Survey On Evolving Deep Learning Neural Network Architectures
Survey On Evolving Deep Learning Neural Network Architectures
Survey On Evolving Deep Learning Neural Network Architectures
Vol.01/ Issue.02
Pages: 73-82
Abstract: The deep learning being a subcategory of the machine learning follows the human instincts of learning by example to
produce accurate results. The deep learning performs training to the computer frame work to directly classify the tasks from the
documents available either in the form of the text, image, or the sound. Most often the deep learning utilizes the neural network
to perform the accurate classification and is referred as the deep neural networks; one of the most common deep neural networks
used in a broader range of applications is the convolution neural network that provides an automated way of feature extraction by
learning the features directly from the images or the text unlike the machine learning that extracts the features manually. This
enables the deep learning neural networks to have a state of art accuracy that mostly expels even the human performance. So the
paper is to present the survey on the deep learning neural network architectures utilized in various applications for having an
accurate classification with an automated feature extraction.
Keywords: Deep Learning, Deep Neural Network, Machine Learning, Traditional Neural Network, Speech Recognition, Image
Recognition, NLP.
The deep learning is a subset of the machine learning and based on the algorithms that are stimulated by the
functioning of the brain and the way they are structured. The deep learning educates the computer system to produce
results by training them on the previously available examples. The capability of the deep learning has enabled it to
accomplish results that were impossible once upon a time. The remain as the pivotal mechanics behind most of the
applications that are found nowadays such as the self-driving vehicles, voice control in consumer electronics such as
the phone, Television, smart machines etc.
ISSN: 2582-2012 (online)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks (2019)
Vol.01/ Issue.02
Pages: 73-82
The computer frame work in deep learning is trained to directly classify the tasks from the documents available in
the form of the image or text or sound. The deep learning models ensure a state of art accuracy and a performance
the excels the humans
The deep learning was conceived in 1980s, but has become predominant only in the recent years this is because of
the substantial amount data set and the computing power that is required for the training. Recently the utilization of
the cloud computing has reduced the training time of the deep learning to hours from weeks. Few areas where the
deep learning is prominent are automated driving, aerospace and defense, medical research, industrial automation,
consumer electronics etc. The fig.1 below shows the performance of the deep learning and the older learning
algorithms under various areas.
The fig.1 present the performance of the deep learning from the huge amount of data set collected from different
areas from defense to consumer devices at home. Many of the deep learning techniques utilizes the neural network
architectures, to classify a data set acquired and are most probably referred as the deep neural networks. In deep
neural networks the word deep points to the number of layers that are hidden, unlike traditional neural networks that
can hold two or three hidden layers; the deep neural network can hold more than hundred and fifty hidden layers.
This makes them capable of directly learning the features from the data itself eluding the necessity of the manual
feature extraction and ensures higher accurate results compared to the traditional neural networks. The fig.2 below
ISSN: 2582-2012 (online)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks (2019)
Vol.01/ Issue.02
Pages: 73-82
shows the difference between the traditional learning and the deep learning in categorizing an object. Where the fig
2. (a) Is the classification using the traditional learning method and the fig 2. (b) Is the deep learning method that
automatically learns from the data set. Fig shows how the learning algorithm identifies a desired object using the
traditional learning and the deep learning.
The most popular DNN is the convolutional neural network. It convolutes the learned features and the input data and
utilizes the two dimensional convolutional layers, it eludes the necessity for the manual feature extraction. The
convolutional neural network works by extracting the features directly from the images. The necessary features are
not pre-trained but learned in parallel during the training of the network on the collection of the images. This makes
the DNN more compatible and suitable for the accurate classification of the objects.
The paper aims in presenting the survey of the evolving deep neural network architectures in various applications
that are related to the speech recognition, image recognition, the natural language processing and the other
ISSN: 2582-2012 (online)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks (2019)
Vol.01/ Issue.02
Pages: 73-82
The remaining paper proceeds with the literature survey presenting the evolving deep learning neural network, in
various applications in section 2 and the its uses in the other application in section 3 and the conclusion in the
section 4.
