Final MOCK TEST 1 CIE 332.docx 2020. May 2020
Final MOCK TEST 1 CIE 332.docx 2020. May 2020
Final MOCK TEST 1 CIE 332.docx 2020. May 2020
Department of Engineering
Test 1
May 2020
1|P ag e
Question 1
You happen to work for Zoma Consultant who are quantity surveyors and Civil Engineering consultants.
Due to Covid 19, you have been asked to go on paid leave. This is to avoid having a lot of personnel at the
office. Only one person is supposed to be attending to clients on a particular day. Since you are the person
incharge of the quantity survey section, one of the workmate from the accounts section who will remain at
the office wants useful information about your section to have an idea of your section to help him attend to
the clients. Reply as a quantity surveyor on the following:
a. How one carry out estimates and what are they used for?
b. At what stage of the construction process does one carry out the estimate and for what reason?
c. What are the consequences if the estimate is slightly wrong and how do you correct it?
d. What are the consequences if the estimate is very wrong and how do you correct it?
e. What skills are required to become a good estimator?
f. What information is contained in the working drawings?
g. What information is contained in the technical specifications?
h. What is the relationship between the working drawings and the technical specifications?
i. How does the work involved in being an estimator for a general contractor differ from that of an
estimator who works for a subcontractor?
j. What is the difference between doing quantity takeoff and doing a full detailed estimate?
(13 Marks)
Question 2
2|P ag e
Question 3
The Bill of Quantity is a document which contains a complete analysis of materials, labor and plant
required for the execution of construction works.
a. Why is this document relevant in a building contract?
b. This document can be arranged in a number of formats. Enumerate any three (3) of the formats and
c. From the answers in part C which one is the best method and why?
e. At every stage of construction i.e. foundation, substructure and superstructure, quantity take off are
carried out for the purpose of processing the claims for the contractor up to the final stage. How
does one come up with the final quantities of the completed works?
f. What are the difference between preliminary estimates, detailed estimates, supplementary
g. Under what circumstances can preliminary estimates, detailed estimates, supplementary estimates
and revised estimates prepared and what statements and drawings are to be attached with each one
Question 4
Calculate the volume of fill or cut materials for the quadrants B-C/3-4 and B-C/2-3 having a total area of
about 100 m2 each as shown in figure 2 and how many truckloads of a 5m3 truck will be used to transport
(15 Marks)
3|P ag e
Figure 2: Existing and Proposed ground water levels of the proposed area for Industrial yard.
Question 5
On a construction site a lot of labor/skill is needed as one start the project but as you scale down on the
a. Discuss how you factor the downsizing of the workforce when preparing the bill of quantities?
. (5 Marks)
c. With clear labeled diagram, how do you carry out quantity take off for road, dam and water
4|P ag e
Question 6
The local authority is grading some roads in Kamusamba area of Kabwe District. The width of the gravel
road will be 3.05 m. The ground levels were taken at 10 meters apart and part of the longitudinal profile is
show in figure 3.
a. Calculate the amount of imported or exported material for the section shown in figure 3 which is
(10 Marks)
b. What is the importance of knowing the cut and fill material when you one is carrying out the
(5 Marks)
5|P ag e