Bilal Rafique Fa17-Epe-069 SNO Book Concept/Definition Example From The Documentary
Bilal Rafique Fa17-Epe-069 SNO Book Concept/Definition Example From The Documentary
Bilal Rafique Fa17-Epe-069 SNO Book Concept/Definition Example From The Documentary
1: Project A project is a complex nonroutine, one time offer China three gorges dam is world
limited by time, budget, resources and biggest hydroelectric project
performance specifications designed to customer which serves 60 million people
need. electricity.
2: Program A series of coordinated, related , multiple projects Is to built multiple dam in China
that continue over and extended time and are to overcome the energy crises.
intended to achieve the goal.
3: The Project The project life cycle typically passes sequentially Three Gorges dam used 16
Life Cycle through four stages: defining, planning, executing, million concrete and sand .
and delivering.
4: Defining stage: Specifications of the project are defined; project The project was approved in
objectives are established; teams are formed; 1992,and it’s capacity in
major responsibilities are assigned. 22500MW.
5: Planning stage: The level of effort increases, and plans are The budget of the dam is $25
developed to determine what the project will billion and it comes from the
entail, when it will be scheduled, whom it will state investors.
benefit, what quality level should be maintained,
and what the budget will be.
6: Executing A major portion of the project work takes place— Power in dam is generated by
stage: both physical and mental. The physical product is using 32 Francis turbines and
produced (a bridge, a report, a software program). the capacity of each turbine is
7: Closing stage: Closing includes three activities, delivering of the Dam was in closing stage in
project to the customer. 2012 for the production of
8: Project Governance is designed to improve the project The dam had both positive and
Governance management in the whole organization. negative impacts that came
along with its huge energy
generation capacity.
9: Risk It is a process that project manager used to Dam used to protect million of
Management manage the potential risk. people from flooding.
10: Triple Bottom The threat of global warming has brought The advantage of the dam is
Line (Planet, sustainable business practices to the forefront. that to limit the energy crises.
People, Profit) Businesses can no longer simply focus on It also impact on the life of the
maximizing profit to the detriment of the people living around the dam,
environment and society. Efforts to reduce carbon causing flood .
imprint and utilize renewable resources are
realized through effective project management.
The impact of this movement toward sustainability
can be seen in changes in the objectives and
techniques used to complete projects