Beginner Esl Syllabus Miss Block

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Beginning ESL Syllabus

Miss Katelyn Block

Textbook: Side By Side (Longman)

Voices in Literature (Heinle & Heinle)

Course Description: This class will allow students to develop Basic English vocabulary
and grammatical structures so that they can successfully communicate. Also, students
will develop literary and analytical skills which will enable them to be successful in
future courses.

Specific units are described in the scope and sequence on the following pages. Every unit
will develop students’ Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing skills:

Listening: Students will listen to English from native speakers via their
teacher and other media. They will also listen to English spoken by their
peers. They must focus their attention on the speaker’s message in order to
comprehend and produce a meaningful response.

Speaking: Students will have the daily opportunity to practice speaking in

structured conversations with their peers. Also, there will be several
projects which require the students to present information to the class
using newly acquired English skills.

Reading: Students will be reading a variety of modified texts, including

short stories, poetry, and expository writing, with guidance and support
from their teacher and peers. Students will learn various strategies to help
them comprehend a text in their second language. They will also learn
analytical skills necessary to interpret both literature and images.

Writing: Students will be writing on a daily basis, practicing the grammar

structures and the new vocabulary. They will write a variety of personal
narratives, descriptions, reports, poems, and reflections based on the
literature. They will also have the opportunity to create their own works of
creative fiction in response to various texts.

Students will be visiting the computer lab on a weekly basis to practice

English using the ReadingSmart software.

Grading: Grades will be calculated as follows:

 10% Journal
 50% Assignments & Quizzes
 30% Tests & Projects
 10% Homework

Beginning ESL: Scope & Sequence

Grammatical Concepts Vocabulary Units Reading & Literature Focus

 To be: introduction  Introductions Literal v. Figurative

First 6-weeks  Subject Pronouns  Personal
Information  Components of a Story
 Present Continuous Tense  Locations  Identifying Main Idea
 Identifying Theme
 Everyday
Activities  Making Applications

 Possessive Adjectives  Everyday  Characterization

Second 6-weeks  Adjectives Activities (cont.)  Point of View
 Possessive Nouns  Describing
People and  Using Context Clues
 Prepositions of Location Things
 Weather
 Family Members

 Describing
Events &

 Prepositions  Places Around Reading Expository Text

Third 6-weeks  There is/There are Town
 Singular/Plural  Clothing Connecting to World Culture

 This/That/These/Those  Colors  Conflict & Resolution

 Characterization

 The Epic Hero

 Simple Present Tense  Languages &  Predicting/Foreshadowing

Fourth 6-weeks  Object Pronouns Nationalities  Making Inferences
 Have/Has  Habitual Actions  Recognizing Irony
 People’s  Tone
 Adverbs of Frequency Interests &  Creating Suspense
 Describing  Imagery
 Feelings &

 Can  Abilities  Setting and Scene

Fifth 6-weeks  Have to  Occupations  Using Effective Dialogue
 Future: going to  Expressing  Dramatic Irony
 Want to  Invitations The Characteristics of a
 Telling Time Drama

Ailments & the

Doctor’s Office

 Describing

 Regular Past Tense  Reasons &  Symbolism

Sixth 6-weeks  Irregular Past Tense Excuses
 Wh- questions  Television Interpreting Elements of
Commercials Design
 To be: past tense
Describing  Recognizing Propaganda
Physical States  Persuasive Techniques
& Emotion  Researching Information
 Identifying Historical Contex
Biographies &

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