BARC India - YEARBOOK - The Year After Two Thousand & Nineteen

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THE YEAR AFTER TWO THOUSAND & NINETEEN WHAT INDIA WATCHED CONTENTS ATIME TO REBOOT MESSAGES FROM OUR CHAIRMAN & STAKEHOLDERS THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS Non-Prime-Time : The New Prime-Time Communication From The Government The Prime Minister's Addresses to The Nation Top News Events Doordarshan: Success Down Memory Lane IPL-13 THE YEAR IN PHASES The Ebb and Flow of Viewership dds on TY: Signalling Recovery & GENRE-WISE PERFORMANCE GEC Movies News Sports Kids POSTSCRIPT GLOSSARY [BARE INDIA YEARBOOK 70201 CONTENTS = = 2021- ATIME TO ’ REBOOT -FROM THE # YEAR AFTER 2019 Meee Pete hua s ‘The virus was nature’s way of saying enoughis enough. We experienced its fury, lives were lost and so were livelihoods. Climate change came into focus especially when nature's true beauty and bounty surfaced sporadically, and exoressions ‘of awe were heard around the globo. It was 2 loud wake-up call! The world came to a near standstill. But by and large, people learned to cope. Dea uo “Families bonding together and relying on each other”. News and Entertainment playeda significant role during this time. People gathered around their TV sets, spending quality time reliving the mythological classics which resurfaced along with the reintroduction of other memorable content from Pec es IGT ae rn eo ee ae ie ee ese Sa ea eae aa ‘a comeback on our TV screens and in our lives. Ramayan now helds the record of the most watched TV program in the The year 2019 +, was a consolidation and reaffirmation year for Television in Indio. The Janata Curfew’ ensured that everyone stayed at home and that in turn fuelled TV viewership. A considerable spike of 23% in viewership was recorded between mid-March to June compared to January to early March, clocking an average of over 1 trillion viewing minutes ea ‘As India stepped into the unlock mode in July, broadcasters too unlocked their original programming of big-ticket Paneer Weer eae un eae ae On Ceo. nC Sn eee he with a 34% volume growth compared to the first half of the year. BARC India seamlessly served its subscribers with the weekly release of data, responding to queries and needs, enrolling new subscribers et al, while much of the workplace around us, was WFH. On behalf ofall of us at BARC India, | would like to take this opportunity to exprass my heartfelt sympathies to those who may haye lost their near and dear ones during these troubled times andalzo to those who have cuffered untold hardships. ‘As we prepare for new beginnings and the challenges awaiting us, I would like to reiterate that we have taken this time to ‘set ourselves individual and professional goals and continue to work towards our vision: To always be the Ree eee usec ee RR EN emo aceon BARC's stakeholders, enshrined within our values of always Acting with Integrity, Delivering Excellence, Collaborating Corer ett mene ert ‘After an extremely transformative year at BARC India, we have stepped out into the new year with a confidence supported bya completely reassured belie! in the exacting standards we have set for ourselves. ea eee ear aes Sunil Lutla remus Eo a szAe Co Neo once MESSAGE FROM OUR CHAIRMAN “Iwas a game changing year for the Media & Entertainment industry, 2s the consumption patterns evelved ata rapid pace and viewership of content across all platforms surged to newer levels. The year also presented a unique set of challenges and opportunities. t wae encouraging to note ‘that the team at BARG India continued to maintain an undeterred positive approach, with a sharp focus on offering value, to all thestakeheldors. 2021 willbe a significant yoar. ‘A yeor to rise up against all edds. On behalf ofall members of ‘the Board, | wish the team at BARC India, alt the very best.” MESSAGES FROM OUR STAKEHOLDERS “The M&E sectoris poised for 4x growth over the next decade,and we have already got a glimpse of that potential ina very challenging year. With just about 64% penetration, television will continue to drive expansion of the M&E industry. While there were many points of instability for broadcasters in 2020, | fet proud to say that BARC India provided the much-needed solidity and stoadinoss with ts weakly éata and insights into television viewing habits of indians. The IBF will continue to provide ‘Support to BARC India and ensure that our measurement system is at par with alobal standards.” x In the fast paced and dynamic industry thatwe operate in, ‘success is defined by reliable data and strong research, ‘That's what enables brands and markets to keep in touch ‘ith evolving consumer testes and preferences. n this 4 context, BARC India has done an outstanding job, the Limitations of the pandemic induced disruptions in 2020 notwithstanding! Wearing the twin hate of an ond-ucor of BARC India data and that of a member of Rs Beard now, | hope to contribute to the next phase of the organisation's growth.” “Ihave said this earlier - the best way to serve your customeristo innovate for thom. From fortilying its technology and processes, ensuring timely data release during lockdown, to moving the engagement with its stakeholders online, BARC India kept in pace with the new normal. The pandemic has fast-forwarded India's digital journey and going forwarditscriticalto build robust digital measurement currency. As a member of the BARC Board, I certainly hope te catalyse that journey. (2 BARC NDA YEARBCOK 7020 |OUR STAHEHDLOERS MESSAGES THROUGH THE LOO GLAS L 2020 was ayear marked by a substantial increase in television viewership, Total TV Viewership grew by 9%, driven by ATS (Average Time Spent] clocking 4 hours 2 minutes daily in 2020 from 3 hours 42 ‘minutes in 2019, Viewership for General Entertsinment Channels [GEC], News, Movies and kids genres grew, largely due to the COVID-19 lockdown, when families were homebound for an extended period, An overwhelming majority of Incians tured to their TV screens - which served as a window to the outside world, even as it retainedits status as the pre-eminent destination for the “daily dose of entertainment for the entire family Simultaneously, with the pandemic putting the brakes on lve sports events, sports viewership dipped for mest ofthe year, although IPL-13 did inject some cheer back in the Sports genre