High-Fidelity Control of Seismic Shaking Table
High-Fidelity Control of Seismic Shaking Table
High-Fidelity Control of Seismic Shaking Table
A high-"delity PC-based control system has been developed to improve the tracking characteristics of
a small-scale seismic motion simulator used for testing structural control designs. This work outlines the
development and testing of the control system. First, the simulator hardware is described in detail. The
process of constructing a mechanistic model of the system and identifying model parameters is then
described. Next, a closed-loop feedback/feed-forward control algorithm, based on an optimal receding
horizon formulation, is developed. The control design was tested and the results indicate that the seismic
shake table precisely tracked reference seismic motions. Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS: hydraulic; seismic; motion simulator; shake table; receding horizon control; feed-forward
The civil engineering community is vigorously investigating technologies that promise to make
structures and lifelines less vulnerable to the potentially ravaging vibrations that accompany and
follow an earthquake. This e!ort includes examinations of a wide variety of engineering issues
that range from the establishment of alternative speci"cations for the design and construction of
new structures to the experimental validation of vibration absorbing hardware systems that are
proposed for retro"tting existing structures.
To obtain a meaningful experimental evaluation of any proposed seismic technology, it is
critical that the test procedures used guarantee the veracity of the reported results. The work
reported here focuses on the design of a control strategy to ensure reliability and repeatability of
test results that are obtained using a seismic shake table. Experimental data from seismic shake
table tests should be considered suspect unless the investigator has established that the perfor-
mance characteristics of the particular table used are su$cient for the tests. Shake table
performance is largely governed by the adequacy of the hardware (in terms of the test loads being
examined), and the "delity with which the seismic shake table can reproduce a prescribed motion
*Correspondence to: J. Kuehn, Center for Structural Control, University of Oklahoma, 865 Asp Ave, Room 212, Norman,
OK 73019-0601, U.S.A. E-mail: jkuehn@ou.edu.
RPh.D. Candidate
time history. A shake table operated outside of the high-"delity range can result in corrupted test
data, making those results useless for comparison with test results obtained on a di!erent shake
The purpose of this paper is to make the practitioner aware of a family of techniques and
procedures that, when implemented, will ensure that the seismic shake table is operating with
desired levels of performance. It will describe a direct procedure to guarantee that a shake table
will deliver a dynamic input to a test specimen that closely matches a reference seismogram.
The paper includes a brief review of the literature. A description of the seismic shake table used
in the work reported here is also included. The development of a reliable dynamic model of the
electro-hydraulic components of the test systems is described. Next, a recipe for the automatic
generation of a feedback/feedforward control system for the seismic shake table is provided.
Experimental results are reported to substantiate the e!ectiveness of the closed-loop seismic
shake table controller. The paper then examines the e!ectiveness of the design if the seismic
shake table model is inexact, or if the test specimen introduces large reaction loads to the seismic
shake table during the tests. The paper closes with a list of recommendations that, if adopted,
will help provide a common means of assessing the performance of the equipment used for seismic
Until recently, the few seismic shake tables in use in America were typically constructed with
massive elements in order to minimize the interaction between the test specimen and the table.
These simulators are extremely expensive to build and operate, and their availability for testing is
A recent 5-year initiative by the US National Science Foundation has resulted in a signi"cant
increase in the number of investigators now exploring new seismic protection methods for
structures. For example a great deal of e!ort is now underway to demonstrate the feasibility of
structural control for seismic protection.
Many of the investigators exploring seismic structural control solutions are conducting their
research at institutions that are remote from the few very large shake table facilities. In order to
validate their proposed designs, investigators are resorting to small (non-massive) shake tables.
The utilization of small seismic shake tables by various investigators makes it imperative that
attention be paid to the "delity of the seismic shakle table to ensure the validity of any reported
Blondet and Esparza analytically investigated interaction e!ects between a seismic simulator
and a single-Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) test structure. The work indicated that the interaction
between the simulator and test structure signi"cantly distorted the simulator tracking response
near the natural frequency of the structure. The coupling was also shown to reduce the stability
margins of the simulator.
Newell et al. developed a Kalman-"lter-based controller for the seismic simulator at the
University of Notre Dame. The controller utilized an optimal reference trajectory obtained by
minimizing acceleration tracking error. The optimization incorporated a non-linear realization of
the simulator dynamics. The non-linear system model was linearized about the reference traject-
ory and the resulting non-autonomous system was used to develop time-varying feedback gains.
