Selective Attention and Attention Switch

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Developmental Science 13:4 (2010), pp 622–635 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-7687.2009.00921.

Selective attention and attention switching: towards a unified
developmental approach
Rima Hanania and Linda B. Smith
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA

We review and relate two literatures on the development of attention in children: one concerning flexible attention switching and
the other concerning selective attention. The first is a growing literature on preschool children’s performances in an attention-
switching task indicating that children become more flexible in their attentional control during the preschool years. The second
literature encompasses a large and robust set of phenomena for the same developmental period that indicates a protracted course
of development for selective attention in children. We ask whether developmental changes in processes of selective attention may
contribute to more flexible attention switching. We consider the two sets of phenomena with respect to this question and propose
an empirical agenda for their joint study that may lead ultimately to a unified account of the development of selective attention
and attention switching.

Introduction judgments (Shepard, 1964), in classification (Nosofsky,

1986), in attentional learning (Kruschke 2001) and
Intelligent behaviour requires selecting task-relevant in neurocomputational models of cognitive control
information and minimizing interference from irrelevant (Rougier, Noelle, Braver, Cohen & O’Reilly, 2005;
information. Intelligent behaviour also requires switch- Reynolds, Braver, Brown & Van der Stigchel, 2006).
ing sources of information as task relevance changes. Selective attention to stimulus dimensions is also critical
Selective attention and attention switching are funda- in two well-documented developmental trends. The first
mental to almost all cognitive tasks, and deficits in these comes from the current literature concerning the
attentional processes have wide-ranging and cascading development of flexible attention switching in preschool
consequences for development (e.g. Mundy, Block, children and children’s performance in the dimension-
Delgado, Pomares, Van Hecke & Parlade, 2007; Posner & change card-sort (DCCS) task. This literature largely
Rothbart, 2007; Rueda, Posner & Rothbart, 2005; Ruff & ignores the issue of the development of selective atten-
Rothbart, 1996). It is possible that different mechanisms tion and assumes that inflexibility arises specifically from
and different neural processes underlie selection and an inability to switch attention between dimensions. The
switching (e.g. Fan, McCandliss, Fossella, Flombaum & second literature is an older one on the development of
Posner, 2005). At the same time, the processes underlying selective attention is preschool children. The well-docu-
these two aspects of attention may overlap and connect mented trends in this old literature raise the possibility
in important ways, leading to related developmental that immature selective attention skills may play a role in
trends. So far, the development of selective attention and children’s difficulty in switching attention.
the development of flexible attention switching have been The plan of the paper is as follows. First we review the
studied in separate literatures. In this paper, we present current evidence on attention switching in the DCCS
reasons for studying the development of the two task, highlighting the evidence that suggests that selective
together, and suggest that these two developing abilities attention per se may be a factor. Second, we review the
may be fundamentally related and intertwined. older literature on the development of selective attention,
This paper is specifically concerned with tasks that a literature that strongly suggests that this is still a
ask perceivers to make judgments on one stimulus developing skill in the late preschool period. Third, we
dimension (say, colour) while ignoring another (say, consider models of selective attention and of attention
shape). Selective attention to stimulus dimensions is switching that suggest similar or related underlying
often conceptualized as the differential weighting of processes that may be critical to the development of both
dimensions in perceptual decisions, as in similarity selective attention and attention switching.

Address for correspondence: Rima Hanania, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, IUB, Indiana University, 1101 East 10th Street,
Bloomington, IN 47405, USA; e-mail:

 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.
Selective attention and attention switching 623

Flexible attention switching Semcesen, 1999). Moreover, the perseverative bias sets up
rapidly, in as few as 1 or 2 pre-switch trials (Zelazo et al.,
The development of executive control and children’s 1996). The key developmental transitions appear to
ability to adjust their behaviour in accordance with occur between 3 and 5 years of age. Table 1 summarizes
changing task goals is a priority in the current devel- the main experimental results. The developmental trend in
opmental literature. The DCCS task (e.g. Frye, Zelazo the standard DCCS experiments is dramatic – although
& Palfai, 1995) is one common experimental approach. performance on pre-switch trials is close to perfect for all
The task, illustrated in Figure 1, works as follows. Two age groups, young preschool children do not switch as
target cards are displayed, for example drawings of a red successfully to the new dimension as do older preschool
truck and a blue star. Children are told to sort a stack of children, performing at rates as low as 20% average
cards that match each target on one dimension only. In correct post-switch sorts as compared with 80% or higher
this example, the sorting cards would be blue trucks and for older children (Frye et al., 1995).
red stars. The child might first be told to sort the cards The fact that both younger and older preschool chil-
by shape, putting the blue trucks with the red truck and dren do well pre-switch on this task suggests that the
the red stars with the blue star. After this so-called pre- problem is with switching attention not selective atten-
switch phase, the sorting rule is switched and the child is tion, and several theories of perseveration in the DCCS
told to sort the cards by the other dimension, for task reflect this (Kirkham et al., 2003; Towse et al., 2000;
example colour, requiring now that the blue trucks be Kloo & Perner, 2003; 2005; Mller, Dick, Gela, Overton
sorted with the blue star and the red stars be sorted with & Zelazo, 2006; Zelazo, Mller, Frye & Marcovitch,
the red truck. 2003). In these theories, the ability to selectively attend is
The main finding is that although younger children are not considered a factor; switching is a separate ability
able to follow instructions and sort without error on that has to develop to overcome the stickiness of selective
pre-switch trials (no matter which rule is first), they have attention. There are, however, hints in the experimental
trouble switching sorting rules on post-switch trials and evidence that the task requirement of selective attention
perseveratively sort by the pre-switch dimension rather is itself a factor in perseveration.
than switching to sort by the new dimension. Older In one relevant study, Perner and Lang (2002) used
children are more likely to succeed in sorting correctly what is sometimes called a ‘reversal shift’ task (see also
both pre- and post-switch, demonstrating an ability to Kloo & Perner, 2003; Zelazo et al., 2003). The target
follow the new instructions and to flexibly switch their cards, illustrated in panel 2 of Figure 2, were, for
responses appropriately (e.g. Brooks, Hanauer, example, red cars and red suns, and the sorting cards
Padowska & Rosman, 2003; Frye et al., 1995; Kirkham, were identical to the targets, with the only varying
Cruess & Diamond, 2003; Perner & Lang, 2002; Towse, dimension being shape. Children were first asked to sort
Redbond, Houston-Price & Cook, 2000; Zelazo, Frye & sun cards with the sun target card and car cards with
Rapus, 1996). This developmental trend is robust, with the car target card. The post-switch task asked them to
the same pattern of behaviour emerging for different switch, by putting suns with the car target and cars with
pairs of dimensions (Frye et al., 1995), and for drawings the sun target. This is not a selective attention task. The
of both geometric shapes (Frye et al., 1995) and familiar switch requires a switch in responses (which cards go
objects (e.g. Zelazo et al., 1996). This pattern also per- where) but not a shift in attention (shape is always
sists whether the children are sorting the cards relevant). Young children were far more successful in
themselves or whether they are observing the cards being this task than in a standard selective-attention version
sorted by a puppet (Jacques, Zelazo, Kirkham & of the DCCS task. Brooks et al. (2003) replicated and

