Molecules: Sample Preparation Methods For Lipidomics Approaches Used in Studies of Obesity
Molecules: Sample Preparation Methods For Lipidomics Approaches Used in Studies of Obesity
Molecules: Sample Preparation Methods For Lipidomics Approaches Used in Studies of Obesity
Sample Preparation Methods for Lipidomics
Approaches Used in Studies of Obesity
Ivan Liakh 1,2 , Tomasz Sledzinski 1 , Lukasz Kaska 3 , Paulina Mozolewska 1
and Adriana Mika 1,4, *
1 Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Medical University of Gdansk, Debinki 1,
80-211 Gdansk, Poland; (I.L.); (T.S.); (P.M.)
2 Department of Toxicology, Medical University of Gdańsk, Al. Gen. Hallera 107, 80-416 Gdańsk, Poland
3 Department of General, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,
Medical University of Gdansk, Smoluchowskiego 17, 80-214 Gdansk, Poland;
4 Department of Environmental Analysis, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk, Wita Stwosza 63,
80-308 Gdansk, Poland
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +48-585235190
Received: 30 September 2020; Accepted: 12 November 2020; Published: 13 November 2020
Abstract: Obesity is associated with alterations in the composition and amounts of lipids. Lipids have
over 1.7 million representatives. Most lipid groups differ in composition, properties and chemical
structure. These small molecules control various metabolic pathways, determine the metabolism of
other compounds and are substrates for the syntheses of different derivatives. Recently, lipidomics
has become an important branch of medical/clinical sciences similar to proteomics and genomics.
Due to the much higher lipid accumulation in obese patients and many alterations in the compositions
of various groups of lipids, the methods used for sample preparations for lipidomic studies of samples
from obese subjects sometimes have to be modified. Appropriate sample preparation methods allow
for the identification of a wide range of analytes by advanced analytical methods, including mass
spectrometry. This is especially the case in studies with obese subjects, as the amounts of some
lipids are much higher, others are present in trace amounts, and obese subjects have some specific
alterations of the lipid profile. As a result, it is best to use a method previously tested on samples
from obese subjects. However, most of these methods can be also used in healthy, nonobese subjects
or patients with other dyslipidemias. This review is an overview of sample preparation methods for
analysis as one of the major critical steps in the overall analytical procedure.
1. Introduction
Obesity remains one of the pressing problems of modern society, therefore, studies of the
mechanisms underlying its occurrence and the therapies used to treat it continue to be relevant.
Depending on the hypothesis, a wide range of research methods can be used, ranging from purely
assessing biochemical parameters to deep psychological research. However, research usually involves
standard procedures such as measuring body mass index (BMI) or fat content in human subjects.
Among the biochemical parameters, those that undergo the greatest changes with obesity (lipid profile,
fasting glucose, insulin, etc.) are first examined.
A large amount of accumulated data on obesity allows for their meta-analysis and underlies a
large number of systematic and retrospective reviews [1]. In particular, studies related to bariatric
surgery are a powerful source of data because these types of surgery involve altering the stomach,
intestines, or both to induce weight loss [2–7]. In addition, a large number of studies of obesity are
associated with cardiovascular diseases [8–11], diabetes and metabolic syndrome [12–14]; many studies
are in the field of diets, psychology and neurology [15–23].
While the number of parameters in the study of obesity itself is limited only by the imagination of
scientists and the equipment available in the laboratory [24–29], the study of obesity in connection
with other diseases is strictly subordinate to the study area and is often limited to several parameters,
such as BMI and total fat content. [30–33]. In addition, determining the diagnosis of obesity is always
primary in that work; for this purpose, the most commonly used method is the calculation of BMI.
The World Health Organization used BMI to categorize humans into underweight (< 18.5), normal
weight (18.5–24.9), overweight (25–29.9) and obese (BMI ≥ 30) categories [34]. Since BMI may not
be a good indicator of obesity for bodybuilders and other groups of athletes [35,36], body fat [37–39]
and total body water [40,41] can be determined in these groups, as can concomitant states of lipid
alterations in blood (dyslipidaemia) [42], hyperinsulinemia [43], etc. Since obesity is directly related to
lipid metabolism, it is interesting to study not only standard plasma parameters but also alterations in
specific lipid groups in serum [44]. However, due to the much higher lipid accumulation in obesity
(Figure 1) and many alterations in the lipid composition, the methods used for sample preparations for
lipidomic studies in samples from obese subjects sometimes have to be modified. Thus, the purpose
of this review was to collect and systematize information on sample preparation for lipid analysis
in the study of obesity. We focused on both standard procedures and new promising methods.
However, most of these methods can be also used in healthy, nonobese subjects or patients with
other dyslipidemias.
Figure 1. Lipid alterations in obesity. Lipids in red are elevated in obesity, and lipids in green are reduced.
