Oil Gas Offshore Safety Case (Risk Assessment) : August 2016
Oil Gas Offshore Safety Case (Risk Assessment) : August 2016
Oil Gas Offshore Safety Case (Risk Assessment) : August 2016
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All content following this page was uploaded by Prakash Bahadur Thapa on 25 August 2016.
It is one the example of the offshore oil gas contruction and operaction projects objectives
to ensure that all its activities are managed in a manner that ensures the health and safety
of all personnel and protection of the environment.
In this report I try to clarify the entire student and my college actually what is the safety
requirements in to oil gas industry, I read all the previous study and research report
everybody always simulation and try to solve the mathematical solve never they don‟t
mantion what is the requairment of safety in the industry but this report is very different
from the other I try to explain different about the safety and manage the Risk.
In this small report I try to explain what are the actual requirements in the industry to
manage the best safety in the work places in this report I am not focuses the academy
because after academy all the student target is industry that‟s why in this small report I
focused the industrial requirements not academic requirements.
Major accident hazards, which have the potential to affect a significant proportion
of the offshore workforce and the integrity of the installation itself.
The following sections describe the management of the risks associated with these
All major accident hazards associated with activities involving the have been assessed
and are summarised within this Section of the Safety Case. A combination of qualitative
and quantitative analysis has been used to assess the consequences and likelihood of
such hazards.
The nature, likelihood and consequences of potential major accident hazards have been
developed by external risk specialists. This has allowed for the identification of technical
and operational risk reduction measures that reduce the probability of a major accident or
minimise their consequences should they occur.
An overview of the methodology applied to the risk assessment process and the overall
risk results are summarised. The assessment is a systematic review of the hazards that
can arise during operations and a determination of the effectiveness of the management
and hardware systems in place to prevent, control and mitigate them.
The ALARP levels (required standards) are set out in terms of the arrangements that are
already in place and the remedial actions that have been identified and considered
necessary to achieve an acceptable baseline level of safety.
By reviewing the various task elements that make up a job, those that could result in an
accident can be identified, as well as the safeguards necessary to control or mitigate the
risk for each stage of the work. This is a risk assessment but, when carried out for a
particular worksite task, it becomes task specific and is termed a Job Safe Analysis (JSA).
The JSA documents the analysis of a task based activity focusing on the safety critical
aspects and controls and clearly identifies:
Control measures to reduce and control the risks from each hazard.
Where risk cannot be engineered out or reduced by substitution, then suitable control
measures (safe systems of work) shall be put in place, e.g. permit to work. Where such
control measures are implemented, it is essential that they are correctly maintained and
used properly.
The JSA shall be utilised as the basis for job plans and worker briefings during toolbox talk
meetings. These are held to ensure that the job is understood (including the need to work
safely and protect the environment), that work practices and tools are appropriate and that
adequate supervision is available.
1.2.2 Management of Occupational Health Hazards
In addition to task risk assessment, there is also the need to protect the health of all
employees, including subcontractor personnel. There are a number of occupational
health hazards associated with normal operating activities that are common throughout all
workplaces. These fall within the following four main categories:
Chemical hazards.
The occupational risk assessment process starts with the identification of potential health
hazards within the working environment. For each hazard present, an assessment is
undertaken to show whether control measures in use are effective in reducing the risk to
an acceptable level. Where the assessment shows the risks to be unacceptable, further
control measures must be selected and installed.
Where the risk assessment identifies the need for further control measures, the following
accepted „hierarchy‟ of measures is considered:
Elimination or substitution.
Procedural controls.
Where lifesaving appliances (LSA) is required, the company shall supply employees
working on board with the appropriate LSA. The LSA supplied will conform to appropriate
international standards. It shall be the responsibility of supervisors on board the rig to
ensure both that individuals are adequately trained in the correct use of the LSA and that it
is maintained and stored properly.
Hazards can pose either a direct risk to persons or an indirect risk, as a result, for
example, of loss of technical functions or installation integrity. Hazard identification forms
the basis of any risk assessment. If the hazards are not adequately identified, the risk
assessment will be incomplete. To identify possible causes of accidents or precursors that
may lead to accidental events, it is necessary to use information derived from industry
experience. It is also necessary to ensure that small hazards are not overlooked. Only
after due consideration of the consequences of the hazard and its potential for escalation
should small hazards be discounted.
Whilst all potential accidents should be considered, the focus, in terms of identifying those
hazards that it is appropriate to assess quantitatively, is on identifying major hazards. In
this context, major hazards are commonly accepted as being fire and explosion events,
and other accidental events that have the potential to result in multiple fatalities, either in
the immediate area of the event or because they have the potential to escalate and result
in fatalities outside the immediate area. Other accidental events are categorised as
occupational hazards and affect one or a small number of personnel (e.g. trips, falls and
4 Description of the Hazard Identification Process
There are three different conditions in which the installation is expected to operate:
The risk assessment for the has been performed on the basis that the installation is
connected to a “hot” installation, as in this mode of operation the may be exposed to
hazards originating on the adjacent installation (AI), in addition to the hazards that it may
be exposed to when in stand-alone or hydrocarbon free combined operations.
Hazard identification is performed based on reviewing major hazards that have been
identified as a result of many years of similar operations experience. The results of the
hazard identification process are recorded in a register of identified hazards.
The hazards identified are summarised in Table 1, which also identifies those that have
been „screened out‟ based on a preliminary assessment and will therefore not be carried
forward for detailed risk assessment.
Hazard Description Hazard discounted?
Fire on the The ignition and development of liquid or No
combustible solid fires, leading to generation of
heat and the products of combustion, such as
smoke and toxic fumes. This includes fires
involving, for example, fuel, oil, paints, paper and
gas cylinders.
Explosion on the A combustion explosion in air, either within a No – There is no
compartment, in the open or in a partially confined process or reservoir
area of the accommodation platform. hydrocarbon present.
However, a gas
release on an AI
could result in gas
build up and
Ship collision Collision of supply vessels or passing errant or No
drifting vessels.
