Detection Analysis and Reduction of Toxic Gases at Traffic Signals

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BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (Computer Engineering)


Prasad G. Kothawade Exam No: B120614255

Tejaswini R. Patil Exam No: B120614297
Shubhangi E. Medhane Exam No: B120614272
Madhuri A. Shinde Exam No: B120614314

Under The Guidance of

Prof. P. G. Patil


Sandip Institute of Technology And Research Center
Mahiravani,Trimbak Road,Tal. & Dist. Nashik-422213
Sandip Institute Of Technology & Research Center


This is to certify that the Project Report Entitled

Submitted by

Prasad G. Kothawade Exam No: B120614255

Tejaswini R. Patil Exam No: B120614297
Shubhangi E. Medhane Exam No: B120614272
Madhuri A. Shinde Exam No: B120614314

In partial fulfilment for the award of the Bachelor Engineering in Computer Engi-
neering under the Savitribai Phule Pune University During the academic year 2016-
2017. The said work has been assessed by us and we are satisfied that the same is up
to the standard envisaged for the level of the course. And that the said work may be
presented to the external examiner.

Prof. Pramod G. Patil Dr. Amol D. Potgantwar

Internal Guide H.O.D
Dept. of Computer Engg. Dept. of Computer Engg.

Dr. S. T. Gandhe
Sandip Institute Of Technology & Research Center

Signature of Internal Examiner Signature of External Examiner


A Project Title

Detection Analysis and Reduction of Toxic Gases at Traffic Signals

Is successfully completed by

Prasad G. Kothawade Exam No: B120614255

Tejaswini R. Patil Exam No: B120614297
Shubhangi E. Medhane Exam No: B120614272
Madhuri A. Shinde Exam No: B120614314






Prof. P. G. Patil Dr. A. D. Potgantwar

Internal Guide H.O.D
Dept. of Computer Engg. Dept. of Computer Engg.

According to todays scenario of India, there has been a tremendous raise in the
number of vehicles in every metropolitan cities of India, which is causing very high
levels of air pollution. Vehicular emissions are becoming most predominant source
of air pollution in our country. Vehicular pollution, dispense 72% towards total air
pollution load in India. On Indian roads there is near about 390 tons of total CO2
emission. Air pollution is one of the severe environmental concerns which is directly
affecting on living things like humans, animals, plants, etc. The first step towards
pollution control is monitoring and purifying polluted air. In existing scenarios there
was a government employee which was appointed to note emission ratio manually.
These scenarios basically focus on pollution monitoring and there is no existing
system for purification of air. The existing systems are not purifying polluted air they
are just monitoring and forecasting pollution details using simple web application.
By studying the existing system it was concluded that there should be a real-time
software project to be based on remote toxic gas monitoring and controlling system.
We proposed a system which detect, analyze and reduce the toxic gases present at
traffic signals also purified the polluted air emitted from vehicles.

The proposed system provides IOT based solution for monitoring and forecasting
of polluted and purified air. This system is easily accessible, real-time updation of
data collected by sensors and access remotely form anywhere worldwide using IOT

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 I


With deep sense of gratitude we would like to thanks all the people who have lit
our path with their kind guidance. We are very grateful to these intellectuals who
did their best to help during our project work.

We are very thankful to our guide Prof. P. G. Patil for his invaluable guidance
and constant source inspiration.

We remain indebted to Prof. A. D. Potgantwar, H.O.D, Computer Department

for their timely suggestion and valuable guidance as well as It is our proud privilege
to express deep sense of gratitude to, Dr. S. T. Gandhe, Principal of Sandip Institute
of Technology and Research Centre, Nashik, for his comments and kind permission
to develop our own project idea.

The special gratitude goes to H.O.D, staff members, technical staff members, of
Computer Tech. Department for his expensive, excellent and precious guidance in
completion of this work. We thank to all the colleagues for their appreciable help for
our working project.

We are also thankful to our parents who providing their wishful support for our
seminar completion successfully, And lastly we thanks to our all friends and the
people who are directly or indirectly related to our project work.

Prasad Kothawade
Tejaswini Patil
Shubhangi Medhane
Madhuri Shinde

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 II

List of Figures
List of Abbreviations

Name Full Form

CO Carbon Monoxide
KOH Potassium Hydroxide
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
HC Hydrocarbons
NOx Nitrogen
SO Sulphur Oxide
Pb Lead
SPM Suspended Particulate Matter
NO Nitrogen Oxide

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 V



”Detection, Analysis and Reduction of Toxic Gases at Traffic Signals”


Internal project


Prof. Pramod Patil


To develop a real-time IOT bases system which would provide a application for
society who suffer from many type of disease caused by low quality air emitted
through the vehicles.


Today air pollution has arisen as a global public health problem and is identified as
a major environmental health hazard by agencies such as the World Health Organiza-
tion (WHO) and governments around the world. An increase in the concentration of
pollutants- both gaseous and solid-is among the largest health risk in the world. Air
pollution is responsible for 55 lakh deaths of people every year all over the world.
Air pollution is the forth main reason for large numbers of death and causing respi-
ratory diseases all over the world. The decade-long study found that people living in
areas with more outdoor pollution accumulate deposits in the arteries that supply the
heart faster than do people living in less polluted areas.

Recently, air pollution acquired critical dimensions and the air quality in the most
cities that monitor outdoor pollution fail to meet WHO guidelines for safe level.
The levels of PM2.5 and PM10 (Air-born particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers
in diameter and 10 micrometers in the diameter).The researchers calculated each

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 2

participant’s exposure to ambient fine particulate matter that is less than 2.5 microns
in diameter and too small to be seen by the naked eye. In addition to PM2.5, they also
measured exposure to nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide, and black carbon or soot.
The ravaging and hazardous effect of global warming has force us to think about
the problem in existing system. By studying the existing system it was concluded
that an effective real time air pollution control system is essential in todays polluted
world. In existing scenarios there was a government employee which was appointed
who has duty to go in each and every polluted area and keep a record of the emission
ratio at current time.

This IOT based solution for monitoring and forecasting of polluted and purified
air. This system is easily accessible, real-time updation of data collected by sensors
and access remotely form anywhere worldwide using IOT dashboard.


• To increase the air quality index.

• Detection of toxic gases causes due to vehicular emission and filtration of that

• Analyze toxicity at signals in metropolitan city and generate the reports.

• To reduce the toxicity by purifying air and increase the life-span of living


System Description:

• Input: Smoke Emitted through vehicles in air.

• Output: Pollution Free Air.

• Identify data structures, classes, divide the modules.

• Functions : Collection of Air, Filtration of air .

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 3


• IEEE/ICET 2016 Conference



• Now a days there is so much developed system every where if there is a system
it just have the simple or useful for society.

• Due to this system air quality index is increased from filtration.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 4



The project is a Embedded based system, having a client application and an Ad-
ministrator Application/Model. The Administrators can be Various Vendors, and
client can be end-user Customers and this project also have social impact. A back
end database is connected to the Applications, where data is stored and database is
update through IOT Dashboard.


