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and Brakes
WICHITA Mistral Brakes
• Corrugators
• Sheeters

Combination Mechanical PTO’s

Clutch/Brakes • Tub grinders
• Presses • Irrigation pumps
• Shears • Chippers/Shredders

Spring Set Motor

• Metal processing
• Mining

Low Inertia Standard Vent

Clutches & Brakes Clutches
• Presses • Shears • Ball mills • Shears
• Conveyors • Yarders • Drilling rigs • Presses
• Marine • Hoists • Grinding • Yarders
drives mills

Mesur-Fil Fluid
• Pumps • Mixers
• Soft start conveyors
• Amusement rides

Kopper Kool Air Disc PTO’s

Clutches & Brakes • Pump drives
• Unwinders • Rewinds • Chippers/Shredders
• Coilers • Yarders • Construction
• Dynamo- • Winches

• General unwinds
Dependable Contents
Torque Control Products Customer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Wichita clutches and brakes provide the high Parts and Service ...........................................4 A
speed acceleration and deceleration that are
essential in modern process equipment. They Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
are available in a variety of designs and A Combination Clutch/Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
mounting configurations and are used Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
extensively around the world by leading Size 380 thru 910 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
OEM’s in metalworking, steel, pulp/paper,
material handling, paper converting, mining
B Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
and energy.
Low Inertia & Very Low Inertia Clutches & Brakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Wichita provides custom designs to meet High Torque Clutches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
your particular application requirements, Spring-Set Air Release Brakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
giving you the right solution to meet all your
C Tension Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
power transmission needs. Kopper Kool Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Mistral Brakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
ModEvo Tension Brakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
General Warnings
D Spring-Set Motor Brakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Do not repair clutches and brakes (with or
without a guard) while they are rotating or
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
with a load engaged. C-Face Motor Brakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Foot Mounted Motor Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Do not disassemble while
air-tube is pressurized.
E Standard Vent Clutches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Coupling Clutches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Grinding Mill Clutches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Heavy components should be handled
carefully. If dropped they can cause F Power Take-Off Clutches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
serious bodily injury.
Mechanical In-Line PTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Mechanical Side Line PTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Caution, clutches and brakes generate
heat. Allow cooling time before normal
Air-Tube Disc Power Take-Off Clutches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 E
maintenance. G Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Do not exceed the recommended maximum
Sizes and Mountings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
air-pressure listed in the Specification Table
for each type of unit. Quick Selection Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Slip Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Mesur-Fil Modular Concept Sizes 7.0, 9.4, 12.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Do not operate clutches and brakes
without a guard.
Model HC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 F
Model HBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Model HCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Internal springs under compression.
Model HCF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Please refer to installation and mainte-
Model HCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
nance manuals for proper disassembly
procedures. Model HSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Engineering Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Disable all power sources (electrical,
pneumatic, mechanical, etc.) before Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
servicing equipment.

Consult Wichita Installation and

Maintenance manuals for proper disas-
sembly and assembly procedures.

Wichita clutches and brakes are designed to be operated

with original Wichita replacement parts. Using non-original
replacement parts in Wichita clutches and/or brakes voids
all warranties issued by Warner Electric LLC. Warner also
specifically disclaims any responsibility for damage to persons
or property which may be related to the use of said brakes and
clutches which employ non-original parts.

Customer Service
For over 50 years Wichita Clutch has provided
engineered solutions to the most demanding
torque control problems.

Founded in 1947, Wichita Clutch began

manufacturing air-tube disc clutches and
brakes. Today, we are recognized as a global
leader in heavy-duty power transmission.

Total Support
Superior customer service is a common
denominator at Wichita Clutch. It is this
philosophy that places the needs of our
customers at the central focus of our efforts.
By implementing Cellular Manufacturing, Kan-
Ban and Just-In-Time scheduling,
our customers receive the products they
require precisely when needed. And our
computerized order entry systems allow quick
and timely answers to your questions. A
national distributor network puts local Wichita Assured quality
specialists only a phone call away.
Wichita Clutch has instituted quality
assurance procedures aimed at achieving
the ultimate in product reliability. We employ
sophisticated Statistical Process Control
(SPC) programs to ensure product
consistency. Working within our cellular
manufacturing structure, every worker is
responsible for maintaining unvarying product
quality. Our conformity to specifications is
your performance guarantee.

Wichita Clutch Plant

Wichita Falls, Texas

Wichita has dedicated significant resources and talented
people to the numerous engineering disciplines required to
design, manufacture and apply our heavy duty clutches
and brakes. Our application engineers provide timely
response to your inquiries with our Computer Aided
Product Selection (CAPS) system.

Our product engineers utilize the latest 3-Dimensional CAD

equipment in the design of new products. Our dedication
to emerging technologies has allowed us to solve
the most challenging applications in heavy-duty
power transmission.

The simple air-tube disc clutch design allows for

greater torque capacity in multiple plate units at
less pressure than drum clutch designs. Years of
engineering development have produced a variety
of designs used extensively by leading OEM’s in all
major heavy duty applications.

Parts and Service

Genuine Wichita
replacement parts
Features no one else can match!

Friction Discs
Special high strength proprietary materials
with molded composite teeth resist functional
wear and provide additional output torque.

Friction material provides longer life and more

consistent operation due to continuous
research and development and quality control.

• Friction disc match exactly the mating

Wichita components for consistent and
maximum high torque output.

• High strength for dependable,

long life service.

• Higher heat resistance to combat

Authorized distributors providing the unforeseen application problems.
experience to know just what to replace and
how to do it might be the difference between
• Consistent size for ease of replacement.
getting your machine up and running fast. • Wear resistance polymers insure
compatibility with other Wichita parts.
Your application benefits from Wichita
research and development and quality control. • Air grooves to provide cooling and
Consistency in material and quality gives longer life.
longer life in friction discs and airtubes for
replacement peace of mind. Airtubes
Combination of space age fibers and
Comparison Chart elastomerics give extended life and fit
Genuine Wichita parts Other’s replacement parts assurance. Wichita airtubes are trouble free
and easy to replace. A ”Long Stroke” airtube
25% 50% 75% 100%
is available on selected models to provide
extended service life.
Total capacity
• Controlled quality manufacture insures
long life and trouble free service.

Thermal capacity • All genuine Wichita Airtubes are trade

marked in mold.

• Consistent size allows ease of

Life capacity replacement if required.

• Low air volume construction reduces

needless use of compressed air and
Tooth strength reduces start/stop times.

• When used in combination with other

Wichita parts, the Wichita airtube
Flex strength sustains its heat resistance to insure
long operating life in conditions
unacceptable to other power
transmission devices.

• Wichita split airtubes are available Available Now!
to replace full circle airtubes for
A nationwide network of service oriented,
emergency operation of needed
technically trained, authorized Wichita
distributors will promptly serve your
• Wichita maintains a trade mark part replacement part needs.
number and serial number system
molded into the surface of Wichita Your Wichita Distributor
airtubes for easy identification of Your Wichita distributor is a power
genuine Wichita parts. transmis-sion specialist. Because he’s your
distributor, he has an understanding of your
Quality Assurance total power transmission system needs. And
Continuous Process Improvements through since he represents Wichita, he can put
Total Quality Commitment…Computer together the best possible system from the
controlled machining equipment insures very best components to satisfy your
precision tolerances for durability and requirements.
consistent performance.
Your Wichita distributor, backed by factory
Technical Backup regional sales engineers, is near enough to
visit your plant to see your problems first
Comprehensive, technical information hand. He’s big enough to find the parts you
published on all our products is available need on his own shelves, eliminating the
to our customers, including complete time lost while a part is shipped direct. He’s
dimensional drawings, performance curves, experienced enough to make sure the parts
exploded part drawings, helpful application he sells are right and perform as promised.
engineering data, and complete service/instal-
lation manuals. Using genuine Wichita parts Your Wichita distributor represents your
assures you of the most knowledgeable needs to his suppliers. His first commitment
technical support in the industry. is to keep your plant in operation…getting it
back in operation as quickly as possible after
trouble strikes…maximizing your productivity.
Your Wichita distributor is just as important
to Wichita as he is to you. That’s why we
put a great deal of emphasis on training. His
”on-the-spot“ knowledge is our assurance
that you’ll benefit in your plant from all the
performance features we build into our

The Wichita difference…

local availability
Friction discs and airtubes are available
off-the-shelf from Wichita distributors
throughout the United States and
Canada. Wichita distributors are power
transmission specialists offering local stock,
local service and local on-the-spot
application assistance.

Selection Guide

Application Factors
To determine the best Wichita clutch or 2. Choose the mounting arrangement best suited
brake for your application: to your application.
1. Decide which of the four possible 3. In the Function/Mounting chart below, choose
functions you wish to perform. the proper type of mounting (1,2,3, etc.) to
make a preliminary product selection. (Consult
your Wichita representative for final product

Function/Mounting Condition
Controlled Cycling Controlled Controlled
Acceleration Deceleration Slip
Provide smooth Accurately positions Provides a smooth, Provide continuous
acceleration of a load in a repeatable cushioned decelera- tension to a web or
a load. fashion. tion of a load. strand.
Wichita Page
Product No. High Heat Low Heat

Combination Clutch/Brake 10 7, 8, 9
Very Low Inertia Clutch or Brake 24 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3
Low Inertia Clutch or Brake 24 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2, 3 1, 2
High Torque Clutch 44 1 1 1
Spring-Set Air Release Brake 58 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3
Kopper Kool Clutch or Brake
(Tensioning) 70 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3
Mistral Brake
(Tension Brakes) 96 2
(Tension Brakes) 100 2, 3
Motor Brakes 108
(Spring-Set Brake) 2, 6
Standard Vent Coupling Clutch 125 3, 4
Standard Vent Grinding
Mill Clutch 130 3, 4

Power Take-Off Clutch 139 5

Measu-Fil Couplings 148 1, 2, 4

Types of Mounting (see page 7)

1 Indirect Mount 4 Shaft-to-Shaft 7 Ring to Extended Pin
2 Direct Mount 5 Engine Mounted 8 Pin to Pin, Ring to Pin, Ring to Ring
3 Through Shaft 6 Brake Mount Electric Motor 9 Pin to Extended Pin

Types of mounting

1 Indirect Mount 2 Direct Mount

3 Through Shaft, Inboard Mount Clutch 4 Shaft-to-Shaft In-line (clutch-coupling)

5 Engine Mount (PTO) Clutch 6 Electric Motor

C-Face or Foot
Mount Brake

7 Ring to 8 Pin to Pin, 9 Pin to

Extended Pin Ring to Pin, Extended
Ring to Ring Pin

Pneumatic Combination Clutch Brake 7

Selection Guide
Application Factors
Clutch/Brake sizes are affected by the 5. Clutch/brakes on most machines are
following variables: designed to slip prior to damage from
1. Machines that operate under smooth shockloads. As a result, the clutch/brake
loads require smaller clutch/brakes. These may require periodic maintenance; there-
machines are driven by either multi-cylin- fore the clutch/brake should be located in
der high speed engines or electric motors the power train for easy access.
with reduced starting current. Clutch/brakes should also be located for
maximum cooling air. In instances where
2. Drives that require high starting current this is not possible, forced air cooling
motors will require clutch/brakes with suf- may be desirable to extend clutch/brake
ficient torque to prevent excessive slip- life.
ping while starting.
6. Safe operating speeds for clutch/brakes
3. Starting torque may be high, which should be maintained in design. The fol-
requires a fast clutch/brake response time lowing material specifications are recom-
to transmit the required torque; or, mended for safe operation. The maximum
extended clutch/brake slip time is speeds shown are safe operating speeds
required to protect the prime mover. based upon years of Wichita experience.
4. Starting torques may be very low Maximum Clutch/Brake
compared to the normal torque which Contact Velocity FPM Material
may result in the clutch/brake not being
6,000 (Recommended upper limit for slip) . . . . . . . . . cast iron
fully pressurized prior to the time of
9,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ductile iron
torque requirement. This will cause the
12,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . steel
clutch/brake to over heat from slippage.
Clutch/brake inflation time in this instance Dynamic balancing recommended when
is very important. peripheral speeds exceed 3500 FPM. These
velocities are measured at the nominal outside
diameter of the clutch/brake plate.

Wichita Product
Air Tube Disc Standard
Spring-Set Motor Brakes

Clutches & Brakes Tension Brakes Vent

Mesur-Fil Couplings
Combination C/B

Very Low Inertia

Power Take-Off
Kopper Kool
High Torque
Low Inertia



Ball Mill

Field of Machine or
Application Equipment
Air Movement Pumps Centrifugal compressors • • •
Reciprocating compressors
(over 2 cylinders) • • • •
Reciprocating compressors
(1 or 2 cylinders) • • • •
Centrifugal fans
Blowers • • • • •

Agitators Liquid
Semi-solid • • • •
Brick Brick press • • • •
manufacturing Extruder
Pug mill • • •

Canning & bottling Bottle-can feeders • • •

machine Filling
Mixers • • • •

Wichita Product
Air Tube Disc Standard

Spring-Set Motor Brakes

Clutches & Brakes Tension Brakes Vent

Mesur-Fil Couplings
Combination C/B

Very Low Inertia

Power Take-Off
Kopper Kool
High Torque
Low Inertia



Ball Mill
Field of Machine or

Application Equipment
Engine driven equipment Crane • • • •
Hoist • •
Engine •
Crowd • •
Grinding mills Ball-rod-sag-pebble •
Crushers •
Shakers •
Lumber processing Yarder • • • • •
Carriages, conveyers • • • • • •
Chipper, logger
Marine Propulsion clutch CP wheel • •
Shaft brakes •
Propulsion reversing type • •
Anchor winch • •
Bulk material Conveyors evenly loaded • • • • • •
handling Line shaft evenly loaded • • • •
Feeders • • • •
Elevators • • • •
Metal production & Coilers • • • • •
metalforming Slitters • • • • • • •
Press brake • • • • • • •
Non-geared press • • • • • • •
Geared press • • • • • • •
Draw bench • • • •
Rolling mill • • •
Shear • • • • • • •
Back geared press • • • • • • •
Hammer Mill • • •
Forging • • •
Paper industry dryer Fourdrinier to 500 FPM
sections & calenders, Fourdrinier to 1800 RPM
consult factory Paper mill plane
Smoothing press • • •
Press selections
Petroleum Drilling & service rig • •
production Master clutches • •
Compound clutches • •
Rotary Drum • •
Mud pumps • •
PTO clutches • •
Rubber Transfer machines
manufacturing evenly loaded
Banberry mixer
Drum mixer • •

Combination Clutch/Brake

For metalforming equipment

Fast, smooth cycling
Cool running with higher torque
Compact disc design
Multiple mounting options
Simple Installation for compatability with other
competitive designs

Friction drive plates supplied

in split form for ease of
Extra fins for
New larger inlets for maximum heat
CCB size 675-910 for dissipation
a more rapid clutch
and brake response
Long life air tube. No

Optional shrink-disc hub

for ease of installation
and removal. No
keyways required. Precision die

External locking nut Low stress internal

on air inlet to increase spline eliminates
air tube life pins

All air connections are

external. Optional quick
Asbestos free
release valves available
friction material
for faster cycling

This cut-a-way shows

Model 380-910 design

The Wichita Combination Clutch-Brake Design Advantages

provides fast, smooth cycling for stamping
• No shaft seals for faster, lower cost
presses and metalforming equipment.
The simple Wichita air tube concept
combines an air actuated clutch and a • Optional shrink disc mounting for
spring-set brake in a compact disc design. simplified, easier installation

• Cool running for faster cycle rates,

higher torques

• Models 380-910 have a single air-tube

design that provides long life and high

Operation Typical Applications
The Wichita Combination Clutch/Brake
provides fast, smooth cycling for stamping
presses and metalforming equipment.

The simple air-tube concept combines an air

actuated clutch and spring-set brake in a
compact, pancake assembly that prevents
overlap. The extra fins and cooling slots allow
for excellent heat dissipation. A low stress
spline eliminates driving pins between the
shaft and centerplate, while the precision die
springs provide consistent long-life braking

The high performance air-tube design in sizes

380 and above, with optional quick air-release
valves, provides faster cycling than piston
and cylinder models. There are no o-rings or
piston seals to wear-out and leak, and no
lubrication or adjustment is necessary. Worn
friction plates can be relined at Wichita’s
factory on an exchange basis.
Installation of the CCB is also easy. The
simple air system has external connections
and requires no shaft seals. Metric mounting
and SAE fasteners are standard. Available in
eight sizes with an optional hub for shrink
disc mounting. Clutch capacities through
340,000 lb.in. and brake torque through
250,000 lb.in.

Wichita Combination Clutch/Brakes are

manufactured and assembled in the United
States and backed by a global sales, service Wichita CCB is ideal for
and distributor organization. retrofit applications.

The simple external air

system with quick
release valves provides
smooth, fast cycling.

Optional shrink disc hub provides ease of
mounting with no keyways.

Combination Clutch/Brake

Clutch/Brake Selection
A typical Combination Clutch/Brake application 1. To determine the proper Application Duty
would be on a geared punch press. To properly Factor for a Geared Punch Press, consult
select a CCB the following application informa- page 16. Under Duty “B” or Normal, the
tion is needed. Duty Factor is 1-1/2.

2. To determine the application clutch torque,

the following information is needed:
a. Torque @ Crank
= (Rated Tonnage) (2000 lb./ton) (Torque
CCB b. Torque Arm = y = (c) (tan a)
Pinion c= a+b-x
= 3 + 36 - .25
= 38.75 in.

Cos α = b2 + c2 - a2
(36)2 + (38.75)2 - (3)2
(2) (36) (38.75)
= .99948
= 1.8478°
c. Torque Arm = y = (c) (tan α)
= (38.75) (tan 1.8478)
= (38.75) (.03226)
Application Data = 1.25 in.
Press Type . . . . . . . . . . . . Geared Punch Press Torque @ Crank
Rated Tonnage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 tons
= (Rate Tonnage) (2000 lb./ton)(Torque Arm)
Crankshaft Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 RPM = (200) (2000) (1.25)
Degrees of Crank to Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90° = 500,000 lb.in.
Distance Above Bottom – x . . . . . . . . . . .25 in.
Required Torque @ Clutch
1/2 of Press Stroke (throw) = a . . . . . . . . . 3 in.
WR2 of Parts on Backshaft . . . . . . . . . 78 lb.ft.2 (Torque @ Crank) x (Crankshaft RPM)
= lb.in.
Required Clutch Torque. . . . . . . . . 73,529 lb.in. Clutch Shaft RPM
Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 in. = (500,000) (30)
Clutch/Brake Shaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 RPM 204
Degrees of Crank to Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 = 73,529 lb.in.
Connecting rod length = b . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 in.
WR2 of Parts on Crankshaft . . . . . 39,091 lb.ft.2
Cycles/Minute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 y
Air Pressure Available. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 PSI
Shaft Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 in.
Throw of
Crank = a

Press clutch and brake selection is 36" Connecting
Rod = b
based on: c
1/4" distance
above bottom
1. Application Duty Factor
2. Application clutch torque
3. Application brake torque necessary
to stop
4. Maximum Energy Input 1/4" Off
5. Heat generated during cycling Bottom
6. Bore size Center

Application selection torque = the required
torque of 73,529 lb. in. x 1.5
4. Calculate energy input required for the
combination clutch/brake.
= 110,294 lb.in. (Application Duty Factor for
a. Kinetic Energy = (WR )(CCB RPM)
2 2

“Geared Punch Press”, page 16.

Preliminary selection of CCB based on clutch
torque is the CCB 600 with 50% spring com- (1041)(204)2
KE = = 7,376 lbs.ft.
pliment. The clutch torque for this model is 5,873
124,350 lb.in. @ 80 PSI. b. Maximum energy input to the CCB 600
d. Maximum bore for CCB 600 is 5.0 in. bore is 14,229 ft.lbs. Therefore, CCB 600 has
acceptable. sufficient energy input capacity.

3. To determine application brake torque necessary 5. To determine the Heat Horsepower

to stop the equipment the following information Capacity of the CCB at backshaft speed,
is needed: you need the following information:
a. The inertia of rotating parts referred to the a. Heat HP capacity of CCB 600 @
backshaft. It is given in the application data 200 RPM. (Look up capacity under the 200
that the inertia (WR2) of parts on the crank- RPM heading on page 16.)
shaft is 39,091 lb. ft.2 at 30 RPM. To calculate
Heat HP = 3.7 Heat HP @ 200 RPM.
WR2 referred to the backshaft:
b. To determine the Cycles Per Minute

( )
30 RPM of Crankshaft
x 39,091 lb.ft.
2 Capacity, you need the following
204 RPM of Backshaft information:
= 845 lb.ft.2 @ 204 RPM (Heat HP @ CCB speed) (1.9 x 108)
Total WR referred to backshaft is:
(WR2) (RPM)2
845 lb.ft.2 + 78 lb.ft.2 = 923 lb.ft.2 or 3.7 (1.9 x 108)
(WR2 of parts on backshaft from application
(1041) (204)2
= 16 CPM
Total WR2 to start and stop is:
923 lb.ft.2 + 118 lb.ft.2 = 1041 lb.ft.2 Final Selection:
(WR2 of CCB-600 from page 15) CCB 600 with 1/2 spring compliment. Also available
with shrink disc shaft mounting.
b. The brake stop time required is 120°. (Based (See pages 18–19 for various mounting
on rotation at 30 RPM). arrangments).
Angle to Stop 60
Stop Time = Note:
360 crankshaft RPM This application example is for preliminary
120 60 sizing only. Contact a Wichita Sales Engineer
= = .5 sec. or the factory for final selection.
360 30
c. Required deceleration torque =
(WR2) (CCB RPM) (1041) (204)
(25.6) (Stop Time sec.) (25.6)(.5)
= 16,590 lb.in.
d. Application brake torque =
(18,466) (1.5) or 27,700 lb.in.
The CCB 600 has a rated brake
torque capacity of 35,850 lb.in.
with 50% spring compliment.

Combination Clutch/Brake

Size 380 thru 910

Clutch Maximum
Dynamic Brake Swept Maximum Speed
Slip Torque Dynamic Friction Energy Balance
Spring Capacity Slip Torque Area Input ( Speed* )
CCB Compliment @ 80 PSI** Capacity in.2 lb.ft. RPM
Model % lb.in. (Nm) lb.in. (Nm) (cm2) (Joules) (RPM)
100% 23,000 (2,600) 18,000 (2,030)
75% 27,500 (3,100) 13,500 (1,525) 60 4,640 1,550
50% 32,000 (3,600) 9,000 (1,015) (387) (6,290) (895)
25% 36,500 (4,120) 4,500 (505)

100% 43,400 (4,900) 34,500 (3,890)

75% 52,000 (5,870) 25,900 (2,920) 120 9,280 1,250
50% 60,650 (6,845) 17,250 (1,945) (774) (12,581) (725)
25% 69,275 (7,800) 8,625 (975)

100% 68,100 (7,685) 54,000 (6,095)

75% 81,600 (9,210) 40,500 (4,570) 184 14,229 1,060
50% 95,100 (10,735) 27,000 (3,050) (1,187) (19,291) (620)
25% 108,600 (12,260) 13,500 (1,525)

100% 88,500 (9,900) 71,700 (8,090)

75% 106,425 (12,000) 53,775 (6,070) 184 14,229 970
50% 124,350 (14,035) 35,850 (4,045) (1,187) (19,291) (570)
25% 142,275 (16,060) 17,925 (2,220)

100% 132,000 (14,900) 105,400 (11,910)

75% 158,350 (17,875) 79,050 (8,930) 308 23,818 860
50% 184,700 (20,845) 52,700 (5,955) (1,987) (32,291) (500)
25% 211,050 (23,820) 26,350 (2,975)

100% 173,210 (19,570) 156,220 (17,652)

75% 214,550 (24,240) 117,165 (13,236) 360 27,839 765
50% 255,900 (28,915) 78,110 (8,826) (2,323) (37,743) (450)
25% 291,115 (32,890) 39,055 (4,415)

100% 254,500 (28,750) 199,000 (22,480)

75% 309,700 (34,990) 149,300 (16,870) 404 31,241 700
50% 337,300 (38,110) 124,400 (14,055) (2,606) (42,356) (410)
25% 392,500 (44,345) 74,600 (8,430)

100% 346,800 (39,150) 258,400 (29,160)

75% 411,400 (46,430) 193,800 (21,870) 462 35,726 640
50% 476,000 (52,725) 129,200 (14,580) (2,981) (48,437) (375)
25% 540,600 (66,000) 64,600 (7,290)
Maximum operatiing pressure is 100 PSI, (7BAR)
* Operating the unit above the Balance speed to Maximum, it is recommended to have the unit balanced. It is suggested to operate the unit in a continuous running,
non-cyclic mode. Operating the unit in a cyclic, single-stroking mode, may result in some dusting of the friction material.
** For dry operation only. It is essential to keep the friction material free of lubricants.

Dimensions: inches (mm)
Maximum Bores ‘R’
Twin Rect. Internal External Total
Square Key Keys Shrink Disc Parts Parts Weight
CCB in. in. in. Inertia Inertia (RR Style)
Model (mm) (mm) (mm) lb.ft.2 (kgm 2 ) lb.ft.2 (kgm 2 ) lb. (kg)

2-7/8 3-3/16 3-1/8

380 12.4 (.52) 4 (0.17) 99 (45)
(73) (81) (80)

3-3/8 3-3/4 4-1/8

470 33.3 (1.4) 16 (0.67) 190 (86)
(86) (95) (105)

4-1/2 4-3/4 5-1/2
550 70.2 (3.0) 23 (0.97) 290 (132)
(114) (121) (140)

5 5 6-3/32
600 118 (5.0) 72 (3.0) 380 (172)
(127) (127) (155)
5 5-1/2 6-3/32
675 209 (8.8) 80 (3.4) 530 (240)
(127) (140) (155)

6-3/10 6-7/8 7-7/8

(160) (175) (200)
370 (15.6) 154 (6.5) 760 (345) E

6-7/8 7-1/2 8-15/32

830 455 (19.2) 226 (9.5) 635 (288)
(175) (191) (215)

7-1/8 8-3/8 9-1/4
820 (34.5) 280 (11.8) 1,190 (540)
(181) (213) (235)

Combination Clutch/Brake

Application Duty Factors

Duty B Duty C Duty D
Normal – Factor Heavy – Factor Extra Heavy – Factor
Field of Application 1-1/2 3-1/4 5-1/2
Metal Production Press Brake Shear Forming Press
& Forming Non-Geared Punch Press Back Geared Punch Press Forging Press
Flywheel Drive* Double Back Shaft Drive* Header Press
Geared Punch Press Deep Draw Press Knuckle Press
Single Back Shaft Drive*
Single Reduction Drive* Transfer Press
Single Gear Drive* Toggle Press
* Alternate common industry name for above machine type

Heat Horsepower Capacity

Speed – RPM
CCB 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
170 .12 .16 .20 .23 .25 .27 .28 .30 .31
190 .16 .21 .25 .28 .30 .32 .34 .35 .36
230 .28 .35 .42 .45 .48 .51 .54 .58 .61
310 .51 .63 .74 .84 .93 .98 1 1.07 1.12
380 1 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.9 2 2 2.4 2.7
470 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.6 3.9 4.2
550 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.9 4.3 4.7 5.1 5.6 6
600 3 3.7 4.3 4.9 5.5 5.9 6.2 6.6 7
675 3.7 4.4 5 5.8 6.5 7.1 7.6 8.1 *
760 5 6.1 7.1 7.7 8.3 8.9 9.5 * *
830 6.5 7.9 9.3 10.2 11.1 11.9 12.7 * *
910 8 9.8 11.5 12.8 14 15.2 * * *
* Beyond maximum speed limit

Component Parts
Size 380 thru 910 A
23 15 24 27
28 13 18 14
19 25 22

30 29

7 8
10 6


11 5 30

12 34 31
29 33
23 30
28 16
20 25

24 17

1. Hub 15. Drive Pin (Round Clutch) 29. Hex Head Capscrew (HHCS)
2. Bolt 16. Drive Pin (Square Clutch) 30. Flex Lock Nuts
3. Back Plate 17. Drive Pin (Square Brake) 31. Socket Head Capscrew (SHCS)
4. Center Plate 18. Drive Pin (Round Brake) 33. Air Spud
5. Drive Plate 19. Drive Bushing (Round Clutch) 34. Air Manifold
6. Air-Tube Holding Plate 20. Drive Bushing (Square Clutch) 35. Socket Head Capscrew (SHCS)
7. Pressure Plate 21. Drive Bushing (Square Brake) Not Shown:
8. Air-Tube 22. Drive Bushing (Round Brake) • Bolt & Nut between Pressure
9. Air-Tube Holding Plate Bolts 23. Snap Ring Plate and Center Plate
10. Shim 24. Snap Ring • Clip, Bolt & Nut on Ring Mount
11. Brake Springs 25. Snap Ring
12. End Cap 26. Snap Ring
13. Short Mounting Bracket 27. Retainer Plate (Brake Drive Pin)
14. Long Mounting Bracket 28. Retainer Plate (Clutch Drive Pin)

Combination Clutch/Brake

Size 380 thru 910

S1 P
T2 S2

E2 B2


H I TA E1 B1

B2 C1

C1 C2



Flywheel L
(Pin to Extended Pin)

Flywheel Reference Plane
Reference Plane L
G1 S1 C1

B1 E
J Brake Drive Plate
U1 U1 R
Clutch Pin Brake Pin In Clutch Drive Plate
In Flywheel Frame/Bracket Bushing

(Pin to Pin) (Ring to Ring)

RP (Ring to Pin)
RR (Ring to Ring)*
PP (Pin to Pin)*
* Dimensions same as RP design
All ring drives to have pins located
in pin size counterbores 0.13" deep.

Dimensions: inches (mm)
C, C1 , C2 dimensions are ± .007 (.18)
E E1 E2
Model A Max. +.000/ +.001/ +.001/ G G1
No. Bore* B B1 B2 C C1 C2 D -.002 -.000 -.000 RR PP
3.543 17.13 22.05 26.77 16.063 19.488 25.000 14.94 0.709 1.181 0.866 3.24 4.32
(90) (435) (560) (680) (408) (495) (635) (380) (18) (30) (22) (82.2) (109.7)
3.740 21.06 27.36 33.66 19.685 24.016 31.102 18.50 0.984 1.575 1.181 4.02 4.88
(95) (535) (695) (855) (500) (610) (790) (470) (25) (40) (30) (102.1) (124.0)
4.331 24.41 30.71 37.40 22.992 27.362 34.843 21.65 0.984 1.575 1.181 5.06 6.42
(110) (620) (780) (950) (584) (695) (885) (550) (25) (40) (30) (128.4) (163.1)
4.921 26.77 34.25 42.32 25.197 30.315 38.976 23.62 1.181 1.772 1.575 4.83 6.22
(125) (680) (870) (1,075) (640) (770) (990) (600) (30) (45) (40) (122.6) (158.0)
5.519 30.51 39.37 48.56 28.543 34.646 44.685 26.57 1.378 2.165 1.772 5.39 6.98
(140) (775) (1,000) (1,235) (725) (880) (1,135) (675) (35) (55) (45) (136.9) (177.3)
6.299 34.06 42.91 52.56 31.890 38.189 48.622 29.92 1.575 2.165 1.772 5.96 7.50
(160) (865) (1,090) (1,335) (810) (970) (1,235) (760) (40) (55) (45) (151.4) (190.5)
7.087 37.50 49.31 63.09 — 43.307 57.087 32.68 1.772 2.954 2.560 7.19 8.75
(180) (953) (1,252) (1,602) — (1,100) (1,450) (830) (45) (75) (65) (182.6) (222.3)
7.087 40.35 52.76 65.75 37.992 46.457 60.039 35.82 1.772 2.953 2.559 7.43 9.61
(180) (1,025) (1,340) (1,670) (965) (1,180) (1,525) (910) (45) (75) (65) (188.7) (244.1)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model K Thread
No. Qty. Size L N1 N2 O P R S S1 S2 T1 T2 J U1 U2
4.41 1.00 1.00 0.47 2.05 0.96 0.75 2.36 1.77 0.79 0.63
380 4 1/2" NPT 3/8–16 NC #10–24 NC #10–24 NC
(112) (25) (25) (12) (52.0) (45.5) (19) (60) (45) (20) (16)

5.50 1.378 1.00 0.41 2.60 1.12 0.87 3.15 2.36 1.06 0.79
470 4 1/2" NPT 1/2–13 NC 1/4–20 NC #10–24 NC
(140) (35) (25) (10.5) (66.5) (28.5) (22) (80) (60) (27) (20)

6.30 1.378 0.984 0.51 3.17 1.34 1.18 3.15 2.36 1.06 0.79
550 4 1/2" NPT 1/2–13 NC 1/4–20 NC #10–24 NC
(160) (35) (25) (13.0) (80.5) (34) (30) (80) (60) (27) (20)

7.28 1.378 1.378 0.49 3.19 1.32 1.06 3.54 3.15 1.16 1.06
600 4 1/2" NPT 5/8–11 NC 5/16–18 NC 1/4–20 NC
(185) (35) (35) (12.5) (81.0) (33.5) (27) (90) (80) (29.5) (27)

8.00 1.772 1.378 0.49 3.88 1.42 1.25 4.33 3.54 1.52 1.16
675 4 1" NPT 3/4–10 NC 5/16–18 NC 1/4–20 NC
(203) (45) (35) (12.5) (98.5) (36) (32) (110) (90) (38.5) (29.5)

9.06 1.772 1.378 0.49 4.23 1.59 1.50 4.33 3.54 1.52 1.16
760 4 1" NPT 7/8–9 NC 5/16–18 NC 1/4–20 NC
(230) (45) (35) (12.5) (107.5) (40.5) (38) (110) (90) (38.5) (29.5)

8.00 1.75 1.75 0.50 4.32 1.94 1.75 5.91 5.12 1.71 1.71
830 4 1" NPT 1–8 NC 5/16–18 NC 5/16–18 NC
(203) (45) (45) (12.7) (109.7) (49.3) (44.5) (150.1) (130) (43.5) (43.5)

10.24 2.362 1.772 0.89 4.90 2.10 1.75 5.91 5.12 2.07 1.71
910 3 1" NPT 1–8 NC 3/8–16 NC 5/16–18 NC
(260) (60) (45) (22.5) (124.5) (53.5) (44.5) (150) (130) (52.5) (43.5)
* Maximum bores with square key. Larger bores available with shallow keys.
Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.