Transportation Personnel are transferred between shore and the No
accident (when jacked up) either by helicopter or boat. A
transportation accident could result in many
Helicopter crash on The impact of a helicopter, either on or off the No
installation helideck of the installation, immediately before or
after landing or take-off.
Those hazards that have not been screened out are discussed further in Section
6 Potential Major Accident Hazards Identified
For the purposes of this evaluation, the hazards associated as identified in Table 1, are
categorised as:
Where appropriate, the hazards identified in Table 1 have been subdivided to reflect the
range of possible accidents that may occur. Table 2 lists the hazardous events identified.
Care was taken in this process to ensure that the risks have not been subdivided to an
extent where major risks are represented by many small elements and hence excluded
from scrutiny.
Those hazardous events carried forward for detailed risk assessment are highlighted.
Fire Hazards Marine/Mechanical Hazards Adjacent Installation
FE.7.1 Open deck fire: fire in MM.5 Power failure
helifuel storage and distribution
FE.7.2 Open deck fire:
acetylene/oxygen storage
FE.7.3 Open deck fire:
container/skip fire
The risk associated with diesel fires is accounted for in the „Engine Room fire‟ hazard
assessment, because it is considered that the Engine Room is the most likely place for an
ignited diesel release to occur.
It is considered that the likelihood of ignition of releases of diesel in other areas of (for
example, from the main storage tanks in the hull or on to the Main Deck during bunkering
operations) is low. Table 2: Listing of Major Accident Hazards Identified
As shown in Figure 1, risk assessment forms a key part of the overall hazard management
process, since its main purpose is to identify and assess risks so that can be adequately
managed. Guidance from the UK Health and Safety Executive stresses that the level of
effort devoted to risk assessment should be proportionate to the magnitude of the risks in
In line with this guidance, PROJECT adopt a bow-tie type approach that attempts to
systematically identify a large number of potential hazards, regardless of the potential risk,
which can then be screened in order to focus further effort and assessment on the
hazards that contribute most to the risk.
The objective is to ensure that all hazards are identified and assessed, quantitatively
where appropriate. However, project also aims to assess the operational and human error
aspects through detailed HAZOP assessments.
Section describes the methodology used to identify the hazards associated.
Those hazards that are not considered to present a significant risk to personnel are
discounted at this stage.
Figure 1: Risk Management Process
1. Hazard identification.
3. Consequence analysis.
4. Risk evaluation.
5. Assessment of risk.
Brief outlines of these stages are given in the following sections. The application of this
risk assessment process to is described in Section
Section 1.2.1 describes the methodology used to identify the hazards associated. Those
hazards that are not considered to present a significant risk to personnel are discounted at
this stage.
This stage of the risk assessment process involves assessing the frequencies at which the
identified major accident hazards are expected to occur. Hazardous event frequencies
are estimated by applying historical data, with allowance for installation-specific
circumstances as required.
Some of the hazardous events identified, such as ship collision, are a direct hazard to the
installation and contribute directly to risk. Other hazards, such as a gas release, require
further analysis, using techniques such as event tree analysis.
This is to enable the frequency of the sequences of events that result in the eventual
hazardous outcomes, such as jet fires or explosions, to be assessed.
Consequence analysis evaluates the physical effects of the hazards and hazardous
outcomes identified in Stages 1 and 2. It evaluates the response of structures and
systems to the hazard, and determines ways in which an event could escalate. It also
provides a basis for estimating fatalities that could occur as a result of the incident, either
immediately or whilst personnel are escaping to muster areas or evacuating the
Computer models that have been validated against large-scale test data are used to
model the hazardous events and their effects. These include models for pool fires,
explosions, jet fires, structural response and gas dispersion.
Stage 4 - Risk Evaluation
The frequency and consequence of each hazardous event are combined to form
measures of overall risk. For example, risk to life may be estimated as the statistical
number of fatalities per year that may result from the hazard.
Risk to each individual exposed may be expressed as the probability of fatal injury during
each year of exposure. The impact of scenarios in terms of asset damage and
environmental damage may also be considered.
Risk levels are compared against established criteria to determine whether they are
tolerable. Typically, this stage involves the identification and evaluation of risk reduction
measures, using cost-benefit analysis, to determine whether risks are ALARP.
A Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) has been undertaken which integrates results from:
The FEHA identifies hazardous events on potential to result in gas release, fire and
explosion and assesses the frequencies of these events and discusses their development
and likely consequences. The FEHA also considers hydrocarbon releases on a
representative AI that could affect personnel.
In the event of a major hazard, personnel will, in general, muster either within the TR, and
some of the major hazards considered in FEHA and MMHA may also result in a
requirement to evacuate the rig. The adequacy of the ETREER facilities provided is
assessed in the ETREERA in order to establish whether they are adequate and will be
available to perform their safety function when required. The ETREERA also estimates
the frequency of TR impairment.
The capability of the installation to withstand accidental events, together with
evacuation/escape preparedness, are analysed and demonstrated in the QRA in order to
summarise the total risk to personnel on the rig. The risk to personnel determined in the
QRA is expressed in the form of Potential Loss of Life (PLL) and Individual Risk Per
Annum (IRPA).
The QRA results are assessed against project corporate and regulatory criteria (defined in
Section 1.4.1) in order to determine whether the preventive and protective measures in
place reduce risk to persons to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
This section describes the assessment undertaken for fire events. The impact on the fires
and explosions originating on the AI is considered separately in Section 1.2.6.
The following fire hazards on are identified in the FEHA, and described in the following
There are a number of different possible fire scenarios that are usually classified as
accommodation or living space fires. Some of the more common hazard scenarios that
are relevant to listed below:
Fire in the Galley: there are two principal fire concerns in the galley. These are a
cooking oil fire on the range and a fire in the extract ventilation ducting due to a
build-up of grease and oil deposits.
Fire in Cabins, Offices or Public Spaces: the most common causes of fires in
recent years are malfunctioning electrical appliances and cellulosic goods such as
clothes and linen being placed adjacent to hot surfaces (such as light bulbs or
heaters). Before the prohibition of smoking in cabins and offices, smoking was
also a major cause of small fires, but this risk has declined now that smoking is
only permitted in designated smoking areas.
