Manual Enlace Ericsson f251m
Manual Enlace Ericsson f251m
Manual Enlace Ericsson f251m
User guide
F251m terminal
Fixed Cellular Terminal for
Small office Home office
(SoHo) applications
(red led)
Power connector
RS232 port
Maintenance connector
Connections 9
The FCT is also equipped with an RS232 port that • The PBX can be programmed to utilize Least Cost
enables you to use it as a GSM modem for PC fax, Routing (LCR), if available, to automatically choose
data and SMS services. For this specific the FCT trunk when suitable.
configuration, please refer to the FCT Data • If the PBX does not offer LCR, choose the FCT
Reference Manual. See FCT accessories on page 41. trunk manually with a special dialed prefix.
The F251m terminal is compatible with most analog
Installing an FCT connected to a PBX PBXs on the market and with most of the available
The FCT is designed to provide a telephone line 2B+D ISDN digital output trunks, via its accessory
(RJ11 connector) that behaves in the same way as an ISDN FI12 adapter. See FCT accessories on
analog trunk. page 41.
Generic requirements FCT connectivity to the analogue trunk of the PBX
The PBX should meet the following generic
requirements for FCT connectivity:
• The PBX must provide analog trunks. Otherwise,
the ISDN FI12 adapter accessory will be necessary.
See FCT accessories on page 41).
• One position of the trunk must be assigned to each
FCT terminal.
• The trunk card must support either Busy Tone
Detection (BTD) or Polarity Reversal Detection on
answer and release.
10 Connections
FCT connectivity to the ISDN 2B+D trunk of the PBX Preparing your FCT
You need to follow these steps before you install the
GSM Network FCT on the wall and make all definitive connections.
Warning!: the FCT should be switched off before
inserting or removing your SIM card or connecting
any devices to the FCT.
(LCR) telephone line
1. Connect the antenna
To carry out a correct FCT installation in a PBX,
please follow the FCT installation instructions
(Preparing your FCT and Installing the FCT on the
wall) and then refer to Using PBX on page 23.
Note: a minimum distance of 3 meters between the
FCT and the PBX is recommended. The cable
distance between the PBX and the FCT should not
exceed 600 meters, and the connection cable should
be at least 0,4 mm2.
Warning!: if you install more than one FCT to a
PBX, their antennas have to be separated by 20 cm
in height or 2 meters in horizontal.
Connections 11
2. Remove the front cover. Open the SIM card holder Switch on the FCT
and place the SIM in the right position. Connect the power supply. The FCT switches on
automatically and the green and red light indicators
start flashing.
Enter PIN
Most SIM cards are protected with a PIN (Personal
Identity Number), which you get from your network
operator and which you need in order to access the
If the SIM card is not protected by a PIN code, then
3. Close the SIM card holder and place the front you do not need to enter the PIN. The FCT starts the
cover back in the previous position. network search automatically.
Connect a telephone to the FCT If the SIM card is protected by the PIN code, then the
green and red lights will flash simultaneously.
Connect a fixed telephone to the FCT telephone line.
Note: if you have the DA20 display adapter
Note: you will use this telephone to dial the PIN.
accessory (See “FCT accessories” on page 41), an
“ENTER PIN” message will show on your display.
Please follow these steps to enter the PIN:
• Pick up the telephone and dial the PIN code. Press
the # key on your telephone or wait until you hear a
beep tone.
• If you make a mistake while entering your PIN,
hang up the telephone immediately and try again.
12 Connections
If the PIN is correct, you will hear a beep over the Note: if the green light is off, you do not have access
telephone (positive indication tone). If it is incorrect, to the GSM network at your present location.
a deep tone will sound (error indication tone). Now you have prepared the FCT for wall installation.
If the PIN is entered incorrectly three times, the SIM Please, follow the instructions below for complete
card will be blocked. If this happens, you can wall installation.
unblock it by using the PUK (Personal Unblocking
Key), which you also get from your network operator. Installing the FCT on the wall
See SIM Card Security on page 33.