Combination Clutch/Brake

End Cap Air Manifold

Model Kit No. A B C D E F

.875 H.C.
1/2" NPT
380 8-546-021-000-1 4.188 3.12 N/A 13/32 Drill 1"-14 NF
4 at 90°
3 at 120°
1.250 H.C.
1/2" NPT
470 8-547-021-000-1 4.188 3.12 N/A 13/32 Drill 1"-14 NF
4 at 90°
3 at 120°
3.000 H.C. 2.000 H.C.
4.937 / 1/2" NPT
550 8-549-021-000-1 3.12 13/32 Drill 13/32 Drill 1-1/2"-12 NF
4.935 4 at 90° A
3 at 120° 3 at 120°
2.875 H.C.
600 8-552-021-000-1 4.938 3.12 13/32 Drill N/A 1/2" NPT 1-1/2"-12 NF
4 at 90°
3 at 120° F-Right
2.875 H.C. C
1/2" NPF Threads
675 8-552-021-000-1 4.938 3.12 13/32 Drill N/A 1-1/2"-12 NF
4 at 90°
3 at 120°
3.500 H.C.
1/2" NPT
760 8-553-021-000-1 7.000 3.12 N/A 13/32 Drill 1-1/2"-12 NF
4 at 90°
3 at 120° E
4.000 H.C.
1" NPT
830 4-555-021-000-3 9.50 4.06 N/A 9/16 Drill 1-1/2"-12 NF Manifold
4 at 90˚
4 at 90˚
End Cap
5.000 H.C. 3.250 H.C.
7.255 / 1/2" NPT
910 8-554-021-000-1 7.250 3.12 17/32 Drill 17/32 Drill 6 at 60° 2"-12 NF
3 at 120° 3 at 120°

Clearance & Wear Chart

Minimum Maximum Roto-
Clearance W+ Wear Tank Vol. Pipe Size Coupling*
Model in. (mm) in. (mm) K+ in. (mm) in.3 liters in. (mm) Part No.
380 1/32 (0.8) 0.1 (2.5) 86 0.12 (3) 100 1.6 3/4 (19) 8-240-708-001-1

470 1/32 (0.8) 0.1 (2.5) 134 0.16 (4) 155 2.5 3/4 (19) 8-240-708-001-1

550 3/64 (1.2) 0.11 (2.8) 196 0.20 (5) 250 4.1 1 (32) 8-240-710-002-1

600 3/64 (1.2) 0.11 (2.8) 215 0.20 (5) 275 4.5 1 (32) 8-240-710-002-1

675 1/16 (1.6) 0.12 (3.2) 280 0.25 (6) 390 6.4 1 (32) 8-240-710-002-1

760 1/16 (1.6) 0.12 (3.2) 360 0.25 (6) 500 8.2 1 (32) 8-240-710-002-1

830 3/32 (2.4) 0.16 (4) 489 0.25 (6) 800 13.1 1-1/2 (38) 8-240-710-002-1

910 3/32 (2.4) 0.16 (4) 530 0.28 (7) 1000 16.4 1-1/2 (38) 8-240-712-001-1
*See page 35 for dimensions

Combination Clutch/Brake Air Hose Kits for Sizes 380 thru 910
Quick Release Quick Release
Valve* Valve*

Shrink Disc Shrink Disc

Elbow Elbow

* Optional Quick Release Valves

can replace elbows on most units.

Hose Kit for Air Manifold or Hose Kit for Shrink Disc Hose Kit for Air Manifold or Hose Kit for Shrink Disc
Cross Drilled Shaft Mounting Mid-Shaft Mounting Cross Drilled Shaft Mounting Mid-Shaft Mounting

Model Part Number Model Part Number Model Part Number Model Part Number
380 8-938-812-402-5 ELB 380 8-938-812-401-5 ELB 910 8-991-812-502-5 ELB 910 8-991-812-503-5 ELB
8-938-820-401-5 QRV 8-938-822-401-5 QRV 8-991-820-501-5 QRV 8-991-822-503-5 QRV
470 8-947-812-402-5 ELB 470 8-947-812-401-5 ELB
8-947-820-401-5 QRV 8-947-822-401-5 QRV
550 8-955-812-402-5 ELB 550 8-955-812-401-5 ELB Wichita Air Hose Kits contain all the necessary parts
8-955-820-401-5 QRV 8-955-822-401-5 QRV (fittings, hoses and extensions) to completely plumb
600 8-960-812-402-5 ELB 600 8-960-812-401-5 ELB the brake air system. The Hose Kit part number is
8-960-820-401-5 QRV 8-960-822-401-5 QRV determined by model number, type of shaft mounting
675 8-967-812-402-5 ELB 675 8-967-812-401-5 ELB and whether or not a quick release valve is needed.
8-967-820-401-5 QRV 8-967-822-401-5 QRV
760 8-976-812-402-5 ELB 760 8-976-812-401-5 ELB
8-976-820-401-5 QRV 8-976-822-401-5 QRV
830 8-983-813-401-5 ELB 830 8-983-813-402-5 ELB
8-983-831-401-5 QRV 8-983-831-402-5 QRV

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Typical Applications
Wichita High Torque Clutch
provides fast acceleration and
long life on metalforming
punch presses.

Clutch Gear

ATD 114 Spring-Set

Air Release Brake
1/2" NPT Hole
1" 14 NF Tap Grease Seal

1/2" NPT
Grease Fitting

1/2" NPT, 3 Spuds

Wichita Low Inertia Brakes increase tension control for

paper unwind stands.
Typical Wichita clutch
and brake mounting
on a press

Wichita Spring-Set
Air Release Brakes
insure accuracy and
high performance for
a metal shear.

Application Factors
Clutch sizes are affected by the
following variables:

1. Machines that operate under smooth 4. Starting torques may be very low where this is not possible, forced air
loads require smaller clutches. These compared to the normal torque, cooling may be necessary for
machines are driven by either which may result in the clutch not extended clutch life.
multi-cylinder high speed engines or being fully pressurized prior to the
6. Safe clutch operating speeds should
electric motors with reduced starting time of full torque requirement. This
be maintained in product design.
current. will cause the clutch to overheat from

2. Drives that require high starting

slippage. Clutch inflation time in this
instance is very important.
Maximum Clutch Contact Velocity
FPM Material
current motors will require clutches
with sufficient torque to prevent 5. Clutches on most machines are 6,000 (Recommended cast iron
upper limit for slip)
excessive slipping while starting. designed to slip prior to damage 9,000 ductile iron
from shockloads. As a result, the 12,000 steel
3. Starting torque may be high, which
clutch may require periodic
requires a fast clutch response time Dynamic balancing recommended when
maintenance; therefore, the clutch
to transmit the required torque; or, peripheral speeds exceed
should be located for easy access in
extended clutch slip time is required 3500 FPM. The maximum speeds
the power train.
to protect the prime mover. shown are safe operating speeds based
Clutches should also be located for
on years of Wichita testing. Please do
maximum cooling air. In instances
not exceed these limits.

Application Guidelines
This chart gives application factors rang- “Selection Requirements” to complete
ing from light duty (the A group) to extra the selection process. The inflation and
heavy duty (the D group). exhaust time should also be checked to
After initial usage is determined, see insure proper response.

Field of Application Group A Group B Group C Group D

Pumps Centrifugal Reciprocating compressors Reciprocating compressors
compressors over 2 cylinders, one or two cylinders
centrifugal fans & blowers
Agitators Liquid Semi-solid Solids
Brick Brick press, extruder, pug mill
Canning & bottling machine Bottle-can feeders, filling, mixers
Engine driven equipment Crane, hoist, engine Crowd
Grinding mills Ball-rod-sag-pebble Crushers, shakers
Lumber processing Yarder Carriages, conveyers Chipper, logger
Marine Propulsion clutch CP wheel Shaft brakes, propulsion
reversing type, anchor winch
Bulk material Conveyors evenly loaded, Feeders Elevators
handling line shaft evenly loaded
Metal production & Coilers, slitters, press brake, Draw bench, rolling mill, Hammer mill, forming
metalforming non-geared press, geared press shear, back geared press, press, forging press,
deep draw press, transfer header press, knuckle press
press, toggle press
Paper industry dryer Fourdrinier to 500 FPM, Fourdrinier to 1800 RPM
sections & calenders paper mill plane & press selections, calenders
Consult factory smoothing press & dryers
Petroleum Drilling & service rig master Mud pumps,
production clutches, compound clutches, PTO clutches
rotary, drum
Rubber Transfer machines Banberry mixer, drum mixer, Centrifuge
manufacturing evenly loaded extruder, calender

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Low Inertia and Very Low Inertia Clutches and Brakes

Ring Shims
Multiple Spud
Very Low Inertia
Drive Plate Assembly
with Bonded or
Riveted Pads

Floating Plate Holding

Center Plate

Friction Disc

Backplate Roto-Coupling
(Optional) Spider

Operating Features
The Wichita Air-Tube Disc Clutch combines Wichita Low Inertia and Very Low Inertia
all the best features of the disc type clutch with Clutches and Brakes are designed to be
all the advantages of direct air engagement. completely free from effects of centrifugal
The simplest and most trouble-free method of force and self energization.
applying air pressure is through direct axial
Torque developed is in direct proportion to air
pressure application by compressed air in a
pressure applied.
special composition full-circle tube.
These clutches and brakes interface well with
Wichita Clutches engage smoothly without
automated controls through simple air and/or
noise, shock or impact and release completely
electric circuits.
in a fraction of a second. Extremely fast action
is possible because of the small volume of air Water cooled, copper disc clutches are
required. available for use when power transmission
needs require excessive or constant slipping
Clutches may be slipped moderately to control
which demands higher heat
the acceleration rate.
When large inertia loads are powered from
Wichita Clutches operate perfectly when
electric motors, smooth, controlled slip starts
teamed with Wichita Brakes in production
by Wichita Clutches can keep power demands
situations requiring tension control, cyclic
below the allowed maximum.
duty, or positioning.
Heat generated by controlled slipping or
Wichita Brakes have the same outstanding
high cycle rate operation is dissipated by
performance characteristics as Wichita
the centrifugal blower design of these units.

Selection Requirements Summary
The selection of a Low Inertia Brake is As calculated, the torque required to stop the
based on: load in 5 seconds is 14,547 lb.in. Wichita Low
Inertia Brakes are rated at 100 PSI.
1. Torque required to stop a load.
This application has only 80 PSI available.
2. Friction area necessary to absorb
To determine the torque rating of a Low Inertia
rotational energy.
brake at 80 PSI apply the following formula:
3. Contact velocity of rotating discs.
Application: Torque for a Low Inertia Brake
4. Maximum bore capacity of unit.
Torque X Catalog Rated Pressure
Selection example Available Air Pressure

To properly select a Low Inertia Brake for 100

= 14,547 X = 18,183 lb.in.
a controlled deceleration application, the 80
following information is needed:
Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 RPM Consult pages 26 and 36 for clutch and brake
Shaft Dia.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 in. specifications. A Low Inertia model 114 Brake
Inertia to Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,473 lb.ft.2 produces 27,625 lb.in. torque at 100 PSI.
Stop Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 sec. However, the bore capacity is 4.125 inches.
Air Pressure Available . . . . . . 80 PSI This application requires a 5 inch bore.
Therefore, a Low Inertia 118 is to be
Calculations investigated.
WR 2 X (RPM)2
Avg. HP = Catalog Torque Rating = 64,500 lb.in.
3.2 x 106 x Stop Time
@ 100 PSI
Maximum Bore Capacity = 5.25 in.
2,473 X (750)2
= = 87 HP Catalog Swept Friction Area = 264 in.2
3.2 x 106 x 5 sec.
Calculations show this application needs at
least 202 in.2 to absorb the heat.
Swept Avg. HP
= All of these ratings are acceptable for the given
Friction HP absorption rate for 5 seconds
application data.
Area (see page 172)
Next, check contact velocity of rotating discs.
= 87 HP = 202 in.2
0.43 Diameter of centerplate X RPM
18" X 750
WR2 x RPM =
Torque = 3.82
25.5 x Stop Time
= 3,534 FPM
2.473 x 750
= Standard material is sufficient up to 6,000 FPM
25.5 x 5
(see page 23). Balancing is recommended
above 3,500 FPM.
= 14,547 lb.in.
Therefore, a Low Inertia ATD-118 brake is
Using the above calculations, consult the the optimum choice for this application.
Low Inertia Specifications Chart on A Spring-Set Air Release Brake is also
pages 26 and 27. available (see page 58).

This application example is for preliminary
sizing only. Contact a Wichita Sales Engineer
or the factory for final selection.

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Low Inertia Clutches


Model Slip Torque Capacity Duty Factors Max. Bore

Size Assembly lb.in. Nm HP/100 RPM Rect. Key
ATD- Number 80 PSI 100 PSI 5.5 BAR 7 BAR A B C D in. (mm)
LIC 104 61104-060 508 635 57 72 — — — — 1.00 (25)
LIC 106 6-006-100-211-0 3,160 3,950 340 435 6.2 4.4 2.2 1.1
2.00 (50)
LIC 206 6-006-200-200-0 6,320 7,900 680 870 12.5 8.8 4.4 2.2
LIC 108 6-008-100-103-0 5,600 7,000 620 790 11.1 8 4 2
LIC 208 6-008-200-101-0 11,200 14,000 1,240 1,580 22.2 16 8 4 2.25 (57)
LIC 308 6-008-300-103-0 16,800 21,000 1,865 2,375 33.3 24 12 6
LIC 111 6-011-100-102-0 12,720 15,900 1,400 1,785 25 18 9 5
LIC 211 6-011-200-102-0 25,440 31,800 2,800 3,570 50 36 18 10 2.50 (64)
LIC 311 6-011-300-100-0 38,160 47,700 4,235 5,390 75 54 27 15
LIC 114 6-014-100-102-0 22,100 27,625 2,435 3,100 44 31 16 8
LIC 214 6-014-200-104-0 44,200 55,250 4,870 6,200 88 62 32 16 3.50 (89)
LIC 314 6-014-300-100-0 66,300 82,875 7,355 9,365 132 93 48 24
LIC 116 6-016-100-100-0 30,270 37,838 3,360 4,275 60 46 24 12
LIC 216 6-016-200-100-0 60,541 75,676 6,720 8,550 120 92 48 24 4.00 (102)
LIC 316 6-016-300-100-0 90,811 113,514 10,080 12,825 180 139 72 36
LIC 118 6-018-100-100-0 51,600 64,500 5,705 7,260 102 75 35 21
LIC 218 6-018-200-100-0 103,200 129,000 11,410 14,520 204 150 70 42 4.75 (121)
LIC 218 6-018-300-101-0 154,840 193,550 17,115 21,780 306 225 105 63
LIC 121 6-021-100-100-0 69,887 87,359 7,755 9,870 139 107 55 28
LIC 221 6-021-200-100-0 139,775 174,719 15,510 19,740 277 213 111 55 6.00 (152)
LIC 321 6-021-300-100-0 209,662 262,078 23,265 29,610 416 320 166 83
LIC 124H 6-025-100-100-0 122,960 153,700 13,575 17,275 243 180 90 40
LIC 224H 6-025-200-100-0 245,920 307,400 27,150 34,550 487 360 180 80 6.00 (152)
LIC 324H 6-025-300-201-0 368,880 461,100 40,725 51,825 729 540 270 120
LIC 127 6-027-100-100-0 137,509 171,886 15,260 19,420 273 210 109 55
LIC 227 6-027-200-100-0 275,018 343,773 30,520 38,840 546 420 218 109 6.50 (165)
LIC 327 6-027-300-100-0 412,527 515,659 45,780 58,260 819 630 327 164
LIC 130H 6-031-100-100-0 261,600 327,000 29,630 37,710 519 380 190 100
LIC 230H 6-031-200-203-0 523,200 654,000 59,260 75,420 1,038 760 380 200 7.25 (184)
LIC 330H 6-031-300-110-0 784,800 981,000 88,890 113,130 1,557 1,140 570 300
LIC 136 6-036-100-100-0 406,400 508,000 44,920 57,175 805 600 295 165
LIC 236 6-036-200-100-0 812,800 1,016,000 89,840 114,350 1,610 1,200 590 330 9.00 (229)
LIC 336 6-036-300-100-0 1,219,200 1,524,000 134,760 171,525 2,415 1,800 885 495
LIC 142 6-042-100-303-0 580,800 726,000 69,160 81,660 1,150 850 425 235
LIC 242 6-042-200-309-0 1,162,240 1,452,800 128,320 163,320 2,300 1,700 850 470 14.00 (355)
LIC 342 6-042-300-302-0 1,742,400 2,178,000 192,480 244,980 3,450 2,550 1,275 705
LIC 148 6-048-100-300-0 1,122,000 1,402,500 118,800 151,200 2,225 1,600 800 455
LIC 248 6-048-200-300-0 2,244,000 2,805,000 237,600 302,400 4,450 3,200 1,600 915 18.00 (455)
LIC 348 6-048-300-110-0 3,366,000 4,207,500 356,400 453,600 6,675 4,800 2,400 1,365
LIC 260 6-060-200-302-0 4,760,000 5,950,000 473,000 602,000 9,440 5,950 3,470 1,940
LIC 360 6-060-300-201-0 7,140,000 8,925,000 709,000 902,300 14,160 8,925 5,205 2,910 19.00 (480)
LIC 460 6-060-400-300-0 14,280,000 17,850,000 946,000 1,204,000 18,880 11,900 6,940 3,880
Maximum Air Pressure is 130 PSI / 9 BAR.

Recom- Airtube Type Airtube
Model mended Balance Reg- High Swept Volume Total Clutch Hub & Center Plate
Size Clearance Speed Speed Speed Area in.3/(cm 3 ) Wt. WR 2/ J=mr 2 Wt. WR 2/ J=mr2
ATD- in. RPM RPM RPM* in.2 New Worn lb. (kg) lb.ft.2 (kgm 2 ) lb. (kg) lb.ft.2 (kgm 2 )
LIC 104 1/32 NA 1,800 2,600* 17 0.9 3.4 15.4 (7) 0.8 (0.032) 1.54 (0.7) 0.021 (0.001)
LIC 106 1/16-3/32 39 27.5 (12) 2.5 (0.105) 6.40 (2.9) 0.24 (0.010)
LIC 206 3/32-5/32
2,225 1,800 2,600*
(195) 40.5 (18) 3.3 (0.139) 12.17 (5.5) 0.46 (0.019) B
LIC 108 1/16-1/8 56 62 (28) 7.5 (0.315) 11 (5.0) 0.54 (0.023)
3.4 18.3
LIC 208 3/32-5/32 1,675 1,750 3,000* 112 70 (32) 8.5 (0.357) 19 (8.6) 1.00 (0.042)
(56) (300)
LIC 308 1/8-3/16 168 92 (42) 99 (4.174) 28 (12.7) 2.00 (0.084)
LIC 111 1/16-1/8 114 133 (60) 27 (1.14) 23 (10.4) 2.30 (0.097)
5.5 30.5
LIC 211 3/32-5/32 1,200 1,400 2,800* 228 170 (77) 34 (1.43) 45 (20.4) 4.50 (0.190)
(90) (500)
LIC 311 1/8-3/16 342 208 (94) 52 (2.19) 121 (54.9) 7.00 (0.295)
LIC 114 1/16-1/8 158 184 (83) 56 (2.36) 46 (20.9) 5.7 (0.240)
7.6 42.7
LIC 214 3/32-5/32 950 1,200 2,200* 316 233 (106) 70 (2.95) 77 (34.9) 11.0 (0.464)
(125) (700)
LIC 314 1/8-3/16 174 292 (132) 80 (3.37) 121 (54.9) 16.7 (0.704)
LIC 116 1/16-1/8 228 257 (117) 103 (4.34) 59 (26.8) 10.2 (0.430)
9.8 56.1
LIC 216 3/32-5/32 835 1,200 2,000* 455 326 (148) 125 (5.27) 106 (48.1) 19.6 (0.826)
(161) (919)
LIC 316 1/8-3/16 683 358 (162) 125 (5.27) 151 (68.5) 29.6 (1.248)
LIC 118 1/16-1/8 264 311 (141) 158 (6.66) 73 (33.1) 15.0 (0.632)
15.3 85.4
LIC 218 3/32-5/32 950 1,000 2,000* 528 377 (171) 183 (7.72) 120 (54.4) 28.8 (1.214)
(251) (1,400)
LIC 218 1/8-3/16 792 472 (214) 219 (9.23) 180 (81.6) 43.2 (1.821)
LIC 121 3/32-5/32 362 467 (212) 303 (12.77) 116 (52.6) 32 (1.35)
18.3 97.6
LIC 221 1/8-3/16 650 900 1,650* 724 582 (264) 356 (15.01) 198 (89.8) 61 (2.57)
(300) (1,599)
LIC 321 5/32-7/32 1,086 730 (331) 450 (18.97) 272 (123.4) 92 (3.88)
LIC 124H 3/32-5/32 574 637 (289) 468 (19.73) 132 (60.0) 56 (2.4)
29.9 159
LIC 224H 1/8-3/16 550 700 1,400* 1,148 830 (376) 618 (26.05) 260 (117.9) 109 (4.6)
(490) (2,606)
LIC 324H 5/32-7/32 1,722 1,025 (465) 735 (31.00) 379 (172.0) 160 (6.8)
LIC 127 3/32-5/32 730 770 (349) 706 (29.8) 187 (84.8) 98 (4.1)
29.9 159
LIC 227 1/8-3/16 500 700 1,400* 1,460 950 (431) 862 (36.3) 322 (146.1) 193 (8.1)
(490) (2,606)
LIC 327 5/32-7/32 2,190 1,112 (504) 969 (40.9) 555 (251.7) 285 (12.0)
LIC 130H 3/32-5/32 827 1,035 (469) 1,170 (49.3) 298 (135.2) 189 (8.0)
58.6 311
LIC 230H 1/8-3/16 450 600 1,100* 1,654 1,411 (640) 1,552 (65.4) 546 (247.7) 370 (15.6)
(960) (5,096)
LIC 330H 5/32-7/32 2,481 1,751 (794) 1,788 (75.4) 810 (367.4) 477 (20.1_
LIC 136 3/32-5/32 1,150 1,455 (660) 2,368 (99.8) 461 (209.1) 372 (15.7)
110 415
LIC 236 1/8 -3/16 375 600 900* 2,300 1,992 (904) 3,247 (136.9) 708 (321.1) 725 (30.6)
(1,803) (6,801)
LIC 336 5/32-7/32 3,450 2,610 (1,184) 4,057 (171.0) 1,134 (514.4) 1,091 (46.0)
LIC 142 5/32-7/32 1,400 1,967 (892) 4,721 (199) 680 (308) 705 (30)
128 488
LIC 242 3/16-1/4 325 500 800* 2,800 2,732 (1,239) 5,750 (242) 1,197 (543) 1,385 (58)
(2,098) (7,997)
LIC 342 7/32-9/32 4,200 3,704 (1,680) 9,191 (387) 1,324 (601) 1,809 (76)
LIC 148 1/8-1/4 2,010 3,158 (1,432) 9,325 (393) 1,101 (499) 1,785 (75)
217 824
LIC 248 5/32-7/32 275 400 700* 4,020 4,700 (2,132) 13,775 (581) 1,942 (881) 3,335 (141)
(3,550) (13,500)
LIC 348 3/16-5/16 6,030 6,540 (2,966) 18,000 (759) 2,950 (1,338) 4,925 (208)
LIC 260 3/16-5/16 7,230 9,453 (4,288) 48,733 (2,055) 2,567 (1,164) 7,077 (298)
513 1,788
LIC 360 1/4-3/8 225 320 550* 10,845 11643 (5,281) 57,286 (2,415) 3,870 (1,755) 10,615 (448)
(8,407) (29,300)
LIC 460 5/16-7/16 14,460 14500 (6,577) 68,980 (2,908) 5,700 (2,585) 15,070 (635)
* Consult Factory for Special Assembly Number.

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Air system data

PSI pressure
Inflation Exhaust Overlap
Clutch air pressure during inflation can Clutch air pressure during exhaust A typical clutch-brake torque curve for
be closely estimated by the following: can be closely estimated by the a single backshaft press (cyclic appli-
following: cation) would appear as shown below.

Clutch Pressure Clutch Pressure



Torque (lb.-in.)

t t Time
1 t Time
d o
1 t t T Overlap

t1= (3—
sec. = Time to 95% Full Inflation
d e
tO tC t1 tO tB t1
Clutch pressure = P1 1 –
(inflation) eKtu ( ) PSI Clutch pressure = (P1) (R) (E-t)v PSI Time (sec.)
This equation is accurate from 5% up
(exhaust) tOc = time at which disengaged clutch
to 95% P1. R, E and V = coefficients for specific clutch receives signal

P1 = Line pressure to clutch PSI

and air pressurefrom Specification tCc = time of clutch engagement
t1c = time of clutch full inflation
K and U = coefficients for specific te = Time to exhaust = E from
clutch and air pressure from Specification Table tOB = time at which disengaged brake

Specification Table receives signal
tBc = time of brake engagement
= Time variable – seconds. In the ex-
e = Naperian base log
to = Time at initiation of signal for
haust equation “t” cannot exceed
the value of “E” sec. t1B = time of brake full exhaust

t2 = overlap time at which clutch and

inflation sec.
td = Time delay of air system – sec. Shown are some of the air systems used brake are both engaged
on Wichita clutches. These systems are
Modulating Valve acceptable for remote operation where
To Clutch
Brake clutch reaction time is not important.
Faster clutch reaction time is accom-
Flow On Off Valve plished as indicated in the
To Clutch Air diagram by locating the flow
Brake Supply
Free Flow Exhaust Regulator
control valve, if required,
Volume Tank and the solenoid valve as
Control Exhaust
close as possible to the
To Clutch roto-coupling.
Free Flow 3 Way Solenoid Valve
Where clutches are located on long shafts,
the use of quick release valves on the
clutch will facilitate faster clutch response.
Quick Release
Clutch Brake
Roto-Coupling Quick Release

Regulator Line Regulator
Exhaust Exhaust
Air Air
Supply Supply
Flow Control Flow Control
Valve Valve
3 Way Volume Tank 3 Way Volume Tank
Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve

Low Inertia and Very Low Inertia Clutches and Brakes

Inflation Coefficients
Model Inflation Coefficients Operating Air Pressure
Size 50 PSI 75 PSI 100 PSI
108 15,800 2.2 7,100 2 265 1.2
208 15,800 2.2 7,100 2 265 1.2
111 890 1.7 880 1.6 5,100 2.2
211 890 1.7 880 1.6 5,100 2.2 B
114 980 2.3 980 2.3 980 2.3
214 980 2.3 980 2.3 980 2.3
118 9,600 3.1 1,560 2.4 9,600 3.1
218 9,600 3.1 1,560 2.4 9,600 3.1
124H 145 1.8 90 1.6 87 1.6
224H 145 1.8 90 1.6 87 1.6
130H 185 2 150 2 93 1.8
230H 185 2 150 2 93 1.8
136 170 2 250 2.2 160 2
236 170 2 250 2.2 160 2
142 115 2 125 2 111 2
242 115 2 125 2 111 2
148 25 1.6 22 1.6 26 1.8
248 25 1.6 22 1.6 26 1.8
260 28 1.8 22 1.8 20 1.8
360 28 1.8 22 1.8 20 1.8

Exhaust Coefficients
Model Exhaust Coefficients Operating Air Pressure
Size 50 PSI 75 PSI 100 PSI
108 60 .016 1.0 525 .02 1.6 240 .02 1.4
208 60 .016 1.0 525 .02 1.6 240 .02 1.4
111 1,000 .032 2 8,200 .04 2.8 4,930 .048 2.8
211 1,000 .032 2 8,200 .04 2.8 4,930 .048 2.8
114 720 .072 2.5 800 .069 2.5 1,840 .082 3
214 720 .072 2.5 800 .069 2.5 1,840 .082 3
118 44 .068 1.4 40 .072 1.4 34 .08 1.4
218 44 .068 1.4 40 .072 1.4 34 .08 1.4
124H 360 .096 2.5 240 .112 2.5 270 .136 2.8
224H 360 .096 2.5 240 .112 2.5 270 .136 2.8
130H 120 .104 2.1 140 .128 2.4 146 .158 2.7
230H 120 .104 2.1 140 .128 2.4 146 .158 2.7
136 124 .112 2.2 92 .128 2.2 76 .152 2.3
236 124 .112 2.2 92 .128 2.2 76 .152 2.3
142 132 .12 2.3 89 .144 2.3 61 .168 2.3
242 132 .12 2.3 89 .144 2.3 61 .168 2.3
148 20 .224 2 20 .256 2.2 19 .308 2.5
248 20 .224 2 20 .256 2.2 19 .308 2.5
260 24 .264 2.4 10 .367 2.3 9.9 .352 2.2
360 24 .264 2.4 10 .367 2.3 9.9 .352 2.2

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Low Inertia Clutches (Sizes 8-36)






Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model A B C D E F G H
Size ATD- Hole Circle Pilot
LIC 108 12.13 11.125 8.375 / 8.378 11.13 6.31 (160.3) 2.00 (50.8) .25 (6.4) 4.56 (115.8)
LIC 208 (308.1) (282.58) (212.73 / 212.80) (282.7) 7.69 (195.3) 3.25 (82.6) .31 (7.9) 5.94 (150.9)
LIC 111 16.00 14.750 11.375 / 11.378 14.75 7.25 (184.2) 2.75 (69.9) .13 (3.3) 5.50 (139.7)
LIC 211 (406.4) (374.65) (288.93 / 289.00) (374.7) 9.00 (228.6) 4.38 (111.3) .25 (6.4) 7.25 (184.2)
LIC 114 18.75 17.500 14.375 / 14.378 17.50 7.56 (192.0) 3.75 (95.3) .13 (3.3) 6.06 (153.9)
LIC 214 (476.3) (444.50) (365.13 / 365.20) (444.5) 9.38 (238.3) 4.50 (114.3) .38 (9.7) 7.88 (200.2)
LIC 116 7.81 (198.4) 4.00 (101.6) 6.31 (160.3)
21.25 20.000 16.250 / 16.253 20.00
LIC 216
LIC 316
(539.8) (508.00) (412.75 / 412.83) (508.0) 9.75 (247.7)
11.69 (296.9)
4.75 (120.7)
6.63 (168.4)
.38 (9.7) 8.25 (209.6)
10.19 (258.8)
LIC 118 8.19 (208.0) 4.00 (101.6) 6.69 (169.9)
23.25 22.000 18.250 / 18.253 22.00
LIC 218 10.13 (257.3) 4.75 (120.7) .44 (11.2) 8.63 (219.2)
(590.6) (558.80) (463.55 / 463.63) (558.8)
LIC 318 12.13 (308.1) 6.50 (165.1) 10.63 (270.0)
LIC 121 8.88 (225.6) 4.00 (101.6) .75 (19.1) 7.38 (187.5)
27.00 25.500 21.375 / 21.378 24.88
LIC 221 10.94 (277.9) 5.13 (130.3) .63 (16.0) 9.44 (239.8)
(685.8) (647.70) (542.93 / 543.00) (632.0)
LIC 321 13.25 (336.6) 7.13 (181.1) .75 (19.1) 11.75 (298.5)
LIC 124H 9.13 (231.9) 4.00 (101.6) .69 (17.5) 7.63 (193.8)
30.00 28.750 24.375 / 24.378 29.00
LIC 224H 11.38 (289.1) 5.13 (130.3) .75 (19.1) 9.88 (251.0)
(762) (730.25) (619.13 / 619.20) (736.6)
LIC 324H 13.75 (349.3) 7.50 (190.5) .75 (19.1) 12.25 (311.2)
LIC 127 9.38 (238.3) 4.50 (114.3) 7.88 (200.2)
32.75 31.500 27.375 / 27.378 31.00 .75 (19.1)
LIC 227 11.88 (301.8) 6.88 (174.8) 10.38 (263.7)
(831.9) (800.10) (695.33 / 695.40) (787.4)
LIC 327 — — — —
LIC 130H 12.5 5.00 (127.0) .63 (16.0) 8.25 (209.6)
37.00 35.500 30.375 / 30.3783 34.75
LIC 230H 15.94 7.13 (181.1) 1.88 (47.8) 11.69 (296.9)
(939.8) (901.70) (771.53 / 771.60) (882.7)
LIC 330H — — — —
LIC 136 12.94 (328.7) 5.63 (143.0) 9.44 (239.8)
43.50 42.000 36.375 / 36.378 41.00
LIC 236 16.63 (422.4) 9.00 (228.6) .63 (16.0) 12.75 (323.9)
(1,104.9) (1,066.80) (923.93 / 924.00) (1,041.4)
LIC 336 19.88 (505.0) 12.38 (314.5) 16.38 (416.1)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model I J L M N Q R S U
Size ATD- No. - Size No. - Size Min. Max.
LIC 108 1.78 (45.2) .25 5.38 3.50 .50 1.00 2.00
6 - 17/32 (13.5) 2 - 1/2 NPT 1"-14NF
LIC 208 1.88 (47.8) (6.4) (136.7) (88.9) (12.7) (25) (50.8)
LIC 111 .38 11/16 (17.5) 7.00 4.00 .63 1.00 2.50
2.00 (50.8) 6- 2 - 1/2 NPT 1"-14NF
LIC 211 (9.7) 21/32 (16.7) (177.8) (101.6) (16.0) (25) (63.5)
LIC 114 1.44 (36.6) .38 9.44 5.50 .63 1.38 3.50
8 - 21/32 (16.7) 2 - 1/2 NPT 1"-14NF
LIC 214 2.13 (54.1) (9.7) (239.8) (139.7) (16.0) (35.1) (88.9)
LIC 116 1.13 (28.7)
.38 10.50 6.00 .63 1.38 4.00
LIC 216 2.31 (58.7) 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 2 - 1/2 NPT 1"-14NF
(9.7) (266.7) (152.4) (16.0) (35.1) (101.6)
LIC 316 2.31 (58.7)
LIC 118 1.25 (31.8)
.38 12.50 7.00 .63 2.00 4.75
LIC 218 2.50 (63.5) 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT 1"-14NF
(9.7) (317.5) (177.8) (16.0) (50.8) (120.7)
LIC 318 2.75 (69.9)
LIC 121 1.63 (41.4)
.31 14.50 9.00 .75 2.00 6.00
LIC 221 2.68 (68.1) 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT 1"-14NF
(7.9) (368.3) (228.6) (19.1) (50.8) (152.4)
LIC 321 2.75 (69.9)
LIC 124H 1.75 (44.5)
.25 14.50 9.00 .75 2.00 6.00
LIC 224H 2.94 (74.7) 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT 1"-14NF
(6.4) (368.3) (228.6) (19.1) (50.8) (152.4)
LIC 324H 2.88 (73.2)
LIC 127 1.38 (35.1) .25
16.25 9.00 .75 2.50 6.50
LIC 227 1.50 (38.1) (6.4) 16 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT 1"-14NF
(412.8) (228.6) (19.1) (63.5) (165.1)
LIC 327 — —
LIC 130H 1.81 (46.0)
.25 19.25 10.00 .75 2.50 7.25
LIC 230H 1.88 (47.8) 18 - 25/32 (19.8) 4 - 1/2 NPT 1" NPT
(6.4) (489) (254) (19.1) (63.5) (184.2)
LIC 330H —
LIC 136 1.38 (35.1)
.25 23.63 12.00 .88 6.00 9.00
LIC 236 1.63 (41.4) (6.4) 18 - 25/32 (19.8) (600.2) (304.8) (22.4) 4 - 1/2 NPT 1" NPT (152.4) (228.6)
LIC 336 1.75 (44.5)
Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
(Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Low Inertia Clutches (Size 6, 42-60)



