliary trace facility and the CICS monitoring facility may be used
to trace and monitor the SQL calls issued by a specific CICS application
v The CICS attachment facility command (DSNC DISPLAY) provides information
about CICS transactions accessing DB2 data, or statistical information associated
with DB2 resource definitions in the CSD.
v There are also various DB2 facilities which can be used. (See the DB2
Administration Guide for more information.)

270 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 22. Logging and journaling
This chapter discusses performance tuning issues related to logging and journaling:
| v “Coupling facility or DASD-only logging?”
v “Monitoring the logger environment”
v “Average blocksize” on page 273
v “Number of log streams in the CF structure” on page 274
v “LOWOFFLOAD and HIGHOFFLOAD parameters on log stream definition” on
page 276
v “Staging data sets” on page 278
v “Activity keypoint frequency (AKPFREQ)” on page 279
| v “DASD-only logging” on page 281

Coupling facility or DASD-only logging?

In earlier releases of MVS before OS/390 Version 2 Release 5, the MVS system
logger requires at least one coupling facility, even if the sysplex consists of a single
MVS image; all CICS log streams must use log structures defined in the coupling

The CICS log manager supports the DASD-only option of the MVS system logger.
This means that individual CICS log streams can use either coupling facility log
structures or DASD-only logging. (For more information about the types of storage
used by CICS log streams, see the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Installation

If you have a coupling facility, the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Installation
Guide contains advice on how you could define each log stream, based on its
usage. For information about the relative performance of CF and DASD-only log
streams, see Table 197 on page 643.

Integrated coupling migration facility

If you use a coupling facility, you can use a stand-alone model, such as the S/390
9674. Alternatively, you can use the integrated coupling migration facility (ICMF)
to provide the services of a coupling facility in an LPAR. This means that the
coupling facility and MVS are not failure-independent, thereby requiring the use of
staging data sets.

Monitoring the logger environment

CICS collects statistics on the data written to each journal and log stream; this data
can be used to analyze the activity of a single region. However, because general
log streams can be shared across multiple MVS images, it can be more useful to
examine the statistics generated by MVS.

The MVS system logger writes SMF Type 88 records containing statistics for each
connected log stream. MVS supplies in SYS1.SAMPLIB a sample reporting

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 271

program, IXGRPT1, that you can use as supplied, or modify to meet your
requirements. Alternatively, you could use some other SMF reporting program. For
information about the SMF Type 88 records and the sample reporting program, see
the OS/390 MVS System Management Facilities (SMF) manual.

The main items that should be monitored routinely are:

v For coupling facility log streams, the number of “structure full” events
v For DASD-only log streams, the number of “staging data set full” events.

If these events occur frequently, this indicates that the logger cannot write data to
secondary storage quickly enough to keep up with incoming data, which causes
CICS to wait before it can write more data. Consider the following solutions to
resolve such problems:
v Increase the size of primary storage (that is, the size of the coupling facility
structure or, for a DASD-only log stream, the size of the staging data set), in
order to smooth out spikes in logger load.
v Reduce the data written to the log stream by not merging so many journals or
forward recovery logs onto the same stream.
v Reduce the HIGHOFFLOAD threshold percentage, the point at which the system
logger begins offloading data from primary storage to offload data sets.
v Review the size of the offload data sets. These should be large enough to avoid
too many “DASD shifts”—that is, new data set allocations. Aim for no more
than one DASD shift per hour. You can monitor the number of DASD shifts
using the SMF88EDS record.
v Examine device I/O statistics for possible contention on the I/O subsystem used
for offload data sets.
v Use faster DASD devices

For CICS system logs, the best performance is achieved when CICS can delete log
tail data that is no longer needed before it is written to secondary storage by the
MVS system logger. To monitor that this is being achieved, your reporting program
should examine the numbers in the SMF88SIB and SMF88SAB SMF Type 88
records. These values indicate:
Data deleted from primary storage without first being written to DASD
offload data sets. For a system log stream, this value should be high in
relation to the value of SMF88SAB. For a general log stream, this value
should normally be zero.
Data deleted from primary storage after being written to DASD offload
data sets. For a system log stream, this value should be low in relation to
the value of SMF88SIB. For a general log stream, this value should
normally be high.

Note: In any SMF interval, the total number of bytes deleted from primary storage
(SMF88SIB plus SMF88SAB) may not match the total number of bytes
written to secondary storage, because data is only written to offload data
sets and then deleted from primary storage when the HIGHOFFLOAD
threshold limit is reached.

If the SMF88SAB record frequently contains high values for a CICS system log:

272 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

v Check that RETPD=dddd is not specified on the MVS definition of the
logstream. (For information about the MVS RETPD parameter, see the CICS
Transaction Server for OS/390 Installation Guide.)
v Check that no long-running transactions are making recoverable updates
without syncpointing.
v Consider increasing the size of primary storage.
v Consider increasing the HIGHOFFLOAD threshold value.
v Consider reducing the value of the the AKPFREQ system initialization

Average blocksize

This section applies only to log streams that use coupling facility structures.

Although consideration of the average blocksize written to the coupling facility can
happen only at the level of application design, it is still worth bearing in mind
when considering the performance implications of the CICS log manager.

If the average blocksize of data being written to the coupling facility is less than
4K, the write request is processed synchronously. Not only is the operation
synchronous to CICS, but the System/390® instruction used to access the coupling
facility is also synchronous, in that it executes for as long as it takes to place the
data in the structure. For this reason, it is unwise to mix fast CPUs with slow
coupling facilities. If the access time to a particular coupling facility remains
constant, then, for synchronous accesses, the faster the CPU the more CPU cycles
are consumed by the request.

If the average blocksize of data being written to the coupling facility is greater than
4K bytes, the write request is processed asynchronously; the CICS task gives up
control and the MVS system logger posts the ECB when the write request has been
satisfied. This can result in an asynchronous request taking longer to complete than
a synchronous one. However, there is no System/390 “long instruction” to place
data into the coupling facility.

Synchronous requests may be changed into asynchronous requests, if the

sub-system decides this to be necessary—for example, if the sub-channel is busy.
Changed requests appear on an RMF III report as CHNGD. Figure 31 shows an
extract from an RMF report showing the numbers of synchronous and
asynchronous writes to a coupling facility structure.


# REQ -------------- REQUESTS -------------

MV2A 15549 SYNC 15K 95.3% 476.1 339.6

27.87 ASYNC 721 4.6% 3839.0 1307.3

Figure 31. RMF report showing numbers of synchronous and asyncronous writes to a coupling facility

Chapter 22. Logging and journaling 273

Number of log streams in the CF structure

This section applies only to log streams that use coupling facility structures.

Coupling facility space is divided into structures by the CFRM policy, the
maximum permitted being 255 structures. Multiple log streams can use the same
structure. Generally, the more log streams per structure, the more difficult it is to
tune the various parameters that affect the efficiency and performance of the CICS
log manager.


OS/390 Release 3 and later

If you are running on OS/390 Release 3 or later, the value you specify for
AVGBUFSIZE is less important than if you are running on an earlier release
of MVS. This is because OS/390 Release 3 and later dynamically tune the
element/entry ratio described in this section.

As far as performance considerations go, you should try to ensure that log streams
used by applications that write similar sized data records share the same structure.
The reasons for this relate to the values defined in the AVGBUFSIZE and
MAXBUFSIZE parameters on the structure definition.

When a CF structure is defined, it is divided into two areas:

v One area holds list entries
v The other area holds list elements.

List elements are units of logged data and are either 256 bytes or 512 bytes long.
List entries are index pointers to the list elements. There is one list entry per log
record. There is at least one element per log record.

If you define MAXBUFSIZE with a value greater than 65276, data is written in
512-byte elements. If you define MAXBUFSIZE with a value less than, or equal to,
65276, data is written in 256-byte elements. The maximum value permitted for this
parameter is 65532.

The proportion of the areas occupied by the list entries and the list elements is
determined by a ratio calculated as follows:
AVGBUFSIZE / element size

The resulting ratio represents the ratio, nn : 1, where nn represents element storage,
and ’1’ represents entry storage. This is subject to a minimum of 1:1.

This ratio has performance significance because it may be inappropriate for a

combination of many different applications with different logging requirements
and behavior.

274 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Element/entry ratio and the number of log streams per structure
AVGBUFSIZE is set at the structure level and dictates the ratio for the whole
structure. As a general rule, the greater the number of log streams per structure,
the greater the chance that the element/entry ratio is inappropriate for certain
applications using the log streams. If many applications write to their log streams
significantly differing amounts of data, and at significantly differing intervals,
some of those applications can experience unexpected DASD offloading, with the
extra processing overhead that this incurs. The DASD offloading is unexpected
because the log stream may not yet have reached its HIGHOFFLOAD threshold.

Each log record places an entry in the list entry area of the structure, and the data
is loaded as one or more elements in the list element area. If the list entry area
exceeds 90% of its capacity, all log streams are offloaded to DASD. DASD
offloading commences at this point, regardless of the current utilization of the log
stream, and continues until an amount of data equal to the difference between the
HIGHOFFLOAD threshold and the LOWOFFLOAD threshold has been offloaded.

For example, the list entry area may exceed 90% of its capacity while log stream A
is only 50% utilized. Its HIGHOFFLOAD threshold is 80% and its LOWOFFLOAD
threshold is 60%. Even though log stream A has not reached its HIGHOFFLOAD
threshold, or even its LOWOFFLOAD threshold, data is offloaded until 20% of the
log stream has been offloaded. This is the difference between 80% and 60%. After
the offloading operation has completed, log stream A is at 30% utilization (50%
minus 20%).

Thus, the log stream used by an application issuing very few journal write
requests may be offloaded to DASD because of frequent journal write requests by
other applications using other log streams in the same structure.

However, if multiple log streams share the same structure, a situation where list
entry storage reaches 90% utilization should only occur where all the log streams
have a similar amount of logging activity.

Frequency of DASD offloading

However, there is the likelihood of wasted list entry storage if you underestimate
the value for AVGBUFSIZE in order to avoid frequent DASD offloading.

Dynamic repartitioning and the frequency of DASD offloading: Whenever a log

stream connects to or disconnects from a CF structure, the structure undergoes
dynamic repartitioning. This means that the space in the structure is partitioned
between all the log streams connected to the structure. As more log streams
connect, the less space each log stream is apportioned. This can lead to a higher
frequency of DASD offloading as reduced log stream space means that the log
stream HIGHOFFLOAD threshold percentages are reached more often.

A value of 64000 for MAXBUFSIZE should be appropriate for most environments
and should be suitable for most purposes.

If MAXBUFSIZE is set to greater than 65276, the element size is 512 bytes. With an
512-byte element, there is more likelihood of space being unused, and, therefore,

Chapter 22. Logging and journaling 275

wasted because of padding to the end of the last element for the log record. This
likelihood lessens where records are larger and where systems are busier.

How implemented
AVGBUFSIZE and MAXBUFSIZE are parameters for use in the IXCMIAPU
program which you would run to define coupling facility structures. For more
information, see the System/390 MVS Setting up a Sysplex manual.

How monitored
The following facilities are available to monitor the data traffic to log streams on
structures, and from log streams to DASD:
v The CICS log stream statistics. These provide a range of statistical information
including a value for ’average bytes written per write’ which you can calculate
by dividing the ’TOTAL BYTES’ value by the ’TOTAL WRITES’ value. This may
help you to tune the value for AVGBUFSIZE.
v RMF provides statistics including a value ’elements per entry’ which you can
calculate by dividing the ’TOTAL NUMBER OF ELEMENTS’ value by the
’TOTAL NUMBER OF ENTRIES’ value. This allows you to check the activity in
element units on the log stream. RMF also informs you of the proportion of
requests, per structure, that have been processed synchronously and
asynchronously. This enables you to isolate structures that hold synchronously
processed log stream requests from those that hold asynchronously processed
log stream requests.
v SMF88 records. These provide a range of statistical information, including the
number of bytes offloaded.

LOWOFFLOAD and HIGHOFFLOAD parameters on log stream


This section assumes you are using log streams that use coupling facility
structures. However, much of it applies also to DASD-only log streams. This
is clarified in “DASD-only logging” on page 281.

Offloading to DASD data sets of data from a log stream may occur when usage of
the log stream (either in the coupling facility or the staging data set) reaches its
HIGHOFFLOAD limit, specified when the log stream is defined. For a system log,
all records that have been marked for deletion are physically deleted; if, after this
has been done, the LOWOFFLOAD limit has not been reached, the oldest active
records are offloaded to DASD until LOWOFFLOAD is reached. For a general log,
the oldest data is offloaded to DASD until the LOWOFFLOAD limit is reached.

There are also situations where offloading of data from the log stream data set
occurs although the HIGHOFFLOAD threshold (and LOWOFFLOAD threshold in
some circumstances) of the log stream has not been reached. These are:
v When the HIGHOFFLOAD threshold is reached in the staging data set. If the
size of the staging data set is proportionally smaller than the log stream, the
HIGHOFFLOAD threshold is reached on the staging data set before it is reached
on the log stream data set.

276 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

v When the list entry area of the log stream reaches 90% of its capacity.

In these situations, the amount of data offloaded from the log stream is determined
as follows:
(Current utilization or HIGHOFFLOAD, whichever is the greater) - LOWOFFLOAD

This is the percentage of the log stream data set that is offloaded.

Due to the different requirements that you will have for data on the system log,
and data on general logs, different recommendations apply in each case.

System log
When an activity keypoint happens, CICS deletes the “tail” of the primary system
log, DFHLOG. This means that data for completed units of work older than the
previous activity keypoint is deleted. Data for each incomplete unit of work older
than the previous activity keypoint is moved onto the secondary system log,
DFHSHUNT, provided that the UOW has done no logging in the current activity
keypoint interval.

To minimize the frequency of DASD offloading, try to ensure that system log data
produced during the current activity keypoint interval, plus data not deleted at the
previous activity keypoint, is always in the CF structure. To avoid offloading this
data to DASD, you are recommended to:
v Ensure that the value of LOWOFFLOAD is greater than the space required for
the sum of:
1. The system log data generated during one complete activity keypoint
2. The system log data generated (between syncpoints) by your longest-running
and Calculate a value for LOWOFFLOAD using the following formula:
trandur * 90
LOWOFFLOAD = ------------------ + 10 (where RETPD=0 is specified)
akpintvl + trandur

trandur * 90
LOWOFFLOAD = ------------------ (where RETPD=dddd is specified)
akpintvl + trandur

– akpintvl is the interval between activity keypoints. It varies according to
workload and its calculation should be based on peak workload activity, as
akpintvl = ---------------------------------
(N1 * R1) + (N2 * R2) + (Nn * Rn)

- N1, N2 ... Nn is the transaction rate for each transaction (trans/sec).
- R1, R2 ... Rn is the number of log records written by each transaction.

Chapter 22. Logging and journaling 277

– trandur is the execution time (between syncpoints) of the longest-running
transaction that runs as part of the normal workload.
If this duration is longer than akpintvl value, you can either:
- Increase the value of AKPFREQ, so increasing the value of akpintvl (as
long as this does not result in an unacceptably large CF structure size).
- Change the application logic to cause more frequent syncpoints.
- Calculate a structure size based on a shorter transaction duration, and
accept that DASD offloading occurs when the long-running transaction is
v Set HIGHOFFLOAD to 95. Although this contradicts advice given in the MVS
manuals (which recommend that you do not exceed the default HIGHOFFLOAD
value of 80), it is quite appropriate given the typical usage of system logs.
v Minimize the amount of log data produced between activity keypoints by
specifying a low value on the AKPFREQ parameter. A value of 4000 is

General logs
The recommendations for forward recovery logs and user journals are different to
those for the system log. There is no requirement here to retain logged data in the
CF structure. Rather, due to the typical use of such data, you may only need a
small structure and offload the data rapidly to DASD. If this is the case, allow
HIGHOFFLOAD and LOWOFFLOAD to default (to 80 and 0 respectively).

How implemented
HIGHOFFLOAD and LOWOFFLOAD are parameters for use in the IXCMIAPU
program which you would run to define log stream models and explicitly named
| individual log streams. For more information, see the System/390 MVS Setting up a
| Sysplex manual.

How monitored
SMF88 records and RMF provide a range of statistical information that helps you
in the tuning of these parameters.

Staging data sets

This section assumes you are using log streams that use coupling facility
structures. For related information about DASD-only log streams, see
“DASD-only logging” on page 281.

MVS keeps a second copy of data written to the coupling facility in a data space,
for use when rebuilding a coupling facility in the event of an error. This is
satisfactory as long as the coupling facility is failure-independent (in a separate
CPC and non-volatile) from MVS.

278 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Where the coupling facility is in the same CPC, or uses volatile storage, the MVS
system logger supports staging data sets for copies of log stream data that would
otherwise be vulnerable to failures that impact both the coupling facility and the
MVS images.

Elements (groups of log records) are written to staging data sets in blocks of 4K
bytes (not in 256-byte or 512-byte units as for log stream data sets).

Use the following formulae to help you tune the size of your staging data sets:
staging data set size= (NR * AVGBUFSIZE rounded up to next unit of 4096)

where NR is the number of records to fill the coupling facility structure. This can be
calculated as follows:
NR = coupling facility structure size / (AVGBUFSIZE rounded up to next element)

Ensure that the coupling facility structure and staging data set can hold the same
number of records. Staging data sets are subject to the same offloading thresholds
as log streams are. It is sensible, therefore, to ensure as far as possible that
offloading activity will be at the same frequency.

You are recommended to overestimate, rather than underestimate, staging data set
size. To calculate staging data set size to accommodate the maximum number of
records (where there is one record per element), use the following formulae:
maximum staging data set size = 8 * coupling facility structure size

where element size is 512 bytes, and

maximum staging data set size = 16 * coupling facility structure size

where element size is 256 bytes.

Investigate using DASD FastWrite facilities with a view to storing data in the
DASD cache, as opposed to writing it directly to the staging data set. This also
enables a faster retrieval of data should it be required. Be aware, however, that if
you fill the cache, data is also then written out to the staging data set whenever
data is written to the cache.

Activity keypoint frequency (AKPFREQ)

The activity keypoint frequency value (AKPFREQ) specifies the number of write
operations performed to the log stream buffer before an activity keypoint is to be
taken. A keypoint is a snapshot of in-flight tasks in the system at that time. During
emergency restart, CICS only needs to read back for records for those tasks
identified in a keypoint. CICS reads the system log backward until the first activity
keypoint is encountered (which is the last activity keypoint taken).

The CICS delayed flush algorithm for log streams results in CICS writing log
blocks to the system log. As activity increases on the system, the size of the log
blocks increases (rather than the number of blocks written).

In summary, the AKPFREQ value determines the amount of writing to the log
stream buffer between keypoint frequencies.

Chapter 22. Logging and journaling 279

The default value of the AKPFREQ is 4000 log records.

Increasing the AKPFREQ value has the following effects:
v Restart and XRF takeover times tend to increase.
v The amount of primary storage required for the system log increases.

Decreasing the AKPFREQ value has the following effects:

v Restart time may be reduced. This is particularly important in high-availability
systems such as those running with XRF=YES.
v The amount of primary storage required for the system log decreases.
v Task wait time and processor cycles tend to increase.
v Paging may increase.

Although the last two effects have an impact on system performance, the impact is
not overly significant.

Taking a keypoint imposes an overhead on the running system. Paging increases at

keypoint time because many control blocks are scanned.

Setting the frequency to zero means that emergency restart takes longer. If
AKPFREQ=0, CICS cannot perform log tail deletion until shutdown, by which time
the system log will have spilled to secondary storage. As CICS needs to read the
whole of the system log on an emergency restart, it needs to retrieve the spilled
system log from DASD offload data sets.


In an MRO environment, the session allocation algorithm selects the
lowest-numbered free session for use by the next task to run. Consequently, if a
large number of sessions has been defined (perhaps to cope with peak workload
requirements), the higher-numbered sessions are less likely to be used frequently
during quieter periods.

In an MRO environment, CICS implements the ’implicit forget’ process, an

optimization of the two-phase commit. This means that when the mirror
transaction at the remote end of an MRO connection completes any end-of-task
processing, all information relating to the task is deleted when any new flow on
that session arrives. This flow is usually the first flow for the next task or
transaction allocated to run on the session as a result of the MRO session allocation

Short term variations in the arrival rate of transactions means that some mirror
transactions waiting to process an implicit forget can persist for some time. This is
particularly the case where such mirror transactions have been allocated to
high-numbered sessions during a peak period, now passed, of transaction arrival

The keypoint program uses an appreciable amount of CPU capacity in processing

persisting units of work such as those relating to mirror transactions waiting to
process an implicit forget. This is exacerbated when the AKPFREQ value is low.

280 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

An optimum setting of AKPFREQ allows many of these persistent units of work to
complete during normal transaction processing activity. This minimizes the CPU
processing used by the keypoint program. You are therefore recommended to
exercise some caution in reducing the value of AKPFREQ below the default value.

If you set AKPFREQ too high and thus make your keypoint frequency too low, the
writing of the keypoints causes the system to slow down for only a short time. If
you set AKPFREQ too low and make your keypoint frequency too high, you may
get a short emergency restart time but you also incur increased processing, because
more activity keypoints are processed.

You are recommended to set AKPFREQ to the default value of 4000. The optimum
setting of AKPFREQ allows the whole of the system log to remain in the coupling

How implemented
Activity keypoint frequency is determined by the AKPFREQ system initialization
parameter. AKPFREQ can be altered with the CEMT SET SYSTEM[AKP(value)]
while CICS is running.

How monitored
A message, DFHRM0205, is written to the CSMT transient data destination each
time a keypoint is taken.

DASD-only logging
The primary storage used by a DASD-only log stream consists of:
v A data space owned by the MVS logger
v Staging data sets.

No data is written to coupling facility structures. In its use of staging data sets, a
DASD-only log stream is similar to a CF log stream defined with DUPLEX(YES)

When the staging data set reaches its HIGHOFFLOAD limit, data is either deleted
or offloaded until the LOWOFFLOAD limit is reached.

The following principles apply to DASD-only log streams as much as to CF log

v Size system logs so that system log data produced during the current activity
keypoint interval, plus data not deleted at the previous activity keypoint, is
retained in primary storage
v For the system log, avoid “staging data set full” conditions and offloading to
secondary storage.

The principle of sizing the staging data set for a DASD-only log stream is the same
as that for sizing a staging data set for a coupling facility log stream. If you are
migrating from CICS/ESA 4.1 or CICS/ESA 3.3, you are strongly recommended to
use the DFHLSCU program to size your staging data sets. For information about
DFHLSCU, see the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide.

Chapter 22. Logging and journaling 281

If for any reason you cannot use DFHLSCU (perhaps you are not migrating from
CICS/ESA 4.1 or CICS/ESA 3.3), use the following formula to calculate the size of
the staging data set for the system log. The formula calculates the value to be
specified on the STG_SIZE parameter of the logstream definition; that is, the size is
expressed as a number of 4K blocks:

DS size = (AKP duration) * No. of log writes per second for system log
(No. of 4K blocks) CICS TS 390 AKPFREQ
where: AKP duration = -----------------------------
No. of buffer puts per second

The values for the number of log writes per second and buffer puts per second can
be taken from your CICS/ESA 4.1 statistics. (The value for log writes per second
should not exceed 30.)

282 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage
This chapter discusses performance tuning issues related to virtual and real storage
in the following topics:
v “Tuning CICS virtual storage”
v “Splitting online systems: virtual storage” on page 284
v “Maximum task specification (MXT)” on page 287
v “Transaction class (MAXACTIVE)” on page 288
v “Transaction class purge threshold (PURGETHRESH)” on page 289
v “Task prioritization” on page 291
v “Using modules in the link pack area (LPA/ELPA)” on page 297
v “Map alignment” on page 298
v “Resident, nonresident, and transient programs” on page 299
v “Putting application programs above the 16MB line” on page 300
v “Transaction isolation and real storage requirements” on page 301
v “Limiting the expansion of subpool 229 using VTAM pacing” on page 302

Tuning CICS virtual storage

The CICS virtual storage tuning process consists of several steps that you should
take in the following order:
1. Understand the contents of the CICS address space. To determine what is good
or bad in your system, you must first fully understand the contents of the CICS
address space and what components of the system affect the size of each of the
areas. See “Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage” on page 615 for a
description of the CICS address space.
2. Measure the CICS address space using one of the following tools to determine
the approximate sizes of each of the areas:
v CICS formatted dump (loader domain and storage domain only) to look at
the CICS region
v CICS storage statistics
v The sample statistics program (DFH0STAT) to provide selected statistical
information for estimating the size of your DSAs.
3. Using the results of the above measurements, determine if each of the areas of
the CICS address space is within the expected sizes and select the areas that
seem to be the most out of line from your expectations. Concentrate on these
items; do not waste time on areas that represent only a small amount of storage
4. Evaluate the guidance given in this chapter to see whether it is applicable to
your installation.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 283

Splitting online systems: virtual storage
A method of increasing the virtual storage available to a CICS system is to split the
system into two or more separate address spaces. Splitting a system can also allow
you to use multiprocessor complexes to the best advantage because a system can
then operate on each processor concurrently. Splitting systems can also provide
higher availability; see “Splitting online systems: availability” on page 189. See
page 305 for information on using intercommunication facilities.

If data, programs, or terminals must be shared between the systems, CICS provides
intercommunication facilities for this sharing. Two types of intercommunication are
1. Intersystem communication (ISC). ISC is implemented through the VTAM LU6.1
or LU6.2. These give program-to-program communication with System
Network Architecture (SNA) protocols. ISC includes facilities for function
shipping, distributed transaction processing, and transaction routing.
2. Multiregion operation (MRO). MRO is implemented through MVS cross-memory
facilities. An alternative method is to use operating system supervisor calls
(SVCs). For communication across MVS images within a SYSPLEX, MRO/XCF
is implemented using the MVS cross-system coupling facility. It includes
function shipping, distributed transaction processing, and transaction routing.
The definition of too many MRO sessions can unduly increase the processor time
used to test their associated ECBs. Use the CICS-produced statistics (see “ISC/IRC
system and mode entries” on page 396) to determine the number of MRO sessions
defined and used. For more detailed information on ISC and MRO, see the CICS
Intercommunication Guide.

MRO also allows you to use multiprocessors more fully, and the multiple address
spaces can be dispatched concurrently. MRO is implemented primarily through
changes to CICS resource definitions and job control statements for the various
regions. To relieve constraints on virtual storage, it may be effective to split the
CICS address space in this manner.

Function shipping allows you to define data sets, transient data, temporary storage,
IMS databases, or interval control functions as being remote. This facility allows
applications to request data set services from a remote region (that is, the other
CICS address space where the data sets are physically defined). Heavy use of
VSAM and DL/I resources requires large amounts of virtual storage. If, for
example, 500 VSAM KSDS data sets are removed to a remote region from the
region where the application is being run, this can potentially save more than one

The DL/I call and EXEC interfaces are supported for function shipping. CICS
handles the access to remote resources and returns the requested items to a
program without the need for recoding the program. Use of DL/I through DBCTL
is usually a better alternative, and IMS data sharing might also be considered.

Distributed transaction processing allows direct communication between one

application program and another application program, on a “send/receive” basis,
much as a program communicates with a terminal. See the CICS Distributed
Transaction Programming Guide for information about DTP.

284 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Transaction routing allows a terminal owned by one CICS region to run a
transaction that resides in another region, as if that transaction resided in the
terminal-owning region.

Where useful
Most CICS systems can be split.

Splitting a CICS region requires increased real storage, increased processor cycles,
and extensive planning.

If you only want transaction routing with MRO, the processor overhead is
relatively small. The figure is release- and system-dependent (for example, it
depends on whether you are using cross-memory hardware), but for safety, assume
a total cost somewhere in the range of 15–30KB instructions per message-pair. This
is a small proportion of most transactions: commonly 10% or less.

The cost of MRO function shipping can be very much greater, because there are
normally many more inter-CICS flows per transaction. It depends greatly on the
disposition of resources across the separate CICS systems.

MRO can affect response time as well as processor time. There are delays in
getting requests from one CICS to the next. These arise because CICS terminal
control in either CICS system has to detect any request sent from the other, and
then has to process it; and also because, if you have a uniprocessor, MVS has to
arrange dispatching of two CICS systems and that must imply extra
WAIT/DISPATCH overheads and delays.

The system initialization parameter ICVTSD (see page 211) can influence the
frequency with which the terminal control program is dispatched. An ICVTSD
value in the range 300–1000 milliseconds is typical in non-MRO systems, and a
value in the range 150–300 is typical for MRO systems (and even lower if you are
using function-shipping). Another system initialization parameter is MROLRM,
which should be coded yes if you want to establish a long-running mirror task.
This saves re-establishing communications with the mirror transaction if the
application makes many function shipping requests in a unit of work.

You also have to ensure that you have enough MRO sessions defined between the
CICS systems to take your expected traffic load. They do not cost much in storage
and you certainly do not want to queue. Examine the ISC/IRC statistics to ensure
that no allocates have been queued, also ensure that all sessions are being used.

Other parameters, such as MXT, may need to be adjusted when CICS systems are
split. In an MRO system with function shipping, tasks of longer duration might
also require further adjustment of MXT together with other parameters (for
example, file string numbers, virtual storage allocation). Finally, if you plan to use
MRO, you may want to consider whether it would be advantageous to share CICS
code or application code using the MVS link pack area (LPA). Note that this is to
save real storage, not virtual storage, and other non-CICS address spaces. Use of
LPA for the eligible modules in CICS is controlled by the system initialization
parameter, LPA=YES; this tells CICS to search for the modules in the LPA. For
further information on the use of LPA, see “Using modules in the link pack area
(LPA/ELPA)” on page 297.

Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage 285

To tune CICS to get more virtual storage, you must first tune MVS and then CICS.
If, after you have tuned MVS common virtual storage, you still cannot execute
CICS in a single address space, you must then consider splitting the CICS
workload into multiple address spaces. Many installations find it convenient to
split their CICS workload into multiple independent address spaces, where their
workload is easily definable and no resource sharing is required. If it is easy to
isolate application subsystems and their associated terminals, programs, and data
sets, it is reasonable to split a single CICS address space into two or more
independent address spaces. They become autonomous regions with no

A system can be split by application function, by CICS function (such as a data set
owning or terminal owning CICS), or by a combination of the two functions.
Ideally, you should split the system completely, with no communication required
between the two parts. This can reduce overheads and planning. If this is not
possible, you must use one of the intercommunication facilities.

You can provide transaction routing between multiple copies of CICS. If additional
virtual storage is needed, it would be reasonable, for example, to split the AOR
into two or more additional CICS copies. When you have split the system either
partially or completely, you can reduce the amount of virtual storage needed for
each region by removing any unused resident programs. One consequence of this
is reduce the size of the relevant DSA.

Admittedly, MRO uses additional processor cycles and requires more real storage
for the new address spaces. Many installations have several megabytes of program
storage, however, so the potential virtual storage savings are significant.

You should also remember that only a local or remote PSB can be scheduled at one
time with function shipping, affecting the integrity of the combined databases.
Distributed transaction processing can allow for transactions in both systems to
concurrently schedule the PSBs.

MRO generally involves less overhead than ISC because the processing of the
telecommunications access method is avoided. VTAM logons and logoffs can
provide an alternative to transaction routing if the logons and logoffs are

How implemented
You must define resources in the CSD (CICS system definition) data set, such as
program files and terminal definitions. You must also create links to other systems,
together with the connection and session definitions that substantiate such links.

MRO across the MVS sysplex

The CICS interregion communication (IRC) facility that supports MRO is enhanced
to exploit the cross— system coupling facility (XCF) of MVS, to provide dynamic
add of connections, and to rationalize MRO security.

The main benefit of adding XCF/MRO to the CICS interregion communication

facility is to provide efficient and flexible CICS-to-CICS communications in an
MVS sysplex environment. By exploiting the MVS cross-system coupling facility,
CICS supports MRO links between MVS images, enabling you to use transaction

286 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

routing, function shipping, and distributed program link across MRO links in a
sysplex environment, replacing the need to use CICS ISC links through VTAM for
these functions. XCF/MRO consumes much less CPU resources than ISC. A
sysplex consists of multiple MVS systems, coupled together by hardware elements
and software services. In a sysplex, MVS provides a platform of basic multisystem
services that multisystem applications like CICS can exploit. As an installation’s
workload grows, additional MVS systems can be added to the sysplex to enable
the installation to meet the needs of the increased workload.

You can also use XCF/MRO for distributed transaction processing, provided the
LU6.1 protocol is adequate for your purpose.

Maximum task specification (MXT)

The MXT system initialization parameter limits the total number of concurrent user
tasks in the CICS system. It also affects the amount of storage allocated to the
kernel stack segment.

MXT primarily controls virtual storage usage, particularly to avoid
short-on-storage (SOS) conditions. It also controls contention for resources, the
length of queues (this can avoid excessive processor usage), and real storage usage.

MXT controls the number of user tasks that are eligible for dispatch. When MXT is
set (either at startup, when an EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM command is processed, or
when using a CEMT transaction) the kernel and dispatcher attempt to preallocate
sufficient control blocks to guarantee that MXT user tasks can be created
concurrently. The majority of the storage used in this preallocation is obtained from
the CDSA or ECDSA, although a small amount of MVS storage is required for each
task (approximately 256 bytes above the 16MB line, and 32 bytes below the 16MB
line for each user task). It is interrelated with the DSA size limits that you set

If you set MXT too low, throughput and response time can suffer when system
resources (processor, real storage, and virtual storage) are not constrained.

If you set MXT too high at startup, CICS forces a smaller maximum number of
tasks consistent with available storage.

If you set MXT too high while running, you get the error message: “CEILING

For more information about MRO considerations, and the secondary effects of the
region exit interval (ICV), see “Region exit interval (ICV)” on page 194.

Initially, set MXT to the number of user tasks you require concurrently in your
system by totaling the following:
v The number of concurrent long-running tasks
v Each terminal running conversational tasks

Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage 287

v An estimate of the number of concurrent tasks from terminals running
nonconversational tasks
v An estimate of the number of concurrent nonterminal tasks.

How implemented
The MXT system initialization parameter has a default value of 5, and a minimum
setting of 1. It can be altered with either CEMT or EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM
MAXTASKS commands while CICS is running.

How monitored
The CICS transaction manager statistics show the number of times the MXT ceiling
has been reached.

Transaction class (MAXACTIVE)

Transaction classes give you a mechanism to limit the number of CICS tasks within
your system. By spreading your tasks across a number of transaction classes and
controlling the maximum number of tasks that can be dispatched within each
transaction class, you can control resource contention between tasks and limit the
number of tasks that CICS considers eligible for dispatching at task attach.

Together with MXT, transaction classes control the transaction “mix”, that is, it
ensures that one type of transaction does not monopolize CICS.

When the number of tasks within a class is at the specified ceiling, no additional
tasks within that class are attached until one of them terminates.

Transaction classes can be used to force single-threading of a few tasks, either to

avoid ENQ interlocks or because of the excessive effect of several such tasks on the
rest of the system.

Transaction classes are unsuitable in normal use for conversational transactions,
because the (n+1) user may be locked out for a long time.

If TRANCLASS is specified with transaction CATD, the MAXACTIVE attribute of

the transaction class must have a value of at least two in the corresponding field to
prevent all the CATD transactions stacking up behind the one in the ECB wait
during an emergency restart. See the CICS Resource Definition Guide for more
details of TRANCLASS.

The MAXACTIVE attribute of the transaction class definition can be used to
control a specific set of tasks that may be heavy resource users, tasks of lesser
importance (for example, “Good morning” broadcast messages), and so on,
allowing processor time or storage for other tasks.

288 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

By selecting transaction classes and their MAXACTIVE values, you can control the
mix of transactions; that is, you can ensure that one type of transaction does not
monopolize CICS. In particular, you can restrict the number of “heavyweight”
tasks, the load on particular data sets or disk volumes, and the printer load on
lines. For example, you can use transaction classes to isolate “difficult” tasks, or
put all user tasks into separate classes. Suggested classes are simple enquiries,
complex enquiries or short browses, long browses, short updates, long updates.
Separate nonconversational tasks from conversational tasks. If you need to
single-thread non-reentrant code, use ENQ for preference.

Using transaction classes can be useful for particularly high-resource-consuming

tasks that do not exceed MAXACTIVE ceiling frequently, but should not be
implemented for normal tasks or for design reasons such as serializing a function
within a particular task. Application design should be reviewed as an alternative in
these cases.

How implemented
You specify the maximum number of tasks in each transaction class using the
MAXACTIVE attribute. You specify the value of the class associated with a
particular task using the CEDA transaction definition with the TRANCLASS
attribute. Most CICS Cxxx transaction identifiers are not eligible.

MAXACTIVE values can be changed using the CEMT SET

MAXACTIVE() commands.

How monitored
If you have divided your tasks into classes, you can use the CEMT INQUIRE
TCLASS command to provide an online report. The CICS transaction class statistics
show the number of times that the number of active transactions in the transaction
class reached the MAXACTIVE value (“Times MaxAct”).

CICS defines two Tclasses for its own use, DFHTCLSX and DFHTCLQ2. For
information about the effects these have, see “Using transaction classes DFHTCLSX
and DFHTCLQ2” on page 309.

Transaction class purge threshold (PURGETHRESH)

The PURGETHRESH attribute of the transaction class definition limits the number
of tasks which are newly created, but cannot be started because the MAXACTIVE
limit has been reached for the associated transaction class. These tasks are queued
by the transaction manager domain in priority order until they obtain class

They occupy small amounts of storage, but if the queue becomes very long CICS
can become short-on-storage and take a considerable time to recover. Systems
where a heavy transaction load is controlled by the TRANCLASS mechanism are
most prone to being overwhelmed by the queue.

The tasks on the queue are not counted by the MXT mechanism. MXT limits the
total number of tasks that have already been admitted to the system within
TRANCLASS constraints.

Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage 289

The length of the queue of tasks waiting to be started in a TRANCLASS is limited
by the PURGETHRESH attribute of that class. Any new transaction which would
cause the limit to be reached is abended with the abend code AKCC. Tasks that
were queued before the limit was reached are allowed to continue waiting until
they can be executed.

Where useful
The PURGETHRESH attribute should be specified only where the transaction load
in a TRANCLASS is heavy. This is the case in a system which uses a
terminal-owning region (TOR) and multiple application-owning regions (AORs)
and where the TRANCLASSes are associated with the AORs and are used to
control the numbers of transactions attempting to use the respective AORs. In this
configuration, an AOR can slow down or stall and the associated TRANCLASS fills
(up to the value defined by MAXACTIVE) with tasks that are unable to complete
their work in the AOR. New transactions are then queued and the queue can grow
to occupy all the available storage in the CICS DSA within a few minutes,
depending on the transaction volume.

The size of each entry in the queue is the size of a transaction (256 bytes) plus the
size of the TIOA holding any terminal input to the transaction. There can be any
number of queues, one for each TRANCLASS that is installed in the TOR.

You can estimate a reasonable size purge threshold for the queue by multiplying
the maximum length of time you are prepared for users to wait before a
transaction is started by the maximum arrival rate of transactions in the

Make sure that the queues cannot occupy excessive amounts of storage at their
maximum lengths.

The PURGETHRESH queuing limit should not be set so low that CICS abends
transactions unnecessarily, for example when an AOR slows down due to a
variation in the load on the CPU.

How implemented
The PURGETHRESH attribute of a TRANCLASS is used to set the limit of the
queue for that transaction class. The default action is not to limit the length of the

Note that the CEMT SET TRANCLASS(name) PURGETHRESH(p) command can

be used to change the purge threshold of a transaction class online.

How monitored
To monitor the lengths of the queues for each transaction class you should use
CICS transaction class statistics. Many statistics are kept for each transaction class.
Those that are particularly relevant here are:

290 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Number of transactions abended AKCC because the size of the queue reached
the PURGETHRESH limit.
The peak number of transactions in the queue.
The number of times the size of the queue reached the PURGETHRESH limit.

You can also tell how many tasks are queued and active in a transaction class at
any one time by using the CEMT INQUIRE TRANCLASS command.

You can monitor the number of AKCC abends in the CSMT log. These abends
indicate the periods when the queue limit was reached. You must correlate the
transaction codes in the abend messages with the transaction classes to determine
which limit was being reached. The tasks on the queue are not counted by the
MXT mechanism. MXT limits the total number of tasks that have already been
admitted to the system within TRANCLASS constraints.

Task prioritization
Prioritization is a method of giving specific tasks preference in being dispatched.

Priority is specified by terminal in:

A transaction in a CEDA TRANSACTION definition (PRIORITY)
| A user in the priority field of the user segment of the external security manager
| (ESM), (OPPRTY).

The overall priority is determined by summing the priorities in all three definitions
for any given task, with the maximum priority being 255.

The value of the PRTYAGE system initialization parameter also influences the
dispatching order; for example, PRTYAGE=1000 causes the task’s priority to
increase by 1 every 1000ms it spends on the ready queue.

With CICS, the dispatching priority of a task is reassessed each time it becomes
ready for dispatch, based on clock time as well as defined priority.

A task of priority n+1 that has just become ready for dispatch is usually dispatched
ahead of a task of priority n, but only if PRTYAGE milliseconds have not elapsed
since the latter last became ready for dispatch.

Thus, a low priority task may be overtaken by many higher priority tasks in a
busy system, but eventually arrives at the top of the ready queue for a single

The lower the value of PRTYAGE, the sooner this occurs.

Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage 291

Where useful
Prioritization is useful for browsing tasks, and tasks that use a lot of processor
time. Input/Output bound tasks can take the required amount of CPU, and move
on to the next read/write wait. CPU-intensive tasks take higher priority over the
less intensive tasks.

Prioritization can be implemented in all CICS systems. It is more important in a

high-activity system than in a low-activity system. With careful priority selection,
an improvement in overall throughput and response time may be possible.

Prioritization can minimize resource usage of certain resource-bound transactions.

Prioritization increases the response time for lower-priority tasks, and can distort
the regulating effects of MXT and the MAXACTIVE attribute of the transaction
class definition.

Priorities do not affect the order of servicing terminal input messages and,
therefore, the time they wait to be attached to the transaction manager.

Because prioritization is determined in three sets of definitions (terminal,

transaction, and operator), it can be a time-consuming process for you to track
many transactions within a system.

CICS prioritization is not interrupt-driven as is the case with operating system

prioritization, but simply determines the position on a ready queue. This means
that, after a task is given control of the processor, the task does not relinquish that
control until it issues a CICS command that calls the CICS dispatcher. After the
dispatch of a processor-bound task, CICS can be tied up for long periods if CICS
requests are infrequent. For that reason, prioritization should be implemented only
if MXT and the MAXACTIVE attribute of the transaction class definition
adjustments have proved to be insufficient.

Use prioritization sparingly, if at all, and only after you have already adjusted task
levels using MXT and the MAXACTIVE attribute of the transaction class definition.

It is probably best to set all tasks to the same priority, and then prioritize some
transactions either higher or lower on an exception basis, and according to the
specific constraints within a system.

Do not prioritize against slow tasks unless you can accept the longer task life and
greater dispatch overhead; these tasks are slow, in any case, and give up control
each time they have to wait for I/O.

Use small priority values and differences. Concentrate on transaction priority. Give
priority to control operator tasks rather than the person, or at least to the control
operator’s signon ID rather than to a specific physical terminal (the control
operator may move around).

292 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Consider for high priority a task that uses large resources. However, the effects of
this on the overall system need careful monitoring to ensure that loading a large
transaction of this type does not lock out other transactions.

Also consider for high priority those transactions that cause enqueues to system
resources, thus locking out other transactions. As a result, these can process
quickly and then release resources. Examples of these are:
v Using intrapartition transient data with logical recovery
v Updating frequently used records
v Automatic logging
v Tasks needing fast application response time, for example, data entry.

Lower priority should be considered for tasks that:

v Have long browsing activity
v Are process-intensive with minimal I/O activity
v Do not require terminal interaction, for example:
– Auto-initiate tasks (except when you use transient data intrapartition queues
that have a destination of terminal defined and a trigger level that is greater
than zero).
– Batch update controlling tasks.

PRTYAGE should usually be left to its default value, unless certain transactions get
stuck behind higher priority transactions during very busy periods.

How implemented
You specify the priority of a transaction in the CEDA TRANSACTION definition
with the PRIORITY attribute. You specify the priority for a terminal in the CEDA
terminal definition with the TERMPRIORITY attribute. You specify the priority for
an operator with the OPPRTY operand in the user segment of the external security
manager (ESM).

PRTYAGE is a system initialization parameter.

How monitored
There is no direct measurement of transaction priority. Indirect measurement can
be made from:
v Task priorities
v Observed transaction responses
v Overall processor, storage, and data set I/O usage.

Simplifying the definition of CICS dynamic storage areas

CICS allocates dynamic storage areas automatically. This removes the need to
specify the size of each individual dynamic storage area. You need specify only the
overall limits within which CICS can allocate storage for these areas.

CICS uses eight separate dynamic storage areas:


Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage 293


To facilitate continuous operations, and to simplify CICS system management, the

individual DSA sizes are determined by CICS, and can be varied dynamically by
CICS as the need arises. You simply specify how much storage that CICS is to use
for the DSAs in two amounts—one for the four DSAs above the 16MB boundary,
and the other for the four DSAs below. Automatic sizing within the specified limits
removes the need for restarts to change DSA sizes. You can also vary the overall
limits dynamically, using either the CEMT master terminal command, or an EXEC
CICS SET command. See “The dynamic storage areas” on page 625 for more
information about considerations regarding the size you should set for the
DSALIM and EDSALIM parameters.

Extended dynamic storage areas

Conceptually, you should view the system initialization parameter, EDSALIM, as
limiting the size of one large storage pool where each of the DSAs above the line
(ECDSA, ESDSA, EUDSA, ERDSA) acquire space. The unit of allocation is 1MB
extents. An allocated extent can be used by only the owning EDSA (EDSAs cannot
share a given extent). If there is not enough space within the allocated extents to
satisfy a request, additional extents are acquired as necessary unless the EDSA
limit has been reached.

In situations where one of the EDSAs attempts to acquire an additional extent and
there are no free extents, empty extents belonging to other EDSAs are used.
Program compression may be triggered when EDSALIM is approached and there
are few free or empty extents available. The EUDSA no longer contains programs,
and so program compression does not occur in it. The other EDSAs are evaluated
individually to determine if program compression is required.

Estimating EDSALIM
Specify EDSALIM so that there is sufficient space to accommodate all the EDSAs.
v The EDSAs (ECDSA, ESDSA, EUDSA and ERDSA) are managed by CICS as part
of EDSALIM. Because the EDSAs are managed in 1 megabyte increments
(extents), it is important to allow for fragmentation and partially used extents by
rounding up the value of EDSALIM accordingly. Because there are 4 extended
DSAs, consider rounding up each EDSA’s requirement to a megabyte boundary.
v If TRANISO=NO, you must allow 64K per concurrent active task for the
EUDSA. The safest estimate is to assume MXT as the number of concurrent
active tasks. If your applications use more than 64K per task, you must adjust
the formulas accordingly (use multiples of 64K increments if adjusting the
v If TRANISO=YES, you must allow 1 megabyte per concurrent active task for the
EUDSA. Again, the safest estimate would be to assume MXT as the number of
concurrent active tasks. If your applications use more than 1 meg per task, you
must adjust the formulas accordingly (use multiples of 1 meg increments if
adjusting the formula).

294 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Two methods of estimating EDSALIM are shown below. Information can be
obtained by looking at your current storage manager statistics (see the DSA limit in
the storage manager statistics, dynamic storage areas and in the task subpools).

Kernel stack storage is allocated out of EDSA, and for more information about
kernel storage see “CICS kernel storage” on page 639.

Note: In each of the components of the calculations that follow remember to round
their values up to a megabyte boundary.
1. If you would like to specify a generous EDSA limit:
2. If your current installation EDSALIM and MXT values are set to values larger
than necessary:
Peak ECDSA Used + Peak ERDSA Used + (Peak EUDSA Used) -
(EUDSA Peak Page Storage in Task Subpools) + (64K * (Peak number of
Peak ECDSA Used + Peak ERDSA Used + (Peak EUDSA Used) -
(EUDSA Peak Page Storage in Task Subpools) + (1M * (Peak number of

The minimum EDSALIM is 10MB and the default value is 20MB. The maximum
EDSALIM size is (2 gigabytes - 1 megabyte).

These are guidelines for specifying initial values for the EDSA limit. The EDSALIM
can be dynamically adjusted using the CEMT command without having to stop
and restart your CICS system. The safest approach is to:
v Slightly over-specify EDSALIM initially.
v Monitor each EDSA’s usage while your system is running near peak loads.
v Tune your EDSALIM size using CEMT SET SYSTEM commands.

If you under-specify EDSALIM, your system can go short on storage and it you
may not be able to issue CEMT commands to increase the limit. If this happens
you can use CPSM to increase the EDSA limit.

Dynamic storage areas(below the line)

If your installation is constrained for virtual storage below the line, the simplest
approach is to set DSALIMI equivalent to the sum of the CDSA and UDSA. You
will have to consider adjusting these figures so that they use the 256KB limit, see
“DSA details” on page 296.

You may find that there is slightly more storage available below the line for DSA
storage. CICS pre-allocates approximately 3KB or less of kernel stack storage below
the line per task. The majority of kernel stack storage is allocated out of CICS
DSAs instead of MVS storage.

Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage 295

DSA details
The DSAs below the line are managed in a similar manner to the EDSAs. The
differences in DSA and EDSA management are:
v The extent size for the CDSA, RDSA, and SDSA is in 256KB increments rather
than the 1MB size used for the EDSAs.
v If transaction isolation is active, the extent size for the UDSA is 1MB and each
UDSA extent must be aligned on a megabyte boundary. If translation isolation is
not active, the allocation is in 256KB extents. It is important to keep this in mind
because you must allow for some fragmentation between the 256KB extents of
the CDSA, RDSA and SDSA compared with the 1 megabyte extents of the
v Task storage is 4KB per active task in the UDSA compared with the 1 megabyte
or 64KB size for the EUDSA.
v If your applications use more than 4KB per task, you must adjust the formula
accordingly (use multiples of 4KB increments if adjusting the formula).
v If your system uses the SDSA and the RDSA, you must allow for these DSAs to
be allocated in 256KB increments.

Estimating DSALIM
If you have sufficient virtual storage to adjust your DSA limit to a value greater
than the sum of your current CDSA + UDSA, the following formulas may be used

Note: In each of the components of the calculations that follow remember to round
their values up to a 256KB boundary.
1. If you can afford to specify a generous DSA limit:
CDSA + UDSA + 256K (if both RDSA and SDSA used)
2. If your current installation DSALIM and MXT values are set to values larger
than necessary:
Peak CDSA Used + Peak UDSA Used + 256K (if both RDSA and SDSA used)

The minimum DSALIM is 2MB and the default value is 5MB. (The maximum
DSALIM size is 16MB).

As discussed in the EDSALIM section, it is safer to slightly over-specify DSALIM

than to under-specify it. DSALIM can be tuned to a smaller value after you have
obtained data from your running system.

Dynamically altering DSALIM value

Accurate sizing of DSALIM and EDSALIM parameters is no longer critical. It is not
necessary to recycle your CICS system to make a change to the DSA sizes. CEMT
which groups all the storage-related parameters together, can be used to make a
change. Care should always be taken, however, when increasing DSALIM or
EDSALIM, as other subsystem problems may occur. For example, an MVS getmain
could fail. It is necessary to understand the storage requirement outside the DSAs.

A reduction of DSALIM or EDSALIM cannot take place if there are no DSA extents
free to MVS FREEMAIN. The storage manager will MVS FREEMAIN extent as
they become available until the new DSALIM or EDSALIM value is reached. A
short-on-storage condition may occur when reducing DSALIM or EDSALIM. A

296 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

new parameter, SOSSTATUS, has been added to CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM, EXEC
CICS INQUIRE SYSTEM, and CEMT INQUIRE DSAS, to give you some indication
of short-on-storage conditions.

Using modules in the link pack area (LPA/ELPA)

Some CICS management and user modules can be moved into the link pack area
(LPA) or the extended link pack area (ELPA). For systems running multiple copies
of CICS, this can allow those multiple copies to share the same set of CICS
management code.

The benefits of placing code in the LPA or ELPA are:
v The code is protected from possible corruption by user applications. Because the
LPA or ELPA is in protected storage, it is virtually impossible to modify the
contents of these programs.
v Performance can be improved and the demand for real storage reduced if you
use the LPA or ELPA for program modules. If more than one copy of the same
release of CICS is running in multiple address spaces of the same processor, each
address space requires access to the CICS nucleus modules. These modules may
either be loaded into each of the address spaces or shared in the LPA or ELPA. If
they are shared in the LPA or ELPA, this can reduce the working set and
therefore, the demand for real storage (paging).
v You can decrease the storage requirement in the private area by judicious
allocation of the unused storage in the LPA or ELPA created by rounding to the
next segment.

Putting modules in the LPA or ELPA requires an IPL of the operating system.
Maintenance requirements should also be considered. If test and production
systems are sharing LPA or ELPA modules, it may be desirable to run the test
system without the LPA or ELPA modules when new maintenance is being tested.

The disadvantage of placing too many modules in the LPA (but not the ELPA) is
that it may become excessively large. Because the boundary between the CSA and
the private area is on a segment boundary, this means that the boundary may
move down one megabyte. The size of the ELPA is not usually a problem.

Use the SMP/E USERMOD called LPAUMOD to select those modules that you
want to use for the LPA. This indicates the modules that are eligible for LPA or
ELPA. You can use this USERMOD to move the modules into your LPA library.

The objective is to use the LPA wisely to derive the maximum benefit from placing
modules in the LPA.

All users with multiple CICS address spaces should put all eligible modules in the

Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage 297

How implemented
LPA=YES must be specified in the system initialization table (SIT). Specifying
LPA=NO allows you to test a system with new versions of CICS programs (for
example, a new release) before moving the code to the production system. The
production system can then continue to use modules from the LPA while you are
testing the new versions.

An additional control, the PRVMOD system initialization parameter, enables you to

exclude particular modules explicitly from use in the LPA.

For information on installing modules in the LPA, see the CICS Transaction Server
for OS/390 Installation Guide.

Map alignment
CICS maps that are used by basic mapping support (BMS) can be defined as
aligned or unaligned. In aligned maps, the length field associated with a BMS data
field in the BMS DSECT is always aligned on a halfword boundary. In unaligned
maps, the length field follows on immediately from the preceding data field in the
map DSECT.

A combination of aligned and unaligned maps can be used.

In unaligned maps, there is no guarantee that the length fields in the BMS DSECT
are halfword-aligned. Some COBOL and PL/I compilers, in this case, generate
extra code in the program, copying the contents of any such length field to, or
from, a halfword-aligned work area when its contents are referenced or changed.

Specifying map alignment removes this overhead in the application program but
increases the size of the BMS DSECT, at worst by one padding byte per map data
field, and marginally increases the internal pathlength of BMS in processing the
map. The best approach, therefore, is to use unaligned maps, except where the
compiler being used would generate inefficient application program code.

In COBOL, an unaligned map generates an unsynchronized structure. In PL/I, an

unaligned map generates a map DSECT definition as an unaligned structure.
Correspondingly, aligned maps produce synchronized structures in COBOL and
aligned structures in PL/I.

Some of the VS COBOL compilers have an option that does not generate the extra
copy statements associated with an unsynchronized structure, but other COBOL
compilers do. If this option is available, it should be specified because you do not
then need aligned maps.

In CICS, BMS maps are always generated in groups (“map sets”). An entire map
set must be defined as aligned or unaligned. Also, maps may be used by
application programs written in a variety of languages. In these cases, it is

298 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

important to choose the option that best suits the combination of programs and, if
there is any requirement for both aligned and unaligned maps, the ALIGNED
option should be taken.

Conversion of maps from aligned to unaligned or conversely should be avoided if

possible, because changing the map DSECT also requires reassembly or
recompilation of all application programs that reference it.

How implemented
Map alignment is defined when maps are assembled. Aligned maps use the
SYSPARM(A) option. The BMS=ALIGN/UNALIGN system initialization parameter
defines which type of map is being used.

The map and map set alignment option can also be specified when maps and map
sets are defined using the screen definition facility (SDF II) licensed program
product. For more information, see the Screen Definition Facility II Primer for
CICS/BMS Programs.

How monitored
The importance of map alignment may be found by inspecting programs that
handle screens with a large number of fields. Try recompiling the program when
the BMS DSECT is generated first without, and then with, the map alignment
option. If the program size, as indicated in the linkage edit map, drops
significantly in the second case, it is reasonable to assume there is high overhead
for the unaligned maps, and aligned maps should be used if possible.

Resident, nonresident, and transient programs

Programs, map sets, and partition sets can be defined as RESIDENT(NO|YES) and
USAGE(NORMAL|TRANSIENT). Programs can be defined as RELOAD(NO|YES).

Any program defined in the CSD is loaded into the CDSA, RDSA, SDSA, ECDSA,
ERDSA, or ESDSA on first usage. RELOAD(YES) programs cannot be shared or
reused. A program with RELOAD(YES) defined is only removed following an
explicit EXEC CICS FREEMAIN. USAGE(TRANSIENT) programs can be shared,
but are deleted when the use count falls to zero. RESIDENT(NO) programs become
eligible for deletion when the use count falls to zero. The CICS loader domain
progressively deletes these programs as DSA storage becomes shorter, on a
least-recently-used basis.

RESIDENT(YES) programs are not normally deleted. If NEWCOPY is executed for

any program, a new copy is loaded and used on the next reference and the old
copy becomes eligible for deletion when its use count falls to zero.

On a CICS warm start, an initial free area for the various resident program
subpools is allocated. The size of this area is based on the total lengths of all
currently loaded resident programs as recorded during the preceding CICS
shutdown. When a resident program is loaded, CICS attempts to fit it into the
initial free area. If it does not fit, it is loaded outside the initial free area, and the
space inside the initial free area remains unallocated until other (smaller) resident

Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage 299

programs are loaded into it. This could occur if a resident program has increased
its size since it was last loaded (before the last CICS shutdown). If the program in
question is very large, storage problems could occur because of the large amount
of unused storage in the initial free area allocated for resident programs.

Because programs that are not in use are deleted on a least-recently-used (LRU)
basis, they should be defined as RESIDENT(NO) unless there are particular reasons
to favor particular programs by keeping them permanently resident. Variations in
program usage over time are automatically taken account of by the LRU algorithm.

Thus, a much-used nonresident program is likely to remain resident anyway,

whereas – during periods of light usage – a resident program could be wasting the
virtual storage it permanently occupies.

For programs written to run above the 16MB line, you should be able to specify
EDSALIM large enough such that virtual storage is not a constraint.

If a program is very large or frequently updated such that its size increases,
consider defining it as non-resident and issuing a LOAD with the HOLD option as
part of PLTPI processing. The program will not be released during program
compression, but also ensures that there will not be a significant amount of initial
free storage reserved for resident programs which may go unused because the new
(larger) program will not fit into it.

The reasons for defining a program as RESIDENT might be:

v Possible avoidance of storage fragmentation, because all such programs are in a
single block of storage (but not new copies of programs).
v Programs are needed to deal with potential crises (for example, CEMT).
v Heavy contention on the DFHRPL program libraries. However, this should
usually be dealt with by data set placement or other DASD tuning, or use of
MVS library lookaside to maintain program copies in an MVS dataspace. See
“Use of LLA (MVS library lookaside)” on page 197.

How monitored
The tuning objective is to optimize throughput at an acceptable response time by
minimizing virtual storage constraint. There are specific loader domain statistics
for each program.

Putting application programs above the 16MB line

CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 keeps RMODE(ANY) application
programs in the EDSA, which is in MVS extended virtual storage above the 16MB
line. Work areas associated with the programs may also reside above the 16MB

It is possible to LINK or XCTL between 31-bit mode programs and 24-bit mode
programs. You can convert programs to 31-bit mode programs and move them

300 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

above the 16MB line to the extended private area. Moving programs above the
16MB line frees that amount of virtual storage below the 16MB line for other use.

See the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide for information on using programs from
the LPA or extended link pack area (ELPA).

Using the ELPA is usually better than using the extended private area when
multiple address spaces are employed, because the program is already loaded
when CICS needs it, and real-storage usage is minimized.

When running a CICS system with transaction isolation enabled, performance

benefits can be gained by moving transactions and application programs above the
line. Program work areas are then obtained from the EUDSA with a 1MB pagesize
rather than the UDSA which has a 4KB pagesize.

Where useful
This facility is useful where there is demand for virtual storage up to the 16MB
line and there is sufficient real storage.

Because the purpose of using virtual storage above the 16MB line is to make the
space below this available for other purposes, there is an overall increase in the
demand for real storage when programs are moved above the 16MB line.

There is a restriction on the use of COMMAREAs being passed between programs

running in 31-bit addressing mode and programs running in 24-bit addressing
mode. COMMAREAs passed from a 31-bit program to a 24-bit program must be
capable of being processed by the 24-bit program, therefore they must not contain
31-bit addresses: addresses of areas that are themselves above the 16MB line.

How implemented
Programs that are to reside above the 16MB line must be link-edited with the
AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY) options on the MODE statement of the link-edit. See
the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide for further information.

Transaction isolation and real storage requirements

When using transaction isolation there is a cost in terms of real storage. Paging
problems can result if insufficient real storage is allocated, which then affects
performance. The cost is very much based on the number of subspaces in use in
the system, and the size of EDSALIM.

Since the pagesize of the EUDSA is one MB, EDSALIM is likely to be very large
for a CICS system which has transaction isolation active. Since this virtual storage
needs to be mapped with page and segment tables using real storage, an increase
in the real storage usage can occur. In addition to the real storage used to map the
virtual storage for the EDSALIM, subspaces also require real storage. For example:
v Each subspace requires 2.5 pages.
v Assuming each transaction in the system requires a unique subspace,
(transaction definition TASKDATAKEY(USER) and ISOLATE(YES)), real storage
required is MXT * 2.5 pages.

Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage 301

v If each transaction in the system requires a page of storage in the EUDSA (1MB
page), a page table is required to map the storage. Real storage is MXT * 1 page.
v A further three pages are required to give a total of Real storage = MXT * (1 +
2.5 pages) + 3 pages.
v All of this real storage is allocated from the ELSQA.

The figures for the real storage usage is in addition to that required for a CICS
system that does not have transaction isolation active.

Note: Where a page means a 4KB page of real storage.

Limiting the expansion of subpool 229 using VTAM pacing

Subpool 229 may be expanded if batch type terminals send data faster than a CICS
transaction can process that data. The use of secondary to primary pacing,
sometimes called inbound pacing, limits the amount of data queued in subpool 229
for any given batch terminal.

PACING controls the flow of traffic from the network control program (NCP) to
the terminal and does not affect the processor activity as such. VPACING on the
other hand controls the flow of traffic between the host and the NCP.

The VPACING parameter of the CICS APPL statement determines how many
messages can be sent in a session to the VTAM application program by another
VTAM logical unit without requiring that an acknowledgment (called a “pacing
response”) be returned. The host sends data path information units (PIUs)
according to the definition of VPACING. The first PIU in a group carries a pacing
indicator in the RH. When this PIU is processed by the NCP, the NCP sends a
response to the host with the same pacing indicator set to request a new pacing
group. This means that, for every x PIUs to a terminal and every y PIUs to a
printer, the pacing response traffic must flow from the NCP to the host which,
based on the volume of traffic, could cause a significant increase in host activity.

Normally, VPACING is implemented when a shortage of NCP buffers requires

controlling the volume of flow between the host and the NCP. You may be able to
lessen the effect on the processor by increasing the VPACING value to what the
NCP can actually tolerate.

The PACING parameter is required for most printers, to match the buffer capacity
with the speed of printing the received data. Terminals do not normally require
pacing unless there is a requirement to limit huge amounts of data to one LU, as is
the case with some graphics applications. Use of pacing to terminals causes
response time degradation. The combination of PACING and VPACING causes
both response time degradation and increased processor activity, and increased
network traffic.

PACING and VPACING should be specified for all terminals to prevent a
“runaway” transaction from flooding the VTAM network with messages and
requiring large amounts of buffer storage. If a transaction loops while issuing
SENDs to a terminal, IOBUF (CSA storage) and NCP buffers may fill up causing
slowdowns and CSA shortage conditions.

302 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

PACING and VPACING should always be specified high enough so that normal
data traffic may flow without being regulated, but excessive amounts of data are
prevented from entering the network and impairing normal data flow.

How implemented
For secondary to primary pacing, you must code:
v SSNDPAC=nonzero value in the LOGMODE entry pointed to by the secondary
application program
v VPACING=nonzero value on the APPL definition for the secondary application.

The value used is coded on the VPACING parameter. If either of these values are
zero, no pacing occurs.

Specify VPACING on the APPL statement defining the CICS region, and any
nonzero value for the SSNDPAC parameter on the LU statement defining the batch
device. You should ensure that the device supports this form of pacing by referring
to the component description manual for that device.

For further information on the selection criteria for values for the PACING and
VPACING parameters, see the ACF/VTAM Version 2 Planning and Installation
Reference manual.

Chapter 23. Virtual and real storage 303

304 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Chapter 24. MRO and ISC
This chapter discusses performance tuning issues related to multiregion operation,
and ISC.
v “CICS intercommunication facilities”
v “Intersystems session queue management” on page 307
v “Using transaction classes DFHTCLSX and DFHTCLQ2” on page 309
v “Terminal input/output area (SESSIONS IOAREALEN) for MRO sessions” on
page 310
v “Batching requests (MROBTCH)” on page 311
v “Extending the life of mirror transactions (MROLRM)” on page 312
v “Deletion of shipped terminal definitions (DSHIPINT and DSHIPIDL)” on
page 312

CICS intercommunication facilities

CICS intercommunication facilities allow different CICS systems to communicate
and share resources with each other. These facilities consist of the following
v Function shipping
v Distributed transaction processing
v Asynchronous processing
v Transaction routing.
v Distributed program link.

For details of the CICS intercommunication facilities, see the CICS

Intercommunication Guide. See also “Splitting online systems: virtual storage” on
page 284, and “Splitting online systems: availability” on page 189.

If there are a number of intercommunication requests for each transaction, function

shipping generally incurs the most overhead. The number of requests per
transaction that constitutes the break-even point depends on the nature of the

Both distributed transaction processing (DTP) and asynchronous processing are, in

many cases, the most efficient method of intercommunication because a variety of
requests can be batched in one exchange. DTP, however, requires an application
program specifically designed to use this facility. For information about designing
and developing DTP, see the CICS Distributed Transaction Programming Guide.

Transaction routing, in most cases, involves one input and one output between
systems, and the overhead is minimal.

Multiregion operation (MRO), in general, causes less processor overhead than

intersystem communication (ISC) because the SVC pathlength is shorter than that
through the multisystem networking facilities of VTAM. This is particularly true
with CICS MRO, which provides a long-running mirror transaction and fastpath
transformer program.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 305

Some SVC-processing overhead can be eliminated from MRO in CICS with the use
of MVS cross-memory services. Cross-memory services use the MVS common
system area (CSA) storage for control blocks, not for data transfer. This can also be
of benefit. Note, however, that MVS requires that an address space using
cross-memory services be nonswappable.

For situations where ISC is used across MVS images, consider using XCF/MRO.
XCF/MRO consumes less processor overhead than ISC.

Your sysplex configuration may offer you a choice of XCF connectivity for
XCF/MRO interregion communication. You should check whether your sysplex
allows a choice of channel-to-channel connectivity, or whether you can use
coupling facility channel links only. If you have a choice, channel-to-channel links
generally offer better performance for XCF/MRO operations

ISC mirror transactions can be prioritized. The CSMI transaction is for data set
requests, CSM1 is for communication with IMS/ESA systems, CSM2 is for interval
control, CSM3 is for transient data and temporary storage, and CSM5 is for
IMS/ESA DB requests. If one of these functions is particularly important, it can be
prioritized above the rest. This prioritization is not effective with MRO because
any attached mirror transaction services any MRO request while it is attached.

If ISC facilities tend to flood a system, this can be controlled with the VTAM
VPACING facility. Specifying multiple sessions (VTAM parallel sessions) increases
throughput by allowing multiple paths between the systems.

CICS also allows you to specify a VTAM class of service (COS) table with LU6.2
sessions, which can prioritize ISC traffic in a network. Compare the performance of
CICS function shipping with that of IMS/ESA data sharing.

v Use of intercommunication entails trade-offs as described in “Splitting online
systems: virtual storage” on page 284 and “Splitting online systems: availability”
on page 189.
v Increased numbers of sessions can minimally increase real and virtual storage
but reduce task life. The probable overall effect is to save storage.
v MVS cross-memory services reduce CSA and cycle requirements.
v MRO high performance facilities reduce processing requirements.
v IMS/ESA data sharing usually reduces processor requirements.
v Accessing DL/I databases via the IMS DBCTL facility reduces processor
requirements relative to function shipping.
v For MRO considerations, read about the secondary effects of the region exit
interval (ICV) on page “Region exit interval (ICV)” on page 194.

How implemented
See the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Installation Guide for information about
resetting the system for MRO or ISC. See also “Splitting online systems: virtual
storage” on page 284.

306 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

How monitored
CICS ICS/IRC statistics (see page 396) show the frequency of use of
intercommunication sessions and mirror transactions. The VTAM trace, an SVC
trace, and RMF give additional information.

Intersystems session queue management

When intersystems links are added to the system there is the possibility that they
cannot respond adequately to transaction requests because the remote system is
performing badly. The poor performance can be due either to a long-term
condition such as lack of resource or overloading, or a temporary situation such as
a dump being taken. In any case there is the danger that the problem can cause a
long queue to form in the requesting system.

Mechanisms are provided in CICS for:

v Protection of the requesting system from using too many resources whilst
transactions queue for the use of the intersystems sessions.
v Detection of problems in remote systems. CICS can issue messages to indicate a
problem on an intersystems connection and the parameters control the criteria
that are used to determine when a problem exists, or has gone away.

The two mechanisms are:

1. The QUEUELIMIT and MAXQTIME parameters on the connection resource
The QUEUELIMIT parameter limits the number of transactions which can be
queued in allocate processing waiting for a session to become free. Any
transactions which try to join a queue already at its limit are rejected.
The MAXQTIME parameter is a control on the wait time of queued allocate
requests that are waiting for free sessions on a connection that appears to be
unresponsive. If the rate of processing of the queue indicates that a new
allocate will take longer than the specified time to reach the head of the queue,
the whole queue is purged.
2. The XZIQUE user exit, which is given control when an allocate request is about
to be queued, or the first time it succeeds after a suspected problem. The
XZIQUE exit can control the queue in the same way as the CEDA parameters,
or you can use it to add more sophisticated controls of your own.

Both mechanisms produce the same effect on the application program which
issued the allocate; a SYSIDERR condition is returned. Return codes are also
provided to the dynamic routing program to indicate the state of the queue of
allocate requests.

The CICS Resource Definition Guide contains more description of the CEDA
commands; and the CICS Customization Guide gives programming information
about the XZIQUE exit and its relationship with the rest of CICS, including
application programs and the dynamic routing program.

Relevant statistics
For each connection CICS records the following:

Chapter 24. MRO and ISC 307

v The number of allocates queued for the connection, and the peak value of this
number. (Peak outstanding allocates in the Connection statistics.)
You can use this statistic to see how much queuing normally takes place on
connections in your system. If there is occasionally a large queue you should
consider controlling it. “Are enough sessions defined?” on page 59 has more
advice on setting the right number of sessions for your connections.

For each of the queue control mechanisms CICS records the following statistics for
each connection:
v The number of allocates which were rejected due to the queue becoming too
v The number of times the queue was purged because the throughput was too
v The number of allocates purged due to slow throughput.
“ISC/IRC system and mode entry statistics” on page 57 also contains an
explanation of these, and other connection statistics.

Ways of approaching the problem and recommendations

The queue limit mechanism should be used to control the number of tasks waiting
for the use of an intersystems link. You should use the control to ensure that even
at its maximum length the queue does not use too many, and certainly not all, of
the MXT slots in the system. You can also use the MAXACTIVE setting of a
TRANCLASS definition to do this if you can segregate your transactions into
classes that correspond to the remote regions they require.

You should allow sufficient intersystems sessions to enable their free availability
during normal running. Session definitions do not occupy excessive storage, and
the occupancy of transaction storage probably outweighs the extra storage for the
session. The number of sessions should correspond to the peak number of
transactions in the system which are likely to use the connection—you can see the
maximum number of sessions being used from the terminal statistics for the
connection. If all sessions were used, the connections statistics show the number of
times allocates were queued compared with the total number of requests.

Even in a system that has no problems, there are significant variations in the
numbers of transactions that are active at any time, and the actual peak number
may be larger than the average over a few minutes at the peak time for your
system. You should use the average rather than the actual peak; the queueing
mechanism is intended to cope with short-term variations, and the existence of a
queue for a short time is not a cause for concern.

The start of a queue is used by the queue limiting mechanism as a signal to start
monitoring the response rate of the connection. If queues never form until there is
a big problem, the detection mechanism is insensitive. If there are always queues
in the system, it will be prone to false diagnosis.

You should set the queue limit to a number that is roughly the same size as the
number of sessions—within the limits imposed by MXT if there are many
connections whose cumulative queue capacity would reach MXT. In this latter case,
you might need to design your own method—using ZXIQUE—of controlling
queue lengths so that the allocation of queue slots to connections is more dynamic.

308 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

You should set the MAXQTIME parameter with regard to the time you think the
users of the system should be prepared to wait for a response in the case of a
potential problem, but bear in mind that you should not set it to be short in
combination with a queue limit that is low, because this leads to a very sensitive
detection criterion.

Monitoring the settings

The number of allocates rejected by the queue control mechanism should be
monitored. If there are too many, it may indicate a lack of resources to satisfy the
demands on the system—or poor tuning.

The number of times the queue is purged should indicate the number of times a
serious problem occurred on the remote system. If the purges do not happen when
the remote system fails to respond, examine the setting of the MAXQTIME
parameter—it may be too high, and insensitive. If the indication of a problem is
too frequent and causes false alarms simply due to variations in response time of
the remote system, the parameter may be too low, or the QUEUELIMIT value too

Using transaction classes DFHTCLSX and DFHTCLQ2

DFHTCLSX and DFHTCLQ2 in RDO group DFHISCT allow you to control the
amount of storage used by CICS to execute the CLS1/2 and CLQ2 transactions

These tasks execute the activities needed to acquire an APPC conversation
(CLS1/2), and to resynchronize units of work for MRO and APPC connections
(CLQ2). Usually there are not many tasks, and they need no control. However, if
your CICS system has many connection definitions, these may be acquired
simultaneously as a result of initializing the system at startup, or as a result of a

How implemented
The system definitions are optional. Install resource group DFHISCT to activate
them. As supplied, the MAXACTIVE parameter in the DFHTCLSX and
DFHTCLQ2 is 25. This should give sufficient control to prevent the system
reaching a short-on-storage situation. (Tasks CLS1 and CLS2 each require 12K of
dynamic storage, and CLQ2 tasks require up to 17K). The purge threshold should
not be set to a non-zero number, and the maxactive should not be set to 0. They
both prevent CICS executing tasks necessary to intersystems functions.

It is not advisable to set the MAXACTIVE value too low because network delays
or errors may cause one of the tasks in the TCLASS to wait and block the use of
the TCLASS by succeeding transactions. Setting a low value can also extend
shutdown time in a system with a large number of connections.

Chapter 24. MRO and ISC 309

Terminal input/output area (SESSIONS IOAREALEN) for MRO sessions
For MRO function shipping, the SESSIONS definition attribute, IOAREALEN, is
used. This attribute regulates the length of the terminal input/output area (TIOA)
to be used for processing messages transmitted on the MRO link. These TIOAs are
located above the 16MB line.

The IOAREALEN value controls the length of the TIOA which is used to build a
message transmitted to the other CICS system (that is, an outgoing message).

Two values (value1 and value2) can be specified. Value1 specifies the initial size of
the TIOA to be used in each session defined for the MRO connection. If the size of
the message exceeds value1, CICS acquires a larger TIOA to accommodate the

Only one value is required, however if value2 is specified CICS will use value2
whenever the message cannot be accommodated by the value1.

A value of zero causes CICS to get a storage area exactly the size of the outgoing
message, plus 24 bytes for CICS requirements.

If the IOAREALEN value is not specified, it defaults to 4KB.

Where useful
The IOAREALEN attribute can be used in the definition of sessions for either MRO
transaction routing or function shipping. In the case of MRO transaction routing,
the value determines the initial size of the TIOA, whereas the value presents some
tuning opportunities in the MRO function shipping environment.

Real and virtual storage can be wasted if the IOAREALEN value is too large for
most messages transmitted on your MRO link. If IOAREALEN is smaller than
most messages, or zero, excessive FREEMAIN and GETMAIN requests can occur,
resulting in additional processor requirements.

For optimum storage and processor utilization, IOAREALEN should be made
slightly larger than the length of the most commonly encountered formatted
application data transmitted across the MRO link for which the sessions are
defined. For efficient operating system paging, add 24 bytes for CICS requirements
and round the total up to a multiple of 64 bytes. A multiple of 64 bytes (or less)
minus 24 bytes for CICS requirements ensures a good use of operating system

How implemented
The TIOA size can be specified in the IOAREALEN attribute of the SESSIONS

310 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Batching requests (MROBTCH)
Certain events in a region can be accumulated in a batch prior to posting, until the
number specified in the MROBTCH system initialization parameter is reached (or
ICV times out). Then, the region is started so that it can process the requests. The
batching of MRO requests includes some non-MRO events such as:
v VSAM physical I/O completion
v Subtasked (mostly VSAM) request completion (if SUBTSKS=1 is specified)
v DL/I request completion implemented through DBCTL.
Strictly speaking, batching is applicable to a TCB rather than the region.
MROBTCH is applied only to the ‘quasi-reentrant’ mode TCB.

Compared to no batching (MROBTCH=1, that is, the default), setting
MROBTCH=n has the following effects:
v Up to [(n−1)*100/n]% saving in the processor usage for waiting and posting of
that TCB. Thus, for n=2, 50% savings may be achieved, for n=3, 66% savings, for
n=6, 83% savings, and so on.
v An average cost of (n+1)/2 times the average arrival time for each request
actually batched.
v Increased response time may cause an increase in overall virtual storage usage
as the average number of concurrent transactions increases.
v In heavily loaded systems at peak usage, some batching can happen as a natural
consequence of queueing for a busy resource. Using a low MROBTCH value
greater than one may then decrease any difference between peak and off-peak
response times.

Setting MROBTCH higher than 6 is not recommended as the decreasing additional

processor saving is unlikely to be worth the further increased response time.

You require a relatively low value of MROBTCH for ICV to maintain reasonable
response time during periods of low utilization.

Depending on the amount of response time degradation you can afford, you can
set MROBTCH to different values using either CEMT or EXEC CICS SET SYSTEM

The recommendation is to use CEMT or EXEC CICS INQUIRE SYSTEM

MROBATCH(value) to arrive at a suitable batch value for a given workload. See
the CICS Supplied Transactions manual for more information about CEMT; for
programming information about the EXEC CICS system programming commands,
see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.

During slow periods the ICV unconditionally dispatches the region, even if the
batch is not complete and provides a minimum delay. In this case, set ICV to 500
milliseconds in each region.

Chapter 24. MRO and ISC 311

Extending the life of mirror transactions (MROLRM)
This MROLRM system initialization parameter can have a significant effect on the
performance of a workload in an MRO function shipping environment.

Setting MROLRM=NO causes the mirror to be attached and detached for each
function-shipped request until the first request for a recoverable resource or a file
control start browse is received. After such a request is received, the mirror
remains attached to the session until the calling transaction reaches syncpoint.

Setting MROLRM=YES in a region receiving function shipping requests causes a

mirror transaction to remain attached to the MRO session from first request until
the calling transaction reaches syncpoint. This option causes system-dependent
effects, as follows:
v Some systems show significant improvements in processor utilization per
transaction. They are likely to be systems with a significant percentage of
inquiry transactions, each with multiple VSAM calls, or transactions with many
reads followed by a few updates.
v Some systems show no performance difference. Workloads using IMS/ESA, or
transactions that make a lot of use of VSAM-update or browse-activity, may fall
into this category.
v Some systems could be degraded because there is an extra flow at syncpoint. An
example of this would be a system with a very simple inquiry transaction

In general, setting MROLRM=YES is recommended.

Deletion of shipped terminal definitions (DSHIPINT and DSHIPIDL)

In a transaction routing environment, terminal definitions can be ″shipped″ from a
terminal-owning region (TOR) to an application-owning region (AOR). A shipped
terminal definition in an AOR becomes redundant when:
v The terminal user logs off.
v The terminal user stops using transactions which route to the AOR.
v The TOR on which the user is signed on is shut down.
v The TOR is restarted without recovering autoinstalled terminal definitions, and
the autoinstall user program DFHZATDX assigns a new set of terminal ids to
the same set of terminals.
Shipped terminal definitions which have become redundant may need to be
deleted. Long-lasting shipped terminal definitions do not generally cause storage
problems because of the relatively small amounts of storage which they occupy.
However, there are other considerations, such as security, which may require that
redundant shipped terminal definitions are not allowed to persist in an AOR.

The CICS-supplied transaction CRMF periodically scans the shipped terminal

definitions in the AOR and flags those which it has determined to be redundant. If
any redundant definitions have been identified, the CICS-supplied transaction
CRMD is invoked to delete them. This processing is referred to as the CICS
timeout delete mechanism.

312 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

The system initialization parameters DSHIPINT and DSHIPIDL control the amount
of time for which a redundant shipped terminal definition is allowed to survive
and the frequency at which shipped terminal definitions are tested for redundancy.

The DSHIPIDL system initialization parameter determines the period of time for
which a shipped terminal definition is allowed to remain inactive before it may be
flagged for deletion. The DSHIPINT system initialization parameter determines the
time interval between invocations of the CRMF transaction. CRMF examines all
shipped terminal definitions to determine which of them have been idle for longer
than the time interval specified by DSHIPIDL. If CRMF identifies any redundant
terminal definitions, it invokes CRMD to delete them.

Where useful
The CRMF/CRMD processing is most effective in a transaction routing
environment in which there may be shipped terminal definitions in an AOR which
remain idle for considerable lengths of time.

After CRMF/CRMD processing has deleted a shipped terminal definition, the
terminal definition must be re-shipped when the terminal user next routes a
transaction from the TOR to the AOR. Take care, therefore, not to set DSHIPIDL to
a value that is low enough to cause shipped terminal definitions to be frequently
deleted between transactions. Such processing could incur CPU processing costs,
not just for the deletion of the shipped terminal definition, but also for the
subsequent re-installation when the next transaction is routed.

Consider that a large value chosen for DSHIPINT, influences the length of time
that a shipped terminal definition survives. The period of time for which a shipped
terminal definition remains idle before deletion is extended by an average of half
of the DSHIPINT value. This occurs because a terminal, after it has exceeded the
limit for idle terminals set by the DSHIPIDL parameter, has to wait (for half of the
DSHIPINT interval) before CRMF is scheduled to identify the terminal definition
as idle and flag it for CRMD to delete. When the DSHIPINT interval is
significantly longer than the DSHIPIDL interval (which is the case if the default
values of 120000 for DSHIPINT and 020000 for DSHIPIDL are accepted),
DSHIPINT becomes the dominant factor in determining how long an idle shipped
terminal definition survives before being deleted.

Do not assign too low a value to DSHIPIDL. The storage occupied by the shipped
terminal definitions is not normally a concern, so the default value, which specifies
a maximum idle time of 2 hours is reasonable, unless other concerns (such as
security) suggest that it should be shorter.

Decide whether you wish to delete idle shipped terminal definitions incrementally
or altogether. CRMF processing in itself causes negligible CPU overhead, so a low
value for DSHIPINT may therefore be specified at little cost, if a sensible value for
DSHIPIDL has been chosen. Specifying a low value for DSHIPINT so that CRMF

Chapter 24. MRO and ISC 313

runs relatively frequently could mean that idle terminal definitions are identified in
smaller batches, so that CRMD processing required to delete them is spread out
over time.

A higher value for DSHIPINT, especially if the default value of 12 hours is

accepted, may mean that CRMF identifies a considerable number of idle terminal
definitions, so that a larger burst of CPU is required for the CRMD processing. To
ensure that this type of processing occurs during periods of low activity in the
(and their equivalent SPI commands) are available to help you schedule when the
CRMF transaction will be invoked.

How implemented
The maximum length of time for which a shipped terminal definition may remain
idle before it can be flagged for deletion is specified by the CICS system
initialization parameter DSHIPIDL. The interval between scans to test for idle
definitions is specified by the CICS system initialization parameter DSHIPINT.

Both these parameters can be adjusted by the CEMT INQUIRE/SET

DELETSHIPPED commands. Note that the revised interval to the next invocation
of the timeout delete mechanism starts from the time the command is issued, not
from the time it was last invoked, nor from the time of CICS startup.

The timeout delete mechanism may be invoked immediately by the CEMT

PERFORM DELETSHIPPED command or its SPI equivalent.

How monitored
The CICS terminal autoinstall statistics provide information on the current setting
of the DSHIPINT and DSHIPIDL parameters, the number of shipped terminal
definitions built and deleted, and the idle time of the shipped terminal definitions.

314 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 25. Programming considerations
This chapter discusses performance tuning issues related to programming in the
following sections:
v “BMS map suffixing and the device-dependent suffix option”
v “COBOL RESIDENT option” on page 316
v “PL/I shared library” on page 317
v “VS COBOL II” on page 318
v “Language Environment (LE)” on page 318

BMS map suffixing and the device-dependent suffix option

CICS BMS allows you to use different versions of a map set for different device
types by specifying a one-letter suffix for each different device type. Use of this
facility requires the BMS device-dependent suffix (DDS) option. For further
information on map set suffixes, see the CICS Application Programming Guide.

Where only one version of a map is involved, it is optional whether the device
type suffix is coded. If the DDS option is being used, it is more efficient to use the
device suffixes than to leave the suffix blank. This is because, if the DDS option
applies, CICS first looks for a map set with a suffix name and then searches again
for a map with a blank suffix. Processor cycle requirements are reduced by
eliminating the second table lookup.

If only one device type is used with all maps in a CICS system and all devices
have the same screen size, CICS can be initialized to look for a blank suffix, thus
eliminating the second lookup.

If the map is to be used with multiple devices, multiple maps with the same basic
source are needed because the device type needs to be specified, and suffixing is
required in this case.

If you decide that you need device-dependent suffixing, you should suffix all your
map sets. If you do not need it, use blank suffixes (no suffix at all) and specify the
NODDS option in BMS.

How implemented
Maps are named in the link-edit process. These names are defined in the MAPSET
definition. Specifying NODDS in the BMS= system initialization parameter
determines that map suffixing is not used in CICS.

How monitored
No direct measurement of map suffixing is given.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 315

Compiling online COBOL programs with the optional RESIDENT and mandatory
NODYNAM compiler options (available with the VS COBOL Version 4 and VS
COBOL II compilers) allows those application programs to share common COBOL
library subroutines. The library subroutines are not compiled into each module;
instead, linkage is set up to a common set of subroutines and so only one copy of
each module exists in a system rather than one copy for each program.

The CICS translator automatically inserts a CBL card with the RESIDENT option.
NODYNAM must be specified.

Under the RESIDENT option, any library routines required by the COBOL
program are not link-edited. Instead, COBOL initialization code tries to locate them
when the program (or subprogram) is first invoked, by issuing MVS LOAD
macros. If the library routines have been set up in the link pack area (LPA), MVS
simply passes the routine addresses to COBOL, which then inserts them into the
COBOL program, without any extra I/O. But if the routines are not in the LPA,
they have to be loaded from the disk libraries (STEPLIB, JOBLIB, and LINKLIB).

The COBOL execution-time routines for programs compiled with RES,NODYNAM

are loaded with an MVS LOAD macro (SVC) only if they are not already loaded.

When a COBOL program is initialized, it unconditionally loads ILBCBL00, which is

loaded only the first time it is referenced. This module has a vector table of
module names and addresses. When a module is needed, a search is made to
check whether that module is already loaded. If it has been loaded previously, its
address is used. If the module that is referenced has not been loaded, it is loaded
by MVS and its address is placed in the vector table for future reuse.

These modules are loaded from the LINKLIB, any LINKLST data set, JOBLIB,
STEPLIB, or perhaps from the LPA, but not from DFHRPL (COBOL does not know
anything about DFHRPL). The MVS LOAD is not issued with any DCB parameter,
so only the standard MVS LOAD hierarchy can be used. They should not be
defined on the CSD, because this is not known to COBOL either. RES,NODYNAM
is a COBOL feature, not a CICS feature.

In the CICS environment, many of the required COBOL library routines can be
placed in the LPA; this gives an environment similar to that of the PL/I shared
library. This reduces the size of each COBOL program according to its subroutine
requirement. The saving in space normally offsets any extra space needed for one
copy of each library subroutine in the LPA (assuming the modules have not
already been put in the LPA for use by batch COBOL programs).

ILBCBL00 must not be in the LPA, however. It is loaded into the user’s region and
has a set of vector addresses for the other modules that may be used by the
COBOL programs within that region. When a new module is requested, its address
is not known and the COBOL interface routine loads that module and places its
address in the list to be used again, as explained above.

If the COBOL RESIDENT option is used under CICS and the desired COBOL
subroutines are not LPA-resident, an MVS LOAD is issued for each such

316 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

subroutine when the first COBOL CICS program to require that subroutine is
initialized. This causes a synchronous halt to CICS until the I/O is complete.

Using the RESIDENT option saves real and virtual storage. Approximately 3.5KB
of storage can be saved per program, depending on the release of COBOL used
and what subroutines are referenced. These subroutines are loaded the first time
they are referenced, or can reside in the LPA and be shared by all programs that
reference them.

Note that the requirement is that the ILBxxxxx routines be reentrant, not the
application code. This feature is purely a COBOL feature and CICS does not have
any specific code to support it.

The ability of CICS to share code between multiple concurrent users is based on
pseudoreentrance. This means that the program must be reentrant at the time you
pass control to CICS with a command but not between times.

Recompilation of programs is required for programs not using these options.

Ensure that the resident subroutines are placed in the link pack area so that an
MVS LOAD is not incurred the first time they are referenced.

How implemented
Resident subroutines are implemented by specifying RESIDENT and NODYNAM
when the program is compiled.

How monitored
A link-edit map shows storage savings. RMF shows overall real and virtual storage

PL/I shared library

The PL/I optimizing compiler has a facility whereby those resident library
modules likely to be used in more than one program simultaneously can be stored
together in the link pack area, from where they can be invoked from any region.
This facility, known as the PL/I shared library, is available to PL/I programs running
as CICS applications, provided that they were compiled by the PL/I optimizing
compiler. The PL/I shared library is another facility that helps the user to conserve

PL/I resident library routines can be shared between multiple CICS PL/I
programs, rather than being compiled into each separate PL/I application
program. This can save real and virtual storage; the amount depending on the
number of resident library routines that each program uses.

Chapter 25. Programming considerations 317

If you want to use these routines but your programs are not compiled to share
routines, you must recompile them and all programs must use the same level of
the PL/I compiler. Programs compiled to use this facility do so automatically if the
shared library is specified.

How implemented
To run PL/I application programs with the PL/I shared library, ensure that you
generate the PL/I shared library modules. CICS looks for the presence of the
significant shared library interface routines at startup time.

How monitored
A link-edit map shows storage savings. RMF shows overall real and virtual storage

VS COBOL II programs can be loaded above the 16MB line and can also use most
working storage above the 16MB line.

VS COBOL II has library modules that are grouped together in COBPACKs that
need to be defined to CICS. COBPACKs can be tailored by the installation.

How implemented
One item of tailoring recommended is to have COBPACKs IGZCPPC and
IGZCPAC contain only AMODE(31), RMODE(ANY) modules so that they may be
loaded above the 16MB line.

VS COBOL II also has a tuning mechanism in IGZTUNE which specifies the initial
amount of storage to be GETMAINed below (and above) the 16MB line.

This mechanism should be used, defining an optimum value that does not:
v Waste space below the 16MB line
v Incur unnecessary additional GETMAINs because the initial amount was too

How monitored
Use of IGZOPT allows VS COBOL II to report on the effect of IGZTUNE options.
| Production systems should ensure that such reporting is turned off.
| Language Environment (LE)
| Language Environment (LE) conforming CICS applications issuing EXEC CICS
| LINK requests cause an increase in system pathlength. Repeated EXEC CICS LINK
| calls to the same LE-conforming program result in multiple
| GETMAIN/FREEMAIN requests for run-time unit work areas (RUWAs).

| RUWAPOOL(YES) results in the creation of a run-unit work area pool during task
| initialization. This pool is used to allocate RUWAs required by LE-conforming

318 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| programs. This reduces the number of GETMAINS and FREEMAINS in tasks
| which perform many EXEC CICS LINKS to LE-conforming programs.

| For more information, about the RUWAPOOL system initialization parameter, see
| the CICS System Definition Guide.

| If LE/370 is active in an address, the runtime libraries of the native language, such
| as COBOL, PL/I, are not needed. This means that CICS has a single interface to all
| the language run times.

| LE run time options for AMODE (24) programs

| The default LE run time options for CICS are ALL31(ON) and STACK(ANY). This
| means that all programs must run above the line (AMODE(31)) in an LE
| environment. To allow AMODE(24) programs to run in an LE environment,
| ALL31(OFF) and STACK(BELOW) can be specified. However, if you globally
| change these options so that all programs can use them, a lot of storage will be put
| below the line, which can cause a short-on-storage condition.

| Using DLLs in C++

| When each dynamic link library (DLL) is first loaded, the cost of initialization can
| be determined by the size of writable static area required by the DLL. Initialization
| costs can be reduced by removing unnecessary items from the writable static area.

| When using DLLs you should consider the following:

| v Specifying the #pragma variable (x,NORENT). This places some read —only
| variables such as tables in the code area.
| v Specifying #pragma strings(readonly). This works for C code whose default is
| that literal strings are modifiable. C++ already has literal strings as read only by
| default.
| v Examine the prelinker map to see what the big areas are. If you find, for
| example, @STATICC, you have unnamed writable static objects such as strings
| or static variables.

