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IC NO: 940506-06-5195






I hereby declare that this report is my own except for quotations and summaries which have been
duly acknowledged.


Matric No: A13KP007


I hereby declared that the work in this report is my own except for quotation and summaries which
have been duly acknowledged

Approved by,


Senior Chemist (Supervisor),
SumiSaujana TCM Chemicals Sdn. Bhd.


First and foremost I would like to express my thanks to Allah because of His love and
strength that He has given to me to finish this logbook as my internship report. I do thank for His
blessings to my daily life, good health, healthy mind and good ideas.

This internship report is important to fulfill part of the programme criteria that is a
requirement to fulfill the Bachelor of Engineering Chemical-Gas at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. I
know that there are still many lacks of arranging this report even when doing my job training and I
thank to those who have supported me to perform the job training up to carrying out this report.

. Second, my sincere appreciation goes to my industry supervisor, Mr. Mohammad Zaki

Hasra bin Shafie, whose guidance and comments was valuable for me that motivate me so much.
Besides, all chemists and lab technicians in Laboratory Department especially Mr. Abdul Rahman
and Mr. Mohd Fadhil who guides and help me most of the time during my internship.

Next, special thanks to all my friends for sharing their experiences, time and commitment
especially during finishing this internship program. I am very grateful because I have a lot of friends
that helps and support me throughout the course of completing the internship program. They had
made my internship very enjoyable.

Next, to my university supervisor, the one and only Dr. Farhana Binti Aziz who sincerely
gives me some advises to undergo industrial training. Without forgotten, thank you so much to my
parents for their understanding and support and last but not least, I would like to thank all of SSTCM
staff member whom treats me like one of their valuable accompany. .

May Allah bless and reward all of you. Thank you very much.


Industry training is an important complement in any course of study or professional. Indeed,

through industrial training students to develop and enhance the skills required under the guidance
and supervision of professionals from inside and outside the university. In addition, this practice is
attended by directly adding to the experience of students in various aspects of mental, emotional,
physical and social. Thus, the Industrial Training can play a major role in preparation to enable a
person into a profession. Next, the Industrial Training which means preferably carried out at the end
of a course in the organization or industry that really can give exposure to the students in a certain
time under the guidance and supervision of effective.

UTM produce science and technology in various fields. Each field or studies have industrial
training program. Implementation of the Industrial Training program requires research, planning and
implementation such as site selection, timing, and form of guidance, supervision and evaluation.
SumiSaujana TCM Chemicals Sdn, Bhd. (SSTCM) has provided the industrial training program for
chemical technology or engineering student. SSTCM is located at Taman Alam Jaya, Puncak Alam,
Selangor is an oil and gas company. During the 12 weeks of internship in SSTCM starts from 14th
June until 5th September 2016, I gain a lot of knowledge and experience. Hopefully this industrial
training report will provide an exact picture of what I had done in this company as Laboratory
Chemist (Intern).

1. COMPANY OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Industry Profile .............................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 Organization Chart....................................................................................................................... 10
2.0 JOB DESCRIPTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 11
3.0 TASKS AND ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................ 12
3.1 Quality Assurance Quality Control (QA/QC) ............................................................................. 12
3.1.1 Acid-Amine Value ................................................................................................................ 12
3.1.2 Iodine Value.......................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.3 Water Content (Dean and Stark)........................................................................................... 14
3.1.3 Specific Gravity .................................................................................................................... 16
3.1.4 Non-Volatile Residue (NVR) ............................................................................................... 17
3.1.5 Viscosity ............................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 MUD TESTING .......................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.2 Functions of Mud/Drilling Fluid .......................................................................................... 20
3.2.3 Types of Drilling Fluid ......................................................................................................... 20
3.2.4 Components in Mud ............................................................................................................. 22
3.2.5 Rheology Reading ................................................................................................................ 24
3.2.6 High Temperature High Pressure (HTHP) ........................................................................... 25
3.2.7 Calculation for Mud Testing ................................................................................................. 25
4.0 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................ 26
5.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 27


1.1 Industry Profile

Sumisaujana TCM Chemicals Sdn. Bhd. (SSTCM) is a joint venture between Malaysia-based
Sumisaujana Sdn. Bhd. and TCM Chemicals Inc. of USA. SSTCM operates a full-fledged, dedicated
oilfield specialty chemicals and additives manufacturing plant in Malaysia, with commercial
production commencing in early 2012. TCM Chemicals Inc., a Texas incorporated company, was
established in 2001, and is in the business of R&D, product development, formulation, and,
manufacturing of oilfield specialty chemicals and additives. Sumisaujana Sdn. Bhd., established in
2004, was the exclusive agent and distributor of TCM products into the Asia Pacific oil and gas
Our SSTCM team brings together a group of highly trained and experienced professionals with many
years of technical expertise and knowledge of the oilfield industry. With our full commitment to
sustainable development, innovation and a high standard of customer service, SSTCM strive to
provide high quality products, services and solutions to our globally-located customers.