Size 6




Size 42-60

Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model A B C D E F G H
Size ATD- Hole Circle Pilot
7.09 6.469 5.512 / 5.515 7.24
LIC 104 4.37 (111) 0.87 (22) 0.79 (20) 3.11 (79.0)
(180) (165) (140.00 / 140.08) (184)
LIC 106 8.75 8.000 7.377 / 7.379 8.81 5.19 (131.8) 2.00 (50.8) 0.00 (0.0) 3.75 (95.3)
LIC 206 (222.3) (203.20) (187.38 / 187.43) (223.8) 6.43 (163.3) 3.25 (82.6) 0.06 (1.5) 5.00 (127.0)
LIC 142 52.00 49.250 44.625 / 44.628 49.00 10.81 (274.6) 5.63 (143.0) 9.75 (247.7)
1.00 (25.40)
LIC 242 (1,320.8) (1,250.95) (1,133.48 / 1,133.55) (1,244.6) 14.56 (369.8) 7.50 (190.5) 13.5 (342.9)
LIC 148
LIC 248
52.000 / 52.005
(1,320.80 / 1,320.93)
14.69 (373.1)
19.07 (484.4)
6.00 (152.4)
8.75 (222.3)
0.00 (0.0)
1.00 (25.4)
10.69 (271.5)
15.07 (382.8)
LIC 2601 20.30 (515.6) 9.38 (238.3) 0.25 (6.4) 17.99 (456.9)
70.50 66.500 62.750 / 62.760 70.50
LIC 3601 22.00 (558.8) 12.25 (311.2) 0.00 (0.0) 19.63 (498.6)
(1,790.7) (1,689.10) (1,593.85 / 1,594.10) (1,790.7)
LIC 4601 28.25 (717.6) 18.63 (473.2) 0.25 (6.4) 27.13 (689.1)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model I J L M N Q R S U
Size ATD- No.- Size No. - Size Min. Max.
0.69 0.16 2.99 1.77 0.43 0.60 1.00
LIC 104 4 - 0.35 (9) 2 - 1/8 NPT 5/8"-18NF
(17.5) (4) (76) (45) (11) (15.2) (25.4)
LIC 106 1.56 (39.6) 0.06 4.19 2.69 0.56 0.60 2.00
4 - 0.34 (8.6) — 5/8"-11NF
LIC 206 1.50 (38.1) (1.5) (106.4) (68.3) (14.2) (15.2) (50.8)
LIC 142 1.75 (44.5) 0.25 29.50 18.00 1.50 8.00 14.00
24 - 1.06 (26.9) 4 - 1/2 NPT 1.5"-12NF
LIC 242 3.63 (92.2) (6.4) (749.3) (457.2) (38.1) (203.2) (355.6)
LIC 148 3.69 (93.7) 0.25 32.00 25.75 1.50) 10.00 18.00
24 - 1.06 (26.9) 4 - 1/2 NPT 1" NPT
LIC 248 4.32 (109.7) (6.4) (812.8) (654.1) (38.1 (254.0) (457.2)
LIC 2601 6.17 (156.7)
0.25 36.00 27.00 11.00 19.00
LIC 3601 5.19 (131.8) 24 - 4.5"NC — 6 - 1/2 NPT 2"-12NF
(6.4) (914.4) (685.8) (279.4) (482.6)
LIC 4601 6.38 (162.1)
1Less backplate.
NOTE: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
(Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Low Inertia Clutch Air Hose Kits

Size Part Number Size Part Number Size Part Number Size Part Number
8" 8-908-812-200-5 18" 8-918-812-301-5 30" 8-930-812-400-5 60" 8-960-800-500-7 QRV
8-908-821-201-5 QRV 8-918-821-300-5 QRV 8-930-821-400-5 QRV
11" 8-911-812-201-5 24"H 8-924-812-300-5 36" 8-936-821-400-5 QRV
8-911-821-201-5 QRV 8-924-821-301-5 QRV
42" 8-942-821-400-5 QRV
14" 8-914-812-200-5
48" 8-948-821-400-5 QRV
8-914-821-200-5 QRV

Air hose kits contain all necessary parts

(fittings, hoses and extensions) to
completely plumb the clutch air system.

Optional Quick Release Valves

can replace elbows on most
units (see page 35).

Roto-couplings (see page 35).

Quick Release Valve
Quality Material
Body and Cap: High strength aluminum alloy
Stem: Molded nylon
Check Valve: Nylon ball
"O" Ring: Neoprene


8-263-610-011-1 7/8" – 14 Thread
8-263-610-021-1 1/2" NPT

7/8" – 14 Thread

The Wichita Springless Quick Release Valve dis- 1/2" NPT
charges twice as fast as any other valve tested in
our laboratory and is four to five times faster than
some common makes of valves.
1/2" NPT to Clutch
This valve will close and seal with less than 20
lbs. pressure. Most others require 25 to 30 lbs. to 1/2" NPT (for Optional Muffler)
definitely seal. In actual tests, the Wichita Valve
made many hundreds of thousands of engage- Standard thread arrangement of 1/2" size.
ments and disengagements before the slightest 1/2" pipe thread on the tube connection and
leak occurred, or any parts needed replacement. choice of 1/2" pipe thread, or standard
Other valves which were tested required major 7/8-14NF thread for flared fitting thread on
replacement in fewer than 20,000 cycles. inlet connection. (Fits standard No. 10 high-
pressure hose fitting.)

• Long life, no maintenance.
• Felt seal eliminates bearing contamination.
• Fast, easy installation.



The Wichita Roto-coupling is a device to

connect, or couple, a non-rotating air, gas,
or fluid line to a rotating shaft. B
150 PSI Max. Air Pressure
Dimensions: inches
Wichita Part No. AA B C D E F G H Max. RPM
8-240-701-003-1 5/8-18NF 1/4" NPT .40 1.046 2.250 1.500 2.13 3.297 3500
8-240-705-001-1 1"-14 NF 1/2" NPT .75 1.250 3.188 2.500 3.00 4.438 3500
8-240-708-001-1 1"-14 NF 3/4" NPT .75 1.313 4.688 2.875 3.69 5.440 3500
8-240-710-002-1 1-1/2"-12 NF 1" NPT 1.13 1.937 4.875 3.250 3.44 6.812 2500
8-240-712-001-1 2"-12 NF 1-1/2" NPT 1.13 2.813 5.250 4.250 5.38 8.062 2500
8-240-714-001-3 2" NPT 2" NPT 1.50 3.000 7.062 4.625 7.00 10.062 1000
8-240-716-000-3 2-1/2" NPT 2-1/2" NPT 1.88 3.250 9.375 7.000 7.75 12.625 750

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Low Inertia Brakes


Model Slip Torque Capacity Duty Factors Max. Bore

Size Assembly lb.in. Nm HP/100 RPM Rect. Key
ATD- Number 80 PSI 100 PSI 5.5 BAR 7 BAR A B C D in. (mm)
LIB 104 7-004-100-803-0 800 1,000 90 113 1.6 1.2 0.6 0.3
1.00 (25)
LIB 204 7-004-200-801-0 1,600 2,000 90 225 3.2 2.4 1.2 0.6
LIB 106 7-006-100-203-0 3,160 3,950 340 435 6.2 4.4 2.2 1.1
2.00 (50)
LIB 206 7-006-200-200-0 6,320 7,900 680 870 12.5 8.8 4.4 2.2
LIB 108 7-008-100-108-0 5,600 7,000 620 790 11.1 8 4 2
LIB 208 7-008-200-105-0 11,200 14,000 1,240 1,580 22.2 16 8 4 2.25 (57)
LIB 308 7-008-300-100-0 16,800 21,000 1,865 2,375 33.3 24 12 6
LIB 111 7-011-100-107-0 12,720 15,900 1,400 1,785 25 18 9 5
LIB 211 7-011-200-102-0 25,440 31,800 2,800 3,570 50 36 18 10 2.50 (64)
LIB 311 7-011-300-100-0 38,160 47,700 4,235 5,390 75 54 27 15
LIB 114 7-014-100-102-0 22,100 27,625 2,435 3,100 44 31 16 8
LIB 214 7-014-200-101-0 44,200 55,250 4,870 6,200 88 62 32 16 3.50 (89)
LIB 314 7-014-300-102-0 66,300 82,875 7,355 9,365 132 93 48 24
LIB 116 7-016-100-100-0 30,270 37,838 3,360 4,275 60 46 24 12
LIB 216 7-016-200-100-0 60,541 75,676 6,720 8,550 120 92 48 24 4.00 (102)
LIB 316 7-016-300-100-0 90,811 113,514 10,080 12,825 180 139 72 36
LIB 118 7-018-100-100-0 51,600 64,500 5,705 7,260 102 75 35 21
LIB 218 7-018-200-100-0 103,200 129,000 11,410 14,520 204 150 70 42 4.75 (121)
LIB 318 7-018-300-103-0 154,840 193,550 17,115 21,780 306 225 105 63
LIB 121 7-021-100-100-0 69,887 87,359 7,755 9,870 139 107 55 28
LIB 221 7-021-200-100-0 139,775 174,719 15,510 19,740 277 213 111 55 6.00 (152)
LIB 321 7-021-300-100-0 209,662 262,078 23,265 29,610 416 320 166 83
LIB 124H 7-025-100-101-0 122,960 153,700 13,575 17,275 243 180 90 40
LIB 224H 7-025-200-101-0 245,920 307,400 27,150 34,550 487 360 180 80 6.00 (152)
LIB 324H 7-025-300-201-0 368,880 461,100 40,725 51,825 729 540 270 120
LIB 127 7-027-100-100-0 137,509 171,886 15,260 19,420 273 210 109 55
LIB 227 7-027-200-100-0 275,018 343,773 30,520 38,840 546 420 218 109 6.50 (165)
LIB 327 6-027-300-100-0 412,527 515,659 45,780 58,260 819 630 327 164
LIB 130H 7-031-100-100-0 261,600 327,000 29,630 37,710 519 380 190 100
LIB 230H 7-031-200-302-0 523,200 654,000 59,260 75,420 1,038 760 380 200 7.25 (184)
LIB 330H 7-031-300-304-0 784,800 981,000 88,890 113,130 1,557 1,140 570 300
LIB 136 7-036-100-100-0 406,400 508,000 44,920 57,175 805 600 295 165
LIB 236 7-036-200-100-0 812,800 1,016,000 89,840 114,350 1,610 1,200 590 330 9.00 (229)
LIB 336 6-036-300-100-0 1,219,200 1,524,000 134,760 171,525 2,415 1,800 885 495
LIB 142 7-042-100-303-0 580,800 726,000 69,160 81,660 1,150 850 425 235
LIB 242 7-042-200-311-0 1,162,240 1,452,800 128,320 163,320 2,300 1,700 850 470 14.00 (355)
LIB 342 6-042-300-302-0 1,742,400 2,178,000 192,480 244,980 3,450 2,550 1,275 705
LIB 148 7-048-100-300-0 1,122,000 1,402,500 118,800 151,200 2,225 1,600 800 455
LIB 248 7-048-200-300-0 2,244,000 2,805,000 237,600 302,400 4,450 3,200 1,600 915 18.00 (455)
LIB 348 7-048-300-301-0 3,366,000 4,207,500 356,400 453,600 6,675 4,800 2,400 1,365
LIB 260 7-060-200-302-0 4,760,000 5,950,000 473,000 602,000 9,440 5,950 3,470 1,940
LIB 360 7-060-300-301-0 7,140,000 8,925,000 709,000 902,300 14,160 8,925 5,205 2,910 19.00 (480)
LIB 460 6-060-400-300-0 14,280,000 17,850,000 946,000 1,204,000 18,880 11,900 6,940 3,880
Maximum Air Pressure is 130 PSI / 9 BAR.

Recom- Hub & C.P. Airtube
Model mended Balance Reg- High Swept Volume Total Brake Hub & Center Plate
Size Clearance Speed Speed Speed Area in.3 (cm 3 ) Wt. Wt. WR 2/ J=mr 2
ATD- in. RPM RPM RPM* in.2 New Worn lb. (kg) lb. (kg) lb.ft.2 (kgm 2 )
LIB 104 1/32 17 0.9 3.4 11.0 (7) 1.54 (0.7) 0.021 (0.001)
3,325 5,250 5,250*
LIB 204 1/16 34 (14.8) (56) 14.0 (6) 3.88 (1.8) 0.04 (0.002)
LIB 106
LIB 206
2,225 3,800 5,700*
LIB 108 1/16-1/8 56 62 (28) 11 (5.0) 0.54 (0.023)
3.4 18.3
LIB 208 3/32-5/32 1,675 2,870 4,300* 112 70 (32) 19 (8.6) 1.00 (0.042)
(56) (300)
LIB 308 1/8-3/16 168 87 (39) 28 (12.7) 2.00 (0.084)
LIB 111 1/16-1/8 114 130 (59) 23 (10.4) 2.30 (0.097)
5.5 30.5
LIB 211 3/32-5/32 1,200 2,090 3,125* 228 166 (75) 45 (20.4) 4.50 (0.190)
(90) (500)
LIB 311 1/8-3/16 342 208 (94) 121 (54.9) 7.00 (0.295)
LIB 114 1/16-1/8 158 184 (83) 46 (20.9) 5.7 (0.240)
7.6 42.7
LIB 214 3/32-5/32 950 1,640 2,450* 316 233 (106) 77 (34.9) 11.0 (0.464)
(125) (700)
LIB 314 1/8-3/16 174 290 (132) 121 (54.9) 16.7 (0.704)
LIB 116 1/16-1/8 228 254 (115) 59 (26.8) 10.2 (0.430)
9.8 56.1
LIB 216 3/32-5/32 835 1,430 2,150* 455 326 (148) 106 (48.1) 19.6 (0.826)
(161) (919)
LIB 316 1/8-3/16 683 358 (162) 151 (68.5) 29.6 (1.248)
LIB 118 1/16-1/8 264 311 (141) 73 (33.1) 15.0 (0.632)
15.3 85.4
LIB 218 3/32-5/32 750 1,270 1,910* 528 377 (171) 120 (54.4) 28.8 (1.214)
(251) (1,400)
LIB 318 1/8-3/16 792 461 (209) 180 (81.6) 43.2 (1.821)
LIB 121 3/32-5/32 362 460 (209) 116 (52.6) 32 (1.35)
18.3 97.6
LIB 221 1/8-3/16 650 1,090 1,650* 724 575 (261) 198 (89.8) 61 (2.57)
(300) (1,599)
LIB 321 5/32-7/32 1,086 723 (328) 312 (141.5) 122 (5.14)
LIB 124H 3/32-5/32 574 618 (280) 132 (60.0) 56 (2.4)
29.9 159
LIB 224H 1/8-3/16 550 950 1,410* 1,148 840 (381) 260 (117.9) 110 (4.6)
(490) (2,606)
LIB 324H 5/32-7/32 1,722 1,025 (465) 379 (172.0) 160 (6.8)
LIB 127 3/32-5/32 730 760 (345) 187 (84.8) 98 (4.1)
29.9 159
LIB 227 1/8-3/16 500 850 1,250* 1,460 924 (419) 329 (149.2) 191 (8.1)
(490) (2,606)
LIB 327 5/32-7/32 2,190 1,112 (504) 555 (251.7) 285 (12.0)
LIB 130H 3/32-5/32 827 972 (441) 298 (135.2) 189 (8.0)
58.6 311
LIB 230H 1/8-3/16 450 765 1130* 1,654 1,350 (612) 546 (247.7) 370 (15.6)
(960) (5,096)
LIB 330H 5/32-7/32 2,481 1,751 (794) 810 (367.4) 477 (20.1)
LIB 136 3/32-5/32 1,150 1,388 (630) 461 (209.1) 372 (15.7)
110 415
LIB 236 1/8 -3/16 375 640 950* 2,300 1,993 (904) 708 (321.1) 725 (30.6)
(1,803) (6,801)
LIB 336 5/32-7/32 3,450 2,610 (1,184) 1,134 (514.4) 1,091 (46.0)
LIB 142 5/32-7/32 1,400 1,967 (892) 680 (308) 705 (30)
128 488
LIB 242 3/16-1/4 325 545 805* 2,800 2,732 (1,239) 1,197 (543) 1,385 (58)
(2,098) (7,997)
LIB 342 7/32-9/32 4,200 3,704 (1,680) 1,324 (601) 1,809 (76)
LIB 148 1/8-1/4 2,010 3,158 (1,432) 1,101 (499) 1,785 (75)
217 824
LIB 248 5/32-7/32 275 475 705* 4,020 4,700 (2,132) 1,942 (881) 3,335 (141)
(3,550) (13,500)
LIB 348 3/16-5/16 6,030 6,540 (2,966) 2,950 (1,338) 4,925 (208)
LIB 260 3/16-5/16 7,230 9,453 (4,288) 2,567 (1,164) 7,077 (298)
513 1,788
LIB 360 1/4-3/8 225 380 575* 10,845 11,643 (5,281) 3,870 (1,755) 10,615 (448)
(8,407) (29,300)
LIB 460 5/16-7/16 14,460 14,500 (6,577) 5,700 (2,585) 15,070 (635)
* Consult Factory for Special Assembly Number.

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Low Inertia Brakes (Sizes 8-36)





Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model B C
Size ATD- A Hole Circle Pilot D F G H
LIB 108 12.13 11.125 8.375 / 8.378 11.13 2.00 (50.8) .25 4.56 (115.8)
LIB 208 (308.1) (282.58) (212.73 / 212.80) (282.7) 3.25 (82.6) (6.4) 5.94 (150.9)
LIB 111 16.00 14.750 11.375 / 11.378 14.75 2.75 (69.9) .13 (3.3) 5.44 (138.2)
LIB 211 (406.4) (374.65) (288.93 / 289.00) (374.7) 4.38 (111.3) .25 (6.4) 7.19 (182.6)
LIB 114 18.75 17.500 14.375 / 14.378 17.50 3.75 (95.3) .13 (3.3) 6.06 (153.9)
LIB 214 (476.3) (444.50) (365.13 / 365.20) (444.5) 4.50 (114.3) .38 (9.7) 8.00 (203.2)
LIB 116 4.00 (101.6) 6.31 (160.3)
21.25 20.000 16.250 / 16.253 20.00 0.38
LIB 216 4.75 (120.7) 8.25 (209.6)
(539.8) (508.00) (412.75 / 412.83) (508.0) (9.7)
LIB 316
LIB 118
6.63 (168.4)
4.00 (101.6)
10.19 (258.8)
6.69 (169.9)
23.25 22.000 18.250 / 18.253 22.00 0.44
LIB 218 4.75 (120.7) 8.63 (219.2)
(590.6) (558.80) (463.55 / 463.63) (558.8) (11.2)
LIB 318 6.50 (165.1) 10.63 (270.0)
LIB 121 4.00 (101.6) 7.38 (187.5)
27.00 25.500 21.375 / 21.378 24.88 .75
LIB 221 5.13 (130.3) 9.31 (236.5)
(685.8) (647.70) (542.93 / 543.00) (632.0) (19.1)
LIB 321 7.13 (181.1) 11.75 (298.5)
LIB 124H 4.00 (101.6) .69 (17.5) 7.63 (193.8)
30.00 28.750 24.375 / 24.378 29.00
LIB 224H 5.13 (130.3) .75 (19.1) 9.94 (252.5)
(762) (730.25) (619.13 / 619.20) (736.6)
LIB 324H 7.50 (190.5) .75 (19.1) 12.25 (311.2)
LIB 127 4.50 (114.3) 7.88 (200.2)
32.75 31.500 27.375 / 27.378 31.00 0.75 (19.1)
LIB 227 6.88 (174.8) 10.38 (263.7)
(831.9) (800.10) (695.33 / 695.40) (787.4)
LIB 327 — — —
LIB 130H 5.00 (127.0) .63 (16.0) 8.38 (212.9)
37.00 35.500 30.375 / 30.378 34.75
LIB 230H 7.13 (181.1) 1.88 (47.8) 11.81 (300.0)
(939.8) (901.70) (771.53 / 771.60) (882.7)
LIB 330H 11.88 (301.8) .63 (16.0) 15.31 (388.9)
LIB 136 43.50 42.000 36.375 / 36.378 41.00 5.63 (143.0) 0.63 9.50 (241.3)
LIB 236 (1,104.9) (1,066.80) (923.93 / 924.00) (1,041.4) 9.00 (228.6) (16.0) 12.88 (327.2)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model L R U
Size ATD- J No. - Size M N Q No. - Size T Min. Max.
LIB 108 0.25 5.38 3.50 0.50 1.00 2.00
6- 17/32 (13.5) 2- 1/2 NPT 2.25
LIB 208 (6.4) (136.7) (88.9) (12.7) (25) (50.8)
LIB 111 0.38 21/32 (16.7) 7.00 4.00 0.63 1.00 2.50
6- 2- 1/2 NPT 3.25
LIB 211 (9.7) 11/16 (17.5) (177.8) (101.6) (16.0) (25) (63.5)
LIB 114 0.38 9.44 5.50 0.63 1.38 3.50
8- 21/32 (16.7) 2- 1/2 NPT 5.06
LIB 214 (9.7) (239.8) (139.7) (16.0) (35.1) (88.9)
LIB 116
0.38 10.50 6.00 0.63 1.38 4.00
LIB 216 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 2- 1/2 NPT 6.13
(9.7) (266.7) (152.4) (16.0) (35.1) (101.6)
LIB 316
LIB 118
0.38 12.50 7.00 0.63 2.00 4.75
LIB 218 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 3- 1/2 NPT 7.75
(9.7) (317.5) (177.8) (16.0) (50.8) (120.7)
LIB 318
LIB 121
0.31 14.50 9.00 .75 2.00 6.00
LIB 221 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 3- 1/2 NPT 9.25
(7.9) (368.3) (228.6) (19.1) (50.8) (152.4)
LIB 321
LIB 124H
0.25 14.50 9.00 .75 2.00 6.00
LIB 224H 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 3- 1/2 NPT 13.25
(6.4) (368.3) (228.6) (19.1) (50.8) (152.4)
LIB 324H
LIB 127 0.25
16.25 9.00 .75 2.50 6.50
LIB 227 (6.4) 16 - 21/32 (16.7) 3- 1/2 NPT 13.25
(412.8) (228.6) (19.1) (63.5) (165.1)
LIB 327 —
LIB 130H
0.25 19.25 10.00 .75 2.50 7.25
LIB 230H 18 - 25/32 (19.8) 4- 1/2 NPT 15.00
(6.4) (489) (254) (19.1) (63.5) (184.2)
LIB 330H
LIB 136 0.25 13/16 (20.6) 23.63 12.00 .88 6.00 9.00
18 - 4- 1/2 NPT 22.75
LIB 236 (6.4) 25/32 (19.8) (600.2) (304.8) (22.4) (152.4) (228.6)
Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
(Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Low Inertia Brakes (Sizes 6, 42-60)



Size 6



Sizes 42-60

Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model B C
Size ATD- A Hole Circle Pilot D F G H
LIB 106 8.75 8.000 7.377 / 7.379 8.81 2.00 (50.8) 0.00 (0.0) 3.75 (95.3)
LIB 206 (222.3) (203.20) (187.38 / 187.43) (223.8) 3.25 (82.6) 0.06 (1.5) 5.00 (127.0)
LIB 142 52.00 49.250 44.625 / 44.628 49.00 5.63 (143.0) 9.75 (247.7)
1.00 (25.40)
LIB 242 (1,320.8) (1,250.95) (1,133.48 / 1,133.55) (1,244.6) 7.50 (190.5) 13.5 (342.9)
LIB 148 61.00 58.000 52.000 / 52.005 56.75 6.00 (152.4) 0.00 (0.0) 10.69 (271.5)
LIB 248 (1,549.4) (1,473.20) (1,320.80 / 1,320.93) (1,441.5) 8.75 (222.3) 1.00 (25.4) 15.06 (382.5)
LIB 260
LIB 360
60.000 / 59.990
(1,524.0 / 1,523.7)
9.38 (238.3)
12.25 (311.2)
3.50 (88.9)
21.25 (539.8)
22.88 (581.2)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model L R U
Size ATD- J No.- Size M N Q No. - Size T Min. Max.
LIB 106 0.06 4.19 0.56 2.00 0.60 2.00
4- 0.34 (8.6) 2.69 (68.3) 2 - 1/4 NPT
LIB 206 (1.5) (106.4) (14.2) (50.8) (15.2) (50.8)
LIB 142 0.25 29.50 1.50 23.88 8.00 14.00
24 - 1.06 (26.9) 18.00 (457.2) 4 - 1/2 NPT
LIB 242 (6.4) (749.3) (38.1) (606.6) (203.2) (355.6)
LIB 148 0.25 32.00 1.50 25.25 10.00 18.00
24 - 1.06 (26.9) 25.75 (654.1) 4 - 1/2 NPT
LIB 248 (6.4) (812.8) (38.1) (641.4) (254.0) (457.2)
LIB 260 0.38 35.50 27.00 (685.8) 3.25 28.5 11.00 19.00
24 - 2.06 (52.3) 6 - 1/2 NPT
LIB 360 (9.5) (901.7) 28.15 (715.0) (797.6) (723.9) (279.4) (482.6)
Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
(Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Brake Air Hose Kits

Model Part Number Model Part Number Model Part Number

8" 8-908-912-100-5 6" 8-906-912-200-4 18" 8-918-912-200-5
8-908-924-100-5 QRV 8-906-931-201-5 QRV 8-918-931-200-5 QRV
8" 8-908-913-200-5 21" 8-921-913-200-5
8-908-931-200-5 8-921-931-200-5 QRV
11" 8-911-913-200-5 24" 8-924-913-200-5
8-911-931-200-5 QRV 8-924-931-200-5 QRV
14" 8-914-913-200-5 27" 8-927-913-200-5
8-914-921-200-5 QRV 8-927-921-200-5 QRV
16" 8-916-913-200-5
8-916-921-200-5 QRV

Air hose kits contain all

necessary parts (fittings, hoses
and extensions) to completely
plumb the brake air system.

Optional Quick Release Valves

can replace elbows on most
units (see page 35).

(see page 35).
Model Part Number Model Part Number
30" 8-930-913-400-5 60" 8-960-912-500-5
8-930-931-400-5 QRV 8-960-923-400-6 QRV
36" 8-936-913-400-6
8-936-931-400-6 QRV
42" 8-942-913-400-6
8-924-931-400-6 QRV
48" 8-948-912-400-6
8-948-923-400-6 QRV

Low Inertia Clutches and Brakes
Component Parts



10 25



1. Hub 14 22

2. Demountable Back Plate

10. Pressure Plate
3. Socket Head Capscrews
11. Airtube
4. Ring
12. Shims 21. Release Springs
6. Grooved Friction Disc
(grooved on one side) 13. Airtube Holding Plate 22. Flexloc Nuts

7. Center Plate 14. Socket Head Capscrews 23. Roto-coupling

8. Grooved Friction Disc 19. Pressure Plate Lugs 24. “O” Ring
(grooved on both sides) 20. Hex Head Capscrews 25. Snap Ring

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

High Torque Clutches

Very Low Inertia

Drive Plate Assembly High Torque
Ring Bonded or Riveted Air-Tube

Floating Plate Pressure


Airtube Holding

Ductile Center

Friction Disc


Selection Requirements
Wichita High Torque Clutches provide the To properly select a High Torque Clutch
highest torque to size ratios of any Wichita and Low Inertia Brake, the following
Clutch. They provide smooth controlled starts information must be determined.
and stops and are designed for minimum
1. Torque necessary to do the work (clutch)
power loss due to low rotating inertia.
2. Rotating inertia to be stopped and started
• Extremely fast response
3. Heat generated by each stop/start
• No lubrication
4. Torque necessary to stop inertia (brake)
• High torque to size ratio
5. Shaft size
• Low rotating inertia

Selection Example
Rated Tonnage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As Required
Crankshaft Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 RPM
(Continuous Run) Motor
Clutch-Brake Shaft RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 RPM
Crankshaft Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 RPM
Flywheel Brake
Degrees of Crank to start . . . . . . . . . . . 90°
Degrees of Crank to stop . . . . . . . . . . . 90°
Air Clutch
Connecting Rod Length = b . . . . . . . . . 36 in.
Stroke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 in.
1/2 of Press Stroke (throw) = a . . . . . . . 3 in.
WR2 of Parts on Backshaft . . . . . . . . . . 78.2 lb.ft.2
WR2 of Parts on Crankshaft . . . . . . . . . . 39,091 lb.ft.2
Material Shear Stress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000 PSI
Blade Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 in.
Shaft Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 in.
Maximum Material to be Sheared . . . . . x
Air Pressure Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 PSI

Torque @ Crank
= (Material Shear Stress) (x) (Blade Width) (Torque Arm)
Torque arm = y = (x) (tan α)
c =a+b–x y
= 3 + 36 – .25
= 38.75 in. 3 in.
Throw of
Cos α Crank = a
b 2 + c 2 – a2 θ
2 bc 36 In Connecting
(36)2 + (38.75) 2 – (3) 2 Rod = b
(2) (36) (38.75)
= .99948 α
α = 1.8478˚
Torque Arm = y = (c) (tan α)
= (38.75) (tan 1.8478˚)
= (38.75) (.03226) 1/4 in. Off
= 1.25 in. Bottom
Torque @ Crank
= (Material Shear Stress) (x) (Blade Width) (Torque Arm) x
= (45,000) (.25) (60) (1.25)
= 843,750 lb.in.
Torque @ Clutch
Clutch RPM
= (Torque @ Crank) ÷
Crankshaft RPM
204 RPM
= 843,750 ÷
30 RPM
= 124,081 lb.in.

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

High Torque Clutches

Clutch Selection
Per the application factors on page 23 a “Back Estimated time to start
Geared Press is ‘Group C’.” Start Angle 60
HP Torque 124,081 360° Crankshaft RPM
= = = 197
100 RPM 630 630
90˚ 60 = 0.5 sec.
The preliminary clutch selection based on =
360˚ 30
124,081 lb.in. and 197 HP/100 RPM is an
ATD-224 Low Inertia High Torque Clutch. P1 = Line pressure to clutch
(page 48) P2 = Required pressure to clutch
A Low Inertia High Torque Clutch was chosen LN = Natural log
because of the continuous duty (non-cyclic) k = Inflation coefficient
operation having a relatively low heat HP (ATD-224 H.T. @ 100 PSI)
requirement. = 2,600
u = For ATD-224 H.T. Clutch @ 100 PSI
ATD-224 Low Inertia High Torque Clutch = = 2.5
280 HP/100 RPM
Rated Torque = 480,000 lb.in @ 100 PSI Time to 26% of line pressure.

t =
[ ]
Required clutch air pressure is: [ P1- P2 ]
Clutch required torque x (100 PSI) k
PSI = 1
Catalog rated torque @ 100 PSI
t =
[ ]
100 2.5
[ 100 - 26 ]
Actual required clutch PSI 2,600
PSI = x (100 PSI)
480,000 = 0.027 seconds
= 26 PSI minimum is required.
Clutch will be fully inflated at 90˚ of crankshaft
This application has 100 PSI available. rotation.

Contact velocity of rotating disc is: Clutch exhaust time @ 100 PSI = E = .078
(page 52).
(Diameter of Center Plate) (π) (RPM)
Vc =
12 in.ft. Note:
This application example is for preliminary
24 ft.
= (π) (204) = 1,282 sizing only. Contact a Wichita Sales Engineer
12 min.
or the factory for final selection.
(Ductile iron is not required, see page 23).

Maximum bore for ATD-224 High Torque Low

Inertia Clutch = 7 in.

Check clutch inflation time for 90˚ start angle (see

page 52, PSI pressure curves)

Low Inertia Brake Selection
To properly size a brake, the total rotating inertia
reflected to the clutch and brake shaft must be
The actual
deceleration torque
= 12 [ 1035.6
32.2 ] [ 9.5 ]

known. = 16,575 lb. in.