Chapter 25. Programming considerations 319

320 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Chapter 26. CICS facilities

This chapter discusses performance tuning issues related to the various CICS
facilities as follows:
v “CICS temporary storage (TS)”
v “Temporary storage data sharing” on page 325
v “CICS transient data (TD)” on page 326
v “Global ENQ/DEQ” on page 331
v “CICS monitoring facility” on page 331
v “CICS trace” on page 332
v “CICS recovery” on page 334
v “CICS security” on page 334
v “CICS storage protection facilities” on page 335

CICS temporary storage (TS)

CICS temporary storage is a scratchpad facility that is heavily used in many
systems. Data in temporary storage tends to be short-lived, emphasis being placed
on ease of storage and retrieval. Temporary storage exists in two forms:
v Main temporary storage, which is in the dynamic storage area above the 16MB
line (ECDSA)
v Auxiliary temporary storage is stored in a VSAM-managed data set while the
storage for the buffers is allocated from the ECDSA.

Temporary storage is used in many circumstances within CICS, as well as for

requests from application tasks. The uses of temporary storage include:
v Basic mapping support (BMS) paging
v Message switching (CMSG transaction) or BMS routing
v Interval control: EXEC CICS START FROM (...) to hold data until it is retrieved
v Execution diagnostic facility (EDF) to review prior pages of diagnostic
v MRO/ISC local queueing while the target system is unavailable
v Your applications for:
– Scratchpad
– Queueing facility
– Data transfer.
v Other products or application packages.

If main temporary storage is used, requests to a TS queue are serialized with the
storage being allocated from the ECDSA.

The performance of auxiliary temporary storage is affected by the characteristics of

the data set where it resides. The VSAM control interval (CI) size affects transfer
efficiency, with a smaller size being desirable if access to CIs is random, and a
larger size if use of CIs is more sequential. In general, the larger the queues and

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 321

write/read ratio, the more sequential the usage tends to be. Records which span
control intervals are possible. Up to 32767 buffers and 255 strings can be specified,
and overlap processing can be achieved, although a specific queue is still processed
serially. The maximum control interval (CI) size is 64KB.

Temporary storage VSAM requests can be subtasked if SUBTSKS=1 is specified in

the SIT. See “Subtasking: VSAM (SUBTSKS=1)” on page 241.

Auxiliary temporary storage queues can be made recoverable by defining a

recoverable TSMODEL. Main temporary storage can never be recoverable.

Increasing the use of main temporary storage, using a larger CI size, or increasing
the number of buffers, increases the virtual storage needs of the ECDSA and real
storage needs.

If you use auxiliary temporary storage, a smaller CI size can reduce the real
storage requirements.

Main temporary storage
Temporary storage items are stored in the ECDSA above the 16MB line. No
recovery is available. Queues are locked for the duration of the TS request.

The fact that temporary storage items are stored in main storage also means that
there is no associated I/O, so we recommend main temporary storage for
short-duration tasks with small amounts of data.

Auxiliary temporary storage

Auxiliary temporary storage occupies less address space than main temporary
storage, and should be used for large amounts of temporary storage data, or for
data that is to be held for long periods.

Temporary storage I/O occurs only when a record is not in the buffer, or when a
new buffer is required, or if dictated by recovery requirements.

Secondary extents for temporary storage

On a cold start of temporary storage when the data set is empty, the data set is
formatted to the end of the primary extent. Any secondary extents are not
formatted. On a cold start of temporary storage when the data set is not empty or
when temporary storage is not cold started, no formatting of the data set takes

The use of secondary extents allows more efficient use of DASD space. You can
define a temporary storage data set with a primary extent large enough for normal
activity, and with secondary extents for exceptional circumstances, such as
unexpected peaks in activity.

It follows that you can reduce or eliminate the channel and arm contention that is
likely to occur because of heavy use of temporary storage data.

322 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Multiple buffers
The use of multiple VSAM buffers allows multiple VSAM control intervals to be
available in storage at the same time. This makes it possible for the CICS
temporary storage programs to service several requests concurrently, using
different buffers.

The use of multiple buffers also increases the likelihood that the control interval
required by a particular request is already available in a buffer. This can lead to a
significant reduction in the number of input/output requests (VSAM requests) that
have to be performed. (However, VSAM requests are always executed whenever
their use is dictated by recovery requirements.) Note that although the use of a
large number of buffers may greatly improve performance for non-recoverable TS
queues, the associated buffers still have to be flushed sequentially at CICS
shutdown, and that might take a long time.

The number of buffers that CICS allocates for temporary storage is specified by the
system initialization parameter, TS.

The benefits of multiple buffers depend on the way an installation’s auxiliary

temporary storage is used. In most cases, the default TS specification in the SIT
(three buffers) should be sufficient. Where the usage of temporary storage is high
or where the lifetime of temporary storage data items is long, it may be
worthwhile to experiment with larger numbers of buffers. The buffer statistics in
the CICS temporary storage statistics give sufficient information to help you
determine a suitable allocation.

In general, you should aim to minimize the number of times that a task has to
wait either because no space in buffers is available to hold the required data or
because no string is available to accomplish the required I/O. The trade-off here is
between improvement of temporary storage performance and increased storage
requirements. Specifying a large number of buffers may decrease temporary
storage I/O but lead to inefficient usage of real storage and increased paging.

Concurrent input/output operations (multiple strings)

Temporary storage programs issue VSAM requests whenever real input/output is
required between the buffers and the VSAM temporary storage data sets. The use
of multiple VSAM strings enables multiple VSAM requests to be executed
concurrently, which, in turn, leads to faster servicing of the buffers.

VSAM requests are queued whenever the number of concurrent requests exceeds
the number of available strings. Constraints caused by this can thus be relieved by
increasing the number of available strings, up to a maximum equal to the number
of buffers.

The number of VSAM strings that CICS allocates for temporary storage is specified
by the system initialization parameter, TS.

Multiple strings allow more I/O operations to be performed concurrently. Several

I/O requests can be outstanding at any time, up to the number of strings specified.
Allowing the number of strings to default to the number of buffers ensures that no
tasks are waiting for a string. Not all strings may be used in this case, however,
and this causes inefficient use of storage. You should adjust the number of strings
by using the peak number in use given in the statistics.

Chapter 26. CICS facilities 323

If the device containing the temporary storage data set is heavily used, the TS
system initialization parameter can be used to regulate the activity, but this leads
to an increase in internal CICS waits.

Control interval (CI) sizes

You should first consider whether the control interval (CI) size for the data set is
suitable for your overall system requirements.

BMS paging may be on a large-screen device. Check whether it exceeds your

temporary storage CI size.

Because temporary storage can use records larger than the control interval size, the
size of the control intervals is not a major concern, but there is a performance
overhead in using temporary storage records that are larger than the CI size.

The parameter, CONTROLINTERVALSIZE, of the VSAM CLUSTER definition is

specified when you allocate your data sets.

The control interval size should be large enough to hold at least one (rounded up)
temporary storage record, including 64 bytes of VSAM control information for
control interval sizes less than, or equal to, 16 384, or 128 bytes of control
information for larger control interval sizes. For further information about the
effect of the control interval size for CICS temporary storage, see the CICS System
Definition Guide.

How implemented
Temporary storage items can be stored either in main storage or in auxiliary
storage on DASD. Main-only support can be forced by specifying TS=(,0) (zero
temporary storage buffers) in the SIT.

A choice of MAIN or AUXILIARY is available for the application programmer in

the WRITEQ TS command for each queue. See the CICS Application Programming
Reference manual for programming information about the WRITEQ command.

How monitored
The CICS temporary storage statistics show records used in main and auxiliary
temporary storage. These statistics also give buffer and string information and data
on I/O activity. RMF or the VSAM catalog gives additional information on data set

| If recovery is used for auxiliary temporary storage, PREFIX (called QUEUE name
| by the application programmer) is enqueued for DELETEQ TS and WRITEQ TS
| requests but not READQ TS. In a high-activity system, PREFIX should be
| monitored to ensure that a given PREFIX identifier is not a resource that is
| constraining your transaction throughput.

You should monitor the following:

TS buffer size
This is determined by the CI size.
TS PREFIX (QUEUE) identifiers
You should minimize their number and their duration in the system.

324 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

TS space
Make the data set allocation large enough to avoid task suspension.

Note: If the NOSPACE condition is not handled, the task is suspended until
temporary storage becomes available. If the NOSPACE condition is
handled (through the use of the HANDLE CONDITION NOSPACE
command or the use of RESP on the WRITEQ TS command, or the
WRITEQ TS NOSUSPEND command, the user receives control when the
condition occurs, and can then decide whether to end the transaction
normally, abend, or wait.
Number of TS buffers
This is controlled by the second parameter of the TS system initialization
Number of TS strings
This is controlled by the third parameter of the TS system initialization

The 75 percent rule

Temporary storage requests on a cold-started system (that is with no existing
auxiliary data) are allocated from the start of DFHTEMP (the temporary storage
dataset used for storing auxiliary data). They are processed by DFHTSP, the
temporary storage program. The first control interval within DFHTEMP is used
until a WRITEQ is issued that is too long to fit into the remaining space. DFHTSP
then switches to use control interval two, etc. This process continues until 75% of
the control intervals in DFHTEMP have data written to them.

WRITEQ requests after this point are directed back to the start of the dataset.
DFHTSP maintains a bytemap representing the free space available within each
control interval in the dataset at any time. DFHTSP now starts interrogating the
bytemap to find a control interval that can accommodate new data at, or near to,
the start of DFHTEMP. The reasoning behind this is that by now, queues written
earlier in the CICS run could have been deleted. Such deleted data remains in
control intervals but is no longer required. If the bytemap shows a control interval
contains enough space, DFHTSP reads it into a temporary storage buffer,
compresses it to move all valid records to the start of the control interval, and uses
the remaining contiguous space to store the data from the new request.

Temporary storage attempts to reserve 25% of the control intervals in DFHTEMP to

facilitate spanned record processing. This refers to data that is larger than the
control intervals. Such requests generate ’special header’ records used to represent
the spanned data, and these records are the size of a whole control interval. As
such, they require an empty control interval when being written.

If DFHTEMP contained fragmented data in each control interval, a special header

record could not be stored. This is why DFHTSP tries to maintain a percentage of
free control intervals for use by large items such as special header records.

Temporary storage data sharing

Shared temporary storage queues are stored in named pools in an MVS coupling
facility. Each pool corresponds to a list structure in a coupling facility. Access to
queues stored in the coupling facility is quicker than function shipping to a QOR.

Chapter 26. CICS facilities 325

A temporary storage server provides better availability than a QOR because you
can have more than one temporary storage server for each pool (typically one
server in each MVS image in the sysplex). If one temporary storage server or MVS
image fails, transactions can be dynamically routed to another AOR on a different
MVS image.

Local TS queues offer less performance overhead than a QOR. However, local
queues can cause intertransaction affinities, forcing affected transactions to run in
the same AOR so that they can access the local queue. This affects performance by
inhibiting dynamic routing and preventing workload balancing across the AORs in
the sysplex. Intertransaction affinities can be managed by a workload management
function provided by CICSPlex SM, but you must provide intertransaction
affinities definitions for the affected transactions. The CICS/ESA 3.3 XRF Guide
gives guidance about determining where the affinities are in your application
programs. Temporary storage data sharing removes the need for the time and
effort that this systems management demands by avoiding intertransaction affinity.
In general, the overall workload balancing benefits provided by being able to use
dynamic transaction routing to any AOR should outweigh any overhead incurred
by the temporary storage servers.

CICS transient data (TD)

Transient data is used in many circumstances within CICS, including:
v Servicing requests made by user tasks, for example, a request to build a queue
of data for later processing.
v Servicing requests from CICS, primarily to write messages to system queues for
printing. Transient data should, therefore, be set up at your installation to
capture these CICS messages.
v Managing the DASD space holding the intrapartition data.
v Initiating tasks based on queue trigger level specification and on records written
to an intrapartition destination.
v Requesting logging for recovery as specified in your CICS transient data
v Passing extrapartition requests to the operating system access method for

Various options can affect the performance of this facility.

Recovery options
Recovery can affect the length of time for which a transient data record is
enqueued. You can specify one of three options:
1. No recovery. If you specify no recovery, there is no logging, no enqueuing for
protecting resources.
2. Physical recovery. Specify physical recovery when you need to restore the
intrapartition queue to the status that it had immediately before a system
failure. The main performance consideration is that there is no deferred
transient data processing, which means that automatic task initiation may occur
instantaneously. Records that have been written may be read by another task
immediately. CIs are released as soon as they have been exhausted. For every
WRITEQ TD request, the CI buffer is written to the VSAM data set.

326 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Note: All other resources offering recovery within CICS provide only logical
recovery. Using backout in an abend situation would exclude your
physically recoverable and non-recoverable transient data from the
3. Logical recovery. Specify logical recovery when you want to restore the queues
to the status that they had before execution of the failing task (when the system
failed or when the task ended abnormally). Thus, logical recovery works in the
same way as recovery defined for other recoverable resources such as file
control, and temporary storage.

In summary, physical recovery ensures that records are restored in the case of a
system failure, while logical recovery also ensures integrity of records in the case
of a task failure, and ties up the applicable transient data records for the length of
a task that enqueues on them.

Up to 32767 buffers and 255 strings can be specified for a transient data set, with
serial processing only through a destination.

Specifying a higher trigger level on a destination causes a smaller number of tasks

to be initiated from that destination. Transient data can participate in file
subtasking if SUBTSKS=1 is specified in the SIT (see “Subtasking: VSAM
(SUBTSKS=1)” on page 241).

Intrapartition transient data considerations

Multiple VSAM buffers
When you use multiple buffers and strings for intrapartition transient data
support, this can remove the possible constraint in transient data caused by the use
of a single system-wide buffer (and string). Statistics allow you to tune the system
with regard to transient data usage.

If requests have to be queued, they are queued serially by transient data

destination. Typically, a request has to be queued if the control interval it requires
is in use, or if one or more previous requests for the same queue or destination are
already waiting. Under these conditions, the servicing of requests for other queues
or destinations can continue.

The use of multiple buffers also increases the likelihood that the control interval
required by a particular request is already available in a buffer. This can lead to a
significant reduction in the number of real input/output requests (VSAM requests)
that have to be performed. (However, VSAM requests are always executed
whenever their use is dictated by the requirements of physical and logical

The number of buffers that CICS allocates for transient data is specified by the TD
system initialization parameter. The default is three.

The provision of multiple buffers allows CICS to retain copies (or potential copies)
of several VSAM CIs in storage. Several transient data requests to different queues
can then be serviced concurrently using different buffers. Requests are serialized by
queue name, not globally. Multiple buffers also allow the number of VSAM
requests to the transient data data set to be reduced by increasing the likelihood

Chapter 26. CICS facilities 327

that the CI required is already in storage and making it less likely that a buffer
must be flushed to accommodate new data. VSAM requests are still issued when
required by recovery considerations.

The benefits of multiple buffers depend on the pattern and extent of usage of
intrapartition transient data in an installation. For most installations, the default
specification (three buffers) should be sufficient. Where the usage of transient data
is extensive, it is worthwhile to experiment with larger numbers of buffers. The
buffer statistics give sufficient information to help determination of a suitable
allocation. In general, the aim of the tuning should be to minimize the number of
times a task must wait because no buffers are available to hold the required data.

In this exercise, there is a trade-off between improving transient data performance

and increased storage requirements. Specifying a large number of buffers may
decrease transient data I/O and improve concurrency but lead to inefficient usage
of real storage. Also, if there is a large number of buffers and a small number of
queues, internal buffer searches per queue may take longer.

The buffers are obtained from the ECDSA during initialization.

Multiple VSAM strings

As far as concurrent input/output operations with CICS are concerned, the
transient data programs issue VSAM requests whenever real input/output is
required between the buffers and the VSAM transient data data sets. The use of
multiple VSAM strings enables multiple VSAM requests to be executed
concurrently, which in turn leads to faster servicing of the buffers.

VSAM requests are queued whenever the number of concurrent requests exceeds
the number of available strings. Constraints caused by this be relieved by
increasing the number of available strings, up to a maximum of 255. The limit of
255 on the number of strings should be taken into consideration when choosing
the number of buffers. If the number of buffers is more than the number of strings,
the potential for string waits increases.

The number of VSAM strings that CICS allocates for transient data is specified by
the TD system initialization parameter. The CICS default is three.

Logical recovery
Logging and enqueuing occur with logical recovery transactions (including
dynamic backout of the failing task’s activity on the transient data queue). Logical
recovery would generally be used when a group of records have to be processed
together for any reason, or when other recoverable resources are to be processed in
the same task.

During processing of the transient data request, the destination queue entry is
enqueued from the first request, for either input or output, or both (if the queue is
to be deleted), until the end of the UOW. This means that none of the other tasks
can access the queue for the same purpose during that period of time, thus
maintaining the integrity of the queue’s status.

At the end of the UOW (syncpoint or task completion), syncpoint processing takes
place and the queue entry is logged. Any purge requests are processed (during the
UOW, a purge only marks the queue ready for purging). The empty CIs are
released for general transient data use. Any trigger levels reached during the UOW

328 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

cause automatic task initiation to take place for those queues that have a trigger
level greater than zero. The buffer is written out to the VSAM data set as

The DEQueue on the queue entry occurs, releasing the queue for either input or
output processing by other tasks. Records written by a task can then be read by
another task.

Logging activity
With physical recovery, the queue entry is logged after each READQ, WRITEQ, and
DELETEQ, and at an activity keypoint time (including the warm keypoint).

With logical recovery, the queue entry is logged at syncpoint and at activity
keypoint time (including the warm keypoint).

Secondary extents for intrapartition transient data

During initialization of intrapartition transient data, CICS initializes a VSAM
empty intrapartition data set by formatting control intervals until the first extent of
the data set is filled. Additional control intervals are formatted as required if the
data set has been defined with multiple extents.

The use of secondary extents allows more efficient use of DASD space. You can
define an intrapartition data set with primary extents large enough for normal
activity, and with secondary extents for exceptional circumstances, such as
unexpected peaks in activity.

It follows that you can reduce or eliminate the channel and arm contention that is
likely to occur because of heavy use of intrapartition transient data.

Extrapartition transient data considerations

Extrapartition destinations are, in practice, sequential data sets to which CICS uses
QSAM PUT LOCATE or PUT MOVE commands. The main performance factor to
note is the possibility of operating system waits; that is, the complete CICS region
waits for the I/O completion. The wait (of long duration) can occur for one of the
following reasons:
v No buffer space available.
v Secondary space allocation.
v Volume (extent) switching.
v Dynamic open or close of the data set.
v A force end of volume caused by the application.
v The data set is defined on a physical printer (1403 or 3211) and the printer has
run out of paper.
v A RESERVE has been issued for another data set on the same volume.

Therefore, you should try to eliminate or minimize the occurrences of CICS region
waits by:
v Having sufficient buffering and blocking of the output data set
v Avoiding volume switching by initially allocating sufficient space
v Avoiding dynamic OPEN/CLOSE during peak periods.

Chapter 26. CICS facilities 329

An alternative method of implementing sequential data sets is to employ a CICS
user journal. Table 13 summarizes the differences between these two methods.
Table 13. Extrapartition transient data versus user journal
Extrapartition TD User Journal
Region (CICS) may wait Task waits
Buffer location: In MVS storage Buffer location: In DSA
Number of buffers: 1—32767 Two buffers
Input or output Both input and output, but tasks may wait
Accessible by multiple tasks v Accessible for output by multiple tasks
v Accessible for input by single task under
exclusive control

Indirect destinations
To avoid specifying extrapartition data sets for the CICS-required entries (such as
CSMT and CSSL) in CSD definitions for TDQUEUES, you are recommended to use
indirect destinations for combining the output of several destinations to a single
destination. This saves storage space and internal management overheads.

Long indirect chains can, however, cause significant paging to occur.

Application requirements may dictate a lower trigger level, or physical or logical
recovery, but these facilities increase processor requirements. Real and virtual
storage requirements may be increased, particularly if several buffers are specified.

How implemented
Transient data performance is affected by the TRIGGERLEVEL and RECOVSTATUS
operands in the transient data resource definitions that have been installed.

Suggestions for reducing WAITS during QSAM processing are to:
v Avoid specifying a physical printer.
v Use single extent data sets whenever possible to eliminate WAITS resulting from
the end of extent processing.
v Avoid placing data sets on volumes subject to frequent or long duration
RESERVE activity.
v Avoid placing many heavily-used data sets on the same volume.
v Choose BUFNO and BLKSIZE such that the rate at which CICS writes or reads
data is less than the rate at which data can be transferred to or from the volume,
for example, avoid BUFNO=1 for unblocked records whenever possible.
v Choose an efficient BLKSIZE for the device employed such that at least 3 blocks
can be accommodated on each track.

330 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

How monitored
The CICS statistics show transient data performance. CICS transient data statistics
can be used to determine the number of records written or read. Application
knowledge is required to determine the way in which the lengths of variable
length records are distributed. RMF or the VSAM catalog shows data set
| performance.
| Global ENQ/DEQ
| Global ENQ/DEQ extends the CICS/ESA application programming interface to
| provide an enqueue mechanism that serializes access to a named resource across a
| specified set of CICS regions contained within a sysplex. Because Global
| ENQ/DEQ eliminates the most significant remaining cause of inter-transaction
| affinity, it enables better exploitation of parallel sysplex. It also reduces the need to
| provide intertransaction affinity rules to dynamic routing mechanisms such as
| CICSPlex/SM, thus reducing the system management cost of exploiting parallel
| sysplex.

| How implemented
| Global ENQ/DEQ uses OS/390 global resource serialization (GRS) services to
| achieve locking that is unique across multiple MVS images in a sysplex. GRS can
| be configured as either GRS=STAR or GRS=RING.

| Recommendations
| When GRS is initialized as a star configuration, all the information about resource
| serialization is held in the ISGLOCK coupling facility structure. GRS accesses the
| coupling facility when a requestor issues an ENQ or DEQ on a global names
| resource.

| GRS=RING, however, should be used with extreme caution, as this configuration

| can result in serious performance constraints,

CICS monitoring facility

The CICS monitoring facility collects data about the performance of all user- and
CICS-supplied transactions during online processing for later offline analysis. The
records produced by CICS monitoring are of the MVS System Management type
110, and are written to an SMF data set.

Monitoring data is useful for performance, tuning, and for charging your users for
the resources they use. See “Chapter 6. The CICS monitoring facility” on page 65
for further information.

Performance class monitoring can be a significant overhead. The overhead is likely
to be about 5 to 10%, but is dependent on the workload.

Chapter 26. CICS facilities 331

If you do not need accounting information because other billing processes exist
and you have other means of gathering any performance data required, the CICS
monitoring facility should not be used. The same is true for the exception

Recording of the above information incurs overhead, but, to tune a system, both
performance and exception information may be required. If this is not a daily
process, the CICS monitoring facility may not need to be run all the time. When
tuning, it is necessary to run the CICS monitoring facility during peak volume
times because this is when performance problems occur.

Consider excluding fields from monitoring records if overuse of the SMF data set
is a potential problem.

How implemented
To implement CICS monitoring, you can reset the system initialization table
parameters (MNPER, MNEXC, and MN)—see the CICS System Definition Guide.

You can change the settings dynamically using either CEMT INQUIRE|SET
monitoring” on page 72 for more information. Alternatively see the CICS Supplied
Transactions manual for details of CEMT, and the CICS System Programming
Reference manual for programming information about INQUIRE and SET

For further information about using the CICS monitoring facility, see “Chapter 6.
The CICS monitoring facility” on page 65.

How monitored
CICS Monitoring Domain statistics show the number of records produced of each
type. These statistics monitor CMF activity.

| MVS address space or RMF data can be gathered whether or not the CICS
| monitoring facility is active to give an indication of the performance overhead
| incurred when using the CICS monitoring facility.

CICS trace
CICS trace is used to record requests made by application programs to CICS for
various services. Because this involves the recording of these requests each time
they occur, the overhead depends on the frequency of the requests.

The CICS internal trace table resides in MVS virtual storage above the 16MB line
(but not in the EDSAs).

A trace table always exists and is used for recording exception conditions useful
for any first failure data capture. Other levels of trace are under the control of the
user. There are a large number of parameters and the CEMT commands which
allow dynamic control over the system and transaction dumps.

332 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Buffers for the CICS auxiliary trace data set are allocated dynamically from MVS
free storage below the 16MB line. Auxiliary trace is activated when the system
initialization parameter AUXTR, or a startup override, is set on.

Buffer allocation may also take place at execution time in response to a CETR or
CEMT transaction request to set auxiliary trace to START (CEMT SET AUXTRACE
START) or simply to open the auxiliary trace data set. For more information, see
the CEMT SET AUXTRACE section in CICS Supplied Transactions manual.

Deallocation or freeing of the buffer space occurs in response to CEMT SET

AUXTRACE STOP command. Note that the buffer space is not freed on STOP and
SWITCH requests, the former not implying CLOSE and the latter having been

Running trace increases processing requirements considerably. Not running trace,
however, reduces the amount of problem determination information that is

The additional cost of auxiliary trace is mainly due to the I/O operations.
Auxiliary trace entries vary in size, and they are written out in blocks of 4KB. Twin
buffers are used but, even if the I/O can be overlapped, the I/O rate is quite large
for a busy system.

When you use CICS auxiliary trace, you may need to decrease the relevant
DSALIM system initialization parameter by 8KB to ensure that adequate address
space is given up to the operating system to allow for the allocation of the two
4KB auxiliary trace buffers.

The trace table should be large enough to contain the entries needed for debugging

With first failure data capture, CICS produces some trace entries regardless of the
settings produced. Because of this most of the tracing overhead can be reduced by
running with the following options:
v Internal tracing off
v Auxiliary tracing on
v Print auxiliary trace data only when required.

CICS allows tracing on a transaction basis rather than a system basis, so the trace
table requirements can be reduced.

How implemented
Trace activation is specified with the INTTR system initialization parameter or as a
startup override.

The size of the trace table is specified by the TRTABSZ system initialization
parameter or as a startup override. The minimum size is 16KB.

Chapter 26. CICS facilities 333

Trace can be defined at the transaction level with the TRACE attribute on in the
TRANSACTION definition.

Auxiliary trace activation is specified with the AUXTR system initialization


With CICS initialized and running, internal trace and auxiliary trace can be turned
on or off, independently and in either order, with one of the following: CETR,
Auxiliary trace entries are recorded only when internal trace is active.

How monitored
No direct measurement of trace is given. RMF can show processing and storage

CICS recovery
Some types of recoverable resources, when they are accessed for update, cause
logging. Do not define more resources as recoverable than you need for application
programming requirements, because the extra logging incurs extra I/O and
processor overheads. If the resource in question does not require recovery, these
overheads are unproductive.

Specifying recovery increases processor time, real and virtual storage, and I/O
requirements. It also increases task waits arising from enqueues on recoverable
resources and system log I/O, and increases restart time.

Do not specify recovery if you do not need it. If the overhead is acceptable,
logging can be useful for auditing, or if a data set has to be rebuilt.

For information on specific recoverable resources, see “CICS temporary storage

(TS)” on page 321, and “CICS transient data (TD)” on page 326.

How implemented
See the CICS Recovery and Restart Guide for information on each resource to be
specified as recoverable.

How monitored
CICS auxiliary trace shows task wait time due to enqueues. RMF shows overall
processor usage. CICS monitoring data shows task wait time due to journaling.

CICS security
CICS provides an interface for an external security manager (ESM), such as RACF,
for three types of security: transaction, resource, and command security.

334 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Transaction security verifies an operator’s authorization to run a transaction.
Resource security limits access to data sets, transactions, transient data
destinations, programs, temporary storage records, and journals. Command
security is used to limit access to specific commands and applies to special system
programming commands. For example, EXEC CICS INQUIRE, SET, PERFORM,
DISCARD, and COLLECT. Transactions that are defined with CMDSEC=YES must
have an associated user.

Protecting transactions, resources, or commands unnecessarily both increases
processor cycles, and real and virtual storage requirements.

Because transaction security is enforced by CICS, it is suggested that the use of
both resource security and command security should be kept to the minimum. The
assumption is that, if operators have access to a particular transaction they
therefore have access to the appropriate resources.

How implemented
Resource security is defined with the RESSEC(YES) attribute in the
TRANSACTION definition.

Command security is defined with the CMDSEC(YES) attribute in the

TRANSACTION definition.

How monitored
No direct measurement of the overhead of CICS security is given. RMF shows
overall processor usage.

CICS storage protection facilities

There are three facilities available that are related to storage protection:
v Storage protect
v Transaction isolation
v Command protection.

Each offers protection as follows:

Storage protect
Protects CICS code and control blocks from being accidentally overwritten by user

Chapter 26. CICS facilities 335

Transaction isolation
Offers protection against transaction data being accidentally overwritten by other
user transactions.

Command protection
Ensures that an application program does not pass storage to CICS using the EXEC
CICS interface, which requires updating by CICS, although the application itself
cannot update the storage.

Storage protection, transaction isolation, and command protection protect storage
from user application code. They add no benefit to a region where no user code is
executed; that is, a pure TOR or a pure FOR (where no DPL requests are

Transaction isolation and applications

When using transaction isolation, it is necessary to “activate” pages of storage to
the task’s allocated subspace. Before the storage is activated to the subspace it is
fetch protected and, so, the task cannot access the storage. After it is activated to
the subspace allocated to the task, the task has read/write access to the storage.
CICS needs to activate user storage to a subspace every time the user task
getmains a new page of user key task lifetime storage. Some performance cost is
involved when activating storage to a subspace, so the activity should be kept to a

Storage below the 16MB line is activated in multiples of 4KB. Storage above the
line is activated in multiples of 1MB. A user task rarely requires more than 1MB of
storage. So a user task that executes completely above the line only requires one

It is recommended that all programs should be link edited using RMODE(ANY)

and defined DATALOCATION(ANY). All transactions should be defined
TASKDATALOC(ANY), thus reducing the number of storage activations. Where it
is necessary to obtain storage below the line, performance can be improved by
obtaining all the storage in one getmain rather than several smaller getmains. This
also keeps the number of storage activates to the minimum.

Certain programming languages, such as PL/I and VS COBOL, obtain storage

below the line. COBOL II offers better performance because it obtains all its
| storage above the line.
| CICS business transaction services
| Business transaction services (BTS) introduces a business transaction model to

336 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Effects
| With additions to the CICS API and the provision of new system services, BTS can
| be used to create a new type of program that controls the flow of many separate
| CICS transactions so that these individual transactions become a single business
| transaction.

| Recommendations
| Since a BTS transaction may comprise many separate CICS transactions and may
| also span a considerable execution time, there are no specific performance
| recommendations for BTS transactions. There are however, some useful general
| observations.

| How implemented
| To support BTS function, CICS keeps data in new types of data sets the local
| request queue (DFHLRQ) and BTS repository. The local request queue data set is
| used to store pending BTS requests. Each CICS region has its own data set. It is a
| recoverable VSAM KSDS and should be tuned for best performance like a VSAM
| KSDS. You may have one or more BTS repositories. A BTS repository is a VSAM
| KSDS and is used to hold state data for processes, activities, containers, events and
| timers. A BTS repository is associated with a process through the PROCESSTYPE
| definition. If a BTS process executes on more than one CICS region, then the BTS
| repository needs to be shared between those regions. It would need to be a VSAM
| RLS file. It too should be tuned for best performance as a VSAM RLS file.

| To support the execution of the BTS processes, CICS runs one or many
| transactions. A BTS transaction comprises a process which itself consists of one or
| many activities. As each activity is run, so a CICS transaction is executed. If an
| activity becomes dormant, waiting for an event for example, the activity restarts
| after that event occurs, and a new CICS transaction is started. even if this is a
| continuation of the business transaction. You may see many executions of the
| transaction specified in a process definition in the CICS statistics for a single BTS
| transaction. The number of transaction executed and number and type of file
| accesses to the BTS repository depend on how you have chosen to use BTS
| services. Examination of CICS statistics reports will give you this information for
| your applications. You should be aware that containers are stored on the BTS
| repository. You need to ensure that the repository is large enough to contain all the
| active BTS data. This is probably best done by scaling it based on a test system.

| Monitor data, DFHCBTS, can be used to collect information on activities within

| processes. For information about this data, see “Performance data in group
| DFHCBTS” on page 83

Chapter 26. CICS facilities 337

338 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Chapter 27. Improving CICS startup and normal shutdown
This chapter provides information about areas to check when you aim to reduce
the amount of time for CICS startup and normal shutdown.

The discussion covers the following topics:

v Startup procedures to be checked
v “Automatic restart management” on page 341
v “Buffer considerations” on page 342

Startup procedures to be checked

Because various configurations are possible with CICS, different areas of the
startup may require attention, as follows:
1. Start by defining your GCD, LCD, CSD, temporary storage data sets, or
transient data intrapartition data sets, as shown in the CICS System Definition
2. When defining your terminals, pay attention to the position of group names
within the GRPLIST. If the group containing the TYPETERMs is last, all the
storage used for building the terminal definitions is held until the
TYPETERMs are known and this could cause your system to go
Groups in the GRPLIST in the SIT are processed sequentially. Place the groups
containing the model TERMINAL definitions followed by their TYPETERMs
in the GRPLIST before the user transactions and programs. This minimizes the
virtual storage tied up while processing the installation of the terminals.

Note: All terminals are installed, even surrogate TCT entries for MRO.

You must ensure that the DFHVTAM group precedes any TERMINAL or
TYPETERM definition in your GRPLIST. It is contained in the DFHLIST
GRPLIST, so adding DFHLIST first to your GRPLIST ensures this. If you do
not do this, the programs used to build the TCT are loaded for each terminal,
thus slowing initial and cold starts.
3. You should not have more than about 100 entries in any group defined in the
CSD. This may cause unnecessary overhead during processing, as well as
making maintenance of the group more difficult.
4. Make sure that changing the START= parameter does not change the default
for any facilities that your users do not want to have AUTO-started. Any
facility that you may want to override may be specifically coded in the
PARM= on the EXEC statement, or all of them may be overridden by
specifying START=(...,ALL).
| 5. If you do not intend to make use of the CICS Web Interface, you should make
| sure that WEB=NO is specified in the SIT. If WEB=YES is specified, the Web
| domain is activated, and there is an extra read from the CICS catalog during
| the setup of the CICS Web Interface.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 339

| 6. If you do not intend to make use of the CICS Web Interface or the Secure
| Sockets Layer, you should make sure that TCPIP=NO is specified in the SIT. If
| TCPIP=YES is specified, the Sockets domain task control block is activated.
7. Tune the VSAM parameters of the local and global catalogs to suit your
a. CI sizes should be changed for optimum data and DASD sizes (see “Size
of control intervals” on page 229 for more information). 2KB index CI, and
8KB or 16KB data CI can be recommended; 32KB data has been found to
slow down the COLD start.
b. We recommend that you specify the BUFNI and BUFND parameters in
your JCL for the GCD via the AMP= parameter, rather than using
c. Alter the number of index buffers by coding the number of strings plus
the number of index set records in the index. The number of records in the
index set can be calculated from IDCAMS LISTCAT information as follows:
v T = total number of index records (index REC-TOTAL)
v D = data control interval size (data CISIZE)
v C = data control intervals per control area (data CI/CA)
v H = data high-used relative byte address (data HURBA)
v The number of index set records can then be computed:
The number of sequence set records: S = H / (D X C)
v This calculation is really the number of used control areas. The number of
sequence set records must be the same as the number of used CAs.
The number of index set records: I = T - S

Free space has no effect, so do not spend time trying to tune this.
8. On cold and initial starts, CICS normally has to delete all the resource
definition records from the global catalog. You can save the time taken to do
this by using the recovery manager utility program, DFHRMUTL, described in
the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide.
v Before a cold start, run DFHRMUTL with
SET_AUTO_START=AUTOCOLD,COLD_COPY as input parameters. This
creates a copy of the global catalog data set that contains only those records
needed for a cold start. If the return code from this job step is normal, you
can replace the original global catalog with the new copy (taking an archive
of the original catalog if you wish). A example of the JCL to do this is
contained in the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide.
v Before an initial start, run DFHRMUTL with
SET_AUTO_START=AUTOINIT,COLD_COPY as input parameters, and
follow the same procedure to use the resulting catalog.
9. Allocate your DATA and INDEX data sets on different units, if possible.
10. Consider the use of autoinstalled terminals as a way of improving cold start,
even if you do not expect any storage savings. On startup, fewer terminals are
installed, thereby reducing the startup time.
11. The RAPOOL system initialization parameter should be set to a value that
allows faster autoinstall rates. For a discussion of this, see “Receive-any pool
(RAPOOL)” on page 204.
12. Specify the buffer, string, and key length parameters in the LSR pool
definition. This reduces the time taken to build the LSR pool, and also reduces
the open time for the first file to use the pool.

340 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

13. If you have defined performance groups for the CICS system, ensure that all
steps preceding the CICS step are also in the same performance group or, at
least, have a high enough dispatching priority so as not to delay their
14. The use of DISP=(...,PASS) on any non-VSAM data set used in steps preceding
CICS reduces allocation time the next time they are needed. If you do not use
PASS on the DD statement, this causes the subsequent allocation of these data
sets to go back through the catalog: a time-consuming process.
15. If possible, have one VSAM user catalog with all of the CICS VSAM data sets
and use a STEPCAT DD statement to reduce the catalog search time.
16. Keep the number of libraries defined by DFHRPL to a minimum. One large
library requires less time to perform the LLACOPY than many smaller
17. Use of the shared modules in the link pack area (LPA) can help to reduce the
time to load the CICS nucleus modules. See the CICS Transaction Server for
OS/390 Installation Guide for advice on how to install CICS modules in the
18. CICS does not load programs at startup time for resident programs. The
storage area is reserved, but the program is actually loaded on the first access
through program control for that program. This speeds startup. The correct
way to find a particular program or table in storage is to use the
program-control LOAD facility to find the address of the program or table.
The use of the LOAD facility physically loads the program into its predefined
storage location if it is the first access.
The use of a PLTPI task to load these programs is one possible technique, but
you must bear in mind that the CICS system is not operational until the PLTPI
processing is complete, so you should not load every program. Load only
what is necessary, or the startup time will appear to increase.

Automatic restart management

Automatic restart management (ARM) is a sysplex-wide integrated restart
mechanism that:
v Restarts MVS subsystems in place if they abend (or if notified of a stall
condition by a monitor program)
v Restarts all the elements of a workload (for example, CICS TORs, AORs, FORs,
DB2, and so on) on another MVS image after an MVS failure
v Restarts a failed MVS image.

You can use the MVS automatic restart manager to implement a sysplex-wide
integrated automatic restart mechanism. A sysplex can use ARM and VTAM
persistent sessions spread across many TORs in a generic resource set. ARM and
VTAM persistent sessions provide good recovery times in the event of a TOR
failure, and the TOR restart is reduced because only a fraction of the network has
to be rebuilt. You can log on to the generic resource while the failed TOR restarts.

ARM provides faster restart by providing surveillance and automatic restart. The
need for operator-initiated restarts, or other automatic restart packages, are
eliminated. For more information about MVS automatic restart management, see
the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Installation Guide, and the OS/390 MVS
Setting up a Sysplex manual, GC28-1779.

MVS automatic restart is available only to non-XRF CICS regions.

Chapter 27. Improving CICS startup and normal shutdown time 341
Buffer considerations
The number of index levels can be obtained by using the IDCAMS LISTCAT
command against a GCD after CICS has been shut down. Because cold start
mainly uses sequential processing, it should not require any extra buffers over
those automatically allocated when CICS opens the file.

You may wish to increase the number of buffers to improve autoinstall

performance. The minimum you should specify is the number suggested above for
warm shutdown. This should stop the high-level index being read for each

Note that if you have a large number of terminals autoinstalled, shutdown can fail
due to the MXT system initialization parameter being reached or CICS becoming
short on storage. To prevent this possible cause of shutdown failure, you should
consider putting the CATD transaction in a class of its own to limit the number of
concurrent CATD transactions. Also, AIQMAX can be specified to limit the number
of devices that can be queued for autoinstall. This protects against abnormal
consumption of virtual storage by the autoinstall/delete process, caused as a result
of some other abnormal event.

If this limit is reached, the AIQMAX system initialization parameter affects the
LOGON, LOGOFF and BIND processing by CICS. CICS requests VTAM to stop
passing such requests to CICS. VTAM holds the requests until CICS indicates that
it can accept further commands (this occurs when CICS has processed a queued
autoinstall request).

342 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Part 5. Appendixes

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 343

344 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
Appendix A. CICS statistics tables
This appendix provides reference information about CICS statistics. For
information about the interpretation of CICS statistics, see “Chapter 5. Using CICS
statistics” on page 39.

Interpreting CICS statistics

Product-Sensitive programming interface

All five types of CICS statistics record (interval, end-of-day, requested, requested
reset, and unsolicited) present information as SMF records. The numbers used to
identify each SMF statistics record are given in the DFHSTIDS copybook.
Programming information about the formats of CICS statistics records is given in
the CICS Customization Guide.

Each area of CICS statistics is listed below in the following format:

Statistics area: Statistics type

Brief description, if appropriate.

Name of the assembler DSECT mapping this data.

DFHSTUP name Field name Description

DFHSTUP name is the name Field name is the name as it Description is a brief
as it appears on the appears in the DSECT description of the statistics
DFHSTUP report. referred to above. field.

Reset characteristic: Reset

characteristic of the statistics
field at a statistics interval
collection. The values can be:
v Not reset
v Reset to zero
v Reset to 1
v Reset to current values
(this applies to peak values
v An exception to the above
(these will be

Statistics areas are listed alphabetically.

Summary report
The Statistics Utility Program (STUP) provides a summary report facility that can
be selected using a DFHSTUP control parameter. Information on how to run
DFHSTUP is given in the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide. When selected, the
summary report is placed after all other reports. The DFHSTUP summary report

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 345

facility summarizes (totals, peaks, and averages) the interval, unsolicited, requested
reset and end-of-day statistics on an “applid” by “applid” basis. Requested
statistics are not involved in the production of the summary report.

The summary report feature uses all of the appropriate statistic collections
contained on the SMF data set. Therefore, depending on when the summary report
feature is executed and when the SMF data set was last cleared, summary reports
may be produced covering an hour, a week, or any desired period of time. Note
that due to the potential magnitude of the summary data, it is not recommended
that a summary period extend beyond one year.

Within each of the following sections, the meaning of the summary statistics is
given. Because the summary statistics are computed offline by the DFHSTUP
utility, the summary statistics are not available to online users. Due to the potential
magnitude of the summary data, and due to limited page width, summary data
may be represented as a scaled value. For example, if the total number of terminal
input messages is 1234567890, this value is shown as 1234M, where ‘M’ represents
millions. Other scaling factors used are ‘B’ for billions and ‘T’ for trillions. Scaling
is only performed when the value exceeds 99999999, and only then when page
width is limited, for example in terminal statistics.
Table 14. Statistics listed in this appendix
Statistic type DSECT Page

Autoinstall global statistics DFHA04DS 347

–Global DFHD2GDS 352
–Resource DFHD2RDS 359
DBCTL session termination DFHDBUDS 364
Dispatcher domain
–Global DFHDSGDS 367
Dump domain
–System global DFHSDGDS 373
–System resource DFHSDRDS 373
–Transaction global DFHTDGDS 376
–Transaction resource DFHTDRDS 376
Enqueue domain DFHNQGDS 378
FEPI connection DFHA23DS 381
FEPI pool DFHA22DS 382
FEPI target DFHA24DS 383
File control
–Resource DFHA17DS 386
–Data table DFHA17DS 391
–Performance DFHA17DS 395
–System entry DFHA14DS 397
–Mode entry DFHA20DS 405
–Attach time DFHA21DS 410
Journalname DFHLGRDS 411
Log stream DFHLGSDS 413
–Resource DFHA08DS 416
–Data buffer DFHA08DS 419
–Index buffer DFHA08DS 420
LSRpool files DFHA09DS 426

346 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 14. Statistics listed in this appendix (continued)
Statistic type DSECT Page

–Global DFHMNGDS 428
Program autoinstall DFHPGGDS 430
Loader domain
–Global DFHLDGDS 431
–Resource DFHLDRDS 442
Recovery manager DFHRMGDS 445
Statistics domain DFHSTGDS 451
Storage manager
–Domain DFHSMDDS 259
–Task subpools DFHSMTDS 462
Table manager DFHA16DS 464
| TCP/IP Services
| –Resource DFHSORDS 465
Temporary storage DFHTSGDS 468
Terminal control DFHA06DS 474
Transaction class DFHXMCDS 478
Transaction manager
–Global DFHXMGDS 482
–Resource DFHXMRDS 484
Transient data
–Global DFHTQGDS 491
–Resource DFHTQRDS 494
User domain DFHUSGDS 499

Autoinstall global statistics

This is the DFHSTUP listing for terminals that are connected, while the system is
running, by means of the autoinstall facility. These statistics are obtained as
interval, end-of-day, or requested statistics. CICS also records unsolicited
autoinstall statistics, which DFHSTUP prints in a separate report; see “CICS
intercommunication facilities” on page 305.

Autoinstall: Local definition statistics

These statistics are available online, and are mapped by the DFHA04DS DSECT.
Table 15. Autoinstall: Local definition statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Autoinstall attempts A04VADAT is the number of eligible autoinstall attempts

made during the current session of CICS to
create terminal entries as users logged on.
For an attempt to be considered eligible,
CICS and VTAM must not be terminating,
autoinstall must be enabled, and the
terminal type must be valid for autoinstall
(not pipeline, LU6.1, or LU6.2 parallel

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 347

Table 15. Autoinstall: Local definition statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Rejected attempts A04VADRJ is the number of eligible autoinstall attempts

that were subsequently rejected during the
current session of CICS. Reasons for
rejection can be maximum concurrency
value exceeded, invalid bind, the user
program has rejected the logon, and so on. If
this number is unduly high, check the
reasons for rejection.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Deleted attempts A04VADLO is the number of deletions of terminal
entries as users logged off during the
current session.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak concurrent attempts A04VADPK is the highest number of attempts made
during the current session to create terminal
entries as users logged on at the same time.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Times the peak was reached A04VADPX is the number of times when the highest
number of attempts were made during the
current session to create terminal entries as
users logged on at the same time.

Reset characteristic: reset to 1

Times SETLOGON HOLD A04VADSH is the number of times that the SETLOGON
issued HOLD command was issued during this run
HOLD command when the maximum
number of concurrent autoinstall requests
allowed (the AIQMAX= system initialization
parameter) is exceeded.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Queued logons A04VADQT is the number of attempts that were queued
for logon due to delete in progress of the
TCTTE for the previous session with the
same LU.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak of queued logons A04VADQK is the highest number of logons that were
queued waiting for TCTTE deletion at any
one time. If this is unduly high, consider
increasing the delete delay interval
parameter of the AILDELAY system
initialization parameter.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Times queued peak reached A04VADQX is the number of times this peak was

Reset characteristic: reset to 1

348 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Autoinstall: remote definitions - shipped terminal statistics
Table 16. Autoinstall:remote definitions - shipped terminal statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Remote delete interval A04RDINT is the currently-specified time delay, in the

form hhmmss, between invocations of the
timeout delete transaction that removes
redundant shipped terminal definitions. The
value is set either by the DSHIPINT system
initialization parameter, or by a subsequent

Reset characteristic: not reset

Remote delete idle time A04RDIDL is the currently-specified minimum time, in
the form hhmmss, that an inactive shipped
terminal definition must remain installed in
this region, before it becomes eligible for
removal by the CICS timeout delete
transaction. The value is set either by the
DSHIPIDL system initialization parameter,
or by a subsequent SET DELETSHIPPED

Reset characteristic: not reset

Shipped terminals built A04SKBLT is the number of shipped remote terminal
definitions installed at the start of the
recording period, plus the number built
during the recording period. This value
equates to the sum of “Shipped terminals
installed” and “Shipped terminals deleted”.

Reset characteristic: reset to number of

skeletons installed
Shipped terminals installed A04SKINS is the number of shipped remote terminal
definitions currently installed in this region.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Shipped terminals deleted A04SKDEL is the number of shipped remote terminal
definitions deleted during the recording
period by the TIMEOUT transaction.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Times interval expired A04TIEXP is the number of times the remote delete
interval (A04RDINT) expired since the start
of the recording period.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Remote deletes received A04RDREC is the number of old-style (pre-CICS/ESA
4.1) remote delete instructions received by
this region since the start of the recording

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Remote deletes issued A04RDISS is the number of old-style (pre-CICS/ESA
4.1) remote delete instructions issued by this
region since the start of the recording

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 349

Table 16. Autoinstall:remote definitions - shipped terminal statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Successful remote deletes A04RDDEL is the number of shipped terminal

definitions deleted from this region because
of old-style remote delete instructions, since
the start of the recording period.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total idle count A04TIDCT is the total number of times that all
previously used remote terminal definitions
(whether deleted from the system or
currently in the system) had been idle
awaiting reuse.

This number does not include the remote

terminal definitions currently idle awaiting
reuse (see A04CIDCT).

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A04TIDLE is the total time (expressed in STCK units)
REPORT that all previously used remote terminal
definitions (whether deleted from the system
or currently in the system) had been idle
awaiting reuse.

This number does not include the remote

terminal definitions currently idle awaiting
reuse (see A04CIDLE).

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Average idle time is the average idle time (expressed in STCK
units) that all previously used remote
terminal definitions (whether deleted from
the system or currently in the system) had
been idle awaiting reuse.

This number does not include the remote

terminal definitions currently idle awaiting

This value is calculated offline by DFHSTUP

and is, therefore, not accessible through the

Reset characteristic: not reset

Maximum idle time A04TMAXI is the maximum time (expressed in STCK
units) for which a previously idle shipped
terminal definition had been idle during the
recording period.

This number does not include the remote

terminal definitions currently idle awaiting
reuse (A04CMAXI).

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A04CIDCT Reset characteristic: Not reset
NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A04CIDLE Reset characteristic: Not reset

350 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 16. Autoinstall:remote definitions - shipped terminal statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A04CMAXI Reset characteristic: Not reset


Autoinstall: Summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 17. Autoinstall: Summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Autoinstall attempts is the total number of eligible autoinstall attempts made during the
entire CICS session to create terminal entries as users logged on. For
an attempt to be considered eligible, CICS and VTAM must not be
terminating, autoinstall must be enabled, and the terminal type
must be valid for autoinstall (not pipeline, LU6.1, or LU6.2 parallel
Rejected attempts is the total number of eligible autoinstall attempts that were
subsequently rejected during the entire CICS session. Reasons for
rejection can be maximum concurrency value exceeded, invalid
bind, the user program has rejected the logon, and so on. If this
number is unduly high, check the reasons for rejection.
Deleted attempts is the total number of deletions of terminal entries as users logged
off during the entire session.
Peak concurrent is the highest number of attempts made during the entire CICS
attempts session to create terminal entries as users logged on at the same
Times the peak was is the number of times that the “peak concurrent attempts” value
reached was reached during the entire CICS session.
Times SETLOGON is the number of times that the SETLOGON HOLD command was
HOLD issued issued during the entire run of CICS. CICS issues the VTAM
SETLOGON HOLD command when the maximum number of
concurrent autoinstall requests allowed (the AIQMAX= system
initialization parameter) is exceeded.
Queued logons is the total number of attempts that were queued for logon due to
delete in progress of the TCTTE for the previous session with the
same LU.
Peak of queued logons is the highest number of logons that were queued waiting for
TCTTE deletion at any one time. If this is unduly high, consider
increasing the delete delay interval parameter of the AILDELAY
system initialization parameter.
Times queued peak is the number of times that the “peak of queued logons” value was
reached reached.
Remote delete interval is the currently-specified time delay, in the form hhmmss, between
invocations of the timeout delete transaction that removes
redundant shipped terminal definitions. The value is set either by
the DSHIPINT system initialization parameter, or by a subsequent
Remote delete idle is the currently-specified minimum time, in the form hhmmss, that
time an inactive shipped terminal definition must remain installed in this
region, before it becomes eligible for removal by the CICS timeout
delete transaction. The value is set either by the DSHIPIDL system
initialization parameter, or by a subsequent SET DELETSHIPPED
Shipped terminals is the number of shipped remote terminal definitions installed at the
built start of the recording period, plus the number built during the
recording period. This value equates to the sum of “Shipped
terminals installed” and “Shipped terminals deleted”.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 351

Table 17. Autoinstall: Summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Shipped terminals is the number of shipped remote terminal definitions currently

installed installed in this region.
Shipped terminals is the number of shipped remote terminal definitions deleted during
deleted the recording period by the TIMEOUT transaction.
Times interval expired is the number of times the remote delete interval (A04RDINT)
expired since the start of the recording period.
Remote deletes is the number of old-style (pre-CICS/ESA 4.1) remote delete
received instructions received by this region since the start of the recording
Remote deletes issued is the number of old-style (pre-CICS/ESA 4.1) remote delete
instructions issued by this region since the start of the recording
Successful remote is the number of shipped terminal definitions deleted from this
deletes region because of old-style remote delete instructions, since the start
of the recording period.
Total idle count is the total number of times that all previously used remote
terminal definitions (whether deleted from the system or currently
in the system) had been idle awaiting reuse.

This number does not include the remote terminal definitions

currently idle awaiting reuse (see A04CIDCT).
Total average idle time is the average idle time (expressed in STCK units) that all
previously used remote terminal definitions (whether deleted from
the system or currently in the system) had been idle awaiting reuse.

This number does not include the remote terminal definitions

currently idle awaiting reuse.
Maximum idle time is the maximum time (expressed in STCK units) for which a
previously idle shipped terminal definition had been idle during the
recording period.

This number does not include the remote terminal definitions

currently idle awaiting reuse (A04CMAXI).

CICS DB2: global statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS DB2CONN command, and are mapped by the DFHD2GDS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 18. CICS DB2: global statistics
DFHSTUP Field name Description

DB2 D2G_DB2CONN_NAME is the name of the installed

Connection DB2CONN
Reset characteristic: not reset
DB2 Sysid D2G_DB2_ID is the name of the DB2 subsystem that
the CICS is connected to or will
connect to.

Reset characteristic: not reset

352 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 18. CICS DB2: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP Field name Description

DB2 Release D2G_DB2_RELEASE is the version and release level of the

DB2 subsystem that CICS is
connected to. If CICS is not currently
connected to DB2 the DSECT field
contain nulls.

Reset characteristic: not reset

DB2 D2G_CONNECT_TIME_LOCAL is the local time when CICS connected
Connect to DB2. The DFHSTUP report
Time expresses this time as hh:mm:ss;
however the DSECT field contains the
time as a local store clock (STCK)

Reset characteristic: not reset

DB2 D2G_DISCONNECT_TIME_LOCAL is the local time when CICS
Disconnect disconnected from DB2. The
Time DFHSTUP report expresses this time
as hh:mm:ss; however the DSECT
field contains the time as a local store
clock (STCK) value. The disconnect
time will only be present in
DB2CONN unsolicited statistics
records produced when the CICS DB2
interface is shutdown, after which the
time field is cleared to nulls.

Reset characteristic: not reset

TCB Limit D2G_TCB_LIMIT is the maximum number of subtask
TCBs that can be attached to service
DB2 requests.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current D2G_TCB_CURRENT is the current number of subtask TCBs
number of attached to service DB2 requests.
Reset characteristic: not reset
Peak D2G_TCB_HWM is the peak number of subtask TCBs
number of attached to service DB2 requests.
Reset characteristic: reset to current
Current D2G_TCB_FREE is the current number of subtask TCBs
number of without a DB2 thread.
free TCBs
Reset characteristic: not reset
Current D2G_TCB_READYQ_CURRENT is the number of CICS tasks queued
number of waiting for a DB2 subtask TCB to
tasks on the become available.
TCB Readyq
Reset characteristic: not reset
Peak D2G_TCB_READYQ_HWM is the peak number of CICS tasks
number of queued waiting for a DB2 subtask
tasks on the TCB to become available.
TCB Readyq
Reset characteristic: reset to current

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 353

Table 18. CICS DB2: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP Field name Description

Pool Thread D2G_POOL_PLAN_NAME is the name of the plan used for the
Plan name pool. If a dynamic plan exit is being
used for the pool this DSECT field
will be nulls.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool Thread D2G_POOL_PLANEXIT_NAME is the name of the dynamic plan exit
Dynamic to be used for the pool. If a static plan
Planexit is being used for the pool this DSECT
name field will be nulls.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool Thread D2G_POOL_AUTHTYPE is the type of id to be used for DB2
Authtype security checking for pool threads. If
an Authid is being used for pool
threads this DSECT field contains

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool Thread D2G_POOL_AUTHID is the static id to be used for DB2
Authid security checking for pool threads. If
an Authtype is being used for pool
threads this DSECT field contains

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool Thread D2G_POOL_ACCOUNTREC specifies the frequency of DB2
Accountrec accounting records to be produced for
setting transactions using pool threads.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool Thread D2G_POOL_THREADWAIT specifies whether transactions should
Threadwait wait for a pool thread or be abended
setting if the number of active pool threads
exceed the pool thread limit.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool Thread D2G_POOL_PRIORITY is the priority of the pool thread
Priority subtasks relative to the CICS main
task (QR TCB).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number of D2G_POOL_CALLS is the number of SQL calls made
calls using using pool threads.
Threads Reset characteristic: reset to zero
Number of D2G_POOL_SIGNONS is the number of DB2 sign-ons
Pool Thread performed for pool threads.
Reset characteristic: reset to zero
Number of D2G_POOL_COMMITS is the number of two phase commits
Pool Thread performed for units of work using
Commits pool threads.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

354 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 18. CICS DB2: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP Field name Description

Number of D2G_POOL_ABORTS is the number of units of work using

Pool Thread pool threads that were rolled back.
Reset characteristic: reset to zero
Number of D2G_POOL_SINGLE_PHASE is the number of units of work using
Pool Thread pool threads that used single phase
Single commit, either because they were
Phases read-only UOWs, or because DB2 was
the only recoverable resource updated
in the UOW.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of D2G_POOL_THREAD_REUSE is the number of times CICS
Pool Thread transactions using the pool were able
Reuses to reuse an already created DB2
thread. This count includes
transactions that overflow to the pool
to acquire a thread and reuse an
existing thread.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of D2G_POOL_THREAD_TERM is the number of terminate thread
Pool Thread requests made to DB2 for pool
Terminates threads. This includes pool threads
used by transactions that overflow to
the pool.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of D2G_POOL_THREAD_WAITS is the number of times all available
Pool Thread threads in the pool were busy and a
Waits transaction had to wait for a thread to
become available. This count includes
transactions that overflow to the pool
to acquire a thread and have to wait
for a pool thread.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current Pool D2G_POOL_THREAD_LIMIT is the current maximum number of
Thread pool threads allowed.
Reset characteristic: not reset
Current D2G_POOL_THREAD_CURRENT is the current number of active pool
number of threads.
Threads in Reset characteristic: not reset
Peak D2G_POOL_THREAD_HWM is the peak number of active pool
number of threads.
Threads in Reset characteristic: reset to current
use value
Current D2G_POOL_TASK_CURRENT is the current number of CICS tasks
number of that are using a pool thread.
Pool tasks
Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 355

Table 18. CICS DB2: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP Field name Description

Peak D2G_POOL_TASK_HWM is the peak number of CICS tasks that

number of have used a pool thread.
Pool tasks
Reset characteristic: reset to current
Total D2G_POOL_TASK_TOTAL is the total number of completed tasks
number of that have used a pool thread.
Pool tasks
Reset characteristic: reset to zero.
Current D2G_POOL_READYQ_CURRENT is the current number of CICS tasks
number of waiting for a pool thread to become
tasks on the available.
Pool Readyq
Reset characteristic: not reset
Peak D2G_POOL_READYQ_HWM is the peak number of CICS tasks that
number of waited for a pool thread to become
tasks on the available.
Pool Readyq
Reset characteristic: reset to current
Command D2G_COMD_AUTHTYPE is the type of id to be used for DB2
Thread security checking for command
Authtype threads. If an Authid is being used for
command threads this DSECT field
contains nulls.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Command D2G_COMD_AUTHID is the static id to be used for DB2
Thread security checking for command
Authid threads. If an Authtype is being used
for command threads this DSECT
field contains nulls.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number of D2G_COMD_CALLS is the number of DB2 commands
calls using issued using the DSNC transaction.
Threads Reset characteristic: reset to zero
Number of D2G_COMD_SIGNONS is the number of DB2 sign-ons
Command performed for command threads.
Sign-ons Reset characteristic: reset to zero
Number of D2G_COMD_THREAD_TERM is the number of terminate thread
Command requests made to DB2 for command
Thread threads.
Reset characteristic: reset to zero
Number of D2G_COMD_THREAD_OVERF is the number of times a DSNC DB2
Command command resulted in a pool thread
Thread being used because the number of
Overflows active command threads exceed the
to Pool command thread limit.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

356 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 18. CICS DB2: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP Field name Description

Command D2G_COMD_THREAD_LIMIT is the current maximum number of

Thread command threads allowed.
Reset characteristic: not reset
Current D2G_COMD_THREAD_CURRENT is the current number of active
number of command threads.
Threads Reset characteristic: not reset
Peak D2G_COMD_THREAD_HWM is the peak number of active
number of command threads.
Threads Reset characteristic: reset to current
NOT IN D2G_CONNECT_TIME_GMT is the Greenwich mean time (GMT)
THE when CICS connected to DB2. The
DFHSTUP DFHSTUP report expresses this time
REPORT as hh:mm:ss; however the DSECT
field contains the time as a GMT store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN D2G_DISCONNECT_TIME_GMT is the Greenwich mean time (GMT)
THE when CICS disconnected from DB2.
DFHSTUP The DFHSTUP report expresses this
REPORT time as hh:mm:ss; however the
DSECT field contains the time as a
GMT store clock (STCK) value. The
disconnect time will only be present
in DB2CONN unsolicited statistics
records produced when the CICS DB2
interface is shutdown, after which the
time field is cleared to nulls.

Reset characteristic: not reset

CICS DB2: summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 19. CICS DB2: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

DB2 Connection Name is the name of the installed DB2CONN

Total DB2 Connection is the total amount of time CICS was connected to the DB2
time subsystem specified in this DB2CONN. The time is displayed as
DB2 Sysid is the DB2 sysid specified in this DB2CONN. If the sysid has
changed, it is the last setting of sysid.
DB2 Release is the DB2 version and release for this DB2CONN. If the version
and release have changed, it is the last setting of version and
TCB Limit is the TCBLIMIT value that was set in the DB2CONN. If the
TCBLIMIT has changed, it is the last setting of TCBLIMIT.
Peak number of TCBs is the peak number of subtask TCBs attached to service DB2

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 357

Table 19. CICS DB2: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Peak number of tasks is the peak number of CICS tasks queued waiting for a DB2 subtask
on the TCB Readyq TCB to become available.
Pool Thread Plan is the name of the plan used for the pool. If the plan name has
name changed, it is the last setting of plan name. If a dynamic plan exit is
being used for the pool this DSECT field will be nulls.
Pool Thread Dynamic is the name of the dynamic plan exit to be used for the pool. If the
Planexit name dynamic planexit name has changed, it is the last setting of
dynamic planexit name. If static plan is being used for the pool this
DSECT field will be nulls.
Pool Thread Authtype is the type of id to be used for DB2 security checking for pool
threads. If the pool thread authtype has changed, it is the last
setting of pool thread authtype. If an Authid is being used for pool
threads this DSECT field contains nulls.
Pool Thread Authid is the static id to be used for DB2 security checking for pool
threads. If the pool thread authid has changed, it is the last setting
of pool thread authid. If an Authtype is being used for pool threads
this DSECT field contains nulls.
Pool Thread is the frequency of DB2 accounting records to be produced for
Accountrec setting transactions using pool threads. If the pool thread accountrec setting
has changed, it is the last setting of pool thread accountrec.
Pool Thread is the setting for whether transactions should wait for a pool thread
Threadwait setting to be abended if the number of active pool threads reach the pool
thread limit. If the pool thread threadwait setting has changed, it is
the last setting of pool thread threadwait.
Pool Thread Priority is the priority of the pool thread subtasks relative to the CICS main
task (QR TCB). If the pool thread priority has changed, it is the last
setting of pool thread priority.
Total number of calls is the total number of SQL calls made using pool threads.
using Pool Threads

Total number of Pool is the total number of DB2 sign-ons performed for pool threads.
Thread Sign-ons
Total number of Pool is the total number of two phase commits performed for units of
Thread Commits work using pool threads.
Total number of Pool is the total number of units of work using pool threads that were
Thread Aborts rolled back.
Total number of Pool is the total number of units of work using pool threads that used
Thread Single Phases single phase commit, either because they were read-only UOWs, or
because DB2 was the only recoverable resource updated in the
Total number of Pool is the total number of times CICS transactions using the pool were
Thread Reuses able to reuse an already created DB2 thread. This count includes
transactions that overflow to the pool to acquire a thread and reuse
an existing thread.
Total number of Pool is the total number of terminate thread requests made to DB2 for
Thread Terminates pool threads. This includes pool threads used by transactions that
overflow to the pool.
Total number of Pool is the total number of times all available threads in the pool were
Thread Waits busy and a transaction had to wait for a thread to become available.
This count includes transactions that overflow to the pool to acquire
a thread and have to wait for a pool thread.
Pool Thread Limit is the thread limit value for the pool. If the pool thread limit has
changed, it is the last setting of pool thread limit.
Peak number of Pool is the peak number of active pool threads.
Threads in use

358 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 19. CICS DB2: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Peak number of Pool is the peak number of CICS tasks that have used a pool thread.
Total number of Pool is the total number of completed tasks that have used a pool thread.
Peak number of tasks is the peak number of CICS tasks that waited for a pool thread to
on the Pool Readyq become available.
Command Thread is the type of id to be used for DB2 security checking for command
Authtype threads. If the command thread authtype has changed, it is the last
setting of command thread authtype. If an Authid is being used for
command threads this DSECT field contains nulls.
Command Thread is the static id to be used for DB2 security checking for command
Authid threads. If the command thread authid has changed, it is the last
setting of command thread authid. If an Authtype is being used for
command threads this DSECT field contains nulls.
Total number of calls is the total number of DB2 commands issued through the DSNC
using Command transaction.
Total number of is the total number of DB2 sign-ons performed for command
Command Thread threads.
Total number of is the total number of terminate thread requests made to DB2 for
Command Thread command threads.
Total Number of is the total number of times a DSNC DB2 command resulted in a
Command Thread pool thread being used because the number of active command
Overflows threads exceed the command thread limit.
Command Thread is the maximum number of command threads allowed. If the
Limit command thread limit has changed, it is the last setting of
command thread limit.
Peak number of is the peak number of active command threads.
Command Threads

CICS DB2: resource statistics

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS DB2ENTRY() command and are mapped by the DFHD2RDS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.

There are three sections in the DFHSTUP report for CICS DB2 (resource) statistics:
v Resource information (see Resource statistics: resource information)
v Request information (see “Resource statistics: request information” on page 360)
v Performance information (see “Resource statistics: performance information” on
page 361)

Resource statistics: resource information

The resource information gives details of various attribute settings of each

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 359

Table 20. Resource statistics: resource information
DFHSTUP Field name Description

DB2Entry D2R_DB2ENTRY_NAME is the name of the installed


Reset characteristic: not reset

Plan Name D2R_PLAN_NAME is the name of the plan used for this
DB2ENTRY. If a dynamic plan exit is
being used for the DB2Entry this
DSECT field will be nulls.

Reset characteristic: not reset

PlanExit D2R_PLANEXIT_NAME is the name of the dynamic planexit
name to be used for this DB2ENTRY. If a
static plan is being used for the
DB2ENTRY this DSECT field will be

Reset characteristic: not reset

Auth id D2R_AUTHID is the static id to be used for DB2
security checking for this DB2ENTRY.
If an Authtype is being used for the
DB2ENTRY this DSECT field contains

Reset characteristic: not reset

Auth type D2R_AUTHTYPE is the type of id to be used for DB2
security checking for this DB2ENTRY.
If an Authid is being used for the
DB2ENTRY this DSECT field contains

Reset characteristic: not reset

Account D2R_ACCOUNTREC specifies the frequency of DB2
records accounting records to be produced for
transactions using this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Thread Wait D2R_THREADWAIT specifies whether transactions should
wait for a thread, abend or overflow
to the pool, if the number of active
threads for this DB2ENTRY exceeds
its thread limit.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Thread Prty D2R_PRIORITY is the priority of the DB2ENTRY
thread subtasks relative to the CICS
main task (QR TCB).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Resource statistics: request information

The request information gives details of how many requests of various types have
been performed against each DB2ENTRY.

360 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 21. Resource statistics: request information
DFHSTUP Field name Description

DB2Entry D2R_DB2ENTRY_NAME is the name of the installed


Reset characteristic: not reset

Call Count D2R_CALLS is the number of SQL calls made
using this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Sign-on D2R_SIGNONS is the number of DB2 sign-ons
Count performed for this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Commit D2R_COMMITS is the number of two phase commits
Count performed for units of work using
this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Abort Count D2R_ABORTS is the number of units of work using
this DB2ENTRY that were rolled back.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Single Phase D2R_SINGLE_PHASE is the number of units of work using
the DB2ENTRY that used single-phase
commit, either because they were
read-only UOWs, or because DB2 was
the only recoverable resource updated
in the UOW.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Thread D2R_THREAD_REUSE is the number of times CICS
Reuse transactions using the DB2ENTRY
were able to reuse an already created
DB2 thread.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Thread D2R_THREAD_TERM is the number of terminate thread
Terms requests made to DB2 for threads of
this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Thread D2R_THREAD_WAIT_OR_OVERF is the number of times all available
Waits/Overflows threads in the DB2ENTRY were busy
and a transaction had to wait for a
thread to become available, or
overflow to the pool and use a pool
thread instead.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Resource statistics: performance information

The performance information gives details of Thread information for each

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 361

Table 22. Resource statistics: performance information
DFHSTUP Field name Description

DB2ENTRY D2R_DB2ENTRY_NAME is the name of the installed


Reset characteristic: not reset

Thread D2R_THREAD_LIMIT is the current maximum number of
Limit threads allowed for the DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Thread D2R_THREAD_CURRENT is the current number of active
Current threads for this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Thread D2R_THREAD_HWM is the peak number of active threads
HWM for this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: reset to current

Pthread D2R_PTHREAD_LIMIT is the current maximum number of
Limit protected threads allowed for this

Reset characteristic: not reset

PThread D2R_PTHREAD_CURRENT is the current number of protected
Current threads for this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pthread D2R_PTHREAD_HWM is the peak number of protected
HWM threads for this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: reset to current

Task Current D2R_TASK_CURRENT is the current number of CICS tasks
that are using this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Task HWM D2R_TASK_HWM is the peak number of CICS tasks that
have used this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: reset to current

Task Total D2R_TASK_TOTAL is the total number of completed tasks
that have used this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero.

Readyq D2R_READYQ_CURRENT is the current number of CICS tasks
Current waiting for a thread to become
available on this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Readyq D2R_READYQ_HWM is the peak number of CICS tasks that
HWM waited for a thread to become
available on this DB2ENTRY.

Reset characteristic: reset to current


362 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

CICS DB2: summary resource statistics
There are three sections in the DFHSTUP summary report for CICS-DB2 (resource)
v Resource information (see Summary resource statistics: resource information)
v Request information (see “Summary resource statistics: request information”)
v Performance information (see “Summary resource statistics: performance
information” on page 364)

Summary statistics are not available online.

Summary resource statistics: resource information

The resource information gives details of various attribute settings of each
Table 23. Summary resource statistics: resource information
DFHSTUP name Description

DB2Entry Name is the name of the installed DB2ENTRY.

Plan Name is the name of the plan used for this DB2ENTRY. If a dynamic plan
exit is being used for the DB2Entry this DSECT field will be nulls. If
the plan name changed, it is the last setting of plan name.
PlanExit name is the name of the dynamic planexit to be used for this DB2ENTRY.
If the planexit name has changed, it is the last setting of PlanExit
name. If a static plan is being used for the DB2ENTRY this DSECT
field will be nulls.
Auth id is the static id to be used for DB2 security checking for this
DB2ENTRY. If the Auth id changed, it is the last setting of Auth id.
If an Authtype is being used for the DB2ENTRY this DSECT field
contains nulls.
Auth type is the type of id to be used for DB2 security checking for this
DB2ENTRY. If the Auth type changed, it is the last setting of Auth
type. If an Authid is being used for the DB2ENTRY this DSECT
field contains nulls.
Account records specifies the frequency of DB2 accounting records to be produced
for transactions using this DB2ENTRY. If the frequency changed, it
is the last frequency setting.
Thread Wait specifies whether transactions should wait for a thread, abend, or
overflow to the pool, if the number of active threads for this
DB2ENTRY exceeds its thread limit. If the threadwait changed, it is
the last setting of threadwait.
Thread Prty is the priority of the DB2ENTRY thread subtasks relative to the
CICS main task (QR TCB). If the priority changed, it is the last
setting of priority.

Summary resource statistics: request information

The request information gives details of how many requests of various types have
been performed against each DB2ENTRY.
Table 24. Summary resource statistics: request information
DFHSTUP name Description

DB2Entry Name is the name of the installed DB2ENTRY

Call Count is the total number of SQL calls made using this DB2ENTRY.
Sign-on Count is the total number of DB2 sign-ons performed for this DB2ENTRY.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 363

Table 24. Summary resource statistics: request information (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Commit Count is the total number of two phase commits performed for units of
work using this DB2ENTRY.
Abort Count is the total number of units of work using this DB2ENTRY that
were total back.
Single Phase is the total number of units of work using the DB2ENTRY that used
single phase commit, either because they were read-only UOWs, or
because DB2 was the only recoverable resource updated in the
Thread Reuse is the total number of times CICS transactions using the DB2ENTRY
were able to reuse an already created DB2 thread.
Thread Terms is the total number of terminate thread requests made to DB2 for
threads of this DB2ENTRY.
Thread is the total number of times all available threads in the DB2ENTRY
Waits/Overflows were busy and a transaction had to wait for a thread to become
available, or overflow to the pool and use a pool thread instead.

Summary resource statistics: performance information

The performance information gives details of thread information for each
Table 25. Summary resource statistics: performance information
DFHSTUP name Description

DB2ENTRY Name is the name of the installed DB2ENTRY

Thread Limit is the maximum number of threads allowed for the DB2ENTRY. If
the value changed, it is the last setting of Thread limit.
Thread HWM is the peak number of active threads for this DB2ENTRY.
Pthread Limit is the maximum number of protected threads allowed for this
DB2ENTRY. If the value changed, it is the last setting of Pthread
Pthread HWM is the peak number of protected threads for this DB2ENTRY.
Task HWM is the peak number of CICS tasks that have used this DB2ENTRY.
Task Total is the total number of completed tasks that have used this
Readyq HWM is the peak number of CICS tasks that waited for a thread to
become available on this DB2ENTRY.

DBCTL session termination

DBCTL statistics are of the unsolicited type only. They appear on a separate report
to the other types of CICS statistics.

The DBCTL statistics exit DFHDBSTX is invoked by the CICS adapter (DFHDBAT),
and CICS statistics information is collected by the statistics domain whenever
DBCTL is disconnected as a result of:
v An orderly or immediate disconnection of the DBCTL using the menu
transaction CDBC
v An orderly termination of CICS.

Note: If there is an immediate shutdown or abend of CICS, the latest CICS-DBCTL

session statistics are lost. The function of DFHDBSTX is to invoke the
statistics domain supplying the data that has been returned from the
database resource adapter (DRA) relating to the individual CICS-DBCTL

364 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

CICS termination statistics that contain the number of DL/I calls by type, issued
against each DL/I database, are not produced by CICS in the DBCTL environment.
DBCTL produces this type of information.

For more information about CICS-DBCTL statistics, see the CICS IMS Database
Control Guide.

DBCTL: global statistics

These statistics are mapped by the DFHDBUDS DSECT.
Table 26. DBCTL: Global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

CICS DBCTL session number STADSENO is the number of the CICS-DBCTL session
and is incremented every time you connect
and disconnect.

Reset characteristic: not reset

DBCTL identifier STATDBID is the name of the DBCTL session.

Reset characteristic: not reset

DBCTL RSE name STARSEN is the name of the DBCTL recoverable
service element (RSE).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Time CICS connected to STALCTIM is the time when CICS was connected to
DBCTL DBCTL. The DFHSTUP report expresses this
time as hours:minutes:seconds.decimals at local
time; however, the DSECT field contains the
time as a local store clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Time CICS disconnected from STALDTIM is the time when CICS was disconnected
DBCTL from DBCTL. The DFHSTUP report
expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals at local time;
however, the DSECT field contains the time
as a local store clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN DFHSTUP REPORT STACTIME is the time when CICS was connected to
DBCTL. The DFHSTUP report expresses this
time as hours:minutes:seconds.decimals at
GMT; however, the DSECT field contains the
time as a GMT store clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN DFHSTUP REPORT STADTIME is the time when CICS was disconnected
from DBCTL. The DFHSTUP report
expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals at GMT;
however, the DSECT field contains the time
as a GMT store clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Minimum number of threads STAMITHD is the minimum value specified in the DRA
startup parameter table.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 365

Table 26. DBCTL: Global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Maximum number of threads STAMATHD is the maximum value specified in the DRA
startup parameter table.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Times minimum threads hit STANOMITHD is the number of times the CICS-DBCTL
session has hit the minimum thread value.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Times maximum threads hit STANOMATHD is the number of times the CICS-DBCTL
session has hit the maximum thread value.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Elapsed time at maximum STAELMAX is the elapsed time, expressed as
threads hours:minutes:seconds.decimals, for which the
CICS-DBCTL session is running at the
maximum thread value.

Reset characteristic: none

Peak number of threads STAHIWAT is the highest number of threads used
throughout the CICS-DBCTL session.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Successful PSB schedules STAPSBSU is the number of times the CICS-DBCTL
session has successfully scheduled a
program specification block (PSB).

Reset characteristic: not reset

DBCTL: summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 27. DBCTL: Summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

CICS DBCTL session is the number of the CICS-DBCTL session.

DBCTL identifier is the name of the DBCTL session.
DBCTL RSE name is the name of the DBCTL recoverable service element (RSE).
Minimum number of is the minimum value specified in the DRA startup parameter table.
Maximum number of is the maximum value specified in the DRA startup parameter table.
Times minimum is the total number of times the CICS-DBCTL session has hit the
threads hit minimum thread value.
Times maximum is the total number of times the CICS-DBCTL session has hit the
threads hit maximum thread value.
Elapsed time at is the elapsed time, expressed as days-hours:minutes:seconds.decimals,
maximum threads for which the CICS-DBCTL session is running at the maximum
thread value.
Peak number of is the highest number of threads used throughout the CICS-DBCTL
threads session.
Successful PSB is the total number of times the CICS-DBCTL session has
schedules successfully scheduled a program specification block (PSB).

366 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Dispatcher domain
Dispatcher domain: Global statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS DISPATCHER command, and are mapped by the DFHDSGDS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 28. Dispatcher domain: Global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

| Dispatcher domain start date DSGLSTRT is the date and time at which the dispatcher
| and time started. This value can be used as an
approximate time at which CICS started.
The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value in local time.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN DFHSTUP REPORT DSGSTART is the time at which the dispatcher started.
This value can be used as an approximate
time at which CICS started. The DFHSTUP
report expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value in GMT.

Reset characteristic: not reset

| Address Space CPU Time DSGEJST is the total CPU time for all TCBs in this
| address space, accumulated during the
| interval.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Address Space SRB Time DSGSRBT is the total CPU time for all service request
| blocks (SRB) executed in this address space,
| accumulated during the interval.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current number of tasks DSGCNT is the current number of tasks in the system.
This figure includes all system tasks and all
user tasks.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak number of tasks DSGPNT is the peak value of the number of tasks
concurrently in the system.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current ICV time (msec) DSGICVT is the ICV time value (expressed in
milliseconds) specified in the SIT, or as an
override, or changed dynamically using
CICS SET SYSTEM TIME(fullword binary
data-value) commands.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 367

Table 28. Dispatcher domain: Global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

| Current ICVR time (msec) DSGICVRT is the ICVR time value (expressed im
| milliseconds) specified in the SIT, or as an
| override, or changed dynamically using
| CICS SET SYSTEM TIME(fullword binary
| data-value) commands.

| Reset characteristic: not reset

Current ICVTSD time (msec) DSGICVSD is the ICVTSD time value (expressed in
milliseconds) specified in the SIT, or as an
override, or changed dynamically using
SCANDELAY(fullword binary data-value)

Reset characteristic: not reset

| Current PRTYAGE time DSGPRIAG is the PRTYAGE time value (expressed in
| (msec) milliseconds) specified in the SIT, or as an
| override, or changed dynamically using
| CICS SET SYSTEM AGING(fullword binary
| data-value) commands.

| Reset characteristic: not reset

| Current Max Open TCB limit DSGMAXOP is the MAXOPENTCBs value specified in the
| (MAXOPENTCBS) SIT, or as an override, or changed
| dynamically using CEMT SET SYSTEM
| SYSTEM MAXOPENTCBS (fullword binary
| data-value) commands

| Reset characteristic: not reset

| Current Open TCBs DSGCNUAT is the current number of CICS TCBs
| attached in an open mode.

| Reset characteristic: not reset

| Peak Open TCBs DSGPNUAT is the peak number of CICS TCBs attached
| in an open mode.

| Reset characteristic: reset to current value

| Current Open TCBs in use DSGCNUUS is the current number of CICS TCBs
| attached in an open mode and being used.

| Reset characteristic: not reset

| Peak Open TCBs in use DSGPNUUS is the peak number of CICS TCBs used that
| were attached in an open mode.

| Reset characteristic: reset to current value

| Times at Max Open TCB DSGNTCBL is the number of times the system reached
| Limit the MAXOPENTCBS limit.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Total TCB Attaches delayed DSGTOTNW is the total number of TCB attaches delayed
| by MAXOPENTCBS because the system reached the

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

368 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 28. Dispatcher domain: Global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

| Total MAXOPENTCBS delay DSGTOTWL is the total time that open mode TCBs were
| time delayed because the system had reached the

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Current Attaches delayed by DSGCURNW is the current number of TCB attaches that
| MAXOPENTCBS are currently delayed because the system is
| at MAXOPENTCBS limit.

| Reset characteristic: not reset

| Current MAXOPENTCBS DSGCURWT is the current delay time for the TCB
| delay time attaches that are currently delayed because
| the system is at MAXOPENTCBS limit.

| Reset characteristic: not reset

| NOT IN THE DFHSTUP DSGASIZE is the current number of CICS TCB modes
| REPORT in which the CICS dispatcher is managing
| MVS task control blocks (TCBs) in the
| system under which the CICS dispatcher
| runs.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Dispatcher domain: TCB statistics

| The following fields are mapped by the DSGTCB DSECT within the DFHDSGDS
| DSECT. The DSGTCB DSECT is repeated for each mode of TCB in CICS

For a list of modes of TCB, see “Dispatcher statistics” on page 47.

Table 29. Dispatcher domain: TCB statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Mode DSGTGBM is the name of the CICS Dispatcher TCB

mode, either QR, RO, CO, SZ, RP, FO, SL,
SO, J8, L8 or S8.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current TCBs DSGTCBCA is the current number of MVS TCBs attached
in this CICS dispatcher TCB mode.

Reset characteristic: not reset

MVS Waits DSGSYSW is the number of MVS waits which occurred
on this TCB.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Accum Time in MVS wait DSGTWT is the accumulated real time that the CICS
region was in an MVS wait, that is, the total
time used between an MVS wait issued by
the dispatcher and the return from the MVS
wait. The DFHSTUP report expresses this
time as hours:minutes:seconds.decimals;
however, the DSECT field contains the time
as a store clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 369

Table 29. Dispatcher domain: TCB statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Accum Time Dispatched DSGTDT is the accumulated real time that this TCB
has been dispatched by MVS, that is, the
total time used between an MVS wait issued
by the dispatcher and the subsequent wait
issued by the dispatcher. The DFHSTUP
report expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP DSGTCT is the accumulated CPU time taken for this
REPORT DS task, that is, the processor time used by
this TCB while executing the default
dispatcher task (DSTCB). The DSECT field
contains the time as a store clock (STCK)

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Accum CPU Time / TCB DSGACT is the accumulated CPU time taken for this
TCB, that is, the total time that this TCB has
been in execution. The DFHSTUP report
expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Dispatcher domain: TCB statistics - Modes

| These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
| STATISTICS DISPATCHER command, and are mapped by the DFHDSGDS DSECT.
| For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
| command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
| Table 30. Dispatcher domain: TCB statistics - Modes
| DFHSTUP name Field name Description

| Mode DSGTCBNM is the name of the CICS Dispatcher TCB

| mode, either QR, RO, CO, SZ, RP, FO, SL,
| SO, J8, L8 or S8.

| Reset characteristic: not reset

| Current TCBs DSGTCBCA is the current number of MVS TCBs attached
| in this CICS dispatcher TCB mode.

| Reset characteristic: not reset

| Peak TCBs DSGTCBPA is the peak number of MVS TCBs attached
| in this CICS dispatcher TCB mode.

| Reset characteristic: reset to current value

| TCBs attached DSGNTCBA is the number of MVS TCBs that have been
| attached in this CICS dispatcher TCB mode.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

370 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Table 30. Dispatcher domain: TCB statistics - Modes (continued)
| DFHSTUP name Field name Description

| Detached Unclean DSGTCBDU is the number of MVS TCBs that have been
| or are in the process of being detached from
| this CICS dispatcher TCB mode because the
| CICS transaction that was associated with
| the TCB has abended.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Detached Stolen DSGTCBDS is the number of MVS TCBs that have been
| or are in the process of being stolen from
| this CICS dispatcher TCB mode because it is
| required by another TCB mode.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Detached Other DSGTCBDO is the number of MVS TCBs that have been
| or are in the process of being detached from
| this CICS dispatcher TCB mode. For
| example, MAXOPENTCBS has been lowered
| of there are too many TCBs attached in
| relation to the number of TCBs in use.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| TCB Steals DSGTCBST is the number of MVS TCBs that have been
| stolen from other TCB modes.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Dispatcher domain: Summary global statistics

| Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 31. Dispatcher domain: Summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

| Dispatcher start date is the date and time at which the CICS dispatcher started. This
| and time value can be used as an approximate date and time at which CICS
| started. The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals at the local time); however, the DSECT
field contains the time as a local store clock (STCK) value.
| Address space CPU is the total CPU time taken by the CICS address space. The
| time DFHSTUP report expresses this as hours:minutes:seconds.decimals
| Address space SRB is the total SRB time taken by the CICS address space. The
| time DFHSTUP report expresses this as hours:minutes:seconds.decimals
Peak number of tasks is the peak number of tasks concurrently in the system.
Peak ICV time (msec) is the peak ICV time value (expressed in milliseconds) specified in
the SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically using CEMT SET
binary data-value) commands.
| Peak ICV time (msec) is the peak ICV time value (expressed in milliseconds) specified in
| the SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically using CEMT SET
| (fullword binary data-value) commands.
Peak ICVTSD time is the peak ICVTSD time value (expressed in milliseconds) specified
(msec) in the SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically using CEMT
SCANDELAY(fullword binary data-value) commands.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 371

Table 31. Dispatcher domain: Summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

| Peak PRTYAGE time is the peak PRTYAGE time value (expressed in milliseconds)
| (msec) specified in the SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically
| SYSTEM AGING(fullword binary data-value) commands.
| Max open TCB limit is the last MAXOPENTCBS value (expressed as the number of open
| (MAXOPENTCBS) TCBs) that was specified in the SIT, or as an override, or changed
| dynamically using the CEMT SET SYSTEM MAXOPENTCBS(value)
| data-value) commands.
| Peak open TCBs in is the peak number of open TCBs in use reached in the system.
| use
| Times at max open is the total number of times the MAXOPENTCBS limit has been
| TCB limit reaches.
| Total TCB attaches is the total number of TCB attaches that have been delayed due to
| delayed by the MAXOPENTCBS limit being reached.
| Total MAXOPENTCBS is the total time spent waiting by those tasks that were delayed due
| delay time to the MAXOPENTCBS limit being reached.
| Average is the average time spent waiting by those tasks that were delayed
| MAXOPENTCBS due to the MAXOPENTCBS limit being reached.
| delay time

Dispatcher domain: Summary TCB statistics

| The following statistics are repeated for each of the modes of TCB.

For a list of modes of TCB, see “Dispatcher statistics” on page 47.

Table 32. Dispatcher domain: Summary TCB statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

| Mode is the name of the CICS Dispatcher TCB mode, either QR, RO, CO,
| SZ, RP, FO, SL, SO, J8, L8 or S8.
| Peak TCBs is the peak number of MVS TCBs attached in this CICS dispatcher
| TCB mode.
MVS Waits is the total number of MVS waits which occurred on this TCB
Total Time in MVS is the total real time that the TCBs in this mode were in an MVS
wait wait. The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as
Total Time Dispatched is the total real time that the TCBs in this mode were dispatched by
MVS. The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as
Total CPU Time / is the total CPU time taken for the TCBs in this mode. The
TCB DFHSTUP report expresses this time as days-

Dispatcher domain: Summary TCB statistics - Modes

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS DISPATCHER command, and are mapped by the DFHDSGDS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
| command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.

372 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Table 33. Dispatcher domain: TCB statistics - Modes
| DFHSTUP name Field name Description

| Mode DSGTCBNM is the name of the CICS Dispatcher TCB

| mode, either QR, RO, CO, SZ, RP, FO, SL,
| SO, J8, L8 or S8.

| Reset characteristic: not reset

| Current TCBs DSGTCBCA is the current number of MVS TCBs attached
| in this CICS dispatcher TCB mode.

| Reset characteristic: not reset

| Peak TCBs DSGTCBPA is the peak number of MVS TCBs attached
| in this CICS dispatcher TCB mode.

| Reset characteristic: reset to current value

| TCBs attached DSGNTCBA is the number of MVS TCBs that have been
| attached in this CICS dispatcher TCB mode.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Detached Unclean DSGTCBDU is the number of MVS TCBs that have been
| or are in the process of being detached from
| this CICS dispatcher TCB mode because the
| CICS transaction that was associated with
| the TCB has abended.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Detached Stolen DSGTCBDS is the number of MVS TCBs that have been
| stolen or are in the process of being stolen
| from this CICS dispatcher TCB mode
| because it is required by another TCB mode.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Detached Other DSGTCBDO is the number of MVS TCBs that have been
| detached or are in the process of being
| detached from this CICS dispatcher TCB
| mode. For example, MAXOPENTCBS has
| been lowered of there are too many TCBs
| attached in relation to the number of TCBs
| in use.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| TCB Steals DSGTCBST is the number of MVS TCBs that have been
| stolen from other TCB modes.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Dump domain
The dump domain collects global and resource statistics for both system and
transaction dumps which occur during the CICS run.

System dumps
Dump domain: system dump global statistics
These statistics fields contain the global data collected by the dump domain for
system dumps.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 373

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS SYSDUMPCODE command, and are mapped by the DFHSDGDS
DSECT. For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 34. Dump domain: System dump global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Dumps taken SYS_DUMPS_TAKEN is the number of system dumps taken by the

whole system during the present run of
CICS. This number does not include
suppressed dumps. A set of related dumps
may be taken across the sysplex if the dump
code includes the RELATED option. In this
case, the count is incremented by one for the
CICS system which initiated the dump. The
number is unchanged for all other CICS
systems even if they have issued a dump as
part of the related request.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Dumps suppressed SYS_DUMPS_SUPPR is the number of system dumps, requested
from the dump domain by CICS or by a
user, which were suppressed by one of:
v A user exit
v The dump table
v A global system dump suppression.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Dump domain: System dump resource statistics

These statistics fields contain the data collected by the dump domain for system
dumps, by dump code. They are available online, and are mapped by the
Table 35. Dump domain: system dump resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Dumpcode SDRCODE is the system dump code. This code is a

CICS message number with the DFH prefix
and the action code suffix (if any) removed.
For guidance information about CICS
messages, see the CICS Messages and Codes

Reset characteristic: not reset

Dumps SDRSTKN is the number of system dumps taken for
the dump code identified in the Dumpcode
(SDRCODE) field. A set of related dumps
may be taken across the sysplex if the dump
code includes the RELATED option. In this
case, the count is incremented by one for the
CICS system which initiated the dump. The
number is unchanged for all other CICS
systems even if they have issued a dump as
part of the related request.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

374 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 35. Dump domain: system dump resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Dumps suppressed SDRSSUPR is the number of system dumps, for the

dump code identified in the Dumpcode
(SDRCODE) field, which were suppressed
by one of:
v A user exit
v The dump table
v A global system dump suppression.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

NOT IN THE SDRTTKN & These fields are always zero. They exist here
DFHSTUP REPORT SDRTSUPR only for compatibility with the transaction
dump statistics record format. A transaction
dump can force a system dump to be taken
as well (it is an option in the transaction
dump table), but a system dump cannot
force a transaction dump to be taken.

Reset characteristic: not applicable

Dump domain: summary system dump global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 36. Dump domain: Summary system dump global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Dumps taken is the total number of system dumps taken by the whole system
during the entire run of CICS. This number does not include
suppressed dumps. A set of related dumps may be taken across the
sysplex if the dump code includes the RELATED option. In this
case, the count is incremented by one for the CICS system which
initiated the dump. The number is unchanged for all other CICS
systems even if they have issued a dump as part of the related
Dumps suppressed is the total number of system dumps, requested from the dump
domain by CICS or by a user, which were suppressed by one of:
v A user exit
v The dump table
v A global system dump suppression.

Dump domain: summary system dump resource statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 37. Dump domain: Summary system dump resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Dumpcode is the system dump code. This code is a CICS message number with
the DFH prefix and the action code suffix (if any) removed. For
guidance information about CICS messages, see the CICS Messages
and Codes manual.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 375

Table 37. Dump domain: Summary system dump resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Dumps is the total number of system dumps taken for the dump code
identified in the Dumpcode field. A set of related dumps may be
taken across the sysplex if the dump code includes the RELATED
option. In this case, the count is incremented by one for the CICS
system which initiated the dump. The number is unchanged for all
other CICS systems even if they have issued a dump as part of the
related request.
Dumps suppressed is the total number of system dumps, for the dump code identified
in the Dumpcode field, which were suppressed by one of:
v A user exit
v The dump table
v A global system dump suppression.

