Blended Learning - Summary Notes
Blended Learning - Summary Notes
Blended Learning - Summary Notes
Two forms of digital learning – blended learning and online learning (virtual learning)
Blended Learning
Blended learning is any instructional units that combine online and face-to-face activities.
1. Rotation – face-to-face and online, web-based learning experiences within a given face-
to-face course
2. Flex – face-to-face and online, web-based learning experiences within a given face-to-
face course
3. A la carte – combine online courses with face-to-face elements
4. Enriched virtual – combine online courses with face-to-face elements
Rotation Model
Learners transition among face-to-face (learning in the physical classroom) and online learning
modalities, sometimes on a fixed schedule or at the teacher’s direction. For example, a 10th
grade chemistry teacher could set up four stations in his classroom, cycling students through an
online simulation, a physical experiment, small group discussion and a quiz.
Four subtypes
1. Station rotation
2. Lab rotation
3. Flipped classroom
4. Individual rotation
Station Rotation
This model rotates all students through all the stations in a classroom. This is considered one of
the most popular and increasingly used approaches (elementary schools).
Lab Rotation
Students go to a computer lab for the online learning portion of the rotation. This suits
teachers who have access to computers.
Flipped Classroom
Students complete the online learning rotation off the school site, typically as homework
outside of class time. Example, the content is done online, and the homework or activities are
done in class. The online or pre-class activity can be audio, video or any learning object (online
field trips, online simulations).
Individual Rotation
This provides students with an individualized rotation schedule determined by the teacher or
computing algorithms. Unlike other rotation models, students do not necessarily rotate to
every station; they rotate only to the activities scheduled on their playlists. The rotation is
based on the teacher’s analysis of the student’s completed work.
Flex Rotation
Online learning is the main learning modality for students, but the learning occurs in a face-to-
face setting with a teacher present to help oversee projects or lead discussions. It lets students
move on fluid schedules among learning activities according to their needs. Teachers provide
support and instruction on a flexible, as-needed basis while students work through course
curriculum and content. This model can give students a high degree of control over their
A La Carte
Students take a fully online course with an online teacher along with their other face-to-face
courses. For example, a student might take an online course in Chinese at home and then
attend his high school for the rest of his courses.
Students learn predominantly through fully online coursework but also have required face-to-
face, rich content learning experiences with a teacher. It is an alternative to full-time online
school that allows students to complete most of the coursework online at home or outside of
school but attend school for required face-to-face learning sessions with a teacher. Unlike the
Flipped Classroom, Enriched Virtual programs usually don’t require daily school attendance;
some programs may only require twice-weekly attendance, for example.
Vision for blended learning – must get student and parent buy-in. Also, it is important
to develop and communicate a vision for blended learning for students, teachers, staff,
and the community.
Increased class sizes -
Technological constraints and digital equity – technological demands for student’s
homes and classrooms or schools are different. Students need to ensure adequate
Accessibility – all digital learning resources are accessible to all learners. For example,
videos used in a flipped classroom model should provide closed captioning for the
hearing impaired.
A teacher should use these four support areas to learn more about the school’s or district’s
commitment to blended learning.