Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Submitted by
• Executive summary
• Introduction
• Recruitment process flow chart
• Sources of external recruitment
• Interview process
• Benefits
• Choice of recruitment model
• Need for the study
• Literature review
• Scope of the study
• Objectives
• Company profile
• Conclusion
Recruiting the human resource (HR) processes is the latest practice being followed by
middle and large sized organizations. It is being witnessed across all the industries. In
India , the HR processes are being recruited from nearly a decade now. Recruiting
industry is growing at a high rate. The study is therefore is being done to identify the
scope for Recruitment Process. The following are the objectives of the study.
To identify the benefits of recruitment and understanding the recruitment process.
The Project contains details about the various criteria of recruitment.
The project highlights the reasons why companies indulge in recruitment and the
merits and advantages of recruitment to direct hiring.
It also enumerates various factors to be considered before recruitment.
Identify the various practices of recruitment existing in the industry. The project
should have a detailed understanding of the methods adopted by recruitment agencies
to make the hiring process quicker.
The information necessary for this survey is collected by tapping primary & secondary
Primary sources:
Personal interaction
Secondary sources:
Related information from Internet.
Company Website and Booklet
Nowadays, many businesses have started taking recruitment into consideration for the
completion of various tasks. Every possible task can be completed with the help
of recruitment, it may be human resources, technical support, billing, or management
etc. Carrying out all the tasks be a possibility but certain departments can utilize the
help of recruitment in doing so. Mainly the department of the recruitment activities
needs assistance in appropriate talent acquisitions.
Recruitment Process is basically when a business hire and external
service provider for recruitment activities of its own and these vendors take over all or
part of the firm’s responsibilities. This may include preparing job descriptions,
evaluating resumes, scheduling and conducting interviews of the eligible candidates.
Recruitment Process also provides additional benefits to the business. If a
company comes to terms with a seemingly appropriate RP provider, the advantages
that it can gain may include speed and convenience in the recruitment process of new
and potential employees; access to a large number of applicants with the possibility of
acquiring the most potential and qualified among them. The best advantage of all is
that the RP provides the firm with improved reports, savings on the budgets spent on
recruitment processes and easier to comply with various government standards. Some
company’s consider the option of hiring the RP vendors on temporary basis to
outsource in part of the recruitment process however this actually means that the
company is not literally outsources but only assist it to fulfil the staff needs. Whereas
the process of the RP is totally different, that is the vendor takes over the
Ownership of the recruitment activity.
The Recruitment Process has gained favor among companies over time.
The HR department analyzed the benefits recruitment brought to the business by
reducing the overhead costs and raising business standards. It became more acceptable
when company’s realized that recruitment brought additional benefits in various tasks
in terms of time and resource application in things like taxes and payroll etc.
So overall a Recruitment Process Outsource provider benefit the establishment in
terms of saving of money, improving and speeding up the hiring process and provide a
wide range of access of experienced, potential and the most qualified pool of applicants
to the employers.
Recruitment Process Company’s only focus and take responsibility over
the recruitment processes allotted by the company who hired them and allow them to
keep track and stay updated with the latest recruitment methodologies and procedures
regarding the recruitment activities.
The business world has experienced a phenomenal growth in recent past and
companies are getting more concerned about the recruitment process of their
employees including freshers and other positions available. It is indeed a time
consuming task to select a pool of best candidates out of thousands of applicants. Of
course, the entire process constitutes a series of steps which also incurs lot of
additional expenses on a huge amount. It becomes a more difficult task for amateur
investors, who face lot of hurdles in selecting the best employees for the progress. This
is when RP Company’s come to the rescue.
There are many noteworthy benefits with availing RP process. It enables companies
to secure best talent among the candidates. The quality of human resource that a
company hires plays a major role in its betterment. RP solutions have a set of
experienced HR persons who make sure to select the most suitable candidates. The
most attractive RP recruitment advantage lies in the fact that it stems out major
expense troubles during the recruitment process otherwise. This is a smart way to save
huge sum of money and save it on other developmental purpses of the company. There
are instances when recruiters of company’s require onsite support in the recruitment
process. When a company hires another company for providing recruitment it gains
access to the latest technology very easily. The firms are well equipped with newest
trends in technology and make the best use of it.
Whilst a set of your company members were previously engaged in the recruitment
Activity all the time, with the introduction of RP, you can use the man power in some
other activity as it now becomes the responsibility of the agency to carry it further. This
will ensure that you provide high quality service to your clients. Experts who have a
higher experience in the field of recruitment process have discovered that the
turnaround time of the company improves considerably. The efficiency of the company
shoots up which adds to the advantages. Moreover, the RP services are a way to avail
international expert guidance in the recruitment process as the agency provides off-
shoring services. Thus once you select the right recruitment company you can rest
assured about the smooth recruitment process throughout and make the best use of
man power.