Alternate shaft WR2 Required air pressure is:

referred to clutch shaft Brake required torque x (100 PSI)
Brake =
Catalog rated torque @ 100 PSI B
shaft WR 2 [ Alternate shaft RPM
clutch shaft RPM ] 2

16,575 lb. in.
55,250 lb. in.
x 100
= 39,091
[ 204
] 2
= 30 PSI minimum

WR2 referred to = 845.4 lb.ft2 This application has 100 PSI available.
clutch-brake shaft @204 RPM
The average heat HP each stop
Total inertia = 78.2 lb.ft.2 (Brake Torque)
= x RPM x 1/2
Back shaft WR2 63,000
= x 204 x .5
Clutch hub & 63,000
drive plate WR2 from = 101.0 lb.ft.2 = 26.8 HP
Specification Table
Friction area necessary to absorb heat = heat HP
Estimate brake WR2 = 101.0 lb.ft.2 Heat HP 26.8 Absorbtion rate for .5 sec.
= = = 39 in.2 (see page 172)
(assume same as clutch) .7 .7
An ATD-214 Low Inertia Brake has 316 in.2 of
Total WR2 referred = 1,125.66 lb.ft.2
to clutch-brake (Estimated) friction lining available to absorb heat
generated by stopping. Maximum bore for
Estimated time to stop: an ATD-214 Low Inertia Brake is 4-1/8 inches.
[Start Angle
360º ] [ Crankshaft
Based on the given application data and
the following calculations, an ATD-224 Low
Inertia High Torque Clutch and ATD-214
[ 90º
360º ] [ 6030 ] = .5 sec. Low Inertia Brake have been selected as
having sufficient torque and heat dissipation
The deceleration torque is: capacity with minimum diameter and
T = 12 [
32.2 ] [Brake RPM
9.5(t) ] sufficient bore capacity.

= 12
[ 1125.6 204
32.2 ] [ 9.5 (.5) ]
These application examples are for
preliminary sizing only. Contact a
Deceleration Torque = 18,015 lb.in. Wichita Sales Engineer or the
The HP / 100 RPM for this application is: factory for final selection.
HP Torque (lb.in.) 18,015
= = = 29 HP/100 RPM
100 RPM 630 630

Consult the Specification Table on pages 36-37

to select a brake based on torque and HP/
100 RPM. Under "Duty C", an ATD-214 brake
has 32 HP/100 capacity and 55,250 lb.in.
torque. The rotating inertia of an ATD-214
Low Inertia Brake is 11 lb.ft.2. Therefore, the
actual rotating inertia reflected to brake is
1035.6 lb.ft.2.

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

High Torque Clutches


Model Slip Torque Capacity Duty Factors Max. Bore

Size Assembly lb.in. Nm HP/100 RPM Rect. Key
ATD- Number 80 PSI 100 PSI 5.5 BAR 7 BAR A B C D in. (mm)
HTC 104 6-004-100-400-0 800 1,000 90 113 1.6 1.2 0.6 0.3
1.00 (25)
HTC 204 6-004-200-802-0 1,600 2,000 180 226 3.2 2.4 1.2 0.6
HTC 106 6-006-100-400-0 4,000 5,000 475 602 8 5.7 2.8 1.4
2.00 (50)
HTC 206 6-006-200-400-0 8,000 10,000 950 1,204 16 11.4 5.7 2.8
HTC 108 6-008-100-407-0 8,800 11,000 977 1,243 17 13 6 3
HTC 208 6-008-200-417-0 17,600 22,000 1,953 2,486 34 25 13 6 2.38 (60)
HTC 308 6-008-300-400-0 26,400 33,000 2,930 3,729 51 38 19 9
HTC 111 6-011-100-408-0 20,000 25,000 2,220 2,825 38 28 14 7
HTC 211 6-011-200-422-0 40,000 50,000 4,440 5,650 76 56 28 14 2.63 (67)
HTC 311 6-011-300-406-0 60,000 75,000 6,660 8,475 114 84 42 21
HTC 114 6-014-100-405-0 38,400 48,000 4,261 5,423 75 55 27 14 4.13 (105)
HTC 214 6-014-200-403-0 76,800 96,000 8,522 10,846 160 114 55 28 3.63 (92)
HTC 314 6-014-300-411-0 115,200 144,000 12,783 16,269 225 165 81 42 4.63 (118)
HTC 116 6-016-100-403-0 59,480 74,350 6,600 8,400 118 91 47 24
HTC 216 6-016-200-402-0 118,960 148,700 13,200 16,800 236 182 94 47 4.00 (102)
HTC 316 6-016-300-401-0 178,440 223,050 19,800 25,200 354 272 142 71
HTC 118 6-018-100-400-0 84,000 105,000 9,321 11,863 165 120 60 30
HTC 218 6-018-200-400-0 168,000 210,000 18,642 23,726 330 240 120 60 4.75 (120)
HTC 318 6-018-300-400-0 252,000 315,000 27,963 35,589 495 360 180 90
HTC 121 6-021-100-400-0 136,000 170,000 15,091 19,207 270 208 108 54
HTC 221 6-021-200-401-0 272,000 340,000 30,182 38,414 540 415 216 108 6.00 (152)
HTC 321 6-021-300-400-0 408,000 510,000 45,273 57,621 810 623 324 162
HTC 124 6-024-100-401-0 192,000 240,000 21,305 27,116 385 280 140 70
HTC 224 6-024-200-405-0 384,000 480,000 42,610 54,232 770 560 280 140
6.00 (152)
HTC 324 6-024-300-401-0 576,000 720,000 63,915 81,348 1,155 840 420 210
HTC 424 6-024-400-400-0 768,000 960,000 85,220 108,464 1,540 1,120 560 280
HTC 127 6-027-100-404-0 289,680 362,100 32,144 40,911 575 442 230 115
6.50 (165)
HTC 227 6-027-200-411-0 579,360 724,200 64,288 81,821 1,150 884 460 230
HTC 327 6-027-300-402-0 869,040 1,086,300 96,432 122,732 1,724 1,326 690 345 6.00 (152)
HTC 130 6-030-100-400-0 376,000 470,000 41,722 53,101 750 535 270 135
7.25 (184)
HTC 230 6-030-200-408-0 752,000 940,000 83,445 106,203 1,500 1,070 540 270
HTC 330 6-030-300-415-0 1,128,000 1,410,000 125,167 159,304 2,250 1,605 810 405 8.00 (203)
HTC 136 6-036-100-400-0 406,400 508,000 44,920 57,175 1,555 1,120 560 280
8.00 (203)
HTC 236 6-036-200-409-0 812,800 1,016,000 89,840 114,350 3,100 2,240 1,120 560
HTC 336 6-036-300-404-0 1,219,200 1,524,000 134,760 171,525 4,665 3,360 1,680 840 9.25 (235)
HTC 436 6-036-400-402-0 1,625,600 2,032,000 180,383 229,579 6,220 4,480 2,240 1,120 10.50 (267)
HTC 148 6-048-100-400-0 1,888,000 2,360,000 209,500 266,637 3,745 2,690 1,345 670
HTC 248 6-048-200-406-0 3,776,000 4,720,000 419,000 533,273 7,490 5,380 2,690 1,345 18.00 (455)
HTC 348 6-048-300-403-0 5,664,000 7,080,000 628,500 799,910 11,235 8,070 4,035 2,010
Maximum Air Pressure is 100 PSI / 7 BAR.

Recom- Max. Speed Airtube
Model mended Balance Reg- High Swept Volume Total Clutch Hub & Center Plate
Size Clearance Speed Speed Speed Area in.3 (cm 3 ) Wt. WR 2/ J=mr 2 Wt. WR2/ J=mr 2
ATD- in. RPM RPM RPM* in.2 New Worn lb. (kg) lb.ft.2 (kgm 2) lb. (kg) lb.ft.2 (kgm 2)
HTC 104 1/32-1/16 17 1.3 5 11.0 (5) 0.4 (0.018) 1.50 (0.7) 0.021 (0.001)
NA 2,100 2,600*
HTC 204 1/32-1/16 34 (21.3) (82) 14.0 (6) 0.6 (0.023) 3.88 (1.8) 0.04 (0.002)
HTC 106 1/16-3/32 39 3 14 22.5 (10) 1.4 (0.059) 6.40 (2.9) 0.24 (0.010)
HTC 206 3/32-5/32
NA 2,100 2,600*
78 (49) (229) 44.2 (20) 3.1 (0.131) 12.60 (5.7) 0.50 (0.021) B
HTC 108 1/16-1/8 56 109.4 (50) 21.43 (0.903) 15 (6.8) 1.35 (0.057)
5 30
HTC 208 3/32-5/32 1,675 1,890 2,500 112 148.4 (67) 28.72 (1.211) 30 (13.6) 2.60 (0.110)
(82) (492)
HTC 308 1/8-3/16 168 140 (64) 30 (1.265) 40.5 (18.4) 4.00 (0.169)
HTC 111 1/16-1/8 114 133 (60) 27 (1.14) 23 (10.4) 2.30 (0.097)
8 48
HTC 211 3/32-5/32 1,200 1,430 2,200* 228 170 (77) 34 (1.43) 45 (20.4) 4.50 (0.190)
(131) (787)
HTC 311 1/8-3/16 342 208 (94) 52 (2.19) 121 (54.9) 7.00 (0.295)
HTC 114 1/16-1/8 158 120 (54) 31 (1.31) 48 (21.8) 5.6 (0.236)
12 75
HTC 214 3/32-5/32 950 1,225 1,930* 316 265 (120) 70 (2.95) 78 (35.4) 11.2 (0.472)
(197) (1,229)
HTC 314 1/8-3/16 174 279 (127) 72 (3.04) 31 (14.1) 15.1 (0.637)
HTC 116 1/16-1/8 228 236 (107) 84 (3.54) 50 (22.7) 8.2 (0.346)
10 56
HTC 216 3/32-5/32 835 1,080 1,700* 455 295 (134) 105 (4.43) 107 (48.5) 19.6 (0.826)
(164) (918)
HTC 316 1/8-3/16 683 357 (162) 120 (5.06) 151 (68.5) 28.6 (1.206)
HTC 118 1/16-1/8 264 375 (170) 182 (7.67) 80 (36.3) 15.6 (0.658)
18 101
HTC 218 3/32-5/32 950 985 1,530* 528 485 (220) 200 (8.43) 118 (53.5) 28.8 (1.214)
(295) (1,655)
HTC 318 1/8-3/16 792 530 (240) 250 (10.54) 180 (81.6) 45.0 (1.897)
HTC 121 3/32-5/32 362 557 (253) 334 (14.08) 101 (45.8) 31 (1.31)
38 201
HTC 221 1/8-3/16 650 850 1,400* 724 697 (316) 427 (18.00) 198 (89.8) 61 (2.57)
(623) (3,294)
HTC 321 5/32-7/32 1,086 757 (343) 400 (16.86) 290 (131.5) 122 (5.14)
HTC 124 3/32-5/32 574 702 (318) 498 (20.99) 134 (60.8) 56 (2.4)
HTC 224 1/8-3/16 1,148 50 250 920 (417) 635 (26.77) 260 (117.9) 110 (4.6)
550 765 1,210*
HTC 324 5/32-7/32 1,722 (819) (4,097) 1,190 (540) 856 (36.09) 386 (175.1) 163 (6.9)
HTC 424 3/16-1/4 2,296 1,291 (586) 917 (38.66) 466 (211.4) 209 (8.8)
HTC 127 3/32-5/32 730 989 (449) 785 (33.1) 168 (76.2) 98 (4.1)
61 323
HTC 227 1/8-3/16 500 700 1,090* 1,460 1,192 (541) 968 (40.8) 304 (137.9) 191 (8.1)
(1,000) (5,293)
HTC 327 5/32-7/32 2,190 1,413 (641) 1,183 (49.9) 455 (206.4) 283 (11.9)
HTC 130 3/32-5/32 827 1,525 (692) 1,836 (77.4) 272 (123.4) 186 (7.8)
80 395
HTC 230 1/8-3/16 450 620 1,000* 1,654 1,925 (873) 2,425 (102.2) 529 (240.0) 369 (15.6)
(1,311) (6,473)
HTC 330 5/32-7/32 2,481 2,240 (1,016) 2,720 (114.7) 800 (362.9) 495 (20.9)
HTC 136 3/32-5/32 1,150 2,190 (993) 3,650 (153.9) 376 (170.6) 368 (15.5)
HTC 236 1/8 -3/16 2,300 120 770 2,800 (1,270) 4,390 (185.1) 750 (340.2) 755 (31.8)
375 525 800*
HTC 336 5/32-7/32 3,450 (1966) (12618) 3,221 (1,461) 4,866 (205.1) 1,206 (547.0) 1,140 (48.1)
HTC 436 7/32-9/32 4,600 3,293 (1,494) 4,876 (205.6) 1,424 (645.9) 1,430 (60.3)
HTC 148 1/8-1/4 2,010 7,326 (3,323) 25,703 (1,084) 1,711 (776) 1,828 (77)
200 1,430
HTC 248 7/32-9/32 275 380 580* 4,020 8,497 (3,854) 28,356 (1,195) 1,994 (904) 3,411 (144)
(3,277) (23,434)
HTC 348 3/16-5/16 6,030 9,768 (4,431) 32,008 (1,349) 2,708 (1,228) 4,899 (207)
* Consult Factory for Special Assembly Number.

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

High Torque Clutches

Component Parts

3 2




1. Hub 20
2. Demountable Backplate 27
3. Socket Head Capscrews
4. Ring 21
22 14
6. Grooved Friction Disc
(grooved on one side)
7. Center Plate
9. Grooved Friction Disc 21. Release Springs
10. Pressure Plate 22. Flexloc Nut
11. Pancake Air Tube 23. Internal Roto-Coupling
12. Shims 24. ”O“ Ring
13. Air Tube Holding Plate 25. Snap Ring
14. Socket Head Capscrews 26. Flathead Socket Capscrew
20. Hex Head Capscrew 27. Slotted Flush Nut

High Torque Clutches

Inflation Coefficients
Model Inflation Coefficients Operating Air Pressure
Size 50 PSI 75 PSI 100 PSI
111 393,000 3 151,000 3 5,100 4
211 393,000 3 151,000 3 5,100 4 B
114 49,000 3 30,000 3 17,600 3
214 49,000 3 30,000 3 17,600 3
118 5,700 2.8 5,700 2.8 7,500 3
218 5,700 2.8 5,700 2.8 7,500 3
124 10,400 3 5,200 2.7 2,600 2.5
224 10,400 3 5,200 2.7 2,600 2.5
130 940 2.2 1,070 2.2 590 2
230 940 2.2 1,070 2.2 590 2
136 77,000 3.5 58,000 3.5 44,000 3.5
236 77,000 3.5 58,000 3.5 44,000 3.5
148 1,200 2.5 1,240 3.5 800 2.5
248 1,200 2.5 1,240 3.5 800 2.5

Exhaust Coefficients
Model Exhaust Coefficients Operating Air Pressure
Size 50 PSI 75 PSI 100 PSI
111 480,000 .04 4 180,000 .05 4 * .056 5
211 480,000 .04 4 180,000 .05 4 * .056 5
114 5,600 .032 2.5 2,200 .044 2.5 910 .064 2.5
214 5,600 .032 2.5 2,200 .044 2.5 910 .064 2.5
118 4,100 .062 3 9,800 .1 4 8,500 .104 4
218 4,100 .062 3 9,800 .1 4 8,500 .104 4
124 280 .06 2 775 .068 2.5 575 .078 2.5
224 280 .06 2 775 .068 2.5 575 .078 2.5
130 690 .072 2.5 500 .083 2.5 500 .084 2.5
230 690 .072 2.5 500 .083 2.5 500 .084 2.5
136 86 .048 1.5 76 .056 1.5 1,100 .064 1.5
236 86 .048 1.5 76 .056 1.5 1,100 .064 1.5
148 160 .11 2.3 120 .136 2.4 111 .15 2.5
248 160 .11 2.3 120 .136 2.4 111 .15 2.5
* 1.88 x 10 6

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Air system data

PSI pressure
Inflation Exhaust
Clutch air pressure during inflation can be Clutch air pressure during exhaust
closely estimated by the following: can be closely estimated by the following:

Clutch Pressure
Clutch Pressure

t1 Time
d t Time
1 o

t1= ( —
K )
3 u
sec. = Time to 95% Full Inflation
d t

Clutch pressure = P1 1
( –
u ) Clutch pressure = (P1) (R) (E-t)v PSI
This equation is accurate from 5% up R, E and V = coefficients for specific clutch
to 95% P1. and air pressure from Specification
Table on page 51.
te = Time to exhaust = E from Specification
P1 = Line pressure to clutch PSI
K and U = coefficients for specific clutch and Table on page 51.

air pressure from Specification Table on
page 51. = Time variable – seconds. In the
exhaust equation “t” cannot
e = Naperian base log
to = Time at initiation of signal for
exceed the value of “E” sec.

inflation sec.
td = Time delay of air system – sec.
Shown are some of the air systems used
on Wichita clutches. These systems are
acceptable for remote operation where clutch
reaction time is not important. Faster clutch re-
action time is accomplished as indicated in the
To Clutch
Modulating Valve diagram by locating the flow control valve, if
required, and the solenoid valve as close as
possible to the roto-coupling. Where clutches
Flow On Off Valve
are located on long shafts, the use of quick
Control release valves on the clutch will facilitate faster
To Clutch Air
clutch response.
Free Flow Exhaust Regulator
Volume Tank
Control Exhaust
To Clutch
Free Flow 3 Way Solenoid Valve

A typical clutch-brake torque curve for a single
backshaft press (cyclic application) would
appear as shown below.

Clutch B
Torque (lb.-in.)


T Overlap
tO tC t1 tO tB t1

Time (sec.)
tOc = time at which disengaged clutch
receives signal
tCc = time of clutch engagement
t1c = time of clutch full inflation
tOB = time at which disengaged brake
receives signal
tBc = time of brake engagement
t1B = time of brake full exhaust

t2 = overlap time at which clutch and brake

are both engaged

Quick Release
Clutch Brake
Quick Release

Flexible Flexible
Line Line Regulator
Exhaust Exhaust
Air Air
Supply Supply
Flow Control Flow Control
Valve Valve
3 Way Volume Tank 3 Way Volume Tank
Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

High Torque Clutches (Sizes 4-24)




Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model B C
Size ATD- A Hole Circle Pilot D E F G H
HTC 1042 7.38 6.875 4.375 / 4.378 6.38 3.38 (85.9) 1.00 (25.4) 0.06 (1.5) 2.50 (63.5)
HTC 2042 (187.5) (174.63) (111.13 / 111.20) (162.1) 2.50 (63.5) 1.88 (47.8) 0.00 (0.0) 3.19 (81.0)
HTC 1063 8.75 8.000 7.377 / 7.379 8.81 5.03 (127.8) 2.00 (50.8) 0.00 (0.0) 4.53 (115.1)
HTC 206 (222.3) (203.20) (187.38 / 187.43) (223.8) 6.25 (158.8) 3.25 (82.6) 0.06 (1.5) 5.75 (146.1)
HTC 1081 12.13 11.125 8.375 / 8.378 11.13 6.21 (157.7) 1.50 (38.1) 4.37 (111.0)
0.50 (12.7)
HTC 2081 (308.1) (282.58) (212.73 / 212.80) (282.7) 7.52 (191.0) 2.88 (73.2) 5.68 (144.3)
HTC 1111 16.00 14.750 11.375 / 11.378 14.75 7.82 (198.6) 2.00 (950.8) 5.44 (138.2)
0.50 (12.7)
HTC 2111
HTC 1141
(406.4) (374.65) (288.93 / 289.00) (374.7) 9.63 (244.6)
8.39 (213.1)
3.75 (95.3)
3.75 (95.3) .13 (3.3)
7.25 (184.2)
6.06 (153.9)
18.75 17.500 14.375 / 14.378 17.50
HTC 214 10.50 (266.7) 4.50 (114.3) .38 (9.7) 7.88 (200.2)
(476.3) (444.50) (365.13 / 365.20) (444.5)
HTC 3143 10.00 (254.0) 4.50 (114.3) .38 (9.7) 7.88 (200.2)
HTC 116 9.16 (232.7) 2.75 (69.9) 6.78 (172.2)
21.25 20.000 16.250 / 16.253 20.00
HTC 216 11.16 (283.5) 4.75 (120.7) 0.38 (9.7) 8.66 (220.0)
(539.8) (508.00) (412.75 / 412.83) (508.0)
HTC 316 13.06 (331.7) 6.63 (168.4) 10.69 (271.5)
HTC 118 9.28 (235.7) 2.75 (69.9) 7.16 (181.9)
23.25 22.000 18.250 / 18.253 22.00
HTC 218 11.20 (283.5) 4.75 (120.7) 0.44 (11.2) 9.03 (229.4)
(590.6) (558.80) (463.55 / 463.63) (558.8)
HTC 318 12.81 (325.4) 6.50 (165.1) 10.94 (277.9)
HTC 121 10.19 (258.8) 2.88 (73.2) 0.69 (17.5) 7.56 (192.0)
27.00 25.500 21.375 / 21.378 24.88
HTC 221 11.83 (300.5) 5.13 (130.3) 0.75 (19.1) 9.69 (246.1)
(685.8) (647.70) (542.93 / 543.00) (632.0)
HTC 321 14.19 (360.4) 7.13 (181.1) 0.75 (19.1) 12.06 (306.3)
HTC 124 10.06 (255.5) 3.50 (88.9) 0.38 (9.7) 8.38 (212.9)
30.00 28.750 24.375 / 24.378 28.00
HTC 224 12.38 (314.5) 3.50 (88.9) 0.75 (19.1) 10.69 (271.5)
(762.0) (730.25) (619.13 / 619.20) (711.2)
HTC 324 14.69 (373.1) 5.13 (130.3) 0.75 (19.1) 13.00 (330.2)
29.00 26.75 25.500 /25.503 28.00
HTC 4243 15.64 (397.3) 8.38 (212.9) 0.72 (18.3) 13.81 (350.8)
(736.6) (679.5) (647.70 / 647.78) (711.2)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model L U
Size ATD- I J No. - Size M N Q S Min. Max.
HTC 104 .38 (9.7) 0.50 1.00
0.13 (3.3) 6 - 9/32 (7.1) 2.88 (73.2) 2.58 (65.5) 0.38 (9.7) 5/8-18NF
HTC 204 .63 (16) (12.7) (25)
HTC 106 .94 (23.9) 1.00 2.00
0.06 (1.5) 4 - 11/32 (8.7) 4.19 (106.4) 2.69 (68.3) 0.56 (14.2) 5/8-18NF
HTC 206 .82 (20.8) (25) (50.8)
HTC 108 .81 (20.6) 1.00 2.38
0.25 (6.4) 6 - 17/32(13.5) 5.38 (136.7) 3.62 (91.9) 0.50 (12.7) 1/4 NPT
HTC 208 .75 (19.1) (25) (60.5)
HTC 111 1.06 (26.9) 1.00 2.63
0.38 (9.7) 6 - 11/16 (17.5) 7.00 (177.8) 4.12 (104.6) 1.13 (28.7) 1/2 NPT
HTC 211 1.12 (28.4) (25) (66.8)
HTC 114 1.06 (26.9) .38 (9.7) 11/16 (17.5) 9.44 (239.8) 5.62 (142.7) 1.13 (28.7) 4.13 (104.9)
HTC 214 .81 (20.6) .38 (9.7) 8 - 21/32 (16.7) 9.44 (239.8) 5.50 (139.7) 0.63 (16.0) 1/2 NPT 3.63 (92.2)
HTC 314 .94 (23.9) .13 (3.3) 5/8-11NC 9.50 (241.3) 6.66 (169.2) — 4.63 (117.6)
HTC 116 1.25 (31.8) 11/16 (17.5)
1.38 4.00
HTC 216 1.25 (31.8) 0.38 (9.7) 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 10.50 (266.7) 6.00 (152.4) 0.63 (16.0) 1/2 NPT
(35.1) (101.6)
HTC 316 1.13 (28.7) 21/32 (16.7)
HTC 118 21/32 (16.7)
2.00 4.75
HTC 218 1.44 (36.6) 0.38 (9.7) 12 - 11/16 (17.5) 12.50 (317.5) 7.00 (177.8) 0.63 (16.0) 1/2 NPT (50.8) (120.7)
HTC 318 21/32 (16.7)
HTC 121 1.50 (38.1)
2.00 6.00
HTC 221 1.31 (33.3) 0.31 (7.9) 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 14.50 (368.3) 9.00 (228.6) 0.75 (19.1) 1/2 NPT (50.8) (152.4)
HTC 321 1.44 (36.6)
HTC 124 1.13 (28.7)
HTC 224 1.38 (35.1) 0.25 (6.4) 12 - 21/32(16.7) 14.50 (368.3) 9.00 (228.6) 0.75 (19.1) 1/2 NPT 2.00 6.00
HTC 324 1.56 (39.6) (50.8) (152.4)
HTC 4243 1.56 (39.6) 0.13 (3.3) 12 - 5/8-11NC 14.50 (368.3) 9.00 (228.6) — 1/2 NPT 2.00 (50.8) 6.00 (152.4)
Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
1 Non-Ventilated center plate, "centerplate is solid".
2 Drive plate assembly, "friction material is attached to a drive plate".
3 Less backplate.
(Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

High Torque Clutches (Sizes 27-48)




Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model B C
Size ATD- A Hole Circle Pilot D E F G H
HTC 127 32.75 31.500 27.375 / 27.378 31.00 10.34 (262.6) 3.50 (88.9) 8.50 (215.9)
HTC 227 (831.9) (800.10) (695.33 / 695.40) (787.4) 12.75 (323.9) 5.50 (139.7) 0.75 (19.1) 10.91 (277.1)
HTC 327 15.39 (390.9) 7.94 (201.7) 13.34 (338.8)
HTC 130 37.00 35.500 30.375 / 30.378 36.13 11.44 (290.6) 4.25 (108.0) 10.06 (255.5)
HTC 230 (939.8) (901.70) (771.53 / 771.60) (917.7) 14.75 (374.7) 7.50 (190.5) 0.75 (19.1) 13.38 (339.9)
HTC 330 16.25 (412.8) 9.50 (241.3) 15.13 (384.3)
HTC 136
HTC 236
36.375 / 36.378
(923.93 / 924.00)
11.88 (301.8)
15.31 (388.9)
4.13 (104.9)
7.50 (190.5)
1.13 (28.7)
1.13 (28.7)
11.63 (295.4)
15.06 (382.5)
HTC 336 18.75 (476.3) 10.75 (273.1) 1.25 (31.8) 18.50 (469.9)
41.12 39.75 38.125 / 38.128 41.12
HTC 4361 16.31(414.3) 8.90 (226.1) 1.06 (26.9) 17.00 (431.8)
(1,044.4) (1,009.7) (968.38 / 968.45) (1,044.4)
61.00 58.000 59.00
HTC 148 26.44(671.6) 6.00 (152.4) 1.00 (25.4) 17.13 (435.1)
(1,525.0) (1,473.2) (1,498.6)
62.00 60.000 52.000 / 52.005 57.00
HTC 248 30.12 (765.0) 8.75(222.3) 1.75 (44.5) 20.81(528.6)
(1,574.8) (1,524.0) (1,320.8 / 1,320.9) (1,447.8)
61.00 58.000 59.00
HTC 3481 23.44 (595.4) 12.63 (320.8) 0.00 (0.0) 23.44 (595.4)
(1,525.0) (1,473.2) (1,498.6)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model L U
Size ATD- I J No. - Size M N Q S Min. Max.
HTC 127 1.50 (38.1) 10.50 (266.7) 1/2 NPT 6.50 (165.1)
HTC 227 1.63 (41.4) 0.25 (6.4) 16 - 21/32 (16.7) 16.25 (412.8) 10.50 (266.7) .75 (19.1) 1 NPT 6.50 (165.1)
HTC 327 1.63 (41.4) 9.00 (228.6) 1-1/2 -12NF 6.00 (152.4)
HTC 130 1.38 (35.1) 11.00 (279.4) 1/2 NPT 7.25 (184.2)
HTC 230 1.38 (35.1) 0.25 (6.4) 18 - 25/32 (19.8) 19.25 (489) 11.00 (279.4) .75 (19.1) 1/2 NPT 7.25 (184.2)
HTC 330 1.00 (25.4) 12.00 (304.8) 1-1/2 -12NF 8.00 (203.2)
HTC 136 12.00 (304.8) 8.00 (203.2)
HTC 236 1.50 (38.1) 0.25 (6.4) 18- 1-1/32 (26.2) 23.63 (600.2) 12.00 (304.8) 1.50 (38.1) 1/2 NPT 8.00 (203.2)
HTC 336 14.00 (355.6) 9.25 (235.0)
14 - 3/4-10NC 6.00
HTC 4361 1.91 (48.5) 0.19 (4.8) 23.75 (603.3) 15.92 (404.4) — 1/2 NPT 10.50 (266.7)
4 - 1.00" Pins (152.4)
HTC 148 2.70 (68.6) 1.75 (44.5) 6.00
0.25 (6.4) 24 - 1-1/16 (27.0) 32.00 (812.8) 25.75 (654.1) 2 NPT 18.00 (457.2)
HTC 248 3.44 (87.4) 1.50 (38.1) (152.4)
HTC 3481 3.96 (100.6) 0.23 (5.8) 24 - 1-9/32 (32.5) 31.88 (809.8) 24.00 (609.6) 1.50 (38.1) 2-1/2 NPT 18.00 (457.2)
NOTE: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
1 Less backplate.
(Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Spring-Set Air Release Brakes

Very Low
Inertia Drive
Plate Assembly Multiple
Bonded or Riveted Shims Spud Airtube


Airtube Holding
Ductile Center

Friction Disc


Wichita Spring-Set Air Release Brakes are Selection requirements

ideal for fail safe protection of process equip- The selection of a Low Inertia Brake is
ment. Constructed of high strength cast iron, based on:
this improved design has thick friction discs
for longer wear life. The fast acting air-tube 1. Torque required to stop a load
design assures quick, smooth stops. 2. Friction area necessary to absorb
rotational energy
• No lubrication
3. Contact velocity of rotating discs
• No adjustment
4. Maximum bore capacity of unit
• Available in vertical mount
• Quick, simple installation
• Explosion proof design

Low Inertia Spring-Set Brake From duty chart (page 23) “Group B”
To properly select a brake, the total for spring-set brake (SS):
rotating inertia, WR2, must be reflected
to the brakeshaft.
214 SS Brake is rated @ 28 HP/100 RPM
90% torque rating = 24,800 lb.in.
Application Data: WR2 of 214 SS VLI Brake = 4.5 lb.ft.2, therefore
Refer to page 45, except, cyclic operation— deceleration torque calculation is correct.
7 CPM, and 218 Very Low Inertia Clutch.
*Average heat horsepower to clutch & brake. B
Alternate Shaft WR2 referred to clutch shaft =
Avg. heat HP = (Total WR ) (RPM ) (CPM)
2 2

Alternate Shaft RPM 2

(Alternate Shaft WR2) ( Clutch Brake Shaft RPM ) (953) (41,616) (7)
1.9 x 108

WR2 referred to clutch-brake shaft = = 1.45 HP

1.9 x 108
30 2
= (39,091) ( 204 ) *Check with factory for heat capacity.

WR2 referrred to clutch-brake shaft

= 845.4 lb.ft.2 @ 204 RPM
Crank Shaft WR =
845.4 lb.ft.2 Note:
This application example is for preliminary
Clutch-Brake Shaft WR2 = 78.2 lb.ft.2 sizing only. Contact a Wichita Sales Engineer
Clutch Hub and Drive Plate WR2 or the factory for final selection.
from Specification Table = 14.7 lb.ft.2
(page 61)
Est. Brake WR2 = 14.7 lb.ft.2
Est. Total WR2 = 953.0 lb.ft.2

Brake Selection:
Stopping angle of crank shaft = 120° = Øb
Use 90° for calculation

Estimated time to stop:

Ø 60
t= ( 360°
) ( crank shaft RPM )

= ( 90 ) ( 60 ) = .5 sec.
360 30

Deceleration Torque
)( clutch-brake RPM
= (12) ( 32.2 (9.5) (t) )
= (12)( 953 )( 204
32.2 (9.5) (.5) )
= 15,250 lb.in.