The neural network is fundamentally built to imitate the activity of the human brain. The experts reveal the deep
neural network as the frame work that is composed of three layers that is the input, output and the hidden layer that
is usually layered in between the input and the output layer. The deep neural network [1] is based on the concept of
deep learning that is the sub section of the machine learning and utilizes the facets of the artificial intelligence to
classify and order the data’s, the following section provides the deep neural network architectures employed in the
various areas providing a state of art accuracy
Deng, et al [2], The author presents the review of the deep neural networks for the speech recognition by providing
an optimized neural architectures that provides a better optimization and the improved ways to enhance the huge
number of hyper parameters of the deep neural network with the accurate ways of preprocessing the speech for the
deep neural networks and the possible ways of extracting the many number of languages at ease using the deep
neural network than the Gaussian mixture model. So the author highlights the advantages of using the deep learning
in the speech recognition than the GMM Peddinti, et al [3] providing a time delay deep neural network in the
framing of the long temporal contexts utilizing the i-vector based network adaption. The time delay neural networks
developed are viewed as the forerunner of the CNN ensuring a long term temporal dependencies from the short term
features extracted from the speech, allowing a lower layer of the network to get updated with the gradient that are
accumulated over every time step of the input temporal context during the back-propagation and a speedy training
by the effective selection of the sub-sampling indices. Zhang et al [4], the convolutional neural network, which is the
most common type of deep neural network employed in broader range of applications, are more efficient as they
provide with the enhanced way of designing the spectral correlations in the acoustic features for an automated
speech recognition and the diminishing of the spectral variations, for having an computationally effective end to end
ISSN: 2582-2012 (online)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks (2019)
Vol.01/ Issue.02
Pages: 73-82
speech recognition the CNN are integrated with the connection temporal classification for sequence labeling. Jaitly
et al [5], Palaz, et al [6], the deep belief network for the pre-trained ANN/HMM for a continuous speech recognition
in the large vocabulary is proposed in the paper and shows much improvement in the speech recognition than the
GMM/HMM Manohar, et al [7] overlapping speech recognition with the acoustic Modelling utilizing the data
augmentation approaches integrated with the DNN architectures, front –end speech echoing, beam forming and
robust i-vector extraction enables to have a considerable improvement in the speech recognition than the traditional
method with an diminished error rate. (CNN+TDNN+LSTM). The table.1 below summarizes the deep neural
network architecture in the speech recognition.
Bischke et al [8], the author provides a multi tasks leaning by introducing the cascaded multi task loss for the
preserving of the semantic segmentation of the foot print for the building along with the deep neural networks. This
method of image segmentation combining the multitask learning with the deep neural network eluding the necessity
for the post –processing ensures an enhanced performance than the conventional methods. Stricker, et al [9], the
image recognition using the deep convolutional network ensures a lesser number of pre-processing techniques along
with the increased accuracy in the “multi-font printed Amharic character image recognition” Fu et al [10], “ the froth
ISSN: 2582-2012 (online)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks (2019)
Vol.01/ Issue.02
Pages: 73-82
image recognition” using the three different type of convolutional neural network Alex net, VGG16 and the ResNet
are done in the paper has identified that the Alex net outperforms the previous methods by a significant margin.
Sun et al [11], the “DEEPID3” (GoogLeNet +VGG net) is utilized in recognizing the face by reconstructing the two
architectures from the “stacked convolution and the inception layers” further the combined face identification and
the verification signs are included to the intermediate as well as the final layers of the feature extraction during the
process of training. Simonyan et al [12], the very deep convolution network with the depth of 16-19 weight layers
are utilized in the system to recognize the images of large scale. Sainath et al [13], the author proposes the method of
the “deep convolutional neural network” for the LCVSR tasks. Krizhevsky et a [14] the “Imagenet classification
with the deep convolutional neural network” is proposed in the paper to reduce the over fitting in the fully connected
layer He et al [15] the “deep residual learning” to reduce the complexity in the training is utilized for the image
recognition with a relative enhancement in the object detection, Imagenet detection and the localization.