The tracking response of the control was experimentally veri"ed using the 1934 El Centro west
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
earthquake as a reference. The mean position error was 0)0186 mm with a standard deviation of
0)135 mm. The experiment did not include a test structure on the shaker.
Crewe et al. compared the tuning characteristics of three 6-DOF seismic simulators in Europe.
The focus of the work was to demonstrate that virtually any seismic test could be conducted at all
three facilities with identical results. The simulators utilize hardware feedback control systems
and software algorithms, which iteratively tune reference inputs to minimize tracking error. Tests
were conducted at each facility for a variety of earthquake inputs with a bare table, two rigid test
specimens and two #exible test specimens. The results indicated that each system required
a rigorous tuning e!ort to achieve the desired response characteristics for the #exible test
Dai et al. utilized a symmetric tensor formulation of the non-linear regulator design to obtain
a non-linear tracking controller. The reference command for the controller was obtained by
inverting the simulator dynamics. The control was experimentally shown to exhibit better
tracking performance than a linear control design for the vertical component of the 1940
El Centro earthquake. The work did not include a test structure.
A recent ASCE Conference included sessions devoted to small-scale seismic simulators. Several
researchers focused on simulator hardware design and development issues.\
Symans and Twitchell developed two linearized models for the uniaxial seismic simulator at
Washington State University. The "rst model was obtained for the bare table while the second
included the dynamics of a single-storey test structure. The transfer function magnitudes of the
models were shown to closely match experimental transfer function data. The results for the case
including the building structure indicated a signi"cant peak/notch in the amplitude response near
the natural frequency of the building. The work did not present the phase characteristics of the
Trombetti et al. developed a linear model to assist in tuning control gains for the 1-DOF
seismic motion simulator at Rice University. The model includes actuator dynamics and
servovalve delay as well as the #exibility of the reaction frame and the test structure. The model
also accounts for the control system with PID, *P and feed-forward gains.
Spencer and Yang focused on improving the acceleration tracking of the seismic simulator at
the University of Notre Dame. The authors used a transfer function iteration technique to tune
the reference command. The control method was shown to track a component of the El Centro
earthquake with "delity. The work did not include a test structure.
The focus of the work here was to develop a high-performance, low-cost controller to enhance
the tracking performance of the seismic simulator at the University of Oklahoma. To maintain
a low cost, a Personal Computer (PC) out"tted with A/D and D/A interfaces was used to
implement the control algorithm. Rather than accounting for the varying dynamic characteristics
of the test structure, it was desired to construct a control system that was insensitive to
disturbance forces imparted by the test specimen.
The seismic simulator at the University of Oklahoma is shown in Figure 1. The assembly,
depicted in Figure 2, consists of a 635 kg welded steel motion platform (A) with a 1)8 m;1)2 m
horizontal footprint. The motion of the table is constrained to a single horizontal axis with
Thomson 75 mm extra rigid precision linear bearing (B). The support frame (C) is constructed
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
from W12;65 wide #ange I-beam and is bolted to reaction mass (D). The table is actuated with
a fatigue rated 50 kN MTS hydraulic cylinder (E). The actuator has an e!ective piston area of
2)5;10\ m and $0)07 m dynamic stroke.
A schematic of the hydraulic system is provided in Figure 3. Hydraulic #ow to the actuator (E)
is controlled by dual MTS 252 servovalves (F). Each valve is rated to 57 lpm maximum #ow at
21 MPa. The hydraulic power unit consists of a 37 kW 3-Phase AC motor that drives a Parker
variable displacement piston pump (G) with a maximum #ow capacity of 95 lpm at 21 MPa. The
system includes 1 l hydraulic accumulators (H) mounted on both the supply and return ports of
the servovalves and a 10 l accumulator (I) at the pump to stabilize the supply pressure.
The digital control system was implemented with a 200 MHz PC utilizing a Real Time Device's
ADA3100 data acquisition module with 12-bit di!erential A/D and D/A for analog interfacing.
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
Each A/D channel was out"tted with a second-order low-pass Butterworth "lter to prevent
aliasing. The break frequency of each "lter was set at 500 Hz.