Transaction dumps
Dump domain: transaction dump global statistics
These statistics fields contain the global data collected by the dump domain for
transaction dumps.

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS TRANDUMPCODE command and are mapped by the DFHTDGDS
DSECT. For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 38. Dump domain: transaction dump global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Dumps taken TRANS_DUMP_TAKENis the number of transaction dumps taken

by the whole system during the present run
of CICS. This number does not include
suppressed dumps.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Dumps suppressed TRANS_DUMP_SUPP is the number of transaction dumps,
requested from the dump domain by CICS
or by a user, which were suppressed by one
v A user exit
v The dump table.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Dump domain: transaction dump resource statistics

These statistics fields contain the data collected by the dump domain for
transaction dumps, by dump code. They are available online, and are mapped by

376 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 39. Dump domain: transaction dump resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Dumpcode TDRCODE is the transaction dump code. For guidance

information about transaction abend codes,
see the CICS Messages and Codes manual.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Dumps TDRTTKN is the number of transaction dumps taken
for the dump code identified in the
Dumpcode (TDRCODE) field.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Dumps suppressed TDRTSUPR is the number of transaction dumps
suppressed for the dump code identified in
the Dumpcode (TDRCODE) field.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

System dumps TDRSTKN is the number of system dumps forced by
the transaction dump identified in the
Dumpcode (TDRCODE) field. A set of
related dumps may be taken across the
sysplex if the dump code includes the
RELATED option. In this case, the count is
incremented by one for the CICS system
which initiated the dump. The number is
unchanged for all other CICS systems even
if they have issued a dump as part of the
related request.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

System dumps TDRSSUPR is the number of system dumps, forced by
suppressed the transaction dump identified in the
Dumpcode (TDRCODE) field, which were
suppressed by one of:
v A user exit
v The transaction dump table
v A global system dump suppression.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Dump domain: summary transaction dump global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 40. Dump domain: Summary transaction dump global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Dumps taken is the total number of transaction dumps taken by the whole system
during the entire run of CICS. This number does not include
suppressed dumps.
Dumps suppressed is the total number of transaction dumps, requested from the dump
domain by CICS or by a user, which were suppressed by one of:
v A user exit
v The dump table.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 377

Dump domain: summary transaction dump resource statistics
Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 41. Dump domain: Summary transaction dump resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Dumpcode is the transaction dump code. For guidance information about

transaction abend codes, see the CICS Messages and Codes manual.
Dumps is the total number of transaction dumps taken for the dump code
identified in the Dumpcode field.
Dumps suppressed is the total number of transaction dumps suppressed for the dump
code identified in the Dumpcode field.
System dumps is the total number of system dumps forced by the transaction
dump identified in the Dumpcode field. A set of related dumps
may be taken across the sysplex if the dump code includes the
RELATED option. In this case, the count is incremented by one for
the CICS system which initiated the dump. The number is
unchanged for all other CICS systems even if they have issued a
dump as part of the related request.
System dumps is the total number of system dumps, forced by the transaction
suppressed dump identified in the Dumpcode field, which were suppressed by
one of:
v A user exit
v The transaction dump table
v A global system dump suppression.

Enqueue domain
The enqueue domain collects global statistics for enqueue requests.

Enqueue global statistics

These statistics fields contain the global data collected by the enqueue domain for
enqueue requests.

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS ENQUEUE command, and are mapped by the DFHNQGDS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 42. Enqueue domain: enqueue requests global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

NOT IN THE NQGPOOL is the number of enqueue pools.

Reset characteristic: not reset
ENQ Poolname NQGNPOOL is the enqueue pool id.

Reset characteristic: not reset

ENQs Issued NQGTNQSI is the total number of enqueue requests

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

378 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 42. Enqueue domain: enqueue requests global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

ENQs Waited NQGTNQSW is the total number of enqueue requests that

had waited due to the enqueues being held.
This is a subset of NQGTNQSI.

Note that this value does not include the

enqueue requests currently waiting (see

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Enqueue Waiting time NQGTNQWT is the total waiting time for the enqueue
requests that waited (NQGTNQSW).

Note that this value does not include the

time for the enqueue requests currently
waiting (see NQGCNQWT).

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

NOT IN THE NQGCNQSW is the current number of enqueue requests

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE NQGCNQWT is the total waiting time for the enqueue
DFHSTUP REPORT requests that are currently waiting due to
the enqueue being held by another

Reset characteristic: not reset

| Sysplex Waited NQGGNQSW is the total number of sysplex enqueue
| requests that had waited due to the
| enqueues being held.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Sysplex Waiting time NQGGNQWT is the total waiting time for the sysplex
| enqueue requests that waited

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| NOT IN THE NQGSNQSW is the current number of sysplex enqueues

| Reset characteristic: not reset

| NOT IN THE NQGSNQWT is the total waiting time for the sysplex
| DFHSTUP REPORT enqueues that are currently waiting

| Reset characteristic: not reset

Enqueues Retained NQGTNQSR is the total number of enqueues that were
retained due to the owning UOW being

Note that this value does not include the

enqueues that are currently retained (see

For more information about shunted UOWs

see “Recovery manager” on page 445.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 379

Table 42. Enqueue domain: enqueue requests global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Enqueue Retention NQGTNQRT is the total retention time for the enqueues
time that were retained due to the owning UOW
being shunted.

Note that this value does not include the

enqueue retention time for those currently
retained (see NQGCNQRT).

For more information about shunted UOWs

see “Recovery manager” on page 445.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

NOT IN THE NQGCNQSR is the current number of enqueues retained.
Reset characteristic: not reset
NOT IN THE NQGCNQRT is the current enqueue retention time.
Reset characteristic: not reset
–Enqbusy NQGTIRJB is the total number of enqueue requests that
were immediately rejected due to the
enqueue being busy (ENQBUSY response).
This value is a subset of the total number of
enqueue requests (NQGTNQSI).

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Retained NQGTIRJR is the total number of enqueue requests that
were immediately rejected due to the
enqueue being in a retained state. This value
is a subset of the total number of enqueue
requests (NQGTNQSI).

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Waiting rejection
–Retained NQGTWRJR is the total number of waiting enqueue
requests that were rejected due to the
required enqueue moving into a retained
state. This value is a subset of the number of
enqueue requests that waited

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Operator NQGTWPOP is the total number of waiting enqueue
requests that were rejected due to the
operator purging the waiting transaction.
This value is a subset of the number of
enqueue requests that waited

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Timeout NQGTWPTO is the total number of waiting enqueue
requests that were rejected due to the
timeout value (DTIMEOUT) being exceeded.
This value is a subset of the number of
enqueue requests that waited

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

380 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Enqueue: summary global statistics
Summary statistics are not available online.

These statistics fields contain the enqueue summary global data.

Table 43. Enqueue: Summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

ENQ Poolname is the enqueue pool id.

ENQs Issued is the total number of enqueue requests that were issued.
ENQs Waited is the total number of enqueues requests that waited.
Enqueue Waiting time is the waiting time for enqueue requests that waited.
| Sysplex Waited is the total number of sysplex enqueue requests that had waited
| due to the enqueues being held.
| Sysplex Waiting time is the total waiting time for the sysplex sysplex enqueue requests
| that waited.
Enqueues Retained is the total number of enqueues retained.
Enqueue Retention is the enqueue retention time.
–Enqbusy is the total number of enqueue requests that were immediately
rejected ENQBUSY.
–Retained is the total number of enqueue requests immediately rejected due to
the enqueue being in a retained state.
Waiting rejection
–Retained is the total number of waiting enqueue requests that were rejected
due to the required enqueue moving into a retained state.
–Operator is the total number of waiting enqueue requests that were rejected
due to the operator purging the waiting transaction.
–Timeout is the total number of waiting enqueue requests that were rejected
due to the timeout value being exceeded.

Front end programming interface (FEPI)

FEPI statistics contain data about the use of each FEPI connection, each FEPI pool,
and a target in any pool

FEPI: Connection statistics

These statistics give information about each FEPI connection. The statistics are
available online, and are mapped by the DFHA23DS DSECT.
Table 44. FEPI: connection statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Pool Name A23POOL is the FEPI pool name.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Target Name A23TARG is the FEPI target name.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Node Name A23NODE is the FEPI node.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Acquires A23ACQ is the number of times the connection was

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 381

Table 44. FEPI: connection statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Conversations A23CNV is the number of conversations that have

used this connection.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Unsolicited Inputs A23USI is the number of times unsolicited input was
received on this connection.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Sent A23CHOUT is the number of characters of data sent on
this connection.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Received A23CHIN is the number of characters of data received
on this connection.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Receive Timeouts A23RTOUT is the number of times a FEPI RECEIVE
timed-out on this connection.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Error Conditions A23ERROR is the number of VTAM error conditions
raised for this connection.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

FEPI: pool statistics

These statistics give information about each FEPI pool. The statistics are available
online, and are mapped by the DFHA22DS DSECT.
Table 45. FEPI: Pool statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Pool Name A22POOL is the FEPI pool name.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Targets A22TRGCT is the current number of targets in the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Nodes A22NDCT is the current number of nodes in the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Available Connections
–Current A22CONCT is the number of connections in the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

–Peak A22CONPK is the peak number of connections in the
pool. This field is needed because targets
and nodes may be deleted between

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

–Total A22ALLOC is the number of conversations that have
been allocated from this pool.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

382 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 45. FEPI: Pool statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

–Peak A22PKALL is the peak number of concurrent

conversations allocated from this pool.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Allocate Waits
NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A22WAIT is the current number of conversations
REPORT waiting to be allocated.

Reset characteristic: not reset

–Total A22TOTWT is the number of conversations that had to
wait to be allocated.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Peak A22PKWT is the peak number of conversations that
had to wait to be allocated.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Allocate Timeouts A22TIOUT is the number of conversation allocates that
timed out.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

FEPI: target statistics

These statistics give information about a particular target in a pool. The statistics
are available online, and are mapped by the DFHA24DS DSECT.
Table 46. FEPI: target Statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Target name A24TARG is the FEPI target name.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Pool name A24POOL is the FEPI pool name.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Applid A24APPL is the VTAM applid of the target.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Nodes A24NDCT is the number of nodes connected to this

Reset characteristic: not reset

Allocates A24ALLOC is the number of conversations specifically
allocated to this target in this pool.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Allocate Waits
–Total A24TOTWT is the number of conversations that had to
wait to be allocated to this target in this

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Wait A24WAIT is the number of current conversations
waiting to be allocated to this target in this

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 383

Table 46. FEPI: target Statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

–Peak A24PKWT is the peak number of conversations that

had to wait to be allocated to this target in
this pool.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Allocate Timeouts A24TIOUT is the number of conversation allocates to
this target in this pool that timed out.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

FEPI: unsolicited connection statistics

Unsolicited connection statistics are produced when a connection is destroyed. This
DISCARD TARGETLIST command is used. The statistics are mapped by the
DFHA23DS DSECT. They contain the same information as the interval statistics.

FEPI: unsolicited pool statistics

Unsolicited pool statistics are produced when a pool is discarded. The statistics are
mapped by the DFHA22DS DSECT. They contain the same information as the
interval statistics.

FEPI: unsolicited target statistics

Unsolicited target statistics are produced when a target is destroyed or removed
from a pool. This occurs when a DELETE POOL, DISCARD POOL or DISCARD
TARGETLIST command is used. The statistics are mapped by the DFHA24DS
DSECT. They contain the same information as the interval statistics.

FEPI: connection summary statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 47. FEPI: connection summary statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Pool name is the FEPI pool name.

Target name is the FEPI target name.
Node name is the FEPI node.
Acquires is the total number of times the connection was acquired.
Conversations is the total number of conversations that have used this connection.
Unsolicited Inputs is the total number of times unsolicited input was received on this
Characters Sent
–Sent is the total number of characters of data sent on this connection.
–Received is the total number of characters of data received on this connection.
Receive timeouts is the total number of times a FEPI RECEIVE timed-out on this
Error conditions is the total number of VTAM error conditions raised for this

384 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

FEPI: pool summary statistics
Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 48. FEPI: pool summary statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Pool name is the FEPI pool name.

Targets is the number of targets in the pool.
Nodes is the number of nodes in the pool.
Available connections
–Current is the number of connections in the pool.
–Peak is the highest peak number of connections in the pool.
–Totals is the total number of conversations allocated from this pool.
–Peak is the highest peak number of concurrent conversations allocated
from this pool.
Allocate waits
–Total is the total number of conversations that had to wait to be allocated.
–Peak is the highest peak number of conversations that had to wait to be
Allocate timeouts is the total number of conversation allocates that timed out.

FEPI: target summary statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 49. FEPI: target summary statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Target name is the FEPI target name.

Pool name is the FEPI pool name.
Applid is the VTAM applid of the target.
Nodes is the number of nodes in the pool.
Allocates is the total number of conversations specifically allocated to this
target in this pool.
Allocate waits
–Total is the total number of conversations that had to wait to be allocated
to this target in this pool.
–Peak is the highest peak number of conversations that had to wait to be
allocated to this target in this pool.
Allocate timeouts is the total number of conversations allocated to this target in this
pool that timed out.

File control
There are four sections in the DFHSTUP report for file statistics:
v Files: resource information (“Files: resource information statistics” on page 386).
v Files: requests information (“Files: requests information statistics” on page 389).
v Files: data table requests information (“Files: data table requests information
statistics” on page 391).
v Files: performance information (“Files: performance information statistics” on
page 395).

Unsolicited file statistics are printed in a statistics report separate from other types
of CICS statistics.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 385

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS FILE command, and are mapped by the DFHA17DS DSECT. For
programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS command,
see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.

Files: resource information statistics

Table 50. Files: resource information statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

File name A17FNAM is the name you specified in the DEFINE

FILE command of resource definition online.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Dataset name A17DSNAM is the 44-character name defining the
physical data set to the system. You may
have specified this in:
v The DSNAME operand specified in the
DEFINE FILE command of resource
definition online
v The operand specified in the DD DSN=
operand of the CICS JCL
v By dynamic allocation of a data set to a
file through the use of CEMT SET FILE
DSNAME commands.
If no data set is currently allocated to the
file, this field is blank.

If the file is remote, no data set name is

printed but the word “remote” is
substituted for the data set name.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Base dataset name (if A17BDSNM In the instance that the file is a VSAM
applicable) PATH, this field gives the base data set

Reset characteristic: not reset.

Dataset type A17DSTYP is the data set type.
v B = BDAM

Reset characteristic: not reset.

RLS file A17DSRLS is an indicator of whether the file is RLS or
v ’R’ =RLS accessed file
v ’ ’ =Non-RLS

Reset characteristic: not reset.

386 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 50. Files: resource information statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

| DataTable indicator A17DT is a one-byte field that contains the value

| “R”, or “S” or “T”, or “L” or “K”, or “X”, if
| data table statistics fields are present in the
“R” indicates that this is a remote file for
which table read and source read
statistics are present.
“S” indicates that the resource was not
opened as a table but was able to access
data from a table associated with the
same data set.
| “T” indicates that the resource is a
| shared data table.
| “L” indicates that the resource is a
| coupling facility data table.
| “K” indicates that the resource is a
| coupling facility data table (contention
| model)
| “X” indicates that the resource has been
| opened with a source data set which has
| an associated CICS maintained data
| table.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Time opened A17LOPNT is the time at which this file was opened. If
this field is not set, A17LOPNT contains the
hexadecimal value X'00000000 00000000',
shown in the report as “CLOSED”. If the
field is set, it contains a time expressed as a
store clock (STCK) value in local time.

This field contains a valid time if:

v The file was open at the time the statistics
were taken.
v This is an unsolicited statistics request
due to the file being closed.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Time closed A17LCLST is the time at which this file was closed. If
this field is not set, A17LCLST contains the
hexadecimal value X'00000000 00000000',
shown in the report as “OPEN”. If the field
is set, it contains a time expressed as a store
clock (STCK) value in local time.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Remote Name A17RNAME The name by which this file is known in the
system or region in which it is resident.

Reset characteristic: not reset.

Remote Sysid A17RSYS When operating in an ISC or MRO
environment, and the file is held by a
remote system, this field specifies the system
upon which the file is resident.

Reset characteristic: not reset.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 387

Table 50. Files: resource information statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

LSR Pool ID A17POOL The identity of the local shared resource

pool. This value is that specified by:
v The LSRPOOLID operand of the resource
definition online DEFINE FILE command.

"N" means that it is not defined in an LSR

pool. Reset characteristic: not reset.
| CFDT PoolName A17DTCFP The name of the coupling facility data table
| pool defined for the data table associated
| with the file

| Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A17FLOC states whether the file is defined as being
REPORT local to this CICS system, or resides on a
remote CICS system. The field is one byte
long, and is set to “R” if remote.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Note: When the source data set of a user-maintained table is closed, the “time opened” is
reset to the time at which the source was closed.

Files: summary resource information statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 51. Files: summary resource information statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

File Name is the name you specified in:

v The DEFINE FILE command of resource definition online
Dataset name is the 44-character name defining the physical data set to the
Base dataset name (If In the instance that the file is a VSAM PATH, this field gives the
applicable) base data set name.
Dataset type is the data set type.
v B = BDAM
RLS file is an indicator of whether the file is RLS accessed or not.
Data Table indicator is a one-byte field that contains the value “R”, or “S” or “T”, or
“X”, if data table statistics fields are present in the record.
“R” indicates that this is a remote file for which table read and
source read statistics are present.
“S” indicates that the resource was not opened as a table but
was able to access data from a table associated with the same
data set.
“T” indicates that the resource is a data table.
“X” indicates that the resource has been opened with a source
data set which has an associated CICS maintained data table.
Remote name The name by which this file is known in the system or region in
which it is resident.

388 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 51. Files: summary resource information statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Remote sysid When operating in an ISC or MRO environment, and the file is held
by a remote system, this field specifies the system upon which the
file is resident.
LSR Pool ID The identity of the local shared resource pool. This value is that
specified via:
v The LSRPOOLID operand of the resource definition online
DEFINE FILE command.
v The TYPE=FILE, LSRPOOL operand of the DFHFCT macro.

"N" means that it is not defined in an LSR pool.

| CFDT PoolName The name of the coupling facility data table pool defined for the
| data table associated with the file.

Files: requests information statistics

The following eight items are service request statistics. They do not tell you
directly how many I/O accesses are being carried out for each transaction (a
single-transaction measurement is required for this). Nevertheless, by regularly
totaling the service requests against individual data sets, they can enable you to
anticipate data set problems when I/O activity increases.

They list the number of service requests processed against the data set. These are
dependent on the type of requests that are allowed on the data set.
Table 52. Files: requests information statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

File name A17FNAM is the name you specified in:

v The DEFINE FILE command of resource
definition online
v The TYPE=FILE, FILE operand of the
DFHFCT macro.

Reset characteristic: not reset

GET requests A17DSRD is the number of GET requests attempted
against this file.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

GET upd requests A17DSGU is the number of GET UPDATE requests
attempted against this file.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Browse requests A17DSBR is the number of GETNEXT and GETPREV
requests attempted against this file.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Update requests A17DSWRU is the number of PUT UPDATE requests
attempted against this file.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Add requests A17DSWRA is the number of PUT requests attempted
against this file.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Delete requests A17DSDEL or A17RMDEL is printed here

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 389

Table 52. Files: requests information statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

A17DSDEL is the number of DELETE requests

attempted against this local file.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

A17RMDEL is the number of DELETE requests for a
VSAM file in a remote system. In systems
connected by a CICS intercommunication
(MRO or ISC) link, the statistics recorded for
the remote files are a subset of those
recorded for the files on the local system.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Brws upd requests A17DSBRU is the number of browse READNEXT and
READPREV requests issued against this file.

Note that this field is only applicable to RLS

accessed files.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

VSAM EXCP requests
–Data A17DSXCP A value is printed if the FCT entry has been
opened and used as a VSAM KSDS during
the CICS run, even if the FCT entry is not
being used as a KSDS at the time of taking
statistics. See notes 1, 2 and 3.
–Index A17DSIXP See notes 1, 2 and 3.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

RLS req timeouts A17RLSWT is the number of RLS requests made to this
file that were not serviced in the specified
time limit, and therefore the requests were

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Notes: The “VSAM EXCP requests” fields indicate the number of I/O operations on the file
for data and index records respectively. Also, note the following points:
1. The values printed for both items relate to the FCT entry. If dynamic allocation has been
used to change the physical data sets associated with an FCT entry, the value shown is
an accumulation for all the data sets.
2. Take care when using these values for files participating in data set name sharing,
because VSAM maintains only one count of EXCPs for all access method control blocks
(ACBs) thus connected. In this situation, the value reported against each file represents
the total accesses for all sharing ACBs during the period for which the file was open.
(Therefore, if all files in the data set name sharing group were open for the same period,
each file would have the same EXCP values reported against it, which would be the total
for all the files in the group.)
| 3. For RLS, this value is a count of the number of calls to the system buffer manager. It
| includes calls that result in either a coupling facility cache access or an I/O.

390 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Files: summary requests information statistics
Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 53. Files: summary requests information statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

File name is the name you specified in:

v The DEFINE FILE command of resource definition online
v The TYPE=FILE, FILE operand of the DFHFCT macro.
Get requests is the total number of GET requests issued against this file.
Get upd requests is the total number of GET UPDATE requests issued against this
Browse requests is the total number of GETNEXT and GETPREV requests issued
against this file.
Update requests is the total number of PUT UPDATE requests issued against this
Add requests is the total number of PUT requests issued against this file.
Delete requests is the total number of DELETE requests issued against this file.
Brws upd requests is the total number of READNEXT and READPREV requests issued
against this file (RLS only).
VSAM EXCP request
–Data A value is printed if the FCT entry has been opened and used as a
VSAM KSDS during the CICS run. See notes 1, 2 and 3.
–Index See notes 1, 2 and 3.
RLS req timeouts is the total number of RLS requests made to this file that were not
serviced in the specified time limit, and therefore the requests were
Notes: The “VSAM EXCP requests” fields indicate the number of I/O operations on the file
for data and index records respectively. Also, note the following points:
1. The values printed for both items relate to the FCT entry. If dynamic allocation has been
used to change the physical data sets associated with an FCT entry, the value shown is
an accumulation for all the data sets.
2. Take care when using these values for files participating in data set name sharing,
because VSAM maintains only one count of EXCPs for all ACBs thus connected. In this
situation, the value reported against each file represents the total accesses for all sharing
ACBs during the period for which the file was open. (Therefore, if all files in the data set
name sharing group were open for the same period, each file would have the same
EXCP values reported against it, which would be the total for all the files in the group.)
| 3. For RLS, this value is a count of the number of calls to the system buffer manager. It
| includes calls that result in either a coupling facility cache access or an I/O.

Files: data table requests information statistics

If the file is a data table, further fields are present in the statistics record. The
| presence of these additional fields is indicated by the value “R”, or “S”, or “L”, or
| “K”, or “T”, or “X” in the field A17DT. Their names and meanings are as follows:
Table 54. Files: data table requests statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

File Name A17FNAM is the name you specified in:

v The DEFINE FILE command of resource
definition online
v The TYPE=FILE, FILE operand of the
DFHFCT macro.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 391

Table 54. Files: data table requests statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Close type A17DTTYP This one-byte field is set to:

“C” when a CICS maintained table is
“P” when a file which has been accessing
a CICS-maintained table is closed but the
table remains open because there are
other files still open which are using the
“S” when the source data set for a user
table is being closed
“U” when a user maintained table is
| closed. “L” when a locking model
| coupling facility data table is closed
| “K” when a contention model coupling
| facility data table is closed.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Read requests A17DTRDS is the number of attempts to retrieve records
from the table.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Recs¬in table A17DTRNF is the number of records placed in the table
by the loading process or as a result of API
READ requests issued while loading was in

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Adds from reads A17DTAVR is the number of records placed in the table
by the loading process or as a result of API
READ requests issued while loading was in

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Add requests A17DTADS is the number of attempts to add records to
the table as a result of WRITE requests.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Adds rejected – exit A17DTARJ is the number of records CICS attempted to
add to the table which were rejected by the
global user exit.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Adds rejected – table full A17DTATF is the number of records CICS attempted to
add to the table but was unable to do so
because the table already contained the
maximum number of records specified.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Rewrite requests A17DTRWS is the number of attempts to update records
in the table as a result of REWRITE requests.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Delete requests A17DTDLS is the number of attempts to delete records
from the table as a result of DELETE

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

392 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 54. Files: data table requests statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Highest table size A17DTSHI is the peak number of records present in the

Reset characteristic: reset at close

Storage alloc(K) A17DTALT is the total amount of storage allocated to
the data table. The DFHSTUP report
expresses the storage in kilobytes. DFHSTUP
does not total the storage allocated for all
data tables because multiple files may share
the same data table.

Reset characteristic: not reset

| Chng Resp/Lock Waits A17DTCON For a CFDT that is using the locking model,
| records are locked down when they are read
| for update. This count is the number of
| times it was necessary to WAIT for an
| already locked record.

| For a CFDT that is using the contention

| model, records are not locked when they are
| read for update. If a subsequent rewrite or
| delete request finds that the record has
| already changed, a CHANGED response is
| returned. This count is the number of times
| that a CHANGED response was issued.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A17DTLDS is the number of times that a LOADING
| REPORT response was issued. When a CFDT is in the
| process of being loaded, and requests issued
| for records beyond the range of those
| already loaded will get a LOADING
| response.

| Reset characteristic. reset to zero

Note: The request information statistics output for a data table represents the activity of the
source data set, and the data table request information represents the activity of the data
table. Thus, for a CICS-maintained table, you would expect to find similar counts in both
sections of the statistics output for requests which modify the table, because both the source
data set and the table must be updated. For a user-maintained table, there should be no
updating activity shown in the data table resource information.
Table 55. Files: shared data table statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

When using the shared data tables feature the statistics records will contain the additional
information as follows:
NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A17DTSIZ is the current number of records in the data
REPORT table.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A17DTUST is the total amount of storage (kilobytes) in
REPORT use for the data table.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A17DTALE is the total amount of storage (kilobytes)
REPORT allocated for the record entry blocks.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 393

Table 55. Files: shared data table statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A17DTUSE is the total amount of storage (kilobytes) in

REPORT use for the record entry blocks.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A17DTALI is the total amount of storage (kilobytes)
REPORT allocated for the index.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A17DTUSI is the total amount of storage (kilobytes) in
REPORT use for the index.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A17DTALD is the total amount of storage (kilobytes)
REPORT allocated for the record data.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A17DTUSD is the total amount of storage (kilobytes) in
REPORT use for the record data.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A17DTRRS is the total number of read retries, that is the
REPORT number of times reads in an AOR had to be
retried because the FOR changed the table
during the read.

A17DTRRS is not a count of accesses which

failed because a file owning region (FOR)
was updating the specific record that the
AOR wished to read. In such cases, the
request is function shipped and is counted
in the “source reads”.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Note: Data table fields are present in the statistics records but contain zeros if shared data
tables are not installed or the resource is not a data table.

Files: summary data table requests statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 56. Files: summary data table requests statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

File Name is the name you specified in:

v The DEFINE FILE command of resource definition online
v The TYPE=FILE, FILE operand of the DFHFCT macro.
Table type This one-byte field is set to:
“C” when a CICS maintained table is closed.
“P” when a file which has been accessing a CICS maintained
table is closed but the table remains open because there are other
files still open which are using the table,
“S” when the source data set for a user table is being closed,
“U” when a user maintained table is closed.
Successful reads is the total number of reads from the data table.
Recs - in table is the total number of records in the data table.

394 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 56. Files: summary data table requests statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Adds from reads is the total number of records placed in the table by the loading
process or as a result of API READ requests issued while loading
was in progress.
Add requests is the total number of attempts to add records to the table as a
result of WRITE requests.
Adds rejected
–Exit is the total number of records CICS attempted to add to the table
which were rejected by the global user exit.
–Table full is the total number of records CICS attempted to add to the table
but was unable to do so because the table already contained the
maximum number of records specified.
Rewrite requests is the total number of attempts to update records in the table as a
result of REWRITE requests.
Delete requests is the total number of attempts to delete records from the table as a
result of DELETE requests.
Highest table size is the peak number of records present in the table.
| Chng Resp/Lock is the total number of CHANGED responses encountered during
| Waits the data table loading process.
| Chng Resp/Lock is the total number of LOADING responses encountered during the
| Waits data table loading process.

Files: performance information statistics

These statistics are available online, and are mapped by the DFHA17DS DSECT.
Table 57. Files: performance information statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

File name A17FNAM is the name you specified in:

v The DEFINE FILE command of resource
definition online
v The TYPE=FILE, FILE operand of the
DFHFCT macro.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Strings A17STRNO The maximum permissible number of
| concurrent updates. For RLS, the value
| specified in the ACB macro is ignored. After
| OPEN a value of 1024 is returned, indicating
| the maximum number of strings allowed.

Reset characteristic: not reset.

Active strings A17DSASC The current number of updates against the

Reset characteristic: not reset.

Wait on strings
–Current A17DSCWC The current number of 'waits' for strings
against the file.

Reset characteristic: not reset

–Total A17DSTSW The total number of 'waits' for strings
against the file.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 395

Table 57. Files: performance information statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

–Highest A17DSHSW The highest number of 'waits' for strings

against the file.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

–Data A17DSDNB The number of buffers to be used for data.
| For RLS, BUFND is ignored and the value
| specified in the ACB is returned. This
| parameter has no effect for hierarchical file
| systems (HFS) files.

Reset characteristic: not reset.

–Index A17DSINB The number of buffers to be used for index.
| For RLS, BUFNI is ignored and the value
| specified in the ACB is returned. This
| parameter has no effect for hierarchical file
| systems (HFS) files.

Reset characteristic: not reset.

Files: summary performance information statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 58. Files: summary performance information statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

File name is the name you specified in:

v The DEFINE FILE command of resource definition online
v The TYPE=FILE, FILE operand of the DFHFCT macro.
| Strings The maximum permissible number of concurrent updates. For RLS,
| the value specified in the ACB macro is ignored. After OPEN a
| value of 1024 is returned, indicating the maximum number of
| strings allowed.
Wait on strings
–Total The total number of ‘waits’ for strings against the file.
–HWM The highest number of 'waits' for strings against the file.
| –Data The number of buffers to be used for data. For RLS, BUFND is
| ignored and the value specified in the ACB is returned. This
| parameter has no effect for hierarchical file systems (HFS) files.
| –Index The number of buffers to be used for index. For RLS, BUFNI is
| ignored and the value specified in the ACB is returned. This
| parameter has no effect for hierarchical file systems (HFS) files.

ISC/IRC system and mode entries

The ISC/IRC system and mode entry statistics area of the DFHSTUP listing is for a
CICS system using intersystem communication. This provides summary statistics
for the CICS intercommunication facility.

396 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

System entry
ISC/IRC system entry: Resource statistics
The system entry statistics record both ISC and IRC statistics. Some entries are
unique to one or the other, and show zero activity if that function is not used.
Statistics are provided for each system entry in the terminal definition.

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS CONNECTION command, and are mapped by the DFHA14DS
DSECT. For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.

This DSECT is to be used:

v For processing data returned for an online enquiry for a connection (EXEC CICS
v For processing connection statistics offline (SMF)
v For processing the connection totals (the summation of all defined connections
in this CICS region).

CICS always allocates a SEND session when sending an IRC request to another
region. Either a SEND or RECEIVE session can be allocated when sending requests
using LU6.1 ISC, and either a contention loser or a contention winner session can
be allocated when sending requests using APPC.

In LU6.1, SEND sessions are identified as secondaries, and RECEIVE sessions are
identified as primaries.
Table 59. ISC/IRC system entry: resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Connection name A14CNTN corresponds to each system entry defined by

a CONNECTION definition in the CSD, or
by autoinstall.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Connection netname A14ESID is the name by which the remote system is
known in the network—that is, its applid.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Access Method / Protocol A14ACCM is the communication access method used
for this connection. The values are:
v X’01’ =A14VTAM
v X’02’ =A14IRC
v X’03’ =A14XM
v X’04’ =A14XCF
A14EFLGS is the communication protocol used for this
connection. The values are:
v X’01’ =A14APPC
v X’02’ =A14LU61
v X’03’ =A14EXCI
Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 397

Table 59. ISC/IRC system entry: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Autoinstalled Connection A14AICT is the time at which this connection was

Create Time autoinstalled, in local time. The time is
expressed as hours:minutes:seconds.decimals.
The DSECT field contains the value as a
store clock (STCK). This field is only
applicable to an autoinstalled APPC
connection. For all other types of connection
the value will be nulls (x’00’).
Autoinstalled Connection A14AIDT is the time at which this connection was
Delete Time deleted, in local time. The time is expressed
as hours:minutes:seconds.decimals. The DSECT
field contains the value as a store clock
(STCK). This field is only set if this is an
autoinstalled APPC connection that has been
deleted, that is, this field is only set in an
unsolicited statistics (USS) record. For all
other types of connection and all other types
of statistics record the value will be nulls
Send session count A14ESECN is the number of SEND sessions for this
connection. This field applies to MRO and
LU6.1 connections only.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Receive session count A14EPRMN is the number of RECEIVE sessions for this
connection. This field applies to MRO and
LU6.1 connections only.

Reset characteristic: not reset

AIDs in chain A14EALL is the current number of automatic initiate
descriptors (AIDs) in the AID chain.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Generic AIDs in chain A14ESALL is the current number of automatic initiate
descriptors (AIDs) that are waiting for a
session to become available to satisfy an
allocate request.

Reset characteristic: not reset

ATIs satisfied by contention A14ES1 is the number of ATI requests (queued
losers allocates) that have been satisfied by
contention loser sessions (primaries for
LU6.1). This is always zero for IRC system
entries. For APPC, this field is zero when
written to SMF, but if accessed online using
command, this field is the summation of the
equivalent mode entry statistics.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

398 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 59. ISC/IRC system entry: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

ATIs satisfied by contention A14ES2 is the number of ATI requests (queued

winners allocates) that have been satisfied by
contention winner sessions (secondaries for
LU6.1). This field is the total ATIs when the
system entry is for IRC. For APPC, this field
is zero when written to SMF, but if accessed
online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command, this field is the
summation of the equivalent mode entry

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current contention losers A14E1RY is the number of contention loser sessions
(primaries for LU6.1) that are currently in

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak contention losers A14E1HWM is the peak number of contention loser
sessions (primaries for LU6.1) that were in
use at any one time. For APPC, this field is

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current contention winners A14E2RY is the number of contention winner sessions
(secondaries for LU6.1) that are currently in

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak contention winners A14E2HWM is the peak number of contention winner
sessions (secondaries for LU6.1) that were in
use at any one time. For APPC, this field is

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Total bids sent A14ESBID is the total number of bids that were sent. A
bid is sent on an LU6.1 RECEIVE session
only. This field is always zero for IRC
entries. For APPC, this field is zero when
written to SMF, but if accessed online using
command, this field is the summation of the
equivalent mode entry statistics.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current bids in progress A14EBID is the number of bids currently in progress.
A bid is sent on an LU6.1 RECEIVE session
only. This field is always zero for IRC
system entries. For APPC, this field is zero
when written to SMF, but if accessed online
STATISTICS command, this field is the
summation of the equivalent mode entry

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 399

Table 59. ISC/IRC system entry: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Peak bids in progress A14EBHWM is the peak number of bids that were in
progress at any one time. A bid is sent on an
LU6.1 RECEIVE session only.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Note for the following five fields: For APPC only, if an allocate request does not specify a
mode group, CICS takes the first mode group within the sessions available, and the statistics
for these allocates are reported against the system entry. If an allocate specifically requests a
mode entry, the statistics for these allocates go into that mode entry.
Peak outstanding allocates A14ESTAM is the peak number of allocate requests that
were queued for this system. For APPC this
field is incremented only for generic allocate

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Total number of allocates A14ESTAS is the number of allocate requests against
this system. For APPC:
v This field is incremented only for generic
allocate requests
v If accessed online using the EXEC CICS
field also contains the summation of the
equivalent mode entry statistics.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Queued allocates A14ESTAQ is the current number of queued allocate
requests against this system. An allocate is
queued due to a session not being available
at this moment. This includes waiting for a
bind, a bid, or all sessions are currently in
use. For APPC:
v This field is incremented only for generic
allocate requests
v If accessed online using the EXEC CICS
field also contains the summation of the
equivalent mode entry statistics.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Failed link allocates A14ESTAF is the number of allocate requests that failed
due to the connection being released, out of
service, or with a closed mode group. For
v This field is incremented only for generic
allocate requests
v If accessed online using the EXEC CICS
field also contains the summation of the
equivalent mode entry statistics.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

400 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 59. ISC/IRC system entry: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Failed allocates due to A14ESTAO is the number of allocate requests that failed
sessions in use due to a session not being currently
available for use. These requests get
SYSBUSY responses to the allocate. This
field is incremented for allocates failing with
an AAL1 abend code.

For APPC only:

v This field is only incremented for generic
allocate requests
v If accessed online using the EXEC CICS
field also contains the summation of the
equivalent mode entry statistics.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Maximum queue time A14EMXQT is the MAXQTIME specified on the
(seconds) CONNECTION definition. This value
represents the maximum time you require to
process an allocate queue on this connection.
If the allocate queue would take greater than
this time to process then the entire queue
would be purged. This value only takes
effect if the QUEUELIMIT value
(A14EALIM) has been reached.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Allocate queue limit A14EALIM is the QUEUELIMIT parameter specified on
the CONNECTION definition. If this value
is reached then allocates are rejected.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number of QUEUELIMIT A14EALRJ the total number of allocates rejected due to
allocates rejected the QUEUELIMIT value (A14EALIM) being

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of MAXQTIME A14EQPCT is the total number of times an allocate
allocate queue purges queue has been purged due to the
MAXQTIME value (A14EMXQT). A queue is
purged when the total time it would take to
process a queue exceeds the MAXQTIME

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of MAXQTIME A14EMQPC is the total number of allocates purged due
allocates purged to the queue processing time exceeding the

If sessions have not been freed after this

mechanism has been invoked then any
subsequent allocate requests are purged and
included in this statistic as the MAXQTIME
purging mechanism is still in operation.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 401

Table 59. ISC/IRC system entry: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Number of XZIQUE allocates A14EZQRJ is the total number of allocates rejected by

rejected the XZIQUE exit.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of XZIQUE allocate A14EZQPU is the total number of allocate queue purges
queue purges that have occurred at XZIQUE request for
this connection.

If accessed online using the EXEC CICS

COLLECT STATISTICS command, this field
additionally contains the summation of the
equivalent mode entry statistics.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of XZIQUE allocates A14EZQPC is the total number of allocates purged due
purged to XZIQUE requesting that queues should
be purged (A14EZQPU) for this connection.

If XZIQUE has not overridden this

mechanism (by response) then any
subsequent allocate requests are purged and
included in this statistic as the XZIQUE
purging mechanism is still in operation.

If accessed online using the EXEC CICS

COLLECT STATISTICS command, this field
additionally contains the summation of the
equivalent mode entry statistics.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| File control (FC) function A14ESTFC is the number of file control requests for
| shipping requests function shipping.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Interval control IC) function A14ESTIC is the number of interval control requests for
| shipping requests function shipping.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Program control (PC) A14ESTPC is the number of program control link
| function shipping requests requests for function shipping.

| Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Transient data (TD) function A14ESTTD is the number of transient data requests for
| shipping requests function shipping.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Temporary storage (TS) A14ESTTS is the number of temporary storage requests
| function shipping requests for function shipping.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

DL/I function shipping A14ESTDL is the number of DL/I requests for function
requests shipping.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

402 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 59. ISC/IRC system entry: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Terminal sharing requests A14ESTTC is the number of transaction routing

commands. This number is incremented on
both regions when the transaction is routed,
and when the terminal I/O request is routed
between regions. This field is not supported
for LU6.1.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A14GACT is the time at which this connection was
REPORT autoinstalled, in GMT. The time is expressed
as hours:minutes:seconds.decimals. The DSECT
field contains the value as a store clock
(STCK). This field is only applicable to an
autoinstalled APPC connection. For all other
types of connection the value will be nulls

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A14GADT is the time at which this connection was
REPORT deleted, in GMT. The time is expressed as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals. The DSECT
field contains the value as a store clock
(STCK). This field is only set if this is an
autoinstalled APPC connection that has been
deleted, that is, this field is only set in an
unsolicited statistics (USS) record. For all
other types of connection and all other types
of statistics record the value will be nulls

Reset characteristic: not reset

ISC/IRC system entry: Summary resource statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 60. ISC/IRC system entry: Summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Connection name is the system entry defined by the CONNECTION definition in the
CSD or by autoinstall.
Connection netname is the name by which the remote system is known in the
network—that is, its applid.
Access Method / is the combined communication access method and protocol used
Protocol for the connection.
Average autoinstalled is the average autoinstalled connection time. This field applies to
connection time autoinstalled connections and is summarized from the unsolicited
system entry statistics records only.
Send session count is the last value encountered for the SENDCOUNT specified on the
CONNECTION definition. This field applies to MRO and LU6.1
connections only.
Receive session count is the last value encountered for the RECEIVECOUNT specified on
the CONNECTION definition. This field applies to MRO, LU6.1,
and EXCI connections only.
Average number of is the average number of automatic initiate descriptors (AIDs) in the
AIDs in chain AID chain.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 403

Table 60. ISC/IRC system entry: Summary resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Average number of is the average number of AIDs waiting for a session to become
generic AIDs in chain available to satisfy an allocate request.
ATIs satisfied by is the total number of ATI requests (queued allocates) that have
contention losers been satisfied by contention loser sessions (primaries for LU6.1).
This is always zero for IRC system entries.
ATIs satisfied by is the total number of ATI requests (queued allocates) that have
contention winners been satisfied by contention winner sessions (secondaries for LU6.1).
This field is the total ATIs when the system entry is for IRC.
Peak contention losers is the peak number of contention loser sessions (primaries for
LU6.1). that were in use at any one time. For APPC, this field is
Peak contention is the peak number of contention winner sessions (secondaries for
winners LU6.1) that were in use at any one time. For APPC, this field is
Total bids sent is the total number of bids that were sent. A bid is sent on an LU6.1
RECEIVE session only. This field is always zero for IRC and APPC
system entries.
Average bids in is the average number of bids in progress. A bid is sent on an LU6.1
progress RECEIVE session only. This field is always zero for IRC and APPC
system entries.
Peak bids in progress is the peak number of bids that were in progress at any one time. A
bid is sent on an LU6.1 RECEIVE session only. This field is always
zero for IRC and APPC system entries.
Note for the following five fields: For APPC only, if an allocate request does not specify a
mode group, CICS takes the first mode group within the sessions available, and the statistics
for these allocates are reported against the system entry. If an allocate specifically requests a
mode entry, the statistics for these allocates go into that mode entry.
Peak outstanding is the peak number of allocation requests that were queued for this
allocates system. For APPC this field contains only generic allocate requests.
Total number of is the total number of allocate requests against this system. For
allocates APPC this field contains only generic allocate requests.
Average number of is the average number of queued allocate requests against this
queued allocates system. For APPC this field is incremented only for generic allocate
Failed link allocates is the total number of allocate requests that failed due to the
connection being released, out of service, or with a closed mode
group. For APPC this field is incremented only for generic allocate
Failed allocates due to is the total number of allocate requests that failed due to a session
sessions in use not being currently available for use. These requests get SYSBUSY
responses to the allocate. This field is incremented for allocates
failing with an AAL1 abend code. For APPC this field is
incremented only for generic allocate requests.
Maximum queue time is the last non-zero value encountered for the MAXQTIME specified
(seconds) on the CONNECTION definition. This value represents the
maximum time you require to process an allocate queue on this
connection. If the allocate queue would take greater than this time
to process the entire queue would be purged. This value only takes
effect if the QUEUELIMIT value has been reached.
Allocate queue limit is the last non-zero value encountered for the QUEUELIMIT
parameter specified on the CONNECTION definition. If this value
is reached then allocates are rejected.
Number of is the is the total number of allocates rejected due to the
QUEUELIMIT QUEUELIMIT value being reached.
allocates rejected

404 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 60. ISC/IRC system entry: Summary resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Number of is the total number of times an allocate queue has been purged due
MAXQTIME allocate to the MAXQTIME value. A queue is purged when the total time it
queue purges would take to process a queue exceeds the MAXQTIME value.
Number of is the total number of allocates purged due to the queue processing
MAXQTIME allocates time exceeding the MAXQTIME value.
If sessions have not been freed after this mechanism has been
invoked then any subsequent allocate requests are purged and
included in this statistic as the MAXQTIME purging mechanism is
still in operation.
Number of XZIQUE is the total number of allocates rejected by the XZIQUE exit
allocates rejected
Number of XZIQUE is the total number of allocate queue purges that have occurred at
allocate queue purges XZIQUE request for this connection.
Number of XZIQUE is the total number of allocates purged due to XZIQUE requesting
allocates purged that queues should be purged for this connection.

If XZIQUE has not overridden this mechanism (by response) then

any subsequent allocate requests are purged and included in this
statistic as the XZIQUE purging mechanism is still in operation.
| File control (FC) is the total number of file control requests for function shipping.
| function shipping
| requests
| Interval control (IC) is the total number of interval control requests for function
| function shipping shipping.
| requests
| Program control (PC) is the total number of program control link requests for function
| function shipping shipping.
| requests
| Transient data (TD) is the total number of transient data requests for function shipping.
| function shipping
| requests
| Temporary storage is the total number of temporary storage requests for function
| (TS) function shipping shipping.
| requests
DL/I function is the total number of DL/I requests for function shipping.
shipping requests
Terminal sharing is the total number of transaction routing commands. This number
requests is incremented on both regions when the transaction is routed, and
when the terminal I/O request is routed between regions. This field
is not supported for LU6.1.

Mode entry
ISC mode entry: Resource statistics
These statistics are collected only if you have an APPC connection defined in your
CICS region, and they are then produced for each mode group defined in that
connection. These statistics cannot be accessed online using the EXEC CICS
COLLECT STATISTICS command. They are only produced for offline processing
(written to SMF).

These statistics are mapped by the DFHA20DS DSECT. This DSECT is also used to
map the mode entry totals records.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 405

Table 61. ISC/IRC mode entry: Resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A20SYSN is the name of the APPC connection/system

REPORT that owns this mode entry. It corresponds to
the system entry, defined by a
CONNECTION definition in the CSD or by

Reset characteristic: not reset

Mode name A20MODE is the mode group name related to the the
intersystem connection name above
(A20SYSN). This corresponds to modename
in the sessions definition.

Reset characteristic: not reset

ATIs satisfied by contention A20ES1 is the number of ATI requests (queued
losers allocates) that have been satisfied by
“contention loser” sessions belonging to this
mode group.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

ATIs satisfied by contention A20ES2 is the number of ATI requests (queued
winners allocates) that have been satisfied by
“contention winner” sessions belonging to
this mode group.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current contention losers A20E1RY is the current number of “contention loser”

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak contention losers A20E1HWM is the peak number of “contention loser”
sessions belonging to this mode group that
were in use at any one time. There can be
sessions not defined (by the MAXIMUM
parameter of CEDA) as “contention
winners” or “contention losers”, and their
states are dynamically decided at bind time.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current contention winners A20E2RY is the current number of “contention
winner” sessions.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak contention winners A20E2HWM is the peak number of “contention winner”
sessions belonging to this mode group that
were in use at any one time. There can be
sessions not defined (by the MAXIMUM=
parameter of CEDA) as “contention
winners” or “contention losers”, and their
states are dynamically decided at bind time.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Total bids sent A20ESBID is the number of bids that were sent on the
sessions defined to this mode group. A bid
is sent on an APPC “contention loser”
session when there are no “contention
winner” sessions available to allocate.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

406 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 61. ISC/IRC mode entry: Resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Current bids in progress A20EBID is the number of bids that are in progress on
the sessions defined to this mode group. A
bid is sent on an APPC “contention loser”
session when there are no “contention
winner” sessions available to allocate.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak bids in progress A20EBHWM is the peak number of bids that were in
progress at any one time, on the sessions
defined to this mode group. A bid is sent on
an APPC “contention loser” session when
there are no “contention winner” sessions
available to allocate.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

The following three fields are incremented when an allocate is issued against a specific
mode group. If a generic allocate request is made, the equivalent system entry statistics only
are incremented.
Peak outstanding allocates A20ESTAM is the peak number of allocation requests
that were queued for this mode group.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Total specific allocate requests A20ESTAS is the number of specific allocate requests
against this mode group.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total specific allocates A20ESTAP is the number of specific allocates satisfied
satisfied by this mode group.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total generic allocates A20ESTAG is the number of generic allocates satisfied
satisfied from this mode group. The allocates are
made for APPC without the mode group
being specified.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

The following three fields are incremented when an allocate is issued against a specific
mode group. If a generic allocate request is made, the equivalent system entry statistics only
are incremented.
Queued allocates A20ESTAQ is the current number of queued specific
allocate requests against this mode group.
An allocate is queued due to a session in
this mode group not being available at this
moment. This includes waiting for a bind, a
bid, or all sessions are currently in use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Failed link allocates A20ESTAF is the number of specific allocate requests
that failed due to the connection being
released, out of service, or with a closed
mode group.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 407

Table 61. ISC/IRC mode entry: Resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Failed allocates due to A20ESTAO is the number of specific allocate requests

sessions in use that failed due to a session not being
currently available for use in this mode
group. These requests get SYSBUSY
responses to the allocate. This field is
incremented for allocates failing with an
AAL1 abend code.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of XZIQUE allocate A20EQPCT is the total number of allocate queue purges
queue purges that have occurred at XZIQUE request for
this mode entry.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of XZIQUE allocates A20EZQPC is the total number of allocates purged due
purged to XZIQUE requesting that queues should
be purged (A20EQPCT) for this mode entry.

If XZIQUE has not overridden this

mechanism (by response) then any
subsequent allocate requests are purged and
included in this statistic as the XZIQUE
purging mechanism is still in operation.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Maximum session count A20ELMAX is the maximum number of sessions that the
definition of the session group permits.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current maximum session A20EMAXS is the current number of sessions in the
count group (the number “bound”).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Maximum contention A20EMCON is the maximum number of sessions that the
winners acceptable definition of the session group permits to be
contention winners.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current contention losers in A20ECONL is the number of contention loser sessions
use that are currently in use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current contention winners A20ECONW is the number of contention winner sessions
in use that are currently in use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

ISC mode entry: Summary resource statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.

These statistics are collected only if you have an APPC connection defined in your
CICS region, and they are then produced for each mode group defined in that

408 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 62. ISC/IRC mode entry: Summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Connection name is the name of the APPC connection/system that owns this mode
entry. It corresponds to the system entry in the terminal definition.
Mode name is the mode group name related to the intersystem connection name
above (A20SYSN). It corresponds to the modename in the sessions
ATIs satisfied by is the total number of ATI requests (queued allocates) that have
contention losers been satisfied by “contention loser” sessions belonging to this mode
ATIs satisfied by is the total number of ATI requests (queued allocates) that have
contention winners been satisfied by “contention winner” sessions belonging to this
mode group.
Peak contention losers is the peak number of “contention loser” sessions belonging to this
mode group that were in use at any one time. There can be sessions
not defined (by the MAXIMUM= parameter of CEDA) as
“contention winners” or “contention losers”, and their states are
dynamically decided at bind time.
Peak contention is the peak number of “contention winner” sessions belonging to
winners this mode group that were in use at any one time. There can be
sessions not defined (by the MAXIMUM= parameter of CEDA) as
“contention winners” or “contention losers”, and their states are
dynamically decided at bind time.
Total bids sent is the total number of bids that were sent on the sessions defined to
this mode group. A bid is sent on an APPC “contention loser”
session when there are no “contention winner” sessions available to
Average bids in is the average number of bids in progress.
Peak bids in progress is the peak number of bids that were in progress at any one time,
on the sessions defined to this mode group. A bid is sent on an
APPC “contention loser” session when there are no “contention
winner” sessions available to allocate.
The next three fields only contain allocates against specific mode groups. Generic allocate
requests are contained in the equivalent system entry statistics.
Peak outstanding is the peak number of allocation requests that were queued for this
allocates mode group.
Total specific allocate is the total number of specific allocate requests against this mode
requests group.
Total specific allocates is the total number of specific allocates satisfied by this mode
satisfied group.
Total generic allocates is the total number of generic allocates satisfied from this mode
satisfied group.
The next three fields only contain allocates against specific mode groups. Generic allocate
requests are contained in the equivalent system entry statistics.
Average number of is the average number of queued specific allocate requests against
queued allocates this mode group. An allocate is queued due to a session in this
mode group not being available at this moment. This includes
waiting for a bind, a bid, or all sessions are currently in use.
Failed link allocates is the total number of specific allocate requests that failed due to the
connection being released, out of service, or with a closed mode
Failed allocates due to is the total number of specific allocate requests that failed due to a
sessions in use session not being currently available for use in this mode group.
These requests get SYSBUSY responses to the allocate. This field is
incremented for allocates failing with an AAL1 abend code.
Number of XZIQUE is the total number of allocate queue purges that have occurred at
allocate queue purges XZIQUE request for this mode entry.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 409

Table 62. ISC/IRC mode entry: Summary resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Number of XZIQUE is the total number of allocates purged due to XZIQUE requesting
allocates purged that queues should be purged (A20EQPCT) for this mode entry.

If XZIQUE has not overridden this mechanism (by response) then

any subsequent allocate requests are purged and included in this
statistic as the XZIQUE purging mechanism is still in operation.

ISC/IRC attach time entries

The ISC/IRC attach time statistics of the DFHSTUP listing is for a CICS system
using intersystem communication or interregion communication. It provides
summary statistics for the number of times that the entries on the PV 'signed on
from' list are either reused or timed out. Using this data you can adjust the
USRDELAY, and the PVDELAY system initialization parameters.

ISC/IRC attach time: resource statistics

These statistics are collected if you have either an LU6.2 connection or IRC defined
in your CICS region, and they are then produced globally, one per system. These
statistics cannot be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command; they are only produced for offline processing (written to SMF).

These statistics are mapped by the DFHA21DS DSECT.

Table 63. ISC/IRC attach time: resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Persistent Verification refresh A21_SIT_LUIT_TIME is the time in minutes set by

time the PVDELAY system
initialization parameter. It
specifies the password
re-verification interval. The
range is from zero through
10080 minutes (seven days)
and the default is 30 minutes.
If a value of zero is specified,
entries are deleted
immediately after use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

ISC Persistent Verification Activity
Entries reused A21_LUIT_TOTAL_REUSES refers to the number of
entries in the PV 'signed on
from' list of a remote system
that were reused without
reference to an external
security manager (ESM), such
as RACF.

Reset characteristic: reset to


410 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 63. ISC/IRC attach time: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Entries timed out A21_LUIT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT refers to the number of

entries in the PV 'signed on
from' list of a remote system
that were timed out.

Reset characteristic: reset to

Average reuse time between A21_LUIT_AV_REUSE_TIME refers to the average time
entries that has elapsed between
each reuse of an entry in the
PV 'signed on from' list of a
remote system.

Reset characteristic: reset to


ISC/IRC attach time: Summary resource statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.

These statistics are collected only if you have either an LU6.2 connection or IRC
defined in your CICS region, and they are then produced globally, one per system.
Table 64. ISC/IRC attach time: Summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Persistent verification is the time in minutes set by the PVDELAY parameter of the SIT. It
refresh time specifies how long entries are allowed to remain unused in the PV
'signed on from' list of a remote system.
Entries reused refers to the number of times that user’s entries in the PV 'signed
on from' list were reused without referencing the ESM of the remote
Entries timed out refers to the number of user’s entries in the PV 'signed on from' list
that were timed out after a period of inactivity.
Average reuse time refers to the average amount of time that has elapsed between each
between entries reuse of a user’s entry in the PV 'signed on from' list.

Journalname resource statistics
These statistics fields contain the resource data collected by the log manager
domain. For more information on logging and journaling, see “Chapter 22. Logging
and journaling” on page 271, and “Journalname and log stream statistics” on
page 55.

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS JOURNALNAME command, and are mapped by the DFHLGRDS
DSECT. For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 65. Journalname: resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Journal Name LGRJNLNAME is the journal name.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 411

Table 65. Journalname: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Journal Type LGRJTYPE is the type of journal: MVS, SMF, or dummy.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Log Stream Name LGRSTREAM is the log stream name associated with the
journal. Only journals defined as type MVS
have associated log streams. The same log
stream can be associated with more than one

Reset characteristic: not reset

Write Requests LGRWRITES is the total number of times that a journal
record was written to the journal.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Bytes Written LGRBYTES is the total number of bytes written to the

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Buffer Flushes LGRBUFLSH is the total number of times that a journal
block was written to the log stream (in the
case of a journal defined as type MVS), or to
the System Management Facility (in the case
of a journal defined as type SMF).

Journal blocks are flushed in the following

v An application executes an EXEC CICS
JOURNALNUM) command with the
WAIT option.
v An application executes an EXEC CICS
JOURNALNUM) command.
v The journal buffer is full. This applies
only to journals defined as type SMF
(journals defined as type MVS use log
stream buffers).
v The log stream buffer is full. This applies
only to journals defined as type MVS.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Journalname: Summary resource statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.

These statistics fields contain the journalname summary resource data.

Table 66. Journalname: Summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Journal Name is the journal name.

Journal Type is the journal type:
v X'01' - MVS
v X'02' - SMF
v X'03' - dummy
Log Stream Name is the name of the log stream associated with the journal.

412 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 66. Journalname: Summary resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Write Requests is the total number of times that a journal record was written to the
Bytes Written is the total number of bytes written.
Buffer Flushes is the total number of times that a journal block was written to the
log stream (in the case of a journal defined as type MVS), or to the
System Management Facility (in the case of a journal defined as
type SMF).

Log stream
Log stream resource statistics
These statistics fields contain the resource data collected by the log manager
domain. For more information on logging and journaling, see “Chapter 22. Logging
and journaling” on page 271, and “Journalname and log stream statistics” on
page 55.

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS STREAMNAME command and are mapped by the DFHLGSDS
DSECT. For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 67. Log stream: resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Log Stream Name LGSTRNAM The log stream name.

Reset characteristic: not reset

System Log LGSSYSLG Indicates if the log stream forms part of the
System Log.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Structure Name LGSSTRUC The coupling facility (CF) structure name for
the log stream. The structure name is only
applicable to coupling facility type

Reset characteristic: not reset

Max Block Length LGSMAXBL The maximum block size allowed by the
MVS Logger for the log stream.

Reset characteristic: not reset

DASD Only LGSDONLY Indicates the type of log stream. If set to
'YES' the log stream is of type DASDONLY.
If set to 'NO' the log stream is of type
coupling facility (CF).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Retention Period LGSRETPD The log stream retention period (in days)
that the data must be kept before it can be
physically deleted by the MVS Logger.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 413

Table 67. Log stream: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Auto Delete LGSAUTOD The log data auto delete indicator. If set to
'YES' the MVS Logger automatically deletes
the data as it matures beyond the retention
period, irrespective of any logstream delete
calls. If set to 'NO' the data is only deleted
when a logstream delete call is issued and
the data has matured beyond the retention

Reset characteristic: not reset

Delete Requests LGSDELETES The number of DELETEs of blocks of data
from the log stream.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Log stream request statistics

These statistics fields contain the request data collected by the log manager

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS STREAMNAME command and are mapped by the DFHLGSDS
DSECT. For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 68. Log stream: request statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Log Stream Name LGSTRNAM The log stream name.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Write Requests LGSWRITES The number of WRITEs of blocks of data to
the log stream.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Bytes Written LGSBYTES The total number of bytes written to the log

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Waits Buff Full LGSBUFWAIT The total number of attempts made to
append a journal record to the current log
stream buffer while the buffers were
logically full. This situation arises when the
current log stream buffer has insufficient
space to accommodate the journal record,
and I/O is already in progress for the
alternate log stream buffer.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Buffer Appends LGSBUFAPP The number of occasions on which a journal
record was successfully appended to the
current log stream buffer.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

414 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 68. Log stream: request statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Current Frce Wtrs LGSCUFWTRS The current number of tasks suspended

whilst requesting a flush of the log stream
buffer currently in use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak Frce Wtrs LGSPKFWTRS The peak number of tasks suspended whilst
requesting a flush of the log stream buffer
currently in use.

Reset characteristic: reset to current

Total Force Wts LGSTFCWAIT The total number of tasks suspending whilst
requesting a flush of the log stream buffer
currently in use.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Browse Starts LGSBRWSTRT The number of BROWSE operations started
on the log stream.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Browse Reads LGSBRWREAD The number of READs of blocks of data
from the log stream.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Retry Errors LGSRTYERRS The number of occasions on which MVS
system logger retryable errors occurred
when a block of data was being written to
the log stream.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Log stream: Summary resource statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.

These statistics fields contain the log stream summary resource data.
Table 69. Log stream: Summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Log Stream Name The log stream name.

System Log Indicates if the log stream forms part of the System Log.
Stucture Name The coupling facility (CF) structure name for the log stream. The
structure name is only applicable to coupling facility type
Max Block Length The maximum block size allowed by the MVS Logger for the log
DASD Only Indicates the type of log stream. If set to 'YES' the log stream is of
type DASDONLY. If set to 'NO' the log stream is of type coupling
facility (CF).
Retention Period The log stream retention period (in days) that the data must be kept
before it can be physically deleted by the MVS Logger.
Auto Delete The log data auto delete indicator. If set to 'YES' the MVS Logger
automatically deletes the data as it matures beyond the retention
period, irrespective of any logstream delete calls. If set to 'NO' the
data is only deleted when a logstream delete call is issued and the
data has matured beyond the retention period.
Log Delete Requests The total number of DELETEs of blocks of data from the log stream.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 415

Log stream: Summary request statistics
Summary statistics are not available online.

These statistics fields contain the log stream summary request data.
Table 70. Log stream: Summary request statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Log Stream Name The log stream name.

Write Requests The total number of WRITEs of blocks of data to the log stream.
Bytes Written The total number of bytes written to the log stream.
Waits Buffer Full The total number of attempts made to append a journal record to
the current log stream while the buffers were logically full.
Buffer Appends The total number of occasions on which a journal record was
successfully appended to the current log stream buffer.
Current Force Wtrs The current number of tasks suspended whilst requesting a FLUSH
of the log stream buffer currently in use.
Peak Force Wtrs The highest peak number of tasks suspended whilst requesting a
FLUSH of the log stream buffer currently in use.
Total Force Waits The total number of tasks suspended whilst requesting a FLUSH of
the log stream buffer currently in use.
Log Browse Starts The total number of BROWSE operations started on the log stream.
Log Browse Reads The total number of READs of blocks of data from the log stream.
Retry Errors The total number of occasions on which MVS system logger
retryable errors occurred when a block of data was being written to
the log stream.

CICS supports the use of up to eight LSRpools, and produces two sets of statistics
for LSRpool activity.

LSRpool: resource statistics for each LSR pool

The following information describes the size and characteristics of the pool, and
shows the data collected for the use of strings and buffers.

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS LSRPOOL command, and are mapped by the DFHA08DS DSECT. For
programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS command,
see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 71. LSRpool: resource statistics for each LSR pool
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Pool Number A08SRPID is the identifying number of the pool. This

value may be in the range 1 through 8.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A08FLAGS is a flag set to value X'80' if separate data
REPORT and index pools are used, or set to value
X'00' if data and index buffers share the
same pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

416 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 71. LSRpool: resource statistics for each LSR pool (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Time Created A08LKCTD is the time when this LSR pool was created.
The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals in local time.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Time Deleted A08LKDTD is the local time (STCK) when this LSR pool
was deleted. This field is printed only if the
pool has been deleted (that is, if all the files
using the pool have been closed). If no value
is set, the DSECT field contains the packed
hexadecimal value X'00000000 00000000'.

This field is only printed for unsolicited

statistics when the pool is deleted.

The process of deleting an LSR pool results

in the output of unsolicited statistics for the
pool. Information for the deleted pool is not
printed in subsequent statistics output. For
this reason, the “time pool deleted” field is
normally printed only in this unsolicited
statistics output.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN DFHSTUP REPORT A08GBKCD is the time when this LSR pool was created.
The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals in GMT.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN DFHSTUP REPORT A08GBKDD is the time when this LSR pool was deleted
expressed in GMT. This field is printed only
if the pool has been deleted (that is, if all the
files using the pool have been closed). If no
value is set, the DSECT field contains the
packed hexadecimal value X'00000000

This field is only printed for unsolicited

statistics when the pool is deleted.

The process of deleting an LSR pool results

in the output of unsolicited statistics for the
pool. Information for the deleted pool is not
printed in subsequent statistics output. For
this reason, the “time pool deleted” field is
normally printed only in this unsolicited
statistics output.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 417

Table 71. LSRpool: resource statistics for each LSR pool (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Maximum key length A08BKKYL is the length of the largest key of a VSAM
data set which may use the LSR pool. The
value is obtained from one of:
v The MAXKEYLENGTH option of the
DEFINE LSRPOOL command in resource
definition online, if it has been coded
v A CICS calculation at the time the LSR
pool is built.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Total number of strings A08BKSTN is the value obtained from one of:
v The STRINGS option of the DEFINE LSR
command in resource definition online, if
it has been coded
v A CICS calculation at the time the LSR
pool is built.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak requests that waited for A08BKHSW is the highest number of requests that were
string queued at one time because all the strings in
the pool were in use.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Total requests that waited for A08BKTSW is the number of requests that were queued
string because all the strings in the pool were in
use. This number reflects the number of
requests that were delayed during CICS
execution due to a restriction in LSR pool
string resources.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak concurrently active A08BKHAS is the maximum number of strings that were
strings active during CICS execution. If you have
coded a value for the number of strings the
pool is to use, this statistic is always less
than or equal to the value you have coded.
If your coded value for string numbers is
consistently lower than this value in the
statistics, you could consider reducing it so
that your pool of VSAM strings is not bigger
than you need.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Note that if separate data and index pools are not being used, all the statistics for the totals
are obtained from the A08TOxxx_DATA variables, the index totals being unused.

418 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

LSRpool: data buffer statistics
Table 72. LSRPOOL: data buffer statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Size A08BKBSZ is the size of the buffers that are available to CICS.
Buffers may be specified through:
v The DEFINE LSRPOOL command of resource
definition online
v A CICS calculation at the time the LSRPOOL is
built, of the buffers to use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number A08TOBFN_DATA is the number of data buffers used by the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Lookasides A08TOBFF_DATA is the number of successful lookasides to data buffers
for the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Reads A08TOFRD_DATA is the number of read I/Os to the data buffers for the

Reset characteristic: not reset

User writes A08TOUIW_DATA is the number of user-initiated buffer WRITEs from
data buffers for the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Non-user writes A08TONUW_DATAis the number of non-user-initiated buffer WRITEs
from data buffers for the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace: data buffer statistics

Table 73. Hiperspace: data buffer statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Size A08BKBSZ is the size of the buffers that are available to CICS.
Buffers may be specified through:
v The DEFINE LSRPOOL command of resource
definition online
v A CICS calculation at the time the LSRPOOL is
built, of the buffers to use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number A08TOHBN_DATAis the number of Hiperspace data buffers specified
for the pool

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace reads A08TOCRS_DATA is the number of successful CREAD requests issued
to transfer data from Hiperspace data buffers to
virtual data buffers.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace writes A08TOWRS_DATA is the number of successful CWRITE requests issued
to transfer data from virtual data buffers to
Hiperspace data buffers.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 419

Table 73. Hiperspace: data buffer statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Hiperspace failed A08TOCRF_DATA is the number of CREAD requests that failed. MVS
reads had withdrawn the space and VSAM had to read
data from DASD.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace failed A08TOCWF_DATAis the number of CWRITE requests that failed. There
writes was insufficient Hiperspace and VSAM had to write
data to DASD.

Reset characteristic: not reset

LSRpool: index buffer statistics

Table 74. LSRpool: index buffer statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Size A08BKBSZ is the size of the buffers that are available to CICS.
Buffers may be specified through:
v The DEFINE LSRPOOL command of resource
definition online
v A CICS calculation at the time the LSRPOOL is
built, of the buffers to use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number A08TOBFN_INDX is the number of index buffers used by the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Lookasides A08TOBFF_INDX is the number of successful lookasides to index
buffers for the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Reads A08TOFRD_INDX is the number of read I/Os to the index buffers for
the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

User writes A08TOUIW_INDX is the number of user-initiated buffer WRITEs from
index buffers for the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Non-user writes A08TONUW_INDXis the number of non-user-initiated buffer WRITEs
from index buffers for the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace index buffer statistics

Table 75. Hiperspace: index buffer statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Size A08BKBSZ is the size of the buffers that are available to CICS.
Buffers may be specified through:
v The DEFINE LSRPOOL command of resource
definition online
v A CICS calculation at the time the LSRPOOL is
built, of the buffers to use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

420 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 75. Hiperspace: index buffer statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Number A08TOHBN_INDX is the number of Hiperspace index buffers specified

for the pool

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace reads A08TOCRS_INDX is the number of successful CREAD requests issued
to transfer data from Hiperspace index buffers to
virtual index buffers.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace writes A08TOWRS_INDX is the number of successful CWRITE requests issued
to transfer data from virtual index buffers to
Hiperspace index buffers.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace failed A08TOCRF_INDX is the number of CREAD requests that failed. MVS
reads had withdrawn the space and VSAM had to read
data from DASD.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace failed A08TOCWF_INDX is the number of CWRITE requests that failed. There
writes was insufficient Hiperspace and VSAM had to write
data to DASD.

Reset characteristic: not reset

The following group of statistics fields describes the characteristics and usage of
the different buffer sizes available for use by the pool. These statistics are available
online, and are mapped by the A08BSSDS DSECT defined in the DFHA08DS
DSECT. This DSECT is repeated for each of the 11 CISIZEs available.

LSRpool: Buffer statistics

Table 76. LSRpool: Buffer statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Buffer Size A08BKBSZ is the size of the buffers that are available to
CICS. Buffers may be specified through:
v The DEFINE LSRPOOL command of
resource definition online
v A CICS calculation at the time the
LSRPOOL is built buffers to use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number A08BKBFN lists the number of buffers of each size
available to CICS:

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 421

Table 76. LSRpool: Buffer statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Lookasides A08BKBFF is the number of read requests that VSAM

was able to satisfy without initiating an I/O
operation; that is, the requested record,
whether index or data, was already present
in one of the buffer resident CIs. This means
that no physical I/O had to be done to put
the control interval in the buffer.

The tuning methodology usually employed

involves either increasing the number of
buffers of a particular CI size until the ratio
of lookasides to READs stops increasing
significantly or, conversely, reducing the
number of buffers until the ratio of
lookasides to READs begins to drop
significantly. For most data sets, successful
lookaside hits on indexes are more likely.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM

and represent the activity after the pool was
created. Note that these statistics are not
reset by CICS under any circumstances.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Reads A08BKFRD is the number of I/O operations to the
buffers that VSAM was required to initiate
to satisfy the CICS application’s activity.
This figure represents failures to find the
control interval in the buffers.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM

and represent the activity after the pool was
created. Note that these statistics are not
reset by CICS under any circumstances.

Reset characteristic: not reset

User writes A08BKUIW is the number of user-initiated I/O WRITE
operations from the buffers that VSAM was
required to initiate to satisfy the CICS
application’s activity.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM

and represent the activity after the pool was
created. Note that these statistics are not
reset by CICS under any circumstances.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Non-user writes A08BKNUW is the number of non-user initiated I/O
WRITE operations from the buffers that
VSAM was forced to initiate due to no
buffers being available for reading the
contents of a CI.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM

and represent the activity after the pool was
created. Note that these statistics are not
reset by CICS under any circumstances.

Reset characteristic: not reset

422 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Hiperspace buffer statistics
Table 77. Hiperspace: buffer statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Size A08BKBSZ is the size of the buffers that are available to

CICS. Buffers may be specified through:
v The DEFINE LSRPOOL command of
resource definition online
v A CICS calculation at the time the
LSRPOOL is built, of the buffers to use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number A08BKHBN is the number of Hiperspace buffers
specified for the pool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace reads A08BKCRS is the number of successful CREAD requests
issued to transfer data from Hiperspace
buffers to virtual buffers.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace writes A08BKCWS is the number of successful CWRITE
requests issued to transfer data from virtual
buffers to Hiperspace buffers.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace failed reads A08BKCRF is the number of CREAD requests that
failed. MVS had withdrawn the space and
VSAM had to read data from DASD.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Hiperspace failed writes A08BKCWF is the number of CWRITE requests that
failed. There was insufficient Hiperspace
and VSAM had to write data to DASD.

Reset characteristic: not reset

These Hiperspace statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity after the pool
was created. Note that these statistics are not reset by CICS under any circumstances.

LSRpool: Summary resource statistics for each LSR pool

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 78. LSRpool: Summary resource statistics for each LSR pool
DFHSTUP name Description

Total number of pools is the total number of LSRPOOLS that were built during the entire
built CICS run.
Peak requests that is the highest number of requests that were queued at one time
waited for string because all the strings in the pool were in use.
Total requests that is the total number of requests that were queued because all the
waited for string strings in the pool were in use. This number reflects the number of
requests that were delayed during CICS execution due to a
restriction in LSR pool string resources.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 423

Table 78. LSRpool: Summary resource statistics for each LSR pool (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Peak concurrently is the peak number of strings that were active during CICS
active strings execution. If you have coded a value for the number of strings the
pool is to use, this statistic is always less than or equal to the value
you have coded. If your coded value for string numbers is
consistently lower than this value in the statistics, you could
consider reducing it so that your pool of VSAM strings is not bigger
than you need.

LSRpool: Summary data buffer statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.

The group of statistics fields below summarizes the usage of each of the eight
LSRPOOLS during the entire CICS run.
Table 79. LSRpool: summary data buffer statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Pool Number is the identifying number of the pool. This value may be in the
range 1 through 8.
Lookasides is the total number of successful lookasides to data buffers for the
Reads is the total number of read I/Os to the data buffers for the pool.
User writes is the total number of user-initiated buffer WRITEs from data
buffers for the pool.
Non-user writes is the total number of non-user-initiated buffer WRITEs from data
buffers for the pool.

Summary Hiperspace data buffer statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 80. LSRpool: summary Hiperspace data buffer statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Pool Number is the identifying number of the pool. This value may be in the
range 1 through 8.
Hiperspace reads is the total number of Hiperspace data buffers specified for the
Hiperspace writes is the total number of successful CWRITE requests issued to transfer
data from virtual data buffers to Hiperspace data buffers.
Hiperspace failed is the total number of CREAD requests that failed. MVS had
reads withdrawn the space and VSAM had to read data from DASD.
Hiperspace failed is the total number of CWRITE requests that failed. There was
writes insufficient Hiperspace and VSAM had to write data to DASD.

LSRpool: summary index buffer statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 81. LSRpool: summary Hiperspace data buffer statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Pool Number is the identifying number of the pool. This value may be in the
range 1 through 8.
Lookasides is the total number of successful lookasides to index buffers for the
Reads is the total number of read I/Os to the index buffers for the pool.

424 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 81. LSRpool: summary Hiperspace data buffer statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

User writes is the total number of user-initiated buffer WRITEs from index
buffers for the pool.
Non-user writes is the total number of non-user-initiated buffer WRITEs from index
buffers for the pool.

LSRpool: Summary Hiperspace index buffer statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 82. LSRpool: Resource statistics for each LSR pool
DFHSTUP name Description

Pool Number is the identifying number of the pool. This value may be in the
range 1 through 8.
Hiperspace reads is the total number of successful CREAD requests issued to transfer
data from Hiperspace index buffers to virtual index buffers.
Hiperspace writes is the total number of successful CWRITE requests issued to transfer
data from virtual index buffers to Hiperspace index buffers.
Hiperspace failed is the total number of CREAD requests that failed. MVS had
reads withdrawn the space and VSAM had to read data from DASD.
Hiperspace failed is the total number of CWRITE requests that failed. There was
writes insufficient Hiperspace and VSAM had to write data to DASD.

If LSRpool buffers are shared, the statistics that follow refer to those shared data
and index buffers.

LSRpool: Summary resource statistics for each LSR pool

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 83. LSRpool: Summary resource statistics for each LSR pool
DFHSTUP name Description

Pool Number is the identifying number of the pool. This value may be in the
range 1 through 8.
Lookasides is the total number of read requests that VSAM was able to satisfy
without initiating an I/O operation; that is, the requested record,
whether index or data, was already present in one of the buffer
resident CIs. This means that no physical I/O had to be done to put
the control interval in the buffer.

The tuning methodology usually employed involves either

increasing the number of buffers of a particular CI size until the
ratio of lookasides to READs stops increasing significantly or,
conversely, reducing the number of buffers until the ratio of
lookasides to READs begins to drop significantly. For most data
sets, successful lookaside hits on indexes are more likely.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity
after the pool was created. Note that these statistics are not reset by
CICS under any circumstances.
Reads is the total number of I/O operations to the buffers that VSAM was
required to initiate to satisfy the CICS application’s activity. This
figure represents failures to find the control interval in the buffers.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity
after the pool was created. Note that these statistics are not reset by
CICS under any circumstances.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 425

Table 83. LSRpool: Summary resource statistics for each LSR pool (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

User writes is the total number of user-initiated I/O WRITE operations from the
buffers that VSAM was required to initiate to satisfy the CICS
application’s activity.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity
after the pool was created. Note that these statistics are not reset by
CICS under any circumstances.
Non-user writes is the total number of non-user initiated I/O WRITE operations
from the buffers that VSAM was forced to initiate due to no buffers
being available for reading the contents of a CI.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity
after the pool was created. Note that these statistics are not reset by
CICS under any circumstances.

LSRpool: summary Hiperspace buffer statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 84. LSRpool: summary Hiperspace buffer statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Pool Number is the identifying number of the pool. This value may be in the
range 1 through 8.
Hiperspace reads is the total number of successful CREAD requests issued to transfer
data from Hiperspace buffers to virtual buffers.
Hiperspace writes is the total number of successful CWRITE requests issued to transfer
data from virtual buffers to Hiperspace buffers.
Hiperspace failed is the total number of CREAD requests that failed. MVS had
reads withdrawn the space and VSAM had to read data from DASD.
Hiperspace failed is the total number of CWRITE requests that failed. There was
writes insufficient Hiperspace and VSAM had to write data to DASD.

The above Hiperspace statistics are obtained from VSAM and

represent the activity after the pool was created. Note that these
statistics are not reset by CICS under any circumstances.

The following information describes the buffer usage for each file that was
specified to use the LSR pool at the time the statistics were printed. Note that this
section is not printed for unsolicited statistics output.

If the allocation of files to the LSR pool is changed during the period that the
statistics cover, no history of this is available and only the current list of files
sharing the pool are printed in this section. The activity of all files that have used
the pool are, however, included in all the preceding sections of these statistics.

LSRpool Files: Resource statistics for each file specified to use

the pool
Table 85. LSRpool Files: Resource statistics for each file specified
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Pool Number A09SRPID is the LSR pool number, in the range 1

through 8, associated with this file.

Reset characteristic: not reset

426 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 85. LSRpool Files: Resource statistics for each file specified (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

File Name A09DSID is the CICS file identifier you specified

through resource definition online.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Data Buff Size A09DBN is the buffer size used for the file’s data
records. This value is one of the eleven
possible VSAM buffer sizes ranging from
512 bytes to 32 KB. The value is zero if the
file has not been opened yet.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Index Buff Size A09IBN is the buffer size used for the file’s index
records. This is printed, even if the file has
subsequently been dynamically allocated to
a VSAM ESDS or RRDS. The values this
field may take are the same as for the data
buffer size statistic.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Total Buff Waits A09TBW is the number of requests that had to wait
because all buffers of the size used by the
data set for data (or index) in the LSR pool
were in use.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak Buff Waits A09HBW is the peak number of requests that had to
wait because all buffers of the size used by
the data set for data (or index) in the LSR
pool were in use.

If the data sets are waiting for buffers you

should examine the numbers of buffers
defined for the data and index buffer sizes
used by the data set. The buffer size used by
VSAM depends on the control interval size
in the VSAM definition of the data set. If no
buffer size exists for the specified control
interval size, the next largest buffer size
available is used.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

LSRpool files: Summary resource statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 86. LSRpool files: Summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Pool Number is the LSR pool number, in the range 1 through 8, associated with
this file.
File Name is the CICS file identifier you specified through resource definition
Data Buff Size is the last non-zero value encountered for the buffer size used for
the file’s data records. This value is one of the eleven possible
VSAM buffer sizes ranging from 512 bytes to 32 KB. The value is
zero if the file has not been opened yet. The last non-zero value is
produced only if it has been opened.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 427

Table 86. LSRpool files: Summary resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Index Buff Size is the last non-zero value encountered for the buffer size used for
the file’s index records. This is printed, even if the file has
subsequently been dynamically allocated to a VSAM ESDS or
RRDS. The values this field may take are the same as for the data
buffer size statistic.
Total Buff Waits is the total number of requests that had to wait because all buffers
of the size used by the data set for data (or index) in the LSR pool
were in use.
Peak Buff Waits is the peak number of requests that had to wait because all buffers
of the size used by the data set for data (or index) in the LSR pool
were in use.

If the data sets are waiting for buffers you should examine the
numbers of buffers defined for the data and index buffer sizes used
by the data set. The buffer size used by VSAM depends on the
control interval size in the VSAM definition of the data set. If no
buffer size exists for the specified control interval size, the next
largest buffer size available is used.

Monitoring domain
Monitoring data is made up of a combination of performance class data, exception
class data, and SYSEVENT data.

Monitoring domain: global statistics

These statistics fields are collected from the monitoring domain. They can be
command, and are mapped by the DFHMNGDS DSECT. For programming
information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS command, see the CICS
System Programming Reference manual.
Table 87. Monitoring domain: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Exception records MNGER is the number of exception records written

to SMF.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Exception records suppressed MNGERS is the number of exception records
suppressed by the global user exit

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Performance records MNGPR is the number of performance records
scheduled for output to SMF.

Because the monitoring domain buffers

performance class records, there is still a
possibility that monitoring can be
deactivated, thus preventing the output of
the performance class records that have been

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

428 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 87. Monitoring domain: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Performance records MNGPRS is the number of performance records

suppressed suppressed by the global user exit

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

SMF records MNGSMFR is the number of SMF records written to the
SMF data set.

CICS writes exception class SMF records as

soon as the monitor domain is notified of
the exception completion, so there is one
exception record per SMF record. The
performance class, however, has many
performance class records per SMF record.
The SMF record for the performance class is
written when the buffer is full, performance
class has been deactivated, or CICS is

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

SMF errors MNGSMFE is the number of non-OK responses from the
request to write a record to SMF. This count
is incremented when an SMF write fails for
any reason, for example, when SMF is

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Sysevent records MNGSYSER is the number of SYSEVENT notification
records written to the MVS SRM (for later
processing by RMF). A sysevent record is
written at the completion of a transaction, or
at suspend of a semi-permanent mirror
(MRO only).

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Sysevent errors MNGSYSEE is the number of non-OK responses from the
request to write a record to the MVS SRM
(for later processing by RMF). This count is
incremented when a SYSEVENT write fails
for any reason, for example, when RMF in

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Monitoring domain: summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 88. Monitoring domain: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Exception records is the total number of exception records written to SMF.

Exception records is the total number of exception records suppressed by the global
suppressed user exit (XMNOUT).

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 429

Table 88. Monitoring domain: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Performance records is the total number of performance records scheduled for output to

Because the monitor domain buffers performance class records,

there is still a possibility that monitoring can be deactivated, thus
preventing the output of the performance class records that have
been buffered.
Performance records is the total number of performance records suppressed by the global
suppressed user exit (XMNOUT).
SMF records is the total number of SMF records written to the SMF data set.

CICS writes exception class SMF records as soon as the monitor

domain is notified of the exception completion, so there is one
exception record per SMF record. The performance class, however,
has many performance class records per SMF record. The SMF
record for the performance class is written when the buffer is full,
performance class has been deactivated, or CICS is quiescing.
SMF errors is the total number of non-OK responses from the request to write a
record to SMF. This count is incremented when an SMF write fails
for any reason, for example, when SMF is inactive.
Sysevent records is the total number of SYSEVENT notification records written to the
MVS SRM (for later processing by RMF). A sysevent record is
written at the completion of a transaction, or at suspend of a
semi-permanent mirror (MRO only).
Sysevent errors is the total number of non-OK responses from the request to write a
record to the MVS SRM (for later processing by RMF). This count is
incremented when a SYSEVENT write fails for any reason, for
example, when RMF in inactive.

Program autoinstall
Program autoinstall: global statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS PROGAUTO command, and are mapped by the DFHPGGDS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 89. Program autoinstall: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Program autoinstall attempts PGGATT is the number of times that a program

autoinstall was attempted.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Rejected by autoinstall exit PGGREJ is the number of times that a program
autoinstall request was rejected by the
program autoinstall URM program.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

430 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 89. Program autoinstall: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Failed autoinstall attempts PGGFAIL is the number of times that a program

autoinstall failed due to a number of reasons
other than rejects (as counted by PGGREJ).
For example the autoinstall URM program
did not provide valid attributes; the model
name specified by the URM was not
defined; the exit tried to recurse, and
disabled the URM.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Program autoinstall: summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 90. Program autoinstall: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Program autoinstall is the number of times that a program was autoinstalled.

Rejected by autoinstall is the number of times that a program is rejected by the autoinstall
exit exit.
Failed autoinstall is the number of times that a program failed to autoinstall.

Loader domain: global statistics
These statistics fields contain the global data collected by the loader domain. The
loader domain maintains global statistics to assist the user in tuning and

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS PROGRAM command, and are mapped by the DFHLDGDS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 91. Loader domain: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Library load requests LDGLLR is the number of times the loader has issued
an MVS LOAD request to load programs
from the DFHRPL library concatenation into
CICS managed storage. Modules in the LPA
are not included in this figure.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total loading time LDGLLT is the time taken for the number of library
loads indicated by LDGLLR. The DFHSTUP
report expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains a 4-byte field which
expresses the time in 16-microsecond units.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 431

Table 91. Loader domain: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Average loading time is the average time to load a program. This

value is calculated offline by DFHSTUP and
hence is not available to online users.
DFHSTUP expresses this time as

Reset characteristic: none

Program uses LDGPUSES is the number of uses of any program by the
CICS system.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Waiting requests LDGWLR is the number of loader domain requests
that are currently forced to suspend due to
the loader domain currently performing an
operation on that program on behalf of
another task. These operations could be:
v A NEWCOPY request
v Searching the LPA
v A physical load in progress.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Requests that waited LDGWTDLR is the number of loader domain requests
that were forced to suspend due to the
loader domain performing an operation on
that program on behalf of another task.
These operations could be:
v A NEWCOPY request
v Searching the LPA
v A physical load in progress.

This figure is the total number of tasks that

have waited, and does not include those
that are currently waiting (LDGWLR).

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak waiting Loader requests LDGWLRHW is the maximum number of tasks suspended
at one time.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Times at peak LDGHWMT is the number of times the high watermark
level indicated by LDGWLRHW was

This, along with the fields; LDGWTDLR and

LDGWLRHW, is an indication of the level of
contention for loader resource.

Reset characteristic: reset to 1

Total waiting time LDGTTW is the suspended time for the number of
tasks indicated by LDGWTDLR. The
DFHSTUP report expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains a 4-byte field which
expresses the time in 16-microsecond units.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

432 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 91. Loader domain: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Times DFHRPL re-opened LDGDREBS is the number of times the loader received
an end-of-extent condition during a LOAD
and successfully closed and re-opened the
DFHRPL library and retried the LOAD.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Programs removed by LDGDPSCR is the number of program instances removed
compression from storage by the Dynamic Program
Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total Not In Use queue LDGDPSCT is the program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue
membership time membership time. For each program that
becomes eligible for removal from storage
by the DPSC mechanism, the time between
the program becoming eligible and the
actual time of its being removed from
storage is calculated. This field is the sum of
these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be
greater than the elapsed time CICS run time.
This field does not include the wait time for
those programs reclaimed from the
Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Average Not In Use queue is the average length of time that a program
membership time is eligible for removal from storage by the
DPSC mechanism.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: none

Reclaims from Not In Use LDGRNIU is the number of reclaims that CICS has
queue made from the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Reclaims occur when a request is issued for
programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue.
The reclaimed instance of a program is no
longer eligible for program compression

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Programs loaded but Not In LDGPNIU is the number of programs on the
Use Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 433

Table 91. Loader domain: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Amount of DSA occupied by LDGCNIU is the current amount of CDSA storage

Not In Use programs which is occupied by Not-In-Use (NIU)

Reset characteristic: not reset

Programs removed by LDGDPSCR is the number of program instances removed
compression from storage by the Dynamic Program
Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total Not In Use queue LDGDPSCT is the program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue
membership time membership time. For each program that
becomes eligible for removal from storage
by the DPSC mechanism, the time between
the program becoming eligible and the
actual time of its being removed from
storage is calculated. This field is the sum of
these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be
greater than the elapsed time CICS run time.
This field does not include the wait time for
those programs reclaimed from the
Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Average Not In Use queue is the average length of time that a program
membership time is eligible for removal from storage by the
DPSC mechanism.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: none

Reclaims from Not In Use LDGRNIU is the number of reclaims that CICS has
queue made from the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Reclaims occur when a request is issued for
programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue.
The reclaimed instance of a program is no
longer eligible for program compression

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Programs loaded but Not In LDGPNIU is the number of programs on the
Use Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Amount of DSA occupied by LDGCNIU is the current amount of ECDSA storage
Not In Use programs which is occupied by Not-In-Use (NIU)

Reset characteristic: not reset

434 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 91. Loader domain: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Programs removed by LDGDPSCR is the number of program instances removed
compression from storage by the Dynamic Program
Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total Not In Use queue LDGDPSCT is the program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue
membership time membership time. For each program that
becomes eligible for removal from storage
by the DPSC mechanism, the time between
the program becoming eligible and the
actual time of its being removed from
storage is calculated. This field is the sum of
these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be
greater than the elapsed time CICS run time.
This field does not include the wait time for
those programs reclaimed from the
Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Average Not In Use queue is the average length of time that a program
membership time is eligible for removal from storage by the
DPSC mechanism.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: none

Reclaims from Not In Use LDGRNIU is the number of reclaims that CICS has
queue made from the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Reclaims occur when a request is issued for
programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue.
The reclaimed instance of a program is no
longer eligible for program compression

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Programs loaded but Not In LDGPNIU is the number of programs on the
Use Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Amount of DSA occupied by LDGCNIU is the current amount of SDSA storage
Not In Use programs which is occupied by Not-In-Use (NIU)

Reset characteristic: not reset


Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 435

Table 91. Loader domain: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Programs removed by LDGDPSCR is the number of program instances removed

compression from storage by the Dynamic Program
Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total Not In Use queue LDGDPSCT is the program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue
membership time membership time. For each program that
becomes eligible for removal from storage
by the DPSC mechanism, the time between
the program becoming eligible and the
actual time of its being removed from
storage is calculated. This field is the sum of
these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be
greater than the elapsed time CICS run time.
This field does not include the wait time for
those programs reclaimed from the
Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Average Not In Use queue is the average length of time that a program
membership time is eligible for removal from storage by the
DPSC mechanism.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: none

Reclaims from Not In Use LDGRNIU is the number of reclaims that CICS has
queue made from the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Reclaims occur when a request is issued for
programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue.
The reclaimed instance of a program is no
longer eligible for program compression

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Programs loaded but Not In LDGPNIU is the number of programs on the
Use Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Amount of DSA occupied by LDGCNIU is the current amount of ESDSA storage
Not In Use programs which is occupied by Not-In-Use (NIU)

Reset characteristic: not reset

Programs removed by LDGDPSCR is the number of program instances removed
compression from storage by the Dynamic Program
Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

436 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 91. Loader domain: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Total Not In Use queue LDGDPSCT is the program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue
membership time membership time. For each program that
becomes eligible for removal from storage
by the DPSC mechanism, the time between
the program becoming eligible and the
actual time of its being removed from
storage is calculated. This field is the sum of
these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be
greater than the elapsed time CICS run time.
This field does not include the wait time for
those programs reclaimed from the
Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Average Not In Use queue is the average length of time that a program
membership time is eligible for removal from storage by the
DPSC mechanism.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: none

Reclaims from Not In Use LDGRNIU is the number of reclaims that CICS has
queue made from the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Reclaims occur when a request is issued for
programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue.
The reclaimed instance of a program is no
longer eligible for program compression

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Programs loaded but Not In LDGPNIU is the number of programs on the
Use Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Amount of DSA occupied by LDGCNIU is the current amount of RDSA storage
Not In Use programs which is occupied by Not-In-Use (NIU)

Reset characteristic: not reset

Programs removed by LDGDPSCR is the number of program instances removed
compression from storage by the Dynamic Program
Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 437

Table 91. Loader domain: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Total Not In Use queue LDGDPSCT is the program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue
membership time membership time. For each program that
becomes eligible for removal from storage
by the DPSC mechanism, the time between
the program becoming eligible and the
actual time of its being removed from
storage is calculated. This field is the sum of
these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be
greater than the elapsed time CICS run time.
This field does not include the wait time for
those programs reclaimed from the
Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Average Not In Use queue is the average length of time that a program
membership time is eligible for removal from storage by the
DPSC mechanism.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as

hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a store
clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: none

Reclaims from Not In Use LDGRNIU is the number of reclaims that CICS has
queue made from the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Reclaims occur when a request is issued for
programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue.
The reclaimed instance of a program is no
longer eligible for program compression

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Programs loaded but Not In LDGPNIU is the number of programs on the
Use Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Amount of DSA occupied by LDGCNIU is the current amount of ERDSA storage
Not In Use programs which is occupied by Not-In-Use (NIU)

Reset characteristic: not reset

Loader domain: summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.

