RRU3908 (DC) V2 Installation Guide (V200 - 04)

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RRU3908(DC) V2

Installation Guide

Issue: 04
Date: 2011-02-15

Installation Tools …………………………………… 2

…………………………… 3
Installation Options ………
Dimensions and Installation Clearance ………… 4
Installation Procedure ……
…………………………… 6
Preparing the Installation…………………………… 6
Installing the RRU on a Metal Pole ……………… 7
Installing the RRU on a U
Steel ………………… 11
Installing the RRU on an Angle
A Steel …………… 11
Installing the RRU on a Wall
W ……………………… 12
Installing the RRU Cables
s ………………………… 15
RRU Hardware Installation
n Checklist …………… 27
Powering On the RRU …… …………………………… 27
Appendix ……………………
…………………………… 28
Change History ……………
………………………...… 33

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2011. All rights reserved.

Installation Tools

Hammer drill (with bit 14) ESD gloves

g Vacuum cleaner

Phillips sccrewdriver Flat-head screwdriver

Heat gun (M3~
(M3 ~M6)
M6) (M3~M6)
(M3 M6)

R bb h
Rubber hammer C i ing
Crimp i pliers
li Wi stripper
Wire ti

Adjustable wrench
Guarded blade utility knife
f Wi e cutter
Wire tt (with the diameter of at least 32 mm)

Torque wrench


M3~M6 Combination wrench
(21mm~21mm) for pole installation
Torque screwdriver (17mm~17mm) for wall installation

Markking pen
(with the diam
meter of no more
Multimeter Measuring tape
than 10 mm)

Installation Options

On a metal pole On a U-steel On an angle steel On a wall

The following
g figure
g describes the specifications
p for the metal p
pole,, angle
g steel,, and U-steel
U where the RRU
U is

30 mm to 50 mm
60 mm to 114 mm
63 mm to 80 mm

(The recommended value is 80 mm.)

50 mm to 100 mm
63 mm to 80 mm
Metal pole Angle steel U-steel

Th angle
The l b
the vertical and the
angle steel or U-
Angle steel
≤10° steel or angle steel
or U-steel where the RRU is
installed must be
less than or equal
to 10 degree.
The brackets cannot be
combined when the RRU Us
are installed on the wall.

z If the diameter of a pole ranges from 60 mm to 76 mmm, a maximum of two RRUs can be installed on the pole
and the side-mounted installation is not recommended. IfI three or more RRUs must be installed on a pole in
centralized mode, the diameter of the pole must range frrom 76 mm to 114 mm.
z Only one RRU can be installed on a U-steel or an ang gle steel at the back.
z When installed on a tower, only one RRU can be insta alled in standard mode or reverse mode, and two RRUs
can be installed one a pole in back-to-back mode. A singgle RRU cannot be installed on the side and the
brackets for more than two RRUs cannot be combined.
z A single RRU can be bound and lifted to a tower. For details, see page 28 "Binding the RRU and Installation

Dimensions and Installation Clearance
a Dimensions of the RRU b Recommended Clearance for a
Single RRU

380 mm 170 mm
The recommended installation clearance meets the
requirements of the equipment for normal running and OM.
When the installation space is sufficient, the recommended
installation clearance can be adopted.

≥300 mm

485 mm

≥500 mm

c Minimum Clearance for a

Single RRU d Minimum clearance for the RRU
installed on a tower
200 mm
The minimum installation clearance meets the
requirements of the equipment for normal running and
heat dissipation, but does not meet the requirements for
Operation and Maintenance (OM) such as checking the
status of the LEDs and opening the maintenance cavity.
When the installation space is restricted, the minimum
installation clearance can be adopted.
200 mm

300 mm

op view Side view
Auxiliary metal pole
400 mm 280 mm

300 mm
Top view
100 mm 400 mm

280 mm

600 mm
Main metal Auxiliary
Main metal pole pole metal pole

Dimensions and Installation Clearance
e f
Recommended Clearance for Minimum Clearance for Multiple
Multiple Centralized RRUs Centralized RRUs
200 mm
≥300 mm

