Construction and Building Materials: L.C. Hollaway
Construction and Building Materials: L.C. Hollaway
Construction and Building Materials: L.C. Hollaway
A review of the present and future utilisation of FRP composites in the civil
infrastructure with reference to their important in-service properties
L.C. Hollaway
University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The paper discusses the development of the advanced polymer composite material applications in the
Received 13 December 2009 building and civil/structural infrastructure over the past three to four decades. It endeavours to identify
Received in revised form 9 April 2010 and prioritise the important in-service research areas which are necessary to improve the understanding
Accepted 9 April 2010
of the behaviour of FRP materials and FRP structural components. The paper demonstrates the types of
Available online 20 May 2010
structures which have been developed from the FRP composite material and the most advantageous
way to employ composites in civil engineering. The material has extraordinary mechanical and important
in-service properties which when combined with other materials are utilised to improve the stiffness/
strength, durability, the whole-life cost benefit and the environmental impact. The paper concludes by
Composites summarising key successes of the advanced polymer composite in the civil infrastructure and suggests
All-composite structures areas in which, if they are employed innovatively, FRP composites could be used with great advantage.
Hybrid structures Ó 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
New structural forms
Sustainable structures
Structures associated with renewable
‘All-FRP-composite’ structures. to form a product that has certain physical properties such as
Combined with other engineering materials to improve the high-modulus of elasticity and high tensile strength values or has
stiffness, strength and durability of the overall composite struc- the ability to form fibres. There are two classes of polymerisation,
tural member. these are:
Future generations of FRP structural members associated with
the construction industry. Addition polymerisation is a process in which monomers react to
form a polymer without the formation of by-products. Addition
The mechanical properties of the component parts of the com- polymerisation is usually undertaken in the presence of a cata-
posite are clearly important but this area has been well docu- lyst, which in certain cases controls the structural properties of
mented, Hollaway and Head [90], Hull and Clyne [107], Kim the polymer. In this process monomers are dissolved in a sol-
[125] and only a brief discussion will be included in Part A as (a) vent that is later removed. The monomers quickly combine by
mechanical properties will be affected by the in-service properties an addition reaction without losing any atoms, so that the poly-
over time and (b) for completeness. Likewise, a brief discussion mer has the same basic formula as the monomer.
will be given of the mechanical properties of the FRP composite; Condensation polymerisation is a slower stepwise reaction. It
typical mechanical values are given in Appendix A. results in the loss of atoms or groups of atom as by-products
In civil engineering the APC is generally referred to as the fibre- of the linking monomers. Most condensation polymerizations
reinforced polymer (FRP) composite; this description will be used are of a kind of copolymerization, usually consisting of two or
throughout this paper. more types of monomers. The number of monomers in a poly-
mer determines the degree of polymerization of the polymer.
When the number of monomers is high, the compound is said
2. Part A: the important physical and in-service properties of
to have a high degree of polymerization and is called a high
thermosetting polymers used in the civil infrastructure
2.1. Introduction
As mentioned earlier thermosetting resins are crossed linked
polymers, in which their molecular structure is a network. These
The FRP engineering structural composites must possess not
resins are formed under the influence of heat and once formed they
only sufficient strength and stiffness properties to resist the full
do not melt or soften upon reheating, and do not dissolve in sol-
superimposed and self-weight loads to which the structure is ex-
vents; they can be made by either addition or condensation poly-
posed but also the relevant in-service and physical characteristics
merisation. It is essential that the correct mix ratio is obtained
required to function in the aggressive and sometimes hostile envi-
between the epoxy resin and the curing agent to ensure that a
ronments encountered in the construction industry; these latter
complete reaction does take place as the curing agent molecules
characteristics are clearly just as important as the mechanical
‘co-react’ with the thermosetting resin molecules in a fixed ratio.
properties. The greater the degradation of structures over time
If the mix is not in the correct proportions, un-reacted resin or cur-
the lower will be their load carrying capacity. Consequently, the
ing agent will remain within the matrix, and this will affect the fi-
most important properties of the matrix (the polymer), which pro-
nal properties of the polymer after cure.
tects the load carrying fibre component of the composite, are its
There are two procedures which are used to polymerise a ther-
physical and in-service characteristics.
mosetting polymer for the civil engineering industry, these are:
The vinyl-esters, the epoxies and the polyesters are the thermo-
setting matrices which are utilised for composite structural mem-
The cold cured systems where the polymer is cured (polymer-
bers in the civil infrastructure; all are crossed linked. A wide range
ised) at ambient temperature on site, generally in the region
of amorphous and crystalline polymer materials (an amorphous
of 10–30 °C; the lower the curing temperature the longer is
and a crystalline polymer are those in which there is a random or-
the cure time. It is advisable with cold cure resins to provide
der of their atoms and those in which there is an orderly repeating
a post cure with a higher temperature over an extended period
pattern of their atoms, respectively) can be used to form fibres. In
of time. This regrettably is not generally done on civil engineer-
the construction industry the three fibres which are invariably
ing site.
used are the glass, the aramid and the carbon fibres. The basic
The hot cured system where the polymerisation is performed in a
mechanical properties of the component parts of the composites,
factory environment at elevated temperatures of the order of
their interaction and the techniques for the manufacture of the fi-
130 °C; this is generally an automated production procedure.
bres and the composite materials have been discussed many times
in a number of publications, Kim [125], Hollaway and Head [90],
The cold and hot cured resins have different formulations, con-
Karbhari [118], Hollaway [98] and will not be dealt with here.
sequently, a hot cured system cannot be polymerised using a cold
However, the physical and in-service characteristics of the compo-
curing agent and vice versa. Attention must be given to the site
nent parts of the FRP composite will be discussed in the subse-
temperature when using the cold cure polymers; the environmen-
quent sections. These characteristics are of primary importance
tal temperature under working conditions should be some 20° C
in relation to the durability of the polymer and hence of the FRP
below the glass transition temperature (Tg).
2.3. Temperature
2.2. Polymerisation
The influence of temperature on polymers can be separated into
It is essential that polymers are manufactured correctly for two effects:
them to perform their in-service functions efficiently. Polymerisa-
tion is a process of bonding together repeating molecular building short-term and
blocks, known as monomers, through a variety of reaction mecha- long-term.
nisms to form large chainlike or network molecule of relatively
high molecular mass known as a polymer. At least one hundred The short-term effect is generally physical and is reversible
and often thousands of monomer molecules must be combined when the temperature returns to its original state, whereas the
L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445 2421
long-term effect is generally dominated by chemical change and is vil engineering materials. The CTEs vary with temperature ranges
not reversible; this effect is referred to as aging. As the temperature and are calculated as the slope of the secant line of the thermal
varies all properties of the polymer will change, consequently, to expansion curve between the reference temperature (generally
fully characterise the temperature dependent material, properties the normal environmental temperature) and the temperature of
should be measured over a range of temperatures. To study one interest. The CTE of thermosetting polymers is influenced mainly
or more of the properties as a function of temperature, a thermal by the degree of the cross-linking of the molecules of the material
analyser is used; it scans property change over a wide temperature and the overall stiffness of the units between the cross-linkages.
range. The differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) is used to under- This property must be considered in structural design when joining a
take these measurements. The heat input and temperature rise for polymer or polymer composite to a dissimilar material.
the material under test are compared with those for a standard
material both subjected to a controlled temperature programme. 2.3.3. The Thermal conductivity
The general principles of DSC are outlined in ISO standard, ISO The thermal conductivity is a measure of the ease with which
11357-1 [1997] for polymers and it contains a bibliography giving temperature is transmitted through a material. The thermal con-
references to more detailed information. ductivity of all polymers is low; consequently, they are good heat
Particular cases of the effects of temperature on polymers are: insulators. To reduce the thermal conductivity of a polymer further
(i) the glass transition temperature and their melting point, (ii) the material can be used in the form of a foam. If the value is to be
their thermal expansion, (iii) their thermal conductivity, and (iv) increased, metallic fillers can be added to the resin at the time of
the effect of ultraviolet light although this is not strictly a temper- polymerization.
ature property.
2.3.4. Fire resistance
2.3.1. Glass Transition Tg and melting point Tm The polymer component of the composite used in the civil engi-
The temperature below which the physical properties of an neering industry is an organic material and is composed of carbon,
amorphous or an amorphous/crystalline polymer vary in a manner hydrogen and nitrogen atoms; these materials are flammable to
similar to that of a solid phase (brittle or glassy state) and above varying degrees. Consequently, a major concern for the construc-
which it behaves in a manner similar to that of a liquid (rubbery tion engineer using polymers is the problem associated with fire.
state) is known as the glass transition temperature (Tg). More spe- Most building structures must satisfy the requirements of building
cifically, the glass transition state is a pseudo second order phase codes relating to the behaviour of structures in a fire. A measure of
transition in which a supercooled melt returns on cooling to a fire ratings for buildings refers to the time available in a fire before
glassy structure. The Tg is usually associated with the wholly amor- the structure collapses. However, the major health hazard derived
phous or the amorphous/crystalline polymer (the epoxies used in from polymer and composites in a fire accident is generated from
construction come under the latter class of material) in which it the toxic combustion products produced during burning of materi-
changes from the solid phase to the rubbery state (or vice versa) als. The degree of toxicity generated depends on the phase of burn-
gradually over a finite temperature range and the Tg is the mid- ing of the fire including: oxidative pre-ignition, flaming
point of this range. As polymers below the Tg, are rigid, they have combustion or fully developed combustion and ventilation con-
both stiffness and strength, but above the Tg, the amorphous (or trolled fires. Smoke toxicity plays an important role during fire
amorphous/crystalline) polymers are soft elastomers or viscous accidents in buildings, where the majority of people die from
liquids, and have no stiffness or strength. The Tg of crystalline smoke inhalation.
(thermoplastic) polymers are more complex than those of the The basic approaches to reduce the fire hazards of polymers are:
amorphous/crystalline (thermosetting) polymers because, in addi-
tion to a melting temperature Tm, which takes place over a range of (a) To extinguish the fire, to control the fire, or to provide expo-
a few degrees and above which all their crystalline structure disap- sure protection for structures on site, by:
pears they also have a second but lower value Tg below which they a sprinkler system,
become rigid and brittle. Slightly different numerical values of the a foam system,
Tg may be quoted in the literature depending upon the testing (b) To introduce additives into resin formulations, by:
technique used. There are two methods which may be used, these incorporating halogens into resins formulations (e.g.
are the Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA), [ISO/CD fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine family of
standard 6721-11 (2001)] and the Differential Scanning Calorime- chemicals),
try (DSC) ISO standard, ISO 11357-1 [1997]. combining synergists in the resin (e.g. het acid resin),
All physical properties of thermosetting polymers depend upon adding epoxy-layered silicate nano-composites at the
intermolecular cross-links for their strength and as stated above as time of formulating the resin. The process is complicated
the temperature nears its (Tg) value the polymer will begins to soft- and at present is expensive for the civil engineering
en. The temperature at which this happens depends upon the de- industry, Hackman and Hollaway [77].
tailed chemical structure of the polymer. The hot cured (c) To apply a passive fire protection system to treat the surface
polyesters, vinyl-esters and epoxies all begin to weaken and break of the manufactured composite by using intumescent coat-
down at above 200° C, the cold cured polymers will have a lower Tg ing technology. These coatings incorporate an organic mate-
value than that of the hot cured polymers. However, the Tg of some rial which will char and evolve gases at a designed
low temperature (ambient cured) moulded composites, can be in- temperature so as to foam the developing char, Correia
creased in value by further post curing the polymer at a higher et al. [49] and by Keller et al. [122].
temperature but for any specific cold cure thermosetting polymer
there is a maximum value of the Tg, irrespective of the post cure These approaches are discussed further in Section 5.1.3
temperature value. concerned with fire in FRP composites.
varying degrees to the degradation by UV light. For a high degree of and irreversible changes in the structure of the polymer. A high de-
UV resistance, UV stabilisers are incorporated into the polymer gree of cross-linking of the polymer leads to a decrease in its per-
during manufacture. Designers should seek advice from the manu- meability with a consequent decrease in the diffusion process, thus
facturer of the specific materials regarding their UV resistance to it is necessary to fully cure the polymer. A successful method to de-
ascertain whether the UV stability is an important performance crease the diffusion for civil engineering polymers is to apply an
parameter. additive to the matrix polymer at the time of manufacture. Silanes
(organofunctional trialkoxysilanes) or organotitanates are two
2.4. The long-term in-service properties of the thermosetting polymers agents which have been used as a barrier against moisture ingress,
van Ooij et al. [220]. Furthermore, epoxy-layered silicate nano-
2.4.1. Introduction composites introduced into the polymer at the time of manufac-
As briefly mentioned in Section 1 the polymer serves a number ture has the potential to lower its permeability, thus improving
of functions besides being the binder to hold the fibres together in its barrier properties and its mechanical strengths, Hackman and
their required positions. It provides environmental and damage Hollaway [77]. Thus by improving the barrier property, a reduction
protection to the fibres and toughness to the composite. In addi- of the ingress of moisture, aqueous and salt solutions is achieved.
tion, the polymer has important in-service properties, the density, However, the utilisation of nano-composites is expensive for the
the bonding and the degree of cross-linking of the molecular struc- construction industry and currently it would be used only under
ture of the polymer are all function of its short term strength; it very special circumstances in construction.
also depend upon the type of loading applied to that polymer.
The long-term stability of the polymer will be dependent upon Corrosion resistance. The resistance of thermosetting poly-
its durability in the environment into which it is placed. The stiff- mers to chemical attack depends upon its chemical composition
ness of the polymer is a function of its degree of cure which in turn and the bonding in its monomer. These polymers can degrade by
is a function of the degree of cross-linking of the three-dimensional several mechanisms, but degradation may be divided into two
network of polymer chains; however, the stiffness and strength of main categories, (i) physical and (ii) chemical.
the polymer are not critical in terms of the composite as the fibres
are the stiffening and strength component of the composite. What Physical corrosion is the interaction of a thermosetting polymer
is important is the ability of the material under load to resist the with its environment causing an alteration in its properties but
particular civil engineering environment into which it is placed. no chemical reaction occurs.
It should be mentioned that all materials will degrade over time Chemical corrosion is when the bonds in the polymer are bro-
and polymers (and composites) are more resistant to degradation ken by a chemical reaction with the environment in which
than many of their competitors. the polymer is situated. During this process the polymer may
become embrittled, softened, charred, delaminated, discoloured
2.4.2. Durability or blistered; these are usually a non-reversible reactions. A cor-
Karbhari et al. [116] noted that although the term ‘durability’ rect curing procedure of the polymer is important to reduce
is widely used, its meaning and implications are often ambigu- these degrading effects.
ous. The authors defined the durability of a material or structure
as its ability to resist cracking, oxidation, chemical degradation, Thermosetting polymers have a poor resistance to concen-
delamination, wear, and/or the effects or foreign objects damage trated sulphuric and nitric acids. Furthermore, the attack of aque-
for a specified period of time, under the appropriate load conditions, ous solutions occurs through hydrolysis in which moisture
under specified environmental conditions. The reduction in the degrades the bonds of the polymer molecules. Polymers with high
material properties of the polymer (or composite) by the slow crystallinity/density or a high degree of cross-linking will gener-
and irreversible variation of the structure of the polymer, mor- ally have low permeability, thus gasses and other small particles
phology and/or composition as defined (above) is a chemical will not readily permeate through it. Haque et al. [78], Liu et al.
change in the polymer leading to its aging. The instability of [143], Hackman and Hollaway [77] have shown that the ingress
the material during in-service use or its interaction with the of moisture will permeate through polymers over time particu-
environment into which it is placed is one of the causes of this larly if the polymer (and therefore the composite) is permanently
change. One of the major concerns of the material is the ingress immersed in water or salt solution or is exposed to de-icing salt
of moisture and aqueous solutions or the contact with an alka- solutions.
line environment. There are two-ways of measuring durability of polymers:
One of the main problems in undertaking detailed analysis of
any durability property is the length of time involved in gathering Long-term testing in the natural environment.
the relevant information. There are many different polymers that Accelerated test procedures.
are available to the civil engineer and some of these have been
modified by chemists over the years to improve a particular phys- These two methods of testing for durability are described in
ical and in-service property. In addition, additives are on occasions Hollaway [98], which discusses the durability of FRP composites.
incorporated into polymers at the time of manufacture to enhance
particular properties. Each time these polymers are changed/mod- 3. Mechanical properties of the thermosetting polymer
ified the durability will be affected.