1. C. General

(a) C.2 Android Application

i. C.2.4 Databases Management

A. Software Development

B. Hardware Development

C. Product Maintenance

D. Electronic Commerce

E. Social Impact product

F. Query Processing

G. Distributed file systems

H. Security and Reliability Issues in Maintenance

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 6



• The proposed system is to develop a new system which should be web en-
abled, detect and filter toxic gas emission in environment.Thus the proposed
system is going to overcome the challenges and issues of existing system and
give real-time updation and notification of pollution forecasting.


• We know that many or almost all peoples does not switch off their vehicles
at traffic signals when signal getting red. At that time smoke is emitted by
vehicles causes more pollution and it is harmful for peoples who are walking
on footpath, beggar’s lives at footpath as well as traffic police also.

• So, in our system we just collect all the smoke emitted by vehicle at signals
through pipelines, detect the toxic gases and filter it. The filtration process
will be done using some chemicals. There are three tanks of chemicals in first
tank pure water is taken which absorb carbon dioxide, in next tank filled with
KOH which absorb carbon monoxide and other gases and third tank filled with
charcoal that absorb dust particles are come up with air and finally we again
check toxicity of air and release toxic free air into the atmosphere.

• Air pollution effect on human:-

1. Eye irritation

2. Nose and thread irritation

3. Gases like hydrogen sulphide ,ammonia and mercaptan cause odour nui-
sance even at low concentrations.

4. Hydrogen fluoride causes diseases of the bone and motting of teeth.

5. Carcinogenic agent cause cancer.

6. Irritation of the respiratory tract

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 8

7. Certain heavy metals like lead may enter the body through the lung and
Scause poisoning.

8. Increase in mortality rate and morbidity rate

9. Dust particles cause respiratory diseases.Diseases like silicosis,asbestosis,etc.,result

from specific dusts.

10. Variety of particulates particularly pollens ,initiate asthmatic attacks.

• Effect of air pollution on animals:-

1. all form animals,cattels and sheep are the susceptible to fluorine taxico-
sis. Horses appear to be quite resistant to fluorine poisoning. poultry are
probably the most resistant to fluorine of all form animals.

2. The three pollutants responsible for most livestock damage are fluorine,
arsenic and lead. These pollutants originate from industrial sources or
from dusting spraying.

3. Lack of appetite ,rapid loss in weight, decline in health and vigour,lameness,

periodic diarrhea, muscular weakness and death,characterize the acute
form of fluorine poisoning.

4. fluorine is also a protoplasmic poison. It has a marked affinity for calcium

and interferes with normal calcification animals have been reported to be
more resistant than humans to dental motting.

5. Symptoms of advanced fluorosis include lack of appetite,general ill health

due to malnutrition, lowered fertility,reduced milk production and growth


In the paper [4] the author states about the reasons due to that air pollution causes.
is one of the serious environmental concerns of the urban Asian cities including India
where majority of the population is exposed to poor air quality. Automotive vehicles
emit several pollutants depending upon the type of quality of the fuel consumed by
them. The release of pollutants from vehicles also include fugitive emissions of the

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 9

fuel, the source and level of these emissions depending upon the vehicle type, its
maintenance etc. In this paper author only tells about causes of air pollution but they
do not tells about that how to control the pollution due to vehicular emission.[4]

The author Pranav sood is said in his paper [2] that, Number of vehicles sold in
India is increasing at a rapid pace. In 2005-06 there were 8.9M vehicles sold and in
2010-11 the count was five years this number has scaled to 17M. (in 2015-
16).Vehicular emissions are becoming most predominant source of air pollution in
our country. Vehicular pollution, contributed about 72% towards total air pollution
load in India. The vehicular emission causes affect on human, animals life as well as
crops and water. The author only work for count of vehicles solded but they do not
mention any solution for pollution caused through emission of vehicles in his paper.

The Non-Partisan Group is stated in this paper [6], Today air pollution has emerged
as a global public health problem and is identified as a major environmental health
hazard by agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and governments
around the world. An increase in concentration of pollutants - both gaseous and solid
- is among the largest health risk in the world and according to the latest data released
by WHO, indoor and outdoor air pollution were responsible for 3.7 million deaths
of people aged under 60 in 2012.Same as other papers this paper is also tells about
the fuel consumptions but not have any solution about controlling the pollution.[6]

In this paper [5] author Pramila Goyal tells about air pollution in delhi due to
vehicular emission. Emission from vehicles especially auto mobiles is responsible
for about two third of air pollution in the urban area. The major pollutants emit-
ted by motor vehicles including CO, NO, sulphur oxides, (SO), HC, lead (Pb) and
suspended particulate matter (SPM), have damaging effects on both human health
and ecology. The internal combustion engines need a mixture of air and fuel to burn
and produce energy to propel the vehicle. These burnt gases which come out of the

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 10

exhaust are responsible for pollution. In petrol engines, the gases comprise a mix-
ture of unburnt hydrocarbons (HC), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Oxides of Nitrogen
(NOx). If these gases are in excess quantities, vehicular pollution is caused. Emis-
sions of Diesel vehicles are the concentration of CO and unburnt HC in the diesel
exhaust are rather low, both of which are compensated by high concentration of NOx
and CO2. [5]

Milind R. Gidde is the author of following research paper[10] and he tells about
health related problems which are cause due to pollution. The health related prob-
lems such as respiratory diseases, risk of developing cancers and other serious ail-
ments etc. due to poor air quality are known and well documented. Besides the
health effects, air pollution also contributes to tremendous economic losses, espe-
cially in the sense of financial resources that are required for giving medical assis-
tance to the affected people. The poor are often the most affected segment of the
population as they do not have adequate measures to protect themselves from air
pollution. The rapid urbanization in India has also resulted in a tremendous increase
the number of motor vehicles. The vehicle fleets have even doubled in some cities
in the last one decade. This increased mobility, however, come with a high price. As
the number of vehicles continues to grow and the consequent congestion increases,
vehicles are now becoming the main source of air pollution in urban India. [10]

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 11




To develop the system which would provide a application for society who suffer
from many type of disease caused by low quality air emitted through the vehicles.
We collect all the air and filter it.

4.1.1 Goals and Objectives

• The major objective is to increase the Air Quality Index.

• We have the full database of report of toxicity Detection/Reduction.

• Reduce the toxicity and increase the life-span of living things.

• People should aware about the pollution created through vehicular emission.

• To display real-time forecasting of Pollution.

4.1.2 Statement of Scope

• The high quality of fans are used to smoke.Chemicals are used to filter the air.

• Also, Reduce the health related problems for all living things on earth.



• Pure Water:

Description: The function of water is to absorb carbon dioxide. When the

polluted air entered into the water tank with pressure at that time the polluted
air mix with water and the content of carbon dioxide absorb by water.