towards the end cf the year With a clutch of free-to-air(FTA] Hindi GECs returning to the DD FREE DISH platform in 2020 after about a year's gap, viewers transitioned from Music/ Youth genre, Tis, followed bya fw Music / Youth channels going eff dectine in the genre led to the vieworship Weekly Viewing Minutes (Bn) Genres 2019 2020 Change % Sone share in © GEC 456 @ 1 @ MOVIES 217 @ 1 NEWS/ BUSINESS 82 o News oO “os . @ 1 MUSIC/ © YOUTH oe @ 1 © SPORTS 29 @ 1 @ Misc* 1b @ TOTAL 916 999 09% 100% Allinda, 2+ /Wek 1-89 2019 Week I-52 2020 channels Mise" inistanment Lesye,Teleshopping, Dewstenal Ohers (41 BARC INDA YEARBOOK700 I THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS BH Viewership Split by Geography Viewership rose across geographies and markets, with a slightly higher growth observed in Urban over Rural India, and in Hindi Speaking Markets [HSM] over the South Markets. © Weekly Viewing Minutes (Bn) 01 03 05 INDIA RURAL SOUTH 2019-914 2019-470 2019 - 344 2020-999 02 2020-505, 04 - aaa este: “Growth vs 2019 Growth vs 2019 Growth vs 2019 09% URBAN 08% HSM 08% 2019-644 | = 2019 - 570 Share (2020) 2020-494 Share (2020 2020 - 627 Sherelaoh a ‘ 0 tah ry 100% | counenn | 51% | comeae | 37% 11% 10% Share (2020) Share (2020) nl 49% 63% Viewership Split By Sex Tetevision viewing in India has always been a “family affair”, with a high volume of “co-viewing”. With families at home, Male ‘and Female viewership grew in parallel © Weekly Viewing Minutes [Bn] 01 03 INDIA FEMALE 2019-916 2019-457 || 2020-999 MALE 2020-502 “Growth vs 2019 2019-457 Growthvs 2019 09% | nee 10% Share (20201 bash © Share (2020) Share (2020 0, 100% | 99% | 50.3% Share (2020) 49.7% Respective Markets, 2s Meek 1-3 2019 8 Week 1-52 20204 channels ¢ THROUGH THE LODKNG LASSI BARC INDIA YEARS00K 7020105 ADVERTISING VOLUMES (MN SECS) UCPC es icin viewership trend where the fall WER WATS ACU Sern Aer oc eet) PNR un ctca i} CASAC RCIA ad Change% _Senre share in Genres 2019 2020 Sinn e- = = MOVIES 322 09% @ NEWs/ fe BUSINESS 490 01% NEWS O- - » @ Music/ YOUTH 209 -21% @® SPORTS 19 ee @® Misce 70 18% @ TOTAL 1562 1497 03% 100% Excludes ASSOCIATIONS SOCIAL / CULTURAL ORG, SOCIAL NGOs & Filer categories Jan to Des 20198 20201AL edannels Misc Inbtanmen, Lies, Teleshorping, Dewtenal Chess {61 ARC NDA YEARBOOK 7070 | THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS NON-PRIME-TIME: THE NEW PRIME-TIME NON-PRIME-TIME EMERGED AS THE NEW PRIME-TIME The healthy growth of television viewership in 2020 wes built around non-prime-time INPT] viewing, which rose sharply during the lockdown period, and maintained those levels for a large part ofthe year. With families at home 24x7, there was a visible impact on the volume of daytime viewing, and the share of non-prime-time viewing in total TWViewership rose from 51% in 2019 to 53% in 2020. Npireet 2010 atebewe 200" raltDorn 2017 relay tee ==> > => => = GEC 04% 16% 4h% 46% Movies 05% 11% 5L% 55% News 18% 26% 56% 55% Kids 02% 31% N% 73% Music / Youth 04% 10% 73% UY. Sports 21% 35% 38% 38% Misc* 01% 10% 64% 63% Allada, 2+ /Basedon Weeky Vewing Minutes in NPT 04:00t0 18:01 / Week 1-52 2018, Wook 1532019 & Wook 1522020 [All channels Mise": inftainment Liste, Teshopping,Dewtional, Obers Even for Hindi GEC, non-prime-time garnered higher viewership than prime-time for the period Z when original programming was unavailable, OPeakviewershipin week 15 MI Now-Frime-Time I rime-Time Zs a 10 120 100 280 Hindi CEC/ HSM? 2. / owing Minos Bal / Non-Pro: Time i. 16:0 to 1806 / Prime. Tie i, 380 to 2:00 8] ARC NDA YEARBOOK 7070 | THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS Hl COMMUNICATION FROM THE GOVERNMENT Television was a key force multiplier in the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic. With its significant all-India penetration, TV played an important role in disseminating news and information of the pandemic and the government's steps to battle it. Overall, 2020 sawa 12% son in social / government advertisement volumes on TV. The April-June 2020 quarter (largely, the successive lockdown periods), witnessed the highest volumes for government messaging, with the category witnessing a tripling of advertising over the same period in 2019. Social Advertisements-Govt (Ad Volume in Mn secs} aN Period Pro-COVID covin: During Lockdown COVID: Unlock Year-ender 90 ira CTU MCC Janto Dec 2019 & 220/AU channels 10] BARC NDA YEARECOK 200 | THROUGH THE LOOKING G.ASS A THE PRIME MINISTER'S ADDRESSES TO THE NATION Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s addresses to the Nation set new viewership benchmarks every time he appears on television. Whether they are his interviews, speeches at global events, addresses to the nation or even a wildlife adventure show, channels that broadcast the content see their viewership leapfrog and set new levels. It took the PM's national address on 19" March 2020 for the country to sit up and take note of COVID-19 in the very early stages of the global pandemic. The PM called for a one-day Janata Curfew and followed that up with the announcement of a 21-day National Lockdown on 24" March 2020. The telecast saw Viewing Minutes more than treble over that of his previous address. There was much anticipation for the Prime Minister's speech on 14** April 2020 as well, where he announced Lockdown 2.0. With 203 Mn viewers tuning in, this turned out to be the most tuned-in of all his seven ‘COVID-19 addresses’. Each time the PM's coronavirus related addresses were aired, there was a noticeable drop in viewership of major genres like GEC, Movies and Kids. The PM's 5! address to the nation on 12" May 2020, where he announced an INR 20 Lakh Cr financial package, became the most watched address with 4.3 Bn Viewing Minutes. TOP 3 COVID-19 RELATED SPEECHES BY PM MODI Coho ONT ieseyh INR 20 Lakh Financial Leche Nee) COVID-19 (4" Address) / Lockdown 2.0 COVID-19 (ea Pera Kee) e Roe) r ) Nees) een eer ee THE IMPACT OF PM’S 9-MINUTES BLACKOUT CALL The PM's “9-PM-9-Minutes” solidarity call for a nation-wide blackout by turning off all lights at home, and lighting of diyas and candles, was @ reassuring success. However, evidently, people also decided to switch off their TV sets in this period and this was reflected in a decline of 60% in TV viewership during these 9 minutes. *BARC's data for that period was validated by a report of the Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. [POSOCO). It said that “trend of TV switch off data very well correlates to {power] demand drop as well as demand pick up post event.” MINUTE-ON-MINUTE VIEWING MINUTES (MN) © 29.03.7029 @ 22-03-2020 © 15.03.2020 @05-0i.2029 @ 21:00-21.09 350 300 = 20 5 200 5 150 2 100 50 0 ginggggees “nupsi/poseco.inhyp-cententivploads/2020/05/Report-en-Par-Iedia-Lights-OH-Event-9-PN-9-Minules-on-50h-Apr-2020-1 pdt {461 BARC NDA YEARODK 200! THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS FROM THE RAMPARTS OF THE RED FORT Independence Day Speech (Live Telecast] The anticipation and engagement with audiences that the PM is able to drive, was once again proven by the data of his 2020 Independence Day address. Viewership of his I-Day speech clocked a phenomenal 4.6 Bn Viewing Minutes, up by over 40% over previous year. pTtieeifolg) (Ciara) No. of People Wewng SNe inimunies Paced (Bn) (tN) Allindia, 2+ "THROUGH THELODKNIGGLASS! BARC INDI YEARBOOK 7020115 TOP NEWS EVENTS Intheyear ofthe virus, there were several other eventsand developmentsthat madenews across the 52 weeks of 2020. Once the families were locked-inwithin their hommes. news channels becamea window to the anxious werld outside. The share of Nees intotal TV Viewership tripled during the lockdown period, fromits earlier average of 7% of total Viewership. NEWS PEAKS MTSU Rul Gree sere dae 9 P< Jy T) venenatis Riree ati) PM's Janata Curfew CTE ee eli outbreak of coronavirus. shore% 20% 2 ee eat eho Gres 19% 10% 5% re geeres EEEPEPEEREELERE EELESEEEELEEEE nc Ne ns News News Genre Week-Wise Share% ic ‘As well asthe high of Week 21 2019 (General Elections) with 14-1) aM eae ech previous high of: Meer AU eclect peg eu i) Teac) Penarth) WATE Meni aces 21% Drgkia 20 Sire Sowetil eae HE ee ———— Ry "THROUGH THELODKNIGGLASSI BARC INDIA YEARBOOK 2020 17 VIEWER SAMPLING TRENDS AMONG TOP HINDI NEWS CHANNELS a Hindi News Viewers sampling alt 7-10 ‘channels grew from 16%in week 1, 2020 to Whenever events that seriously impact. 3 0% ese People’s lives occur, data indicates that TV ATs returned te ts acevious levels) viewers tend to ‘scan’ for more varied news By che endo! 2020: ‘and points of view by sampling muttiplo ‘channels. This was true during the lockdown, Hindi News - Usually 70% of Hindi News Viewers watch more than 1 channel. In Wk12’20, that number rose to 84% Loyalty among Top 10 Hindi News Channels any? 029% 016% O31% 032% e HLAU7-10 016% © 30% © 16% © 15% & z eae SSSESEES SEs SSSSSESS Wk 1220 onwards (Coronavirus Cutbreak & Lockdown) IS to/ Verto op 10h —, {op t0channasonneasif ene years cata ETS a BARCNUG ET roe SNE NE an a woe sxecia™ 181 @ARC NDA YEARODK 200! THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS DOORDARSHAN: SUCCESS DOWN MEMORY LANE With fresh centent supply lines drying up, broadcasters fell back on their archived contert. And bere, Doordarshan stolea merch over its peers with a masterstroke asit pulled out classics rom yesteryeers like Ramayan, Mahabharet, Shri Krishna, Shaktimaan, etc, in what tured out tobe a clever programming strategy. The content that DD served up, also seems to have resonated in times of strase with both - those who re-lived the erawhen these were broadcast earlier, as ‘well 2s a younger audience who saw this programming for the very first time while shering screen time with nostalgic adults. The re-runs of the classics catapulted DD National to pole position among GECs, once again proving that appealing Content remains King, ‘The viewership contribution of Mythological shows to the Hindi GEC genre, spiked from a mere 14% Pre-COVID to 43% by Weok 15, 2020, Contribution of Mythological Shows to Hint ~N PRE CovID-19 Ne WEEK 11 WEEK 12 EC Viewership (%) eee WEEK 13, WEEK 14 WEEK 15 o 6 0 @© © © @- Durationtirs) HSM 2+/sOVbacedon Viewing Motes /Mjholocal Show lasifzaton based en Programme Genre ~Mythogeal/Cestume Drama © Co Total 2019 “Alina, 2+ Wee Vewing Mirtes No} “0D Sports rot reprted tomueek 18 Week SS 201 BARC NDA YEARODK 2020! THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS ‘© No.of UD channels DD's Viewership Trend Across Genres, iewership of 0D Newerk witnessed 2 $8% gowthin2020 ever 2018. BEC genre contributed thehighest othe network with a growth of 115%, DDNational & 00 Bharatileanfrogged exponentially, by over Sx & 10x respectively Di share in all-naia Tota TV viewing Increased from 1.2¥6last year to 1.836 in 2020. GROWTH OF DD CHANNELS IN 2020 Weekly Viewing Minutes in Mn ina | so |oosoneae (EO AMA RNMED | oreo (ihr aera mame And, 2+/ Aes 3.2500 Camels @vmor-10 Qwer-26 Qwarsr Qwisese Orurer -Dosports it rooredton oot Ito Fut yr on for OD Spice teh ek 1603 Do Reon ase nek 152020 PUL ETE es Pye ET ey iy Neen aa Neen ria era) eens g 26 times 877 times Scan) On ater) ime a) Pe OU eC UU TRON LCE} (2) (2) Reo ie fon 1e Comeback by Viewer watching the show with at least one DD Channets other family member — 6 Co-Viewing of Co-Viewing of ZA Within the Hindi GEC genre, 2020 Ramayan Mahabharat witnessed a remarkable journey of DD Nationalto the top of the leader-board - powered by the viewership of Ramayen and Mahabharet (during Week 13~ 18, 2020) the reverertial classics that revved memeries and resonated with all audiences. Co-viewing for other 9 Hindi GEC sho 86% 85%) Hina SEC shows a To: HSM / Universe [2+] Week 19. 14 or Ramayan and Nahabharat Wek 9& 10 Co-vewing for oer Hind: GEC shows Pre-COVO “Co-viewing data generated by BARC Advanced Analytics Toot With large volume of library content avilable, DD spreed the shows across other channels ints network. ‘The postive impact on the viewership ofthese channels was fein equal ‘measure —for instance DD Bharati rose to the Ne, Sepot amongst Hint GEC channels in Week 17, 2020. i "THROUGH THE LOOKBNGGLASSI BARE MONA YEAR2ODK 2011 ADVERTISING TRENDS OF DD CHANNELS Doordarshan understood the ture of mythology forts audiences perfect and used these shows toincrease the viewership of its channels, reaping the dividends of this move. Advertisers quickly leveraged DD's spike in viewershio, leading to a 31% increase in Advertising Volumes on DD Channels, 3s compared to 2019. Ad Volumes by Genre ‘Infotainment 10 13% o Sports oO 1% on “DD Sports notreported rom week to week 35 GECs gained the most with a 33% DD Sports sawa dip of 17% in increase, followed closely by ‘Advertising Volumes