Frequency Assessment
The calculation of the expected frequency of a living space fire is best made from an
analysis of the historical data.
A major incident occurred in the UK sector of the North Sea when the Fulmar platform
suffered a series of explosions in the living space area in 1991. The cause was an inter-
connection between the seawater systems used for gas cooling and for the
accommodation module. The incident caused a precautionary evacuation of non-
essential personnel.
Based on one serious living space fire accident in 6,980 unit years of the UKCS fixed and
floating installation experience between 1980 and 2007, reported and the frequency of a
significant living space fire is taken to be 1.43 x 10-4 per installation year.
Consequence Assessment
Experience suggests that fatalities due to living/service space fires are extremely unlikely.
However, such fires typically result in significant smoke generation and therefore, in order
to account for the possibility that sleeping personnel may not hear and respond to alarms
sufficiently quickly, one fatality is conservatively accounted for in the assessment.
The TR on is defined as the two accommodation modules (forward and aft). Any
significant fire inside the TR would, by definition, be classed as TR impairment.
In reality, however, most fire events would be confined to the immediate area, and would
not be expected to impair the muster areas or prevent the TR from performing its primary
role, namely to ensure the safety of personnel in the event of a major incident affecting the
installation and during any subsequent escape, evacuation and rescue.
For the purposes of this risk assessment it is therefore considered that 50% of living
space fires may escalate beyond the immediate vicinity and result in impairment of the
13 Engine Room Fire
The five main generator sets which are located in the main engine room for the control the
fire. The emergency generator is located in the Emergency Generator Room, on top of
the accommodation module. In the event of main power failure the emergency generator
has the capacity to run on full load for 18 hours continuously.
Diesel fuel oil is stored in three tanks in the bottom hull. Fuel is pumped from the hull
tanks to the day tank via the fuel oil centrifuge. The clean fuel is stored in the day tank,
which has a capacity of 7.5m .
The fuel oil purifier and the deck transfer pump are located in the main engine room
adjacent to the service tank. Fuel oil supply from the day tank is hard-piped directly to the
main generators and boiler. Fuel for the emergency generator is transferred to its
individual tank as required by the fuel oil transfer pump.
In addition, small quantities of grease and other potentially flammable materials are stored
in the engine rooms.
Frequency Assessment
The data indicates that 23 engine room fire events, excluding very minor events, were
recorded on UKCS mobile installations between 1980 and 2007. Based on 2,000
installation years of experience, this equates to an engine room fire frequency of 1.15 x
10-2 per installation year.
Consequence Assessment
A common fire scenario in an engine room would be a pinhole leak of diesel oil fuel or
lube oil from a pressurised line forming a fine, flammable mist. The flammable cloud may
either immediately ignite by means of coming into contact with a hot surface directly, or it
could impregnate protective lagging over a period of time to the point at which the lagging
becomes flammable and may ignite.
Once ignition does occur, the heat from the small fire can cause rapid failure of the
leaking fuel line releasing larger quantities of fuel and thus feeding the fire. The
immediate consequences of the event can include a flash fire, significant heat generation,
smoke and toxic fumes.
Of the engine room fires recorded in none resulted in fatalities. However, to be
conservative, an average fatality rate within the engine room of 10% is assumed in the
event of a fire.
The walls of the main engine room are A60 fire rated and the ceiling is A0 fire rated.
Furthermore, the inventory available to fuel a fire is limited to diesel oil fuel supply (which
is provided with fuel cut-off valves). Therefore, in the event of a fire in the engine room,
the potential for escalation beyond the boundaries of the room and possible impairment of
the TR is considered to be limited.
Similarly, the Emergency generator Room is an A60 fire rated enclosure, excluding the A0
fire rated floor, and there is a limited fuel supply, which mean that a fire is unlikely to
escalate beyond the Emergency Generator Room.
If a fire in the engine room leads to loss of main power on the rig, the backup emergency
generator is able to maintain operations for 18 hours. If no repair is made within 18 hours
then numerous safety systems could become inoperable.
In this event, the installation may be down-manned as a precautionary measure, but this
would be done in an orderly fashion via gangway or helicopter and no fatalities would be
Personnel are transferred between the shore and the installation by either helicopter or by
boat. For the purposes of this assessment it is assumed that personnel are transferred by
The helideck is located forward of the No.1 (fwd) leg at the same level as the top of the
accommodation modules. A fully fuelled helicopter generally contains in the region of one
tonne of aviation fuel. Therefore, if a helicopter‟s fuel tank is ruptured in the event of a
collision on the helideck, it is likely to result in a large hydrocarbon fire.There is no helpful
storage or other significant hydrocarbon inventories in the vicinity of the helideck.
Potential consequences for passengers on the helicopter in the event of a crash are
considered separately in Section
Frequency Assessment
The frequency of a helicopter crash during take-off and landing is based on the number of
flight stages per year. The maximum POB is taken to be 318. These personnel are
assumed to work an offshore rotation of 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off (i.e. exposure of 0.5).
Assuming that, on average, 12 passengers are transferred per flight, there are
approximately 459 return flights per year (i.e. 918 flight stages per year).
Based on helicopter accident records and a breakdown of the flight stage in which
accidents have occurred the frequency of an accident occurring during a flight stage
(either during take-off or during landing) is taken to be 4.30 x 10-7.
The annual frequency of a helicopter crash during take-off / landing is therefore 3.95 x 10-4
per year.
Assuming that 50% of helicopter crashes on take-off/landing occur at the installation, the
expected frequency of a helicopter crash on the installation during take-off/landing is taken
to be 1.97 x10-4 per year.
Statistically, there is insufficient data to accurately estimate the number of crashes which
result in fire. Therefore, it is subjectively estimated that 50% of helicopter crashes on the
installation will result in fire and the expected frequency of a helicopter fire is taken to be
9.85 x 10-5 per year.