FCT Location
Note: once you have entered the PIN code for the
The GSM signal strength available at the FCT
first time, you will not have to enter it again unless
location affects the performance of the unit. The
you change your SIM card. The FCT performs this
stronger the GSM signal, the better the FCT
operation automatically in case of power failure.
Network search Tip: test several potential locations by moving the
After you have switched on your FCT and entered the FCT while looking at the green light . Select the
PIN, the FCT automatically searches for a network. location where the green light is steady, or the
Note: if the red light is off, there is a problem with location with the highest amount of flashes.
the power supply. See “Troubleshooting and FCT Note: moving the FCT as little as 20 cm can affect
indicators” on page 35. the GSM reception quality.
When a network is found, the green light switches on
or flashes depending on the GSM signal strength. See
“Light Indicators on page” 35.
Connections 13
Location Testing Wall mounting
Please proceed as indicated in the following picture.
Number of Green Light flashes Location status
1) Fix the wall-mounting bracket on the wall
0 Unacceptable
1 - - - Acceptable
2 -- -- -- Good
3 --- --- --- Very good
Steady ------------------------------- Excellent
Please consider the following recommendations:
• Always select an indoor location, preferably close
to a window and the roof. Generally, you will
experience better GSM signal strength in these
2) Insert the FCT in the wall-mounting bracket
• Do not install the FCT in a bathroom, a wet or
damp basement or an outdoor location.
• Do not install the FCT on walls or rooms that
contain large amounts of metal, steel or wiring.
• Do not expose the FCT to extreme temperatures
(near radiators, cooling vents, etc).
If you experience poor reception quality, an outdoor
antenna may result in improvement. See FCT
accessories on page 41.
14 Connections
3) Shift the FCT down
Warning!: once you have fixed the FCT to the wall Connecting fixed line devices
and switched it on, check the final status of the red Connect the fixed line devices to the FCT (telephone
and green lights. If either one is off, there is a line connector) with telephone wire in the same way
problem with the power supply or the GSM signal. as with an analog telephone line.
See “Troubleshooting and FCT indicators” on
Fixed line devices are connected in parallel. You can
page 35.
connect the devices directly to the FCT telephone line
Now the FCT is ready for connecting devices and connector (RJ11) or make an internal telephone
making calls. wiring, use RJ11 splitters or similar connectors.
Note: if you want to remove the FCT from the wall
bracket, then you have to press the flap (step 1) as
indicated in the following picture and then shift the
FCT upwards (step 2).
Connections 15
Checking connections
GSM Network
Once the fixed line devices (1 up to 3) have been
connected, make the “Ring Back Test” as follows in
RS2 Pc order to check the connections:
Telephone line
• Lift one telephone and dial **#10#. You will hear a
beep tone (the FCT red and green lights will start
flashing - three flashes synchronized).
Telephone Display Fax Pc
• Hang up the telephone and check if all the
connected telephones start ringing.
Note: when making the connections, the two-wire
telephone cable polarity does not affect at all. • Lift any of the telephones connected and then hang
it up again. The ringing will stop (the red and green
Tip: if your house or company is already wired with
lights will go to normal operation mode).
telephone cable, you only need to connect the cable
to the FCT RJ11 connector and your telephone line Tip: if any of the telephones has not been ringing,
will be up and running in all rooms. check your telephone cable layout and connections to
make sure that all devices are properly connected.
Note: it is strongly recommended that the telephone
wire is installed indoors in order to avoid lightning Checking the calls quality
damage. Use any of the telephones connected to the FCT to
Note: the telephone wire should not exceed 600 make a call. Check the speech quality and ask the
meters. Larger distances can be achieved by using receiver to call you back to confirm that you can also
high quality telephone wire. receive calls.
If you have problems, see Troubleshooting and FCT
indicators on page 35.
16 Connections
Using telephones
Fixed telephones connected to the FCT telephone line
work in the same way as if they were connected to a
fixed network.