The durability of a polymer is a function of the aggressive envi- As mentioned in Section 1 the mechanical properties of the
ronments into which the polymer is placed. component parts of the FRP composite will not be discussed in full.
These environments will now be discussed. The main headings of the mechanical properties of polymers which
must be taken into account when designing FRP composites for Polymer permeability/barrier property. Moisture will diffuse construction are:
into all organic polymers leading to changes in their mechanical,
chemical and thermophysical characteristics. The absorption of Ultimate tensile strength. Information may be obtained from
the moisture will cause mechanisms to be set up such as plastici- Hollaway and Head [90]. Some typical tensile properties are
zation, saponification or hydrolysis that will cause both reversible given in Appendix A.
L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445 2423
Ultimate compressive strength. The compressive strength of ther- A typical sequence of operation used to form carbon fibres from
mosetting polymers is usually 1.5–4.0 times higher than in ten- polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursor include various processes, these
sion. Such a difference can be caused by the presence of various are:
defects in the material, including micro cracks, whose influence
is more pronounced in tension. In compression such cracks can Stabilisation process in an air oven (oxygen is absorbed) to
be closed, which creates preconditions for achieving the yield achieve dimensional stability. Temperature 200–300° C.
point of the material. Carbonation process is performed in and inert atmosphere (Car-
Creep characteristics of polymers. Information may be obtained bon crystallites formed). Temperature > 800° C.
from references Hollaway [98], BS 4618-5.3: 1972, Hollaway Graphitisation process. (Fibres highly orientated.) Temperature >
[93]. 1200° C.
(a) The time temperature superposition principle (TTSP) [7] Surface treatment.
(b) The time, applied stress superposition principle (TSSP), [37], Fibre winding process.
(c) Further descriptions of the TTSP and TSSP may be found in
Hollaway [93]. The three carbon fibres have very different strength and stiff-
(d) Cheng and Yang [38] have developed the (TTSP) further by ness values, the ultra-high-modulus carbon fibre has a typical stiff-
introducing a matched theoretical calculated curve from a ness value up to 400 GPa (for civil engineering, this value can be
supposed model of transition kinetics in which only time increased under higher heat treatment) but a relatively low tensile
is involved as the independent variable. strength value of 1800 MPa and therefore will have a low strain to
The uniaxial compressive strength of fibre-reinforced polymer failure value whereas the high-modulus carbon fibre has a typical
FRP composites is a very complex issue which is still not fully stiffness value of 240 GPa and strength value of 4000 MPa and
understood. Although FRP composites characteristically possess therefore a relatively high strain to failure value. The high-strength
excellent ultimate and fatigue strength when loaded in tension carbon fibre has typical tensile strength values of 4400 MPa and
in the fibre direction, compressive properties are not good. modulus values of 200 GPa.
Unlike tensile properties which are fibre dominated, compres- The in-service properties of the three main civil engineering fi-
sive properties are dependent upon other factors such as matrix bres are similar and will be discussed in the following section.
modulus and strength, fibre/matrix interfacial bond strength,
and fibre misalignment. Discussions on this topic are given in 4.2. In-service properties of civil engineering fibres
Hull and Clyne [107], ASTM D6641/D6641 M-09 [12].
Stiffness of polymers. Discussions on this topic are given in Hol- 4.2.1. Creep
liday and White [100]. The creep characteristics of glass, aramid and carbon fibres are
very small and are not generally considered in the design of poly-
Subramaniyan et al. [203], have shown that by the addition of mer composite components for civil engineering.
nanoclays to the polymer the compressive strengths of GFRP com-
posites increase. 4.2.2. Durability
All glass fibres are very susceptible to alkaline environments,
4. The important physical and in-service of fibres which is primarily due to the presence of silica in the glass fibres.
These conclusions have been made when glass fibres (and there-
4.1. Introduction fore GFRP composites) are immersed into concentrated alkaline
solutions. Mufti et al. [172], however, have shown from field sur-
Fibres can be formed from a wide range of amorphous and crys- veys that the attack is minimal under civil engineering environ-
talline materials but in the construction industry the three fibres ments. There are, nevertheless, glass fibres on the market that
which are generally used in structural systems are the glass fibre are more resistant to this environment and are used to increase
(the E-glass fibre, the S-glass fibre and the Z-glass fibre), the ara- the durability of composites. Advantex, and ARcoteXTM are glass
mid fibre (the aromatic polyamides, Kevlar 49 fibre) and the carbon fibres which increase the durability of GFRP composites; the for-
fibre (the ultra high-modulus fibre, the high-modulus fibre and the mer is manufactured by Ownes Corning, and the latter by Saint-
high-strength fibre). The fibres may be used separately or as a hy- Gobain Vetrotex. Carbon fibres do not absorb liquids and are sub-
brid of two or three different fibres. The various types and mechan- sequently resistant to all forms of alkali or solvents ingress, Ceroni
ical properties of glass fibre, the three types of carbon fibre, and the et al. [36]. Aramid fibres have been reported to suffer some reduc-
aramid fibre are discussed in Hollaway and Head [90] and tion in tensile strength when exposed to an alkaline environment,
Hollaway [97]. The basic manufacturing techniques for the ultra- Uomoto and Nishimura [216].
high-modulus, the high-modulus and the high-strength carbon fi-
bres are the same but the heat treatment temperature will be 4.2.3. Effects of hydrolysis
greater the higher the modulus of the fibres, thus, at the highest Most glass fibres have limited solubility in water but they are
heat treatment temperature, about 2400° C. (for civil engineering very dependent upon the pH value of the liquid. Jones and Chan-
fibres). The precursor polyacrylonitrile fibres are used for the pro- dler [112] have stated that glass fibres are susceptible to chemical
duction of high-modulus fibres (construction industry) or the pro- corrosion when exposed to strong acidic environments (pH value
duction of high-modulus or ultra-high-modulus (aerospace considerably lower than 7) and it is well known that they are also
industry). Pitch fibres which are derived from petroleum, asphalt, susceptible to high alkaline environments (pH values considerably
coal tar and PVC, the carbon yield is high but the uniformity of higher than 7) in which they are severely degraded due to a com-
the fibre cross-sections is not constant from batch to batch; these bination of mechanisms ranging from pitting, hydroxylation,
fibres are used for the ultra-high-modulus carbon fibres (construc- hydrolysis, and leaching. Chloride ions will also attack and dissolve
tion industry), Philips [178], Hollaway [87,98]. The definitions of fi- the surface of the E-glass fibre. Moisture is readily adsorbed and
bres used here are the European ones, the US and many countries can exacerbate microscopic cracks and surface defects in the fibre
in the Far East use the normal and high-modulus terms when and thus reduce the tensile strength of the glass fibre. The glass fi-
discussing high-modulus and ultra-high-modulus carbon fibres, bres have high ratios of surface area to weight but the increased
respectively. surface makes them much more susceptible to chemical attack.
2424 L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445
4.3. The mechanical properties of the fibres (i) The pultrusion technique
(ii) The filament winding method.
The tensile strength and stiffness of the reinforcing fibre are two of (iii) The Resin Transfer Moulding process.
the most important mechanical characteristics. These properties
have been discussed in Hollaway [98]. These techniques have been discussed in Hollaway and Head
[90]. The automated fabrication methods have a high degree of
production control, composite compaction and curing compared
5. The civil engineering composite materials
to the manual fabricated techniques and therefore the former tech-
nique will have higher values of the in-service properties (and
5.1. Introduction
strength and stiffness values) compared to those of the latter
methods and therefore a more robust resistance to hostile
The short term in-service and physical properties of the poly-
mer/fibre composite are governed by:
Quality control and quality assurance are important aspects of
composites during manufacture as both are dependent upon the
The basic physical and in-service properties of the polymer and
performance characteristics and the overall integrity and durabil-
the fibre; the former is the most important component. These
ity of the composite formed. These aspects are particularly impor-
have been briefly discussed in and Sections 2 and 4.
tant for civil structures as they are required to withstand harsh and
The surface interaction of fibre and resin (the ‘interface’).
varying environmental exposure for long periods of time, (e.g.
The relative proportions of the polymer and fibre, (fibre volume
many bridges are designed for some 100 years). Clarke [42] has
fraction – the fibres must be well wetted by the resin for this
discussed the importance for a regular inspection regime on all
latter material to be fully effective, this becomes increasingly
structures, new or upgraded; these inspections are normally
more difficult the higher this ratio).
undertaken for bridges but few buildings are regularly checked.
The method of manufacture of the composite.
The inspections on the latter are carried out only when there is a
change of ownership. Clarke recommends that all building owners
The long-term durability of the composite will depend upon:
instigate a regular inspection regime.
A further consideration is that many civil structures are fabri-
The type of loading which the composite has to resist and the
cated on site with the likelihood of the technique of bonding being
environment into which it is placed; there are two areas to be
used; the bonding area is likely to be the weakest link, Mirmiran
et al. [163]. Achieving a reliable standard of product requires good
1. The in-service properties – these are largely dependent upon
quality assurance procedures; this will be easier under factory con-
the matrix material. (These properties of the matrix material
trolled conditions compared with the more difficult site controlled
have been discussed in Section 2.4.)
conditions. Clarke [42] has discussed quality control and
2. The mechanical property of the composite, which are depen-
dent upon the fibre and the interface between the two com-
ponent parts.
5.1.3. In-service properties of FRP Fire resistance. The property of the polymer in a fire has
5.1.1. The surface interaction of fibre and resin
been dealt with in Sections 2–4. It is the polymer which protects
The mechanical performance of a composite material is highly
the fibre and hence is the main component of the degradation of
dependent upon the quality of the fibre–matrix interface. This re-
the composite in a fire; the following discussion will involve many
gion is an anisotropic transition region which is required to pro-
problems met in Section 2.3.4.
vide chemical and physical bonding between the fibre and the
Problems associated with the fire resistance of FRP composites
polymer. The primary aim of a fibre reinforced matrix composite
are seen by many civil engineers as the single most critical techni-
material is to provide an average behaviour of the composite
cal barrier to the widespread use of structural engineering applica-
from the properties of the components which must act compos-
tions in the civil infrastructure. Until recently, only a few research
itely for the material to be efficient. It is well known that the
groups worldwide had worked on this problem as, due to its com-
application of a coupling agent to, say, a glass fibre surface will
plexity, it is not as amenable to the simpler types of modelling ap-
improve fibre–matrix adhesion in that composite but in addition,
proach, Mouritz and Gibson [157]. Furthermore, the experimental
and to a greater degree, it is the mixing of the processing addi-
testing regime for fire properties has not progressed as rapidly as
tives; this contribution to composite properties is not well under-
that for the testing of mechanical properties of composites.
stood. The interfacial region of the composite will therefore be
When FRP composite materials are exposed to high tempera-
affected not only by the composition of the coating, but also by
tures (300–500° C) the polymer matrix will decompose and will re-
its distribution on the glass fibre surface and in the composite
lease heat and toxic volatiles. When heated to lower temperatures
in the region of 100–200° C), FRP composites will soften, creep and
distort, and this degradation of the mechanical properties often
5.1.2. The method of manufacture of the composite leads to buckling failure mechanisms of load-bearing composite
There are three basic methods for the manufacture of structures [168]. This degradation will seriously compromise the
composites: structural properties of the FRP material which may lead to failures
that could jeopardise the building, the building occupants as well
Manual methods – wet lay-up process: as the fire fighting crews. Nevertheless, numerous research studies
(i) The REPLARK method have shown FRP materials to be suitable for a variety of civil engi-
(ii) The Dupont method neering applications but there is a limited amount of information
(iii) The Tonen Forca method. regarding their behaviour in fire, Harries et al. [81] and Karbhari
Semi-automatic methods et al. [116], consequently, there is a barrier to its use in many
(i) The hot-melt factory-made pre-impregnated fibre (pre- building applications. For instance, Keller et al. [122] has stated
preg). that in Switzerland residential buildings with more than three
Automatic methods floors a 90 min fire endurance is required, consequently, the use
L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445 2425
of FRP in buildings and parking garages has so far been limited. Carbon fibres and FRP rods had good durability characteristics.
Externally-bonded FRP strengthened concrete structures are cur- Aramid fibres and FRP rods had good durability properties
rently required to meet the minimum strength requirements of except under static fatigue, UV radiation and acidic
the un-strengthened concrete structure in fire thus any strength environment.
contribution from the FRP is ignored in a fire situation, [3]; this Glass fibres had poor durability characteristics as far as their
requirement is generally followed in European countries. Chowd- alkaline resistance is concerned, although they had satisfactory
bury et al. [41], Chowdbury et al. [39], Chowdbury [40], Bisby characteristics in an acidic and freeze thaw environment. FRP
et al. [28] have shown that with appropriate insulation to the exte- materials in general showed poor performance at high temper-
rior of the FRP strengthening system, concrete structures strength- atures and therefore their use should be avoided when fire
ened with FRP materials can achieve an endurance ratings of resistance is required.
greater than 4 h. However, after exposure to a severe fire, well- There is a need to limit the tensile load depending on the dura-
insulated RC members are able to retain most, if not all, of their ori- tion of the load in cases where the FRP are used as internal
ginal un-strengthened flexural capacity, particularly if the temper- reinforcement.
ature of the compression concrete and reinforcing steel are
maintained below 200° C and 593° C, respectively, Chowdbury There are two methods which are be used to obtain information
et al. [41]. on the durability of a material. These are field and accelerated
tests, details of these have been given in Hollaway [92,98]. Alkaline and ingress of liquid into FRP composites. Matthews
and Rawlings [149] found that the mechanical properties of FRP
5.1.4. The type of loading which the civil infrastructure composite has
composite materials exposed to moisture penetration depended
to resist
upon the sensitivity of the composite to matrix properties, mea-
sured as the fibre to polymer tensile strength ratio. Carbon-fibre-
Tensile properties.
reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites have a high-strength ratio,
Compressive properties.
which makes them usually unaffected by moisture absorption. In
Impact resistance.
contrast, glass fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites have a
Fatigue loading.
low-strength ratio, making them susceptible to moisture attack.
Blast loading.
