Understanding The Self Worksheet
Understanding The Self Worksheet
Understanding The Self Worksheet
Name of Student: Topic: Philosophical Perspective on the Self
Grade & Section: Instructor: Jonbert M. Caoli
INSTRUCTIONS: Identify the philosopher who proposed the particular view of self presented in the first column. Then, examine your personal view
about the nature of self and indicate whether you believe or not in the philosophical view of self. If you believe in the stated philosophy, recall an
important experience you have had which relates to it. If you do not believe, explain your disbelief. How do you think your experiences or disbelief
affects your selfhood?
Philosophical Philosopher Believe it or not: (write B Related life Reasons why I Effects on my
view of self if you believe; N experiences do not believe selfhood
if you don’t)
An unexamined
life is not worth
The self seeks
to be united with
God through
faith and reason
The human
mind at birth is a
blank slate or
tabula rasa