Top view
300 mm
300 mm
≥500 mm

300 mm

600 mm

g Recommended Horizontal Spacing for

Two RRUs Installed in Parallel
h Minimum Horizontal Spacing for Two
RRUs Installed in Parallel

≥300 mm ≥600 mm ≥600 mm

m 100 mm 400 mm 400 mm

d d Vertical
V ti l Spacing
S i
Two RRUs Installed in Parallel
j Minimum
Mi i Vertical
V ti l Spacing
S i
RRUs Installed in Parallel
f Two

≥300 mm 200 mm

≥500 mm 300 mm

≥500 mm 300 mm
Installation Procedure


Prepare the

Install the RRU on a Install the RRU on a Install the RRU on an Install the RRU on a
metal pole U-steel angle steel wall

Install th
he RRU

Check th
he RRU
Hardware Installation

Power on the RRU


Preparing the Installation

Auxiliary bracket Cover plate Attachment plate

Dual-nut bolt

Main bracket

Main and auxiliary brackets for the RRU Front Back

Installing the RRU on a Mettal Pole
a Installing a Single RRU on a Metal
M Pole
1. Install the main bracket.

When installing the

main bracket,
ensure that the
contact piece on
the bracket is fixed.


You may fit one end of the auxiliary bracket on one duual-nut bolt assembly and then the other end on the
other dual-nut bolt assembly during the installation.

2. Use an adjustable wrench to tighten the nut

n until the fastening torque is 40 N·m. In
this way, the main and auxiliary brackets are
e secured on the pole.

Fasten the two dual-nut bolt assemblies

alternatively. After the brackets are secure,
use a tape to measure the spacing between
the main bracket and the auxiliary bracket at
the two sides and ensure that the spacing is
the same.

3. Install the RRU on the main bracket. When you hear click sound, you can infer that
the RRU is in p position.


z The weight-bearing capacity of the RF

ports at the bottom of the RRU is low. Do
not place the RRU at its bottom.
z During the operation, place the foam
padd or cardboard
db d underd ththe RRU tto
prevent any damage to the housing of
the RRU.

Installing the RRU on a Mettal Pole
b Installing Two RRUs Back-To-Back on a Metal Pole
1. Install an RRU. For details, see page 7 2. Install the main fixture for another RRU.
Installing a Single RRU on a Metal Pole.

3. Reinstall the attachment plate and cover plate

p on the second RRU by interchanging
their positions.



4. Install the second RRU on the main brack

In reverse mode
In standard mode

Ensure that the caabling

cavities of the two
o RRUs
face the same dirrection
when installing the RRUs.

Cabling cavity

Installing the RRU on a Mettal Pole
c Installing Multiple RRUs in Ceentralized Mode
1. Install the main fixture and the auxiliary fix
xture. For details, see page 7
Installing a Single RRU in Ordinary Mode.

2. Relocate the attachment plate.



3. Fit the tabs on the attachment plate of the

e 4. Install the second main fixture.
RRU into the anchor slots on the main fixturre.

5. Fit the tabs on the attachment plate of 6. Install the third RRU.
the second RRU into the anchor slots on
the second main fixture.

Installing the RRU on a Mettal Pole
c Installing Multiple RRUs in Ceentralized Mode
7. Install the fourth main fixture. 8. Fit the tabs on the attachment plate of
the fourth RRU into the anchor slots on
the fourth main fixture.

9. Four RRUs installed in centralized mode. 10. Six RRUs installed in centralized mode.

Installing the RRU on a U-S
Plan view


z The procedure for installing the RRU on a U-steel is th
he same as that for installing the RRU on a metal pole.
It is recommended that only
z槽钢安装时推荐只安装一个RRU。 个 one RRU be installed on a U-steel.

Installing the RRU on an An

ngie Steel

Plan view

Angle steel

zThe procedure for installing the RRU on an angle steel is the same as that for installing the RRU on a metal
z It is recommended that only one RRU be installed on an
a angle steel.