The recent advancements in the neural network along with the deep learning have led to high performance in the
various tasks associated with the NLP. The conventional methods of the natural language processing along with the
DNN have caused the NLP to have an increased accuracy. Young et al [16], the author has presented a review of the
significant past, present and the feature deep learning architectures in the natural language processing and provides a
pavement for their evolution. Zeng, et al [17], Hasan et al [18] present the solutions for the clinical natural language
processing in the “adverse drug detection from the social media and the medical image caption generation” using
the deep learning neural network architectures. The table.2 below provides the over view of the deep neural network
in the Image recognition and the natural language processing.
ISSN: 2582-2012 (online)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks (2019)
Vol.01/ Issue.02
Pages: 73-82
In relation to the other applications the deep neural networks are employed in the detection of the bot Kudugunta,
et al [19] has proposed a bot detection methodology by combining the LSTM and the deep neural network this
proposed model of “deep neural network based on the contextual long short-term-memory architecture” ensures the
detection of the bot in the social media such as the twitter Facebook etc. Nakazawa et al [20] proposes a “Anomaly
detection and the segmentation of the wafer defect patterns utilizing the deep convolutional encoder-decoder neural
network architectures in the manufacturing of the semiconductor” is done performing the training with the synthetic
wafer maps with the basic patterns to make them capable of identifying the defects patterns from the real wafer
maps. To detect the traffic in the web that is based on the number of people visiting the websites and the amount of
the information transmitted to and fro the website Kim et al [21] employs the CLSTM and the DNN to have flawless
anomaly detection with a heightened accuracy and recall. The deep neural networks finds its necessity in the
medical field not only with the drug detection, but also in the identification of the tumors Mohsen et al [22] proposes
a deep neural network in combination with the discrete wavelet transform, feature extraction tools and the principal
component analysis for the brain tumor detection utilizing the dataset obtained from the MRI and categorizing them
ISSN: 2582-2012 (online)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks (2019)
Vol.01/ Issue.02
Pages: 73-82
into four types as the normal, sarcoma, metastatic-bct and glioblastoma. And Lee et al [23] utilizes the deep
Convolutional neural network architecture in the detection and diagnosis of dental caries further Nair et al [24]
utilizes the convolutional neural network in detection of the retinal alignment using the fundus images, providing an
accurate , cost–effective and a comfortable solution in the retinal alignment. The table3 below provides the summary
of the survey done based on the deep neural architectures in other applications.
The survey presented bring out the essential qualities of the deep neural network in the various application that are
associated with the speech recognition, image recognition, natural language processing, and the other application
such as the fraud detection, disease detection etc. Though the DNN has many advantages, they require a high
number of data sets for training along with the huge computational power. so the utilization of the cluster computing
or the cloud computing along with the deep neural network would be ensure the training time and the power
consumption by an considerable amount. The efficiency of the Deep neural networks along with the cluster /cloud
computing is to be continued as the future work.
The paper presenting the survey of the deep learning neural networks proceeds with the different areas the deep
learning neural network architectures are applied such as the in speech recognition, image recognition, natural
language processing and other applications such as the bot and fraud detection, and disease diagnosis. The review
presented details the deep learning neural network as the accurate way of classifying and predicting utilizing the
sorting and ordering in a feature hierarchy even for the data that are unlabeled and unstructured. The automated way
of feature extraction followed in the deep neural networks make them more compatible in the object detection and
other applications of the computer vision compared to the traditional neural networks. So in future the paper is to
proceed with the utilization of the deep neural network in the computer vision tasks such as the object classification
and later with the analysis of the deep neural network efficiencies when integrated with the cloud computing.
ISSN: 2582-2012 (online)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Networks (2019)
Vol.01/ Issue.02
Pages: 73-82
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