IV Cannulation OET Reading
IV Cannulation OET Reading
IV Cannulation OET Reading
Text A
Intravenous (IV) cannulation is a technique in which a cannula placed
inside a vein to provide venous access.
Indications for IV cannulation include the following
repeated blood sampling
fluid administration
medications administration
chemotherapy administration
nutritional support
blood or blood products administration
administration of radiologic contrast agents for computed
tomography(CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or nuclear
No absolute contraindications to IV cannulation exist but avoid injured,
infected, or burned extremities if possible. Some vesicant and irritant
infusions (pH <5, pH> 9, or osmolarity >600 mOsm/L) can cause tissue
necrosis they leak into the tissue, including sclerosing solutions, some
chemotherapeutic agents, and vasopressors. These fluids are more safely
infused into a central vein. They should only be given through a peripheral
vein in emergency situations or when central line is not readily available
Text B
Technique Rationale
For an easily palpated vessel, use Less steep angles increase the risk of
approximately 250 angle with the bevel needle cutting along surface of vessel.
up. Steeper angles increase risk of
perforating the back wall of the vessel.
Once vessel has been penetrated Any manipulation may traumatise the
Advance the needle slowly with intima of the vessel. The use of a back-
the cutting edge facing the top of eye needle will eliminate the need to
the vessel and do not rotate the rotate the needle due to poor flows.
Tape the needle at the same angle or Pressing the needle shaft against the
one similar to the angle of insertion skin moves the needle tip from the
desired position within the vessel.
Remove needle at angle similar to angle Avoid trauma to the intima by dragging
of insertion and never apply pressure the cutting edge along it.
before the needle is completely out.
Text C
14G 300ml/min
For patients in shock, eg. GI bleeds or trauma. Also
for peripheral administration of amiodarone,
16G 200ml/min dopamine.
Text D
Phlebitis Scale
Grade Clinical Criteria
0 No symptoms at access site
1 Erythema
2 As 1, plus pain
3 As 2, plus streak formation and a palpable venous cord
4 As 3 with a palpable venous cord > 1 inch in length and
purulent drainage
Prevention measures include:
Adhering to aseptic technique during insertion, dressing changes,
mixing or drawing up of solutions or medications, accessing ports or
hubs on IV equipment.
Cannula site rotation.
Using the smallest gauge cannula in the largest vein.
Adequate securement of the IV device.
Close and regular monitoring of the IV site
Patient education of the signs and symptoms of phlebitis.
Following guidelines on dilution of solutions to prevent particulate
matter and to ensure that the medication or solution doesn't have too
high or too low a pH
Questions 1-7
For each of the questions, 1-7, decide which text (A, B, C or D) the
information comes from. You may use any letter more than once
Questions 15-20
Complete each of the sentences, 15- 20, with a word or short phrase from one of the
texts. Each answer may include words, number or both. Your answers should be
correctly spelled
In this part of the test, there are six short extracts relating to the work of health
professionals .
For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which you think fits best
according to the text. Write your answers on the separate Answer Sheet
Questions 1-6
But recent Medicare changes could bring about a change in our healthcare
landscape with growing numbers of nurse practitioners likely to be working
in primary and community care.
Case-Control Studies
Case-control studies are time-efficient and less costly than RCTs,
particularly when the outcome of interest is rare or takes a long time to
occur, because the cases are identified at study onset and the outcomes
have already occurred with no need for a long-term follow up. The case-
control design is useful in exploratory studies to assess a possible
association between an exposure and outcome. Nested case-control
studies are less expensive than full cohort studies because the exposure is
only assessed for the cases and for the selected controls, not for the full
Case-control studies are retrospective and data quality must be carefully
evaluated to avoid bias. For instance, because individuals included in the
study and evaluators need to consider exposures and outcomes that
happened in the past, these studies may be subject to recall bias and
observer bias.
6. Why does a patient cannot find the one who have checked his case file?
When asked who records which individual doctors have accessed it, the
ADHA declined to disclose this for security reasons".
"When you have logins and you don't change them, and you have shared
passwords, then yes it's difficult to tell who did what because your audit
logs are going to have whoever was supposedly logged on," said Professor
Trish Williams, Co-director of Flinders Digital Health Research Centre.
She said lax practices develop in hospitals due to time pressures and
suggested the solution was to make logging on and off easier in the
hospital environment.
"One of the reasons why healthcare has been so bad at security has been
the workflow,. Professor Williams said.
In this part of the test, there are two texts about different aspects of healthcare.