BCAA—branched chain amino acids; BCFA—branched chain fatty acids; DAG—diacylglycerols;
FFA—free fatty acids; HDL—high density lipoproteins; LDL—low density lipoproteins; LPP—lipid
peroxidation products; MUFA—monounsaturated fatty acids; OCFA—odd chain fatty acids;
SFA—saturated fatty acids; PUFA—polyunsaturated fatty acids; TAG—triacyclglycerols.
In the study of obesity, determining triglyceride (TG) and cholesterol levels is of great clinical
importance. Basic blood test results for total cholesterol (TC), TG and cholesterol in lipoprotein
fractions (low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL)) should be considered
together. To study these indicators and related and often required for standard clinical practice
indicators (C-reactive protein, glucose, insulin levels, etc.), there are many standard methods and their
modifications that make these analyses routine in clinical practice, and they will not be presented in this
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review because of their routine nature. This work is focused more specifically on lipid groups, the study
of which is carried out much less frequently because it requires the use of complex extraction methods
and/or high-performance equipment. However, the alterations found in the extended lipidome
may provide much more additional information about metabolic disorders in obese subjects than
standard lipidograms.
(VLDL) (loss of cholesterol esters and phospholipids), while free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations did not
change under the same conditions [59]. Oxylipins are especially unstable in this regard, and improper
collection and storage of samples can lead both to a significant decrease in their level and to an increase
in their content due to enzymatic and non-enzymatic oxidation [60]. Some oxylipins (resolvins and
prostanoids) are unstable even at −20 ◦ C [61], so the manufacturers of their standards recommend
storing them at −80 ◦ C, while the concentration of prostaglandins can significantly decrease with
prolonged storage at even −80 ◦ C [62].
Since most of the extraction protocols described below are based on the SPE and LLE methods,
the question arises—which of these protocols is more suitable for lipidomics studies. The advantages
and disadvantages of PPT, LLE and SPE have been reviewed comprehensively elsewhere [91–96] and
discussions on which of the methods is better are still ongoing. Among the main advantages of the LLE,
one can note its low costs and the presence of a large number of well-established protocols. In turn, SPE
is assumed to have a less pronounced matrix effect, there is less transfer of the aqueous phase, less toxic
solvents are used, and it is less labour and faster. However, the last 2 statements are controversial [91].
On the other hand, the advantage of SPE, such as the high selectivity can be considered a disadvantage
in the case when it is necessary to separate simultaneously several analytes with different physical
and chemical properties which would require several different SPE columns. In addition, the complex
structure of sorbents in SPE columns increases the risk of differences between individual bathes,
in contrast to LLE, which uses highly purified simple organic solvents. It can be difficult to achieve
high recovery efficiency with SPE since some analytes may partially elute in a different fraction during
separation. However, despite the complication of the process and sample preparation time, the most
comprehensive results can be obtained by combining LLE with SPE [70,79,80,83,87,97–101] or with
TLC [74,86,102–104] approaches in one study.
Blewett et al. used the modified Folch method to extract lipids from the plasma of obese rats,
after which phospholipids were separated on silica G plates; for this, they were visualized using
8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid under ultraviolet (UV) light and compared with the corresponding
standards. The resulting phospholipid silica band was removed, and FA methyl esters (FAMEs) were
prepared for further analysis by gas chromatography (GC) [121]. Additionally, Choromańska et al.
used a combination of LLE and thin-layer chromatography (TLC) to extract lipid fractions (FFA and
triacylglycerols (TAG)) from plasma in women with morbid obesity. Lipid fractions were extracted
from 200 µL of plasma samples according to the method of Bligh and Dyer. Then, the samples
were separated by TLC on silica gel plates (Silica Plate 60, 0.25 mm; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
The separation was carried out in a solvent containing heptane, isopropyl and acetic acid (60:40:3;
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v/v/v) after methylation with boron in trifluoride (BF3)-MeOH. Than samples were analysed by gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) [74].
Analysis of acyl-lysophosphatidic acids (LPAs) is of clinical importance in terms of prevention
of obesity [122]. Yoon et al. established a method of LPA determination in human plasma. For this,
extraction was performed with a MeOH/chloroform mixture (2:1) containing an internal standard
(LPA C14:0). After back extraction with chloroform and water, the centrifuged lower phase was
evaporated, redissolved in MeOH and analysed using ESI-MS-MS (directly injected into the ion
source) [122].
Im et al. used a modified Matyash method [123] to isolate sphingomyelins (SM) from the plasma
of men with abdominal obesity. Plasma was mixed with of 75% MeOH containing BHT and internal
lipid standards. After MTBE (1 mL) was added to the mixture, it was shaken, and water was added to
separate the phases. The mixture was then centrifuged, and the upper phase was dried and redissolved
in of chloroform/MeOH (1:9; v/v) for liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS)
analysis [50].