Ceroni et al. [36] present a state-of-the-art of the durability of
Creep loading
FRP rebars which highlights issues relating to the material proper-
ties and interaction mechanisms that influence the service life of
The above mechanical properties have been discussed in Holl-
RC elements.
away [98]. An overview of the blast loading and blast effects on
structures is given Ngo et al. [174]. The impact of initially stressed Permeability. Within a FRP composite, the polymer matrix
composite laminates has been discussed by Sun and Chen [204],
offers the fibre some protection from moisture attack. However,
Kim [126]. Longinow et al. [142] has discussed research needed
it is relatively inefficient especially at normal fibre volume frac-
to resist terrorists attack.
tions of 60–65% where the average distance between the fibres is
of the order of 2 lm or less. Methods to improve the permeability
of FRP composites are: 6. Part B: the utilisation of FRP composites in the civil
To apply a thin (few mm) polymer coating (gel-coat) to the
outer surface of GFRP structures as a moisture barrier. However, Part B will illustrate the types of structural systems that have
this layer does not offer sufficient protection against moisture been developed as a result of the unique physical and in-service
intrusion. properties of FRP composite materials; their present and future
The successful use of GFRP composites in wet environments has development have been and will be influenced by these properties.
been largely due to the development of coupling agents that are Fig. 1 illustrates the development of the fibre matrix composite
applied directly onto the fibre at the time of manufacture. As from the early 1970s into the 21st century.
with the protection of polymers against moisture ingress (Sec- The building industry was the forerunner for the use of compos-
tion, silanes (organofunctional trialkoxysilanes) or orga- ites in the construction industry, with the introduction of Radomes
notitanates are two agents which have been used. during the Second World War. The material used for these struc-
tures was GFRP (known then as GRP) as it minimally attenuates
the radio waves passing through them; therefore, it had the phys- Durability of FRP composites. As stated in Section 2.4.2 the ical property of being transparent to radar or radio waves. During
durability of a FRP structural composite depends intrinsically upon the 1950s and into the 1960s the FRP material in building and in
the components of the composite, but in particular on the polymer construction had a very chequered existence with inexperienced
and is a function of the environments into which it is placed. fabricators, generally consisting of one or two operatives, manufac-
Therefore the composite durability is related to various factors, turing the composite without understanding the fundamentals of
such as the properties of the resin, fibre and interfacial character- fabrication or the importance of the correct procedure for curing
istics, fabrication process and the environment. The durability of the material. By the 1970s consulting architects and civil engineers
FRP composites has been defined in (Karbhari et al. [116] for ther- commenced to consider FRP composites as a building material and
mosetting polymers in Section 2.4.2. to design composite building structures. The larger fabricating
Thus, the results of accelerated and other tests carried out in the firms, which already had experience of manufacturing FRP com-
laboratory must represent those in the field and an appropriate test posite units for other industries, entered the building industry with
programme taking into account the actual usage should be devel- the fabrication of semi-load bearing and infill panels for houses
oped, on a case-by-case basis. [114,224,217] undertook tests on fi- and larger constructions. The main large building examples of
bres and FRP rods to study the alkaline resistance, UV resistance, these systems in the UK are the class-room structure at Fulwood,
freeze thaw resistance, high temperature resistance, fire resistance Lancashire, the Mondial House, London and the Amex House in
and static fatigue fracture. The results showed: Brighton. The fabrication of the panels for these buildings was by
2426 L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445
Fig. 1. The development of the fibre matrix composite from the early 1970 into the 21st century.
the hand lay-up method (which has since been updated and is angle between the panels; the whole is bolted together using gal-
known as the wet lay-up method), the first building used a glass vanised steel bolts placed at 450 mm intervals. The external joint
fibre chopped strand mat and the latter two used a combination surfaces between the adjacent panels were sealed with polysul-
of glass fibre/polyester chopped strand mat and a 0/90 fibre array phide mastic. The glass windows were fixed in position on site
mat; the polymer used in all cases was the polyester. There are by means of neoprene gaskets. The architect to Lancashire County
many other examples where GFRP composites were used for Council conceived the idea of the GFRP class-room and developed a
semi-load bearing infill panels and where GFRP panel ‘buckets’ complete school manufactured from GFRP; this latter idea never
were used in conjunction with a steel double layer skeletal struc- developed further than the ‘drawing board’. The single class-room
ture to construct roof systems such as the Covent Garden Market was build and continues to be used by the pupils at the Fulwood,
at Nine Elms, London. The shapes of the above structures were lar- Lancashire school.
gely of a folded plate construction in order to add stiffness to the In 1974, Mondial House situated on the banks of the Thames be-
overall structure as the stiffness of GFRP composites were/are low. tween Cannon Street station and London Bridge was one of the
The class-room building, in Lancashire was/is ‘all composite’ most prestigious and ambitious building projects both in terms
FRP building in the form of a geometrically modified icoshedron of size and complexity; it was designed as a skeletal RC beam
and was manufactured from 35 independent self-supported tetra- and column structure and clad above the upper ground floor level.
hedral panels of chopped strand glass fibre reinforced polyester The semi-loading cladding panels were contact moulded using
composite; the geometrical shape was of folded plate construction Scott Bader Crystic 356PA ‘Class O’ fire resistant polyester laminat-
likewise to provide stiffness to the structure. Twenty-eight panels ing resin and isophthalic polyester gel-coat 65PA for weather resis-
have a solid single skin GFRP composite skin and in five of these tance and durability; glass fibre was used as the reinforcing
panels circular apertures were constructed to contain ventilation component. In 2007 as telephone exchanges no longer require vast
fans. In the remaining seven panels non-opening triangular win- amounts of space and, in addition, to allow for redevelopment of
dows were inserted. The wet lay-up manufacturing method was that area it was vacated by the Post Office and was demolished.
utilised to manufacture the E-glass fibre/polyester composite It was, when erected in 1974, the largest exchange in Europe; it
skins. The inside of the panels have a 50 mm thick integral skin was built as a bomb proof structure at the height of the cold war.
phenolic foam core acting as a non-load bearing fire protection lin- The outer skin of the GFRP panel included a gel-coat which used
ing to the GFRP composite skins; the foam core also maintains a isophthalic resin, pigmented white, with an ultraviolet stabilizer
constant temperature in the class-room, (see Section 2.3.3 for the backed up with a glass fibre-reinforced polymer laminate; the lat-
thermal properties of foam polymers). The geometric icoshedron ter used a 3oz per square foot chopped strand mat and a self-extin-
structure is separated from the concrete base by a timber hard- guishing laminating resin reinforced with 9oz per square foot glass
wood ring. The FRP panels were fabricated onto a mould lining of fibre chopped strand mat reinforcement. Some degree of rigidity
perspex with an appropriate profile to give a fluted finish to the flat was obtained from a core material of rigid polyurethane foam
surfaces of the panels. The edges of the panels were specially bonded to the outer skin and covered on the back with a further
shaped to provide a flanged joint which formed the connection glass reinforced laminate; this construction also provided thermal
with adjacent panels. Sandwiched between two adjacent flanges insulation. Further strength and rigidity was obtained by the use of
is a shaped hardwood batten, this provides the correct geometric light-weight top hat section beams, manufactured as thin formers
L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445 2427
and incorporated and over-laminated into the moulding as manu- lation many of these bridges have been able to be constructed in
facture proceeded. The effect of the beams was transferred to the inaccessible and environmentally restrictive areas without having
front of the panel by means of glass fibre reinforced ties or bridges to employ heavy equipment. Some bridges were flown to the sites
formed between the polyurethane foam at the base of each beam. in one piece by helicopters; others were disassembled and trans-
The face of the beam was reeded on the vertical surfaces in order to ported by vehicles and assembled on site. The advancement in this
mask any minor undulations and to provide channels off which the application has resulted in the production of second generation pul-
water ran and thereby cleaned the surface. The reeding also gave truded shapes of hybrid glass and carbon FRP composites that will
the effect of a matt panel without reducing the high surface white increase the stiffness modulus with very little additional cost. The
finish. The structure was visually inspected in 1994 by a member recognition of providing high quality fibres at the most effective re-
from Scott Bader and one from University of Surrey and the degra- gions in a structural member’s cross-section is a key innovation to
dation was found to be minimal. the effective use of these high-performance materials.
The American Express Building in Brighton was completed in The first cable stay, GFRP deck and pylons footbridge was con-
1977 and was build as a composite construction with a skeletal ceived and developed in the UK and was erected at Aberfeldy, Scot-
load bearing structure with RC columns, major RC beams and pan- land in 1992; this bridge crosses the river Tay in Scotland and joins
els manufactured from GFRP composites. These latter were used as two parts of the Aberfeldy golf course. The deck and pylons were
beams spanning between 7.2 m and 12.5 m. The GFRP beams sup- constructed from interlocking ACCS Planks; the use of composite
ported 2 m high laminated glazing system and the roof structure. materials resulted in a light-weight structure, which could be
This application is more significant from a structural engineering erected without the aid of heavy machinery. The durability perfor-
point of view as it involves a semi-structural application of GFRP mance of this bridge over 16 years of service has been very satis-
composites. A description of the structure is given by Berry [26] factory, Stratford [202].
and Roach [188]. The Bonds Mill Road Bridge, Gloucestershire, England, UK crosses
Architectural embellishment rather than structural perfor- the Stroudwater Navigation canal near Stonehouse, Gloucestershire,
mance and durability motivated the early applications of GFRP England. It is an electrically operated single bascule lift bridge and
composite materials. By the mid-1980s there was a desire by engi- was completed in 1994; it is constructed from 10 ACCS units which
neers to use FRP composites as a structural material and this was form an integral 3D multi-cellular box structure 8.5 m span and
driven by the need for durable, high-strength and high stiffness 4.25 m wide and 0.8 m depth weighing 4.5 tonnes. The individual
materials that could replace the more conventional civil engineer- ACCS units are bonded together through square connectors contain-
ing materials in aggressive and hostile environments that are ing recesses through which mechanical toggles are fastened to en-
sometimes encountered in civil engineering applications. Thus sure the units do not slip during the bonding operation; they also
consulting civil/structural engineers investigated the possibility act as mechanical fasteners. The bridge is able to support vehicles
of using automated manufacturing methods for the manufacture up to 44 tonnes weight. The box structure relies on cold cure adhe-
of structural components for ‘all composite’ structures; the main sive bonding with an epoxy adhesives, Head [84].
one chosen was the pultrusion technique. At this time structural The Wilcott Bridge, Shropshire, England was constructed in
unit building blocks were being considered and Maunsell Struc- 2003 and is a 51.3 m single span suspension footbridge with a
tural Plastics, (Faber Maunsell now AECOM), Beckenham, Kent de- slightly cambered slender deck providing a footway 2 m wide. It
signed and developed ACCS Plank known as the Manusell Plank. was built in three units and spliced to fabricate the total length.
The ACCS construction consisted/consists of a number of interlock- The cross-section of the deck of the bridge consists of six GFRP
ing fibre-reinforced polymer composite Maunsell Plank units ‘Maunsel Plank’ units; three units were placed in the top surface
which can be assembled into a large range of different high-perfor- of the deck and three in the bottom. A description of the bridge
mance structures for use in the construction industry; the panels is given in Faber Maunsell [67].
were connected to each other and to the connectors by bonding These three structures were innovative prestigious structures in
and GFRP toggles were used to maintained the parts together their day and the two footbridge structures are ascetically pleasing
whilst the adhesive polymerised. The details of the Maunsell Plank but they were expensive to manufacture and fabricate.
are shown in Hollaway and Head [90]. The system was initially Recently the UK Highways Agency has completed a new bridge
manufactured by the pultrusion technique using isophthalic poly- over the M6 motorway consisting of steel primary beams and a
ester resin and uni-directional, bi-directional and chopped strand pultruded FRP deck.
mat glass fibre reinforced for the main structural members. The Strongwell, Bristol VA and Chatfield MN, USA, now hold the
production and material content of the ACCS plank are optimized manufacturing licence for the plank and produce similar panel un-
to provide highly durable and versatile composites and, in addi- der the trade name of COMPOSOLITEÒ. Further information can be
tion, structures can be formed quickly from a small number of obtained on this Maunsell Plank system from Hollaway and Head
standard components. The ACCS system is now marketed by [90] and Strongwell, Bristol, Virginia, USA. There have been some
Strongwell Corporation, USA as Composolite. footbridges recently built that have used COMPOSOLITEÒ. For in-
Kendall [123] has given a review of the type of FRP building stance, the New Chamberlain Bridge, Bridgetown, Barbados, was
structures for the future. completed in 2006. It spans the Careenage River, was designed
From the mid to late 1980s the use of FRP composite materials by AECOM and was constructed from COMPOSOLITEÒ. This bridge
commenced to expand and the following section will discuss some replaced the steel horizontal swing bridge built in 1872. The com-
of these systems; Canning et al. [32] has discussed the use of ad- posite bridge is composed of two 2.13 m (7 ft.) raised side walks
vanced composites in the civil infrastructure. with handrails and a 4 m (13 ft.) wide road in the centre which is
for emergency vehicular traffic only; the lift bridge is of similar
6.1. The All FRP composite bridge structures construction to that of the Bonds Mill bridge.
A bascule FRP composite footbridge of span 56 m was opened
The first pedestrian FRP bridge was built in Tel Aviv, Israel in in May 2003. This double-cantilever bridge crosses the river Vest-
1975, [83]. Since then, others have been constructed in Asia, Europe, erelven in Fredrikstad, Norway; it is the largest moveable bridge
and North America. Many innovative pedestrian bridges have been in Scandinavia. One large hydraulic cylinder operates each of the
constructed using pultruded composite structural shapes and due 28 m long cantilevers to open and close. The cantilevers are built
to the light-weight materials and the ease in fabrication and instal- as a closed box girder with double curved outer surfaces and
2428 L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445
longitudinal and transverse stiffeners. The approximate weight of (or more) dissimilar materials could structurally compliment each
a fully equipped unit is 20 tonne of which 9 tonne is the weight of other. Hybrid systems range from open or closed stay-in-place
the FRP composite materials. The bridge deck is of sandwich con- formwork to hybrid structural systems, incorporating FRP and con-
struction with CFRP laminates and a Balsa wood core; there are ventional construction materials. The combination can take many
embedded heating cables for defrosting during winter. The deck structural forms, these are:
is sufficiently strong to carry a car with up to 2.0 tonne axel load.
The bottom flange of the girder is manufactured from single skin All FRP composite bridge decks and the bridge superstructure.
CFRP laminates (10–38 mm thick). The internal stiffeners are all An access to an existing structure for maintenance purposes and
sandwich constructions with CFRP and/or GFRP laminates and for aerodynamics of the structure – a bridge enclosure and aero-
PVC core materials. All FRP composite material was manufactured dynamic fairings using FRP units.
by vacuum assisted resin infusion. A steel construction inside the The rehabilitation of RC beams by the techniques of (i)
thickest end of the girder is used to distribute the concentrated external plate bonding (EPB) and (ii) Near Surface Mounted
bearing loads. The client was Værste AS and Fredrikstad com- FRP rods.
mune, the designer was Griff kommunikasjon AS and the con- The rehabilitation of steel beams by the techniques of EPB.
struction was undertaken by Marine Composites AS, Arendal, The retrofitting of RC columns by using uni-directional FRP
Norway. composites.