Installing the RRU on a Wall
1. Place the auxiliary bracket at the installatio
on position. Use a level to check that the
auxiliary bracket is placed horizontally.
horizontally Then n mark the anchor points by using a
marking pen.

128 mm

Auxiliary bracket

126.5 mm 126..5 mm


1200 mm~1600 mm

z It is recommended that the auxiliary bracket be 1,200 mm to 1,600 mm above the ground.
z The RRUs cannot installed on a wall in centralized moode. Therefore, expansion bolt assemblies should be
prepared for each RRU.

2. Drill holes at the anchor points and then in

nstall the expansion bolt assemblies.
M10x65 bolt
Spring washer 10
Plastic tube
Flat washer 10
Expansion tube

55 mm to 60 mm
Do not hammer the bolt entirely into the
wall. Instead, leave 20 mm to 30 mm of
the bolt outside the wall.

20 mm to 30 mm
After the expa
ansion bolt is removed,
dispose of the
e plastic tube.

When the RRU is installed on a wall, the requirements are as follows:

z For one RRU, the wall has a weight-bearing capacityy of 98 kg.
z The fastening torque of the expansion bolt reaches 30
3 N·m, the expansion bolt works properly, and no
damages such as cracks are on the wall.

Installing the RRU on a Wall
3. Fit the auxiliary bracket on the expansion
n 4. Install the main bracket.
bolts downward, and then tighten the bolts
by using a combination wrench 17 mm.



Arrows are upwards

5. Install the RRU.

Installing the RRU on a Wall
6. Install multiple
p RRUs.

Recommended Clearance :
≥760 mm ≥760 mm

Minimum Clearance:

650 mm 650mm

≥70 mm ≥70 mm

Installing the RRU Cables
a Cable Connections of a Singlee RRU
Install the PGND cable
DC RRU alarm cable

CPRI optical cable Install the RF jumper
(RF cable between RFUs is
DC RRU power cable optional)

RF cable between RFUs

RCU Install the DC RRU power cable
AISG multi-wire cable between
the RRU and the RCU
RRU RF jumper Install the CPRI optical cable

Install the DC RRU alarm
AISG extended cable between cable(optional)
the RRU and the RCU
PGND cable Install the AISG multi-wire cable
between the RRU and the RCU

Install the AISG multi-wire cable

between the RRU and the RCU

External power supply External alarm device

z When a dual-polarized antenna is shared by two RRUs in the same sector, the two RRUs are connected through an
RF cable between RFUs. The connections of three RRUs in the
t same sector are not supported.
z On AC-powered electric railways, such as high speed railwways, when leaky cables are connected to RRUs installed in
tunnels, high-voltage-resistance DC blocks must be installed between RRU RF jumpers and the leaky cables to protect
the RRUs against damage.

b Cable Connections of Multiplee RRUs

This figure shows only the CPRI optical

cable connections. For details on the
connections of other cables, see the
cable connections for a single RRU.

Installing the RRU Cables
c Cable List

Cable Connector Type Connected to…

PGND cable OT terminal ( M6 ) Grounding bolt on the RRU
(16 mm²) OT terminal ( M8 ) Nearest grounding bar

RRU RF jumper DIN male connector Ports labeled ANT_TX/RXA and ANT_TX/RXB on the

DIN male connector Feeder or antenna

DC RRU power Easy power receptacle z North American standard: The OT terminal on the
cable (pressfit type) connector blue wire is connected to the NEG(-) port on the
( North American cabling cavity of the RRU. The OT terminal on the
standard: 12AWG black wire is connected to the RTN(+) port on the
European standard: cabling cavity of the RRU

4 mm² ) z European
E standard:
t d d Th The OT terminal
t i l on the
th blue
wire is connected to the NEG(-) port on the cabling
cavity of the RRU. The OT terminal on the brown wire
is connected to the RTN(+) port on the cabling cavity
of the RRU