HP/100 RPM

= 15,250 = 24 HP/100 RPM


Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Spring-Set Brakes

Model Assembly Slip Torque Capacity Max. Bore

Size Number lb.in. Nm Rect. Key
ATD- 60 PSI Release 60 PSI 75 PSI 90 PSI 4.1 BAR 5.2 BAR 6.2 BAR in. (mm)
SSB 104H 71104-730* 451 51 1.00 (25)
SSB 106 7-106-100-200-0 2,225 2,900 3,700 251 328 418
SSB 206 7-106-200-200-0 4,300 5,600 7,200 486 633 813 2.00 (50)
SSB 306 7-106-300-100-0* 5,750 7,400 9,050 650 836 1,022
SSB 108 7-108-100-123-0 3,700 4,800 6,200 418 542 700
SSB 208 7-108-200-121-0 7,100 9,100 12,000 802 1,028 1,356 2.25 (57)
SSB 308 7-108-300-101-0 8,800 11,300 13,400 994 1,277 1,514
SSB 111 7-111-100-102-0 8,200 10,500 11,600 926 1,186 1,311
SSB 211 7-111-200-100-0 15,600 20,000 22,200 1,763 2,260 2,508 2.50 (64)
SSB 311 7-111-300-100-0 19,300 24,900 28,400 2,181 2,813 3,209
SSB 114 7-114-100-127-0 14,500 18,600 24,700 1,638 2,101 2,791
SSB 214 7-114-200-103-0 27,600 35,400 46,300 3,118 4,000 5,231 3.50 (89)
SSB 314 7-114-300-100-0 36,000 44,700 53,900 4,067 5,050 6,090
SSB 116 7-116-100-100-0 19,300 23,800 28,400 2,181 2,689 3,209
SSB 216 7-116-200-100-0 35,300 44,700 53,400 3,988 5,050 6,033 4.00 (102)
SSB 316 7-116-300-100-0 49,500 62,600 75,000 5,593 7,073 8,474
SSB 118 7-118-100-100-0 31,400 40,400 51,600 3,548 4,564 5,830
SSB 218 7-118-200-100-0 60,000 77,000 100,000 6,779 8,700 11,298 4.75 (120)
SSB 318 7-118-300-100-0 80,900 102,000 122,000 9,140 11,524 13,784
SSB 121 7-121-100-100-0 38,300 47,400 57,400 4,327 5,355 6,485
SSB 221 7-121-200-100-0 71,700 88,800 107,600 8,101 10,033 12,157 6.00 (152)
SSB 321 7-121-300-101-0 100,200 124,100 150,400 11,321 14,021 16,992
SSB 124H 7-125-100-100-0 75,500 86,600 — 8,530 9,784 —
SSB 224H 7-125-200-100-0 137,000 161,200 — 15,478 18,213 — 6.00 (152)
SSB 324H 7-125-300-100-0 178,900 223,600 — 20,212 25,263 —
SSB 127 7-127-100-105-0 75,300 94,200 113,400 8,508 10,643 12,812
SSB 227 7-127-200-118-0 140,900 176,200 212,100 15,919 19,907 23,963 6.50 (165)
SSB 327 7-127-300-102-0 196,700 245,900 296,000 22,223 27,782 33,443
SSB 130H 7-131-100-101-0 162,200 211,700 260,500 18,326 23,918 29,432
SSB 230H 7-131-200-100-0 310,000 404,500 495,500 35,024 45,701 55,982 7.25 (184)
SSB 330H 7-131-300-305-0 395,500 496,100 589,900 44,684 56,050 66,648
SSB 136H 7-137-100-100-0 254,500 300,000 400,000 28,754 33,894 45,193 9.00 (229)
SSB 236H 7-137-200-104-0 477,500 564,000 760,000 53,949 63,722 85,866 10.00 (254)
SSB 336H 7-137-300-101-0* 675,000 840,100 1,012,600 76,263 94,916 114,405 10.00 (254)
SSB 436H 7-137-400-102-0 868,800 1,081,300 1,303,400 98,158 122,167 147,260 10.00 (254)
SSB 142 7-142-100-302-0 425,000 48,017
SSB 242 7-142-200-306-0 796,000 89,933 14.00 (355)
SSB 342 7-142-300-301-0 1,072,000 121,116
SSB 148 7-148-100-300-0 698,250 78,889
SSB 248 7-148-200-300-0 1,335,000 150,830 18.00 (455)
SSB 348 7-148-300-103-0 1,726,000 195,006
SSB 260 7-160-200-300-0 3,255,000 367,755
SSB 360 TBD 4,921,000 555,982 19.00 (480)
SSB 460 TBD 5,355,000 605,016
* Not the standard 60 PSI release pressure. See following pages for release pressure per assembly.

Recom- Hub & C.P. Airtube
Model mended Balance Reg- High Swept Volume Total Brake Hub & Center Plate
Size Clearance Speed Speed Speed Area in.3 (cm 3 ) Wt. Wt. WR 2/ J=mr 2
ATD- in. RPM RPM RPM* in.2 New Worn lb. (kg) lb. (kg) lb.ft.2 kgm 2
SSB 104H 1/32-1/16 3,325 5,250 5,250* 17 0.9 3.4 11.0 (7) 1.54 (0.7) 0.021 (0.001)
SSB 106 1/16-3/32 39
1.8 11.9 27.5 (12) 6.40 (2.9) 0.24 (0.010)
SSB 206
SSB 306
2,225 3,800 5,700* 78
(30) (195) 40.5 (18) 12.17 (5.5) 0.46 (0.019) B
SSB 108 1/16-1/8 56 62 (28) 11 (5.0) 0.54 (0.023)
3.4 18.3
SSB 208 3/32-5/32 1,675 2,870 4,300* 112 70 (32) 19 (8.6) 1.00 (0.042)
(56) (300)
SSB 308 1/8-3/16 168 87 (39) 28 (12.7) 2.00 (0.084)
SSB 111 1/16-1/8 114 130 (59) 23 (10.4) 2.30 (0.097)
5.5 30.5
SSB 211 3/32-5/32 1,200 2,090 3,125* 228 166 (75) 45 (20.4) 4.50 (0.190)
(90) (500)
SSB 311 1/8-3/16 342 208 (94) 121 (54.9) 7.00 (0.295)
SSB 114 1/16-1/8 158 184 (83) 46 (20.9) 5.7 (0.240)
7.6 42.7
SSB 214 3/32-5/32 950 1,640 2,450* 316 233 (106) 77 (34.9) 11.0 (0.464)
(125) (700)
SSB 314 1/8-3/16 174 290 (132) 121 (54.9) 16.7 (0.704)
SSB 116 1/16-1/8 228 254 (115) 59 (26.8) 10.2 (0.430)
9.8 56.1
SSB 216 3/32-5/32 835 1,430 2,150* 455 326 (148) 106 (48.1) 19.6 (0.826)
(161) (919)
SSB 316 1/8-3/16 683 358 (162) 151 (68.5) 29.6 (1.248)
SSB 118 1/16-1/8 264 311 (141) 73 (33.1) 15.0 (0.632)
15.3 85.4
SSB 218 3/32-5/32 750 1,270 1,910* 528 377 (171) 120 (54.4) 28.8 (1.214)
(251) (1,400)
SSB 318 1/8-3/16 792 461 (209) 180 (81.6) 43.2 (1.821)
SSB 121 3/32-5/32 362 460 (209) 116 (52.6) 32 (1.35)
18.3 97.6
SSB 221 1/8-3/16 650 1,090 1,650* 724 575 (261) 198 (89.8) 61 (2.57)
(300) (1,599)
SSB 321 5/32-7/32 1,086 723 (328) 312 (141.5) 122 (5.14)
SSB 124H 3/32-5/32 574 618 (280) 132 (60.0) 56 (2.4)
29.9 159
SSB 224H 1/8-3/16 550 950 1,410* 1,148 840 (381) 260 (117.9) 110 (4.6)
(490) (2,606)
SSB 324H 5/32-7/32 1,722 1,025 (465) 379 (172.0) 160 (6.8)
SSB 127 3/32-5/32 730 760 (345) 187 (84.8) 98 (4.1)
29.9 159
SSB 227 1/8-3/16 500 850 1,250* 1,460 924 (419) 329 (149.2) 191 (8.1)
(490) (2,606)
SSB 327 5/32-7/32 2,190 1,112 (504) 555 (251.7) 285 (12.0)
SSB 130H 3/32-5/32 827 972 (441) 298 (135.2) 189 (8.0)
58.6 311
SSB 230H 1/8-3/16 450 765 1,130* 1,654 1,350 (612) 546 (247.7) 370 (15.6)
(960) (5,096)
SSB 330H 5/32-7/32 2,481 1,751 (794) 810 (367.4) 477 (20.1)
SSB 136H 3/32-5/32 1,150 1,388 (630) 461 (209.1) 372 (15.7)
110 415
SSB 236H 1/8 -3/16 375 640 950* 2,300 1,993 (904) 708 (321.1) 725 (30.6)
(1,803) (6,801)
SSB 336H 5/32-7/32 3,450 2,610 (1,184) 1,134 (514.4) 1,091 (46.0)
SSB 436H 3/16-1/4 4,600 4,025 (1,826) 1,600 (697) 1,457 (61.4)
SSB 142 5/32-7/32 1,400 1,967 (892) 680 (308) 705 (30)
128 488
SSB 242 3/16-1/4 325 545 805* 2,800 2,732 (1,239) 1,197 (543) 1,385 (58)
(2,098) (7,997)
SSB 342 7/32-9/32 4,200 3,704 (1,680) 1,324 (601) 1,809 (76)
SSB 148 1/8-1/4 2,010 3,158 (1,432) 1,101 (499) 1,785 (75)
217 824
SSB 248 7/32-9/32 275 475 705* 4,020 4,700 (2,132) 1,942 (881) 3,335 (141)
(3,550) (13,500)
SSB 348 3/16-5/16 6,030 6,540 (2,966) 2,950 (1,338) 4,925 (208)
SSB 260 3/16-5/16 7,230 9,453 (4,288) 2,567 (1,164) 7,077 (298)
513 1,788
SSB 360 1/4-3/8 225 380 575* 10,845 11,643 (5,281) 3,870 (1,755) 10,615 (448)
(8,407) (29,300)
SSB 460 5/16-7/16 14,460 14,500 (6,577) 5,700 (2,585) 15,070 (635)
* Consult Factory for Special Assembly Number.

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Model Release Duty Factors

Size Pressure Assembly HP/100 RPM
SSB 104H 65 4.5 71104-730 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1
60 4.1 7-106-100-200-0 3 2.3 1.2 0.6
SSB 106 75 5.2 7-106-100-216-0 4 3 1.5 0.8
90 6.2 7-106-100-217-0 5 3.8 2 1
60 4.1 7-106-200-200-0 6 4.4 2.3 1.1
SSB 206 75 5.2 7-106-200-205-0 8 5.7 3 1.5
90 6.2 7-106-200-206-0 10 7.4 3.9 2
SSB 306 80 5.5 7-106-300-100-0 11.7 8.2 4.1 2.1
60 4.1 7-108-100-123-0 5.3 3.8 2 1
SSB 108 75 5.2 7-108-100-124-0 7 5 2.6 1.3
90 6.2 7-108-100-125-0 9 6.3 3.3 1.6
60 4.1 7-108-200-121-0 10 7.3 3.8 2
SSB 208 75 5.2 7-108-200-122-0 13 9.3 5 2.5
90 6.2 7-108-200-110-0 17 12.3 6.5 3.2
60 4.1 7-108-300-101-0 14 9.8 4.9 2.4
SSB 308 75 5.2 7-108-300-102-0 17.9 12.6 6.3 3.1
90 6.2 7-108-300-103-0 21.3 14.9 7.4 3.7
60 4.1 7-111-100-102-0 11.7 8.4 4.4 2.2
SSB 111 75 5.2 7-111-100-120-0 15 10.7 5.7 2.8
90 6.2 7-111-100-121-0 16.6 12 6.3 3.1
60 4.1 7-111-200-100-0 22 16 8.4 4.2
SSB 211 75 5.2 7-111-200-126-0 28.6 20.5 11.0 5.4
90 6.2 7-111-200-127-0 35.2 24.7 12.3 6.2
60 4.1 7-111-300-100-0 30.6 21.4 10.7 5.4
SSB 311 75 5.2 7-111-300-103-0 39.5 27.7 13.8 6.9
90 6.2 7-111-300-104-0 45.1 31.6 15.8 7.9
60 4.1 7-114-100-127-0 20 15 6 4
SSB 114 75 5.2 7-114-100-101-0 26.6 19 10 5
90 6.2 7-114-100-128-0 35 25 13 6.7
60 4.1 7-114-200-103-0 39 28 15 7.5
SSB 214 75 5.2 7-114-200-108-0 50 36 19 9.5
90 6.2 7-114-200-122-0 66 47 25 12.5
60 4.1 7-114-300-100-0 57.1 40 20 10
SSB 314 75 5.2 7-114-300-104-0 71 49.7 24.8 12.4
90 6.2 7-114-300-105-0 85.6 59.9 29.9 15
60 4.1 7-116-100-100-0 31 21 11 5
SSB 116 75 5.2 7-116-100-110-0 38 26 13 7
90 6.2 7-116-100-111-0 45 32 16 8
60 4.1 7-116-200-100-0 56 39 20 10
SSB 216 75 5.2 7-116-200-116-0 71 50 25 12
90 6.2 7-116-200-117-0 85 59 30 15
60 4.1 7-116-300-100-0 79 55 28 14
SSB 316 75 5.2 7-116-300-101-0 99 50 25 12
90 6.2 7-116-300-102-0 119 83 42 21
60 4.1 7-118-100-100-0 45 32 17 8.5
SSB 118 75 5.2 7-118-100-136-0 58 41 22 11
90 6.2 7-118-100-137-0 74 53 28 14
60 4.1 7-118-200-100-0 86 61 32 16
SSB 218 75 5.2 7-118-200-148-0 110 79 41 21
90 6.2 7-118-200-149-0 143 102 54 27
60 4.1 7-118-300-100-0 128 90 45 22
SSB 318 75 5.2 7-118-300-104-0 162 113 57 28
90 6.2 7-118-300-105-0 194 136 68 34

Model Release Duty Factors
Size Pressure Assembly HP/100 RPM
60 4.1 7-121-100-100-0 61 43 21 11
SSB 121 75 5.2 7-121-100-106-0 75 53 26 13
90 6.2 7-121-100-107-0 91 64 32 16
60 4.1 7-121-200-100-0 114 80 40 20
SSB 221 75 5.2 7-121-200-118-0 141 99 49 25
90 6.2 7-121-200-119-0 171 120 60 30
60 4.1 7-121-300-101-0 159 111 56 28 B
SSB 321 75 5.2 7-121-300-102-0 197 138 69 34
90 6.2 7-121-300-103-0 239 167 84 42
60 4.1 7-125-100-100-0 108 77 41 20
SSB 124H
75 5.2 7-125-100-124-0 137 96 48 24
60 4.1 7-125-200-100-0 196 140 74 37
SSB 224H
75 5.2 7-125-200-134-0 256 179 90 45
60 4.1 7-125-300-100-0 284 199 99 50
SSB 324H
75 5.2 7-125-300-104-0 355 248 124 62
60 4.1 7-127-100-105-0 120 84 42 21
SSB 127 75 5.2 7-127-100-100-0 150 105 53 26
90 6.2 7-127-100-106-0 180 126 63 32
60 4.1 7-127-200-118-0 224 157 78 39
SSB 227 75 5.2 7-127-200-100-0 280 196 98 49
90 6.2 7-127-200-119-0 337 236 118 59
60 4.1 7-127-300-102-0 312 219 109 55
SSB 327 75 5.2 7-127-300-100-0 390 273 137 68
90 6.2 7-127-300-103-0 470 329 164 82
60 4.1 7-131-100-101-0 232 166 88 44
SSB 130H 75 5.2 7-131-100-104-0 303 217 115 57
90 6.2 7-131-100-105-0 372 267 141 70
60 4.1 7-131-200-100-0 443 318 167 84
SSB 230H 75 5.2 7-131-200-110-0 578 415 218 110
90 6.2 7-131-200-111-0 710 508 268 134
60 4.1 7-131-300-305-0 628 439 220 110
SSB 330H 75 5.2 7-131-300-306-0 787 551 276 138
90 6.2 7-131-300-307-0 936 655 328 164
60 4.1 7-137-100-100-0 404 283 141 71
SSB 136H 75 5.2 7-137-100-101-0 476 333 167 83
90 6.2 7-137-100-102-0 635 444 222 211
60 4.1 7-137-200-104-0 758 531 265 133
SSB 236H 75 5.2 7-137-200-105-0 895 627 313 157
90 6.2 7-137-200-106-0 1,206 844 422 211
60 4.1 7-137-300-101-0 917 642 321 160
SSB 336H 75 5.2 7-137-300-102-0 1,155 808 404 202
90 6.2 7-137-300-103-0 1,381 967 483 242
60 4.1 7-137-400-102-0 1,616 1,132 564 284
SBB 436H 75 5.2 7-137-400-103-0 1,904 1,332 668 332
90 6.2 7-137-400-104-0 2,540 1,776 888 844
SSB 142 60 4.1 7-142-100-302-0 610 435 230 115
SSB 242 60 4.1 7-142-200-306-0 1,140 815 430 215
SSB 342 60 4.1 7-142-300-301-0 1,702 1,192 596 298
SSB 148 60 4.1 7-148-100-300-0 1,000 715 375 190
SSB 248 60 4.1 7-148-200-300-0 1,910 1,370 720 360
SSB 348 60 4.1 7-148-300-103-0 2,740 1,918 959 479
SSB 260 60 4.1 7-160-200-300-0 4,650 2,340 1,760 880
SSB 360 60 4.1 — 7,030 4,050 2,660 1,330
SSB 460 60 4.1 — 8,500 5,950 2,975 1,488

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

3 Low Inertia Spring-Set Brake Component Parts





13 18

Component Parts
1. Hub 11. Airtube
2. Backplate 12. O. D. Shims
3. Socket Head Capscrews 13. Air Tube Holding Plate
4. Ring 14. Socket Head Capscrews
5. Springs 15. I.D. Shims
6A. Grooved Friction Disc (grooved 16. Spring Release Plate
on one side) 17. Airtube Spring Plate
6B. Grooved Friction Disc (grooved 18. Socket Head Capscrews
on both sides)
7. Center Plate

Spring-Set Brake Air Hose Kits

Model Part Number Model Part Number Model Part Number

8" 8-908-912-100-5 6" 8-906-912-200-4 18" 8-918-912-200-5
8-908-924-100-5 QRV 8-906-931-201-5 QRV 8-918-931-200-5 QRV
8" 8-908-913-200-5 21" 8-921-913-200-5
8-908-931-200-5 8-921-931-200-5 QRV
11" 8-911-913-200-5 24" 8-924-913-200-5
8-911-931-200-5 QRV 8-924-931-200-5 QRV
14" 8-914-913-200-5 27" 8-927-913-200-5
8-914-921-200-5 QRV 8-927-921-200-5 QRV
16" 8-916-913-200-5
8-916-921-200-5 QRV

Air hose kits contain all

necessary parts (fittings, hoses
and extensions) to completely
plumb the brake air system.

Optional Quick Release Valves

can replace elbows on most
units (see page 115).

Model Part Number Model Part Number

30" 8-930-913-400-5 60" 8-960-912-500-5
8-930-931-400-5 QRV 8-960-923-400-6 QRV
36" 8-936-913-400-6
8-936-931-400-6 QRV
42" 8-942-913-400-6
8-924-931-400-6 QRV
48" 8-948-912-400-6
8-948-923-400-6 QRV

Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Spring-Set Brakes (Sizes 4H, 8-36)



Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model B C
Size ATD- A Hole Circle Pilot D E F G H
SSB 104H 7.09 6.496 5.512 / 5.515 7.09
4.13 (105) 0.98 (25) 0.06 (1.6) 3.78 (96)
(180) (165) (140.00 / 140.06) (180)
SSB 108 12.13 11.125 8.375 / 8.378 11.13 5.88 (149.4) 2.00 (50.8) 4.56 (115.8)
0.25 (6.4)
SSB 208 (308.1) (282.58) (212.73 / 212.80) (282.7) 7.19 (182.6) 3.25 (82.6) 5.94 (150.9)
SSB 111 16.00 14.750 11.375 / 11.378 14.75 6.56 (166.6) 2.75 (69.9) 0.13 (3.3) 5.44 (138.2)
SSB 211 (406.4) (374.65) (288.93 / 289.00) (374.7) 8.56 (217.4) 4.38 (111.3) 0.25 (6.4) 7.25 (184.2)
SSB 114 8.00 (203.2) 3.00 (76.2) 0.13 (3.3) 6.00 (152.4)
18.75 17.500 14.375 / 14.378 17.50
SSB 214 9.89 (251.2) 4.50 (114.3) 0.38 (9.7) 7.81 (198.4)
(476.3) (444.50) (365.13 / 365.20) (444.5)
SSB 314 11.72 (297.7) 6.50 (165.1) 0.38 (9.7) 9.69 (246.1)
SSB 116
SSB 216
16.250 / 16.253
(412.75 / 412.83)
8.25 (209.6)
10.06 (255.5)
4.00 (101.6)
4.75 (120.7) 0.38 (9.7)
6.00 (152.4)
7.87 (199.9)
SSB 316 12.13 (308.1) 6.63 (168.4) 9.88 (251.0)
SSB 118 9.00 (228.6) 4.00 (101.6) 0.44 (11.2) 6.56 (166.6)
23.25 22.000 18.250 / 18.253 22.00
SSB 218 10.70 (271.8) 4.75 (120.7) 0.44 (11.2) 8.45 (214.6)
(590.6) (558.80) (463.55 / 463.63) (558.8)
SSB 318 — —- — —
SSB 121 9.69 (241.6) 4.00 (101.6) 0.75 (19.1) 7.38 (187.5)
27.00 25.500 21.375 / 21.378 24.88
SSB 221 11.88 (301.8) 5.13 (130.3) 0.75 (19.1) 9.57 (243.1)
(685.8) (647.70) (542.93 / 543.00) (632.0)
SSB 321 — — — —
SSB 124H 9.56 (242.8) 4.00 (101.6) 0.75 (19.1) 6.50 (165.1)
30.00 28.750 24.375 / 24.378 29.00
SSB 224H 11.88 (301.8) 5.13 (130.3) 0.81 (20.6) 9.50 (241.3)
(762) (730.25) (619.13 / 619.20) (736.6)
SSB 324H — — — —
SSB 127 9.94 (252.5) 4.50 (114.3) 7.69 (195.3)
32.75 31.500 27.375 / 27.378 31.00
SSB 227 12.5 (317.5) 6.88 (174.8) 0.75 (19.1) 10.13 (257.3)
(831.9) (800.10) (695.33 / 695.40) (787.4)
SSB 327 15.25 (387.4) 7.94 (201.7) 12.56 (319.0)
SSB 130H 11.00 (279.4) 5.00 (127.0) 0.63 (16) 8.31 (211.1)
37.00 35.500 30.375 / 30.378 34.75
SSB 230H (939.8) 14.75 (374.7) 7.13 (181.1) 1.88 (47.8) 11.75 (298.5)
(901.70) (771.53 / 771.60) (882.7)
SSB 330H — — — —
SSB 136H 11.75 (298.5) 4.25 (108.0) 0.63 (16) 8.56 (217.4)
43.50 42.000 36.375 / 36.378 41.00
SSB 236H (1,104.9) (1,066.80) (923.93 / 924.00) (1,041.4) 15.13 (384.3) 9.00 (228.6) 0.63 (16) 12.00 (304.8)
SSB 336H 19.06 (484.1) 12.38 (314.5) 1.00 (25.4) 15.81 (401.6)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model L R U
Size ATD- J No. - Size M N Q No. - Size S T Min. Max.
2.99 1.97 2.13 7.09 1.97 0.60 1.00
SSB 104H 0.19 (4.7) 4 - 0.35 (9) 2 - 1/8 NPT
(76) (50) (54) (180) (50) (15) (25)
SSB 108 5.38 3.50 0.50 9.38 2.06 1.00 2.00
0.25 (6.4) 6 - 17/32 (13.5) 2 - 1/2 NPT
SSB 208 (136.7) (88.9) (12.7) (238.3) (52.3) (25) (50.8)
SSB 111 7.00 4.00 0.63 11.94 3.02 1.00 2.50
0.38 (9.7) 6 - 21/32 (16.7) 2 - 1/2 NPT
SSB 211 (177.8) (101.6) (16) (303.3) (76.7) (25) (63.5)
SSB 114 3.88 (98.6)
9.44 5.50 0.63 14.38 1.38 3.50
SSB 214 0.38 (9.7) 8 - 21/32 (16.7) 2 - 1/2 NPT 4.25 (108)
(239.8) (139.7) (16) (365.3) (35.1) (88.9)
SSB 314 3.88 (98.6)
SSB 116 11/16 (17.5)
10.50 6.00 0.63 16.30 4.38 1.38 4.00
SSB 216 0.38 (9.7) 12 - 11/16 (17.5) 2 - 1/2 NPT
(266.7) (152.4) (16) (414) (111.3) (35.1) (101.6)
SSB 316 21/32 (16.7)
SSB 118 0.38 (9.7)
12.50 7.00 0.63 19.38 4.88 2.00 4.75
SSB 218 0.38 (9.7) 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT
(317.5) (177.8) (16) (492.3) (124) (50.8) (120.7)
SSB 318 —
SSB 121 0.31 (7.9)
14.50 9.00 0.75 21.31 6.25 2.00 6.00
SSB 221 0.31 (7.9) 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT
(368.3) (228.6) (19.1) (541.3) (158.8) (50.8) (152.4)
SSB 321 —
SSB 124H 0.25 (6.4)
14.50 9.00 0.75 26.50 8.25 2.00 6.00
SSB 224H 0.25 (6.4) 12 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT
(368.3) (228.6) (19.1) (673.1) (209.6) (50.8) (152.4)
SSB 324H —
SSB 127
16.25 9.00 0.75 27.00 8.25 2.50 6.50
SSB 227 0.25 (6.4) 16 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT
(412.8) (228.6) (19.1) (685.8) (209.6) (63.5) (165.1)
SSB 327
SSB 130H 0.25 (6.4)
19.25 10.00 0.75 31.94 8.25 2.50 7.25
SSB 230H 0.25 (6.4) 18 - 25/32 (19.8) 4 - 1/2 NPT
(489) (254) (19.1) (811.3) (209.6) (63.5) (184.2)
SSB 330H —
SSB 136H 25/32 (19.8)
23.63 12.00 0.88 38.25 12.75 6.00 9.00
SSB 236H 0.25 (6.4) 18 - 25/32 (19.8) (600.2) (304.8) (22.4) 4 - 1/2 NPT (971.6) (323.9) (152.4) (228.6)
SSB 336H 11/16 (17.5)
Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
(Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)
Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes

Spring-Set Brakes (Sizes 6, 42-48)





Size 6





Sizes 42-48

Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model B C
Size ATD- A Hole Circle Pilot D E F G H
SSB 106 8.75 8.000 7.377 / 7.379 8.81 5.47 (138.9) 2.00 (50.8) 0.00 (0.0) 4.22 (107.2)
SSB 206 (222.3) (203.20) (187.38 / 187.43) (223.8) 6.66 (169.2) 3.25 (82.6) 0.06 (1.5) 5.44 (138.2)
SSB 142 52.00 49.250 44.625 / 44.628 49.00 12.28 (311.9) 5.63 (143.0) 9.69 (246.1)
1.00 (25.40)
SSB 242 (1,320.8) (1,250.95) (1,133.48 / 1,133.55) (1,244.6) 16.03 (407.2) 7.50 (190.5) 13.44 (341.4)
SSB 148 61.00 58.000 52.000 / 52.005 56.75 15.00 (381.0) 6.00 (152.4) 0.00 (0.0) 11.19 (284.2)
SSB 248 (1,549.4) (1,473.20) (1,320.80 / 1,320.93) (1,441.5) 19.33 (491.0) 8.75 (222.3) 1.00 (25.4) 15.5 (393.7)
SSB 2601
SSB 3601
62.750 / 62.760
(1,593.85 / 1,594.10)
22.31 (566.7)
26.88 (682.8)
9.38 (238.3)
14.13 (358.9)
0.25 (6.40)
17.61 (447.3)
22.25 (565.2)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model L R U
Size ATD- J No. - Size M N Q No. - Size S T Min. Max.
SSB 106 0.06 4.19 2.69 0.56 2.00 0.60 2.00
4 - 0.34 (8.6) 2 - 1/4 NPT —
SSB 206 (1.5) (106.4) (68.3) (14.2) (50.8) (15.2) (50.8)
SSB 142 0.25 29.50 18.00 1.50 44.13 20.44 8.00 14.00
24 - 1.06 (26.9) 4 - 1/2 NPT
SSB 242 (6.4) (749.3) (457.2) (26.9) (1,102.9) (519.2) (203.2) (355.6)
SSB 148 0.25 32.00 25.75 1.50 52.13 19.00 10.00 18.00
24 - 1.06 (26.9) 4 - 1/2 NPT
SSB 248 (6.4) (812.8) (654.1) (38.1) (1,324.1) (482.6) (254.0) (457.2)
SSB 2601 0.25 36.00 27.00 61.50 20.63 11.00 19.00
24 - 4.5" NC — 6 - 1/2 NPT
SSB 3601 (6.4) (914.4) (685.8) (1,562.1) (524.0) (279.4) (482.6)
1 Less backplate.
NOTE: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
(Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)

Tension Brakes/Very High Heat Capacity

Kopper Kool Brakes

External air and
Copper disc design for water connections
high heat dissipation
Accurate control High Temperature

New friction material

lasts longer with
less wear on
mating copper

Copper alloy wear plates

increase heat transfer

Hub spline provides

perfect alignment of
rotating discs

High strength reinforced

neoprene air-tube offers
long service life

Release springs
ensure complete

The Wichita Kopper Kool airtube disc Design Features

Clutches and Brakes are liquid cooled • New friction material lasts longer • High strength reinforced neoprene
and consist of a series of alternating discs with less wear on mating copper. air-tube offers long service life.
connecting an inner drive member to an
outer drive member. • Copper alloy wear plates increase • Optional long stroke air tube
heat transfer. available on 18" or 24" size units
Engagement is achieved by pneumatic to increase life and standard
• Hub spline provides perfect
expansion of the airtube. This air-operated maintenance intervals.
alignment of rotating discs.
clutch contains copper discs for excellent • High thermal capacity.
heat dissipation and provides an accurately • External air & water connections.
controlled continuous slip action for constant • Release springs ensure complete
web tensioning. Tension levels are in direct disengagement.
proportion to air pressure applied.

Kopper Kool Brakes Component Parts
1. Socket Head Capscrews 8. Ring (Airtube End)
2. Backplate Water Jacket 9. Floating Water Jacket
Assembly Assembly
3. Release Springs 10. Pressure Plate
4. Ring (Backplate End) 11. Airtube
5. Hub 12. Segmented Shims
6. Drive Plate Assembly 13. Airtube Holding Plate
2 7. Center Water Jacket 14. Socket Head Capscrews
5 Assembly


11 12

Principle of Operation
Closed Cooling System
Liquid Level
As shown here in the closed loop Control
system, flexible water lines should
be brought into each jacket at
the 6 o’clock position. When the
High Radiator
Kopper Kool Unit is used as a clutch, Holding Equipment Temperature
air vent tubes must be installed Tank Power Warning
internally at the factory to insure Supply
proper filling of the water jackets.
The Kopper Kooled Clutches also
require 5 PSI back pressure on the Pump
outlet side of the triple passage
roto-coupling to insure complete Flexible
evacuation of air from these jackets Lines to
High Pressure (60 PSI Max.)
during rotation. By-Pass Valve
(If Required)
Referring to the closed loop cooling
system, the equipment should be Inlet
protected with low water pressure Low Pressure
and high temperature warning Warning
devices. For availability information,
contact factory.
Tension Brakes/Very High Heat Capacity

Design advantages Typical Applications

• New friction material is longer lasting with
less wear on mating copper. Consistent
torque response results directly with air
pressure applied. Mechanically retained
friction pads can be changed in field.
• Copper has a greater heat transfer capacity
than any other metal other than precious
• Generated teeth, in addition to
providing perfect alignment of rotating
members, offer maximum sensitivity of
torque to pressure relationship. All factors
affecting torque are fully controlled.
Tangential cooling grooves insure effective
mixing of cooling water for best heat
conductivity. Water volume of the jackets
insures high water velocity, which reduces
sedimentation and chemical formation. Wichita Kopper Kool Brakes provide precise tension control
Maximum inlet pressure is 60 PSI. on winch drives for mobile equipment.

• Close grain alloy iron jackets for coolant

assure maximum resistance to corrosion.
• Releasing springs insure complete
• By using a triple roto-coupling, the brake
can be used as a constant slipping clutch.
• Flexible fiberglass pressure plate assures
even distribution of pressure from actuator
to braking surfaces, providing maximum
contact area on friction surfaces.
• All coolant and air connections are external
and easily accessible. Double outlets in
center water jackets for multiple plate units
24” and larger.
• Air passages through brake greatly assist in
keeping brake cool. Kopper Kool Brakes dissipate high heat
• Actuating member is a loads in steel uncoiler applications.
reinforced neoprene airtube
which has no resistance to
movement, resulting in
immediate reaction with
small pressure changes.
Non-corrosion neoprene is
unaffected by actuating

Kopper Kool brakes increase control on marine winches.

Selecting a Kopper Kool Brake Calculations
for an unwind application Using the calculations below, consult Kopper
Kool Brake Specifications Chart, page 74.
The brake selected for this application is a 218
Kopper Kool, with 5.5 inch bore.
Max. Tension = Max. PLI x Max. Web Width
= 15 x 120 = 1,800 lbs.
Max. Tension x Max. Roll Dia.
Max. Torque =
= 1800 x 84/2 = 75,600 lb.in.
Max. Web Speed x 3.82
Max. RPM =
Min. Roll Dia.
= 1,500 x 3.82/12 = 478 RPM
Heat HP = Max. Tension x Max. Web
1,800 x 1,500 = 82 Heat HP C
Min. Tension = Min. PLI x Min. Web Width
= 10 x 84 = 840 lbs.
Min. Tension x Min. Roll Dia.
Min. Torque =
= 840 x 12/2 = 5,040 lb.in.
Min. Web Speed x 3.82
Min. RPM =
Max. Roll Dia.
= 750 x 3.82/84 = 34 RPM

How to select
1. Select a brake with equal to or greater
thermal capacity. The ATD-214 has 150 THP
@ 15 GPM. The requirement is 82 THP.
2. Check torque capacity vs. required. The
ATD-214 has 42,000 lb.in. @ 100 PSI. The
requirement is 75,600 lb.in. Therefore, an
ATD-214 Brake will not produce enough
torque for this application. An ATD-218
Brake would be the best choice.

To properly select a tension brake for 3. Check Maximum Bore. The requirement
an unwind application the following is 5.00 inches. The ATD-218 maximum bore
information is needed: is 5.5 inches.