Stimulus/Response Sequences: When air entered into the tank then carbon
dioxide absorb by water. But this is not necessary that every time polluted air
contains these types of gases (i.e. content of air pollutant are depend on the
region or situation/area).

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 13

• Charcoal:

It is a gas. It is invisible and has a nasty, sharp smell. It is present in industries
as well as motor vehicles emission, as the result of fuel combustion. The
harmful diseases caused by SO2 gas such as Asthma, Lund damage, Heart
Disease, Pulmonary Infection etc.
Stimulus/Response Sequences: Charcoal for adsorption of gases and vapours
is usually made from coconut shell charcoal. This charcoal has high adsorptive
power and resists powdering in the adsorption equipment is a very important

• Phenolphthalein:- An acid-base indicator:

Phenolphthalein is a large organic molecule used as an acidbase indicator.

Phenolphthalein turns a bright red color as its solution becomes basic. In a
strongly basic solution, this red color fades to colorless. 1) Acidbase indica-
tors. 2) Chemical equilibrium.

• KOH:

KOH is used to dissolve Carbon Monoxide.KOH is non organic compound

with the formula KOH,which is usally called as caustic potash.

• Real-time Pollution Forecasting

Gas sensor give input to Ardunio (convert analog to digital). Digital data from
Ardunio is given to Raspberry pi using GPIO pins. Raspberry-Pi work as an
IOT gateway. We can access data in two ways i.e. locally and globally.


• Toxic Free Air release in environment.

• Real-time IOT Dashboard for Pollution forecasting.

• Easily and world wide accessible pollution related updations.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 14

• Improve Air Quality Index.


• Industries :

1. Industrial pollution is one of the primary sources of environmental con-

tamination. Factories pollute the air through fossil fuel emission from
smokestack (Chimney).

2. These emissions include carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

Combustion creates these toxic pollutants. These gases are highly dan-
gerous for health.

3. We can implement our system in industries to avoid air pollution. The

toxic gases emitted through smokestack can be detected through sensors
and then filtered.

4. This project will be helpful to avoid air pollution in industries.

• Traffic Signals:

1. On traffic signal even if the red light is ON people mostly do not turn off
their engines, this cause huge amount of air pollution.

2. At that time smoke containing toxic gases is emitted from vehicles which
are harmful for peoples in surrounding.

3. This project can be implemented on traffic signals to detect and filter

toxic gases emitted through vehicles.

• Toll Plaza’s:

1. Toll plazas are important components of road infrastructure. Vehicles

take a long time passing through them as they decelerate, stop to pay toll
and accelerate away.

2. The highest level of pollution is emitted during this. As a result, the

health of toll plaza workers is threatened by their exposure to vehicle
exhaust emissions. They spend most of the day confined within booths,

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 15

impacted by exhausted fumes and particulate matter, thereby running the
risk of acquiring lung cancer and other chronic respiratory illness

3. Pollution at toll plazas is beyond the permissible limits, thereby putting

workers at risk of respiratory diseases. Hence, our project can be the best
solution on pollution problem at Toll plaza.

• High Quality Air Index:

• Our system filter polluted air and provide high quality air index.

4.4.1 Software Requirements

• Requirements are descriptions of the services that a software system must

provide and the constraints under which it must operate.

• Requirements can range from high-level abstract statements of services or sys-

tem constraints to detailed mathematical functional specification.

• Requirements Engineering is the process of establishing the services that the

customer requires from the system and the constraints under which it is to be
developed and operated.

4.4.2 Types of Requirements

User requirements:

• Now days, due to large amount in increasing vehicles and because of that
peoples are suffer from many problems due to low quality air index.

• Peoples required high quality air index from our system.

• Our system reduce the percentage of disease caused by air pollution.

System requirements:

• Hardware Resources Required

– MQ Series Toxic Gas Detection Sensor.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 16

– Storage Tanks

– Exhaust Fans

– Battery/ Solar Panel.

– Raspberry Pi

– Arduino Uno

– GPIO Brackouts.

• Software Resources Required:

1. Operating System: Linux/Ubuntu.

2. Database: MS Access/BigData.

3. Platform : Pyho

4. Programming Language: Python

• Chemical Required:

1. Charcoal

2. KOH

3. Phenolphthalein: An acid-base indicator

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 17



Use Spiral model in the SDLC and associated streams derived from assignments 1,2,
3, 4 and 5( Annex A and B) for estimation.

The spiral model, originally proposed by Boehm [BOE88], is an evolutionary

software process model that couples the iterative nature of prototyping with the con-
trolled and systematic aspects of the linear sequential model. It provides the poten-
tial for rapid development of incremental versions of the software. Using the spiral
model, software is developed in a series of incremental releases. During early iter-
ations, the incremental release might be a paper model or prototype. During later
iterations, increasingly more complete versions of the engineered system are pro-

A spiral model is divided into a number of framework activities, also called task
regions.6 typically, there are between three and six task regions. Figure 2.8 depicts
a spiral model that contains six task regions:

• Customer communication :tasks required to establish effective communica-

tion between developer and customer.

• Planning :tasks required to define resources, timelines, and other project re-
lated information.

• Risk analysis :tasks required to assess both technical and management risks.

• Engineering :tasks required to build one or more representations of the appli-


• Construction and release :tasks required to construct, test, install, and pro-
vide user support (e.g., documentation and training).

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 19

5.1.1 Reconciled Estimates Cost Estimate Using COCOMO-II Model :

Costing is the proposed or estimated cost of producing or undertaking something

of a software product. It can be calculated using COCOMO, COCOMO II models.
For costing of our system, Basic COCMO model is used.

The Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) is an algorithmic software cost esti-

mation model developed by Barry W. Boehm. The model uses a basic regression
formula with parameters that are derived from historical project data and current as
well as future project characteristics.

Basic COCOMO computes software development effort (and cost) as a function

of program size. Program size is expressed in estimated thousands of source lines of
code (SLOC). COCOMO applies to three classes of software projects:

• Organic projects - ”small” teams with ”good” experience working with ”less
than rigid” requirements

• Semi-detached projects - ”medium” teams with mixed experience working

with a mix of rigid and less than rigid requirements

• Embedded projects - developed within a set of ”tight” constraints. It is

also combination of organic and semi-detached projects.(hardware, software,
operational, ...)

