CTRL+F 9 Eq Back Slash / F9 Shift F9 Toggle Field Codes
CTRL+F 9 Eq Back Slash / F9 Shift F9 Toggle Field Codes
CTRL+F 9 Eq Back Slash / F9 Shift F9 Toggle Field Codes
SN Click Ctrl+F 9 you get { } . Write eq in the bracket , give space and put back
slash \ then do as follows . Finally press F9 or shift F9. To edit, right click it and
select toggle field codes.
Particulars Example Process
1.a Fraction 2 {eq \f(2,3)}
3 Note: Between eq and slash\ we must give a
1.b Mixed fraction 2 2{eq \f(2,3)}
3 Note: first write the whole
number then start Ctrl+f9
Or , We may write the whole number
after finishing to write the fraction
and inserting the whole number
before that fraction.
2 Root 5 {eq \r(5)}
3) Brackets , root sign , arc , vector sign formed by this method look very attractive.
4) The equations can be placed anywhere in the document like a word in the
document. No need to re-write similar equations, only copy paste and edit.
5) Like the readymade equation we traditionally use, it doesn't increase the file size.
A book of 600, 700 pages can also have small MB value .
6) Once we make habit of using this method, we rarely use other method .
Hope you all enjoy using this method .Thank you and take care!