Recruitment Process Flow Chart
Requirement in a project
Role System
Experience analyst
Skills etc.,
Required External
candidates in recruitment
• Job portals
• Consultancies
• Employee referrals
Job portals:
The specifications for the jobs are posted and the resumes are evaluated
based on the specifications and the selected candidates are called for the interview.
Consultancies are the external source of recruitment where the outsiders
provide the details about the required candidates and from that he resumes era selected
and are called for the interview. The company pay sum of money for the consultants.
Employee referrals:
In this the recruitment process is through web sources like facebook,orkut,
linkedin etc.,
The candidates are evaluated based on the following criteria;
• Communication
• Reason for change
• Location preferred
• Skills
• Ctc (salary)
This is the criteria for selection of experienced candidates. Freshers are selected based
• Communications
• Skills
• Percentages
• Backlogs etc.,
Generally the freshers are recruited through campus interviews.campus interviews are
conducted when there is huge requirement in the company.
Walk in are conducted when there is urgent requirement in the company.
Interview process:
Generally the interview consists of 3 rounds.
• Online test
• Gd
• Hr interview
The candidates qualified in all these 3 rounds are provided an offer letter which
consists of the ctc, incentives etc.,
The ctc is designed based on the experience, education and previous salary.
He/she is given 3 days time and after that he/she may or may not join the company. If
not the job is provided to someother person.
1. Traditional recruiting methods can be expensive and are often unproductive and
Whether you employ your own internal recruiters or utilize the services of staffing
agencies, most company’s, at the expense of large commissions or placement fee’s, do
not obtain the results they expect from their recruiting function.
RP Services eliminate the aforementioned inconsistencies by offering a simple,
effective, and alternative solution to recruiting needs.
2. Reduced Recruiter Costs
Spend approximately $25,000 (including $100 commissions/placement) for and
experienced, dedicate recruiter VS. $50,000 + commissions, payroll costs, medical and
dental insurance, administrative costs, and paid vacation (which can add up to more
than $65,000) for an internal recruiter. The decision to utilize external recruiters is
obvious – Save more than 60% on Recruiter costs by utilizing RP services and enjoy
numerous other benefits that will help the company’s to grow.
3. No Infrastructure Costs
Utilizing external recruiters allows to free up capital that can be better allocated
higher valued consulting activities. The RP has their own state of the art offices which
are equipped with everything a recruiter would need to perform his/her daily duties –
meaning a company don’t have to pay a single rupee towards providing a comfortable
working environment for there own recruiters. RP provide workstations, computers,
static-free phone lines, and a fast DSL connection at no additional cost.
4. Improved Productivity
Recruiters in India are highly technical and have tremendous experience and
Knowledge. (some of the Recruiters even have MBA’s degree) and are able to deliver
many qualified resumes on a weekly basis. They can be trained to follow the exact
recruiting methodology of client and have the ability to match talented professionals as
per the requirement of companies. And because the price of 1 internal recruiter is
equivalent to 2-3 external recruiters, company’s can afford to hire more recruiters at
the same cost and increase productivity. The Bottom Line: More Recruiters = More
5. Reduced Time to Hire
RP’s are specialized in the field of recruiting which allows them to process, screen,
and deliver dedicated and qualified recruiters that reduces company’s time to hire –
allowing companies to focus on the core components of their business.
6. Increased Flexibility and Control
RP services allow companies to free up human and capital resources that can be better
spent on core competencies. RP services provide companies with flexibility, control,
and visibility over their entire recruiting function by removing their dependence on 3rd
party staffing agencies, who are often unreliable, unpredictable, and expensive.
7. Securing the best talent
Competition for the most talented individuals is increasing. Organisations need to
secure the best people quickly and efficiently to help them build competitive capability.
Full Recruitment
Activities initiated in a recruitment process from day one i.e. understanding the
requirement until closing down the position, all comes under the Full Recruitment
model. This model of recruitment comprises of not only non-core but also core
recruitment activities that are communication based and are effective for critical
Partial Recruitment
Apart from the core recruitment activities, all other non-core activities such as
understanding the requirement, placing the position on various job boards, searching
researching candidates, sorting profiles, screening CV and responses, and finally
sourcing you with the list of candidates that are the best match for the position make
into partial recruitment process. These are precisely the activities that RPs are most
With more and more company’s looking to rationalise employees on their payroll,
manpower recruitment is slowly becoming the new buzz in India too. And the trend
seems to have hit not just big multinational company’s but the public sector and
government undertakings as well, though on a very low key yet in the latter. Estimates
show that the latent size of HR recruitment in India is about $2 billion with a current
market of $27 million and it is growing at a rate of about 50 per cent. Experts,
however, say though foreign company’s are recruitment jobs to India, putting the
country in the middle of recruitment boom, the Indian company’s do not seem to be
enamoured by the opportunity till now and are not adopting HR recruitment practices
in a big way.