• 1 input: Smoke emitted through vehicles.(average)

• 6 user outputs: Smoke collection, Toxic Gases detection, Filtration, result

of polluted air,result of pollution free air, android application report through
statistical analysis.(average)

• 3 user requests: Toxicity Detection, Toxicity Reduction results/ reports, APK

File file. (average)

• 2 internal file: authentication database, dictionary. (average)

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 20

• UFP (Unadjusted Function Points):
= 4*1 + 6*6 + 5*3 + 8*2
= 4 + 36 + 15 + 16
= 71

• Technical Complexity Factors:

1. Data Communication 2

2. Distributed Data Processing 0

3. Performance Criteria 4

4. Heavily Utilized Hardware 5

5. High Transaction Rates 2

6. Online Data Entry 0

7. Online Updating 4

8. End-user Efficiency 2

9. Complex Computations 1

10. Reusability 4

11. Ease of Installation 0

12. Ease of Operation 3

13. Portability 3

14. Maintainability 4

DI = 34 (Degree of Influence)

• Function Points :
FP=UFP*(0.65+0.01*DI) = 71*(0.65+0.01*34) = 70.90
That means the is FP = 70.90

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 21

• Relationship:
LOC = Language Factor * FP
LOC = 53 * 70.90= 3775.70 LOC
KLOC = 3775.70/1000= 3.7577 KLOC
E = a(KLOC)ˆ b Effort for three modes of Basic COCOMO

Mode A B
Organic 2.4 1.05
Semi-detached 3.0 1.12
Embedded 3.6 1.20

E = 3.6(3.7577 ˆ 1.20)
= 17.62 person - months

• Total no of Persons: 4

• Total no of months work done: 8

• Total no of hours work done per person: 8 * 17.87 = 141

• Total no of hours work done by team: 141 * 4 = 564 hrs.

• Cost of per person: Rs. 78

• Total Cost of System : 78 * 572 = Rs. 44,000.

• Total Cost of Sensors : Rs. 500 each, 500*2=1000.

• Total Cost of Exhaust Fans : 120 each, 120*4=480.

• Total Cost of Chemical Tanks : 75 each, 75*3=225.

• Total Cost of Raspberry Pi : 3750 each, 1*3750=3750.

• Total Cost of System : Rs. 44,000 + 1000 + 480 + 225 + 3750 = 49,455 Rs.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 22 Time Estimates :

5.1.2 Project Resources

Project resources [People, Hardware, Software, Tools and other resources] based on
Memory Sharing, IPC, and Concurrency derived using appendices to be referred.


This section discusses Project risks and the approach to managing them.

5.2.1 Risk Identification

Risk analysis and management are the series of steps that help a project team to
understand and manage uncertainty.The team establishes a plan for managing the
risks.The primary objective to avoid risk,the team works to develop a contingency
plan that will enable it to respond in a controlled and effective manner.

In our project complexity of the project and hardware uncertainty were defined as
major project risk factor.

• Software Risks: Software risks involve the characteristics like uncertainty

and the loss.Uncertainty is the event that characterize the risk may or may not
happen i.e there are no 100

• Technical Risks: The threaten the quality and timeliness of the software/hardware
to be produced.If the technical risks become reality,implementation may be-
come difficult or impossible.Technical risks involved in the project are poten-
tial design,implementation,interfacing,verification and maintance problems.

• Business Risks: This threaten the viability of the system to be build.Business

risks often jeopardize the project or the product.These risks are simply unpre-
dictable in advance.The project may suffer from strategic risk meaning that
product may no longer fit into the overall business strategy for the company.

1. Have top software and customer managers formally committed to support the

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 23

2. Are end-users enthusiastically committed to the project and the system/product
to be built?

3. Are requirements fully understood by the software engineering team and its

4. Have customers been involved fully in the definition of requirements?

5. Do end-users have realistic expectations?

6. Does the software engineering team have the right mix of skills?

7. Are project requirements stable?

8. Is the number of people on the project team adequate to do the job?

9. Do all customer/user constituencies agree on the importance of the project and

on the requirements for the system/product to be built?

5.2.2 Risk Analysis

The risks are categorized on the basis of their of occurances and the impact that
would have,if they do occur.Their impact is rated as follows:

1. Catastrophic

2. Critical

3. Marginal

4. Negligible.


5.3.1 Project Task Set

Major Tasks in the Project stages are:

• Task 1: Topic Finalization

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 24

Sr.No Risks Category Probability
1 Increase in complexity Technical 30%
of modules.
2 Size estimated may be Product size 40%.
3 Sensor sensitivity may Technical 20%
go down
4 Hardware risks Support 40%
5 Environmental risks Performance 20%
6 Security risks Security 20%

• Task 2: Market Analysis

• Task 3: Requirement Gathering

• Task 4: Detailed Design

• Task 5: Implementation

• Task 6:Integration

• Task 7:Module Testing

• Task 8:Detailed Documentation

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 25

5.3.2 Task Network


There are four students and one internal guide.The guide helps us with suggestions
and corrections when needed and necessary.

5.4.1 Team structure

1. Prasad G. Kothawade: Developer, Analyst.

2. Tejaswini R. Patil: Developer,Software Architect.

3. Shubhangi R. Medhane: Developer,R & D.

4. Madhuri R. Shinde: Developer, R & D.

Various tasks are divided as follows:

• Requirement Analysis: Prasad Kothawade, Tejaswini Patil.

• Designing: Tejawini Patil, Madhuri Shinde.

• Development: Hardware- Madhuri Shinde, Shubhangi Medhane

Software- Prasad Kothawade, Tejawini Patil.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 26

5.3.3 Timeline Chart

Sr.No Module Key Points Date (2016 -17)

1 Topic Finalization. 1) Finding multiple 18 June to 22 June

topics and discuss
with respective guide.
2)After getting from
guide, giving pre- 24 June
sentation in front

2 Market Analysis 1) Searching Relevant 25 June to 28 June

Projects is available in
2) Finding possible
path which are suit- 30 June to 5 July
able to implement our
3) Discussion with
guide for every pos- 6 July to 8 July
sible way and choose .
suitable path.

3 Requirement Gather- 1)Analysis of feasibil- 9 July to 10 July

ing ity
2)Detailing of hard- 11 July to 13 July
ware requirement
3) Analysis & doc of 14 July to 15 July
Details of software re-
4) Analysis & doc In- 16 July to 17 July
tegration requirement.
5) Analysis & doc Val-
idation requirement. 18 July to 21 July

4 Detailed Design 1) Block Diagram 22 July

2) Data Flow Diagram 23 July
3) Object Diagram 24 July
4) Class Diagram 25 July
5) Use Case Diagram 26 July
6) Sequence Diagram 27 July
7) Interaction Dia- 28 July

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 27

5 Implementation 1) Hardware Implemen- 30 July to 30 Sept.
2) Software Implemen- 1 Oct. to 30 Nov.

6 Integration 1) Embedding the 1 Dec. to 15 Jan.

hardware and Software

7 Module Testing Checking that embed- 16 Jan to 15 Feb 2017

ding system is meeting
requirments properly or

8 Detailed Documenta- 1) Project Report 16 Feb to 5 Mar.

tion 2) User book

• Testing: Prasad Kothawade.

• Hardware Module:

Module 1: Smoke Collection.

Module 2: Air Filtration.
Module 3: Toxicity Detection & Reduction.