438 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

These statistics fields contain the summary global data for the loader.
Table 92. Loader domain: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Library load requests is the total number of times the loader has issued an MVS LOAD
request to load programs from the DFHRPL library concatenation
into CICS managed storage. Modules in the LPA are not included in
this figure.
Total loading time is the total time taken for the number of library loads indicated by
LDGLLR. The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as
Average loading time is the average time to load a program from the DFHRPL library
concatenation into CICS managed storage. This value is expressed
as minutes:seconds.decimals.
Program uses is the total number of uses of any program by the CICS system.
Requests that waited is the total number of loader domain requests that were forced to
suspend due to the loader domain performing an operation on that
program on behalf of another task. These operations could be:
v A NEWCOPY request
v Searching the LPA
v A physical load in progress.
Peak waiting Loader is the peak number of tasks suspended at one time.
Times at peak is the total number of times the peak level indicated by the previous
statistic was reached.

This, along with the previous 2 values, is an indication of the level

of contention for loader resource.
Total waiting time is the total suspended time for the number of tasks indicated by the
“Requests that waited” statistic. The DFHSTUP report expresses this
time as days-hours:minutes:seconds.decimals.
Times DFHRPL is the total number of times the loader received an end-of-extent
re-opened condition during a LOAD and successfully closed and re-opened
the DFHRPL library and retried the LOAD.
Programs removed by is the total number of program instances removed from storage by
compression the Dynamic Program Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.
Total Not In Use is the total program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue membership time. For
queue membership each program that becomes eligible for removal from storage by the
time DPSC mechanism, the time between the program becoming eligible
and the actual time of its being removed from storage is calculated.
This field is the sum of these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be greater than the elapsed time
CICS run time. This field does not include the wait time for those
programs reclaimed from the Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as days-

Average Not In Use is the average time between a program becoming eligible for
queue membership removal from storage by the DPSC and the actual time of its
time removal from storage. This statistic is expressed in
Reclaims from Not In is the total number of reclaims that CICS has made from the
Use queue Not-In-Use (NIU) queue. Reclaims occur when a request is issued
for programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue. The reclaimed
instance of a program is no longer eligible for program compression

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 439

Table 92. Loader domain: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Programs loaded but is the total number of programs on the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Not In Use
Programs removed by is the total number of program instances removed from storage by
compression the Dynamic Program Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.
Total Not In Use is the total program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue membership time. For
queue membership each program that becomes eligible for removal from storage by the
time DPSC mechanism, the time between the program becoming eligible
and the actual time of its being removed from storage is calculated.
This field is the sum of these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be greater than the elapsed time
CICS run time. This field does not include the wait time for those
programs reclaimed from the Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as days-

Average Not In Use is the average time between a program becoming eligible for
queue membership removal from storage by the DPSC and the actual time of its
time removal from storage. This statistic is expressed in
Reclaims from Not In is the total number of reclaims that CICS has made from the
Use queue Not-In-Use (NIU) queue. Reclaims occur when a request is issued
for programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue. The reclaimed
instance of a program is no longer eligible for program compression
Programs loaded but is the total number of programs on the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Not In Use
Programs removed by is the total number of program instances removed from storage by
compression the Dynamic Program Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.
Total Not In Use is the total program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue membership time. For
queue membership each program that becomes eligible for removal from storage by the
time DPSC mechanism, the time between the program becoming eligible
and the actual time of its being removed from storage is calculated.
This field is the sum of these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be greater than the elapsed time
CICS run time. This field does not include the wait time for those
programs reclaimed from the Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as days-

Average Not In Use is the average time between a program becoming eligible for
queue membership removal from storage by the DPSC and the actual time of its
time removal from storage. This statistic is expressed in
Reclaims from Not In is the total number of reclaims that CICS has made from the
Use queue Not-In-Use (NIU) queue. Reclaims occur when a request is issued
for programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue. The reclaimed
instance of a program is no longer eligible for program compression
Programs loaded but is the total number of programs on the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Not In Use
Programs removed by is the total number of program instances removed from storage by
compression the Dynamic Program Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.

440 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 92. Loader domain: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Total Not In Use is the total program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue membership time. For
queue membership each program that becomes eligible for removal from storage by the
time DPSC mechanism, the time between the program becoming eligible
and the actual time of its being removed from storage is calculated.
This field is the sum of these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be greater than the elapsed time
CICS run time. This field does not include the wait time for those
programs reclaimed from the Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as days-

Average Not In Use is the average time between a program becoming eligible for
queue membership removal from storage by the DPSC and the actual time of its
time removal from storage. This statistic is expressed in
Reclaims from Not In is the total number of reclaims that CICS has made from the
Use queue Not-In-Use (NIU) queue. Reclaims occur when a request is issued
for programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue. The reclaimed
instance of a program is no longer eligible for program compression
Programs loaded but is the total number of programs on the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Not In Use
Programs removed by is the total number of program instances removed from storage by
compression the Dynamic Program Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.
Total Not In Use is the total program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue membership time. For
queue membership each program that becomes eligible for removal from storage by the
time DPSC mechanism, the time between the program becoming eligible
and the actual time of its being removed from storage is calculated.
This field is the sum of these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be greater than the elapsed time
CICS run time. This field does not include the wait time for those
programs reclaimed from the Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as days-

Average Not In Use is the average time between a program becoming eligible for
queue membership removal from storage by the DPSC and the actual time of its
time removal from storage. This statistic is expressed in
Reclaims from Not In is the total number of reclaims that CICS has made from the
Use queue Not-In-Use (NIU) queue. Reclaims occur when a request is issued
for programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue. The reclaimed
instance of a program is no longer eligible for program compression
Programs loaded but is the total number of programs on the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Not In Use
Programs removed by is the total number of program instances removed from storage by
compression the Dynamic Program Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 441

Table 92. Loader domain: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Total Not In Use is the total program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue membership time. For
queue membership each program that becomes eligible for removal from storage by the
time DPSC mechanism, the time between the program becoming eligible
and the actual time of its being removed from storage is calculated.
This field is the sum of these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be greater than the elapsed time
CICS run time. This field does not include the wait time for those
programs reclaimed from the Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as days-

Average Not In Use is the average time between a program becoming eligible for
queue membership removal from storage by the DPSC and the actual time of its
time removal from storage. This statistic is expressed in
Reclaims from Not In is the total number of reclaims that CICS has made from the
Use queue Not-In-Use (NIU) queue. Reclaims occur when a request is issued
for programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue. The reclaimed
instance of a program is no longer eligible for program compression
Programs loaded but is the total number of programs on the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Not In Use
Programs removed by is the total number of program instances removed from storage by
compression the Dynamic Program Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.
Total Not In Use is the total program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue membership time. For
queue membership each program that becomes eligible for removal from storage by the
time DPSC mechanism, the time between the program becoming eligible
and the actual time of its being removed from storage is calculated.
This field is the sum of these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be greater than the elapsed time
CICS run time. This field does not include the wait time for those
programs reclaimed from the Not-In-Use queue.

The DFHSTUP report expresses this time as days-

Average Not In Use is the average time between a program becoming eligible for
queue membership removal from storage by the DPSC and the actual time of its
time removal from storage. This statistic is expressed in
Reclaims from Not In is the total number of reclaims that CICS has made from the
Use queue Not-In-Use (NIU) queue. Reclaims occur when a request is issued
for programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue. The reclaimed
instance of a program is no longer eligible for program compression
Programs loaded but is the total number of programs on the Not-In-Use (NIU) queue.
Not In Use

Program: resource statistics
These statistics fields contain the resource data collected by the loader for each
program. They are available online, and are mapped by the DFHLDRDS DSECT.

442 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 93. Programs: resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Program name LDRPNAME is the name of the program.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Times used LDRTU is the number of times CICS tasks within
the system have issued load requests to the
loader domain to obtain access to a usable
instance of this program. These load
requests may cause the loader domain to
issue an MVS LOAD.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Fetch count LDRFC is the number of times the loader domain
has issued an MVS LOAD request to load a
copy of the program from the DFHRPL
library concatenation into CICS managed

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP LDRFT is the time taken to perform all fetches. The
REPORT DSECT field contains a four-byte value that
expresses the time in 16-microsecond units.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Average fetch time Calculated by is the average time taken to perform a fetch
DFHSTUP of the program. The DFHSTUP report
expresses this time as

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

RPL offset LDRRPLO is the offset into the DFHRPL DD
concatenation of the library from which the
program was last loaded or is loaded when
next required non-LPA resident modules
Note: The offset values begin with zero for
the first partitioned data set in the
concatenation and thus this field may not be
used to deduce whether a copy of the
program is available to the loader domain.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NEWCOPY count LDRTN is the number of times a NEWCOPY has
been requested against this program.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Program size LDRPSIZE is the size of the program in bytes, if known
(otherwise zero).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Times removed LDRRPC is the number of times an instance of this
program has been removed from CICS
managed storage due to the actions of the
Dynamic Program Storage Compression
(DPSC) mechanism.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 443

Table 93. Programs: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Location LDRLOCN is the location of the current storage resident

instance of the program, if any. It has one of
the following values:
DSECT value LDRNOCO (X'00')
Meaning No current copy
DSECT value LDRCDCO (X'01')
Meaning Current copy in the CDSA
DSECT value LDRSDCO (X'08')
Meaning Current copy in the SDSA
DSECT value LDRLPACO (X'03')
Meaning Current copy in the LPA
DSECT value LDRECDCO (X'04')
Meaning Current copy in the
DSECT value LDRESDCO (X'09')
Meaning Current copy in the
DSECT value LDRERDCO (X'06')
Meaning Current copy in the
Meaning Current copy in the RDSA

Reset characteristic: not reset

Programs: summary resource statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.

These statistics fields contain the summary resource data statistics for the loader
for each program.
Table 94. Programs: summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Program name is the name of the program.

Times used is the total number of times CICS tasks within the system have
issued load requests to the loader domain to obtain access to a
usable instance of this program. These load requests may cause the
loader domain to issue MVS LOAD requests to obtain access to
usable instances of this program.

444 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 94. Programs: summary resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Fetch count is the total number of times the loader domain has issued an MVS
LOAD request to load a copy of the program from the DFHRPL
library concatenation into CICS managed storage.
Average fetch time is the average time taken to perform a fetch of the program. The
DFHSTUP report expresses this time as minutes:seconds.decimals.
NEWCOPY count is the total number of times a NEWCOPY has been requested
against this program.
Times removed is the total number of times an instance of this program has been
removed from CICS managed storage due to the actions of the
Dynamic Program Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism.

Recovery manager
Recovery manager: global statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS RECOVERY command, and are mapped by the DFHRMGDS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 95. Recovery manager: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Total number of RMGSYFWD is the total number of syncpoint requests to

syncpoints (forward) commit forward.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total number of RMGSYBWD is the total number of syncpoint requests to
syncpoints (backward) commit backward (for example, EXEC CICS

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total number of RMGRESYN is the total number of resynchronization
resynchronizations requests.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total UOWs shunted RMGTSHIN is the total number of units of work that lost
for indoubt failure connection to their recovery coordinator
during syncpoint processing and had to be
shunted for indoubt failure, but have now

Note that this value does not include those

units of work that are currently shunted for
indoubt failure.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total time in shunts RMGTSHTI is the total time (STCK) that the units of
for indoubt failure work shunted for indoubt failure
(RMGTSHIN) spent waiting in this
condition, but have now completed.

Note that this value does not include those

units of work that are currently shunted for
indoubt failure.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 445

Table 95. Recovery manager: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Total UOWs shunted RMGTSHRO is the total number of units of work that had
for commit/backout to be shunted for commit/backout failure
failure because a local resource manager could not
perform commit/backout processing at this
time on behalf of the UOW during
syncpoint, but have now completed.

Note that this value does not include those

units of work that are currently shunted for
commit/backout failure.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total time shunted for RMGTSHTR is the total time (STCK) that the units of
commit/backout work shunted for commit/backout
failure (RMGTSHRO) failures spent waiting in this
condition, but have now completed.

Note that this value does not include those

units of work that are currently shunted for
commit/backout failure.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current UOWs RMGCSHIN is the current number of units of work that
shunted for indoubt lost the connection to their recovery
failure coordinator during syncpoint processing,
and have been shunted for indoubt failure.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current time in RMGCSHTI is the total time (STCK) that the units of
shunts for indoubt work currently shunted for indoubt failure
failure (RMGCSHIN) have been waiting in this
condition so far.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current UOWs RMGCHSHR is the current number of units of work that
shunted for resource have been shunted for commit/backout
failure failure because a local resource manager was
not able to perform commit/backout
processing at this time on behalf of the
UOW during syncpoint

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current time in RMGCSHTR is the total time (STCK) that the units of
shunts for resource work currently shunted for commit/backout
failure (RMGCHSHR) failures have been waiting in
this condition so far.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

The following fields detail the reasons why UOWs may have introduced integrity exposures
because they were forced to complete prematurely. The UOWs were not allowed to shunt,
not capable of shunting, or forced to terminate a shunt, regardless of the outcome.

446 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 95. Recovery manager: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Total forces of RMGIAFTR is the total number of UOWs that were

indoubt action by forced to complete syncpoint processing,
trandef despite losing the connection to the recovery
coordinator, because their transaction
definition specified that they could not wait

The UOWs would have committed or

backed out according to the transaction
definition indoubt action attribute,
regardless of the actions specified or taken
by any other participating region in this
distributed UOW.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total forces of RMGIAFTI is the total number of shunted indoubt
indoubt action by UOWs that were forced to complete
timeout syncpoint processing, although still
unconnected to the recovery coordinator,
because their transaction definition wait for
indoubt timeout value was exceeded.

The UOWs would have committed or

backed out according to the transaction
definition indoubt action attribute,
regardless of the actions specified or taken
by any other participating region in this
distributed UOW.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total forces of RMGIAFOP is the total number of shunted indoubt
indoubt action by UOWs that were forced to complete
operator syncpoint processing, although still
unconnected to the recovery coordinator,
through a CEMT, or EXEC CICS, SET UOW
command forced a resolution.

The UOWs would have committed or

backed out according to the command
option, regardless of the actions specified or
taken by any other participating region in
this distributed UOW.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 447

Table 95. Recovery manager: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Total forces of RMGIAFNW is the total number of UOWs that were

indoubt action by no forced to complete syncpoint processing,
wait despite having the ability to wait indoubt,
because a local resource owner or connected
resource manager used by the UOW was
unable to wait indoubt.

The UOWs would have committed or

backed out according to the transaction
definition indoubt action attribute,
regardless of the actions specified or taken
by any other participating region in this
distributed UOW. See the following section
on no support for indoubt waiting

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total forces of RMGIAFOT is the total number of UOWs that were
indoubt action by forced to complete syncpoint processing,
other despite having the ability to wait indoubt,
because of reasons other than those
described above (for example, a cold start of
the coordinator, level of RMI adapter
modification, and resynchronization errors).

The UOWs would have committed or

backed out according to the transaction
definition indoubt action attribute,
regardless of the actions specified or taken
by any other participating region in this
distributed UOW.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

No support for indoubt waiting breakdown

The following fields further detail the reasons why a UOW did not have the ability to wait
indoubt (shunt) at the time of indoubt failure (lost coordinator), and are breakdowns of the
field RMGIAFNW. This is because the UOW uses either recoverable local resources,
recoverable resources across intersystem links, or external resource managers (RMI), which
do not have the ability to wait indoubt. As a result of a resolution of a UOW being forced
for this reason, integrity exposures may occur.
–Indoubt action RMGNWTD is the number of UOW forces that occurred
forced by TD queues because the UOW uses a recoverable
transient data queue defined with an
indoubt attribute of WAIT=NO.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Indoubt action RMGNW61 is the number of UOW forces that occurred
forced by LU61 because the UOW uses an LU6.1 intersystem
connections link, which cannot support indoubt waiting.

Note that if an LU6.1 intersystem link can

operate as last agent in syncpoint processing
the lack of waiting ability is immaterial. For
more details about last agent processing, see

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

448 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 95. Recovery manager: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

–Indoubt action RMGNWMRO is the number of UOW forces that occurred

forced by MRO because the UOW uses an MRO intersystem
connections link to a downlevel CICS region, which
cannot support indoubt waiting.

Note that if an MRO intersystem link can

operate as last agent in syncpoint processing
the lack of waiting ability is immaterial. For
more details about last agent processing, see

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Indoubt action RMGNWRMI is the number of UOW forces that occurred
forced by RMI exits because the UOW uses an RMI that declared
(TRUEs) an interest in syncpoint but could not
support indoubt waiting.

Note that if an RMI intersystem link can

operate as last agent in syncpoint processing
the lack of waiting ability is immaterial. For
more details about last agent processing, see

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Indoubt action RMGNWOTH is the number of UOW forces that occurred
forced by others because the UOW uses recoverable facilities
other than above (for example, terminal
RDO), which invalidate the ability to
support indoubt waiting.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Total number of RMGIAMIS is the total number of UOWs that were
indoubt action forced to resolve using an indoubt action
mismatches attribute, whether by definition, option or
operator override (as detailed in the above
fields), and on so doing detected an indoubt
action attribute mismatch with a
participating system or RMI. For example, a
participating system in a distributed UOW
resolves its work forward while other
systems back out theirs. The opposite also

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Recovery manager: summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 96. Recovery manager: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Total number of is the total number of syncpoint requests to commit forward.

syncpoints (forward)
Total number of is the total number of syncpoint requests to commit backward. For
syncpoints (backward) example, EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK.
Total number of is the total number of reaynchronization requests.
Total number of is the total number of UOWs that have lost connection to their
shunts for indoubt recovery coordinator during syncpoint processing, had to be
failure chunted for indoubt failure, but have now completed.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 449

Table 96. Recovery manager: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Total time in shunts is the total time (STCK) that the UOWs shunted for indoubt failure
for indoubt failure (RMGTSHIN) spent waiting in this condition.
Total UOWs shunted is the total number of UOWs that had to be shunted for
for commit/backout commit/backout failure because a local resource manager was not
failure able to perform commit/backout processing at that time, but have
now completed.
Total time shunted for is the total time (STCK) that the UOWs shunted for commit/
commit/backout backout (RMGTSHRO) failures waited in this condition, but have
failure now completed.
Outstanding indoubt is the current number of UOWs that have been shunted for indoubt
failure shunted UOWs failure because the connection to their recovery coordinator during
syncpoint processing was lost.
Outstanding shunted is the total time (STCK) that the UOWs currently shunted for
UOWs time in shunts indoubt failure (RMGTSHIN) spent waiting in this condition so far.
Outstanding shunted is the current number of UOWs that have been shunted for
UOWs for resource commit/ backout failure because a local resource manager was
failure unable to perform commit/backout processing at that time on
behalf of the UOW.
Outstanding shunt is the total time (STCK) that the UOWs are currently shunted for
time for resource commit/backout (RMGCHSIR) failures have been waiting in this
failure condition so far.
Total forces of indoubt is the total number of UOWs that were forced to complete
action by trandef syncpoint processing, despite losing the connection to the recovery
coordinator, because their transaction definition specifying that they
could not wait indoubt.
Total forces of indoubt is the total number of shunted indoubt UOWs that were forced to
action by timeout complete syncpoint processing, although still unconnected to the
recovery coordinator, because their transaction definition wait for
indoubt timeout value was exceeded.
Total forces of indoubt is the total number of shunted indoubt UOWs that were forced to
action by operator complete syncpoint processing, although still unconnected to the
recovery coordinator because the operator (CEMT) forced a
Total forces of indoubt is the total number of UOWs that were forced to complete
action by no wait syncpoint processing, despite having the ability to wait indoubt
because a local resource owner or connected resource manager that
the UOW used was unable to wait indoubt.
Total forces of indoubt is the total number of UOWs
action by other
No support for indoubt waiting breakdown
–Indoubt action forced is the number of UOW forces that occurred because the UOW was
by TD queues using a recoverable transient data queue defined with an indoubt
attribute of WAIT=NO.
–Indoubt action forced is the number of UOW forces that occurred because the UOW used
by LU61 connections an LU6.1 intersystem link, which cannot support indoubt waiting.
–Indoubt action forced is the number of UOW forces that occurred because the UOW using
by MRO connections an MRO intersystem link to a downlevel CICS region, which cannot
support indoubt waiting.
–Indoubt action forced is the number of UOW forces that occurred because the OUW using
by RMI exits (TRUEs) an RMI that declared an interest in syncpoint but could not support
indoubt waiting.
–Indoubt action forced is the number of UOW forces that occurred because the UOW used
by others recoverable facilities other than above, for example, terminal RDO,
which invalidates the ability to support indoubt waiting.

450 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 96. Recovery manager: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Total number of is the total number of UOWs that were forced to resolve using an
indoubt action indoubt action attribute, whether by definition, option, or operator
mismatches override (as detailed in the above fields), and detected an indoubt
action attribute mismatch with a participating system or RMI. For
example, a participating system in a distributed UOW resolves its
work forward while other systems back out theirs. The opposite
also applies.

Statistics domain
Statistics domain: global statistics
These statistics are available online, and are mapped by the DFHSTGDS DSECT.
Table 97. Statistics domain: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Interval collections so far STGNC is the number of interval collections made

during the CICS run, or from one
end-of-day to the following end-of-day.

Reset characteristic: This field is reset to zero

only at every end-of-day collection.
SMF writes STGSMFW is the number of SMF writes since the last
reset time. This figure includes records
written for all types of statistics collections.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP STGLDW is the length of data written to SMF during
REPORT an interval, expressed as bytes. This figure
includes length of data written during an
interval for unsolicited, requested, and
interval/end-of-day collections.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Note: This field contains the accumulated
length of statistics records excluding the
SMF headers.

Interval, end-of-day, and requested statistics all contain the same items.

Statistics domain: summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 98. Statistics domain: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Total number of is the total number of

interval collections interval collections
made during the
entire CICS run.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 451

Table 98. Statistics domain: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Total number of SMF is the total number of

writes SMF writes during
the entire CICS run.
This figure includes
records written
during an interval for
unsolicited, requested,

Storage manager
These statistics are produced to aid all aspects of storage management.

Storage manager statistics: domain subpools

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS STORAGE command, and are mapped by the DFHSMDDS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 99. Storage manager statistics: domain subpools
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Subpool Name SMDSPN is the unique 8-character name of the

domain subpool. The values of the domain
subpool field are described in “Appendix F.
MVS and CICS virtual storage” on page 615.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMDETYPE The assembler DSECT field name has the
REPORT value X'01' or X'02', indicating whether all
the elements in the subpool are fixed length
or variable length. For further information
about subpool elements, see “Appendix F.
MVS and CICS virtual storage” on page 615.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMDFLEN is the length of each subpool element
REPORT (applicable to FIXED length subpools only).
For further information about subpool
elements, see “Appendix F. MVS and CICS
virtual storage” on page 615.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMDELCHN The assembler DSECT field name has the
REPORT value X'01' or X'02', indicating whether or
not SM maintains an element chain for the
subpool with the addresses and lengths of
each element. For further information about
element chains, see “Appendix F. MVS and
CICS virtual storage” on page 615.

Reset characteristic: not reset

452 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 99. Storage manager statistics: domain subpools (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMDBNDRY is the boundary on which each element is

REPORT aligned. This is a power of 2 in the range 8
through 4096 bytes. For further information
about boundaries, see “Appendix F. MVS
and CICS virtual storage” on page 615.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMDLOCN The storage location of this domain subpool.
REPORT The assembler DSECT field name has the
following values:
v SMDBELOW (X'01') below the 16MB line.
v SMDABOVE (X'02') above the 16MB line.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Location SMDDSANAMEName of the DSA that the domain subpool
is allocated from. Values can be 'CDSA',
'SDSA', 'RDSA', 'ECDSA', 'ESDSA', and

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMDDSAINDEXA unique identifier for the dynamic storage
REPORT area that this subpool is allocated from.
Values can be
v SMDCDSA (X'01') indicating that the
subpool storage is obtained from the
v SMDSDSA (X'03') indicating that the
subpool storage is obtained from the
v SMDRDSA (X'04') indicating that the
subpool storage is obtained from the
v SMDECDSA (X'05') indicating that the
subpool storage is obtained from the
v SMDESDSA (X'07') indicating that the
subpool storage is obtained from the
v SMDERDSA (X'08') indicating that the
subpool storage is obtained from the

Reset characteristic: not reset

Access SMDACCESS is the type of access of the subpool. It will
be either CICS, USER, or READONLY. If
storage protection not active, all storage
areas will revert to CICS except those in the
v SMDCICS (X'01') access is CICS key.
v SMDUSER (X'02') access is USER key.
v SMDREADONLY (X'03') is read-only

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 453

Table 99. Storage manager statistics: domain subpools (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMDIFREE is the size of the initial free area for the
REPORT subpool (which may be zero), expressed in
bytes. For further information about the
initial free area, see “Appendix F. MVS and
CICS virtual storage” on page 615.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Getmain Requests SMDGMREQ is the number of GETMAIN requests for the

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Freemain Requests SMDFMREQ is the number of FREEMAIN requests for
the subpool.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current Elements SMDCELEM is the current number of storage elements in
the subpool.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current Elem Stg SMDCES is the sum of the lengths of all the elements
in the subpool, expressed in bytes.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current Page Stg SMDCPS is the space taken by all the pages allocated
to the subpool, expressed in bytes.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak Page Stg SMDHWMPS is the peak page storage allocated to support
the storage requirements of this subpool.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Summary domain subpools statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 100. Summary domain subpools statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Subpool Name is the unique 8-character name of the domain subpool. The values
of the domain subpool field are described in “Appendix F. MVS
and CICS virtual storage” on page 615.
Location is the indicator of the subpool location (CDSA, SDSA, RDSA,
Access is the type of access of the subpool. It will be either CICS, USER, or
READONLY. If storage protection not active, all storage areas will
revert to CICS except those in the ERDSA.
Getmain Requests is the total number of GETMAIN requests for the subpool.
Freemain Requests is the total number of FREEMAIN requests for the subpool.
Peak Elements is the peak number of storage elements in the subpool.
Peak Elem Stg is the peak amount of element storage in the subpool, expressed in
Peak Page Stg is the peak amount of page storage in the subpool, expressed in

454 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Storage manager: global statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command. For programming information about the EXEC CICS
COLLECT STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference

These statistics are collected for each pagepool. They are available online, and are
mapped by the DFHSMSDS DSECT.
Table 101. Storage manager: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Storage protection SMSSTGPROT X'01' active

X'00' not active

Transaction isolation SMSTRANISO X'01' active

X'00' not active

Reentrant programs SMSRENTPGM X'01' protect. RDSA and
ERDSA obtained from key 0

X'00' no protect. RDSA and

ERDSA obtained from key 8
Current DSA limit SMSDSALIMIT Current DSA limit value
Current DSA total SMSDSATOTAL Total amount of storage
currently allocated to the
DSAs below the line. This
value may be smaller or
larger than SMSDSALIMIT.
Peak DSA total SMSHWMDSATOTAL The total amount of storage
allocated to the DSAs below
the line. This value may be
smaller or larger than
Current EDSDA limit SMSEDSALIMIT Current EDSA limit
Current EDSA total SMSEDSATOTAL Total amount of storage
currently allocated to the
DSAs above the line. This
value may be smaller or
larger than EDSALIMIT.
Peak EDSA total SMSHWMESDATOTAL The total amount of storage
allocated to the DSAs above
the line. This value may be
smaller or larger than

Storage manager: subspace statistics

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command. For programming information about the EXEC CICS
COLLECT STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference

These statistics are collected for each pagepool, and are mapped by the

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 455

Table 102. Storage manager: subspace statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Current unique subspace SMSUSSCUR Current number of unique

users subspace users. Number of
tasks currently allocated a
unique subspace.
Total unique subspace users SMSUSSCUM Total number of tasks that
have been allocated a unique
Peak unique subspace users SMSUSSHWM The peak number of tasks
concurrently allocated a
unique subspace.
Current common subspace SMSCSSCUR Number of tasks currently
users allocated to the common
Total common subspace users SMSCSSCUM Total number of tasks
allocated to the common
Peak common subspace users SMSCSSHWM The peak number of tasks
concurrently allocated to the
common subspace.

Storage manager statistics: dynamic storage areas

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command. For programming information about the EXEC CICS
COLLECT STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference

These statistics are collected for each pagepool. They are available online, and are
mapped by the DFHSMSDS DSECT.
Table 103. Storage manager statistics: dynamic storage areas
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMSNPAGP is the number of pagepools in the

REPORT CICS region. There are eight
pagepools: the CDSA (CICS
dynamic storage area), the UDSA
(user dynamic storage area), the
SDSA (shared dynamic storage
area), the RDSA (read-only
dynamic storage area), the ECDSA
(extended CICS dynamic storage
area), the ESDSA (extended shared
dynamic storage area), the EUDSA
(extended user dynamic storage
area), and the ERDSA (extended
read-only dynamic storage area).

Reset characteristic: not reset

Note: The following fields are mapped by the SMSBODY DSECT within the DFHSMSDS
DSECT. The SMSBODY DSECT is repeated for each pagepool in the CICS region

456 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 103. Storage manager statistics: dynamic storage areas (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Header in DFHSTUP SMSDSANAME Name of the DSA that this record

report represents. Values can be 'CDSA',
'EUDSA', 'ESDSA', and 'ERDSA'.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMSDSAINDEX A unique identifier for the dynamic
REPORT storage area that this subpool is
allocated from. Values can be:
v SMSCDSA (X'01') The page pool
is the CDSA.
v SMSUDSA (X'02') The page pool
is the UDSA.
v SMSSDSA (X'03') The page pool
is the SDSA.
v SMSRDSA (X'04') The page pool
is the RDSA.
v SMSECDSA (X'05') The page
pool is the ECDSA.
v SMSEUDSA (X'06') The page
pool is the EUDSA.
v SMSESDSA (X'07') The page pool
is the ESDSA.
v SMSERDSA (X'08') The page pool
is the ERDSA.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMSLOCN is the location of this pagepool. The
REPORT assembler DSECT field name has
the following values:
v SMSBELOW (X'01') below the
16MB line
v SMSABOVE (X'02') above the
16MB line.
Current DSA Size SMSDSASZ is the current size of the CDSA,
expressed in bytes.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak DSA Size SMSHWMDSASZ is the peak size of the CDSA,
expressed in bytes sinces that last
time that statistics were recorded.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Cushion Size SMSCSIZE is the size of the cushion, expressed
in bytes. The cushion forms part of
or the ERDSA, and is the amount
of storage below which CICS goes

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 457

Table 103. Storage manager statistics: dynamic storage areas (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Free storage (inc. cushion) SMSFSTG is the amount of free storage in this
pagepool, that is the number of free
pages multiplied by the page size
(4K), expressed in bytes.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Percentage free storage is the percentage of the storage that
is free. This value is calculated
offline by DFHSTUP and is,
therefore, not accessible via the

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak free storage SMSHWMFSTG is the largest amount of storage
that is free since the last time that
statistics were recorded.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Lowest free storage SMSLWMFSTG is the smallest amount of storage
that is free since the last time that
statistics were recorded.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Largest free area SMSLFA is the length of the largest
contiguous free area in the CDSA
expressed in bytes. To get an
indication of the storage
fragmentation in this pagepool,
compare this value with “Free
storage” (SMSFSTG) in the
pagepool. If the ratio is large, this
pagepool is fragmented.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Getmain Requests SMSGMREQ is the number of GETMAIN
requests from the CDSA, RDSA,

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Freemain Requests SMSFMREQ is the number of FREEMAIN
requests from the CDSA, UDSA,

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

REPORT requests to create a subpool
(domain or task) from the CDSA,

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

458 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 103. Storage manager statistics: dynamic storage areas (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMSDSR is the number of

(domain or task) from the CDSA,

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMSCSUBP is the current number of subpools
REPORT (domain and task) in the CDSA,

Reset characteristic: not reset

Times no storage returned SMSCRISS is the number of times a GETMAIN
request with SUSPEND(NO)
returned the condition

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Times request suspended SMSUCSS is the number of times a GETMAIN
request with SUSPEND(YES) was
suspended because of insufficient
storage to satisfy the request at the

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current suspended SMSCSS is the number of GETMAIN
requests currently suspended for

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak requests suspended SMSHWMSS is the peak number of GETMAIN
requests suspended for storage.

Reset characteristic: reset to current

Purged while waiting SMSPWWS is the number of requests which
were purged while suspended for

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Times cushion released SMSCREL is the number of times a GETMAIN
request caused the storage cushion
to be released. The cushion is said
to be released when the number of
free pages drops below the number
of pages in the cushion

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Times went short on SMSSOS is the number of times CICS went
storage SOS in this pagepool (CDSA,
SDSA, ESDSA or ERDSA), where
SOS means either that the cushion
is currently in use and/or there is
at least one task suspended for

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 459

Table 103. Storage manager statistics: dynamic storage areas (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Total time SOS SMSTSOS is the accumulated time that CICS

has been SOS in this DSA. The
DFHSTUP report expresses this
time as hours:minutes:
seconds.decimals; however, the
DSECT field contains the time as a
store clock (STCK) value.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Storage violations SMSSV is the number of storage violations
recorded in the CDSA, UDSA,
ESDSA, and the ERDSA.
Access SMSACCESS is the type of access of the page
subpool. It will be either CICS,
USER, or READONLY. If storage
protection not active, all storage
areas will revert to CICS except
those in the ERDSA.
v SMSCICS (X'01') access is CICS
v SMSUSER (X'02') access is USER
v SMSREADONLY (X'03') is
read-only protection.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current extents SMSEXTS is the number of extents currently
allocated to a specified dynamic
storage area.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Extents added SMSEXTSA is the number of extents added to a
dynamic storage area since the last
time statistics were recorded.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Extents released SMSEXTSR is the number of extents which
have been released from a dynamic
storage area since the last time
statistics were recorded.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Storage manager: summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 104. Storage manager: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Storage protection is the total storage protection defined to the storage manager.
Transaction isolation is the number of transactions associated with this terminal that can
be isolated.
Reentrant programs is the number of programs that have used the reentry facility.
Current DSA limit this is the limit of CICS dynamic storage area that can be defined
by the storage manager.

460 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 104. Storage manager: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Current DSA total this is the number of CICS dynamic storage areas currently in use
by the storage manager.
Peak DSA total is the highest number of CICS dynamic storage areas used by the
storage manager since the last recorded statistics.
Current EDSA limit this is the number of extended dynamic storage areas currently
defined by the storage manager.
Current EDSA total this is the number of extended dynamic storage areas currently in
use by the storage manager.
Peak EDSA total is the highest number of extended dynamic storage area defined by
the storage manager since the last recorded statistics.

Storage manager: summary subspace statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 105. Storage manager: summary subspace statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Total unique subspace SMSUSSCUM Total number of tasks that have

users been allocated a unique subspace.
Peak unique subspace SMSUSSHWM The peak number of tasks
users concurrently allocated a unique
Total common subspace SMSCSSCUM Total number of tasks allocated to
users the common subspace.
Peak common subspace SMSCSSHWM The peak number of tasks
users concurrently allocated to the
common subspace.

Summary dynamic storage areas statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 106. Summary dynamic storage areas statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

DSA size is the total size of the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, RDSA, ECDSA,
EUDSA, ESDSA, or ERDSA, expressed in bytes.
Cushion size is the size of the cushion, expressed in bytes. The cushion forms
part of the DSA or the EDSA, and is the amount of storage below
which CICS goes SOS.
Getmain requests is the total number of GETMAIN requests from the CDSA, UDSA,
Freemain requests is the total number of FREEMAIN requests from the CDSA, UDSA,
Times no storage is the total number of times a GETMAIN request with
returned SUSPEND(NO) returned the condition INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE.
Times request is the total number of times a GETMAIN request with
suspended SUSPEND(YES) was suspended because of insufficient storage to
satisfy the request at the moment.
Peak requests is the peak number of GETMAIN requests suspended for storage.
Purged while waiting is the total number of requests which were purged while suspended
for storage.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 461

Table 106. Summary dynamic storage areas statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Times cushion is the total number of times a GETMAIN request caused the storage
released cushion to be released. The cushion is said to be released when the
number of free pages drops below the number of pages in the
Times went short on is the total number of times CICS went SOS in this pagepool
storage (CDSA, UDSA, ECDSA, EUDSA, or ERDSA), where SOS means
either that the cushion is currently in use and/or there is at least
one task suspended for storage.
Total time SOS is the accumulated time that CICS has been SOS in this DSA. The
DFHSTUP report expresses this time as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals; however, the DSECT field contains the
time as a store clock (STCK) value.
Storage violations is the total number of storage violations recorded in the CDSA,
Access is the type of access of the page subpool. It will be either CICS,
USER, or READONLY. If storage protection not active, all storage
areas will revert to CICS except those in the ERDSA.

Storage manager statistics: Task subpools

These statistics cannot be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command. They are produced only for offline processing (written to

These statistics are collected for each pagepool. They are mapped by the

Although task subpools are dynamically created and deleted for each task in the
system, these statistics are the sum of all task subpool figures for the task related
pagepools (CDSA, UDSA, ECDSA, and EUDSA). If further granularity of task
storage usage is required, use the performance class data of the CICS monitoring
Table 107. Storage manager statistics: Task subpools
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMTNTASK is the number of task subpools in the CICS
REPORT region.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Note: The following fields are mapped by the SMTBODY DSECT within the DFHSMTDS
DSECT. The SMTBODY DSECT is repeated for each task subpool in the CICS region

DSA Name SMTDSANAME Name of the dynamic storage area from

which this task storage has been allocated.
Values can be 'CDSA', 'UDSA', 'ECDSA',and

Reset characteristic: not reset

462 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 107. Storage manager statistics: Task subpools (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMTDSAINDEX A unique identifier for the dynamic storage
REPORT area that these statistics refer to. Values can
v SMTCDSA (X'01') indicating that the task
storage is obtained from the CDSA
v SMTUDSA (X'02') indicating that the task
storage is obtained from the UDSA
v SMTECDSA (X'05') indicating that the task
storage is obtained from the ECDSA
v SMTEUDSA (X'06') indicating that the
task storage is obtained from the EUDSA

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP SMTLOCN tells you whether the dynamic storage area
REPORT is above or below the line.
v SMTBELOW (X'01') below the 16MB line
v SMTABOVE (X'02') above the 16MB line.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Access SMTACCESS is the type of access of the subpool. It will
be either CICS or USER.
v SMTCICS (X'01') access is CICS key
v SMTUSER (X'02') access is USER key.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Getmain Requests SMTGMREQ is the number of task subpool GETMAIN
requests from this dynamic storage area.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Freemain Requests SMTFMREQ is the number of task subpool FREEMAIN
requests from this dynamic storage area.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current Elements SMTCNE is the number of elements in all the task
subpools in this dynamic storage area.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current Elem Stg SMTCES is the sum of the storage occupied by all
elements in task subpools within this
dynamic storage area, expressed in bytes.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current Page Stg SMTCPS is the sum of the storage in all pages
allocated to task subpools within this
dynamic storage area, expressed in bytes.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak Page Stg SMTHWMPS is the peak page storage allocated to support
task storage activity in that dynamic storage

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Summary task subpools statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 463

The following fields are mapped by the SMTBODY DSECT within the DFHSMTDS
DSECT. The SMTBODY DSECT is repeated for each task subpool in the CICS
region (SMTNTASK).
Table 108. Summary task subpools statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

DSA Name tells you whether the dynamic storage area is in the CDSA, UDSA,
Access is the type of access of the subpool. It will be either CICS, or USER.
Getmain Requests is the total number of task subpool GETMAIN requests from this
dynamic storage area.
Freemain Requests is the total number of task subpool FREEMAIN requests from this
dynamic storage area.
Peak Elements is the peak number of elements in all the task subpools in this
dynamic storage area.
Peak Elem Storage is the peak amount of storage occupied by all elements in task
subpools within this dynamic storage area, expressed in bytes.
Peak Page Storage is the peak amount of storage in all pages allocated to task subpools
within this dynamic storage area, expressed in bytes.

Table manager
Table manager: global statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS TABLEMGR command, and are mapped by the DFHA16DS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 109. Table manager: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A16NTAB is the number of tables defined to the table
REPORT manager.

Reset characteristic: not reset

The following fields are mapped by the A16STATS DSECT, which is repeated for each table
Table Name A16TNAM is the name of a CICS table supported by
the table manager.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Total Size of Table Manager A16TSIZE is the amount of storage, expressed in bytes,
Storage (bytes) used by the table manager to support the
table named in the field above (for example,
for scatter tables and directory segments).
This does not include storage used by the
tables themselves.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Table manager: Summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 110. Table manager: Summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Table Name is the name of a CICS table supported by the table manager.

464 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 110. Table manager: Summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Average Table Size is the average amount of storage, expressed in bytes, used by the
(bytes) table manager to support the table named in the field above (for
example, for scatter tables and directory segments). This does not
include storage used by the tables themselves.
Peak Table Size (bytes) is the peak amount of storage, expressed in bytes, used by the table
manager to support the table named in the field above (for
example, for scatter tables and directory segments). This does not
include storage used by the tables themselves.

TCP/IP Services - resource statistics

TCP/IP Services: statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
and the DFHSORDS dsect. For programming information about the EXEC CICS
COLLECT STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference
Table 111. TCP/IP Services: resource statistics
DFHSTUP Field name Description

TCP/IP SOR_SERVICE_NAME is the name of the TCP/IP

Service service

Reset characteristic: not reset

Port SOR_PORT_NUMBER is the port number being used
Number for this TCP/IP service.

Reset characteristic: not reset

IP Address SOR_IP_ADDRESS is the IP address defined for the
TCP/IP stack used for this
TCP/IP service.

Reset characteristic: not reset

SSL SOR_SSL_SUPPORT is the level of SSL support
defined for this TCP/IP service.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Port SOR_BACKLOG is the port backlog for this
Backlog TCP/IP service.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 465

Table 111. TCP/IP Services: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP Field name Description

Date SOR_OPEN_LOCAL is the date on which this TCP/IP

Opened service was opened. If this field
is not set, SOR_OPEN_LOCAL
contains the hexadecimal value
X’0000000000000000’, shown in
the report as ″CLOSED″. If the
field is set, it contains a date
expressed in mm/dd/yyyy format.
This field contains a valid date if:
v The TCP/IP service was open
at the time the statistics were
v This is an unsolicited statistics
request due to the TCP/IP
service being closed.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Time SOR_OPEN_LOCAL is the time at which this TCP/IP
Opened service was opened. If this field
is not set, SOR_OPEN_LOCAL
contains the hexadecimal value
X’0000000000000000’, shown in
the report as ″CLOSED″. If the
field is set, it contains a time
expressed as a store clock (STCK)
value in local time. This field
contains a valid time if:
v The TCP/IP service was open
at the time the statistics were
v This is an unsolicited statistics
request due to the TCP/IP
service being closed.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Date SOR_CLOSE_LOCAL is the date on which this TCP/IP
Closed service was closed. If this field is
contains the hexadecimal value
X’0000000000000000’, shown in
the report as ″OPEN″. If the field
is set, it contains a date
expressed in mm/dd/yyyy format.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Time SOR_CLOSE_LOCAL is the time at which this TCP/IP
Closed service was closed. If this field is
contains the hexadecimal value
X’0000000000000000’, shown in
the report as ″OPEN″. If the field
is set, it contains a time
expressed as a store clock (STCK)
value in local time.

Reset characteristic: not reset

466 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

TCP/IP: Summary resource statistics
Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 112. TCP/IP: Summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

TCP/IP Service is the name of the TCP/IP service

Port Number is the port number being used for this TCP/IP service
IP Address is the IP address defined for the TCP/IP stack used for this TCP/IP
SSL is the level of SSL support defined for this TCP/IP service.
Port Backlog is the port backlog defined for this TCP/IP service.

TCP/IP Services - request statistics

TCP/IP Services: request statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS TCPIPSERVICE command are mapped by the TCPIPSERVICE and the
DFHSORDS dsect. For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 113. Table manager: global statistics
DFHSTUP Field name Description

TCP/IP SOR_SERVICE_NAME is the name of the TCP/IP

Service service

Reset characteristic: not reset

Port SOR_PORT_NUMBER is the port number being used
Number for this TCP/IP service.

Reset characteristic: not reset

IP Address SOR_IP_ADDRESS is the IP address of this TCP/IP

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current SOR_CURRENT_CONNS is the current number of
connections for the TCP/IP

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak SOR_PEAK_CONNS is the peak of those current.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Trans SOR_TRANS_ATTACHED is the number of transactions
Attached attached by this TCP/IP Service.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Receive SOR_RECEIVES is the number of receive requests
Requests issued for the TCP/IP Service.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Bytes SOR_BYTES_RECEIVED is the number of bytes received
Received for the TCP/IP service.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 467

Table 113. Table manager: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP Field name Description

Average/ SOR_BYTES_RECEIVED/SOR_RECEIVES is the average number of bytes

Receive per receive request for the
TCP/IP service.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Send SOR_SENDS is the number of send requests
Requests issued for the TCP/IP Service.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Bytes Sent SOR_BYTES_SENT is the number of bytes sent for
the TCP/IP service.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

SOR_BYTES_SENT/SOR_SENDS is the average number of bytes
per send request for the TCP/IP

Reset characteristic: not reset

TCP/IP: Summary request statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 114. TCP/IP: Summary request statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

TCP/IP Service is the name of the TCP/IP service.

Port Number is the port number for the TCP/IP Service.
IP Address is the IP address for the TCP/IP Service.
Peak Connections is the peak number of connections for the TCP/IP Service.
Trans Attached is the total number of transactions attached for the TCP/IP Service.
Receive Requests is the total number of receive requests issued for the TCP/IP
Bytes Received is the total number of bytes received for the TCP/IP Service.
Send Requests is the total number of send requests issued for the TCP/IP Service.
Bytes Sent is the total number of bytes sent for the TCP/IP Service.

Temporary storage
Temporary storage statistics are produced for the data that is written into a
temporary storage queue.

This is the DFHSTUP listing for temporary storage statistics.

Temporary storage: global statistics

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS TSQUEUE command, and are mapped by the DFHTSGDS DSECT. For
programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS command,
see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.

468 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 115. Temporary storage: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Put/Putq main storage TSGSTA5F is the number of records that application

requests programs wrote to main temporary storage.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Get/Getq main storage TSGNMG is the number of records that application
requests programs obtained from main temporary

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak storage for temp. TSGSTA6F is the peak value, expressed in bytes, of the
storage (main) amount of virtual storage used for
temporary storage records.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current storage for temp. TSGSTA6A is the current value, expressed in bytes, of
storage (main) the amount of virtual storage used for
temporary storage records.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Put/Putq auxiliary storage TSGSTA7F is the number of records that application
requests programs wrote to auxiliary temporary

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Get/Getq auxiliary storage TSGNAG is the number of records that application
requests programs obtained from auxiliary temporary

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak temporary storage TSGQNUMH is the peak number of temporary storage
names in use queue names in use at any one time.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current temporary storage TSGQNUM is the current number of temporary storage
names in use queue names in use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number of entries in longest TSGQINH is the peak number of items in any one
queue queue.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Times queues created TSGSTA3F is the number of times that CICS created
individual temporary storage queues.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Control interval size TSGCSZ is the size of VSAM’s unit of transmission
between DASD and main storage, specified
in the VSAM CLUSTER definition for the
temporary storage data set (for guidance
information about this, see the CICS
Operations and Utilities Guide). In general,
using large CIs permits more data to be
transferred at one time, resulting in less
system overhead.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 469

Table 115. Temporary storage: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Available bytes per control TSGNAVB is the number of bytes available for use in
interval the TS data set control interval.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Segments per control interval TSGSPCI is the number of segments available in the
TS control interval.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Bytes per segment TSGBPSEG is the number of bytes per segment of the
TS data set.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Writes more than control TSGSTABF is the number of writes of records whose
interval length was greater than the control interval
(CI) size.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Longest auxiliary temp TSGLAR is the size, expressed in bytes, of the longest
storage record record written to the temporary storage data

Reset characteristic: not reset

Number of control intervals TSGNCI is the number of control intervals (CIs)
available available for auxiliary storage. This is the
total available space on the temporary
storage data set expressed as a number of
control intervals. This is not the space
remaining at termination.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak control intervals in use TSGNCIAH is the peak number of CIs containing active

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current control intervals in TSGNCIA is the current number of CIs containing
use active data.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Times aux. storage exhausted TSGSTA8F is the number of situations where one or
more transactions may have been suspended
because of a NOSPACE condition, or (using
command) may have been forced to abend.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of temp. storage TSGSTA9F is the number of times that the temporary
compressions storage buffers were compressed.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Note: The following statistics are produced for buffer usage:

Temporary storage buffers TSGNBCA is the number of temporary storage buffers

specified in the TS= system initialization
parameter or in the overrides. The number
of buffers allocated may exceed the number

Reset characteristic: not reset

470 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 115. Temporary storage: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Buffer waits TSGBWTN is the number of times a request was

queued because all buffers were allocated to
other tasks. A buffer wait occurs if the
required control interval is already in a
locked buffer, and therefore unavailable,
even if there are other buffers available.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak users waiting on buffer TSGBUWTH is the peak number of requests queued
because no buffers were available.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current users waiting on TSGBUWT is the current number of requests queued
buffer because no buffers were available.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Buffer writes TSGTWTN is the number of WRITEs to the temporary
storage data set. This includes both WRITEs
necessitated by recovery requirements (see
next item) and WRITEs forced by the buffer
being needed to accommodate another CI.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Forced writes for recovery TSGTWTNR is the subset of the total number of WRITEs
caused by recovery being specified for
queues. This I/O activity is not affected by
buffer allocation.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Buffer reads TSGTRDN is the number of times a CI has to be read
from disk. Increasing the buffer allocation
decreases this activity.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Format writes TSGTWTNF is the number of times a new CI was
successfully written at the end of the data
set to increase the amount of available space
in the data set. A formatted write is
attempted only if the current number of CIs
available in the auxiliary data set have all
been used.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Note: The following statistics are produced for string usage:
Temporary storage strings TSGNVCA is the number of temporary storage strings
specified in the TS= system initialization
parameter or in the overrides. The number
of strings allocated may exceed the number

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak number of strings in use TSGNVCAH is the peak number of concurrent I/O
operations. If this is significantly less than
the number specified in the SIT, consider
reducing the SIT value to approach this

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 471

Table 115. Temporary storage: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Times string wait occurred TSGVWTN is the number of I/O requests that were
queued because no strings were available.
This is zero if the number of strings is the
same as the number of buffers. If this is a
high percentage (over 30%) of the number of
I/O requests, consider increasing the
number of strings initially allocated.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak number of users waiting TSGVUWTH is the peak number of I/O requests that
on string were queued at any one time because all
strings were in use.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current users waiting on TSGVUWT is the current number of I/O requests that
string are queued because all strings are in use.

Reset characteristic: not reset

I/O errors on TS data set TSGSTAAF is the number of input/output errors which
occurred on the temporary storage data set.
This should normally be zero. If it is not,
inspect the CICS and VSAM messages to
determine the cause.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Shared pools defined TSGSHPDF is the number of shared TS pools defined in
the TST.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Shared pools currently TSGSHPCN is the number of shared TS pools currently
connected connected to.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Shared read requests TSGSHRDS is the number of read requests to all shared
TS pools.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Shared write requests TSGSHWTS is the number of write requests to all shared
TS pools.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Temporary storage: summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 116. Temporary storage: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Put/Putq main is the total number of records that application programs wrote to
storage requests main temporary storage.
Get/Getq main is the total number of records that application programs obtained
storage requests from main temporary storage.
Peak storage for temp. is the peak value, expressed in bytes, of the amount of virtual
storage (main) storage used for temporary storage records.
Put/Putq auxiliary is the total number of records that application programs wrote to
storage requests auxiliary temporary storage.
Get/Getq auxiliary is the total number of records that application programs obtained
storage requests from auxiliary temporary storage.

472 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 116. Temporary storage: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Peak temporary is the peak number of temporary storage queue names at any one
storage names in use time.
Number of entries in is the peak number of items in any one queue, up to a maximum of
longest queue 32767

Times queues created is the total number of times that CICS created individual temporary
storage queues.
Control interval size is the size of VSAM’s unit of transmission between DASD and main
storage, specified in the CONTROLINTERVALSIZE parameter in the
VSAM CLUSTER definition for the temporary storage data set (for
guidance information about this, see the CICS Operations and
Utilities Guide ). In general, using large CIs permits more data to be
transferred at one time, resulting in less system overhead.
Available bytes per is the number of bytes available for use in each TS data set control
control interval interval.
Segments per control is the number of segments in each TS data set control interval.
Bytes per segment is the number of bytes per segment.
Writes more than is the total number of writes of records whose length was greater
control interval than the control interval (CI) size. If the reported value is large,
increase the CI size. If the value is zero, consider reducing the CI
size until a small value is reported.
Longest auxiliary is the size, expressed in bytes, of the longest record written to the
temporary storage temporary storage data set.
Number of control is the number of control intervals (CIs) available for auxiliary
intervals available storage. This is the total available space on the temporary storage
data set expressed as a number of control intervals. This is not the
space remaining at termination.
Peak control intervals is the peak number of CIs containing active data.
Times aux. storage is the total number of situations where one or more transactions
exhausted may have been suspended because of a NOSPACE condition, or
(using a HANDLE CONDITION NOSPACE command) may have
been forced to abend. If this item appears in the statistics, increase
the size of the temporary storage data set.
Number of temp. is the total number of times that temporary storage buffers were
storage compressions compressed.
Note: The following statistics are produced for buffer usage:

Temporary storage is the total number of temporary storage buffers specified in the
buffers TS= system initialization parameter or in the overrides.
Buffer waits is the total number of times a request was queued because all
buffers were allocated to other tasks. A buffer wait occurs if the
required control interval is already in a locked buffer, and therefore
unavailable, even if there are other buffers available.
Peak users waiting on is the peak number of requests queued because no buffers were
buffers available.
Buffer writes is the total number of WRITEs to the temporary storage data set.
This includes both WRITEs necessitated by recovery requirements
(see next item) and WRITEs forced by the buffer being needed to
accommodate another CI. I/O activity caused by the latter reason
can be minimized by increasing buffer allocation.
Forced writes for is the subset of the total number of WRITEs caused by recovery
recovery being specified for queues. This I/O activity is not affected by
buffer allocation.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 473

Table 116. Temporary storage: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Buffer reads is the total number of times a CI has to be read from disk.
Increasing the buffer allocation decreases this activity.
Format writes is the total number of times a new CI was successfully written at
the end of the data set to increase the amount of available space in
the data set. A formatted write is attempted only if the current
number of CIs available in the auxiliary data set have all been used.
Note: The following statistics are produced for string usage:

Temporary storage is the total number of temporary storage strings specified in the TS=
strings system initialization parameter or in the overrides.
Peak number of is the peak number of concurrent I/O operations. If this is
strings in use significantly less than the number specified in the SIT, consider
reducing the SIT value to approach this number.
Times string wait is the total number of I/O requests that were queued because no
occurred strings were available. This is zero if the number of strings is the
same as the number of buffers. If this is a high percentage (over
30%) of the number of I/O requests, consider increasing the number
of strings initially allocated.
Peak number of users is the peak number of I/O requests that were queued at any one
waiting on string time because all strings were in use.
I/O errors on TS data is the total number of input/output errors which occurred on the
set temporary storage data set. This should normally be zero. If it is
not, inspect the CICS and VSAM messages to determine the cause.

Terminal control
This is the DFHSTUP listing for terminal statistics.

There are a number of ways in which terminal statistics are important for
performance analysis. From them, you can get the number of inputs and outputs,
that is, the loading of the system by end users. Line-transmission faults and
transaction faults are shown (these both have a negative influence on performance

Terminal control: resource statistics

These statistics are gathered for each terminal, including ISC, IRC and MRO

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS TERMINAL command, and are mapped by the DFHA06DS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.

In addition to this, this DSECT should be used to map the terminal totals record.
Table 117. Terminal control: resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Line Id (TCAM and BSAM A06TETI is the line number for TCAM and BSAM
only) (sequential device support) lines. The line ID
is blank for all other access methods.

Reset characteristic: not reset

474 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 117. Terminal control: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Term Id A06TETI is the identifier of each terminal as stated in

the TERMINAL attribute in CEDA or in the
TRMIDNT= operand in the TCT.

Reset characteristic: not reset

LUname A06LUNAM is the terminal LU name

Reset characteristic: not reset

The remainder of the information should be used for tracking terminal activity.
Polls (TCAM and BSAM A06LENP is the number of polls that have been sent to
only) the terminal. This field is for TCAM and
BSAM only.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Terminal Type A06TETT is the terminal type as defined in the TCT.
For information about terminal types and
their codes, see the DFHTCTTE DSECT.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Acc Meth A06EAMIB is the terminal access method as defined in
the TCT. For information about access
methods and their codes, see the

Reset characteristic: not reset

Conn ID A06SYSID is the owning connection name of this

Reset characteristic: not reset

No. of Xactions A06TEOT is the number of transactions, both
nonconversational and
pseudoconversational, that were started at
this terminal. The transaction count is less
than input messages if conversational
transactions are being used.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

When the operator signs off, the transaction

count is not reset. At this time, message
DFHSN1200 is issued containing the
transaction count for that operator.
Xaction Errors A06TEOE is the number of transactions associated
with this particular terminal that could not
be started. This could mean that a
transaction identifier has not been defined in
the CSD data set, or that the operator does
not have the proper security to enter the
transaction, or that the transaction has been

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

When the operator signs off, the transaction

error count is not reset. At this time,
message DFHSN1200 is issued containing
the transaction error count for that operator.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 475

Table 117. Terminal control: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Storage Viols A06CSVC is the number of storage violations that have

occurred on this terminal.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Input Messages A06TENI See note.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Output Messages A06TENO See note.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Note: Input messages (A06TENI) and output messages (A06TENO) are the amount of
message activity per terminal. Input and output messages should represent the message
traffic between CICS and the terminal. Input traffic should be the result of operator initiated
input: that is, initial transaction input or input as a result of a conversational read to the
terminal. Output messages should be output written by the application program or
messages sent by CICS.

Input and output messages can vary because of differences in the application program being
used on different terminals. ATI-initiated transactions would typically not have terminal
input but could result in one or many output messages. A batch oriented terminal could
initiate a single transaction that did multiple reads to the terminal resulting in multiple
input messages. The differences between the remote and local terminal counts may be a
result of different applications that run on them. Otherwise, they should be similar.
Xmission Errors A06TETE is the number of errors for this terminal, or
the number of disconnects for this session.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Pipeline messages
–Totals A06TCNT is the total throwaway count.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Groups A06SCNT is the number of consecutive throwaways.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Max Csec A06MCNT is the maximum throwaway count.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A0GPRTY is the terminal priority
Reset characteristic: not reset
TIOA Storage A06STG is the TIOA storage allowed at this terminal.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Autoinstall times
–Logon A06ONTM is time at which this terminal/session was
autoinstalled. This time is expressed as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals. The DSECT
field contains the value as a store clock
(STCK) value in local time.

Reset characteristic: not reset

476 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 117. Terminal control: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

–Logoff A06OFFTM is the time at which this terminal/session

was logged off. This time is expressed as
hours:minutes:seconds.decimals. The DSECT
field contains the value as a store clock
(STCK) value in local time.

Note that this field is only set on an

Unsolicited Statistics (USS) record.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A06GONTM is the time at which this terminal/session
REPORT was autoinstalled. The DSECT field contains
the value as a store clock (STCK) value in

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP A06GOFTM is the time at which this terminal/session
REPORT was logged off. The DSECT field contains
the value as a store clock (STCK) value in

Note that this field is only set on an

Unsolicited Statistics (USS) record.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Terminal control: summary resource statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 118. Terminal control: summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Line Id (TCAM and is the line number for TCAM and BSAM (sequential device support)
BSAM only) lines. The line ID is blank for all other access methods.
Term Id is the identifier of each terminal as stated in the TERMINAL
attribute in CEDA or in the TRMIDNT= operand in the TCT.
LUname is the terminal LU name
The remainder of the information should be used for tracking terminal activity.
Polls (TCAM and is the total number of polls that have been sent to the terminal. This
BSAM only) field is for TCAM and BSAM only.
Terminal Type is the terminal type as defined in the TCT. For information about
terminal types and their codes, see the DFHTCTTE DSECT.
Acc Meth is the terminal access method as defined in the TCT. For
information about access methods and their codes, see the
Conn ID is the last value found for the owning connection name for this
No. of Xactions is the number of transactions, both nonconversational and
pseudoconversational, that were started at this terminal. The
transaction count is less than input messages if conversational
transactions are being used.

When the operator signs off, the transaction count is not reset. At
this time, message DFHSN1200 is issued containing the transaction
count for that operator.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 477

Table 118. Terminal control: summary resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Xaction Errors is the number of transactions associated with this particular

terminal that could not be started. This could mean that a
transaction identifier has not been defined in the CSD data set, or
that the operator does not have the proper security to enter the
transaction, or that the transaction has been disabled.

When the operator signs off, the transaction error count is not reset.
At this time, message DFHSN1200 is issued containing the
transaction error count for that operator.
Storage Viols is the number of storage violations that have occurred on this
Input Messages See note.
Output Messages See note.
Note: Input messages (A06TENI) and output messages (A06TENO) are the amount of
message activity per terminal. Input and output messages should represent the message
traffic between CICS and the terminal. Input traffic should be the result of operator initiated
input: that is, initial transaction input or input as a result of a conversational read to the
terminal. Output messages should be output written by the application program or
messages sent by CICS.

Input and output messages can vary because of differences in the application program being
used on different terminals. ATI-initiated transactions would typically not have terminal
input but could result in one or many output messages. A batch oriented terminal could
initiate a single transaction that did multiple reads to the terminal resulting in multiple
input messages. The differences between the remote and local terminal counts may be a
result of different applications that run on them. Otherwise, they should be similar.
Xmission Errors is the number of errors for this terminal, or the number of
disconnects for this session.
Pipeline messages
–Totals is the total throwaway count.
–Groups is the number of consecutive throwaways.
–Max Csec is the maximum throwaway count.
TIOA Storage is the TIOA storage allowed at this terminal.
Avg logged on time is the average logged on time for an autoinstalled terminal/session.
This field is blank if the terminal/session is not autoinstalled.

Transaction class (TCLASS)

Transaction class: resource statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS TRANCLASS command, and are mapped by the DFHXMCDS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 119. Transaction class: resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Tclass Name XMCTCL is the 8–character name of the transaction


Reset characteristic: not reset

478 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 119. Transaction class: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Number Trandfs XMCITD is the number of installed transaction

definitions that are defined to belong to this
transaction class.
Note: This will be a reference count from
the latest version of the transaction
definition table. This statistic is useful to
identify redundant tclasses.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Max Act XMCMXT is the maximum number of transactions in
the named transaction class that may be
active concurrently.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Purge Thresh XMCTH is the queue limit of the purge threshold at
which transactions in the named transaction
class is purged instead of being added to the
queue of transactions that are waiting for
membership of the transaction class.

Reset characteristic: not reset

–Attaches XMCTAT is the total number of attach requests made
for transactions in this transaction class.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–AcptImm XMCAI is the number of transactions that did not
have to queue to become active in this
transaction class. They are accepted

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–PrgImm XMCPI is the number of transactions that were
purged immediately because the queue
reached the purge threshold for this
transaction class.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–Queued XMCTQ is the total number of transaction that have
queued for this transaction class.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP XMCAAQ is the number of transactions that have
REPORT become active in this transaction class but
queued first.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–PrgQ'd XMCPWQ is the number of transactions that have been
purged whilst queuing for acceptance into
the transaction class. This includes those
transactions purged explicitly through
Master Terminal, or implicitly through the
purge threshold of the transaction class
being lowered.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 479

Table 119. Transaction class: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

–Q-Time XMCTQTME is the total time in STCK units spent waiting

by those transactions that were queued in
the transaction class.
Note: This time only includes the time spent
by those that have finished queuing. In
order to calculate the average queuing time,
current queue must be subtracted from the
’queued’ count.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak Act XMCPAT is the highest number of active transactions
reached in the transaction class.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Peak Queued XMCPQT is the highest number of transactions
queued waiting for admittance to the
transaction class.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Times MaxAct XMCTAMA is the number of separate times that the
number of active transactions in the
transaction class was equal to the maximum
value (XMCMXT). Also registers times when
maxactive setting of the tclass is zero and
there are no active transactions in the tclass.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero or one if

transaction class is currently at its maxactive
Times PrgThr XMCTAPT is the number of separate times that the
purge threshold of the transaction class has
been reached (times at purge threshold).

Reset characteristic: reset to zero or one if

transaction class is currently at its purge
threshold limit.
–Act XMCCAT is the current number of transactions
currently active in this transaction class.

Reset characteristic: not reset

–Queued XMCCQT is the number of transactions that are
currently queuing in this transaction class.

Reset characteristic: not reset

–Queue Time XMCCQTME is the total time in STCK units spent waiting
by those transactions that are currently
queuing in this transaction class.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Figure 32 illustrates the transaction class statistics.

480 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

┌────Purged whilst queuing

(D) │
│ │
(B) │ │ (G)
┌────Accepted──┤ └────Delayed accept
│ │
(A) │ │ (E)
Total attaches──┤ └────Accepted immediately
for transaction │
class │ (C)
└────Purged immediately

Attaches for Transaction class = A (XMCTAT)

Accepted = B (A - C)
Purged immediately = C (XMCPI)
Queued = D (B - E)
Accepted immediately = E (B - D) (XMCAI)
Purged whilst queuing = F (XMCPWQ)
Accepted after queuing = G (D - F) (XMCAAQ)

Figure 32. The transaction class statistics

Transaction class: summary resource statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 120. Transaction class: summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Tclass Name is the 8 character name of the transaction class.

Max Act The maximum number of transactions in the named tclass that may
be active concurrently.
Purge Thresh The queue limit at which transactions in the named tclass will be
purged instead of being added to the queue of transactions that are
waiting for membership of the transaction class.
–Attaches is the total number of attach requests made for transactions in this
transaction class.
–AccptImm The total number of transactions that did not have to queue to
become active in this transaction class.
–PurgdImm The total number of transactions that were purged immediately
because they made the queue reach the purge threshold for this
transaction class.
–Queued The total number of transactions that have been made to queue in
this transaction class.
–PurgQ'd The total number of transactions that have been purged whilst
queuing for acceptance into the transaction class. This includes
those transactions purged explicitly via Master Terminal, or
implicitly via the purge threshold of the transaction class being
–Queuing-Time The total time spent waiting by those transactions that were
queued. Note this time only includes the time spent by those have
finished queuing. In order to calculate the average queuing time,
current queue must be subtracted from the ’queued’ count.
Peak Act The total highest number of active transactions reached in the
transaction class.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 481

Table 120. Transaction class: summary resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Peak Queued The total highest number of transactions queued waiting for
admittance to the transaction class.
Times Max Act The total number of separate times that the number of active
transactions in the transaction class was equal to the maximum
Times PurgeThr The total number of separate times that the purge threshold has
been reached.
Average The average time spent waiting by those transactions that were
Queuing-Time queued.

Transaction manager
Transaction manager: global statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS TRANSACTION command, and are mapped by the DFHXMGDS
DSECT. For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 121. Transaction manager: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Total number of transactions XMGNUM is the number of transactions (user +

(user + system) system) that have run in the system.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current MAXTASKS limit XMGMXT is the latest MXT value (expressed as a
number of tasks) specified in the SIT, or as
an override, or changed dynamically using
MAXTASKS(fullword binary data-value)

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current number of active XMGCAT is the current number of active user
user transactions transactions in the system.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current number of XMGCQT is the current number of queued user
MAXTASK queued user transactions in the system. Note that this
transactions does not include transactions queueing for
transaction class membership. Note that the
current queueing time for these transactions
is in field XMGCQTME.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Times the MAXTASKS limit XMGTAMXT is the number of times the MXT limit has
reached been reached

Reset characteristic: reset to zero (or one if at

Peak number of MAXTASK XMGPQT is the peak number of MAXTASK queued
queued user transactions user transactions reached in the system.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value


482 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 121. Transaction manager: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Peak number of active user XMGPAT is the number of user transactions that have
transactions become active.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total number of active user XMGTAT is the total number of user transactions that
transactions have become active.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Number of MAXTASK XMGTDT is the number of user transactions that had
delayed user transactions to queue for MXT reasons. This value does
not include those transactions that are
currently queueing for MXT (see XMGCQT).
Note that the queueing time for these
transactions is in field XMGTQTME.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total MAXTASK queuing XMGTQTME is the total time spent waiting by those user
time transactions that had to queue for MXT
reasons. This value does not include the
time spent by those transactions that are
currently queueing for MXT (see

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Total MAXTASK queuing XMGCQTME is the total time spent waiting so far by
time of currently queued user those user transactions currently queuing for
transactions MXT reasons.

Reset characteristic: not reset

NOT IN THE DFHSTUP XMGTNUM is the total of user and system transactions
REPORT attached to date, up to the time of the last
statistics reset.
Note: The total of XMGNUM and
XMGTNUM represents the total number of
transactions attached so far.

Reset characteristic: reset to XMGNUM +

XMGTNUM at the time of the last reset.

Transaction manager: summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 122. Transaction manager: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Total number of is the total number of tasks that have run in the system.
transactions (user and
MAXTASK limit is the last MXT value (expressed as a number of tasks) that was
specified in the SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically
SYSTEM MAXTASKS(fullword binary data-value) commands.
Times the MAXTASK is the total number of times MXT has been reached.
limit reached
Peak number of active is the peak number of active user transactions reached in the
user transactions system.
Total number of active is the total number of user transactions that have become active.
user transactions

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 483

Table 122. Transaction manager: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Total number of is the total number of transactions that had to queue for MXT
MAXTASK delayed reasons.
user transactions
Total MAXTASK is the total time spent waiting by those user transactions that had to
queuing time queue for MXT reasons.
Average MAXTASK is the average time spent waiting by those user transactions that
queuing time of had to queue for MXT reasons.
queued transactions

Transaction manager: resource statistics

There are two sections in the DFHSTUP report for transaction manager (resource)
v Transaction: Resource Information (see Transaction statistics: resource
v Transaction: Integrity Information (see “Transactions: integrity information” on
page 486)

Transaction statistics: resource information

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command and are mapped by the DFHXMRDS DSECT. For
programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS command,
see the command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.

The transaction statistics show how often each transaction is called.

Table 123. Transaction statistics: resource information
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Trans ID XMRTI is the transaction identifier associated with

the transaction definition.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Program Name XMRPN is the name of the initial program to which
the transaction linked.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Tclass Name XMRTCL is the name of the transaction class in which
the transaction is defined.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Prty XMRPRTY is the priority of the transaction, from 0–255.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Remote Name XMRRNAM is the name of the transaction on the remote

Reset characteristic: not reset

Remote Sysid XMRRSYS is the name of the remote system where the
transaction resides.

Reset characteristic: not reset

484 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 123. Transaction statistics: resource information (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Dynamic XMRDYN indicates whether the transaction has been

defined as DYNAMIC=YES (Y) or

Reset characteristic: not reset

Attach Count XMRAC is the number of times that this transaction
has been attached,

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Retry Count XMRRC is the number of times that this transaction
definition has been used to retry a

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Dynamic Local XMRDLC is the number of times the dynamic
transaction routing exit has chosen to run
this transaction on the local system. This
field is zero if the transaction was not
defined as DYNAMIC=YES. For further
information about dynamic transaction
routing, see the programming information in
the CICS Customization Guide.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Dynamic Remote XMRDRC is the number of times the dynamic
transaction routing exit has chosen to run
this transaction on a remote system. This
field is zero if the transaction was not
defined as DYNAMIC=YES. For further
guidance about dynamic transaction routing,
see the programming information in the
CICS Customization Guide.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Remote Starts XMRRSC is the number of attempts to start this
transaction on a remote system. This may
not necessarily be the same as the number
of successful starts.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Storage Violations XMRSVC is the number of storage violations for this
transaction that have been detected by CICS
storage management.

This is a serious concern if it occurs in a

production system. You should act
immediately to identify the cause of the
problem because it can lead to data
corruption, and therefore should not be
allowed to continue in an operational

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 485

Transactions: summary resource statistics
Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 124. Transactions: summary resource information
DFHSTUP name Description

Trans ID is the transaction identifier associated with the transaction

Program Name is the name of the initial program to which the transaction was
Tclass Name is the name of the transaction class in which the transaction is
Prty is the priority of the transaction, from 1–255.
Remote Name is the name of the transaction on the remote system.
Remote Sysid is the name of the remote system where the transaction resides.
Dynamic indicates whether the transaction has been defined as
Attach Count is the total number of times this transaction has been attached.
Retry Count is the total number of times that this transaction definition has been
used to retry a transaction.
Dynamic Local is the total number of times the dynamic transaction routing exit
has chosen to run this transaction on the local system. This field is
zero if the transaction was not defined as DYNAMIC=YES. For
further guidance information about dynamic transaction routing.
For programming information about dynamic transaction routing,
see the CICS Customization Guide.
Dynamic Remote is the total number of times the dynamic transaction routing exit
has chosen to run this transaction on a remote system. This field is
zero if the transaction was not defined as DYNAMIC=YES. For
further information about dynamic transaction routing, see the CICS
Customization Guide.
Remote Starts is the total number of times this transaction definition has been
used to start a transaction remotely.
Storage Violations is the total number of storage violations for this transaction that
have been detected by CICS storage management.

This is a serious concern if it occurs in a production system. You

should act immediately to identify the cause of the problem because
it can lead to data corruption, and therefore should not be allowed
to continue in an operational system.

Transactions: integrity information

The integrity information statistics show the potential integrity exposures that may
have occurred during transaction execution as a result of inabilities to shunt
UOWs, or forcing of shunted UOWs to complete regardless of the decisions made
by participating systems.

These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS command and are mapped by the DFHXMRDS DSECT. For
programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS, see the
CICS System Programming Reference manual.

486 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 125. Transaction statistics: integrity information
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Trans ID XMRTI is the transaction identifier associated with

the transaction definition.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Indoubt Wait XMRIWTOP Is the indicator of whether the transaction
has been defined to support Indoubt
Waiting in the event of an two-phase
commit indoubt window failure. This means
the failing UOW will be shunted by the
CICS recovery manager awaiting
resynchronisation with its coordinator. The
indoubt wait option can have the following
v XMRIWTY = ’Y’ = Transaction can
support waiting
v XMRIWTN = ’N’ = Transaction cannot
support waiting.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Indoubt Wait timeout XMRITOV Is the indoubt wait timeout limit defined for
this transaction, specified in minutes. This
value has meaning only if the transaction is
also defined to be able to wait indoubt (see
XMRIWTOP). A value of zero, specifies that
there is no timeout should this transaction
be shunted by the CICS recovery manager.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Indoubt Action XMRIACTN Is an indicator of which way this transaction
will commit its UOWs in the event of not
being able to wait indoubt (shunted), when
an indoubt wait failure occurs. Or if the
transaction had been waiting that, the
timeout value specified has expired. Both of
these events will force a resolution of the
UOW in the direction specified by this field.
The values can be :
v XMRIACOM = ’C’ = UOW will syncpoint
v XMRIABCK = ’B’ = UOW will syncpoint
backwards (rollback)

Reset characteristic: not reset

Indoubt Waits XMRIWAIT Is the number of indoubt waits (shunts) that
have occurred for UOWs executing on
behalf of this transaction.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Indoubt action forced

The following set of statistics are further breakdowns of the recovery manager global
statistics to aid further isolation of potential integrity exposures.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 487

Table 125. Transaction statistics: integrity information (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

–Trandefn XMRFATXN Is the number of times this transaction id

had a UOW that could not be shunted when
an indoubt failure occurred, because the
transaction definition for this transaction id
specified that it could not support indoubt
waiting (ie. XMRIWTOP = XMTIWTN). The
UOW would have been forced to resolve in
the direction specified by XMRIACTN,
regardless of the actions taken by any other
participating region in this distributed UOW.

Reset characteristic: not reset

–Timeout XMRFAIT Is the number of times this transaction id
had a UOW that, although shunted because
of an indoubt failure, had the wait for
resynchronization with its recovery
coordinator terminated prematurely, because
the indoubt wait timeout value (XMRITOV)
had been exceeded. The UOW would have
been forced to resolve in the direction
specified by XMRIACTN, regardless of the
actions taken by any other participating
region in this distributed UOW.

Reset characteristic: not reset

–Operator XMRFAOP Is the number of times this transaction id
had a UOW that although shunted because
of an indoubt failure, had the wait for
resynchronization with its recovery
coordinator terminated prematurely, because
an operator (CEMT) or SPI command forced
a resolution. The UOW would have been
forced to resolve in the direction specified
by XMRIACTN by default, or in the
direction specified by the operator,
regardless of the actions taken by any other
participating region in this distributed UOW.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

–No waiting XMRFANW Is the number of times this transaction id
had a UOW that could not be shunted when
an indoubt failure occurred, although the
transaction definition specified that it could
(XMRIWTOP = XMRIWTY), because the
resource managers (RMIs) or CICS resources
or CICS connections used by the UOW
could not support indoubt waiting
(shunting). The UOW would have been
forced to resolve in the direction specified
by XMRIACTN, regardless of the actions
taken by any other participating region in
this distributed UOW.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

488 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 125. Transaction statistics: integrity information (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

–Other XMRFAOT Is the number of times this transaction id

had a UOW that although shunted because
of an indoubt failure, had the wait for
resynchronization with its recovery
coordinator terminated prematurely, for
reasons other than those stated above. This
could be a cold started recovery coordinator,
a resynchronization protocol violation or
failure, or level of resource manager (RMI)
adaptor changes etc. The UOW would have
been forced to resolve in the direction
specified by XMRIACTN by default, or in
the direction specified by the operator,
regardless of the actions taken by any other
participating region in this distributed UOW.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Action mismatch XMRAMISM is the number of times this transaction id
had a UOW that was forced to resolve using
the indoubt action attribute, whether by
definition, option or operator override (as
detailed in the above fields), and on doing
so detected an indoubt action attribute
mismatch with a participating system or
resource manager (RMI). For example, a
participating system in a distributed UOW
resolves its work forward while other
systems back out theirs. The opposite also

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Transactions: summary integrity information

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 126. Transactions: summary integrity information
DFHSTUP name Description

Trans ID is the transaction identifier associated with the transaction

Indoubt Wait is the last value encountered for the indicator of whether the
transaction has been defined to support indoubt waiting in the
event of an two-phase commit indoubt window failure. This means
the failing UOW will be shunted by the CICS recovery manager
awaiting resynchronization with its coordinator.
Indoubt Wait timeout is the last value encountered for the indoubt wait timeout limit
defined for this transaction, specified in minutes. This value only
has any meaning if the transaction is also defined to be able to wait
indoubt (see XMRIWTOP). A value of zero specifies that there is no
timeout should this transaction be shunted by the CICS recovery
Indoubt Action is the last value encountered for the indicator of which way this
transaction will commit its UOWs in the event of not being able to
wait indoubt (shunted), when an indoubt wait failure occurs. Or if
the transaction had been waiting, that the timeout value specified
had expired. Both of these events will force a resolution of the
UOW in the direction specified by this field.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 489

Table 126. Transactions: summary integrity information (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Indoubt Waits is the number of indoubt waits (shunts) that have occurred for
UOWs executing on behalf of this transaction.
Indoubt action forced
–Trandefn is the number of times this transaction id had a UOW that could
not be shunted when an indoubt failure occurred, because the
transaction definition for this transaction id specified that it could
not support indoubt waiting (ie. XMRIWTOP = XMTIWTN). The
UOW would have been forced to resolve in the direction specified
by XMRIACTN, regardless of the actions taken by any other
participating region in this distributed UOW.
–Timeout is the number of times this transaction id had a UOW that although
shunted because of an indoubt failure, had the wait for
resynchronization with its recovery coordinator terminated
prematurely, because the indoubt wait timeout value (XMRITOV)
had been exceeded. The UOW would have been forced to resolve in
the direction specified by XMRIACTN, regardless of the actions
taken by any other participating region in this distributed UOW.
–Operator is the number of times this transaction id had a UOW that although
shunted because of an indoubt failure, had the wait for
resynchronization with its recovery coordinator terminated
prematurely, because an operator (CEMT) or SPI command forced a
resolution. The UOW would have been forced to resolve in the
direction specified by XMRIACTN by default, or in the direction
specified by the operator, regardless of the actions taken by any
other participating region in this distributed UOW.
–No waiting is the number of times this transaction id had a UOW that could
not be shunted when an indoubt failure occurred, even though the
transaction definition specified that it could (XMRIWTOP =
XMRIWTY), because the resource managers (RMIs) or CICS
resources or CICS connections used by the UOW could not support
indoubt waiting (shunting). The UOW would have been forced to
resolve in the direction specified by XMRIACTN, regardless of the
actions taken by any other participating region in this distributed
–Other is the number of times this transaction id had a UOW that although
shunted because of an indoubt failure, had the wait for
resynchronization with its recovery coordinator terminated
prematurely, because reasons other than those stated above. This
could be a cold started recovery coordinator, a resynchronization
protocol violation or failure, or level of resource manager (RMI)
adaptor changes etc. The UOW would have been forced to resolve
in the direction specified by XMRIACTN by default, or in the
direction specified by the operator, regardless of the actions taken
by any other participating region in this distributed UOW.
Action mismatch is the number of times this transaction id had a UOW that was
forced to resolve using the indoubt action attribute, whether by
definition, option or operator override (as detailed in the above
fields), and on doing so detected an indoubt action attribute
mismatch with a participating system or resource manager (RMI).
For example, a participating system in a distributed UOW resolves
its work forward while other systems back out theirs. The opposite
also applies.

490 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Transient data
Transient data: global statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS TDQUEUE command, and are mapped by the DFHTQGDS DSECT.
For programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
command, see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.
Table 127. Transient data: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

In the statistics produced for the intrapartition data set:

Control interval size TQGACISZ is the size of the control interval, expressed
in bytes.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Control intervals TQGANCIS is the number of control intervals in the
intrapartition data set DFHINTRA.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current control intervals in TQGACTCI is the current number of control intervals in
use the intrapartition data set DFHINTRA.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak control intervals used TQGAMXCI is the peak value of the number of control
intervals concurrently active in the system.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Times NOSPACE occurred TQGANOSP is the number of times that a NOSPACE
condition has occurred.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Writes to intrapartition data TQGACTPT is the number of WRITEs to the
set intrapartition transient data set. This
includes both WRITEs needed for recovery
(see below) and WRITEs forced by the
buffer being needed to accommodate
another CI. I/O activity caused by the latter
reason can be minimized by increasing the
buffer allocation.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Reads from intrapartition TQGACTGT is the number of times a CI has to be read
data set from disk. Increasing the buffer allocation
decreases this activity.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Formatting writes TQGACTFT is the number of times a new CI was written
at the end of the data set in order to
increase the amount of available space.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

I/O errors TQGACTIO is the number of input/output errors that
have occurred during this run of CICS.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

In the statistics produced for buffer usage:

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 491

Table 127. Transient data: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Intrapartition buffers TQGANBFA is the number of transient data buffers

specified in the system initialization table
(SIT) or in the SIT overrides. The number of
buffers allocated may exceed the number

Reset characteristic: not reset

Current buffers containing TQGACNIU is the current number of intrapartition
valid data buffers that contain valid data.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak intra. buffers containing TQGAMXIU is the peak number of intrapartition buffers
valid data which contain valid data.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Intrapartition accesses TQGATNAL is the number of times intrapartition buffers
have been accessed.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current concurrent buffer TQGACNAL is the current value of the number of
accesses concurrent intrapartition buffer accesses.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak concurrent intrapartition TQGAMXAL is the peak value of the number of
accesses concurrent intrapartition buffer accesses.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Intrapartition buffer waits TQGATNWT is the number of times a request was
queued because all buffers were allocated to
other tasks. A buffer wait occurs if the
required control interval is already in a
locked buffer, and therefore unavailable,
even if there are other buffers available.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current intrapartition buffer TQGACNWT is the current number of requests queued
waits because no buffers were available.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak intrapartition buffer TQGAMXWT is the peak number of requests queued
waits because no buffers were available.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

All of the intrapartition data set statistics above are printed, even if the values reported are
CICS produces the following statistics for multiple strings:
Number of strings TQGSNSTA is the number of strings currently active.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Times string accessed TQGSTNAL is the number of times a string was

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current concurrent string TQGSCNAL is the current number of strings concurrently
accesses accessed in the system.

Reset characteristic: not reset

492 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 127. Transient data: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Peak concurrent string TQGSMXAL is the peak number of strings concurrently

accesses accessed in the system.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Intrapartition string waits TQGSTNWT is the number of times that tasks had to
wait because no strings were available.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Current intrapartition string TQGSCNWT is the current number of concurrent string
waits waits in the system.

Reset characteristic: not reset

Peak string waits TQGSMXWT is the peak number of concurrent string
waits in the system.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value

Transient data: summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 128. Transient data: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

In the statistics produced for the intrapartition data set:

Control interval size is the last value encountered for the size of the control interval,
expressed in bytes.
Peak control intervals is the peak number of control intervals concurrently in the system.
Times NOSPACE is a total number of times that a NOSPACE condition has occurred.
Writes to intrapartition is the total number of WRITEs to the temporary storage data set.
data set This includes both WRITEs needed for recovery (see below) and
WRITEs forced by the buffer being needed to accommodate another
CI. I/O activity caused by the latter reason can be minimized by
increasing the buffer allocation.
Reads from is the total number of times a CI has to be read from disk.
intrapartition data set Increasing the buffer allocation decreases this activity.
Formatting writes is the total number of times a new CI was written at the end of the
data set in order to increase the amount of available space.
I/O errors is the total number of input/output errors that have occurred
during this run of CICS.
In the statistics produced for buffer usage:
Intrapartition buffers is the last value encountered for the number of transient data
buffers specified by the TD system initialization parameter. The
number of buffers allocated may exceed the number requested.
Peak intra. buffers is the peak number of intrapartition data sets which contain valid
containing valid data data.
Intrapartition accesses is the total number of times that intrapartition data sets have been
Peak concurrent is the peak number of concurrent intrapartition data set accesses.
intrapartition accesses
Intrapartition buffer is the total number of times a request was queued because all
waits buffers were allocated to other tasks. A buffer wait occurs if the
required control interval is already in a locked buffer, and therefore
unavailable, even if there are other buffers available.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 493

Table 128. Transient data: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Peak intrapartition is the peak number of requests queued because no buffers were
buffer waits available.
In the statistics produced for the intrapartition data set:
All of the intrapartition data set statistics above are printed, even if the values reported are
CICS produces the following statistics for multiple strings:
Times strings accessed is the total number of times a string was accessed.
Peak concurrent string is the peak number of strings concurrently accessed in the system.
Intrapartition string is the total number of times that tasks had to wait because no
waits strings were available.
Peak string waits is the peak number of concurrent string waits in the system.

Transient data: resource statistics

These statistics are collected for each queue. You can use the information from the
statistics for each queue to calculate the average number of transient data accesses
per transaction. The items in this listing reflect the information you placed in the
definition for the transient data queue. The statistics are available online, and are
mapped by the DFHTQRDS DSECT.

The TQRQTYPE field is not displayed in the DFHSTUP report. It signifies the
queue type, which can be one of:
v TQRQTEXT (X'01') for extrapartition queues
v TQRQTINT (X'02') for intrapartition queues
v TQRQTIND (X'03') for indirect queues
v TQRQTREM (X'04') for remote queues.

TQRQTYPE is reset to zero.

Resource statistics for intrapartition transient data queues

Table 129. Transient data: resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Queue id TQRQID is the destination identifier (queue) that you

specified in transient data queue definition.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

Request Counts
–Number of Writes TQRWRITE is the total number of write operations.

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

–Number of Reads TQRREAD is the total number of read operations.

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

–Number of Deletes TQRDELET is the total number of delete requests.

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

ATI Information
–Triggerlevel TQRTRIGL is the value of the ATI trigger level. If the
number of items in this queue reaches this
value the transaction id in TQRATRAN is
attached to process the items in the queue.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

494 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 129. Transient data: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

–Tran Id TQRATRAN is the id of the transaction that will be

scheduled against a terminal/session or in
the background (see TQRFTYPE) when the
trigger level (TQRTRIGL) has been reached.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

–Facility Type TQRFTYPE is the ATI facility type for this transient data
queue. This will be where and how the
transaction id in TQRATRAN is attached
when the ATI trigger level (TQRTRIGL) is
reached. It can have the following values:-
v TQRFTNA X’00’ Not Applicable
v TQRFTTRM X’01’ Terminal
v TQRFTSYS X’02’ System
v TQRFTNTE X’03’ No terminal.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

–Facility Name TQRFNAME is the id of the system or terminal that the
trigger transaction will be attached against.
This value is blank when there is no facility.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

–No. of triggers TQRTRIGN is the number of times the trigger
transaction (TQRATRAN) has been
scheduled, as a result of the trigger level
(TQRTRIGL) being exceeded.

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

–Rcvy type TQRRTYPE is the recoverable type of this transient data
queue. It can have the following values:-
v TQRRTNA X’00’ Not applicable
v TQRRTPH X’01’ Physical recoverable
v TQRRTLG X’02’ Logical recoverable
v TQRRTNR X’03’ Non-recoverable

Reset characteristic: Not reset

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 495

Table 129. Transient data: resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

–Wait opt. TQRWAIT is an indicator of whether any transactions

that use this queue will be able, in the event
of losing the connection to their recovery
coordinator, to wait indoubt (shunted). If the
queue supports indoubt waiting
(TQRWTYES) then the locks that are
associated with that UOW will be held until
syncpoint resolution. If not, the UOW will
be committed (forward or backward) at the
time of indoubt failure according to the
settings in the transaction definition and the
locks released as a result. This field has
meaning only if the queue is logically
recoverable. The indoubt wait option can
have the following settings:
v TQRWTNA X’00’ Not Applicable
v TQRWTYES X’01’ Queue supports
indoubt waiting
v TQRWTNO X’02’ Does not support
indoubt waiting

Reset characteristic: Not reset

–Wait Action TQRWAITA is an indicator of whether this transient data
queue will reject or suspend subsequent
requests to this queue. This can be when a
UOW that has used this queue has been
shunted because of an indoubt failure and is
therefore retaining enqueues against this

This field has no meaning if the queue is

non-recoverable or does not support indoubt
waiting (see TQRWAIT).

The possible values for this field are:

v TQRWANA X’00’ Not Applicable
v TQRWAREJ X’01’ Further requests will be
v TQRWAQUE X’02’ Further requests will
be queued

Reset characteristic: Not reset

–Current CIs used TQRCCIUS is the number of Control intervals (CIs) that
are currently in use on the DFHINTRA
dataset by this queue.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

–Peak CIs used TQRPCIUS is the peak number of Control intervals (CIs)
that have been used on the DFHINTRA
dataset by this queue.

Reset characteristic: Reset to current

–Current items TQRCNITM is the current number of items in this
intrapartition queue.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

496 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Resource statistics for extrapartition transient data queues
Table 130. Transient data: resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Queue ID TQRQID is the destination identifier (queue) that you

specified in transient data queue definition.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

DD name (assoc.) TQRDDNM is the associated DD name of this dataset in
the CICS start-up JCL, or as defined by
under CEDA.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

Dataset name TQRDSNNM is the data set name of the extrapartition
(Destination/origin of data) transient data queue.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

| Member Name TQRPDSMN is the name of a member in the partitioned
| data set referenced by the ddname for the
| extrapartition transient data queue.

| Reset characteristic: Not reset

I/O Type TQRIOTYP is an indicator of the input/output type of
the extrapartition dataset. It may contain
one of the following values:-
v TQRIONA X’00’ Not Applicable
v TQRIOIN X’01’ Input
v TQRIOOUT X’02’ Output
v TQRIORDB X’03’ Readback (input but
read backwards)

Reset characteristic: Not reset

No. of Writes TQRWRITE is the total number of write requests.

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

No. of Reads TQRREAD is the total number of read requests.

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

Resource statistics for indirect transient data queues

Table 131. Transient data: resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Queue ID TQRQID is the destination identifier (queue) that you

specified in transient data queue definition.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

Indirect Queue id TQRIQID is the name of the indirect queue.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

Request Counts
–Writes TQRWRITE is the total number of write requests.

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

–Reads TQRREAD is the total number of read requests.

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

–Deletes TQRDELET is the total number of delete requests.

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 497

Resource statistics for remote transient data queues
Table 132. Transient data: resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Queue Id TQRQID is the destination identifier (queue) that you

specified in transient data queue definition.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

–Queue TQRRQID is the name of the queue on the remote
system (TQRRSYS).

Reset characteristic: Not reset

–Sysid TQRRSYS is the connection id of the CICS system that
actually owns this queue.

Reset characteristic: Not reset

Request Counts
–Writes TQRWRITE is the total number of write requests.

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

–Reads TQRREAD is the total number of read requests.

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

–Deletes TQRDELET is the total number of delete requests,

Reset characteristic: Reset to zero

Transient data: summary resource statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 133. Transient data: summary resource statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Queue ID is the destination identifier (queue) that you specified in transient

data queue definition.
Request Counts
–Number of Writes is the total number of write operations.
–Number of Reads is the total number of read operations.
–Number of Deletes is the total number of delete requests.
ATI Information
–Triggerlevel is the ATI trigger level
–Tran Id is the ATI transaction id
–Facility Type is the ATI facility type
–Facility Name is the ATI facility name
–No. of triggers is the number of times a trigger transaction has been attached.
–Rcvy type is the recovery type
–Wait opt. Indoubt waiting supported
–Wait Action Indoubt action
–Peak CIs used is the peak number of CIs used by this intrapartition queue

Table 134. Transient data: summary resource statistics

DFHSTUP name Description

Queue ID is the destination identifier (queue) that you specified in transient

data queue definition.
DDNAME (assoc.) is the DDNAME of the extrapartition queue.

498 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 134. Transient data: summary resource statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Dataset name is the data set name of the extrapartition queue.

(Destination/origin of
I/O Type is the type of I/O data set. Can be one of input, output or readback.
| Member Name is the name of a member in the partitioned data referenced by the
| ddname for the extrapartition transient data queue.
No. of Writes is the total number of write operations to the output data set.
No. of Reads is the total number of read operations from the output data set.