SSTCM primary objective is to establish an Oilfield and Industrial Specialties Chemical plant, to

1. Water-based, Synthetic-based and Oil-based Specialty Drilling Fluids Chemicals and

2. Production Chemicals
3. Enhanced Oil Recovery Specialty Chemicals and Additives
4. Oilfield Cementing Additives
5. Fracturing Fluids
6. Environmentally-friendly Metalworking Fluids, Coolants, Lubricants and Additives, for use
in both Oil and Gas, and, in industrial applications.

The plant is located in Taman Industri Alam Jaya, Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor and have started
operations since December 2011. Since start-up, SSTCM products have been exported to Southeast

Asia, China, the Middle East, Africa, Turkmenistan and USA. SSTCM is also able to provide custom
specialty chemical manufacturing, blending and packaging solutions for our customers. Via our
fully-equipped R&D and laboratory facility, SSTCM work collaboratively with our customers to
develop new products and/or improve current products and provide product formulation tests, pilot
tests and performance tests.

1.2 Organization Chart





Figure 1: Laboratory Organization


Job Title and Grade: Internship – Laboratory Chemist

Job Purpose: Laboratory

Key Responsibilities:

1. Conduct mud testing under supervision of either chemist/senior or under laboratory technician.

Example: Mixing mud, rheology reading, HTHP and will participate in evaluation mud results.

2. Evaluation/test the quality of specialty chemicals for petroleum industry.

Example: Acid/Base titration, iodine value titration, viscosity, water content and etc.

3. Chemistry project: Presentation and simple report (if necessary)

4. Handling and cleaning laboratory equipment and apparatus (laboratory hygiene).

5. Packaging: Samples requested by customer

3.1 Quality Assurance Quality Control (QA/QC)

QA/QC is the combination of quality assurance, the process or set of processes used to measure and
assure the quality of a product, and quality control, the process of ensuring products and services
meet consumer expectations. Quality assurance is process oriented and focuses on defect prevention,
while quality control is product oriented and focuses on defect identification. In this company, both
raw materials and product from production must undergo this process to ensure the sample follows
the standard and specification. Examples of raw materials available are Saraline, Crude Tall Oil, and
Soy Bean Lecithin, while products from production are Ezmul and Invermul. All these raw materials
have it designated test as it is difference in properties. Example of type of test available is Acid
Value, Amine Value, Iodine Value, Water Content, Viscosity and Specific Gravity. Other than that
pH value test also required to be conducted.

3.1.1 Acid-Amine Value

In Acid-Amine Value test, there were a few variable that differ depends on which type of raw
materials is being tested. Examples are the solvent use and the molarity of titrant. Acid value
indicates the proportion of free fatty acid present in oil or fat and may be defined as the number of
milligrams of caustic potash (KOH) required neutralizing the acid in 1 gm of the sample. Amine
Value is a method to determine the un-reacted amine and the amine value of alkanolamides. The
sample is titrated with HCL to determine the weight percentage free amine and amine value. End
point is determined visually.

Procedure for Acid Value:

1. The sample is weighed at about 0.5-1.0 g in a conical flask using analytical balance. The
reading is recorded.
2. 100 ml of solvent is poured into the flask. The samples are dissolved completely by shake the
flask or heat it.

3. About 8-10 drops of phenolphthalein is added as an indicator.
4. A burette is filled with designated molarity of KOH solution.
5. The initial reading of the KOH is recorded.
6. The solution is titrated until a slightly pink color solution is obtained.
7. The final reading of the KOH is recorded.

