Mikenna Beattie Classroom Management Plan
Mikenna Beattie Classroom Management Plan
Mikenna Beattie Classroom Management Plan
1. Philosophy of Management
2. Classroom Arrangement
3. Class rules
4. Behavior Expectations
7. Hierarchy of Consequences
8. Motivational Strategies
Philosophy of Management
I believe that students deserve a voice in the classroom. This is especially true at the high school
level, a time when students are mature and aware of their actions. They should be able to have a say in
how/what they learn. In my class, I will allow students to have different options between assignments in
order for them to choose what best suits their learning styles. These options may include writing a paper,
creating a presentation, or doing something more creative. This is because students learn at different paces
and in different ways. In addition to this, students will be responsible for bringing forth their ideas and
questions in order to create a diverse space that will foster all different types of learners. By allowing
them to choose the types of assignments they complete, students will have more autonomy over their
The teacher’s role in the classroom is to facilitate learning. However, this can be done in many
different ways besides lecturing and testing. Students will be creative in my class and engage in multiple
different learning strategies in order for them to have more of a say in the way the content is shaped in the
class. Because of this, the classroom will be an interactive place. I expect students to participate and share
teacher as well as between the class themselves. When positive relationships are
created, trust and respect is formed. These relationships can be formed simply
by greeting them upon arrival and asking them about their day/weekend. By
forming these relationships, students will feel comfortable in the class as well as
Classroom Arrangement
It is important that classroom arrangements are safe and beneficial for all
students. This is particularly important now during the coronavirus pandemic. Due
to the six-feet rule, desks will be placed as far apart as possible and face the front
of the classroom. The desks will be arranged in single roles to ensure distance as
well as make it easy to maneuver the room. They will be facing the front, towards
the board and projector screen, so that they will be able to see the materials to be
presented throughout the year. There will also be bulletin boards with relevant and
I also feel that organization is very important. All papers and resources
should be labeled so that there is no wasted time when looking for the desired
material. Having labeled storage bins or file folders would also benefit the teacher
and students when it comes to finding supplies and storing papers. While mess is
Classroom Rules
1. Be Punctual
2. Be Prepared
3. Be Polite
4. Be Productive
5. Be Patient
Behavior Expectations
I expect all students to conduct themselves in a safe, respectful, and responsible manner.
This is a key factor in having a good classroom atmosphere. This includes the students being
respectful to the teachers, students, and materials in the room; completing their work on time as
well as to the best of their ability; and keeping their devices away when they are not needed in
class. In addition to this, they should adhere to the rules of the classroom. This includes being
punctual, polite, prepared, productive and patient. If issues do arise in the class, I expect students
to address them in a calm and mature manner. Above all else, I expect students to be responsible
for their work and actions. At the high school level, students are held to higher expectations and
are expected to be on their best behavior at all times. If students follow these expectations, this
Pre-School Check Off
Classroom Quote (Motto)
Rather than choosing a motto or slogan, I chose a relatable quote from Lewis Caroll’s
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I chose this quote to be a reminder for students that we are all
constantly learning and changing. This is inclusive for all genders and cultures because we are all
human. We all evolve on a daily basis. This quote reminds students that they are constantly
making progress even if they do not realize it. This will encourage students in both school and in
Hierarchy of Consequences
Tier 1: These will be the mild consequences that students experience when misbehaving. This
will include things like proximity control and calling on them to answer a question when
clearly not paying attention or misbehaving. I will also use whole class reminders when
many students are repeating the same behavior (such as having masks below their nose or
phone usage).
Tier 2: These will be the moderate consequences used in the classroom. These include changing
seats temporarily, removing from a group activity, and/or being pulled into the hall.
Tier 3: These are the moderate consequences used in the classroom. These will include
Tier 4: These will be the severe consequences used in the classroom. These will include being
In order to motivate students to behave I will also use a positive reinforcement system.
Each class period will have a jar on a side counter in the class. Each time a class period is well
behaved, participating well, having good group discussions, or any other positive behavior, I will
place a marble (or other small object) in that class period’s jar. At the end of each nine- weeks a
th class with the most objects will receive a prize. This can be a pizza or doughnut party, bonus
Motivational Strategies
I know that occasionally morale is low and students do not feel like completing work. That is
exactly why it is important to have motivational strategies. Some helpful strategies are as follows:
1. Praise- It is important to let students know when they are doing a good job. This lets them
great way to get students excited about an assignment. The winning students/class can be
3. Change it up- Students will likely get bored and unengaged if a class does the same
schedule everyday (always lecturing or always sitting). Change up the structure of the
class by giving the students hands-on activities that gets them interacting in the lesson or
have them get up and move around the class by including different instructional strategies
Also, as mentioned in the Hierarchy of Consequences section, I plan to use a reward/competitive system
to motivate students to behave and produce quality work. This will be done by placing objects in a jar
when a class is well behaved, producing quality group discussions, and other positive behaviors. Each
class period will have a jar and the one with the most marbles in their jar at the end of the semester will be
Procedure and Routines
Everyday will start out the same for all periods. They will arrive, get out their chrome
books/materials for the day, wait until I take attendance, and then continue with the lesson for the
day. Most days, there will also be a bell ringer to get them into the mindset of the class.
Students will be encouraged to use the restroom between classes and during study hall
periods. However, if students need to use the restroom during class, they will ask me, sign out,
Nurses Office:
When going to the nurse, (unless it is an emergency) they will ask for permission and
then be given a pass. Upon return to class, students will return the pass.
Safety Drills:
For occasions such as active shooter, fire drills, natural disasters, etc. the teacher and
Instructional Planning
In order to plan the content of the class, unit plans and daily lesson plans will be used.
It is also important to incorporate different learning styles in order to help students of all
learning styles learn. This means that I will incorporate various strategies into lessons whenever
possible. This includes visual, auditory, and kinesthetic activities. Furthermore, I will also
include different size learning groups. I will use whole group, small group, pair, and individual
groupings when planning activities. This will allow students to learn from not only me but also
from each other. Utilizing different group sizes will allow students to bounce ideas off of each
other and use critical thinking in order to complete assignments. Furthermore, this technique
allows each student to voice their ideas without taking up too much time.
I also plan to incorporate technology whenever possible. Supplementing texts with audio
and visual media can help students comprehend the information better as well as keep them
engaged in the lesson. Sites like Flipgrid and NearPod are great tools that can be used to engage
Finally, I will use multiple forms of assessment to help plan my lessons in order to tailor
them to student needs. For example, pre and post assessment tests/questions will help to let me
know what they need more help with or when it is time to move on. This will allow me to gauge