Table 135. Transient data: summary resource statistics

DFHSTUP name Description

Queue ID is the destination identifier (queue) that you specified in transient

data queue definition.
Indirect Queue id is the name of the indirect queue.
Request Counts
–Writes is the total number of write operations to the output data set.
–Reads is the total number of read operations from the output data set.
–Deletes is the total number of queues deleted.

Table 136. Transient data: summary resource statistics

DFHSTUP name Description

Queue Id is the destination identifier (queue) that you specified in transient

data queue definition.
–Queue is the name of the remote queue.
–Sysid is the name of the remote system.
Request Counts
–Writes is the total number of write operations to the output data set.
–Reads is the total number of read operations from the output data set.
–Deletes is the total number of queues deleted.

User domain statistics

These statistics are not available online, and are mapped by the DFHUSGDS

User domain: global statistics

Table 137. User domain statistics: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Timeout mean reuse time USGTOMRT the average time user instances remain on
the timeout queue until they are removed.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Timeout reuse count USGTORC the number of times a user instance is
| reused while it was being timed out.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

| Timeout expiry count USGTOEC the number of times a user instance remains
| on the timeout queue for a full USRDELAY
| interval without being reused, and is
| deleted.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 499

Table 137. User domain statistics: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

| Directory reuse count USGDRRC the number of times a directory entry was
| reused.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Directory not found count USGDRNFC the number of times a user instance was not
found in the directory, but was later
successfully added.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

User domain: Summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 138. User Domain: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Average timeout reuse is the average time user instances remain on the timeout queue
time until they are removed.
Timeout reuse count is the number of times a user instance is reused while being timed
Timeout expiry count is the number of times a user instance remains on the timeout
queue for a full USRDELAY interval without being reused.
Directory reuse count records how many times an existing user interface is reused.
Directory not found records the number of times the user instance needs to be added if
count it doesnot already exist in the directory.

VTAM statistics
These statistics can be accessed online using the EXEC CICS COLLECT
STATISTICS VTAM command, and are mapped by the DFHA03DS DSECT. For
programming information about the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS command,
see the CICS System Programming Reference manual.

VTAM: global statistics

Table 139. VTAM statistics: global statistics
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Times at RPL maximum A03RPLXT is the number of times the peak RPL posted
value (A03RPLX) was reached.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Peak RPLs posted A03RPLX is the maximum number of receive-any
request parameter lists (RPLs) that are
posted by VTAM on any one dispatch of
terminal control.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Short on storage count A03VTSOS is a counter that is incremented in the
VTAM SYNAD exit in the CICS terminal
control program each time VTAM indicates
that there is a temporary VTAM storage

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

500 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 139. VTAM statistics: global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Field name Description

Dynamic opens count A03DOC is the number of times the VTAM access
method control block (ACB) was opened
through the control terminal. If VTAM is
started before CICS and stays active for the
whole CICS run, this value is zero.

Reset characteristic: reset to zero

Current LUs in session A03LUNUM is the current number of LUs in session. The
types of LU that are included are:
v LU6.1 primaries and secondaries in
session (bound)
v LU6.2 primaries and secondaries in
session (bound)
v VTAM terminals.

Reset characteristic: not reset.

HWM LUs in session A03LUHWM is the current highest number of LUs logged
on. The types of LU that are included are:
v LU6.1 primaries and secondaries in
session (bound)
v LU6.2 primaries and secondaries in
session (bound)
v VTAM terminals.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value.

PS inquire count A03PSIC is the number of times CICS issued

Reset characteristic: reset to current value.

PS nib count A03PSNC is the number of VTAM sessions that

Reset characteristic: reset to current value.

PS opndst count A03PSOC is the number of persisting sessions that
were successfully restored.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value.

PS unbind count A03PSUC is the number of persisting sessions that
were terminated.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value.

PS error count A03PSEC is the number of persisting sessions that
were already unbound when CICS tried to
restore them.

Reset characteristic: reset to current value.

VTAM Summary global statistics

Summary statistics are not available online.
Table 140. VTAM: summary global statistics
DFHSTUP name Description

Times at RPL is the total number of times the maximum RPL posted value
maximum (A03RPLX) was reached.

Appendix A. CICS statistics tables 501

Table 140. VTAM: summary global statistics (continued)
DFHSTUP name Description

Peak RPLs posted is the peak number of receive-any request parameter lists (RPLs)
that are posted by VTAM on any one dispatch of terminal control.
Short on storage count is a counter that is incremented in the VTAM SYNAD exit in the
CICS terminal control program each time VTAM indicates that there
is a temporary VTAM storage problem.
Dynamic opens count is the total number of times that the VTAM access method control
block (ACB) was opened through the control terminal. If VTAM is
started before CICS and stays active for the whole CICS run, this
value is 0.
Current LUs in session is the average value for the number of LUs logged on.
HWM LUs in session is the highest value of the number of LUs logged on.
PS inquire count is the total number of times CICS issued INQUIRE
PS nib count is the total number of VTAM sessions that persisted.
PS opndst count is the total number of persisting sessions that were successfully
PS unbind count is the total number of persisting sessions that were terminated.
PS error count is the total number of persisting sessions that were already
unbound when CICS tried to restore them.

End of Product-Sensitive programming interface

502 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Appendix B. Shared temporary storage queue server statistics
This appendix provides information on statistics that are obtained for the shared
TS queue server.

This appendix describes the following:

v “Shared TS queue server: coupling facility statistics”
v “Shared TS queue server: buffer pool statistics” on page 505
v “Shared TS queue server: storage statistics” on page 506.

Shared TS queue server: coupling facility statistics

For queues that do not exceed 32K bytes, the data is included in the queue index;
otherwise, it is stored as a separate list. The individual fields have the following

The statistics are described in detail in the DFHXQS1D data area.

Table 141. Shared TS queue server: coupling facility statistics
Statistic name Field Description

S1PREF First part of structure name
S1POOL Poolname part of structure name
S1CNPREF Prefix for connection name
S1CNSYSN Own MVS system name from CVTSNAME
Size S1SIZE Current allocated size of the list structure.
Elem size S1ELEMLN Data element size, fullword, used for the
Max size S1SIZEMX Maximum size to which this structure could
be altered.
Total S1HDRS Maximum number of list headers
Control S1HDRSCT Headers used for control lists
Data S1HDRSQD Headers available for queue data
In use S1USEDCT Number of entries on used list
Max used S1USEDHI Highest number of entries on used list
In Use S1ENTRCT Number of entries currently in use.
Max Used S1ENTRHI Maximum number in use (since last reset).
Min Free S1ENTRLO Minimum number of free entries (since last
Total S1ENTRMX Total data entries in the currently allocated
structure. (Obtained at connection time, may
be updated by ALTER).
S1FREECT Number of entries on free list
S1ENTRRT Entry size of entry to element ratio
S1FREEHI Highest number of entries on free list
In use S1ELEMCT Number of elements currently in use.
Max used S1ELEMHI Maximum number in use (since last reset).

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 503

Table 141. Shared TS queue server: coupling facility statistics (continued)
Statistic name Field Description

Min free S1ELEMLO Number of elements currently free (total

minus used).
Total S1ELEMMX Total data elements in the currently
allocated structure. (Obtained at connection
time, may be updated by ALTER).
S1ELEMPW Data element size, power of 2, used for the
S1ELEMPE Maximum number of elements per entry
(for 32K)
S1ELEMRT Element size of entry to element ratio.
Current S1INDXCT Number of queues currently in existence.
Highest S1INDXHI Highest number of queues at any time (since
last reset).
Index access counts
Wrt adjs S1WRACT Number of index writes to update adjunct
area only. (This area contains the read cursor
for small queues and the queue status
including last used data).
Inquires S1INQCT Inquire on queue index entry
Reads S1RDQCT Read queue index entry
Writes S1WRQCT Write queue index entry.
Deletes S1DLQCT Delete queue index entry.
Rereads S1RRQCT Number of index data reads which had to
be repeated because the data was larger
than the default data transfer size.
Data access counts
Creates S1CRLCT Number of times a separate data list was
Writes S1WRLCT Number of queue writes (new or update)
including data.
Reads S1RDLCT Number of queue index reads.
Deletes S1DLLCT Delete list (1 per overall delete).
Rereads S1RRLCT Number of list data reads which had to be
repeated because the data was larger than
the default data transfer size.
Rewrites S1RWLCT Rewrite list entry.
S1INLCT Inquire on list entry
Response Counts
Asynch S1ASYCT Number of asynchronous requests.
Normal S1RSP1CT Number of normal responses.
Timeout S1RSP2CT Request timed out by the CF and should be
Not fnd S1RSP3CT Specified entry (queue or item) was not
Vers chk S1RSP4CT A version check failed for an entry being
updated, indicating another task had
updated it first.
List chk S1RSP5CT A list authority comparison failed, usually
indicating big queue was deleted.
List full S1RSP6CT Maximum list key reached, indicating max
queue size or max queues reached
depending on list.
Str full S1RSP7CT The list structure is out of space.

504 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 141. Shared TS queue server: coupling facility statistics (continued)
Statistic name Field Description

I/O err S1RSP8CT An IXLLIST return code occurred other than

those described above.

Shared TS queue server: buffer pool statistics

These statistics are for the queue index buffer pool, which is used to read and
write queue index entries plus the associated data if the total queue size does not
exceed 32K bytes. Buffers containing recently accessed queue index entries are
added to a least recently used chain. This means that if another request for the
same queue arrives shortly afterwards, it may be possible to optimize the
processing based on the assumption that the copy in the buffer is probably already
correct. If all other buffers are in use, a request for a new buffer will discard the
contents of the least recently used buffer and reuse the storage as a free buffer. The
queue server does not use some of the AXM management functions (such as KEEP
or PURGE) so those counters will be zero. These fields describe the current state of
the buffer pool.

The statistics are described in detail in the DFHXQS2D data area. The individual
fields have the following meanings:
Table 142. Shared TS queue server:queue pool statistics
Statistic name Field Description

Total S2BFQTY Number of buffers in the pool.
Max used S2BFENTH Highest number ever used (not affected by
Active S2BFACTS Buffers currently in use.
On LRU S2BFLRUS Buffers with valid contents on LRU chain to
allow reuse.
Empty S2BFEMPS Buffers previously used but now empty.
Gets S2BFGETS Requests to get a buffer.
Puts S2BFPUTS Put back buffer with valid contents
Keep S2BFKEPS Keeps (put back buffer with modified
Free S2BFFRES Requests to put back a buffer as empty.
Purges S2BFPURS Request to discard contents of a previously
valid buffer.
Results (Get)
Got hit S2BFHITS Requests to put back a buffer with valid
Got free S2BFGFRS Requests to put back a buffer with modified
contents. (This function is not currently used
by the queue server).
Got new S2BFGNWS Request obtained a buffer not previously
Got LRU S2BFGLRS Request discarded and reused the oldest
valid buffer.
No buf S2BFGNBS GETs which returned no buffer.
Not freed S2BFFNOS A request tried to release a buffer it did not
own. (This can occur during error recovery).

Appendix B. Shared temporary storage queue server statistics 505

Table 142. Shared TS queue server:queue pool statistics (continued)
Statistic name Field Description

No purge S2BFPNFS A purge request did not find a matching

Not owned S2BFPNOS A purge request hit a buffer owned by
another task.
Pool lock S2BFPWTS Waits on buffer pool lock.
Buf lock S2BFLWTS GET wait on buffer lock.

Shared TS queue server: storage statistics

Storage in the AXMPGANY and AXMPGLOW pools is allocated in multiples of 4K
pages on a 4K boundary. The most frequent use is for segments of LIFO stack
storage. Storage is initially allocated from the pool using a bit map. For faster
allocation, free areas are not normally returned to the pool but are added to a
vector of free chains depending on the size of the free area (1 to 32 pages). When
storage is being acquired, this vector is checked before going to the pool bit map.
If there are no free areas of the right size and there is not enough storage left in
the pool, free areas in the vector are put back into the pool, starting from the
smallest end, until a large enough area has been created. This action appears as a
compress attempt in the statistics. If there is still insufficient storage to satisfy the
request, the request fails.

These statistics are for the named storage page pool produced since the most
recent statistics (if any). Each of the storage statistics is shown in kilobytes and as a
percentage of the total size.

The statistics are described in detail in the DFHXQS3D data area.

Table 143. Temporary storage data sharing: usage statistics
Statistic name Field Description

LOC=ANY storage pool statistics.

Name S3ANYNAM Name of the storage pool AXMPGANY
Size S3ANYSIZ The total size of the storage pool.
S3ANYPTR Address of storage pool area
S3ANYMX Total pages in the storage pool
In Use S3ANYUS The amount of storage currently in use.
Free S3ANYFR The amount of storage within the pool that
is currently free.
Min Free S3ANYLO The lowest amount of storage that has been
free (since reset).
Gets S3ANYRQG The number of storage GET requests.
Fails S3ANYRQF The number of times that a storage request
was unable to obtain the requested amount
of storage even after a retry.
Frees S3ANYRQS The number of requests to release storage
within the pool.
Retries S3ANYRQC The number of times that a storage request
initially failed and was retried after merging
any adjacent small free areas to form larger
LOC=BELOW storage pool statistics.
Name S3LOWNAM Name of the storage pool AXMPGLOW.
Size S3LOWSIZ The total size of the storage pool.

506 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 143. Temporary storage data sharing: usage statistics (continued)
Statistic name Field Description

S3LOWPTR Address of the storage pool area.

S3LOWMX Total pages in the storage pool.
In Use S3LOWUS Number of used pages in the storage pool
Free S3LOWFR The amount of storage within the pool that
is currently free.
Min Free S3LOWLO The lowest amount of storage that has been
Gets S3LOWRQG The number of requests to obtain storage
within the pool.
Fails S3LOWRQF The number of times that a storage request
was unable to obtain the requested amount
of storage even after a retry.
Frees S3LOWRQS The number of requests to release storage
within the pool.
Retries S3LOWRQC The number of times that a storage request
initially failed and was retried after merging
any adjacent small free areas to form larger

Appendix B. Shared temporary storage queue server statistics 507

508 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Appendix C. Coupling facility data tables server statistics

| This appendix provides information on statistics that are obtained for the coupling
| facility data tables server

| This appendix describes the following:

| v “Coupling facility data tables: list structure statistics”
| v “Coupling facility data tables: table accesses statistics” on page 511
| v “Coupling facility data tables: request statistics” on page 512
| v “Coupling facility data tables: storage statistics” on page 513

| Coupling facility data tables: list structure statistics
| The statistics are described in detail in the DFHCFS6K data area.

| The individual fields have the following meanings.

| Table 144. Coupling facility data tables: list structure statistics
| Statistic name Field Description

| Structure
| S6NAME Full name of list structure
| S6PREF First part of structure name
| S6POOL Pool name part of structure name
| S6CNNAME Name of connection to structure
| S6CNPREF Prefix for connection name
| S6CNSYSN Own MVS system name from CVTSNAME
| Size S6SIZE Current allocated size of the list structure.
| Max size S6SIZEMX Maximum size to which this structure could
| be altered.
| Lists
| Total S6HDRS Maximum number of list headers in the
| structure.
| Control S6HDRSCT Number of lists in use for control
| information.
| Data S6HDRSTD Number of lists in use for table data.
| Structure
| Elem size S6ELEMLN Data element size used for the structure.
| S6ELEMPW Data element size as a power of 2
| S6ELEMRT Element side of entry:element ratio
| S6ENTRRT Entry side of entry:element ratio
| Entries
| In use S6ENTRCT Number of entries currently in use.
| Max used S6ENTRHI Maximum number in use (since last reset).
| Min free S6ENTRLO Minumum number of free entries (since last
| reset).
| Total S6ENTRMX Total entries in the currently allocated
| structure (initially set at structure connection
| time and updated on completion of any
| structure alter request).
| Elements
| In Use S6ELEMCT Number of elements currently in use.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 509

| Table 144. Coupling facility data tables: list structure statistics (continued)
| Statistic name Field Description

| Max Used S6ELEMHI Maximum number in use (since last reset).

| Min Free S6ELEMLO Minimum number of free elements (since
| last reset)
| Total S6ELEMMX Total data elements in the currently
| allocated structure (initially set at structure
| connection time and updated on completion
| of any structure alter request).
| List entry counts
| S6USEVEC Usage vector, five pairs of words
| S6USEDCT Number of entries on used list
| S6USEDHI Highest number of entries on used list
| S6FREECT Number of entries on free list
| S6FREEHI Highest number of entries on free list
| S6INDXCT Number of entries in table index
| S6INDXHI Highest entries in table index
| S6APPLCT Number of entries in APPLID list
| S6APPLHI Highest entries in APPLID list
| S6UOWLCT Number of entries in UOW list
| S6UOWLHI Highest entries in UOW list
| Main type of CF request
| Table index lists
| Reads S6RDICT Number of table index reads.
| Write S6WRICT Number of table index writes to create new
| tables.
| Rewrite S6RWICT Number of table index writes to update
| table status.
| Delete S6DLICT Number of table index deletes.
| Data list controls
| Writes S6CRLCT Number of times a new data list was
| allocated.
| Rewrites S6MDLCT Number of times data list controls were
| modified.
| Deletes S6DLLCT Number of times a data list was deleted for
| reuse.
| Table data record
| Reads S6RDDCT Number of data entry reads.
| Writes S6WRDCT Number of data entry writes.
| Rewrites S6RWDCT Number of data entry rewrites.
| Deletes S6DLDCT Number of data entry deletes.
| Data list controls
| Reads S6INLCT Inquire on data list
| Lock release messages
| Reads S6RDMCT Number of lock release messages read by
| this server.
| Writes S6WRMCT Number of lock release messages sent by
| this server.
| UOW index list
| Reads S6RDUCT Number of UOW list reads.
| Writes S6WRUCT Number of UOW list writes (usually at
| Rewrites S6RWUCT Number of UOW list rewites (usually at
| Deletes S6DLUCT Number of UOW list deletes (usually after

510 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Table 144. Coupling facility data tables: list structure statistics (continued)
| Statistic name Field Description

| APPLID index lists

| Read S6RDACT Read APPLID entry
| Write S6WRACT Write APPLID entry
| Rewrite S6RWACT Rewrite APPLID entry
| Delete S6DLACT Delete APPLID entry
| Internal CF requests
| S6RRLCT Reread entry for full data length
| Asynch S6ASYCT Number of requests for which completion
| was asynchronous.
| IXLLIST completion
| Normal S6RSP1CT Number of normal responses.
| Len err S6RSP2CT Entry data was larger than the inputbuffer
| length, which normally results in a retry
| with a larger buffer.
| Not fnd S6RSP3CT The specified entry (table or item) was not
| found.
| Vers chk S6RSP4CT A version check failed for an entry being
| updated, indicating that another task had
| updated it first.
| List chk S6RSP5CT A list authority comparison failed, mismatch
| caused by table status update
| List full S6RSP6CT A table reached the maximum number of
| items causing the relevant list to be marked
| as full.
| Str full S6RSP7CT The list structure became full.
| I/O err S6RSP8CT Some other error code was returned by
| Coupling facility data tables: table accesses statistics
| These statistics are described in detail in the DFHCFS7K data area. The individual
| fields have the following meanings:
| Table 145. Coupling facility data tables:queue pool statistics
| Statistic name Field Description

| Access
| S7TABLE Table name padded with spaces
| Vector
| S7STATS Statistics vector
| Table requests
| Open S7OCOPEN Number of successful OPEN requests for the
| table.
| Close S7OCCLOS Number of successful CLOSE requests for
| the table.
| Set Attr S7OCSET Number of times new table status was set.
| Delete S7OCDELE Number of times the table of that name was
| deleted.
| Stats S7OCSTAT Extract table statistics.
| Record requests
| Point S7RQPOIN Number of POINT requests.
| Highest S7RQHIGH Number of requests for current highest key.
| Read S7RQREAD Number of READ requests (including those
| for UPDATE)

Appendix C. Coupling facility data tables server statistics 511

| Table 145. Coupling facility data tables:queue pool statistics (continued)
| Statistic name Field Description

| Read del S7RQRDDL Number of combined READ and DELETE

| requests.
| Unlock S7RQUNLK Number of UNLOCK requests.
| Loads S7RQLOAD Number of records written by initial load
| requests.
| Write S7RQWRIT Number of WRITE requests for new records.
| Rewrite S7RQREWR Number of REWRITE requests.
| Delete S7RQDELE Number of DELETE requests
| Del Mult S7RQDELM Number of multiple (generic) delete
| requests.
| Coupling facility data tables: request statistics
| These statistics are described in detail in the DFHCFS8K data area. The individual
| fields have the following meanings:
| Table 146. Coupling facility data tables:request statistics
| Statistic name Field Description

| Vector
| S8STATS Statistics vector
| Table
| Open S8OCOPEN Number of successful OPEN requests for the
| table
| Close S8OCCLOS Number of successful CLOSE requests for
| the table.
| Set Attr S8OCSET Number of times new table status was set.
| Delete S8OCDELE Number of times the table of that name was
| deleted.
| Stats S8OCSTAT Number of times table access statistics were
| extracted.
| Record
| Point S8RQPOIN Number of POINT requests.
| Highest S8RQHIGH Number of requests for current highest key
| Read S8RQREAD Number of READ requests (including those
| for UPDATE)
| Read Del S8RQRDDL Number of combined READ and DELETE
| requests
| Unlock S8RQUNLK Number of UNLOCK requests.
| Loads S8RQLOAD Number of records written by initial load
| requests.
| Write S8RQWRIT Number of WRITE requests for new records
| Rewrite S8RQREWR Number of REQRITE requests.
| Delete S8RQDELE Number of DELETE requests.
| Del Mult S8RQDELM Number of multiple (generic) delete requests
| Table
| Inquire S8IQINQU Number of INQUIRE table requests.
| Prepare S8SPPREP Number of units of work prepared.
| Retain S8SPRETA Number of units of work whose locks were
| retained.
| Commit S8SPCOMM Number of units of work committed.
| Backout S8SPBACK Number of units of work backed out.
| Inquire S8SPINQU Number of units of work INQUIRE requests.

512 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Table 146. Coupling facility data tables:request statistics (continued)
| Statistic name Field Description

| Restart S8SPREST Number of times recoverable connections

| were restarted.
| Coupling facility data tables: storage statistics
| These statistics are returned by the AXM page pool management routines for the
| pools AXMPGANY and AXMPGLOW. Storage in these pools is allocated in
| multiples of 4K pages on a 4K boundary. The most frequent use is for segments of
| LIFO stack storage.

| Storage is initially allocated from the pool using a bit map. For faster allocation,
| free areas are not normally returned to the pool but are added to a vector of free
| chains depending on the size of the free area (1 to 32 pages). When storage is
| being acquired, this vector is checked before going to the pool bit map.

| If there are no free areas of the right size and there is not enough storage left in
| the pool, free areas in the vector are put back into the pool, starting from the
| smallest end, until a large enough area has been created. This action appears as a
| compress attempt in the statistics. If there is still insufficient storage to satisfy the
| request, the request fails.

| The statistics are described in detail in the DFHCFS9K data area.

| Table 147. Coupling facility data tables: storage statistics
| Statistic name Field Description

| LOC=ANY storage pool statistics.

| Name S9ANYNAM Name of the storage pool AXMPGANY
| Size S9ANYSIZ Size of the storage pool area
| S9ANYPTR Address of storage pool area
| S9ANYMX Total pages in the storage pool
| In Use S9ANYUS Number of used pages in the pool
| Free S9ANYFR Number of free pages in the pool
| Min Free S9ANYLO Lowest free pages (since reset)
| Gets S9ANYRQG Storage GET requests.
| Fails S9ANYRQF GETs which failed to obtain storage
| Frees S9ANYRQS Storage FREE requests
| Retries S9ANYRQC Compress (defragmentation) attempts
| LOC=BELOW storage pool statistics.
| Name S9LOWNAM Pool name AXMPGLOW
| Size S9LOWSIZ Size of storage pool area
| S9LOWPTR Address of storage pool area
| S9LOWMX Total pages in the storage pool
| In Use S9LOWUS Number of used pages in the storage pool
| Free S9LOWFR Number of free pages in the storage pool
| Min Free S9LOWLO Lowest free pages (since reset)
| Gets S9LOWRQG Storage GET requests
| Fails S9LOWRQF GETs which failed to obtain storage
| Frees S9LOWRQS Storage FREE requests
| S9LOWRQC Compress (defragmentation) attempts

Appendix C. Coupling facility data tables server statistics 513

514 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Appendix D. Named counter sequence number server

| This appendix provides information on statistics that are obtained for the named
| counter sequence number server.

| This appendix describes the following:

| v “Named counter sequence number server statistics”
| v “Named counter server: storage statistics” on page 516

| Named counter sequence number server statistics
| The statistics are described in detail in the DFHNCS4K data area.

| The individual fields have the following meanings.

| Table 148. Named counter server: list structure statistics
| Statistic name Field Description

| Structure:
| Lists
| S4NAME Full name of list structure
| S4PREF First part of structure name
| S4POOL Pool name part of structure name
| S4CNNAME Name for connection to structure
| S4CNPREF Prefix for connection name
| S4CNSYSN Own MVS system name from CVTSNAME
| Size S4SIZE Current allocated size for the list structure.
| Max size S4SIZEMX Maximum size to which this structure could
| be altered.
| Entries
| In Use S4ENTRCT Number of entries currently in use.
| Max Used S4ENTRHI Maximum number of entries in use (since
| last reset).
| Min Free S4ENTRLO Minimum number of free entries (since last
| reset).
| Total S4ENTRMX Total entries in the currently allocated
| structure (initially set at structure connection
| time and updated on completion of any
| structure alter request).
| Requests
| Create S4CRECT Create counter
| Get S4GETCT Get and increment counter
| Set S4SETCT Set counter
| Delete S4DELCT Delete counter
| Inquire S4KEQCT Inquire KEQ
| Browse S4KGECT Inquire KGE
| Responses
| Asynch S4ASYCT Number of requests for which completion
| was asynchronous.
| Normal S4RSP1CT Number of normal responses.
| Not Fnd S4RSP2CT The specified entry (table or item) was not
| found.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 515

| Table 148. Named counter server: list structure statistics (continued)
| Statistic name Field Description

| Vers Chk S4RSP3CT A version check failed for an entry being

| updated, indicating that another task had
| updated it first.
| List Chk S4RSP4CT A list authority comparison failed, usually
| meaning that the table is in the process of
| being deleted.
| Str Full S4RSP5CT The list structure became full.
| I/O Err S4RSP6CT Some other error code was returned by
| Named counter server: storage statistics
| These are statistics returned by the AXM page pool management routines for the
| pools AXMPGANY and AXMPGLOW. Storage in these pools is allocated in
| multiples of 4K pages on a 4K boundary. The most frequent use is for segments of
| LIFO stack storage.

| Storage is initially allocated from the pool using a bit map. For faster allocation,
| free areas are not normally returned to the pool but are added to a vector of free
| chains depending on the size of the free area (1 to 32 pages). When storage is
| being acquired, this vector is checked before going to the pool bit map.

| If there are no free areas of the right size and there is not enough storage left in
| the pool, free areas in the vector are put back into the pool, starting from the
| smallest end, until a large enough area has been created. This action appears as a
| compress attempt in the statistics. If there is still insufficient storage to satisfy the
| request, the request fails.

| These statistics are for the named storage page pool produced since the most
| recent statistics (if any). Each of the storage statistics is shown in kilobytes and as a
| percentage of the total size.

| The statistics are described in detail in the DFHNCS5K data area.

| Table 149. Temporary storage data sharing: usage statistics
| Statistic name Field Description

| LOC=ANY storage pool statistics

| Name S5ANYNAM Pool name AXMPGANY
| Size S5ANYSIZ Size of the storage pool area
| S5ANYPTR Address of storage pool area
| S5ANYMX Total pages in the storage pool
| In Use S5ANYUS Number of used pages in the pool
| Free S5ANYFR Number of free pages in the pool
| Min Free S5ANYLO The lowest free pages (since reset)
| Gets S5ANYRQG Storage GET requests
| Fails S5ANYRQF GETs which failed to obtain storage
| Frees S5ANYRQS Storage FREE requests
| Retries S5ANYRQC Compress (defragmentation) attempts
| LOC=BELOW storage pool statistics
| Name S5LOWNAM Pool name AXMPGLOW
| Size S5LOWSIZ Size of the storage pool area
| S5LOWPTR Address of the storage pool area
| S5LOWMX Total pages in the storage pool

516 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Table 149. Temporary storage data sharing: usage statistics (continued)
| Statistic name Field Description

| In Use S5LOWUS Number of used pages in the storage pool

| Free S5LOWFR Number of free pages in the storage pool
| Min Free S5LOWLO The lowest number of free pages (since
| reset)
| Gets S5LOWRQG Storage GET requests
| Fails S5LOWRQF GETs which failed to obtain storage
| Frees S5LOWRQS Storage FREE requests
| Retries S5LOWRQC Compress (defragmentation) attempts

Appendix D. Named counter sequence number server 517

518 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT

Use the statistics sample program, DFH0STAT, to help you determine and adjust
the values needed for CICS storage parameters; for example, using DSALIMIT and
EDSALIMIT. The program produces a report showing critical system parameters
from the CICS dispatcher, an analysis of the CICS storage manager and loader
statistics, and an overview of the MVS storage in use. The program demonstrates
commands to produce an analysis of a CICS system. You can use the sample
program as provided or modify it to suit your needs.

The sample statistics program consists of the following resources:

Statistics sample program, VS COBOL II release 2 or later.
Assembler language program called by DFH0STAT.
Assembler language program called by DFH0STAT.
Assembler language program loaded by DFH0STAT.
Mapset used by the STAT transaction.
Mapset used by the STAT transaction.
Transaction used to invoke the program, DFH0STAT.

All programs are command level and run above the 16MB line.

DFH0STAT can be invoked from the PLT at PLTPI (second phase) or PLTSD (first
phase) or as a CICS transaction (either from a console or as a conversational
transaction from a terminal). The output is sent via the CICS JES SPOOL interface
for which a number of default parameters can be changed by the user to specify
the distribution of the report(s). These defaults are defined in the working-storage
section of this program under the 01 level “OUTPUT-DEFAULTS”.

If an EXEC CICS SPOOL .. command fails when the program is run as a

transaction, an error message is displayed on the users screen and the transaction
will continue. If the program is not being run from a terminal, a message will be
sent to the console using EXEC CICS WRITE OPERATOR commands and the
transaction will be terminated normally.

To enable you to use the sample program, you must:.

1. Assemble and link-edit the BMS mapsets DFH0STM and DFH0STS. Include the
physical mapset in a library that is in the DFHRPL concatenation. You can
either include the symbolic mapset in a user copy library or insert it directly
into the source of DFH0STAT.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 519

2. Translate the DFH0STAT program source code, turning CICS commands into
code understood by the compiler. The program source code is provided in
3. Compile the translator output for DFH0STAT to produce object code.
4. Link-edit the object module to produce a load module, which you store in an
application load library that is concatenated to the DFHRPL DD statement of
the CICS startup job stream.
5. Create resource definition entries, in the CSD, for the programs, mapset, and
the STAT transaction. The CICS-supplied RDO group, DFH$STAT, contains all
the necessary resource definitions for this sample.
6. Define the system initialization parameter SPOOL=YES. This specifies that you
need support for the system spooling interface.

Analyzing DFH0STAT Reports

The sample statistics program DFH0STAT can produce reports about:
| v System status, monitoring, statistics, trace and dump
v Transaction manager
| v Dispatcher
| v Dispatcher TCBs
v Storage below and above 16MB
v Loader
v Selected storage subpools
v Transaction classes
v Transactions
v Transaction totals including subspace usage information
v Programs
v Program totals
v DFHRPL analysis
v Programs by DSA and LPA
v Temporary storage
v Temporary storage queues
v Tsqueue totals
| v Temporary storage queues by shared ts pool
v Transient data
v Transient data queues
v Tdqueue totals
v Journalnames
v Logstreams
v Program autoinstall, terminal autoinstall, and VTAM
v Connections and modenames
| v TCP/IP services
v LSR pools
v Files
v Data tables
| v Coupling facility data table pools
v Exit programs and global user exits

520 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

v DB2 connection and DB2 entries
v Enqueue manager
v Recovery manager
v Page index.

| In addition, the statistics report selection mapset allows the user to select the
| required statistics reports. Figure 33 shows an example of the statistics report
| selection mapset with the default reports selected.
Sample Program - CICS Statistics Print Report Selection
08/24/1998 12:02:55

Select the statistics reports required and press Enter

System Status. . . . . . . . . . . Y Page Index . . . . . . . . . . . . Y

Transaction Manager/Dispatcher . . Y
Storage Manager. . . . . . . . . . Y Loader and Storage Subpools. . . . Y
Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . Y Transaction Classes. . . . . . . . N
Programs and DFHRPL Analysis . . . Y Programs by DSA and LPA. . . . . . N
Temporary Storage. . . . . . . . . Y Temporary Storage Queues . . . . . N
Temporary Storage Queues by Pool . N
Transient Data . . . . . . . . . . Y Transient Data Queues. . . . . . . N
Journals and Logstreams. . . . . . Y
Autoinstall and VTAM . . . . . . . Y Connections and Modenames. . . . . N
TCP/IP Services. . . . . . . . . . N
Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N
LSR pools. . . . . . . . . . . . . N CF Data Table pools. . . . . . . . N
DB2 Connection and Entries . . . . N User Exit Pgms/Global User Exits . N
Enqueue Manager. . . . . . . . . . N Recovery Manager . . . . . . . . . N

F3=Return to print

Figure 33. statistics report selection screen

| The heading of each report includes the generic applid, sysid, jobname, date and
| time, and the CICS version and release information.

| System Status Report
| Figure 34 on page 522 shows the format of the System status report. The field
| headings and contents are described in Table 150 on page 522.

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 521

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 12/04/1998 Time 08:34:31 CICS 5.3.0 P

System Status

MVS Product Name. . . . : MVS/SP6.0.5

CICS Startup. . . . . . : COLD

CICS Status . . . . . . : ACTIVE RLS Status. . . . . . . . . . . . : RLS=NO

Storage Protection. . . : ACTIVE RRMS/MVS Status . . . . . . . . . : OPEN

Transaction Isolation . : ACTIVE
Reentrant Programs. . . : PROTECT VTAM Open Status. . . . . . . . . : OPEN
IRC Status. . . . . . . . . . . . : OPEN
Program Autoinstall . . . . . : INACTIVE TCP/IP Status . . . . . . . . . . : OPEN
Terminal Autoinstall. . . . . : ENABLED
WEB Garbage Collection Interval . : 60
Activity Keypoint Frequency. . . . . . . : 4,000 Terminal Input Timeout Interval . : 5
Logstream Deferred Force Interval. . . . : 30

DB2 Connection Name . . . . . : DB3A

DB2 Connection Status . . . . : NOTCONNECTED

Monitoring Statistics

Monitoring . . . . . : ON Statistics Recording . . . . . : ON

Exception Class. . . : ON Statistics Last Reset Time . . : 08:20:17
Performance Class. . : ON Elapsed Time Since Reset . . . : 00:14:13

Exception Class Records . . . . . : 0 Statistics Interval. . . . . . : 01:00:00

Exception Records Suppressed. . . : 0 Next Statistics Collection . . : 09:00:00
Performance Class Records . . . . : 44 Statistics End-of-Day Time . . : 00:00:00
Performance Records Suppressed. . : 0
SMF Records . . . . . . . . . . . : 2
SMF Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . : 0

Trace Status Dumps

Internal Trace Status . . . . : STARTED System Dumps . . . . . . . . . : 0

Auxiliary Trace Status. . . . : STOPPED System Dumps Suppressed. . . . : 0
GTF Trace Status. . . . . . . : STOPPED
Transaction Dumps. . . . . . . : 0
Internal Trace Table Size . . : 2,000K Transaction Dumps Suppressed . : 0
Current Auxiliary Dataset . . : A
Auxiliary Switch Status . . . : NOSWITCH

Figure 34. The System Status Report

| Table 150. Fields in the System Status Report

| Field Heading Description
| System Status
| MVS Product Name Indicates the product level of MVS.

| Source field: MVS field CVTPRODN

| CICS Startup Indicates the type of CICS startup.



522 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Table 150. Fields in the System Status Report (continued)
| Field Heading Description
| CICS Status Indicates the current status of the local CICS system.


| RLS Status Indicates the current status of VSAM RLS for this CICS system.


| Storage Protection Indicates the status of storage protection.


| RRMS/MVS Status Indicates the current status of RRMS/MVS for this CICS system.


| Transaction Isolation Indicates the status of transaction isolation.

| Source field: SMSTRANISO

| Reentrant Programs Indicates if read-only programs reside in key-0 protected storage.

| Source field: SMSRENTPGM

| VTAM Open Status Indicates the current status of the VTAM connection for this CICS system.


| IRC Status Indicates the current status of IRC for this CICS system.


| Program Autoinstall Indicates the current status of program autoinstall.


| TCP/IP Status Indicates the current status of TCP/IP for this CICS system.


| Terminal Autoinstall Indicates the current status of terminal autoinstall.


| Activity Keypoint Frequency The current activity keypoint trigger value, which is the number of logging
| operations between the taking of keypoints.

| Source field: EXEC CICS INQUIRE SYSTEM AKP(data area).

| Garbage Collection Interval Is the current interval at which the Web garbage collection task runs to clean
| up Web 3270 state data.


| Logstream Deferred Force Interval Is the current logstream deferred force interval


| Terminal Input Timeout Interval Is the current period of time after which inactive Web 3270 sessions are
| eligible for garbage collection.


| DB2 Connection Name The name of the currently installed DB2 connection.

| Source field: EXEC CICS INQUIRE SYSTEM DB2CONN(data area)

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 523

| Table 150. Fields in the System Status Report (continued)
| Field Heading Description
| DB2 Connection Status The current status of the CICS-DB2 Connection.


| Monitoring
| Monitoring Indicates whether CICS monitoring is active in the system.


| Exception Class Indicates whether the exception class of CICS monitoring data is being
| collected.


| Performance Class Indicates whether the performance class of CICS monitoring data is being
| collected.


| Subsystem ID The 4-character name used as the subsystem identification in the monitoring
| sysevent class records.


| data-area)
| Exception Class Records The number of exception records written to SMF.

| Source field: MNGER

| Exception Class Suppressed The number of exception records suppressed by a global user exit program
| at exit point XMNOUT.

| Source field: MNGERS

| Performance Class Records The number of performance records scheduled for output to SMF.

| Because the monitoring domain buffers performance class records, there is

| still a possibility that monitoring can be deactivated, thus preventing the
| output of the performance class records that have been buffered.

| Source field: MNGPR

| Performance Class Suppressed The number of performance records suppressed by a global user exit
| program at exit point XMNOUT.

| Source field: MNGPRS

| SMF Records The number of SMF records written to the SMF data set.

| CICS writes exception class SMF records as soon as the monitor domain is
| notified of the exception completion, so there is one exception record per
| SMF record. The performance class, however, has many performance class
| records per SMF record. The SMF record for the performance class is written
| when the buffer is full, performance class has been deactivated, or CICS is
| quiescing.

| Source field: MNGSMFR

| SMF Errors The number of non-OK responses from the request to write a record to SMF.
| This count is incremented when an SMF write fails for any reason, for
| example, when SMF is inactive.

| Source field: MNGSMFE

| Statistics

524 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Table 150. Fields in the System Status Report (continued)
| Field Heading Description
| Statistics Recording The current status of statistics recording.


| Statistics Last Reset Time The time of the last statistics reset.


| Elapsed Time Since Reset The elapsed time since the last statistics reset.

| Source field:
| Statistics Interval The current statistics recording interval.


| Next Statistics Collection The next statistics recording time.


| Statistics End-of-Day Time The current end-of-day time for recording statistics.


| Trace Status
| Internal Trace Status The current status of internal tracing.


| Auxiliary Trace Status The current status of auxiliary tracing.


| GTF Trace Status The current status of gtf tracing.


| Internal Trace Table Size The current size of the internal trace table.


| Current Auxiliary Dataset The name of the current auxiliary trace dataset.


| Auxiliary Switch Status The current status of the auxiliary trace autoswitch facility.


| Dumps
| System Dumps The number of system dumps taken.

| Source field: SDGSDREQ

| System Dumps Suppressed The number of system dumps suppressed.

| Source field: SDGSDSUP

| Transaction Dumps The number of transaction dumps taken.

| Source field: SDGTDREQ

| Transaction Dumps Suppressed The number of transaction dumps suppressed.

| Source field: SDGTDSUP

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 525

Transaction Manager Report
| Figure 35 shows the format of the Transaction manager report. This report is
| command. The statistics data is mapped by the DFHXMGDS DSECT. The field
| headings and contents are described in Table 151.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 P

Transaction Manager

Total Accumulated transactions so far. . : 58

Accumulated transactions (since reset) . : 9 Transaction Rate per second. . : 0.00

Maximum transactions allowed (MXT) . . . : 75

Times at MXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0
Current Active User transactions . . . . : 1
Peak Active User transactions. . . . . . : 1
Total Active User transactions . . . . . : 9

Current Running transactions . . . . . . : 1

Current Dispatchable transactions. . . . : 0
Current Suspended transactions . . . . . : 0
Current System transactions. . . . . . . : 0

Transactions Delayed by MXT. . . . . . . : 0

Total MXT queueing time. . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Average MXT queueing time. . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000

Current Queued User transactions . . . . : 0

Total Queueing time for current queued . : 00:00:00.00000
Average Queueing time for current queued : 00:00:00.00000

Figure 35. The Transaction Manager Report

Table 151. Fields in the Transaction Manager Report

Field Heading Description
Transaction Manager
Accumulated transactions so far The total number of tasks that have accumulated so far.

Source field: (XMGTNUM + XMGNUM)

Accumulated transactions (since reset) The number of tasks that have accumulated.

Source field: XMGNUM

Transaction Rate per second The number of transactions per second.

Source field: (XMGNUM / Elapsed seconds since reset)

Maximum transactions allowed (MXT) The specified maximum number of user transactions as specified in the
SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically using CEMT SET
MAXTASKS(fullword binary data-value) commands.

Source field: XMGMXT

526 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 151. Fields in the Transaction Manager Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Times at MXT The number of times that the number of active user transactions
equalled the specified maximum number of user transactions (MXT).

Source field: XMGTAMXT

Current Active User transactions The current number of active user transactions.

Source field: XMGCAT

Peak Active User transactions The peak number of active user transactions reached.

Source field: XMGPAT

Total Active User transactions The total number of user transactions that have become active.

Source field: XMGTAT

Current Running transactions The current number of Running transactions.


Current Dispatchable transactions The current number of Dispatchable transactions.


Current Suspended transactions The current number of Suspended transactions.


Current System transactions The current number of system transactions.

Source field: ((Running + Dispatchable + Suspended) - XMGCAT)

Transactions Delayed by MXT The number of user transactions that had to queue for MXT reasons
before becoming active, excluding those still waiting.

Source field: XMGTDT

Total MXT Queueing Time The total time spent waiting by those user transactions that had to
wait for MXT reasons.
Note: This does not include those transactions still waiting.

Source field: XMGTQTME

Average MXT Queueing Time The average time spent waiting by those user transactions that had to
wait for MXT reasons.

Source field: (XMGTQTME / XMGTDT)

Current Queued User transactions The current number of user transactions currently queuing for MXT
Note: That this does not include transactions currently queued for
Transaction Class.

Source field: XMGCQT

Total Queueing Time for current queued The total time spent waiting by those user transactions currently
queued for MXT reasons.
Note: This does not include the time spent waiting by those
transactions that have finished queuing.

Source field: XMGCQTME

Average Queueing Time for current queued The average time spent waiting by those user transactions currently
queued for MXT reasons.

Source field: (XMGCQTME / XMGCQT)

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 527

Dispatcher Report
| Figure 36 shows the format of the Dispatcher report. This report is produced using
| STATISTICS DISPATCHER commands. The statistics data is mapped by the
| DFHDSGDS DSECT. The field headings and contents are described in Table 152.
Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 P


Current ICV time . . . . . : 5,000ms

Current ICVR time. . . . . : 6,000ms
Current ICVTSD time. . . . : 500ms
Current PRTYAGING time . . : 500ms

Force Quasi-Reentrant. . . : No

Current CICS Dispatcher tasks. . . . . . : 15

Peak CICS Dispatcher tasks . . . . . . . : 15

Max Open TCB Limit (MAXOPENTCBS) . . . . : 15

Current Open TCBs attached . . . . . . . : 0

Peak Open TCBs attached. . . . . . . . . : 0

Current Open TCBs in use . . . . . . . . : 0

Peak Open TCBs in use. . . . . . . . . . : 0

Times at Max Open TCB Limit. . . . . . . : 0

Attaches Delayed by Max Open TCB Limit . : 0

Total MAXOPENTCBS delay time . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Average MAXOPENTCBS delay time . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000

Current Attaches Delayed by MAXOPENTCBS. : 0

Peak Attaches Delayed by MAXOPENTCBS . . : 0
Total Delay time for current delayed . . : 00:00:00.00000
Average Delay time for current delayed . : 00:00:00.00000

Figure 36. The Dispatcher Report

| Table 152. Fields in the Dispatcher Report

Field Heading Description
| Dispatcher
| Current ICV time The ICV time value (expressed in milliseconds) specified in the
| SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically using CEMT SET
| TIME(fullword binary data-value) commands.

| Source field: DSGICVT

| Current ICVR time The current task runaway time interval.

| Source field: DSGICVRT

528 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 152. Fields in the Dispatcher Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
| Current ICVTSD time The ICVTSD time value (expressed in milliseconds) specified in
| the SIT, or as an override, or changed dynamically using CEMT
| SCANDELAY(fullword binary data-value) commands.

| Source field: DSGICVSD

| Current PRTYAGING time The current task priority aging factor.

| Source field: DSGPRIAG

| Force Quasi-Reentrant Indicates whether CICS will force all user application programs
| specified as CONCURRENCY(THREADSAFE) to run under the


| Current CICS Dispatcher tasks The current number of tasks in the system. This figure includes
| all system tasks and all user tasks.

| Source field: DSGCNT

| Peak CICS Dispatcher tasks The peak number of tasks concurrently in the system.

| Source field: DSGPNT

Max Open TCB Limit (MAXOPENTCBS) The current MAXOPENTCBS value (expressed as the number of
open TCBs) as specified in the SIT, or as an override, or changed
dynamically using the CEMT SET SYSTEM
MAXOPENTCBS(fullword binary data-value) commands.


Current Open TCBs attached The current number of open TCBs attached.

Source field: DSGCNUAT

Peak Open TCBs attached The peak number of open TCBs attached.

Source field: DSGPNUAT

Current Open TCBs in use The current number of open TCBs in use.

Source field: DSGCNUUS

Peak Open TCBs in use The peak number of open TCBs in use.

Source field: DSGPNUUS

| Times at Max Open TCB Limit The number of times the system reached the MAXOPENTCBS
| limit.

| Source field: DSGNTCBL

| Attaches Delayed by Max Open TCB Limit The total number of TCB attaches delayed because the system
| had reached the MAXOPENTCBS limit.

| Source field: DSGTOTNW

| Total MAXOPENTCBS delay time The total time that open mode TCBs were delayed because the
| system had reached the MAXOPENTCBS limit.

| Source field: DSGTOTWL

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 529

Table 152. Fields in the Dispatcher Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
| Average MAXOPENTCBS delay time The average time that an open mode TCB attach was delayed
| because the system had reached the MAXOPENTCBS limit.

| Source field: (DSGTOTWL / DSGTOTNW)

| Current Attaches Delayed by MAXOPENTCBS The current number of TCB attaches that are delayed because the
| system is at the MAXOPENTCBS limit.

| Source field: DSGCURNW

| Peak Attaches delayed by MAXOPENTCBS The peak number of TCB attaches delayed because the system is
| at the MAXOPENTCBS limit.

| Source field: DSGPEANW

| Total Delay Time for Current Delayed The current total delay time for the TCB attaches that are
| delayed because the system is at the MAXOPENTCBS limit.

| Source field: DSGCURWT

| Average Delay time for current delayed The average delay time for the TCB attaches that are currently
| delayed because the system is at the MAXOPENTCBS limit.

| Source field: (DSGCURWT / DSGCURNW)

Dispatcher TCBs Report

Figure 37 on page 531 shows the format of the Dispatcher TCBs report. This report
is produced using the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS DISPATCHER command.
The statistics data is mapped by the DFHDSGDS DSECT. The field headings and
contents are described in Table 153 on page 531.

530 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 12/02/1998 Time 08:52:21 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 4

Dispatcher TCBs
Dispatcher Start Time and Date . . . . . : 08:00:23.71167 12/02/1998

Address Space Accumulated CPU Time . . . : 00:00:06.60362 (Not Reset)

Address Space Accumulated SRB Time . . . : 00:00:00.65995 (Not Reset)

Address Space CPU Time (Since Reset) . . : 00:00:06.52665

Address Space SRB Time (Since Reset) . . : 00:00:00.65097

Number of CICS TCB MODEs . : 11

TCB Current Peak TCBs <--------- TCBs Detached -------->

Mode TCBs TCBs Attached | Unclean Stolen Other | TCB Steals
QR 1 1 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
RO 1 1 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
CO 1 1 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
SZ 1 1 1 N/A N/A 0 N/A
RP 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A
FO 1 1 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
SL 1 1 1 N/A N/A 0 N/A
SO 1 1 1 N/A N/A 0 N/A
J8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
L8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 7 7 0 0 0 0

TCB Current Peak Op. System Op. System Total TCB Total TCB DS TCB TCB CPU/Disp
Mode TCBs TCBs Waits Wait Time Dispatch Time CPU Time CPU Time Ratio
QR 1 1 3,492 00:51:51.09861 00:00:06.61393 00:00:03.69497 00:00:00.47251 55.8%
RO 1 1 123 00:51:44.37901 00:00:11.83684 00:00:01.46320 00:00:00.00512
CO 1 1 484 00:29:28.25675 00:00:00.71757 00:00:00.28578 00:00:00.16471
SZ 1 1 436 00:29:08.30509 00:00:01.37113 00:00:00.59021 00:00:00.21527
RP 0 0 0 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000
FO 1 1 87 00:00:23.01983 00:00:03.76582 00:00:00.29225 00:00:00.00414
SL 1 1 4 00:31:28.23371 00:00:00.00676 00:00:00.00593 00:00:00.00009
SO 1 1 2 00:00:15.28525 00:00:01.20830 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000
J8 0 0 0 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000
L8 0 0 0 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000
S8 0 0 0 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000
Totals 00:00:06.33236 00:00:00.86185

Figure 37. The Dispatcher TCBs Report

Table 153. Fields in the Dispatcher TCBs Report

Field Heading Description
Dispatcher TCBs
Dispatcher Start Time and Date The local time and date at which the CICS dispatcher started.

Source field: DSGLSTRT

Address Space Accumulated CPU Time The accumulated CPU time for this CICS address space.
Note: This field is not reset at CICS statistics intervals.

Source field: MVS field ASCBEJST

Address Space Accumulated SRB Time The accumulated SRB time for this CICS address space.
Note: This field is not reset at CICS statistics intervals.

Source field: MVS field ASCBSRBT

Address Space CPU Time (Since Reset) The accumulated CPU time for this CICS address space.

Source field: DSGEJST

Address Space SRB Time (Since Reset) The accumulated SRB time for this CICS address space.

Source field: DSGSRBT

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 531

Table 153. Fields in the Dispatcher TCBs Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Number of CICS TCB modes The number of CICS TCB modes.

Source field: DSGASIZE

TCB Mode The name of the TCB mode that the statistics refer to. The names
of the TCB modes are 'QR', 'RO', 'CO', 'SZ', 'RP', 'FO', 'SL', 'SO',
'J8', 'L8', and 'S8'.

Source field: DSGTCBNM

Current TCBs The current number of TCBs attached in this mode.

Source field: DSGCTCBCA

Peak TCBs The peak number of TCBs attached in this mode.

Source field: DSGTCBPA

TCBs Attached The number of TCBs attached in this mode.

Source field: DSGNTCBA

TCBs Detached - Unclean The number of MVS TCBs that have been or are in the process of
being detached for this CICS dispatcher mode because the CICS
transaction associated with the TCB has abended.

Source field: DSGTCBDU

TCBs Detached - Stolen The number of MVS TCBs that have been or are in the process of
being stolen from this CICS dispatcher mode because it is
required by another TCB mode.

Source field: DSGTCBDS

TCBs Detached - Other The number of MVS TCBs that have been or are in the process of
being detached from this CICS dispatcher TCB mode. For
example, MAXOPENTCBS has been lowered, or there are too
many TCBs attached in relation to the number of TCBs in use.

Source field: DSGTCBDO

TCB Steals The number of MVS TCBs that have been stolen from other TCB

Source field: DSGTCBST

TCB Mode The name of the TCB mode that the statistics refer to. The names
of the TCB modes are 'QR', 'RO', 'CO', 'SZ', 'RP', 'FO', 'SL', 'SO',
'J8', 'L8', and 'S8'.

Source field: DSGTCBNM

Current TCBs The current number of TCBs attached in this mode.

Source field: DSGTCBCA

Peak TCBs The peak number of TCBs attached in this mode.

Source field: DSGTCBPA

Op. System Waits The number of MVS waits which occurred on this TCB.

Source field: DSGSYSW

532 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 153. Fields in the Dispatcher TCBs Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Op. System Wait Time The accumulated real time that this TCB was in an MVS wait,
that is, the total time used between an MVS wait issued by the
dispatcher and the return from the MVS wait.

Source field: DSGTWT

Total TCB Dispatch Time The accumulated real time that this TCB has been dispatched by
MVS, that is, the total time used between an MVS wait issued by
the dispatcher and the subsequent wait issued by the dispatcher.

Source field: DSGTDT

Total TCB CPU Time The accumulated CPU time taken for this TCB, that is, the total
time that this TCB has been in execution.

Source field: DSGACT

DS TCB CPU Time The accumulated CPU time taken for this DS task, that is, the
processor time used by this TCB while executing the default
dispatcher task (DSTCB).

Source field: DSGTCT

TCB CPU/Disp Ratio The ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the accumulated CPU
time to accumulated dispatch time for this TCB.

Source field: ((DSGACT / DSGTDT) * 100)

Current TCBs The total number of TCBs attached for all modes.

Source field: DSGTCBCA for each TCB mode

TCB Dispatch Time The total accumulated real time that the active TCBs have been

Source field: DSGTDT for each TCB mode

TCB CPU Time The total accumulated CPU time taken for the active TCBs.

Source field: DSGACT for each TCB mode

DS TCB CPU Time The total accumulated CPU time taken for the DS task on each
active dispatcher TCB.

Source field: DSGTCT for each TCB mode

Storage Reports
The Storage below 16MB report provides information on the use of MVS and CICS
virtual storage. It contains the information you need to understand your current
use of virtual storage below 16MB and helps you to verify the size values used for
the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, and RDSA and the value set for the DSA limit. Figure 38
| on page 534 shows the format of the Storage Below 16MB Report. This report is
| produced using the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS STORAGE command. The
| statistics data is mapped by the DFHSMSDS DSECT. The field headings and
| contents are described in Table 154 on page 534.

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 533

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 5

Region size established from REGION= parameter. . . : 131,072K

Storage BELOW 16MB

Private Area Region size below 16Mb . . . . . . . . : 9,196K
Max LSQA/SWA storage allocated below 16Mb (SYS) . : 504K
Max User storage allocated below 16Mb (VIRT). . . : 5,436K
System Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 20K
RTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 250K
Private Area storage available below 16Mb . . . . . : 2,986K
Current DSA Limit . . . . . . : 5,120K
Current Allocation for DSAs . : 2,048K
VIRT minus Current DSA Limit. . . . . . . . . . . . : 316K Peak Allocation for DSAs. . . : 2,048K


Current DSA Size. . . . . . . : 512K 1,024K 256K 256K 2,048K
Current DSA Used. . . . . . . : 320K 0K 92K 208K 620K
Current DSA Used as % of DSA. : 62% 0% 35% 81% 30% of DSA Size
* Peak DSA Used . . . . . . . . : 320K 4K 92K 208K
Peak DSA Size . . . . . . . . : 512K 1,024K 256K 256K
Cushion Size. . . . . . . . . : 64K 64K 64K 64K
Free Storage (inc. Cushion) . : 192K 1,024K 164K 48K
* Peak Free Storage . . . . . . : 196K 1,024K 164K 48K
* Lowest Free Storage . . . . . : 192K 1,020K 164K 48K
Largest Free Area . . . . . . : 140K 1,024K 164K 48K
Largest Free Area as % of DSA : 27% 100% 64% 18%
Largest Free/Free Storage . . : 0.72 1.00 1.00 1.00
Current number of extents . . : 2 1 1 1 5
Number of extents added . . . : 0 1 0 0 1
Number of extents released. . : 0 0 0 0 0

Getmain Requests. . . . . . . : 19 3 0 0
Freemain Requests . . . . . . : 17 3 0 0
Current number of Subpools. . : 27 9 7 3 46
Add Subpool Requests. . . . . : 10 10 0 0
Delete Subpool Requests . . . : 9 9 0 0

Times no storage returned . . : 0 0 0 0

Times request suspended . . . : 0 0 0 0
Current requests suspended. . : 0 0 0 0
Peak requests suspended . . . : 0 0 0 0
Requests purged while waiting : 0 0 0 0
Times Cushion released. . . . : 0 0 0 0 0
Times Short-On-Storage. . . . : 0 0 0 0 0
Total time Short-On-Storage . : 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000
Average Short-On-Storage time : 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000
Storage Violations. . . . . . : 0 0 0 0 0
Access. . . . . . . . . . . . : CICS USER USER READONLY
'*' indicates values reset on last DSA Size change

Figure 38. The Storage Report BELOW 16MB

Table 154. Fields in the Storage Below 16MB Report

Field Heading Description
Region size established from REGION= parameter The region size established from the REGION=
parameter in the JCL. If the region requested was greater
than 16 megabytes, the region established resides above
16 megabytes, and this field will be a minimum value of
32 megabytes.
Storage BELOW 16MB
Private Area Region size below 16MB The private area size below 16MB expressed in Kbytes.
Max LSQA/SWA storage allocated below 16MB (SYS) The maximum amount of virtual storage allocated from
the local system queue area (LSQA) and the SWA
subpools below 16MB expressed in Kbytes.

534 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 154. Fields in the Storage Below 16MB Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Max User storage allocated below 16MB (VIRT) The maximum amount of virtual storage allocated from
the user subpools below 16MB expressed in Kbytes.
System Use is an amount of virtual storage available for system use.
RTM is an amount of virtual storage available for use by the
MVS recovery and termination manager included for
calculation purposes, which could be allocated during a
CICS region recovery and termination.
Private Area Storage available below 16MB The amount of additional storage that could be allocated
by increasing the REGION parameter.
Current DSA Limit The current DSA Limit, expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSDSALIMIT / 1024)

Current Allocation for DSAs The current amount of storage allocated to the DSAs
below 16MB, expressed in Kbytes. This value may be
smaller or larger than the current DSA limit.

Source field: (SMSDSATOTAL / 1024)

VIRT minus Current DSA Limit The total amount of user storage allocated/used below
16MB minus the current DSA limit.

Source field: ((VIRT - SMSDSALIMIT) / 1024)

Peak Allocation for DSAs The peak amount of storage allocated to the DSAs below
16MB, expressed in Kbytes. This value may be smaller or
larger than the current DSA limit.

Source field: (SMSHWMDSATOTAL / 1024)

Current DSA Size The current size of the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, or the
RDSA, expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSDSASZ / 1024)

Current DSA Used The current amount of storage used in this DSA
expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: ((SMSDSASZ - SMSFSTG) / 1024)

Current DSA Used as % of DSA The current amount of storage used in this DSA
expressed as a percentage of the current DSA size.

Source field: (((SMSDSASZ - SMSFSTG) / SMSDSASZ) *

Peak DSA Used The peak amount of storage used in this DSA expressed
in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSHWMPS / 1024)

Peak DSA Size The peak size of the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, or the RDSA,
expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSHWMDSASZ / 1024)

Cushion Size The size of the cushion, expressed in bytes. The cushion
forms part of the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, or the RDSA, and
is the amount of storage below which CICS goes SOS.

Source field: (SMSCSIZE / 1024)

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 535

Table 154. Fields in the Storage Below 16MB Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Free Storage (inc. Cushion) The current amount of free storage in this pagepool,
expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSFSTG / 1024)

Peak Free Storage The peak amount of free storage in this pagepool,
expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSHWMFSTG / 1024)

Lowest Free Storage The lowest amount of free storage in this pagepool,
expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSLWMFSTG / 1024)

Largest Free Area The length of the largest contiguous free area in the
CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, or RDSA, expressed in bytes.

Source field: (SMSLFA / 1024)

Largest Frea Area as % of DSA The largest contiguous free area in the CDSA, UDSA,
SDSA, or RDSA, expressed as a precentage of the current
DSA Size.

Source field: ((SMSLFA / SMSDSASZ) * 100)

Largest Frea/Free Storage is an indication of the storage fragmentation in this
pagepool. This value is calculated by dividing the
“Largest Free Area” (SMSLFA) by the “Free storage”
(SMSFSTG). If the ratio is large, this pagepool is

Source field: (SMSLFA / SMSFSTG)

Current number of extents The current number of extents allocated to this DSA.

Source field: SMSEXTS

Number of extents added The number of extents added to this DSA.

Source field: SMSEXTSA

Number of extents released The number of extents released from this DSA.

Source field: SMSEXTSR

Getmain Requests The number of GETMAIN requests from the CDSA,

Source field: SMSGMREQ

Freemain Requests The number of FREEMAIN requests from the CDSA,

Source field: SMSFMREQ

Current number of Subpools The current number of subpools (domain and task) in

Source field: SMSCSUBP

Add Subpool Requests The number of ADD_SUBPOOL requests to create a
subpool (domain or task) from the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA,
or RDSA.

Source field: SMSASR

536 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 154. Fields in the Storage Below 16MB Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Delete Subpool Requests The number of DELETE_SUBPOOL requests (domain or
task) from the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, or RDSA.

Source field: SMSDSR

Times no storage returned The number of times a GETMAIN request with
SUSPEND(NO) returned the condition

Source field: SMSCRISS

Times request suspended The number of times a GETMAIN request with
SUSPEND(YES) was suspended because of insufficient
storage to satisfy the request at the moment.

Source field: SMSUCSS

Current requests suspended The number of GETMAIN requests currently suspended
for storage.

Source field: SMSCSS

Peak requests suspended The peak number of GETMAIN requests suspended for

Source field: SMSHWMSS

Requests purged while waiting The number of requests which were purged while
suspended for storage.

Source field: SMSPWWS

Times cushion released The number of times a GETMAIN request caused the
storage cushion to be released. The cushion is said to be
released when the number of free pages drops below the
number of pages in the cushion.

Source field: SMSCREL

Times Short-On-Storage The number of times CICS went SOS in this pagepool
(CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, or RDSA), where SOS means
either that the cushion is currently in use and/or there is
at least one task suspended for storage.

Source field: SMSSOS

Total Short-On-Storage time The accumulated time that CICS has been SOS in this

Source field: SMSTSOS

Average Short-On-Storage time The average time that CICS has been SOS in this DSA.

Source field: (SMSTSOS / SMSSOS)

Storage Violations The number of storage violations recorded in the CDSA,
UDSA, SDSA, or the RDSA.

Source field: SMSSV

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 537

Table 154. Fields in the Storage Below 16MB Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Access The type of access of the page pool. It will either be
CICS, USER, or READONLY. If storage protection is not
active, all storage areas will revert to CICS except those
in the RDSA.
v CICS - access is CICS key
v USER - access is USER key
v READONLY - access is read-only protection.

Source field: SMSACCESS

The Storage Above 16MB Report provides information on the use of MVS and
CICS virtual storage. It contains the information you need to understand your
current use of virtual storage above 16MB and helps you to verify the size values
used for the ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, and ERDSA and the value set for the EDSA
limit. Figure 39 on page 539 shows the format of the Storage Above 16MB Report.
| This report is produced using the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS STORAGE
| command. The statistics data is mapped by the DFHSMSDS DSECT. The field
| headings and contents are described in Table 155 on page 539.

538 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 6

Storage ABOVE 16MB

Private Area Region size above 16Mb . . . . . . . . : 1,837,056K
Max LSQA/SWA storage allocated above 16Mb (SYS) . : 10,084K
Max User storage allocated above 16Mb (EXT) . . . : 71,704K
Private Area storage available above 16Mb . . . . . : 1,755,268K
Current EDSA Limit. . . . . . : 65,536K
CICS Trace table size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2,000K Current Allocation for EDSAs. : 17,408K
EXT minus Current EDSA Limit. . . . . . . . . . . . : 6,168K Peak Allocation for EDSAs . . : 17,408K


Current DSA Size. . . . . . . : 5,120K 1,024K 1,024K 10,240K 17,408K
Current DSA Used. . . . . . . : 4,984K 1,024K 12K 9,648K 15,668K
Current DSA Used as % of DSA. : 97% 100% 1% 94% 90% of EDSA Size
* Peak DSA Used . . . . . . . . : 5,044K 1,024K 12K 9,648K
Peak DSA Size . . . . . . . . : 5,120K 1,024K 1,024K 10,240K
Cushion Size. . . . . . . . . : 128K 0K 128K 256K
Free Storage (inc. Cushion) . : 136K 0K 1,012K 592K
* Peak Free Storage . . . . . . : 292K 1,024K 1,024K 920K
* Lowest Free Storage . . . . . : 76K 0K 1,012K 592K
Largest Free Area . . . . . . : 116K 0K 1,012K 452K
Largest Free Area as % of DSA : 2% 0% 98% 4%
Largest Free/Free Storage . . : 0.85 0.00 1.00 0.76

Current number of extents . . : 5 1 1 9 16

Number of extents added . . . : 0 0 1 0 1
Number of extents released. . : 0 0 0 0 0
Getmain Requests. . . . . . . : 1,618 24 3 4
Freemain Requests . . . . . . : 1,503 23 0 0
Current number of Subpools. . : 236 9 4 3 252
Add Subpool Requests. . . . . : 12 10 0 0
Delete Subpool Requests . . . : 9 9 0 0
Times no storage returned . . : 0 0 0 0
Times request suspended . . . : 0 0 0 0
Current requests suspended. . : 0 0 0 0
Peak requests suspended . . . : 0 0 0 0
Requests purged while waiting : 0 0 0 0
Times Cushion released. . . . : 0 0 0 0 0
Times Short-On-Storage. . . . : 0 0 0 0 0
Total time Short-On-Storage . : 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000
Average Short-On-Storage time : 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000 00:00:00.00000
Storage Violations. . . . . . : 0 0 0 0 0
Access. . . . . . . . . . . . : CICS USER USER READONLY
'*' indicates values reset on last DSA Size change

Figure 39. The Storage Report ABOVE 16MB

Table 155. Fields in the Storage Above 16MB Report

Field Heading Description
Storage ABOVE 16MB
Private Area Region size above 16MB The private area size above 16MB expressed in Kbytes.
Max LSQA/SWA storage allocated above 16MB (SYS) The maximum amount of virtual storage allocated from
the local system queue area (LSQA) and the SWA
subpools above 16MB expressed in Kbytes.
Max User storage allocated above 16MB (EXT) The maximum amount of virtual storage allocated from
the user subpools above 16MB expressed in Kbytes.
Private Area Storage available above 16MB The amount of additional storage that could be allocated
by increasing the REGION parameter.
Current EDSA Limit The current EDSA Limit, expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSEDSALIMIT / 1024)

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 539

Table 155. Fields in the Storage Above 16MB Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
CICS Trace table size The current size of the CICS trace table.


Current Allocation for EDSAs The peak amount of storage allocated to the DSAs above
16MB, expressed in Kbytes. This value may be smaller or
larger than the current EDSA limit.

Source field: (SMSEDSATOTAL / 1024)

EXT minus Current EDSA Limit The total amount of user storage allocated/used above
16MB minus the current DSA limit.

Source field: ((EXT - SMSEDSALIMIT) / 1024)

Peak Allocation for EDSAs The peak amount of storage allocated to the DSAs above
16MB, expressed in Kbytes. This value may be smaller or
larger than the current EDSA limit.

Source field: (SMSHWMEDSATOTAL / 1024)

Current DSA Size The current size of the ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, or the
ERDSA, expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSDSASZ / 1024)

Current DSA Used The current amount of storage used in this DSA
expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: ((SMSDSASZ - SMSFSTG) / 1024)

Current DSA Used as % of DSA The current amount of storage used in this DSA
expressed as a percentage of the current DSA size.

Source field: (((SMSDSASZ - SMSFSTG) / SMSDSASZ) *

Peak DSA Used The peak amount of storage used in this DSA expressed
in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSHWMPS / 1024)

Peak DSA Size The peak size of the ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, or the
ERDSA, expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSHWMDSASZ / 1024)

Cushion Size The size of the cushion, expressed in bytes. The cushion
forms part of the ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, or the
ERDSA, and is the amount of storage below which CICS
goes SOS.

Source field: (SMSCSIZE / 1024)

Free Storage (inc. Cushion) The current amount of free storage in this pagepool,
expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSFSTG / 1024)

Peak Free Storage The peak amount of free storage in this pagepool,
expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSHWMFSTG / 1024)

540 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 155. Fields in the Storage Above 16MB Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Lowest Free Storage The lowest amount of free storage in this pagepool,
expressed in Kbytes.

Source field: (SMSLWMFSTG / 1024)

Largest Free Area The length of the largest contiguous free area in the
ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, or ERDSA, expressed in

Source field: SMSLFA

Largest Frea Area as % of DSA The largest contiguous free area in the ECDSA, EUDSA,
ESDSA, or ERDSA, expressed as a percentage of the
current DSA Size.

Source field: ((SMSLFA / SMSDSASZ) * 100)

Largest Frea/Free Storage is an indication of the storage fragmentation in this
pagepool. This value is calculated by dividing the
“Largest Free Area” (SMSLFA) by the “Free storage”
(SMSFSTG). If the ratio is large, this pagepool is

Source field: (SMSLFA / SMSFSTG)

Current number of extents The current number of extents allocated to this DSA.

Source field: SMSEXTS

Number of extents added The number of extents added to this DSA.

Source field: SMSEXTSA

Number of extents released The number of extents released from this DSA.

Source field: SMSEXTSR

Getmain Requests The number of GETMAIN requests from the ECDSA,

Source field: SMSGMREQ

Freemain Requests The number of FREEMAIN requests from the ECDSA,

Source field: SMSFMREQ

Current number of Subpools The current number of subpools (domain and task) in

Source field: SMSCSUBP

Add Subpool Requests The number of ADD_SUBPOOL requests to create a
subpool (domain or task) from the ECDSA, EUDSA,

Source field: SMSASR

Delete Subpool Requests The number of DELETE_SUBPOOL requests (domain or
task) from the ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, or ERDSA.

Source field: SMSDSR

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 541

Table 155. Fields in the Storage Above 16MB Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Times no storage returned The number of times a GETMAIN request with
SUSPEND(NO) returned the condition

Source field: SMSCRISS

Times request suspended The number of times a GETMAIN request with
SUSPEND(YES) was suspended because of insufficient
storage to satisfy the request at the moment.

Source field: SMSUCSS

Current requests suspended The number of GETMAIN requests currently suspended
for storage.

Source field: SMSCSS

Peak requests suspended The peak number of GETMAIN requests suspended for

Source field: SMSHWMSS

Requests purged while waiting The number of requests which were purged while
suspended for storage.

Source field: SMSPWWS

Times cushion released The number of times a GETMAIN request caused the
storage cushion to be released. The cushion is said to be
released when the number of free pages drops below the
number of pages in the cushion.

Source field: SMSCREL

Times Short-On-Storage The number of times CICS went SOS in this pagepool
(ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, or ERDSA), where SOS means
either that the cushion is currently in use and/or there is
at least one task suspended for storage.

Source field: SMSSOS

Total Short-On-Storage time The accumulated time that CICS has been SOS in this

Source field: SMSTSOS

Average Short-On-Storage time The average time that CICS has been SOS in this DSA.

Source field: (SMSTSOS / SMSSOS)

Storage Violations The number of storage violations recorded in the

Source field: SMSSV

Access The type of access of the page pool. It will either be
CICS, USER, or READONLY. If storage protection is not
active, all storage areas will revert to CICS except those
in the ERDSA.
v CICS - access is CICS key
v USER - access is USER key
v READONLY - access is read-only protection

Source field: SMSACCESS

542 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Loader and Program Storage Report
| Figure 40 shows the format of the Loader and Program Storage Report. This report
| is produced using a combination of the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS
| statistics data is mapped by the DFHLDGDS and DFHSMDDS DSECTs. The field
| headings and contents are described in Table 156.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 7

Library Load requests. . . . . . . . . . . . . : 15 Total Program Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 541
Total Library Load time. . . . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.34448 Program Use to Load Ratio. . . . . . . . . . . : 36.06
Average Library Load time. . . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.02296
Times DFHRPL secondary extents detected. . . . : 0
Library Load requests that waited. . . . . . . : 0
Total Library Load request wait time . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Average Library Load request wait time . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Current Waiting Library Load requests. . . . . : 0
Peak Waiting Library Load requests . . . . . . : 0
Times at Peak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0 Average Not-In-Use program size. . . . . . . . : 14K

Programs Removed by compression. . . . . . . . : 0 Programs Removed by compression. . . . . . . . : 0
Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000 Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Average Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000 Average Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Programs Reclaimed from the Not-In-Use Queue . : 0 Programs Reclaimed from the Not-In-Use Queue . : 435
Programs Loaded - now on the Not-In-Use Queue. : 0 Programs Loaded - now on the Not-In-Use Queue. : 15

Programs Removed by compression. . . . . . . . : 0 Programs Removed by compression. . . . . . . . : 0
Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000 Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Average Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000 Average Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Programs Reclaimed from the Not-In-Use Queue . : 0 Programs Reclaimed from the Not-In-Use Queue . : 2
Programs Loaded - now on the Not-In-Use Queue. : 0 Programs Loaded - now on the Not-In-Use Queue. : 3
Programs Removed by compression. . . . . . . . : 0 Programs Removed by compression. . . . . . . . : 0
Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000 Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Average Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000 Average Time on the Not-In-Use Queue . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Programs Reclaimed from the Not-In-Use Queue . : 0 Programs Reclaimed from the Not-In-Use Queue . : 75
Programs Loaded - now on the Not-In-Use Queue. : 1 Programs Loaded - now on the Not-In-Use Queue. : 24

Program Storage
Nucleus Program Storage (CDSA) . . . . . . . . : 36K Nucleus Program Storage (ECDSA). . . . . . . . : 104K
Program Storage (SDSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0K Program Storage (ESDSA). . . . . . . . . . . . : 12K
Resident Program Storage (SDSA). . . . . . . . : 0K Resident Program Storage (ESDSA) . . . . . . . : 0K
Read-Only Nucleus Program Storage (RDSA) . . . : 156K Read-Only Nucleus Program Storage (ERDSA). . . : 5,988K
Read-Only Program Storage (RDSA) . . . . . . . : 52K Read-Only Program Storage (ERDSA). . . . . . . : 3,660K
Read-Only Resident Program Storage (RDSA). . . : 0K Read-Only Resident Program Storage (ERDSA) . . : 0K

CDSA used by Not-In-Use programs. : 0K 0.00% of CDSA ECDSA used by Not-In-Use programs : 55K 1.08% of ECDSA
SDSA used by Not-In-Use programs. : 0K 0.00% of SDSA ESDSA used by Not-In-Use programs : 10K 1.00% of ESDSA
RDSA used by Not-In-Use programs. : 1K 0.22% of RDSA ERDSA used by Not-In-Use programs : 573K 5.60% of ERDSA

Figure 40. The Loader and Program Storage Report

Table 156. Fields in the Loader and Program Storage Report

Field Heading Description
Library Load requests The number of times the loader has issued an MVS
LOAD request to load programs from the DFHRPL
library concatenation into CICS managed storage.
Modules in the LPA are not included in this figure.

Source field: LDGLLR

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 543

Table 156. Fields in the Loader and Program Storage Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Total Program Uses The number of uses of any program by the CICS system.

Source field: LDGPUSES

Total Library Load time The time taken for the number of library loads indicated

Source field: LDGLLT

Program Use to Load Ratio The ratio of program uses to programs loads.

Source field: (LDGPUSES / LDGLLR)

Average Library Load time The average time to load a program.

Source field: (LDGLLT / LDGLLR)

Times DFHRPL secondary extents detected The number of times the loader received an
end-of-extent condition during a LOAD and successfully
closed and reopened the DFHRPL library and retried the

Source field: LDGDREBS

Library Load requests that waited The number of loader domain requests that were forced
to suspend due to the loader domain performing an
operation on that program on behalf of another task.
These operations could be:
v A NEWCOPY request
v Searching the LPA
v A physical load in progress.

This figure is the total number of tasks that have waited,

and does not include those that are currently waiting

Source field: LDGWTDLR

Total Library Load request wait time The suspended time for the number of tasks indicated by

Source field: LDGTTW

Average Library Load request wait time The average loader domain request suspend time.

Source field: (LDGTTW / LDGWTDLR)

Current Waiting Library Load requests The number of loader domain requests that are currently
forced to suspend due to the loader domain currently
performing an operation on that program on behalf of
another task. These operations could be:
v A NEWCOPY request
v Searching the LPA
v A physical load in progress.

Source field: LDGWLR

Peak Waiting Library Load requests The maximum number of tasks suspended at one time.

Source field: LDGWLRHW

544 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 156. Fields in the Loader and Program Storage Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Times at Peak The number of times the high watermark level indicated
by LDGWLRHW was reached.

This, along with the previous two values, is an indication

of the level of contention for loader resource.

Source field: LDGHWMT

Average Not-In-Use program size The average size of a program currently on the
Not-In-Use queue.

Source field: ((LDGCNIU + LDGSNIU + LDGRNIUS +

Programs Removed by compression The number of program instances removed from storage
by the Dynamic Program Storage Compression (DPSC)

Source field: LDGDPSCR

Time on the Not-In-Use Queue The program Not-In-Use (NIU) queue membership time.
For each program that becomes eligible for removal from
storage by the DPSC mechanism, the time between the
program becoming eligible and the actual time of its
being removed from storage is calculated. This field is
the sum of these times for all programs removed by the
DPSC mechanism and as such can be greater than the
elapsed time CICS run time. This field does not include
the wait time for those programs reclaimed from the
Not-In-Use queue.

Source field: LDGDPSCT

Average Time on the Not-In-Use Queue The average length of time that a program is eligible for
removal from storage by the DPSC mechanism.

Source field: (LDGDPSCT / LDGDPSCR)

Programs Reclaimed from the Not-In-Use Queue The number of reclaims that CICS has made from the
Not-In-Use (NIU) queue. Reclaims occur when a request
is issued for programs currently in the Not-In-Use queue.
The reclaimed instance of a program is no longer eligible
for program compression (DPSC).

Source field: LDGRECNIU

Programs Loaded - on the Not-In-Use Queue The number of programs on the Not-In-Use (NIU)

Source field: LDGPROGNIU

Program Storage
Nucleus Program Storage (CDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to nucleus
programs in the CDSA.

| Source field: (SMDCPS for subpools 'LDNUC ' and

| 'LDNRS / 1024)

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 545

Table 156. Fields in the Loader and Program Storage Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Nucleus Program Storage (ECDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to nucleus
programs in the ECDSA.

| Source field: (SMDCPS for subpools 'LDENUC ' and

| 'LDENRS ' / 1024)
Program Storage (SDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to programs in
the SDSA.

Source field: (SMDCPS for subpool 'LDPGM ' / 1024)

Program Storage (ESDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to programs in
the ESDSA.

Source field: (SMDCPS for subpool 'LDEPGM ' / 1024)

Resident Program Storage (SDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to resident
programs in the SDSA.

Source field: (SMDCPS for subpool 'LDRES ' / 1024)

Resident Program Storage (ESDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to resident
programs in the ESDSA.

Source field: (SMDCPS for subpool 'LDERES ' / 1024)

Read-Only Nucleus Program Storage (RDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to nucleus
programs in the RDSA.

| Source field: (SMDCPS for subpools 'LDNUCRO ' and

| 'LDNRSRO ' / 1024)
Read-Only Nucleus Program Storage (ERDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to nucleus
programs in the ERDSA.

| Source field: (SMDCPS for subpools 'LDENUCRO ' and

| 'LDENRSRO ' / 1024)
Read-Only Program Storage (RDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to programs in
the RDSA.

Source field: (SMDCPS for subpool 'LDPGMRO ' / 1024)

Read-Only Program Storage (ERDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to programs in
the ERDSA.

Source field: (SMDCPS for subpool 'LDEPGMRO ' /

Read-Only Resident Program Storage (RDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to resident
programs in the RDSA.

Source field: (SMDCPS for subpool 'LDRESRO ' / 1024)

Read-Only Resident Program Storage (ERDSA) The current amount of storage allocated to resident
programs in the ERDSA.

Source field: (SMDCPS for subpool 'LDERESRO ' /

CDSA used by Not-In-Use programs The current amount of CDSA storage which is occupied
by Not-In-Use (NIU) programs.

Source field: (LDGSTGNIU(1) / 1024)

546 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 156. Fields in the Loader and Program Storage Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
ECDSA used by Not-In-Use programs The current amount of ECDSA storage which is occupied
by Not-In-Use (NIU) programs.

Source field: (LDGSTGNIU(2) / 1024)

SDSA used by Not-In-Use programs The current amount of UDSA storage which is occupied
by Not-In-Use (NIU) programs.

Source field: (LDGSTGNIU(3) / 1024)

ESDSA used by Not-In-Use programs The current amount of EUDSA storage which is occupied
by Not-In-Use (NIU) programs.

Source field: (LDGSTGNIU(4) / 1024)

RDSA used by Not-In-Use programs The current amount of UDSA storage which is occupied
by Not-In-Use (NIU) programs.

Source field: (LDGSTGNIU(5) / 1024)

ERDSA used by Not-In-Use programs The current amount of ERDSA storage which is occupied
by Not-In-Use (NIU) programs.

Source field: (LDGSTGNIU(6) / 1024)

Storage Subpools Report

| Figure 41 on page 548 shows the format of the Storage Subpools Report. This report
| is produced using the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS STORAGE command.
| The statistics data is mapped by the DFHSMDDS DSECT. The field headings and
| contents are described in Table 157 on page 548.

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 547

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 11/23/1998 ... Time 10:02:00 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE... 8

Storage Subpools

Subpool Subpool Current Peak

Name Location Storage Storage








KESTK24 CDSA 188K 188K


KESTK31 ECDSA 2,256K 2,256K



Figure 41. The Storage Subpools Report

Table 157. Fields in the Storage Subpools Report

Field Heading Description
Storage Subpools
Subpool Name The name of the domain subpool.

Source field: SMDSPN

Current Storage The current amount of storage allocated to this domain

Source field: SMDCPS

Peak Storage The peak amount of storage allocated to this domain

Source field: SMDHWMPS

548 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Transaction Classes Report
| Figure 42 shows the format of the Transaction Classes Report. This report is
| produced using a combination of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE TRANCLASS and
| EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS TRANCLASS commands. The statistics data is
| mapped by the DFHXMCDS DSECT. The field headings and contents are described
| in Table 158.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 9

Transaction Classes
Tclass Trans Attach Class At Cur Peak Purge At Cur Peak Accept Accept Purged Purge Total Avg. Avg. Cur
Name in Tcl in Tcl Limit Limit Active Active Thresh Thresh Queued Queued Immed Queued Immed Queued Queued Que Time Que Time
DFHCOMCL 2 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHEDFTC 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHTCIND 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHTCL01 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHTCL02 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHTCL03 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHTCL04 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHTCL05 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHTCL06 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHTCL07 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHTCL08 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHTCL09 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
DFHTCL10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00.00 00:00.00
Totals 2 0

Transaction Classes . : 13

Figure 42. The Transaction Classes Report

Table 158. Fields in the Transaction Classes Report

Field Heading Description
Transaction Classes
Tclass Name The name of the transaction class.


Trans in Tcl The number of transaction definitions that are defined to
this transaction class.

Source field: XMCITD

Attach in Tcl The number of transaction attach requests for
transactions in this transaction class.

Source field: XMCTAT

Class Limit The maximum number of transactions that may be
concurrently active in this transaction class.

Source field: XMCMXT

At Limit The number of times that this transaction class has
reached its transaction class limit.

Source field: XMCTAMA

Cur Active The current number of transactions active in this
transaction class.

Source field: XMCCAT

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 549

Table 158. Fields in the Transaction Classes Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Peak Active The peak number of transactions active in this
transaction class.

Source field: XMCPAT

Purge Thresh The queue limit purge threshold for this transaction

Source field: XMCTH

At Thresh The number of times this transaction class has reached
its queue limit purge threshold.

Source field: XMCTAPT

Cur Queued The current number of transactions that are currently
queueing in this transaction class.

Source field: XMCCQT

Peak Queued The peak number of transactions that queued waiting to
get into this transaction class.

Source field: XMCPQT

Accept Immed The number of transactions that were accepted
immediately into this transaction class.

Source field: XMCAI

Accept Queued The number of transactions that were queued before
being accepted into this transaction class.

Source field: XMCAAQ

Purged Immed The number of transaction that were purged immediately
because the queue had already reached the purge
threshold for this transaction class.

Source field: XMCPI

Purged Queued The number of transaction that have been purged whilst
queueing to get into this transaction class.

Source field: XMCPWQ

Total Queued The total number of transactions that have become active
but first queued to get into this transaction class.

Source field: XMCTQ

Avg. Que Time The average queueing time transactions that have
become active but first queued to get into this
transaction class.

Source field: XMCTQTME / XMCTQ

Avg. Cur Que Time The average queueing time for those transactions that are
currently queued waiting to get into this transaction

Source field: XMCCQTME / XMCCQT

550 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Transactions Report
| Figure 43 shows the format of the Transactions report. This report is produced
| using a combination of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE TRANSACTION and EXEC CICS
| COLLECT STATISTICS TRANSACTION commands. The statistics data is mapped
| by the DFHXMRDS DSECT. The field headings and contents are described in
| Table 159.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 10

Tran Tran Program Task Data Attach Restart Dynamic --- Counts Remote Storage
id Class Name Dynamic Isolate Location/Key Count Count Local - Remote Starts Viols
-ALT DFHD2CM1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
-ARC DFHD2CM1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
-CAN DFHD2CM1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
-DIS DFHD2CM1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
-MOD DFHD2CM1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
-REC DFHD2CM1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
-RES DFHD2CM1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
-SET DFHD2CM1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
-STA DFHD2CM1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
-STO DFHD2CM1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
-TER DFHD2CM1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
AADD DFH$AALL Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
ABRW DFH$ABRW Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
ADMA ADMIVPC Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
ADMC ADMPSTBC Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
ADMI ADMISSEC Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
ADMM ADM1IMDC Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
ADMP ADMOPUC Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
ADMU ADM5IVUC Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
ADMV ADMVSSEC Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
ADM4 ADM4CDUC Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
ADYN DFH99 Static Yes Below/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
AINQ DFH$AALL Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
AMNU DFH$AMNU Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
AORD DFH$AREN Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
AORQ DFH$ACOM Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
APPA APPCP05 Static Yes Any/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
APPC APPCP00 Static Yes Any/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
AREP DFH$AREP Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
AUPD DFH$AALL Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BACK DPLBACK Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BRAS BRASSIGN Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BRA1 BRA009BS Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BRA2 BRA010BS Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BRA5 BRA005BS Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BRLT BRSTLTBS Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BRU1 BRU001BS Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BRU2 BRU002BS Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BRU3 BRU003BS Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BRU4 BRU004BS Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BRU5 BRU005BS Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
BRU6 BRU006BS Static Yes Below/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
CAFB CAUCAFB1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
CAFF CAUCAFF1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
CALL CALLJT1 Static Yes Any/USER 0 0 0 0 0 0
CATA DFHZATA Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
CATD DFHZATD Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
CATR DFHZATR Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
CBAM DFHECBAM Static Yes Below/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
CBLT DFHDUMMY Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0
CCIN DFHCOMCL DFHZCN1 Static Yes Any/CICS 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 43. The Transactions Report

Table 159. Fields in the Transactions Report

Field Heading Description
Tran id The name of the transaction.


Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 551

Table 159. Fields in the Transactions Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Tran Class The name of the transaction class in which the transaction is defined.

Source field: XMRTCL

Program Name The name of the program when the transaction was defined, or spaces if a
program name was not supplied.

Source field: XMMRPN

Dynamic Indicates whether the transaction was defined as dynamic.

Source field: XMRDYN

Isolate Indicates whether the transaction's user-key task-lifetime storage is isolated
from the user-key programs of other transactions.


Task Data Location Where certain CICS control blocks will be located for the transaction.


Task Data Key The storage key in which CICS will obtain all storage for use by the


Attach Count The number of times this transaction definition has been used to attach a

Source field: XMRAC

Restart Count The number of times this transaction was restarted after an abend. This field
is zero if the transaction was not defined as RESTART=YES.

Source field: XMRRC

Dynamic Counts - Local The total number of times the dynamic transaction routing exit has chosen
to run this transaction on the local system. This field is zero if the
transaction was not defined as DYNAMIC=YES.

Source field: XMRDLC

Dynamic Counts - Remote The total number of times the dynamic transaction routing exit has chosen
to run this transaction on a remote system. This field is zero if the
transaction was not defined as DYNAMIC=YES.

Source field: XMRDRC

Remote Starts The total number of times this transaction definition has been used to start a
transaction remotely.

Source field: XMRRSC

| Storage Viols

| Source field: XMRSVC

Transaction Totals Report

| Figure 44 on page 553 shows the format of the Transactions Totals Report. The field
| headings and contents are described in Table 160 on page 553.

552 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 15

Transaction Totals
Task Data Subspace Transaction Attach
Isolate Location/Key Usage Count Count

Yes Below/CICS None 34 4

Yes Any/CICS None 106 3
Yes Below/USER Unique 53 0
Yes Any/USER Unique 45 2

No Below/CICS Common 0 0
No Any/CICS Common 1 0
No Below/USER Common 3 0
No Any/USER Common 0 0
Totals 242 9

Subspace Statistics
Current Unique Subspace Users (Isolate=Yes). . . : 0
Peak Unique Subspace Users (Isolate=Yes) . . . . : 1
Total Unique Subspace Users (Isolate=Yes). . . . : 2
Current Common Subspace Users (Isolate=No) . . . : 0
Peak Common Subspace Users (Isolate=No). . . . . : 0
Total Common Subspace Users (Isolate=No) . . . . : 0

Figure 44. The Transaction Totals Report

Table 160. Fields in the Transaction Totals Report

Field Heading Description
Transaction Totals
Isolate Indicates whether the transaction's user-key task-lifetime
storage is isolated from the user-key programs of other
Task Data Location/Key The number of transactions defined with this
combination of task data location and task data key.
Subspace Usage Indicates the type of subspace usage for these transaction
Transaction Count The number of transaction definitions for this
combination of isolate, task data location, task data key,
and subspace usage.
Attach Count The number of times these transaction definitions have
been used to attach a transaction.
Subspace Statistics
Current Unique Subspace Users (Isolate=Yes) The current number of tasks allocated a unique subspace.

Source field: SMSUSSCUR

Peak Unique Subspace Users (Isolate=Yes) The peak number of tasks allocated a unique subspace.

Source field: SMSUSSHWM

Total Unique Subspace Users (Isolate=Yes) The total number of tasks that have been allocated a
unique subspace.

Source field: SMSUSSCUM

Current Common Subspace Users (Isolate=No) The current number of tasks allocated to the common

Source field: SMSCSSCUR

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 553

Table 160. Fields in the Transaction Totals Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Peak Common Subspace Users (Isolate=No) The peak number of tasks allocated to the common

Source field: SMSCSSHWM

Total Common Subspace Users (Isolate=No) The total number of tasks that have been allocated to the
common subspace.

Source field: SMSCSSCUM

Programs Report
| Figure 45 on page 555 shows the format of the Programs Report. This report is
| produced using a combination of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE PROGRAM and EXEC
| CICS COLLECT STATISTICS PROGRAM commands. The statistics data was
| mapped by the DFHLDRDS DSECT. The field headings and contents are described
| in Table 161 on page 555.

554 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 31

Program Data Exec Times Total Average RPL Times Times Program Program
Name Loc Key Times Used Fetched Fetch Time Fetch Time Offset Newcopy Removed Size Location
DFHPGAHX Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHPGALX Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHPGAMP 0 0 0 None
DFHPGAOX Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHPGAPG Below USER 0 0 0 None
DFHPGAPT 0 0 0 None
DFHPRK Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHPSIP Any CICS 0 0 2 0 0 864 ECDSA
DFHPUP Any CICS 14 0 2 0 0 20,904 ERDSA
DFHP3270 Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHQRY Any CICS 0 0 2 0 0 3,936 ERDSA
DFHRCEX Any CICS 0 0 0 944 None
DFHREST Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHRKB Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHRMSY Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHRMXN3 Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHRPAL Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHRPAS Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHRPC00 Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHRPMS Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHRPRP Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHRPTRU Any USER 0 0 0 None
DFHRP0 0 0 0 None
DFHRTC Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHRTE Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHSFP Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHSHRRP Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHSHRSP Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHSHSY Any CICS 0 0 2 0 0 632 ERDSA
DFHSIPLT Any CICS 0 0 0 11,152 None
DFHSNLE 0 0 2 0 0 1,384 ECDSA
DFHSNP Any CICS 0 0 2 0 0 13,264 ERDSA
DFHSNSE 0 0 0 None
DFHSTP Below CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHSZRMP Any CICS 0 0 2 0 0 213,232 ERDSA
DFHTACP Below CICS 0 0 2 0 0 5,672 CDSA
DFHTAJP Below CICS 0 0 2 0 0 1,736 ECDSA
DFHTBS Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHTCRP Below CICS 0 0 2 0 0 25,776 ERDSA
DFHTDRP Below CICS 0 0 2 0 0 6,432 ERDSA
DFHTEP Any CICS 0 0 2 0 0 2,592 ECDSA
DFHTEPT Any CICS 0 0 2 0 0 3,480 ECDSA
DFHTFP Any CICS 0 0 2 0 0 7,744 ECDSA
DFHTOR Any CICS 0 0 2 0 0 57,920 ERDSA
DFHTORP Below CICS 0 0 2 0 0 560 ERDSA
DFHTPQ Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHTPR Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHTPS Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHTRAP Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHTSDQ Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHUCNV Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHWBA Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHWBADX Any CICS 0 0 0 None
DFHWBAHX Any CICS 0 0 0 None

Figure 45. The Programs Report

Table 161. Fields in the Programs Report

Field Heading Description
Program Name The name of the program.