Wang et al. used a simple method of extraction in the study of the plasma lipidome in adults
with obesity. Plasma was mixed, sonicated and incubated with a solution of chloroform/MeOH (2:1)
containing internal standards after centrifugated and dried. The extracted lipids were resuspended in
butanol and 10 mM NH4 CHOO in MeOH. After liquid chromatography–electrospay ionization-tandem
mass spectrometry (LC–ESI-MS/MS) analysis, they quantified 328 lipid species from 24 lipid classes
and subclasses [124].
Misra et al. used untargeted metabolomics analysis of serum in high-fat and high-cholesterol
(HFHC) diet-fed baboons. Serum sample extraction was performed by sequential solvent extraction
of serum samples initially with an ACN/IPA/water (3:3:2) mixture (1 mL) and later with ACN/water
(1:1). The obtained extracts were mixed, dried and subjected to further chemical derivatization
(N-methyl-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA) and N-(t-butyldimethylsilyl)-N-methyltrifluoro-
acetamide (MTBSTFA) strategies), which allowed us to quantify 515 metabolites, many of which are
involved in lipid metabolism [125].
Wang et al. developed a method to perform plasma lipidomics in spontaneously obese rhesus
monkeys, based on cooling a plasma mixture with MeoH/ n-hexane with liquid nitrogen, followed
by incubation with acetyl chloride for 24 h, adding a K2 CO3 solution, and extracting the obtained
methylated FAs with hexane for further analysis using GC-MS. This method allowed the identification,
quantification and classification of 143 types of lipids [51].
Recently, studies of fractions and subfractions of cholesterol have been carried out on the basis
of size using specialized systems based on gel chromatography. In the work of Lindqvist et al.
analysis of lipoprotein fractions during animal bariatric surgery modelling was performed using
the Quantimetrix Lipoprint® system (Quantimetrix Corporation, Redondo Beach, CA, USA) [130].
Additionally, Kwon et al. in studies of low-density lipoprotein subfractions in overweight and obese
women, also used this method to scan LDL subfractions. This system allowed them to divide LDL into
seven subfractions [131]. Doğan et al. also used this system in LDL and HDL subfraction analysis in
patients after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy [132].
standards was added to plasma samples and then mixed with MeOH, and acetyl chloride was slowly
added. After incubation 6% potassium carbonate was added to each tube, and after centrifugation, a
transparent top layer of n-hexane with FAMEs was taken for GC-MS analysis [148]. Later, Lee et al.
used this method to determine circulating fatty acid profiles in overweight individuals [149].
Wijayatunga et al. used improved direct synthesis of fatty acid methyl ester to measure serum
FAs in patients after bariatric surgery. For this, serum was mixed with MeOH containing internal
standard, water solution of 10 N KOH and MeOH. After incubation and shaking, samples were cooled,
and 24 N H2 SO4 in water was added and shaken. After that, the obtained FAMEs were extracted with
n-hexane for subsequent analysis by GC-MS [7].
Aslan et al. studied changes in plasma polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs) after bariatric surgery.
For this, plasma was mixed with an internal standard solution (arachidonic acid (AA)-d8). After a
mixture of ACN/37% hydrochloric acid (4:1; v/v) was added, the samples were hydrolysed, after which
extraction was carried out with n-hexane. The upper phase, containing FFA, was dried, dissolved in
MeOH-water (180:20; v/v) and filtered for LC-MS/MS analysis [150]. Later, Badoud et al. used this
method to determine the profile of FAs in obese individuals. In both works, the authors were able to
isolate, extract and quantify 28 FAs [151].
Ma et al. analysed serum FFA profiles to examine the relationship between FFA and the metabolic
phenotype of obesity of two ethic groups in China. For this, a sample was mixed with ACN and
incubated. After centrifugation, derivatives and 1-ethyl-3-[3-dimethylaminopropyl] carbodiimide were
added to improve detection sensitivity, degree of separation, and binding efficiency, which allowed
them to quantify 34 types of FFAs in serum [152].
Itariu et al. determined the profiles of FA in plasma phospholipids in severely obese nondiabetic
patients. The main lipids were separated by TLC on silica gel plates (Merck) using n-hexane/diethyl
ether/acetic acid (80:30:1; v/v) and BHT as the mobile phase and 11,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-
3-phosphocholine (as the standard). After a solution (100 mg of berberine chloride in 100 mL
of ethanol) was sprayed, lipid spots were visualized in ultraviolet light. Phospholipids were scraped
into glass tubes, followed by methanolysis with a solution of MeOH/toluene (4:1). After 6% K2 CO3
was added, the organic phase was collected and analysed by GC-MS [86].
