ASTM D2939 2003 Emulsified Bitumens Protective Coatings

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The standard describes various test methods for emulsified bitumens used as protective coatings.

The test methods covered include sampling, uniformity, resistance to freezing, weight per gallon, residue by evaporation, etc.

Test procedures covered for all coatings include sampling, uniformity, resistance to freezing, weight per gallon, residue by evaporation, etc.

Designation: D 2939 – 03

Standard Test Methods for

Emulsified Bitumens Used as Protective Coatings1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2939; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
Test Methods D 2939 are the methods recommended for use by Committee D08 in place of Methods D 1010 and D 1167.

1. Scope priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-

1.1 These test methods cover procedures for sampling and bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
testing emulsified bitumens used in relatively thick films as 2. Referenced Documents
protective coatings for metals, built-up roofs, and bituminous
pavements. 2.1 ASTM Standards:
1.2 The test methods appear in the following order: C 67 Test Methods of Sampling and Testing Brick and
Test Procedures for All Coatings Section
Structural Clay Tile3
Sampling 4 C 670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements
Uniformity 5 for Test Methods for Construction Materials4
Resistance to Freezing 6
Weight per Gallon 7
D 4 Test Method for Bitumen Content5
Residue by Evaporation 8 D 93 Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens
Volatiles 9 Closed Cup Tester6
Ash Content 10
Water Content 11
D 95 Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products and
Flash Point 12 Bituminous Materials by Distillation6
Drying Time 13 D 140 Practice for Sampling Bituminous Materials7
Resistance to Heat 14
Resistance to Water 15
D 609 Practice for Preparation of Cold-Rolled Steel Panels
Flexibility 16 for Testing Paint, Varnish, Conversion Coatings, and
Tests used primarily for coatings used over metals and built-up roofs Related Coating Products8
Brush-Application Behavior 17
Spray-Application Behavior 18
D 3699 Specification for Kerosine9
Wet Flow 19 D 4798 Test Method for Accelerated Weathering Test Con-
Direct Flame Test 20 ditions and Procedures for Bituminous Materials (Xenon-
Solubility of Residue in Trichloroethylene 21
Tests used primarily for coatings used over bituminous pavements
Arc Method)5
Wet Film Continuity 22 D 4799 Test Method for Accelerated Weathering Test Con-
Resistance to Volatilization 23 ditions and Procedures for Bituminous Materials (Fluores-
Solubility of Residue in Carbon Disulfide 24
Resistance to Kerosine2 25 cent and UV Condensation Method)5
Resistance to Impact 26 E 145 Specification for Gravity-Convection and Forced-
Resistance to Impact After Accelerated Weathering 27 Ventilation Ovens10
Aggregate (Sand) Content in Bituminous Emulsions 28
Precision & Bias 29
3. Significance and Use
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as 3.1 These tests are useful in evaluating and characterizing
standard. The values in parentheses are for information only. coal tar emulsion and other bituminous emulsions to establish
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the uniformity of shipments.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.05.
1 4
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D08 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02.
Roofing and Waterproofing and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.04.
D08.09 on Bituminous Emulsions. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01.
Current edition approved July 10, 2003. Published August 2003. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.03.
approved in 1970. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as D 2939 – 98. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.01.
2 9
This test is intended to evaluate the relative resistance of coatings which might Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.02.
be exposed to fuel spills. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.04.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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D 2939 – 03
4. Sampling 7.2.6 When the lid is placed on tightly, clean the weight-
4.1 Determine the number of containers sampled to repre- per-gallon cup carefully, weigh on the balance to the nearest
sent a shipment in accordance with Practice D 140. 0.01 g, and record as weight of emulsion and tare.
4.2 Open the original containers and examine them for 7.3 Calculations:
uniformity of contents. Record the degree of separation, if any, 7.3.1 Calculate the weight per gallon of the emulsion as
into portions of appreciably different consistency, such as thick follows:
or thin layers, sedimentation or coagulation, and so forth. Also D 5 ~B 2 A!/10 (1)
note any difficulty encountered in stirring to a uniform condi-
tion. where:
4.3 Take the samples for laboratory examination from the A = tare weight of weight-per-gallon cup, g,
B = weight of emulsion and tare, g, and
original containers immediately after stirring to a uniform
D = weight per gallon of emulsion, lb/gal.
condition. Restir individual or combined samples immediately
7.3.2 Calculate the specific gravity of the emulsion as
before taking out portions for tests.
5. Uniformity SG 5 D/8.33 (2)
5.1 Procedure—Examine the contents of a full container of
not less than 1 L or 1 qt in volume that has stood undisturbed SG = specific gravity,
for 48 h. D = weight per gallon of emulsion, calculation from
5.2 Report—Make a notation of any separation of water, 7.3.1,
coagulation of the emulsified bitumen, or settlement of sus- 8.33 = weight per gallon of water at 25 6 0.5°C (77 6
pended matter that cannot be overcome by moderate agitation. 1°F).
6. Resistance to Freezing 7.4 Report:
7.4.1 Report the weight per gallon of the emulsion in
6.1 Procedure—Expose a representative specimen of the pounds per gallon to the nearest 0.1 lb at 25°C (77°F).
emulsion to a temperature of −18°C (0°F) for 24 h, then warm 7.4.2 Report the specific gravity of the emulsion to the
the specimen in an environment not exceeding 100°F and stir nearest hundredth at 25°C (77°F).
6.2 Report—Make a notation if the specimen was unable to 8. Residue by Evaporation
return to a homogeneous consistency when stirred. 8.1 Apparatus:
7. Weight per Gallon 8.1.1 Metal Dish, flat-bottom, having a diameter of 65 mm
(2.5 in.) with walls 10 mm (5⁄8 in.) high.
7.1 Apparatus:
8.1.2 Oven, forced draft, conforming to Specification E 145,
7.1.1 Weight-per-Gallon Cup,11 with lid, stainless steel,
Type II B.
calibrated to contain 83.2 g of water at 25 6 0.5°C (77 6 1°F).
8.1.3 Balance, capable of weighing 50 g to within 60.01 g.
7.1.2 Balance, accurate to 0.01 g.
8.2 Procedure—Weigh 10 6 0.25 g in the tared metal dish
7.1.3 Water Bath, constant temperature, maintained at 25 6
to the nearest 0.01 g. Dry the dish and its contents in a forced
0.5°C (77 6 1°F).
draft oven at 105 6 2°C (221 6 4°F) until the residue shows
7.2 Procedure:
a loss of not more than 0.05 g on successive hourly weighings
7.2.1 Stir the emulsion sample, and place in the 25°C (77°F)
(approx. 4 h), after cooling in a desiccator.
water bath for a minimum of 2 h until the sample temperature
8.3 Calculation—Calculate the percent residue by evapora-
reaches 25 6 0.5°C (77 6 1°F).
tion, R1, from the mass of the dry residue and the mass of the

