Significance of A Healthy Active Lifestyle 1
Significance of A Healthy Active Lifestyle 1
Significance of A Healthy Active Lifestyle 1
After reading the three articles, it is clear to see that our Canadian population is
not nearly as active as they should be. “In 2013, just over 2 in 10 adults and 1 in
10 children and youth met the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines” (1). Not
only are our children not active they are not seeing adults being active, therefore
lacking role models in their everyday lives. Yes we have great athletes as role
models, but children need to see that the adults in their lives are active and
making healthy choices.
Research has shown that obesity is on the rise “Our current environment has led
to a country where 1 in 3 children are now considered overweight or obese.” (2)
The reasons that our population is on this trend is the amount of screen time our
children are having. School used to be a place where students could be active
but now with many students having learning on-line, the amount of screen time
has only increased. With an increase in screen time “In addition to the negative
effects this is having on cardiovascular health, muscle strength, sleep and
weight, the report’s authors found that this lack of physical activity is having
consequences in the classroom.(3) The fix is not easy.
In the article, “The Neglect of Physical and Health Education Programs” it
discusses how the education system has been changing. University have even
started to change the programs that they offer, “Queen’s University in Kingston,
Ont., to temporarily suspend admission to their PHE program, effective
September 2017” (2). With this change it seems to put less importance on the
area of Physical Health and Education within the school system itself. It is a
trickle down effect, if education institutes are not recognizing the importance,
then it surely will find its way down the system.
My thoughts are only reinforced by reading the articles, Physical Health and
Education is needed more now than ever if we are going to reverse the trend of
obesity and inactivity in our youth. It seems that this is across the country and
affects all ages, genders, and ethnicities. I truly hope that our decision makers
are reading the research and going to make the decisions that our population