• Software Module:
Module 4: Data Conversion ( A/D )
Module 5: Dashboard Designing
Module 6: Connectivity of Dashboard.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 28

Each module is assigned to group members for development and then man-
agement of these modules is done. After Completion of particular module it is re-
ported to internal guide and group members. The initial task will be of setting up
the hardware resources and network and so when the Smoke Collection is started the
hardware initialized and checked whether these are working properly or not. This
module will be created by Shubhangi Medhane. The second task is Air Filteration
and the third task is Sensors Setting over hardware which is done by MQ Series
sensors and the setting up of hardware resources is done by Tejswini Patil and Mad-
huri Shind The fourth task is Data Conversion which is done by the ADC Converter
with the Arduino Uno. This module is being developed by Parsad Kothawade. The
fifth task is of developing & Designing Dashboard in which all data will be display.
This module will be developed by Parasd Kothawade and Tejaswini Patil. The last
task is Connectivity of Dashboard which consists of sending the input to dashboard
real-time world wide. This module is completed by Prasad Kothawade.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 29



6.1.1 Purpose and Scope of System

The main purpose of the system is, We know that many or almost all peoples does
not switch off their vehicles at traffic signals when signal getting red. At that time
smoke is emitted by vehicles causes more pollution and it is harmful for peoples who
are walking on footpath, beggars lives at footpath as well as traffic police also.

So, in our system we just collect all the smoke emitted by vehicle at signals
through pipelined, detect the toxic gases and filter it. The filtration process done
using some chemicals. There are three tanks of chemicals in first tank pure water
is taken which absorb carbon dioxide, in next tank filled with KOH which absorb
carbon monoxide and other gases and third tank filled with charcoal that absorb dust
particles are come up with air and finally we again check toxicity of air and release
toxic free air into the atmosphere.

6.1.2 Overview of Responsibilities of Developer

• To learn what are the sensors and chemicals are used to detect the toxic air.

• To study about Chemical Reactions and database for report generation.

6.1.3 Software Requirements

• Requirements are descriptions of the services that a software system must

provide and the constraints under which it must operate.

• Requirements can range from high-level abstract statements of services or sys-

tem constraints to detailed mathematical functional specification.

• Requirements Engineering is the process of establishing the services that the

customer requires from the system and the constraints under which it is to be
developed and operated.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 31

6.1.4 Types of Requirements

User requirements:

• Now days, due to large amount in increasing vehicles and because of that
peoples are suffer from many problems due to low quality air index.

• Peoples required high quality air index from our system.

• Our system reduce the percentage of disease caused by air pollution.

System requirements:

• Hardware Resources Required

– MQ Series Toxic Gas Detection Sensor.

– Storage Tanks

– Exhaust Fans

– Battery/ Solar Panel.

– Raspberry Pi

– Arduino Uno

– GPIO Brackouts.

• Software Resources Required:

1. Operating System: Linux/Ubuntu.

2. Database: MS Access/BigData.

3. Platform : Pyho

4. Programming Language: Python

• Chemical Required:

1. Charcoal

2. KOH

3. Phenolphthalein: An acid-base indicator

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 32

Functional Requirements:

• In our System we are using sensor SEC 3000 toxic gas detector to monitor
toxic pollutants level.Sensor will sense the toxicity,this data gathered by sensor
will be stored in database.

• As a input sensor in a system will monitor and give pollutants toxicity level.And
system will produce graphs and statistical data of pollutant level as a output.

• The systems functional requirements are as follows:

1. System must be easy to deploy.

2. System must use minimum power.

3. System must support accurate and continuous real time data collection.

4. System must be compact.

5. System needs to store the data and provide access to user.

Non-functional Requirements:

• Non-functinal requirements for the system dictate that the systematics reliable,
portable,accurate,accessible,secure,and uable.

• In addition ,the system must support performance standards for an adequate

reponse time and storage space for data.

Domain Requirements:

• As we work on the environmental problems so we required hardware as well

as software i.e. embedded system as Domain.

6.1.5 Design Constraints

Any design constraints that will impact the subsystem are noted.

6.1.6 Software Interface Description

The software interface(s)to the outside world is(are) described. The requirements for
interfaces to other devices/systems/networks/human are stated.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 33




This document specifies the design that is used to solve the problem of System.


7.2.1 Data Flow Digram : Level 0

1. The fig 7.1 shows the system from a birds eye view.

2. fig 7.1 shows the major modules of the system

Figure 7.1: DFD-0

7.2.2 Data Flow Digram : Level 1

1. fig 7.2 adds more details to the system.

2. It shows brief steps involved in the system.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 35

Figure 7.2: DFD-1

7.2.3 Block Diagram:

• Smoke Collection:

1. In our system we just collect all the smoke emitted by vehicle at sig-
nals through pipelined, detect the toxic gases and filter it. The filtration
process done using some chemicals as shown in fig 7.3.

• Filtration:

1. In fig 7.3 There are three tanks of chemicals in first tank pure water is
taken which absorb carbon dioxide, in next tank filled with KOH which
absorb carbon monoxide and other gases and third tank filled with char-
coal that absorb dust particles are come up with air and finally we again
check toxicity of air and release toxic free air into the atmosphere.

• Toxicity Sensing:

1. We are using MQ Series sensors to detect toxic gases. The MQ Series

toxic gas detector is a microprocessor based intelligent gas detector that

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 36

continuously monitors toxic gases and vapours ideally suited for use in
harsh environments.

2. The MQ Series sensors is a stand-alone device providing a continuous 4

to 20 mA output.

Figure 7.3: Block Diagram

7.2.4 Use Case View

Use Case Diagram:

1. Above diagram is the use-case diagram representing how the Smoke is col-
lected and Filtered through Process.

2. fig 7.4 shows the behaviour of a Air/Smoke Filtration Process.

3. fig 7.4 shows the different actions performed by different actors.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 37

Figure 7.4: Use case diagram

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 38

7.2.5 Activity View:

• Activity Digram:

Fig. 7.5 i.e. activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows

of stepwise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and con-
currency. In the Unified Modeling Language, activity diagrams are intended
to model both computational and organizational processes (i.e. workflows).
Activity diagrams show the overall flow of control.

• Purpose:

1. To describe a business process or a flow of work between users and your


2. To describe the steps performed in a use case. To describe a method,

function or operation in software.

3. This activity demonstartes different actions performed by the user and its

4. This diagram represents the dynamic view of a system.

5. It represents the actions such as authentication,tumor detection, taking

input ,etc.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 39

Figure 7.5: Activity diagram

7.2.6 Class Flow:

• Class Diagram:

1. In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Lan-

guage (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the struc-
ture of a system by showing the system’s classes, their attributes, opera-
tions (or methods), and the relationships among objects.

2. The class diagram is the main building block of object oriented model-
ing. It is used both for general conceptual modeling of the systematic
of the application, and for detailed modeling translating the models into

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 40

programming code.

3. A class describes a group of objects with similar properties (attributes),

common relationships to other objects, and common semantics. Objects
in a class have the same attributes and behavior patterns.

4. It shows static view of the system where classes and their relationship is

5. Important classes are like Smoke collection, Toxic Detection, Filtration

Process, Toxic Reduction,IOT gateway, Results.