Given the effect of high plasma NEFA levels on insulin resistance and insulin secretion, Nemati et al.
studied changes in NEFA in patients with type 2 diabetes after bariatric surgery [153]. Dole extraction
was performed to separate NEFAs. For this, serum was mixed with an internal standard (heptadecanoic
acid in IPA and a modified Dole’s mixture containing IPA/n-heptane/phosphoric acid (2 mol/L; 40/10/1;
v/v/v). After incubation, n-heptane and water were added, and the samples were mixed and centrifuged.
Then, the upper organic layer was dried and dissolved in IPA for analysis by LC-MS, which quantified
5 NEFAs (palmitic, stearic, oleic, palmitoleic and linoleic acid) [153].
Lin et al. described a procedure for FFA analysis in serum samples of patients after bariatric
surgery in which a blood serum sample was evaporated in a nitrogen atmosphere and then addedd
triheptadecanoin as an internal standard. After drying, the samples were subjected to direct
esterification by dry 2.5 M HCl in methanol. The obtained FAMEs were extracted twice with
isooctane, and a total of 16 FAs were determined using a GC instrument equipped with a FID [154].
Ramos-Molina et al. used two specific lipid extraction protocols to obtain the serum lipidome in
obese subjects after bariatric surgery. Two separate ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography
(UPLC)-MS-based platforms analysing MeOH and chloroform/MeOH serum extracts were combined.
In the first protocol, PPT was carried out by adding MeOH to serum. After vortexing and incubation,
the supernatants of the samples were centrifuged, dried and restored in MeOH to determine FAs,
bile acids (BA), steroids and LPL. A second protocol was used to determine glycerolipids, cholesterol
esters, sphingolipids and phospholipids. For this, serum extracts were mixed with sodium chloride
(50 mM) and chloroform/MeOH (2:1). After stirring and incubation, the samples were centrifuged, and
the organic phase was collected, dried and restored in ACN/IPA (1: 1). Both extraction protocols used
Molecules 2020, 25, 5307 10 of 34
internal standards for each class of lipids. After that, two separate UPLC-MS-based platforms were
used for analysis, allowing the identification of nearly 300 lipids present in human plasma [155].
Recently, new studies on FAHFAs that are related to diabetes and obesity have
appeared [73,79,87,156]. Based on the fact that low concentrations of FAHFA are present in blood
serum, López-Bascón et al. developed an automated online SPE LC-MS/MS method for sensitive
and selective analysis of FAHFA [87]. Optimization of the SPE protocol included tests with four
commercial sorbents (C8, C18, C18HD and Resin SH) packed with the same technology and based on
nonpolar interactions. After testing the retention/elution ability of these sorbents using the generic
reversed-phase protocol, the greatest retention/elution of FAHFAs was exhibited by C8. This sorbent
was used in further optimization of the protocol, which involved varying the composition, volume
and flow rate of the tested solvents; the gradient and the elution time [87].
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are saturated aliphatic FAs with fewer than six carbon atoms that
can be produced by the anaerobic intestinal microbiota or by catabolism of branched-chain amino
acids. The important role that SCFAs play in homeostasis and data indicating the association of
SCFAs with multiple metabolic diseases make them an important object of research [58,157,158].
Other research methods targeting SCFAs are commonly based on extraction with a complex
derivatization procedure for subsequent GC–MS analysis [158–160]. Zeng and Cao developed
a novel LC-MS/MS method using fast derivatization with O-benzylhydroxylamine (O-BHA) and
N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N0 -ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) in combination with LLE
with dichloromethane for detecting SCFAs in the serum of obese and lean mice [58].
When describing FA profiling, it is important to mention such important metabolites of PUFAs
such as oxylipins and endocannabinoids. It has long been known that endocannabinoids are key
components of systems that regulate both nutrition and body mass, and oxylipins are also closely
associated with obesity due to the wide range of their biological effects [53,161]. In our previous works,
the features of sample preparation and methods for the analysis of oxylipins and endocannabinoids
in biological samples are described in sufficient detail [60,162]. Compared to other classes of lipids,
the analysis of oxylipins can be complicated by their low content in samples, susceptibility to oxidation,
and ability to be synthesized de novo during sample preparation and extraction, all of which should
be taken into account in the analysis of oxylipins.
Astarita et al. proposed an SPE method to fractionate lipid classes in which in one part of the
organic phase after solvent extraction, high-abundance positively charged lipids were analysed by
LC/MS. In the second part, the lipids were fractionated according to their relative polarities by serial
elution with chloroform/MeOH (9:1 and 1:1; v/v) mixtures on open-bed silica gel columns (silica gel
60 230–400 mesh). Moreover, for further chromatographic separation, two different octadecyl (C18)
columns were used [99]. Later, Argueta et al. used this protocol for the extraction of endocannabinoids
from the plasma and jejunum of mice with western diet-induced obesity and their analysis by
UPLC-MS/MS [100]. Additionally, Perez et al. used the method of Astarita et al. when studying the
endocannabinoid system in plasma, pancreas and jejunum by UPLC-MS/MS in offspring obtained
from obese mice fed a Western diet during pregnancy [101].