Max. Roll Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 in. 4. Check Maximum RPM. The requirement

Max. Web Width. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 in. is 478 RPM. The maximum RPM for the
Max. Web Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500 FPM ATD-218 is 1,300 RPM.
Max. Tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 PLI Max. Air = Max. Torque x 100 PSI
Air Pressure Available . . . . . . . . . . . 100 PSI Pressure Catalog Torque Rating
Min. Roll Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 in. Required
Min. Web Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 in.
Min. Web Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 FPM 75,600 x 100
= = 80 PSI
Min. Tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 PLI 94,000
Shaft Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
Min. Air Min.Torque x 100 PSI
Pressure Catalog Torque Rating
5,040 x 100
= = 5 PSI

Tension Brakes/Very High Heat Capacity

Kopper Kool Brakes


Heat Capacity
Model Dynamic Torque Capacity* Series Parallel Max Bore
Size Assembly lb.in. Nm Water Hosing Water Hosing Rect. Key
ATD- Number 80 PSI 100 PSI 5.5 BAR 7 BAR HP/kW HP/kW in. (mm)
KKB 106 7-306-110-200-0 1,360 1,700 151 192 10 / 7.5 15 / 11
1.75 (44)
KKB 206 7-306-210-200-0 2,720 3,400 302 384 20 / 15 30 / 22
KKB 108 7-308-110-100-0 4,320 5,400 479 610 21 / 16 32 / 24
KKB 208 7-308-210-100-0 8,640 10,800 959 1,220 42 / 31 64 / 48 2.25 (57)
KKB 308 7-308-310-101-0 12,960 16,200 1,438 1,830 63 / 47 96 / 72
KKB 111 7-311-110-106-0 9,600 12,000 1,065 1,356 35 / 26 53 / 40
KKB 211 7-311-210-107-0 19,200 24,000 2,131 2,712 70 / 52 105 / 78 3.00 (76)
KKB 311 7-311-310-100-0 28,800 36,000 3,196 4,067 105 / 78 158 / 118
KKB 114 7-314-110-115-0 16,800 21,000 1,864 2,373 50 / 37 75 / 56
KKB 214 7-314-210-111-0 33,600 42,000 3,728 4,745 100 / 75 150 / 112 4.38 (111)
KKB 314 7-314-310-103-0 50,400 63,000 5,593 7,118 150 / 112 225 / 168
KKB 116 7-316-110-107-0 25,600 32,000 2,841 3,615 65 / 48 98 / 73
4.75 (121)
KKB 216 7-316-210-108-0 51,200 64,000 5,681 7,231 130 / 97 195 / 145
KKB 118 7-318-110-100-0 37,600 47,000 4,172 5,310 80 / 60 120 / 89
KKB 218 7-318-210-100-0 75,200 94,000 8,344 10,620 160 / 119 240 / 179 5.50 (140)
KKB 318 7-318-310-101-0 112,800 141,000 12,517 15,930 240 / 179 360 / 268
KKB 119 7-319-110-104-0 52,000 65,000 5,770 7,344 — 160 / 119
5.50 (140)
KKB 219 7-319-210-111-0 104,000 130,000 11,540 14,688 — 320 / 239
KKB 121 7-321-110-100-0 49,600 62,000 5,504 7,005 100 / 75 150 / 112
KKB 221 7-321-210-102-0 99,200 124,000 11,008 14,010 200 / 149 300 / 224 6.50 (165)
KKB 321 7-321-310-100-0 148,800 186,000 16,511 21,015 300 / 224 450 / 336
KKB 124H 7-325-110-100-0 100,800 126,000 11,185 14,236 190 / 142 285 / 213
KKB 224H 7-325-210-101-0 201,600 252,000 22,370 28,471 380 / 283 570 / 425 7.63 (194)
KKB 324H 7-325-310-101-0 302,400 378,000 33,556 42,707 570 / 425 855 / 638
KKB 125 7-326-100-100-01 122,920 153,650 13,880 17,360 — 350/261
KKB 225 7-326-200-100-0 1 245,840 307,300 27,760 34,719 — 700 / 522 8.13 (207)
KKB 325 7-326-300-101-01 368,760 460,950 41,640 52,079 — 1050/783
KKB 127 7-327-110-100-0 120,000 150,000 13,316 16,947 175 / 130 263 / 196
8.00 (203)
KKB 227 7-327-210-100-0 240,000 300,000 26,631 33,894 350 / 261 233 / 174
KKB 130 7-330-110-300-0 160,000 200,000 17,754 22,596 230 / 172 345 / 257
KKB 230 7-330-210-301-0 320,000 400,000 35,508 45,193 460 / 343 690 / 515 9.00 (229)
KKB 330 7-330-310-300-0 480,000 600,000 53,263 67,789 690 / 515 1,035 / 772
KKB 136H 7-337-110-300-0 320,000 400,000 36,154 45,193 500 / 373 750 / 559
KKB 236H 7-337-210-300-0 640,000 800,000 72,308 90,385 1,000 / 746 1,500 / 1,119
9.00 (229)
KKB 336H 7-337-310-300-0 960,000 1,200,000 108,462 135,578 1,500 / 1,119 2,250 / 1,678
KKB 436H 7-337-410-102-0 2 1,250,000 1,600,000 141,227 180,771 2,000 / 1,491 3,000 / 2,237
KKB 346 7-346-310-100-0 3 2,104,000 2,630,000 233,468 297,142 2,200 / 1,641 3,300 / 2,461 12.50 (317)
* Static torque will vary with temperature. Maximum air pressure is 100 PSI / 7 BAR. Minimum recommended air pressure is 3 PSI.
Note: Maximum water jacket inlet pressure is 60 PSI.
Brakes with as great as 50% higher torque capacity is available upon request.
1 Current design is with enhanced linings. A unit with regular linings is available upon request.
2 Current design is with the Marine Corrosion package. A Non-Marine unit is available upon request.
3 Current design is for intermittent duty applications. Such as, anchor, mooring, take-up and traction type winch applications.

Recom- Parallel Water Flow
Model mended Max. % Ethylene Glycol Total Brake Hub & Drive Plate
Size Clearance Speed GPM (LPM) Wt. Wt. WR2/ J=mr2
ATD- in.(mm) RPM 0% 30% 50% lb. (kg) lb. (kg) lb.ft.2 (kgm 2)
KKB 106 1.5 (6) 2.0 (7.4) 2.3 (8.5) 45 (20.4) 5.5 (2.5) 0.14 (0.01)
1/16-3/32 (1.5-2) 3,800
KKB 206 3 (11) 3.9 (14.8) 4.5 (17) 71 (32.2) 11.7 (5.3) 0.28 (0.01)
KKB 108 1/16-3/32 (1.5-2) 3.2 (12) 4.1 (1.6) 5 (19) 68 (30.8) 11 (5.0) 0.6 (0.03)
KKB 208 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 2,860 6.4 (24) 8.2 (32) 10 (38) 116 (52.6) 25 (11.1) 1.3 (0.05)
KKB 308 1/8-3/16 (3-5) 9.6 (36) 12.3 (48) 15 (57) 164 (74.4) 38 (17.2) 2.0 (0.08)
KKB 111 1/16-3/32 (1.5-2) 5.3 (20) 6.9 (26) 8 (30) 146 (66.2) 24 (10.9) 2 (0.08) C
KKB 211 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 2,100 10.5 (40) 13.7 (52) 15.8 (60) 230 (104.3) 54 (24.5) 4 (0.17)
KKB 311 1/8-3/16 (3-5) 15.8 (60) 20.5 (78) 20.5 (78) 314 (142.4) 84 (38.1) 6.0 (0.25)
KKB 114 1/16-3/32 (1.5-2) 7.5 (28) 9.8 (37) 12 (45) 221 (100.2) 40 (18) 5 (0.21)
KKB 214 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 1,600 15 (57) 20 (74) 24 (90) 345 (156.5) 80 (36) 11 (0.44)
KKB 314 1/8-3/16 (3-5) 22.5 (84) 29 (111) 36 (135) 470 (213.2) 120 (54) 16 (0.67)
KKB 116 1/16-3/32 (1.5-2) 9.8 (37) 12.7 (48) 15 (56) 298 (135) 75 (34) 12 (0.51)
KKB 216 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 19.5 (74) 25.4 (96) 29 (111) 650 (295) 143 (65) 25 (1.07)
KKB 118 1/16-1/8 (1.5-2) 12 (45) 16 (60) 19 (72) 415 (188) 88 (39.9) 18 (0.76)
KKB 218 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 1,300 24 (90) 32 (120) 38 (144) 565 (256) 176 (79.8) 36 (1.52)
KKB 318 1/8-3/16 (3-5) 36 (135) 48 (180) 57 (216) 715 (324) 264 (119.7) 54 (2.28)
KKB 119 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 16 (61) 21 (79) 24 (91) 337 (153) 84 (38) 12.5 (0.53)
KKB 219 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 32 (121) 42 (158) 48 (182) 464 (210) 144 (65) 21.6 (0.91)
KKB 121 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 15 (57) 20 (74) 24 (90) 600 (272) 138 (63) 34 (1.43)
KKB 221 1/8-3/16 (3-5) 1,100 30 (114) 39 (148) 45 (170) 870 (395) 226 (103) 64 (2.70)
KKB 321 5/32-7/32 (4-6) 45 (170) 59 (221) 68 (255) 1,075 (488) 301 (137) 97 (4.09)
KKB 124H 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 29 (106) 38 (144) 45 (170) 935 (424) 240 (109) 110 (4.64)
KKB 224H 1/8-3/16 (3-5) 960 58 (212) 76 (288) 90 (340) 1,500 (680) 410 (186) 210 (8.85)
KKB 324H 5/32-7/32 (4-6) 87 (318) 114 (432) 135 (510) 2,065 (937) 580 (263) 310 (13.07)
KKB 125 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 35 (132) 45 (170) 54 (204) 886 (402) — — — —
KKB 225 1/8-3/16 (3-5) 935 70 (264) 90 (340) 108 (408) 1,421 (645) — — — —
KKB 325 5/32-7/32 (4-6) 105 (396) 135 (510) 162 (611) 1,956 (887) — — — —
KKB 127 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 27 (102) 35 (133) 41 (153) 981 (445) 227 (103) 92 (3.87)
KKB 227 1/8-3/16 (3-5) 54 (204) 70 (266) 81 (307) 1,320 (599) 426 (193) 179 (7.55)
KKB 130 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 35 (132) 45 (170) 54 (204) 1,134 (514) 263 (119) 139 (5.86)
KKB 230 1/8-3/16 (3-5) 760 70 (264) 90 (340) 108 (408) 1,850 (839) 530 (240) 275 (11.59)
KKB 330 5/32-7/32 (4-6) 105 (396) 135 (510) 162 (612) 2,565 (1,163) 795 (361) 410 (17.28)
KKB 136H 3/32-5/32 (2-4) 75 (284) 98 (369) 120 (454) 2,550 (1,157) 535 (243) 410 (17.28)
KKB 236H 1/8-3/16 (3-5) 150 (568) 195 (738) 240 (908) 4,111 (1,865) 925 (420) 790 (33.31)
KKB 336H 5/32-7/32 (4-6) 225 (852) 294 (1,107) 360 (1,362) 5,595 (2,538) 1,685 (764) 1,621 (68.3)
KKB 436H 3/16-1/4 (5-7) 300 (1,136) 390 (1,476) 450 (1,703) 6,772 (3,072) 2,198 (997) 2,079 (87.6)
KKB 346 3/16-5/16 (5-8) 480 330 (1,249) 429 (1,624) 495 (1,874) 10,800 (4,899) 3,040 (1,379) 4,981 (210)

Tension Brakes/Very High Heat Capacity

Kopper Kool Brakes

Specifications (Continued)

Pressure Drop Pressure Drop

Parallel Flow w/ Series Flow w/ Maximum
Model % Ethylene Glycol % Ethylene Glycol Lining Water
Size PSI / (BAR) PSI / (BAR) Wear Volume
ATD- 0% 30% 50% 0% 30% 50% in./(cm) in.3/(dm 3 ) in.3 / (dm3 )
KKB 108 4 (0.14) 9 (0.62) 9 (0.62) 8 (0.13)
KKB 208 0.9 (0.06) 1.6 (0.11) 2.3 (0.16) 11(0.76) 25 (1.72) 32 (2.21) 0.4 (1.0) 10 (0.2) 16 (0.26)
KKB 308 15(1.03) 34 (2.34) 41 (2.83) 24 (0.4)
KKB 114 4 (0.14) 8 (0.55) 12 (0.83) 20 (0.33)
KKB 214 1.2 (0.08) 1.6 (0.11) 1.8 (0.12) 24(1.66) 40 (2.76) 52 (3.59) 0.5 (1.3) 60 (1.0) 40 (0.65)
KKB 314 28 (1.93) 48 (3.31) — 60 (1)
KKB 118 7 (0.48) 13 (0.9) 20 (1.38) 48 (0.8)
KKB 218 1.7 (0.12) 2.4 (0.17) 2.8 (0.19) 52 (3.59) — — 0.6 (1.5) 75 (1.2) 96 (1.5)
KKB 318 — — — 144 (2.35)
KKB 124H 7 (0.48) 11 (0.76) 14 (0.97) 110 (1.8)
KKB 224H 1.9 (0.13) 2.4 (0.17) 3.1 (0.21) 23 (1.59) 35 (2.41) 48 (3.31) 0.8 (2.0) 200 (3.3) 220 (3.6)
KKB 324H 30 (2.07) 46 (3.17) — 330 (1.8)
KKB 130 9 (0.62) 14 (0.97) 21 (1.45) 190 (3.1)
KKB 230 2.1 (0.14) 2.4 (0.17) 3.1 (0.21) 31 (2.14) 48 (3.31) — 0.8 (2.0) 240(3.9) 380 (6.2)
KKB 330 40 (2.76) — — 570 (9.3)
KKB 136H 14 (0.97) 24 (1.66) — 285 (4.7)
KKB 236H 4.0 (0.28) 5.3 (0.37) 7.2 (0.50) 60 (4.14) — — 0.8 (2.0) 500 (8.2) 570 (9.3)
KKB 336H — — — 855 (14)

PSI Pressure Curves
Triple Passage Couplings
The cooling water requirements are listed in
the specification table. The pressure drop
across the brakes is given for both parallel
and series flow. This table also indicates the Part No.
Coupling "A" - 8-442-770-004-2
Coupling "B" - 8-442-774-006-1
increased flow requirement when using a 50 Coupling "C" - 8-442-776-000-1

Coupling "A"
mixture of ethylene glycol as an antifreeze or


for corrosion protection.

The normal water requirement for Kopper Kool
brakes and clutches is one gallon of water for
" C"
each 10 horsepower or one liter of water for 10

each 2 kilowatts being dissipated. This

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
amount of flow will give a temperature rise
through the brake of 50° F (28° C). The outlet
water temperature should not exceed 170° F Figure 2
(77° C). From Figure 2 for 20 GPM PSI drop is 5. C
The curves shown in Figures 1 and 3 The pressure drop would be 6.2 PSI
indicate the pressure through the listed units across the inlet and outlet of coupling “B”
for both parallel and series flow. Also shown in for this application.
Figure 2 is the flow through the optional triple Horsepower ratings as shown are for
passage roto-couplings for Kopper Kool continuous slip. The ratings can be
clutches. The data in Figures 1, 2, and 3 will increased for intermittent service. Please
aid in estimating pressure drops for different consult the factory for such applications.
flow requirements.
Parallel Flow
PSI vs. GPM — Wichita Kopper Kool Brakes Series Flow
PSI vs. GPM — Wichita Kopper Kool Brakes


21 6-




118 6






-2 6 6H



30 23 13

13 36H




H- 2





40 12




2 30-36
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 GPM
GPM Figure 3
Figure 1
An example of the use of these flow tables is:
An ATD-224H clutch is selected for 200
horsepower @ 190 RPM.

The torque requirement is 66,316 lb.in.

Water flow required = 20 GPM

(4 inlets - 4 outlets @ 5 GPM ea.)

From Figure 1 for 20 GPM

(24H Curve at 5 GPM) PSI drop is 1.2.

Tension Brakes/High Heat Capacity

Kopper Kool Brake




For mounting hole pattern, see following pages.

For sizes 19 and 25 see page 82.

Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model A B C
Size ATD- Pilot Hole Circle Pilot D F G H J
KKB 106 8.751 / 8.753 8.000 7.377 / 7.379 8.81 2.00 (50.8) 5.25 (133.4)
.75(19.1) 0.13 (3.3)
KKB 206 (222.28 / 222.33) (203.20) (187.38 / 187.43) (223.8) 4.63 (117.6) 7.63 (193.8)
KKB 108 2.00 (50.8) 5.68 (144.3)
12.125 / 12.128 11.125 8.375 / 8.378 11.75
KKB 208 4.25 (108) 1.13(28.7) 8.43 (214.1) 0.25 (6.4)
(307.98 / 308.05) (282.58) (212.73 / 212.80) (288.5)
KKB 308 7.00 (177.8) 11.12 (282.4)
KKB 111 2.88 (73.2) 6.32 (160.5)
15.997 / 16.000 14.75 11.375 / 11.378 14.75
KKB 211 6.13 (155.7) .75 (19.1) 9.56 (242.8) 0.25(6.4)
(406.32 / 406.40) (374.65) (288.93 / 289.00) (374.7)
KKB 311 9.12 (231.6) 12.81 (325.4)
KKB 114 3.25 (82.6) 1.06(26.9) 7.00 (177.8)
18.747 / 18.750 17.500 14.375 / 14.378 17.50
KKB 214 5.88 (149.4) 1.69 (42.9) 10.57 (268.5) 0.25(6.4)
(476.17 / 476.25) (444.50) (365.13 / 365.20) (444.5)
KKB 314 9.13 (231.9) 1.69 (42.9) 14.13 (358.9)
KKB 116 21.245 / 21.248 20.000 16.250 / 16.253 20.00 4.00 (101.6) 7.56 (192.0)
1.25(31.8) 0.25(6.4)
KKB 216 (539.62 / 539.70) (508.00) (412.75 / 412.83) (508.0) 7.00 (177.8) 11.50 (292.1)
KKB 118 3.63 (921.2) 1.06 (26.9) 8.00 (203.2)
KKB 218
23.247 / 23.250
(590.47 / 590.55)
18.250 / 18.253
(463.55 / 463.63)
7.13 (181.1) 1.63 (41.4) 12.19 (309.6) 0.25(6.4) C
KKB 318 10.75 (273.1) 1.63 (41.4) 16.38 (416.1)
KKB 121 5.50 (139.7) 1.25 (31.8) 8.38 (212.9)
26.977 / 27.000 25.500 21.375 / 21.378 24.88
KKB 221 7.94 (201.7) 1.50 (38.1) 15.81 (401.6) 0.25(6.4)
(685.22 / 685.80) (647.70) (542.93 / 543.00) (632.0)
KKB 321 12.44 (316.0) 1.25 (31.8) 17.19 (436.6)
KKB 124H 5.00 (127.0) 9.79 (248.7)
29.997 / 30.000 28.750 24.375 / 24.378 31.00
KKB 224H 8.63 (219.2) 1.38 (35.1) 14.68 (372.9) 0.25 (6.4)
(761.9 / 762.0) (730.25) (619.13 / 619.20) (787.4)
KKB 324H 13.63 (346.2) 19.56 (496.8)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model L R U V1 - Inlets
Size ATD- No. - Size M N Q No. - Size T Min. Max. No. - Size
KKB 106 2.94 2.43 0.38 2.00 0.60 1.75 2 - 1/4 NPT
4 - 0.34 (8.6) 2 - 1/2 NPT
KKB 206 (74.7) (61.7) (9.7) (50.8) (15.2) (44.5) 3 - 1/4 NPT
KKB 108 2 - 3/8 NPT
4.38 3.50 1.38 3.75 1.00 2.25
KKB 208 4 - 17/32 (13.5) 2 - 1/2 NPT 3 - 3/8 NPT
(111.3) (88.9) (35.1) (95.3) (25.4) (57.2)
KKB 308 4 - 3/8 NPT
KKB 111 2 - 1/2 NPT
5.38 4.63 1.13 5.25 1.00 3.00
KKB 211 4 - 21/32 (16.7) 2 - 1/2 NPT 3 - 1/2 NPT
(136.7) (117.6) (28.7) (133.4) (25.4) (76.2)
KKB 311 4 - 1/2 NPT
KKB 114 2 - 1/2 NPT
7.38 6.50 1.50 7.00 1.38 4.38
KKB 214 6 - 21/32 (16.7) 2 - 1/2 NPT 3 - 1/2 NPT
(187.5) (165.1) (38.1) (177.8) (35.1) (111.3)
KKB 314 4 - 1/2 NPT
KKB 116 8.62 7.50 1.50 8.38 1.38 4.75 2 - 1/2 NPT
10 - 21/32 (16.7) 2 - 1/2 NPT
KKB 216 (218.9) (190.5) (38.1) (212.9) (35.1) (120.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT
KKB 118 2 - 1/2 NPT
9.38 8.25 1.50 9.75 2.00 5.50
KKB 218 10 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT 3 - 1/2 NPT
(238.3) (209.6) (38.1) (247.7) (50.8) (139.7)
KKB 318 4 - 1/2 NPT
KKB 121 2 - 3/4 NPT
11.38 10.50 1.75 11.38 2.00 6.50
KKB 221 10 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT 3 - 3/4 NPT
(289.1) (266.7) (44.5) (289.1) (50.8) (165.1)
KKB 321 4 - 3/4 NPT
KKB 124H 2 - 1 NPT
12.69 11.50 .94 15.12 2.00 7.63
KKB 224H 10 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT 4 - 1 NPT
(322.3) (292.1) (23.9) (384.0) (50.8) (193.8)
KKB 324H 6 - 1 NPT
NOTE: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
1 Number of inlets and outlets are equivalent.

(Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)

Tension Brakes/High Heat Capacity

Kopper Kool Brake




For mounting hole pattern, see following pages.

For sizes 19 and 25 see page 82.

Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model A B C
Size ATD- Pilot Hole Circle Pilot D F G H J
5.00 9.00
KKB 127
32.747 / 32.750 31.500 27.375 / 27.378 15.13 (127) 1.38 (228.6) 0.25
(831.77 / 831.85) (800.10) (695.33 / 695.40) (384.3) 8.63 (35.1) 13.75 (6.4)
KKB 227
(219.2) (349.3)
4.63 9.44
KKB 130
(117.6) (239.8)
36.997 / 37.000 35.500 30.375 / 30.378 34.75 9.25 1.38 14.25 0.25
KKB 230
(939.72 / 939.80) (901.70) (771.53 / 771.60) (882.7) (235) (35.1) (362) (6.4)
13.88 19.00
KKB 330
(352.6) (482.6)
5.63 1.13 12.63
KKB 136H
(143) (28.7) (320.8)
43.497 / 43.500 42.000 36.375 / 36.378 44.50 11.00 1.43 19.26 0.25
KKB 236H
(1,104.82 / 1,104.90) (1066.80) (923.93 / 924.00) (1,130.3) (279.4) (36.3) (489.2) (6.4)

KKB 336H
16.63 1.43 25.76 C
(422.4) (36.3) (654.3)
44.50 42.500 36.375 / 36.378 44.50 24.75 1.43 32.26 0.25
KKB 436H
(1,130.3) (1,079.50) (923.93 / 924.00) (1,130.3) (628.7) (36.3) (819.4) (6.4)
58.747 / 58.750 56.750 48.000 / 48.003 56.75 20.75 2.75 29.13 0.25
KKB 346
(1,492.17 / 1,492.25) (1,441.45) (1,219.20 / 1,219.28) (1,441.45) (527.1) (69.9) (739.9) (6.4)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model L R U V1 - Inlets
Size ATD- No. - Size M N Q No. - Size T Min. Max. No. - Size
KKB 127 14.13 12.50 1.75 15.13 2.50 8.00 2 - 3/4 NPT
14 - 21/32 (16.7) 3 - 1/2 NPT
KKB 227 (358.9) (317.5) (44.5) (358.9) (63.5) (203.2) 3 - 3/4 NPT
KKB 130 2 - 1 NPT
15.75 14.25 2.00 17.38 2.50 9.00
KKB 230 16 - 25/32 (19.8) 4 - 1/2 NPT 4 - 1 NPT
(400.1) (362) (50.8) (441.5) (63.5) (228.6)
KKB 330 6 - 1 NPT
KKB 136H 2 - 1.25 NPT
16.50 14.00 1.19 17.38 6.00 9.00
KKB 236H 16 - 13/16 (20.6) 4 - 1/2 NPT 4 - 1.25 NPT
(419.1) (355.6) (30.2) (441.5) (152.4) (228.6)
KKB 336H 6 - 1.25 NPT
16.50 14.00 1.25 17.38 6.00 9.00
KKB 436H 16 - 1.06 (26.9) 4 - 1/2 NPT 8 - 1.25 NPT
(419.1) (355.6) (31.8) (441.5) (152.4) (228.6)
29.00 24.00 3.13 30.25 8.00 16.00
KKB 346 22 - 1.03 (26.2) 4 - 1/2 NPT 6 - 1.25 NPT
(736.6) (609.6) (79.5) (768.4) (203.2) (406.4)
NOTE: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
1 Number of inlets and outlets are equivalent.
(Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)

Tension Brakes/High Heat Capacity

Kopper Kool Brake




Size 19




Size 25
82 For mounting hole pattern, see following pages.
Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model A B C
Size ATD- Pilot Hole Circle Pilot D F G H J
3.63 3.00 11.50
KKB 119
23.247 / 23.250 22.000 18.253 / 18.256 24.00 (92.2) (76.2) (292.1) 0.25
(590.47 / 590.55) (558.80) (463.63 / 463.70) (609.6) 6.25 3.06 14.87 (6.4)
KKB 219
(158.8) (77.7) ((377.7)
5.00 11.00
KKB 125
(127) (279)
32.75 2 28.750 24.375 / 24.378 32.75 6.25 2.36 15.50 0.25
KKB 225
(831.9) (730.25) (619.13 / 619.20) (831.9) (158.8) (59.9) (393.7) (6.4)
13.62 19.87
KKB 325
(346) (505)

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model L R U V1 - Inlets
Size ATD- No. - Size M N Q No. - Size T Min. Max. No. - Size
2 - 1.31-12UN
KKB 119
11.75 8.25 0.62 9.50 2.75 5.50 SAE "O" RING
12 - 11/16 (17.5) 4 - 1/2 NPT
(298.5) (209.6) (15.7) (241.3) (70) (140) 4 - 1.31-12UN
KKB 219
KKB 125 2 - 1.25 NPT
12 - 21/32 (16.7) 15.50 11.67 2.00 12.00 4.00 8.13
KKB 225 4 - 1 NPT 4 - 1.25 NPT
(393.7) (296.4) (50.8) (304.8) (102) (207)
KKB 325 6 - 1.25 NPT
NOTE: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
1 Number of inlets and outlets are equivalent.
2 Not a pilot but a nominal dimension only.
(Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)

Tension Brakes/High Heat Capacity

Kopper Kool Brakes - Mounting Hole Pattern

Water Outlets



Water Inlets

KKB Brakes

Water Outlets



Water Outlets

Sizes 19 & 25

Dimensions: inches (mm)
No. of No. of Holes,
Model Mounting A B Hole Pattern
KKB Holes Size Hole Circle is Based C D
6 4 0.34 (8.6) 8.000 (203.20) 4 45° 90°

8 4 17/32 (13.5) 11.125 (282.58) 6 60° 120°

11 4 21/32 (16.7) 14.75 (374.65) 6 60° 120°

14 6 21/32 (16.7) 17.500 (444.50) 8 45° 90°

16 10 21/32 (16.7) 20.000 (508.00) 12 30° 60°

18 10 21/32 (16.7) 22.000 (558.80) 12 30° 60°

19 12 11/16 (17.5) 22.000 (558.80) 12 30° —

21 10 21/32 (16.7) 25.500 (647.70) 12 30° 60°

24H 10 21/32 (16.7) 28.750 (730.25) 12 30° 60°

25 12 21/32 (16.7) 28.750 (730.25) 12 30° —

27 14 21/32 (16.7) 31.500 (800.10) 16 22.5° 45°

30 16 25/32 (19.8) 35.500 (901.70) 18 20° 40°

36H 16 13/16 (20.6) 42.000 (1,066.80) 18 20° 40°

436H 16 1.06 (26.9) 42.500 (1,079.50) 18 20° 40°

46 22 1.03 (26.2) 56.750 (1,441.45) 24 15° 30°

Tension Brakes/High Heat Capacity

Kopper Kool Brakes - Spring-Set Brakes


KKSS Brake


See previous pages for dimensional information.

Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model Dynamic Torque Capacity*
Size Assembly Release Pressure Width
ATD- Number lb.in. Nm PSI BAR in. (mm)
KKSSB 218 7-318-210-113-0 48,000 5,434 90 6.2 15.00 (381)

KKSSB 224H 7-325-210-106-0 3 104,800 11,840 75 5.2 17.59 (446.8)

KKSSB-HYD 124H 7-325-110-107-0 88,000 9,942 1,280 88.3 12.63 (320.8)

KKSSB-HYD 224H 7-325-210-107-0 160,000 18,077 1280 88.3 17.52 (445)

KKSSB 330H 7-331-310-300-0 1 748,900 84,612 100 6.9 22.69 (576.3)

KKSSB 236H4 7-337-210-304-0 2 649,400 73,370 120 8.3 22.03 (559.6)

KKSSB 336H4 7-337-310-107-0 1,2 1,177,800 133,070 100 6.9 28.60 (726.4)
4 2
KKSSB 336H 7-337-310-106-0 940,600 106,270 120 8.3 28.60 (726.4)
* Static torque will vary with temperature.
Note: Maximum water jacket inlet pressure is 60 PSI.
Brakes with as great as 50% higher torque capacity is available upon request.
1 Current design is with enhanced linings. A unit with regular linings is available upon request.
2 Current design is with the Marine Corrosion package. A Non-Marine unit is available upon request.
3 Current design is without hub. A unit with hub is available upon request.
4 Mounting same as 436H KK except with 42.500" (1,079.5 mm) hole circle.

Feature Differences: The KKSS brake uses air to release the brake, where as the KKSS-HYD brake uses hydraulic pressure to release the brake.

Tension Brakes/High Heat Capacity

Kopper Kool Custom Units - KKSS Clutch


Air / Hydraulic


See previous pages for dimensional information.

Dimensions: inches (mm)
Dynamic Torque
Model Capacity* with Heat Roto - Max. Speed
Size Assembly Release Pressure Capacity Coupling R/C Unit Width
ATD- Number lb.in.(Nm) PSI (BAR) HP(kW) NPT RPM RPM in.(mm)
74,250 75 3475 33.00
KKSSC 224 6-324-210-102-0 2 1-1/4" 40 475
(8,389) (5.2) (260)5 (838.2)
110,700 75 4006 37.58
KKSSC 324 6-324-310-102-0 2 1-1/4" 40 475
(12,507) (5.2) (300)6 (954.5)
157,225 75 5667 38.87
KKSSC 224H 6-325-210-100-01,2 1-1/2" 250 475
(17,764) (5.2) (425)7 (987.3)
278,700 95 4007 39.03
KKSSC 324H 6-325-310-100-0 1,2 1-1/4" 40 475
(31,488) (6.6) (300)7 (991.4)
542,100 100 1,3006 32.25
KKSSC 236H TBD 2,3 2" 250 300
(61,247) (6.9) (975)6 (819.2)
542,100 1,450 1,3006 32.25
KKSSC-HYD 236H 6-337-210-100-0 2,3 2" 250 300
(61,247) (100.0) (975)6 (819.2)
* Static torque will vary with temperature. C
Note: Maximum water jacket inlet pressure is 60 PSI.
Brakes with as great as 50% higher torque capacity is available upon request.
1 Current design is with enhanced linings. A unit with regular linings is available upon request.
2 Current design is with the Marine Corrosion package. A Non-Marine unit is available upon request.
3 Mounting same as 436H KK except with 42.500" (1,079.5 mm) hole circle.
5 Series hosing
6 Parallel hosing
7 Partial-parallel hosing
Feature Differences: The KKSS clutch uses air to release the clutch where as; the KKSS-HYD clutch uses hydraulic pressure to release the clutch.