A variety of sensors and signal conditioning components are integrated into the simulator
assembly to monitor the state of the hydraulics and the motion of the platform. The di!erential
pressure of the actuator is sensed with an MTS di!erential pressure transducer. The bandwidth of
the pressure sensor is DC to 1000 Hz. The platform displacement is measured with a DC/DC
LVDT, manufactured by RDP Electrosense, which has a bandwidth of 0}200 Hz. Accelerations
on the table and the test structure are sensed with ICS model 3028-002 piezo-resistive acceler-
ometers. The accelerometers provide #at frequency response from DC to 1 kHz.
The analyst, faced with the challenge of developing a control design, must "rst establish a causal
relationship between the input to the seismic shake table and it's output response. There are two
general approaches that are used to accomplish that task; &Black Box' identi"cation or model
synthesis based on the physics of the process. Either process will su$ce if the system behaves in
a linear fashion about a set operating point. The drawback to a Black Box approach is that the
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
model produced by the technique provides no insight into the dynamic process variables. The
Black Box approach masks opportunities to improve open-loop performance which is often an
e$cient "rst step in designing a system that is a candidate for closed-loop regulation. The
following paragraphs outline the most signi"cant features of the development of a physical model
for a single degree of freedom seismic shake table. That model provides a rational basis for the
design of a feedback controller in a later section.
The equation of motion for the seismic shake table platform is
MxK "A *P!CxR #f#d (1)
where M is the platform mass, x is the horizontal displacement of the platform, A is the e!ective
piston area, *P is the di!erential pressure between the actuator chambers, C is the viscous
damping coe$cient, f is the net friction force acting on the system and d is the net disturbance
force applied to the table.
The hydraulic actuator can be characterized by neglecting leakage and applying the continu-
ity equation to each chamber, resulting in
d< < dP
Q " #
dt b dt (2)
d< < dP
!Q " #
dt b dt
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
where Q is the #ow into chamber 1, Q is the #ow out of the chamber 2, < and < are the
volumes of chambers 1 and 2 in the cylinder, b and b are the e!ective bulk moduli in the two
chambers, and P and P are the pressures in the two chambers. De"ning the relationship
between the chamber volumes and the piston position gives
d< d<
"A xR , "!A xR (4)
dt . dt .
< dP < dP
Q "A xR # ! (6)
* . 2b dt 2b dt
Assuming the bulk moduli are the same for both chambers and the actuator piston only makes
small displacements about mid-stroke, equation (6) can be approximated as
Q "A xR # 2 *PQ (7)
* . 4b
where b is the e!ective bulk modulus of the hydraulic #uid and < is the total volume of
the two chambers. The assumption that the piston only makes small displacements
about mid-stroke is not necessarily valid for large amplitude motions, in this case earth-
quake trajectories. The assumption can be justi"ed if the control system exhibits su$cient
performance in the presence of such modelling errors. However, if the desired performance
levels cannot be attained, it may be necessary to linearize equation (6) about the reference
trajectory to obtain a time-varying realization of the hydraulics. Similarly, by neglecting
leakage and assuming that the return pressure is small and the valve is ideal, symmetric,
and matched, the equation for the load #ow through the valve can be expressed as
x 1 x
Q "C "A " P ! *P (8)
* "x " o "x "
where C is the discharge coe$cient of the valve, A is the valve area, x is the valve spool position,
o is the hydraulic #uid density, and P is the supply pressure. Equation (8) can be linearized
using a "rst-order Taylor expansion to obtain
Q "K x #K *P (9)
* / !
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
where K is the #ow gain, and K is the #ow pressure coe$cient. Combining equations (7) and (9)
/ !
results in a linear hydraulic model
*PQ #A xR "K x #K *P (10)
4b . . / !
An experimental procedure was used to establish a "rst-order lag model of the dynamics of the
two-stage valve
xR #ux "K u (11)
where u is the natural frequency of the valve spool, K is the servovalve gain, and u is the control
If the friction and disturbance forces are neglected, then the resulting state space model becomes
xQL "AxL #Bu (12)
*P x ]2
xR "[x xR (13)
The measured outputs of the system are x and *P.
The open-loop system frequency response was measured using a Tektronics 2642a analyzer.