compared to 2019, News Channels at 28% with Live Sporting events ruled out by and Infotainment with 13%. the pandemic. Heightened advertiser interest in DD during this period was further evident from the Phase-Wise Advertising Volumes data, ‘Ad Volumes in D0 GECS IMn Secs) Period 2019 2020 — Change % Pre-COVID COVID- Lockéown “Covi0 - Untock 41% Year Ender ‘The Apri-.une period, which coincides with the lockcovin phase, and also the period when DO rolled out its mythological classics, saw Ad Volumes jump by 62% over the same periodin 2019. “Excludes ASSOCIATIONS / SOCIAL /CULTURAL ORG, SOCIAL NGOs & Fier categories a 221 BARC NDA YEARBOOK 7020 | THROUGH THE LOOKING GASS THROUGH THE LODKNG LASSI BARC INDIA YEARS00K 7020128 Over the last decade and more, the Indian Premier League (IPL) has emerged as one of the most eagerly awaited sporting events on TV. The pandemic disrupted the IPL calendar in 2020 and it was ultimately played later in the year. Viewership of IPL-13 saw a substantial 23% increase over 2019, with 2 65% contribution from the Hindi language broadcast. While viewership from Mega Cities grew by 6%, states like Bihar / Jharkhand, Odisha and Kerala saw significant growth in viewership in 2020. — Barc nue vs pect Sacto Seo ‘cat peieg tits? £18 oe ab MIN, sae esa? VIEWERSHIP DATA FOR IPL-13 ALSO THROWS UP SOME INTERESTING TRENDS -nis the total viewership of Ree sai nc ey Bocce EUS was garnered by IPL-13 ese Pear caer anntar Pay e ee Led eee Bee Rea Ur ad viewership from Hindi ~ up rea a sce} Ee eee ue NCCS AB - up from 57% in Pea ee ey IPL-13 490 a 326 300 N 5 . 22D] 57% 43% > (9% © © : 6 vate Saremae = mn ms PL -19 ln Vor uns ate PL1S/STAR Sport 1ST Sports 1D, STAR Spt 1 HO Heck STAR Spor Hin STARS Kana TAR Sport 1am STAR Spt Teg, ‘Saat Stet 12D STAR Spratt 1240, STR Cals? SARGhat Ausra Mae JoshaMaves STR Cal SIAR CSHO, Sor Man Meee Sa Sema Pl, SB Scora Sy Soe SHR Sk SHA pts 2H SUR Sets 2 TRS Bo STR rs "Sor lS Broek FIN fer 48% of the Indian TY viewing audience Rete ei eet rt ere pene caen YMC Nees ber Cremer ie ea) matches compared with IPL-12 (24), viewership for IPL grew by 23% driven by yee acess Rica ene ey ecu cna) Roe ee geese techn 15-30 years age group remained the highest viewership contributor (84% viewership eon Region-wise growth in IPL-13 ( Total Viewing Minutes (Bn) v v 2019 2020 Change % lagna) tncia 326.4 400.4 23% = Baa HSM 226.3 272.2 20% Lat South 100.1 128.2 28% yi, MegaCities 59.1 62.3 06% Respective Marka, 2+/TVOny/Lite Mates Onty Across 24 chanrats Region-nise breakdown of IPL-13 viewership revealsa signifcant grow of 28% coring from the Southern markets, while Hindi Speaking Markets [HSM] posted a 20% rise. Mega Cities registered a growth of 65 in 2020. 261 BARC INDIA YEARBOOK 7000 | THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS nl ADVERTISING ON IPL-13 |Advertising date trom IPL-13 once again points tothe new ‘post-pandemic reality’ ~ the growing relevance ard footprint of Internet and motite-ted preducts and services in our lives. The top advertised categories and brands during the 2020 edition of IPL underscores that trend - with a majority of ther relating to online shepping, education and gaming, e-payment wallets, social medi, cellular phones and services. OPPO Top 5 Sectors 2020 @ AsVoiumee ThovesndSece) ‘TELECOM PRODUCTS Use NUN Si cynic} Top 5 Advertisers 2020 CSUN wes} vel) ‘AMAZON ONLINE INDIA ue) Ns se) sear eo ndia commanded a majorly share, emerging as the #1 advertiser for IPL 2020. oO PLC °o Top 5 Categories 2020 CMa PHONES _==@) Pee aUV AUDA MLN Poteau Top 5 Brands 2020 Sees ay es TCs ce CaN OU LUT eHEN THROUGH THE LODKNGLASSI BARC INDIA YEARS00K 7020127 THE YEAR IN PHASES SCOPE OF ANALYSIS For the lastfive decades, television has been the primary source ofinformation and entertainment for the masses in India, In 2020, ‘when the COVID-19-led pandemic ferced the nation to cbsarve muitiple lockdowns, the average Indian turned to talevision even more'o stay engaged. ‘Seen from the perspective of the all-encompassing viral pandemic, and based on the impact ef the lackdown on TVviewership, theyear has been broadly viewed in four phases: Viewership Advertising 1. "Pre-COVID", Weeks 1-10 Le. 6° January - 13° March 1. “Pre-COVID": January - March 2020 2. “COVID: During Lockdown”, Weeks 11-28... 14" 2 “COMID: During Lockdown" April-June 2020 March -3°Juy 3. “COMID: Unlock”: Juy = September 2020 3. COMD: Unlock”. Weeks 27-37, L€, 4° ly ~ 18° 4 “Year Ender": October - December 2020 Al September 4 4. "Year Ender: Weeks 38-52. ie. 19° September = 1* January 2021 Viewership & Advertising Tracker tat PRE-COVID coviD: DURING LOCKDOWN COVID: UNLOCK YEAR ENDER Allin /2+/Al\Chanaels Eile [eee er v EU a Circa Vere) Advertising -06% -03% 18% -32% 14% 05% = 06% 20% S\N ‘Adherising excludes ASSOCIATIONS / SOCIAL /CULTURAL ORG, SECIL NGOs & Filer categories THE YEAR IN PHASES BARE INDIA YEARBOOK 20201 29 THE EBB AND FLOW OF VIEWERSHIP ‘sin previous years, TV viewership in 2020 too had its ebb and flow. However, what made 2020 stand out isthe impact of the epochal event, which waen't limited to fixed point in time. Rather, iteast ite shadow across the year, with varying intensity and, in fact, hasn't yet stopped ts disruptive influence on all walks of ie IN CaN ena Period Change % PRE-COVID 880.9 coviD: DURING 1084.0 LOCKDOWN CoVvID: UNLOCK 1046.8 YEAR ENDER 951.4 TOTAL rea ea PRE-COVID While GEC and Movies viewership dipped bya similar margin, there was a significant drop in News viewership during this period, On a year-on-year basis, there was a 0 6% dip in total TV viewership 'O inthis period in 2020. ‘The dip in News viewership in this period should be viewed in the context of the same period in 2019, where News viewing was at unprecedented high levels on account of the impending General Election, the terror attack at Pulwama, the subsequent Balakot airstrike and the return of Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman. Genre-wise Weekly Viewing Minutes (Bn) Genre 2019 2020 Change % All India | 2+ [All Channels {21 BARC NDIA YEARBOOK 7000 THE YEARIN PHASES STATE-WISE VIEWERSHIP PRE-COVID (Week 1-10, 2020) RCO URL} ata level of YPC) Poenor ey anu Average Time Spent per viewer (ATS) daily. ATE ee ova osai.t2 050224 06:33:36 60%:48 03:36:00 eg oaon12 5 MPI Raj e e up. 029824 3500 6000 Pun @ HSM ee AP/Telangana had the eee eae