7.2.2 Weigh the weight-per-gallon cup with lid to the
original sample, as follows:
nearest 0.01 g and record as tare weight. Condition cup and lid
to 25 6 0.5°C (77 6 1°F). R1 5 ~R/S! 3 100 (3)
7.2.3 Remove the emulsion sample from the bath, and stir where:
until homogeneous. Avoid trapping air in the sample during R = mass of dry residue, g, and
stirring. S = mass of sample, g.
7.2.4 Carefully fill the weight-per-gallon cup with the emul- 8.4 Report—Record the average of two determinations.12
sion, avoiding the entrapment of air. Jar or vibrate the cup until
no further change in volume occurs. 9. Volatiles
7.2.5 Immediately place the lid on the weight-per-gallon 9.1 Procedure—Determine by difference between residue
cup and remove, with a clean rag or paper, the excess emulsion by evaporation (Section 8) and 100 %.
oozing through the orifice in the lid. 9.2 Calculation—Percent volatiles = 100 − R1.
9.3 Report—Report as percent volatiles.
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
is Paul N. Gardner Company, Inc., 316 NE First Street, Pompano Beach, FL 33060.
If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM In the case of coal tar emulsion: The Specification D 490 tar used to
International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a manufacture this emulsion contains some “light ends.” In running the residue by
meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend. evaporation test some of these light ends come off as if they are water.