Tension Brakes/High Heat Capacity

Series Water Hose Kits for

Kopper Kool Brakes, KKB and J N
Steel Water Cooled Brakes, SWCB Water
F Outlet
(Must Be
C B At Top)
Wichita Water Hose kits contain all
necessary fittings, hoses, and connections to
completely plumb the brake water system.
Customer needs to connect water input at the
bottom of the brake and the output water
connections at the top of the brake.
A Inlet
(Must Be
At Bottom)

Single plate

Model Water Hose A Inlet B Inlet C Pipe Nipple D Pipe Nipple E Pipe Nipple F Hose G Hose
Size ATD- Kit Number* Size Size Part Number Qty Part Number Qty Part Number Qty Part Number Qty Part Number Qty
108 KKB 8-908-999-901-5 3/8" NPT 3/8" NPT 2-200-036-122-0 2 — — — — 2-403-240-033-1 1 2-403-110-133-1 1
208 KKB 8-908-999-902-5 3/8" NPT 3/8" NPT 2-200-036-122-0 4 — — — — 2-403-240-033-1 2 2-403-110-133-1 1
308 KKB 8-908-999-903-5 3/8" NPT 3/8" NPT 2-200-036-122-0 6 — — — — 2-403-240-033-1 3 2-403-110-133-1 1
114 KKB 8-914-999-901-6 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 2-200-037-122-0 2 — — — — 2-404-320-044-1 1 2-404-110-144-1 1
214 KKB 8-914-999-902-6 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 2-200-037-122-0 4 — — — — 2-404-320-044-1 2 2-404-110-144-1 1
314 KKB 8-914-999-903-6 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 2-200-037-122-0 6 — — — — 2-404-320-044-1 3 2-404-110-144-1 1
118 KKB 8-918-999-901-6 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 2-200-037-122-0 2 — — — — 2-404-380-044-1 1 2-404-110-144-1 1
218 KKB 8-918-999-902-6 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 2-200-037-122-0 4 — — — — 2-404-380-044-1 2 2-404-110-144-1 1
318 KKB 8-918-999-903-6 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 2-200-037-122-0 6 — — — — 2-404-380-044-1 3 2-404-110-144-1 1
124H SWCB 8-924-999-901-6 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 2-200-060-122-0 2 — — — — 2-404-500-044-1 1 2-404-110-144-1 1
224H SWCB 8-924-999-902-6 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 2-200-060-122-0 4 — — — — 2-404-500-044-1 2 2-404-110-144-1 1
324H SWCB 8-924-999-903-6 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 2-200-060-122-0 6 — — — — 2-404-500-044-1 3 2-404-110-144-1 1
124H KKB 9-925-999-901-7 1" NPT 1" NPT 2-200-051-122-0 2 — — — — 2-405-500-055-1 1 2-405-110-155-1 1
224H KKB 8-925-999-902-7 1" NPT 1" NPT 2-200-051-122-0 4 2-200-082-122-0 2 2-200-017-122-0 1 2-405-500-055-1 2 2-405-110-155-1 1
324H KKB 8-925-999-903-7 1" NPT 1" NPT 2-200-051-122-0 6 2-200-082-122-0 4 2-200-017-122-0 1 2-405-500-055-1 3 2-405-110-155-1 1
130 SWCB 8-930-999-901-7 3/4" NPT 1"NPT 2-200-061-122-0 2 — — — — 2-405-620-055-1 1 2-405-200-155-1 1
230 SWCB 8-930-999-902-7 3/4" NPT 1" NPT 2-200-061-122-0 4 — — — — 2-405-620-055-1 2 2-405-200-155-1 1
330 SWCB 8-930-999-903-7 3/4" NPT 1" NPT 2-200-061-122-0 6 — — — — 2-405-620-055-1 3 2-405-200-155-1 1
130 KKB 8-930-999-901-9 1" NPT 1-1/2" NPT 2-200-062-122-0 2 — — — — 2-407-620-077-1 1 2-407-200-177-1 1
230 KKB 8-930-999-902-9 1"NPT 1-1/2" NPT 2-200-062-122-0 4 2-200-092-122-0 2 2-200-017-122-0 1 2-407-620-077-1 4 2-407-200-177-1 1
330 KKB 8-930-999-903-9 1" NPT 1-1/2" NPT 2-200-062-122-0 6 2-200-092-122-0 4 2-200-017-122-0 1 2-407-620-077-1 3 2-407-200-177-1 1
136 SWCB 8-936-999-901-7 3/4" NPT 1" NPT 2-200-061-122-0 2 — — — — 2-405-680-055-1 1 2-405-200-155-1 1
236 SWCB 8-936-999-902-7 3/4" NPT 1" NPT 2-200-061-122-0 4 — — — — 2-405-680-055-1 2 2-405-200-155-1 1
336 SWCB 8-936-999-903-7 3/4" NPT 1" NPT 2-200-061-122-0 6 — — — — 2-405-680-055-1 3 2-405-200-155-1 1
136H KKB 8-937-999-901-9 1-1/4" NPT 1-1/2" NPT 2-200-063-122-0 2 — — — — 2-407-680-077-1 1 2-407-200-155-1 1
236H KKB 8-937-999-902-9 1-1/4" NPT 1-1/2" NPT 2-200-063-122-0 4 2-200-104-122-0 2 2-200-018-122-0 1 2-407-680-077-1 2 2-407-200-155-1 1
336H KKB 8-937-999-903-9 1-1`/4" NPT 1-1/2" NPT 2-200-063-122-0 6 2-200-104-122-0 4 2-200-018-122-0 1 2-407-680-077-1 3 2-407-200-155-1 1
* Denotes complete hose kit


Water Water
Outlet Outlet
F (Must Be (Must Be
B At Top) B At Top)

Inlet F R
(Must Be
At Bottom)
Double Plate Double Plate
Sizes 208 through 318 Sizes 224H through 336H

Model H Hose J Elbow 90 K Elbow 90 L Elbow 45 M Adaptor N Adaptor P Pipe Tee

Size ATD- Part Number Qty Part Number Qty Part Number Qty Part Number Qty Part Number Qty Part Number Qty Part Number Qty
108 KKB — — 2-303-027-020-0 1 2-302-027-020-0 2 — — — — — — — —
208 KKB — — 2-303-027-020-0 1 2-302-027-020-0 4 — — — — — — — —
308 KKB — — 2-303-027-020-0 1 2-302-027-020-0 6 — — — — — — — —
114 KKB — — 2-303-039-020-0 1 2-302-039-020-0 2 — — — — — — — —
214 KKB — — 2-303-039-020-0 1 2-302-039-020-0 4 — — — — — — — —
314 KKB — — 2-303-039-020-0 1 2-302-039-020-0 6 — — — — — — — —
118 KKB — — 2-303-039-020-0 1 2-302-039-202-0 4 — — — — — — — —
218 KKB — — 2-303-039-020-0 1 2-302-039-202-0 6 — — — — — — — —
318 KKB — — 2-303-039-020-0 1 2-302-039-202-0 4 — — — — — — — —
124H SWCB — — 2-303-039-020-0 1 2-302-039-202-0 6 — — — — — — — —
224H SWCB — — 2-303-039-020-0 1 2-302-039-202-0 6 — — — — — — — —
324H SWCB — — 2-303-062-001-0 1 2-302-062-001-0 2 — — — — — — — —
124H KKB 2-405-500-055-1 2 — — 2-302-062-001-0 5 2-307-062-001-0 2 2-300-062-001-0 2 2-300-062-001-0 5 2-214-041-412-0 2
224H KKB 2-405-500-055-1 3 — — 2-302-062-001-0 9 2-307-062-001-0 4 2-300-062-001-0 4 2-300-062-001-0 5 2-214-041-412-0 2
324H KKB — — 2-303-051-001-0 1 2-210-036-112-0 2 — — — — — — 2-300-062-001-0 2
130 SWCB — — 2-203-051-001-0 1 2-210-036-112-0 4 — — — — — — 2-300-062-001-0 4
230 SWCB — — 2-303-064-001-0 1 2-210-041-112-0 6 — — — — — — 2-300-062-001-0 6
330 SWCB — — 2-303-064-001-0 1 2-210-041-112-0 2 — — — — — — 2-300-064-001-0 2
130 KKB — — 2-210-041-112-0 5 2-307-064-001-0 2 2-300-064-001-0 2 2-300-064-001-0 5 2-214-041-112-0 2 — —
230 KKB — — 2-407-620-077-1 3 2-210-041-112-0 9 2-307-064-001-0 2 2-300-064-001-0 4 2-300-064-001-0 5 2-214-041-112-0 2
330 KKB — — 2-303-051-001-0 1 2-210-036-112-0 2 — — — — — — 2-300-062-001-0 2
136 SWCB — — 2-303-051-001-0 1 2-210-036-112-0 4 — — — — — — 2-300-062-001-0 4
236 SWCB — — 2-303-051-001-0 1 2-210-036-112-0 6 — — — — — — 2-300-062-001-0 6
336 SWCB — — 2-303-075-001-0 1 2-210-046-112-0 2 — — — — — — 2-300-075-001-0 2
136H KKB 2-407-660-077-1 2 — — 2-210-046-112-0 5 2-300-075-001-0 2 2-300-075-001-0 2 2-300-075-001-0 5 2-214-073-112-0 2
236H KKB 2-407-660-077-1 3 — — 2-210-046-112-0 9 2-300-075-001-0 4 2-300-075-001-0 4 2-300-075-001-0 5 2-214-073-112-0 2
336H KKB

Tension Brakes/High Heat Capacity

Kopper Kool Brakes - Parallel Water Hose Kits

To Top Of

9 7 9 7

6 Outlet To
6 6 Water
4 5

3 1 2 1 2

3 1 2 1 2

4 5 5

6 6 6 Inlet To

9 7 9 7

To Bottom
Of Brake Key Description Qty
1 Nipple 4
2 Pipe Tee 4
3 Elbow 2
4 Straight Adapter 2
5 Straight Adapter 4
6 Hose Rigid to Swivel 6
7 Elbow 2
8 Street Elbow 2
9 Nipple 4

Dimensions: inches (mm)
Model Parallel Water Manifold Water Jacket
Size Hose Kit Inlet - Outlet Inlet - Outlet
ATD- Size Size
KKB 208 8-908-999-904-5 3/4" NPT
3/8" NPT
KKB 308 8-908-999-905-5 3/4" NPT

KKB 111 8-916-999-905-5 3/4" NPT

KKB 211 8-916-999-903-5 3/4" NPT 1/2" NPT

KKB 311 8-916-999-904-5 1" NPT

KKB 114 8-916-999-905-5 3/4" NPT

KKB 214 8-916-999-903-5 3/4" NPT 1/2" NPT C

KKB 314 8-916-999-904-5 1" NPT

KKB 116 8-916-999-905-5 3/4" NPT

KKB 216 8-916-999-903-5 3/4" NPT 1/2" NPT

KKB 316 8-916-999-904-5 1" NPT

KKB 118 8-916-999-905-5 3/4" NPT

KKB 218 8-916-999-903-5 3/4" NPT 1/2" NPT

KKB 318 8-916-999-904-5 1" NPT

KKB 119 8-919-999-906-7 1-1/4" NPT

1-5/16" -12 UN
KKB 219 8-919-999-907-7 2" NPT

Tension Brakes/High Heat Capacity

3-Way Roto-Coupling (for water-cooled Clutches)


Cooling Water B
Hose not A




8-442-770-004-2 8-442-776-000-1

Dimensions: inches

Thread Size
Wichita Part No. A B C D E F G
8-442-770-004-2 7.250 3/8"–18 NPT 1.00 6.50 3.000 .50 5/8"–18
8-442-774-006-1 11.000 1-1/4"–11-1/2 NPT 1.375 7.25 5.375 .687 1/4" NPT
8-442-776-000-1 18.875 2"–11-1/2 NPT 1.250 10.00 9.000 — 1"–14

Kopper Kool Brake Air Hose Kits

Model Part Number Model Part Number Model Part Number

8" 8-908-912-100-5 6" 8-906-912-200-4 18" 8-918-912-200-5 C
8-908-924-100-5 QRV 8-906-931-201-5 QRV 8-918-931-200-5 QRV
8" 8-908-913-200-5 21" 8-921-913-200-5
8-908-931-200-5 QRV 8-921-931-200-5 QRV
11" 8-911-913-200-5 24" 8-924-913-200-5
8-911-931-200-5 QRV 8-924-931-200-5 QRV
14" 8-914-913-200-5 27" 8-927-913-200-5
8-914-921-200-5 QRV 8-927-921-200-5 QRV
16" 8-916-913-200-5
8-916-921-200-5 QRV

Air hose kits contain all

necessary parts (fittings, hoses
and extensions) to completely
plumb the brake air system.

Optional Quick Release Valves

can replace elbows on most
units (see page 115).

Model Part Number

30" 8-930-913-400-5
8-930-931-400-5 QRV
36" 8-936-913-400-6
8-936-931-400-6 QRV
42" 8-942-913-400-6
8-924-931-400-6 QRV
48" 8-948-912-400-6
8-948-923-400-6 QRV

Tension Brakes/Air Cooled

Mounting Ease
Three bolts mount the brake to the arm of
the mill roll stand or machine frame and an
optional pilot location makes fitting to both
new and existing machines a simple

Wear Indicator
A brake wear
Wichita Mistral pneumatic tension brake is indicator, which
attuned to the needs of the corrugating market is conveniently
for which it was originally designed. It is also a located for easy
versatile product which is finding favor in addi- visual inspection, means
tional tensioning applica- no down time to check
tions. Wichita designers remaining friction
and engineers consulted material life.
extensively with mill roll
stand manufacturers and
Easy Connection
users to offer a tension Air and electrical connections are easily
brake ideally suited to accessible for fast, simple installation and
the needs of this maintenance.
particular market. The
result is a compact, high performance, versatile
brake capable of handling the tensioning needs Compact Design, Modern Styling
of the latest machine designs, as well as Mistral brakes are compact at only 11.6" or 16.1"
existing equipment. The Mistral paves the way in diameter. Their size facilitates the pickup of
for increasing line speeds by 5.4 ft./sec. from small, part reels used in short batch runs. For
810 ft./min. (or slower) to 1,140 ft./min. automatic reel loading machines, Mistral offers
optional infrared and speed sensor installation
within the brake. And their modern, industrial
styling enhances the appearance of any machine
on which they are used.

Fine Tuning
Each brake may be specified with a varying
number of pneumatic actuators, allowing precise
selection of brake torque capacity for optimum
tension control.

Mistral’s integral guarding
eliminates the cost and
effort of installing external
guards. Operator safety is further enhanced by
automatic air and electric disconnects when
the front cover is removed.

Front Cover Removal Integral Cooling
By removing just three cap screws, the A rugged, high
Mistral’s front cover can be detached for performance,
easy and fast access to internal parts. Cover low energy
removal automatically disconnects both air usage fan is
and electricity. housed within
the brake for
high heat
dissipation —
a must for
productivity through controlled tension
at many roll speeds.

Performance Curve
547,000 ft C

Mistral Brake
at 1,140 ft./min. 390,000 ft.
Fan Data and Connection Data
Model Fan Voltages Fan Power Electric Pneum.
220 VAC or/order M16 1/8 BSP
200 110 VAC or/order 20W PG9 1/8 BSP
24 VDC 3/8 NPT 1/8 NPT
Current Brake
220 VAC or/order M16 1/8 BSP at 810 ft./min.
280 110 VAC or/order 18W PG9 1/8 BSP
24 VDC 3/8 NPT 1/8 NPT

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Dynamic Slipping Heat Transfer Maximum Inertia of Fan Power

Model Torque Capacity Capacity Speed Rotating Parts Weight Rating
Air Pressure Continuous :30 On/:30 Off
2 2
lb.in. (Nm) Operation Operation WR J=mr Total Brake Rotating Parts

Min.* Max. Min.* Max.

2 2
Mistral 3 PSI 80 PSI 0.2 BAR 5.5 BAR HP (kW) HP (kW) Rev./Min. lb.ft. (kgm ) lb. (kg.) lb. (kg.) W
200/2/LC 35 1,770 (4) (200) 3.2 (2.4) 3.5 (2.6) 2,860 0.40 (0.017) 77 (35) 9.92 (4.5) 20
200/2 45 2,655 (5) (300) 3.2 (2.4) 3.5 (2.6) 2,860 0.40 (0.017) 77 (35) 9.92 (4.5) 20
200/4/LC 35* 3,540 (4*) (400) 3.2 (2.4) 3.5 (2.6) 2,860 0.40 (0.017) 77 (35) 9.92 (4.5) 20
200/4 45* 5,310 (5*) (600) 3.2 (2.4) 3.5 (2.6) 2,860 0.40 (0.017) 77 (35) 9.92 (4.5) 20
200/6/LC 35* 5,310 (4*) (600) 3.2 (2.4) 3.5 (2.6) 2,860 0.40 (0.017) 77 (35) 9.92 (4.5) 20
200/6 45* 7,965 (5*) (900) 3.2 (2.4) 3.5 (2.6) 2,860 0.40 (0.017) 77 (35) 9.92 (4.5) 20
280/3/LC 45 3,540 (5) (400) 6.4 (4.8) 7 (5.2) 2,090 1.80 (0.076) 110 (50) 20.72 (9.4) 25
280/3 55 5,310 (6) (600) 6.4 (4.8) 7 (5.2) 2,090 1.80 (0.076) 110 (50) 20.72 (9.4) 25
280/6/LC 45* 7,080 (5*) (800) 6.4 (4.8) 7 (5.2) 2,090 1.80 (0.076) 110 (50) 20.72 (9.4) 25
280/6 55* 10,620 (6*) (1,200) 6.4 (4.8) 7 (5.2) 2,090 1.80 (0.076) 110 (50) 20.72 (9.4) 25
280/9/LC 45* 10,620 (5*) (1,200) 6.4 (4.8) 7 (5.2) 2,090 1.80 (0.076) 110 (50) 20.72 (9.4) 25
280/9 55* 15,930 (6*) (1,800) 6.4 (4.8) 7 (5.2) 2,090 1.80 (0.076) 110 (50) 20.72 (9.4) 25
* With only one set of actuators engaged

Tension Brakes/Air Cooled

Mistral Brakes

Selecting a Mistral Brake for a How to Select

Corrugator Tension – unwind 1. Check the required torque versus the avail-
application able actuators’ torque capacities. The Mistral
To properly select a tension brake for an 200/2/LC has a torque capacity of 1,180
unwind application the following information is lb.in. at 80 PSI. The torque requirement is
needed. 1,728 lb.in. and therefore the Mistral
200/2/LC has insufficient torque capacity.
Application Data However, the 200/2 has sufficient torque
Max. Roll Dia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 in. capacity.
Max. Web Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 in.
2. Check thermal requirement. The
Max. Web Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200 FPM
requirement is 2.6 heat HP. All the Mistral
Max. Tension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 PLI
200’s are capable of 3.2 heat HP.
Shaft Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 in.
Min. Roll Dia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 in. 3. Check Maximum Bore. The requirement is
Min. Web Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 in. 2.00 inches. The Mistral 200’s maximum
Min. Web Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 FPM bore is 2.25 inches.
Min. Tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 PLI
4. Check Maximum RPM. The requirement is
Air Pressure Available. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 PSI
764 RPM. The maximum RPM for the Mistral
Calculations 200’s is 2,860 RPM.

Using the calculations below, consult Max. Air Pressure

Max. Torque x 80 PSI
Specifications Chart, page 97. Required =
Catalog Torque Rating
The brake selected for this application is a
Mistral 200/2 with 2-1/4 inch bore. = 1,728 x 80/1,770 = 78 PSI

Max. Tension = Max. PLI x Max. Web Width Min. Air Pressure
Min. Torque x 80 PSI
= 2 x 36 = 72 lbs. Required =
Catalog Torque Rating
Max. Tension x Max. Roll Dia.
Max. Torque =
2 108 x 80
= 72 x 48/2 = 1,728 lb.in. 1770

Max. RPM = Max. Web Speed x 3.82 = 5 PSI

Min. Roll Dia.
= 1,200 x 3.82/6 = 764 RPM

Heat HP = Max. Tension x Max. Web

= 72 x 1,200 = 2.6 Heat HP

Min. Tension = Min. PLI x Min. Web Width

= 1 x 36 = 36 lbs.

Min. Tension x Min. Roll Dia.

Min. Torque =
= 36 x 6/2 = 108 lb.in.

Min. Web Speed x 3.82

Min. RPM =
Max. Roll Dia.
= 1,000 x 3.82/48 - 80 RPM

Space for
Ventilation and

A B C D E 4.72"
120 120m

Air AA
G 1.18"
Optional 30m
Air BB
Set Screw

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Model A H.C. F G H J DEG L M N P
11.61 10.236 .24 1/2 .98 1.97 40° 7.01 N/A 2.76 7.19
(295) (260) (6) (M12) (25) (50) (40°) (178) (N/A) (70) (182.5)
16.14 13.976 0 5/8 1.18 2.36 20° 7.56 0.37 3.15 9.47
(410) (355) 0 (M16) (30) (60) (20°) (192) (9.5) (80) (240.5)

Pilot Mounting Dimensions “C” and

“D” (mm) Actuator/Inlet Bore and Keyway Dimension “E” (mm)
Mounting Bolts No. of Minimum Bore Maximum Bore
Model Mounting Pilot Qty. and Size Actuators Model (No Keyway) with Keyway
Dim. “C” No. of No. of Per Air Inlets
200 1.00 2-3/8 5/8 x 7/32
200 8.661 +.003/-.000 3 @ 1/2 - 13 UNC Model Actuators Air Inlets AA BB
(25) (60) (18 x 4.4)
(220 +.08/-.00) (3 @ M12 x 1-3/4) 200/2 2 2 2 0
280 1.00 2-5/8 3/4 x 1/4
Dim. “D”
200/4 4 2 2 2 (25) (65) (18 x 4.4)
280 6.890 +.003/-.000 3 @ 5/8 - 11 UNC
(175 +.08/-.00) (3 @ M16 x 2) 200/6 6 2 2 4

280/3 3 2 3 0

280/6 6 2 3 3

280/9 9 2 3 6

Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a or ASTM-574M-97a (Metric Version).

Tension Brakes/Air Cooled

ModEvo Tension Brakes

Brake Discs and Cooling

handling capabilities ranging from a
The ModEvo brake disc was developed maximum of 659 lb.ft. for the 250 mm
at the Bedford, UK factory using Finite disc, up to 3181 lb.ft. for the 450 mm
Element Analysis techniques to ensure disc.
maximum strength with minimum
weight. The design is optimized to NOTE: If using a high speed ductile
make best use of the cooling air avail- iron disc the catalog heat rating should
able at slow speeds, and being bidirec- be reduced by 10% as the thermal
tional, it achieves high heat dissipation conductivity of the ductile iron is less
capacity in either rotational direction, than grey cast iron.
unlike some other brakes. An optional
electric cooling fan is available where
space is limited or more extreme heat Maximum Rotational Speed
handling is required. Disc Standard High
Diameter Speed Speed
Available in five sizes: 250 mm, mm rev./min. rev./min.
300 mm, 350 mm, 400 mm and 250 2,250 3,375
450 mm diameters, all discs are the 300 1,900 2,850
same thickness and use the same 350 1,650 2,475
brake modules and actuators. Each
400 1,450 2,175
disc can be specified with a minimum
450 1,250 1,875
of a single module, up to the maximum
number of modules that can be fitted
around the disc. This allows torque-

Actuator Options Friction Pad Options ModEvo 300/8 with Fan

Newly developed rolling diaphragm To provide maximum flexibility when

actuators are used in ModEvo, selecting the required torque/tension
producing more force than previous range for an application, two pad
designs to allow higher torque ratings. options are available, with different
However, the sensitivity for which coefficients of frictions: Low (µ=0.20),
rolling diaphragms are favored is not color-coded yellow; Standard (µ=0.35),
compromised. Three actuator options color-coded red. Pad types may be
are available, offering clamping forces mixed within a single brake assembly
of 100%, 60% or 25%. to provide an exact match to the
machine requirements.
The finned, die cast aluminum brake
module is common to all brake disc
diameters. Each module houses two
pairs of actuators, and allows friction
pads to be changed quickly without C
dismantling the module. Brake Size 24v 115v 230v
(fan Diameter) DC AC AC
250 (150 mm) Yes Yes Yes
300 (150 mm) Yes Yes Yes
350 (150 mm) Yes Yes Yes
400 (150 mm) Yes Yes Yes
(200 mm) not available Yes Yes
450 (150 mm) Yes Yes Yes
(200 mm) not available Yes Yes
(250 mm) not available Yes Yes

Optional Guard

The optional guard has a plastic front

with ‘ModEvo’ molded in and a metal
ventilated perimeter.

Mounting is by four brackets on

customer’s machine frame.

The center of the guard is designed

such that it may be cut-out by cus-
100% tomer to suit the diameter of the shaft
in through-shaft installations.



Tension Brakes/Air Cooled

ModEvo Model 250 Model Minimum Torques

Minimum (3 PSI) (0.2 Bars)1
LC 2 Std3 LC2 Std3 LC2 Std3
25% Actuators 60% Actuators 100 % Actuators
0.6 0.93 1.3 2.2 2.2 3.7
(0.8) (1.3) (1.8) (3) (3) (5)
1.1 1.9 2.6 4.4 4.4 7.4
(1.5) (2.5) (3.6) (6) (6) (10)
2.2 3.7 5.3 8.8 8.8 14.7
(3) (5) (7.2) (12) (12) (20)
3.3 5.5 7.9 13.2 13.2 22
(4.5) (7.5) (10.8) (18) (18) (30)

Maximum Torques
Maximum (87 PSI) (6 Bars)
15.8 27.5 37.8 66 63 110
(21.3) (37.3) (51) (89.4) (85) (149)
31.3 53.25 75 127.8 125 213
(42.5) (72.3) (102) (173.4) (170) (298)
62.8 110 150.6 264 251 440
(85) (149) (204) (357.6) (340) (596)
94 164.8 225.6 395.4 376 659
(127.5) (223.5) (306) (536.4) (510) (894)
* For single actuator operation torques for 250/1 are applicable.

Speed4 Heat Capacity for Effective Rotating
Model 6 Max. Cooling Speeds Parts Weight
Continuous Duty ** HP(kW)5 (kbm 2 ) lbs.(kg)
50 100 200 300 400 500 600
Without Fan 27.337
250/1 2250
1.34 1.61 2.14 2.68 3.08 3.49 3.62 (12.4)
(1.0) (1.2) (1.6) (2.0) (2.3) (2.6) (2.7) 29.101
250/2 2250
1.424 (13.2) 19.180
With Electric Cooling Fan, 150 mm dia. (0.060) 38.801 (8.7)
250/4 2250
4.56 4.69 5.09 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.36 (17.6)
(3.4) (3.5) (3.8) (4.0) (4.0) (4.0) (4.0) 48.772
250/6 2250
** For intermittent duty, consult the factory.
1 Minimum torques were calculated using a multiplier of 0.6 for LC times Standard.
2 LC - Low Coefficient based on 0.2 Coefficient of friction.
3 Standard based on 0.35 Coefficient of friction.
4 Max. speed is with standard brake disc. A high speed brake disc capable of 50% higher speed is also available. Heat Capacity
reduced by 10% when high speed disc is used.
5 Limit LC to 70% of heat capacity.
6 When selecting number of actuators, use a limit of 3.35 HP per actuator pair (2.5 kW per Actuator pair) for duty w/o fan and 3.75 HP per
Actuator pair (2.8 kW per Actuator pair) when fan cooled.

Model Minimum Torques ModEvo Model 300
Minimum (3 PSI) (0.2 Bars)1
LC 2 Std3 LC2 Std3 LC2 Std3
25% Actuators 60% Actuators 100 % Actuators
0.7 1.1 1.6 2.6 2.6 5.2
(0.9) (1.5) (2.2) (3.6) (3.6) (7)
1.6 2.6 3.7 6.2 6.2 10.3
(2.1) (3.5) (5) (8.4) (8.4) (14)
3.1 5.2 7.4 12.4 12.4 20.6
(4.2) (7) (10.1) (16.8) (16.8) (28)
4.5 7.7 11.1 18.5 18.5 30.9
(6.3) (10.5) (15.1) (25.2) (25.2) (42)
6.2 10.3 14.9 24.8 24.8 41.3
(8.4) (14) (20.2) (33.6) (33.6) (56)

Maximum Torques
Maximum (87 PSI) (6 Bars)
(189) C
39.8 69.7 95.4 167.3 159 278.8
(54) (94.5) (129.6) (226.8) (216) (378)
79.5 139.4 190.8 334.6 318 557.6
(108) (189) (259.2) (453.6) (432) (756)
119.3 209.1 286.2 501.8 477 836.4
(162) (283.5) (388.8) (680.4) (648) (1,134)
159.3 278.8 382.2 669 637 1,115
(216) (378) (518.4) (907.2) (864) (1,512)
* For single actuator operation torques for 300/1 are applicable.

Speed4 Heat Capacity for Effective Rotating
Model 6 Max. Cooling Speeds Parts Weight
Continuous Duty ** HP(kW)5 (kbm 2 ) lbs.(kg)
50 100 200 300 400 500 600
300/1 1900
Without Fan (17.3)
2.41 2.68 3.35 4.02 4.56 5.09 5.63 39.904
300/2 1900
(1.8) (2.0) (2.5) (3.0) (3.4) (3.8) (4.2) 2.966 (18.1) 29.883
(0.125) 49.604 (13.6)
300/4 1900
With Electric Cooling Fan, 150 mm dia. (22.5)
6.30 6.70 6.70 6.70 7.37 8.04 8.04 59.525
300/6 1900
(4.7) (5.0) (5.0) (5.0) (5.5) (6.0) (6.0) (27.0)
300/8 1900

** For intermittent duty, consult the factory.

1 Minimum torques were calculated using a multiplier of 0.6 for LC times Standard.
2 LC - Low Coefficient based on 0.2 Coefficient of friction.
3 Standard based on 0.35 Coefficient of friction.
4 Max. speed is with standard brake disc. A high speed brake disc capable of 50% higher speed is also available. Heat Capacity
reduced by 10% when high speed disc is used.
5 Limit LC to 70% of heat capacity.
6 When selecting number of actuators, use a limit of 3.35 HP per actuator pair (2.5 kW per Actuator pair) for duty w/o fan and 3.75 HP per
Actuator pair (2.8 kW per Actuator pair) when fan cooled.

Tension Brakes/Air Cooled

ModEvo Model 350 Model Minimum Torques

Minimum (3 PSI) (0.2 Bars)1
LC 2 Std3 LC2 Std3 LC2 Std3
25% Actuators 60% Actuators 100 % Actuators
0.9 1.5 2.1 3.5 3.5 5.9
(1.2) (2) (2.9) (4.8) (4.8) (8)
1.8 3.0 4.3 7.1 7.1 11.8
(2.4) (4) (5.8) (9.6) (9.6) (16)
3.6 5.9 8.5 14.2 14.2 23.6
(4.8) (8) (11.5) (19.2) (19.2) (32)
5.3 8.9 12.7 21.2 21.2 35.4
(7.2) (12) (17.3) (28.8) (28.8) (48)
7.1 11.8 17 28.3 28.3 47.2
(9.6) (16) (9.6) (38.4) (38.4) (64)
8.9 14.8 21.2 35.4 35.4 59.0
(12) (20) (28.8) (48) (48) (80)
Maximum Torques
Maximum (87 PSI) (6 Bars)
24 42 57.55 101 95.9 168
(32.5) (57) (78) (137) (130) (228)
48 84.1 115.1 201.8 191.8 336.4
(65) (114) (156) (273.6) (260) (456)
95.9 168.2 230.2 403.6 383.6 672.7
(130) (228) (312) (547.2) (520) (912)
143.8 252.3 345.2 605.4 575.3 1009
(195) (342) (468) (820.8) (780) (1,368)
190.5 336.4 457.3 807.2 762.1 1,345.4
(260) (456) (624) (1,094.4) (1,040) (1,824)
239.7 420.4 575.3 1,009 9,58.9 1,681.7
(325) (570) (780) (1,368) (1,300) (2,280)
* For single actuator operation torques for 350/1 are applicable.

Speed4 Heat Capacity for Effective Rotating
Model 6 Max. Cooling Speeds Parts Weight
Continuous Duty ** HP(kW)5 (kbm 2 ) lbs.(kg)
50 100 200 300 400 500 600
350/2 1650
Without Fan (24.8)
3.22 3.49 4.69 5.36 6.17 7.37 8.04 69.005
350/4 1650
(2.4) (2.6) (3.5) (4.0) (4.6) (5.5) (6.0) 5.458 (29.2) 46.958
(0.230) 80.248 (20.3)
350/6 1650
With Electric Cooling Fan, 150 mm dia. (33.7)
7.77 8.45 8.71 8.71 8.71 8.71 8.71 91.271
350/8 1650
(5.8) (6.3) (6.5) (6.5) (6.5) (6.5) (6.5) (38.2)
350/10 1650
** For intermittent duty, consult the factory.
1 Minimum torques were calculated using a multiplier of 0.6 for LC times Standard.
2 LC - Low Coefficient based on 0.2 Coefficient of friction.
3 Standard based on 0.35 Coefficient of friction.
4 Max. speed is with standard brake disc. A high speed brake disc capable of 50% higher speed is also available. Heat Capacity
reduced by 10% when high speed disc is used.
5 Limit LC to 70% of heat capacity.
6 When selecting number of actuators, use a limit of 3.35 HP per actuator pair (2.5 kW per Actuator pair) for duty w/o fan and 3.75 HP per
Actuator pair (2.8 kW per Actuator pair) when fan cooled.

Model Minimum Torques ModEvo Model 400
Minimum (3 PSI) (0.2 Bars)1
LC 2 Std3 LC2 Std3 LC2 Std3
25% Actuators 60% Actuators 100 % Actuators
1.1 1.9 2.6 4.4 4.4 7.4
(1.5) (2.5) (3.6) (6) (6) (10)
2.2 3.7 5.3 8.9 8.9 14.8
(3) (5) (7.2) (12) (12) (20)
4.4 7.4 10.6 17.7 17.7 29.5
(6) (10) (14.4) (24) (24) (40)
6.7 11.1 16 26.6 26.6 44.3
(9) (15) (21.6) (36) (36) (60)
8.9 14.8 21.2 35.4 35.4 59.0
(12) (20) (28.8) (48) (48) (80)
11.1 18.5 26.6 44.3 44.3 73.8
(15) (25) (36) (60) (60) (100)
13.3 22.1 31.9 53.1 53.1 88.5
(18) (30) (43.2) (72) (72) (120)
Maximum Torques
Maximum (87 PSI) (6 Bars)
28.15 49.2 67.5 118 112.5 196.9
(38.15) (66.7) (91.5) (160) (152.5) (267)
56.3 98.3 135 236 225 393.9
(76.3) (133.5) (183) (320.4) (305) (534)
112.5 197 270 472.7 450 787.8
(152.5) (267) (366) (640.8) (610) (1,068)
168.7 295.4 404.9 708.9 674.9 1,181.9
(228.8) (400.5) (549) (961.2) (915) (1,602)
225 393.9 539.9 945.3 899.9 1,575.5
(305) (534) (732) (1,281.6) (1,220) (2,136)
281.2 492.4 674.9 1,181.6 1,124.8 1,969.4
(381.3) (667.5) (915) (1,602) (1,525) (2,670)
337.5 590.8 809.9 1,417.9 1,349.8 2,363.3
(457.5) (801) (1,098) (1,922.4) (1,830) (3,204)
* For single actuator operation torques for 400/1 are applicable.

Speed4 Heat Capacity for Effective Rotating
Model 6 Max. Cooling Speeds Parts Weight
Continuous Duty ** HP(kW)5 (kbm 2 ) lbs.(kg)
50 100 200 300 400 500 600
400/2 1450
Without Fan 78.705
400/4 1450
3.62 4.29 6.03 6.70 7.64 8.71 9.38 9.492 (35.7) 61.509
(2.7) (3.2) (4.5) (5.0) (5.7) (6.5) (7.0) (0.400) 88.626 (26.8)
400/6 1450
With Electric Cooling Fan, 150 mm dia. 98.547
400/8 1450
8.18 8.98 9.38 10.05 10.72 10.72 10.72 (44.7)
(6.1) (6.7) (7.0) (7.5) (8.0) (8.0) (8.0) 108.467
400/10 1450
400/12 1450
**For intermittent duty and thermal ratings using 200 mm fan, consult the factory.
1 Minimum torques were calculated using a multiplier of 0.6 for LC times Standard.
2 LC - Low Coefficient based on 0.2 Coefficient of friction.
3 Standard based on 0.35 Coefficient of friction.
4 Max. speed is with standard brake disc. A high speed brake disc capable of 50% higher speed is also available. Heat Capacity
reduced by 10% when high speed disc is used.
5 Limit LC to 70% of heat capacity.
6 When selecting number of actuators, use a limit of 3.35 HP per actuator pair (2.5 kW per Actuator pair) for duty w/o fan and 3.75 HP per
Actuator pair (2.8 kW per Actuator pair) when fan cooled.

