Representing Data: Keywords @whisto - Maths
Representing Data: Keywords @whisto - Maths
Representing Data: Keywords @whisto - Maths
• This data may not be given in size order
• The data forms information … pairs for the scatter graph Positive Correlation Negative Correlation No Correlation
• Not all data has a relationship
… “This scatter graph show as As one variable
increases so
As one variable
increases the
There is no
the age of a car increases the between the two
The link between the data can
… value decreases” The axis should fit all the values
on and be equally spread out
does the other
other variable
decreases variables
be explained verbally
The line of best… fit Using a line of best fit Extrapolation is where we use our
line of best fit to predict information
The Line of best fit is used to make estimates
. scatter graph
about the information in your
outside of our data.
**This is not always useful – in this
Interpolation is using the line of best example you cannot score more
Things to know:
The line of best fit DOES NOT need to
fit to estimate values inside our data that 100%. So revising for longer
go through the origin (The point the point. can not be estimated**
axes cross) It is only an estimate
• There should be approximately the because the line is e.g. 40 hours revising predicts a
same number of points above and designed to be an average percentage of 45.
below the line (It may not go through representation of the data This point is an “outlier”
any points) It is an outlier because it doesn’t fit
• The line extends across the whole this model and stands apart from
It is always a straight line.
the data
Ungrouped Data The table shows the number of Grouped Data If we have a large spread of data it is Representing data in two-way tables
siblings students have. The better to group it. This is so it is easier to look for a trend. Form Two-way tables represent discrete information in a visual way that allows you
The number of times an answers were groups of equal size to make comparison more valid and spread the to make conclusions, find probability or find totals of sub groups
event happened 3, 1, 2, 2, 0, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2 groups out from the smallest to the largest value. There are 5 green
There are 2 green
2 people had 0 siblings. This means there squares
The groups do not
Discrete Data
11 2 3 5
5 2 1 3
0 Total 4 4
3 8
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 OR 2 x 4 = 8 We do not know the exact value of each item in a group – so an
Using your two-way table There are 8
3 + 3 OR 3 x 2 = 6 estimate would be bused to calculate the overall total (Midpoint)
items in total
included inequalities represent
To make sure all values are
To find a fraction
2 people have 3 siblings so there are 6 e.g. What fraction of the items are red? 3 red items
Continuous Data
the subgroups