Procedure for Amine Value test:

1. The sample is weighed at about 0.5-1.0 g in a conical flask using analytical balance. The
reading is recorded.
2. 100 ml of solvent is poured into the flask. The samples are dissolved completely by shake the
flask or heat it.
3. About 8-10 drops of bromophenol blue is added as an indicator.
4. A burette is filled with specified molarity of HCI solution.
5. The initial reading of the KOH is recorded.
6. The solution is titrated until a greenish-yellow solution is obtained.
7. The final reading of the HCI is recorded.

3.1.2 Iodine Value

The iodine value of a fatty acid product is a measure of the unsaturated fatty acid content of that
product and consequently a measure of the ease of oxidation or drying capacity of that fatty acid
product. The amount of reagent absorbed is determined by back titrating the excess reagent and
comparing it to a blank determination.
Starch is often used in chemistry as an indicator for redox titrations where tri-iodide is present.
Starch forms a very dark blue-black complex with tri-iodide which can be made by mixing iodine
with iodide (often from potassium iodide). However, the complex is not formed if only iodine or
only iodide (I−) is present. The color of the starch complex is so deep, that it can be detected visually
when the concentration of the iodine is as low as 0.00002 M at 20 °C. The color sensitivity decreases
with increasing temperature and upon the addition of organic solvents such as ethanol or propanone.
During iodine titrations, concentrated iodine solutions must be reacted with some titrant, often
thiosulfate, in order to remove most of the iodine before the starch is added. This is due to the
insolubility of the starch-iodine complex which may prevent some of the iodine reacting with the
titrant. Close to the end-point, the starch is added, and the titration process is resumed taking into
account the amount of thiosulfate added before adding the starch.

Procedure for Iodine Value test:

1. The sample is weighed at 0.2- 0.3 g using analytical balance in a iodine flask.
2. 25 ml of Wij’s Iodine is pipetted into the flask.
3. 20 mi of Cyclohexane is pipetted next into the flask.
4. All the flasks is kept inside a dark place for an hour.
5. 20 ml of KI is pipetted into the flask.
6. 100 ml of deionized water is added and the solution is shake well.
7. Titration with sodium thiosulphate solution until yellowish color appeared is conducted.
8. 2ml of starch is added.
9. The titration is continued until colorless solution is obtained.
10. All the reading is recorded.

3.1.3 Water Content (Dean and Stark)

Water content determination by distillation test (also called the Dean and Stark test) is used since it is
more accurate. In the test, a sample of the oil is heated under reflux conditions with a water
immiscible solvent, which co-distills with the water in the sample.
The water and condensed solvent are continuously separated in a trap with the water setting in the
graduated section of the trap while the solvent returns to the distillation flask. This method is very
time consuming and can only be conducted in a laboratory.

Figure 2: Setup for water content experiment

The Dean-Stark apparatus is designed to collect water produced in synthetic reactions carried out
under reflux. The reactions are normally done in solvents that remove water formed in a reaction as
an azeotrope. The condensed mixture of toluene and water collects in the burette and the denser
water separates and falls to the bottom. The tap allows the water to be removed.

Procedure for Water Content:

1. The sample is weighed at 100g using analytical balance in a round bottom flask.
2. 100 ml of petroleum ether is poured into the flask.
3. A sufficient amount of anti-bumping is added. (5-10 granules)
4. The flask is placed in the isomantle.
5. The side leg and condenser is connected (Dean and Stark apparatus)
6. The condenser for cooling and the heating on the isomantle is turned on.
7. The heating rate is adjusted when boiling commenced to allow steady reflux.
Reflux is allowed for 30 min and lastly the reading is recorded.

3.1.3 Specific Gravity

Specific gravity is a ratio of the density of one substance to the density of a reference substance,
usually water. In the oil industry, it is known as API gravity which designed to ensure consistency in
measurement. Less dense oil or “light oil” is preferable to more dense oil as it contains greater
quantities of hydrocarbons that can be converted to gasoline.

Figure 3: Hydrometer
Procedure for Specific Gravity (Hydrometer) :

1. The sample is place in the hydrometer test jar.

2. The hydrometer is inserted to the test jar. Make sure the hydrometer is not hitting the sides of
the jar as this will affect the reading.
3. The hydrometer is spinning a little to remove any bubbles that might be clinging to it.
4. With the sample at eye level, look to see where the liquid crosses the markings and the
reading is wrote down.

