Catalytic Dehydration of Methanol To Dimethyl Ether. Kinetic Investigation and Reactor Simulation
Catalytic Dehydration of Methanol To Dimethyl Ether. Kinetic Investigation and Reactor Simulation
Catalytic Dehydration of Methanol To Dimethyl Ether. Kinetic Investigation and Reactor Simulation
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One-dimensional heterogeneous and pseudohomogeneous plug flow models were employed to model
an adiabatic fixed bed reactor for the catalytic dehydration of methanol to dimethyl ether.
Longitudinal temperature and methanol conversion profiles predicted by these models were compared
to those experimentally measured in a pilot reactor. The reactor was packed with 3-mm yAlzOs
pellets and operated in a temperature range of 29O-36OoCand a t a pressure of 2.1 bar. Intraparticle
mass transport was found to be the rate-controlling step.
Figure 1. Schematic drawing of the experimental apparatus for catalytic dehydration of methanol: (1)gas cylinder (nitrogen), (2)methanol
reservoir, (3)mass flow controller, (4)metering pump, (5)evaporator, (6)ball valve, (7) preheater, (8) manometer, (9) needle valves, (10)tube
and shell heat exchanger, (11) phase separator, (12)coolers, (13)thermocouples, (14)calcium silicate insulation block, (15)glass wool, (16)
catalyst bed, (17)inert bed, (18)sampling valve.
Table I. Properties of Catalyst and Reactor and Operating Table 11. One-Dimensional Plug Flow Models of the Fixed
Conditions Bed Reactor Used in This Studv
catalyst Bayer SAS y-AhOs interfacial intraparticle model
diameter of catalyst particles (mm) 3 t w e of model eradients zradients desimation
catalyst bed height (mm) lo0 heterogeneous yes yes I
catalyst particle density (kp/m3) 1.47 heterogeneous no Yes I1
catalyst bed porosity (/) 0.40 heterogeneous yes nd I11
reactor diameter (mm) 78 pseudohomogeneous no nd IV
reactor height (mm) loo0
preheater packing height (mm) 250 a Intraparticle gradients are accounted for in the apparent rate
inlet temp (K) 551.15-56.15 coefficients (eq 12).
pressure (bar) 2.1
methanol feed rate (L/h) 4.34-6.74
V'JJM(T,C;) dV
'10 = (4)
fication (e.g., a one-dimensional pseudohomogeneous rM(P,CP)
model) is usually made when one wishes to reduce the where the reaction rateat the catalystactivesite, rM(T,Ci),
computational time without an appreciable loss of the is given by eq 1. Equations 2 and 3 are subject to the
accuracy of model prediction. An adiabatic reactor can initial conditions that specify the feed composition and
be well described by one-dimensional models. In this temperature:
study, we adopted heterogeneous models that account for
the intraparticle and/or interfacial gradients as well as a c,"=ck0 atr =O
pseudohomogeneous model. The models used are sum-
marized in Table 11. P=T$ atz=o (5)
In the heterogeneous model, the mass and heat balances
in the fluid phase with isobaric plug flow are governed by The objective is to solve eqs 2 and 3 for the temperature
the following equations: and concentration profiles in the gas phase along the
reactor longitudinal coordinate.
As indicated in eq 4, the overall effectiveness factor can
be obtained by integrating the rate of reaction over the
volume of the whole particle. The concentration and
temperature profiles within the catalyst particle are
obtained by the simultaneous solution of the governing
equations which result by writing a mass and heat balance
within the particle
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.0s 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.f6 C !O
t O'JO T=613 K
+loa a I
4? 0.20 0.30
0.00 k- - 0.00
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.oo o.<o 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
Measured rate Measured rate
Figure 2. Comparison between experimentally measured global reaction rates for 3-mm catslyst pellets and those calculated by eqs 1 and