A footbridge installed by Network Rail was erected over the The FRP rebars used to reinforce concrete beams and slabs.
main Penzance-Paddington railway line at St. Austell, Cornwall The construction of a structural member to enable two or
during the weekend of 21–22nd October 2007. It has a central span more materials to take advantage of their superior properties.
of 14 m and three sections each 6 m wide; the composite sections For instance, combining FRP composites with concrete which
were manufactured by Pipex (Plymouth) and the consultant for is weak in tension but strong in compression whereas FRP
this bridge was Parsons Brinkerhoff. composites in plate form are strong in tension but will buckle
The 47 m span Halgavor suspension bridge which spans the A30 under low compressive loads. The combination of these two
road near Bodmin, Cornwall is one of the longest curved composite could take advantage of the dominant properties of both
structures in Europe; it was opened in July 2001. The bridge deck materials by joining the two materials to form a structural
was designed to carry pedestrians, cyclists and horses is con- member.
structed of composite materials with bonded structural joints.
The 4 m wide deck is supported from four cranked steel masts at The structural analysis and design of the above systems gener-
the abutments using suspension cables along the length. The FRP ally do not present many problems; in addition, there is evidence
deck was manufactured by Vosper Thornycroft using resin infusion in the literature that provides substantial reasons to believe that,
with vinyl-ester resin and an ultraviolet (UV) resistant gel-coat. if appropriately analysed, designed and fabricated FRP composites
Polyester pultrusions were also used longitudinally to locate the can provide longer lifetime and lower maintenance costs than
deck. The composite solution provided easy installation and gave equivalent structures fabricated from conventional materials.
to the architects’ freedom to design the required shapes, colours However, there are areas within the physical and in-service prop-
and lines. erties of FRP composites that are sparse particularly on the durabil-
The first Russian composite bridge made by vacuum infusion ity of composites; this property will affect the long-term behaviour
resulted in the development of a product line of arched bridges of the material. One of the problems with composite materials is in
for rivers with span lengths between 15 m and 30 m and a life cy- the general name of their component parts. For instance the matrix
cle span of 100 years. The use of the vacuum infusion technology material is generally defined in the literature as the polymer but as
provided reduced manufacture steps, avoided site assembling stated earlier there are three polymers used in civil engineering
and thus decreased the cost of the structure. The first bridge was construction (but there are many more which are used in engineer-
installed at the p. Vernadskogo subway station, Moscow in 2008, ing generally) each having different in-service properties. Further-
the structure was designed by light-weight structures BV, the more, these matrices may have had additives applied at the time of
Netherlands and installed by Applied Advanced Technology (ApA- their fabrication which will have affected their properties. Likewise
TeCh), Company Ltd., Ushakov et al. [215]; the paper won the best with the fibres, there are many which have the same general name
innovative construction paper award from the American Society of but within their family group will have differing properties. The
Civil Engineers. lack of an easily accessible comprehensive data base on the
A bridge built of composite materials can be constructed and mechanical and in-service properties of the groups of polymers
put into service in a relatively short time and at a competitive cost. and fibres and indeed also the lack of many codes of practice and
Its light-weight materials and ease of construction provide large la- specifications makes it difficult for the practicing civil engineer
bour and traffic control cost savings to offset a higher first cost. and designer to have the confidence to use FRP composites on a
Mosallam [167] wrote a state-of-the-Art review of composites for routine basis.
highway bridge applications.
Keller [121] has presented a review of all-composite bridge and 7.2. All FRP composite bridge decks
building construction from 1997 to 2000.
The bridge deck is the most vulnerable element in the bridge
system because it is exposed to the direct actions of wheel loads,
7. The combination of FRP composites with other materials to chemical attack, and temperature/moisture effects including freeze
form hybrid systems and thaw shrinkage and humidity.
The FRP bridge deck structures are typically made with vinyl-
7.1. Introduction ester polymer and E-glass fibre and are based on the pultruded
manufacturing system; occasionally the deck is moulded. The
The unique properties of advanced polymer composites in the FRP deck replacement can be manufactured in conjunction with
civil infrastructure suggest their suitability for integration in hy- the FRP superstructure replacement for the bridge; the deck is
brid structural systems as well as the development of hybrid FRP manufactured in a factory and the fabrication is undertaken on site,
materials themselves. Hybrid structures are those in which two the wearing surface is then added.
L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445 2429
The advantages of the FRP bridge deck are: the bridge owner, typical design criteria are given in Daly and
Duckett [50], AASHTO [1], AASHTO LRFD [2], BD 90/05 [23]. Most
Light weight – FRP bridge decks weigh about 10–20% of the of the bridge decks which have been built use proprietary experi-
structurally equivalent of a reinforced concrete deck. Conse- mental systems and details, consequently, the lack of geometri-
quently, using an FRP deck to replace a concrete deck reduces cal/material standardisation is a challenge to bridge engineers,
the dead load significantly. A lighter dead load can translate into who traditionally are accustomed to standard shapes, sizes and
savings throughout the structure and the foundations are material properties.
reduced for new structures. Most of the deck systems are sealed and enclosed; they are
Corrosion resistance – the corrosion of the reinforcing steel is the inaccessible for field inspection. To ensure the composites’ integ-
main cause of the premature deterioration of RC bridge decks. rity, sophisticated non-destructive evaluation/testing (NDE/NDT)
The use of road de-icing salts accelerates this corrosion. FRP devices and fibre optic sensors have been incorporated into some
composites have resistance against these corrosion forces. (see of the composite deck systems to monitor the in-service condition
Sections 2.4.and 5.1) of and the presence of moisture in the bridge deck. With time the
Rapid installation time with minimum traffic disruption – factory effectiveness of the monitoring systems and the long-term service
made FRP deck panels offers several advantages over cast-in- performance of composites can be ascertained.
place concrete decks. These are: In the UK the first bridge deck and superstructure replacement
(i) Quality of the product can be closely monitored in the con- was demonstrated by the innovative ASSET Project, Luke et al.
trolled factory environment. [146], conceived and developed by a European consortium led by
(ii) During manufacture the potential for inclement weather is Mouchel Consulting, West Byfleet, UK. This project culminating
eliminated. in 2002 in the construction of the West Mill Bridge, over the River
(iii) Once the superstructure is prepared, the fabricated deck Cole in Oxfordshire; the beam and deck structures were manufac-
structure can be installed quickly with light lifting cranes. tured by the pultrusion technique, Zhang and Canning [225]. The
[cf. cast-in-place RC deck site construction – erecting form- span of the bridge is 10 m with a width of 6.8 m; the bridge carries
work, placing rebars, pouring and curing concrete and two lanes of traffic and a footpath. The beams have uni-directional
removing formwork.] carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer composite flanges bonded to the
High-strengths – stiffness drives the design of FRP decks, they GFRP beams to provide the required global flexural rigidity.
have high safety factors; decks also have high ductility. The first vehicle carrying FRP bridge deck in the UK to span over
Lower life-cycle costs – life cycle cost savings have been shown to a railway, replaced the existing over-line bridge at Standen Hey,
more than offset the relatively high initial cost of the FRP mate- near Clitheroe, Lancashire; it has a span of 10 m, weighs 20 tonnes
rials compared to conventional materials; the service life of the and was completed in March 2008, TGP [212]. This is the first of
FRP deck can be about three times greater than concrete decks. Network Rail’s six trial sites in the country. The consulting firm,
However, few public agencies select materials based on pro- Tony Gee and Partners, was responsible for the design of the bridge
jected life-cycle costs, most materials are chosen on the experi- deck which comprises of three layers of ASSET panel deck units
ence and judgement of the engineer, agency preferences and which are made from E-glass fibres in the form of bi-axial mats
industry standard practice, generally with a strong bias towards within a UV resistant resin matrix.
minimising initial construction costs. Composite Advantage (CA) built April 2008 a new ‘drop-in-
place’ GFRP composite pre-fabricated integral beams and deck
The high-strength to low-weight ratio enables the bridge deck bridge superstructure, 6.75 m long by 19.0 m wide (22 ft 62 ft)
to carry the currently designed traffic loads with little or no in Hamilton County, Ohio, USA. No heavy lifting equipment was re-
upgrading of the superstructure. The dead load of the bridge deck quired and took 1 day to install, Composite Advantage Newsletter
is about 20% of the weight of an equivalent size of a RC deck and [44].
can be erected within 2 days. FRP composite bridge decks have The UK Highways Agency in 2008 completed a new single car-
been used in the United States since the mid-1990’s; the span of riageway road bridge over the M6 motorway. The superstructure
these bridges are generally about 10–12 m. comprises a novel pre-fabricated FRP deck spanning transversely
The bridge market represents a major and largely untapped po- over, and adhesively bonded to, two longitudinal steel plate gird-
tential market for light-weight, corrosion resistant FRP composite ers. The FRP bridge deck constructed from ASSET construction
materials. However, there are major barriers to the use of FRP bride was designed by Mouchel Group, Manchester, UK and provides
decks, these are: general vehicular access to an equestrian centre; it was designed
for unrestricted traffic loading, Canning [33].
The cost of the FRP decks – highway authorities responsible for The 27 m long bridge over the German B3 highway at Friedberg
construction and maintenance of the nation’s bridges are under near Frankfurt comprises a superstructure of two steel beams with
considerable pressure to maintain the significant number of a multi-cellular GRP deck constructed of the ASSET pultruded pro-
substandard bridges all of which are competing for the limited files, [75].
amount of monies for such purposes. Under these conditions FRP composites have a high tensile strength; however, in almost
officials are compelled to maximise the number of bridges in all of the demonstration bridge projects constructed to date, the
serviceable condition at any given time and rarely have the lat- design has been driven by the stiffness requirement rather than
itude to consider the life-cycle costs advantages of initially strength. Greater improvement and advancement of the composite
more expansive materials. Consequently, any decision to use a deck systems will capitalize on its material strength. The key to
more expensive material must be justified based on superior successful application of the deck superstructure system is to opti-
performance or specific project requirements. mize its geometric cross-section and to establish well-defined load
Standard specifications – specifications for the procurement and paths.
construction of FRP deck must be developed so that bridge own- The modular panel construction of bridge deck systems enables
ers can obtain the decks within their procurement process. quick project delivery. A bridge built of composite materials can be
constructed and put into service in a relatively short time and at a
FRP bridge decks are required to meet the same design require- competitive cost. Its light-weight materials and ease of construc-
ments as conventional bridge decks. Unless waived or modified by tion provide tremendous labour and traffic control cost savings
2430 L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445
to offset a higher first cost; to improve on the time element even for lower load levels, traffic volume or under/over clearance
further Lee and Hong [136] have developed an innovative profile and which now requires restrictions to be imposed on its use
of snap-fit connections for composite-deck bridges. An FRP deck is functionally obsolete in spite of its good structural condition.
could reduce the weight of conventional construction by 70–80%.
This technology has demonstrated that a bridge structure can be In the case of the civil infrastructure deficient structures can be
replaced and put into service in a matter of hours rather than days split into two broad groups:
or months; this is innovative technology put to good use.
Changes in the use of a structure, so that it needs to carry differ-
7.2.1. Bridge enclosure and aerodynamic fairings using FRP units ent loads from those originally specified.
Most bridges designed and built over the last 50 years do not Degradation of a structure, so that it can not carry the loads for
have good access for inspection consequently the maintenance which it was originally intended.
cost is increased by the erection of falsework. In 1982 the concept
of a FRP ‘Bridge Enclosure’ was developed by Transport Research Both of these broad classifications of structural deficiency can be
Laboratory (TRL, formerly TRRL), UK and Maunsell, Beckenham, addressed using FRP composites. The use of externally bonded plates
UK, (now AECOM Europe), Head [85], to provide a solution to this and NSM CFRP systems to strengthen RC beams in flexure has been
problem. The design standard covering Bridge Enclosures was pub- well researched, Meier [158], Hollaway and Leeming [89], De Loren-
lished by the Highway Agency, UK in 1996, BD67/96 [24], Enclo- zis and Nanni [51,52], Teng et al. [207], Hassan and Rizkalla [82],
sure of Bridges. The requirements for wind loading are covered Hollaway [94]. Each construction material has different properties,
by BD37/01 [25], UK, ‘Enclosure of bridges’. The effects of traffic in- and will be required to perform different upgrading functions;
duced pressure waves, fire design and appropriate access and es- consequently, structural deficiencies are discussed for each of the
cape provision should also be covered. The first major example general FRP composite materials used in the civil infrastructure.
which utilised this technique in the UK was in 1988–1989 when Some structural deficiencies are common to any type of structure.
the A19 Tees Viaduct at Middlesborough was fitted with the Maun- Civil infrastructure routinely has a serviceable life in excess of
sell ‘caretaker’ system, Constable [48]. 100 years; in addition it is inevitable that the structure will be re-
Bridge enclosures facilitate bridge construction, inspection, quired to fulfil a role not envisaged in the original specification.
maintenance, upgrading and operation with minimum traffic dis- These changes include:
ruption. In addition, it provides access to the bridge bearings,
drainage pipes and services, and provides corrosion protection, Increased live load; (i) increased traffic load on a bridge and (ii)
environmental protection, improved safety and convenient clear change in use of a building resulting in greater imposed loads.
boundaries between responsible authorities. The floor of bridge Increased dead and live load; additional load on underground
enclosure is sealed onto the underside of the edge girder and once structures due to new construction above ground, for instance,
the enclosures are erected and sealed the rate of corrosion of un- widening a bridge to add an extra lane of traffic and additional
coated steel in the protected environment within the enclosure is allowable live load.
2–10% of that of painted steel in the open, McKenzie [150,151]. .Pre-stressed concrete beams; strengthening measures may be
Advantages of using enclosures and aerodynamic fairings are required to prevent further loss of prestress.
reductions in: Modern design practice; changes in modern design technique
requirements and updated current codes.
(i) The cost of maintenance due to fewer coats of steel bridges. New loading requirements; a structure not originally designed to
(ii) The concrete cover to the steel for RC members. carry blast or seismic loads.
(iii) The wind loads on structure. Material deficiencies; the degradation of the material of the
(iv) The costs of formwork and falsework. structural system.
(v) The oscillation-inducing loadings on the bridge.
There are state-of-the-art papers, review papers and books on
8. The rehabilitation of RC beams by the techniques of external FRP composites on the civil infrastructure and on the rehabilitation
plate bonding (EPB) and Near Surface Mounted (NSM) rods of existing civil structures, Hollaway and Mays [88], Karbhari and
Li [115], Bakis et al. [13], Motavalli and Czaderski [156], Hollaway
8.1. Introduction and Teng [96],
The deterioration of some civil engineering structural elements, 8.2. Unstressed FRP soffit plate for flexural strengthening of concrete
in particular bridge systems, and the need to upgrade others to ser- structures
vice requirements and capacities beyond those for which the sys-
tems were initially designed, has placed demands on owners and The strengthening of concrete structures may be undertaken by
highway authorities to effect rapid renewal. The maintenance of externally-bonded FRP composites Hollaway [98] ; this technique
these degraded structures has become one of the fast growing is now routinely considered a viable alternative to the rather costly
and important challenges confronting the engineer worldwide. replacement of these structures. However, it should be mentioned
Throughout the industrialised world there are many bridges that the designer should have knowledge of the in-service proper-
and building structures which are either structurally deficient or ties, particularly the durability of the composite material, which is
functionally obsolete. The definitions mainly refer to bridges and to be used to rehabilitate the degraded member; Section 2.3 dis-
were defined by Hollaway [97]: cusses the influence of temperature on polymers, and Section 2.4
discusses the long-term in-service properties of the thermosetting
A structurally deficient bridge is one whose components may polymers. The first upgrading applications to RC beams used wet
have deteriorated or have been damaged, resulting in restric- lay-up sheets or pre-cured pultruded plates bonded to the tension
tions on its use. face of the beam with the fibre direction aligned to the beam axis.