Consequence Assessment
If a helicopter‟s fuel tank is ruptured in the event of a crash on the helideck, it is likely to
result in a large fire, with significant heat and smoke. The duration of the fire will however
be limited by the amount of fuel in the helicopter‟s fuel tank, as there are no significant
hydrocarbon inventories in the vicinity of the helideck.
The helideck is always manned during helicopter take-off or landing and fire-fighting
equipment is provided at various locations close to the helideck. Therefore, a fire on the
helideck is likely to be quickly extinguished by the helideck crew.
However, ignited helifuel has potential to generate significant volumes of smoke, toxic
combustion products and heat. It is therefore considered that personnel in the immediate
vicinity of the fire could suffer major burns and it is assumed, for the purposes of the risk
assessment, that there is a 50% chance that a helicopter crash and fire on the helideck
would result in a fatality on the installation.
The helideck is separated from the accommodation/TR by the forward leg. Therefore, a
fire on the helideck, in the event of a helicopter crash, is unlikely to escalate to the TR.
Smoke resulting from a helifuel fire on the helideck is not expected to result in TR
impairment, because the natural buoyancy of the hot combustion products would carry the
smoke above the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) inlets (located on the
roof of the aft accommodation).
Based on this discussion, a fire resulting from a helicopter crash is not expected to have
the potential to directly impair the TR.
The equipped with helicopter refuelling facilities. Three helifuel tanks are positioned on a
purpose built platform, which is located on the starboard Main Deck forward of the fixed
accommodation module. The fuel is transferred by a pump unit to the dispensing cabinet
that is located on level 5 of the forward accommodation module. This assessment
considers the potential for the following ignited helifuel events:
Fire fuelled by a release from the helifuel pumping and distribution pipework during
The location of the helifuel tanks, with little open deck in the vicinity means that any
release from a helifuel tank will fall to the sea. Therefore, there is considered no potential
for a significant fire on the as result of a release from a helifuel tank.
In the event of a failure of a pump seal or the distribution pipework during refuelling,
helifuel could be released at the pump discharge pressure. A major failure of the
distribution pipework would cause the transfer pump to trip due to low discharge pressure.
In addition, there is an automatic shut-off valve between the pumping unit and the helifuel
tanks. The size of the release is, therefore, likely to be limited but any personnel in the
immediate vicinity of the fire could suffer major burns.
The helideck is located forward of the forward leg at the same elevation as the roof of the
accommodation, with a gap of approximately 15 metres between the helideck and the
front wall of the accommodation. Therefore, as there are no wide open areas on the Main
Deck in the vicinity of the forward leg, helifuel that spills off the helideck will fall into the
sea and there is considered no potential for a significant helifuel fire, other than on the
The potential consequences of a refuelling fire on the helideck could be serious, since
refuelling operations take place whilst personnel are within the helicopter. In the event of
ignition, however, the helideck attendant would very rapidly control the fire and so multiple
personnel injuries are not foreseen as a credible outcome.
Frequency Assessment
The UK HSE‟s leak frequency database indicates that there has been one reported ignited
release of helifuel in the North Sea between 1992 and 2011 (4,921 platform years). This
gives a frequency of ignited helifuel release of 2.03 x 10-4 per year.
Consequence Assessment
A helifuel fire could generate significant volumes of smoke, toxic combustion products and
heat. It is therefore conservatively assumed that there is a 50% chance that a single
person will be fatally injured as a result of an ignited significant helifuel release.
However, as discussed in Section, a helifuel fire is not expected to cause fatalities
outside of the immediate area or have the potential to directly impair the TR.
The Marine and Mechanical Hazard Assessment (MMHA) assesses the risks from marine
and mechanical hazards, such as extreme weather, structural failure, falling objects,
collision and helicopter transportation.
The following marine and mechanical hazards have been quantified, and are described in
the following sections:
o Take-off/landing.
o In-flight.
Structure failure:
o Extreme weather.
o Seismic events.
o Gangway.
Personnel are transferred between the shore and the installation by either helicopter or by
boat. For the purposes of this assessment, it is assumed that personnel are transferred
by helicopter. The risk to personnel associated with helicopter transportation falls into two
Frequency Assessment
The expected frequency of a fatal helicopter crash takes into account the number of
stages flown per year, the number of hours flown per year, the probability of a crash
occurring per flying hour or flight stage and the probability that a crash will result in
Based on helicopter accident records and a breakdown of the flight stage in which
accidents have occurred the crash frequency during take-off or landing is taken to be 4.30
x 10-7 per flight stage. Similarly, the probability of an accident occurring in-flight is taken to
be 8.5 x 10-6 per flying hour.
In this report I take the example of the maximum POB of 318 and assuming an average of
12 passengers on a flight and a shift pattern of 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off, the risk
assessment assume that there are approximately 459 return crew change flights per year
(i.e. 918 flight stages). The mobile installation and may operate in various locations. For
this assessment a representative flying time of one hour per flight stage is assumed.
The probability of a helicopter crash resulting in a fatality is 0.17 and 0.2, respectively for
take-off/landing and in-flight accidents. Therefore, the expected annual frequency of a
fatal helicopter crash during take-off/landing is estimated to be 3.95 x 10-4 per year and in-
flight is 7.80 x 10-3 per year.
Consequence Assessment
Based on data provided passenger fatality rate are in a fatal helicopter accident is taken to
be 0.85 and 0.48 for in-flight and take-off/landing accidents, respectively.
Therefore, considering 12 passengers on board the helicopter, the assessment assumes
that a crash in-flight would result in 10.2 fatalities and a crash during take-off/landing is
considered to result in 5.76 fatalities.
Collisions between passing vessels and offshore installations are relatively infrequent, but
they may be high energy with the potential to result in total loss of the installation.
Fishing vessels.
Naval vessels.
Offshore tankers.
Frequency Assessment
The expected frequency of passing vessel collisions is dependent on the location of the
installation, with a much higher probability of a collision if the installation is located close to
busy shipping lanes.
From OGP accident data based on historical experience of floating platforms in the UK
sector, the frequency for passing ship collisions with offshore installations of 2.2 x 10-3 per
platform year is assumed.
