Street Hypnosis: Automatically Install The Attitudes & Techniques of A Master Hypnotist
Street Hypnosis: Automatically Install The Attitudes & Techniques of A Master Hypnotist
Street Hypnosis: Automatically Install The Attitudes & Techniques of A Master Hypnotist
Automatically Install The
Attitudes & Techniques Of A
Master Hypnotist With The
Hypnotic Hero's Journey.
Street Hypnosis Masterclass
For The Next Generation Of Hypnosis Masters
This is a very special masterclass, as it gives you the opportunity to experience the journey to
being a TRUE Master of Hypnosis.
Unlike all of the previous masterclasses, this is an experiential masterclass, as you will be
guided through a journey within which you have the opportunity to gain a deeper
understanding of your individual pathway that you have chosen to follow on your way to
mastering hypnosis.
During this journey, do not be surprised if you find yourself periodically experiencing flashes of
insight, new realizations about long possessed abilities, and gradually bringing new abilities to
awareness as the ideas and concepts that this journey sows begins to bear fruit.
An Engineer has the ability to take apart existing tools and create entirely new tools to fit
whatever situation is encountered.
A Magician doesn't dwell on any tools at all, they simply INTEND a particular result, and it
Now when looking at the malleability of reality, Change is one extremely useful unit of
measurement. So realities can change quickly or slowly. They can change by small or large
amounts. The changes can be temporary, semi-permanent, permanent or not take place at all.
In each case we judge the proficiency of the practitioner, by his or her capacity to induce the
desired amount of change for the desired amount of time. A master of hypnosis stands or falls by
her ability to manipulate realities at will.
The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are 2
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The acquisition of any skill usually involves a progression through distinct levels of ability that
the earnest student must travel through in order to achieve mastery. The student must learn to
manipulate his chosen medium - be that wood, metal, food, medicine or realities - in ever more
powerful and refined ways.
The old system of apprenticeship recognised this transition formally in the roles of the
apprentice, the journeyman (or craftsman) and the master of his craft. I believe this kind of
distinction is a useful one to draw out for reality manipulators in order to give us all an
understanding of where we still need to grow and evolve our skills.
Many hypnotists make one fundamental mistake when it comes to hypnotic processes. It is a
mistake that I believe all the greats in this field have avoided in one way or another, and this
was one of the reasons that they became great!
The mistake is a simple one: they get caught up with and are stuck at the level of technique. To
get stuck at the level of technique is to confuse the content with the process.
This level of thought (which, by the way, is a useful one to go through in your evolution into a
Hypnotist!) is what I like to refer to as the level of reality mechanics.
A Reality Mechanic is someone who has a bag of tricks, or a toolkit. Every time she meets an
unpleasant reality she pulls out the appropriate tool, follows the step by step instructions on the
gadget and somehow, inexplicably, magic happens.
When magic does not happen she merely blames the tool and says "IT must be broken" or "IT
doesn't work". Because she only has predetermined patterns to run, she can only tinker with
realities. She needs to rely on the robustness of the gadget she is using to be enough to meet the
situation she faces.
The problem with Reality Mechanics is that they are stuck. They cannot generate patterns
because they have not studied the mechanisms inside the gadgets they are using. If they meet a
situation they have not encountered before, they may not choose the right tool to meet the
problem - either because they cannot match the dynamics of the tool to the problem or because
they simply do not have a pattern designed to meet that kind of situation.
Reality Mechanics are powerful people who can do a lot of good, but they have to rely on
someone else to develop new techniques and technologies. Their personal development is thus
dependant on "greater" minds spoon feeding them with new content.
To burst through the bubble of limitations inherent in being a reality mechanic, you need to
elevate yourself to the next level. This is what I like to call the realm of the reality engineer.
A Reality Engineer works not on the level of technique, but on the level of principles. He
understands what makes a process work. He has seen the clockwork that makes the machine do
what it does and understands why it has been put together in that way.
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This means he is free to make up his own techniques on the spur of the moment as the situation
requires. He can flip into seemingly contradictory positions and still get the results he wants
because he can see the process that is at work and leverages off that to get a result.