Warning!: you will not be able to make or receive
data or fax calls while a speech call is ongoing.
Note: you can also benefit from some FCT
functionality that you do not usually have on your
fixed network. See Advanced features on page 24.
You can find detailed information about the tones that
the FCT sends on Audible tones page 38.
Using telephones 17
Using CLI displays This is done by dialing one of the following
sequences, depending on the CLI standard that your
Devices that display the incoming number (telephones CLI device supports (check its user guide).
with display, external displays, etc.) can be directly CLI standard Dialing sequence
connected to the FCT line interface in the same way
as an ordinary telephone. If your subscription includes ETSI DTMF **0002*1#
the Calling Line Identification (CLI) service and the ETSI V.23 **0002*2#
caller´s network sends the number, the FCT will send Bellcore **0002*3#
the caller´s number towards your CLI display.
Tip: if you cannot figure out which CLI standard to
In general, your FCT will be programmed (according use, try all three sequences, following each of them
to your country specifications) to send the CLI by a Ring Back Test. The CLI standard whose Ring
information with the right standard so that your CLI Back Test prints a “1234567890” on your display will
device works properly. be the correct one.
Refer to your CLI telephone or display user guide for In order to disable the CLI Display functionality and
further explanations on your CLI indications. therefore stop viewing calling numbers, dial
Tip: if you run the Ring Back Test on page 16 **0002*0# from a DTMF (Pulses) telephone
(lift the telephone, dial **#10# and hang up), you can connected to the FCT.
check if the following number “1234567890” appears Tip: if you do not want your telephone number to
on your CLI display. If it does not, the FCT is not appear at the caller’s location, you can dial #31#
using the right standard. before the phone number you are going to call
If you experience that your CLI device is not (B-number); in other words, dial #31#B-Number.
showing the calling numbers, you may need to To find out about the DA20 accessory display, please
change the FCT settings. check FCT accessories on page 41.
Sending a fax
The FCT terminal is programmed to automatically
detect outgoing calls made by an analog fax, meaning
that the user simply has to use the fax in the same
way as a conventional telephone line.
Warning!: if your fax is an old model and is not
able to send the fax identification, CNG tone, you
should include *01* before the destination number
(B-number) in order to inform the FCT that the
next call is a fax call (Example: *01*B-number).
This is not usually necessary, as most faxes
automatically send the CNG tone so that the fax call
is made automatically by the FCT.
20 Using PCs
optionally, to improve the Internet connection, a DNS Internet using the same ISP (Internet Service
address and a Proxy address. All these settings will Provider) that you would use with a fixed line.
allow you to configure the Dial-up Networking Warning!: you will not be able to make or receive
program in your PC in order to establish a GPRS other calls while a GSM data communication is
connection. established.
Note: this procedure is similar to the way you The SIM card must support GSM data.
configure an Internet connection from a specific ISP The network operator does not need to supply any
(Internet Service Provider). specific information, and it is your ISP who provides
If your network operator has provided you with an you with the user name, password and installation
installation guide, please follow the instructions information in order to establish an Internet connection.
included in the guide. Please contact your ISP for installation instructions.
Otherwise, the present manual explains the Note: your PC should be configured in exactly the
installation process. As the Dial-up Networking is same way as if using the fixed line.
different for Windows 98 and Windows NT, two Tip: if you already have an Internet connection
separate descriptions are provided. See ANNEX: configured for the fixed line, you do not need to
PC Data Configurations on page 43. make any changes, just connect your PC to the FCT
If you encounter problems during installation, please line instead of the fixed line.
contact your distributor or network operator. Warning!: if your modem is an old model and it is
not able to send the CNG tone, you should include
GSM data access type *02* before the destination number (B-number) in
GSM data access type allows you to make both order to indicate the FCT that the call to be made is
incoming and outgoing data calls in the same way as a data call (Example: *02*B-number). This is not
with a fixed line. Therefore, you can connect to the usually necessary, as most modems automatically
Using PCs 21
send the CNG tone so that the data call is made
automatically by the FCT.