Preswitch Postswitch
e.g., Sort by shape e.g., Sort by color


Figure 1 Example of cards and trays in a

standard dimensional-change card-sorting Sorting
(DCCS) task. Sorting cards are presented in Cards
random order. Note: stripes indicate red;
dots indicate blue.

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624 Rima Hanania and Linda B. Smith

Table 1 Sample results from dimension-change card-sort (DCCS) experiments

Correct sortsb (percentage)

Reference Description Measurea 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr

Frye et al.,1995; Exp. 1 Standard – geometric shapes Trials 20 26 82

Frye et al.,1995; Exp. 2 Standard – various pairs of dimensions Children 42 72
Zelazo et al.,1996; Exp. 1 Standard Children 40 90
Perner & Lang, 2002 (estimated Standard Trials 46 84
from Fig 2)
Kirkham et al., 2003 Standard Children 42 92
Perner & Lang, 2002 (estimated Reversal shift (shape always relevant) Trials 88 98
from Fig 2) – standard cards
Perner & Lang, 2002 (estimated Puppet target cards Trials 88 94
from Fig 2)
Brooks et al., 2003; Exp. 1 Reversal shift (shape always relevant) Children 79
– uncoloured line drawings
Brooks et al., 2003; Exp. 2 Reversal shift (shape always relevant) Trials 29 58
– irrelevant colour variation
Zelazo et al., 2003; Exp. 9 Redundant condition: sorting cards match Children 69
targets on pre-switch trials
Zelazo et al., 2003; Exp. 7 Total Change condition: new shapes and Children 79
colours used post-switch
Kirkham et al., 2003 Children label relevant dimension Children 78 85
Kloo and Perner, 2005; Exp. 1 Fully separated dimensions (on both target Trials 85
and test cards)
Brace, Morton, Munakata, 2006, Uni-dimensional (colour) sorting cards are Children 81
2006; Scaffolding condition morphed back to include shape

Note. The first few examples are measures from standard DCCS tasks. The remaining examples are variations on the task, cited in the paper for demonstrating selective
attention. a Measure: children = % children passing the post-switch phase (i.e. no more than 1 error); trials = % of correctly sorted cards in post-switch phase. b Some
percentages listed in this table were estimated from graphs.

1 2 3

Normal game: “Put trucks with the Normal game: “Put trucks with the Normal game: “Put trucks with the
truck and stars with the star” truck and stars with the star” truck and stars with the star”

Reversed game: “Put trucks with Reversed game: “Put trucks with Reversed game: “Put trucks with
the star and stars with the truck” the star and stars with the truck” the star and stars with the truck”

Figure 2 The structure of three experiments manipulating the number of varying dimensions (all illustrated as red and blue, trucks
and stars for ease of comparison). Only one dimension, namely shape, is relevant throughout; responses are reversed post-switch
without changing the relevant dimension. Panel 1: black ⁄ white line-drawings (Brooks et al., 2003; Exp. 1); panel 2: single-colour
line-drawings (Perner & Lang, 2002, reversal shift); and panel 3: line-drawings with irrelevant colour variation (Brooks et al., 2003;
Exp. 2). Note: white indicates no colour; stripes indicate red; dots indicate blue.

extended the result, showing that the need to selectively simply switched the stimulus-response rules and chil-
attend – even if switching attention to a new dimension dren sorted successfully. The second condition was the
was not required – contributed to young children’s same, but now colour varied irrelevantly on both pre-
perseverative responding (cf. Kloo et al, 2008). In one and post-switch trials, as illustrated in panel 3 of
task, as illustrated in panel 1 of Figure 2, the stimuli Figure 2. Shape was always relevant and colour irrelevant,
were line-drawings of common objects, so only shape so the task required selective attention but not attention
varied and only shape was task-relevant. Selective switching. Children perseverated in this task, unable to
attention was not required. Again, the post-switch task switch the sorting rule. The need to attend to shape