A functionally obsolete bridge refers to the geometrical charac- The high-strength-to-weight ratio and good corrosion resistance of
teristics of the bridge in terms of the load carrying capacity of it. FRP materials provides considerable advantages over that of steel
For instance, a bridge which was designed some 40 years ago for rehabilitation. The effectiveness of flexural strengthening of
L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445 2431
RC beams with FRP is evident from the large database of experi- adhesive but it is important not to abrade down to fibre expo-
ments, reported by Smith and Teng some 8 years ago, Smith and sure. Although the degree of abrasion prior to bonding is known
Teng [198,199]. Furthermore, Porter and Harries [181] have dis- to affect subsequent bond strength and durability, the strength
cussed future directions for research into FRP composites in con- of bonded FRP joints depends on the roughness of the surfaces
crete construction. and the level of contaminants present.
The ductility of a flexural member generally decreases as a re- The peel-ply method. Peel-ply composites are adapted for the
sult of strengthening, especially if the controlling failure mode is manufacture of multi-layer laminates built from glass and car-
de-bonding or FRP rupture. To guarantee adequate ductility of a bon fibre pre-pregs. Peel-ply layers can also be applied to pul-
strengthened cross-section, the strain level of the internal steel trusion composites; they are attached to the pultruded units
reinforcement at ultimate should considerably exceed the steel during the manufacturing procedure. A peel-ply is a layer of
yield strain, as indicated by available design recommendations nylon or polyester fabric incorporated onto the surface of the
(e.g. Federation Internationale du Beton, fib Task Group 9.3 [71] composite during manufacture. The peel-ply is stripped from
and ACI 440.2R-08). ACI 440.2R-02 also suggests that the lower the pultruded surface immediately prior to bonding to the
ductility should be compensated with a higher reserve of strength adherent to provide a clean, textured surface to the composite
through the use of a lower overall strength reduction factor. unit. Most peel-plies are coated with a release agent to ensure
Under service loads, the effectiveness of a non pre-stressed FRP that their removal does not damage the underlying plies. Holl-
system is usually limited, but a notable increase in the ultimate away and Leeming [89], recommended the use of the peel-ply
moment of the cross-section can be obtained. The analysis of method particularly when long-span beams (e.g. 18 m span
strengthened members at the ultimate limit state may follow beams) are to be upgraded using strips of CFRP composite man-
well-established procedures valid for RC members, with the excep- ufactured by the pultrusion technique.
tions that any contribution of the FRP must be properly accounted
for, and the issue of bond between FRP and concrete must be care- Further information on the technique and analysis of rehabilitat-
fully designed and executed, Teng et al. [208]. ing FRP composites to reinforced concrete may be obtained from
FRP composites have also been used to rehabilitate pre-stressed Hollaway and Leeming [89], Lam and Teng [132], Teng et al. [207],
concrete (PC) bridge members. PC members are susceptible to steel Lui et al. [145], Teng et al. [209], Anania et al. [9], Pešić and Pilakoutas
strand fatigue and may require strengthening to prevent further [177], Lu et al. [144], Hollaway and Teng [96], Bogas and Gomes [29].
loss of prestress, Hollaway and Leeming [89], Hassan and Rizkalla
[82]. Takács and Kanstad [205] showed that pre-stressed concrete 8.4. Failure areas of an upgraded RC beam
girders could be strengthened with externally bonded CFRP com-
posite plates to increase their ultimate flexural capacity. Reed There are nine failure areas of a RC beam upgraded with an un-
and Peterman [185] showed that both flexural and shear capacities stressed FRP plate. The following description has been developed
of a 30 year old damaged pre-stressed concrete girders could be from Hollaway and Leeming [89], where the various modes of fail-
substantially increased with externally bonded CFRP composite ure have been discussed.
sheets. They used CFRP U-wraps as shear reinforcement along
the length of the girder to delay de-bonding failure. For an un-strengthened and over-reinforced RC beam, the flex-
Governments and engineering associations worldwide are ural failure occurs as a concrete compression failure at the top
cooperating to standardise workable international design parame- flange (mode 1).
ters, and the composites industry is building up critical alliances For an un-strengthened and under-reinforced RC beam, the ini-
with the civil engineering community and associations. A notable tial failure occurs at yield of the steel tensile reinforcement
example is the American Concrete Institute (which in 2008 pub- (mode 2), with an increasing deflection but without any addi-
lished three new guides for concrete reinforcement: ACI 440-2R- tional load carrying capacity, the beam fails in concrete com-
08: guide for the design and construction of externally-bonded pression in the top flange, (mode 1), due to excessive deflection.
FRP systems: ACI 440.5-08: specification for construction with For an un-strengthened and under-reinforced beam and if the
fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcing bars: and 440.6-08: beam remains under-reinforced when strengthened with an
specification for carbon and glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) FRP plate, the failure mode could be a tensile rupture of the
Bar Materials for Concrete reinforcement. laminate, (mode 3).
For a beam over-reinforced after plate bonding, flexural failure
8.3. Preparation of adherent surfaces occurs as a concrete compression failure in the top flange (mode
1). Yielding of the steel reinforcement is likely to occur before
Prior to the rehabilitation or retrofitting of RC and PC structures either the concrete or the CFRP plate fails and whilst this may
their surfaces to be bonded must be prepared, likewise, the surface contribute to the ultimate failure of the beam it is not the prime
of. the FRP composite. It is necessary to pre-treat the surfaces of the cause of failure. At the termination of the plate (plate free end)
adherents to enable the required surface properties to be achieved. there are high normal stresses to the plate, these will cause the
The concrete substrate is prepared by: plate to peel off towards the centre of the beam; this is known
as end anchorage peel, (mode 6 – anchorage peel/shear in cover
grit blasting, and in the UK ‘Turbobead’ grade 7 angular chilled zone)and (mode 7 – peel failure)
iron grit, Guyson [76] of nominal 0.18 mm particle size is gen- For upgraded beams there is also a peel failure mode at a shear
erally used. The surface is then solvent degreased. This opera- crack, (modes 4 – shear failure), (mode 5 – peel due to vertical
tion is important, because it removes contaminants, which movement at the shear crack) and (mode 8 – adhesive failure at
inhibit the formation of the chemical bonds, Kinloch [127]. concrete/adhesive interface), where there is a possible complex
mechanism of de-bonding due to strain redistribution in the
The FRP surface is prepared by either: plate at the crack and/or the formation of a step in the soffit
of the beam thus causing shear peel. The delamination can then
The abrasion method followed by solvent cleaning. Abrasion propagate towards the end of the plate. Whether modes 5 or 8
removes weak surface layers and contamination and increases occur depends upon the structure of the shear reinforcement in
the apparent surface energy and the rate of spreading of the the un-strengthened beam.
2432 L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445
There are a number of other possible but unlikely modes of fail- simultaneously on the site structural member under an ele-
ure which have been identified in the literature such as delamina- vated temperature and pressure; the description of this tech-
tion of the composite plate or of the area within the glue line but nique is given in Hollaway [95].
these have not generally been experienced; the strength of these The wet lay-up process, Hollaway and Head [90].
materials is higher than that of concrete and the failures will only
happen if the installation has been poorly performed or there is a The first two methods are bonded onto the degraded member
defect in the manufacture of the plate. with cold cure adhesive polymer. The drawback to these systems
There are several design guides for the design calculations for is that the plate material cannot be reformed to cope with any
retrofitting of FRP composites to reinforced concrete structures, irregular geometries of the structural member.
used throughout the world, these have been given in the Appendix The third method is superior to the pre-cast plate and cold cure
B to this paper. adhesive systems as the site compaction and cure procedure of the
pre-preg and film adhesive ensures a low void ratio in the compos-
ite and an excellent join to the concrete. The drawback to this
8.5. Shear strengthening of RC structures
method, currently, is the cost; it is about twice as expensive as
the first two methods. Currently, the preferred manufacturing sys-
When a RC beam is deficient in shear or when its shear capacity
tem by the civil engineering contractors is either the first or second
is less than the flexural capacity after flexural strengthening, shear
strengthening must be undertaken. FRP can be effective in increas-
A two part, cold cure epoxy adhesive is used to bond the plate
ing the shear capacity of RC beams and a number of different de-
onto the substrate on site. The bonding operation of the FRP plate
sign approaches have been proposed Fanning et al. [70], Teng
to the RC beam has been described by Hutchinson [108].
et al. [207], Barnes and Mays [21]. Efficient design requires the
The cold cured adhesive is the Achilles heel of the plate bonding
principal fibre direction to be parallel to that of the maximum prin-
system particularly if the cure is at a low ambient temperature
cipal tensile stresses, which generally is at approximately 45° to
without post cure, see Section 2.2 (Polymerisation) and Sec-
the member axis. However, for practical reasons it is usually pre-
tion 2.4.2 (Durability).
ferred to attach the external FRP reinforcement with the principal
Anchoring techniques such as steel bolting and the use of
fibre direction perpendicular to the member axis.
bonded FRP U-shaped channels or jackets at the end of the beam
Different strengthening patterns can be used, both along the axis
and/or at intermediate locations have been developed to limit
of the beam and in the plane of the cross-section. The strengthening
de-bonding failures, Quantrill et al. [182,183]. However, the bolt-
system can either be continuous or discontinuous in the longitudi-
ing methods must ensure that no damage to the internal steel re-
nal direction. The use of a continuous pattern may limit the migra-
bars or the FRP composite occurs during the fabrication operation.
tion of moisture and hence should be considered with caution. In
The use of FRP anchor spikes has been proposed by Eshwar et al.
the cross-sectional plane three different configurations may be
used these involve the wet lay-up process and are; (i) sheets can
be completely wrapped along the cross-section and (ii) wrapped
8.6.1. Composite patch technology
on three sides (U-straps), or bonded on two opposite sides (wet
Adhesively bonded FRP composite patch techniques have been
lay-up or re-cured strips). The first pattern is obviously the most
successfully applied to military aircraft repair. The technique is ap-
efficient, and is typically adopted for shear strengthening columns;
plied to extend the service life of aluminium aerospace compo-
however, it is impractical for strengthening beams in the presence
nents and the method is now of interest to the civil engineering
of an integral slab. Strengthening on three sides is less efficient be-
industry to repair cracked metallic materials.
cause the effective bond length needs to be developed from the free
The fatigue of steel sections and the ultimate fracture under
ends, while strengthening only on the two side faces is the least effi-
cyclic loading is a problem common to many industries but partic-
cient system due to the development of bond length from two free
ularly to aging metallic bridges. The cut and re-weld repair tech-
plate ends. Pre-cured plates cannot be bent around corners and can
niques are degenerative and replacement of the fatigued or
only be bonded to the sides, Zeris [226]. However, pre-fabricated L-
cracked section is often the inevitable solution, causing significant
angles specifically suited for shear strengthening are also manufac-
losses in production time; however, recent research has shown
tured, Basler et al. [22], Meier et al. [159].
that CFRP patches provide an efficient and a relatively easy to ap-
Several different approaches have been used to predict the
ply repair system. Research has been conducted to investigate the
shear strength of FRP-strengthened RC beams. These include the
bonding of CFRP patches to reinforce cracked steel sections. Righ-
modified shear friction method, Deniaud and Cheng [56], Deniaud
iniotis et al. [187] investigated the potential fatigue life improve-
and Cheng [57,58] the compression field theory, various truss mod-
ment that may be achieved in using CFRP patches on cracked
els including Mörsch’s truss analogy, El-Refaie et al. [63], Ibell and
steel members. A two dimensional steel plate with a crack growing
Silva [110], and the design guidelines have adopted the design ap-
into its thickness direction and a CFRP patch attached through a
proach, Maruyama and Ueda [229], fib.(2001), ISIS Canada [111],
thin fibre/resin film over the crack mouth was modelled and ana-
ACI [3], Concrete Society [46,47].
lysed using the finite element method. Comparisons between the
stress intensity factors for the un-patched and the patched plates
8.6. Bonding FRP composites onto RC structures demonstrated the considerable reductions in these parameters
resulting from the repair operation. Hongbo et al. [101] have dis-
The FRP composite plate material used for the upgrading of RC cussed a numerical method of boundary element analysis to rein-
structures is generally the high-modulus CFRP, AFRP (Kevlar 49) or force cracked steel plates. The numerical software programme
GFRP composites and these composites will be fabricated by one of BEASY was adopted to calculate stress intensity factors, crack prop-
three methods, namely: agation and fatigue lives of steel plates and the adhesive layer was
simulated as interface elements to connect the patch and steel
the pultrusion technique, Hollaway [95], Starr [201] plate. Their work was validated by the good agreement between
the rigid fully cured FRP pre-preg plate, Hollaway [95] the numerical and experimental results. Colombi et al. [43] pre-
the cold-melt FRP pre-preg/adhesive film placed onto the struc- stressed composite patches and bonded them onto cracked
tural member, both components are cured and compacted steel sections to reinforce cracked details and to prevent fatigue
L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445 2433
cracking on steel structural elements. Prestressing the CFRP com- sual warning. Crushing of the concrete was the common failure
posite patch introduced compressive stresses that produced a mode, with localised de-bonding close to the ultimate load. El
crack closure effect. Furthermore, it modified the crack geometry Sayed et al. [138] modelled the concrete to FRP interface using
by bridging the crack faces and so reducing the stress intensity appropriate finite elements connecting the FRP composite to the
range at the crack tip. The debond crack total strain energy release concrete. Limam et al. [141], used a simplified laminated plate
rate was computed by the modified virtual crack closure technique model to design strengthened slabs as three-layered plates, where
(MVCCT). A parametric analysis was performed to investigate the the bottom layer represented the FRP strip, the middle layer repre-
influence of some design parameters such as the modulus of elas- sented the steel reinforcement, and the upper layer represented
ticity of the composite patch, the adhesive thickness and the pre- the compressive concrete; a full-bond was assumed between the
tension level on the adhesive-plate interface debond. concrete and the FRP composites. Reitman and Yankelevsky [186]
developed a nonlinear finite element analysis of a grid represent-
8.7. The mechanically-fastened un-bonded FRP (MF-UFRP) method ing the slab which was based on yield-line theory for reinforced
(power actuated (PA)) fastening ‘pins’ for fastening FRP composites concrete slabs under various loading conditions. Seim et al. [194]
used a beam analogy technique to provide an approximate solution
The mechanically-fastened un-bonded FRP (MF-UFRP) method to the overall response of FRP-strengthened one-way slabs. Michel
for the fastening of pre-cast FRP plates uses many closely spaced et al. [162] introduced an analytical model to explain the behav-
steel power actuated (PA) fastening ‘pins’ and a limited number iour of RC slabs strengthened by FRP composite materials bonded
of steel expansion anchors. The method is rapid and uses conven- to the tensile face of the beam; experimental models were com-
tional hand tools, light-weight materials and unskilled labour; pared with those of the analytical model; they found good agree-
minimal surface preparation of the concrete is required and the ment between the two techniques.
technique permits immediate use of the strengthened structure.