Data Loc The storage location that the program is able to accept.


Exec Key The access key in which the program will execute.


Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 555

Table 161. Fields in the Programs Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Times Used The number of times CICS tasks within the system have issued load requests to
the loader domain to obtain access to a usable instance of this program. These
load requests may cause the loader domain to issue an MVS LOAD.

Source field: LDRTU

Times Fetched The number of times the loader domain has issued an MVS LOAD request to
load a copy of the program from the DFHRPL library concatenation into CICS
managed storage.

Source field: LDRFC

Total Fetch Time The time taken to perform all fetches for this program.

Source field: LDRFT

Average Fetch Time The average time taken to perform a fetch of the program.

Source field: (LDRFT / LDRFC)

RPL Offset The offset into the DFHRPL DD concatenation of the library from which the
program was last loaded or will be loaded when next required (non-LPA resident
modules only).
Note: The offset values begin with zero for the first partitioned data set in the
concatenation and thus this field may not be used to deduce whether a copy of
the program is available to the loader domain.

Source field: LDRRPLO

Times Newcopy The number of times a NEWCOPY has been requested against this program.

Source field: LDRTN

Times Removed The number of times an instance of this program has been removed from CICS
managed storage due to the actions of the Dynamic Program Storage
Compression (DPSC) mechanism.

Source field: LDRRPC

Program Size The size of the program in bytes, if known (otherwise zero).

Source field: LDRPSIZE

Program Location The location of the current storage resident instance of the program, if any. It has
one of the following values:
v None - No current copy
v CDSA - Current copy is in the CDSA
v SDSA - Current copy is in the SDSA
v RDSA - Current copy is in the RDSA
v ECDSA - Current copy is in the ECDSA
v ESDSA - Current copy is in the ESDSA
v ERDSA - Current copy is in the ERDSA
v LPA - Current copy is in the LPA
v ELPA - Current copy is in the ELPA

Source field: LDRLOCN

Program Totals Report

Figure 46 on page 557 shows the format of the Program Totals Report. The field
headings and contents are described in Table 162 on page 557.

556 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Applid IYK2Z2G1 Sysid JOHN Jobname CI13JTD5 Date 12/10/1998 Time 09:58:34 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 26

Program Totals
Programs. . . . . . . : 1,208
Assembler . . . . . : 1,046
C . . . . . . . . . : 6
COBOL . . . . . . . : 49
Java (JVM). . . . . : 4
LE/370. . . . . . . : 10
PL1 . . . . . . . . : 86
Remote. . . . . . . : 0
Not Deduced . . . . : 7
Maps. . . . . . . . . : 69
Partitionsets . . . . : 1
Total . . . . . . . . : 1,278

CDSA Programs . . . . : 0
SDSA Programs . . . . : 0
RDSA Programs . . . . : 3
ECDSA Programs. . . . : 11
ESDSA Programs. . . . : 0
ERDSA Programs. . . . : 34
LPA Programs. . . . . : 0
ELPA Programs . . . . : 0

Unused Programs . . . : 2
Not Located Programs. : 1,228
Total . . . . . . . . : 1,278

Figure 46. The Program Totals Report

| Table 162. Fields in the Program Totals Report

| Field Heading Description
| Program Totals
| Programs - Assembler The current total number of programs defined to CICS as Assembler programs.


| RUNTIME(cvda).
| Programs - C The current total number of programs defined to CICS as C programs.


| RUNTIME(cvda).
| Programs - COBOL The current total number of programs defined to CICS as COBOL programs.


| RUNTIME(cvda).
| Programs - Java The current total number of programs defined to CICS as Java programs.


| RUNTIME(cvda).
| Programs - LE/370 The current total number of programs defined to CICS as LE/370 programs.


| RUNTIME(cvda).
| Programs - PL1 The current total number of programs defined to CICS as PL/1 programs.


| RUNTIME(cvda).

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 557

| Table 162. Fields in the Program Totals Report (continued)
| Field Heading Description
| Programs - Remote The current total number of programs defined to CICS as remote programs.


| RUNTIME(cvda).
| Programs - Not Deduced The current total number of programs defined to CICS but whose language was
| not specified in the resource definition.


| RUNTIME(cvda).
| Maps The current number of maps defined to CICS.
| Partitionsets The current number of partitionsets defined to CICS.
| Total The total number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS.
| CDSA Programs The number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS currently
| residing in the CDSA.
| SDSA Programs The number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS currently
| residing in the SDSA.
| RDSA Programs The number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS currently
| residing in the RDSA.
| ECDSA Programs The number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS currently
| residing in the ECDSA.
| ESDSA Programs The number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS currently
| residing in the ESDSA.
| ERDSA Programs The number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS currently
| residing in the ERDSA.
| LPA Programs The current number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS
| residing in the LPA.
| ELPA Programs The current number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS
| residing in the ELPA.
| Unused Programs The current number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS and
| which have been located in a concatenation of the DFHRPL DD program library
| but which have not been used by any CICS task.
| Not Located Programs The current number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS but
| which have not been located in any concatenation of the DFHRPL DD program
| library.
| Total The total number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS.

DFHRPL Analysis Report
Figure 47 on page 559 shows the format of the DFHRPL Analysis Report. The field
headings and contents are described in Table 163 on page 559.

558 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 45

DFHRPL Analysis
RPL Average
Offset Programs Times Used Fetches Fetch Time Newcopies Removes

0 1 2 1 00:00:00.02214 0 0
1 2 6 1 00:00:00.00422 0 0
2 52 558 4 00:00:00.03283 0 0
3 3 4 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0
6 9 13 9 00:00:00.02073 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 0 0 0 0
9 9 0 0 0 0
Totals 77 583 15 0 0

Figure 47. The DFHRPL Analysis Report

Table 163. Fields in the DFHRPL Analysis Report

Field Heading Description
DFHRPL Analysis
RPL Offset The offset into the DFHRPL DD program library concatenation.
Programs The current number of programs, maps, and partitionsets defined to CICS and
located in this concatenation of the DFHRPL DD program library.
Times Used The number of times CICS tasks within the system have issued load requests to
the loader domain to obtain access to a usable instance of this program that have
fetched from this concatenation of the DFHRPL DD program library.

Source field: LDRTU

Fetches The number of times programs were fetched from this concatenation of the
DFHRPL DD program library.

Source field: LDRFC

Average Fetch Time The average fetch time for programs fetched from this concatenation of the
DFHRPL DD program library.

Source field: (LDRFT / LDRFC)

Newcopies The number of times programs were newcopied which have been fetched from
this concatenation of the DFHRPL DD program library.

Source field: LDRTN

Removes The number of times programs were removed from CICS managed storage due
to the actions of the Dynamic Program Storage Compression (DPSC) mechanism
which had been fetched from this concatenation of the DFHRPL DD program

Source field: LDRRPC

Programs by DSA and LPA Report

Figure 48 on page 560 shows the format of the Programs by DSA and LPA Report.
The field headings and contents are described in Table 164 on page 560.

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 559

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 50

Program Concurrency Times Total Average RPL Times Times Program Program
Name Status Times Used Fetched Fetch Time Fetch Time Offset Newcopy Removed Size Location
CEEEV003 Quasi Rent 0 0 9 0 0 1,934,336 ERDSA
CEEEV005 Quasi Rent 0 0 9 0 0 13,720 ERDSA
CEEEV010 Quasi Rent 0 0 9 0 0 225,488 ERDSA
CEELCLE Quasi Rent 0 0 9 0 0 25,400 ERDSA
CEEPLPKA Quasi Rent 0 0 9 0 0 851,792 ERDSA
CEEQMATH Quasi Rent 0 0 9 0 0 544,160 ERDSA
DFHAMP Quasi Rent 16 1 00:00:00.07161 00:00:00.07161 2 0 0 161,464 ERDSA
DFHAPATT Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 760 ERDSA
DFHCRNP Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 11,528 ERDSA
DFHCRQ Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 872 ERDSA
DFHCRR Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 4,824 ERDSA
DFHCRSP Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 3,528 ERDSA
DFHDMP Quasi Rent 42 0 2 0 0 42,552 ERDSA
DFHD2RP Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 4,544 ERDSA
DFHEDAD Quasi Rent 2 1 00:00:00.03720 00:00:00.03720 2 0 0 140,744 ERDSA
DFHEDAP Quasi Rent 2 1 00:00:00.00422 00:00:00.00422 1 0 0 3,208 ERDSA
DFHEITMT Quasi Rent 4 0 2 0 0 45,416 ERDSA
DFHEITSP Quasi Rent 4 1 00:00:00.00627 00:00:00.00627 2 0 0 25,456 ERDSA
DFHEMTD Quasi Rent 4 0 2 0 0 99,896 ERDSA
DFHEMTP Quasi Rent 4 0 1 0 0 3,304 ERDSA
DFHPUP Quasi Rent 14 0 2 0 0 20,904 ERDSA
DFHQRY Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 3,936 ERDSA
DFHSHSY Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 632 ERDSA
DFHSNP Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 13,264 ERDSA
DFHSZRMP Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 213,232 ERDSA
DFHTCRP Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 25,776 ERDSA
DFHTDRP Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 6,432 ERDSA
DFHTOR Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 57,920 ERDSA
DFHTORP Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 560 ERDSA
DFHWBGB Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 752 ERDSA
DFHWBIP Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 2,896 ERDSA
DFHWBST Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 11,144 ERDSA
DFHWBTC Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 72,336 ERDSA
DFHZATA Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 30,360 ERDSA
DFHZATDY Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 592 ERDSA
DFHZATR Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 2,656 ERDSA
DFHZATS Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 13,072 ERDSA
DFHZCGRP Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 1,064 ERDSA
DFHZCQ Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 250,160 ERDSA
DFHZCSTP Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 656 ERDSA
DFHZNAC Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 42,240 ERDSA
DFHZXRE Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 3,608 ERDSA
DFHZXST Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 9,304 ERDSA
DFH0STAT Quasi Rent 1 0 3 0 0 277,208 ERDSA
DFH0VZXS Quasi Rent 0 0 2 0 0 8,352 ERDSA
IGZCPAC Quasi Rent 0 0 9 0 0 112,792 ERDSA
IGZCPCC Quasi Rent 0 0 8 0 0 11,784 ERDSA
Totals 93 4 0 0

Figure 48. The Programs by DSA and RPL Report

Table 164. Fields in the Programs by DSA and RPL Report

Field Heading Description
Program Name The name of the program.


| Concurrency Status The


Times Used The number of times CICS tasks within the system have issued load requests to
the loader domain to obtain access to a usable instance of this program. These
load requests may cause the loader domain to issue an MVS LOAD.

Source field: LDRTU

Times Fetched The number of times the loader domain has issued an MVS LOAD request to
load a copy of the program from the DFHRPL library concatenation into CICS
managed storage.

Source field: LDRFC

560 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 164. Fields in the Programs by DSA and RPL Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Total Fetch Time The time taken to perform all fetches for this program.

Source field: LDRFT

Average Fetch Time The average time taken to perform a fetch of the program.

Source field: (LDRFT / LDRFC)

RPL Offset The offset into the DFHRPL DD concatenation of the library from which the
program was last loaded or is loaded when next required non-LPA resident
modules only.
Note: The offset values begin with zero for the first partitioned data set in the
concatenation and thus this field may not be used to deduce whether a copy of
the program is available to the loader domain.

Source field: LDRRPLO

Times Newcopy The number of times a NEWCOPY has been requested against this program.

Source field: LDRTN

Times Removed The number of times an instance of this program has been removed from CICS
managed storage due to the actions of the Dynamic Program Storage
Compression (DPSC) mechanism.

Source field: LDRRPC

Program Size The size of the program in bytes, if known (otherwise zero).

Source field: LDRPSIZE

Program Location The location of the current storage resident instance of the program, if any. It has
one of the following values:
v None - No current copy
v CDSA - Current copy is in the CDSA
v SDSA - Current copy is in the SDSA
v RDSA - Current copy is in the RDSA
v ECDSA - Current copy is in the ECDSA
v ESDSA - Current copy is in the ESDSA
v ERDSA - Current copy is in the ERDSA
v LPA - Current copy is in the LPA
v ELPA - Current copy is in the ELPA

Source field: LDRLOCN

Temporary Storage Report

Figure 49 on page 562 shows the format of the Temporary Storage Report. This
report report is produced using the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS TSQUEUE
command. The statistics data is mapped by the DFHTSGDS DSECT. The field
headings and contents are described in Table 165 on page 562.

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 561

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 51

Temporary Storage
Put/Putq main storage requests . . . . . : 0
Get/Getq main storage requests . . . . . : 0
Peak storage used for TS Main. . . . . . : 0K
Current storage used for TS Main . . . . : 0K

Put/Putq auxiliary storage requests. . . : 5

Get/Getq auxiliary storage requests. . . : 1
Times temporary storage queue created. . : 5
Peak temporary storage queues in use . . : 5
Current temporary storage queues in use. : 5
Items in longest queue . . . . . . . . . : 1
Control interval size. . . . . . . . . . : 4,096
Control intervals in the DFHTEMP dataset : 359
Peak control intervals used. . . . . . . : 2
Current control intervals in use . . . . : 2
Available bytes per control interval . . : 4,032
Segments per control interval. . . . . . : 63
Bytes per segment. . . . . . . . . . . . : 64
Writes bigger than control interval size : 0
Largest record length written. . . . . . : 294
Times auxiliary storage exhausted. . . . : 0
Number Temporary storage compressions. . : 0

Temporary storage strings. . . . . . . . : 1

Peak Temporary storage strings in use. . : 1
Temporary storage string waits . . . . . : 0
Peak users waiting on string . . . . . . : 0
Current users waiting on string. . . . . : 0

Temporary storage buffers. . . . . . . . : 3

Temporary storage buffer waits . . . . . : 0
Peak users waiting on buffer . . . . . . : 0
Current users waiting on buffer. . . . . : 0
Temporary storage buffer reads . . . . . : 0
Temporary storage buffer writes. . . . . : 2
Forced buffer writes for recovery. . . . : 2
Format writes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0
I/O errors on the DFHTEMP dataset. . . . : 0
Shared Pools defined . . . . . . . . . . : 3
Shared Pools currently connected . . . . : 2
Shared temporary storage read requests . : 7
Shared temporary storage write requests. : 15

Figure 49. The Temporary Storage Report

Table 165. Fields in the Temporary Storage Report

Field Heading Description
Temporary Storage
Put/Putq main storage requests The number of records that application programs wrote to main
temporary storage.

Source field: TSGSTA5F

Get/Getq main storage requests The number of records that application programs obtained from
main temporary storage.

Source field: TSGNMG

Peak storage used for TS Main The peak value, expressed in Kbytes, of the amount of virtual
storage used for temporary storage records.

Source field: (TSGSTA6F / 1024)

Current storage used for TS Main The current value, expressed in Kbytes, of the amount of virtual
storage used for temporary storage records.

Source field: (TSGSTA6A / 1024)

562 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 165. Fields in the Temporary Storage Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Put/Putq auxiliary storage requests The number of records that application programs wrote to
auxiliary temporary storage.

Source field: TSGSTA7F

Get/Getq auxiliary storage requests The number of records that application programs obtained from
auxiliary temporary storage.

Source field: TSGNAG

Times temporary storage queue created The number of times that CICS created individual temporary
storage queues.

Source field: TSGSTA3F

Peak temporary storage queues in use The peak number of temporary storage queue names in use at
any one time.

Source field: TSGQNUMH

Current temporary storage queues in use The current number of temporary storage queue names in use.

Source field: TSGQNUM

Items in longest queue The peak number of items in any one temporary storage queue.

Source field: TSGQINH

Control interval size The size of VSAM’s unit of transmission between DASD and
main storage, specified in the CONTROLINTERVALSIZE
parameter in the VSAM CLUSTER definition for the temporary
storage data set. In general, using large CIs permits more data to
be transferred at one time, resulting in less system overhead.

Source field: TSGCSZ

Control intervals in the DFHTEMP dataset The number of control intervals (CIs) available for auxiliary
storage. This is the total available space on the temporary storage
data set expressed as a number of control intervals. This is not
the space remaining at termination.

Source field: TSGNCI

Peak control intervals in use The peak number of control intervals (CIs) containing active

Source field: TSGNCIAH

Current control intervals in use The current number of control intervals (CIs) containing active

Source field: TSGNCIA

Available bytes per control interval The number of bytes available for use in a DFHTEMP data set
control interval (CI).

Source field: TSGNAVB

Segments per control interval The number of segments available in a DFHTEMP data set
control interval (CI).

Source field: TSGSPCI

Bytes per segment The number of bytes per segment of the DFHTEMP data set.

Source field: TSGBPSEG

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 563

Table 165. Fields in the Temporary Storage Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Writes bigger than control interval size The number of writes of records whose length was greater than
the control interval (CI) size.

Source field: TSGSTABF

Largest record length written The size, expressed in bytes, of the longest record written to the
temporary storage data set.

Source field: TSGLAR

Times auxiliary storage exhausted The number of situations where one or more transactions may
have been suspended because of a NOSPACE condition, or
(using a HANDLE CONDITION NOSPACE command) may have
been forced to abend.

Source field: TSGSTA8F

Number Temporary Storage compressions The number of times that the temporary storage buffers were

Source field: TSGSTA9F

Temporary storage strings The number of temporary storage strings specified in the TS=
system initialization parameter or in the overrides. The number
of strings allocated may exceed the number requested.

Source field: TSGNVCA

Peak Temporary storage strings in use The peak number of concurrent I/O operations. If this is
significantly less than the number specified in the SIT, consider
reducing the SIT value to approach this number.

Source field: TSGNVCAH

Temporary storage string waits The number of I/O requests that were queued because no strings
were available. This is zero if the number of strings is the same
as the number of buffers. If this is a high percentage (over 30%)
of the number of I/O requests, consider increasing the number of
strings initially allocated.

Source field: TSGVWTN

Peak users waiting on string The peak number of I/O requests that were queued at any one
time because all strings were in use.

Source field: TSGVUWTH

Current users waiting on string The current number of I/O requests that are queued because all
strings are in use.

Source field: TSGVUWT

Temporary storage buffers The number of temporary storage buffers specified in the TS=
system initialization parameter or in the overrides. The number
of buffers allocated may exceed the number requested.

Source field: TSGNBCA

Temporary storage buffer waits The number of times a request was queued because all buffers
were allocated to other tasks. A buffer wait occurs if the required
control interval is already in a locked buffer, and therefore
unavailable, even if there are other buffers available.

Source field: TSGBWTN

564 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 165. Fields in the Temporary Storage Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Peak users waiting on buffer The peak number of requests queued because no buffers were

Source field: TSGBUWTH

Current users waiting on buffer The current number of requests queued because no buffers are

Source field: TSGBUWT

Temporary storage buffer reads The number of times a CI has to be read from disk. Increasing
the buffer allocation decreases this activity.

Source field: TSGTRDN

Temporary storage buffer writes The number of WRITEs to the temporary storage data set. This
includes both WRITEs necessitated by recovery requirements (see
next item) and WRITEs forced by the buffer being needed to
accommodate another CI.

Source field: TSGTWTN

Forced buffer writes for recovery The subset of the total number of WRITEs caused by recovery
being specified for queues. This I/O activity is not affected by
buffer allocation.

Source field: TSGTWTNR

Format writes The number of times a new control interval (CI) was successfully
written at the end of the data set to increase the amount of
available space in the temporary storage data set. A formatted
write is attempted only if the current number of control intervals
(CIs) available in the auxiliary data set have all been used.

Source field: TSGTWTNF

I/O errors on the DFHTEMP dataset The number of input/output errors which occurred on the
temporary storage data set. This should normally be zero. If it is
not, inspect the CICS and VSAM messages to determine the

Source field: TSGSTAAF

Shared Pools defined The number of unique Shared TS Queue Pools defined either in
| the TST with DFHTST TYPE=SHARED, or by using TSMODEL.

Source field: TSGSHPDF

Shared Pools currently connected The number of the TS pools that are actually connected to by this
CICS region.

Source field: TSGSHPCN

Shared temporary storage read requests The number of TS READQs from the Shared TS Queue pool of

Source field: TSGSHRDS

Shared temporary storage write requests The number of TS WRITEQs to the Shared TS Queue pool of

Source field: TSGSHWTS

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 565

Temporary Storage Queues Report
| Figure 50 shows the format of the Temporary Storage Queues Report. This report is
| produced using the EXEC CICS INQUIRE TSQUEUE command. The field headings
| and contents are described in Table 166.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 52

Temporary Storage Queues

Tsqueue Number of Min Item Max Item Tsqueue Lastused

TSQueue Name Location Items Length Length Flength Tranid Interval Recoverable
DF000009 Auxiliary 1 320 320 320 ECPM 00:00:38 No
HISD Auxiliary 1 384 384 384 ECPM 00:00:19 Yes
HISM Auxiliary 1 320 320 320 ECPM 00:00:19 Yes
HISR Auxiliary 1 64 64 64 ECPM 00:00:38 Yes
OSC Auxiliary 1 128 128 128 ECPM 00:00:19 Yes

Figure 50. The Temporary Storage Queues Report

Table 166. Fields in the Temporary Storage Queues Report

Field Heading Description
Temporary Storage Queues
Tsqueue Name The name of the temporary storage queue.


Tsqueue Location Indicates where the temporary storage queue resides.


Number of Items The number of items in the temporary storage queue.


Min Item Length The length of the smallest item in the temporary storage queue.


Max Item Length The length of the largest item in the temporary storage queue.


Tsqueue Flength The total length of all the items in the temporary storage queue.


Tranid The name of the transaction which created the temporary storage queue.


Lastused Interval The interval since the temporary storage queue was last referenced.


Recoverable Indicates whether the temporary storage queue is recoverable.


566 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Tsqueue Totals Report
Figure 51 shows the format of the Tsqueue totals report. The field headings and
contents are described in Table 167.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0

Tsqueue Totals

Current temporary storage queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 5

Current auxiliary temporary storage queues . . . . . . . . . . : 5

Current items in auxiliary temporary storage queues. . . . . . : 5
Average items per auxiliary temporary storage queue. . . . . . : 1

Current main temporary storage queues. . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0

Current items in main temporary storage queues . . . . . . . . : 0
Average items per main temporary storage queue . . . . . . . . : 0

Figure 51. The TSQueue Totals Report

Table 167. Fields in the Tsqueue Totals Report

Field Heading Description
Tsqueue Totals
Current temporary storage queues The total number of temporary storage queues in use.
Current auxiliary temporary storage queues The total number of temporary storage queues in
auxiliary storage.
Current items in auxiliary temporary storage queues The total number of items in temporary storage queues
in auxiliary storage.
Average items per auxiliary temporary storage queue The average number of items in each temporary storage
queue in auxiliary storage.
Current main temporary storage queues The total number of temporary storage queues in main
Current items in main temporary storage queues The total number of items in temporary storage queues
in main storage.
Average items per main temporary storage queue The average number of items in each temporary storage
queue in main storage.

Temporary Storage Queues by Shared TS Pool

Figure 52 on page 568 shows the format of the Temporary storage queues by
shared ts pool report. This report is produced using a combination of the EXEC
field headings and contents are described in Table 168 on page 568.

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 567

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 P

Temporary Storage Queues by Shared TS Pool

Shared TS Pool Name . . . . . . . : TSPOOL2 Connection Status. . . . : CONNECTED

Number of Min Item Max Item Tsqueue

TSQueue Name Items Length Length Flength

SHAR1 3 11 16 43
SHAR3 7 16 16 112

Shared TS Pool Name . . . . . . . : TSPOOL3 Connection Status. . . . : UNCONNECTED

Shared TS Pool Name . . . . . . . : TSPOOL4 Connection Status. . . . : CONNECTED

Number of Min Item Max Item Tsqueue

TSQueue Name Items Length Length Flength

AAAA 6 8 13 53
SHARB 3 16 16 48
SHARE 2 16 16 32

Figure 52. The Temporary Storage Queues by Shared TS Pool Report

Table 168. Fields in the Tsqueue by Shared TS Pool Report

Field Heading Description
Temporary Storage Queues by Shared TS Pool
Shared TS Pool Name The name of the shared temporary storage pool.


Connection Status Indicates the connection status of the pool.


TSQueue Name The name of the temporary storage queue in this pool.


Number of Items The number of items in the temporary storage queue.


Min Item Length The length of the smallest item in the temporary storage queue.


Max Item Length The length of the largest item in the temporary storage queue.


Tsqueue Flength The total length of all the items in the temporary storage queue.


568 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Transient Data Report
| Figure 53 shows the format of the Transient Data Report. This report is produced
| using the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS TDQUEUE command. The statistics
| data is mapped by the DFHTQGDS DSECT. The field headings and contents are
| described in Table 169.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 55

Transient Data
Transient data reads . . . . . . . . . . : 0
Transient data writes. . . . . . . . . . : 0
Transient data formatting writes . . . . : 0
Control interval size. . . . . . . . . . : 1,536
Control intervals in the DFHINTRA dataset: 3,900
Peak control intervals used. . . . . . . : 1
Times NOSPACE on DFHINTRA occurred . . . : 0
Transient data strings . . . . . . . . . : 3
Times Transient data string in use . . . : 0
Peak Transient data strings in use . . . : 0
Times string wait occurred . . . . . . . : 0
Peak users waiting on string . . . . . . : 0
Transient data buffers . . . . . . . . . : 5
Times Transient data buffer in use . . . : 0
Peak Transient data buffers in use . . . : 0
Peak buffers containing valid data . . . : 0
Times buffer wait occurred . . . . . . . : 0
Peak users waiting on buffer . . . . . . : 0
I/O errors on the DFHINTRA dataset . . . : 0

Figure 53. The Transient Data Report

Table 169. Fields in the Transient Data Report

Field Heading Description
Transient Data
Transient data reads The number of times a CI has to be read from disk. Increasing the buffer
allocation decreases this activity.

Source field: TQGACTGT

Transient data writes The number of WRITEs to the intrapartition transient data set. This includes
both WRITEs needed for recovery (see below) and WRITEs forced by the
buffer being needed to accommodate another CI. I/O activity caused by the
latter reason can be minimized by increasing the buffer allocation.

Source field: TQGACTPT

Transient data formatting writes The number of times a new CI was written at the end of the data set in
order to increase the amount of available space.

Source field: TQGACTFT

Control interval size The size of the control interval, expressed in bytes.

Source field: TQGACISZ

Control intervals in the DFHINTRA The current number of control intervals active within the intrapartition data
dataset set, DFHINTRA.

Source field: TQGANCIS

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 569

Table 169. Fields in the Transient Data Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Peak control intervals used The peak value of the number of control intervals concurrently active in the

Source field: TQGAMXCI

Times NOSPACE on DFHINTRA The number of times that a NOSPACE condition has occurred.
Source field: TQGANOSP
Transient data strings The number of strings currently active.

Source field: TQGSTSTA

Times Transient data string in use The number of times a string was accessed.

Source field: TQGSTNAL

Peak Transient data strings in use The peak number of strings concurrently accessed in the system.

Source field: TQGSMXAL

Times string wait occurred The number of times that tasks had to wait because no strings being

Source field: TQGSTNWT

Peak users waiting on string The peak number of concurrent string waits in the system.

Source field: TQGSMXWT

Transient data buffers The number of transient data buffers specified in the system initialization
table (SIT) or in the SIT overrides. The number of buffers allocated may
exceed the number requested.

Source field: TQGANBFA

Times Transient data buffer in use The number of times intrapartition buffers have been accessed.

Source field: TQGATNAL

Peak Transient data buffers in use The peak value of the number of concurrent intrapartition buffer accesses.

Source field: TQGAMXAL

Peak buffers containing valid data The peak number of intrapartition buffers that contain valid data.

Source field: TQGAMXIU

Times buffer wait occurred The number of times a request was queued because all buffers were
allocated to other tasks. A buffer wait occurs if the required control interval
is already in a locked buffer, and therefore unavailable, even if there are
other buffers available.

Source field: TQGATNWT

Peak users waiting on buffer The peak number of requests queued because no buffers were available.

Source field: TQGAMXWT

I/O errors on the DFHINTRA dataset The number of input/output errors that have occurred on the DFHINTRA
dataset during this run of CICS.

Source field: TQGACTIO

570 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Transient Data Queues Report
| Figure 54 shows the format of the Transient Data Queues Report. This report is
| produced using a combination of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE TDQUEUE and EXEC
| CIC COLLECT STATISTICS TDQUEUE commands. The statistics data is mapped
| by the DFHTQRDS DSECT. The field headings and contents are described in
| Table 170.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 56

Transient Data Queues

Dest Queue Tdqueue Tdqueue Tdqueue Indirect Remote Remote Current No. of Trigger <--------- ATI ---------->
Id Type Writes Reads Deletes Name System Name Items Triggers Level Fcty Term Tran Userid
CADL Indirect 2 0 0 CSSL
CAFF Extra 0 0
CAIL Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CCPI Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CCSE Indirect 0 0 0 CCSO
CCSO Extra 0 0
CCZM Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CDBC Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CDB2 Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CDUL Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CESE Extra 0 0
CESO Extra 0 0
CKMQ Extra 0 0
CKQQ Intra 0 0 0 0 0 1 CBAKER
CMIG Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CPLD Indirect 0 0 0 CPLI
CPLI Extra 0 0
CRDI Indirect 2 0 0 CSSL
CRPO Extra 0 0
CSCC Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSCS Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSDH Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSDL Indirect 6 0 0 CSSL
CSFL Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSKL Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSML Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSMT Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSNE Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSOO Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSPL Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSQL Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSRL Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSSH Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSSL Extra 10 0
CSTL Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSZL Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CSZX Intra 0 0 0 0 0 1 CZUX CBAKER
CWBO Indirect 0 0 0 CSSL
CXRF Extra 0 0
LOGA Extra 0 0
L86O Intra 0 0 0 0 0 30 TERM L86O AORQ
L86P Intra 0 0 0 0 0 1 TERM L86P TDWT
REX1 Extra 0 0
REX2 Extra 0 0
REX3 Extra 0 0
REX4 Extra 0 0
REX5 Extra 0 0
REX6 Extra 0 0
TCPM Extra 0 0
20 0 0

Figure 54. Transient Data Queues Report

Table 170. The Fields in the Transient Data Queue Report

Field Heading Description
Transient Data Queues
Dest Id The destination identifier (queue).


Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 571

Table 170. The Fields in the Transient Data Queue Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Queue Type The queue type, extrapartition, intrapartition, indirect or remote.


Tdqueue Writes The number of write requests.

Source field: TQRWRITE

Tdqueue Reads The number of read requests.

Source field: TQRREAD

Tdqueue Deletes The number of delete requests.

Source field: TQRDELET

Indirect Name The name of the indirect queue.

Source field: TQRIQID

Remote System The remote connection name (sysid) of the system for this queue.

Source field: TQRRSYS

Remote Name The remote queue name for this queue.

Source field: TQRRQID

Current Items The current number of items in this intrapartition queue.

Source field: TQRCNITM

No.of triggers The number of times a trigger transaction has been attached.

Source field: TQRTRIGN

Trigger Level The number of items that must be in this queue before automatic transaction
initiation (ATI) occurs.

Source field: TQRTRIGL

ATI Fcty Indicates whether this queue has a terminal or session associated with it.


ATI Term The name of the terminal or session associated with this queue.


ATI Tran The name of the transaction to be attached when the trigger level for this
queue is reached.

Source field: TQRATRAN

ATI Userid The user identifier associated with this queue.


Transient Data Queue Totals Report

Figure 55 on page 573 shows the format of the Transient Data Queues Totals
Report. The field headings and contents are described in Table 171 on page 573.

572 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0

Tdqueue Totals

No. of Tdqueue Tdqueue Tdqueue

Tdqueue Type Tdqueues Writes Reads Deletes

Intrapartition . . . : 4 0 0 0
Extrapartition . . . : 23 10 0
Indirect . . . . . . : 28 10 0 0
Remote . . . . . . . : 0 0 0 0
Total. . . . . . . . : 55

Figure 55. The Transient Data Queue Totals Report

Table 171. Fields in the Transient Data Queue Totals Report

Field Heading Description
Tdqueue Totals
Tdqueue Type The queue type, extrapartition, intrapartition, indirect or remote.


No. of Tdqueues The number of queues defined as this type.
Tdqueue Writes The total number of write requests.

Source field: TQRWRITE

Tdqueue Reads The total number of read requests.

Source field: TQRREADS

Tdqueue Deletes The total number of delete requests.

Source field: TQRDELET

Journalnames Report
| Figure 56 on page 574 shows the format of the Journalnames Report. This report is
| produced using a combination of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE JOURNALNAME and
| data is mapped by the DFHLGRDS DSECT. The field headings and contents are
| described in Table 172 on page 574.

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 573

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 P


Journal Journal Journal Write Bytes Average Buffer

Name Status Type Logstream Name Requests Written Bytes Flushes

DFHJ02 Enabled SMF 17 16,345 961 17

DFHJ04 Enabled MVS CBAKER.IYK2Z1V2.DFHJ04 30 29,090 969 30
DFHJ05 Enabled MVS CBAKER.IYK2Z1V2.DFHJ05 15 14,545 969 15
DFHJ06 Enabled MVS CBAKER.IYK2Z1V2.DFHJ06 15 14,545 969 15
DFHJ08 Enabled MVS CBAKER.IYK2Z1V2.DFHJ08 0 0 0 0
DFHJ15 Enabled MVS CBAKER.IYK2Z1V2.DFHJ05 45 43,635 969 45
DFHJ16 Enabled MVS CBAKER.IYK2Z1V2.DFHJ06 15 14,545 969 15

Figure 56. The Journalnames Report

Table 172. Fields in the Journalnames Report

Field Heading Description
Journal Name The name of the journal.


Journal Status The current journal status.


Journal Type The type of journal, MVS, SMF or Dummy.


Logstream Name The name of the logstream associated with this journal (MVS journals only).

Source field: LGRSTREAM

Write Requests The number of write requests for this journal.

Source field: LGRWRITES

Bytes Written The number of bytes written to this journal.

Source field: LGRBYTES

Average Bytes The average number of written to this journal per request.

Source field: (LGRBYTES / LGRWRITES)

Buffer Flushes The number of buffer flush requests issued for this journal.

Source field: LGRBUFLSH

Logstreams Report
| Figure 57 on page 575 shows the format of the Logstreams Report. This report is
| produced using a combination of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE STREAMNAME and
| is mapped by the DFHLGSDS DSECT. The field headings and contents are
| described in Table 173 on page 575.

574 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 60

Logstreams - Resource
Use Sys Max Block DASD Retention Auto Stream Browse Browse
Logstream Name Count Status Log Structure Name Length Only Period Delete Deletes Starts Reads

Figure 57. The Logstreams Report

Table 173. Fields in the Logstreams Report

Field Heading Description
Logstreams - Resource
Logstream Name The name of the logstream.


Use Count The current use count of the logstream.


Status The current status of the logstream.


Sys Log Indicates if the log stream forms part of the System Log.

Source field: LGSSYSLG

Structure Name The coupling facility (CF) structure name for the log stream. The structure
name is only applicable to coupling facility type logstreams.

Source field: LGSSTRUC

Max Block Length The maximum block size allowed by the MVS Logger for the log stream.

Source field: LGSMAXBL

DASD Only Indicates the type of log stream. If set to 'YES' the log stream is of type
DASDONLY. If set to 'NO' the log stream is of type coupling facility (CF).

Source field: LGSDONLY

Retention Period The log stream retention period (in days) that the data must be kept before
it can be physically deleted by the MVS Logger.

Source field: LGSRETPD

Auto Delete The log data auto delete indicator. If set to 'YES' the MVS Logger
automatically deletes the data as it matures beyond the retention period,
irrespective of any logstream delete calls. If set to 'NO' the data is only
deleted when a logstream delete call is issued and the data has matured
beyond the retention period.

Source field: LGSAUTOD

Stream Deletes The number of delete (IXGDELET) requests issued for this logstream.

Source field: LGSDELETES

Browse Starts The number of browse start requests issued for this logstream.

Source field: LGSBRWSTRT

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 575

Table 173. Fields in the Logstreams Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Browse Reads The number of browse read requests issued for this logstream.

Source field: LGSBRWREAD

| Figure 58 shows the format of the Logstreams Report. This report is produced
| using a combination of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE STREAMNAME and EXEC CICS
| COLLECT STATISTICS STREAMNAME commands. The statistics data is mapped
| by the DFHLGSDS DSECT. The field headings and contents are described in
| Table 174.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 11/23/1998 Time 10:47:07 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 4

Logstreams - Requests

Write Average Buffer Buffer Force Current Peak Retry

Logstream Name Requests Bytes Written Bytes Appends Full Waits Waits Waiters Waiters Errors
CBAKER.IYK2Z1V3.DFHJ04 30 30,366 1,012 30 0 0 0 0 0
CBAKER.IYK2Z1V3.DFHJ05 60 60,656 1,010 60 0 0 0 0 1
CBAKER.IYK2Z1V3.DFHJ06 30 30,290 1,009 30 0 0 0 0 0
CBAKER.IYK2Z1V3.DFHJ08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CBAKER.IYK2Z1V3.DFHLOG 10 6,578 657 20 0 0 0 0 0
CBAKER.IYK2Z1V3.DFHSHUNT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 58. The Logstreams Report

Table 174. Fields in the Logstreams Report

Field Heading Description
Logstreams - Requests
Logstream Name The name of the logstream.


Write Requests The number of IXGWRITE requests issued to this logstream.

Source field: LGSWRITES

Bytes Written The number of bytes written to this logstream.

Source field: LGSBYTES

Average Bytes The average number of bytes written to this logstream per request.

Source field: (LGSBYTES / LGSWRITES)

Buffer Appends The number of occasions on which a journal record was successfully
appended to the current log stream buffer.

Source field: LGSBUFAPP

Buffer Full Waits The number of times buffer full has occurred for this logstream.

Source field: LGSBUFWAIT

Force Waits The total number of force waits for this logstream.

Source field: LGSTFCWAIT

Peak Waiters The peak number of force waiters for this logstream.

Source field: LGSPKFWTRS

576 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 174. Fields in the Logstreams Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Retry Errors The number of occasions on which MVS system logger retryable errors
occurred when a block of data was being written to the log stream.

Source field: LGSRTYERRS

Autoinstall and VTAM Report

| Figure 59 shows the format of the Autoinstall and VTAM Report. This report is
| produced using a combination of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE AUTOINSTALL,
| AUTOINSTALL, PROGAUTO and VTAM commands. The statistics data is mapped
| by the DFHA03DS, DFHA04DS and DFHPGGDS DSECTs. The field headings and
| contents are described in Table 175 on page 578.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 62

Program Autoinstall
Program Autoinstall Status. . . . : INACTIVE
Autoinstall Program . . . . . . . : DFHPGADX
Catalog Program Definitions . . . : MODIFY
Autoinstalls attempted. . . . . . : 0
Autoinstalls rejected . . . . . . : 0
Autoinstalls failed . . . . . . . : 0

Terminal Autoinstall

Terminal Autoinstall Status . . . : ENABLED

Autoinstall Program . . . . . . . : DFHZATDY
Current Autoinstall Requests. . . : 0
Autoinstalls Attempted. . . . . . : 0
Autoinstalls Rejected . . . . . . : 0
Autoinstalls Deleted. . . . . . . : 0
Peak Concurrent Autoinstalls. . . : 0
Times Peak Concurrent reached . . : 1
Times SETLOGON HOLD issued. . . . : 0
Number of Queued Logons . . . . . : 0
Peak Number of Queued Logons. . . : 0
Times Peak Queued Logons reached. : 1

VTAM Open Status. . . . . . . . . : OPEN
Dynamic open count. . . . . . . . : 0
VTAM Short-on-Storage . . . . . . : 0

MAX RPLs . . . . . . . : 1
Times at MAX RPLs . . . . . . . . : 17

Current LUs in session. . . . . . : 2

Peak LUs in session . . . . . . . : 2

Generic Resource name . . . . . . :

Generic Resource status . . . . . :
Persistent Session Inquire count. : 0
Persistent Session NIB count. . . : 0
Persistent Session Opndst count . : 0
Persistent Session Unbind count . : 0
Persistent Session Error count. . : 0

Figure 59. The Autoinstall and VTAM Report

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 577

Table 175. Fields in the Autoinstall and VTAM Report
Field Heading Description
Program Autoinstall
Program Autoinstall Status Indicates the current status of program autoinstall.


Autoinstall Program The name of the user replaceable program autoinstall model definition


Catalog Program Definitions Indicates whether autoinstalled program definitions are to be cataloged.


Autoinstalls attempted The number of program autoinstalls attempted.

Source field: PGGATT

Autoinstalls rejected The number of program autoinstalls rejected by the program autoinstall user
replaceable program.

Source field: PGGREJ

Autoinstalls failed The number of program autoinstalls failed for reasons other than being
rejected by the program autoinstall user replaceable program.

Source field: PGGFAIL

Terminal Autoinstall
Terminal Autoinstall Status Indicates the current status of terminal autoinstall.


Autoinstall Program The name of the user replaceable terminal autoinstall model definition


Current Autoinstall Requests The number of autoinstall requests currently being processed.


Peak Autoinstall Requests The maximum number of autoinstall requests that can be processed


Autoinstalls Attempted The number of terminal autoinstalls attempted.

Source field: A04VADAT

Autoinstalls Rejected The number of terminal autoinstalls rejected.

Source field: A04VADRJ

Autoinstalls Deleted The number of autoinstalled terminals deleted.

Source field: A04VADLO

Peak Concurrent Autoinstalls The peak number of autoinstall requests processed concurrently.

Source field: A04VADPK

Times Peak Concurrent reached The number of times the peak autoinstall requests was reached.

Source field: A04VADPX

578 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 175. Fields in the Autoinstall and VTAM Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Times SETLOGON HOLD issued The number of times the VTAM SETLOGON HOLD command was issued.

Source field: A04VADSH

Number of Queued Logons The number of autoinstall attempts that were queued for logon due to the
delete being in progress for the same terminal.

Source field: A04VADQT

Peak Number of Queued Logons The peak number of autoinstall attempts that were queued for logon.

Source field: A04VADQK

Times Peak Queued Logons reached The number of time the peak number of autoinstall attempts that were
queued for logon was reached,

Source field: A04VADQX

VTAM open status The current status of the connection between CICS and VTAM.


Dynamic open count The number of times the VTAM ACB was dynamically opened.

Source field: A03DOC

VTAM Short-in-Storage The number of times that VTAM indicated that there was a temporary
VTAM storage problem.

Source field: A03VTSOS

MAX RPLs The maximum number of receive-any request parameter lists (RPLs) that
were posted by VTAM on any one dispatch of CICS terminal control.

Source field: A03RPLX

Times at MAX RPLs The number of times the maximum number of receive-any request
parameter lists (RPLs) was reached.

Source field: A03RPLXT

Current LUs in session The current number of LUs in session.

Source field: A03LUNUM

Peak LUs in session The peak number of LUs in session.

Source field: A03LUHWM

Generic Resource name The name of the generic resource group which this CICS region requested
registration to VTAM.


Generic Resource status Indicates the status of generic resource registration.


Persistent Session Inquire count The number of times CICS issued VTAM INQUIRE OPTCD=PERSESS.

Source field: A03PSIC

Persistent Session NIB count The number of VTAM sessions that persisted.

Source field: A03PSNC

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 579

Table 175. Fields in the Autoinstall and VTAM Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Persistent Session Opndst count The number of persisting sessions that were successfully restored.

Source field: A03PSOC

Persistent Session Unbind count The number of persisting sessions that were terminated.

Source field: A03PSUC

Persistent Session Error count The number of persisting sessions that were already unbound when CICS
tried to restore them.

Source field: A03PSEC

Connections and Modenames Report

| Figure 60 and Figure 61 on page 581 show the format of the Connections and
| Modenames Report. This report is produced using a combination of the EXEC
| CICS COLLECT STATISTICS CONNECTION commands. The statistis data is
| mapped by the DFHA14DS DSECT. The field headings and contents are described
| in Table 176 on page 581.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 63

Connection Name/Netname . . . . . : CJB2/IYK2Z1V2 Access Method/Protocol. . . . . . . . . : XM
Autoinstalled Connection Create Time. . : 00:00:00.00000
Peak Contention Losers. . . . . . : 1
ATIs satisfied by Losers. . . . . : 0 Receive Session Count. . . . . . . . : 5
Peak Contention Winners . . . . . : 1 Send Session Count . . . . . . . . . : 12
ATIs satisfied by Winners . . . . : 1
Current AIDs in chain . . . . . . : 0 Generic AIDs in chain. . . . . . . . : 0
Total number of Bids sent . . . . : 0
Current Bids in progress. . . . . : 0 Peak Bids in progress. . . . . . . . : 0

Total Allocates . . . . . . . . . : 6 Allocate Max Queue Time. . . . . . . : 0

Allocates Queued. . . . . . . . . : 0 Allocate Queue Limit . . . . . . . . : 0
Peak Allocates Queued . . . . . . : 1
Allocates Failed - Link . . . . . : 0 Allocates Rejected - Queue Limit . . : 0
Allocates Failed - Other. . . . . : 0 Max Queue Time - Allocate Purge. . . : 0
Allocates Purged - Max Queue Time. . : 0
Transaction Routing Requests. . . : 0
Function Shipping Requests - FC . : 0 Allocates Rejected - XZIQUE. . . . . : 0
Function Shipping Requests - IC . : 0 XZIQUE - Allocate Purge. . . . . . . : 0
Function Shipping Requests - TD . : 0 Allocates Purged - XZIQUE. . . . . . : 0
Function Shipping Requests - TS . : 0
Function Shipping Requests - PC . : 0

Figure 60. The Connections and Modenames Report

580 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 66

Connections Connection Name/Netname . . . . . : CJB3/IYK2Z1V3 Access Method/Protocol. . . . . . : VTAM/APPC

Autoinstalled Connection Create Time. . : 00:00:00.00000
Peak Contention Losers. . . . . . : 0
ATIs satisfied by Losers. . . . . : 0 Receive Session Count . . . . . . : 0
Peak Contention Winners . . . . . : 0 Send Session Count. . . . . . . . : 0
ATIs satisfied by Winners . . . . : 0
Current AIDs in chain . . . . . . : 0 Generic AIDs in chain . . . . . . : 0
Total number of Bids sent . . . . : 0
Current Bids in progress. . . . . : 0 Peak Bids in progress . . . . . . : 0
Total Allocates . . . . . . . . . : 0 Allocate Max Queue Time . . . . . : 0
Allocates Queued. . . . . . . . . : 0 Allocate Queue Limit. . . . . . . : 0
Peak Allocates Queued . . . . . . : 0
Allocates Failed - Link . . . . . : 0 Allocates Rejected - Queue Limit. : 0
Allocates Failed - Other. . . . . : 0 Max Queue Time - Allocate Purge . : 0
Allocates Purged - Max Queue Time : 0
Transaction Routing Requests. . . : 0
Function Shipping Requests - FC . : 0 Allocates Rejected - XZIQUE . . . : 0
Function Shipping Requests - IC . : 0 XZIQUE - Allocate Purge . . . . . : 0
Function Shipping Requests - TD . : 0 Allocates Purged - XZIQUE . . . . : 0
Function Shipping Requests - TS . : 0
Function Shipping Requests - PC . : 0

Modename Connection Name. . . . . : CJB3
Modename. . . . . . . . . . . . . : SNASVCMG
Active Sessions . . . . . . . . . : 0
Available Sessions. . . . . . . . : 0
Maximum Sessions. . . . . . . . . : 2
Maximum Contention Winners. . . . : 1
Modename Connection Name. . . . . : CJB3
Modename. . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Active Sessions . . . . . . . . . : 0
Available Sessions. . . . . . . . : 0
Maximum Sessions. . . . . . . . . : 5
Maximum Contention Winners. . . . : 3

Figure 61. The Connections and Modenames Report

Table 176. Fields in the Connections and Modenames Report

Field Heading Description
Connection Name/Netname The connection name (sysid) and the network name (applid) for the


Access Method/Protocol The communication access method and protocol used for the connection.


Autoinstalled Connection Create The local time at which this connection was autoinstalled. This field applies
Time to APPC connections only.

Source field: A14AICT

Peak Contention Losers The peak number of contention loser sessions that were in use.

Source field: A14E1HWM

ATIs satisfied by Losers The number of queued allocate requests that have been satisfied by
contention loser sessions.

Source field: A14ES1

Receive Session Count The number of receive sessions for this connection. (MRO and LU6.1
connections only)


Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 581

Table 176. Fields in the Connections and Modenames Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Peak Contention Winners The peak number of contention winner sessions that were in use.

Source field: A14E2HWM

Send Session Count The number of send sessions for this connection. (MRO and LU6.1
connections only)


ATIs satisfied by Winners The number of queued allocate requests that have been satisfied by
contention winner sessions.

Source field: A14ES2

Current AIDs in chain The current number of automatic initiate descriptors (AIDs) in the AID

Source field: A14EALL

Generic AIDs in chain The current number of automatic initiate descriptors (AIDs) that are waiting
for a session to become available to satisfy the allocate request.

Source field: A14ESALL

Total number of Bids sent The total number of bids sent.

Source field: A14ESBID

Current Bids in progress The current number of bids in progress.

Source field: A14EBID

Peak Bids in progress The peak number of bids that were in progress.

Source field: A14EBHWM

Total Allocates The total number of allocates for this connection.

Source field: A14ESTAS

Allocate Max Queue Time The MAXQTIME value specified for this connection.

Source field: A14EMXQT

Allocates Queued The current number of allocate requests queued for this connection.

Source field: A14ESTAQ

Allocates Queue Limit The QUEUELIMIT value specified for this connection.

Source field: A14EALIM

Peak Allocates Queued The peak number of allocate requests queued for this connection.

Source field: A14ESTAM

Allocates Failed - Link The number of allocate requests that failed due to the connection being
released, out of service, or with a closed mode group.

Source field: A14ESTAF

Allocates Rejected - Queue Limit The number of allocate requests that were rejected due to the QUEUELIMIT
value being reached.

Source field: A14EALRJ

582 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 176. Fields in the Connections and Modenames Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Allocates Failed - Other The number of allocate requests that failed due to a session not being
currently available for use.

Source field: A14ESTAO

Max Queue Time - Allocate Purge The number of times the allocate request queue has been purged due to the
MAXQTIME value being reached.

Source field: A14EQPCT

Allocates Purged - Max Queue Time The total number of allocate requests purged due to the queueing time
exceeding the MAXQTIME value.

Source field: A14EMQPC

Transaction Routing Requests The number of transaction routing requests sent across the connection.

Source field: A14ESTTC

Function Shipping Requests - FC The number of file control requests function shipped across the connection.

Source field: A14ESTFC

Allocates Rejected - XZIQUE The number of allocate requests that were rejected by a XZIQUE global user

Source field: A14EZQRJ

Function Shipping Requests - IC The number of interval control requests function shipped across the

Source field: A14ESTIC

ZXIQUE - Allocate Purge The number of times the allocate request queue has been purged by a
XZIQUE global user exit.

Source field: A14EZQPU

Function Shipping Requests - TD The number of transient data requests function shipped across the

Source field: A14ESTTD

Allocates Purged - ZXIQUE The total number of allocate requests purged due to a XZIQUE global user
exit requesting that the queued allocate requests should be purged.

Source field: A14EZQPC

Function Shipping Requests - TS The number of temporary storage requests function shipped across the

Source field: A14ESTTS

| Function Shipping Requests - PC The number of program control requests function shipped across the
| connection.

| Source field: A14ESTPC

Modename Connection Name The name of the connection that owns this mode group entry.


Modename Name The mode group name.


Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 583

Table 176. Fields in the Connections and Modenames Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Active Sessions The number of sessions in this mode group currently in use.


Available Sessions The current number of sessions in this mode group (bound).


Maximum Sessions The maximum number of sessions defined in this mode group.


Maximum Contention Winners The maximum number of sessions in this mode group that are defined to be
contention winners.


| TCP/IP Services Report
| Figure 62 and Figure 63 on page 586 show the formats of the TCP/IP Services
| reports. These reports are produced using a combination of EXEC CICS INQUIRE
| commands, the statistics data is mapped by the DFHSORDS DSECT. The field
| headings and contents are described in Table 177 and Table 178 on page 586.
TCP/IP Services

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 02/18/1999 Time 08:32:40 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 2

TCP/IP Services

TCP/IP Port SSL Tsqueue Service Open Open

Service Number IP Address Type Backlog Tran Prefix URM Status Date Time
CHRIS1 5060 NONE 15 CWXN DFHWBADX OPEN 02/18/1999 07:39:04
CHRIS2 5061 NONE 8 CWXN DFHWBADX OPEN 02/18/1999 07:39:04
CHRIS3 5063 NONE 8 CWXN DFHWBADX OPEN 02/18/1999 07:39:04

Figure 62. The TCP/IP Services Report

| Table 177. Fields in the TCP/IP Services Report

| Field Heading Description
| TCP/IP Services
| TCP/IP Service The name of the TCP/IP service.


| Port Number The number of the port on which CICS is listening on behalf of this service.


584 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| Table 177. Fields in the TCP/IP Services Report (continued)
| Field Heading Description
| IP Address is the TCP/IP address defined for the TCP/IP stack used for this TCP/IP
| service.

| Source field: SOR-IP-ADDRESS

| SSL Type Indicates the level of secure sockets being used for the service.


| Backlog


| Tran The name of the transaction to be started to process a new request.


| Tsqueue Prefix


| URM The name of the service user replaceable module (URM) to be invoked by
| the attached task.


| Service Status Indicates the current status of this TCP/IP service


| Open Date is the date on which this TCP/IP service was opened. If this field is not set,
| SOR_OPEN_LOCAL contains the hexadecimal value X’0000000000000000’,
| shown in the report as ″CLOSED″. If the field is set, it contains a date
| expressed in mm/dd/yyyy format. This field contains a valid date if:
| v The TCP/IP service was open at the time the statistics were taken.
| v This is an unsolicited statistics request due to the TCP/IP service being
| closed.

| Source field: SOR_OPEN_LOCAL

| Open Time is the time at which this TCP/IP service was opened. If this field is not set,
| SOR_OPEN_LOCAL contains the hexadecimal value X’0000000000000000’,
| shown in the report as ″CLOSED″. If the field is set, it contains a time
| expressed as a store clock (STCK) value in local time. This field contains a
| valid time if:
| v The TCP/IP service was open at the time the statistics were taken.
| v This is an unsolicited statistics request due to the TCP/IP service being
| closed.

| Source field: SOR_OPEN_LOCAL

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 585

TCP/IP Services - Requests TCP/IP
Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 02/18/1999 Time 08:32:40 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 3
TCP/IP Services - Requests

TCP/IP Port <- Connections -> Send Avg Bytes Receive Avg Bytes
Service Number IP Address Current Peak Attached Requests / Send Requests / Receive
CHRIS1 5060 0 2 15 46 1,839 25 324
CHRIS2 5061 0 1 1 4 51 1 251
CHRIS3 5063 0 1 1 6 842 3 251
FREDCLIA 5067 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SAMPLE 5069 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 17 56 29

Figure 63. The TCP/IP Services Requests Report

| Table 178. Fields in the TCP/IP Services Requests Report

| Field Heading Description
| TCP/IP Services - Requests
| TCP/IP Service The name of the TCP/IP service.


| Port Number The number of the port on which CICS is listening on behalf of this service.


| IP Address is the TCP/IP address defined for the TCP/IP stack used for this TCP/IP
| service.

| Source field: SOR-IP-ADDRESS

| Connections - Current

| Source field: SOR-CURRENT-CONS

| Connections - Peak

| Source field: SOR-PEAK-CONS

| Attached

| Source field: SOR-TRANS-ATTACHED

| Send Requests

| Source field: SOR-SENDS

| Avg Bytes / Send

| Source field: (SOR-BYTES-SENT / SOR-SENDS)

| Receive Requests

| Source field: SOR-RECEIVES

| Avg Bytes / Receive


586 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

LSR Pools Report
| Figure 64 shows the format of the LSR pools Report. This report is produced using
| the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS LSRPOOL command. The statistics data is
| mapped by the DFHA08DS DSECT. The field headings and contents are described
| in Table 179.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 70

LSR Pools
Pool Number : 2 Time Created : 08:35:07.02513

Maximum key length . . . . . . . : 16

Total number of strings . . . . : 5
Peak concurrently active strings : 1
Total requests waited for string : 0
Peak requests waited for string. : 0

Buffer Totals
Data Buffers . . . . . . . . . . : 44 Index Buffers. . . . . . . . . . : 44
Hiperspace Data Buffers. . . . . : 0 Hiperspace Index Buffers . . . . : 0
Successful look asides . . . . : 652 Successful look asides . . . . : 1,360
Buffer reads . . . . . . . . . : 24 Buffer reads . . . . . . . . . : 4
User initiated writes. . . . . : 655 User initiated writes. . . . . : 31
Non-user initiated writes. . . : 0 Non-user initiated writes. . . : 0
Successful Hiperspace CREADS . : 0 Successful Hiperspace CREADS . : 0
Successful Hiperspace CWRITES. : 0 Successful Hiperspace CWRITES. : 0
Failing Hiperspace CREADS. . . : 0 Failing Hiperspace CREADS. . . : 0
Failing Hiperspace CWRITES . . : 0 Failing Hiperspace CWRITES . . : 0

Data Buffer Statistics

Hiperspace Look User Non-User Successful Successful Failing Failing
Size Buffers Buffers Asides Reads Writes Writes CREADS CWRITES CREADS CWRITES
512 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1024 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2048 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4096 4 0 652 24 655 0 0 0 0 0
8192 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12288 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16384 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20480 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24576 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28672 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32768 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Index Buffer Statistics
Hiperspace Look User Non-User Successful Successful Failing Failing
Size Buffers Buffers Asides Reads Writes Writes CREADS CWRITES CREADS CWRITES
512 4 0 1,360 4 31 0 0 0 0 0
1024 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2048 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4096 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8192 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12288 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16384 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20480 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24576 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28672 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32768 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 64. The LSR Pools Report

Table 179. Fields in the LSR Pools Report

Field Heading Description
LSR Pools
Pool Number The identifying number of the LSR pool. This value may be in the range 1
through 8.

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 587

Table 179. Fields in the LSR Pools Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Time Created The time when this LSR pool was created.

Source field: A08LBKCD

Maximum key length The length of the largest key of a VSAM data set which may use this LSR

Source field: A08BKKYL

Total number of strings The total number of VSAM strings defined for this LSR pool.

Source field: A08BKSTN

Peak concurrently active strings The maximum number of strings that were active during CICS execution. If
you have coded a value for the number of strings the pool is to use, this
statistic is always less than or equal to the value you have coded. If your
coded value for string numbers is consistently lower than this value in the
statistics, you could consider reducing it so that your pool of VSAM strings
is not bigger than you need.

Source field: A08BKHAS

Total requests waited for strings The number of requests that were queued because all the strings in the pool
were in use. This number reflects the number of requests that were delayed
during CICS execution due to a restriction in LSR pool string resources.

Source field: A08BKTSW

Peak requests waited for strings The highest number of requests that were queued at one time because all the
strings in the pool were in use.

Source field: A08BKHSW

Buffer Totals
Data Buffers The number of data buffers specified for the LSR pool.

Source field: A08TDBFN

Hiperspace Data Buffers The number of Hiperspace data buffers specified for the LSR pool.

Source field: A08TDHBW

Successful look asides The number of successful lookasides to data buffers for this LSR pool.

Source field: A08TDBFF

Buffer reads The number of read I/Os to the data buffers for this LSR pool.

Source field: A08TDFRD

User initiated writes The number of user-initiated buffer writes from the data buffers for this LSR

Source field: A08TDUIW

Non-user initiated writes The number of non-user-initiated buffer writes from the data buffers for this
LSR pool.

Source field: A08TDNUW

Successful Hiperspace CREADS The number of successful CREAD requests issued to transfer data from
Hiperspace data buffers to virtual data buffers.

Source field: A08TDCRS

588 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 179. Fields in the LSR Pools Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Successful Hiperspace CWRITES The number of successful CWRITE requests issued to transfer data from
virtual data buffers to Hiperspace data buffers.

Source field: A08TDCWS

Failing Hiperspace CREADS The number of CREAD requests that failed. MVS had withdrawn the space
and VSAM had to read data from DASD.

Source field: A08TDCRF

Failing Hiperspace CWRITES The number of CWRITE requests that failed. There was insufficient
Hiperspace and VSAM had to write the data to DASD.

Source field: A08TDCWF

Index Buffers The number of index buffers specified for the LSR pool.

Source field: A08TIBFN

Hiperspace Index Buffers The number of Hiperspace index buffers specified for the LSR pool.

Source field: A08TIHBW

Successful look asides The number of successful lookasides to index buffers for this LSR pool.

Source field: A08TIBFF

Buffer reads The number of read I/Os to the index buffers for this LSR pool.

Source field: A08TIFRD

User initiated writes The number of user-initiated buffer writes from the index buffers for this
LSR pool.

Source field: A08TIUIW

Non-user initiated writes The number of non-user-initiated buffer writes from the index buffers for
this LSR pool.

Source field: A08TINUW

Successful Hiperspace CREADS The number of successful CREAD requests issued to transfer data from
Hiperspace index buffers to virtual index buffers.

Source field: A08TICRS

Successful Hiperspace CWRITES The number of successful CWRITE requests issued to transfer data from
virtual index buffers to Hiperspace index buffers.

Source field: A08TICWS

Failing Hiperspace CREADS The number of CREAD requests that failed. MVS had withdrawn the space
and VSAM had to read index data from DASD.

Source field: A08TICRF

Failing Hiperspace CWRITES The number of CWRITE requests that failed. There was insufficient
Hiperspace and VSAM had to write the index data to DASD.

Source field: A08TICWF

Data Buffer Statistics
Size The size of the data buffers that are available to CICS.

Source field: A08BKBSZ

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 589

Table 179. Fields in the LSR Pools Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Buffers The number of buffers of each size available to CICS.

Source field: A08BKBFN

Hiperspace Buffers The number of Hiperspace buffers specified for the pool.

Source field: A08BKHBN

Look Asides The number of read requests that VSAM was able to satisfy without
initiating an I/O operation; that is, the requested record, whether index or
data, was already present in one of the buffer resident CIs. This means that
no physical I/O had to be done to put the control interval in the buffer.

The tuning methodology usually employed involves either increasing the

number of buffers of a particular CI size until the ratio of lookasides to
READs stops increasing significantly or, conversely, reducing the number of
buffers until the ratio of lookasides to READs begins to drop significantly.
For most data sets, successful lookaside hits on indexes are more likely.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity after the
pool was created.

Source field: A08BKBFF

Reads The number of I/O operations to the buffers that VSAM was required to
initiate to satisfy the CICS application’s activity. This figure represents
failures to find the control interval in the buffers.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity after the
pool was created.

Source field: A08BKFRD

User Writes The number of user-initiated I/O WRITE operations from the buffers that
VSAM was required to initiate to satisfy the CICS application’s activity.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity after the
pool was created.

Source field: A08BKUIW

Non-User Writes The number of non-user initiated I/O WRITE operations from the buffers
that VSAM was forced to initiate due to no buffers being available for
reading the contents of a CI.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity after the
pool was created.

Source field: A08BKNUW

Successful CREADS The number of successful CREAD requests issued to transfer data from
Hiperspace buffers to virtual buffers.

Source field: A08BKCRS

Successful CWRITES The number of successful CWRITE requests issued to transfer data from
virtual buffers to Hiperspace buffers.

Source field: A08BKCWS

Failing CREADS The number of CREAD requests that failed. MVS had withdrawn the space
and VSAM had to read data from DASD.

Source field: A08BKCRF

590 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 179. Fields in the LSR Pools Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Failing CWRITES The number of CWRITE requests that failed. There was insufficient
Hiperspace and VSAM had to write the data to DASD.

Source field: A08BKCWF

Index Buffer Statistics
Size The size of the index data buffers that are available to CICS.

Source field: A08IKBSZ

Buffers The number of buffers of each size available to CICS.

Source field: A08IKBFN

Hiperspace Buffers The number of Hiperspace buffers specified for the pool.

Source field: A08IKHBN

Look Asides The number of read requests that VSAM was able to satisfy without
initiating an I/O operation; that is, the requested index record was already
present in one of the buffer resident CIs. This means that no physical I/O
had to be done to put the control interval in the buffer.

The tuning methodology usually employed involves either increasing the

number of buffers of a particular CI size until the ratio of lookasides to
READs stops increasing significantly or, conversely, reducing the number of
buffers until the ratio of lookasides to READs begins to drop significantly.
For most data sets, successful lookaside hits on indexes are more likely.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity after the
pool was created.

Source field: A08IKBFF

Reads The number of I/O operations to the buffers that VSAM was required to
initiate to satisfy the CICS application’s activity. This figure represents
failures to find the control interval in the buffers.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity after the
pool was created.

Source field: A08IKFRD

User Writes The number of user-initiated I/O WRITE operations from the buffers that
VSAM was required to initiate to satisfy the CICS application’s activity.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity after the
pool was created.

Source field: A08IKUIW

Non-User Writes The number of non-user initiated I/O WRITE operations from the buffers
that VSAM was forced to initiate due to no buffers being available for
reading the contents of a CI.

These statistics are obtained from VSAM and represent the activity after the
pool was created.

Source field: A08IKNUW

Successful CREADS The number of successful CREAD requests issued to transfer data from
Hiperspace buffers to virtual buffers.

Source field: A08IKCRS

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 591

Table 179. Fields in the LSR Pools Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Successful CWRITES The number of successful CWRITE requests issued to transfer data from
virtual buffers to Hiperspace buffers.

Source field: A08IKCWS

Failing CREADS The number of CREAD requests that failed. MVS had withdrawn the space
and VSAM had to read data from DASD.

Source field: A08IKCRF

Failing CWRITES The number of CWRITE requests that failed. There was insufficient
Hiperspace and VSAM had to write the data to DASD.

Source field: A08IKCWF

Files Report
| Figure 65 shows the format of the Files Report. This report is produced using a
| STATISTICS FILE commands. The statistics data is mapped by the DFHA17DS
| DSECT. The field headings and contents are described in Table 180.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 72

Access File Remote Remote LSR Data CFDT Table Update
Filename Method Type Filename System Pool RLS Table Type Poolname Name Model

Figure 65. The Files Report

| Table 180. Fields in the Files Report

Field Heading Description
Filename The name of the file.


Access Method Indicates the access method for this file.


File Type Indicates how the records are organized in the data set that corresponds to this

Source field: EXEC CICS INQUIRE FILE() TYPE(cvda)

592 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 180. Fields in the Files Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Remote Filename The name by which the file is known in the remote system.


Remote System The name of the CICS region in which the file is defined.


LSR Pool The identity of the LSR pool defined for this file. "0" means that it is not defined
in an LSR pool.


RLS Indicates whether the file is to be opened in RLS mode.

Source field: A17RLS

Data Table Type The type of data table, coupling facility, CICS-maintained, user-maintained, or


CFDT Poolname The name of the coupling facility data table pool in which the coupling facility
data table resides.


Table Name The couplinga facility data table name.


Update Model Indicates the update model type for the coupling facility data table.


File Requests Report
| Figure 66 shows the format of the File Requests report. This report is produced
| using a combination of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE FILE and EXEC CICS COLLECT
| STATISTICS FILE commands. The field headings and contents are described in
| Table 181 on page 594.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 12/02/1998 Time 08:52:33 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 3

Files - Requests
Read Get Update Browse Browse Add Update Delete Remote RLS Req.
Filename Requests Requests Requests Updates Requests Requests Requests Deletes Timeouts
ADMF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BANKACCT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CSQKCDF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CSQ4FIL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DFHCMACD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DFHCSD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DFHDBFK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DFHLRQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DFHRPCD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FILEA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RFSDIR1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RFSDIR2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RFSPOOL1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RFSPOOL2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 66. The File Requests Report

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 593

Table 181. Fields in the File Requests Report
Field Heading Description
Files - Requests
Filename The name of the file.


Read Requests The number of GET requests attempted against this file.

Source field: A17DSRD

Get Update Requests The number of GET UPDATE requests attempted against this file.

Source field: A17DSGU

Browse Requests The number of GETNEXT and GETPREV requests attempted against this

Source field: A17DSBR

| Browse Updates The number of GETNEXT UPDATE and GETPREV UPDATE requests
| attempted against this file.

| Source field: A17DSBRU

Add Requests The number of PUT requests attempted against this file.

Source field: A17DSWRA

Update Requests The number of PUT UPDATE requests attempted against this file.

Source field: A17DSWRU

Delete Requests The number of DELETE requests attempted against this local file.

Source field: A17DSDEL

Remote Deletes The number of DELETE requests for a VSAM file in a remote system. In
systems connected by a CICS intercommunication (MRO or ISC) link, the
statistics recorded for the remote files are a subset of those recorded for the
files on the local system.

Source field: A17RMDEL

| RLS Req. Timeouts The number of RLS file requests that timed out.

| Source field: A17RLSWT

594 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Data Tables Reports

Figure 67 shows the format of the Data Tables Requests Report. This report is produced using a combination of the
EXEC CICS INQUIRE FILE and EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS FILE commands. The statistics data is mapped
by the DFHA17DS DSECT. The field headings and contents are described in Table 182.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 01/28/1999 Time 11:07:52 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 8
Data Tables - Requests

Successful Records Adds via Adds via Adds Adds Rewrite Delete Read Chng Resp/
Filename Reads Not Found Read API Rejected Full Requests Requests Retries Lock Waits

F140BASE 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F150BASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F170BASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F270BASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 67. The Data Tables Report

Table 182. Fields in the Data Tables Requests Report

Field Heading Description
Data Tables - Requests
| Filename The name of the file.

| Source field: EXEC CICS INQUIRE FILE()

Successful Reads The number of attempts to retrieve records from the table.

Source field: A17DTRDS

Records Not Found The number of times API READ requests were directed to the source data set
because the record was not found in the table.

Source field: A17DTRNF

Adds via Read The number of records placed in the table by the loading process or as a result of
API READ requests issued while loading was in progress.

Source field: A17DTAVR

Adds via API The number of attempts to add records to the table as a result of WRITE

Source field: A17DTADS

Adds Rejected The number of records CICS attempted to add to the table which were rejected
by the global user exit.

Source field: A17DTARJ

Adds Full The number of records CICS attempted to add to the table but was unable to do
so because the table already contained the maximum number of records

Source field: A17DTATF

Rewrite Requests The number of attempts to update records in the table as a result of REWRITE

Source field: A17DTRWS

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 595

Table 182. Fields in the Data Tables Requests Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Delete Requests The number of attempts to delete records from the table as a result of DELETE

Source field: A17DTDLS

Read Retries The total number of read retries, that is the number of times reads in an AOR
had to be retried because the FOR changed the table during the read.

Source field: A17DTRRS

| Chng Resp/Lock Waits For a CFDT that is using the locking model, records are locked when they are
| read for update. This count is the number of times it was necessary to WAIT for
| an already locked record. For a CFDT that is using the contention model, records
| are not locked when they are read for update. If a subsequent rewrite or delete
| request finds that the record has already changed a CHANGED response is
| returned. This count is the number of times that a CHANGED response was
| issued.

| Source field: A17DTCON

Figure 68 shows the format of the Data Tables Storage Report. The field headings
and contents are described in Table 183.

Data Tables - Storage

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 01/28/1999 Time 11:07:52 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 9
Data Tables - Storage:
<------- Total ------> <------ Entries -----> <------- Index ------> <---- --- Data ------->
Current Peak Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage
Filename Type Records Records Allocated In-Use Allocated In-Use Allocated In-Use Allocated In-Use
F140BASE CICS 1 1 192 3 32 1 32 1 128 1
F150BASE USER 1 1 192 3 32 1 32 1 128 1
F170BASE USER 1 1 192 3 32 1 32 1 128 1
F270BASE CF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 68. The Data Tables Storage Report

Table 183. Fields in the Data Tables Storage Report

Field Heading Description
Data Tables - Storage
| Filename The name of the file.

| Source field: EXEC CICS INQUIRE FILE()

| Type The type of data table, coupling facility, CICS-maintained or user-maintained.

| Source field: EXEC CICS INQUIRE FILE() TABLE(cvda)

Current Records The current number of records in the data table.

Source field: A17DTSIZ

Peak Records The peak number of records in the data table.

Source field: A17DTSHI

Total - Storage Allocated The total amount of storage (kilobytes) in allocated for the data table.

Source field: A17DTALT

596 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 183. Fields in the Data Tables Storage Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Total - Storage In-Use The total amount of storage (kilobytes) in use for the data table.

Source field: A17DTUST

Entries - Storage Allocated The total amount of storage (kilobytes) allocated for the record entry blocks.

Source field: A17DTALE

Entries - Storage In-Use The total amount of storage (kilobytes) in use for the record entry blocks.

Source field: A17DTUSE

Index - Storage Allocated The total amount of storage (kilobytes) allocated for the index.

Source field: A17DTALI

Index - Storage In-Use The total amount of storage (kilobytes) in use for the index.

Source field: A17DTUSI

Data - Storage Allocated The total amount of storage (kilobytes) allocated for the record data.

Source field: A17DTALD

Data - Storage In-Use The total amount of storage (kilobytes) in use for the record data.

Source field: A17DTUSD

Coupling Facility Data Table Pools Report

Figure 69 shows the format of the Coupling facility data tables report. This report
is produced using the EXEC CICS INQUIRE CFDTPOOL command. The field
headings and contents are described in Table 184.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 02/26/1999 Time 08:18:14 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 2
Coupling Facility Data Table Pools
Coupling Facility Data Table Pool . CFPOOL1 Connection Status.. . . : UNAVAILABLE

Figure 69. The Coupling Facility Data Table Pools Report

Table 184. Fields in the Coupling Facility Data Table Pools Report
Field Heading Description
Coupling Facility Data Table Pools
Coupling Facility Data Table Pool The name of the coupling facility data table pool.


Connection Status Indicates the connection status of the pool.



Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 597

Exit Programs Report
| Figure 70 shows the format of the Exit Programs Report. This report is produced
| using the EXEC CICS INQUIRE EXITPROGRAM command. The field headings
| and contents are described in Table 185.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 P

Exit Programs

<---- Global Area ----> No. Task <-- Task Related User
Program Entry Entry Use of Program Concurrency Area Task Shut
Name Name Name Length Count Exits Status API Status Qualifier Length start EDF down Ind

DFHEDP DLI 0 0 0 Started Base Quasi Rent 284 No No No No

WLMMNOUT WLMMNOUT 0 0 1 Stopped Base Quasi Rent 0 No No No No
RMIIN RMIIN 0 0 1 Started Base Quasi Rent 0 No No No No
TRUE TRUE 0 0 0 Stopped Base Quasi Rent 0 No No No No

Figure 70. The Exit Programs Report

Table 185. Fields in the Exit Programs Report

Field Heading Description
Exit Programs
Program Name The program name of the program that has been enabled as an exit program
using the EXEC CICS ENABLE command.


Entry Name The entry point name for this exit program.


Global Area Entry Name The name of the exit program that owns the global work area associated
with this exit program.


Global Area Length The length of the global work area associated with this exit program.


Global Area Use Count The number of exit programs that are associated with the global work area
owned by this exit program.


Number of Exits The number of global user exit points at which this exit program is enabled.


Program Status Indicates whether this exit program is available for execution.




598 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 185. Fields in the Exit Programs Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
| Concurrency Status


Qualifier The name of the qualifier specified for this exit program.


Task Area Length The length of the task local work area associated with this exit program.


TRUE - Taskstart Indicates whether this exit program was enabled with the TASKSTART


TRUE - EDF Indicates whether this exit program was enabled with the FORMATEDF


TRUE - Shutdown Indicates whether this exit program was enabled with the SHUTDOWN


TRUE Status - Indoubt Indicates whether this exit program was enabled with the INDOUBTST


TRUE Status - SPI Indicates whether this exit program was enabled with the SPI option.


Global User Exits Report

Figure 71 shows the format of the Global User Exits Report. The field headings and
contents are described in Table 186 on page 600.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0

Global User Exits

Exit Program Entry <------- Global Area -------> Number Program

Name Name Name Entry Name Length Use Count of Exits Status



Figure 71. The Global User Exits Report

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 599

Table 186. Fields in the Global User Exits Report
Field Heading Description
Global User Exits
Exit Name The name of the global user exit point.


Program Name The name of the exit program enabled at this global user exit point.


Entry Name The name of the entry point for this exit program at this global user exit


Global Area Entry Name The name of the exit program that owns the global work area associated
with this exit program.


Global Area Length The length of the global work area for this exit program.


Global Area Use Count The number of exit programs that are associated with the global work area
owned by this exit program.


Number of Exits The number of global user exit points at which this exit program is enabled.


Program Status Indicates whether this exit program is available for execution.


DB2 Connection Report

| Figure 72 on page 601 shows the format of the DB2 Connection Report. This report
| is produced using a combination of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE DB2CONN and
| EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS DB2CONN commands. The statistics data is
| mapped by the DFHD2GDS DSECT.

| Figure 72 on page 601 shows the format of the DB2 Connection Report. The field
| headings and contents are described in Table 187 on page 601

600 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 79

DB2 Connection
DB2 Connection Name. . . . . . . . . . . : RCTJT
DB2 Sysid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DB3A
DB2 Release. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 3.1.0
DB2 Connection Status. . . . . . . . . . : CONNECTED DB2 Connect Date and Time . . . : 02/06/1997 09:48:47.92429
DB2 Connection Error . . . . . . . . . . : SQLCODE
DB2 Standby Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . : CONNECT
DB2 Pool Thread Plan Name. . . . . . . . :
DB2 Pool Thread Dynamic Plan Exit Name . : DSNCUEXT

Pool Thread Authtype . . . . . . . . . . : SIGNID

Pool Thread Authid . . . . . . . . . . . :
Command Thread Authtype. . . . . . . . . : SIGNID
Command Thread Authid. . . . . . . . . . :

Signid for Pool/Entry/Command Threads. . : AREDDIO

Create Thread Error. . . . . . . . . . . : N906 Message TD Queue 1. . . . . . . . . . . : MSLG
Protected Thread Purge Cycle . . . . . . : 00.30 Message TD Queue 2. . . . . . . . . . . :
Deadlock Resolution. . . . . . . . . . . : ROLLBACK Message TD Queue 3. . . . . . . . . . . :
Non-Terminal Intermediate Syncpoint. . . : NORELEASE
Pool Thread Wait Setting . . . . . . . . : WAIT Statistics TD Queue . . . . . . . . . . : CSSL

Pool Thread Priority . . . . . . . . . . : HIGH DB2 Accounting records by . . . . . . . : TXID

Current TCB Limit. . . . . . . . . . . . : 4
Current number of TCBs . . . . . . . . . : 4
Peak number of TCBs. . . . . . . . . . . : 4

Current number of free TCBs. . . . . . . : 4

Current number of tasks on TCB Readyq. . : 0
Peak number of tasks on TCB Readyq . . . : 6
Pool Thread Limit. . . . . . . . . . . . : 7 Number of Calls using Pool Threads. . . . . : 0
Current number of Pool Threads . . . . . : 0 Number of Pool Thread Signons . . . . . . . : 0
Peak number of Pool Threads. . . . . . . : 4 Number of Pool Thread Commits . . . . . . . : 0
Number of Pool Thread Waits. . . . . . . : 53 Number of Pool Thread Aborts. . . . . . . . : 0
Number of Pool Thread Single Phase. . . . . : 0
Current number of Pool Tasks . . . . . . : 0 Number of Pool Thread Reuses. . . . . . . . : 0
Peak number of Pool Tasks. . . . . . . . : 0 Number of Pool Thread Terminates. . . . . . : 42
Current Total number of Pool Tasks . . . : 0
Current number of Tasks on Pool Readyq . : 0
Peak number of Tasks on Pool Readyq. . . : 0
Current number of DSNC Command threads . : 0 Number of DSNC Command Calls. . . . . . . . : 0
Peak number of DSNC Command threads. . . : 0 Number of DSNC Command Signons. . . . . . . : 0
DSNC Command Thread Limit. . . . . . . . : 2 Number of DSNC Command Thread Terminates. . : 0
Number of DSNC Command Thread Overflows . . : 0

Figure 72. The DB2 Connection Report

Table 187. Fields in the DB2 Connection Report

Field Heading Description
DB2 Connection
DB2 Connection Name The name of the installed DB2CONN

Source field: D2G-DB2CONN-NAME

DB2 Sysid The name of the DB2 subsystem to which the CICS-DB2
attachment is connected or will connect.

Source field: D2G-DB2-ID

DB2 Release The version and release level of the DB2 subsystem to
which CICS is currently connected.

Source field: D2G-DB2-RELEASE

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 601

Table 187. Fields in the DB2 Connection Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
DB2 Connection Status The current status of the CICS-DB2 Connection.


DB2 Connect Date and Time The date and time that the CICS connected to the DB2


DB2 Connection Error specifies how CICS reports back to an application that
issues an SQL request that CICS is not connected to DB2.


DB2 Standby Mode specifies the action to be taken by the CICS-DB2
attachment if the DB2 subsystem is not active when an
attempt to start the connection from CICS to DB2 is


DB2 Pool Thread Plan Name The name of the plan used for the pool.

Source field: D2G-POOL-PLAN-NAME

DB2 Pool Thread Dynamic Plan Exit Name The name of the dynamic plan exit used for pool


Pool Thread Authtype The type of id to be used for security checking when
using pool threads.

Source field: D2G-POOL-AUTHTYPE

Pool Thread Authid The id to be used for security checking when using pool

Source field: D2G-POOL-AUTHID

Command Thread Authtype The type of id to be used for security checking when
using command threads.

Source field: D2G-COMD-AUTHTYPE

Command Thread Authid The id to be used for security checking when using
command threads.

Source field: D2G-COMD-AUTHID

Signid for Pool/Entry/Command Threads The authorization id to be used by the CICS-DB2
attachment when signing on to DB2 for pool threads and
DB2 entry threads when ’Pool Thread Authtype’ is
SIGNID and for command threads when ’Command
Thread Authtype’ is SIGNID.


Create Thread Error specifies the action to be taken when a create thread
error occurs.



602 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 187. Fields in the DB2 Connection Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Message TD Queue 1 The name of the first transient data queue to which
unsolicited messages from the CICS-DB2 attacment will
be sent.


Protected Thread Purge Cycle The length of time (mm:ss) of the protected thread purge


Message TD Queue 2 The name of the second transient data queue to which
unsolicited messages from the CICS-DB2 attacment will
be sent.


Deadlock Resolution The action to be taken for a transaction using a pool
thread that has been selected by DB2 as victim of a
deadlock resolution.


Message TD Queue 3 The name of the third transient data queue to which
unsolicited messages from the CICS-DB2 attacment will
be sent.


Non-Terminal Intermediate Syncpoint specifies whether non-terminal transactions will release
threads for reuse at intermediate syncpoints.


Pool Thread Wait Setting specifies whether transactions should wait for a pool
thread or be abended if the number of active pool
threads reaches the pool thread limit.


Statistics TD Queue The name of the transient data queue for the CICS-DB2
attachment statistics produced when the CICS-DB2
attachment is shut down.


Pool Thread Priority The priority of the pool thread subtasks relative to the
CICS main task (QR TCB).

Source field: D2G-POOL-PRIORITY

DB2 Accounting records by specifies the frequency of DB2 accounting records to be
produced for transactions using pool threads.


Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 603

Table 187. Fields in the DB2 Connection Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Current TCB Limit The maximum number of subtask TCBs that can be
attached to service DB2 requests.

Source field: D2G-TCB-LIMIT

Current number of TCBs The current number of subtask TCBs attached to service
command, pool, and DB2Entry threads.

Source field: D2G-TCB-CURRENT

Peak number of TCBs The peak number of subtask TCBs attached to service
command, pool, and DB2Entry threads.

Source field: D2G-TCB-HWM

Current number of free TCBs The current number of free TCBs; that is, subtask TCBs
with no DB2 thread.

Source field: D2G-TCB-FREE

Current number of tasks on TCB Readyq The current number of CICS tasks waiting for a DB2
subtask TCB to become available.


Peak number of tasks on TCB Readyq The peak number of CICS tasks that waited for a DB2
subtask TCB to become available.

Source field: D2G-TCB-READYQ-PEAK

Pool Thread Limit The maximum number of pool threads allowed.


Number of Calls using Pool Threads The number of SQL calls made using pool threads.

Source field: D2G-POOL-CALLS

Current number of Pool Threads The current number of active pool threads.


Number of Pool Thread Signons The number of DB2 sign-ons performed for pool threads.

Source field: D2G-POOL-SIGNONS

Peak number of Pool Threads The peak number of active pool threads.

Source field: D2G-POOL-THREAD-HWM

Number of Pool Thread Commits The number of two phase commits performed for units
of work using pool threads.

Source field: D2G-POOL-COMMITS

Number of Pool Thread Waits The number of times all available threads in the pool
were busy and a transaction had to wait for a thread to
become available. This count includes transactions that
overflow to the pool to acquire a thread and have to wait
for a pool thread.


Number of Pool Thread Aborts The number of units of work using pool threads that
were rolled back.

Source field: D2G-POOL-ABORTS

604 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 187. Fields in the DB2 Connection Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Number of Pool Thread Single Phase The number of units of work using pool threads that
used single-phase commit, either because they were
read-only UOWs, or because DB2 was the only
recoverable resource updated in the UOW.


Current number of Pool Tasks The current number of CICS tasks using pool threads.


Number of Pool Thread Reuses The number of times CICS transactions using the pool
were able to reuse an already created DB2 thread. This
count includes transactions that overflow to the pool to
acquire a thread and reuse an existing thread. P.Source
Peak number of Pool Tasks The peak number of CICS tasks using pool threads.

Source field: D2G-POOL-TASK-HWM

Number of Pool Thread Terminates The number of terminate thread requests made to DB2
for pool threads. This includes pool threads used by
transactions that overflow to the pool.

Source field: D2G-POOL-THREAD-TERM

Current Total number of Pool Tasks The current total number of tasks that have used a pool

Source field: D2G-POOL-TASK-TOTAL +

Current number of Tasks on Pool Readyq The current number of CICS tasks waiting for a pool
thread to become available.


Peak number of Tasks on Pool Readyq The peak number of CICS tasks that waited for a pool
thread to become available.

Source field: D2G-POOL-READYQ-HWM

Current number of DSNC Command threads The current number of active command threads servicing
DB2 commands issued using the DSNC transaction.


Number of DSNC Command Calls The number of DB2 commands issued using the DSNC

Source field: D2G-COMD-CALLS

Peak number of DSNC Command threads The peak number of command threads servicing DSNC
DB2 commands.

Source field: D2G-COMD-THREAD-HWM

Number of DSNC Command Signons The number of DB2 sign-ons performed for DSNC DB2

Source field: D2G-COMD-SIGNONS

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 605

Table 187. Fields in the DB2 Connection Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
DSNC Command Thread Limit The maximum number of command threads allowed for
DSNC DB2 commands.


Number of DSNC Command Thread Terminates The number of terminate thread requests made to DB2
for command threads.

Source field: D2G-COMD-THREAD-TERM

Number of DSNC Command Thread Overflows The number of times a DSNC DB2 command resulted in
a pool thread being used because of the active number of
command threads exceeding the command thread limit.


DB2 Entries Report

| Figure 73 shows the format of the DB2 Entries Report. This report is produced
| using a combination of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE DB2ENTRY and EXEC CICS
| COLLECT STATISTICS DB2ENTRY commands. The statistics data is mapped by
| the DFHD2RDS DSECT. The field headings and contents are described inTable 188.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 PAGE 80

DB2 Entries
DB2Entry Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : XC06 DB2Entry Status . . . . . . . . . . . . : ENABLED
DB2Entry Static Plan Name. . . . . . . . : TESTC06 DB2Entry Disabled Action. . . . . . . . : POOL
DB2Entry Dynamic Plan Exit Name. . . . . : DB2Entry Deadlock Resolution. . . . . . : ROLLBACK
DB2Entry Authtype. . . . . . . . . . . . : USERID DB2Entry Accounting records by. . . . . : UOW
DB2Entry Authid. . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Number of Calls using DB2Entry. . . . . . . : 456
DB2Entry Thread Wait Setting . . . . . . : POOL Number of DB2Entry Signons. . . . . . . . . : 57
Number of DB2Entry Commits. . . . . . . . . : 0
DB2Entry Thread Priority . . . . . . . . : HIGH Number of DB2Entry Aborts . . . . . . . . . : 0
DB2Entry Thread Limit. . . . . . . . . . : 1 Number of DB2Entry Single Phase . . . . . . : 114
Current number of DB2Entry Threads . . . : 0 Number of DB2Entry Thread Reuses. . . . . . : 0
Peak number of DB2Entry Threads. . . . . : 1 Number of DB2Entry Thread Terminates. . . . : 15
Number of DB2Entry Thread Waits/Overflows . : 95
DB2Entry Protected Thread Limit. . . . . . . . . : 0
Current number of DB2Entry Protected Threads . . : 0
Peak number of DB2Entry Protected Threads. . . . : 0

Current number of DB2Entry Tasks . . . . . . . . : 0

Peak number of DB2Entry Tasks. . . . . . . . . . : 10
Current Total number of DB2Entry Tasks . . . . . : 57
Current number of Tasks on DB2Entry Readyq . . . : 0
Peak number of Tasks on DB2Entry Readyq. . . . . : 0


Figure 73. The DB2 Entries Report

Table 188. Fields in the DB2 Entries Report

Field Heading Description
DB2 Entries
DB2Entry Name The name of the installed DB2ENTRY.


606 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 188. Fields in the DB2 Entries Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
DB2Entry Status The current enabled status of this DB2Entry.


DB2Entry Static Plan Name The name of the plan to be used for this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-PLAN-NAME

DB2Entry Disabled Action The action to be taken for new CICS tasks that attempt
to use this DB2entry when it is disabled or being


DB2Entry Dynamic Plan Exit Name The name of the dynamic plan exit used by this

Source field: D2R-PLANEXIT-NAME

DB2Entry Deadlock Resolution The action to be taken for a transaction using a thread
from this DB2Entry that has been selected by DB2 as a
victim of deadlock resolution.


DB2Entry Authtype The type of id to be used for security checking for
threads of this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-AUTHTYPE

DB2Entry Accounting records by specifies the frequency of DB2 accounting records to be
produced for transactions using this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-ACCOUNTREC

DB2Entry Authid The id to be used for security checking for threads of
this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-AUTHID

Number of Calls using DB2Entry The number of SQL calls made using a thread from this

Source field: D2R-CALLS

DB2Entry Thread Wait Setting specifies whether or not transactions should wait for a
DB2Entry thread, be abended, or overflow to the pool
should the number of active threads reach the thread
limit for this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-THREADWAIT

Number of DB2Entry Signons The number of DB2 sign-ons performed for threads of
this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-SIGNONS

Number of DB2Entry Commits The number of two-phase commits performed for Units
of work using threads from this DB2ENTRY.

Source field: D2R-COMMITS

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 607

Table 188. Fields in the DB2 Entries Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
DB2Entry Thread Priority The priority of the thread subtasks for this DB2Entry
relative to the CICS main task (QR TCB).

Source field: D2R-PRIORITY

Number of DB2Entry Aborts The number of units of work using threads from this
DB2ENTRY that were rolled back.

Source field: D2R-ABORTS

DB2Entry Thread Limit The maximum number of threads allowed for this

Source field: D2R-THREAD-LIMIT

Number of DB2Entry Single Phase The number of units of work using threads from this
DB2Entry that used single-phase commit, either because
they were read-only UOWs, or because DB2 was the only
recoverable resource updated in the UOW.

Source field: D2R-SINGLE-PHASE

Current number of DB2Entry Threads The current number of active threads using this

Source field: D2R-THREAD-CURRENT

Number of DB2Entry Thread Reuses The number of times CICS transactions using this
DB2Entry were able to reuse an already created DB2

Source field: D2R-THREAD-REUSE

Peak number of DB2Entry Threads The peak number of active threads for this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-THREAD-HWM

Number of DB2Entry Thread Terminates The number of terminate thread requests made for
threads for this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-THREAD-TERM

Number of DB2Entry Thread Waits/Overflows The number of times all available threads for this
DB2Entry were busy and a transaction had to wait for a
thread to become available or ’overflow’ to the pool and
use a pool thread.


DB2Entry Protected Thread Limit The maximum number of protected threads allowed for
this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-PTHREAD-LIMIT

Current number of DB2Entry Protected Threads The current number of inactive threads of this DB2Entry
that are protected.


Peak number of DB2Entry Protected Threads The peak number of inactive threads of this DB2Entry
that were protected.

Source field: D2R-PTHREAD-HWM

608 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 188. Fields in the DB2 Entries Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Current number of DB2Entry Tasks The current number of CICS tasks using this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-TASK-CURRENT

Peak number of DB2Entry Tasks The peak number of CICS tasks using this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-TASK-HWM

Current Total number of DB2Entry Tasks The current total number of tasks that have used this


Current number of Tasks on DB2Entry Readyq The current number of CICS tasks waiting for a thread to
become available for this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-READYQ-CURRENT

Peak number of Tasks on DB2Entry Readyq The peak number of CICS tasks that waited for a thread
to become available for this DB2Entry.

Source field: D2R-READYQ-HWM

Enqueue Manager Report

| Figure 74 on page 610 shows the format of the Enqueue Manager Report. This
| report is produced using the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS ENQUEUE
| command. The statistics data is mapped by the DFHNQGDS DSECT. The field
| headings and contents are described in Table 189 on page 610.

