Oral Presentation and Public Speaking - Week 8
Oral Presentation and Public Speaking - Week 8
Oral Presentation and Public Speaking - Week 8
Oral Presentation
Skills and Public
Key Sources / Readings
Chapter 18
Oral Presentations
Public Speaking
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
• A B-Net video
considerations for
delivering great
presentations akin
to Steve Jobs.
Bnet.com (Nov, 2009) Make a Presentation Like Steve Jobs [video file].
Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHX-xnP_G5s
Delivering the Presentation
Maintaining audience attention
❖ The best presenters realise their audience(s) are active rather
than passive receivers.
➢ Maintaining audience attention is critical
❖ Attention span is the time the average adult can attend to
and process the information in a speaker’s presentation
➢ Average for adults 20 to 25 minutes
❖ Left / Right Brain processing factors also require consideration
o Left factual / logical / speech and language based
o Right side visual / feelings / emotions
❖ Minimise distractions [aka ‘noise’] that have potential to
break concentration
❖ Knowing your audience – pitching the presentation at the
right level
Involving the audience
• Interactive presentations can be fun and interesting.
• Some ways of interacting with an audience include:
– Inviting questions from audience
– directing questions at the audience
– asking for volunteers
– asking people to respond / vote by raising hands (poll)
– asking members of an audience to discuss their own
experience in relation to the topic.
Delivering the Presentation
Appearance and Physical Action
Seinfeld - Fear of Public Speaking
American comedian
Gerry Seinfeld considers
the Fear of Public Speaking
versus the Fear of Death
Managing challenging questions
• Establish the ground rules upfront to help
maintain control during the Q&A
• Intimidating or difficult questions can :
• be critical of your content
• highlight an error of fact or judgment
• Think about the PREP acronym for impromptu
speaking when answering a question.
– Main Point, Reason, Example, repeat Point.
Managing difficult questions
• When an intimidating or difficult question is
asked, reflect for a moment and consider:
– Is the question relevant to what is being presented?
– Is the question out of context?
– Is the question simply a comment on what is being said?
– Is the question too controversial?
– Is the question simply promoting that person or the
group they represent?
Some of the types of people who ask questions