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D 2939 – 03
10. Ash Content 13.3 Procedure—Expose two panels prepared in accor-
10.1 Apparatus: dance with 13.1.1 through 13.2 in a horizontal position at a
10.1.1 Porcelain Crucible, 30 cm3 capacity, or equivalent. temperature of 73.4 6 3.6°F and approximately 50 % relative
10.1.2 Balance, capable of weighing 50 g to within 60.01 humidity. After 24 h (in the case of coal tar emulsion test, after
g. 8 h), test the condition of the surface of the emulsion coat by
10.1.3 Muffle Furnace, capable of maintaining a tempera- lightly rubbing with the finger. Consider the emulsion to have
ture of 1100 6 10°F. reached a firm set when a light rubbing of the finger does not
10.2 Procedure—Thoroughly mix the dry residue from the break, roll, or displace the surface of the coating.
determination of residue by evaporation (store the residue in a 13.4 Report—Record whether or not firm set has been
desiccator at all times prior to this test) (Section 8) and weigh attained.
3 6 0.5 g to the nearest 0.01 g in a previously ignited and tared 14. Resistance to Heat
crucible. Incinerate the contents inside a muffle furnace at a
temperature of 600°C (1110°F) to constant weight.13 14.1 Apparatus—A forced draft oven with internal dimen-
10.3 Calculation—Calculate the ash thus obtained, Ar, as sions not less than 300 by 300 by 300 mm (12 by 12 by 12 in.)
and capable of maintaining a uniform temperature of 100 6

percent of the residue by evaporation as follows:

3°C (212 6 5°F).
Ar 5 ~A/S! 3 100 (4)
14.2 Preparation of Test Panel—Prepare one panel in ac-
where: cordance with 13.1.2 through 13.2. Allow the test panels to dry
A = mass of ash after ignition, g, and for 48 h in a horizontal position at 73.4 6 3.6°F.
S = mass of sample, g. 14.3 Procedure—Scratch light reference lines 25 mm (1.0
10.4 Report—Record the ash content Ar. in.) apart, parallel to the original reference line across the test
film, and continue them to the edges of the test panel. Suspend
11. Water Content the test panel vertically in the oven with the reference lines
11.1 Procedure—Determine water content in accordance horizontal, and maintain at a temperature of 100 6 3°C (212 6
with Test Method D 95. 9°F) for 2 h. At the end of the test period, examine the coating
11.2 Report—Report as mass percent of the emulsion. for blistering, sagging, and slipping.
14.3.1 When coal tar emulsions are tested according to this
12. Flash Point procedure, maintain the oven at a temperature of 80 6 3°C
12.1 Procedure—Prepare and test the sample in accordance (176 6 5°F).
with Test Methods D 93. 14.4 Report—Record any sagging of the lines within the
12.2 Report—Record and report the flash point if at or test film or slipping of the film beyond the lower reference line.
below 140°F. 15. Resistance to Water
13. Drying Time 15.1 Method A:
15.1.1 Apparatus—Use an oven as described in 8.1.2 and
13.1 Apparatus:
other equipment described in 13.1 and 13.1.3.
13.1.1 Metal Panels—Metal panels 150-mm (6-in.) square,
15.1.2 Preparation of Test Panel—Prepare in accordance
0.30 to 0.40 mm (28 to 30 gage) thick.
with 13.2.
13.1.2 Brass Mask14—150-mm (6-in.) square, and 1.6-mm
15.1.3 Procedure—Dry the coated panels for 24 h in a
(1⁄16-in.) nominal thickness, with a 100-mm (4-in.) square
horizontal position in a forced draft circulation oven at a
opening in its center.
temperature of 60 6 3°C (140 6 5°F). After 24 h completely
13.1.3 Preparation of Metal Panels for Coating—Prepare
immerse the test panels in distilled water in a suitably sized
the metal panels for the application of the emulsion in
glass container at 24 6 3°C (75 6 5°F) for 24 h.
accordance with Practice D 609. The panels shall be free of oil
15.1.4 Report—After taking the test panels out of the water,
and rust or other corrosion and one face of each panel shall be
examine them for development of blistering and reemulsifica-
lightly abraded with 00 steel wool or 00 garnet paper to a clean
tion as inferred from the presence of dispersed bitumen
surface and wiped with a clean dry cloth.
particles in the water. Record the extent of blistering or
13.2 Preparation of Test Panel—Thoroughly stir the sample
of emulsion. Apply the brass mask to one metal panel so that
15.2 Method B—For Coal Tar Emulsions:
the sides of the opening are approximately 25 mm (1 in.) from
15.2.1 Apparatus—Prepare apparatus as described in 25.1
the edges of the panel, and spread the emulsion over the area
through 25.3.3.
within the mask opening. Doctor-off the excess level with a flat
15.2.2 Procedure—After completion of curing, apply a
scraper so that the test film, when prepared, is the same
water resistant cement to the bottom of the metal ring and press
thickness as the mask.
onto the coating surface. Apply more of the cement if neces-
sary to the ring/coating joint to prevent leakage. After the
cement has cured properly, fill the ring with distilled water
This incineration will produce black smoke. This procedure should be carried
out under a fume hood.
undisturbed for 24 h maintained at a temperature of 27 6 5°C
Other materials such as plexiglass have also been used successfully for these (80 6 10°F). At the end of the 24 h period, examine the
tests. submerged film. Determine adhesion of bond by making