For questions 7-22, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text. Write your answers on the separate Answer Sheet
Part C -Text 1
It was an ordinary day: me and my sister watching TV. Between endless
series of horrifying news, we see one about the increasing number of both
men and women who seek medical assistance and medication for
depression. The same report informed my sister and I about the
seriousness of the consequences of untreated depression, among these is
A couple years ago was the moment when I first saw news about
depression that triggered my attention. I have experienced quite a few
moments when I felt sad and needed to be alone. The constant invasion in
the media about depression and how far things can get if not treated, taking
into consideration my moments of weakness, have made me to even
wonder myself: "What if my moments of sadness are signs of depression?
Shall I look for help?
For a long period of time, the concepts of illness and social reality were
regarded as separate In the 1960s, Szasz argued that the psychiatric
perceptions about disease are actually social attributes to deviant
behaviors because they are not built on an 'organic base. In 1970, two
perspectives were brought. On the one hand, Eliot Freidson made a
distinction between the social constructed illness and the biological
constructed illness and observed how particular problems or conditions of
the human beings come to be defined as illnesses and bring a
Supplementary gain to the medical institutions and representatives. On the
other hand, Foucault stated that people's behaviors, personal experiences
and shape of identity can be influenced by the medical discourse. A few
years after Friedson and Focault's appreciations, Eisenberg claimed that
there should be a differentiation between cultural and biological illness.
7. What made the author to think "Shall I look for help’’ in the second
10. The word Ambiguous in the fifth paragraph implies that the role played
by pharmaceutical companies as the saviors is
A. underpinned
B. explicit
C. dishonest
D. obscure
14. What does the word this in the final paragraph referring?
A. Cultural process
B. Behaviours and experiences
C. Mental illness
D. Medical conditions
Part C -Text 2
Most alternative menopause therapies may also cause shorter term side
effects including nausea, headache and upset stomach. Some known side
effects of ginseng include hypertension, diarrhoea and sleeplessness. "It
will reduce hot flushes by 80 per cent in most people’’, for instance,
Worsley says. "It's really amazing how quickly it works as well’’. But women
and doctors alike were scared off HRT after research findings released in
2002 suggested it increased the risk of breast cancer. The fear was
understandable because ‘’it was very scary evidence at the time’’. But the
original analysis of study data was misleading because it focused on older
women (average age 69) and those taking hormones for longer periods.
This is because the original study set out to investigate a different question:
whether oestrogen therapy could help prevent heart disease and dementia
in older women. While the analysis showed HRT was linked with a raised
risk of breast cancer, blood clots and strokes, ‘’these were older women,
who had already developed some forms of disease anyway’’.
Now the data has been reanalysed to work out the effect of the hormones
on women who ‘'actually want to use hormone therapy for their hot
flushes". These are younger women (usually in their early 50s) who use
hormones for a shorter period of time - and the conclusions are offbeat.
"The reanalysis of the old data suggests the benefits of hormone therapy
[for menopause symptoms) outweigh the risks for short-term use in healthy
women’’. Current guidelines say women should take the lowest dose of
HRT for the shortest amount of time possible, but can use it for up to five
years. However, all women should discuss their individual risk and personal
preference with their doctor.
Phytoestrogens are compounds from plants that mimic the action of the
human hormone oestrogen. Taken either as food supplements or in
concentrated tablet form, they are the most commonly used
complementary and alternative medicine for menopausal symptoms. "We
always thought they would help with hot flushes but unfortunately that
hasn't worked out’’. Worsley says. What's more phytoestrogens may pose
a health risk because studies have shown when they are applied to isolated
breast cancer cells in a laboratory dish, the cells multiply. Because of this,
"we actually recommend if women have had breast cancer they shouldn't
take these substances’’. Whether phytoestrogens might increase the risk of
breast cancer in healthy women isn't known. ‘’That's another point women
don't realise: we don't have the long-term safety data on a lot of these
remedies. They are a bit of an unknown quantity’’.
But treatments other than hormone therapy do exist and if women want to
try them, Worsley thinks that's "completely reasonable’’. They include
low-dose antidepressants and anticonvulsants. The key is to get good
advice about options, something that can be tricky as it is very hard for GPs
to stay up to date. "It's a really complicated topic and it's been changing
rapidly over the last decade’’.
15. The writer suggests that the potential harm to women was?
17. The author used the words it was very scary evidence at the time in the
second paragraph to denote?
A. different
B. alike
C. confusing
D. uncommon
19. After analyzing the data, the effect of hormonal therapy on women is?
A. Minimal
B. Severe
C. Negligible
D. Outweighed
20. What drawback does the author mention in the fourth paragraph?
22. What does the word "they in the final paragraph refer to?
A. Women
B. Practitioners
C. Gynaecologists
D. Symptoms