Ferreiro-Vera et al. developed a fast automatic method for quantitative analysis of oxylipins in
serum samples from obese individuals. The approach is based on online SPE–LC–MS/MS method in
which a sequence of automatic operations was performed on injected human serum. Further steps
included rinsing the cartridge with MeOH, conditioning with water, loading sample into the cartridge
with water and, after washing with 20% MeOH in water, switching a valve to elute through the
cartridge into the chromatographic column using a mobile phase containing MeOH/water/ACN/acetic
acid (76:22:2:0.02; v/v) [57].
Pickens et al. studied plasma lipid FA profiles in subjects with various BMIs and performed
nonesterified plasma PUFA and oxylipins extraction and isolation. Oxilipids were isolated on SPE
Phenomenex Strata-X columns (60 mg/3 mL, Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA) [163]. Later, Pickens et al.
used this method for the extraction and isolation of nonesterified PUFAs and oxylipins [53].
Molecules 2020, 25, 5307 11 of 34
then transmethylated to FAMEs (1 M sodium methoxide; RT; 60 min). After neutralization with 1 M
acetic acid, the FAMEs were extracted twice with n-hexane, passed through a column (5 × 20 mm) of
anhydrous sodium sulfate, mixed together and dried for further analysis on a GC instrument equipped
with an FID [172]. Later, Montastier et al. also used this method (lipid fraction extraction from fat cakes
produced during RNA extraction) for the analysis of FAs in the adipose tissue of obese women [173].
Hu et al. used a three-phase MTBE/MeOH/water extraction procedure for quantification of FAHFAs
in a WAT sample of hamsters fed an HFD. In addition, the samples were subjected to additional
removal neutral lipids by subsequent SPE, which allowed the identification of 64 FAHFAs [79].
Okada et al. measured the concentrations of lipid mediators in adipose tissue of obese mice.
For this, the samples were extracted using an automated system (RapidTrace Biotage). Samples were
pumped onto C18 cartridges, washed with water, n-hexane was added, and oxylipins were eluted with
methyl formate [85].
Similar to plasma, when the levels of oxylipins are being examined in adipose tissue, additional
purification with SPE is usually required. For example, Itariu et al. when studying chronic inflammation
of adipose tissue in patients with severe obesity, used SPE (Oasis HLB Extraction Cartridge; Waters) to
extract lipid mediators, which was followed by LC-MS [86].
Simple LLE extraction without SPE can also be quite effective in lipidomics. Therefore,
Al-Sulaiti et al. successfully used the Bligh and Dyer method to extract lipids for further nontarget
LC-MS determination of 76 TAG species from subcutaneous adipose tissue and omental depots from
obese individuals [71]. Additionally, using a two-step chloroform/MeOH extraction, Grzybek et al.
identified more than 300 lipids in different AT types of mice fed a high-fat diet (a rodent model of
obesity) [174]. It is interesting that although all stages of fluid processing were performed using the
Hamilton Robotics STARlet robotic platform with the Anti Droplet Control function, the authors
encountered difficulties pipetting reproducible amounts of homogenized tissues due to the presence of
large amounts of fat droplets when using an aqueous buffer. The problem was solved by homogenization
of AT in 50 vol.% ethanol, followed by dilution in pure ethanol [174].
Tomášová et al. described their modification of the Folch lipid extraction method, which solved
the problem of the high content of TAG in adipose tissue. They used TLC for separating lipid classes
before LC-MS analysis, which allowed them to detect 37 lipids that were below the detection limit
without TLC [103]. Similarly, Choromańska et al. applied the previously described method (Bligh and
Dyer LLE with TLC on silica gel plates) for TAG, CER and DAG separation in adipose tissue of women
with morbid obesity [74].
Depending on the studied lipid class and the selected extraction method, an appropriate organic
solvent/mixture of solvents is added during or after homogenization. Mutemberezi et al. used
dichloromethane/MeOH/water (8:4:2) extraction with subsequent SPE in LC-MS analysis of oxysterols,
Cer, and endocannabinoids involved in obesity and metabolic syndrome [83]. The authors paid special
attention to the elimination of the cholesterol oxidation during extraction. To minimize this process, they
chose solvents with low prooxidant properties, and to remove cholesterol from the sample, they created
an SPE procedure where three different solvent mixtures, n-hexane/IPA (99:1; v/v), n-hexane-diethylether
(90:10; v/v) and n-hexane-dichloromethane (80:20; v/v), were tested. Based on their ability to selectively
elute cholesterol and their tendency to oxidize cholesterol (5α,6α-epoxycholesterol,27-oxysterol),
they chose the n-hexane-IPA mixture as the best for this purpose [83].