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D 2939 – 03
intersecting cuts with a knife or needle and lifting the cut film 4 Moderate cracking and/or loss of adhesion. Slight
at the point of intersection. Determine reemulsification if the cracking, hairline cracking, may or may not be present.
5 Severe cracking typically with loss of adhesion. Other
water becomes darkened by rubbing the submerged of the forms of cracking may be present.
uncut film lightly with a rubber policeman.
15.2.3 Report—Assess and report according to the follow- 16.4.2 Report the crack rating number and optionally the
ing rating guide: corresponding description.
Rating Number Description
17. Brush-Application Behavior
1 No softening, loss of adhesion, or reemulsification.
2 Slight softening, no loss of adhesion or reemulsification
17.1 Apparatus:
3 Evidence of softening and loss of adhesion. No reemulsi- 17.1.1 Black Iron Panel, cold-rolled, 1.6 mm thick (16
fication. gage), free of rust and oil, 300 by 300 mm (12 by 12 in.).
4 Evidence of softening, loss of adhesion and reemulsifica-
17.2 Procedure—The temperature of the materials used and
the surroundings shall be 73.4 6 3.6°F. Mount the metal panel
Report the rating number that describes the condition of the in a vertical position, and with a 75-mm (3-in.) paint brush
film or the description of the film, or both. predampened with material to be tested, apply a reasonably
uniform layer of the emulsion to one side of the plate at the rate
16. Flexibility of 1.0 L/m2 (0.26 gal/ft2) 6 10 %. Check the quantity applied
16.1 Apparatus—The apparatus shall consist of 150 by 150 by weighing the brush and container during application.
mm (6 by 6 in.) aluminum panel. The panel shall be 0.010 to 17.3 Report—Record the location and extent of sag or slip
0.025 in. thick, clean and free of any deleterious matter. of the emulsion on the plate and any runoff during drying.
Provide a brass mask 150 by 150 mm (6 by 6 in.), 1.6 mm (1⁄6
in.) thick, with a 100 by 100-mm (4 by 4-in.) square opening 18. Spray-Application Behavior
in the center. The thickness of this mask is equivalent to the 18.1 Apparatus:
application of approximately 1.6 L/m2(4 gal/100 ft2) of emul- 18.1.1 Black Iron Panel, as specified in 17.1.1.
sion. 18.2 Procedure—The temperature of the materials used and
16.2 Preparation of Film—Prepare two test panels as fol- the surroundings shall be 73.4 6 3.6°F. Mount the metal panel
lows: Clamp the brass mask on the metal or aluminum panel at an incline of 50 % (6 in./ft). By means of any suitable spray
and proceed as outlined in 13.2. Place the panels and apply the equipment, spray a reasonably uniform coat of the emulsion on
emulsion in a horizontal position. After allowing the film to set one side of the plate at the rate of 1.0 L/m2 (0.26 gal/ft2) 6
at standard conditions for 2 h, remove the mask. 10 %. Check this coverage by weighing the plate immediately
16.3 Procedure—Dry the two test panels for 48 h in a before and after application of the emulsion.
horizontal position at 73.4 6 3.6°F and approximately 50 % 18.3 Report—Record the location and extent of sag or slip
relative humidity. Then dry the panels suspended vertically in of the emulsion coat on the plate, and any runoff from the plate
an oven at 60 6 5°C (140 6 10°F) for 5 h. After drying remove during drying.
the panels from the oven and cool at room temperature for 1 h.
16.3.1 For most emulsions, immerse the panels in water at a 19. Wet Flow
temperature of 0 6 0.5°C (32 6 1°F) for 1 h. At the completion
19.1 Preparation of Metal Panels—Prepare the metal pan-
of this period, take the panels from the water and immediately
els as outlined in 13.1 through 13.2.
bend each panel smoothly and snugly around a 51 mm (2 in.)

