Report On Polyanalyst: Assignment #1
Report On Polyanalyst: Assignment #1
Report On Polyanalyst: Assignment #1
Report on PolyAnalyst
Capabilities, functionality and data mining
Group Members:
Abdul Basit
Dr. A. Q. Khan Institute (18F-BSCS-13)
of Computer Sciences and Information
Syed Hassan Raza Razvi (18F-BSCS-19)
Syed Hussian Ali Shah Gallani (18F-BSCS-37)
Hammad Abbasi (18F-BSCS-40)
Qazi Khalid Amin (18F-BSCS-41)
Furqan Hameed (18F-BSCS-14)
Submitted to:
It uses client server architecture. There is some component use in PolyAnalyst which is
shown as follows.
Poly Analyst can read from a variety of databases and statistical packages. It can also read text
from HTML, Word and PDF files. An OLAP engine allows data to be aggregated or "diced and
sliced" prior to applying data mining algorithms. It includes tools such as decision trees, neural
networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic classification, case-based reasoning, text
categorization and more.
Data cleansing. We can perform it so that our data is suitable for analyst.
Data Access
Both systems can directly access data held in Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase, MS SQL Server,
Ingres, or any other ODBC-compliant database. Data and exploration results can be exchanged
with MS Excel 7.0 or 97. New data can be added to the project when necessary. A customized
version of PolyAnalyst PRO or Power comes merged with the IBM Visual Warehouse or
ORACLE Express.
Machine Learning
PolyAnalyst use some supervise or unsupervised leaning algorithm to run self-learning engine.
It use 14 machine learning algorithm for convenient result reporting and outputting. Out of
seven unique exploration engines mentioned above, a new PolyNet Predictor is a newly
developed innovative tool. It combines the power of Group Method Data Handling and Neural
Net technologies to predict values of numerical variables. As always, the statistical significance
of the results obtained by each engine of PolyAnalyst is rigorously checked.
PolyAnalyst has an easy-to-use graphical user interface. Data and exploration results can be
visualized in numerous formats: histograms, line and point plots with zoom and drill-through
capabilities, colored charts for three dimensions, interactive Rule-Graphs with sliders for
effective presentation of multidimensional relations, allowing the user to “feel” the discovered
relation. In addition, there is a special Frequencies function providing for a quick and thorough
visualization of the distribution of categorical, integer, or yes/no variables.
Results Reporting
Discovered relations are readily incorporated in existing DSS or EIS systems. The Print Form
feature provides for the generation of an advanced output including a mixture of text,
graphics, and system reports. A PolyAnalyst project file contains all the results of the
performed data exploration. Created datasets and summary statistics can be exported to MS
Excel. Hands-on Evaluation to master PolyAnalyst the user can follow the carefully
documented examples step by step.
Other Capabilities
PolyAnalyst limitation
For text analysis, machine learning should be applied more. Connection with other software
like SharePoint and Smart sheet should be easier.
PolyAnalyst use some supervise or unsupervised leaning algorithm to run self-learning engine
that enables the data analyst to create custom reports delivering key results of the analysis to
business users across the organization in a clean, consistent and easy to comprehend format.
It uses fourteen machine learning algorithm. Interactive reports include a mixture of graphs,
tables, numbers, text and links to other PolyAnalyst objects. Reports can be scheduled for re-
execution at a given time to provide business users with results based on the analysis of the
most up-to-date data. Static snapshots of reports can be exported to PDF, HTML and RTF
6. Scalability
a) Client/Server implementation
b) Client – Server communications over TCP/IP protocol
c) Utilization of hard disk instead of RAM
d) Scalable implementation of algorithms
e) 64-bit implementation available
f) Analytic scenario development prior to actual data loading
7. Usability
a) Interactive drag-and-drop experience throughout the system
b) Visual development of reusable data analysis scenarios
c) Tight integration of analytical and reporting applications
d) Visual creation of nice looking interactive reports for business users
e) Publishing reports to popular document formats for better collaboration
f) Group nodes
g) Subject areas
8. Security
a) User name and password based authentication
b) Support for LDAP and MS Windows based authentication
c) Fully encrypted client-server communications
d) User activities logging e. Compliance with HIPAA regulations