Incoming data calls are received in the same way as
using the fixed line.
Note: if you have a SIM card that does not support
separate voice and data numbers, the FCT does not
recognize the type of incoming call. This means that
the calling party will have to inform you each time a
data call is about to be made. In this case, dial
*9902# to prepare your FCT to receive a data call.
22 Using PCs
Using PBX certain calls through the FCT trunk. Once LCR is
programmed, make a call to a mobile telephone
For a PBX connection, first, you should: number. See if the call is established through the FCT
• Check that the PBX fulfills the requirements for and also check the speech quality. Ask the person
FCT connectivity. See Installing an FCT connected who answers to call you back to confirm that the
to a PBX on page 10. installed FCT can receive calls properly.
• Follow all FCT installation steps specified in If the PBX does not offer the LCR option, choose the
Preparing your FCT and Installing the FCT on the FCT trunk manually with a specific prefix. Check the
wall on page 13. installation in the same way as before.
Warning!: the PBX may require specific If you encounter problems, please contact your
programming; both, programmation and installation distributor or network operator.
should be done by specialized service personnel.
If you are using an analog PBX - Disconnect the
telephone you have used for testing purposes and
connect the cable from the chosen analog trunk of the
PBX to the FCT telephone line.
If you are using a 2B+D ISDN digital PBX -
Disconnect the telephone you have used for testing
purposes and follow the instructions in the FI12
installation guide. See FCT accessories on page 41).
If you are using a Least Cost Routing (LCR)
programmed PBX, check your PBX programming
guide to see how to program your PBX to make
Using PBX 23
Advanced features
If a DTMF telephone is connected to the FCT, the
following features can be accessed.
Changing volume
During a call, you can increase or decrease the
reception volume level.
• Increase volume: dial R####
• Decrease volume: dial R****
24 Advanced features
To manage diversion of calls … With Function … Dial … You will hear…
Activate **21*Phone_number# 1 beep
Deactivate ##21# 3 beeps
1 beep if activated
Check status *#21#
3 beeps if deactivated
Activate **67*Phone_number# 1 beep
Deactivate ##67# 3 beeps
When busy
1 beep if activated
Check status *#67#
3 beeps if deactivated
Activate **61*Phone_number# 1 beep
Deactivate ##61# 3 beeps
When no answer
1 beep if activated
Check status *#61#
3 beeps if deactivated
Activate **62*Phone_number# 1 beep
Deactivate ##62# 3 beeps
When out of reach
1 beep if activated
Check status *#62#
3 beeps if deactivated
All Deactivate ##002# 3 beeps
Note: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deep tone, this means that there has been an error in the activation
or deactivation.
Advanced features 25
Restricting calls (call barring)
You can restrict certain types of calls that can be
made or received. You need a password to turn a call
restriction on or off. Initially, this password will be
We recommend you to change it by dialing:
The following table shows the restriction alternatives
as well as the way to proceed to manage this
Warning!: these dialing sequences may vary
depending on your network operator. If these do not
work, please consult your network operator or check
the user guide provided with your subscription.
26 Advanced features
To manage restriction of calls … With Function … Dial … You will hear…
Activate *33*Password# 1 beep
Deactivate #33*Password# 3 beeps
All outgoing calls
1 beep if activated
Check status *#33#
3 beeps if deactivated
Activate *331*Password# 1 beep
Deactivate #331*Password# 3 beeps
All outgoing international calls
1 beep if activated
Check status *#331#
3 beeps if deactivated
Activate *332*Password# 1 beep
All outgoing international calls Deactivate #332*Password# 3 beeps
except your home country 1 beep if activated
Check status *#332#
3 beeps if deactivated
Activate *35*Password# 1 beep
Deactivate #35*Password# 3 beeps
All incoming calls
1 beep if activated
Check status *#35#
3 beeps if deactivated
Activate *351*Password# 1 beep
All incoming calls when you Deactivate #351*Password# 3 beeps
are abroad 1 beep if activated
Check status *#351#
3 beeps if deactivated
All Deactivate #330*Password# 3 beeps
Advanced features 27
Note: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deep To manage
tone, this means that there has been an error in the Call waiting Dial… You will hear…
activation or deactivation. Function…
Activate *43# 1 beep
More than one call (call wait, call hold,
Deactivate #43# 3 beeps
call transfer, multiparty call)
1 beep if activated
You can handle more than one call simultaneously. Check status *#43#
3 beeps if deactivated
For example, you can put an ongoing call on hold,
while you make or answer a second call, and then Note: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deep
switch between the two calls. tone, this means that there has been an error in the
activation or deactivation.