• Purpose:

1. To provide an implementation-independent description of the types that

are used in a system and passed between its components.

2. To clarify the glossary of terms used for communication between the

application and its users, and in descriptions of the users’ needs.

Figure 7.6: Class diagram

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 41

7.2.7 Object Flow:

• Object Diagram:

1. Object diagrams are derived from class diagrams so object diagrams are
dependent upon class diagrams.

2. Object diagrams represent an instance of a class diagram. The basic

concepts are similar for class diagrams and object diagrams. Object dia-
grams also represent the static view of a system but this static view is a
snapshot of the system at a particular moment.

3. Object diagrams are used to render a set of objects and their relationships
as an instance.

4. Important objects are like Smoke collection, Toxic Detection, Filtration

Process, Toxic Reduction,IOT gateway, Results.

• Purpose:

1. The purpose of a diagram should be understood clearly to implement

it practically. The purposes of object diagrams are similar to class dia-

2. The difference is that a class diagram represents an abstract model con-

sisting of classes and their relationships. But an object diagram repre-
sents an instance at a particular moment which is concrete in nature.

3. It means the object diagram is more close to the actual system behaviour.
The purpose is to capture the static view of a system at a particular mo-

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 42

Figure 7.7: Object diagram

7.2.8 Sequence Flow:

• Sequence Diagram:

1. A sequence diagram in fig 7.8 is an interaction diagram that shows how

processes operate with one another and in what order.

2. It is a construct of a Message Sequence Chart. fig 7.8 shows object inter-

actions arranged in time sequence.

3. It depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the se-
quence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out
the functionality of the scenario in fig 7.8

4. Sequence diagrams are typically associated with use case realizations in

the Logical View of the system under development.

5. Sequence diagrams are sometimes called event diagrams, event scenar-


6. This allows the specification of simple runtime scenarios in a graphical


SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 43

• Purpose:

1. To easily see how tasks are distributed between components.

2. To identify patterns of interaction that makes it difficult to update the


3. This activity demonstrates different actions performed by the user and its

4. This diagram represents the dynamic view of a system.

5. It represents the actions such as authentication,tumor detection, taking

input ,etc.

• Objects & Entities Present in below diagram are:

1. Smoke Collection

2. Toxicity Detection

3. Filtration Process

4. Toxicity Reduction

5. Result

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 44

Figure 7.8: Sequence diagram

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 45

7.2.9 Component Flow:

• Component Diagram:

1. Component diagrams are different in terms of nature and behavior.

2. Component diagrams are used to model physical aspects of a system.

3. Now the question is what are these physical aspects? Physical aspects are
the elements like executable, libraries, files, documents etc which resides
in a node.

4. So component diagrams are used to visualize the organization and rela-

tionships among components in a system. These diagrams are also used
to make executable systems.

• Purpose:

1. Component diagram is a special kind of diagram in UML. The purpose

is also different from all other diagrams discussed so far. It does not
describe the functionality of the system but it describes the components
used to make those functionality.

2. So from that point component diagrams are used to visualize the physical
components in a system. These components are libraries, packages, files

3. Component diagrams can also be described as a static implementation

view of a system. Static implementation represents the organization of
the components at a particular moment.

4. A single component diagram cannot represent the entire system but a

collection of diagrams are used to represent the whole.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 46

Figure 7.9: Component diagram

7.2.10 Deployment Flow:

• Deployment Diagram:

1. A deployment diagram in the Unified Modeling Language models the

physical deployment of artifacts on nodes.

2. The nodes appear as boxes, and the artifacts allocated to each node ap-
pear as rectangles within the boxes. Nodes may have sub nodes, which
appear as nested boxes.

3. A single node in a deployment diagram may conceptually represent mul-

tiple physical nodes, such as a cluster of database servers.

• Purpose:

1. It helps to recognize physical entities of the system

2. Deployment diagram is representing the physical layout of a system.

3. It includes nodes such as IOT Gateway Processing, Analog to Digital

Converter a machine and printer.

4. It is also representing the components associated with each node such as

Authentication program, help file, etc.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 47

Figure 7.10: Deployment diagram

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 48



Air Pollution is introduction of particulates, biological molecules or other harmful

materials into earth’s atmosphere, causing to other living organisms such as animals
and food. Today, air pollution emerged as a global health problem and identified
as a major environmental health hazard. The Purpose of the proposed system is to
detect, filter the toxic gases at traffic signal and generate analysis report using web


• Operating System : Raspbian OS

• Webserver : Lighttpd

1. Open Source

2. Security, speed, and flexibility.

3. Effective management of the CPU-load

4. Small memory footprint

5. Very fast of static webpages

• Programming Language : Python

1. Powerful and easy to use

2. Python is Multipurpose Language.

3. Object oriented

4. Clean Syntax

5. Inbuilt in Raspbian

6. Controlling GPIO is Easy.

• Scripting : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Django (Python Web Framework)

1. High-level Python Web framework

2. Rapid development & Clean design

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 50

3. Ridiculously fast

4. Exceedingly scalable

5. Reassuringly secure

• Protocols : MQTT

1. Light weight Messaging protocol

2. IoT Connectivity Protocol

3. Pub-Sub Model

4. Real-time and runs over TCP/IP

5. Small code footprint

6. Bi-Directional

• MQTT Broker : HiveMQ

1. Server part of MQTT Communication.

2. High availability of clusters.

3. Deep Integration to your application.

4. Enhance Security and infrastructure.

• MQTT client Library : Paho (Python)


8.3.1 Pseudo Code For Dashboard

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 51

8.3.2 Pseudo Code For Sensors Connectivity


Figure 8.1: Pseudo Code : Sensor Connectivity


Figure 8.2: Pseudo Code : Sensor Connectivity

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 52


Verification: is done to evaluate the mediator products of software to check whether

the products satisfy the conditions imposed during the beginning of the phase.These
include the documents which are produced during the development phases like, re-
quirements specification, design documents, data base table design, ER diagrams,
test cases, traceability matrix etc. We sometimes tend to neglect the importance of
reviewing these documents but we should understand that reviewing itself can find
out many hidden anomalies when if found or fixed in the later phase of development
cycle, can be very costly.
Validation: is the process of evaluating the final product to check whether the soft-
ware meets the business needs. In simple words the test execution which we do in
our day to day life are actually the validation activity which includes smoke testing,
functional testing, regression testing, systems testing etc

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 53


9.0.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of
an application, called units, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper
operation. Unit testing can be done manually but is often automated. Unit testing
does have steep learning curve. The development team needs to learn what unit
testing is, how to unit test, what to unit test and how to use automated software tools
to facilitate the process on an on-going basis. The great benefit to unit testing is that
the earlier a problem is identified, the fewer compound errors occur. A compound
error is one that doesn’t seem to break anything at first, but eventually conflicts with
something down the line and results in a problem.