Bare wire External power supply

CPRI optical cable DLC connector Connect the fiber tails labeled 1A and 1B to the CPRI0
port on the RRU

Connect the fiber tails labeled 2A and 2B to one of the

CPRI0 to CPRI5 ports on the WBBP

When the optical cable is used for RRU

interconnection, the 1A and 1B ends are connected to
the CPRI0 port in the cabling cavity of the RRU1, and
the 2A and 2B ends are connected to the CPRI1 port
in the cabling cavity of the RRU0

Installing the RRU Cables
c Cable List

Cable Connector Type C

Connected to…
AISG multi-wire Waterproof DB9 connector P labeled RET on the RRU
cable between the
Standard AISG female Standard AISG male connector of the AISG extension
RRU and the
connector c
cable or RCU

AISG extended Standard AISG male Standard AISG female connector of the AISG multi-wire
cable between the connector c
RRU and the
RCU Standard AISG female S
Standard AISG male connector of the RCU

RF cable between 2W2 connector P labeled RX_IN/OUT on the upper-level RRU

2W2 connector P labeled RX_IN/OUT
Port RX IN/OUT on the lower-level
lower level RRU

DC RRU alarm DB15 male connector P labeled EXT_ALM in the RRU cabling cavity
Eight cord end terminals E
External alarm devices

SFP high-speed
g p SFP200 male connector th
he CPRI1 p
port on the upper-level
pp RRU
cable for
cascading SFP200 male connector th
he CPRI0 port on the lower-level RRU

Coil the extra length of a cable, and then connect the cable
c to the corresponding port according to actual
installation scenario.

Installing the RRU Cables
d Opening the Cover Plate of thhe RRU Cabling Cavity
1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to 2. Open the cover for the cabling cavity
unfasten the screw for protecting by lifting the handle on the cover.
the cabling cavity.


Screw for protecting

the cabling cavity

e The Cabling Cavity of the RR


Cover plate of
the cabling cavity

Cabling cavity

Reference for making

the power cable cable clip

Cable trough for the optical cable

Cable trough for the power cable
Cable trough for the optical cable

Waterproof filler

Installing the RRU Cables
f Cable Connections of RRU

DC RRU alarm cable

CPRI optical cable
DC RRU power cable
PGND cable
RRU RF jumper

Shielding layer of
the power cable

Insulating tape Waterproof tape Insulating tape

Keep the dustproof caps on vacant feeder

connectors. Wrap the feeder connectors with
waterproof tapes for outdoor scenarios, as
shown in the figure.


z For details about how to add easy power receptacle (presssfit type) connectors to the power cable, see "Adding Easy
Power Receptacle (Pressfit Type) Connector to the Power Ca able" in page 29.
z For details on how to add OT terminals to the DC RRU pow wer cable of the RRU, see page 30 " Adding OT Terminals
to the Shielding Layer of the DC RRU Power Cable."
z When wrapping the waterproof tape, apply even force to exxtend the tape until the width of the tape is 1/2 of the
original width.
z Wrap the joint spirally upward, downward, and then upward d again. In other words, the joint is wrapped by three layers
of the tape. Ensure that the two immediate layers overlap with h each other about half the width of the tape. For details,
see page 31 “Waterproofing Outdoor Cables.”
z Install the optical module before installing the optical cabless. For details, see page 31 “Installing the Optical Module.”

z Secure the shielding layer at one end of the power cable to o the RRU with a clamp ring.
z Thee RRU U po
e cab
e is
ou ded at bot
both ends.
e ds Connect
Co ect tthe e other
ot e eend
doof tthe
U po
e cab
e to tthe
e po
equipment for grounding.
z Press the strap on the exposed shielding layer of the powe er cable tightly. Ensure that the lower edge of the exposed
shield layer does not exceed the position shown in the figure..
z Ground the shielding layer at the other end of the power ca able.
z Waterproof fillers should be installed in the unused cable trrough.