19.2 Procedure—Immediately after application of the film,
diameter mandrel that has been preconditioned to 32 6 1°F.
as outlined in 13.2, carefully remove the mask and place the
16.3.2 For coal tar emulsions, immerse the panels in water
test panel in a vertical position with a reference line drawn
at a temperature of 23 6 1.8°C (73.4 6 3.6°F) for 1 h. At the
horizontally at the lower edge of the test film. Expose the test
completion of this period, take the panels from the water and
panel in a room at a temperature of 73.4 6 3.6°F and 50 6 2 %
immediately bend each panel smoothly and snugly around a
relative humidity.
12.7 mm (1⁄2 in.) diameter mandrel that has been precondi-
19.3 Report—At the end of 30 min, measure the amount of
tioned to 23 6 1.8°C (73.4 6 3.6°F).
flow beyond the reference line.
NOTE 1—This bending must take place at a uniform speed through an
arc of 180° in approximately 2 s. Make the bend with the uncoated surface 20. Direct Flame Test
of the panel next to the mandrel.
20.1 Test Procedure—Use the coated side of the panels
16.4 Report: from Section 14 when at room temperature. Mount the panels
16.4.1 Immediately after bending examine the coating for in a vertical position and subject them to the blue flame of a
cracking. Use the following crack rating table for assessment bunsen burner applied at the center of the coated area for
of the cracking condition. exactly 10 s. Remove the flame and after 10 s record any
Crack Rating No. Description continued combustion of the coating.
1 Perfect, no cracks hairline or otherwise, no loss of ad- 20.2 Report—Again apply the flame of the bunsen burner,
2 Hairline cracks present, no loss of adhesion this time continuously to the center of the coated area, and
3 Slight cracking present, no loss of adhesion, hairline make observations for slipping, run-down, or loss or charred
cracks may or not be present. material from the test panel during the direct-flame test. Do not