The method has been developed by researchers at the University 8.9. Near Surface Mounted (NSM) FRP bars
of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, Bank [15]. An analytical analysis to
predict the strength of concrete beams upgraded with the MF- Another technology for increasing the flexural and shear
FRP method has been discussed by Arora [10], Bank and Arora strength of deficient reinforced concrete (and masonry and timber)
[16]. Bank et al. [19,20] have discussed the strengthening of a members is to utilise the Near Surface Mounted FRP bar. This tech-
1930 RC flat-slab bridge of span 7.3 m by mechanically fastening nique requires a groove to be cut into the concrete surface in the
the rigid FRP plates using the MF-FRP method. direction for flexural or shear upgrading. The groove is then filled
half-way with adhesive epoxy paste and an FRP rod of circular or
8.8. FRP composite strips for flexural strengthening of slabs rectangular cross-section is placed into it and lightly pressed into
the paste. This forces the paste to flow around the rod and the sides
FRP composites have been used for the flexural strengthening of the groove. The groove is then filled with more paste and the
of: surface is levelled to that of the concrete, De Lorenzis et al. [55].
The advantages of using NSM FRP rods compared with using
one-way slabs Erki and Heffernan [65], Seim et al. [194], EPB laminates are:
two-way slabs using FRP sheets bonded along the middle of the
slab, Ebead and Marzouk [60], Harajli and Soudki [79], or dis- There is no preparation of the concrete surface apart from
tributed along the slab width Mosallam and Mosalam [166], removing the sawn debris.
Limam et al. [141], and The possibility of anchoring the rods into adjacent members.
two-way slabs with pre-stressed sheets, Longworth et al. [139]. There is minimal installation time.
The rods are protected from the external environments in that
The interfacial behaviour between the FRP composite and the they are completely surrounded in adhesive paste. This implies
concrete slab is one of the most important issues as this often con- that concrete structures which have alkaline and other salts in
trols the failure mode of the strengthened member, Elsayed et al. the cements do not attack the paste, therefore, the rods will
[64]. If FRP sheets are bonded to the tension face of the slab it is not be affected by the alkaline initiated corrosion in a concrete
likely that they will cover the whole surface whereas strips would environment.
cover only part of its surface. However, with the former method it
is difficult to check the quality of the bond and, furthermore, free Bond is the first issue that needs to be addressed, since it is the
movement of moisture from the slab is prevented thus increasing means for the transfer of stress between the concrete substrate and
the risk of degradation of the bond. Wide strips are possible as they the FRP reinforcement. If manufactured by the pultrusion method
offers a larger contact area between the slab and the reinforcement the surface of the rods will be smooth and they must be roughened
compared to the narrow strips thus reducing the risk of de-bond- to improve the bond strength. There are two main techniques for
ing of the strips. surface roughening, namely, CFRP sandblasted, GFRP deformed
There are a limited number of theoretical studies on FRP- methods or in conjunction with the pultruded technique to place
strengthened RC slabs compared to those on beams but the finite a FRP composite spirally wound onto the external surface of the
element analysis has been one of the most effective numerical bar.
methods for modelling their behaviour. However, finite element De Lorenzis and Nanni [52] have shown that when NSM round
modelling of laminated beams is difficult because the thickness bars are used to enhance the shear capacity of RC beams an in-
of the laminates is small compared to the other dimensions of crease in capacity as high as 106% in the absence of steel stirrups,
the slab; this leads to a significant increase in the number of ele- and a significant increase also in the presence of internal shear
ments. Mosallam and Mosalam [166], Ebead and Marzouk [60] reinforcement. One of the observed failure modes was de-bonding
used the finite element analysis to investigate the structural of one or more FRP bars, associated with concrete diagonal tension.
behaviour of concrete slabs, both un-strengthened and strength- This mechanism can be prevented by providing a longer bond
ened. The former investigators reported that the FRP systems up- length by either anchoring the NSM bars in the beam flange (for
graded the structural capacity of two-way slabs by up to 200%. T-beams) or using 45° bars at a sufficiently close spacing. When
Failure was preceded by large deformations providing adequate vi- de-bonding of the bars is prevented, splitting of the concrete cover
2434 L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445
of the longitudinal reinforcement may become the controlling the steel has yielded. With the high stiffness moduli values the
mechanism due to the fact that, unlike internal steel stirrups, strain to failure of the UH-M carbon fibres are very low, less than
NSM rods are not able to exert any restraining action on the longi- 0.4% strain depending upon the modulus of elasticity value. Pho-
tudinal reinforcement subjected to dowel forces. tiou et al. [179] have shown that the adhesive film with the pre-
De Lorenzis et al. [53], El-Hacha and Rizkalla [62] have shown preg composite fails at higher ultimate loads compared to the cold
through experimental test results that NSM reinforcement can sig- cure adhesive/pultrusion CFRP plate. Finally, the successful
nificantly increase the flexural capacity of RC elements but bond strengthening of steel structures with FRP materials is completely
may be the limiting factor on the efficiency of this technique as dependent upon the quality and integrity of the composite/steel
it is with externally bonded laminates. El-Hacha and Rizkalla [62] joint, and the effectiveness of the adhesive used. The integrity of
compared the strengthening of reinforced concrete T-beams with the joint is highly dependent upon the preparation procedures
identical NSM strips and externally bonded plates, They obtained for bonding the FRP plates onto, possibly corroded, steel members.
a strength increase of 4.8 times higher in the first case, due to an Consequently, the surface for bonding must be carefully cleaned
early de-bonding failure of the external FRP compared to a tensile and be free from rust and scale and any pitting must be levelled
rupture of the NSM strips. using an epoxy paste. The beam surface should then be shot
A review of the NSM reinforcement technique has been given by blasted prior to the bonding operation. If an aluminium structure
De Lorenzis and Teng [54]. were to be upgraded its surface pre-treatment would include etch-
ing and anodising procedures; these operations cause chemical
8.10. The rehabilitation of steel beams by the technique of external modification to the surfaces involved. The performance of the
plate bonding adhesive joint is directly related to the successful application of
the pre-treatment and this in turn depends upon the quality of
Corrosion, fatigue and a lack of proper maintenance are possibly the surface characteristics of the substrate in terms of topography
the major causes for steel bridge deterioration. In addition, many of and chemistry.
the bridges require upgrading to carry present day traffic require- A significant advantage of using a film adhesive with a com-
ments. Clearly, a repair or a rehabilitation option should be consid- patible pre-preg is that the curing operation of the composite
ered before a decision is taken to replace a structure, since the cost material and the adhesive resin is undertaken on site in one oper-
to undertake the former is far less than the cost of replacement. In ation under an elevated temperature of 60° C for 16 h (or 80° C
addition, repair and rehabilitation will invariably take less time for 4 h) and a pressure of 1 bar. This system was used to fit CFRP
and will reduce the disruption to traffic and commerce. composites to an historic building, Garden and Shahidi [73], but
The superior mechanical and physical properties of CFRP com- to the knowledge of the author it has not yet been employed to
posites make them excellent candidates for the repair and rehabil- upgrade a bridge structure constructed of traditional structural
itation of steel structures compared to many other civil materials.
engineering materials. CFRP have excellent mechanical properties,
namely, typical tensile and stiffness values of 1.5 GPa and 220 GPa, 8.11. The retrofitting of RC columns by using uni-directional FRP
respectively, for the high stiffness material and 1.5 GPa and up to composites
420 GPa, respectively, for the ultra high stiffness material; the lat-
ter composite is invariably used for the upgrading of steel mem- During the last decade many experimental investigations have
bers. These materials have not been utilised to upgrade metallic been conducted on retrofitting FRP composites to concrete col-
structures to the same extent as they have been for reinforced con- umns. Experimental tests on concentrically loaded concrete speci-
crete structures and until relatively recently only a limited amount mens retrofitted with FRP composites to observe the strength and
of research had been conducted on the application of these mate- deformation capacity enhancement in pure compression have been
rials to metallic structures, but this situation is now changing, undertaken by Samaan et al. [190], Xiao and Wu [222], Harries and
Mertz and Gillespie [152], Mays [155], Mosallam and Chakrabarti Kharel [80], Lam and Teng [133]. These tests revealed that the
[154], Tavakkolizadeh and Saadatmanesh [206], Luke and Canning behaviour of FRP-confined concrete substantially differs from that
[147], Luke and Canning [148], Photiou et al. [179], Schnerch and of steel confined concrete due to differences in constitutive behav-
Rizkalla [192]. iour of the two materials. The level of confinement for the FRP-
In principle, the high tensile strength and elastic modulus of wrapped concrete is proportional to the axial load up to the point
carbon fibre polymer (CFRP) composites make them ideal candi- where FRP ruptures and failure occurs in a sudden and brittle man-
dates for upgrading steel structures, though it is necessary to ner, whereas for the steel confined concrete the confining stresses
appreciate the possible limitations associated with their mechani- are proportional to the applied axial load up to the yielding of the
cal properties, their interaction with the steel substrate and their steel. Beyond yielding of the transverse steel reinforcement, con-
long-term behaviour in harsh environments. The high-modulus fining stresses remain approximately constant. Other studies have
(H-M) CFRP composites have stiffnesses of the same order as that concentrated on FRP retrofit of deficient RC columns for seismic
of the steels and therefore substantial load transfer can only take strengthening, Saadatmanesh et al. [189], Seible et al. [193], Sheikh
place after the steel has yielded. The ultra high-modulus (UH-M) and Yao [197], Iabucci et al. [109], and Xiao and Ma [221]. It has
CFRP composites (see Hollaway and Head [90]), can have stiffness been shown that FRP retrofit can significantly improve the lateral
values in excess of 600 GPa, and for the upgrading of steel beams deformation capacity of columns keeping the plastic hinge regions
the UH-M pitch precursor (manufactured by the cold-melt fac- intact even at large deformation cycles, Tastani and Pantazopoulou
tory-made pre-impregnated fibre with a compatible film adhesive [211].
as opposed to the polyacrylonitrile precursor method for the H-M FRP-confined concrete models have been developed; extensive
CFP composite which is manufactured by the pultrusion method reviews of the literature on FRP-confined concrete have been
and uses the cold cure adhesive for bonding) for the manufacture investigated by Lam and Teng [132], Teng et al. [207]. Most of
of CFRP pre-pregs at about 60% FVF are used; these composites these models are empirical in nature and employ best-fit expres-
when utilised in construction would be manufactured to have sions. Other analytical models Binici [27], Kazunori et al. [120],
moduli values of about 400 GPa. Consequently, the stiffness of this Spoelstra and Monti [200] define the axial and lateral stress–
material will be of the order of twice that of the steel; the load strain relationships of concrete for different levels of confinement.
transfer to the composite will then commence to take place before By matching the expansion of concrete to the straining of the
L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445 2435
jacket, FRP-confined concrete response is obtained from a family Other systems for improving bond between the FRP composite
of active confined concrete curves. The advantages of these latter and concrete are given in Pilakoutas [180].
models include: The advantages and disadvantages of the use of FRP rebars are
given in Hollaway [95], the major difficulty with thermosetting
1. The flexibility of introducing different material models for the polymer composites on site is that they cannot be reshaped to form
jacket, hooks or angles for end anchorage; specially shapes rebars are re-
2. The ability to directly define failure of the jacket from the trans- quired to be manufactured in the factory. For site shaped rebars
verse jacket strains. made from thermoplastic polymer material is currently used and
by the application of heat the bar may be shaped into 90° or
Although these models have been shown to estimate the axial 180° bends; sufficient bond length must be provided between
response of FRP-confined concrete accurately, they have not been the bars from the thermosetting and thermoplastic materials.
used widely for the analysis of columns subjected to combined ax- Composite materials have now become a strong alternative/com-
ial loads and bending moments. petitor to steel rebars.
Following the disastrous Hyogoken–Nanbu earthquake which Claims have been made by some researchers, Bank and Gentry
occurred in 1995, Japan has concentrated considerable effort into [17], Bank et al. [18], Sen et al. [195], that GFRP rebars could be sus-
the studies of economically viable seismic retrofit systems. Of par- ceptible to the high alkaline environment of concrete where the
ticular concern is the seismic performance of structures originally pore solution concentration has a pH value of 12.5–13.5. Long-
designed for gravity loads only. RC systems that were not designed term full size tests undertaken by ISIS Canada on RC structures in
for seismic loads can have inadequate ductility and a lack of excess of 10 years have shown that the GFRP flexural tension rein-
robustness. Seismic upgrade of these structures can have profound forcement is durable and compatible with concrete, Mufti et al.
economic and social implications. [169–171].
A state-of-the-art paper on the durability of FRP rebars has been
written by Ceroni et al. [36].
9. The FRP rebars used to reinforce concrete beams and slabs The American Concrete Institute (ACI) in 2008 [5,6] published
two new guides for concrete reinforcement: (i) specification for con-
Steel rebars are protected by the high alkalinity (pH 12.5–13.5) struction with fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcing bars AND
of the concrete and are physically protected by the surrounding (ii) ACI 440.6-08: specification for carbon and glass fibre-reinforced
concrete cover against corrosion. When the structural members polymer (FRP) bar materials for concrete reinforcement.
are exposed to aggressive environmental combinations of mois-
ture, temperature and chlorides the alkalinity of the concrete is re-
duced; this combination of attack together with freeze–thaw and 10. The hybrid structural member in new construction
de-icing salts on the steel will result eventually in the corrosion
of the steel reinforcement and a loss of structural serviceability. The hybrid structural system consisting of FRP composites and
To overcome these corrosion problems the use of FRP composite traditional materials such as concrete and/or steel, optimally com-
rebars would be an advantageous option, see Section 5.1.3, for bined, are currently a major focus for the use of the composite
the in-service properties of composites. materials in new construction; the successful applications of these
Durability of FRP rebars is not a straightforward topic; it tends systems requires that three criteria should be met, these are:
to be more complex than the corrosion of steel reinforcement, be-
cause the degradation of the material is dependent upon the com- (i) Cost effectiveness in terms of the most advantageous combi-
ponents of the composite material. Furthermore, the types of nation of whole-life cost and of high quality and
rebars available on the market are various and the commercial performance.
products are improving with time. Different fibres are character- (ii) The material should ideally be used in areas subjected to
ised by different behaviour under high temperature, environmen- tension, (for instance, in wrapping columns and on the ten-
tal effects and long-term phenomena. In addition, concrete could sion soffit of beams).
be an unfavourable environment due to alkali and moisture (iii) The fire resistance should not be critical, (for instance, where
absorption. Many studies have been carried out on the durability the structure is in an open space (e.g. bridges) or the FRP is
of FRP bars, Balazs and Borosnyoi [14], Katz [119], Karbhari not required to make any contribution to structural resis-
[117], Micelli and Nanni [153], Nkurunziza et al. [175], Uomoto tance during a fire.
[217,218]; however, there are still many aspects to be investigated
in order to provide reliable design rules to be implemented in The first two criteria are met when composites are used in
codes of practice. combination with other materials to form hybrid structures.