"HR recruitment in India has not seen the required momentum and is limited to a
trickle effect, with company’s recruitment a few selected low-end HR processes,"
Hence there is a great need of Agencies which do the job of recruitment process
In February 2009 the Human Resources Recruitment Association (HROA) specified
and approved a group associated with them the Recruitment Process Alliance.
Recruitment Process (RP) is basically a type of Business Process Recruitment (BPO)
where the management of the firm gives the responsibility of the recruitment process
for that organization to a third party service provider. The Recruitment Process
provider can himself choose the methods to carry out the recruitment process which
they feel is convenient for them, which may be that the vendor may adhere to his own
methodologies or the company’s way of carrying out the entire recruitment process.
The Recruitment Process is a lot different from the other service providers
such as contingency search firms, staffing agencies and retained search providers in
dealing with entire recruitment because the RP provider is entirely responsible for the
methods utilized, design ownership, conducting the entire recruitment process and the
outcomes of the process.
Service Providers other than the RP providers like executive and contingency search
forms were providing the firms with recruitment services for many years until the
employers started realizing the consistency of the concept on relying upon an
outsource to deal with the entire or part of the recruiting process. This was not until
the 1970’s when there was a highlevel competition in the technical labour market.
Expanding High Tech Firms were usually distressed upon the acquisition of high tech
expertise and specialists and were left with other choice except to hire highly paid
external recruiting specialists for the completion of their hiring staff projects. With the
passage of time many company’s starting analyzing how they can reduce their
expenses while still be able to hire the high tech specialists for their firm and while
doing this they started to acknowledge the steps of the recruiting process along with
focusing on the areas of great difficulties faced by their company. This then eventually
added great value to the
At first, the job of the RP programs was just to conduct the recruitment process,
shortlist the eligible candidates and inform the employers it and the acquisitions are
then carried out by the company.
As time passed, the idea of recruitment kept gaining more and more favour among
establishments’ HR managements because they not only helped in reducing the
expenses and overhead cost but also helped in bringing quality and completion in the
labour market. Since then until the early 2000’s, among many company’s, RP
programs were taken into great consideration to fulfil their recruitment needs.
Recruitment is fitting increasingly established tradition for both the large
and the small business of today. A survey was conducted and it was noticed that in
many of the European countries, nearly 50% of the business are recruited outsourced.
Different countries are recruiting in different countries and providing them the quality
work and service they desired for years.
Recruitment can be defined as the hiring process is outsourced to the third
party to achieve better results. Recruitment is considered by business to be both a long
designate solutions to attain efficiency in venture operations and concise phrase.
Recruitment helps the company in finding the best suitable professional for the job
with less cost being incurred. Recruitment works in finding the individuals in web blue
print, marketing, IT maintenance, logistics, accounts management and web hosting.
There are various reasons involved why an organization should use recruitment. The
expertise way of finding the suitable candidate, use of higher technologies and proper
surveys, scrutiny of the offered skills and professionalism in the applicant’s date.
Whether it is a small or a large business, it is necessary to find the relevant
needed about recruitment as well as the advantages and the disadvantages involved in
hiring the third party to fulfil your needs. Recruitment surely has pros and cons.
recruitment firm’s job is to work on the information being provided by the company to
a greater extent and to find the best suitable result possible for the growth of the
Recruitment has impacted on a long term basis on the business and recruitment
has really developed with its wide range of searches of the working assets of the
company. Recruitment surely helps in reducing the cost of the company by sharing the
work load of the in-house human resource department and providing them the better
results compared to the in-house.
Recruitment has worked wonders in finding the suitable candidate from
other country and making them realize that this is the perfect opportunity for them to
grab on and show what you are capable of. The service provided by the recruitment
firms are of highly quality in compared to the charges they put on.
There is a negative vibe in Americans that recruitment is an evil which is taking jobs
away from them and providing it to strange countries. Recruitment has really
contributed in the growth of finding the experienced professional at a cheaper rate
The non-core recruitment processes such as database searching, job advertisements,
head hunt research; internet mining, etc. involve 50 - 60% of the recruiter’s time,
energies and costs. Recruitment the non-core recruitment process creates additional
efficiencies, while simultaneously allowing for a focus on building relationships with
candidates and clients.
Recruiters, thus, are able to focus better on core recruitment functions and work on
important hiring strategies that create profitable growth and sustain business success.
For reasons of having no time and resources to manage human resource functions,
company’s usually resort to HR recruitment. It is a cost-effective way of managing
human resource functions without having to resort to employing personnel for an in-
house HR staff.