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 609

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 P

Enqueue Manager ENQueue poolname . . . . . . . . . . . . : DISPATCH

ENQs issued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0
ENQs waited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0
ENQueue waiting time . . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Average Enqueue wait time. . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000

Current ENQs waiting . . . . . . . . . . : 0

Current ENQueue waiting time . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000

Sysplex ENQs waited. . . . . . . . . . . : 0

Sysplex ENQueue waiting time . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Average Sysplex Enqueue wait time. . . . : 00:00:00.00000

Current Sysplex ENQs waiting . . . . . . : 0

Current Sysplex ENQueue waiting time . . : 00:00:00.00000
Total ENQs retained. . . . . . . . . . . : 0
Enqueue retention time . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Average Enqueue retention time . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000

Current ENQs retained. . . . . . . . . . : 0

Current Enqueue retention time . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000
Current Average Enqueue retention time . : 00:00:00.00000

Enqueues Rejected - Enqbusy. . . . . . . : 0

Enqueues Rejected - Retained . . . . . . : 0

Waiting Enqueues - Rejected Retained . . : 0

Waiting Enqueues Purged - Operator . . . : 0
Waiting Enqueues Purged - Timeout. . . . : 0

Figure 74. The Enqueue Manager Report

Table 189. Fields in the Enqueue Manager Report

Field Heading Description
Enqueue Manager
ENQueue poolname The enqueue pool name.

Source field: NQGPOOL

ENQs issued The number of enqueues issued.

Source field: NQGTNQSI

ENQs waited The number of enqueues that waited.

Source field: NQGTNQSW

ENQueue waiting time The enqueue waiting time.

Source field: NQGTNQWT

Average Enqueue wait time The average enqueue wait time.


| Current ENQs waiting The current number of ENQs waiting.

| Source field: NQGCNQSW

| Current ENQueue waiting time

| Source field: NQGCNQWT

610 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 189. Fields in the Enqueue Manager Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
| Sysplex ENQs waited

| Source field: NQGGNQSW

| Sysplex ENQueue waiting time

| Source field: NQGGNQWT

| Average Sysplex Enqueue wait time

| Source field: NQGGNQWT / NQGGNQSW

| Current Sysplex ENQs waiting

| Source field: NQGSNQSW

| Current Sysplex ENQueue waiting time

| Source field: NQGSNQWT

Total ENQs retained The total number of enqueues retained.

Source field: NQGTNQSR

Enqueue retention time The enqueue retention time.

Source field: NQGTNQRT

Average Enqueue retention time The average enqueue retention time.


Current ENQs retained The current number of enqueues retained.

Source field: NQGCNQSR

Current Enqueue retention time The current enqueue retention time.

Source field: NQGCNQRT

Current Average Enqueue retention time The current average enqueue retention time.


Enqueues Rejected - Enqbusy The number of enqueues rejected immediately -

Source field: NQGTIRJB

Enqueues Rejected - Retained The number of immediately rejected retained enqueues.

Source field: NQGTIRJR

Waiting Enqueues - Rejected Retained The number of retained enqueues awaiting rejection.

Source field: NQGTWRJR

Waiting Enqueues Purged - Operator The number of enqueues awaiting rejection because of
operator intervention.

Source field: NQGTWPOP

Waiting Enqueues Purged - Timeout The number of enqueues awaiting rejection because of

Source field: NQGTWPTO

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 611

Recovery Manager Report
| Figure 75 shows the format of the Recovery Manager Report. This report is
| produced using the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS RECOVERY command.
| The statistics data is mapped by the DFHRMGDS DSECT. The field headings and
| contents are described in Table 190.

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0 P

Recovery Manager

Number of Syncpoints forward . . . . . . . . : 16

Number of Syncpoints backward. . . . . . . . : 0
Number of Resynchronisations . . . . . . . . : 0

Total UOWs shunted for indoubt failure . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0

Total time UOWs shunted for indoubt failure. . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000

Current UOWs shunted for indoubt failure . . . . . . . . . . . : 0

Total time current UOWs shunted for indoubt failure. . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000

Total UOWs shunted for commit/backout failure. . . . . . . . . : 0

Total time UOWs shunted for commit/backout failure . . . . . . : 00:00:00.00000

Current UOWs shunted for commit/backout failure. . . . . . . . : 0

Total time current UOWs shunted for commit/backout failure . . : 00:00:00.00000

Indoubt Action Forced by Trandef . . . . . . : 0

Indoubt Action Forced by Timeout . . . . . . : 0
Indoubt Action Forced by No Wait . . . . . . : 0
Indoubt Action Forced by Operator. . . . . . : 0
Indoubt Action Forced by Other . . . . . . . : 0

Indoubt Action Forced by TD Queues . . . . . : 0

Indoubt Action Forced by LU61 Connections. . : 0
Indoubt Action Forced by MRO Connections . . : 0
Indoubt Action Forced by RMI Exits . . . . . : 0
Indoubt Action Forced by Other . . . . . . . : 0

Number of Indoubt Action Mismatches. . . . . : 0

Figure 75. The Recovery Manager Report

Table 190. Fields in the Recovery Manager Report

Field Heading Description
Recovery Manager
Number of Syncpoints forward The number of syncpoints issued.

Source field: RMGSYFWD

Number of Syncpoints backward The number of syncpoint rollbacks issued.

Source field: RMGSYBWD

Number of Resynchronizations The number of resyncs issued.

Source field: RMGRESYN

612 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 190. Fields in the Recovery Manager Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Total UOWs shunted for indoubt failure The total number of UOWs shunted for indoubt failure.

Source field: RMGTSHIN

Total time UOWs shunted for indoubt failure The total time UOWs were shunted for indoubt failure.

Source field: RMGTSHTI

Current UOWs shunted for indoubt failure The current number of UOWs shunted for indoubt

Source field: RMGCSHIN

Total time current UOWs shunted for indoubt failure The total time for the current UOWs shunted for indoubt

Source field: RMGCSHTI

Total UOWs shunted for commit/backout failure The total number of UOWs shunted for commit/backout

Source field: RMGTSHRO

Total time UOWs shunted for commit/backout failure The total time UOWs were shunted for commit/backout

Source field: RMGTSHTR

Current UOWs shunted for commit/backout failure The current number of UOWs shunted for
commit/backout failure.

Source field: RMGCSHRO

Total time current UOWs shunted for commit/backout The total time for the current UOWs shunted for
failure commit/backout failure.

Source field: RMGCSHTR

Indoubt Action Forced by Trandef The number of forced indoubt action resolutions due to
the transaction definition specifying that it cannot
support indoubt waiting.

Source field: RMGIAFTR

Indoubt Action Forced by Timeout The number of forced indoubt action resolutions due to
the indoubt wait timing out.

Source field: RMGIAFTI

Indoubt Action Forced by No Wait The number of forced indoubt action resolutions due to a
recoverable resource or resource manager coordinator
being unable to support indoubt waiting.

Source field: RMGIAFNW

Indoubt Action Forced by Operator The number of forced indoubt action resolutions due to
the operator (CEMT or SPI command) cancelling the wait
for indoubt resolution.

Source field: RMGIAFOP

Indoubt Action Forced by Other The number of forced indoubt action resolutions due to
the all other reason other than those split out above.

Source field: RMGIAFOT

Appendix E. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT 613

Table 190. Fields in the Recovery Manager Report (continued)
Field Heading Description
Indoubt Action Forced by TD Queues The number of forced indoubt action resolutions due to a
recoverable resource or resource manager coordinator
being unable to support indoubt waiting.

Source field: RMGNWTD

Indoubt Action Forced by LU61 Connections The number of forced indoubt action resolutions due to a
recoverable resource or resource manager coordinator
being unable to support indoubt waiting.

Source field: RMGNW61

Indoubt Action Forced by MRO Connections The number of forced indoubt action resolutions due to a
recoverable resource or resource manager coordinator
being unable to support indoubt waiting.

Source field: RMGNWMRO

Indoubt Action Forced by RMI Exits The number of forced indoubt action resolutions due to a
recoverable resource or resource manager coordinator
being unable to support indoubt waiting.

Source field: RMGNWRMI

Indoubt Action Forced by Other The number of forced indoubt action resolutions due to a
recoverable resource or resource manager coordinator
being unable to support indoubt waiting.

Source field: RMGNWOTH

Number of Indoubt Action Mismatches The number of forced indoubt action resolutions that a
participating resource manager coordinator resolved in
the opposite way to CICS.

Source field: RMGIAMIS

Page Index Report

Figure 76 on page 615 shows the format of the Page Index Report.

614 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Applid IYK2Z1V3 Sysid CJB3 Jobname CI07CJB3 Date 08/20/1998 Time 15:33:57 CICS 5.3.0

Page Index


Connections . . . . . . . . . . . : 63
CF Data Table Pools . . . . . . . : 76
Data Tables . . . . . . . . . . . : 74
DB2 Connection. . . . . . . . . . : 79
DB2 Entries . . . . . . . . . . . : 80
DFHRPL Analysis . . . . . . . . . : 45
Dispatcher. . . . . . . . . . . . : 3
Dispatcher TCBs . . . . . . . . . : 4
Enqueue Manager . . . . . . . . . : 81
Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 73
Global User Exits . . . . . . . . : 78
Journalnames. . . . . . . . . . . : 59
Loader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 7
Logstreams. . . . . . . . . . . . : 60
LSR Pools . . . . . . . . . . . . : 70
Program Autoinstall . . . . . . . : 62
Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . : 16
Programs by DSA and LPA . . . . . : 46
Program Storage . . . . . . . . . : 7
Program Totals. . . . . . . . . . : 44
Recovery Manager. . . . . . . . . : 99
Storage Manager BELOW 16MB. . . . : 5
Storage Manager ABOVE 16MB. . . . : 6
Storage Subpools. . . . . . . . . : 8
Subspace Statistics . . . . . . . : 15
System Status . . . . . . . . . . : 1
TCP/IP Services . . . . . . . . . : 69
Temporary Storage . . . . . . . . : 51
Temporary Storage Queues. . . . . : 52
Temporary Storage Queue Totals. . : 53
Temporary Storage Queues by Pool. : 54
Terminal Autoinstall. . . . . . . : 62
Transactions. . . . . . . . . . . : 10
Transaction Totals. . . . . . . . : 15
Transaction Manager . . . . . . . : 2
Transaction Classes . . . . . . . : 9
Transient Data. . . . . . . . . . : 55
Transient Data Queues . . . . . . : 56
Transient Data Queue Totals . . . : 58
User Exit Programs. . . . . . . . : 77
VTAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 62

'N/S' indicates that the statistics report was not selected for printing

Figure 76. The Page Index Report

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 615

Important note
This appendix provides some data relating to other products installed with
CICS. This information was valid when this book was written, but no
guarantee can be given that the information will stay unchanged, either for
other products or for CICS itself. You should always check the information
with your local IBM Systems Center.

This appendix describes:

v Major elements of “MVS storage”
v Major elements of “The CICS private area” on page 619
v Contents of “The dynamic storage areas” on page 625.

Most of the CICS storage areas are moved above the line, and it is necessary to
have some detailed knowledge of the components that make up the total address
space in order to determine what is really required.

Furthermore, it is important to understand the implications of the value of MXT

(maximum tasks) on the storage use within the CICS address space. For a given
region size, a high MXT value reduces the storage available for other users in the
dynamic storage areas.

Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information

MVS storage
There are four major elements of virtual storage within MVS. Each storage area is
duplicated above 16MB.
v The common area below 16MB
v The private area below 16MB
v The extended common area above 16MB
v The extended private area above 16MB.

The MVS common area

The common areas contain the following elements:
v MVS/ESA nucleus and extended nucleus
v System queue area (SQA and ESQA)
v Link pack areas (PLPA, MLPA, and CLPA)
v Common system area (CSA and ECSA)
v Prefixed storage area (PSA).

All the elements of the common area above are duplicated above 16MB line with
the exception of the PSA.

MVS nucleus and MVS extended nucleus

This is a static area containing the nucleus load module and extension to the
nucleus. Although its size is variable depending on an installation’s configuration,

616 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

it cannot change without a re-IPL of MVS. The nucleus area below the 16MB line
does not include page frame table entries, and the size of the nucleus area is
rounded up to a 4KB boundary. In addition, the nucleus area is positioned at the
top of the 16MB map while the extended nucleus is positioned just above 16MB.

2 gigabytes ───────────Y ┌─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬──────┬─────┐

Extended private area │ JES │ IMS │ IMS │ CICS│ TSO │ VTAM│ BATCH│ DB2 │
│ │ DC │ MPP │ │ │ │ │ │
a │ Extended CSA │
│ ├────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
Extended │ Extended MLPA │
│ │ Extended FLPA │
common │ Extended PLPA │
│ ├────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
area │ Extended SQA │
│ ├────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
b │ Extended nucleus │
16MB line ─────────────Y ├────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
a │ Nucleus and V=R │
│ ├────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ SQA │
Common ├────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ PLPA │
area │ FLPA │
│ │ MLPA │
│ ├────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
| | CSA │
b │ │
1MB boundary ───────────Y ├─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬──────┬─────┤
Private area │ JES │ IMS │ IMS │ CICS│ TSO │ VTAM│ BATCH│ │
│ │ DC │ MPP │ │ │ │ │ │
Common area │ PSA 4KB │

Figure 77. Virtual storage map for MVS/ESA

System queue area (SQA) and extended system queue area

This area contains tables and queues relating to the entire system. Its contents are
highly dependent on configuration and job requirements at an installation. The
total amount of virtual storage, number of private virtual storage address spaces,
and size of the installation performance specification table are some of the factors
that affect the system’s use of SQA. The size of the initial allocation of SQA is
rounded up to a 64KB boundary, though SQA may expand into the common
system area (CSA) in increments of 4KB.

If the SQA is overallocated, the virtual storage is permanently wasted. If it is

underallocated, it expands into CSA, if required. In a storage constrained system, it
is better to be slightly underallocated. This can be determined by looking at the
amount of free storage. If the extended SQA is underallocated, it expands into the
extended CSA. When both the extended SQA and extended CSA are used up, the
system allocates storage from SQA and CSA below the 16MB line. The allocation of
this storage could eventually lead to a system failure, so it is better to overallocate
extended SQA and extended CSA.

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 617

Link pack area (LPA) and extended link pack area (ELPA)
The link pack area (LPA) contains all the common reentrant modules shared by the
system, and exists to provide:
v Economy of real storage by sharing one copy of the modules
v Protection: LPA code cannot be overwritten even by key 0 programs
v Reduced pathlength, because modules can be branched to.

It has been established that a 2MB LPA is sufficient for MVS when using CICS
with MRO or ISC, that is, the size of an unmodified LPA as shipped by IBM. If it is
larger, there are load modules in the LPA that may be of no benefit to CICS. There
may be SORT, COBOL, ISPF, and other modules that are benefiting batch and TSO
users. You have to evaluate if the benefits you are getting are worth the virtual
storage that they use. If modules are removed, be sure to determine if the regions
they run in need to be increased in size to accommodate them.

The pageable link pack area (PLPA) contains supervisor call routines (SVCs), access
methods, and other read-only system programs along with read-only re-enterable
user programs selected by an installation to be shared among users of the system.
Optional functions or devices selected by an installation during system generation
add additional modules to the PLPA.

The modified link pack area (MLPA) contains modules that are an extension to the
PLPA. The MLPA may be changed at IPL without requiring the create link pack
area (CLPA) option at IPL to change modules in the PLPA.

MVS/ESA common system area (CSA) and extended common

system area (ECSA)
These areas contain pageable system data areas that are addressable by all active
virtual storage address spaces. They contain, for example, buffers or executable
modules for IMS/ESA, ACF/VTAM, JES3, and so on. Also present are control
blocks used to define subsystems and provide working storage for such areas as
TSO input/output control (TIOC), event notification facility (ENF), message
processing facility (MPF), and so on. As system configuration and activity increase,
the storage requirements also increase.

CICS uses the ECSA only if IMS/ESA or MRO is used. Even in this case, this use is
only for control blocks and not for data transfer. If cross-memory facilities are
being used, the ECSA usage is limited to 20 bytes per session and 1KB per address
space participating in MRO. The amount of storage used by CICS MRO is given in
the DFHIR3794 message issued to the CSMT destination at termination.

For static systems, the amount of unallocated CSA should be around 10% of the
total allocated CSA; for dynamic systems, a value of 20% is desirable. Unlike the
SQA, if CSA is depleted there is no place for it to expand into and a re-IPL can
very possibly be required.

Prefixed storage area (PSA)

The PSA contains processor-dependent status information such as program status
words (PSWs). There is one PSA per processor; however, all of them map to virtual
storage locations 0–4KB as seen by that particular processor. MVS/ESA treats this
as a separate area; there is no PSA in the extended common area.

618 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Private area and extended private area
The private area contains:
v A local system queue area (LSQA)
v A scheduler work area (SWA)
v Subpools 229 and 230 (the requestor protect key area)
v A 16KB system region area (used by the initiator)
v A private user region for running programs and storing data.

Except for the 16KB system region area, each storage area in the private area has a
counterpart in the extended private area.

The portion of the user’s private area within each virtual address space that is
available to the user’s application program, is referred to as its region. The private
area user region may be any size up to the size of the entire private area (from the
top end of the PSA to the beginning, or bottom end, of the CSA) minus the size of
LSQA, SWA, subpools 229 and 230, and the system region: for example, 220KB. (It
is recommended that the region be 420KB less to allow for RTM processing.)

The segment sizes are one megabyte, therefore CSA is rounded up to the nearest
megabyte. The private area is in increments of one megabyte. For more
information, see “The CICS private area”.

The CICS private area

The CICS private area has both static and dynamic storage requirements. The static
areas are set at initialization time and do not vary over the execution of that
address space. The dynamic areas increase or decrease their allocations as the
needs of the address space vary, such as when data sets are opened and closed,
and VTAM inbound messages being queued.

This section describes the major components of the CICS address space. In CICS
Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 there are eight dynamic storage areas.
They are:
The user DSA (UDSA)
The user-key storage area for all user-key task-lifetime storage below the
16MB boundary.
The read-only DSA (RDSA)
The key-0 storage area for all reentrant programs and tables below the
16MB boundary.
The shared DSA (SDSA)
The user-key storage area for any non-reentrant user-key RMODE(24)
programs, and also for any storage obtained by programs issuing CICS
GETMAIN commands for storage below the 16MB boundary with the
SHARED option.
The CICS-key storage area for all non-reentrant CICS-key RMODE(24)
programs, all CICS-key task-lifetime storage below the 16MB boundary,
and for CICS control blocks that reside below the 16MB boundary.

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 619

The extended user DSA (EUDSA)
The user-key storage area for all user-key task-lifetime storage above the
16MB boundary.
The extended read-only DSA (ERDSA)
The key-0 storage area for all reentrant programs and tables above the
16MB boundary.
The extended shared DSA (ESDSA)
The user-key storage area for any non-reentrant user-key RMODE(ANY)
programs, and also for any storage obtained by programs issuing CICS
GETMAIN commands for storage above the 16MB boundary with the
SHARED option.
The extended CICS DSA (ECDSA).
The CICS-key storage area for all non-reentrant CICS-key RMODE(ANY)
programs, all CICS-key task-lifetime storage above the 16MB boundary,
and CICS control blocks that reside above the 16MB boundary.

Figure 78 shows an outline of the areas involved in the private area. The three
main areas are HPA, MVS storage, and the CICS region. The exact location of the
free and allocated storage may vary depending on the activity and the sequence of
the GETMAIN/FREEMAIN requests.

Additional MVS storage may be required by CICS for kernel stack segments for
CICS system tasks—this is the CICS kernel.

Note: The CICS extended private area is conceptually the same as the CICS
private area except that there is no system region. All the other areas have
equivalent areas above the 16MB line.

┌─────────────────────┐ ─┐
│ LSQA │ │
│ SP 253, 254, 255 │ │
├─────────────────────│ │ High
│ SWA │ ├─ Private
│ SP 236, 237 │ │ Area
├─────────────────────│ │
│ SP 229, 230 │ │
├─────────────────────│ ─┘
│ MVS storage above │
│ region │
├─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─┤ IEALIMIT ─┐
│ │ │
├─────────────────────│ ─┐ │
│ MVS storage │ │ │
├─────────────────────│ │ │
│ IMS and │ │ │
│ DBRC modules │ │ │
├─────────────────────│ │ ├─ Expanded
│ CICS CDSA and UDSA │ ─┤ Requested │ region
├─────────────────────│ │ region │
│ CICS system tasks │ │ │
│ │ │ │
├─────────────────────│ ─┘ │
│ System region │ │
└─────────────────────┘ ─┘

Figure 78. CICS private area immediately after system initialization

620 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

High private area
This area consists of four areas:
v Subpool 229
v Subpool 230.

The area at the high end of the address space is not specifically used by CICS, but
contains information and control blocks that are needed by the operating system to
support the region and its requirements.

The usual size of the high private area varies with the number of job control
statements, messages to the system log, and number of opened data sets.

The total space used in this area is reported in the IEF374I message in the field
labeled “SYS=nnnnK” at jobstep termination. There is a second “SYS=nnnnK”
which is issued which refers to the high private area above 16MB. This information
is also reported in the sample statistics program, DFH0STAT.

Very little can be done to reduce the size of this area, with the possible exception
of subpool 229. This is where VTAM stores inbound messages when CICS does not
have an open receive issued to VTAM. The best way to determine if this is
happening is to use CICS statistics (see “VTAM statistics” on page 500) obtained
following CICS shutdown. Compare the maximum number of RPLs posted, which
is found in the shutdown statistics, with the RAPOOL value in the SIT. If they are
equal, there is a very good chance that subpool 229 is being used to stage
messages, and the RAPOOL value should be increased.

The way in which the storage within the high private area is used can cause an
S80A abend in some situations. There are at least two considerations:
1. The use of MVS subpools 229 and 230 by access methods such as VTAM:
VTAM and VSAM may find insufficient storage for a request for subpools 229
and 230. Their requests are conditional and so should not cause an S80A abend
of the job step (for example, CICS).
2. The MVS operating system itself, relative to use of LSQA and SWA storage
during job-step initiation: The MVS initiator’s use of LSQA and SWA storage
may vary, depending on whether CICS was started using an MVS START
command or started as a job step as part of already existing initiator and
address space. Starting CICS with an MVS START command is better for
minimizing fragmentation within the space above the region boundary. If CICS
is a job step initiated in a previously started initiator’s address space, the
manner in which LSQA and SWA storage is allocated may reduce the
apparently available virtual storage because of increased fragmentation.

Storage above the region boundary must be available for use by the MVS initiator
(LSQA and SWA) and the access method (subpools 229 and 230).

Consider initiating CICS using an MVS START command, to minimize

fragmentation of the space above your specified region size. This may avoid S80A
abends by more effective use of the available storage.

Your choice of sizes for the MVS nucleus, MVS common system area, and CICS
region influences the amount of storage available for LSQA, SWA, and subpools

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 621

229 and 230. It is unlikely that the sizes and boundaries for the MVS nucleus and
common system area can easily be changed. To create more space for the LSQA,
SWA, and subpools 229 and 230, you may need to decrease the region size.

Local system queue area (LSQA)

This area generally contains the control blocks for storage and contents
supervision. Depending on the release level of the operating system, it may contain
subpools 233, 234, 235, 253, 254, and 255.

The total size of LSQA is difficult to calculate because it depends on the number of
loaded programs, tasks, and the number and size of the other subpools in the
address space. As a guideline, the LSQA area usually runs between 40KB and
170KB depending on the complexity of the rest of the CICS address space.

The storage control blocks define the storage subpools within the private area,
describing the free and allocated areas within those subpools. They may consist of
such things as subpool queue elements (SPQEs), descriptor queue elements
(DQEs), and free queue elements (FQEs).

The contents management control blocks define the tasks and programs within the
address space such as task control blocks (TCBs), the various forms of request
blocks (RBs), contents directory elements (CDEs), and many more.

CICS DBCTL requires LSQA storage for DBCTL threads. Allow 9KB for every
DBCTL thread, up to the MAXTHRED value.

Scheduler work area (SWA)

This area is made up of subpools 236 and 237, which contain information about
the job and step itself. Almost anything that appears in the job stream for the step
creates some kind of control block here.

Generally, this area can be considered to increase with an increase in the number of
DD statements. The distribution of storage in subpools 236 and 237 varies with the
operating system release and whether dynamic allocation is used. The total amount
of storage in these subpools is around 100KB to 150KB to start with, and it
increases by about 1KB to 1.5KB per allocated data set.

A subset of SWA control blocks can, optionally, reside above 16MB. JES2 and JES3
have parameters that control this. If this needs to be done on an individual job
basis, the SMF exit, IEFUJV, can be used.

Subpool 229
This subpool is used primarily for the staging of messages. JES uses this area for
messages to be printed on the system log and JCL messages as well as
SYSIN/SYSOUT buffers. Generally, a value of 40 to 100 KB is acceptable,
depending on the number of SYSIN and SYSOUT data sets and the number of
messages in the system log.

Subpool 230
This subpool is used by VTAM for inbound message assembly for segmented
messages. Data management keeps data extent blocks (DEBs) here for any opened
data set.

622 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Generally, the size of subpool 230 increases as the number of opened data sets
increases. Starting with an initial value of 40KB to 50KB, allow 300 to 400® per
opened data set.

CICS DBCTL requires subpool 230 storage for DBCTL threads. Allow 3KB for
every DBCTL thread, up to the MAXTHRED value.

MVS storage above region

This is the storage that is left between the top of the region and the bottom of the
high private area. We recommend that 200KB to 300KB of free storage be
maintained to allow for use by the termination routines in the case of an abend.

If this free storage is not enough for recovery termination management (RTM)
processing, the address space may be terminated with a S40D abend that produces
no dump.

This area can be very dynamic. As the high private area grows, it extends down
into this area, and the CICS region may extend upward into this area up to the
value specified in IEALIMIT.

The CICS region

The total storage for a CICS region is reported by the IEF374I message in the
“VIRT=nnnK” portion for most address spaces. The equivalent message above the
16MB line is “EXT=nnnK”. The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT, produces a
report with this information. CICS formatted dumps and some specialized
monitors may be useful to determine the sizes of the various components
mentioned below. CICS statistics reports contain useful information about the
subpools of the dynamic storage areas.

CICS virtual storage

CICS virtual storage requirements can be divided into:
v MVS Storage: storage available to the operating system to perform region related
v Dynamic storage area: the requirements of CICS, access methods, and

High address
┌────────────────┐ ─┐
│ MVS storage │ │
│ │ │
├────────────────┤ │
├────────────────┤ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
└────────────────┘ ─┘
Low address

Figure 79. CICS region layout

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 623

MVS storage
The part of the CICS address space called MVS storage is the storage available to
the MVS operating system to perform region-related services in response to an
operating system macro or SVC issued by the region. For example, operating
system components such as VSAM, DL/I, or DB2, issue MVS GETMAIN requests
to obtain storage in which to build control blocks and these requests are met from
MVS storage.

This is the amount of storage that remains after the dynamic storage areas and
other CICS storage requirements have been met. The size of this area depends on
MVS GETMAIN requirements during the execution of CICS. Opening files is the
major contributor to usage of this area.

MVS storage is used to contain control blocks and data areas needed to open data
sets or do other operating system functions, and program modules for the access
method routines not already resident in the LPA, and shared routines for the
COBOL and PL/I programs.

The VSAM buffers and most of the VSAM file control blocks reside above the
16MB line.

The VSAM buffers may be for CICS data sets defined as using local shared
resources (LSR) (that is, the default) or nonshared resources (NSR).

The VSAM LSR pool is built dynamically above the 16MB line when the first file
specified as using it is opened, and deleted when the last file using it is closed.

Every opened data set requires some amount of storage in this area for such items
as input/output blocks (IOBs) and channel programs.

Files that are defined as data tables use storage above 16MB for records that are
included in the table, and for the structures which allow them to be accessed.

QSAM files require some storage in this area. Transient data uses a separate buffer
pool above the 16MB line for each type of transient data queue. Storage is obtained
from the buffer pool for queue entries as they are added to the destination control
table. Transient data also uses a buffer pool below the 16MB line where sections of
extrapartition DCTEs are copied for use by QSAM, when an extrapartition queue is
being opened or closed.

CICS DBCTL uses DBCTL threads. DBCTL threads are specified in the CICS
address space but they have storage requirements in the high private area of the
CICS address space.

If DB2 is used by the system, MVS storage is allocated for each DB2 thread.

| If you run JVM programs in CICS, that is, run Java programs under control of a
| Java virtual machine (JVM), CICS uses the MVS JVM which requires significant
| amounts of MVS storage above and below the 16MB line. For each JVM program
| running in CICS, there is an MVS JVM running in the CICS address space.

The physical placement of the MVS storage may be anywhere within the region,
and may sometimes be above the CICS region. The region may expand into this
MVS storage area, above the region, up to the IEALIMIT set by the installation or

624 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

up to the default value (see the OS/390 MVS Programming: Callable Services for
HLL). This expansion occurs when operating system GETMAIN requests are
issued, the MVS storage within the region is exhausted, and the requests are met
from the MVS storage area above the region.

When both the MVS storage areas are exhausted, the GETMAIN request fails,
causing abends or a bad return code if it is a conditional request.

The amount of MVS storage must be enough to satisfy the requests for storage
during the entire execution of the CICS region. You must use caution here; you
never want to run out of MVS Storage but you do not want to overallocate it

The size of MVS storage is the storage which remains in the region after allowing
for the storage required for the dynamic storage areas, the kernel storage areas,
and the IMS/VS and DBRC module storage. The specification of OSCOR storage in
CICS/MVS® Version 2 and earlier has been replaced with the specification of the
DSA sizes in CICS/ESA Version 3. It is important to specify the correct DSA sizes
so that the required amount of MVS storage is available in the region.

Because of the dynamic nature of a CICS system, the demands on MVS storage
varies through the day, that is, as the number of tasks increases or data sets are
opened and closed. Also, because of this dynamic use of MVS storage,
fragmentation occurs, and additional storage must be allocated to compensate for

The dynamic storage areas

The dynamic storage areas are used to supply CICS tasks with the storage needed
to execute your transactions. From the storage size that you specify on the
DSALIM and the EDSALIM parameters, CICS allocates the dynamic storage areas
above and below the line respectively.

Too small a dynamic storage area results in increased program compression or,
more seriously, SOS (short on storage) conditions, or even storage deadlock abends
when program compression is not sufficient.

DSAs consist of one or more extents. An extent below the line is 256KB and above
the line, 1MB (except UDSA with TRANISO active, when the extent is 1M).

CICS GETMAIN requests for dynamic storage are satisfied from one of the
following: the CDSA, RDSA, SDSA, ESDSA, UDSA, ECDSA, or the ERDSA during
normal execution. The sizes of the dynamic storage areas are defined at CICS
initialization, but the use of storage within them is very dynamic.

The dynamic storage areas consist of a whole number of virtual storage pages
allocated from a number of MVS storage subpools. CICS uses about 180 storage
subpools, which are located in the dynamic storage areas. For a list of the subpools
see the tables on pages 627 through 636. Each dynamic storage area has it own
“storage cushion” These subpools (including the cushion) are dynamically
acquired, as needed, a page at a time, from within the dynamic storage area.

The dynamic storage areas are essential for CICS operation. Their requirements
depend on many variables, because of the number of subpools. The major
contributors to the requirements are program working storage and the type and

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 625

number of program and terminal definitions. The storage used by individual
subpools can be determined by examining the CICS domain subpool statistics
(storage manager statistics).

If you have exhausted the tuning possibilities of MVS/ESA and other tuning
possibilities outside CICS, and the dynamic storage areas limits have been set as
large as possible within CICS, and you are still encountering virtual storage
constraint below 16MB, you may have to revise the use of options such as MXT
and making programs resident, to keep down the overall storage requirement. This
may limit task throughput. If you foresee this problem on an MVS system, you
should consider ways of dividing your CICS system, possibly by use of facilities
such as CICS multiregion operation (MRO), described in the CICS
Intercommunication Guide. You can also reduce storage constraint below 16MB by
using programs which run above 16MB.

In systems with a moderate proportion of loadable programs, program

compression is an indicator of pressure on virtual storage. This can be determined
by examining the CICS storage manager statistics which report the number of
times that CICS went short on storage.

If the dynamic storage areas limits are too small, CICS performance is degraded.
The system may periodically enter a short-on-storage condition, during which it
curtails system activity until it can recover enough storage to resume normal

However, resist the temptation to make the dynamic storage area limit as large as
possible (which you could do by specifying the maximum allowable region size). If
you do this, it can remove any warning of a shortage of virtual storage until the
problem becomes intractable.

The dynamic storage areas limits should be as large as possible after due
consideration of other areas, especially the MVS storage area above 16MB.

CICS subpools
This section describes briefly the main features of the subpools. They are found in
each of the dynamic storage areas. Most of the subpools are placed above the
16MB line. Those subpools that are found below the 16MB line, in the CDSA,
SDSA, RDSA, and UDSA, need to be more carefully monitored due to the limited
space available. Individual subpools may be static or dynamic. Some contain static
CICS storage which cannot be tuned. All the subpools are rounded up to a
multiple of 4KB in storage size and this rounding factor should be included in any
subpool sizing or evaluation of storage size changes due to tuning or other
changes. CICS statistics contain useful information about the size and use of the
dynamic storage area subpools. The CICS subpools in the dynamic storage areas
may be grouped and described according to the major factor affecting their use.
Application design
The use of CICS facilities such as program LINK, SHARED storage
GETMAINs, the type of file requests, use of temporary storage, application
program attributes (resident or dynamic), or the number of concurrent
DBCTL, or DB2, requests affect storage requirements.
Number of files definitions
These subpools may only be tuned by reducing the number of file
definitions, or by using MRO.

626 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

The use of DBCTL, or DB2
These subpools are only present if DBCTL or DB2 is used. The subpools
may be tuned by reducing the number of threads, or by using maximum
tasks (MXT) or transaction classes.
Nucleus and macro table storage
It may be possible to reduce the macro table storage by reducing the
number of macro definitions or by migrating selected macro-defined tables
to RDO.
Number and type of terminal definitions
The OPNDLIM system initialization parameter may also be tuned to limit
storage use.

The following tables list the subpools according to their dynamic storage areas and
their use.

CICS subpools in the CDSA

Table 191. CICS subpools in the CDSA
Subpool Description
DB2 contains the TIE blocks for RMI use, when invoked by the DB2 task-related
user exit program, DSN2EXT1. The tie is 100 bytes long and appended to the
tie is the local task work area for this task-related user exit which is for
DSN2EXT1 2268 bytes long. This subpool is only present when DB2 is used.
It may be tuned by limiting DB2 threads or using maximum tasks (MXT) or
transaction classes.
DFHAPD24 is a general subpool for application domain. Storage below the line.
DFHTDG24 CXRE queue definitions and SDSCI are allocated from this subpool.
DFHTDSDS contains real transient data SDSCIs, each of which contains a DCB which
resides below the line.
FC_DCB contains the DCBs for BDAM files. Each file that is defined requires 104
FCCBELOW contains real VSWA and data buffers for pre-reads. Each VSWA requires 120
bytes of storage. The maximum number of data buffers for pre-reads is given

(number of strings) x (maximum record length) x (number of files).

KESTK24 2KB below the line kernel stack. One per MXT plus one for every dynamic
system task that is running.
KESTK24E 4KB below the line kernel stack extension. At least one of these for every ten
tasks specified in the MXT limit.
LDNUC contains the CICS nucleus and macro tables. The CICS nucleus is
approximately 192KB and the size of the tables can be calculated. Programs
defined EXECKEY(CICS) and link edited RMODE(24) without the reentrant
SMCONTRL satisfies GETMAINs for control class storage.
SMSHARED contains shared storage below the 16MB line, for example RMI global work
areas, EDF blocks for the life of the transaction being monitored, and other
control blocks.
SMSHRC24 is used for many control blocks of SHARED_CICS24 class storage.
SMTCA24 stores the TCA when the task data location option is set to BELOW.

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 627

Table 191. CICS subpools in the CDSA (continued)
Subpool Description
SMTP24 holds line and terminal I/O areas which cannot be located above the 16MB
line. The storage requirements depend on the amount of terminal and line
traffic in the system. The subpool may be tuned by reducing the RAPOOL,
RAMAX, TIOAL size, and number of MRO sessions.
SZSPFCAC contains the FEPI VTAM ACB work areas.
ZCSETB24 contains application control buffers below the line.

CICS subpools in the SDSA

Table 192. CICS subpools in the SDSA
Subpool Description
APECA contains the event control areas.
DFHAPU24 is a general subpool for application domain storage below the line.
LDPGM contains dynamically loaded application programs (RMODE (24)). The
expected size of this subpool may be predicted from previous releases, and
by taking LDPGMRO into account. The subpool size may be reduced by
using 31-bit programs. Not reentrant.
LDRES contains resident application programs (RMODE (24). The expected size of
this subpool may be predicted from previous releases, and by taking
LDRESRO into account. The subpool size may be reduced by using 31-bit
programs. Not reentrant.
OSCOBOL is used for the allocation of the COBOL merged load list (MLL) control block
and its extents. It should never occupy more than its initial allocation of one
page of storage.
SMSHRU24 is used for many control blocks of SHARED_USER24 class storage.
ZCTCTUA contains the TCTTE user area. It can be located in one of the following DSAs:
SDSA, ECDSA, CDSA, or ESDSA. Its location is controlled by the system
initialization parameter, TCTUALOC=ANY|BELOW and the system
initialization parameter, TCTUAKEY=CICS|USER. The maximum size can be
specified in USERAREALEN operand of the terminal definition. See the CICS
Resource Definition Guide for more information about the terminal definition.

CICS subpools in the RDSA

Table 193. CICS subpools in the RDSA
Subpool Description
LDNUCRO contains programs defined EXECKEY(CICS) that were link edited
LDPGMRO contains programs defined EXECKEY(USER) which are not RESIDENT, that
were link edited RMODE(24) and REENTRANT.
LDRESRO contains programs defined EXECKEY(USER) and RESIDENT and were link
edited REENTRANT and RMODE(24).

CICS subpools in the ECDSA

Table 194. CICS subpools in the ECDSA
Subpool Description
AITM_TAE is the autoinstall terminal model (AITM) table entry subpool (DFHAITDS).

628 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 194. CICS subpools in the ECDSA (continued)
Subpool Description
AP_AFCTE contains the application part of the file control table (FCT) for all local and
remote files that are defined. Each VSAM file requires 48 bytes of storage
and each remote file requires 64 bytes.
AP_TCA31 contains the application part of the TCA table
AP_TXDEX contains the application part of the TXD table
APBMS contains storage use by BMS.
APCOMM31 contains COMMAREAs. The storage requirement depends on the size of
COMMAREA specified and the number of concurrent users of the
APEISTAC contains storage used by the EXEC CICS interface.
APICAD31 contains storage for ICEs and AIDs above the line.
APLLASYS contains system load list areas (LLA).
APRSAQCL contains storage used by the EXEC CICS interface.
APURD subpool contains URDs and nontask DWEs.
DBCTL subpool contains the TIE blocks for RMI use, when invoked by the DBCTL
task-related user exit program, DFHDBAT. The tie is 120 bytes long, and
appended to the tie is the local task work area for this task-related user exit
which is, for DFHDBAT, 668 bytes long. This subpool is present only when
DBCTL is used. It may be tuned by limiting DBCTL threads or using
maximum tasks (MXT) or transaction classes.
DCTE_EXT contains all extrapartition queue definitions.
DCTE_IND contains all indirect queue definitions.
DCTE_INT contains all intrapartition queue definitions.
DCTE_REM contains all remote queue definitions.
DDBROWSE contains storage for directory manager browse request tokens.
DDGENRAL contains directory manager control blocks general information.
DDS_PPT contains storage for directory manager directory elements for the PPT table.
DDS_RTXD contains storage for directory manager directory elements for the RTXD
DDS_TCL contains storage for directory manager directory elements for the TCL table.
DDS_TPNM contains storage for directory manager directory elements for the TPNM
DDS_TXD contains storage for directory manager directory elements for the TXD table.
DDS_USD1 contains storage for directory manager directory elements for the USD1 table.
DDS_USD2 contains storage for directory manager directory elements for the USD2.
DFHAPDAN is a general subpool for application domain storage above the line.
DFHTDG31 contains transient data general storage and control blocks. The storage
requirement depends on the number of buffers and strings, and on the
control interval size specified.
DFHTDIOB contains intrapartition transient data input/output buffers. The storage
requirement is given by the control interval size of the intrapartition
transient data set multiplied by the number of buffers.
DFHTDWCB contains the transient data wait elements.

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 629

Table 194. CICS subpools in the ECDSA (continued)
Subpool Description
DL/I subpool contains the TIE blocks for RMI use, when invoked by the EXEC
DL/I task-related user exit program, DFHEDP. The tie is 120 bytes long, and
appended to the tie is the local task work area for this task-related user exit
which is, for DFHEDP, 4 bytes long. This subpool is only present when
EXEC DL/I is used. It may be tuned by limiting DBCTL threads or using
maximum tasks (MXT) or transaction classes.
DMSUBPOL is the domain manager subpool for general usage.
DSBROWSE contains storage for dispatcher browse request tokens.
FC_ABOVE contains real VSWA and data buffers for pre-reads. Each VSWA requires 120
bytes of storage. The maximum number of data buffers for pre-reads is given

(number of strings) x (maximum record length) x (number of files)

FC_ACB contains ACBs for VSAM files. There is one ACB, of 80 bytes, per VSAM file.
FC_BDAM BDAM file control blocks. Each BDAM file requires 96 bytes of storage.
FC_DSNAM contains data set name blocks. Each file requires a data set name block which
uses 120 bytes of storage.
FC_FFLE contains the fast file elements (FFLEs). A FFLE is built each time a
transaction references a file name that has not previously been referenced by
that transaction. The FFLE is retained until the end of the task. There is a
free chain of FFLEs not currently in use.
FC_FRAB contains file request anchor blocks (FRABs). There is one FRAB for each
transaction that has issued a file control request. The FRAB is retained until
the end of the task. There is a free chain of FRABs not currently in use.
FC_FRTE contains file request thread elements (FRTE). There is one FRTE for each
active file control request per task. A file control request has a FRTE if:
v It has not yet terminated its VSAM thread. For example, a browse that has
not yet issued an ENDBR.
v It has updated a recoverable file and there has not yet been a syncpoint.
v It is holding READ-SET storage that must be freed in future.

There is a free chain of FRTEs not currently in use.

FC_SHRCT contains file control SHRCTL blocks. There are eight of these and each
describes a VSAM LSR pool.
FC_VSAM contains the file control table (FCT) entries for VSAM files.
FCB_C1K contains file control buffers of length 1KB. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is
between 512 bytes+1 byte up to 1KB.
FCB_C12K contains file control buffers of length 12KB. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is
between 8KB+1 byte up to 12KB.
FCB_C16K contains file control buffers of length 16KB. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is
between 12KB+1 byte up to 16KB.
FCB_C2K contains file control buffers of length 2KB. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is
between 1KB+ 1 byte up to 2KB.

630 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 194. CICS subpools in the ECDSA (continued)
Subpool Description
FCB_C20K contains file control buffers of length 20KB. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is
between 16KB+1 byte up to 20KB.
FCB_C24K contains file control buffers of length 24KB. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is
between 20KB+1 byte up to 24KB.
FCB256 contains file control buffers of length 256 bytes. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is less
than or equal to 256 bytes.
FCB_C28K contains file control buffers of length 28KB. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is
between 24KB+1 byte up to 28KB.
FCB_C32K contains file control buffers of length 32KB. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is
between 28KB+1 byte up to 32KB.
FCB_C4K contains file control buffers of length 4KB. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is
between 2KB+1 byte up to 4KB.
FCB_C512 contains file control buffers of length 512 bytes. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is
between 256 bytes+1 byte up to 512 bytes.
FCB_C8K contains file control buffers of length 8KB. They are used by file control
requests that are made against files whose maximum record length is
between 4KB+1 byte up to 8KB.
KESTK31 24KB above the line kernel stack. One per MXT plus one for every dynamic
system task that is running.
KESTK31E 4KB above the line kernel stack extensions. At least one for every ten tasks
specified in the MXT limit.
KETASK kernel task entries.
L2OFL2BL log manager domain - logger block entries.
L2OFL2BS log manager domain - logger browseable stream objects.
L2OFL2CH log manager domain - logger chain objects.
L2OFL2SR log manager domain - logger stream objects.
LD_APES loader domain - active program elements.
LD_CNTRL loader domain - general control information.
LD_CSECT loader domain - CSECT list storage.
LDENUC contains the extended CICS nucleus, and 31-bit macro tables. The extended
CICS nucleus is approximately 50KB. Programs defined EXECKEY(CICS) and
link edited RMODE(ANY) without the REENTRANT option.
LGBD log manager domain - log stream name/journal name/journal model browse
LGGD log manager domain - explicitly opened general logs.
LGGENRAL general purpose subpool for log manager domain.
LGJI log manager domain - journal name entries.
LGJMC log manager domain - journal model resource entries.
LGSD log manager domain - log stream data entries.

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 631

Table 194. CICS subpools in the ECDSA (continued)
Subpool Description
LGUOW log manager domain - unit of work data entries.
LI_PLB language interface - program language block. One is allocated for each
program when control is first passed to it.
| MDTTABLE MDT field attribute table for BMS maps sent through the CICS Web interface.
MN_CNTRL contains monitoring control blocks - general information.
MN_MAES contains monitoring control blocks. The storage requirement is 48 bytes per
active task.
MN_TMAS contains monitoring control blocks. The storage requirement is 472 bytes per
active task.
MRO_QUEU is used by the MRO work queue manager.
MROWORKE is used by the MRO work queue manager elements.
PGGENRAL general purpose program manager domain subpools.
PGHMRSA program handle manager cobol register save areas.
PGHTB program manager handle table block.
PGLLE program manager load list elements.
PGPGWE program manager wait elements.
PGPPTE program manager program definitions (PPTs).
PGPTA program manager transaction-related information.
PR_TABLE contains storage for PTEs from the PRT.
RM_TABLE is used to quickcall the recovery manager lifetime control block.
SMSHRC31 is used for many control blocks of SHARED_CICS31 class storage.
SMTCA stores the TCA when the task data location option is set to ANY.
SMTP holds line and terminal I/O areas. The storage requirements depend on the
amount of terminal and line traffic in the system. The subpool may be tuned
by reducing the RAPOOL, RAMAX, TIOAL size, and number of MRO
STSUBPOL is a statistics domain manager subpool.
SZSPFCCD is the FEPI connection control subpool.
SZSPFCCM is the FEPI common area subpool.
SZSPFCCV is the FEPI conversation control subpool.
SZSPFCDS is the FEPI device support subpool.
SZSPFCNB is the FEPI node initialization block subpool.
SZSPFCND is the FEPI node definition subpool.
SZSPFCPD is the FEPI pool descriptor subpool.
SZSPFCPS is the FEPI property descriptor subpool.
SZSPFCRP is the FEPI request parameter list subpool.
SZSPFCRQ is the FEPI requests subpool.
SZSPFCSR is the FEPI surrogate subpool.
SZSPFCTD is the FEPI target descriptor subpool.
SZSPFCWE is the FEPI work element subpool.
SZSPVUDA is the FEPI data areas subpool.

632 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 194. CICS subpools in the ECDSA (continued)
Subpool Description
TD_TDCUB contains all the transient data CI update control blocks.
TD_TDQUB contains all the transient data queue update control blocks.
TD_TDUA contains all the transient data UOW anchor control blocks.
TIA_POOL is the timer domain anchor subpool.
TIQCPOOL is the timer domain quickcell subpool.
TSBUFFRS contains the temporary storage I/O buffers. The storage requirement is given

(TS control interval size) x (number of TS buffers). The use of temporary

storage by application programs affects the size of a number of subpools
associated with temporary storage control blocks:
TSGENRAL The amount of storage used by the TSGENRAL subpool depends on the
number of buffers and strings and the control interval size defined for the
temporary storage data set.
TSMAIN contains storage for temporary storage main storage. The subpool could be
reduced by using auxiliary temporary storage.
TSMN0064 contains TS main items with lengths (including the header) less than or equal
to 64.
TSMN0128 contains TS main items with lengths (including the header) less than or equal
to 128.
TSMN0192 contains TS main items with lengths (including the header) less than or equal
to 192.
TSMN0256 contains TS main items with lengths (including the header) less than or equal
to 256.
TSMN0320 contains TS main items with lengths (including the header) less than or equal
to 320.
TSMN0384 contains TS main items with lengths (including the header) less than or equal
to 384.
TSMN0448 contains TS main items with lengths (including the header) less than or equal
to 448.
TSMN0512 contains TS main items with lengths (including the header) less than or equal
to 512.
TSTSS contains TS section descriptors.
TSTSX contains TS auxiliary item descriptors.
TSDTN contains TS digital tree nodes.
TSQUEUE contains TS queue descriptors.
TSBRB contains TS browse blocks.
TSQAB contains TS queue anchor blocks.
TSQOB contains TS queue ownership blocks.
TSTSI contains TS item descriptors.
TSQUB contains TS queue update blocks.
TSICDATA contains TS interval control elements.
TSW contains TS wait queue elements.
UE_EPBPL is the subpool for the user exit program block (EPB).

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 633

Table 194. CICS subpools in the ECDSA (continued)
Subpool Description
USGENRAL is the general-purpose subpool for the user domain.
USIDTBL contains the attach security userid table entries (LUITs). See “ISC/IRC attach
time entries” on page 410 for more information.
USRTMQUE contains queue elements for users waiting for USRDELAY. Each queue
element is 16 bytes.
USUDB contains user data blocks. The storage requirement is 128 bytes per unique
USXDPOOL contains user domain transaction-related data. Each executing transaction
requires 32 bytes.
VCTRLSUB is used by volume control’s series definition table mechanism.
XMGENRAL is the general-purpose subpool for the transaction manager
XMLQEA contains storage for large QEAs. The storage requirement depends on the
number of concurrent ENQs for resources.
XMSQEA contains storage for small QEAs. The storage requirement depends on the
number of concurrent ENQs for resources.
XMTCLASS contains the transaction manager tranclass definition.
XMTRANSN transaction manager transactions. One for every transaction in the system.
XMTXDINS transaction manager transaction definition.
XMTXDSTA transaction manager transaction definition.
XMTXDTPN contains the transaction manager transaction definition TPNAME storage.
XSGENRAL is the general-purpose subpool for the security domain.
XSXMPOOL contains security domain transaction-related data. Each executing transaction
requires 56 bytes.
ZCBIMG contains BIND images.
ZCBMSEXT contains the BMS extensions for terminals. Subpool storage requirements are
48 bytes for each terminal, surrogate, ISC session, and console.
ZCBUF contains the non-LU6.2 buffer list.
ZCCCE contains the console control elements. Each console requires 48 bytes.
ZCGENERL is the general-purpose subpool for terminal control.
ZCLUCBUF contains the LU6.2 SEND and RECEIVE buffer list .
ZCLUCEXT contains the LU6.2 extensions. The storage requirement is 224 bytes for each
LU6.2 session.
ZCNIBD contains the NIB descriptors. Each terminal, surrogate, ISC session, and
system definition requires 96 bytes of storage.
ZCNIBISC contains the expanded NIB and response during OPNDST/CLSDST for ISC.
Each concurrent logon/logoff requires 448 bytes of storage. The maximum
number of concurrent requests is limited by the number of sessions. The
storage may be tuned by reducing the number of sessions.
ZCNIBTRM contains the expanded NIB during OPNDST/CLSDST for terminals. Each
concurrent logon/logoff requires 192 bytes of storage. The maximum number
of concurrent requests is limited by the number of terminals . The storage
may be tuned by reducing the number of terminals.
ZCRAIA contains the RECEIVE ANY I/O areas.

634 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Table 194. CICS subpools in the ECDSA (continued)
Subpool Description
ZCRPL contains the RPLs for active tasks. Each active task associated with a VTAM
terminal requires 152 bytes.
ZCSETB contains application control buffers above the line.
ZCSKEL contains the remote terminal entries. Each remote terminal definition requires
32 bytes of storage.
ZCSNEX contain the TCTTE sign-on extensions. The storage requirement is 48 bytes
for each terminal, surrogate, session, and console.
ZCTCME contains the mode entries. Each mode entry requires 128 bytes of storage.
ZCTCSE contains the system entries. Each system entry requires 192 bytes of storage.
ZCTCTTEL contains the large terminal entries. 504 bytes of storage are required for every
terminal, surrogate model, and ISC session defined.
ZCTCTTEM contains the medium terminal entries. 400 bytes of storage are required for
every IRC batch terminal.
ZCTCTTES contains the small terminal entries. 368 bytes of storage are required for
every MRO session and console.
ZCTPEXT the TPE extension.
ZC2RPL contains the duplicate RPLs for active tasks. Each active task associated with
a VTAM terminal requires 304 bytes.
ZCTCTUA contains the TCTTE user area. It can be located in one of the following DSAs:
CSDSA, SDSA, ECDSA, or ESDSA. Its location is controlled by the system
initialization parameter, TCTUALOC=ANY|BELOW and the system
initialization parameter, TCTUAKEY=CICS|USER. The maximum size can be
specified in USERAREALEN operand of the terminal definition. See the CICS
Resource Definition Guide for more information.

CICS subpools in the ESDSA

Table 195. CICS subpools in the ESDSA
Subpool Description
LDEPGM contains extended (31) bit dynamically loaded application programs and
programs defined EXECKEY(USER).
LDERES contains extended (31) bit resident application programs.
SMSHRU31 is used for many control blocks of SHARED_USER31 class storage, RMI
global work areas, EDF blocks for the life of the transaction being monitored,
and other control blocks.
ZCTCTUA contains the TCTTE user area. It can be located in one of the following DSAs:
CDSA, SDSA, ECDSA, or ESDSA. Its location is controlled by the system
initialization parameter, TCTUALOC=ANY|BELOW and the system
initialization parameter, TCTUAKEY=CICS|USER. The maximum size can be
specified in USERAREALEN operand of the terminal definition. See the CICS
Resource Definition Guide for more information.

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 635

CICS subpools in the ERDSA
Table 196. CICS subpools in the ERDSA
Subpool Description
LDENUCRO contains the extended CICS nucleus and 31-bit macro tables. The extended
CICS nucleus is approximately 1850KB. The contents of this subpool has to
linked reentrant.
LDEPGMRO contains extended (31) bit dynamically loaded application programs. The
contents of this subpool has to linked reentrant.
LDERESRO contains extended (31) bit resident application programs. The contents of this
subpool has to linked reentrant.
| Short-on-storage conditions caused by subpool storage fragmentation
| When migrating to CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 you may experience
| short-on-storage problems in the Dynamic Storage Areas (DSAs) below the 16M
| line. In many cases the amount of storage allocated to the region is greater than in
| previous releases.

| CICS storage management incorporates transaction isolation (subspaces) support in

| CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, including the fact that the DSAs are now
| managed by CICS with the DSA/EDSA limits being specified in the SIT, rather
| than a size for each DSA as in previous releases. Storage extents support dynamic
| storage management and provide subspace support. Storage extents are always
| allocated in multiples of 256K below the 16M line, with the exception of the UDSA
| which is allocated in 1M extents when transaction isolation is in use. Above the
| line extents are allocated in multiples of 1M.

| When a DSA, such as the CDSA, requires additional storage in order to satisfy a
| GETMAIN request, the CICS storage manager allocates another extent to that DSA.
| However, if all extents are currently allocated, an attempt is made to locate a free
| extent in another DSA which may then be relocated to the DSA in need. However,
| in order to remove an extent from one DSA so that it may be allocated to another,
| all pages in the extent must be free (that is, not allocated to any subpool).

| Analysis of short-on-storage problems begins by obtaining a dump when the

| system is in a short-on-storage condition. The best documentation is obtained by
| setting an entry in the dump table causing a dump to be taken when the
| DFHSM0131 (short-on-storage below the line) or DFHSM0133 (short-on-storage
| above the line) is issued. Use the CICS command CEMT SET
| SYDUMPCODE(SM0131) SYSDUMP MAXIMUM(1) ADD to indicate that a dump
| should be taken the first time a DFHSM0131 message is issued.

| Use the IPCS command VERBX CICS530 ’SM=3’ to format the SM control blocks.
| Examine the DSA summaries, noting which DSA(s) are short-on-storage and the
| amount of free space in the other DSAs (above or below the 16M line as
| appropriate). The amount of freespace is given for each extent for each DSA.

| Frequently either the UDSA or the CDSA is short-on-storage but there is a large
| amount of free storage in the SDSA. The following dump extracts are from a
| problem of this type where the UDSA is short-on-storage.

| Each extent has an associated page pool extent (PPX) and page allocation map
| (PAM). Examination of the SDSA extents shows several extents with large amounts

636 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| of freespace. For example, the extent beginning at 00700000 running through
| 0073FFFF has only 4K allocated and 252K free.
| Extent list: Start End Size Free
| 00700000 0073FFFF 256K 252K

| The DSA extent summary shows that the PPX for the extent at 00700000 is found
| at 09F0A100, and the associated PAM is found at 09F0A150. Examination of the
| PAM shows only one page is allocated, and it belongs to the subpool with an ID of
| x’7A’.
| Start End Size PPX_addr Acc DSA
| 00700000 0073FFFF 256K 09F0A100 C SDSA
| PPX.SDSA 09F0A100 Pagepool Extent Control Area
| 0000 00506EC4 C6C8E2D4 D7D7E740 40404040 *.&>DFHSMPPX *
| 0010 E2C4E2C1 40404040 09A1BA68 071B3EA0 *SDSA ........*
| 0020 00040000 00700000 0073FFFF 071B5EE0 *................*
| 0030 00000000 09F0A150 00000040 0710A268 *.....0.&;.. ..s.*
| 0040 0003F000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *..0.............*
| PAM.SDSA 09F0A150 Page Allocation Map
| 0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
| 0030 00000000 0000007A 00000000 00000000 *................*

| The domain subpool summary determines for the SDSA which subpool is
| associated with the ID of x’7A’. In this dump 7A is the ID for subpool ZCTCTUA.
| Do not rely on the IDs being the same for multiple runs of CICS because the IDs
| are assigned in the order the ADD_SUBPOOL is issued.
| ==SM: UDSA Summary (first part only)
| Size: 512K
| Cushion size: 64K
| Current free space: 56K (10%)
| * Lwm free space: 12K ( 2%)
| * Hwm free space: 276K (53%)
| Largest free area: 56K
| * Times nostg returned: 0
| * Times request suspended: 0
| Current suspended: 0
| * Hwm suspended: 0
| * Times cushion released: 1
| Currently SOS: YES
| ==SM: SDSA Summary (first part only)
| Size: 4352K
| Cushion size: 64K
| Current free space: 2396K (55%)
| * Lwm free space: 760K (17%)
| * Hwm free space: 2396K (55%)
| Largest free area: 252K
| * Times nostg returned: 0
| * Times request suspended: 0
| Current suspended: 0
| * Hwm suspended: 0
| * Times cushion released: 0
| Currently SOS: NO

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 637

| A short-on-storage condition can occur as a result of large amounts of redundant
| program storage (RPS). This can be identified in the domain subpool summary and
| the loader domain summary (use the IPCS command VERBX CICS 530 ’LD=3’ to
| format the LD control blocks).

| DFH0STAT provides useful information in the storage summary without a

| breakdown by subpool. DFH0STAT should be run just prior to the completion of
| the statistics interval. For example, if the statistics interval is 3 hours, run
| DFH0STAT at 2 hours and 59 minutes. See “Appendix E. The sample statistics
| program, DFH0STAT” on page 519 for more information.

| To ease the short-on-storage problems, you may have to define the initial size of a
| DSA using one or more of the SIT overrides CDSASZE, UDSASZE, SDSASZE, and
| RDSASZE (see the CICS System Definition Guide). These overrides should only be
| used if changes to storage management do not completely resolve the
| short-on-storage problems.

| Storage management requests the loader to reduce the RPS storage below 80%.
| This makes additional extents available to be allocated to the DSA in need.

| LDPGMRO storage is allocated on a 16-byte boundary to reduce free space

| between programs.

| If short-on-storage problems persist, initial DSA sizes may be specified as SIT

| overrides. The following process can be used to determine the values to use.

| Collect DFH0STAT output as described, for information showing storage use by

| DSA during the intervals.

| Review the CICS statistics for several days. This provides information which can
| be used to define the amount of storage used at a subpool and a DSA level. Extent
| usage is shown with the number of extents added and released.

| In addition to the DSA information provided in DFH0STAT, the results about each
| subpool are provided, including the DSA where it was allocated. If statistics are
| being gathered, end-of-day statistics will only provide data since the last statistics
| collection.

| Determine if DSALIM has been specified as large as possible, but allowing for
| OSCORE requirements of the various packages in use.

| Allocating into managed extents can lead to a block of storage in an extent which
| is insufficient to satisfy a getmain request. With the dynamic nature of the
| subpools and DSAs, this should be relieved as the subpool/extent storage is
| reused. Specifying the initial DSA size using the SIT override for the affected DSA
| has the effect of reserving contiguous extents up to the amount specified, and
| eliminating the blocks of storage.

| Additional DSAs (RDSA and SDSA) are available and many of the subpools from
| the UDSA are moved to the SDSA. The end-of-day statistics or information in a
| dump of the CICS region can be used to define relative sizes of the subpools and
| associated DSAs.

| Also, using the LPA reduces the amount of storage used in LDNUCRO by
| approximately 100K.

638 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

| MAPS should be defined as MAPS. Defining MAPS as programs causes them to be
| loaded into LDRES rather than in LDNUC. LDRES is part of the SDSA and more
| sensitive to fragmentation. For PSBPOOL space, the shutdown statistics provide
| the correct size.

CICS kernel storage

CICS kernel storage consists of control blocks and data areas that CICS requires to
manage system and user tasks throughout CICS execution. The majority of this
storage is allocated from the CICS DSAs. A small amount of this storage is
allocated from MVS storage.

The kernel recognises two types of task: static tasks, and dynamic tasks. The kernel
storage for static tasks is pre-allocated and is used for tasks controlled by the MXT
mechanism. The storage for dynamic tasks is not pre-allocated and is used for
tasks such as system tasks which are not controlled by the MXT value. Because the
storage for dynamic tasks is not pre-allocated, the kernel may need to GETMAIN
the storage required to attach a dynamic task when the task is attached.

The number of static tasks is dependant upon the current MXT value (there are
MXT+1 static tasks). The storage for static tasks is always GETMAINed from the
CICS DSAs. If MXT is lowered the storage for an excess number of static tasks is
freed again.

During early CICS initialization the kernel allocates storage for 8 dynamic tasks.
This storage is GETMAINed from MVS and is always available for use by internal
CICS tasks. All other storage for dynamic tasks is then allocated, as needed, from
the CICS DSAs. Typically when a dynamic task ends, its associated storage is

The storage required by a single task is the same for both types of task and can be
divided into storage required above and below the 16MB line:
v Above the line the following storage is required per task:
– A 896-byte kernel task entry
– A 24K 31-bit stack.
v Below the line the following storage is required per task:
– A 2K 24-bit stack.

In addition to this storage, the kernel also allocates a number of 4K extension

stacks both above and below the 16MB line. These are for use by any task, if it
overflows the stack storage allocated to it. The number of 24-bit and 31-bit stack
extensions pre-allocated by the kernel is determined by dividing the current MXT
value by 10.

When the kernel GETMAINs storage from the CICS DSAs, the following subpools
are used:
v In the CDSA:
KESTK24 2K stack segments
KESTK24E 4K extension stack segments
v In the ECDSA:
KESTK31 24K stack segments
KESTK31E 4K extension stack segments
KETASK 896 byte task entries

Appendix F. MVS and CICS virtual storage 639

End of Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information

640 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Appendix G. Performance data
This appendix contains the relative costs of a subset of the CICS application
program interface (API) calls. The information is divided into the following
| v “Variable costs”
v “Additional costs” on page 644
v “Transaction initialization and termination” on page 644
v “File control” on page 644
v “Record Level Sharing (RLS)” on page 647
v “Temporary Storage” on page 648
v “Transient Data” on page 649
v “Program Control” on page 650
v “Storage control” on page 650
v “Interregion Communication” on page 650.
Using the tables in this appendix, you can compare the relative processing times of
particular CICS API calls, and examine some of the other factors that affect overall
processing times. These tables can help you make decisions concerning application
design when you are considering performance. To calculate a time for a
transaction, find the entries appropriate to your installation and application, and
add their values together.

Before you work with these numbers, please note the following:
v The cost per call is documented in 1K or millisecond instruction counts taken
from a tracing tool used internally by IBM. Each execution of an instruction has
a count of 1. No weighting factor is added for instructions that use more
machine cycles than others.
v Because the measurement consists of tracing a single transaction within the CICS
region, any wait for I/O etc. results in a full MVS WAIT. This cost has been
included in the numbers reported in this document. On a busy system the
possibility of taking a full MVS WAIT is reduced because the dispatcher has a
higher chance of finding more work to do.
v When judging performance, the numbers in this book should not be compared
with those published previously, because a different methodology has been used.

Variable costs
The sections from “Transaction initialization and termination” on page 644 onwards
describe the relative costs of a subset of the CICS API calls. To those costs must be
added the variable costs described in this section.

Variable costs are encountered, for different machine configurations, when there is
synchronous access to a coupling facility. For example, RLS and shared temporary
storage use synchronous access to a coupling facility; so, for CF log streams, does
the MVS logger. The variance occurs because a synchronous access instruction
executes for as long as it takes to complete the access to the coupling facility and
return. The number of central processing unit (CPU) cycles consumed during the
request therefore depends on:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 641

v The speed of access to the coupling facility.
v The speed of the processor CPU. Assuming that the access time to a particular
coupling facility is a constant, if the CPU speed were to be changed the number
of CPU cycles consumed during the request would also change.

The following sections describe variable costs for logging and syncpointing.

Because logging costs contain some of the variable costs incurred by synchronous
accesses to the coupling facility, they are documented here in terms of milliseconds
of CPU time. The measurements have been taken on a 9672-R61 with a 9674-R61
coupling facility; they can be scaled to any target system, using the IT Relative
| Ratios (ITRRs) published in the IBM Large System Performance Report. This can be
| accessed through the IBM System/390 web page (http://www.s390.ibm.com), more
| specifically, at http://www.s390.ibm.com/lspr/lspr.html.

When looking at the cost of accessing recoverable resources, the cost of writing the
log buffer to primary storage has been separated from the API cost. FORCE and
NOFORCE are the two types of write operations to the system log buffer.
v The FORCE operation requests that the log buffer is written out and is made
non-volatile. The transaction that made this request is suspended until the
process completes. The log is not written out immediately but is deferred using
an internal algorithm. The first forced write to the log sets the clock ticking for
the deferred log flush. Subsequent transactions requesting log forces will put
their data in the buffer and suspend until the original deferred time has expired.
This permits buffering of log requests and it means that the cost of writing the
log buffer is shared between many transactions.
v The NOFORCE operation puts the data into the log buffer, which is written to
primary storage when a FORCE operation is requested or the buffer becomes

The cost of writing a log buffer varies, depending on which of the following
v The write is synchronous to the coupling facility
v The write is asynchronous to the coupling facility
v A staging data set is being used
v DASD-only logging is being used.
Synchronous writes to the CF
Writes of less than 4K in size are generally synchronous. A synchronous write
uses a special instruction that accesses the coupling facility directly. The
instruction lasts for as long as it takes to access the coupling facility and
return. This access time, known as the “CF Service Time”, depends on both the
speed of the coupling facility and the speed of the link to it. CF Service Times
can be monitored using RMF III, as shown on page 273. For synchronous
writes, the CPU cost of the access changes as the CF Service Time changes; this
is not true of asynchronous writes.
Asynchronous writes to the CF
Asynchronous writes do not use the same instruction used by synchronous
writes. A CICS task that does an asynchronous log write gives up control to
another task, and the operation is completed by the logger address space.

Table 197 shows the costs of the various flavours of log writes. Note that, although
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 log writes are more expensive than those in

642 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

pre-CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 releases, a change in the logging algorithm
means that the frequency of logging is less.
Table 197. Costs of log writes. The measurements were taken on a 9672-R61 with a
9674-R61 coupling facility.
Type of log write CPU time in milliseconds
CICS address MVS logger
space address space
CF synchronous (i.e. < 4K) 1.754 . -
CF asynchronous (i.e. > 4K) 2.354 0.771
Staging data set < 4K 2.805 0.881
Staging data set > 4K 1.939 1.520
DASD-only < 4K 2.678 0.703
DASD-only > 4K 2.680 0.720
.: For a synchronous access to the coupling facility, the figure for the CPU time in the
CICS address space includes the CF Service Time of 0.451ms. Note that, for a synchronous
write to the coupling facility:
v The CPU time in the CICS address space is affected by the speed of the coupling facility.
v The proportion of the CPU time in the CICS address space represented by the CF Service
Time will vary, depending on the CPU and coupling facility used.
v This measurement was taken using a buffer size of 3800 bytes. Smaller buffer writes use
less CF service time.

The syncpoint cost needs to be factored into the overall transaction cost. The
amount of work at syncpoint varies according to the number of different types of
resource managers (RMs) involved during the unit of work (UOW). Therefore, the
cost can vary.

Typically, a syncpoint calls all the RMs that have been involved during the UOW.
These may or may not need to place data in the log buffer before it is written out.
For example, recoverable TD defers putting data into the log buffer until a
syncpoint. Recovery manager itself puts commit records into the log buffer and
requests a forced write. For these reasons it is difficult to give a precise cost for a
syncpoint, but the following should be used as a guide:

A syncpoint can be split as follows:

Basic cost 5.0

Put commit records in the log buffer 2.0
For each RM used in UOW 2.5
Write log buffer See “Logging” on page 642

This shows syncpoint costs, in 1K instruction units, for local resources only. If
distributed resources are updated, communication costs will need to be added.

If no recoverable resources have been updated, the cost is only the transaction
termination cost as described in “Transaction initialization and termination” on
page 644.

Appendix G. Performance data 643

Additional costs
The calculations in the following sections have been made assuming that
performance monitoring and CICS tracing are turned off. Monitoring and tracing
incur additional costs.

Using an internal IBM benchmark with a pathlength of 20 milliseconds of CPU

time on a 9672-R61, trace added about 20% to the transaction pathlength.
Performance monitoring added about 5% to the transaction pathlength.

Transaction initialization and termination

This section shows the costs for the following:
v Receive
v Attach/terminate
v Send.

The receive cost is based on an LU2 type terminal sending a 4-byte transaction
identifier and includes all the VTAM processing using HPO=YES.

Receive transaction ID 13.5

Assembler COBOL
Attach and initialization 7.5 11.0
Termination 6.2 10.0


The transaction initialization cost is calculated from the start of transaction attach
to the start of the CICS application code.

The transaction termination cost assumes that no recoverable resources have been
updated. If recoverable resources have been updated, the syncpointing cost must
be added to the termination cost.

The send cost consists of one request unit to a LU2 type terminal. It includes both
CICS and VTAM instructions for a system using HPO=YES.

Send to terminal 17.0

File control
This section contains the relative costs of VSAM file control accesses. For read
operations the VSAM I/O cost is not included because the necessity to access
DASD is workload dependent. For the read operation to complete both the index
and data must be accessed. If neither index or data is in a buffer, an I/O must be

644 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

done for each level of index and one for the data. The relative number of
instructions, in 1K instruction counts, for the I/O for each file type is as follows:
v 9.5 for a KSDS
v 9.5 for an ESDS
v 8.2 for a RRDS

3.0 2.4 2.2 First: 1.5

Recoverable and non-recoverable files are included in the READ UPDATE cost:

Non-recoverable files
3.1 2.3 2.2

Recoverable files
5.5 4.3 4.2

A recoverable READ UPDATE puts the ’before image’ into the log buffer which, if not
subsequently written to primary storage, is written out before the REWRITE is completed.

Recoverable and non-recoverable files are included in the REWRITE cost.

Every REWRITE has a data VSAM I/O associated with it.

Non-recoverable files
10.2 10.1 10.1

Recoverable files
10.4 10.3 10.3

Appendix G. Performance data 645


A REWRITE of a recoverable file requires that the log buffer containing the before image has
been written out. If the buffer has not already been written out since the READ UPDATE,
the cost of writing the log buffer is incurred. When the before image has been hardened
the VSAM I/O takes place.

At the end of the transaction, there are additional costs involved in syncpointing if
recoverable resources have been updated. See “Syncpointing” on page 643.

The cost for WRITE includes nonrecoverable files and recoverable files.

Every WRITE has a data VSAM I/O associated with it. The index will need to be
written only when a control area split occurs.

Non-Recoverable files
12.9 11.1 10.9

Recoverable files
14.9 13.1 12.9

Every WRITE has a hidden READ associated with it to ensure that the record is not
already present in the file. This under the cover READ could incur the cost of I/Os if the
index and/or data are not in the buffer.

Each WRITE to a recoverable file will require that the Log Buffer containing the data image
has been written out before doing the VSAM I/O.

At the end of the transaction, there are additional costs involved in syncpointing if
recoverable resources have been updated. See “Syncpointing” on page 643.

You cannot delete from an ESDS record file.

Non-Recoverable files
12.5 11.5

Recoverable files
14.5 13.5

646 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide


At the end of the transaction, additional costs are involved in syncpointing if recoverable
resources have been updated. See “Syncpointing” on page 643.

3.1 1.5 1.6 2.6 1.4

The pathlength for EXEC CICS UNLOCK is 0.7.
| Coupling facility data tables
| The CPU instruction data provided here was obtained using a 9672-R55 system.

| Two tables are provided:

| v The first for record lengths that result in synchronous coupling facility accesses
| (less than 4K)
| v The second for record lengths that result in asynchronous coupling facility
| accesses (greater than 4K).
| Note that the asynchronous requests do take more CPU time to process. The
| response times will also be slightly longer than for synchronous requests. CPU
| instructions per API call for record lengths less than 4K are as follows:
| READ 11.8 11.8 11.8
| READ/UPDATE 12.0 22.2 22.4
| REWRITE 19.5 24.0 33.0
| WRITE 8.0 8.0 13.0
| DELETE 7.0 11.0 16.5

| CPU instructions per API call for record lengths greater than 4K, are
| READ 15.3 15.3 15.3
| READ/UPDATE 15.0 25.7 25.9
| REWRITE 23.0 27.5 36.5
| WRITE 11.5 11.5 16.5
| DELETE 10.5 14.5 20.0
Record Level Sharing (RLS)
For information about performance measurements on record level sharing (RLS),
see the System/390 MVS Parallel Sysplex Performance manual, SG24 4356 02.

Appendix G. Performance data 647

Temporary Storage
The costing for temporary storage covers the following:
v Main storage
In each example, n represents the number of items in the queue before it is deleted.

Main Storage
1.0 0.8 0.8 0.71 + 0.23 * n

Auxiliary Storage
The approximations for auxiliary TS queues do not include any VSAM I/O cost. A
VSAM I/O costs approximately 11.5K instructions and will occur as follows:
v When attempting to write an item that does not fit in any buffer
v When reading an item that is not in the buffer
v If, when reading a control interval from DASD with no available buffer space,
the least recently used buffer must first be written out.
Therefore, under certain circumstances, a READQ could incur the cost of two

Non-Recoverable TS Queue
1.3 1.8 1.0 0.75 + 0.18 * n

Recoverable TS Queue
1.4 19 1.0 0.87 + 0.18 * n

Note: The main difference between the cost of accessing non-recoverable and
recoverable TS queues is incurred at syncpoint time, when, for recoverable
queues, the following happens:
v The VSAM I/O cost is incurred if only interval has been used during the
unit of work, and has not already reached DASD.
v The new DASD control interval addresses are put in the log buffer. The
cost for recovery manager to do this is about 2.0K instructions.
v A forced log write is requested and the syncpoint will complete when the
log buffer has been written to primary storage. For more information, see
“Variable costs” on page 641.

Shared Temporary Storage

For information about performance measurements on shared temporary storage,
see the System/390 MVS Parallel Sysplex Performance manual.

648 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Transient Data
Transient data costs in this section are for the following:
v Intrapartition Queues
v “Extrapartition queues”

Intrapartition Queues
The approximations for non-recoverable and logically recoverable intrapartition TD
queues do not include any VSAM I/O cost. A VSAM I/O costs approximately
11.5K and occurs:
v When attempting to write an item that will not fit in any buffer.
v When reading an item that is not in the buffer.
v If, when reading a control interval from DASD and there is no available buffer
space, the least recently used buffer will first have to be written out. Therefore,
under certain circumstances, a READQ could incur the cost of two VSAM I/Os.

Non-Recoverable TD Queue
1.5 1.3 1.3

Logically Recoverable TD Queue

First: 2.8 Subsequent:1.5 First: 2.4 Subsequent:1.4 1.1


The main difference between Non-Recoverable and Logically Recoverable TD

Queues occurs at Syncpoint time. At syncpoint, the new TD Queue addresses are
put in the Log Buffer and a forced Log write is requested. The cost to put the data
in the buffer is about 2.0K. The cost of writing the Log Buffer to the CF is
described in the section on Recovery Costs.

Physically Recoverable TD Queue

19.7 First: 9.3 Subsequent:8.8 8.7

Physically Recoverable WRITEQ requests involve forcing a VSAM I/O and forcing a Log
write to the CF for every request.

Extrapartition queues
The approximate calculations for extrapartition TD queues do not include any I/O
cost. An I/O for a physically sequential file costs approximately 7.0K and occurs
as follows:
v When attempting to write an item that will not fit in any buffer.
v When reading an item that is not in the buffer.

Appendix G. Performance data 649

v If, when reading data from DASD and there is no available buffer space, the
least recently used buffer will first have to be written out.
Therefore, under certain circumstances, a READQ could incur the cost of two I/Os.

Extrapartition TD queues are non-recoverable.

1.2 1.0

Program Control
Program control costs assume that all programs have previously been loaded, and
that there is no load operation from DASD.

Assembler COBOL
LINK 1.5 4.0
XCTL 2.1 5.1
RETURN 1.1 3.3

Storage control
0.9 0.9

Interregion Communication
This section describes the additional costs of communication between two CICS
regions using the following communication methods:
This is CICS to CICS communication where both regions are in the same MVS
image. CICS uses MVS cross memory (XM) services for this environment.
This is CICS to CICS communication where both regions are on separate MVS
images. In this environment the transport class is defined to use a XCF path
that exploits a channel to channel (CTC) device for message traffic between the
two MVS images. This is only supported within a sysplex.
MRO XCF (via CF)
This is CICS to CICS communication where both regions are on separate MVS
images. In this environment the transport class is defined to use an XCF path
that exploits a CF structure for message traffic between the two MVS images.
This is supported only within a sysplex.
This is CICS to CICS communication where both regions are on separate MVS
images. In this environment VTAM LU6.2 uses a CTC for communication
between the two MVS images.

Transaction routing
37.0 43.0 66.0 110.0

650 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Function shipping (MROLRM=YES)
Initiate/terminate environment 13.2 13.2 13.2
Each function shipping request 9.0 23.4 48.4
Syncpoint flow 9.0 23.4 48.4

The above costs relate to CICS systems with long running mirrors.

ISC LU6.2 does not support MROLRM=YES.

Included in the initiate/terminate environment is the cost of:

v Session allocation, initiation of the mirror transaction, termination of the mirror
transaction, and session de-allocation.

For example, if you were migrating from a local file access to MRO XM and requesting 6
function ships per transaction, the additional cost could be calculated as follows:

13.2(Initiate/Terminate)+6(requests)*9.0(Request Cost)+ 9.0(Syncpoint) = 76.0

Function shipping (MROLRM=NO)

Without long running mirrors each function ship read request incurs the cost of
session allocation and mirror initialization and termination. However, the first
change to a protected resource (for example, a READ UPDATE or a WRITE) causes
the session and mirror to be held until a syncpoint.

21.4 35.0 59.9 115.0

Appendix G. Performance data 651

652 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
This glossary defines CICS terms used in this completed a UOW and started another, but that did not
book and words used with other than their cause any records to be written to the system log
everyday meaning. In some cases, a definition during the second UOW. During recovery-control
may not be the only one applicable to a term, but processing, a UOW completion but no physical
end-of-task (that is, task DETACH) is found.
gives the particular sense in which it is used in
this book. activity keypoint. A record of task and DCT entry
status on the system log made on a periodic basis to
This glossary includes terms and definitions from facilitate the identification of transaction backout
the IBM Vocabulary for Data Processing, information during emergency restart. In the event of
Telecommunications, and Office Systems, GC20-1699. an uncontrolled shutdown and subsequent emergency
restart, activity keypoints can shorten the process of
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) backward scanning through the system log. Activity
definitions are preceded by an asterisk (*). keypoints are written automatically by the system
(system activity keypoints) or by the user (user
activity keypoints).
The symbol “(ISO)” at the beginning of a
definition indicates that it has been discussed and address space. The complete range of addresses that is
agreed on at meetings of the International available to a program.
Organization for Standardization, Technical
Committee 97/Subcommittee 1, and has been addressing mode (AMODE). In MVS, the mode,
approved by ANSI for inclusion in the American 24-bit or 31-bit, in which a program stores addresses.
The AMODE linkage-editor control statement specifies
National Dictionary for Information Processing.
the addressing mode of the load module produced.

A Advanced Communications Function (ACF). A group

of program products for users of MVS that can improve
abend. Abnormal end of task. single-domain and, optionally, multidomain data
communication capability.
ACB. See access method control block .
Advanced Program-to-Program Communication
access key. An indicator associated with a reference to (APPC). The SNA protocol boundary of the
storage. It is matched to the storage key to permit presentation services layer of the LU6.2 architecture.
access to the storage. In most cases, the access key is APPC is commonly used as a synonym for LU6.2.
the PSW key in the current PSW.
after image. A record of the contents of a data element
access method. A technique for moving data between after it has been changed. After images are used for
main storage and input/output devices. forward recovery.

access method control block (ACB). A control block agent. In a two-phase commit or MRO syncpointing
that links an application program (for example, a CICS sequence, a task that receives syncpoint requests from
program) to an access method (for example VSAM or the initiator (the task that initiates the syncpoint
ACF/VTAM). An ACB is used when communicating activity).
with DL/I only when the underlying access method is
VSAM. AID. Automatic Initiate Descriptor.

ACF. See advanced communications function. AIEXIT. System initialization parameter used to
specify the name of the autoinstall user program that
active session. In XRF, a session between a class 1 you want CICS to use when autoinstalling VTAM
terminal and the active system. A session that connects terminals. The default is the name of the CICS-supplied
the active CICS to an end user. autoinstall user program, DFHZATDX. See the CICS
System Definition Guide for more information.
active system. In an XRF environment, the CICS
system that currently supports the processing requests AILDELAY. System initialization parameter used to
of the user. specify the delay period that elapses between the end
of a session between CICS and a terminal and the
active task. A CICS task that is eligible for dispatching deletion of the terminal entry. The default is zero,
by CICS. During emergency restart, a task that

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 653

meaning that the terminal entry is deleted as soon as automatic transaction initiation (ATI). The initiation
the session is ended. See the CICS System Definition of a CICS transaction by an internally-generated
Guide for more information. request, for example, the issue of an EXEC CICS START
command or the reaching of a transient data trigger
AIQMAX. System initialization parameter used to level. A transaction can be initiated immediately, at a
specify the maximum number of devices that can be specified time, after a specified time interval, or, if a
queued concurrently for autoinstall. The default is 1000. terminal is required, as soon as that terminal is free.
See the CICS System Definition Guide for more
information. auxiliary storage. Data storage other than main
storage; for example, storage on magnetic tape or direct
AIRDELAY. System initialization parameter used to access devices.
specify the delay period that elapses after an
emergency restart, before autoinstalled terminals that auxiliary trace. An optional CICS function that causes
are not in session are deleted. The default is 700, trace entries to be recorded in the auxiliary trace data
meaning a delay of seven minutes. See the CICS System set, a sequential data set on disk or tape.
Definition Guide for more information.
AUXTR. System initialization parameter used to
AKPFREQ. System initialization parameter used to indicate whether the auxiliary trace destination is to be
specify the frequency of activity keypoints. The default activated at system initialization. This parameter
is 1000. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more controls whether any of the three types of CICS trace
information. entry (system trace, user trace, and exception trace) are
written to the auxiliary trace data set. See the CICS
alternate system. In an XRF environment, a CICS System Definition Guide for more information.
system that stands by to take over the user workload
when the active CICS system fails or a takeover is availability. The degree to which a system or resource
initiated. is ready when needed to process data; the percentage of
time a system, network, or component can be utilized,
AMODE. See addressing mode. within a certain time frame. Generally, the percentage is
derived by dividing actual availability time by
APAR. Authorized program analysis report. scheduled availability time.
APPC. See advanced program-to-program average throughput rate. The power of a system to
communication. process a representative work load. The power of the
system is measured in units of data processing work,
APPLID. System initialization parameter used to
for example, jobs or transactions successfully completed
specify the VTAM application identifiers (applids) for
per hour, minute, or second.
this CICS region. See the CICS System Definition Guide
for more information. AVM. Availability manager.
assembler language. A source language that includes AXM. The ’authorized cross-memory’ server
symbolic machine-language statements in which there environment, a set of modules providing run-time
is a one-to-one correspondence with the instruction services for CICS-related cross-memory servers which
formats and the data formats of the computer. Before run in MVS authorized state (unlike CICS itself, which
execution, a CICS assembler-language application runs unauthorized once initialization has completed)
program must be processed by the translator, such as the temporary storage data sharing server.
assembler, and linkage editor.

asynchronous processing. A means of distributing the B

processing of an application between systems in an
intercommunication environment. The processing in backout. The process of restoring to a previous state
each system is independent of the session on which all or part of a system. The process of removing all the
requests are sent and replies are received. No direct updates against protected resources such as files and
correlation can be made between requests and replies DL/I databases performed by an application program
and no assumptions can be made about the timing of that either has terminated abnormally or was inflight at
the replies. the time of a CICS or MVS image failure. Backout can
by done dynamically in the case of an application
automatic initiate descriptor (AID). A control block abend, or during restart in the case of CICS or MVS
used internally by CICS for scheduling purposes. An failure.
example of AID use is scheduling a transaction,
optionally associating it with a terminal and a backup session. In XRF, the session built by VTAM to
temporary storage queue. Another use is scheduling the alternate CICS system for XRF-capable terminals,
MRO, LU6.1, and LU6.2 ALLOCATE requests. used after a takeover to reestablish service to the

654 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Basic Direct Access Method (BDAM). An access CDSA. See CICS dynamic storage area.
method used to retrieve or update particular blocks of
a data set on a direct access device. CDSASZE. System initialization parameter used to
specify the amount of storage to be allocated by CICS
basic mapping support (BMS). A facility that moves for the CICS dynamic storage area (CDSA) below the
data streams to and from a terminal. BMS is an 16MB line. The default size is 1536KB. See the CICS
interface between CICS and its application programs. It System Definition Guide for more information.
formats input and output display data in response to
BMS commands in programs. To do this, it uses device CEBR. A CICS-supplied transaction used to browse
information from CICS system tables and formatting temporary storage queues. See the CICS Supplied
information from maps you have prepared for your Transactions manual for more information.
application programs.
CEBT. A CICS-supplied transaction that the operator
BMS provides message routing, terminal paging, and can issue from the MVS console to control an alternate
device independent services. Most of the BMS CICS system. See the CICS Supplied Transactions manual
programs are resident in the CICS nucleus. for more information.
BMS exists in three pregenerated versions: minimum,
standard, and full function. Each version provides a CEDA. The main CICS-supplied transaction used to
different level of function, and therefore define resources online. Using CEDA, you can update
both the CICS system definition data set (CSD) and the
Basic sequential access method (BSAM). An access running CICS system. See the CICS Resource Definition
method for storing or retrieving data blocks in a Guide for more information.
continuous sequence.
CEMT. A CICS-supplied transaction used to invoke all
| BTS. CICS business transaction services the master terminal functions. These functions include
inquiring and changing the value of parameters used
Basic telecommunications access method (BTAM). by CICS, altering the status of system resources,
An access method that enables read/write terminating tasks, and shutting down CICS. See the
communication with remote devices. CICS Supplied Transactions manual for more
BDAM. Basic direct access method.
CEST. A CICS-supplied transaction used to invoke a
Binary synchronous communication (BSC). Data subset of the master terminal (CEMT) functions. CEST
transmission in which synchronization of characters is allows you to inquire about and alter some of the
controlled by timing signals generated at the sending values of lines, netnames, tasks, and terminals. See the
and receiving stations. CICS Supplied Transactions manual for more
BookManager. A family of IBM products that enable
users to create and display online books. CETR. A CICS-supplied transaction used to control
CICS tracing activity. See the CICS Supplied Transactions
boundary network node (BNN). In SNA, a subarea
manual for more information.
node that provides protocol support for adjacent
peripheral nodes, for example, transforming network checkpoint. In IMS, point at which an application
addresses to local addresses and vice versa, and program commits that the changes it has made to a
providing session-level support for these peripheral database are consistent and complete, and releases
nodes. In XRF, the point at which terminal sessions are database segments for use by other programs. You can
switched from the failing active system to the new request checkpoints at appropriate points in a program
active system. The communication controller at the to provide places from which you can restart that
BNN must be able to operate in an XRF configuration. program if it, or the system, fails.
BSAM. See Basic sequential access method. For an IMS system, a point in time from which the
system can start again if a failure makes recovery
BSC. Binary synchronous communication. necessary. The checkpoint is performed by IMS itself.

CI. See Control interval.

CICS availability manager (CAVM). In XRF, the
capacity planning. An analysis of processor loading mechanism that provides integrity for a CICS system
and processor capacity, extending into real storage, with XRF. The CAVM uses the control file and the
other resources (channels, DASD, lines), and timings message file to handle communication between the
and response when necessary. active and alternate systems.

CAVM. See CICS availability manager.

Glossary 655
| CICS business transaction services. CICS domains CICS-attachment facility. Provides a multithread
| that support an application programming interface connection to DB2 to allow applications running under
| (API) and services that simplify the development of CICS to execute DB2 commands.
| business transactions.
CICS-key. Storage in the key in which CICS is given
CICS dynamic storage area (CDSA). A storage area control (key 8) when CICS storage protection is used. It
allocated below the 16MB line, intended primarily for is for CICS code and control blocks and can be
the small amount of CICS code and control blocks that accessed and modified by CICS. Application programs
remain below the line in CICS/ESA 3.3. The size of the in user-key cannot modify CICS-key storage, but they
CDSA is controlled by the CDSASZE system can read it. The storage is obtained in MVS
initialization parameter. exclusive-key storage. Compare with user-key..