Of. while TN/ 76 %o LIU rea sUin y TCP Icy DNS ut nL) Ce ere roe Beco were significantly Peet tune hur Pout wakes Lt To Rey bins Soy AP/Tel Sui Ino 66.00 Daily Avg Rch% ee The ‘higher’ and lewer"iswithrelerence te the Al-inda data Allndia /2+/ All Channels GETS Bane Neen ea THE YEAR PHASES BARC INDIA YEARBOOK 7070129, COVID: DURING LOCKDOWN ‘This period coincides with the Lockdown announced by PM Modi. With the nation confined indoors, families were drawn to their TY sets, resulting in ajump of 1 8% in total TV viewership (over the same period, 2019). GEC genre as.a whole witnessed an 8% growth, almost entirely due to ‘the spike in viewership of DD channels. Given the disruptive situation that not just the nation, but also the whole world faced, it came as no surprise that News viewership scaled new peaks. News genre viewership almost ‘doubled in this period. Sports genre dropped, as a natural consequence of domestic and international live sporting events, being put on hold. With the closure of schools and other educational institutions, Kids and Young ‘Adults had the remote more often in their hands. The Kids genre witnessed a whopping 45% growth in jiewership ever the same period of 2019. Genre-wise Weekly Viewing Minutes (Bn) Genre 2019 2020 Change % aC Um Cte 1084.0 Coa 492.3 C2 286.2 36% ‘| tH News / Business News 158.8 86.7 ia CECA) Sire SLY DEC Ur Wey rly va a3 6.0 10% @ ieee 15 roa Citiey 6.1 aA 5 Ry Alltndia /2+/ AU Channels 361 BARC NDIA YEARIOK7000 THE YEARIN PHASES STATE-WISE VIEWERSHIP During COVID (Week 11-26, 2020) LV Agendas Tec the highest daily Average Time Spent per viewer (ATS) a ea LE CTU Deer cuca Ue COT ren TDs ENC eu ee EAC cUr) () Prue kar) 73 yee PCO ETT Ace} Ape Re ae EL bootie nas Se oa a) Pre-COVID period [Crane tiny than Pre-COVID) ATS er eves) 053112 050224 0433:36 o60aae 03:36:00 0307.12 0290.24 35.00 60.00 68.00 70.00 Daily Avg Rchi Al nda /2+/ Al Channels The higher" and lower‘ is with cefereace tothe Al-tada data “THE YEAR N PHASES BARE INDIA YEAR00K 202125 COVID: UNLOCK Rise in TV viewership continued unabated during this period - although the lockdown was gradually relaxed in several parts of the country, restrictions ‘on opening of workspaces and movement of people, continued in many areas. GEC viewership grew as fresh content began returning to the channels in this period. News genre viewership stayed on a growth path, with the news and updates of the pandemic situation being anxiously watched. 1g Minutes (Bn) Genre 2019 2020 Change % TOTAL 1046. 7) 341.6 ra 232.4 (265.8 ts News / Business News 104.1 sad : i LL ty Peta Co 49.6 Eyes Gras) ETA DETTE WAS Lees is BR STS es a Lifestyle ye RB © HE z ey 2 Rs All India / 2+ /Ai Channels YEAR-ENDER ) Total TV viewership maintainedag Q 6 Yasrousnin in the closing months of 2020. GEC viewership held on to its healthy growth, as new shows got launched and some-big ticket content returned to TV. Sports genre saw a huge spike as IPL-13 rolled out, anda cricket starved nation lapped it up. Genre-wise Weekly Viewing Minutes (Bn) Genre 2019 Change % 2020 CoV TRA 3 a) 202.2 By ry 3 Fs a 3 ss e News / Business News Ls) 69.7 SAC Phe Saad o te to th wn cy Tay 17.1 127% DSTO WAS Tuts Bh B Sh ete) Pata es © i @ Paha AU India / 2+ (All Channels "THE YEAR IN PHASES BARE INDIA YEARBOOK 2020137 = & SS Py 5 EF ADS ON TV: SIGNALLING RECOVERY ‘The first half of 2020 was a However, green shoots of challenging period for brand recovery began toemerge in the managers and marketers. Although TV second half of 2020. And the year viewership was scaling new peaks, ended with a robust advertiser interest was understandably 0, ‘muted, with disruptions in supply 20 %o growth chains: sales were impacted, as was TV Inadvertising Volumes on TV during the festive period starting October. ‘Ad Volumes were further buoyed by the roturn of PL. e Advertising Gets Past Lockdown Challenges ern PRE-COVID 379 coviD: DURING 399 LOCKDOWN COVID: UNLOCK 379 YEAR ENDER 386 ws ws A \ LZ Altchonrete Excludes ASSOCIATIONS / SOCIAL / CULTURAL ORG, SOCIAL NGOs & Fillo cotegerioz THE EAR IN PHASES BARC IND YEARBOOK 7020129 ADVERTISING VOLUMES BY PHASES ‘Advertising Volumes for GECs inthe Pre-COVID period saw a 04% jump, even as Ad Volumes, ata total TV level, dipped 03% 1. Pre-COVID Ad Volumes (Mn secs) erreur TOTAL 378.6 369.1 -03% GEC 18 95.9 04% Movies 75.6 83.6 10% Bee Mews 127.5 1146.6 10% Kids 11.9 11.6 -02% Music / Youth 48.7 46.6 -05% Sports 4A 3.4 23% Infotainment 7.2 5.2 28% Misc* 11.8 9.0 -2h% |All Channels for 2020 considered Mise” Lifestyle, Teleshopping, Devotional, Others Excludes ASSOCIATIONS / SOCIAL / CULTURAL ORG, SOCIAL NGOs & Fillor estogorioe {491 BARC NA YEAROK 7000 THE YEARIN PHASES 2. COVID: During Lockdown News genre though, registered a viewership growth during the lockdown, Ad Volumes, however, dipped by 27% over 2019. Once the lockdown came into force, GEC viewership dropped for a majority of the channels in the genre due tono original programming and supply chain being hampered due to the lockdown. Advertising Volumes, in this genre, also took a hit, dropping 26% over the same period in 2019. Ad Volumes (Mn secs) TOTAL 398.7 269.7 -32% GEC 93.1 68.6 -26% Movies 78.6 61.8 -21% Behave 133.5 97.3 -27% Kids 13.3 8.0 -40% Music / Youth 55.9 214 -62% Sports 75 3.6 -52% Infotainment 6.5 3.1 -53% Mise* 10.3 6.3 -39% All Channels lor 2020 considered Mise": Lifestyle, Teleshopping, Devotional, Others Excludes ASSOCIATIONS / SOCIAL / CULTURAL ORG, SOGIAL NGOs & Filler categories "WHE EARIN PHASES BARC INDLA YEARBOOK 7020144 3. COVID: Unlock ith Unlock 1.0, and news-led events such as the incidents at the India-China border, viewership and Most genres revived during the start of the advertising on Nows unlock phase, recording ‘Ad Volume growth, Channels. an overall jump of in the Movies genre, | showed a trend similarto rebounded. O in AdVolumes that of the GEC genre, compared to the same although the recovery in period in 2019. the July to September, period was sharper for the genre. a Ad Volumes (Mn secs) Movies 82.4 98.4 19% austen tare | 8m e i“ i 28 : : 0% ~] Music / Youth 53.3 42.1 / -21% Sports 3.2 2.3 -28% Infotainment 6.9 4.9 -28% Misc* 10.1 8.7 14% A Channa for 2420 considered Mice" tifestyl ing, Devational, Other Erctedes ASSOCIATIONS SOCIAL 7 CULTURAL 06, SOCIAL NGOs & Filer eateperies 421 BARC NOVA YEAROK7000 THE YEARIN PHASES 4, Year Ender Oct-Dec saw some Ad Volumes [Mn secs} TOTAL 386.3 GEC 98.2 Movies 85.9 Business News 117.6 Kids 12.6 Music / Youth 51.1 Sports 3.9 Infotainment 6.9 Misc* 10.5 All Channels for 2020 considered Mise*; Lifestyle, Teleshopping, Devotional. Oth Excludes ASSOCIATIONS / SOCIAL J CULTURAL ORG, SOCIAL NGOt & Filer categories big-ticket properties and the festive season driving the Ad Volume growth by 20% compereawith the same quarter in 2019. 