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Selective attention and attention switching 625

while ignoring colour was enough to cause increased the formerly relevant properties were now irrelevant.
perseverative errors. Children readily succeeded in this task.
Other DCCS studies also suggest that the relative ease These results are intriguing in that at switch, when the
and difficulty of the selective attention task influences cards varying on just one dimension are introduced,
children’s success in switching. In one series of studies, children have no option but to attend to this formerly
Zelazo et al. (2003; experiments 8 and 9) found that irrelevant dimension (because there is no variation on the
young children perseverate less when the need to selec- formerly relevant dimension). Being forced to attend to a
tively attend – in the sense of ignoring some of the new dimension in this way appears to promote successful
available information – is reduced on pre-switch trials later selective attention when the formerly relevant but
(either because only one dimension varies or because the now irrelevant variation is re-introduced. It is as if being
target and sorting cards match on both dimensions), forced to attend to colour, for example, made it possible
even when the post-switch rule requires selective atten- to ignore shape. A similar result and conclusion were
tion to a new relevant dimension and the ignoring of the reported in a pretty-much forgotten study by Medin
formerly relevant dimension. Other studies have shown (1973). These results, along with the newer DCCS ver-
that stimulus manipulations that generally make selective sion by Brace et al. (2006), could be interpreted as
attention easier – such as spatially separating the relevant attention that is too good or too sticky, an interpretation
and irrelevant sources of information (Diamond, Carlson that has been offered and that we question. The theo-
& Beck, 2005; Kloo & Perner, 2005), or giving children retical issue is this: is stickiness a property of ‘good’
help in matching the dimensions through feedback selective attention or is it perhaps instead a property of
(Bohlmann & Fenson, 2005), through demonstration not quite complete and immature selective attention?
(Towse et al., 2000), or by asking the children to label Before turning to the literature on the development of
the relevant dimensions as they sort post-switch (Kirk- selective attention that motivates this alternative
ham et al., 2003; Towse et al., 2000) – also reduce pers- perspective, we note the important role of words and
erveration. Certainly, there are plausible explanations of instructions in the DCCS task. The task does not require
these results that do not involve selective attention as a merely basing decisions on one dimension and then the
cause of difficulty in switching (e.g. Diamond et al., 2005; other, but rather requires appropriately switching atten-
Zelazo, 2003). But the results are consistent with the idea tion when given a verbal instruction. Words can be
that selective attention is an added demand that makes viewed as cues that strengthen attention to one dimen-
perseveration on the old sorting rule in the DCCS task sion over another. Consistent with this view, Yerys and
somehow more likely. Munakata (2006) showed that labelling the relevant
One last and particularly elegant result raises the key dimension during instruction on pre-switch trials results
theoretical question. Brace, Morton and Munakata in increased perseveration, but that not labelling the
(2006) showed that they could increase children’s flexible pre-switch relevant dimension enhances children’s ability
responding by systematically leading children’s attention to later switch attention to a new dimension. These
away from the pre-switch relevant dimension to the results might be viewed as indicating (contrary to our
post-switch relevant dimension. They did this by a clever argument) that too strong selective attention makes for
structuring of the sorting cards. Figure 3 illustrates the difficult switching. Similarly, labelling both relevant and
manipulation. Children began by sorting cards that irrelevant dimensions when asking children ‘knowledge’
varied on two dimensions with one relevant (shape) and questions about where a card should be placed leads to
the other irrelevant (colour); then they were presented more incorrect responding than labelling only the
with cards that varied on only one dimension – the relevant dimension (Munakata & Yerys, 2001; Zelazo et
post-switch relevant dimension (colour). These then al., 1996). Furthermore, having children label the
slowly morphed back adding in shape variation so that relevant dimension on post-switch trials helps them to

Figure 3 Adapted from Brace, Morton and

Munakata (2006, Figure 1). In their task,
children sorted by shape on pre-switch trials
and by colour post-switch, with an
intermediate phase involving uni-
dimensional sorting cards (with only the
post-switch relevant dimension) which were
then gradually morphed back to include the
irrelevant dimension of shape.

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626 Rima Hanania and Linda B. Smith