You can also set up a conference call to have a joint
conversation with up to four people. Making a second call
You can only put one call on hold while you make a
Call waiting service
second call.
If you wish to be able to receive a second call while • To hold the active call: press the R key on your
another call is in progress, you must turn on the call telephone and proceed to make the second call.
waiting service.
• To switch between the two calls, press R2.
Note: if you are engaged in a fax or a data call, any
• To finish the active call and return to the held call,
other incoming calls are rejected.
press R1.
Warning!: these dialing sequences may vary
depending on your network operator. If these do not Receiving a second call
work, please consult your network operator or check If the call waiting service is on, you hear a tone in
the user guide provided with your subscription. the telephone when you receive a second call.
28 Advanced features
• To ignore the waiting call, take no action. To add a new call (call 3):
• To continue with the ongoing call and reject the • Put the conference group on hold (press R) and dial
waiting call (give a User Busy indication tone to the call 3.
waiting call): press R0. • Join the new call to the conference group: press R3.
• To end the ongoing call and answer the waiting Now you have a conference group of four people
call: press R1. (call 1, call 2, call 3 and yourself).
Note: if you hang up the telephone, you will also end To end the conference call, hang up the telephone.
the ongoing call and the telephone will ring again so To release a specific call from the conference group:
that you can answer the waiting call as a normal call. press R1X (where X is the number of order of the
• To put the ongoing call on hold and answer the call).
waiting call : press R2. You can switch again To choose one call from the multiparty in order to
between both calls by pressing R2 each time. have a private communication, putting the rest of the
Note: if “divert when busy” is on, the waiting call is conference calls on hold: press R2X (where X is the
diverted to the number you have specified. number of order of the call you want to communicate
Conference calls (multiparty)
In a conference call, you can have a joint Explicit call transfer
conversation with up to four other people. To transfer a call to another B-number:
To create a conference call: • Put the ongoing call on hold (press R) and dial the
• If you are in conversation with call 1, put it on hold B-number.
(press R), and dial call 2. • Now you can connect this new call, which is
• To join the two calls into a conference call: ongoing, with the call you have put on hold, but
press R3. Now you have a conference group of abandon the conversation yourself. To do this, press
three people (call 1, call 2 and yourself). R4.
Advanced features 29
Phonebook (abbreviated dialing)
You can store telephone numbers in either the SIM card memory or the FCT memory. Up to 99 telephone
numbers can be stored in each of them.
The following table shows how to manage the phonebook with the 99 memory positions (Pos).
Warning!: Pos has to have always two digits. For example, memory position number 1 has Pos=01
To manage the
With Function … Dial … You will hear…
phonebook in …
Store **51*Pos*Phone_number# 1 beep
Delete #51*Pos# 3 beeps
SIM card memory 1 beep if memorized
Check position *#51*Pos*Phone_number#
3 beeps if not memorized
Dial Pos# Dialing …
Store **51*Pos*Phone_number*1# 1 beep
Delete #51*Pos*1# 3 beeps
FCT memory 1 beep if memorized
Check position *#51*Pos*Phone_number*1#
3 beeps if not memorized
Dial Pos* Dialing …
Note: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deep tone, this means that there has been an error in the activation
or deactivation.