Installing the RRU Cables
g Closing the Cover Plate of the
e RRU Cabling Cavity

Check the waterproof fillers

before closing the cabling cavity.
The waterproof fillers are
installed in the idle cable troughs,
and the waterproof fillers are
removed d ffrom the
th cable
bl ttroughs
h 1 4N•m
where the cables are routed.

Screw for
the cabling

h RRU Cable Installation Scena

1. RRU+Wall-Mounted BBU.
DC RRU power cable
CPRI optical
ti l cable
Shielding layer
power cable

The DCDU panel must

face right side and the
BBU panel must face

z At the end of the DC RRU power cable connected to thet DCDU-03B, you need to make the shielding layer of
the power cable into an OT terminal, and then connect the
t OT terminal to the PGND terminal of the
corresponding port on the DCDU-03B. For details aboutt making an OT terminal, see page 30.
z The DC RRU power cable is connected to one group of the LOAD0 to LOAD5 terminals of the DCDU-03B.
C RRU power cables need not to be grounded.
z When the BBU and RRU are installed indoors, the DC

Installing the RRU Cables
h RRU Cable Installation Scena


Grounding the shielding

layer of the power cable:

DC RRU power cable shielding layer (25 mm) PGND cable

CPRI optical cable


z The
Th DC RRU power cable
bl iis connected
t d tto one off th
h LOAD0 to
he t LOAD5 terminals
t i l off the
th DCDU-03B.
z Strip the jacket of the DC RRU power cable for a sm
mall part, press the exposed shielding layer on the
strap, and then connect the PGND cable on the strap to the nearest grounding bolt on the side in the OMB.

Installing the RRU Cables
h RRU Cable Installation Scena

3. RRU+APM30/APM30H (Ver.A)

Grounding the shielding

layer of the power cable:

shielding layer (25 mm) PGND cable

DC RRU power cable
CPRI optical cable


z The DC RRU power cable is connected to one off the LOAD4 to LOAD9 terminals of the PDU.
z Strip the jacket of the DC RRU power cable for a small part
part, press the exposed shielding layer on the
strap, and then connect the PGND cable on the stra
ap to the nearest grounding bolt on the side in the

Installing the RRU Cables
h RRU Cable Installation Scena

4. RRU+APM30(+24V) / APM30H(Ver.B, +24V)

Grounding the shielding

layer of the power cable:

shielding layer (25 mm) PGND cable

DC RRU power cable
CPRI optical cable


z Strip the jacket of the DC RRU power cable for a small

s part, press the exposed shielding layer on the
strap, and then connect the PGND cable on the strapp to the nearest grounding bolt on the side in the
z The DC RRU power cable is connected to one of the LOAD0 to LOAD5 terminals of the DCDU-03B.

Installing the RRU Cables
h RRU Cable Installation Scena

5. RRU+APM30H (Ver.B)

Grounding the shielding

layer of the power cable:

shielding layer (25 mm) PGND cable

DC RRU power cable

CPRI optical cable


z The DC RRU power cable is connected to one off the RRU0 to RRU5 terminals of the EPS.
z Strip the jacket of the DC RRU power cable for a small part, press the exposed shielding layer on the
strap, and then connect the PGND cable on the stra
ap to the nearest grounding bolt on the side in the

Installing the RRU Cables
h RRU Cable Installation Scena


Grounding the shielding

layer of the power cable:

shielding layer (25 mm) PGND cable

power cable
CPRI optical cable


z The DC RRU power cable is connected to one off the LOAD0 to LOAD5 terminals of the DCDU-03B.
z Strip the jacket of the DC RRU power cable for a small part, press the exposed shielding layer on the
strap, and then connect the PGND cable on the stra
ap to the nearest grounding bolt on the side in the

Installing the RRU Cables
h RRU Cable Installation Scena

7. RRU+TMC11H(Ver.A) / TMC11H(Ve

Grounding the shielding

layer of the power cable:

shielding layer (25 mm) PGND cable

DC RRU power cable

CPRI optical cable


z The DC RRU power cable is connected to one off the LOAD0 to LOAD5 terminals of the DCDU-03B.
z Strip the jacket of the DC RRU power cable for a small part, press the exposed shielding layer on the
strap, and then connect the PGND cable on the stra
ap to the nearest grounding bolt on the side in the