There are a lot of benefits that businesses can gain from recruitment HR tasks. One of
the most appealing benefits is the ability of a company to focus on their core business
activities while still having effective HR policies.
Sonata's shares are publicly traded in Indian Stock Exchanges. Sonata’s total income
FY 2009–2010 was Rs 291.97 million. The employee strength (FY 08-09) was 2801
employees. Sonata isSEI CMM Level 5 certified, and has alliances
with Microsoft, IBM, SAP and Oracle.
"The company with a local face and global capabilities" - B Ramaswamy, President &
MD, Sonata Software Ltd.
Sonata Software is a leading provider of IT consulting and software services globally.
Combining unparalleled experience, domain expertise, best practices and
comprehensive capabilities across various industries and business functions, Sonata
collaborates with customers to help them effectively address their operational
challenges and grow their businesses stronger.
Headquartered in Bangalore, India, and with a customer base spread across the globe,
you will find Sonata offices in the US, Europe, Middle-East and the Asia-Pacific. With
a broad set of capabilities and a proven Global Delivery Model, Sonata is poised to be
the perfect partner of global firms in their recruitment initiatives. We bring together a
unique combination of breadth of capabilities, strong management focus and
flexibility in engagement required to make our customer relationships a success.
Having started off as a product company, Sonata has been delivering consistent
business benefits to customers through innovative solutions. It has also been building
continually profitable relationships with its partners, enhancing the shareholder value,
and sustaining a rich and rewarding environment for employees.
The one pervasive force that binds employees at Sonata is its allegiance to the Sonata
values. This is ably complemented by our ability to think innovatively, and to come up
with solutions that are both ingenuous and inspired. Empowerment is a way of life at
Sonata. We are committed to building value-based enduring relationships with our
each stakeholder.
“Think Customer”
Built around the latest technologies, our Centers of Excellence (CoEs) are focused on
proactively building competencies and providing cutting-edge solutions to its
customers. The swiftness to learn, the smartness to innovate and the ability to bring out
the best software engineering services makes Sonata an intellectual partner to work
Quick Facts
Headquartered in Bangalore
Offices across the globe: US, Europe, Middle East, India
and APAC
Year of Inception: 1986
Year of Incorpration: 1994
2800+ employees
8 Development Centers
Publicly traded in Indian Stock Exchanges
Wide experience in diverse technologies and practice areas
TUI InfoTec GmbH is a joint venture between Sonata Software Ltd. and TUI,
Europe's largest tourism group. Sonata has a majority stake in TUI InfoTec, which
provides a portfolio of services comprising IT Operations and IT Services. TUI
InfoTec's basket of IT Operations includes Infrastructure Management, Help Desk
and Hosting services, while it also offers IT Services such as Application Development,
Application Management, Business Intelligence and Managed Testing. Working in
conjunction with development centres in India, TUI InfoTec incorprates economically
efficient offshoring strategies into its global service delivery model. TUI InfoTec
employs around 440 IT professionals in Germany.
Sonata Software FZ - LLC
Sonata Software FZ – LLC, a hundred per cent owned subsidiary of Sonata Software
Limited provides value-based IT solutions to customers in the Middle East. Its
objective is to unite and firm up our presence in the region.
This subsidiary, based out of Dubai Internet City Free Zone, provides services to the
regional market segments which includeTourism, Travel & Hospitality,
and Construction industries. These segments are fast-growing and are major
contributors to the GDP in the Middle East.
Product Marketing: Operating through seven Branch Offices across India and a 1000-
strong reseller network, SITL is a leading distributor of software products for
international companies like Microsoft, Oracle and IBM.
Business Solutions: A part of SITL since 1995, the Business Solutions Group has been
offering Scala ERP solutions to organizations across India and the SAARC region.
Currently, there are more than 45 client organizations that have implemented Scala
Sonata holds a 100% stake in Sonata Software North America Inc., which is
headquartered in Fremont, California. Sonata Software North America operates in the
US market and provides development and consulting services to clients, using an
onsite-offshore delivery model. With help from Sonata's offshore development
center, Sonata Software North America executes its projects both onsite and offshore,
providing a cost advantage to the clients
Why Sonata?
Sonata has proven expertise across a broad range of domains and technologies:
Sonata’s business-centered services, based on the latest technologies, help enterprises
optimize their IT infrastructure to enhance Return on Investment (RoI) and achieve
operational excellence.
With state-of-the-art delivery centers in India and Germany, and a wide range of tools
to automate infrastructure management, Sonata provides 24x7 support to its customers
through a mix of on-site and offshore services with Global Delivery capability. It has
extensive experience in setting-up and running dedicated Offshore Delivery Centers
(ODCs), in compliance with the ITIL best practices, for its customers.