Serbulea et al. developed a targeted LC-MS approach to analyse oxidized phospholipids (OxPL) in
lean and obese mice. OxPL was extracted by a modified Bligh and Dyer method. The method consisted
in the fact that the aqueous phase remaining after the first extraction with a chloroform/MeOH mixture
was extracted with chloroform, and the organic layer of the second extraction was combined with the
first, dried, and resuspended in 300 µL of the mobile phase for further LC-MS analysis. In addition,
phospholipids were separated on an EVO C18 column (Kinetex 5 µm; 100 × 4.6 mm; Phenomenex)
using a binary gradient [75].
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Hanzu et al. when studied visceral (VIS) and subcutaneous (SC) adipose tissue from obese subjects,
examined not the tissue itself but the adipose tissue-conditioned medium samples, which were obtained
by 24-h incubation of intact fat pads in serum-free medium, and further annotation and identification
of metabolites was performed using GC-MS [175].
3.3. Liver
Although in the study of obesity, the liver is a pivotal tissue associated with lipid metabolism,
similar to adipose tissue, there are few studies describing the extraction and identification of lipids
in the liver. Undoubtedly, it is associated with difficulties in obtaining samples from this organ from
humans. Most often, liver samples from rodent models of obesity are used. In various studies based
on animal model liver tissue, lipids such as oxysterols, endocannabinoids, Cer [83], FAHFAs [79],
SM, Cer [176], and glucosylceramides [177] have been studied. As mentioned above, Fan et al. used
simple MeOH extraction for the analysis of oxylipins and endocannabinoids from the livers of mice
fed a HFD [54].
Pakiet et al. studied the effect of a western diet on mouse brain lipid composition, but they
also examined the liver; after a Folch extraction, they used two SPE procedures to separate lipid
species [80]. In the first procedure, various eluents were used during SPE with chloroform/IPA (2:1;
v/v) that allowed neutral lipids (NL) to be obtained; diethyl ether with 2% acetic acid (v/v) was used to
elute FFAs, and MeOH was used to extract PLs. After that, neutral lipids were dissolved in n-hexane,
fractionated on a new SPE cartridge and eluted, and cholesterol esters (with 6 mL n-hexane) were
discarded. TAG (elution with methylene chloride/diethyl ether/n-hexane; 10:1:89; v/v/v), cholesterol
(elution with 5% ethyl acetate in n-hexane (v/v), diacylglycerols (DAG) (elution with 15% ethyl acetate in
n-hexane (v/v) and monoacylglycerols (MAG) (elution with chloroform-MeOH (2:1; v/v)) were obtained.
After that, the MAG, DAG and TAG fractions were mixed together into a mixture of acylglycerols [80].
Using the second method, from the lipid extracts recovered in chloroform, the following were obtained
by extraction: NL (15% ethyl acetate in n-hexane (v/v) was eluted), Cer (chloroform/MeOH; 23:1,
v/v), FFA and α-hydroxy-FFA (5% acetic acid in diisopropyl ether (v/v)), glycosphingolipids (GSPL)
(acetone-MeOH (9:1.35; v/v), and SM (chloroform/MeOH (2:1; v/v)). After hydrolysis of all collected
lipid fractions and derivatization, the obtained FAMEs were determined using GC-MS [80].
Lytle et al. used chloroform/MeOH (2:1) extraction followed by TLC to fractionate total lipids
in a study of steatohepatitis in obese mice; after that, the lipids were saponified, and the FAs were
extracted with n-hexane and identified using RP-HPLC with a UV detector. Additionally, for some
other types of lipids from saponified FAs, FAMEs were prepared, which were extracted in n-hexane for
subsequent quantification by GC with an FID [104].
Du et al. studied the hepatic expression of sirtuin 5 (SIRT5) in obese mice and determined the
liver TAG content. For this, Soxhlet extraction of liver lipids using diethyl ether as a solvent was
performed; in addition, to study changes in the size and number of lipid droplets (LD) in hepatocytes,
neutral lipids were stained with probe-lipid TOX Green, and haematoxylin and eosin staining was
performed [178].
Yetukuri et al. performed lipid profiling in the liver in obese mice with hepatic steatosis. For this,
20–30 mg tissue sample was subjected to chloroform/MeOH extraction with an internal standards
mixture (diacylglycerophosphocholine (GPCho) (17:0/17:0), diacylglyceroethanolamine (17:0/17:0),
GPCho (17:0/0:0), Cer (d18:1/17:0), and TG (17:0/17:0/17:0)) after which to the separated lower phase,
10 µL of a labelled standard mixture was added, and the sample was analysed by UPLC-MS [179].