9.0.2 Integration Testing

Integration testing integrates individual modules and tests them as a group. Inte-
gration testing takes as its input modules that have been unit tested, groups them in
larger aggregates, applies tests defined in an integration test plan to those aggregates,
and delivers as its output the integrated system ready for testing. The purpose for in-
tegration testing is to verify functional, performance and reliability requirements. In
integration testing, the modules which are unit tested are combined and testing is
performed to see if the correct information is passed between the modules as per the

9.0.3 Validation Testing

This is the process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development
process to determine whether it achieves the required goals.

9.0.4 GUI Testing

We have tested the user interface to check the functionality of all the buttons and
navigation components. GUI testing is the process of testing a products graphical
user interface to ensure it meets its specification and ensure the navigation between
icons/buttons with source code.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 55


SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 56

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 57
SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 58


• Screen Shot 1 :

In this Snapshot 1 our actual project module is given. Model shows the
connectivity of each and every component. The Vehicles are stop at signal and
due to that created smoke is collected through fans which are place on road.

Figure 10.1: Screen Shot-1

• Screen Shot 2 :

In the Snap 2 we can see that how exhaust fans are located inside the road.
These Fans are use to suck the smoke. We know that every road have under-
ground drainage system. We simply use that system for smoke collection.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 60

Figure 10.2: Screen Shot-2
• Screen Shot 3 :

In below image filtration process for toxic gases is shown. The 1st tank fills
with charcoal which absorbs dust particles. In 2nd tank KOH + Indicator is
filled which having property to dissolve the carbon monoxide within itself. In
3rd tank filled with pure water which is used to dilute carbon dioxide. So,
using this method we resolve the hazard particles from toxic air.

Figure 10.3: Screen Shot-3

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 61

• Screen Shot 4 :

In given snapshot 4, we are using 2 MQ series sensors, which are used for
sensing toxic gases when vehicles are stop at signals. Then they send data to
analog to digital converter to digital values. Raspberry-pi is used for publish
data locally and globally using MQTT broker.

Figure 10.4: Screen Shot-4(1)

Figure 10.5: Screen Shot-4(2)

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 62


Outputs / Snap shots of the results

Figure 10.6: Screen Shot-5

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 63



Toxicity detection, analysis and reduction of gases at traffic signals system is a
research and development project which performs operation of vehicular smoke col-
lection, then detection and reduction of toxic gases. This system could further be
used persuasively and independently for different application sectors as Industries,
Toll Plaza and so on.

Proposed system can help in reduction of PM level of air, resulting in toxic-gases

free fresh air. Proposed system can help to reduce the proximity of diseases like Can-
cer, asthma, respiratory infection, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD),
Lung Cancer, Liver Cancer, and Neurological Problems and hence help in reduction
the death count resulting due to air pollution. Finally, we conclude that, our pro-
posed system has great social as well as industrial impact as it addresses the critical
issue of pollution which will be helpful for precious human lives.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 65


[1] Shaikh Haque Mobassir Imtiyaz, Shaikh AbdurRehman Mohammed Sadique,
”Intelligent Transport Systems a Comprehensive Way to Regulate and Curb
Vehicular pollution”, 978-1-4799-8081-9/15/$31.00 pp 1230-1235 2015 IEEE

[2] Pranav Raghav Sood, ”Air Pollution through Vehicular Emissions in Urban
India And Preventive Measures” , [2012 International Conference On Envi-
ronment, Energy And Biotechnology IPCBEE Vol.33 (2012) (2012) IACSIT
Press, Singapore.

[3] Shivaji Bhandarkar, ”Vehicular Pollution, Their Effect on Human Health and
Mitigation Measures”, [Vehicle Engineering(VE) Volume 1 Issue 2, June2013].

[4] Central Board Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. Of India, ”Status of
the Vehicular Pollution Control Programme In India Central Pollution”, Pro-
gramme Objective Series PROBES/ 136 /2010, Control, East Arjun Nagar,
Delhi 110 032

[5] Rati Sindhwani and Pramila Goyal, ”Atmospheric Pollution Research”, Center
for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India.

[6] Non-Partisan Group, ”Air Pollution in India”, Impact, policy analysis and re-
medial measures by governments.

[7] Mathur M L and Sharma R P ,”Internal Combustion Engines”, Dhanpatrai Pub-

lication, 2009, page no.368.

[8] Rameshwar D , ”Growth rate of Motor Vehicles in India - Impact of Demo-

graphic and Economic Development”,Journal of Economic and Social Studies,
2011, volume 1.

[9] Punder B.P, ”Vehicular Air Pollution in India: Recent Control Mea-
sures anb Related Issues in India Infrastructure Report”, Oxford University

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 67

[10] Milind R. Gidde, Pravin Sonawane, ”Assessment of Traffic Related Air Pol-
lution and Ambient Air Quality of Metropolitan Cities (Case Study of Pune
City)”, [IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) ISSN: 2250-3021 Volume 2,
Issue 6 (June 2012), PP 1382-1390],Institute of Environmental Education and
Research, Pune 43.

[11] Nihal Kularatna , B. H. Sudantha, ”An Environmental Air Pollution Monitoring

System Based on the IEEE 1451 Standard for Low Cost Requirements ”, IEEE

[12] Varsha Gaikwad, Puranik V.G, ”Real Time Air Pollution Monitoring Using
Mobile Phone Student ”, IJIRSET,An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization
Volume 3, Special Issue 4, April 2014,Dept. of E&TC, V.A.C.O.E, Ahmedna-
gar, Maharashtra, India.

[13] Siva Shankar Chandrasekaran, Sudharshan Muthukumar and Sabeshkumar Ra-

jendran, ”Automated Control System for Air Pollution Detection in Vehicles”,
4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems,Modelling and Simula-
tion 2013”, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.Sri
Venkateswara College Of Engineering, Sriperumbudhur, Tamil Nadu-602105.

[14] Roger Pressman- Software Engineering- A practitioners approach Tata Mc-

Graw Hill 5th Edition, 2007.

[15] Ron Patton- Software Testing- SAMS Tec media,3rd Edition,2007.

[16] Rumbaugh, Blaha- Object oriented modeling and designing SAMS Techmedia

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 68



To develop the problem under consideration and justify feasibility using concepts of
and IDEA Matrix.
Refer [?] for IDEA Matrix and Knowledge canvas model. Case studies are given in
this book. IDEA Matrix is represented in the following form. Knowledge canvas
represents about identification of opportunity for product. Feasibility is represented
w.r.t. business perspective.