The indicates that 70% of passing vessel collisions was classed as “insignificant”, “near
miss” or “incident” and only 30% were classed as “accident”. Of these “accidents”, the
majority would not be of sufficient impact energy to cause significant structural damage
and hence threaten the integrity.
Ref. 12 also estimates a worldwide probability of a collision between a passing vessel and
an offshore installation resulting in total loss of the installation of 0.05.
Based on this discussion it is assumed that 10% of passing vessel collisions with the
may exceed the structural design capacity of the installation, resulting in the need for the
installation to be evacuated.
In addition, during combined operations, the adjacent installation may provide protection
to depending on the origin and path of the passing vessel. It is assumed that this will
reduce the frequency of passing vessel collisions with the by a third.
Therefore, the total frequency of passing ship collisions of sufficient impact energy to
require an evacuation of the installation is taken to be 1.47 x 10-4 per year.
Consequence Assessment
It is considered in the risk assessment to be highly unlikely that a ship collision will result
in any immediate fatalities unless there are personnel in the vicinity of the point of impact
who are unaware of the impending collision. High energy impacts of a powered passing
vessel with the installation may however result in significant structural failure, requiring the
installation to be evacuated.
Fatalities may occur if it is deemed necessary to evacuate the installation, but this is only
likely if the hull or legs are damaged. This is likely to occur if the incident coincides with
severe weather conditions when evacuation may entail a significant level of risk, especially
as personnel may be required to escape direct to sea due to the installation collapsing too
rapidly for personnel to use the evacuation systems.
It is highly unlikely that a passing vessel collision would occur without any prior warning as
the emergency response and rescue vessel (ERRV) is equipped with radar and the
adjacent installation may also be equipped with radar. In the event that sufficient warning
exists, personnel would muster and then evacuate over the gangway bridge to the
adjacent installation.
Following a high energy ship collision that occurred without warning (assumed to be 10%
of high energy collisions), it is assumed that evacuation via TEMPSC would not be
possible and that personnel would evacuate directly to sea and subsequently require
rescue by ERRV.
Accounting for this, and the potential for personnel to become trapped in the
accommodation modules or on the machinery deck in the event of rapid collapse of the
installation, a fatality rate of 50% is conservatively assumed for personnel on board the
at the time of impact.
21 Structural Failure
Structural failure occurs when an installation loses its ability to support the topsides as a
result of operational and environmental loading. Possible causes of structural failure
• Corrosion.
• Fatigue.
• Construction defects.
• Design errors.
• Aging asset.
Structural failure may also occur simply because the installation is exposed to seismic or
environmental conditions more severe than those that the installation was designed to
survive. Extreme weather and seismic events are discussed separately in Sections
In addition, the gangway that connects to the adjacent installation in combined operations
may fail, with the potential to cause fatalities.
The primary structure of consists of the 3 legs and the upper hull. Collapse of any of
these structures could lead to the rapid collapse of the installation.
Frequency Assessment
The worldwide between 1980 and 2005, mobile installation structural accidents (excluding
towing accidents) have only resulted in fatalities for incidents classified as total loss of the
unit. There have been no structural accident events on the UKCS that have resulted in
total loss of a mobile installation.
Indicates that, for 18,748 unit-years worldwide between 1980 and 2005, there were 7
incidents involving mobile units recorded that resulted in total loss. This gives a frequency
of total loss for mobile units of 3.73 x 10-4 per year.
Consequence Assessment
Structural failure is unlikely to directly result in immediate fatalities, but may result in
fatalities in the event of total loss, requiring evacuation of the installation. Total loss of the
installation is most likely to occur if structural failure coincides with severe weather
Gangway Collapse
When operating in combined mode with another installation, the jack-up is normally
positioned with the aft face closest to the adjacent installation. It is then connected to the
adjacent installation by means of either one or two gangway structures. Access to the
gangway is restricted in poor weather conditions.
Collapse of the gangway could occur as a result of structural overloading, loss of strength,
fire or explosion event on the adjacent installation or extreme weather.
Frequency of Gangway Failure
A failure frequency of 0.023 per year is estimated for portable bridges between flotels and
fixed platforms, based on historical data. However, it is considered less likely that bridges
between fixed installations will collapse and this value is therefore reduced by a factor of
10 (to 2.3 x 10-3 per year) for use in this assessment.
Consequence Assessment
It is assumed that most failures would not result in immediate collapse and that personnel
on the bridge would normally be able to vacate the bridge prior to collapse. The
probability that personnel are unable to vacate the bridge before collapse is subjectively
assumed to be 0.1.
It is also conservatively assumed that an average 0.5 crew members are present on the
gangway at any time and that personnel remaining on the gangway at the time of collapse
would be fatally injured.
Severe weather conditions generate significant winds and waves, which may impair the
structural integrity of the installation. Offshore installations are designed to withstand
reasonably foreseeable wind and wave forces.
However, there is still the potential for structural failure in the event of extreme weather,
especially when this occurs in conjunction with any existing design defects, corrosion or
damage due to aging.
The is designed to withstand wave heights up to approximately 28m and wind speeds up
to 100 knots (51.5m/s).
Frequency Assessment
Based on wind and wave return periods for the Northern North Sea and accounting for a
5% design safety margin, the annual frequency of total loss due to extreme weather is
taken to be 5 x 10-5 per year.
Consequence Assessment
It is assumed in the risk assessment that the project will, if extreme weather is forecast
and time allows, initiate a precautionary down-manning of non-essential personnel either
by means of the gangway bridge to the adjacent installation or by helicopter, with 10
essential personnel remaining on the vessel. It is conservatively assumed that all
personnel who remain on the vessel are fatally injured as a result of the total loss of the
Seismic events can generate significant forces, which may impair the structural integrity of
the installation. Offshore installations are designed to withstand reasonable foreseeable
seismic events.
However, there is still a small possibility of a severe seismic event occurring that exceeds
the installation‟s design capacity.
Frequency Assessment
The level of ground acceleration required to cause collapse of a typical jacket platform is
estimated to be 0.6g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2).