Wang et al. when analysing obese mouse liver by shotgun lipidomics, developed an approach that
solves the problem of analysing lipids such as LPL that remain in the aqueous phase and are usually
discarded after the classical extraction procedure of Bligh and Dyer (because they cannot be directly
used for MS analysis due to a high salt content). The method is based on the purification of the aqueous
phase solution remaining after LLE extraction. For this purpose, the aqueous phase was loaded onto a
Hybrid SPE cartridge that had been twice washed with MeOH; next, lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI),
Molecules 2020, 25, 5307 14 of 34
lysophosphatidylserine (LPS) and lysophosphatidylglycerol (LPG) species were eluted with a 10%
solution of MeOH in ammonia, and the LPAs were eluted with a solution of 20% ammonia in MeOH.
Furthermore, SPE eluents were dried and reduced in MeOH prior to analysis by MS [70].
One of the most comprehensive approaches to liver lipidomics was shown by Garcia-Yaramillo
et al. when studying Western diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice. They used GC
analysis of free and saponified FAs converted to FAMES to quantify SFA, MUFA, and ω3, and ω6
PUFA. For quantification of DAG, TAG, PC, phosphatidylserines (PS), phosphatidylinositols (PI),
phosphatidylglycerols, PE, LPL and SM, they used an untargeted LC/MS approach. For this, extraction
was performed with methylene chloride/IPA/MeOH (25:10:65; v/v/v; -20 ◦ C). In addition, they quantified
ω3 and ω6 PUFA and PUFA-derived oxylipins using targeted LC/MS. For this, MeOH extraction
with additional SPE on Strata-X columns was used. Both targeted and nontargeted analyses were
performed on the same UHPLC system (a Shimadzu Nexera system coupled to a triple time-of-flight
(TOF) 5600 mass spectrometer) and the same column (Waters Acquity (UPLC); CSH C18) [98].
In their studies of obesity, Preuss et al. drew attention to the composition of LDs in various tissues,
including the liver. To separate LDs from the cytosolic and membrane fractions in homogenates,
the authors used 1 h of centrifugation (100,000× g; 4 ◦ C), after which LDs formed a clear top layer.
Then, lipids from LDs were extracted according to the Folch method. The authors focused on the use
of a Centri-Tube slicer (Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA, USA) that increases the purity of the collected
LD fraction. Subsequent SPE (Sep Pak Diol Cartridges; Waters, MA, USA) followed by LC-MS/MS
analysis allows the determination of diacylglycerols and Cer in all cell fractions [180]. The authors
noted that compared with other tissues, the liver had a high level of lipids; therefore, 10 mL of buffer
was used to homogenize 20 mg of liver tissue, whereas in the case of muscle and cardiac tissue, 50 mg
was homogenized in 500 µL of buffer [180].
3.4. Brain
Due to the difficulties of collecting material for research in humans, the study of lipid metabolism
in the brain tissue most often occurs with material obtained from animals with obesity induced by a
high-energy diet. In addition to difficulties with biopsy, in cases of animals with large brains as in
humans, additional difficulties arise due to the heterogeneity of cell populations in grey and white
matter, which can lead to different ratios of cell populations in samples [181].
Yang et al. in a study of circulating Cer in HFD-fed mice, used the methodology of Bielawski et al. [182].
After homogenization of frozen tissues with a buffer (0.25 M sucrose, 25 mM KCl, 50 mM Tris, and 0.5 mM
EDTA, pH 7.4) in a 1:10 (w/v) ratio, homogenate was filtered through layers of gauze. After that, tissue
homogenates were spiked with IS solution and extracted twice with IPA/water/ethyl acetate (30:10:60;
v/v/v) mixture with subsequent vortexing, sonication and centrifugation. The combined upper layers
were dried and reconstituted in the mobile phase for LC-MS analysis [183]. Later, Gao et al. used this
approach when exploring ceramide metabolism in the hypothalamus of mice in a model of leptin
hypothalamic control of feeding [184].
Rutkowsky et al. performed metabolic analysis of complex lipids in the brains of mice fed
a western diet. For this, they used the Matyash protocol [123] based on methyl tert-butyl ether
(MTBE) extraction. [185]. Additionally, LLE protocol with MeOH/ethyl acetate in this work was used,
for analysis of non-esterified oxylipins and endocannabinoids in the brain was carried out [185].
Rawish et al. performed hypothalamic lipid analyses in mice fed a high-fat diet. For this,
they combined several approaches, including using fluorescence microscopy to quantify neutral lipids
in the LD hypothalamus (staining LD with lipophilic dye (LD540)) and studying the metabolism of FAs
in slices of the hypothalamus using the tracer alkyne oleate; lipidomics analysis of the hypothalamus
(analysis of neutral glycerolipids, phosphoglycerol, sphingolipids and acyl-carnitine lipids) was also
performed by LC-MS [186].