Figure 4: Pycnometer
Procedure for Specific Gravity test using Pycnometer :

1. The pycnometer is rinsed and dried before being used.

2. The pycnometer is weighed using the analytical balance.
3. The samples is poured into the pycnometer in excess, when the stopper is replaced make sure
there are no air bubbles.
4. The excess sample that flow out is wiped off clean from the pycnometer. The mass are
recorded and is being divided by 100 which is the volume of the pycnometer.

3.1.4 Non-Volatile Residue (NVR)

NVR is known as soluble material remaining after evaporation of a volatile solvent, or determined by
special purpose analytical instruments, usually in milligrams per unit area.

Procedure for NVR:

1. The oven is preheated to 80’C

2. The solid dish/ petri dish is weighed on the analytical balance and the value is recorded.(W1)

3. 2 g of samples is weighed onto the petri dish (W2).(Make sure all the sample is spread on all
the dish to maximize the surface area.
4. The dish is transferred to the oven.
5. The temperature of the oven is reset to 120’C and heat the sample for an hour when the
temperature reach 120’C.
6. After an hour, the temperature is reset to 150’C and when the temperatures reached 150’C,
the sample is heated for another hour.
7. The sample is cooled down for about 5 min
8. The weight of the sample is weighed on the balance and is recorded.(W3)

3.1.5 Viscosity

Viscosity provides a measure of a fluid’s internal resistance to flow. For liquids, viscosity
corresponds to the informal notion of "thickness". Any calculation involving the movement of fluids
requires a value of viscosity. This parameter is required for conditions ranging from surface
gathering systems to the reservoir.

Figure 5: Viscometer

Procedure for Viscosity test:

1. The sample is poured into a 100 ml beaker.

2. The viscometer is turn on and all the setup required based on each sample is set on the
3. Take the reading show on the viscometer when the sample reaches 25’C. Make sure the
percentage shown is above 10% to get the accurate data.


3.2.1 Introduction

Drilling fluids or muds are made up of a base fluid, weighting agents and bentonite clay to help
remove cuttings from the well and to form a filter cake on the walls of the hole, lignosulfonates and
lignites to keep the mud in a fluid state, and various additives that serve specific functions.
Historically, the drilling industry has used mostly water-based muds (WBMs) because they are
inexpensive. The used mud and cuttings from wells drilled with WBMs can be readily disposed of
onsite at most onshore locations. WBMs and cuttings can also be discharged from platforms in many
offshore waters, as long as they meet current effluent limitations guidelines (ELGs), discharge
standards, and other permit limits. WBMs do not present environmental problems for organisms
living in the water column or widespread problems for organisms living on the sea floor. However,
for difficult drilling situations, such as wells drilled in reactive shale, deep wells, and horizontal and
extended-reach wells, WBMs do not offer consistently good drilling performance. For these types of
drilling situations at onshore sites, the industry relies primarily on oil-based muds (OBMs). OBMs
perform well, but may be subject to more complicated disposal requirements for onshore wells.
OBMs contain diesel or mineral oil as the base fluid and may be harmful to the environment when
discharged to the sea. Consequently, the EPA prohibited any discharge of OBMs or their cuttings
from offshore platforms.

3.2.2 Functions of Mud/Drilling Fluid

Drilling fluid is an extremely important component in the drilling process. A fluid is required in the
wellbore to:
 Cool and lubricate the drill bit,
 Remove the rock fragments, or drill cuttings, from the drilling area and transport them to the
 Counterbalance formation pressure to prevent formation fluids (such as oil, gas, and water)
from entering the well prematurely (which can lead to a blowout), and
 Prevent the open (uncased) wellbore from caving in.

3.2.3 Types of Drilling Fluid

There are several types of drilling fluids used depending on the drilling conditions
 Water-Based Mud
 Oil-Based Mud
 Synthetic Based Mud

1. Water-Based Mud
Water-based fluids (WBFs) are used to drill approximately 80% of all wells. The base fluid may be
fresh water, seawater, brine, saturated brine, or a formate brine. The type of fluid selected depends
on anticipated well conditions or on the specific interval of the well being drilled. For example, the
surface interval typically is drilled with a low-density water- or seawater-based mud that contains
few commercial additives. These systems incorporate natural clays in the course of the drilling
operation. Some commercial bentonite or attapulgite also may be added to aid in fluid-loss control
and to enhance hole-cleaning effectiveness. After surface casing is set and cemented, the operator
often continues drilling with a WBF unless well conditions require displacing to an oil- or synthetic-
based system.