A Reality Engineer can confidently meet entirely new situations and know that all he has to do is
gather enough information in order to start selecting the appropriate principles with which to
Whereas a Reality Mechanic can only tinker and tune an engine or apply pre-packaged
solutions to "common" problems, the Reality Engineer can take the entire mechanism of reality
apart, clean it up and put it back together in a more useful and efficient way. A reality Engineer
has more choice and is therefore more powerful as an individual. His scope for personal growth
is self reflexive - he applies the principles he has mastered to himself to reinvent himself as time
A Reality Engineer is free to explore the world with new eyes and to choose how the world
should respond to him. As he gets better with this process, he internalises the principles that
form the stuff of his magic. What once required a conscious choice to engage begins to be
turned over to the vastly superior resources of unconsciousness. At that moment a magical door
opens to him. When he steps through that doorway he will have become a reality magician.
A Reality Magician is the most difficult level to describe. It is an incredibly powerful state in
which you stand beyond the self imposed limits that holds back even the Reality Engineer.
I am not suggesting that the Reality Magician operates at a level beyond principles. That is kind
of true but also quite inaccurate. Principles are absolutely important at this level, it is just that
you can go beyond them to either discover new principles or you bend the boundaries within
which Principles are thought to operate.
This is the level where you don't TRY and do something - apply a principle or a technique - you
merely INTEND something and it occurs. When you get here you have internalised so many
experiences, you literally BECOME the process. You unconsciously apply hypnosis in everything
you do so that magical things just seem to happen to you and around you.
As the great master of change, Milton Erickson, put it: you become the scenery to which the
other people NATURALLY respond in the way that you intend them to.
That is a very powerful place to be in. It takes a very special way of thinking to appreciate what
this means and to operate at this level. It is NOT an end point, but a beginning of an incredibly
fruitful experience.
This special Mind Set is an incredibly important thing to understand and internalise. This
Masterclass will take you to the level of an expert Reality Engineer – the level at which lies
Mastery. We will leave the journey beyond that for another time.
So, whilst you will invariably have begun your hypnosis journey as Reality Mechanics, I urge
you to ensure that over time, and with experience, you keep moving on to the other stages of
Reality Engineers and maybe one day even that of a Reality Magician.
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Reality is a malleable thing. Learn to experience it just so and magic happens.
The materials in this manual and the accompanying audio seminar are 5
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Stage 1: Creating A Solid Foundation With Deep Roots
This session is your setup session to create the mental space you will need to take this journey. It
is often said that a journey will be as successful as the prior preparation was thorough. This
session will ensure your success
Warning: There is a chance of getting stuck here with feelings of awkwardness or confusion.
Phase 1: Resources
Now that there is a goal, it is easy to give into the impulse to pursue mastery, to search out new
information. Whether it involves going to the library, reading books, finding articles in
magazines, and listening to recordings, all the tools are readily available once the initiative is
taken to find them.
It is easy for a hypnotist to get excited at this point, fantasizing about doing all this really cool
stuff, learning this cool technique and that fascinating method, beginning to realize that this is
all just language, the same power of communication that we exercise every day.
Warning: When introduced to new tools, there may be some passing feeling of megalomania,
recognizing the power that these tools convey for both good and evil.
Warning: Be aware of the temptation to flee reality, and do not get stuck in indecisiveness.
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Session 03 – Taking It Into The Real World
When you experience how much you have to gain simply by having positive intentions (H+)
around others, it really gives you a great feeling of being alive. As you bring these new gifts into
the world, you start noticing more and more support coming in from around you.
Going to a seminar can be like the first day of school, where you initially feel out of place, and
in awe of all that there is to learn, which gives way to a feeling of comfortable belonging, and
gives you a chance to experience things in a completely different manner. When surrounded
with people that are searching for meaning in the same field, many things can become apparent
that were previously concealed.
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Stage 2: The Hypnotist in Relation to the External World
Warning: Be sure to make the decision with you heart and move forward; don’t stay at the
crossroads too long.
Be proactive, take charge of your situation and really make the most of it.
Phase 8: Strength
Intuitively integrating intellect and instinct, allowing knowledge to be automatically expressed.
Strength comes when you can trust yourself to do the right thing, when you don’t hold back.
People around you really start noticing how amazing you have become.
Warning: Don’t use feelings of loneliness as an excuse to not give yourself peace and quiet.
Without a deep understanding, the underlying feeling of this experience may seem like chance
or luck, but when more closely examined, can often make perfect sense.
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Warning: Don’t get stuck in the belief that everything is predetermined and unalterable.
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© 2008 Street Hypnosis, All Rights Reserved