sort by the new rule (Kirkham et al., 2003; Towse et al., incidental learning, and card-sorting tasks – indicates
2000). Finally, the cueing power of words depends on that, in general, preschool children have considerable
children’s familiarity with the labels (Yerys & Munakata, difficulty in making decisions or responses based on only
2006). All these results suggest that words in this task one stimulus dimension, unaffected by irrelevant
may serve as cues that direct attention to specific stimulus information (e.g. Enns & Girgus, 1985; Hagen
dimensions. A complete accounting of the development & Hale 1972; Lane & Pearson, 1982; Maccoby & Hagen,
of selective attention and attention switching will have to 1965; Shepp & Barrett, 1991; Shepp & Swartz, 1976;
take this into account, along with the fact that the Smith, 1989; Strutt, Anderson & Well, 1975; Tighe,
learning of dimension words also undergoes significant Tighe & Schechter, 1975). These phenomena and the
development in the period of 3 to 5 years (see Gasser & related accounts about the development of selective
Smith, 1998, for a review), the same period in which attention should be relevant to an understanding of the
attention switching and, as we will see in the next section, DCCS task, which, in its usual form, asks preschool
the development of selective attention to dimensions also children to attend selectively first to one dimension
increase. and then to another. The idea that children’s typi-
In summary, the DCCS task is a selective-attention cally errorless performance on the pre-switch trails
task, and the evidence suggests that that fact matters to indicates good (perhaps even too good) selective atten-
children’s perseveration. What is not clear is how and tion does not fit with this larger, older and robust liter-
why it matters. Children generally sort correctly on the ature on the very protracted developmental course of
pre-switch phase and so it would seem that selective selective attention.
attention per se is not the problem. Instead, the evidence
suggests that selective attention might in a sense be too Discrimination learning
good, too sticky to the first dimension. If this is so, then
separate processes that inhibit this prepotent first atten- Discrimination learning is one task implicating generally
tional state seem to be the key to what is developing. This poor selective attention to one dimension of variation in
interpretation fits with most current discussions and it preschool children (Kendler, 1963; Kendler & Kendler,
has considerable face validity. As we review next, how- 1962; Tighe, Glick & Cole, 1971). In this task, the child is
ever, there are plenty of data to suggest that preschool not told which dimension is relevant but is asked to
children’s selective attention is not too strong, but is discover the relevant dimension through trial and error.
instead weak and partial. Could this not fully developed The structure of the task is illustrated in Figure 4(A).
selective attention be relevant to a poor ability to switch For example, a child might be shown two items at a time
that attention? and asked to indicate which wins. In the illustrated
example, across trials, black things win, white things lose,
and shape is irrelevant. Presented with this task, both
Developmental trends in selective attention to younger children and older children can learn the
dimensions contingencies and reach near-errorless performance,
although generally the speed of learning increases with
A vast literature about a wide variety of tasks – including age. What appears to change dramatically from the
discrimination learning, same ⁄ different judgments, preschool period to the school-age period is how children

(A) Initial learning task structure

(B) Transfer tasks

Extra-dimensional Intra-dimensional
Reversal shift shift shift

Figure 4 Discrimination learning task.

Initial learning task (A) and three transfer
learning tasks (B). Plus sign indicates a
‘winning’ item; minus sign indicates a
‘losing’ item.

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Selective attention and attention switching 627

solve the task and what they learn about winning and in that all items are new and new response assignments
losing items. There are three distinct ways of solving the must be learned for each item.
task: (1) memorizing whole stimuli – rather than learning The similarity of the transfer tasks in discrimination
that black wins and white loses, children could learn that learning to the post-switch trials in the DCCS task has
black-triangle and black-circle win, and white-triangle been noted by various researchers (Brooks et al., 2003;
and white-circle lose; (2) learning only about relevant Perner & Lang, 2002; Zelazo et al., 2003). Furthermore,
attributes, for example children could learn that black adult performances in these tasks – and persevatory
wins and white loses – a possibility that implies selective attentional processes – have been related to processes
attention; (3) learning not just about the relevant attri- carried out by the prefrontal cortex (PFC; Owen et al.,
butes but also about dimensions; that is, children could 1993; Rogers, Andrews, Grasby, Brooks & Robbins,
learn that colour is relevant and shape is irrelevant. Most 2000). Thus, the value of jointly studying development in
of the research and the evidence concern the first and the discrimination learning and the DCCS task has a pre-
third possibilities. cedence in the literature. However, the perhaps two most
Performance on transfer tasks indicates that younger important lessons from the older developmental litera-
children are more likely to learn about wholes, whereas ture on discrimination learning may have been missed.
older children, like adults, are more likely to learn about First, there may be different ways of solving the pre-
dimensions (Kendler & Kendler, 1962; Tighe, 1973; switch task – the typically errorless performance of
Tighe et al., 1971). One transfer task that supports this younger and older children on the pre-switch DCCS task
conclusion is the so-called reversal shift task (illustrated need not mean that they are doing this task in the same
in Figure 4b), in which responses reverse, so that the way, nor that younger and older children are equally able
stimuli that won before now lose. Older children do well to attend selectively to one dimension in the pre-switch
on the reversal shift transfer task; younger children do phase. Second, the findings in the discrimination-learn-
not (Kendler, Kendler & Wells, 1960; Tighe, 1973). This ing literature clearly implicate significant developmental
task should be easy given selective attention to dimen- changes in attention to dimensions during the preschool
sions in that the same dimension is relevant with only period, and a shift in perception (and learning) from
the winning and losing attributes reversed, but it is its being organized by individual whole items to its being
difficult given learning about wholes (i.e. conjunctions organized by dimensions.
of attributes) in that the response assignments of all
individual items change. A second transfer task that
Integral and separable dimensions
also indicates developmental changes in attending to
and learning about dimensions is the extra-dimensional In the mid 1970s, research on the development of selec-
shift (illustrated in Figure 4B). This task shifts the rel- tive attention to dimensions incorporated the then new
evant dimension at transfer. The extra-dimensional shift ideas of Garner (1974) about integral and separable
is easier for younger children than for older children dimensions. Garner famously warned (and showed) that
(Kendler et al., 1960; Tighe, 1973). Analyses of indi- many conclusions about dimensional processing in adults
vidual trial performance suggest that it is easier for were wrong because experimenters inappropriately
younger children because half of the individual response assumed that their experimenter-defined dimensions
assignments remain unchanged and so young children were perceptibly distinguishable sources of stimulus
continue to succeed on those items and have merely to variation for their participants, which is not always the
learn the other response assignments (Tighe, 1973; Ti- case. He made this point by contrasting separable and
ghe, et al., 1971). The task is presumably more difficult integral dimensions. Dimensions such as colour and
for older children because they must switch attention to shape are perceptually separable, and, as such, afford
a new, and formerly irrelevant, dimension. Finally, a selective attention to one dimension. However, dimen-
third transfer task that also provides support for in- sions such as saturation and brightness are not percep-
creased learning about dimensions rather than about tually isolated forms of stimulus variation; rather, they
whole stimulus items is the intra-dimensional shift are integral, processed holistically, and selective attention
(illustrated in Figure 4B). In this task, new attributes is not possible. This distinction is developmentally
are introduced at transfer for the same dimensions (e.g. interesting because adult performance with integral
new shapes and new colours), with no change in dimensions provides a diagnostic profile for nonselective
dimension relevance (e.g. colour is still relevant and or holistic attention.
shape is not). Older children perform better on this task Garner’s research with adults used two kinds of clas-
than do younger children (Adams & Shepp, 1975; sification tasks to diagnose integral and separable
Kendler, Kendler & Ward, 1972; see also Roberts, dimensions: the speeded classification task and the free
Robbins & Everitt, 1988, with adults; cf. Dickerson, classification task. Furthermore, and in contrast to the
1966). Again, this task should be easy given selective characterization of stimuli and dimensions in the DCCS
attention to the relevant dimension since only the new and discrimination-learning tasks, these tasks tended to
winning attribute needs to be identified, but it is diffi- use ordinal dimensions, such that stimuli were not just
cult given learning about wholes (or both dimensions) same or different on a dimension but could differ by