30 Advanced features
Voice mail To manage minute
Dial… You will hear…
The answering service of your network allows callers minder function…
to leave a voice message when you cannot answer Activate **42# 1 beep
your calls.
Deactivate #42# 3 beeps
If you have voice mail, you will hear 3 beeps before
1 beep if activated
the dial tone, as soon as you pick up the receiver to Check status *#42#
3 beeps if deactivated
make a call.
Note: if you have the DA20 display adapter Note: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deep
accessory (See “FCT accessories” on page 41), a a tone, this means that there has been an error in the
icon will show when you have voice mail. activation or deactivation.
Call your voice mail number in order to receive the
voice mail message. Emergency number (hot line)
With the hot line service, you can program the FCT
Sending tone signals to automatically dial a number (emergency or another
During a call, you can press keys 0-9, * and # to one) within a few seconds (timer) after the telephone
perform banking by phone or other interactive receiver is lifted.
services, or control an answering machine.
Advanced features 31
To manage the hot line … Dial … You will hear…
Activate **53*Phone_number**timer# 1 beep
Deactivate #53# 3 beeps
1 beep if activated
service *#53#
3 beeps if deactivated
service and 1 beep if activated
Check status for… *#53*Phone_number#
phone number 3 beeps if deactivated
service, phone 1 beep if activated
number and timer 3 beeps if deactivated
Note: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deep tone, this means that there has been an error in the activation
or deactivation.
32 Advanced features
To manage you change your SIM card. The FCT performs this
alternate line Dial … You will hear… operation automatically in case of power failure.
service function … If you enter your PIN incorrectly three times in a
row, the SIM card will be blocked.
Activate Line 1 **591# 1 beep
Note: if you have the DA20 display adapter accessory
Activate Line 2 **592# 1 beep display (See “FCT accessories” on page 41), an
1 beep if activated “ENTER PUK” message will show on your display
Check status Line 1 *#591#
3 beeps if deactivated indicating that your SIM card is blocked.
1 beep if activated To unblock your SIM card
Check status Line 2 *#592#
3 beeps if deactivated To unblock your SIM card, you need to enter your
Note: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deep PUK (Personal Unblocking Key), which is supplied
tone, this means that there has been an error in the by your network operator.
activation or deactivation. The procedure to enter the PUK is exactly the same
as for entering the PIN.
SIM card security Note: if you enter the wrong PUK ten times in a row,
your card will be permanently blocked. If this
To manage your SIM card
happens, you should contact your network operator.
Most SIM cards are locked at the time of purchase.
If the SIM card lock is on, you have to enter your To change your PIN
PIN (Personal Identity Number) the first time you use Your can change the PIN in the SIM card by dialing
your FCT. See Enter PIN on page 11. from the fixed line telephone connected to the FCT
Note: once you have entered the PIN code for the the following sequence:
first time you will not have to enter it again unless **04*OLD_PIN*NEW_PIN*NEW_PIN#
Advanced features 33
To unblock your SIM card while changing your PIN
In order to unblock your SIM card and change the
PIN at the same time, please dial the following
34 Advanced features
Troubleshooting Note: if you have the DA20 accessory display
(See “FCT accessories” on page 41), a
and FCT indicators “NO NETWORKS” message will show on your
display when no network is available. If another
This chapter describes the procedures to identify and,
network to which your SIM card is locked is
if possible, correct problems that might occur with
available, the message “EMERGENCY ONLY” will
the FCT or its installation. Some problems require
appear instead, indicating that you will be able to
that you call your network operator, but most
make emergency calls only.
problems you encounter you can easily correct
yourself. The red light indicates the FCT power supply situation:
Red light Power supply situation
Light indicators ON----------- FCT power supply is on
The FCT has two light indicators: red and green. Flashing- - - FCT is powered from battery back-up
The green light indicates the network signal strength,
OFF FCT power is off (FCT switched off)
according to the following table:
When both red and green lights are flashing
Number of green simultaneously, it means that the FCT is under
Network signal strength
light flashes alarm conditions. In this situation, ONLY
0 Unacceptable (no networks) EMERGENCY CALLS can be made.
1 - - - Acceptable Depending on the number of flashes, the table shows
2 -- -- -- Good the type of alarms that may be happening.