CICS monitoring facility. The CICS monitoring CICSPARS/MVS. The Customer Information Control
facility (part of the system monitoring component) System Performance Analysis Reporting System
gives a comprehensive set of operational data for CICS, (CICSPARS/MVS) (program number 5665-355) provides
using one data recording program and, optionally, one a method of reporting performance and accounting
or more data sets. See also performance class data, information produced by the CICS monitoring facility.
exception class data, and SYSEVENT data.
class 1 terminal. In XRF, a remote SNA VTAM
CICS monitoring facility data set. CICS monitoring terminal connected through a boundary network node
facility data sets are used to record information that is IBM 3745/3725/3720 Communication Controller with
output by the CICS monitoring facility program. The an NCP that supports XRF. Such a terminal has a
MCT defines which journal data sets are used by each backup session to the alternate CICS system.
class of monitoring. These data sets appear in the JCT
with the FORMAT=SMF parameter. The format of the class 2 terminal. In XRF, a terminal belonging to a
records is the system management facility (SMF), type class mainly comprised of VTAM terminals that are not
110 format. eligible for class 1. For these terminals, the alternate
system tracks the session, and attempts reestablishment
CICS PD/MVS. CICS Problem Determination/MVS after takeover.
(program number 5695-035) is a set of online tools to
help system programmers analyze and manage system class 3 terminal. In XRF, a terminal belonging to a
dumps. It automates dump analysis and formats the class mainly comprised of TCAM(DCB) terminals.
results into interactive online panels that can be used These terminals lose their sessions at takeover.
for further diagnosis and resolution of problems.
CLT. System initialization parameter used to specify
CICS private area. Element of CICS storage that has the suffix for the command list table, if this system
both static and dynamic storage requirements. The initialization table is used by an alternate XRF system.
static areas are set at initialization time and do not vary See the CICS System Definition Guide for more
over the execution of that address space. The dynamic information.
areas increase or decrease their allocations as the needs
of the address space vary. cluster. A data set defined to VSAM. A cluster can be
a key-sequenced data set, an entry-sequenced data set,
CICS program library. The CICS program library or a relative record data set.
contains all user-written programs and CICS programs
to be loaded and executed as part of the online system. CMAC. A CICS-supplied transaction used to display
This group includes the control system itself and individual message information as it is provided in the
certain user-defined system control tables essential to CICS CICS Messages and Codes manual. See the CICS
CICS operation. The library contains program text and, Supplied Transactions manual for more information.
where applicable, a relocation dictionary for a program.
COBOL. Common business-oriented language. An
The contents of this library are loaded asynchronously
English-like programming language designed for
into CICS dynamic storage for online execution.
business data processing applications.
CICS region userid. The userid assigned to a CICS
command list table (CLT). In XRF, a CICS table that
region at CICS initialization. It is specified either in the
contains a list of MVS commands and messages to be
RACF started procedures table when CICS is started as
issued during takeover. The CLT is defined to the
a started task, or on the USER parameter of the JOB
alternate CICS system and used during takeover.
statement when CICS is started as a job.
command security. A form of security checking that
CICS system definition data set (CSD). A VSAM
can be specified for a subset of the CICS application
KSDS cluster with alternate paths. The CSD data set
programming interface (API) commands. Command
contains a resource definition record for every record
security operates in addition to any transaction security
defined to CICS using resource definition online.
or resource security specified for a transaction. For

656 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

example if a terminal invokes a transaction that the control table. In CICS, a storage area used to define or
user is authorized to use, and the transaction issues a describe the configuration or operation of the system.
command that the user is not authorized to use, the Contrast with control block.
command fails with the NOTAUTH condition.
control terminal. In CICS, the terminal at which a
COMMAREA. See Communication area. designated control operator is signed-on.

common system area (CSA). A major CICS storage conversational. Pertaining to a program or a system
control block that contains areas and data required for that carries on a dialog with a terminal user, alternately
the operation of CICS. It can be extended to include a accepting input and responding to the input quickly
user-defined common work area (CWA) that can be enough for the user to maintain a train of thought.
referred to by application programs. This area is
duplicated above the 16MB line as the extended CSA. See Common system area.
common system area (ECSA).
CSAC. Transient data destination used by the
common work area (CWA). The common work area abnormal condition program (DFHACP).
(CWA) is an area within the CSA that can be used by
application programs for user data that needs to be CSD. See CICS system definition data set.
accessed by any task in the system. This area is
CSMT. Transient data destination used by the
acquired during system initialization and its size is
terminal abnormal condition program (DFHTACP), the
determined by the system programmer at system
node abnormal condition program (DFHZNAC), and
generation. It is initially set to binary zeros. Its contents
the abnormal condition program (DFHACP) for writing
can be accessed and altered by any task during CICS
terminal error and abend messages.
operation. Contrast with transaction work area (TWA).
CSTE. Transient data destination used by the terminal
communication area (COMMAREA). An area that is
abnormal condition program (DFHTACP).
used to pass data between tasks that communicate with
a given terminal. The area can also be used to pass CWA. See Common work area.
data between programs within a task.
CWAKEY. System initialization parameter used to
communication management configuration (CMC). A specify the storage key for the CWA if CICS is running
configuration in which the VTAM subsystem that owns with the storage protection facility. The default storage
the terminals is in a different MVS image from the key is user-key.
active or the alternate CICS system.

constraint. This is sometimes referred to as D

“transaction throughput degradation” or
“bottleneck”—a place in the system where contention DASD. Direct access storage device.
for a resource is affecting performance.
data availability. An IMS enhancement available with
control block. In CICS, a storage area used to hold DBCTL. It allows PSB scheduling to complete
dynamic data during the execution of control programs successfully even if some of the full-function databases
and application programs. Synonym for control area. it requires are not available.
Contrast with control table.
Data control block (DCB). An MVS control block
control data set. A data set that ensures XRF system used by access method routines in storing and
integrity by allowing only one active CICS system to retrieving data.
access a particular set of resources. It is used by the
active and the alternate CICS systems to monitor each data element. The smallest unit of data that can be
other’s well-being. referred to. Synonymous with field.

control interval (CI). A fixed-length area of data entry database (DEDB). An IMS hierarchic
auxiliary-storage space in which VSAM stores records database designed to provide efficient storage and fast
and distributes free space. The unit of information online gathering, retrieval, and update of data using
transmitted to or from auxiliary storage by VSAM, VSAM ESDS. From CICS, a DEDB is accessible only
independent of physical record size. through DBCTL, not through local DL/I.

control subpool. A CICS area that holds the dispatch Data Language/I (DL/I). A high-level interface
control area (DCA), interval control elements (ICEs), between applications and IMS. It is invoked from PL/I,
automatic initiate descriptors (AIDs), queue element COBOL, or assembler language by means of ordinary
areas (QEAs), and other control information. Generally, subroutine calls. DL/I enables you to define data
the control subpool occupies only one page. structures, to relate structures to the application, and to

Glossary 657
load and reorganize these structures. It enables device independence. The capability to write
applications programs to retrieve, replace, delete, and application programs so that they do not depend on
add segments to databases. the physical characteristics of devices. BMS provides a
measure of device independence.
data management block (DMB). An IMS control block
that resides in main storage and describes and controls DFH. Three-character prefix of all CICS modules.
a physical database. It is constructed from information
obtained from the application control block (ACB) DFHCSDUP. CICS system definition data set (CSD)
library or the database description (DBD) library. utility program. It provides offline services for the CSD.
It can be invoked as a batch program or from a
data set name sharing. An MVS option that allows user-written program running either in batch mode or
one set of control blocks to be used for the base and under TSO.
the path in a VSAM alternate index.
dispatching. The act of scheduling a task for
data sharing (IMS). The concurrent access of DL/I execution, performed by CICS task control.
databases by two or more IMS/VS subsystems. The
subsystems can be in one processor or in separate dispatching priority. A number assigned to tasks,
processors. In IMS data sharing, CICS can be an IMS used to determine the order in which they are to use
subsystem. There are two levels of data sharing: the processor in the CICS multitasking environment.
block-level data sharing and database-level data
sharing. distributed program link (DPL). Type of CICS
intercommunication which, in CICS/ESA 3.3, enables
data stream. All information (data and control CICS to ship LINK requests between host CICS regions.
information) transmitted through a data channel in a In CICS OS/2, DPL enables CICS OS/2™ to ship LINK
single read or write operation. requests up to a host CICS region, or to another CICS
OS/2 system.
data-owning region (DOR). A CICS address space
whose primary purpose is to manage files and distributed transaction processing (DTP). Type of
databases. See application-owning region (AOR), and intercommunication in CICS, in which the processing is
terminal-owning region (TOR). distributed between transactions that communicate
synchronously with one another over intersystem or
DATABASE 2 (DB2). A relational database interregion links.
management system in which data is presented to the
user in the form of tables. DMB. See Data management block (DL/I).

database-level sharing. A kind of IMS data sharing DPL. Distributed program link.
that enables application programs in one IMS system to
read data while a program in another IMS system reads | DSALIM. Dynamic storage area. System initialization
it or updates it. | parameter.

DCT. System initialization parameter used to specify DTB. Dynamic transaction backout.
the destination control table suffix. See Destination
DTP. Distributed transaction processing.
control table. For more information, see the CICS
System Definition Guide. DUMP. System initialization parameter used to specify
whether CICS is to take SDUMPs. The default is YES.
deadlock. Unresolved contention for the use of a
See the CICS System Definition Guide for more
resource. An error condition in which processing
cannot continue because each of two elements of the
process is waiting for an action by, or a response from, dump control. The CICS element that provides
the other. storage dumps for help during testing.
deferred work element (DWE). A work element dynamic transaction backout (DTB). The process of
created and placed on a chain (the DWE chain) to save canceling changes made by a transaction to stored data
information about an event that must be completed following the failure of that transaction for whatever
before task termination but is not completed at the reason. Dynamic transaction backout is required with
present time. DWEs are also used to save information resource definition online.
about work to be backed out in case of an abend.

destination control table (DCT). A table containing an E

entry for each extrapartition, intrapartition, and indirect
transient data destination used in the system, or in | EDSALIM. Extended dynamic storage area. System
connected CICS systems. | initialization parameter.

658 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

emergency restart. The CICS backout facility for an spaces. It duplicates the common system area (CSA)
automatic restart following a system failure. It restores which exists below the 16MB line.
the recoverable resources of all interrupted transactions
to the condition they were in when they started. extended error queue element (EEQE). Contains data
describing I/O errors on a database recorded by CICS.
end-of-day statistics. CICS statistics collected since the
last event that involved a reset, such as a shutdown. extended link pack area (ELPA). A major element of
MVS/ESA virtual storage above the 16MB line. It
enqueued. The state of a task scheduled to update a duplicates the link pack area (LPA). See also extended
physical segment of a database when another task is addressing.
currently accessing that segment.
extended private area. An element of MVS/ESA
Event control block (ECB). An MVS control block that virtual storage above the 16MB line. This area
represents the status of an event. CICS task control uses duplicates the private area except for the 16KB system
ECBs. region area.

event monitoring point (EMP). Point in the CICS extended read-only dynamic storage area (ERDSA).
code at which CICS monitoring data is collected. You An area of storage allocated above the 16MB line and
cannot relocate these system-defined points. used for eligible, reentrant CICS and user application
programs, which must be link-edited with the RENT
exception class data. CICS monitoring information on and AMODE(31) attributes. The storage is obtained in
exception conditions raised by a transaction, such as key 0, non-fetch-protected storage.
queuing for VSAM strings or waiting for temporary
storage. This data highlights possible problems in Extended Recovery Facility (XRF). A facility that
system operations. increases the availability of CICS transaction
processing, as seen by the end users. Availability is
exception trace entry. An entry made to the internal improved by having a second CICS system (the
trace table and any other active trace destinations when alternate system) ready to continue processing the
CICS detects an exception condition. It gives workload, if and when particular failures that disrupt
information about what was happening at the time the user services occur on the first system (the active
failure occurred and what was being used. system).

exclusive-key storage. In MVS key-controlled storage Extended Recovery Facility (XRF) complex. All the
protection, storage with storage keys other than required hardware and software components (MVS
open-key. images and licensed programs) that provide the XRF
function for a CICS system.
EXEC. Key word used in CICS command language.
All CICS commands begin with the keywords EXEC extended system queue area (ESQA). A major
CICS. element of MVS/ESA virtual storage above the 16MB
line. This storage area contains tables and queues
Execution Diagnostic Facility (EDF). A facility used relating to the entire system. It duplicates above the
for testing application programs interactively online, 16MB line the system queue area (SQA).
without making any modifications to the source
program or to the program preparation procedure. The extended user dynamic storage area (EUDSA).
facility intercepts execution of the program at various Storage area allocated above the 16MB line and
points and displays information about the program at reserved exclusively for those user application
these points. Also displayed are any screens sent by the programs that execute in user-key, that are eligible to
user program, so that the programmer can converse reside above the 16MB line, but are not eligible for the
with the application program during testing just as a ERDSA (that is, they are not reentrant.)
user would do on the production system.
external response time. Elapsed time from pressing
extended CICS dynamic storage area (ECDSA). the ENTER key or another AID key until the action
Storage area allocated above the 16MB line for CICS requested by the terminal user is completed, and the
code and control blocks which are eligible to reside next entry can be started.
above the 16MB line, but are not eligible for the
ERDSA (that is, they are not reentrant.) See the CICS external security manager (ESM). A program, such as
System Definition Guide for more information. RACF, that performs security checking for CICS users
and resources.
extended common system area (ECSA). A major
element of MVS/ESA virtual storage above the 16MB external throughput rate (ETR). The amount of useful
line. This area contains pageable system data areas that work completed in a unit of time (for example, the
are addressable by all active virtual storage address number of transactions completed per elapsed second).

Glossary 659
extrapartition transient data. A CICS facility for FREEMAIN. EXEC CICS command used to release
temporarily saving data in the form of queues, called main storage. For programming information, see the
destinations. Each extrapartition TD destination CICS Application Programming Reference manual.
requires a resource definition that links it to a QSAM
data set outside the CICS region. Each extrapartition function shipping. The process, transparent to the
TD destination uses a different QSAM data set. application program, by which CICS accesses resources
Extrapartition destinations are used for data that is when those resources are actually held on another CICS
either coming from a source outside the region, or system.
being directed from a source within the region to a
destination outside the region. Extrapartition data
written by CICS is usually intended for subsequent
input to non-CICS batch programs. Examples of data GTF. Generalized trace facility—a data-collection
that might be written to extrapartition destinations routine in MVS. GTF traces the following system
include logging records, statistics, and transaction error events: seek addresses on start I/O records, SRM
messages. Contrast with intrapartition transient data. activity, page faults, I/O activity, and supervisor
services. Execution options specify the system events to
F be traced.

FCT. System initialization parameter used to specify GCD. Global catalog data set. Global catalog is a
the suffix of the file control table to be used. This VSAM key-sequenced data set (KSDS). Essential for
parameter is effective only on a CICS cold or initial recovery purposes.
start. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more
information. H
file control table (FCT). Table containing the high performance option (HPO). A option provided
characteristics of the files accessed by file control. with MVS to improve performance by reducing the
transaction pathlength; that is, the number of
file request thread element (FRTE). An element used
instructions needed to service each request.
by CICS file control to link related requests together as
a file thread; to record the existence of READ SET high private area. Part of the CICS address space,
storage to be released at syncpoint and the existence of consisting of the local system queue area (LSQA), the
any other outstanding work that must be completed at scheduler work area (SWA), and subpools 229 and 230.
syncpoint; to register a task as a user of a file to The area at the high end of the CICS address space is
prevent it being closed while still in use. not specifically used by CICS, but contains information
and control blocks that are needed by the operating
file-owning region (FOR). A CICS address space
system to support the region and its requirements.
whose primary purpose is to manage files and
databases. Deprecated term for data-owning region Hiperspace. A high-performance storage area in the
(DOR). See also application-owning region (AOR), processor or multiprocessor.
and terminal-owning region (TOR).
host computer. The primary or controlling computer
first failure data capture (FFDC). Data relevant to a in a data communication system.
CICS exception condition that is recorded as soon as
possible after the condition has been detected. host processor. The primary or controlling computer
in a multiple computer installation.
fixed-block-architecture (FBA) device. A disk storage
device that stores data in blocks of fixed size. These HPO. System initialization parameter used to indicate
blocks are addressed by block number relative to the whether you want to use the VTAM authorized path
beginning of the particular file. feature of the high performance option. The default is
NO. You can code this parameter only in the system
format. The arrangement or layout of data on a data initialization table. See the CICS System Definition Guide
medium, usually a display screen with CICS. for more information.
format independence. The ability to send data to a
device without having to be concerned with the format I
in which the data is displayed. The same data may
appear in different formats on different devices. I/O. Input/output (primarily from and to terminals)

fragmentation. The breaking up of free storage into ICP. System initialization parameter used to specify
small areas (by intervening used storage areas). This that you want to cold start the CICS interval control
leads to the effective storage available for use being program. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more
reduced. information.

660 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

ICV. System initialization parameter used to specify An interactive system may also be conversational,
the region exit interval time in milliseconds. The region implying a continuous dialogue between the user and
exit interval is the maximum interval of time for which the system.
CICS releases control to the operating system in the
event that there are no transactions ready to resume intercommunication facilities. A term covering
processing. The default interval is 1000 milliseconds. intersystem communication (ISC) and multiregion
See the CICS System Definition Guide for more operation (MRO).
intermediate routing node (IRN). A subarea node,
ICVR. System initialization parameter used to specify which may receive and route sessions that neither
the runaway task time interval in milliseconds as a originate in nor are destined for network addressable
decimal number. CICS purges a task if it has not given units in that subarea node. Terminals attached to an
up control after this length of time (that is, if the task IRN cannot have XRF backup sessions.
appears to be looping). The default value is 5000
milliseconds. See the CICS System Definition Guide for internal response time. Elapsed time from the
more information. message to start a transaction being received by CICS
until the time that the transaction ends.
ICVTSD. System initialization parameter used to
specify the terminal scan delay. The terminal scan delay internal throughput rate (ITR). The number of
facility determines how quickly CICS deals with some completed transactions per processor-busy second.
terminal I/O requests made by applications. The (Processor busy seconds can be calculated by
default value is 500 milliseconds. See the CICS System multiplying elapsed seconds by the processor
Definition Guide for more information. utilization percentage).

in-flight task. A task that is in progress when a CICS internal trace. CICS trace facility that is always
system failure or immediate shutdown occurs. During present in virtual storage. When CICS detects an
emergency restart, a task that caused records to be exception condition, an entry always goes to the
written to the system log, but for which no syncpoint internal trace table, even if you have turned tracing off.
record has been found for the current UOW. This task The internal trace table is a wraparound table whose
was interrupted before the UOW completed. size can be set by the TRTABSZ system initialization
parameter and can be changed by the CICS SET
in-flight transaction. Any transaction that was still in TRACE DEST command. See the CICS Problem
process when system termination occurred. Determination Guide for more information.

Information Management System (IMS). A database interregion communication (IRC). The method by
manager used by CICS to allow access to data in DL/I which CICS provides communication between a CICS
databases. IMS provides for the arrangement of data in region and another region in the same processor. Used
an hierarchical structure and a common access for multiregion operation (MRO) . Compare with
approach in application programs that manipulate IMS intersystem communication.
intersystem communication (ISC). Communication
initialization. Actions performed by the CICS system between separate systems by means of SNA
to construct the environment in the CICS region to networking facilities or by means of the
enable CICS applications to be run. The stage of the application-to-application facilities of VTAM. ISC links
XRF process when the active or the alternate CICS CICS systems and other systems, and may be used for
system is started, signs on to the control data set, and user application to user application communication, or
begins to issue its surveillance signal. for transparently executing CICS functions on a remote
CICS system. Compare with multiregion operation and
initialization phase. The process of bringing up the interregion communication.
active CICS system and the alternate CICS system in an
XRF complex. The two actions are performed interval control element (ICE). An element created for
independently. each time-dependent request received by the interval
control program. These ICEs are logically chained to
installation. A particular computing system, in terms the CSA in expiration time-of-day sequence.
of the work it does and the people who manage it, Expiration of a time-ordered request is detected by the
operate it, apply it to problems, service it, and use the expired request logic of the interval control program
work it produces. The task of making a program ready running as a CICS system task whenever the task
to do useful work. This task includes generating a dispatcher gains control. The type of service
program, initializing it, and applying any changes to it. represented by the expired ICE is initiated, providing
all resources required for the service are available, and
interactive. Pertaining to an application in which each
the ICE is removed from the chain. If the resources are
entry entails a response from a system or program, as
not available, the ICE remains on the chain and another
in an inquiry system or an airline reservation system.

Glossary 661
attempt to initiate the requested service is made the
next time the task dispatcher gains control.
interval control program (ICP). The CICS program Last-in-first-out (LIFO). A queuing technique in
that provides time-dependent facilities. Together with which the next item to be retrieved is the last item
task control, interval control (sometimes called time placed in the queue.
management) provides various optional task functions
LIFO storage. Storage used by reentrant CICS
(system stall detection, runaway task control, task
management modules to save registers.
synchronization, etc.) based on specified intervals of
time, or the time of day. link pack area (LPA). A major element of MVS/ESA
virtual storage below the 16MB line. The storage areas
interval statistics. CICS statistics gathered during a
that make up the LPA contain all the common reentrant
specified interval. See also end-of-day statistics,
modules shared by the system, and exists to provide
requested statistics, requested reset statistics, and
economy of real storage by sharing one copy of the
unsolicited statistics.
modules, protection because LPA code cannot be
intrapartition transient data (TD). A CICS facility for overwritten even by key 0 programs, and reduced
temporarily saving data in the form of queues, called pathlength because the modules can be branched to.
destinations. All intrapartition TD destinations are held The LPA is duplicated above the 16MB line as the
as queues in the same VSAM data set, which is extended link pack area (ELPA).
managed by CICS. Data is written to the queue by a
LISTCAT. A VSAM tool that provides information
user task. The queue can be used subsequently as input
that interprets the actual situation of VSAM data sets.
data by other tasks within the CICS region. All access is
sequential, governed by read and write pointers. Once local. In data communication, pertaining to devices
a record has been read it cannot be read subsequently that are accessed directly without use of a
by another task. An intrapartition destination requires a telecommunication line. Contrast with remote.
resource definition containing information that locates Synonym for channel-attached.
the queue in the intrapartition data set. Applications
that might use intrapartition queues include message local DL/I. DL/I residing in the CICS address space.
switching, data collection, and queuing of orders.
local resource. In CICS intercommunication, a
ISC. System initialization parameter used to include resource that is owned by the local system.
the CICS programs required for interregion or
intersystem communication. See the CICS System local shared resources (LSR). Files that share a
Definition Guide for more information. common pool of buffers and a common pool of strings;
that is, control blocks supporting the I/O operations.
Contrast with nonshared resources.
local system. The system in a multisystem
job control language (JCL). Control language used to environment on which the application program is
describe a job and its requirements to an operating executing. The local application may process data from
system. databases located on both the same (local) system and
another (remote) system. Contrast with remote system.
K local system queue area (LSQA). An element of the
CICS address space. It generally contains the control
key 0. Storage used by CICS for the extended
blocks for storage and contents supervision. See also
read-only dynamic storage area (ERDSA). The
high private area.
allocation of key 0 storage for the ERDSA is optional.
local work area. Area provided for the use of a single
key-controlled storage protection. An MVS facility for
task-related user exit program. It is associated with a
protecting access to storage. Access to key-controlled
single task and lasts for the duration of the task only.
storage is permitted only when the storage key
matches the access key associated with the request. log. A recording of changes made to a file. This
recording can be used for subsequent recovery of the
keypoint. The periodic recording of system
file. See also dynamic log, journal, and system log.
information and control blocks on the system log—also
the data so recorded. See also activity keypoint, and logging. The recording (by CICS) of recovery
warm keypoint. information onto the system log, for use during
emergency restart. A specific journaling function that
records changes made to the system activity
environment and database environment. These records

662 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

are required for recovery and backout support by CICS message data set. In XRF, a data set used by the active
(and the user) following an abnormal termination. CICS system to transmit messages to the alternate CICS
logical partition (LP). A partition, in a CEC, capable
of running its own MVS image. It comprises a set of message performance option. The improvement of
hardware resources (processors, storage, channels, and ISC performance by eliminating syncpoint coordination
so on), sufficient to allow a system control program between the connected systems.
such as MVS to be executed.
message switching. In a data network, the process of
logical unit (LU). In SNA, a port through which a routing messages by receiving, storing, and forwarding
user gains access to the services of a network. complete messages.

look-aside query. Query performed in one partition mirror task. A task required to service any incoming
by an operator working in another partition. Using request that specifies a CICS mirror transaction (CSMI,
partitions, a partially completed operation need not be CSM1, CSM2, CSM3, CSM5, CPMI, CVMI).
transmitted to the host processor before releasing the
screen for an inquiry. mirror transaction. Recreates the request that is
function shipped from one system to another, issues the
LPA. System initialization parameter used to indicate request on the second system, and passes the acquired
whether any CICS management modules can be used data back to the first system.
from the link pack area. The default is NO. See the
CICS System Definition Guide for more information. MN. System initialization parameter used to indicate
whether monitoring is to be switched on or off at
LUTYPE6.1 (LU6.1). Type of logical unit used for initialization. The default is OFF. See the CICS System
processor-to-processor sessions. LUTYPE6.1 is a Definition Guide for more information.
development of LUTYPE6. CICS—IMS
intercommunication uses LUTYPE6.1 sessions. MNEVE. System initialization parameter used to
indicate whether SYSEVENT monitoring is to be made
LUTYPE6.2 (LU6.2). Type of logical unit used for active during CICS initialization. The default is OFF.
CICS intersystem (ISC) sessions. LUTYPE6.2 is a See the CICS System Definition Guide for more
development of LUTYPE6.1. The LUTYPE6.2 information.
architecture supports both CICS host to system-level
products and CICS host to device-level products. CICS MNEXC. System initialization parameter used to
ISC uses LUTYPE6.2 sessions. APPC is the the protocol indicate whether the monitoring exception class is to be
boundary of the LU6.2 architecture. made active during CICS initialization. The default is
OFF. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more
MNPER. System initialization parameter used to
main storage. (ISO) Program-addressable storage from indicate whether the monitoring performance class is to
which instructions and data can be loaded directly into be made active during CICS initialization. The default
registers for subsequent execution or processing. See is OFF. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more
also real storage, storage, virtual storage. information.

map. A format established for a page or a portion of a modegroup. A VTAM LOGMODE entry, which can
page, or a set of screen format descriptions. A concept specify (among other things) the class of service
of CICS BMS that maps the relationship between the required for a group of APPC sessions.
names of program variables and the position in which
their values will appear on a display device. The map modename. The name of a modeset and of the
also contains other formatting information such as field corresponding modegroup.
attributes. A map describes constant fields, and their
position on the display; the format of input and output modeset. In CICS, a group of APPC sessions. A
fields; the attributes of constant and variable fields and modeset is linked by its modename to a modegroup
the symbolic names of variable fields. (VTAM LOGMODE entry) that defines the class of
service for the modeset.
message control program (MCP). In ACF/TCAM, a
specific implementation of an access method, including modified link pack area (MLPA). An element of
I/O routines, buffering routines, activation and MVS/ESA virtual storage. This area provides a
deactivation routines, service facilities, and SNA temporary extension to the PLPA existing only for the
support. life of the current IPL. You can use this area to add or
replace altered LPA-eligible modules without having to
recreate the LPA. See also link pack area (LPA) and
pageable link pack area (PLPA).

Glossary 663
monitoring. The regular assessment of an ongoing MVS/DFP. MVS/Data Facility Product, a major
production system against defined thresholds to check element of MVS, including data access methods and
that the system is operating correctly. Running a data administration utilities.
hardware or software tool to measure the performance
characteristics of a system. Note that CICS MVS/ESA extended nucleus. A major element of
distinguishes between monitoring and statistics, but MVS/ESA virtual storage. This area duplicates above
IMS does not. See also statistics. the 16MB line the MVS/ESA nucleus.

monitoring control table (MCT). A table describing MVS/ESA nucleus. A major element of MVS/ESA
the way the user data fields in the accounting and virtual storage. This static storage area contains control
performance class monitoring records are to be programs and key control blocks. The area includes the
manipulated at each user event monitoring point nucleus load module and is of variable size, depending
(EMP). It also identifies the CICS user journals in on the installation’s configuration. The nucleus is
which the data for each monitoring class is to be duplicated above the 16MB line as the MVS/ESA
recorded. The MCT contains the definition of user extended nucleus.
event monitor points (EMPs), and specifies the journal
data sets used to record the data. MXT. System initialization parameter used to specify
the maximum number of tasks that CICS allows to
monitoring record. Any of three types of task-related exist at any time. The default is 32. See the CICS System
activity record (performance, event, and exception) Definition Guide for more information.
built by the CICS monitoring domain. Monitoring
records are available to the user for accounting, tuning,
and capacity planning purposes.
NEB. See Node error block.
MROBTCH. System initialization parameter used to
specify the number of events that must occur before NEP. See Node error program.
CICS is posted for dispatch due to the batching
mechanism. The default is one. See the CICS System NETNAME (netname). In CICS, the name by which a
Definition Guide for more information. CICS terminal or a CICS system is known to
MROLRM. System initialization parameter used to
specify whether you want to establish an MRO NetView. A network management product that can
long-running mirror task. The default is NO. See the provide rapid notification of events and automated
CICS System Definition Guide for more information. operations.
multiregion operation (MRO). Communication NetView Performance Monitor (NPM). A program
between CICS systems in the same processor without product that collects and reports on data in the host
the use of SNA network facilities. This allows several and NCP.
CICS systems in different regions to communicate with
each other, and to share resources such as files, network. An interconnected group of nodes. The
terminals, temporary storage, and so on. Contrast with assembly of equipment through which connections are
intersystem communication. made between data stations.

multitasking. Concurrent execution of application network configuration. In SNA, the group of links,
programs within a CICS region. nodes, machine features, devices, and programs that
make up a data processing system, a network, or a
multithreading. Use, by several transactions, of a communication system.
single copy of an application program.
network control program (ACF/NCP). A program that
MVS image. A single copy of the MVS operating controls the operation of a communication controller
system. This can be a physical processing system (such (3745, 3725, 3720, 3705) in which it resides. NCP builds
as an IBM 3090) that is partitioned into one or more the backup sessions to the alternate CICS system for
processors, where each partition is capable of running XRF-capable terminals. NCP is generated by the user
under the control of a single MVS operating system. from a library of IBM-supplied modules.
Alternatively, if you are running MVS with the
processor resource/systems manager (PR/SM), an MVS Network Logic Data Manager (NLDM). A program
image can consist of multiple logical partitions, with that collects and interprets records of errors detected in
each logical partition (LP) operating a copy of MVS. a network and suggests possible solutions. NLDM
Also referred to as a single- or multi-MVS environment, consists of commands and data services processors that
according to the number of MVS systems. comprise the NetView software monitor component.

664 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Network Performance Analysis and Reporting System generation add additional modules to the PLPA. See
(NETPARS). A program offering that analyzes also link pack area (LPA) and modified link pack area
network log data from the NetView Performance (MLPA).
Monitor (NPM).
paging. In MVS, the process of transferring pages
Network Problem Determination Application between real storage and the external page storage
(NPDA). A program that collects and interprets known as the page data set.
records of errors detected in a network and suggests
possible solutions. NPDA consists of commands and performance. Together with ease-of-use (a measure of
data services processors that comprise the NetView how easy it is to use a data processing system), a major
hardware monitor component. factor on which the total productivity of a system
depends. Performance is largely determined by a
NEWSIT. System initialization parameter used to combination of three other factors: availability, response
cause CICS to load the specified system initialization time, and throughput, and reflects the overall quality of
table (SIT) and enforce the use of all SIT parameters, service and operations of a given product or system.
modified by any system initialization parameters
provided through PARM, SYSIN, or the system console. performance analysis. The use of one or more
You can code NEWSIT on PARM, SYSIN, or CONSOLE performance tools to investigate the reasons for
only. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more performance deterioration.
performance class data. Detailed transaction-level
node abnormal condition program (NACP). A CICS monitoring data, such as the processor and elapsed
program used by terminal control to analyze terminal time for a transaction, or the time spent waiting for an
abnormal conditions that are logical unit or node errors I/O.
detected by VTAM.
performance data section. Part of the CICS data
node error block (NEB). A set of recording areas of section in a CICS monitoring record. It consists of a
the node error table used to count node errors relating string of field connectors followed by one or more
to a single logical unit. performance data records.

node error program (NEP). A user-replaceable performance evaluation. The determination of how
program used to allow user-dependent processing well a specific system is meeting or may be expected to
whenever a communication error is reported to CICS meet specific processing requirements at specific
interfaces. Performance evaluation, by determining
nonconversational. A mode of CICS operation in such factors as throughput rate, turnaround time, and
which resources are allocated, used, and released constrained resources, can provide important inputs
immediately on completion of the task. and data for the performance improvement process.

performance improvement. The increase of the

O average throughput rate and operational capability, or
the reduction of turnaround time.
operating system. Software that controls the execution
of programs; an operating system may provide services Performance Reporter. Performance Reporter for MVS
such as resource allocation, scheduling, input/output reporting system.
control, and data management.
persistent verification (PV). The retention of a sign-on
to a remote system across multiple conversations until
P it is no longer needed. The PVDELAY system
initialization parameter defines how long entries can
page. In MVS/ESA, a fixed-length block that has a remain in the signed-on list in the remote system. See
virtual address and that is transferred as a unit PVDELAY.
between real storage and auxiliary storage. The
information displayed at the same time on a display PL/I. A programming language designed for use in a
device. wide range of commercial and scientific applications.

pageable link pack area (PLPA). An element of planned takeover. In XRF, a planned shutdown of the
MVS/ESA virtual storage. This area contains supervisor active CICS system, and takeover by the alternate
call routines, access methods, and other read-only system, for maintenance or operational reasons.
system programs along with read-only reenterable user
programs selected by an installation to be shared polling. The process whereby stations are invited, one
among users of the system. Optional functions or at a time, to transmit. The polling process usually
devices selected by an installation during system involves the sequential interrogation of several data

Glossary 665
post-takeover. The XRF phase, immediately following PRVMOD. System initialization parameter used to
takeover, when the new active CICS system does not specify the names of those modules that are not to be
have an alternate system. used from the LPA. See the CICS System Definition
Guide for more information.
pregenerated system. A CICS system distributed in a
form that has already undergone the system generation PSB directory (PDIR). A list or directory of program
process. specification blocks (PSBs) that define for DL/I the use
of data bases by application programs. It contains one
priority. A rank assigned to a task that determines its entry for each PSB to be used during CICS execution,
precedence in receiving system resources. and is loaded during initialization. Each entry contains
the size of the control block, the status, the storage
private area. A major element of MVS/ESA virtual location (if in storage), and the DASD address of the
storage below the 16MB line. It contains the local PSB in the ACBLIB. It is generated using DFHDLPSB
system queue area (LSQA), scheduler work area, macros. Contains entries defining each PSB to be
subpools 229 and 230, a 16KB system region area, and a accessed using local DL/I. Also contains entries for
private user region for running programs and storing remote PSBs, to which requests are function-shipped
data. This area is duplicated (except for the 16KB using remote DL/I.
system region area) above the 16MB line as the
extended private area. PSBCHK. System initialization parameter used to
request DL/I security checking of a remote terminal
profile. In CICS, a set of options specified in a initiating a transaction with transaction routing. This
resource definition that can be invoked by a transaction parameter is only applicable if the local CICS-DL/I
definition. Profiles control the interactions between the interface is being used. The default is to have the
transaction and terminals or logical units. CICS remote link checked but no check made against the
supplies profile definitions suitable for most purposes. remote terminal.
If a transaction definition does not specify a profile, a
standard profile is used. In RACF, data that describes PSBPL. System initialization parameter used to specify
the significant characteristics of a user, a resource, a the size of the PSB pool in 1024-byte blocks for local
group of users, or a group of resources. See resource CICS-DL/I interface support. This parameter is only
profile, discrete profile, generic profile, user profile, applicable if the local CICS-DL/I interface is being
resource group profile, data set profile. used. The default is four blocks.

program check. A condition that occurs when pseudoconversational. A type of CICS application
programming errors are detected by a processor during design that appears to the user as a continuous
execution. conversation, but that consists internally of multiple
tasks—also called “transaction-oriented programming.”
program communication block (PCB). IMS control
block that describes an application program’s interface purge. The abending of a task by task control to
to an IMS database or, additionally, for message alleviate a short-on-storage condition.
processing and batch message processing programs, to
the source and destination of messages. See also PUT. Program update tape.
program specification block (PSB).
PVDELAY. System initialization parameter used
program compression. An operation performed by define how long entries can remain in the PV
program control to relieve space in the DSA during a signed-on-from list on the remote system. The default
short-on-storage condition. The PPT is searched to is 30 minutes. See persistent verification. See the CICS
identify programs that have been dynamically loaded System Definition Guide for more information.
and are currently not in use. If a program is not in use,
the space it occupied is reclaimed.
program isolation (PI). An IMS facility that protects
all activity of an application program from any other QSAM. Queued sequential access method.
active application program until that application
quasi-reentrant. Applied to a CICS application
program indicates, by reaching a syncpoint, that the
program that is serially reusable between entry and exit
data it has modified is consistent and complete.
points because it does not modify itself or store data
PRTYAGE. System initialization parameter used to within itself between calls on CICS facilities.
specify the number of milliseconds to be used in the
queue. A line or list formed by items in a system
priority aging algorithm for incrementing the priority
waiting for service; for example, tasks to be performed,
of a task. The default is 32 768 milliseconds. See the
or messages to be transmitted in a message-switching
CICS System Definition Guide for more information.
system. In CICS, the transient data and temporary

666 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

storage facilities store data in queues. See temporary recovery. The process of returning the system to a
storage (TS), transient data (TD). state from which operation can be resumed. The
restoration of resources following an error.
queued sequential access method (QSAM). An
extended version of BSAM that incorporates queues of recovery manager. CICS resource recovery mechanism
input and output blocks that are awaiting processing that provides a CICS resource manager, for example file
and transfer respectively. control, with more flexibility than the DWE two-phase
commit support for syncpoint and backout processing.
R reference set. The amount of real storage required so
that minimal (almost zero) virtual paging occurs. It is
RACF. The Resource Access Control Facility program the total amount of real storage required to process the
product. An external security management facility most frequently used sequence of instructions and data
available under MVS. for a given set of transactions performing defined tasks,
without causing any virtual storage paging operations.
RAIA. Receive-any input area.
region. A section of the dynamic area that is allocated
RAMAX. System initialization parameter used to
to a job step or system task. The term is used to cover
specify the size in bytes of the I/O area allocated for
partitions and address spaces in addition to regions.
each RECEIVE ANY issued by CICS. The default is 256
bytes. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more region-remote. A term used in early releases of CICS
information. to refer to a CICS system in another region of the same
processor. It can be taken to refer to a system that is
RAPOOL. System initialization parameter used to
accessed through an IRC (MRO) link, rather than
determine the size of the CICS receive-any pool, which
through an SNA LU6.1 or LU6.2 link.
is set aside for VTAM receive-any operations. See the
CICS System Definition Guide for more information. reliability. A measurement of the ability of a system
to continue processing without failure. Shutting down
real storage. The main storage in a virtual storage
an on-line system to process batch updates to the
system. Physically, real storage and main storage are
database subtracts from its availability to end users, but
identical. Conceptually, however, real storage represents
this has no bearing on reliability of components
only part of the range of addresses available to the user
required to deliver the online service.
of a virtual storage system.
remote. In data communication, pertaining to devices
receive-any control element (RACE). Type of control
that are connected to a data processing system through
field held in the CICS receive-any pool set aside for
a data link. Synonym of link-attached. Contrast with
VTAM receive-any operations. The number of RACEs
maintained depends on the RAPOOL and MXT system
initialization parameters and on the number of active remote DL/I. A special case of function shipping, in
tasks. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more which CICS sends a DL/I request to another CICS
information. system. See also function shipping.
receive-any input area (RAIA). Type of input area remote resource. In CICS intercommunication, a
held in the CICS receive-any pool set aside for VTAM resource that is owned by a remote system. Contrast
receive-any operations. The number of RACEs with local resource.
maintained depends on the RAPOOL and MXT system
initialization parameters and on the number of active remote system. In CICS intercommunication, a system
tasks. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more that the local CICS system accesses via intersystem
information. communication or multiregion operation. Contrast with
local system.
recoverability. The ability of a system to continue
processing without loss of data when an unplanned RENTPGM. System initialization parameter used to
interruption occurs. specify whether CICS is to allocate the extended
read-only dynamic storage area (ERDSA) from
recoverable in-doubt structure (RIS). In DBCTL, an read-only, key 0 protected storage (the default), or from
area constructed for each unit of recovery when a CICS-key storage. Specifying CICS-key storage
failure occurs. Each RIS is written to the IMS log. RIS effectively creates a second ERDSA and allows
contents include the recovery token, the changed data ERDSA-eligible programs that execute in CICS-key to
records, and the identity of the data block that cannot modify storage where required.
be accessed because of unresolved in-doubts.
request parameter list (RPL). In ACF/VTAM, a
control block that contains the parameters necessary for

Glossary 667
processing a request for data transfer, for connecting or RMODE. In MVS, an attribute that specifies the
disconnecting a terminal, or for some other operation. residence mode of the load module produced by the
linkage editor. Unless a program is link-edited with
requested reset statistics. CICS statistics that the user RMODE(24), CICS loads it above the 16MB line if
has asked for by using the appropriate EXEC CICS or possible.
CEMT commands, which cause the statistics to be
written to the SMF data set immediately. Requested RMTRAN. System initialization parameter used with
reset statistics differ from requested statistics in that the XRF to specify the name of the transaction that you
statistics counters are reset, using an EXEC CICS or want an alternate CICS to initiate when logged-on class
CEMT command. 1 terminals are switched following a takeover. This
parameter is applicable only on an alternate CICS
requested statistics. CICS statistics that the user has region.
asked for by using the appropriate EXEC CICS or
CEMT commands, which cause the statistics to be rollback. A programmed return to a prior checkpoint.
written to the SMF data set immediately, instead of In CICS, the cancellation by an application program of
waiting for the current interval to expire. Contrast with the changes it has made to all recoverable resources
requested statistics. during the current logical unit of work.

residence mode (RMODE). Attribute of a program rotational position sensing (RPS). A feature that
indicating where it can reside, that is, either above or permits a disk storage device to disconnect from a
below the 16MB line. block multiplexer channel (or its equivalent), allowing
the channel to service other devices on the channel
resource. Any facility of the computing system or during positional delay.
operating system required by a job or task, and
including main storage, input/output devices, the RPL. See request parameter list.
processing unit, data sets, and control or processing
programs. RPS. See rotational position sensing.

Resource Access Control Facility (RACF). An IBM RSD (restart data set). The direct-access data set used
licensed product that provides for access control by to contain the information necessary to restart CICS.
identifying and verifying users to the system,
authorizing access to protected resources, logging
detected unauthorized attempts to enter the system,
and logging detected accesses to protected resources. SAM. Sequential access method.
resource control table (RCT). A control table that sample statistics program (DFH0STAT). IBM-supplied
defines the relationship between CICS transactions and batch program that provides information that is useful
DB2 resources. For details, refer to the DB2 Version 2 in calculating the storage requirements of a CICS
Administration Guide. system, for example, the sizes of the dynamic storage
resource measurement facility (RMF). An IBM
program that collects system-wide data describing the SAS (single address space). Single CICS region;
processor activity (WAIT time), I/O activity (channel usually used when contrasting with MRO.
and device utilization), main storage activity (demand
and swap paging statistics), and system resources scheduler work area (SWA). An element of the CICS
manager (SRM) activity (workload). RMF produces two address space. The SWA is made up of subpools 236
types of report, system-wide reports and address-space and 237 which contain information about the job and
reports. the step itself. Almost anything that appears in the job
stream for the step creates some kind of control block
response time. The elapsed time from entry of a last in this area.
input message segment to the first response segment.
SCS. SNA character string.
restart. Resumption of operation after recovery. Ability
to restart requires knowledge of where to start and SCS. System initialization parameter used to specify
ability to start at that point. how much of the dynamic storage area (DSA) you
want CICS to regard as the DSA storage cushion. The
restart data set (RDS). A VSAM KSDS used only default is 64KB.
during emergency restart. The RDS temporarily holds
the backout information read from the CICS system SDB. Structured database.
log. This allows CICS to be restored to a stable state
and to be restarted following an abrupt termination. SDF. Screen Definition Facility. An online application
development program product used to define or edit
BMS maps interactively.

668 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

security. Prevention of access to or use of data or SNT. Signon table.
programs without authorization.
SOS. Short-on-storage.
segment search argument (SSA). Segment search
arguments (SSAs) are used to identify segments of a SOT. CICS start of task.
DL/I database. SSAs may be simple segment names or
they may be qualified to include constraints made SQL/DS. Structured Query Language/Data System. A
upon the values of fields within the named segment relational database management facility.
types. Except for a read-only operation, when it is
SRB. Service request block (MVS).
unnecessary, SSAs used by a CICS application program
must be in dynamic storage because of the requirement SRL. System reference library—IBM-provided manuals
for the program to be quasi-reenterable. that describe a programming or hardware product.
sequential access method (SAM). An access method SRM. System resources manager—a component of the
for storing and retrieving data blocks in a continuous MVS control program.
sequence. Queued sequential access method (QSAM)
extends the basic sequential access method (BSAM) by SRT. System recovery table. System initialization
queuing the input and output blocks. parameter used to specify the system recovery table
suffix. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more
sequential data set. A data set whose records are information.
organized on the basis of their successive physical
positions, such as on magnetic tape. SSA. Segment search argument.

service elements. The discrete hardware and software startup. The operation of starting up CICS by the
products that provide a terminal user with processing system operator.
startup jobstream. A set of job control statements used
session recovery. The process in which CICS switches to initialize CICS.
active sessions on class 1 terminals to backup sessions
or reestablishes service on class 2 terminals. statistics. System statistics are accumulated
continually by CICS management programs in CICS
short-on-storage (SOS). The condition in CICS that system tables during the execution of CICS. System
occurs when requests for storage from the dynamic statistics can be captured and recorded, either on
storage areas exceed available storage. CICS cannot request or automatically at intervals, by any operator
satisfy these requests, or can satisfy them only by using whose security code allows access to such information.
some of the storage cushions, even when all programs In addition, system statistics are recorded on normal
that are eligible for deletion, and are not in use, have termination of the system.
been deleted. See also storage cushion and program
See automatic statistics, unsolicited statistics,
end-of-day statistics, requested statistics, and
single threading. The execution of a program to requested reset statistics.
completion. Processing of one transaction is completed
statistics utility program (DFHSTUP STUP). Provides
before another transaction is started. (Compare this
a summary report facility that can be used to interpret
with multithreading.)
CICS statistics.
SIP. CICS system initialization program.
STATRCD. System initialization parameter used to set
SIT. System initialization parameter used to specify the statistics recording status at CICS initialization. The
the suffix, if any, of the system initialization table (SIT) default is OFF; CICS interval and unsolicited statistics
that you want CICS to load at the start of initialization. are not collected. End-of-day statistics are collected at
If you omit this parameter, CICS loads the the logical end of day and on shutdown. See the CICS
pregenerated, default SIT, DFHSIT$$. System Definition Guide for more information.

SMF. System management facilities. STGPROT. System initialization parameter used to

specify that storage protection is required in the CICS
SMF header. Describes the system creating the output. region. The default is NO: CICS runs in a single storage
key. See the CICS System Definition Guide for more
SMF product section. Component of a CICS information.
monitoring SMF record. It identifies the subsystem to
which the monitoring data relates, which, in the case of STGRCVY. System initialization parameter used to
CICS monitoring and statistics, is the CICS region. indicate whether CICS should try to recover from a
storage violation. The default is NO. See the CICS
SNA. Systems Network Architecture. System Definition Guide for more information.

Glossary 669
storage. A functional unit into which data can be the interval, unsolicited, requested reset, and
placed and from which it can be retrieved. See main end-of-day statistics on an applid by applid basis.
storage, storage, virtual storage.
surveillance. In XRF, a series of processes by which
storage accounting area (SAA). A field at the start of the alternate CICS system monitors the active CICS
a CICS storage area that describes the area and enables system for a lapse of activity in order to detect
CICS to detect some storage violations. Each CICS potential failure conditions requiring a takeover. The
storage area has either an SAA or a storage check zone. active and alternate CICS systems use the CAVM
surveillance mechanism to monitor each other’s
storage control. The CICS element that gets working well-being.
storage areas.
surveillance signal. In XRF, the signal continuously
storage cushion. A noncontiguous area of storage in written to the CAVM data sets by the active and
the dynamic storage areas reserved for use by CICS alternate CICS systems to inform the each other of their
when processing a short-on-storage condition. states.

storage dump. See transaction dump. SVC. Supervisor call.

storage key. An indicator associated with each 4KB switch data traffic (SWDT). In an XRF configuration,
block of storage that is available in the CICS region. a VTAM session control request sent to the NCP that
Access to the storage is controlled by key-controlled initiates the switch of LU sessions from backup XRF
storage protection. session status to active XRF session status. The former
XRF session, if still ‘active’, is terminated with an
storage protection. A optional facility in CICS/ESA 3.3 UNBIND. The switch request is issued to VTAM from
that enables users to protect CICS code and control the application program (alternate CICS system).
blocks from being overwritten inadvertently by VTAM passes the request to the boundary network
application programs. node, where the sessions are actually switched by NCP.
storage protection key. An indicator that appears in switched connection. A connection that is established
the current program status word whenever an by dialing.
associated task has control of the system. This indicator
must match the storage keys of all main storage blocks synchronization. The stage of the XRF process when
that the task is to use. the active and the alternate are both initialized, are
aware of each other’s presence, and the alternate is
storage violation. An error in a storage accounting ready to begin tracking.
chain in the dynamic storage area. A storage violation
can be detected by the storage manager domain. synchronization level (sync level). The level of
synchronization (0, 1, or 2) established for an APPC
storage violation dump. A formatted dump taken as a session between intercommunicating CICS transactions.
result of a storage error detected by the storage control Level 0 gives no synchronization support, level 2
program, including a dump of the dynamic storage allows the exchange of private synchronization
error. requests, and level 2 gives full CICS synchronization
support with backout of all updates to recoverable
subpool 229. An element of the CICS address space
resources if failure occurs.
used primarily for the staging of messages. JES uses
this area for messages to be printed on the system log synchronization phase. The XRF phase, immediately
and JCL messages as well as SYSIN/SYSOUT buffers. after initialization, when the alternate system builds the
CICS control blocks to mirror those in the active
subpool 230. An element of the CICS address space
used by VTAM for inbound message assembly for
segmented messages. Data management keeps data syncpoint. A logical point in execution of an
extent blocks (DEBs) here for any opened data set. application program where the changes made to the
databases by the program are consistent and complete
SUBTSKS. System initialization parameter used to
and can be committed to the database. The output,
define the number of task control blocks (TCBs) you
which has been held up to that point, is sent to its
want CICS to use for running tasks in concurrent
destination(s), the input is removed from the message
mode. A concurrent mode TCB allows CICS to perform
queues, and the database updates are made available to
management functions such as system subtasks. The
other applications. When a program terminates
default is none. See the CICS System Definition Guide for
abnormally, CICS recovery and restart facilities do not
more information.
backout updates prior to the last completed syncpoint.
summary report. A statistics report produced by the A syncpoint is created by any of the following:
CICS statistics utility program (STUP). It summarizes v A DL/I CHECKPOINT command or CHKP call

670 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

v A DL/I TERMINATE command or TERM call system management facility (SMF). MVS
v An EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT request management program. CICS stores monitoring and
v An end of task or an end of program. statistical data on SMF data sets.

See also unit of work (UOW). system program. A program providing services in
general support of the running of a system.
SYSEVENT data. A class of monitoring data which
provides a special kind of transaction timing system queue area (SQA). A major element of
information. MVS/ESA virtual storage below the 16MB line. This
storage area contains tables and queues relating to the
SYSGEN. System generation. entire system. Its contents are highly dependent on the
configuration and job requirements at installation. The
system. In CICS, an assembly of hardware and equivalent area above the 16MB line is the extended
software capable of providing the facilities of CICS for system queue area (ESQA).
a particular installation.
system recovery table (SRT). A table listing the
system activity keypoint. A keypoint written to the ABEND or abnormal condition codes that CICS will
system log automatically while CICS is running intercept.
normally. (See also activity keypoint.)
system support program. A program product that
system dump (SDUMP). In CICS, an MVS SDUMP, defines and generates an NCP and provides it with
which may be formatted with a CICS-supplied IPCS utility programs.
exit to show all control blocks and storage areas in the
CICS region. Systems Network Architecture (SNA). The
description of the logical structure, formats, protocols,
system dump code. A code that identifies a and operational sequences for transmitting information
user-defined entry in the system dump table. Each units through and controlling the configuration and
entry defines system actions and dump attributes to be operation of networks.
associated with a code. Codes can be up to 8 characters
in length.
A code consisting of the last six characters of a CICS
message number describes actions to be taken and the takeover. In XRF, the shift of the workload from the
dump to be produced when that message is issued. For active to the alternate CICS system, and the switching
example, a dump code table entry for ZZxxxx describes of resources needed for this to happen.
the system dump to be produced with message
DFHZZxxxx, and overrides the documented system takeover phase. In XRF, the replacement of the failing
action for DFHZZxxxx. active CICS system by the alternate CICS system as the
Every system dump code can be invoked by EXEC session partner of the CICS users.
takeover time. In XRF, the elapsed time between the
corresponding CEMT transactions. For the definition of
occurrence of a failure, the completion of switching all
system dump code entries, see system dump table.
terminals to the alternate CICS system, and the running
system generation (SYSGEN). In CICS, the process of of the first user transaction.
creating a particular system tailored to the
task. A unit of work for the processor; therefore the
requirements of a data processing installation.
basic multiprogramming unit under the control
system initialization table (SIT DFHSIT). A CICS program. Under CICS, the execution of a transaction
table that contains information to initialize and control for a particular user. Contrast with transaction.
system functions, module suffixes for selection of
task control. The CICS element that controls all CICS
user-specified versions of CICS modules and tables,
and information used to control the initialization
process. You can generate several SITs, using the task control block (TCB). An MVS control block. A
resource definition macro DFHSIT, and then use the SIT TCB is created for each MVS task. Several TCBs are
system initialization parameter to select the one that created for CICS management programs. All CICS
best meets your current requirements at initialization application programs and non-reentrant CICS code run
time. under a single quasi-reentrant TCB.
system log. The (only) journal (identification=’01’) that task switching. Overlapping of I/O operations and
is used by CICS to log changes made to resources for processing between several tasks.
the purpose of backout on emergency restart.
TCA. Task control area.

Glossary 671
TCAM. Telecommunications access method. terminal. In CICS, a device, often equipped with a
keyboard and some kind of display, capable of sending
TCP. System initialization parameter used to include and receiving information over a communication
the pregenerated non-VTAM terminal control program, channel. A point in a system or communication
DFHTCP. network at which data can either enter or leave.

TCT. System initialization parameter used to indicate terminal control. The CICS modules that control all
which terminal control table, if any, is to be loaded. CICS terminal activity.

TCTTE. Terminal control table terminal entry. terminal control program (TCP). The program that
controls all CICS terminal activity.
TCTUA. Option of the ADDRESS command, used also
to pass information between application programs, but terminal control table (TCT). CICS control table
only if the same terminal is associated with the retained to define non-VTAM terminal networks.
application programs involved (which can be in
different tasks). The pointer reference is set to the terminal input/output area (TIOA). Area that is set
address of the TCTUA. If a TCTUA does not exist, the up by storage control and chained to the terminal
pointer reference is set to X'FF000000'. The data area control table terminal entry (TCTTE) as needed for
contains the address of the TCTUA of the principal terminal input/output operations.
facility, not that for any alternate facility that may have
been allocated. terminal list table (TLT). CICS control table that
allows terminal, or operator identifications, or both, to
TCTUAKEY. System initialization parameter used to be grouped logically. See supervisory terminal
specify the storage key for the TCTUAs if CICS is functions.
operating with storage protection. The default is
user-key: a user program executing in any key can terminal paging. A set of commands for retrieving
modify the TCTUA. See the CICS System Definition pages of an oversize output message in any order.
Guide for more information.
terminal-owning region (TOR). A CICS region which
TCTUALOC. System initialization parameter used to owns most or all of the terminals defined locally. See
include where terminal user areas (TCTUAs) are to be also application-owning region (AOR), data-owning
stored. The default is below the 16MB line. See the region (DOR).
CICS System Definition Guide for more information.
termination phase. The XRF phase in which the XRF
TD. CICS transient data. System initialization complex returns to two separate and independent
parameter used to specify the number of VSAM buffers environments and all XRF activity in the alternate
and strings to be used for intrapartition transient data. system stops.
See the CICS System Definition Guide for more
information. thread. In CICS, a link between a CICS application
and DBCTL. To DBCTL, a thread represents the CICS
Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM). An transaction that has issued a DL/I request. The system
access method used to transfer data between main initialization parameter DLTHRED specifies the number
storage and remote or local storage. of threads provided through the CICS local DL/I
Teleprocessing Network Simulator (TPNS). A
program used to test new functions before they threading. The process whereby various transactions
encounter production volumes. undergo concurrent execution.

temporary storage (TS). A CICS facility for throughput. The total data processing work
temporarily saving data in the form of sequential successfully completed during an evaluation period.
queues. A TS queue is held in main storage or on a
VSAM data set on DASD. All queues not in main throughput rate. The data processing work
storage are in a single VSAM data set. A task can create successfully completed per unit of time.
a TS queue with a name selected by the task. The
TIOA. Terminal input/output area. TIOAs are
queue exists until deleted by a task (usually, but not
acquired and chained to the TCTTE as needed for
necessarily, the task that created it). Compare transient
terminal input/output operations. The field TCTTESC
data. Possible uses of temporary storage include
addresses the first terminal-class storage area obtained
storage of screen images for terminal paging and
for a task (the beginning of the chain) and the field
storage of incomplete data for suspended tasks. In
TCTTEDA gives the address of the active TIOA. CICS
general, TS queues do not require resource definition,
terminal control passes data received from a terminal to
but see temporary storage table (TST).
the CICS application program in the TIOA, and writes
data from the TIOA to the terminal.

672 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

TLT. Terminal list table. multiple inputs or multiple outputs are parts of one
unit of work, intermediate turnaround time
trace. Facility for recording CICS activity. There are specifications may be needed.
three destinations for trace entries: internal trace,
auxiliary trace, and generalized trace facility (GTF). TWA. Transaction work area. Option of the ADDRESS
command, used also to pass information between
trace control. The CICS element that provides a trace application programs, but only if they are in the same
facility. task. The pointer reference is set to the address of the
TWA. If a TWA does not exist, the pointer reference is
tracking. In XRF, the process by which the alternate set to X'FF000000'.
CICS system mirrors the starting and stopping of
terminal sessions in the active CICS system so that it is TWX. Teletypewriter exchange terminal.
prepared to take over the active system should the
need arise.
transaction backout. The cancelation, as a result of a
transaction failure, of all updates performed by a task. unsolicited statistics. CICS statistics automatically
gathered by CICS for dynamically allocated and
transaction dump. A dump of the control blocks and deallocated resources. See also interval statistics,
storage areas associated with a particular task. end-of-day statistics, requested statistics, and
requested reset statistics.
transaction identification code. Synonym for
transaction identifier. For example, a group of up to unit of work (UOW). A sequence of processing
four characters entered by an operator when selecting a actions (database changes, for example) that must be
transaction. completed before any of the individual actions can be
regarded as committed. When changes are committed
transaction identifier. A name of up to four characters (by successful completion of the UOW and recording of
that is specified when the transaction is defined to the syncpoint on the system log), they do not need to
CICS and and that is used to invoke the transaction. be backed out after a subsequent failure of the task or
For example, to select a transaction, a terminal operator system. The end of a UOW is marked in a transaction
enters the transaction identifier. by a syncpoint, issued either by the user program or by
CICS at the end of task. In the absence of user
transaction rate. The number of units of processing
syncpoints, the entire task is a UOW.
successfully completed per unit of time.
unwanted takeover. In XRF, a takeover initiated by
transaction restart. The restart of a task after a
the alternate CICS system when there was not an actual
transaction backout.
failure on the active CICS system. This might be due to
transient data (TD). A CICS facility for temporarily an unusual system condition which, although not a
saving data in the form of queues, called destinations. true failure, slowed down the active system’s
A TD destination is held as either as a queue in a participation in the surveillance process to the point
VSAM data set managed by CICS (intrapartition TD) or where the alternate system believed that a failure on
as a QSAM data set outside the CICS region. See the active system had occurred.
intrapartition transient data and extrapartition
update. To modify a file or data set with current
transient data. Contrast with temporary storage.
TRTABSZ. System initialization parameter used to
user activity keypoint. A keypoint written to the
specify the size, in kilobytes, of the internal trace table.
system log by a user transaction. See also activity
The default (and minimum) size is 16KB.
TST. System initialization parameter used to specify
user dynamic storage area (UDSA). A storage area in
the suffix of the temporary storage table. See the CICS
CICS/ESA 3.3 allocated below the 16MB line and
System Definition Guide for more information.
reserved exclusively for those user application
tuning. The process of adjusting system control programs that execute in user-key and that reside
variables to make the system divide its resources most below the 16MB line.
efficiently for the workload.
user exit. A point in an IBM-supplied program at
turnaround time. The elapsed time between entry of which a user exit routine may be given control. For
the first character of the first input into the input programming information, see the CICS Customization
interface and the passage of the last character of the Guide.
last output through the output interface. The total time
user-key. Storage obtained by CICS in MVS open-key
consumed from the start to the completion of a specific
storage. It is for user application programs and their
unit of work measured at specific interfaces. When

Glossary 673
associated data areas. It can be accessed and modified VTAM access method. The default is YES. See the CICS
by user applications and by CICS. See CICS-key, System Definition Guide for more information.
storage protection.
VTAM Performance Analysis and Reporting System
(VTAMPARS). A program offering that provides
V information on network traffic through the VTAM
component of the network.
validity of reference. Direct reference to the required
pages, without intermediate storage references that
retrieve unwanted data. W
virtual machine (VM). A functional simulation of a warm keypoint. A keypoint written to the restart data
computer and its associated devices. Contrast with real set during controlled shutdown (after all system
machine. activity has ceased). During a subsequent warm restart,
information in the warm keypoint is used to reestablish
virtual storage (VS). (ISO) The notional storage space system tables to the status they had at controlled
that may be regarded as addressable main storage by shutdown. See also keypoint.
the user of a computer system in which virtual
addresses are mapped into real addresses. The size of warm start. Initialization of a CICS system using
virtual storage is limited by the addressing scheme of selected system status information obtained during the
the computing system and by the amount of auxiliary previous termination. Automatic restart after a normal
storage available and not by the number of main (controlled) shutdown.
storage locations.
working set. The set of a user’s pages that must be
Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM). An access active in order to avoid excessive paging. The amount
method for direct or sequential processing of fixed- and of real storage required in order to avoid excessive
variable-length records on direct access devices. paging.

virtual storage constraint relief (VSCR). The

movement of areas of code or control blocks to storage X
above the 16MB line, or the reduction of code or
control blocks below the 16MB line. These actions XLT. Transaction list table. CICS control table
increase the storage available for user programs and containing a list of logically-related transaction
data that use 24-bit addressing. identifications. System initialization parameter used to
specify the suffix for the transaction list table. See the
virtual storage paging. A technique used by CICS in a CICS System Definition Guide for more information.
virtual storage environment. The key objective of
programming in this environment is the reduction of XMOLS. CICS monitor listing program, DFH$MOLS.
page faults. A page fault occurs when a program refers
XRF (Extended Recovery Facility). Extended Recovery
to instructions or data that do not reside in real storage,
Facility (XRF).
in which case, the page in virtual storage that contains
the referenced instructions or data must be paged into XRF complex. The MVS images and licensed
real storage. The more paging required, the lower the programs that provide an XRF service.
overall system performance.

VLF. The Virtual Lookaside Facility in MVS/ESA.

Manages the data space associated with library
lookaside (LLA).

VS. See virtual storage.

VSAM shared resources. Buffers and strings shared

by several VSAM data files. This is defined to CICS in
the file control table.

VSAM work area (VSWA). An area that is acquired

dynamically by the file control program when accessing
a VSAM data set.

VSCR. Virtual storage constraint relief.

VTAM. Virtual telecommunications access method.

System initialization parameter used to include the

674 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

Numerics activity keypoint frequency
BMS (basic mapping support) (continued)
paging 321, 324
16MB line 300 address spaces suffixed map sets 315
229 subpool 210, 621 dump 27 BMS, system initialization
230 subpool 621 map alignment 298 parameter 299
24-bit programs 300 measurement 283 BTS 336
31-bit addressing 300 program storage 299, 300 BUFFER operand 209
75 percent rule shared nucleus code 297 BUFFER parameter 236
TS requests 325 splitting online systems 284 BUILDCHAIN attribute 209
822 abend 193 aggressive loading 255 business factors 5
AID (automatic initiate descriptor) 398,
A AILDELAY, system initialization C
abends parameter 217 CA (control area) 227
address space 27 AIQMAX, system initialization CATA transaction 218
after major changes 188 parameter 216 CATD transaction 218
application 12 AIRDELAY, system initialization CDSA subpool 626
backout recovery 326 parameter 216 CEMT (CICS enhanced master
deadlock timeout 196 AIX considerations 233 terminal) 13
compression 625 and MRO 280 RECORD 40
insufficient subpool storage 192, 621 AKPFREQ, system initialization CFDT advantages 246
insufficient virtual storage 169, 193 parameter 279 CFDT sizing 248
logging 8 aligned maps 298 CFDT using FILE definition 249
ONEWTE option 208 alternate system CFRM, coupling facility resource
task purging 159 autoinstalled terminals 217 management
terminal read 196 extended recovery facility (XRF) 191 policy 248
transaction 17 AMODE(24) programs LE run time chain assembly 209
TS space 325 options 159 CHANGED return condition 246
abnormal condition program analyzing performance of system 169 checklists
(DFHACP) 18 API costs for Java 257 input/output contention 181
ACF/VTAM application programs performance 181
class of service (COS) 306 16MB line 300 processor cycles 184
common system areas (CSA and intercommunication 284 real storage 183
ECSA) 618 performance analysis 170 virtual storage 182
datastream compression 216 resident, nonresident, transient 299 CI (control interval) 229, 321, 324
high performance option (HPO) 207 APPLID, system initialization CICS attachment facility
IBMTEST 164 parameter 68 CICS/DB2 attachment facility 268
ICVTSD 212 Assembler H Version 2 300 PRIORITY 269
LMPEO option 210 asynchronous processing 305 TCBLIMIT 268
logon/logoff 286 attach time statistics 63 THREADLIMIT 268
logon/logoff requests 210 autoinstall THREADWAIT 267
multiregion operation (MRO) 284, statistics 347 CICS business transaction services 336
305 autoinstall terminals 216 CICS DB2
NetView 33 automatic initiate descriptor (AID) 398, statistics 352
pacing 302, 303 403 CICS DB2 attachment facility 266
performance data 32 automatic installation of terminals 216 CICS DB2 statistics 47
processor usage 18 automatic logon 211 CICS dynamic program routing in
RAMAX 203 Automatic restart manager (ARM) 341 Java 258
receive-any pool (RAPOOL) 163, 204 automatic transaction initiation CICS enhanced master terminal
region exit interval (ICV) 195 (ATI) 202, 212 (CEMT) 13
statistics 19, 162 auxiliary temporary storage 321, 322 CICS monitoring
storage management 33, 215 auxiliary trace 24, 171, 175 performance class data 74
subpool 229 192, 302, 621 average blocksize 273 CICS monitoring facility
subpool 230 622 clock definition 74
terminal I/O 201 data produced 73
traces 30, 32, 216, 307 B description 331
tuning 33, 187 backout recovery 326 exception class data 65, 66
virtual storage 616 basic mapping support (BMS) 321 performance class data 65
VNCA (VTAM node control block sizes 169 processing of output 72
application) 33 BMS (basic mapping support) RMF transaction reporting 67
ACF/VTAM statistics 51, 500 map alignment 298 SYSEVENT information 67

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1983, 1999 675

CICS monitoring facility (continued) cross-memory server environment DFH0STAT, the sample statistics program
time stamp definition 74 (AXM) 246 sample statistics program 519
CICS trace facilities performance data 24 cross-memory services DFH0STAT (the sample statistics
CICS Web 3270 support 223 multiregion operation (MRO) 284 program) 25
CICS Web support reduction of CSA 306 DFH0STAT report 521, 567, 584, 593, 597
HTTP 1.0 persistent connections 223 CSA (common system area) 616 connections and modenames 580
Keepalive header 223 contents 618 coupling facility data table pools
performance in a single address diagram 616 report 597
space 222 ICV time interval 196 data tables storage 596
performance in a sysplex 221 SVC processing 305 DB2 Connection 600
security 223 transaction looping 302 DB2 Entries 606
use of temporary storage 223 CSAC transaction 18 DFHRPL analysis 558
CICSPlex SM workload dispatcher 528
management 133
CICSPlex SM used to control dynamic
D dispatcher TCBs report 530
enqueue manager report,
routing 123 DASD (direct access storage device) DFH0STAT 609
class of service (COS) in VTAM 306 activity report in RMF 172 exit programs 598
classification rules 129 response time 6 file requests 593
clock, definition review of usage 18 files 592
data set name (DSN) sharing 232 global user exits 599
for monitoring 74
data sets journalnames 573
CLPA (create link pack area) 618
DSN (data set name sharing) 232 loader 543
CMF and the MVS workload manager
record block sizes 169 logstreams 574
CMS and MVS WLM 67
data sharing in IMS/ESA 284, 306 LSRpools 587
data tables 244 program autoinstall 577
COBOL performance statistics 245
application programs 298 program storage 543
recommendations 244 programs 554
NODYNAM option 316 synchronization of changes 244
RESIDENT option 316 programs by DSA and LPA 559
data tables requests storage 533
VS COBOL II 300, 318 DFH0STAT report 595 storage above 16MB 539
coding phase 8 data tables storage storage below 16MB 534
command threads for DB2 266, 267 DFH0STAT report 596 storage subpools 547
common system area (CSA) 305 database control system status 521
compression, output data streams 215 DBCTL session termination TCP/IP services report 584
computing system factors 5 statistics 364 temporary storage queues 566
concurrent actions database resource adapter (DRA) 263, terminal autoinstall 577
asynchronous file I/Os 237 364 transaction classes report 549
input/output operations 323, 328 databases transaction manager 526
logon/logoff requests 210 design 163 transaction totals 552
receive-any requests 204 hardware contention 163 transactions report 551
VSAM requests 227 monitor in IMS 35 transient data 569
concurrent autoinstalls 216 performance monitor (DB2PM) 36 transient data queue totals 572
connections and modenames report tools (DBT) 35 transient data queues 571
DFH0STAT report 580 DATABUFFER parameter 235 tsqueue by shared ts pool report 567
constraints DB2 (DATABASE 2) 266 tsqueue totals report 567
anticipating future 15 DB2 Connection VTAM 577
hardware 162 DFH0STAT report 600 DFH0STAT Report
limit 161 DB2 Entries storage
data tables requests 595
software 163 DFH0STAT report 606
DB2 Connection 600
contention model 247 DB2–related data fields in
DB2 Entries storage 606
control area (CA) 227 monitoring 267
loader and program storage 543
control commands program totals 556
definitions 267
DB2PM (DATABASE 2 Performance
Monitor) 36
RECORD 40 recovery manager 612
DBCTL session termination
control interval (CI) 229, 321, 324 temporary storage 561
statistics 364
control of storage stress 158 DFHACP, (abnormal condition
DBT (database tools) 35
COS (class of service) in VTAM 306 program) 18
DDS (device-dependent suffix) 315
coupling facility data tables deadlock timeout 8, 18, 196 DFHIIOPA program 258
list structure statistics 509 DEDB (data entry database) 35, 264, 266 DFHJIIOP program 258
coupling facility data tables (CFDT) 245 definition phase 7 DFHRPL analysis
coupling facility data tables server degradation of performance 152 DFH0STAT report 558
statistics 64 deletion of shipped terminal definitions DFHTEMP, auxiliary temporary
coupling facility resource management DSHIPINT and DSHIPIDL 312 storage 321
(CFRM) 248 design phase 7 diagnosing problems 169
CPSM workload management 123 device-dependent suffix (DDS) 315 dispatcher
create link pack area (CLPA) 618 DFH$MOLS 72 DFH0STAT report 528

676 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

dispatcher (continued) error rates 169 global ENQ/DEQ 331
statistics 47, 367 ESA (extended system area) global user exits
dispatcher TCBs report common requirements 189 DFH0STAT report 599
DFH0STAT report 530 fencing in 190 GPAR (generalized performance analysis
dispatching priority 192 ESDS files reporting) 33
distributed program link (DPL) 305 number of strings 229 GRS=STAR (ENQ/DEQ) 331
distributed routing programs 123 ESDSA subpool 626 GTF (generalized trace facility) 26
distributed transaction processing ESQA (extended system queue area) 617
(DTP) 284, 305 estimating DSALIM 296
DL/I Estimating the EDSALIM 294 H
calls 284 EUDSA subpool 626 hardware constraints 162, 163
databases 171, 306 event monitoring point (EMP) 69 high performance option (HPO) 207,
deadlock abend 8 exception class monitoring 66 212
scheduling 70 exception class monitoring records 65 and RAPOOL 205
storage subpools 627 EXEC CICS PERFORM STATISTICS high private area 621
transactions 174 RECORD 40 hiperspace buffers 240
DLL initialization 255 EXEC CICS SET STATISTICS HPO (high performance option) 207,
DLLs in C++ 319 RECORDNOW 40 212
DOCTEMPLATE resources used by CICS execution diagnostic facility (EDF) 321 HSDATA parameter 241
Web 222 exit programs HSINDEX parameter 241
DPL (distributed program link) 305 DFH0STAT report 598
DRA (database resource adapter) 263, extended common system area
(ECSA) 616
extended facilities
altering value 296 common system area (ECSA) 616, I/O rates 169
estimating size 296 618 IBM 586X 33
DSALIMIT link pack area (ELPA) 297 IBMTEST command 164
system initialization parameter 295 MVS nucleus 616 ICMF 271
DSN (data set name) sharing 232 private area 619 ICV, system initialization parameter 194,
DTIMOUT (deadlock timeout system queue area (ESQA) 617 213
interval) 18 external actions ICVTSD, system initialization
DTP (distributed transaction design phase 7 parameter 206, 211
processing) 284, 305 security interface 334 IEF374I message 621
dump extrapartition transient data 329 IIOP method call requests workload
address space 27 balancing 258
domain statistics 373 implementing MVS workload
dump domain F management 131
statistics 373 faults
dump statistics 53 database tools (DBT) 35
line-transmission 474 system utilities 35
dynamic actions tracing 160
monitoring 13 IMS/ESA
transaction 474 data sharing 284, 306
dynamic allocation 194 fencing-in of ESA 190
dynamic domain name server IMSASAP II 36
FEPI, system initialization INAREAL operand 203
(DNS) 258 parameter 242
dynamic routing 123 inbound chaining 202
FEPI statistics 54 INDEXBUFFER parameter 235
dynamically altering DSALIM value 296 file control indirect destinations 330
costs 644 initiators, job 193
E LSR input/output
ECDSA subpool 626 maximum keylength 239 causes of extra physical 233
ECSA (extended common system resource percentile contention checklist 181
area) 616, 618 (SHARELIMIT) 239 rates 169
EDF (execution diagnostic facility) 321 statistics 385 integrated coupling migration facility
EDSALIM, system initialization table (FCT) 26 (ICMF) 271
parameter 294 VSAM 241 interactive problem control system
EDSALIMI file statistics 54 (IPCS) 26, 30
estimating the size 294 files intercommunication
EMP (event monitoring point) 69 DFH0STAT report 592 facilities 305
end-of-day statistics 24 fragmentation 194 sessions 163
end users, information from 8 free storage above region 623 interface with operating system 187
enqueue domain full-load measurement 170, 171 internal actions
statistics 378 function shipping 284, 305 design phase 7
enqueue manager future constraints 15 response time 157
enqueue manager report 609 traces 24, 26
statistics 53 intersystem communication (ISC) 188
entry threads for DB2 267 G interval reports
ERBRMF members 69 generalized performance analysis control 321
ERDSA subpool 626 reporting (GPAR) 33 statistics 24

Index 677
intrapartition buffer statistics 491, 493 LLA (library lookaside) 197, 300 messages
intrapartition transient data reports 293, loader and program storage switching (CMSG transaction) 321
327 DFH0STAT report 543 TCAM unsolicited input 214
IOAREALEN operand 201, 310 loader statistics 49 MLPA (modified link pack area) 618
IPCS (interactive problem control local shared resources (LSR) 240 MNEVE 69
system) 26, 30 local system queue area (LSQA) 622 mode TCBs 47
ISC (intersystem communication) 305 locking model 247 modem, IBM 586X 33
2MB LPA 618 log manager modified link pack area (MLPA) 618
and MRO 284, 305, 321 average blocksize 273 modules
implementation 284 log stream management 297
mirror transactions 306 statistics 413 shared 341
sessions 209 log stream statistics 55 monitoring
splitting 188 logging control table (MCT) 71
ISC/IRC (intersystem/interregion after recovery 329, 334 domain statistics 428
communication) exceptional incidents 8 event monitoring point (EMP) 69
attach time entries 410 logging and journaling generalized trace facility (GTF) 29
ISC/IRC attach time statistics 410 HIGHOFFLOAD threshold 276 monthly 15
ISC/IRC system and mode entry integrated coupling migration facility other CICS data 26
statistics 57, 396 (ICMF) 271 performance class data 65
log streams per structure 274 purpose 65
LOWOFFLOAD threshold 276 record types 65
J monitoring 271
staging data sets 278
Resource Measurement Facility
(RMF) 27
Java 255
logical recovery 328 techniques 11, 12
Java applications storage 257
logon/logoff requests 210 monitoring CICS-JVM interface 261
Java language support 255
logstreams MRO
Java Program Object with LE 259
DFH0STAT report 574 and XCF 286
Java program objects 255
LOWOFFLOAD threshold in MVS sysplex environment 286
Java virtual machine programs 259
HIGHOFFLOAD threshold 276 MRO (multiregion operation) 284, 305
job initiators 193
LPA (link pack area) 27, 618 2MB LPA 618
LSQA (local system queue area) 622 and ISC 286, 305, 321
HIGHOFFLOAD threshold 276
LSR (local shared resources) batching requests 311
integrated coupling migration facility
buffer allocation 230 cross-memory services 183, 185, 618
(ICMF) 271
buffer allocations for 236 end user information 8
log streams per structure 274
LSRPOOL parameter 231, 234 fastpath facilities 185
LOWOFFLOAD threshold 276
maximum keylength for 239 function shipping 310, 312
staging data sets 278
resource percentile (SHARELIMIT) IEAICS parameters 68
for 239 sessions 206
statistics 55, 411
to create VSAM files, data tables, LSR splitting 188
journalname statistics 55
pools 234 transaction routing 285, 286, 310
VSAM considerations 225
DFH0STAT report 573 MROBTCH, system initialization
VSAM local 240
journals parameter 311
VSAM string settings for 238
buffers full 19 MROLRM, system initialization
LSR pools
user 330 parameter 312
DFH0STAT report 587
JVM CPU overhead 259 MSGINTEG operand 208
LSRpool file statistics 426
JVM Just-in-time compiler 259 multiregion operation (MRO) 8
LSRpool statistics 416
JVM storage usage 260 MVS
LSRPOOL statistics 56
JVM TCB mode 260 COBOL Version 4 316
LU6.1 397
LU6.2 397 common system area (CSA) 616
cross-memory services 305, 306
K data collection
kernel storage 639 M ACF/VTAM 32
KEYLENGTH parameter 239 main temporary storage 321, 322 GTF 26
keypoint frequency, AKPFREQ 279 map alignment 298 IPCS 26
map set suffixing 315 SMF 152
master terminal transactions (CEMT) 13 extended common system area
L MAXACTIVE, transaction class 288 (ECSA) 616
language environment (LE) 318 maximum tasks HPO 207, 212
LE runtime options for Java 256 MXT, system initialization IEAICS member 68
limit conditions 161 parameter 287 library lookaside 300
line-transmission faults 474 times limit reached 19 link pack area (LPA) 285
link pack area (LPA) 27, 30, 285, 341 MAXKEYLENGTH parameter 239 LLA (library lookaside) 197
CLPA (create link pack area) 618 MAXNUMRECS parameter 244 load macro 316
ELPA (extended link pack area) 297 MCT (monitoring control table) 71 NetView 33
MLPA (modified link pack area) 618 measurement nucleus and extended nucleus 616
PLPA (pageable link pack area) 618 full-load 171 program loading subtask 158, 159
LISTCAT (VSAM) 26, 34 single-transaction 174 QUASI task 163

678 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

MVS (continued) NMPF (network management production paging (continued)
reduce regions 168 facility) 33 rates 169, 174
SRM 67 NODYNAM option in COBOL 316 parameters
system tuning 168, 179 non-XRF environment 218 BUFFER 236
tuning 187 nonresident programs 299 DATABUFFERS 235
virtual storage 286, 300, 616 nonshared resources (NSR) 230 HSDATA 241
16MB line 332 nonswappable CICS 190 HSINDEX 241
MVS definitions NPDA (network problem determination INDEXBUFFERS 235
for CICS performance 123 application) 33 KEYLENGTH 239
common system area (CSA) 618 NPM (NetView Performance MAXNUMRECS 244
extended common system area Monitor) 33, 34, 152, 203, 210 SHARELIMIT 239
(ECSA) 618 NSR (nonshared resources) STRNO 236, 237, 238
subpools 229 and 230 621 buffer allocation 230 TABLE 244
MVS IEAICS member 68 VSAM buffer allocations 235 VSP 241
MVS Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 259 VSAM considerations 225 performance
MVS workload management terms 124 VSAM string settings 237 after changes 19
MVS Workload Manager analysis
classification rules 129 definition 169
implementing 131
performance goals 128
O determining constraints 162
ONEWTE operand 208 full-load measurement 171
service definitions 127 overview 149
online system splitting 284
service policies 128 single-transaction
tuning CICS performance measurement 174
parameters 132 symptoms and solutions 165
using SRVCLASS parameter of techniques 153, 170
IOAREALEN 201, 310
IEAICSxx, example of 127 tuning trade-offs 177, 178
workloads 128 assessment 169
MVS workload manager benefits 123 auxiliary temporary storage 321
MXT, system initialization business factors 5, 6
parameter 287 checklists 181
PRIORITY 291 input/output contention 181
N RECEIVESIZE 209 processor cycles 184
virtual storage 182
name sharing, data set name (DSN) 232 RECOVSTATUS operand 330
named counter sequence number server SENDSIZE 209 class monitoring records 65
statistics 515 TERMPRIORITY 291 computing-system factors 5
named counter sequence number server TIOAL 201 constraints
statistics 64 TRIGGERLEVEL 330 hardware 162
NCCF (network communication control VPACING 302 software 163
facility) 33 operating system symptoms 155
negative poll delay (NPDELAY) 214 allocation of resources 190 data 641
NETPARS (network performance, CICS interface 187 data review 16
analysis, and reporting system) 32 job initiators 193 definitions for MVS 123
NetView Performance Monitor keypoint frequency, AKPFREQ 279 degradation 152
(NPM) 33, 34, 152, 203, 210 shared area 297 goals 128
network communication control facility operator security 334 high performance option (HPO) 207,
(NCCF) 33 OPNDLIM, system initialization 212
network logical data manager parameter 210 improvement 179
(NLDM) 33 OPPRTY operand 291 measurement tools 21
network management production facility OS/390 monitoring 11
(NMPF) 33 data collection NetView Performance Monitor
network problem determination Tivoli Performance Reporter 31 (NPM) 203
application (NPDA) 33 OS/390 GRS services 331 objectives
networks OSCOR parameter gathering data 7
communication control facility DSA size 625 parameters, matching to service
(NCCF) 33 output data stream compression 215 policies 132
design 163 priorities 4
hardware contention 163 real storage 183
logical data manager (NLDM) 33 P symptoms of poor 155
management production facility PACING operand 302 performance class data, CICS
(NMPF) 33 page index monitoring 74
performance 32 DFH0STAT report 614 performance costs
problem determination application pageable link pack area (PLPA) 618 additional 644
(NPDA) 33 paging coupling facility data tables 647
response time 6 definition 159 program control 650
NLDM (network logical data excessive 160, 165 record level sharing (RLS) 647
manager) 33 problems 160 temporary storage 648

Index 679
performance costs (continued) real storage 283 RUWAPOOL system initialization
transient data 649 checklist 183 parameter 318
variable 641 constraints 168
Performance Reporter
isolation 190
working set 162
and exceptions 152 receive-any S40D abend 188, 192, 623
periodic reports 15 control element (RACE) 205 S80A abend 188, 192, 621
physical I/Os, extra 233 input area (RAIA) 203, 205 S822 abend 188, 192
PL/I pool (RAPOOL) 163, 203, 204 scheduler work area (SWA) 622
application programs 298 requests 205 SDFHENV dataset 259
Release 5.1 300 RECEIVESIZE attribute 209 SDSA subpool 626
shared library 317 record-level sharing (RLS) 251 Secure Sockets Layer for Web
planning review 13 recovery security 224
PLPA (pageable link pack area) 618 SENDSIZE attribute 209
logical 327, 328
polling, NPDELAY 214 sequential query language (SQL) 36
options 326
pool threads for DB2 267 serial functions 163
physical 326
post-development review 8 service classes 128
recoverable resources 334
PPGRT parameter 190 service definitions 127
recovery manager
PPGRTR parameter 190 service policies 128
DFH0STAT report 612
prefixed storage area (PSA) 618 set, working 162
statistics 445
PRIORITY CICS attachment facility shared resources
recovery manager statistics
parameter 269 modules 341
statistics 56 nucleus code 297
PRIORITY operand 291 RECOVSTATUS operand 330
private area 619 PL/I library 317
regions shared ts queue server
problem diagnosis 169
exit interval (ICV or TIME) 194 coupling facility statistics 503
procedures for monitoring 12
increasing size 192 shared TS queue server statistics 64
processor cycles 162
terminal-owning 286 SHARELIMIT parameter 239
processor cycles checklist 184
reports short-on-storage (SOS) 8
processor usage 169
DASD activity in RMF 172 shutdown
system activity in RMF 172 AIQMAX 342
statistics 53, 431
program autoinstall request/response unit (RU) 203 CATA 342
DFH0STAT report 577 requested reset statistics 24 CATD 342
statistics 430 requested statistics 24 signon 293
program totals report requirements definition 7 single-transaction measurement 174
DFH0STAT report 556 RESIDENT option in COBOL 316 CICS auxiliary trace 175
programming considerations 315 resident programs 299 SIT (system initialization table) 26
programs resource contention 164 SMF
COBOL 298 resource measurement facility SMSVSAM, Type 42 records 254
DFH0STAT report 554 (RMF) 172 SMSVSAM
isolation (PI) trace 35 Resource Measurement Facility SMF Type 42 records 254
nonresident 299 (RMF) 27 SNA (Systems Network Architecture)
PL/I 298 resource security level checking 334 message chaining 209
putting above 16MB line 300 TIOA for devices 201
resident 299 transaction flows 208
local shared (LSR) 225, 240
storage layout 299 SNT (signon table) 293
manager (SRM) 29
transient 299 OPPRTY 291
nonshared (NSR) 225, 235, 237
programs by DSA and LPA software constraints 163
recoverable 334
DFH0STAT report 559 SOS (short-on-storage)
shared (LSR) 236, 238, 239
PRTYAGE, system initialization caused by subpool storage
response time 156
parameter 291 fragmentation 636
contributors 23
PRVMOD, system initialization CICS constraint 158
parameter 298 end user information 8
internal 157
PSA (prefixed storage area) 618 LE run time options for AMODE(24)
network 6
PURGETHRESH, transaction class 289 programs 159, 319
system 6
purging of tasks 159 limit conditions 161
review process 13 review of occurrences 18
PVDELAY, system initialization RLS using FILE definition 253
parameter 410 use of temporary data sets 158
RMF (Resource Measurement splitting resources
PWSS parameter 190
Facility) 27 independent address spaces 286
introduction 13 online systems 284
R operations 69 using ISC 188
RAIA (receive any, input area) 203 periodic use 15 using MRO 188, 286
RAMAX, system initialization SYSEVENT information 67 SQA (system queue area) 617
parameter 203 transaction reporting 67 SQL (sequential query language)
RAPOOL, system initialization RMF workload manager data activity 36
parameter 204 explanation of 135 SRM (system resources manager)
RDSA subpool 626 RU (request/response unit) 203 activities traced by GTF 29

680 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

SRM (system resources manager) statistics (continued) system initialization parameters
(continued) transaction manager 46, 482 (continued)
data collected by RMF 27 transaction volumes 5 AKPFREQ 279
paging rates 191 transient data 50, 491 APPLID 68
SYSEVENT 67 user domain 50, 499 BMS 299
SRVCLASS parameter of IEAICSxx, VSAM shared resources 416 CMXT 162
example of use 127 VTAM 51, 500 DSALIM 295
staging data sets 278 Statistics Utility Program DSHIPINT and DSHIPIDL 312
startup time improvements 339 (DFHSTUP) 345 EDSALIM 294
storage 283 FEPI 242
auxiliary 322 ICV 194, 213
attach time 63 DFH0STAT report 533 ICVTSD 206, 211
autoinstall 347 fragmentation 194 MROBTCH 311
CICS DB2 47, 352 limit conditions 161 MROLRM 312
coupling facility data tables stress 158 MXT 162, 287
server 64 temporary 321 OPNDLIM 210
data tables 245 violation 161 PRTYAGE 291
DBCTL session termination 364 storage above 16MB report 539 PVDELAY 63, 410
DEDB 266 storage below 16MB report 534 RAMAX 203
dispatcher 47, 367 storage manager RAPOOL 204
dump 53 statistics 452 SUBTSKS 242
dump domain 373 storage manager statistics 48 TD 327
enqueue 53 Storage protection facilities TRANISO 294
enqueue domain 378 storage protection 335 TS 50
FEPI 54 storage subpools USRDELAY 63, 410
file 54 DFH0STAT report 547 System initialization parameters
file control 385 strategies for monitoring 11 PRVMOD 298
for monitoring 24 stress, storage 158 System management facility (SMF) 27
from CICS 24 strings, number of in VSAM 227 system queue area (SQA) 617
intrapartition buffer 491, 493 STRINGS parameter 237, 238 system resources manager (SRM) 67
ISC/IRC attach time 410 STRNO parameter 236 Systems Network Architecture
ISC/IRC system and mode entry 57, subpool storage fragmentation 636 (SNA) 201
396 subpools
journalname 55, 411
loader 49
229 210, 619, 621, 622
230 619, 621, 622
log stream 55, 413 CDSA 626 table manager
LSRpool 416 CICS 626 statistics 464
LSRPOOL 56 ECDSA 626, 628 TABLE parameter 244
LSRpool file 426 ERDSA 626, 636 tasks
monitoring domain 428 ESDSA 626 CICS definition 3
named counter sequence number EUDSA 626 maximum specification (MXT) 287
server 64 other 622, 623 performance definition 12
program 53, 431 RDSA 626, 628 prioritization 291
program autoinstall 430 SDSA 626, 628 purging of 159
recovery manager 56, 445 UDSA 626 reducing life of 187
resource statistics, extrapartition subtasking reducing MVS common
queues 497 VSAM data set control (VSP) 241 requirements 189
resource statistics, indirect SUBTSKS, system initialization TCAM (telecommunications access
queues 497 parameter 242 method) 214
resource statistics, intrapartition suffixed map sets 315 TCB statistics 47
queues 494 symptoms of poor performance 155, 165 TCBLIMIT parameter 268
resource statistics, remote queues 498 syncpoint cost 643 TCLASS
sample program, DFH0STAT 519 statistics 478
shared TS queue server 64 TCP/IP port sharing 258
data 67
statistics domain 46, 451 TCP/IP services
SYSEVENT class of monitoring data 67
storage manager 48, 452 statistics 465, 467
SYSEVENT information 67
system dump 373 TCPIP= specifying Sockets domain 340
table manager 464 system activity report in RMF 172 TD, system initialization parameter 327
TCB 47 system changes due to growth 19 telecommunications access method
TCLASS 478 system conditions 170 (TCAM) 214
TCP/IP services 465 system defined event monitoring teleprocessing network simulator
TCP/IP servicesrequest 467 point 69 (TPNS) 37
temporary storage 49, 468 system dump Teleprocessing Network Simulator
terminal 57 statistics 373 (TPNS) 20
terminal control 474 system initialization parameters temporary storage 163, 321
transaction 53 AILDELAY 217 auxiliary 321, 322
transaction class 47, 478 AIQMAX 216 concurrent input/output
transaction dump 376 AIRDELAY 216 operations 323, 328

Index 681
temporary storage 163, 321 (continued) TPNS (Teleprocessing Network TRIGGERLEVEL operand 330
data sharing 325 Simulator) 20 TRT (trace table) 333
DFH0STAT report 561 trace TS, system initialization parameter 50
main 321, 322 auxiliary 24, 171, 175 tuning 177
performance improvements CICS facility 26 CICS under MVS 187
multiple VSAM buffers 323, 327 GTF 26, 29, 30 DASD 199
multiple VSAM strings 323, 328 internal 24 I/O operations 199
requests on cold-started system 325 table (TRT) 333 reviewing results of 178
secondary extents 322 VTAM 32 trade-offs 177
statistics 49, 468 trade-offs, acceptable 177 VSAM 225, 340
summary of performance TRANISO, system initialization
variables 324 parameter 294
temporary storage queues
DFH0STAT report 566
CATA 218
UDSA subpool 626
temporary storage requests CATD 218
unaligned maps 298
75 percent rule 325 CEMT 13
unsolicited items
terminal autoinstall CMSG 321
input messages 214
DFH0STAT report 577 CSAC 18
statistics 24
terminal control definition 3
user domain
faults 474
full scans 195 statistics 499
looping 302
region exit interval (ICV or user domain statistics 50
TIME) 194 profile 5
user options
routing 284, 305
statistics 474 event monitoring points 69
security 334
terminal input/output area (TIOA) 202 journals 330
volume 5
terminal statistics 57 USERMOD 297
workload 5
terminals USRDELAY, system initialization
transaction class
automatic installation 216 parameter 410
statistics 478
compression of output data transaction classes
streams 215
concurrent logon/logoff requests 210
DFH0STAT report 549
HPO with VTAM 207 PURGETHRESH 289 violation of storage 161
input/output area (SESSIONS transaction classes DFHTCLSX and virtual storage 283
IOAREALEN) 310 DFHTCLQ2 checklist 182
input/output area (TIOA) 201, 208 effects of 309 constraints 167
input/output area (TYPETERM transaction data insufficient 193
IOAREALEN) 201 initialization 644 internal limits 169
message block sizes 169 VLF (virtual lookaside facility) 197
transaction dump
minimizing SNA transaction statistics 376 VNCA (VTAM node control
flows 208 transaction isolation and applications application) 33
negative poll delay (NPDELAY) 214 storage, transaction isolation 336 volume of transactions 5
receive-any input areas transaction isolation and real storage VPACING operand 302
(RAMAX) 203 transaction isolation 301 VSAM 34
receive-any pool (RAPOOL) 204 16MB line 624
transaction manager
scan delay (ICVTSD) 211 DFH0STAT report 526 AIX considerations 233
terminal-owning region (TOR) 286 statistics 482 buffer allocations for LSR 236
use of SNA chaining 209 buffer allocations for NSR 235
transaction manager statistics 46
TERMPRIORITY operand 291 buffers and strings 321
transaction totals
testing phase 8 calls 312
DFH0STAT report 552
The CICS monitoring facility 24 catalog 35, 231, 331
The sample statistics program data sets 171, 284, 321
DFH0STAT report 551
(DFH0STAT) 25 definition parameters 234
transient data 163, 326 DSN sharing 232
THREADLIMIT parameter 268
concurrent input/output I/O 243
THREADWAIT parameter 267
operations 323, 328 LISTCAT 26, 34
time stamp, definition
DFH0STAT report 569 local shared resources (LSR) 240
for monitoring 74 extrapartition 329
timings maximum keylength for LSR 239
indirect destinations 330 multiple buffers 323, 327
transaction initialization 644 intrapartition 327 multiple strings 323, 328
TIOA (terminal input/output area) 202 performance improvements number of buffers 230
Tivoli Performance Reporter for multiple VSAM buffers 323, 327 resource percentile (SHARELIMIT) for
MVS 113 multiple VSAM strings 323, 328 LSR 239
Tivoli Performance Reporter for transient data queue totals resource usage (LSRPOOL) 234
OS/390 31 DFH0STAT report 572 restart data set 218
tools for monitoring 23 transient data queues shared resources 153
TOR (terminal-owning region) 286 DFH0STAT report 571 shared resources statistics 416
TPNS (teleprocessing network transient data statistics 50 string settings for LSR 238
simulator) 37 transient programs 299 string settings for NSR 237

682 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide

VSAM 34 (continued)
strings 227
for ESDS files 229
subtasking 241
transactions 174, 312
tuning 225, 340
wait-on-string 162
VSAM record-level sharing (RLS) 251
DFH0STAT report 577
VTAM performance, analysis and
reporting system (VTAMPARS) 33, 152
VTAMPARS (VTAM performance,
analysis and reporting system) 33, 152
VTOC listings 26, 200

WEB= specifying Web domain 339
weekly monitoring 14
working set 162
workload 6
workload management in a sysplex 123
workload manager (MVS) 123
workload manager requirements 125

XRF (extended recovery facility)
alternate system 191
restart delay 219
takeover 159, 217
XTCTOUT, global user exit (TCAM) 216
XZCOUT1, global user exit (VTAM) 216

Index 683
684 CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Performance Guide
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