2. Oil-Based Mud

Oil-based mud is a drilling fluid used in drilling engineering. It is composed of oil as the continuous
phase and water as the dispersed phase in conjunction with emulsifiers, wetting agents and gellants.
The oil base can be diesel, kerosene, fuel oil, selected crude oil or mineral oil.
The requirements are a gravity of 36–37 API, a flash point of 180 °F (82 °C), fire point of 200 °F
(93 °C) and an aniline point of 140 °F (60 °C). Emulsifiers are important to oil-based mud due to the
likelihood of contamination. The water phase of oil-based mud can be freshwater, or a solution
of sodium or calcium chloride. The external phase is oil and does not allow the water to contact the
formation. The shale don't become water wet.
Poor stability of the emulsion results in the two layers separating into two distinct layers. The
advantages are:

1. high drilling rates

2. lowered drill pipe torque and drag,
3. less bit balling and
4. Reduction in differential sticking.
Oil-based muds are expensive, but are worth the cost when drilling through:

1. troublesome shale that would otherwise swell and disperse in water based mud e.g. smectite,
2. to drill deep, high-temperature holes that dehydrate water-based mud,
3. to drill water-soluble zones and
4. To drill producing zones.
The disadvantages of using oil-based mud, especially in wildcat wells are:

1. Inability to analyze oil shows in cuttings, because the oil-based mud has fluorescence
confusing with the original oil formation.
2. Contamination samples of cuttings, cores, sidewall cores for geochemical analysis of TOC
and masks the real determination of API gravity due to this contamination.
3. Contaminate areas of freshwater aquifers causing environmental damage.
4. Disposal of cuttings in an appropriate place to isolate possible environmental contamination.

3. Synthetic Based Mud

Synthetic-based fluids were developed out of an increasing desire to reduce the environmental
impact of offshore drilling operations, but without sacrificing the cost-effectiveness of oil-based
Like traditional OBFs, SBFs can be used to:

 Maximize rate of penetrations (ROPs)

 Increase lubricity in directional and horizontal wells
 Minimize wellbore-stability problems, such as those caused by reactive shales.

3.2.4 Components in Mud

There are a lot chemicals present in a formulation of mud normally with different type of emulsifier
depends on the type of the drilling conditions. Below are a few chemicals that can be listed in a
regular mud formulation.

a) Base Oil
Saraline 185V is classified as a synthetic base fluid, low to negligible aromatic content for
Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluid (NADF) mud formulations under the definitions provided by the
International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP).
Saraline 185V has an extremely favorable environmental profile which makes it an excellent
candidate as an environmentally-friendly drilling base fluid. This fluid has been approved for
offshore discharge. This reduces complexity, costs and safety risks in managing drill cuttings.
Furthermore, Saraline 185V is odourless, has a clear appearance, low volatility, high
flashpoint, and contains virtually no sulphur and aromatics, all of which provide safe working
conditions for operators. It also does not contain known carcinogens. Saraline 185V has low
eco-toxicity as it is readily biodegradable in both marine water and freshwater. It does not bio
accumulate and is non-toxic.

b) Barium Sulphate/Barite
Barium Sulfate or highly known as barite is one of just a few nonmetallic minerals with a
specific gravity of four or higher. The high specific gravity of barite makes it suitable for a
wide range of industrial, medical and manufacturing uses. Barite also serves as the principal
ore of barium. In mud, barite is use to increase the density of the mud in order to equilibrate
the pressure between the wellbore and formation when drilling through particularly
pressurized zones.
c) Gel/Bentonite
Bentonite for drilling comes in a very fine powder. In sandy soils, bentonite clay must be
mixed with the drilling water to increase its viscosity and keep the borehole from collapsing.
While better than natural clays, bentonite does not readily break down its cohesive structure
and it can be difficult to remove from the borehole and aquifer. Since this can keep boreholes
from reaching their potential yield.
After the fluid is mixed, sufficient time must be allowed to elapse to insure complete
hydration of the clay prior to it being circulated into the hole. If this is not done, the clays
may swell in the hole or in the aquifer itself.

d) Lime
Lime is used as a source of calcium and alkalinity in a mud mixing. It can increase the pH
value, flocculating bentonite muds and also removing soluble carbonate ion. More
importantly, lime can function very well in controlling corrosion and activating fatty acid.

e) Fluid Loss Control Chemical

Gilsonite is a standard ingredient in oil-based drilling muds used in shales and other difficult
geological formations. The addition of gilsonite to oil well cements reduces slurry weight
without loss of compressive strength and acts as an effective bridging and plugging agent to
seal fractures in weak formations while cementing.