Note: if you have the DA20 accessory display (See
3 --- --- --- Very good
“FCT accessories” on page 41), the specific alarm
Steady --------------- Excellent status message will show on your display.
The following table summarizes the different operating status of your FCT depending on the light indicators,
and what to do if a problem is encountered.
If the problem persists, please contact your distributor or network operator.
• Operating Temperature: -10ºC to +55ºC
• Operating Humidity: 20 – 75 %
• Storage Temperature: -40ºC to +85ºC
• Storage Humidity: 5 - 95%
FCT accessories 41
• FCT phone line direct feeding • Rechargeable lead-acid batteries: 6V, 1.2-1.3Ah
• FCT real-time status indication: operator’s name, with 2.5 hours-continuous conversation, 10 hours
radio signal… stand-by.
• Calling Line Identification (CLI) • Alkaline AA batteries. In order to adjust 6 alkaline
• List of incoming calls batteries sized AA inside the terminal, an accessory
AA batteries holder (size: 99.01mm X 51.69mm)
• SMS received display and storage (Very useful
is provided.
functionality for pre-paid subscribers)
• DC/DC power adapter: it is provided in order to
Antennas use the DC voltage (car battery, solar cell, etc.) to
In areas where coverage is poor, the following accessory feed the FCT. DC input: 12-24 VDC.
antenna can be used to enhance the FCT performance: Due to the standard nature of these batteries, they are
• External triple band omnidirectional antenna. not supplied by Ericsson.
For installation or in places where indoor coverage No NiMH or NiCd rechargeable batteries are allowed.
is unstable. Band: triple 900/1800/1900 MHz. Gain: Warning!: Ericsson recommends precaution when
2dBi. Cable: 3m. Connector: SMA male. handling lead-acid batteries and also special
• Outdoor directional antenna. The directional attention over storage and power loss issues. See
antenna is intended to be wall mounted by means of a Safe and Efficient Use on page 51.
bracket. It provides with the maximum gain among the
FCT Data Reference Manual
whole range of antennas for the FCT. Band: 900 MHz.
Gain: 10bBi. Cable: 7.5 m. Connector: SMA male. This is a data Reference Manual intended for advanced
users of data communications. It explains how to take
Power supply advantage of the FCT as a modem through the RS232
The FCT offers different optional alternatives for port, in order to make HSCSD and GPRS data calls,
back up systems: PC fax calls and sending/receiving SMS.
42 FCT accessories
Annex: PC data configurations
Windows 98 GPRS set-up
Warning!: your PC must have the Dial-up
Networking and the TCP/IP protocol installed
within the network components. You can check this
in ‘Start->Settings->Control Panel’ and double
clicking on ‘Network’. If not, these components
have to be previously added from your Windows
installation disk.
To configure your GPRS connection under Windows
98 in your PC, follow steps 1 to 9: 3) In the ‘Telephone number:’ field enter: *98#, then
1) Go to ‘My Computer’ and double-click ‘Dial-Up click ‘Next’.
2) Double-click on ‘Make New Connection’ so that
the wizard starts. Type a name for the connection
and select the installed analog modem from your
computer, then click on ‘Next’.