The system was excited with 1}100 Hz random 0)1, 0)2, 0)3, and 0)4 V RMS reference inputs. The
system model parameters were identi"ed with a trial and error method and a sensitivity analysis
to match the nominal experimental and analytical transfer function curves. The experimental
Figure 4. Comparison of the experimental and analytical magnitude transfer functions for position verses input
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
Figure 5. Comparison of the experimental and analytical phase transfer functions for position verses input
open-loop transfer function for x/u and *P/u are compared to the "nal dynamic model of the
system in Figures 4}7. The resulting system matrices obtained from the identi"cation process are
provided in Appendix 1.
The objective of the seismic simulator is to reproduce reference seismic motion inputs with
minimal distortion in spite of modeling errors and regardless of the dynamic in#uence of the test
specimen. The particular design approach used below produces a nearly perfect matching of the
amplitude and phase components of the output versus command transfer function. The controller
also provides signi"cant disturbance rejection, thus minimizing the adverse e!ects that occur
when the dynamics of the test structure couple with the dynamics of the shaker mechanism. The
method utilizes the classical optimal regulation formulation to characterize the control design
Minimize J[xL , rL , u] (14)
1 RG>2&
[[xL (t)!rL (t)]2Q[xL (t)!rL (t)]#[u(t)]2Ru(t)] dt (15)
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
Figure 6. Comparison of the experimental and analytical magnitude transfer functions for di!erential pressure verses
Figure 7. Comparison of the experimental and analytical phase transfer functions for di!erential pressure verses input
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
subject to equation (12) and the initial condition xL (t ). ¹ is a "nite horizon length, rL is the
G &
reference trajectory, Q is a positive semi-de"nite penalty matrix on the state error, and R is a
positive-de"nite penalty on the control input. For a "xed upper limit, it is easy to show that the
derivation produces an algebraic mapping between the initial conditions, the required trajectory
and the optimal control at each instant. The computation of the matrices and vectors that
characterize the solution can be formidable, and it is unlikely that they could be computed in real
time. In order to avoid that di$culty, the computations are carried out once (o!-line), and the
problem is repeated after each interval of time without changing the interval of the integration.
The procedure is referred to as receding horizon control (RHC). The algebraic result yields
a two-component control law
rL *"[rL rL 2 rL ] (19)
G G G> G>L
The subscript i is indicative of the current time step. Because the receding horizon method is used,
the gain matrices K and K are time invariant. A complete development of the necessary
$ $$
conditions produced by the control problem and the solution of those conditions is provided in
Appendix II. At each update, a new control value u(t ) is computed using the current value of the
state xL (t ) and the updated trajectory command vector rL . The control is assumed to be constant
over the update interval (a zero-order hold). At the end of the interval, a new control is computed
using an updated value of the state and a new window of the desired trajectory. The process is
repeatable in real time because the RHC produces a "xed feedback gain matrix K and a "xed
feed-forward gain matrix K .
The values of Q, R and ¹ were determined by trial and error based on simulated system
performance using a white noise reference input with di!ering levels of amplitude ranging from
0)1 to 0)4 g RMS. This approach guaranteed an unbiased design. The parameters were adjusted
to minimize peak and RMS acceleration tracking errors. The tuning assumed that Q and R were
constant over the horizon. Work conducted by Shen suggests that it is possible to attain
additional bandwidth by varying Q over the horizon. The work here did not pursue that
The preceding analysis assumes a complete knowledge of the state variables. It was pointed out
above that only the position and the di!erential pressure were measured. It was therefore
necessary to construct an estimator to obtain approximations of the unmeasured states. De"ning
xJ as the state estimate based on the outputs yL and the output matrix C, the dynamics of the
observer are characterized as
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
1 0 0 0
C" (21)
0 0 1 0
The matrix ¸ is selected to yield a reliable estimate of the state based on the outputs and
control input. The estimator design neglects any noise or disturbance. Noise can be neglected
because the observed signal-to-noise ratio for the experimental setup was 40 dB. The omission
of the disturbance from the estimator model can be problematic. However, if the disturbance
dynamics are band limited, then it is possible to create a controller/estimator pair that essentially
attenuates the e!ects of the disturbance, suggesting that the disturbance is negligible when
estimating the state from the outputs. That is precisely the nature of the shake table problem
for which the disturbance inputs re#ect the modal dynamics of the structure attached to the
table. The robustness of the controller/estimator pair to the disturbances is veri"ed in a later
section. The estimator was designed using the pole placement method. The value of ¸ is given
in Appendix I, and the control system structure including the estimator is depicted in
Figure 8.