However, lower ground accelerations could cause localised structural damage or damage
to equipment on board, potentially resulting in loss of containment of fuel or other
hazardous chemicals.
For the purpose of this assessment, it is considered that the operates in a region of the
North Sea that is estimated in a report on seismic hazard mapping to experience a
seismic event resulting in a maximum ground acceleration of 2.4 m/s 2 (0.25g) with a return
period of 10,000 years.
It is assumed, for the purposes of the risk assessment, that the frequency of an
earthquake that would result in platform collapse is one order of magnitude lower than that
of an earthquake of 0.25g acceleration, i.e. 1.00 x 10-5 per year.
It is further assumed that in 10% of cases, such an earthquake results in rapid platform
collapse with insufficient time for evacuation.
Consequence Assessment
Should an earthquake result in rapid platform collapse, the risk assessment conservatively
assumes that, given the speed and severity of the structural failure, all personnel are
fatally injured.
1.3.5 Hazards Relating to the Adjacent Installation
As well as events originating on the , the FEHA considers hydrocarbon releases (process
releases, riser releases and blowouts) on a representative adjacent installation (AI) that
may have the potential to impact personnel.
These events are designated with event IDs “AI”. In the event of a hydrocarbon release
on the AI, there are a number of hazardous scenarios of concern. These are as follows:
Jet fire.
Flash fire.
If there is H2S present on the AI, an unignited release also has the potential to present a
toxic hazard to personnel. When operating in combined mode with another installation, the
normally positioned with the aft face closest to the AI and the hull jacked-up clear of the
sea surface. It is then connected to the adjacent installation by means of one or two
gangway structures.
For the purposes of this assessment, it is assumed that the length of the gangway(s) is
40m and therefore the separation between the AI is approximately 35m. This separation
minimises the impact on the of hydrocarbon hazards occurring on the AI, and means that
in general it is only large releases that are considered to pose a risk to personnel on the
Frequency Assessment
From the QRA, the total expected frequency of a hydrocarbon event originating on an
adjacent installation that has the potential to affect personnel is 0.165 per year. This
includes both ignited and unignited events.
Consequence Assessment
DNV‟s software package PHAST is used to model representative fire characteristics
(flame lengths and heat flux contours) and gas dispersion (in terms of Lower Flammable
Limit (LFL) contours and toxic gas contours).
The results of the modelling are then used to estimate the impact on personnel on the of
hydrocarbon release events on the AI, taking into account the potential for:
The fact that may decide to evacuate the installation in the event, for example, that
an unisolated jet fire is impinging on the aft wall of the TR or toxic gas is detected
on the .
In addition, whilst it is recognised that occupational hazards are not a major hazard, the
risks are accounted for in order to allow a more realistic assessment of risks faced by
The risk due to occupational accidents is estimated in a different way to the risk due to the
major accident hazards. Occupational risk is normally expressed in terms of a Fatal
Accident Rate (FAR), defined as the number of fatalities per 100 million (10 8) hours of
Based on HSE data for 1999 to 2011, the average FAR for personnel is taken to be 1.4
per 108 hours offshore.
1.4 Results of Risk Assessment
Major hazards pertaining to identified, and frequencies estimated, in the FEHA and
MMHA. The FEHA considers fire and explosion events originating both on the and on
the AI, and the MMHA addresses marine and mechanical hazards, such as extreme
weather, structural failure, falling objects, collision and helicopter transportation.
The Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) considers the major hazards identified in the
FEHA and the MMHA, and assesses the potential consequences of those hazards.
The assessment of the major hazards identified is described in Sections 1.2.4 to 1.2.6.
The QRA presents risks to personnel in terms of:
Individual Risk Per Annum (IRPA): a measure of the annual risk to an individual
based on an installation, calculated based on the proportion of time spent in
different areas of the installation and the proportion of time spent offshore each
year („exposure‟).
Potential Loss of Life (PLL): the average number of fatalities per year on the
installation. For each hazard identified, PLL is calculated as:
In the QRA, judgements have been made to estimate the likely number of statistical
fatalities arising from each of the hazards considered. To ensure a conservative analysis,
pessimistic judgements have been made where there is uncertainty in the data used,
ensuring that worst case scenarios are considered in the assessment. In each case, the
basis of the risk analysis is stated.
An immediate fatality (which is occurring local to an event, for example due to immediate
thermal effects of a fire) is accounted for, as well as any fatalities that occur during an
evacuation of the installation, should it be required as a result of the event.
These personnel are categorised into four worker groups and the number of persons on
board in each of the worker groups considered is shown in Table 3.
Group Number of
Management 8
Hotel Services 20
Operations/Mainten 18
Guests/Visitors 272
Total 318
Table 3: POB by Worker Group
Table 4 shows the average number of personnel assumed in the QRA to be in each area.
It also shows the (assumed) probability that an individual from each worker group is
located in a specific area at any time.
Area Average Probability of Personnel in Area
Personnel Management Hotel Operations Guests
in Area Services
192.9 0.946 1.000 0.678 0.563
Engine Room 1.28 0.023 0.000 0.061 0.000
Other Machinery
1.13 0.000 0.000 0.063 0.000
Open Deck 3.81 0.031 0.000 0.198 0.000
118.9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.437
Total 318 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Individual risk per annum (IRPA) is a measure of the risk to an individual on the
installation during one calendar year.
Individual risk figures for representative „worker groups‟ are calculated taking into account
the estimated proportion of time that an individual in each group spends in each location
on the installation, as well as the proportion of the year spent offshore (referred to as
„exposure‟). The representative worker groups considered are:
It is assumed that the installation operates a shift pattern of 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off and
therefore the IRPA is based on an exposure of 0.5. It is expected that, depending on
where operates, some personnel may work a 5 week rota (2 weeks on, 3 weeks off
equating to an exposure of 0.4).
However, a six week rota has conservatively been used in this assessment. In addition to
the risks from the major hazards, the IRPA also includes a contribution from occupational
This contribution is calculated based on the FAR of 1.4 per 108 hours offshore given in
Section 1.2.7 and the total number of hours spent on the installation per year. The IRPA
for each of the defined worker groups is given in Table 5.