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D 2939 – 03
record slight bleeding of oily material at the area contacted by 25.3.1 Thoroughly stir the sample of emulsion. Apply the
the flame as run-down. 1.6 mm (1⁄16 in.) brass mask to one tile so that the sides of the
opening are approximately 25 mm (1 in.) from the edges of the
21. Solubility of Residue in Trichloroethylene tile, and spread the emulsion over the area within the mask
21.1 Procedure—Determine the matter soluble in trichloro- opening. Doctor-off the excess with a flat scraper so that the
ethylene on a representative portion of the residue by evapo- test film when prepared is the same thickness as the mask.
ration (Section 8), in accordance with Test Method D 4. 25.3.2 Apply the material in two coats using the 3.2 mm (1⁄8
21.2 Report—Percent by weight of the residue that was in.) brass mask for the second coat. Leave the mask for the first
solubility in the trichloroethylene. coat in place during the drying period, but remove it before the
second mask is positioned for the final coating application.
22. Wet Film Continuity 25.3.3 Cure each coat for 96 h at 73.4 6 3.6°F and 50 6
22.1 Procedure—Using a spatula, spread the wet emulsion 10 % relative humidity.
to a thin film on a sheet of standard 66.7-g/m2 (18-lb) copy 25.4 Procedure—After completion of curing, place the
machine paper. As the emulsion is drawn out to a smear, it shall metal ring on the tile. Apply a solvent resistant cement15 to the
show a uniformly homogeneous consistency. ring/emulsion joint to prevent kerosine leakage. After the
22.2 Report—Make a notation of any inconsistency. cement has cured properly fill the ring with kerosine. The
kerosine shall comply with Specification D 3699. Expose the
23. Resistance to Volatilization coating to kerosine for 24 h before evaluation. Remove the
23.1 Procedure—Weigh a representative specimen from the kerosine from the metal ring, blot dry, and immediately
residue by evaporation determination (Section 8) and then examine the film for softness and loss of adhesion. Immedi-
expose it for 30 min in a 270 6 2°C (518 6 4°F) gravity ately after this examination, break the tile in half exposing that
convection oven. Weigh the specimen again after cooling in a part of the tile whose film was subject to the kerosine.
desiccator and calculate the percent weight loss. 25.5 Report—Record any evidence of leakage of kerosine,
23.2 Calculation: loss of adhesion, or discoloration of the tile.
Vr 5 ~Rv /R d! 3 100 (5) 26. Resistance to Impact
where: 26.1 Preparation of Test Panel—Prepare the specimens
Vr = % loss in weight, used in this test using the same procedure as outlined in 13.1.1
Rv = mass of dry residue in g after volatilization, and through 13.1.3, except coat one metal plate that is 150 mm by
Rd = mass of dry residue in g obtained from Section 8. 155 mm by 3 mm (6 by 6 by 1⁄8 in.) in size. Apply the emulsion
23.3 Report—Percent loss in weight. with a doctor blade using the brass mask described in 25.1.2
(one coat only) at a thickness of 1.16 mm (1⁄6 in.) to the
24. Solubility of Residue in Carbon Disulfide prepared surface, and allow to dry as described in 25.3.2.
24.1 Procedure—Determine the matter soluble in carbon 26.2 Procedure—Place each specimen, coating side up, on a
disulfide on a representative portion of the residue by evapo- solid horizontal base, and subject it to the impact of a 0.9-kg
ration (Section 8), in accordance with Test Method D 4. (2-lb) steel ball dropped from a height of 2.4 m (8 ft). Conduct
24.2 Report—Percent by weight of the residue that was the test at 73.4 6 3.6°F.
solubility in the carbon disulfide. 26.3 Report—Examine the coating immediately for evi-
dence of chipping, cracking, or loss of adhesion to the metal,
25. Resistance to Kerosine and record same.
25.1 Apparatus:
27. Resistance to Impact After Accelerated Weathering
25.1.1 Tiles—Unglazed ceramic tiles, white, nonvitreous,
dust-pressed body with an absorption range of 10 to 18 % 27.1 Preparation of Test Panel—Prepare a specimen used in
(determined in accordance with Test Methods C 67) approxi- this test method in accordance with Section 26, then subject it
mately 150 by 150 mm (6 by 6 in.) by 9.5 to 13 mm (3⁄8 to 1⁄2 to 1000 h accelerated weathering in a fluorescent UV/
in.) in thickness, or of sufficient size to accommodate the condensation device in accordance with Test Method D 4799,
opening of the mask. cycle B, using UVA-340 lamps, or 1000 h of xenon arc
25.1.2 Brass Masks—150-mm (6-in.) square, and 1.6 mm exposure in accordance to Test Method D 4798, Cycle B with
(1⁄16 in.) in thickness for the first mask (first coat), and 3.2 mm an irradiance level of 0.35 W/m2/nm band at 340 nm and water
(1⁄8 in.) in thickness for the second mask (second coat) with a spray temperature shall be 21 6 3°C (70 6 5°F).16
100-mm (4-in.) square opening in its center. 27.2 Procedure—At the completion of the accelerated
25.1.3 Metal Ring—Approximately 50 mm (2 in.) in diam- weathering period, subject the specimen to the impact test as
eter and 5 mm (1 in.) in height. described in 26.2.
25.2 Preparation of Tiles for Coating— The tiles shall be
free of oil and other foreign matter. Immerse the tiles in 15
Permatex High Temperature Form-A-Gasket #1372 type material has been
distilled water for at least 10 min and remove the excess water found suitable.
Test Methods D 4798 and D 4799 are two different test methods and may
immediately before application of the emulsion by wiping with
result in two different results. A special task group is currently studying accelerated
a clean dry cloth. weathering concerns as they relate to bituminous materials. As their findings
25.3 Preparation of Film: become available they will be incorporated into this test method.