3.2.5 Rheology Reading

 Rheology is defined as physics of the flow and deformation of matter

 Plastic Viscosity – it is used as an indicator of the size, shape, distribution and quantity of
solids and the viscosity of the liquid phase.

 Yield Point – a measure of electrical attractive forces in the drilling fluid under flowing

 Gel Strength – Describes the time dependent flow behavior of a drilling fluids

Figure 6: Viscometer

Procedure for Rheology Reading:

1. The heating cup is turned on. The thermometer is inserted into the well in the heating cup and
is preheated to the desired temperature by adjusting the thermostat control knob.
2. The test fluids are poured into the thermo cup until 2/3 full. The rotor sleeve is immersed
exactly to the line on the sleeve by raising the platform. The lock nut on the platform is tightening.
3. The knob on the top of the viscometer is turned to 600 rpm. The temperature is confirmed by
inserting the thermometer into the heating cup.
4. When the desired temperature is achieved, the dial reading for 600 rpm is recorded. (Make
sure the reading reach a steady value)
5. The knob is turned to read the next value which is 300 rpm, 200 rpm, 100 rpm, 60 rpm and 3
rpm (‘GEL’). All the reading is recorded.
6. After all the required reading is taken, turned the knob back to 600 rpm for a few sec to fully
stir the sample. The knob is turned to ‘STOP’ and as soon as the sleeves stop rotating, the timer for
10 sec is started.
7. After 10 sec, turned the knob on to ‘GEL’. The maximum dial reading after starting rotation
at ‘GEL’ is recorded. This is the initial gel strength.
8. Step 6 and 7 is repeated to take the 10 min gel strength.

3.2.6 High Temperature High Pressure (HTHP)

HTHP is the measurements of the filtration behavior and wall building characteristics of drilling
I. Filtrate : Indicates the volume of fluid loss through filtration overtime
II. Mud Cake: - indicates the thickness and texture of the mud cake layer.
- Mud cake should be thin, have low permeability and have low friction

3.2.7 Calculation for Mud Testing

Plastic viscosity, PV (lb /100ft 2) = R600 –R300

Yield point, YP (lb /100ft 2) = R300 - PV
R600 = dial reading at 6oo rpm
R300 = dial reading at 3oo rpm


In conclusion, I can honestly say that my time spent during industrial training with
Sumisaujana TCM Chemicals Sdn. Bhd. will be valuable experience for me in the future. During 12
weeks of internship, I am being able to achieve the objectives of UTM Industrial’s Training which to
develop and enhance the skills required under the guidance and supervision of professionals from
inside and outside the university. Not only did I gain practical skills but I also had the opportunity to
meet many fantastic people. I have been able to meet and make network with so many people that I
am sure will be able to help me with opportunities in the future.
One main thing that I have learned through this internship is studying not only in the
classroom. This is because the working environment is totally very different from life as a student.
Thus, an opportunity for training here has opened my mind to be better prepared for employment
after graduation. The other thing that I have learned is time management skills as well as self-
motivation. When I first started I did not think that I was going to be able to make myself sit in
laboratory for 9 hours a day, five days a week. Once I realized what I had to do I organized my day
and work so that I was not overlapping or wasting my hours. I learned that I needed to be organized
and learn how to motivate myself to work under pressure. Last but not list, I learned to respect the
others. This attitude is indispensable when working to create a positive working atmosphere.
Overall, my internship at SSTCM has been a success. I was able to gain practical skills, work
in a fantastic environment, developed my soft skills and make connections that will last a lifetime. I
could not be more thankful.


1. Research OMICS Group. 2014. Starch indicator [Online]. Accessed April , 26, 2016, from
2. ASTM D5768-02. 2014. Standard Test Method for Determination of Iodine Value of Tall Oil
Fatty Acids [Online]. Accessed April , 20, 2016, from
3. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2015. Oil viscosity [Online]. Accessed July, 9, 2016, from
4. GIDOLQUIM. 2014. Dean-Stark apparatus [Online]. Accessed July, 11, 2016, from
5. Petroleum.co.uk. 2015. API Gravity [Online]. Accessed July, 9, 2016, from


Haliburton Beach Mixer Aging Cell Roller Oven

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