462.4 113.7 106.5 145.9 15.0 54.9 6.1 7.6 12.6 Growth was witnessed across genresinthis quarter over the same period in 2019. Ota) 20% 16% 24% 24% 21% 07% 57% 09% 21% THE YEAR IN PHASES BARC IND YEARBOOK 7020142 D Sy ep -GENRE-WISE PERFORMANCE {461 BARC IDA YEARBOOK 7020 GENRE WISE PERFORNANCE While total TV viewership in 2020 clocked a 9% growth over the previous year and, barring Sports and Music / Youth, all genres also registered a healthy growth, the ebb and flow of share of each genre throws up interesting trends and insights, as we move from one ‘phase’ to the other. During lockdown for instance, lack of original content coincided with a reduced share for the GEC genre, which gradually picked up later in the year. However, (GEC+Movies] as a Whole retained their -75% share in total TV viewership. They yielded some space during lockdown, which was taken up by News viewership, which was regained in Phase-3. Sports lost out big time in the viewership pie, only to make a strong comeback during Phase-4, riding on IPL-13. GENRE. ASE PERFORMANCE | BARC DIA YEAR00K 702045 GEC* viewership as a % of total Eh) TV Viewership ‘Allianguages 49.8% 2020 In IS IS The GEC genre held its own in 2020. : v The genre largely retained its share in The story of Indian television over the past : és few years has been one of strong regional total TV viewership, although there was a wai Yel. Hinal LG eialniekd marginal dip of 0.2 percentage points - on growin. Tet rng F Near tie sg ae position as the single most popular genre. ‘That trend held in 2020 as well — with News viewership in 2020.] viewership of the genre growing by 2% and its share in total GEC zi up from 39% in 2019 to 4% in 2020. GEC genre share% in 4 Phases 52.2% cov 63.6% during Lockdown 51.7% cove 54.5% a Unlock GENRE. NSE PERFORMANCE | BARE MIDIA YEARBOOK 2 MARKET-WISE PERFORMANCE OF HINDI GEC GENRE ) BC ae Tat eae Wj 0 of ene TL o Cu CS eee sn Ce ice ur cee uc Mey Ar ae Ae Oe ar avery eS en) Punjab / Haryana /Chd / HP / J&K. That remained unchanged in 2020. Weekly Nomi vtec cy Creare Pe Allindia 178.4 22% / HSM. - 174.5 : 23% : Meh / Goa - : anne a 24.2 2 32% veiviaritant 28.0 20% ae / 22.6 : 21% ‘Pun /Har/ Che. - - THP /J8K Rajasthan Bihar / Jharkhand 10.6 45% Dethi Assam / North East / Sikkim West Bengal 3.2 33% 481 2aRC INDIA YEARBOOK 7070 | GENRE.AUSE PERFORMANCE. Respective Markets /2+ Advertising share of GECsin thetotal advertising volume pie, remained stable at A breakdown by genres also reveals a stable line across 2019-2020. The share of South GECs stayed at AD VOLUMES IN SECONDS 2019 2020 1497 377 160 123 06 while Hindi GECs, and Other Regional GECs, grew marginally by 01%. SHARE IN 2019 100% 25% 05% 11% 07% 01% TOTAL AD VOLUMES 2020 400% GENRE WSE PERFORMANCE BARC INDIA EARBOOK 2020167 MOVIES ‘50 BARC IDA YEARBOOK 7020 GENRE-ANSE PERFORMANCE Movies have historically played a significant role in our lives, and the | Share of Movies Genre* in popularty ofthis genre is evident from the fact that movies and | Total TV Viewership movie-besed channels are present seress almost all languages and are pert ofthe bouquets of mest broadcast networks, & 2019 ‘The position ofthis genre in the Indian TVandscape was further lighted during the coronovirus pandemic. With families locked dawn” at home, movie channels kept people entertained through a demanding period. Unlike GECs, “fresh content” was not s2en as big a stumbling block 2020 forthe Movies genre, which grew 10% over 2019. Share of the genrein total TVviewership also remained stable in 2020. ' ‘att tanguages Movies genre share% in 4 Phases Coen oes Cec Reet ic rae eta To RCC CnC Cnt ere aie eect Che GO Crane tel con eke ue RCCL Psion ut ues mcd for the genre were Telugu, Tamil and Kannada. Pre- coviD coviD: Year Unlock Ender GENRE WSE PERFORMANCE BARC INDIA EAROOK 702011 LANGUAGE-WISE PERFORMANCE OF MOVIES GENRE Weekly Viewing Minutes{Bn} BHOJPURI KANNADA MARATHI ‘eaueth MaLavaLan Tous ENGLISH GUJARATI ASSAMESE Alin, 2 CGO, . (| ‘521 BARC IDA YEARBOOK 7020 I GENRE WISE PERFORNANCE MARKET-WISE PERFORMANCE OF MOVIES GENRE India 10% Mah /Goa AP J Telangana 20 UP/ Uttarakhand o a TN/ Pondicherry MP/ Chhattisgarh Guj /D&D /DNH Karnataka West Bengal Pun / Har/Cha/ HP /J&K Raspoctivemorket,2+ ‘GENRE- SE PERFORMANCE! BARE INDIA YEARBOOK 702089, ADVERTISING IES GENRE Overall share of Advertising Volumes for the Movies genre oe ‘rom 2 1 % in 2019 to Ad Volumes across all 0 languages increased, 2 3 Yoin 2020. cexcoptfor English Movies Genre rely PCTS Lhe NTC South LONI iis Cerne LC English ST Excludes ASSOCIATIONS / SOCIAL / CULTURAL ORG, SOCIAL NGOs & File categories ‘ther Regional Channels nude Bangla, Bbojpur, Punpb, Marat, Gyaratand Assamese ‘1 BARC IDA YEARBOOK 7020 GENRE WISE PERFORNANCE \ ml (GENRE- SE PERFORMANCE | BARE INDIA YEARBOOK 7020185 News has been an integral part of Ingian television audiences for many decades. While Hindi and English news channels occupy a high-visibilty space, there has, also been rapid proliferation of regional news, with the appeal of “news in your language” ziding their growth, News Genreasa% of ‘TWViewership 2019 Mm 8.9% 2020 ME 10.4% News viewerstip is driven by events and, therefore, it comes aso surprise that in the year ofthe virus, the News genre saw a 27% jump in viewership over 2019. From a 7% viewership share (Pre-COVID), the genre picked up 21% of total TV viewership during the peak COVID Weak (Week 12, starting 21 March. For the year as a whole, News accounted for 10.4% of the total TV viewership *Altonguages News genre share% in 4 Phases > COVID: During Lockdown ‘61 BARC IDA YEARBOOK 7020 GENRE WISE PERFORNANCE LANGUAGE-WISE PERFORMANCE OF NEWS GENRE TELUGU Dr 8 2 a ] 2020 % Change over 2019 ra 17) 18% = = = Total 82 104 27% Woetly owing Minutes (Bn All odio / 2+ /AlU Channels (GENRE-VISE PERFORMANCE BARC INDIA YEARBOOK 70201 $7 MARKET-WISE PERFORMANCE OF NEWS GENRE News genre showed a significant growth across HSM and South Markets in 2020. \ 2019 iS) eS Nevis) DActi ry eS q ne eo) Do West Bengal yer) can) Rigen Ce 2 z ea EF CE ee rei ‘58 BARC IDA YEARBOOK 7020 GENRE ANSE PERFORMANCE Where Mah /Goa and UP / Uttarakhand led the News Viewership in HSM, it was led by AP / Telangana and Karnataka in the South market. 