The stability margins of the control design for the nominal system and for a system with a 100
per cent increase in the table mass are depicted in Figure 9. The open-loop simulation includes
the dynamics of the estimator. The results indicate that the system is robust to signi"cant mass
changes, which would include the addition of a test structure. In both cases the gain margin was
in"nite and the phase margin was approximately 603.
Once a suitable set of penalties (Q, R, ¹ ) were selected by iterative tuning, the e!ectiveness of the
controller design was tested experimentally. In order to compare the performance of the RHC,
a similar feedback only controller was employed. Based on the classic Linear Quadratic Regula-
tor (LQR) design
(xL (t)2QxL (t)#u(t)2Ru(t)) dt (22)
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
Figure 9. Open-loop displacement characteristic gain transfer function for the nominal system and for the perturbed
subject to the system dynamics (12). The design produces a "xed feedback gain set that is used to
construct a control rule
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
Figure 10. Magnitude transfer function comparison of LQR and FB/FF controllers
Figure 11. Phase transfer function comparison of LQR and FB/FF controllers
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
Figure 13. Magnitude transfer function comparison of FB/FF control with and without a 340 kg test structure
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
Figure 14. Phase transfer function comparison of FB/FF control with and without a 340 kg test structure
Figure 15. Time domain plot of reference acceleration (North}south component of El centro 1940 at half-scale) versus
actual simulator acceleration with three-storey test structure attached
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
structure. The structure had natural frequencies at 2)3, 6)5 and 9)6 Hz. The 0)1 g RMS white noise
input was again used as the reference trajectory for the feed-forward control algorithm. The
corresponding acceleration transfer functions with and without the test specimen are compared in
Figures 13 and 14. The results indicate that the additional dynamics have no discernable e!ect on
the amplitude response performance of the system and produces a small 3 degree variation in the
phase response near the natural frequencies of the test structure. A time plot of the simulator
acceleration response with the test structure a$xed is compared to the desired acceleration in
Figure 15.
A high-"delity, PC-based control system was developed for a single DOF electrohydraulic
seismic shake table and the simulator hardware was described in detail. A linear approximation
of the system dynamics was used to develop a control design model. A feedback/feed-forward
tracking control strategy was developed using the linearized system model and was implemented
with inexpensive PC control hardware. The performance of the control was experimentally tested
and compared to a traditional LQR controller, and it was shown that the feedback/feed-forward
control had signi"cantly better phase characteristics than the LQR control. The performance of
the control design was also shown to be insensitive to dynamic loading imparted by a three-storey
test structure. If, on the other hand, the con"guration of the particular table and test specimen
were such that the disturbance rejection was insu$cient, the designers would have to resort to the
construction of a suitable representation of the dynamics of the disturbance and use that estimate
to modify the conclusions of the RHC. This process would produce a second "xed feed-forward
gain set. The estimated disturbance should also be injected into the state observer to produce the
estimated state vector. Finally, the use of a Kalman "lter is recommended as a means of further
mitigating any sensor noise e!ects.
The authors would like to thank Benjamin Wallace, Ph.D., Mike Schmitz, and Greg Brock. Their
assistance was greatly appreciated during the experimental phase of this work.
1. S. Dyke, B. Spencer, P. Quast and M. Sain, &Role of control-structure interaction in protective system design',
J. Engng. Mech. 121(2), 322}338 (1995).
2. M. Symans and M. Constantinou, &Seismic testing of a building structure with a semi-active #uid damper control
system', Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 26, 759}777 (1997).
3. M. Blondet and C. Esparza, &Analysis of shaking table-structure interaction e!ects during seismic simulation tests',
Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 16, 473}490 (1988).
4. D. Newell, H. Dai, M. Sain, P. Quast and B. Spencer, &Nonlinear modeling and control of a hydraulic seismic
simulator', Proc. American Controls Conf., Seattle, WA, 1995, pp. 801}805.