Figure A.1: Idea Matrix

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 70



Problem Statement: Use of divide and conquer strategies to exploit distributed / par-
allel / concurrent processing of the above to identify object, morphisms, overloading
in functions (if any), and functional relations and any other dependencies (as per
requirements). To implement Detection Analysis and Reduction of Toxic Gases at
Traffic Signals.
Project is divided into various sub modules as depicted below: The Modules of Sys-
tem are:

1. Module 1: Smoke Collection.

2. Module 2: Air Filtration.

3. Module 3: Toxicity Detection & Reduction.

4. Module 4: Data Conversion ( A/D )

5. Module 5: Dashboard Designing

6. Module 6: Connectivity of Dashboard.

In our system we just collect all the smoke emitted by vehicle at signals through
pipelined, detect the toxic gases and filter it. The filtration process done through
some chemicals. There are three tanks of chemicals in first tank charcoal is placed
which will absorb dust particles from air, second tank is filled with pure water which
will absorb carbon dioxide. The third tank is filled with KOH which will absorb
carbon monoxide and other gases. Finally we again check toxicity of air and re-
lease toxic free air into atmosphere. We are using two MQ series sensors for gas
detection. The sensors continuously monitor toxic gases and vapours. Gas sensor
give input to Ardunio (convert analog to digital). Digital data from Ardunio is given
to Raspberry pi using GPIO pins. Raspberry-Pi work as an IOT gateway. We can
access data in two ways i.e. locally and globally. In local network we can access
data using Wi-Fi through our mobile/tabs/desktop. Data is access globally through
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport).MQTT is an open industry stan-
dard (developed by OASIS), specifying a light weight publish-subscribe messaging

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 72

protocol. It is perfect for large-scale Internet of Things applications and high per-
formance mobile messaging. The Publish-Subscribe messaging pattern requires a
message broker. The broker is responsible for distributing messages to clients and
clients can view daily air pollution updates anywhere using the IOT Dashboard.


Problem statement: Use of above to draw functional dependency graphs and rel-
evant Software modelling methods, techniques including UML diagrams or other
necessities using appropriate tools.

Figure B.1: usecase diagram

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 73

Figure B.2: class diagram

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 74

Figure B.3: activity diagram

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 75


Using planner or alike project management tool.

Figure C.1: Gantt Chart

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 77



Paper Title: A Novel Approach for Detection, Analysis and Reduction of Toxic
Gases at Traffic Signals.
Name of the Conference/Journal where paper submitted :
Paper accepted/rejected :

1. Paper Title:

2. Name of the Conference/Journal where paper submitted :2nd IEEE Sponsored

International Conference on Engineering and Technology (IEEE-ICET2016).

3. Paper accepted/rejected : Accepted

4. Review comments by reviewer : It is an innovative idea and way of imple-

menting is also very good.

5. Corrective actions if any : Alternative Methods and work for more efficiency.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 79


Plagiarism Graph

Figure E.1: Plagiarism Report

Plagiarism report

Figure E.2: Plagiarism Report

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 81



1. Review of design and necessary corrective actions taking into consideration
the feedback report of Term I assessment, and other competitions/conferences
participated like IIT, Central Universities, University Conferences or equiva-
lent centers of excellence etc.

• About class diagrams and UML diagrams.

• About accuracy Corrective Actions:

• We have made changes in the class diagrams and UML diagrams which
was given by the guide at last time.

• We have taken the fixed window size. Because as size of window in-
creases the accuracy decreases. We have taken a window size which
maintains the accuracy upto certain level.

2. Project workstation selection, installations along with setup and installation

report preparations.
Resource Requirements: Software-Terminal
Programming Language- python

3. Programming of the project functions, interfaces and GUI (if any) as per 1 st
Term term-work submission using corrective actions recommended in Term-I
assessment of Term-work.

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 83

No Name of module Module Descrip- Student responsi-
tion ble
1 Smoke Collection Hardware initial- Shubhangi
2 Air Filtration Air Filtration us- Tejaswini, Mad-
module ing the chemicals huri
3 Toxic Detection & Value of toxic Prasad
Reduction gases using MQ
4 Data Conversion ( Convert Sensors Prasad
A/D ) Data
5 Dashboard De- Display the real- Prasad, Tejaswini
signing time value on
6 Connectivity of Connection with Prasad
Dashboard Raspberry pi

Table F.1: programming of project functions

4. Test tool selection and testing of various test cases for the project performed
and generate various testing result charts, graphs etc. including reliability test-

Test Case Purpose of Test Expected result

Smoke Collection To check whether smoke When the vehicle is
is collected properly or started at traffic Signals
Air Filtration Filter the air using chem- Using KOH + Charcoal +
icals or not Water to be filter
Toxic Detection and Re- To check whether toxic Using MQ Series Sensors
duction gases are found or not
ADC Conversion To Convert values in Dig- Using Arduino Uno
ital form
Dashboard To Display Result Using Raspberry Pi

Table F.2: unit testing

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 84

Test Case Purpose of Test Expected result
Integration of all mod- To check whether all Successful integration of
ules modules work properly all modules

Table F.3: integration testing

Test Case Purpose of Test Expected result

Correct output genera- To check whether correct Correct output must be
tion output is Display Display

Table F.4: validation testing

Test Case Purpose of Test Expected result

User interaction is tested To test user interaction Screen should be prop-
with system erly visible, programs
should run properly

Table F.5: GUI testing

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 85



1. Name : Kothawade Prasad Gangadhar.

2. Date of Birth : 4th of July 1995.

3. Gender : Male

4. Permanent Address : At/Post Sompur, Tal- Satana, Dist- Nashik-423303.

5. E-Mail :

6. Mobile/Contact No. : +917588827232

7. Placement Details : Selected For MSc in Halmstad University, Sweden.

8. Paper Published : A Novel Approach for Detection, Analysis and Reduction

of Toxic Gases at Traffic Signals. (ICET16)

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 87

1. Name : Patil Tejaswini Rajendra.

2. Date of Birth : 24th of March 1995.

3. Gender : Female

4. Permanent Address : Flat no- 22, Samrath, Gulmohor Colony, Dheku Road,
Amlner, Tal- Amlner, Dist- Jalgoan-425401.

5. E-Mail :

6. Mobile/Contact No. : +918857819885

7. Placement Details : Not Placed, Interested in Masters.

8. Paper Published : A Novel Approach for Detection, Analysis and Reduction

of Toxic Gases at Traffic Signals. (ICET16)

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 88

1. Name : Medhane Shubhangi Eknath.

2. Date of Birth : 10th Nov. 1995.

3. Gender : Female

4. Permanent Address : Room no 01, Near Bhaji Market, Shivaji Nagar, Satpur,
Nashik 07.

5. E-Mail :

6. Mobile/Contact No. : +919637127883

7. Placement Details : Not Placed, Interested in Higher Education

8. Paper Published : A Novel Approach for Detection, Analysis and Reduction

of Toxic Gases at Traffic Signals. (ICET16)

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 89

1. Name : Shinde Madhuri Ananda.

2. Date of Birth : 10th of Sept. 1995.

3. Gender : Female

4. Permanent Address : Room no 05, Yashodhan F Society, Shivaji Nagar, Sat-

pur, Nashik 07.

5. E-Mail :

6. Mobile/Contact No. : +919657896024

7. Placement Details : Krios Info. Solutions

8. Paper Published : A Novel Approach for Detection, Analysis and Reduction

of Toxic Gases at Traffic Signals. (ICET16)

SITRC, Department of Computer Engineering 2016-17 90

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