My Copy of Early Colonies Popplet Project

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The Early Colonies Popplet Project

Directions: With your group, you will create a popplet chart that organizes the essential
information about each of the 13 colonies. Please reference the following directions to help you
complete this task. Information can be found in your textbook.Textbook Pages: Southern
Colonies (38-43), Northern Colonies (44-48), Middle Colonies (50-53), Economic & Social Life

Step 1: Creating a Popplet

● Visit and create an account with your LPHS
email address (for new popplet users)
● Have one member of the group create a popplet and then share with the rest of the
group by clicking on the SHARE link (located on the right of the screen) and choose
ADD COLLABORATOR. Enter in the LPHS email addresses or popplet usernames to
invite the rest of your group members to the group popplet.
● In your main popple, include the title of your project, the name of each group
member, and the class period #

Step 2: Major Divisions

● The 13 colonies can be divided up into three major regions: Northern, Middle, and
Southern colonies. For each of the three regions, discuss the social, political, and
economic characteristics. Use the bullet points below as a guide to help you
○ Political Life:
■ Describe the political structure. (What type of colony, how governor is
appointed, relationship to the crown, voting rights, etc.)
■ Identify and explain early forms of representative government or
■ Identify and explain early forms of colonial unity (alliances, trade
agreements, etc.)
○ Economic Life:
■ What were the main exports for your region? – explain how this is
influenced by the surrounding geography
■ What was the main labor force used in your region? – explain why it was
■ What interactions did this regions have with other regions? with England?
○ Social Life:
■ Explain the social structure/hierarchy of your region – what led to this
specific structure
■ Identify and explain:
● ethnic groups and religions are found in your region
● any major social movements or events that influenced your region
● Include ONE image for each popple in this step that represents the main idea of each

Step 3: Colony Descriptions

● Create a popple for each of the original 13 colonies, and attach each colony to the
appropriate region
● Include the following information for each colony:
○ Who was the most important person or group of people to the
development/founding of this colony?
○ A image/map of the colony
○ Include a short video clip about the colony

Step 4: Submit Popplet

● Under the SHARE options, COPY the link to your popplet and email the link to me


Northern Colonies
1. Political Description _____/5
2. Social Description _____/5
3. Economic Description _____/5
4. Colonies _____/3
5. Images/Organization _____/2

Middle Colonies
1. Political Description _____/5
2. Social Description _____/5
3. Economic Description _____/5
4. Colonies _____/3
5. Images/Organization _____/2

Southern Colonies
1. Political Description _____/5
2. Social Description _____/5
3. Economic Description _____/5
4. Colonies _____/3
5. Images/Organization _____/2

TOTAL _____/60

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