Financial Markets (Chapter 5)
Financial Markets (Chapter 5)
Financial Markets (Chapter 5)
1. Why is there a need for an efficient financial system for a country to have a strong economy?
- There a need for an efficient financial system for a country to have a strong economy to makes or
channels fund people who to save to have productive investment opportunities. A developed
economy also relies on financial markets and institution for efficient transfer of funds. A strong
financial system is also a necessary ingredients for a growing and prosperous economy and also it
is required for the companies raising capital to finance capital expenditures and investors saving to
accumulate funds for future use.
In direct finance borrowers borrow funds directly from lenders in financial markets by selling them
securities or the financial instruments, which are claims on the borrower’s future income or assets.
Securities are assets for the person who buys them buy liabilities or the IOU’s or debts for the
individual or firm that sells (issues) them.
Financial Instruments
Financial Markets and Institutions
The Central Bank and Other Finance Regulators.
6. Describe the three important functions of the financial systems.
- RISK SHARING. Risk is the chance that the value of the financial assets will change relative to
what one expects. One advantage of using the financial system to match the individual savers and
borrowers and that it allows the sharing of risk. The financial system provides risk sharing by
allowing savers to hold many assets. Hence, the ability of the financial system to provide risk
sharing make savers more willing to buy stocks, bonds, and other financial assets. This willingness
in turn increases the ability of borrowers to raise funds in the financial system.
- LIQUIDITY. Liquidity is the ease with which an asset can be exchanged for money which savers
view as benefit. Generally, assets created by the financial system such as stocks, bonds, or checking
accounts, are more liquid than physical assets such as cars, machinery or real state. Financial
markets and intermediaries help financial assets more liquid.
*Because of the transaction costs and information costs, savers received a lower return on their
investments and borrowers must pay more than the funds they borrow. Although transaction
costs and information costs reduce the efficiency of financial system, they also create a profit
opportunity for individuals and firms that can discover ways to reduce costs.
10. Explain how financial Intermediaries