RRU Hardware Installation Checklist
No. Items

1 All self-made PGND cables are copper-based with the proper

p wire diameters. No breaking device such as switch and
fuse is allowed for the electric connection of the ground
ding system. No short circuit is allowed. Each terminal on the
grounding bar can be connected with only one wiring te erminal of the PGND cable.

2 The RRU and the installation parts are securely installe


3 The cover plate is securely installed on the cabling caviity of the RRU.

4 Waterproof fillers are installed in the idle cable troughs of the cabling cavity of the RRU, and the cover plate of the
cabling cavity is securely installed. In addition, the idle RF
R ports are covered with waterproof caps and waterproofed.

5 There are no connectors or joints on the power cable orr PGND cable.

6 The terminals at both ends of the power cable or PGND

D cable are securely soldered or crimped.

7 The flat washer and the spring washer are well mounted on all OT terminals.

8 All the power cables and PGND cables are not short-cirrcuited or reversely connected. In addition, no damaged or
broken parts exist.

9 The power cable, PGND cable, feeder, optical cable an

nd the E1/T1/FE signal cable are bound separately with a
spacing of larger than 30 mm.

10 The connector of the signal cable is intact, and no dama

aged or broken parts exist on the cable.

11 Labels are correct, legible, and complete on both ends of each cable.

Powering on the RRU


whether the input No
voltage of the RRU is a
Normal input voltage of the
Recctify the fault RRU:
If the RRU is supplied with
Yes -48 V DC power, the
external input power
voltage ranges from -57 V
Power on the RRU DC to -36
36 V DC

b Recctify the fault b

Normal status of the
LEDs on the RRU:
Check RUN LED: ON for 1s
whether the status of and OFF for 1s
the LEDs on the RRU ALM LED: OFF
is normal.

When the RRU is unpacked, it must
End be powered on within 24 hours.

a Binding the RRU and Installattion Components
1. Bind the RRU by leading the lifting rope along the lower part of the adapting piece and
through the handle, bind the main and auxilia ary brackets with the lifting rope, and then
bind the steering rope with the handle of the RRU, as shown in the following figures.

Lifting rope

Steering rope

wer part of the
apting piece

z When lifting the RRU and installation components to the tower, Do not bind the lifting rope
prevent the RRU from colliding with the tower
tower. only on the handle when
z Lift the RRU to the tower before it is installed on the metal
m pole, lifting the RRU.
angle steel, or U-steel.

2. Lift the RRU and installation components

s to the tower.


z Installer A climbs onto the tower. Then, installer

A fixes the pulley to the support of the tower
platform and leads the lifting rope through the
z Installer C uses a lifting rope to bind the RRU
and installation components as shown in the
preceding figure and then ties a knot in the steering
rope at the handle of the RRU.
z Installer B pulls the lifting rope, and at the same
Lifting rope Steering rope time, installer C pulls the steering rope away from
the tower to prevent the RRU and installation
components from colliding with the tower.
z Installer A holds the RRU and installation
components and untie the ropes.
z The procedure for hoisting the RRU and auxiliary
components onto the tower is for your reference

b Adding Easy Power Receptacle (Pressffit Type) Connector to the Power Cable

Easy power receptacle (pressfit type) connector.

Easy pow wer receptacle
-48V DC power wire (pressfit tyype) connector
-48V DC power cable

Label for preparing

the power cable
Shielding layer GND wire

Determine lengths of power cables for different

operations according to the scales on the inner side 1. Measure each wire and strip the jacket off the wire for 7.5
of the cover plate of the cabling cavity. mm to 8 mm. Ensure that the length of each revealed bare
wire equals the depth of the holes in the easy power
receptacle (pressfit type) connector.