5. A. Crewe, C. Taylor, H. Mouzakis, E. Vougioukas and G. Franchioni, &The performance of the shaking table control
systems at the National Technical University of Athens, Bristol University and ISMES, Italy', 10th Int. Seminor on
Earthquake Prognostics, Cairo, 1996.
6. H. Dai, M. Sain and B. Spencer, &Using tensors to track earthquakes of hydraulic shaker tables', Proc. American
Controls Conf. Albuquerque, NM, 1}5, 1997.
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
7. M. Abdullah, K. Hu, P. Kirmser and S. Swartz, &The KSU shaking table and the sti!ness decoupler technology', Proc.
12th Engineering Mechanics Conf., American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 1998, pp. 774}778.
8. S. Dyke, &Design and development of the Washington University Seismic Simulator facility', Proc. 12th Engineering
Mechanics Conf., American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 1998, pp. 762}765.
9. S. Nagarajaiah and E. Gozdowski, &Unidirectional shaking table for testing small scale structural models: design
and development', Proc. 12th Engineering Mechanics Conf., American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 1998,
pp. 779}782.
10. H. Gavin, H. Jamieson and D. Batt, &A shaking table for experimental dynamics and control', Proc. 12th Engineering
Mechanics Conf., American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 1998, pp. 787}790.
11. M. Symans and B. Twitchell, &System identi"cation of a uniaxial seismic simulator', Proc. 12th Engineering Mechanics
Conf., American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 1998, pp. 758}761.
12. T. Trombetti, J. Conte and A. Durrani, &Actuator-foundation-specimen interaction in a small shaking table', Proc.
12th Engineering Mechanics Conf., American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 1998, pp. 770}773.
13. B. Spencer and G. Yang, &Earthquake simulator control by transfer function iteration', Proc. 12th Engineering
Mechanics Conf., American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 1998, pp. 766}769.
14. H. Merritt, Hydraulic Control Systems, Wiley, New York, 1967.
15. D. Kirk, Optimal Control ¹heory: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cli!s, NJ, 1970.
16. W. Kwon and D. Byun, &Receding horizon tracking control as a predictive control and its stability properties', Int. J.
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17. P. Dorato, C. Abdallah and V. Cerone, ¸inear Quadratic Control: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cli!s,
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18. K. Shen, &Model-based predictive control: tracking performance, robustness, and its application to a 3-DOF motion
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19. W. Brogan, Modern Control ¹heory, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1991.
20. R. Skelton, Dynamic Systems Control, Wiley, New York, 1988.
0 1 0 0
0 !12)6 344)6 0
A" (24)
0 !130)3 !17)2 837)7
0 0 0 !238)8
10 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Q" (26)
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
R"[1] (27)
¹ "0)050 s (28)
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
997)6 0)7
144990)0 !1768)9
¸" (29)
!14962)0 978)9
9821)3 !5)8
zL " (38)
A !BR\B2
M" (39)
!Q !A2
N" (40)
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)
The closed-form solution of equation (37), for any t3[t , t #¹ ], can be expressed as
G G &
zL (t)"e+R\RGzL (t )# e+P\ONrL (q) dq (41)
The integral in equation (41) can be approximated by discretizing the horizon into intervals and
applying a zero-order hold to rL (t) on each interval, resulting in
zL "e+RL\RG zL #e+RL M\[e\+RH\!e\+RH ]NrL (42)
which can be expressed as
zL "'z #([rL rL 2 rL ]2 (43)
L G G G> G>L
where the real-valued functions ' and ( are de"ned as
' '
'" "e+RL\RG (44)
' '
(" "e+RL M\[(e\+RG!e\+RR>)N2(e\+RL\!e\+RL )N] (45)
Equation (43) can be substructured to yield the costate vector
pL "' xL #' pL #( rL * (46)
rL *"[rL , rL , , rL ]2 (47)
G G G> 2 G>L
By setting t "t #¹ and applying the terminal condition on the costate pL "0) equation
L G & L
(46) can be solved for pL
pL "!'\ (' xL #( rL * ) (48)
which can be substituted into equation (36) to obtain a control input of the form
u "K xL #K rL * (49)
G $ G $$ G
K "R\B2'\ ' (50)
K "R\B2'\ ( (51)
The values of ', (, K , and K are constant and are computed o!-line.
$ $$
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn. 28, 1235}1254 (1999)