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628 Rima Hanania and Linda B. Smith

degree. This proves theoretically significant because Kemler, 1978). This pattern falls between the adult-
performance by adults with separable dimensions integral and adult-separable patterns. Children sort more
becomes more integral-like given small stimulus differ- rapidly in the correlated than in the control condition (as
ences (Melara & Mounts, 1993; Nosofsky, 1985). do adults with integral dimensions), suggesting a benefit
from attending to the redundant irrelevant dimension.
Furthermore, the addition of orthogonal irrelevant
Speeded sorting
variation dramatically impairs performance and sorting
Speeded classification tasks, like the pre-switch phase in time, again suggesting that selective attention is not easy.
the DCCS task, explicitly ask participants to sort stimuli However, increasing irrelevant variation in the filtering
on one relevant dimension while ignoring an irrelevant task does not decrease performance further, a sharp
dimension. Reaction time is the principal dependent difference from the adult-integral pattern of results.
measure. Figure 5 illustrates four speeded classification Smith and Kemler (1978) interpreted this pattern as
tasks used both in the study of integral and separable follows: preschool children do not selectively attend
dimensions with adults and in the study of selective (regardless of instructions) if they do not have to and
attention in children. In all these tasks, participants are therefore benefit from the redundant variation in the
presented with multiple repetitions of unique instances correlated condition relative to the control condition.
and asked to sort them, as rapidly as possible, into two However, they can selectively attend if forced to by the
groups by an explicitly stated single dimensional task (the filtering conditions), although this either adds
rule (e.g. by size: big versus little). In what is typically an extra step or is imperfect, and therefore slows
called the correlated task, participants sort items that response times.
vary redundantly on the relevant and irrelevant dimen- In sum, preschool children’s performance in speeded
sions (e.g. big and black versus small and white). In the selective-attention tasks suggests a partially integral-like
control task, the items vary only on the relevant dimen- pattern and again implicates both more holistic (or
sion. In filtering tasks, the items vary on both the distributed) attention across relevant and irrelevant
relevant and irrelevant dimensions, and across tasks the dimensions and extra cognitive effort in tasks that
amount of irrelevant variation is manipulated. demand selective attention.
Figure 5 also lists the main pattern of results for
three critical stimulus-by-participant combinations.
Free classification
Given stimuli that vary on adult-integral dimensions
such as saturation and brightness, adults sort more The second widely used task in studying integrality–
rapidly in the correlated task than in the control task, separability in adults and related developmental trends
and more rapidly in the control task than in the filtering was free classification. This task is of particular interest
tasks (Garner, 1974). Moreover, performance in the in this review for the following four reasons. (1) The
filtering task deteriorates with increased variation on the task itself is the most different from the DCCS task,
irrelevant dimension (Smith & Kemler, 1978). This discrimination learning and speeded classification, and
pattern exemplifies poor selective attention since thus broadens the window onto developing abilities. (2)
performance is strongly determined by the nature of the Performance in this task is strongly predicted by the
irrelevant variation. Given stimuli that vary on adult- performance patterns in speeded classification – for
separable dimensions such as size and colour, adults sort adults with integral dimensions, adults with separable
equally rapidly in all conditions, unaffected by the nature dimensions, and for young children (Garner, 1974; Shepp
of irrelevant variation (Garner, 1974; Smith & Kemler, & Swartz, 1976; Smith & Kemler, 1977). (3) The task
1978). This pattern implies nearly perfect selective atten- demands and instructions are minimal and thus the
tion to the experimenter-defined relevant dimension. task has been successfully used with children as young as
The third pattern is for preschool children (4- to 2 years of age as well as with adults (Smith, 1989). (4)
6-year-olds) with adult-separable dimensions (Smith & Formal mathematical models of performance in this

Correlated condition Control condition Filtering condition Filtering condition




Figure 5 Sample speeded-sorting stimuli,

Size Size Size Size represented in stimulus space, for each of the
sorting conditions. Indicated below is the
Adult: Integral < < < relative performance on each condition for
Adult: Separable = = = children and adults (for separable and inte-
Child: Separable < < = gral dimensions).