Based on the determined length, remove the

jacket and shielding layer off the power cable.

Remove the jacket from each wire.

2. Use a screwdriver to push the sliding block.

Add an easy power receptacle

t l ((pressfit
fit ttype))
connector to the two wires of the power cable.

3. By taking the American standard cables as an example,

insert the blue NEG(-)0 wire into the 2 or - end and black
RTN(+)0 wire into the 1 or + end of the easy power receptacle
Strip a 18 mm jacket off the power cable by cutting (pressfit type) connector. In this case, the sliding blocks return
th jacket
the j k t aroundd the
th cable
bl to
t reveall the
th shielding
hi ldi t the
to th original
i i l positions.
layer of the power cable. NEG(-)0


If the wire connections are faulty,

the equipment cannot be
powered on.

c Adding OT Terminals to the Shielding Layer of the DC RRU Power Cable

Lead the wires

d off the
shielding layers
through heat-
shrinkable tubes.

Wrap the PVC

insulating tape
at the joint
where the three OT terminal on
wires meet. the shielding

Do not damage the shielding layer of the power cable when
w cutting around the jacket.

d Waterproofing Outdoor Cabless
z The waterproof tape should be wrapped for an extra le ength of 20
mm away from the connectors at both ends.
z The tapes should be wrapped around the connector from the
lower part to the upper part. When wrapped for another layer, the
tapes may not be cut.
z When wrapping the waterproof tape, apply even force to extend
the tape until the width of the tape is 1/2 of the original width.
z When
Wh wrapping i th
the waterproof
t f tape,
t ensure that
th t the
th upper
u l
of the tape covers at least 50% of the lower layer. Waterproof tape Insulating tape
z The insulating tape should be wrapped for an extra len ngth of 20
mm away from the connectors at both ends.
z The last layer of the waterproof tape should be wrappe ed from the
lower part to the upper part to prevent rainwater from infiiltrating into
the tape.

1. Wrap three layers of waterproof tape.

Tightly pressing the tape

2. Wrap three layers of insulating tape.



Binding cable ties at both

Tightly pressing th
he tape ends of the tape

e Installing the Optical Module

Before installing the optical fiber, check that

the optical module is the single-mode optical
module or the multi-mode module.
z The single-mode optical module is labeled
SM and the multi-mode
"SM" multi mode optical module is
labeled "MM".
z If the puller of an optical module is blue, the
module is a single-mode optical module. If the
puller of an optical module is black or grey,
the module is a multi-mode optical module.

f Pin Assignment for the Wires
s of the RRU Alarm Cable ( DC )

DB15 Signal name of Cord End Wire Color Wire Label

connector DB15 connector Terminal Type

X1 2
SWITCH_INPUT0+ X2 White/blue Twisted SWITCH INPUT0+

X1.3 GND X3 Blue GND

X1.6 SWITCH_INPUT1+ X4 White/orange Twisted SWITCH_INPUT1+


X1 7
X1.7 GND X5 O
Orange GND

X1.10 RX485_TX- X6 White/ green Twisted APM RX-

X1.11 RX485_TX+ X7 Green APM RX+

X1.13 RX485_RX- X8 White/ brown Twisted APM TX-


X1.14 RX485_RX+ X9 Brown APM TX+

Change History

This describes the changes

g in the RRU3
( ) V2 Installation Guide.

z04 (2011-02-15)
This is the third commercial release.
Compared with issue 03 (2010-12-30) of V200, this issue modified some descriptions.

z03 (2010-12-30)
This is the second commercial release.
Compared with issue 02 (2010-11-10) of V200, this issue modified some descriptions.

z02 (2010-11-10)
This is the first commercial release.
Compared with issue 01 (2010-09-10) of V200, the descriptions of the requirements for the
recommended diameter of the metal pole and the
t handling of the dustproof caps on the RF
ports are added.

z01 (2010-09-10)
This is the draft release.

Huawei Industrial Base Bantian Longgang
h 518129
People’s Republic of China

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