DLL #5 Acctg

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11 School: SJNHS - SHS

Teaching Dates & Time: 03 Dec. 2018
10:20 - 12:40 & 9:20 - 11:20
Learning Area: ABM - ACCOUNTING

3-Dec 7-Dec
I. OBJECTIVES: The learner's demonstrate an understanding of:
A. Content Standards The various forms of Bus. Org. (contd.) The Accounting Concepts & Principles
3. Corporation
4. Cooperatives
The Types of Bus. According to
1. Service Business
2. Merchandising Business
3. Manufacturing Business
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to:
1. Differentiate the forms of Bus. Org. 1. Identify generally accepted
in terms of nature of ownership Accounting Principles
2. Differentiate the types of business
according to activities
3. Make a list of businesses
according to their activities
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners shall be able to:
Objectives 1. Compare & contrast the types of 1. Explain the varied Accounting
business according to activities Concepts and Principles
2. Identify the advantage & disadvan- 2. Solve exercises on Accounting
tages & bus. requirements of each Principles as applied in various
type cases
II. CONTENT Chapt. 4: Forms of Bus. Org. Chapt. 6: Accounting Concepts
Chapt. 5: Types of Business and Principles
According to Activities
III. LEARNING RESOURCES blackboard, chalk, copy of lecture notes, laptop & projector (if available)
IV. REFERENCES Fundamentals of Accountancy, Florendo
pp. 66 - 91 pp. 104 - 111
IV. PROCEDURES Recall & Discussion of the past lesson/
A. Review of the past lesson Q&A
B. Establishing a purpose for It's very important that students should At the end of the lesson, the students
the lesson be able to know the diff. forms of org. shall be able to:
& the diff. types of service per activities 1. Explain the varied Accounting
in order to match their future business Concepts and Principles
& avoid risks 2. Identify generally accepted
accepted principles
C. Presentation of the new Lesson Proper thru the use of traditional materials, laptop, smart tv with
lesson powerpt. presentation (if available)
D. Summary of the Lesson Q & A / Class discussion
E. Application Group Presentation of the diff. forms Group Activity - Matching Game
of Bus. Org. & Types of Business pp. 112
F. Evaluation Quiz Q & A / Quiz
V. ASSIGNMENT Read & study types of Business
according to Activities


03 Dec. 2018
10:20 - 12:40 & 9:20 - 11:20

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