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Selective attention and attention switching 629

task implicate two potentially distinct but related devel- within-group similarity on both varying dimensions,
opments that may be critical to the development of consistent with nonselective attention to both dimen-
attention switching: from more graded to more catego- sions (Garner, 1974; Handel & Imai, 1972). Given
rical discriminations of stimulus difference, and from separable dimensions such as colour and size, adults
graded to more all-or-none selective attention (Smith, form groups (AB) well organized by a single matching
1989). dimensions, consistent with selective attention (Garner,
The free classification task works as follows: partici- 1974; Handel & Imai, 1972), and, because trial-to-trial
pants are given a small set of stimuli (typically 3 items) they must form such groups sometimes by one dimension
and are asked to partition them into classes of like items. and sometimes by the other, their performance also
These are not speeded tasks and there is no right or implies the facile switching of attention.
wrong answer. Instead, this task measures the perceived The evidence from children with adult-separable
similarities of the items and subjects’ preferences for dimensions suggests a developmental trend from more
forming groups. Figure 6 shows an example of two sets integral-like to more separable-like performance – from
of triads represented in a two-dimensional stimulus space attention to both varying dimensions, to selective atten-
– for example, the stimuli could all be squares that vary tion to one dimension, to, ultimately, the facile switching
on size and shade. As depicted in the figure, stimuli A of attention trial-to-trial as the dimension offering the
and B match in value on one of the two dimensions identity match changes. The middle pattern is intriguing:
(e.g. size) and differ markedly on the other dimension; these children exhibit a kind of perseveration – forming
stimuli B and C do not match on either dimension but AB groups when there is a match on one dimension but
are similar on both. Given this set of stimuli, if partici- not on the other. These children were often called
pants group A with B and apart from C, the partitioning preferrers – children who seem systematically to favour
would seem to be based on identity on one dimension, one dimension in their classifications (Aschkenasy &
implying selective attention to that dimension. In Odom, 1982; Cook & Odom, 1992). So-called preferrers
contrast, if participants group B with C and apart from have also been noted in discrimination learning and
A, the partition is considered by Garner (1974) to be speed sorting (Caron 1969; Mumbauer & Odom, 1967.).
based on overall similarity and to imply nonselective These results again suggest a protracted course in the
attention to both varying dimensions. Participants are development of selective attention – from nonselective
presented (in random order) with multiple versions of attention, to attention that, like that of preschool
these triads with sometimes one dimension and some- children in the DCCS task, appears ‘sticky’, to selective
times the other dimension offering the dimensional attention that is flexible. Here then is the question, and
identity match, a key factor for our analysis. one that would seem deeply relevant to understanding
Figure 6 summarizes patterns of performance for the current literature on the DCCS task: is this one
adults with integral dimensions, adults with separable developmental trend in which the processes that underlie
dimensions and children at various developmental selective attention culminate in switching, or is it perhaps
levels with adult-separable dimensions. Table 2 provides two trends one about selective attention and one about
some specific developmental results and the relevant switching? Pertinent to answering this question, Smith
citations. Given integral dimensions such as saturation (1989) proposed a formal mathematical analysis of the
and brightness, adults form groups (BC) that maximize developmental trend in the classification task that

Triad with identity on Size Triad with identity on Color




Size Size

Figure 6 Two sample triads represented in Adults: Integral BC BC

stimulus space. The one on the left has a Adults: Separable AB AB
match on size; the other matches on colour.
2 – 5-year-olds: Separable BC BC
Listed below are the typical classes formed
for each age group and for integral versus 5 – 7-year-olds: Separable AB BC
separable dimensions. > 8-year-olds: Separable AB AB

 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

630 Rima Hanania and Linda B. Smith

Table 2 Mean proportions of AB (dimensional identity) and BC (overall similarity) classifications

Reference Description Age BC AB

Smith & Kemler, 1977; Exp. 1 Triad: size–shade

5–6 yrs .56 .34
7–8 yrs .40 .50
10–11 yrs .22 .68
Smith & Kemler, 1977; Exp 2 Tetrad: size-shade
5–6 yrs .58 .34
10–11 yrs .18 .80
Ward, 1980; Exp. 1 Triad: length–density
(columnar condition) 4–6 yrs .56 .28
Adults .34 .61
Shepp, Burns & McDonough, 1980; Exp. 1 Triad: size–shade
4 yrs .80 .13
6–7 yrs .45 .48
11–12 yrs .21 .79
Shepp et al., 1980; Exp. 1 Triad: size–angle
4 yrs .78 .15
6–7 yrs .43 .50
11–12 yrs .26 .67
Kemler, 1982; Exp. 1 Triad: size–shade
4–5 yrs .70 .20
Smith, 1983; Exp. 1 Tetrad: size–shade
4–5 yrs .66 .29
5–6 yrs .66 .30
Smith, 1989; Exp. 1 Triad: size–shade
2 yrs .48 .20
3 yrs .55 .24
4 yrs .52 .28
5 yrs .62 .28
8 yrs .30 .70
Adult .03 .97
Ruskin & Kaye, 1990 Triad: size–shade
5–6 yrs .33 .60
11–12 yrs .16 .82

Note. BC proportions for some experiments are calculated from AB and AC (haphazard) grouping, or are estimated from figures.