2020 ‘% Change over 2019 re . 58 co ected ADVERTISING ON NEWS GENRE Advertising volumes for the Naws genre sawa marginal dip in 2020 over 2019. However, at an aggregate level, Nows continued to account for a third of total Ad Volumes. Hindi and English News genres held on to their respective share of total Ad Volumes. ‘Ad Volumes (Mn Secs} Genre Share% Os Overall N 490 32% Regional+ 185 i 12% Business Ne English + Business 29 02% News: ith , ae 132 09% Other Regional 144 jews 09% Total ‘Ad Volumes phe 100% Excludes ASSOCIATIONS / SOCIAL / CULTURAL ORG, SOCIAL NGOs & Filer categeries Other Regional News Channele include: Hindi Regional, Hindi Business, Bangla, Assamese, Oriya, Marathi, Gujarat, Gujarati Business, Punjabi, Urdu © 2, GENRE WISE PERFORIANCE! BARC INDIA YEARBOOK 700159 Given that no sports events were possible during the lockdown and the immediate period after that, sports channels ‘were starved of live action for a major part of the year. The genre had some reason to cheer towards the tail-end of the year, with IPL-13 that played out over September - November 2020. ‘The viewership ofthe genre understandably declined by 95% over 2019, Advertising Volumes aise declined by 19%, Misports Genre as a% of TV Viewership 3.2% 1.9% 2019 2020 ‘heroes 37 SporteChannale Sports genre share% in 4 Phases Pre-COVID s® COVID: Unlock Year Ender a ee SPORTS SURPASSED ALL GENRES DURING IPL-13 EXCEPT HINDI GEC (PRIME-TIME) Prime-Time Viewing Minutes (Bn) fr 121--» 57% contribution From @ Free Pratiorm 2 8 Se ¢@ ¢€ Hf @ F Fg Ff : 2 2 232 2 3 = = # = IPL was aired from week 38 to week 45 @worsr Qe Que wo wa Ov, Ou Gm Que wise Wa37 er Indi 2yroe/ TVOnly/Prime-Tine 180-2400 Hrs / GD in WS ve W437 / “lind News include nstinalrepinal& busineee rene charnele YOUNES NEE SR OF DOU ow 2020 ois 2020 Advertising on ToL AD usr (1 (‘es) Sports Genre SPORTS Ei 15 01%) (01% Excludes ASSOCATIONS /SOCIAL /CULTURAL CRG SOCIAL NGOs & File categories {621 BARC IDA YEARBOOK 7020 GENRE WISE PERFORNANCE \ ‘GENRE- SE PERFORMANCE! BARE INDIA YEAREROOK 702043 ‘The pandemic-Led lockdown provided a major boost Kids Genre as a % of tothe viewership of Kids Channels, wth thetarget | Ttal TV Viewership group confined to their homes. Viewership of Kids. ' genre grew 27% in 2020, and the shere ofthe genre! in total IV viewership in 2020 roseto 7.6%, up trom | 6.4% in 2019. 1 ' 6.4% 7.4% |_| With schools on a break during end-March, and kids | confined to their homes, the morning period i emerged as the “new prime-time” for channels : cotering tothe 2-14 age group. ; 2019 2020 i saerostngueges Kids genre share% in 4 Phases 7 coviD: Pre- During covip 8.0% Lockdown ss rd 3 COvID: Year Unlock 6.9% Ender YN ee ac NvooeTs BA atl Ge® vet, METS enti e vouserat® arreer a pute?" {61 BARC FDA YEARBOOK 7020 GENRE WISE PERFORNANCE LANGUAGE-WISE PERFORMANCE OF KIDS GENRE CTC Ram eeu CU Ee Ms PC eee Se CUE ate driver of viewership for the genre over the years, as well as its spread in regional markets. Since Kids content lends itself to be dubbed quite easily, channels that Bona eeu eS ett a ue cas Ee aa Reroute genre. That's also the segment that has posted robust growth in viewership in 2020. Z Weekly Viewing Minutes (Bn) 207 % Charge over 2019 MULTIPLE 29% TELUGU 22% TAMIL -03% @ MALAYALAM -12% KANNADA -08% 194% 74 TOTAL 27% o Aad 2+ GENRE WISE PERFORIANCE! BARC INDIA YEARBOOK 20201 65 0 MARKET-WISE PERFORMANCE OF KIDS GENRE LY % Change over 2019 2020 2019 Allindia TN/ Pondicherry ae AP/ Telangana Mah/Goa Guj /D&D /DNH Pun / Har/Cha/ HP / J&K UP/ Uttarakhand i am / North East / Sikkim MP/ Chhattisgarh Bihar / Jharkhand Les Lose | 50% | mm 23% | Ls | 76% | La | 5% | zm Za =m | 23% | ie a | 07% Ls Ltt L| 13% Ld Los zs | 2% ps Let =a =m Odisha Wook Viewing Micutes (Bo) O especie Markets /2+ {61 BARC FVD YEARBOOK 7020 I GENRE ANSE PERFORMANCE ADVERTISING ON KIDS GENRE SOC RUSE er hg PACU eR eae nara 2 Pee er aCe uly Ce CRC ACC eres 0 a A ATT Tt Lc Fe Vv iYv Vv Excludes ASSOCIATIONS /SUCIAL / CULTURAL ORG, SOCIAL NGOs & Filer categories SUMMARY OF GENRE-SHARES IN TOTAL TV VIEWERSHIP ACROSS 2020 Pre-COVID COVID: During Lockdown 52.2% 23.4% 7.6% 6.7% 8.0% 0.7% 2.4% COVID: Unlock Year Ender 54.5% 51.7% @Bcec @BMovies |) News/BusinessNews (Kids. Sports phases {681 BARC IVD YEARBOOK 7020 GENRE ANSE PERFORMANCE POSTSCRIPT It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... The opening line from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, serves as an accurate epitaph for The Year Atter 2019, While a major part of the year was lived under the cloud of despair, the arrival of the vaccines towards the end of the year. brought hope All through the challenges of the year, and the resetting of priorities, television viewership remained a fairly accurate barometer of the impact of the pandemic on businesses, and human lives and the sentiments that shaped our behaviour. This Yearbook is an attempt to capture all that happened in the domain of television, as seen through the viewfinder of viewership and advertising trends. Work From Home became the new nermal and even during the most stringent lockdoven times, BARC India was able to accuratelyand diligently report the “BARC Currency”, the robust barometer for advertisers, agencies and broadcasters, to conduct end transect their businesses. Week on ‘week, with clockwork regularity, this data was released. Thus, enabling all cur stakeholders to continue with their business without disruptions. The Year After 2019 was another year in the journey of improvements for BARC India, We successfully implemented the Landing Page Algorithm - a statistical solution in response to the long-standing industry iseve of forced viewership. In our continuing effort to provide industry with éata and metrics that match global standards, we transitioned from the term “Impressions” to “Average Minute Audience” (AMA This was also the year when we switched to our advanced analstics platform, “‘YUMI. We must thank our subscribers for enabling a tetal and smooth changeover to the