Kirkham et al. studied the effects of diet on endocannabinoid levels in the rat forebrain and
hypothalamus using 5 v of chloroform/MeOH/50 mM Tris HCl (2:1:1) for endocannabinoid extraction
Molecules 2020, 25, 5307 15 of 34
from tissue homogenates. After consequent double extraction with 1 v of chloroform, organic phases
were pooled, dried and resuspended in chloroform/MeOH (99:1; v/v) for GC-MS analysis, but before this,
the obtained solutions were purified by open bed chromatography on silica and further fractionated
by normal-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography (NP-HPLC) on a silica column (Spherisorb
S5W; Phase Sep, Queensferry, Clwyd, UK) using a 40 min linear gradient [161].
3.6. Heart
The study of lipid metabolism in heart tissue is of interest primarily due to the strong influences of
obesity and a high-fat diet, particularly the influences on the phospholipid composition of mitochondrial
membranes of cardiomyocytes [189]. Due to the unique lipid composition of mitochondrial membranes,
they are very sensitive to high levels of FAs and their oxidation products in the blood [189].
Harmancey et al. when studying changes in the composition of cardiac acyl-CoA in obese rats,
used the Bligh and Dyer method to extract cardiac lipids from heart tissue; then, extraction was
repeated three times to complete lipid recovery for further quantification of Cer and diacylglycerols by
HPLC-UV [190]. When the cardiac ceramide content in rats fed a high-fat diet was studied, the Bligh
and Dyer method was also used to extract total cardiac lipids [191]. Later, they used the extraction
method described by Merrill et al. [165], which is based on extraction with a mixture of MeOH
and chloroform, followed by sonication (48 ◦ C; overnight), which is necessary for the extraction of
sphingolipids, followed by incubation (37 ◦ C; 1 h) to remove interfering glycerolipids (in particular
PC). After another extraction with chloroform, ceramide species were detected by LC-MS [165].
Molecules 2020, 25, 5307 16 of 34
Table 1. Sample preparation methods for lipidomics approaches used in the studies of obesity.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
The abovementioned protocol of Pakiet et al. with the use of LLE and two SPE methods for
extracting lipids from the brains of mice was also successfully used to extract lipids from the hearts of
mice fed a high-fat diet [192].
3.7.1. Urine
Feng et al. used an approach based on UPLC-MS to study the effects of HFD on glycolipid
metabolism in young obese men. Metabolomic profiling was performed on urine samples that were
centrifuged (14,000× g; 4 ◦ C; 10 min) and then analysed using UPLC-QTOF-MS/MS [193]. However,
to obtain a more complete urinary lipid profile, extraction with organic solvents was necessary [197].
3.7.2. Saliva
Araujo and Santos used high performance liquid chromatography–diode array detector
(HPLC–DAD) Shimadzu analytical system to show the possibility of using saliva as a biomarker.
The authors used chloroform/MeOH extraction for measurements of cholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol,
and MeOH/IPA extraction was used for measurements of 25-hydroxyvitamins D2 and D3. The authors
claim that saliva, with its simplicity and non-invasiveness of collection, can be an important source
of markers of nutritional status [194]. This may indeed be true since the study of changes in the
metabolism of vitamin D associated with obesity in adipose tissue, in addition to requiring invasive
intervention, requires complex MTBE extraction followed by SPE for further liquid-chromatography
high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS/MS) determination of 25-hydroxyvitamin D
and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in adipose tissue [198].
4. Conclusions
Using lipidomics in the study of obesity is very important to understanding the regulatory and
diagnostic value of changes in the lipidome associated with obesity. Depending on the studied tissue,
the role of changes in specific lipids may have different levels of importance (CER and TAG in muscles,
fatty acid composition of TG in adipose tissues, etc.). Despite the fact that new modifications of
extraction methods such as those of Bligh and Dyer and new methods (e.g., MTBE) are constantly
emerging, none of the extraction methods allows for quantitative extraction of all types of lipids due to
the huge differences in their chemical characteristics. This may explain the great popularity of the
targeted approach and the SPE method, which can reduce lipid degradation during extraction and
can also be automated. At the same time, LLE using phase separation is a more suitable method
for nontarget lipidomics, where fractionation is not required. Thus, the study of changes in lipid
Molecules 2020, 25, 5307 24 of 34
metabolism in obesity contributed to the development of new methods for sample preparation,
extraction and quantification, not only to improve the accuracy and sensitivity of existing methods but
also to develop methods for detecting new specific markers among a huge variety of lipid compounds.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, I.L. and A.M.; resources, I.L.; writing—original draft preparation,
I.L.; writing—review and editing, A.M., L.K., and T.S.; visualization, P.M. and A.M.; supervision, A.M. and T.S.;
funding acquisition, T.S., L.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Medical University of Gdansk, grant number ST40 and S89; and by the
National Science Centre of Poland, grant number NCN 2016/21/D/NZ5/00219.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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