The geometric cross-sections of FRP rebars are typically square The aim of the designer of these structures should be to opti-
and rectangular and they are generally manufactured by the pul- mally combine the FRP with traditional structural materials to
trusion process from continuous carbon, glass or aramid fibres create innovative structural forms. With respect to fire, Advanced
embedded in vinyl-ester or epoxy matrix. Products of the pultru- Composites Group Ltd. (ACG), Derbyshire, England, UK have
sion technique have smooth surfaces and these must be modified launched a new a phenolic resin system (MTM 82S-C), available
to improve the bond characteristics between the concrete and as a pre-preg which has been designed to offer outstanding fire
the rebar. The improvements in bond characteristics are effected performance to mass transit, industrial, and construction applica-
by forming: tions. ACG claims that the new pre-preg has excellent mechanical
properties in combination with exceptional fire performance,
Ribbed bars – manufactured from a combination of a pultrusion where the operating temperature is within the range 55° C to
and compression moulding method. 80° C. The laminates exhibit extremely low fire propagation and
Sand-blasted bars – manufactured by applying sand blasted fin- surface spread of flames, together with low smoke and toxic
ish to the pultrusion. gas emission. Consequently, the product meets the requirements
Spirally wound and sand coated bars – manufactured by spirally of: the British Standards BS 476 Parts 6 and 7, and BS 6853 Cat
winding the pultrusion rod with a fibre tow sand coated. 1a, the French Standards NF P 92-501 Rating M1 and NF F
2436 L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445
16-101 Rating F1, and the German DIN5510 Ratings S2, SR2 zone. The concrete in the compression area of the section is man-
and ST2. ufactured from high-performance concrete (HPC).
During the last decade the Universities of California, San Diego,
USA, Southern Queensland, Australia, Surrey, UK, Warwick, UK, the (2) Concrete-filled steel tubes have been used as structural col-
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China and EMPA, Switzerland umns but these have been largely superseded by hybrid FRP
have focussed upon hybrid systems that combine advanced com- columns consisting of an FRP tube filled with concrete with
posites with conventional materials, currently, mainly for bridge or without internal reinforcement, Mirmiran et al. [128],
constructions. Fam and Rizkalla [68], Mirmiran [165], Xiao [223], Mirmiran
Examples include: concrete-filled FRP tubes as columns and et al. [164]. Double-skin hybrid FRP columns consisting of
piles, FRP cables and FRP composite/concrete duplex beams. Hy- two concentric FRP tubes and the space between them filled
brid systems previously mentioned are the upgrading of structures with concrete have been also been studied Fam and Rizkalla
with composites, the rebars to form reinforced concrete and the [69]. The advantages of the concrete-filled FRP tubes over
bridge decks supported by the superstructure of the bridge. the concrete-filled steel tubes include light-weight and cor-
rosion resistance. However, building columns manufactured
10.1. Examples of hybrid systems from concrete-filled FRP tubes do have a number of disad-
vantages, these include brittle failure in bending, difficulty
(1) In a reinforced concrete structural beam member the region with connections to beams, an inability to support substan-
below its neutral axis is wasteful of material due to the tial construction loads and poor fire resistance; this last
weakness of the concrete in tension; it merely holds the resistance is not significant with respect to bridge columns.
reinforcement in position and protects it from aggressive Teng et al. [210] has suggested a new form of hybrid column
environments. Furthermore, this area of concrete adds to overcome the disadvantages discussed above. Teng’s col-
weight to the beam unnecessarily and hence increases the umn consists of an outside FRP tube and a concentric steel
foundation size. This region of the beam could be substituted tube inside; the annulus is filled with concrete. The fibres
by a FRP composite structural unit; composites with high are oriented mainly in the hoop direction in the FRP tube
fibre volume fractions have high specific strength and stiff- thus providing confinement to the concrete for enhanced
ness. Moreover, it has been shown in Section 5.1.3 that GFRP, ductility and additional shear resistance. The stated aim of
CFRP and AFRP composites possess excellent in-service the new column is to achieve a high-performance structural
properties particularly durability; therefore, they require member by combining the advantages of the three constitu-
only minimum maintenance; depending upon the require- ent materials and the structural form of the columns which
ments of the structural system the composite may require are mentioned above. The column is relatively easy to con-
fire protection. struct and is highly resistant to corrosion and earthquakes.
Clearly, the section form can also be employed as a beam
An innovative hybrid rectangular beam cross-section composed by moving the inner steel tube towards the tension side,
of a low-cost construction material, (namely, concrete) placed in Teng et al. [210] has illustrated these sections.
its compressive region and a high specific strength/stiffness FRP
composite situated in the tensile region was presented by Trianta-
fillou and Meier [213], Deskovic and Triantafillou [59], Triantafillou 11. The steel-free deck system
[214], Canning et al. [31], Hulatt et al. [104]. This system resulted
in a new concept for a light-weight structural member which Extensive research was conducted in Canada at the end of the
was corrosion free with excellent damping and fatigue properties. 20th century and into the beginning of the 21st century has led
This system was extended to form a composite/concrete duplex to concrete deck slabs of bridges that can be entirely free of any
beam for both a standard rectangular and a Tee beam cross- tensile reinforcement, Mufti et al. [230]. By omitting the tensile
section, Hulatt et al. [102], Hulatt et al. [103]; the webs of both steel rebars, thus avoiding corrosion and major bridge deck deteri-
sections were constructed as a GFRP plate or as a sandwich plate oration, and replacing them with external steel straps positioned at
section and a CFRP plate was incorporated into the soffit of the the top flange of the superstructure girder for lateral restraint
beam. Further developments of this beam system have been dis- would lead to an increase in the service life of bridges. Compressive
cussed in Hulatt et al. [105,106]. The VTM260 series epoxy resin, member forces in the deck slab are developed under increasing
glass and carbon fibre pre-pregs supplied by Advanced Composites traffic loads which will eventually reach a magnitude where the
Group (ACG), Heanor, UK were used in this research at the Univer- tensile stresses will cause the concrete to crack. It has been shown
sity of Surrey. Using this hybrid structural beam system and ACG’s that the wide cracks do not pose any danger to the safety of the
VTM264 variant epoxy/carbon fibre pre-preg material NECSO Ent- structure, however, they are generally unacceptable to bridge engi-
recanales Cubiertas, Madrid, Spain undertook a R&D project and neers; aesthetically cracks are unpleasant. The cracks are con-
developed a ‘Duplex’ beam element; this system was utilised as trolled by a mesh of nominal GFRP bars. Once this happens the
an advanced composite motorway bridge construction on the high- deck will resist traffic loads through arching action thus causing
way at Cantabrico in Spain; Hollaway [95] shows the completed compressive membrane action and cracking on the soffit of the
bridge. The production of these first advanced composite bridge deck slab. The first application of the second-generation slab was
beam elements has demonstrated that utilising proven composite on one span of the 10-span Red River Bridge on the North Perime-
design principles, civil engineering structural elements can be pro- ter Highway in Winnipeg, Canada, Klowak et al. [113]. Gordon and
duced that offer significant benefits over traditional reinforced May [74] have stated that the utilisation of ‘steel-free’ decks may
concrete designs. There are, in the offing one or two further designs be of use in Europe initially as temporary and accommodation
for bridges in Spain using this method of construction. In recogni- bridges. Mufti et al. [169] have illustrated the arching action.
tion for this development and the pre-preg composite technology, Klowak et al. [129] have discussed a second generation steel-free
ACG was awarded the JEC Composites Award 2005 for construc- slabs for bridges rehabilitation. Mufti and Neale [173] have written
tion, reinforced plastics (2005). Khennane [124] has taken this idea a state-of-the-art paper on FRP and SHM applications in bridge
a stage further with the rectangular section member manufactured structures in Canada; a discussion on steel-free deck systems is
from pultuded GFRP composite and a CFRP laminate in the tension included in their paper.
L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445 2437
12. The future direction for FRP composites in the construction such a bridge and would have permitted the construction of the
industry bridge over the Strait of Gibraltar.
Another idea put forward by Schlaich and Bleicher [191] to
12.1. Introduction show the potential of CFRP composites was a stressed-ribbon
bridge with carbon fibre ribbons. The ribbons were anchored at
The simplest way to introduce a new material into construc- the abutments on both sides of the bridge. The ribbons are gener-
tion and thence become familiar with its potentialities is to re- ally made from steel plates or steel cables which are covered and
place the traditional material with the new one. This approach stabilised by open-jointed concrete slabs but Schlaich and Bleicher
was employed by the building industry in the late 1960’s, clearly [191] replaced the steel units by CFRP ribbons. By using CFRP rib-
this approach is limited as the building systems which had been bons of low specific weight and high specific tensile strength will
developed for the traditional materials had been evolved and de- allow longer span bridges with smaller cross-sections to be built
signed over many decades. The innovation in FRP composite compared with those of steel.
materials for the civil/structural engineering commencing in the (ii) The first carbon-fibre tendon cable-stayed vehicle bridge in the
1980’s made rapid advances as this paper has illustrated. The world was the Storchenbrücke (Stork Bridge) at Winterthur in
main interest has been in the combination of FRP composites Switzerland with twin spans of 63 m and 61 m. Two of the 24 stays
with the more primary traditional materials and examples of this are carbon composite tendons put in place to establish their viabil-
have been given but as yet fewer studies have concentrated on ity and long-term behaviour in this application; the other 22 stays
‘all FRP’ structural elements for bridges and buildings. However, are steel. The bridge-deck spans both a river and a railway station
this area is expanding with the introduction of FRP deck systems crossing the major east-to-west axis of the Swiss Federal Railway
for bridge construction and the construction of FRP footbridges Network, was the world’s first bridge to use carbon stay cable tech-
and small span highway bridges. The main advantages of FRP nology, Meier [161]. Due to its low self-weight, carbon stay cables
composite materials have been discussed in Part A with a special are a promising solution for ultra long span bridges. Their extre-
mention to its very satisfactory durability property compared mely high fatigue resistance and the fact that carbon is non-corro-
with traditional materials. The main disadvantages have been al- sive are further advantages of this type of cable; however, special
luded to as the fragile nature of the composite material compared care should be taken when choosing an anchorage system for car-
to the traditional construction materials and the relative inexpe- bon stay cables.
rience of some of the FRP designers and general construction con- (iii) The performance of buildings to blast loads is an ever increas-
tractors which has resulted in high safety factors being applied at ing issue; this is clearly evident from the recent world events.
the time of the design. The high cost of the material is another Many older buildings such as un-reinforced masonry infill walls
factor which prevents its greater use but when the whole-life cost have low flexural capacity and a brittle mode of failure and there-
of the construction and long-term durability of the material is ta- fore they will have a low resistance to out-of-plane loads. To im-
ken into account, the cost of using this material is generally prove the latter’s resistance in the past FRP composites have
cheaper than that of the traditional materials. It has already been been retrofitted but one drawback to using these materials is their
mentioned that the first achievements in construction utilisating lack of ductility at the ultimate state. Casadei and Agneloni [35]
this material dates back to the beginning of the 1980s, indeed have investigated a hybrid system that couples together the
the building industry dates back to the beginning of the 1970s high-strength of the FRP systems with the ductility of polyurea re-
when the structures were manufactured from hand lay-up sin that can elongate up to 400%. The authors claim that the system
polyester and a randomly orientated glass fibre; these structures, allows different layers of FRP and Polyurea to
as reported in Section 6, are showing minimal degradation.
Hollaway [91] and Market Development Alliance of the FRP Com- provide the necessary strength to the infill wall subjected to
posites Industry, Global FRP Use for Bridge Applications, (2003), out-of-plane forces,
have given state-of-the-art reviews of the use of FRP composites provide a ballistic layer to catch flying debris, and
up to that time. guarantee sufficient deformations of the strengthened walls
dissipating energy without collapsing completely.
12.2. Future directions (iv) Barriers to protect airport infrastructure against malicious ac-
tions or natural events. Asprone et al. [11] have investigated the
The future directions of the utilisation of FRP composites in the design, optimisation and testing of a fence system made from GFRP
construction industry and the methods of monitoring structures composites which could protect critical airport infrastructures
throughout their lives possibly in hostile environments depend without disturbing radio-communications. Electromagnetic tests
upon innovative ideas. Some suggestions are discussed in the fol- confirmed radio-transparency of the barrier, mechanical tests
lowing items. guaranteed its high structural performances and in situ blast tests
(i) There have been some interesting ideas put forward over the confirmed its capacity to withstand blast loads and reduce shock
last three decades which have shown how FRP composites, involv- wave effect on protected targets.
ing innovative ideas, can be used where traditional materials are (v) The main structural element for structures particularly bridges
not capable of the same function. In 1987 Professor Urs Meier of currently is the pultruded unit which is a cost-effective production
EMPA, Switzerland suggested that composite materials offered method. The use of pultruded structural members has been dem-
the opportunity to build a bridge across the Straits of Gibraltar, this onstrated in this paper, for new bridges and buildings and the
innovative idea captured the imagination of both the international rehabilitation of concrete and steel structural members. The high
bridge and composites engineering communities. Steel cables quality of the pultruded elements can be assured as they are man-
would be limited in this application as they could not have sup- ufactured in a factory environment under strict quality control to
ported their own weight when the bridge span approached 7 km ensure the fibres are positioned correctly as they pass through
in length; to span the Strait of Gibraltar would require a minimum the heated die and the temperature and pressure of the injected
central span of 8.4 km. Meier [160], showed that the use of carbon- polymer are as specified. Furthermore, transportation costs for
fibre-reinforced polymer components for the bridge deck and FRP pultruded structural elements are lower in comparison to
cables would allow a significant increase in the limiting span of the traditional materials due to their specific weight.
2438 L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445
(vi) A self-stressed bowstring footbridge which is based on an Repair region: The steel rebars which are exposed to the splash
elastically curved pultruded FRP cylindrical pipe, the geometry of zone of the pile are particularly likely to corrode due to a com-
which is that of an elastica, has been introduced by Caron et al. bination of deposit of salt onto the pile surface during the wet/
[34]. A cable is anchored at the ends of the curved member to dry cycles of the tide.
maintain its shape, and two zigzag stay strings to maintain the
curved arches and bows. The energy stored elastically in the bent (x) Structural health monitoring (SHM), in recent years, has at-
bows provides the self-stress that generates the required stability tracted significant interest from academia, government agencies,
for the whole structure; no heavy equipment is required to buckle and industries involved in a diverse field of disciplines including ci-
the curved members. vil, marine, mechanical, military, aerospace, power generation, off-
(vii) Reuse of structural composite materials is high in the shore and oil and gas. The aim of SHM is to detect damage
waste hierarchy, but may not provide the most practical option initiation and to subsequently monitor the development of this
for many FRP composite applications. The way in which a mate- damage using structurally-integrated sensors in order to provide
rial is used, its applications and how it is secured to other com- early warning and other useful information for successful interven-
ponents must be considered with a view to deconstruction and tion to preserve the structural integrity of the host. Optical fibre
reuse at the end of that application’s life. The manufacturing sensors are widely used for SHM applications to measure strain,
process must be examined to identify any possible modifications load, displacement, impact, pH-level, moisture, crack width, vibra-
to enable design for future reuse or recycling. The US Army has tion signatures, and the presence of cracks by modifying a fibre so
commissioned two bridges constructed entirely from recycled that the quantity to be measured modulates the intensity, phase,
consumer and industrial plastics using Axion International Hold- polarisation and wavelength or transit time of light in the fibre.
ings, Inc. N.J., proprietary immiscible blending to create Recycled Optical fibre-based sensors such as fibre Bragg gratings (FBG),
Structural Composites (RSC). These bridges will be constructed intensiometric and polarimetric-type sensors and those based on
at Fort Eustis, Va, the home of the US Army Transport Corps. interferometric principles (e.g., Fabry–Perot) have been shown to
The load rating capacities of these bridges is 130 tonnes. This offer specific advantages in their niche area of applications.
must be seen as an excellent use of waste FRP composite The advantages of optical fibre sensing in engineering struc-
material. tures include their insensitivity to electromagnetic radiation (espe-
(viii) Cured-in-place-pipes (CIPP) which are designed to reline cially in the vicinity of power generators in construction sites),
existing pipe infrastructure without costly excavation, is an inno- being spark-free, intrinsically safe, non-conductive and light-
vative use of composites. For example, Reline America (Saltville, weight, and also their suitability for embedding into structures.