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D 2939 – 03
27.3 Report—Examine the coating immediately for evi- 28.4.9 At end of 1 h, allow contents to cool and weigh.
dence of chipping, cracking, or loss of adhesion to the metal, Record as ashed weight to nearest 0.01 g.
and record same. 28.5 Calculations:
28.5.1 Calculate percent aggregate in emulsion as follows:
28. Aggregate (Sand) Content in Bituminous Emulsions
Percent Aggregate 5 ~B 3 ~D 4 C! 4 A! 3 100 (6)
28.1 Apparatus:
28.1.1 Clean No. 20 and No. 80 mesh sieves. The 3 in. where:
diameter sieves are normally used. A = wet weight,
28.1.2 Balance, analytical capable of weighing to 0.01 g B = dry weight,
with a minimum capacity of 200 g. C = before ash weight, and
D = after ash weight.
28.1.3 Beaker, 600 mL, clean, dry, and tared.
28.1.4 Crucibles, of suitable type and capacity to receive the 28.6 Report—Percent aggregate in emulsion by weight.
sieved sand. 28.7 Precision and Bias:
28.1.5 Mixer, kitchen type, low speed. 28.7.1 Precision—The research necessary to report preci-
28.1.6 Oven, forced draft type, set at 155°C. sion has not been conducted.
28.1.7 Muffle furnace of size and capacity to maintain 28.7.2 Bias—The research necessary to report bias has not
800°C. been conducted.
28.1.8 Vacuum Filtration Assembly: Buckner funnel, large 28.8 Keywords:
side arm flask, 1⁄8 in. rubber gasket insert for funnel, and 28.8.1 aggregate content, bituminous emulsion, sand
vacuum pump. The gasket is sized to provide an airtight seal of
the bottom rim of the sieve to the surface of the Buckner 29. Precision and Bias17
funnel. 29.1 Criteria for judging the acceptability of test results
28.2 Reagent—Sodium tripolyphosphate, purified. obtained by the weight-per-gallon, residue-by-evaporation, and
28.3 Sample Preparation—Prior to start of testing, mix each ash content test methods are provided in Table 1. The figures in
sample for a minimum of 30 s or until homogenous with mixer.
After mixing, start testing the sample immediately. Delay in
testing will cause inconsistent results due to settling of sand
TABLE 1 Precision Criteria
Standard Deviation, Acceptable Range
28.4 Test Procedure: Material Test
% of Two Results, %
28.4.1 Immediately after mixing sample, pour out 100 g into Single Operator Precision:
suitable sized tared beaker 600 mL size or larger. Record as wet weight per gallon 0.23 0.7
weight to the nearest 0.1 g. residue by evaporation 0.58 1.6
ash content 1.34 3.8
28.4.2 Add about 200 g of water and 1 6 0.2 g of sodium Multilaboratory Precision:
tripolyphosphate. Pour through the No. 20 sieve into a beaker. weight per gallon 0.55 1.5
28.4.3 Place the No. 80 sieve into the Buckner funnel on top residue by evaporation 0.94 2.7
ash content 2.08 5.9
of the rubber insert. Slowly, without stirring, pour the contents
of the No. 20 filtered beaker through the No. 80 sieve with the
vacuum turned on. While pouring through the sieve, continu-
ously rinse the residue with a wash bottle. Continually dilute
column two of Table 1 are standard deviations or coefficients of
the No. 20 filter material with water so that only thin watered
variation that have been found to be appropriate for the tests
down material is poured through the No. 80 sieve. Rinse the
described in column one. The figures given in column three are
retained material.
the limits that should not be exceeded by the difference
28.4.4 Swirl and rinse the sieve residue through the sieve
between the results of two properly conducted tests. Single-
under vacuum, there should be very little emulsion retained on
operator precision is to be evaluated based on results of two
the No. 80 sieve when finished.
properly conducted tests by the same operator on samples of
28.4.5 Transfer the contents of the two sieves into a previ-
the same material. Multilaboratory precision is to be evaluated
ously tared 600 mL beaker. Use as much water as necessary to
based on two properly conducted tests from two different
transfer all of the contents out of the sieves. Excess water can
laboratories on samples of the same material.
be decanted carefully out of the beaker through the No. 80
sieve with vacuum until about 150 mL of liquid remain. If any 29.2 During the interlaboratory study to determine precision
sand is accidentally lost then start over. of the weight per gallon, residue by evaporation, and ash
content tests, no other test methods were evaluated. Therefore,
28.4.6 Place beaker with sand and water in forced draft oven
no statement about bias with reference to these three tests can
to dry to constant weight. Record as dry weight to the nearest
be made.
0.1 g.
28.4.7 Transfer contents to a tared crucible and record as
before ash weight to nearest 0.01g.
28.4.8 Place crucible and contents in muffle furnace and ash 17
For definition of terms and significance of the parameters, reference should be
out for 1 h at 800°C. made to Practice C 670.

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Provided by IHS under license with ASTM Licensee=ISATIS Group
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D 2939 – 03
29.3 No statement is made about either the precision or bias 29.4 With reference to Sections 9, 11, 13, 19, 21, 23, and 24,
of test methods in Sections 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, precision and bias statements are currently being developed.
25, 26, and 27, since the result merely states whether there is
conformance to the criteria for success specified in these 30. Keywords
procedures. 30.1 asphalt; bitumen; coal tar; coating; emulsified

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Provided by IHS under license with ASTM Licensee=ISATIS Group
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