12. Area marked corresponds to the pilot reactor operating conditions.
and the following boundary conditions Kutta method while the surface conditions (C'and P )in
the heterogeneous model were determined by a Newton
iteration method. In these calculations, p. cp and AHr
were considered as a function of temperature. Nonlinear
equations (eqs 6 and 7), coupled through the concentration
dCi and temperature within the catalyst particle, had to be
ki(Cp - q)= -D.~;T; at r = d42 (9)
solved in each node of the computational grid used in the
integration of the mass and heat balances. Due to the
h ( T - f i =-A d- T
at r = d42 (10) complex rate equation, the solution is not so straightfor-
e dr ward. However, one canuseeither Bischoff 8 approximate
When the reaction rate is small compared to the external solutionwithageneralizedThiele modulus (Bischoff,1965)
heat- and mass-transfer rates, the surface concentration or a numerical solution. In this study, the numerical
and temperature both approach those in the bulk gas appr0acbwasused;the boundaryvalueproblem (eqs6-10)
phase, hence was first converted into an initial value problem by adding
an appropriate transient term to eqs 6 and I and then
q = C p and T= integrated according to the initial conditions to the steady
and consequently state (Riggs, 1988; Hindmarsh, 1986).
?I?,= 1 To avoid a time-consuming numerical calculation of the
effectivenessfactors, one can employ eq 1with the intrinsic
This leads to the one-dimensional heterogeneous model rate coefficients replaced by apparent coefficients that
where only the intraparticle resistances have to be account for the intraparticle mass- and heat-transport
considered (model 11). Equations 2 and 3 with initial limitations. For that purpose, the rate per catalyst particle
conditions (eq 5) still apply, but the overall effectiveness can be calculated from the relation
factor, qo. has to be replaced by the particle effectiveness
factor, 7, defined as
\0.80 - 650
0 - 630
0.60 3 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30
Y- - 610 E 700’
lA a,
a, 0.40 - 590 Q
+ - 570 I-
.6 6 0 -
0 PI
a, 0.20
L 640-
+ S
- 550 +
w 0 620 -
0.00 I
To = 5 5 1 . 1 5 K
\ Oa80 t
P = 2.1 b a r
/ ,r7- J g/
E 0.60
$ 0.40
0 03333 Experimental points
Qu=4.34 I/h - Model 111
0u=6.74 I/h _ - h' = 1.2 h
. _ _ h'__
_ _ h' == 0.8
5.0 * h
.... h' = 0 . 2 * h
0.00 0.40 I-"
0.oo 0.1 0 0.20 0.30 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
1.00 I 1 680 I I
To = 5 6 1 . 1 5 K Qu=6.74 I/h
P = 2.1 b a r 660 P = 2.1 bar
To=551.15 K
\Oaso ,640 -
.-$0.60 t
3 620 -
L E -
a 0.40 Q)
S -
0 Ooxo Experimental points
Exp. points - Model 111
0 Exp. points - - k' = 1.2 k
0.20 Model I . _ _ k' __ = 0.8 k
Model II 560 __ k' = 5.0 k
Model 111 ........ k ' = 0.2 k
Model IV
0.00 5401 I I I I
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
Reactor length, m Reactor length, m
Figure 5. Comparison between experimentallymeasured conversion Figure 7. Effect of the heat- and mass-transfer Coefficients on
profiles and those predicted by the models at two different inlet temperature profile predicted by the heterogeneous model 111.
illustrated in Figure 7, where the temperature profiles are
plotted for different values of the mass and heat transport
0 coefficients, respectively. These two physically relevant
parameters were varied one at a time to assess their effect
on the model features. Results in Figure 7 show that
increasing the transport coefficients even by a factor of 5
does not significantly change the loci of the temperature
profiles. When the heat transport coefficient is decreased
by a factor of 5, the locus is moved far above the
experimental points. As a direct consequence of a lower
heat-transfer rate, both the catalyst surface temperature
,- f
' EExperimental
- - T-' .
Model Ill
. " = T." + 2 K
and the reaction rate increase. Due to the increase of the
reaction rate, the temperature profile becomes steeper.
To' = To - 2 K
The same decrease of the mass transport coefficient results
in a shift of the temperature profile in the opposite
540' I I I I I direction. It should be noted that both transport coef-
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
ficients (k, h) change proportionally to the Reynolds
Reactor length, m number; in our case of exothermic reaction, their influence
Figure 6. Effect of ,the inlet temperature on temperature profile on the predicted temperature profile is almost counter-
predicted by the heterogeneous model 111. balanced.