Va.) in Amarillo, Texas has recently installed a 600 mm diameter To date, a number of key optical fibre sensors have been reported
CIPP pipe. CC Technologies Laboratories Inc. (Dublin, Ohio) in con- and their applications for damage detection in FRP composite
junction with National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Hous- structures are given in review articles, Kuang and Cantwell [130],
ton, Texas, (NACE International) has estimated that the direct Zhou and Sim [227], Kuang et al. [131].
cost of metallic corrosion in the US is $300 billion (USD) per year. (xi) Nanoparticles can be classified into three categories depend-
There are significant corrosion costs in metallic pipe technologies, ing upon their number of nanoscale dimensions, namely, nano-
including water and sewer systems, industrial plants and electrical plates, nano-tubes and nano-spheres. Chemically treated layered
utilities and the corrosion-resistant composites are ideally suited silicates (clays) which come under the definition of nano-plates
to replace these systems. can be combined with normal polymer matrix materials to form
(ix) Underwater FRP repair became a possibility following the a nano-composite in which clay layers are distributed throughout
availability of resins that can cure under wet conditions. How- the material. Le Baron et al. [135], Ray and Okamoto [184], Utraki
ever, the application is somewhat controversial because of the [219], have shown that these high aspect ratio clays can alter the
uncertainty regarding the continuing corrosion inside the wrap. properties of a range of thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers
Nevertheless, several demonstration projects have been com- by a number of mechanisms, for instance, by improving their
pleted although the majority of such repairs were undertaken mechanical and thermal properties and reducing permeability. As
in dry conditions, Sen [196]. The repairs are only durable if the discussed in Part A there exists a number of different properties
conditions responsible for the original damage are removed. that can be tested with respect to any material, these can be di-
For corrosion damage all chloride-contaminated concrete must vided into four categories, mechanical, physical, thermal and dura-
be removed. For piles that are half submerged in salt water bility. The first three can be tested in a more direct manner than
the cost of such preparation is very high and therefore the pile those of durability which is time dependent and involves more
repair is undertaken in conjunction with a cathodic protection complex variables. Composite materials are frequently used in
system otherwise the repaired region will corrode again very close proximity to, in contact with or enclosed in concrete. The
quickly. high pH value of the cement pore solution generates a problem re-
The issues associated with the repair of underwater structures lated to the durability of glass fibre composites which are suscep-
are: tible to attack from alkali due to the reactivity of the glass fibre
itself. Freshly manufactured concrete will have a pH value of
Preparation of surface of structure: The repair of the pile using 12.8 increasing to 13.4 after 7 days (Li et al. [140]. Carbon fibre
FRP composite is part contact-critical, to allow expansion due composites on the other hand do not absorb liquids and are subse-
to the corrosion, and part bond-critical to allow for strengthen- quently resistant to all forms of ingress from alkalis or solvents,
ing of the pile. Balazs and Borosnyoi [14]. Polymer–organoclay nano-composites
Cleaning corroded steel: There are guide lines for the repair of are able to reduce the rate of permeability of salt solutions into
deteriorated concrete, provided by the International Concrete the polymer, Zhou and Lee [228], Haque et al. [78] and thus delay
Repair Institute, Concrete Repair Manual [45]. the attack on the glass fibre from alkali solutions.
Access to pile, The success of the repair requires easy access to Calcium silicate hydrate, a naturally occurring material in ce-
the entire region to be wrapped. ments, is composed of particles little more than a nanometre in
Environmental conditions: The temperature wind and tide will size and tools have been developed to manipulate its behaviour
interfere with the placement of the wrap and can adversely at the nanoscale to form stronger and denser concrete. Scientists
affect the quality of the repair. at the University of Michigan, USA have developed a mixture of
L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445 2439
carbon nano-tubes and polymer that is very strong and has electri- materials; manufacturing wind turbine blades represents one of
cal properties that allow it to act as a sensor skin. The carbon nano- the largest single applications of engineered composites in the
tubes and polymer material may be applied to the surface of a world. The vast majority of that total tonnage is glass fibre and
structure or, for instance, may be added to a pre-fabricated panel thermosetting polymers (either epoxy or vinyl-ester polymer); car-
and it would then act to provide environmental protection and bon fibre composites are also used as they have a greater strength
constant monitoring of a structure’s condition throughout its sur- and are lighter than GFRP composites. The best prospects for large-
face as opposed to a few locations. scale production and net-energy performance remain wind, earth
(xii) Sustainable materials/environment development The most based and space based solar energies. The first two renewable
commonly quoted definition of sustainability which aims to be energies face important limitations due to intermittency, remote-
more comprehensive than most is that of Brundtland [30]: Sustain- ness of good ground sources; the space based solar power is limit-
able development is development that meets the needs of the present less. The basic idea of space based solar power structural systems is
without compromising the needs of future generations to meet their to place large solar arrays into the intensely sunlit low earth orbit
own needs. or ideally in geostationary orbit and collect gigawatt of electrical
‘Sustainability is a process of change in which the exploitation energy and then beam it to earth using either lasers or microwaves.
of resources, the direction of investment and institutional change This system would require many large double layer skeletal space
are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential structures manufactured from FRP composites to support the solar
to meet human needs and aspirations’, Lee and Jain [137]. How- collectors and reflectors. Hollaway [99] as discussed this idea with
ever, the fabrication of the matrix and fibre of composite materials particular reference to the hostile environments at low earth, and
are of primary concern when considering sustainability as the for- at geostationary orbits. Solar power has great potential, it is the
mer component is produced from one of the fossil fuels such as largest energy source available to mankind for consumption on
crude oil and natural gas and the latter component (viz. glass, car- earth and the rate at which it is used today does not affect the
bon or aramid for civil engineering consumption) require high amount that can be used tomorrow. If, however, the solar radiation
temperatures during production (1400° C for glass; 1200–2400° C received today is not trapped and utilised, it will not be available
for carbon) and in the case of the latter two fibres require petro- tomorrow, the sun is not an infinite resource and is slowly (albeit
leum by-products as precursors. It is worth mentioning that the very very slowly) running down. Heinberg and Mander [86] have
more conventional civil engineering materials also have high envi- also made an important observation: ‘a full replacement of energy
ronmental cost associated with them. For instance, during the derived from fossils fuels with energy from alternative sources is
refining process of the manufacture of steel the removal of the oxy- probably impossible over the short term; it may be unrealistic to
gen from the mined iron ore is by heating it with coke and lime- expect it even over longer time frames’. Nevertheless, whatever
stone to a temperature of about 1600° C in a blast furnace. In the systems are used to harness renewable forms of energy, they are
case of the manufacture of cement a combination of the fundamen- providing and will continue to provide ideal opportunities for the
tal raw ingredients of cement, namely, calcium, silicon, aluminium, FRP composite industry and this industry should take full advan-
and iron are mixed in a rotating kiln and the burning fuel inside the tage of these opportunities.
kiln reach temperatures of 1430–1650° C. Nevertheless, when con-
sidering the energy component of the FRP composite and the mate-
rial resources in isolation it would appears that the argument for 13. Observations
FRP composites in a sustainable environment is uncertain. How-
ever, such a conclusion needs to be evaluated in terms of the po- It will be clear from the paper that in the foreseeable future it is
tential advantages of FRP composites in terms of: likely that the main utilisation of the APC materials will be used in
conjunction with the more conventional materials. The combina-
(i) The in-service and mechanical properties and in particular tion of these two dissimilar materials will be utilised in such a
its long-term durability (see Part A), when compared with way within the structure that the benefits, in terms of the mechan-
the more conventional materials. ical and in-service properties and the economics of the complete
(ii) Its utilisation in conjunction with the conventional materials system, will be clearly seen. The advantages of FRP composites
in terms of rehabilitation of structures, seismic retrofitting can be realised from its physical characteristics and their potential
to columns, the manufacture of bridge decks and the hybrid in developing structural systems with service lives exceeding tra-
structures to form cost-effective structures in terms of ditional materials. The light weight of the composite can result in
whole-life cost and to provide an economic structural lower construction costs and increased speed of construction
system. resulting in reduced environmental impacts. In the case of FRP
composite materials’ high-strength and stiffness characteristics
(xiii) From the point of view of geopolitical or environmental issues will require less material to achieve similar performance as tradi-
it is clear that the present methods of producing energy are not tional materials resulting in minimising resource use and waste
sustainable. The currently known sources of coal and oil and the production. In general, the advantage of FRP composites is its po-
magnitude of their deposits are finite, in addition, the price of these tential to extend the service life of existing structures and to devel-
fuels continue to rise, this is causing the renewable forms of energy op new structures that are far more resistant to the effects of aging,
to become more cost-effective and profitable. Wind power is the weathering, and degradation in severe environments. It has been
world’s fastest growing energy source (renewable or otherwise) shown that the use of FRP composites for construction of new
and as a result, the giant rotor blades on the turbines have become structures and rehabilitation of existing structures has increased
the composites industry fastest growing application. During 2007, significantly over the past decades. Due to its advantageous char-
slightly more than 20,000 MW of wind power was installed world- acteristics, FRP composites have been utilised in new construction
wide and according to the European Wind Energy Association. of structures through its use as reinforcement in concrete, bridge
(EWEA) this represents a total installed capacity of 94,112 MW, decks, modular structures, formwork and external reinforcement
an increase of 31% compared with 2006. This represented about for strengthening and seismic upgrade. Whilst the mechanical
17,000 turbines, or nearly 50,000 blades. Assuming a 1.5-MW tur- advantages of using FRP composites have been reported widely
bine has a typical blade of 36 m length and weighing about in the literature and the in-service properties have been discussed
5216 kg this represents nearly 200,000 metric tonnes of composite in Part A, questions remain as to the feasibility of FRP composites
2440 L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445
within the framework of sustainable environments. It has been To this end, simple duplications of existing structural systems are
mentioned in the last part of Section 12 of this paper that the eval- often inadequate. Furthermore, Section 12 has discussed the future
uated of FRP composites in the construction industry must be direction for innovative uses of composite materials for construc-
looked at in terms of the advantageous specific strength and stiff- tion and probably the greatest use yet of structural FRP composite
ness of the composite, low environmental impact, low human and is/will be in the area of structural members for the harnessing of
environmental health risks, sustainable site design strategies and energy from Wind, wave, hydroelectric, underground coal gasifica-
high-performance. In addition, innovations are required to reduce tion, geothermal and solar power.
costs of production and minimising environmental impacts. In
terms of implementation, the development of codes and standards Appendix A
that include considerations for safety, performance, and sustain-
ability are needed to transfer technology from laboratory to the A.1. Typical mechanical values
Based on the above discussion, it is apparent that the area of hy- See Table A1–A5.
brid structures should be a major research focus in the use of FRP
composites in new construction. Within the area of hybrid struc-
tures, the aim should be to optimally combine FRP with traditional Appendix B
structural materials such as steel and concrete to create innovative
structural forms that are cost-effective and of high-performance. B.1. Design codes, codes and specifications for the design of FRP
composites in structural engineering
Table A1
Typical tensile mechanical properties of glass, carbon and aramid fibres. In recent years a significant number of design codes and speci-
fications have been published by technical organisations which
Material Fibre Elastic Tensile Ultimate
provide guidance for design with FRP materials for civil engineer-
modulus strength strain
(GPa) (MPa) (%) ing. The key publications are listed below.
Glass fibre E 69 2400 3.5
A 69 3700 5.4 B.1.1. British and European
S-2 86 3450 4.0
Carbon fibre Structural Design of Polymer Composites Eurocomp Design
Pan based fibre Code and handbook. Edited by John L Clarke., (1996).
Hysol Grafil Apollo HMa 300 5200 1.73 fib Task Group 9.3, FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures,
UHMb 450 3500 0.78
Federation Internationale du Beton (1999).
HSc 260 5020 1.93
fib Bulletin 14, Design and use of externally-bonded FRP Rein-
Pan based fibre
forcement for RC Structures, Federation Internationale du
BASF Celion G-40–700 300 4960 1.66
Gy 80 572 1860 0.33 Beton [71,72].
‘Strengthening Concrete Structures using Fibre Composite
Pan based fibre Torayca T300 234 3530 1.51
Materials: Acceptance, Inspection and Monitoring’ TR57, Con-
Pitch based fibres
crete Society, Camberley, UK [46].
Hysol union carbide T-300 227.5 2758.0 1.76
T-500 241.3 3447.5 1.79 ‘Design Guidance for Strengthening Concrete Structures Using
T-600 241.3 4137.0 1.80 Fibre Composite Materials’, TR55, 2nd ed., Concrete Society,
T-700 248.2 4550.7 1.81 Camberley, UK [46].
Aramid fibre 49 125 2760 2.2 ‘Strengthening Metallic Structures Using Externally Bonded
29 83 2750 3.3 Fibre-Reinforced’ Cadei, J.M., Stratford, T.K., Hollaway, L.C.,
High-modulus (American definition is known as intermediate modulus). and Duckett, W.G. CIRIA Report, C595, (2004).
Ultra-high-modulus (American definition is known as intermediate modulus). Eurocrete Modifications to NS3473 – When Using FRP Rein-
High-strength. forcement, Report No. STF 22 A 98741, Norway (1998).
Table A2
Typical tensile mechanical properties of the three thermosetting polymers used in civil engineering.
Material Specific strength Ultimate tensile strength (MPa) Modulus of elasticity in tension (GPa) Coefficient of linear expansion (10 /°C)
Polyester 1.28 45–90 2.5–4.0 100–110
Vinyl-ester 1.07 90 4.0 80
Epoxy 1.03 90–110 3.5 45–65
Table A3
Typical tensile mechanical properties of long directionally aligned fibre reinforced composites (fibre weight fraction 65%) manufactured by automated process (the matrix
material is epoxy).
Material Specific weight Tensile strength (MPa) Tensile modulus (GPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Flexural modulus (GPa)
E-glass 1.9 760–1030 41.0 1448 41.0
S-2 glass 1.8 1690.0 52.0 – –
Aramid 58 1.45 1150–1380 70–107 – –
Carbon (PAN) 1.6 2689–1930 130–172 1593 110.0
Carbon (Pitch) 1.8 1380–1480 331–440 – –
L.C. Hollaway / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 2419–2445 2441
Table A4
Typical tensile mechanical properties of glass fibre composites manufactured by different fabrication methods.
Method of manufacture Tensile strength (MPa) Tensile modulus (GPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Flexural modulus (GPa)
Hand lay-up 62–344 4–31 110–550 6–28
Spray-up 35–124 6–12 83–190 5–9
RTM 138–193 3–10 207–310 8–15
Filament winding 550–1380 30–50 690–1725 34–48
Pultrusion 275–1240 21–41 517–14,448 21–41
Table A5
Typical tensile mechanical properties of glass fibre/vinyl-ester polymer (compression moulding – randomly orientated fibres).
Fibre/matrix ratio (%) Specific weight Flexural strength (MPa) Flexural modulus (GPa) Tensile strength (MPa) Tensile modulus (GPa)
67 1.84–1.90 483 17.9 269 19.3
65 1.75 406 15.1 214 15.8
50 1.8 332 15.3 166 15.8
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