new platform. We clesed the year with anather process augmentation exercise - one that seeks to further enhance the measurement and reporting standards with respect to news and niche channels’ data. We are also working to roll out a product which will measure video viewing on digital, as well as @ screen agnostic measurement - be it on linear television or digital We have embarked on ancther year's journey with a commitment to our subscribers and stakeholders, to deliver 2 credible, robust, accurate and transparent measure of ‘What India Watches™ We wish 2021 brings new peaks of successes for all of us, in all our ventures, at our workplaces and athome. POSTSCRIPT! BARC INDIA YEARBOOK 70201 69 (DMO STAG ADVERTISER ‘A grouplentity/organization with commercial intorest that dieceminatos ‘messages about s particular brand with the aim of influencing purchase decisions for the preduets and services represented by the brand eat ‘Average Time Spenton the “Event” by all individuals in the Universe. ATS (VIEWER) eee Ec aR enee ara Ne Stands for Average Minute Audience. Per CUE [cite hi nee sek os Cae Eur) ‘A company’s identity in terms of what commercial products and cervices it offers. It may refer to a name, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies the product or service as distinct from those of other sellers. Ces 4% of the universe that viewed at least one minute of the events in a set of events. cae Number of individuals ('000s) in the universe that viewed at least one minute of Reoeene rs kscrie! DNA Stands for Daily Average Reach in %, The daily average percentage of individuals who watched the event for at least one minute over aperiod of time. CRIA eh) Stands for Daily Average Reach in 000s. The daily average number of ind in 000s who watched the event for at least one minute over @ period of time. EVs ane Oni ote nec cr ase OIE err oak Ok Cai UT Lense Een The total number of households in a defined target group. Das eet Peak miaucueCor roar cee ear e averaged across minutes. ore Dene Mas Peete ee eee ee Eee ence ABOUT BARC INDIA OF the Industry, By the Industry, For the Industry. BARC India is registered with the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting [MIB] as a self-regulated, not-for-profit Joint Industry Bedy that provides the mosi authentic audience estimates of What India Watches to Broadcasters, Advertisers and Advertising Agencies.The Big Data driven insights generated by BARC Incia, powers efficient media spends and content decisions in o highly dynamic and growing television sector. Built upon a robust and future-ready technology backbone, BARC’s audience estimates are deeply rooted in measurement science, statistically proven and adequately representative of India’s TV viewing households, Sharply focussed on continuous improvement and incorporating the changing market dynamics, BARC India consistently calibrates and updates its processes and methodology via ongoing consultations with industry stakeholders and experts. The BARC India board comprises nominees of the Indian Broedcasting Foundation (IBF), The Indian Secioty of Advertisars (ISA) and The Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI). BARC’s professional management team is guided by its ‘Board of Directors as well as the Committees comprising of stakeholder representatives and industry experts, whe oversee measurement science, data validation, the disciplinary code as well as the independent ausit ofits practices, protocols and finances. Commencing operations in 2015, today BARC India manages the world's largest and most diverse TV measurement system covering approximately 187000 individuals in approximately 44,000 households, in 513 districts covering over 600 towns and 1300 villages, across India LEGAL DISCLAIMER ©All Rights Reserved 2021 This Yearbook is the sole property of Broadcast Audience Research Council [BARC India) and by reading or accessing this Yearbook including its digital version (e-book) thereof you agree with the terms and conditions mentioned herein. BARC India may at any time amend the terms and Cconcitions of this Yearbook and any amendments will go into effect as soon as they have been made. The Yearbook and its contents are intended solely for providing insights to BARC India subscribers and intended recipients, free of cost and is strcty for privete use only. BARC Incia reserves all rights tothe content and information inthe Yearbook including but not limited to texts, names, data, contents, images, lay-out, graphic representation etc. The Yearbook is the intellectual property of BARC India, and the copyrights are reserved. The Yeerbock may not be amended, copied. borrowed, reproduced, sold, rented, utilized, supplemented, stored, recorded and retrieved or used in any other manner without the written consent of BARC India, Although the greatest possible cere hes been exercised to ensure the correctness, accuracy end ‘completeness of the information provided in this Yearbook, BARC India does net warrant the accuracy, quality or up-to-date nature of the information and data that is provided, nor the use or manner of use of this information or data. None of the information, assessments, forecasts and future outlooks provided in this Yearbook constitute binding comments. BARC India, its directors and employees do not assume and hereby disclaim any lcbility to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from accident, negligence, or any other cause. Any use of the information in the Yearbook is at your own, ik, The data referred to in this Yearbook pertains to Week 1 t0 52 of 2020, as per BARC India calendar. Please write to queryonline should you wish to use selective content from this Yearbook, specifying details of usage. Permission shall be granted as per the sole discretion of BARC India, Please note that all disputes arising aut of the cantent of the Yearbook are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts in Mumbai and shall be governed by the laws of India. Designed by AGENCYO9 BRosncast AUDIENCE RESEARCH ounce thon What India Watches™ BARC INDIA www.barcindia.c¢ in Broadcast Audience Research Council, Valencia Tower, 4" Floor, 61, Dr. S.S. Rao Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400012 queryonline in@BaRCindia Weebarcinda O@barcindia f @barcincia

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