The catalyst particles can be considered isothermal
these models are found above those predicted by the (BerEiE, 1990);thus, only the intraparticle mass transport
models with neglected interfacial gradients. Figure 6 shows may retard the reaction. Figure 8 shows the temperature
the temperature profiles for different inlet temperature profiles predicted by the heterogeneous model 11, where
of the gas phase. As can be seen, only a slight difference a value of the effective diffusion coefficient was changed
in the inlet temperature causes quite a bit of change in the for f20%. The effective diffusion coefficient was esti-
profile location. However, by decreasing the inlet tem- mated from the relation
perature by only 2 K, certainly within the error of
temperature measurement, one can match the predicted De,i= 9.636 X 1 0 4 m (cm2/s) (13)
and experimental profiles quite well. This further alludes
that the dehydration rate is not controlled by the external which is based on the parallel pore model for Knudsen-
transport processes. Confirmation of this hypothesis is type diffusion (BerEiE, 1990). Influence of the particle size
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 32, No. 11, 1993 2483
--- I Conclusions
The intrinsic rate of dehydration reaction is realistically
expressed by eq 1. Using this equation and an appropriate
numerical procedure, one can reasonably well predict the
global reaction rates that account for the intraparticle heat-
and mass-transfer limitations. The axial temperature and
conversion profiles in an adiabatic fixed bed reactor for
the DME production are well predicted by models
neglecting interfacial gradients where the source term is
either in the form of eq 1with the intrinsic rate parameters
(model 11)or in the form of eq 12 with the apparent rate
Experimental parameters (model IV). The apparent rate parameters
Model II can be easily determined by experiments in a differential
,,I = 0.8 reactor employing particles of the same size that are going
5401 1 I I I
to be used in a commercial reactor.
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
Reactor length, m Acknowledgment
We acknowledge support from the Ministry of Science
Figure 8. Effect of the effective diffusivity on temperature profile and Technology of Slovenia under Grant No. C2-0541-
predicted by the heterogeneous model 11. 104 and from Nafta-Lendava for making it possible to run
680 I I
a pilot reactor at their facilities for more than 2 months.
We also thank Bayer, A. G., Germany, for the catalyst
Ci = concentration in fluid phase, kmol/m3
cp = specific heat of fluid, kJ/(kg-K)
D,i = effective diffusion coefficient, m2/s
d, = particle diameter, m
AHr = heat of reaction, kJ/kmol
h = heat-transfer coefficient, W/(m2.K)
K = thermodynamic equilibrium constant
Fi = adsorption constant, m3/kmol
. _ _P'_ _3.8 = P Ki = apparent adsorption constant
_ _ d,' = 2.0 * d,
- -...- -. d,' = 0.5 d, ki = mass-transfer coefficient, m/s
' 0.10
k, = reaction rate constant, kmol/(kg-h)
k, = apparent reaction rate constant, kmol/(kg.h)
Reactor length, m Mi = molecular weight, kg/kmol
P = pressure, bar
Figure 9. Effect of the particle size and operating pressure on R = reactor radius, m
temperature profile predicted by the heterogeneous model 11. r = particle radial coordinate, m
F = reactor radial coordinate, m
rM = rate of methanol disappearance, kmol/(kg.h)
T = temperature, K
0.08 0 u = superficial velocity, m/s
0 ' 8 V = particle volume, m3
0 0 z = reactor longitudinal coordinate, m
- 0.06
0 8
Xi = mole fraction
Greek Letters
E 0.04 Mixture composition
MeOH:DME:H,O:N2 4~ = methanol feed rate, L/h
n 0003035 : 9 : 9 : 47 7 = effectiveness factor
E 00000 41 : 13: 13: 33
0.02 k X ? 0 Q 5 0 : 9 : 9 : 32 70 = global effectiveness factor
I A, = particle effective thermal conductivity, kJ/(ms.K)
0.00 ui = stoichiometric coefficient
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 p = gas-phase density, kg/m3
Pressure, b a r p~ = catalyst bed density, kg/m3
pp = catalyst particle density, kg/m3
Figure 10. Effect of the operating pressure on global reaction rate
for 3 mm y-Al2O3 catalyst pellets. Subscripts and Superscripts
b = bulk conditions
and the operating pressure on the longitudinal temperature E = dimethyl ether
profile is depicted in Figure 9. It is obvious that the effect e = effective
of particle diameter is appreciable. It is somewhat i = ith component (methanol, DME, water)
surprising that the total pressure has almost no effect on M = methanol
0 = inlet conditions
the predicted temperature profile. One can speculate that s = surface conditions
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