showed that they were not explainable without positing dimensions could be fit by assuming weights to the two
two distinct developmental trends, not selection and varying dimensions that approximated values of .99 and
switching, but two underlying processes each moving .01 (almost all attention to one dimension, almost no
from being more graded to being more all-or-none; this, attention to the other), children’s performances, even
in the end, may be the key to understanding how selec- when they seemed to be attending selectively, were best
tion and switching are related. fit by assuming less perfect selective attention, say
weights of .7 to the more attended dimension and .3 to
the less attended dimension. Second, the developmental
From graded to all-or-none pattern could only be explained by also assuming shar-
per, more categorical, stimulus discrimination functions
Smith (1989) specifically extended the Generalized for older participants and more graded discrimination
Context Model (GCM; Nosofsky, 1986) to account for functions for younger participants. Sharper, more all-
adult performance and the developmental trend in the or-none, discrimination is needed to get the mature pref-
free classification task. The GCM itself is a well-estab- erence for selective attention to the dimension that offers
lished model of perceived similarity and selective atten- an exact match in attributes (rather than a near match on
tion that accounts for extensive sets of experimental the other dimension). Conceptually, this aspect of the
findings in the adult literature (e.g. Nosofsky 1992; Zaki, developmental trend may be understood as progressing
Nosofsky, Stanton & Cohen, 2003). Smith found that from broad and noisy activation (or generalization) given
within this formal account, two developmentally chang- some stimulus value to sharper and more tightly tuned
ing parameters were required to explain the develop- activation (see also Simmering, Schutte & Spencer, 2008).
mental trends in the free classification task. First the Figure 7 illustrates this idea, showing possible distri-
pattern from younger to older children’s performances butions of internal activation to two distinct stimuli, X1
could only be explained if one assumed a developmental and X2, on one dimension. At the top is a system with
trend from less perfect or partial selective attention to broadly tuned and overlapping internal responses; at the
more perfect or all-or-none attention to a dimension. bottom is one with sharply tuned, distinct, nearly all-
That is, whereas adult performances with separable or-none responses. The top is consistent with Smith’s

 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Selective attention and attention switching 631

post-switch rule is an active memory that has to be

maintained (Morton & Munakata, 2002; see also
Unsworth & Engle, 2007). The maintenance of the more
recent active memory is proposed to be the result of
recurrent connections (related to sustained firing in PFC
neurons; Fuster & Alexander, 1971; Kojima & Goldman-
Rakic, 1982); that is, of an internal pattern of activation
that feeds back on itself and thus sustains itself even in
the face of competing latent memories (see also Clear-
field, Diedrich, Smith & Thelen, 2009; Schçner &
Dineva, 2007). These recurrent connections, by feeding
Figure 7 Stimulus discrimination curves for two stimuli, X1
back on themselves, can also create more sharply tuned
and X2. The top curves represent more graded discrimination
functions, as exhibited by younger children, and the bottom
(more all-or-none) patterns of activation.
curves represent more sharply defined discrimination Building on this last idea, O’Reilly (2006) further
functions, as exhibited by older children. proposed that these recurrent and thus self-sustaining
connections instantiate an intrinsic bistability, yielding a
non-graded rule-like, go ⁄ no go, or all-or-none response
model of the perception of small differences as they that enables the system to rapidly jump from one pattern
relate to younger children’s responses in the free of self-sustaining activation to a completely different one.
classification task, and the bottom is consistent with the O’Reilly has suggested that this pattern of bistability is
model of older children’s responses. characteristic of the PFC and differentiates it funda-
Smith’s (1989) theoretical analysis and the two trends mentally from the more graded, incremental and prob-
from more graded to more categorical processes were abilistic processes of other cortical areas.
supported by a number of experimental studies, includ- The potential of these ideas about more graded versus
ing independent studies of the development of selective more all-or-none (or rule-like) processes for under-
attention (Shepp & Swartz, 1976; Smith & Kemler 1977) standing the development of both selective attention and
and of the function that relates perceived difference to attention switching is made clear in a paper by Rougier et
stimulus differences (Smith & Evans, 1989) as well as al. (2005). That paper attempted to model in an artificial
tests of new predictions from the model that examined system the development of selective attention to a single
children’s classifications of different kinds of sets (Smith, dimension (while ignoring variation on other dimen-
1989). Smith’s analysis of performances in the free sions) by instantiating three core properties thought to
classification task did not address the dependence of mature characterize the PFC: (1) recurrent and thus stabilizing
performance on switching the attended dimension trial- patterns of activation; (2) an adaptive gating mechanism
to-trial (to the dimension offering the identity match), that maintains a rule so long as the outcome is pre-
nor did it offer a coherent account of perseverators (or dicted but that destabilizes the rule when the predict-
preferrers) who attend to only one dimension. This last ability of the outcome changes; and (3) modulation of
gap in Smith’s account was important to several critics of processing in other brain areas, thus enabling the actively
the model (Cook & Odom, 1992; Thompson, 1994). maintained rule to orchestrate and capture supporting
In summary, the developmental pattern in the free processes (the so-called executive function of the PFC).
classification task suggests concurrent developmental A PFC layer exhibiting these processes was embedded
changes: (1) from more graded to more categorical per- within a more standard connectionist network.
ceptual discrimination; (2) from more imperfect to more The network was taught three types of tasks: (1)
all-or-none selective attention; (3) from ‘sticky’ attention labelling attributes on single dimensions (e.g. red, blue);
to the flexible switching of attention from one dimension (2) making judgments of sameness and difference on a
to another. How are these trends related? And, is graded single dimension (e.g. same colour or same shape); and
activation – with respect to discrimination and selective (3) making comparisons on a single dimension (bigger,
attention – related to attention switching? smaller). Networks with PFC units as described above
that were taught all three types of these tasks (but not
just any one of them) developed representations not of
Neurocomputational model
individual attributes (red, blue) but of whole dimensions
More recently, similar ideas about a transition from (colour, shape) that were highly abstract and orthogonal
graded to all-or-none processes have been suggested in to each other. This result replicates a previous recurrent
theories of attentional control (such as in the DCCS connectionist model by Smith, Gasser & Sandhofer
task). One of these ideas relates to Munakata and col- (1997), which also showed that highly abstract (i.e.
leagues’ explanation of the DCCS task in terms of latent all-or-none) dimensional representations required train-
and active memory representations. By this account, ing on both labelling (or selective responding to) attri-
pre-switch sorting forms a long-lasting, latent memory butes and judgments on the dimension as a whole
that is strengthened by repetition, whereas the current, (e.g. same or different colour). The difference in internal