Figure 2 presents the IRPA breakdown for each of the major hazards and for occupational
hazards estimated for each of the defined worker groups, as well as an overall average.
IRPA Breakdown
Living/Service Spac
1.00E+00 Engine Room Fire
8.00E-01 Helicopter Crash F
6.00E-01 Helifuel Fire
4.00E-01 AI Process Release
2.00E-01 AI Blowout
Figure 2: IRPA Breakdown
The breakdown of the PLL by major hazard is presented in Table 6 and Figure 3. In
addition to the risks from the major hazards, the installation PLL also includes a Release
AI Oil Riser
contribution from occupational risk.
This contribution is calculated based on the FAR of 1.4 per 108 hours offshore given in
Section 1.2.7 and the total number of hours worked per year.
Figure 4 shows the percentage contribution from each major hazard and from
occupational hazards to the total PLL.
Subtotal 2.87 x 10
Marine and Transportation Accident 1.63 x 10
Mechanical Hazards Passing Vessel Collision 1.46 x 10
Structural Failure 7.29 x 10
Subtotal 2.51 x 10
Occupational Occupational Hazards 3.90 x 10
Subtotal 3.90 x 10
Overall Total 6.87 x 10
Table 6: Potential Loss of Life
From Figure 4 it can clearly be seen that the single largest contributor to the total PLL is
occupational risk, which accounts for approximately 57% of the total PLL. Transportation
accident accounts for approximately 24% of the PLL, with structural failure contributing a
10.6%. These three hazards account for 91.6 of the risk.
1.4.4 Frequency of Temporary Refuge Impairment
The primary goal of the Temporary Refuge (TR) is to ensure the safety of personnel in the
event of a major incident affecting the installation and during any subsequent escape,
evacuation and rescue.
In fulfilling this, the TR‟s main function is to provide a place where personnel can muster
without undue risk, whilst having access to such communications, monitoring and control
equipment as is necessary to ensure their personal safety, and from which, if necessary,
safe and full evacuation can be effected.
The ETREERA estimates the frequency with which fire and explosion hazard events
identified in the FEHA are likely to impair the TR.
The MMHA considers the possibility of the identified marine and mechanical hazards
impairing the TR, but concludes that there are no marine or mechanical hazard events
that have the potential to impair the TR, other than those events that would result in total
loss of the installation.
From the ETREERA, the TR impairment frequency due to gas release, fire and explosion
hazards is 1.08 x 10-4 per year.
The TR impairment frequency due to gas release, fire and explosion hazards is 1.08 x 10-4
per year, which equates to less than 1 in every 9,300 years. The highest frequency of TR
impairment for a single event is 7.15 x 10-5 per year for living/service spaces.
In accordance with current standard industry practice the project adopts criteria for
assessing the tolerability of risk to personnel and to the integrity of the TR.
Tolerability of risk to personnel is generally judged based on the following three „regions‟
(as shown in Figure 7), the boundaries of which are defined by target levels of safety
A lower „broadly acceptable‟ region within which the risk can be considered to be
broadly acceptable and there is no need for consideration of further safety
An intermediate (ALARP) region between these upper and lower regions, where
the risk is considered tolerable only if it is demonstrated to be „As Low As
Reasonably Practicable‟ (ALARP), that is, if it can be shown that no further
credible risk reduction measures could be implemented cost-effectively.
Target levels of safety relating to risk to personnel are usually expressed in terms of
individual risk per annum (IRPA), which is a measure of the annual risk to an individual
working on the installation.
The corporate risk acceptance criteria used project to determine whether the levels of risk
associated with the design and operation are both tolerable and acceptable are
summarised in Table 9 and Figure 7. Table 9 also gives the maximum allowable
frequency of all hazardous events with the potential to impair the TR.
Tolerable only if
risk reduction is
impractical or if its ALARP
cost is grossly
disproportionate to Zone B
the improvement
1 x 10-5
Zone C
the risk
Low Risk
1.5.2 Comparison of Results with Risk Acceptance Criteria
The total TR impairment frequency estimated of 1.08 x 10-4 per year is well below the
maximum tolerable TR impairment frequency of 1 x 10-3 per year (Table 9). Comparison of
the IRPA values in Table 5 with the TLS in Section 1.5.1 indicates that the average IRPA
falls below the intolerable level, and within the ALARP region defined by the TLS.
For risks in the ALARP region, project risk acceptance criteria require further
demonstration to provide evidence that risk is, in fact, ALARP. Only if risk is
demonstrated to be ALARP, may it be considered tolerable.
It is necessary, therefore, to review risks periodically to ensure that they remain ALARP. It
is also necessary to review an installation‟s ALARP status on the advent of any significant
changes or additions to the installation or process.
Section 1.4.3 describes the general ALARP demonstration process followed the project.
Sections 1.4.4 and 1.4.5 outline how this process is applied for operations
Main Risk Contributors
Company Standards
Policies & Philosophies
HSE Guidelines
Screening/Cost Benefit
ALARP Demonstration
Include in
Operations Safety Case
The first stage in the process is to identify the main contributors to risk from the QRA, and
to identify and document the existing safeguards in place that reduce the risks from those
major contributors.
This approach enables resources to be directed towards those areas where they are likely
to provide the greatest benefits, in terms of risk reduction.
Once the major risk contributors and existing safeguards have been identified, an ALARP
workshop is held to review the adequacy of the existing safeguards, and to identify
additional technically feasible safeguards that it may be possible to implement cost-
effectively. This workshop is generally performed as a team-based meeting.
If any practicable safety measures are identified by this exercise, they are assessed to
determine whether they are „reasonably practicable‟. That is, whether they are cost-
effective in terms of the risk reduction that could be achieved. If identified measures are
found to be „reasonably practicable‟, they must be implemented in order to ensure and
demonstrate that risks are ALARP.
The project to use Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) as a key tool in marginal cases for
determining whether potential risk reduction measures should be implemented in order to
ensure that risks are ALARP.
