Ncstudio: Product Description
Ncstudio: Product Description
Ncstudio: Product Description
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TK-NCStudio is a BUS protocol control with absolute value position multi axis CNC controller, support powerful accurate and optimized control for 5 axis
Built-in TeenKing material database, simply choose material and thickness, machine will automatically finish the remaining work, and give you ideal part. 1/7
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1, AUTO TRACKING(optional): work with height detector.
2, INPUT THICKNESS: input thickness to inform controller.
3, MOVE & SET: manually move and set cutting height position.
4, By program: user can program the Z volume to control height during cutting.
1, Pierce in high level and cut in low level, to avoid the nozzle get stuck when starting.
2, Pierce accurately when abrasive arrive to nozzle.
3, Pierce in low pressure and cut in high pressure. 2/7
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Pierce in low pressure and cut in high-pressure , optimize cutting for brittle material.
Pierce in low pressure with low abrasive feedrate, auto shift cutting in high-pressure with high abrasive feedrate, especially for thick breakable material. C
by low pressure(without high-pressure)
Travel range limit switch protected in X,Y,Y1,Z,A,B(C) axis Soft limit protected in X,Y,Y1,Z,A,B(C) axis, to avoid accident during machining
User can continue the program after break, accuracy insured by absolute value servo system
abrasive volume become programmable, save volume 15% up, maximally realize your application. 3/7
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User can directly ask third-party pretreatment software producer such as IGEMS, speed and valve control can be defined by program optimized.
User can make a fast program simulation, to get total machining time according to the chosen material and thickness data.
Any issue of program or hardware will be shown on the screen by red color warning information, accordingly showing I/O port.
It is designed for planar cutting, editing planar picture and outputting data of planar machining objects.
Support the element creation of basic machining object, including line, polyline, rectangle, circle, ellipse, arc,etc;
Support setting processing condition of single object, distinguished by color, and parameters setting function; 4/7
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Support object change function, including translation, rotation, mirror image, zoom, slant, combination and breakup of the objective;
Support view change function, including translation, zoom in, zoom out, fit to window;
Support spot catch function, such as catch node and catch midpoint, catch circle center and quadrant;
Support mouse dragging editing of nodes function to adjust the size of the object;
Support multi-object align functions, including align right, align left, align top, align bottom, align vertical line, align center point, align level dispersion and
Support insert of other type of programmable files into existed processing file;
Support read and transformation ENG files, G code files, DXF files and PLT files;
Support Chinese and English bilingual interface, internal exchange of the two languages;
Support resetting and adjust of round spot, especially for the file with round spot mark, setting the position of processing beginning spot and the round spo
the file;
The integral interface of NcEditor includes: [Title bar], [menu bar], [toolbar], [drawing toolbar], [status bar], [machining parameters attribute column], [object
[object list bar], [ruler bar]. Among them, the [object list bar] includes: [object list window], [object property window]; [machining parameters attribute colum
[machining parameters color window], [machining parameters modification window]. See Fig.10-1 5/7
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The object in [Object List Window] is corresponding to what in [object editor space]; when you draw object in the [object editor space], a corresponding ob
added automatically in [Object List Window]; when you select or cancel selecting the object in [object list window], the object in [object editor space] will b
same operation. The concrete function of [Object list window]:
Selecting the box ahead of the object can select a single object, or a series of multiple objects;
Cancelling selection the box ahead of the object can cancel selection of a single object, or a series of multiple objects;
Breaking the objects in one group will lead them back to the upper group;
Setting group as current working group: when a file includes multiple groups, if you want to edit one of these groups, you have to set the group as current
Z-axis up/down During cutting, the cutting head can be raise up by setting the raise up height parameter.
Break restore auto save position exit in the system, user can restore the job, recreate accuracy by back to reference zero point.
System backup User can back up the whole system and keep it separately, if any mistake or accident, user can restore the system easily.
Online update. free online update through internet remote control by producer. 6/7
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Simulate on other computer System software can be installed on other computer to convenience user to simulate the program without occupying machine
on TEENKING NC-Studio® water-jet cutting expert (with free update) / Windows 7 Computer configuration ISA computer, LCD touch screen , USB, Penti
Matched file format dxf. plt. nce. nc. cnc. eng. G-code, Matched H/P system: KMT, Accustream, H2O, etc.(others on request)
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