Limited Warranty 55
2. Any repair or replaced Product will be warranted 7. THERE ARE NO OTHER EXPRESS
for the remainder of the original warranty period. WARRANTIES, WHETHER WRITTEN OR
Repair or replacement may be via functionally ORAL, OTHER THAN THIS PRINTED
equivalent reconditioned units. Replaced faulty LIMITED WARRANTY. ALL IMPLIED
parts or components will become the property of WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT
3. This warranty does not cover any failure of the MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A
Product due to normal wear and tear, misuse, PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO
including but not limited to use in other than a THE DURATION OF THIS LIMITED
normal and customary manner, in accordance with WARRANTY. IN NO EVENT WILL
Ericsson’s instructions for use and maintenance of ERICSSON BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF
the Product, accident, modification or adjustment, PROFITS, COMMERCIAL LOSS,
acts of God, improper ventilation, or damage INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL
resulting from liquid. DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, TO THE FULL
4. This warranty does not cover product failures due DISCLAIMED BY LAW.
to repair installations, modifications or improper
Some countries do not allow for the exclusion or
service performed by a non-Ericsson authorized
limitation of loss of profits, commercial loss,
service workshop, opening of the Product by a
incidental or consequential damages, or limitation of
non-Ericsson authorized person or use of non-
the duration of implied warranties, so the preceding
Ericsson original accessories.
limitations or exclusions may not be applicable in
5. Batteries are not covered by this warranty. certain cases. This warranty gives specific legal
6. Tampering with any of the seals on the Product rights, and depending on the country, other rights
will void this warranty. may be available as well.
56 Limited Warranty
Regulatory information 0682
We fulfil the requirements of the R&TTE Directive
Declaration of Conformity
We, Ericsson Radio Systems AB of
Kistagången 26, Kista FCC Statement
S-16480 Stockholm, Sweden Before a phone is available for sale to the public, it
declare under our sole responsibility that our product must be tested and certified to the FCC that it does
Ericsson type 0130101-BV not exceed the limit established by the government-
and in combination with our accessories, to which adopted requirement for safe exposure.
this declaration relates is in conformity with the Nevertheless, for mobile devices where the radiating
appropriate standards 3GPP TS 51.010-1, EN 301 structure is located more than 20 cm away from the
489-7 and EN 60950, following the provisions of, user and the EIRP (radiating power) is lower than 3
Radio Equipment and Telecommunication Equipment Watts for transmitting frequencies higher than 1.5
directive 99/5/EC with requirements covering EMC GHz, SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) measurements
directive 89/336/EEC, and Low voltage directive are not required.
73/23/EEC. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.
Kista December 15, 2001 Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
Place & date of issue (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) This device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Regulatory information 57
Definitions Telephone Line: this is the line provided by the FCT
(RJ11 connector) that behaves in the same way as the
The following definitions are supplied in order to ordinary fixed line.
better understand certain concepts included in this Telephone Line Wiring: this is the cable layout that
manual: has to be available in order to distribute telephone
Switch-on: power up the FCT by connecting the AC lines within a house or office.
power supply or a charged battery.
GPRS: General Packed Radio Service. This is a
Switch-off: power down the FCT by disconnecting technology for data communications that is ideal for
the AC power supply or removing the battery. e-mail or Internet access as it provides a high speed
Fixed Line Devices: any analog devices that can be “always online” connection. This means that,
connected to the analog fixed line: although you are always attached to the network, you
only pay for the amount of data that you really
• Fixed Telephones- ordinary telephones for the fixed transmit.
PBX: Public Branch Exchange. It is a telephone
• G3 Faxes- ordinary fax machines available on the system within an enterprise that switches calls
market. between enterprise users on local lines while allowing
• CLI devices- ordinary displays or telephones all users to share a certain number of external phone
equipped with displays that show the caller number lines.
for incoming calls.
PIN: Personal Identity Number. This is the number
• V.90 modems- standard modems for PCs used to you get from your network operator and which you
make data connections (Internet) over the ordinary need to access the network. It will prevent the SIM
fixed line. card to be used by unauthorized people.
58 Definitions
PUK: Personal Unblocking Key. This is the number
you get from your network operator and which is
used to unblock your SIM card if an incorrect PIN
has been entered three times in a row.
SIM card: this is the card provided by your network
operator that you need to insert in your GSM terminal
in order to make and receive calls. It contains all the
information from your subscription characteristics.
Definitions 59
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