CBA will typically be performed in the case of risk reduction measures that have a
significant cost attached to them. Risk reduction measures with a low cost, for example
changes in procedures, and may be implemented without undertaking CBA.
Defence against major hazards starts from the identification and understanding of the
major hazards relevant to the installation.
Therefore, the following all contribute to the demonstration that risks are reduced to, and
maintained at, a level that is ALARP:
The HSE management system is adequate to ensure that the design and
operation of the installation is safe.
The potential major accident hazards associated with the rig and the risks to
personnel thereon have been identified, understood and assessed.
The risks associated with these major hazards have been shown to be below the
level defined by the project as intolerable.
These measures are verified as suitable and adequate for purpose throughout the
life of the installation by means of the Verification Scheme.
Effective means of egress, evacuation and escape are available to provide a good
prospect of escape and, where necessary, rescue and recovery.
The sections below describe the ALARP demonstration undertaken, as part of an overall
demonstration of compliance with relevant statutory provisions.
However, there are also other regular processes performed to ensure that:
Established control measures are maintained in good working order and repair,
are dependable and effective when required and are able to perform as intended.
Risks are periodically reviewed to determine whether further controls are required.
The exampleproject has a continuous system for identifying risk reduction measures
through safety meetings and safety committees, internal and external inspections and risk
assessment exercises (HAZID, HAZOP).
Items and recommendations from these activities that are not immediately resolved are
put on the remedial action list for further assessment and cost benefit assessment.
From Section 4.3.3, the main contributors to the total PLL are:
Occupational Hazards.
Transportation Accident.
Structural Failure.
Concentrating on the major risk contributors ensures that resources are directed to
reducing risks in those areas where they are likely to provide the greatest benefits in terms
of risk reduction.
Additional measures are identified during ALARP review meetings, taking account of
industry best practice, advances in technology and new knowledge, as well as
incorporating lessons learnt from other platforms and advice from regulatory authorities.
Potential additional risk reduction measures are selected accounting for the hierarchy of
prevention before control, mitigation and protection, with the last resort of emergency
response by muster and rapid evacuation or escape.
This hierarchy is based on recognised good industry practice. For existing installations,
opportunities for elimination and substitution are limited, but are still considered.
Multiple risk controls are considered to provide „layers of safety‟. Engineering controls are
selected in preference to procedural controls where it is reasonably practicable to do so,
and LSA is never used as the only control for a hazard.
The following measures have been implemented during the refurbishment programme
undertaken in 2012 to ensure that risks to personnel working on remain ALARP:
The updated guest accommodation with modern twin bed cabins meets the latest
HSE standards for minimum space, comfort, noise, etc.
The Public Address and alarm system has been upgraded to ensure full
Periodic ALARP reviews are also undertaken at regular intervals to identify and evaluate
risk reduction measures for major risk contributors.
The potential major hazards of the installation and the risks to personnel thereon
have been identified, understood and assessed.
The risks associated with these major hazards have been shown to be below the
level defined by the project as intolerable.
Effective means of egress, evacuation and escape are available to provide a good
prospect of escape and, where necessary, rescue and recovery in the event of a
major accident.
Procedures are in place to ensure safe working practices are implemented and
that facilities are maintained and fit for purpose.
No further additional design measures have been identified that will reduce the
risks to personnel further where the costs are not grossly disproportionate to the
risk reduction that can be achieved.
The IRPA levels for each of the four worker groups are between 1.00 x 10-4 and 2.06 x 10-
, significantly below the intolerable level for individual risk of 1.00 x 10-3 from project
acceptance criteria.
The operations worker group has the highest level of individual risk, primarily due to
exposure to hydrocarbon releases on the adjacent installation. However, as the IRPA risk
is dominated by occupational risk, which is the same for all worker groups, there is little
difference in the IRPA between the four worker groups.
The total PLL is approximately 0.0687 per year. The single largest contributor to the total
PLL is occupational risk, which accounts for 57% of the PLL. Helicopter transportation
also accounts for 24% of the PLL, with Structural Failure contributing a further 10.6%. TR
Impairment Frequency
The only events that are considered to have the potential to impair the ETREER facilities
are accommodation fires or hydrocarbon releases on the adjacent installation, which could
lead to impairment of the TR. The frequency of TR impairment is conservatively
estimated to be:
3.60 x 10-5 per year for hydrocarbon releases on the adjacent installation.
The total TR impairment frequency is 1.08 x 10-4, which equates to less than 1 in 9,300
years. This frequency of TR impairment is well below the maximum tolerable TR
impairment frequency of 1 x 10-3 per year (defined in Table 9).
1.6.3 Summary
It is PROJECT‟ judgement that the methodologies described and the results shown in this
section of the Safety Case demonstrate that project has reduced the risk on the to a
level that is as low as reasonably practicable and that project is committed to continue a
process of continuous life-cycle assessment of the major hazards to which the is
exposed. This has been achieved by the following process:
a) Identifying hazards.
1.7.1 Introduction
The Emergency Systems Survivability Analysis (ESSA) identifies the emergency systems
to assess their vulnerability to major hazards identified in the Fire and Explosion Hazard
Assessment (FEHA) and Marine and Mechanical Hazards Assessment (MMHA). These
systems are assessed in order to confirm that they are able to carry out their safety
function under the conditions in which they are required.
The objective of the analysis is to establish whether the identified emergency systems will
survive major events on the installation so as to be able to carry out their emergency
functions when required. The ESSA provides validation of the survivability criteria of the
installation Performance Standards.
The study is limited to the analysis of each emergency system with regard to its ability to:
Prevent escalation.
In order to ensure that these requirements are met for all major accident scenarios,
analysis is undertaken to determine:
The vulnerability of the installed system to defined accidental events for which it is
required to provide protection or mitigation.
In the event of the analysis finding that a system is vulnerable, is not fail safe and has no
design redundancy, a qualitative assessment of risk is made.
Emergency power.
Emergency lighting.
1.7.4 Results of Analysis
The analysis demonstrates that, on the whole, due to their design, location, redundancy in
the systems and backup systems provided, the emergency systems are able to carry out
their safety function under those conditions under which they are required.