 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

632 Rima Hanania and Linda B. Smith

activations that underlie early learning about attributes incrementally from one state to another whereas
versus the late learning about sameness and difference on non-graded (or ‘bistable’ or ‘go ⁄ no-go’) processes shift
dimensions is again about a trend from broadly to more rapidly from one state to another. If this is so, then
tightly tuned perceptual generalization and is consistent graded imperfect selective attention and discrimination
with the ideas in the Smith (1989) model. may be a cause of perseveration. Thus, perseveration in
This distinction between more graded attribute cate- the DCCS task may derive not from selective attention
gories and more all-or-none representations of dimen- that is too ‘good’ but from selective attention that – even
sional sameness, as in both Rougier et al.’s model and in the pre-switch phase of the task – is not complete and
Smith et al.’s model, also fits proposals in the adult task- is imperfect.
switching literature (e.g. Waszak, Hommel & Allport, Thus far, we have juxtaposed two literatures. One is an
2003) that the stimulus-response bindings that contribute older literature on the development of selective attention
to slowed response at task switch involve matching that indicates that during the period between 3 and
attributes, not just the same relevant dimensions. This 6 years of age, children’s ability to attend selectively to
last fact also fits findings that changing the attributes of one dimension undergoes considerable change, becoming
the objects post-switch in the DCCS task (while keeping less graded, and more all-or-none. Also during this peri-
the same dimensions) reduces perseveration (Zelazo od, children’s discrimination of differences along stimu-
et al., 2003; Mller et al., 2006; Hanania & Smith, in lus dimensions becomes sharper and more all-or-none.
preparation). The more recent literature, on attention switching, tells us
Critically, within Rougier et al.’s (2005) model, the that during the same period, children become remarkably
recurrent connections of the PFC, as well as the three better at first sorting cards by one dimension and then
training tasks, enabled highly selective attention, that is, switching to sort the same cards by the formally irrelevant
finely tuned activation patterns to a single dimension, dimension. Clearly, these are related phenomena and
rather than more graded or distributed representations. require a unified account. One possibility is that they are
These kinds of representations were also critical to manifestations of the very same underlying processes.
the rapid switching of attention among dimensions.
According to the model simulations, if the PFC and
gating mechanism are not present, then there is little What now?
abstraction, and learning is about attributes (not whole
dimensions) with more graded, similarity-based In many ways, this paper presents a conjecture, not a
decisions. In this model, graded processes shift only knock-down case, that attention switching in the DCCS

Table 3 Questions to guide future studies

Know Don’t Know

In the DCCS task, both older and younger children succeed on the Do perseverators and non-perseverators solve the preswitch task
preswitch phase. in same way?

In Garner speeded classification and free classification tasks, there is Do children who perseverate in the DCCS task also also show
a protracted developmental course for selective attention. poorer selective attention in the Garner tasks?

Is performance in the free classification task predictive of

performance in the DCCS task?
In the free classification task, the developmental trend appears
to be from non-selective attention to perseveration to flexible Is perseveration in the free classification task the same as in the
switching. DCCS task? Does one predict the other?
Dimension words cue selective attention. Do these words cue younger and older children in the same way?

Are there measurable weaknesses in younger children’s word

knowledge that would predict poorer selective attention in Garner
tasks and ⁄ or more perseveration in DCCS tasks?

Is it knowledge of dimensions (and experience in dimensional

comparison) that fosters selective attention and attention
switching rather than knowledge of attributes?

Do dimension words help selective attention in the free

classification task in the same way as in the DCCS task?
There is a developmental trend from more graded Does the magnitude of stimulus differences or degree of
discrimination of stimulus differences to sharper and more discriminability in the DCCS task matter?
finely tuned discriminations. Smaller stimulus differences
and harder stimulus discriminations are Is more graded or noisier discrimination and generalization
associated with poorer selective attention. associated with increased perseveration in the DCCS task?

 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Selective attention and attention switching 633

task is fundamentally about the immaturity of children’s are fundamentally important developmental achieve-
selective attention. The evidence is circumstantial: the ments. A complete theory of their development should
DCCS task in its usual form asks children to attend include an account of their developmental relation to
selectively, and so the large literature suggesting that each other.
selective attention is still undergoing considerable
development seems relevant. Aspects of the trend in the
two literatures are similar and include what would seem Acknowledgements
to be overly restricted attention to one dimension prior
to switching. Finally, formal – and independently devel- This research was supported by grants R01MH060200
oped – models of the underlying process share some and R01HD028675 from the National Institutes of
marked similarities, in proposing that the key develop- Health.
ment is a transition from more graded to more
all-or-none processing of dimensions. Given this
circumstantial case, the next steps should be empirical
studies that specifically examine the relations between References
children’s performances in the two tasks. Table 3 lists a
set of ‘known’ and ‘unknown’ aspects of the phenomena Adams, M.J., & Shepp, B.E. (1975). Selective attention and the
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