Tension Brakes/Air Cooled
Model Minimum Torques
Minimum (3 PSI) (0.2 Bars)1
ModEvo Model 450 lb.ft.(Nm)
LC 2 Std3 LC2 Std3 LC2 Std3
25% Actuators 60% Actuators 100 % Actuators
1.2 2.0 2.9 4.9 4.9 8.1
(1.7) (2.8) (4.0) (6.6) (6.6) (11)
2.3 3.9 5.6 9.3 9.3 15.5
(3.2) (5.3) (7.6) (12.6) (12.6) (21)
4.7 7.8 11.2 18.6 18.6 31.0
(6.3) (10.5) (15.1) (25.2) (25.2) (42)
7 11.6 16.7 27.9 27.9 46.5
(9.5) (37.8) (22.7) (37.8) (37.8) (63)
9.3 15.7 22.3 37.7 37.2 62.0
(12.6) (15.5) (30.2) (50.4) (50.4) (84)
11.6 19.4 27.9 46.5 46.5 77.5
(15.8) (26.3) (37.8) (63) (63) (105)
13.9 23.2 33.4 55.7 55.7 92.9
(18.9) (31.5) (45.4) (75.6) (75.6) (126)
13.6 27.1 39 65 65 108.4
(22.1) (27.1) (52.9) (88.2) (88.2) (147)
Maximum Torques
Maximum (87 PSI) (6 Bars)
32.45 56.7 77.9 136.3 129.8 227.2
(44) (77) (105.6) (189.8) (176) (308)
64.9 113.6 155.8 272.6 259.6 454.4
450/2* (88) (154) (211.2) (369.6) (352) (616)
129.8 227.2 311.6 545.2 519.3 908.7
450/4* (176) (308) (422.4) (739.2) (704) (1,232)
194.7 340.8 467.3 817.9 778.9 1,363.1
450/6* (264) (462) (633.6) (1,108.8) (1,056) (1,848)
259.6 454.4 623.1 1,090.4 1,038.5 1,817.4
450/8* (352) (616) (844.8) (1,478.4) (1,408) (2,464)
324.6 568 778.9 1,363.1 1,298.2 2,271.8
(440) (770) (1,056) (1,848) (1,760) (3,080)
389.5 681.6 934.7 1,635.7 1,557.8 2,726.2
450/12* (528) (924) (1,267.2) (2,217.6) (2,112) (3,696)
454.4 795.1 1,090.4 1,908.3 1,817.4 3,180.5
450/14* (616) (1,078) (1,478.4) (2,587.2) (2,464) (4,312)
* For single actuator operation torques for 450/1 are applicable.

Speed4 Heat Capacity for Effective Rotating
Model 6 Max. Cooling Speeds Parts Weight
Continuous Duty ** HP(kW)5 (kbm 2 ) lbs.(kg)
50 100 200 300 400 500 600
450/2 1250
450/4 1250 Without Fan 14.475 (41.9) 72.752
3.89 4.83 6.84 7.91 8.71 10.32 11.13 (0.610) 102.294 (33.0)
450/6 1250 (2.9) (3.6) (5.1) (5.9) (6.5) (7.7) (8.3) (46.4)
450/8 1250 With Electric Cooling Fan, 150 mm dia. (50.9)
8.85 9.12 9.38 9.65 10.72 11.66 12.47 122.136
450/10 1250 (6.6) (6.8) (7.0) (7.2) (8.0) (8.7) (9.3) (55.4)
450/12 1250
450/14 1250
**For intermittent duty and thermal ratings using 200 mm or 250 mm fan, consult the factory.
1 Minimum torques were calculated using a multiplier of 0.6 for LC times Standard.
2 LC - Low Coefficient based on 0.2 Coefficient of friction.
3 Standard based on 0.35 Coefficient of friction.
4 Max. speed is with standard brake disc. A high speed brake disc capable of 50% higher speed is also available. Heat Capacity
reduced by 10% when high speed disc is used.
5 Limit LC to 70% of heat capacity.
6 When selecting number of actuators, use a limit of 3.35 HP per actuator pair (2.5 kW per Actuator pair) for duty w/o fan and 3.75 HP per
Actuator pair (2.8 kW per Actuator pair) when fan cooled.
ModEvo Dimensions
0.71 6.28
(18) (159.5) 8.78
7.244 (139.5) (223)
(184) 3.356
Z˚ Brake
0.433 Disc
(11) Centre

M12 x 6.299 Air

øC øA (160) Flow

Cap Screw




2.486 1.732
2.502 1.717 Side View With Fan
Front View
(63.15 44.0
)( )
63.55 43.6

Side View

Dimensions: inches (mm)

Size 250 300 350 400 450
9.843 11.811 13.78 15.748 17.717
ØA - Disc Size
(250) (300) (350) (400) (450)
12.756 14.528 16.339 18.149 20.000
ØB - Overall
(324) (369) (415) (461) (508)
11.752 13.524 15.315 17.146 18.996
ØC - Bolt P.C.D
(298.5) (343.5) (389) (435.5) (482.5)
3.543 5.512 7.480 9.449 11.417
ØD - Clearance Diameter
(90) (140) (190) (240) (290)
0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984
U - As Cast Bore
(25) (25) (25) (25) (25)
2.165 3.110 4.606 5.354 6.063
Maximum Bore
(55) (79) (117) (136) (154)
Z" - Angular Position 120º 90º 72º 60º 51.4º

Maximum Number of Brake Modules 3 4 5 6 7

Wichita Generic Drawing Number 73125-000 73130-000 73141-000 73141-000 73145-000

39.37 47.25 55.12 63.00 70.87
Hose Length/Module 15667-020 W4 6977
(1,000) (1,200) (1,400) (1,600) (1,800)

Spring-Set Motor Brakes

Failsafe protection —spring-set

Long wear life
Quick, smooth stopping

High Torque Low

Extra Thick Friction Discs
Inertia Design
Provide Long Life

Multiple Spud

Available With
Taper Bore

Low Stress
Spined Hub

Fast Acting
Air Tube Design

Optional Foot

Quick, Simple

Wichita spring-set, air release Motor Brakes

are ideal for failsafe protection of process
equipment. Available in foot mounted and
C-face options, this improved design has
thicker friction discs for longer wear life.
The fast acting Spring-Set actuation assures
quick, smooth stops.

Slip Torque lb.in. .3 CF* *Do Not Exceed 90% Of Slip Torque Ratings —
Model Minimum Air-Tube Pressure Maximum Horsepower Per 100 RPM Release Pressure - PSI
Size PSI For Released Brake 60 PSI Duty 75 PSI Duty
ATD– 60 75 90 A B C D A B C D
106 MB 2,225 2,900 3,700 3 2.3 1.2 .6 4 3 1.5 .8
206 MB 4,300 5,600 7,200 6 4.4 2.3 1.1 8 5.7 3 1.5
108 MB 3,700 4,800 6,200 5.3 3.8 2 1 7 5 2.6 1.3
208 MB 7,100 9,100 12,000 10 7.3 3.8 2 13 9.3 5 2.5
111 MB 8,200 10,500 11,600 11.7 8.4 4.4 2.2 15 10.7 5.7 2.8
211 MB 15,600 20,000 22,200 22 16 8.4 4.2 28.6 20.5 11 5.4
114 MB 14,500 18,600 24,700 20 15 8 4 26.6 19 10 5
214 MB 27,600 35,400 46,300 39 28 15 7.5 50 36 19 9.5
118 MB 31,400 40,400 51,600 45 32 17 8.5 58 41 22 11
218 MB 60,000 77,000 100,000 86 61 32 16 110 79 41 21
124H MB 75,500 86,600 — 108 77 41 20 158 114 60 30
224H MB 137,000 161,200 — 196 140 74 37 308 222 117 58
* Max. recommended air pressure – 130 PSI

Model Max. Bore Total Hub & CP Hub & CP Effec.

Size 90 PSI Duty Rect. Key Wt. Wt. WR2 WR†
ATD– A B C D Inches lbs. lbs. lb.ft.2 lbs. D
106 MB 5 3.8 2 1 2 36.5 6.40 .24 14.0
206 MB 10 7.4 3.9 2 2 49.5 12.17 .46 18.34
108 MB 9 6.3 3.3 1.6 2-3/8 63.23 10.0 .55 26.78
208 MB 17 12.3 6.5 3.2 2-3/8 81.5 16.0 .72 32.03
111 MB 16.6 12 6.3 3.1 2-5/8 96.96 15.0 1.35 40.75
211 MB 37 26 14 7 2-5/8 136.0 30.0 2.60 59.05
114 MB 35 25 13 6.7 4-1/8 157.6 38 5.6 72.3
214 MB 66 47 25 12.5 4-1/8 209.6 65 11 95.3
118 MB 74 53 28 14 5-1/4 322 71 14.5 168
218 MB 143 102 54 27 5-1/4 444 113 27.6 215
124H MB 183 131 69 34 7 690 131 50 377
224H MB 346 248 131 65 7 874 260 101 482
† Weight of internal clutch parts for use in calculating clutch engagement time.

Spring-Set Motor Brakes

Component Parts







2 1

1. Socket Head Capscrews 11. Center Plate

2. Air Tube Holding Plate 12. Grooved Friction Disc
3. I.D. Shims (grooved on both sides)

4. Airtube 13. Center Plate

5. Socket Head Capscrews 14. Grooved Friction Disc

(grooved on one side)
6. Airtube Spring Plate
15. Hub
7. Springs
16. Ring
8. Spring Release Plate
17. Backplate
9. O. D. Shims
18. Socket Head Capscrews
10. Grooved Friction Disc
(grooved on one side)

C-face motor brakes
• No adjustment When using Wichita C-Face Motor Brakes in a
• No lubrication high cycling application, brake thermal
capacity and motor thermal capacity need to
• Low inertia design
be carefully matched. The motor information
• Rugged, dependable design chart lists the specific Wichita part numbers
C-face adaptors are available in standard for the proper adapter plate and brake for
NEMA T and U frame designs. Custom C-Faced Motors up to 200 HP.
adaptors are available for your specific motor Contact Wichita Application Engineering for
design. Dimensions G, H, I, J and number of assistance.
holes need to be provided to Wichita
Engineering before final design is completed.
C-face Adapter D Air
Motor Information Notes
1 & 2)
Full Load Model
Max. HP Motor Torque Steel Adapter Size
Frame at Std. RPM in.lb. Plate ATD–
C210 40 / 2500 1,008 4-309-075-011-3
108 MB

7-108-100-113-0 G C
C250 60 / 1750 2,161 4-309-075-005-3
108 MB
C280 100 / 1750 3,601 4-281-075-015-3 F
111 MB

C320 150 / 1750 5,402 4-281-075-016-3
111 MB

C360 200 / 1750 7,202 4-271-075-007-3
114 MB

No. of Holes

Dimensions: inches (Consult factory for drawing before final layout.) Notes:
Model No. of 1. Quick Release Valves,
Size ATD– A B C D Spuds E F see page 115.
106 MB 5.44 2.00 2. Air Hose Kits,
8.75 8.81 1/4" NPT 2 2.00
206 MB 6.75 3.25 see page 114.
108 MB 5.82 1.50
12.12 11.13 1/2" NPT 2 2.13
208 MB 7.00 2.87
111 MB 6.38 2.00
16.00 14.75 1/2" NPT 2 3.02
211 MB 7.75 3.75
114 MB 7.75 2.25
18.75 17.50 1/2" NPT 2 3.88
214 MB 9.69 4.25
118 MB 9.01 2.75
23.25 22.00 1/2" NPT 3 4.75
218 MB 10.69 4.75
124H MB 9.26 3.13
30.00 29.00 1/2" NPT 3 8.25
224H MB 11.94 5.13
Wichita motor brakes typically produce more torque than is usually necessary.
Contact Wichita engineering for help in selecting the number of springs to produce the proper deceleration for
your application.
Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.

Spring-Set Motor Brakes

Foot mounted motor brakes


5/ " J


1/ "

1/2" NPT Threads
H–Number of Spuds
(See Notes 1 & 2)
Z–Drill Size
K–Number of Holes


1. Quick Release Valves,

see page 115.

2. Air Hose Kits,

see page 114.

Dimensions: inches (Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)
Motor Model F
Frame Size ATD– A B C D E ±.015 G H J K L M
602 108 MB .75 4.75
7.625 3.75 7.50 11.125 2.75 2.875 2 1.75 4 5.375
208 MB 1.625 .313

603 111 MB .375 4.563

8.50 4.50 8 14.75 3.25 3.312 2 1.625 4 6.125
211 MB 1.375 5.563

604 111 MB .375 4.563

9 5 8 14.75 3.25 3.312 2 1.625 4 6.625
211 MB 1.375 5.563

606 114 MB .50 5.438

10 5 11 17.50 4 4.125 2 1.125 4 6
214 MB 1.875 6.813

608 114 MB .50 5.438

11.25 5.125 11 17.5 4.50 4.625 2 1.50 4 6.50
214 MB 1.875 6.813

610 118 MB .50 8.094

12.25 5.75 13.50 22 4.50 4.625 3 3.125 4 8.25
218 MB 2.188 9.781

612 118 MB .50 8.094

13.375 6.25 13.50 22 4.75 4.875 3 3.125 4 8.75
218 MB 2.188 9.781

614 124H MB .50 7.188

14.75 7.25 23.25 29 4.75 4.875 3 2.125 4 10.125
224H MB 2.25 8.75

616 124H MB .50 7.188

16 8.50 23.25 29 5.25 5.375 3 2.75 4 11.375
224H MB 2.25 8.75

124H MB .50 7.188

618 17.75 8 23.25 29 5.75 5.875 3 2.25 4 10.875
224H MB 2.25 8.75

Motor Model
Frame Size ATD– N O P R S T U V W X Y Z a
602 108 MB 5.875
.313 .875 5.75 9.375 1.95 6.625 7 .75 3.25 8.25 .688 1.625
208 MB 6.75

603 111 MB 6
.313 .875 6.25 11.938 3 8.50 8.375 .75 4 9.75 .688 1.50
211 MB 7

604 111 MB 6
.313 .875 6.25 11.938 3 8.50 8.375 .75 4 9.75 .688 1.50
211 MB 7

606 114 MB 7.50

.563 1 9 14.375 3.88 10.75 9.875 1 5.75 13.50 .813 1.75
214 MB 8.875

608 114 MB 7.50

.563 1 9 14.375 3.88 10.75 9.875 1 5.75 13.50 .813 1.75
214 MB 8.875

610 118 MB 10.50

.375 1.25 11 19.375 4.875 14.188 12.50 1 7.75 18 .938 2.50
218 MB 12.188

612 118 MB 10.50

.375 1.25 11 19.375 4.875 14.188 12.50 1 7.75 18 .938 2.50
218 MB 12.188

614 124H MB 9.438

.375 1.625 19 27 8.25 21 20.75 2 15 33.25 1.563 2.625
224H MB 11.125

616 124H MB 9.438

.375 1.625 19 27 8.25 21 20.75 2 15 33.25 1.563 2.625
224H MB 11.125

618 124H MB 9.438

.375 1.625 19 27 8.25 21 20.75 2 15 33.25 1.563 2.625
224H MB 11.125
Wichita motor brakes typically produce more torque than is usually necessary.
Contact Wichita Engineering for help in selecting the number of springs to produce the proper deceleration for your application.
Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.

Spring-Set Motor Brakes

Air Hose Kits

Model Part Number Model Part Number Model Part Number

8" 8-908-912-100-5 6" 8-906-912-200-4 18" 8-918-912-200-5
8-908-924-100-5 QRV 8-906-931-201-5 QRV 8-918-931-200-5 QRV
8" 8-908-913-200-5 21" 8-921-913-200-5
8-908-931-200-5 8-921-931-200-5 QRV
11" 8-911-913-200-5 24" 8-924-913-200-5
8-911-931-200-5 QRV 8-924-931-200-5 QRV
14" 8-914-913-200-5 27" 8-927-913-200-5
8-914-921-200-5 QRV 8-927-921-200-5 QRV
16" 8-916-913-200-5
8-916-921-200-5 QRV

Air hose kits contain all

necessary parts (fittings,
hoses and extensions) to
completely plumb the
brake air system.

Optional Quick Release

Valves can replace elbows on
most units (see page 115).

Model Part Number Model Part Number

30" 8-930-913-400-5 60" 8-960-912-500-5
8-930-931-400-5 QRV 8-960-923-400-6 QRV
36" 8-936-913-400-6
8-936-931-400-6 QRV
42" 8-942-913-400-6
8-924-931-400-6 QRV
48" 8-948-912-400-6
8-948-923-400-6 QRV

Quick Release Valve
Quality Material
Body and Cap: High strength aluminum alloy
Stem: Molded nylon
Check Valve: Nylon ball
"O" Ring: Neoprene



8-263-610-011-1 7/8" – 14 Thread

8-263-610-021-1 1/2" NPT

7/8" – 14 Thread

The Wichita Springless Quick Release Valve 1/2" NPT
discharges twice as fast as any other valve
tested in our laboratory and is four to five times
faster than some common makes of valves.
1/2" NPT to Clutch
This valve will close and seal with less than 20
lbs. pressure. Most others require 25 to 30 lbs. 1/2" NPT (for Optional Muffler)
to definitely seal. In actual tests, the Wichita
Valve made many hundreds of thousands of Standard thread arrangement of 1/2" size. 1/2"
engagements and disengagements before the pipe thread on the tube connection and choice
slightest leak occurred, or any parts needed of 1/2" pipe thread, or standard 7/8-14NF D
replacement. Other valves which were tested thread for flared fitting thread on inlet
required major replacement in fewer than 20,000 connection. (Fits standard No. 10
cycles. high-pressure hose fitting.)

• Long life, no maintenance.
• Felt seal eliminates bearing contamination.
• Fast, easy installation.



The Wichita Roto-coupling is a device to con-

nect, or couple, a non-rotating air, gas, or
fluid line to a rotating shaft. G
150 PSI Max. Air Pressure
Dimensions: inches (mm)
Wichita Part No. AA B C D E F G H Max. RPM
8-240-701-003-1 5/8-18NF 1/4" NPT .40 1.046 2.250 1.500 2.13 3.297 3500
8-240-705-001-1 1"-14 NF 1/2" NPT .75 1.250 3.188 2.500 3.00 4.438 3500
8-240-708-001-1 1"-14 NF 3/4" NPT .75 1.313 4.688 2.875 3.69 5.440 3500
8-240-710-002-1 1-1/2"-12 NF 1" NPT 1.13 1.937 4.875 3.250 3.44 6.812 2500
8-240-712-001-1 2"-12 NF 1-1/2" NPT 1.13 2.813 5.250 4.250 5.38 8.062 2500
8-240-714-001-3 2" NPT 2" NPT 1.50 3.000 7.062 4.625 7.00 10.062 1000
8-240-716-000-3 2-1/2" NPT 2-1/2" NPT 1.88 3.250 9.375 7.000 7.75 12.625 750

Standard Vent Clutches

Coupling Clutches
The Wichita Standard Vent Combination
Clutch-Coupling is designed for reliable
in-line power transmission. The simple
air-tube design, with small air volume,
speeds engagement and disengagement.
It is unaffected by centrifugal force and has
no self-energization like drum clutch
designs. Ideally suited for large inertia loads
where smooth controlled starts are needed.

See pages 125 thru 129.

Grinding Mill Clutches

Wichita Grinding Mill Clutches are
specially designed to provide
quick, smooth starts with limited
current surge for heavy duty
grinding mills. The clutch
is adaptable to remote control
allowing centralized operation
through simple air or electric

See pages 130 thru 137.

Typical Applications Wichita ATD-342 Clutches
allow smooth acceleration of
coil transporter.

Reliable, trouble-free
Wichita Standard
Vent Clutches handle
maximum loads on Wichita Grinding Mill
drilling rigs. Clutches provide shock-
free start-up of large
inertia loads.

Application Guidelines
Clutch selection is made by knowing the the clutch heat horsepower. The Requirements
application horsepower/100 RPM, the Table (Chart A) gives application factors
available air pressure, required torque and ranging from light duty (the A group) to extra
heavy duty (the D group).
Chart A
Field of Application Group A Group B Group C Group D
Pumps Centrifugal Reciprocating compressors Reciprocating compressors
compressors over 2 cylinders, one or two cylinders
centrifugal fans & blowers
Agitators Liquid Semi-solid Solids
Brick Brick press, extruder, pug mill
Can & bottling machine Bottle-can feeders, filling, mixers
Engine driven equipment Crane, hoist, engine Crowd
Grinding mills Ball-rod-sag-pebble Crushers, shakers
Lumber processing Yarder Carriages, conveyers Chipper, logger
Marine Propulsion clutch CP wheel Shaft brakes, propulsion
reversing type, anchor winch
Bulk material Conveyors evenly loaded, Feeders Elevators
handling line shaft evenly loaded
Metal production & Coilers, slitters, press brake, Draw bench, rolling mill, Hammer mill, forming
metalforming non-geared press, geared press shear, back geared press, press, forging press,
deep draw press, transfer header press, knuckle press
press, toggle press
Paper industry dryer Fourdrinier to 500 FPM, Fourdrinier to 1800 RPM
sections & calenders paper mill plane & press selections, calenders
consult factory smoothing press & dryers
Petroleum Drilling & service rig master Mud pumps,
production clutches, compound clutches, PTO clutches
rotary, drum
Rubber Transfer machines Banberry mixer, drum mixer, Centrifuge
manufacturing evenly loaded extruder, calender

Standard Vent Clutches

Coupling and Grinding Mill Clutches

Selection Selection Example
Clutch sizes are affected by the following To properly select a clutch for your application,
variables: the following information is required:

1. Machines that operate under smooth loads 1. Application horsepower

require smaller clutches. These machines 2. Required air pressure
are driven by either multi-cylinder high 3. Required torque
speed engines or electric motors with 4. Clutch heat horsepower
reduced starting current. 5. Shaft diameter
2. Drives that require high starting current Chart A (page 117) gives application require-
motors will require clutches with sufficient ments ranging from light duty (the A group) to
torque to prevent excessive slipping while
extra heavy duty (the D group). This chart will
give the initial selection which is then compared
3. Starting torque may be high, which with the selection made using the Clutch Heat
requires fast clutch response time to Horsepower Chart B and the Clutch area (see
transmit the required torque or extended “lining area” column) in the Specification Table
clutch slip time to protect the prime mover.
(Chart C, page 120-121).
4. Starting torques may be very low
compared to the normal torque, which Machine required:
may result in the clutch not being fully Rock crusher (Grinding mill)
pressurized prior to the time of torque
(Group D duty requirement)
requirement. This will cause the clutch
to over-heat from slippage. Clutch inflation WR2 ................................1,000 lb.ft.2
time in this instance is very important. RPM ..................................1,800
5. Clutches on most machines are designed Clutch Slip Time ................6 sec.
to slip prior to damage from shockloads. HP......................................325 (diesel 8
As a result, the clutch may require periodic ............................................ cylinder)
maintenance; therefore the clutch should Available air pressure ........120 PSI
be located, for easy access, in the power
train. Clutches should also be located for Clutch must slip while bringing equipment
maximum cooling air. In instances where up to speed.
this is not possible, forced air cooling may
be necessary for extended clutch life.
6. Safe operating speeds for clutches should Chart B
be maintained in design. The following
material specifications are recommended Clutch heat horsepower absorption rate*
for safe operation. The maximum speeds Slip Heat Input
shown are safe operating speeds based Time ft.lb. HP
upon years of Wichita experience. Seconds in.2 in.2
Maximum Clutch 0 to 1 380 .7
Contact Velocity FPM Material 2 617 .56

6,000 (Recommended upper limit for slip) cast iron 3 820 .5

9,000 ductile iron 4 1,000 .45
12,000 steel 5 1,175 .43
These velocities are measured at the nominal 6 1,330 .4
outside diameter of the clutch plates. 7 1,485 .38
8 1,630 .37
9 1,770 .36
10 1,900 .34
* This chart is for use when clutch is at ambient temperature of
120° F max.

Calculations How to select
(HP) (63,000) (325) (63,000)
Engine torque = = Clutch torque
RPM 1800
Engine torque = 11,375 lb.in. rotating

Input RPM
Clutch torque required while slipping:
(WR2) (RPM) (π) lb.in.
Clutch torque = clutch
(g) (ts) (2.5) heat horsepower

W = Weight to be accelerated lb.
R = Radius of gyration ft.2
1. The area required is 406 inches. Consult the
ts = Time of slip, in seconds
g = Acceleration of gravity ft./sec.2
column head “Lining Area” in Specification
Tc = Clutch torque = 11,707 lb.in. Table (pages 120-121). Applicable clutches
chosen are:
ATD-218, 528 in.2; ATD-124H, 574 in.2;
Clutch heat HP is 1/2 of the total ATD-314H, 504 in.2
area in the diagram.
2. Determine the application
(Tc) (input RPM) horsepower necessary:
Clutch heat HP = (1/2)
63,000 325
HP/100 RPM = (100) HP
(11,375) (1,800) 1,800
Clutch heat HP = (1/2)
63,000 HP/100 = 18 HP/100 RPM
= 162.5 HP Clutches selected with this application
From Clutch Heat Horsepower (Chart B) horsepower are as follows:
for a 6 second start: ATD-214H 18 HP/100 RPM, ATD-314H
HP / in.2 = .4 27 HP/100 RPM, ATD-118 21 HP/100 RPM.
162.5 The ATD-314 is selected as having both
Area required = = 406 in.2
.4 sufficient area and torque with minimum
To properly select a clutch for this rock
crusher application, the following (clutch size) (π) (1,800)
information is required:
Contact velocity =
12 E
= 6,597 ft./min.
1. Application horsepower
2. Required air pressure Ductile material required.
3. Required torque Note: This application example is for
4. Clutch heat horsepower preliminary sizing only. Contact a Wichita Sales
5. Shaft diameter
Engineer or the factory for final selection.
The Specification Table on pages 120-121 gives
application factors ranging from light duty (the A Use engine torque for calculations.
group) to extra heavy duty (the D group). This When selecting the proper clutch, heat must
chart will give the initial selection which is then be considered. When a clutch is slipped under
compared with the selection made using the load, heat is generated within the clutch. This
Clutch Heat Horsepower Chart and the Clutch heat as shown to the left is equal to the energy
Area Chart. of the mass that was accelerated to speed by
the clutch.

In applications where thermal requirements are

of concern, consult factory for special
ventilated and super ventilated clutch options.

Standard Vent Clutches

Coupling and Grinding Mill Clutch Selection

Chart C
Recom- Hi-Spd.
Max. Horsepower Driving Ring
Slip Torque mended Airtube
Per 100 RPM & Friction
Model lb.in. Clear- Max. Total Total Lining
Duty Disc
Size at 100 PSI ances Speed Wt. WR 2 Area
ATD– .3 CF A B C D Inches RPM lb. lb. ft.2 Wt. WR2 in.2
108 STVC 7,000 11.1 8 4 2 1/16-1/8 3,000 36 3 8 1.2 56
208 STVC 14,000 22.2 16 8 4 3/32-5/32 3,000 58 38 18 1.8 112
308 STVC 21,000 33.3 24 12 6 3/32-5/32 3,000 80 5.1 28 2.4 168
111 STVC 15,900 25 18 9 5 1/16-1/8 2,800 65 11 20 5 114
211 STVC 31,800 50 37 18 10 3/32-5/32 2,800 106 18 37 10 228
311 STVC 47,700 75 55 27 15 3/32-5/32 2,800 147 25 54 15 342
114H STVC 35,800 56 40 20 9 1/16-1/8 2,200 165 55 38 14 168
214H STVC 71,600 113 80 40 18 3/32-5/32 2,200 220 75 58 24 336
314H STVC 107,400 170 120 60 27 3/32-5/32 2,200 275 85 78 34 504
116 STVC 42,500 67 47 24 12 1/16-1/8 2,200 189 62 41 23 228
216 STVC 85,000 134 94 48 24 3/32-5/32 2,200 272 87 90 47 456
118 STVC 64,500 102 75 35 21 1/16-1/8 2,000 266 95 47 33 264
218 STVC 129,000 204 150 70 42 3/32-5/32 2,000 390 150 65 63 528
118H STVC 75,000 119 85 40 21 1/16-1/8 1,650 290 103 47 33 264
218H STVC 150,000 238 175 80 42 3/32-5/32 1,650 415 160 65 63 528
318H STVC 225,000 357 260 120 63 1/8-3/16 1,650 540 215 83 153 792
221STVC 175,300 278 195 97 49 3/32-5/32 1,650 500 256 127 114 724
321 STVC 263,000 417 300 150 84 1/8-3/16 1,650 735 360 210 185 1,086
124H STVC 153,700 243 180 90 40 3/32-5/32 1,400 580 390 90 100 574
224H STVC 307,400 487 360 180 80 1/8-3/16 1,400 790 535 180 200 1,148
324H STVC 461,100 731 540 270 120 5/32-7/32 1,400 1000 680 270 300 1,722
227 STVC 345,000 548 383 192 96 1/8-3/16 1,400 890 700 200 275 1,460
327 STVC 517,500 821 600 300 165 5/32-7/32 1,400 1,200 945 265 350 2,190
230H STVC 654,000 1,038 760 380 200 1/8-3/16 1,100 1,375 1,350 265 460 1,664
330H STVC 981,000 1,557 1,150 570 300 3/16-1/4 1,100 2,500 2,325 380 570 2,496
336 STVC 1,524,000 2,418 1,800 885 495 3/16-1/4 900 2,700 3,770 540 1,260 3,450
342 STVC 2,179,000 3,458 2,550 1,275 705 3/16-1/4 800 3,600 7,700 1,100 3,375 4,212
248 STVC 2,805,000 4,452 3,200 1,600 915 1/8-3/16 700 4,500 11,200 785 3,130 4,020
348 STVC 4,207,500 6,678 4,800 2,400 1,370 3/16-1/4 700 5,590 13,850 1,140 4,360 6,030
260 STVC 5,950,000 9,440 6,950 3,470 1,940 3/16-5/16 550 7,525 24,700 1,665 9,400 7,240
360 STVC 8,925,000 14,160 10,400 5,200 2,900 1/4-3/8 550 9,350 32,250 2,500 14,020 10,850
460 STVC 11,900,000 18,880 13,900 6,940 3,880 5/16-7/16 550 12,000 41,000 2,900 16,615 14,480
560 STVC 14,875,000 23,611 16,528 8,264 4,132 1/2-9/16 550 11,750 — — — 18,100
372 STVC 13,965,000 22,167 15,517 7,758 3,879 5/16-7/16 400 — — — — 14,460
Note: Maximum air pressure – 100 PSI

Inflation Coefficient Exhaust Coefficient
Operating Air Pressure Operating Air Pressure

50 PSI 75 PSI 100 PSI 50 PSI 75 PSI 100 PSI


15,800 2.2 7,100 2 265 1.2 60 .016 1 525 .02 1.6 240 .02 1.4

890 1.7 880 1.6 5,100 2.2 1,000 .032 2 8,200 .04 2.8 4,930 .048 2.8

456 2 825 2.2 300 1.75 3,180 .068 3 8,270 .076 3.5 8,000 .088 3.7

456 2 825 2.2 300 1.75 3,180 .068 3 8,270 .076 3.5 8,000 .088 3.7

9,600 3.1 1,560 2.4 9,600 3.8 44 .068 1.4 40 .072 1.4 34 .08 1.4

1,350 2.5 1,350 2.5 1,350 2.5 113 .052 1.6 36 .064 1.3 630 .076 2.5

1,350 2.5 1,350 2.5 1,350 2.5 71 .07 1.6 26 .077 1.3 490 .084 2.5

145 1.8 90 1.6 87 1.6 360 .096 2.5 240 .112 2.5 270 .136 2.8

145 1.8 90 1.6 87 1.6 360 .096 2.5 240 .112 2.5 270 .136 2.8

185 2 150 2 93 1.8 120 .104 2.1 140 .128 2.4 146 .158 2.7
170 2 250 2.2 160 2 124 .112 2.2 92 .128 2.2 76 .152 2.3
115 2 125 2 111 2 132 .12 2.3 89 .144 2.3 6.1 .168 2.3

25 1.6 22 1.6 26 1.8 20 .224 2 20 .256 2.2 19 .308 2.5

28 1.8 22 1.8 20 1.8 24 264 2.4 10 .304 2.3 9.9 .352 2.2

Standard Vent Clutches

Coupling and Grinding Mill Clutch Selection


Model Clutch Mounting Assembly Model Clutch Mounting Assembly

Size ATD- Options Number Size ATD- Options Number
Clutch only 6-119-100-100-0
Clutch only 6-208-100-110-0
STV 108 STV 118H Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA 6-208-100-302-0
Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-119-200-100-0
Clutch only 6-208-200-103-0
STV 208 STV 218H Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA 6-208-200-309-0
Clutch w/ SDA 6-119-304-305-0
Clutch only 6-119-300-100-0
Clutch only 6-208-300-101-0
STV 308 STV 318H Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA 6-208-300-304-0
Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-211-100-101-0 Clutch only 6-121-100-106-0
STV 111 Clutch w/ QCDA 6-211-100-303-0 STV 121 Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA 6-211-100-304-0 Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-111-200-101-0 Clutch only 6-121-200-143-0
STV 211 Clutch w/ QCDA 6-111-200-311-0 STV 221 Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA 6-111-200-312-0 Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-111-300-103-0 Clutch only 6-121-300-120-0
STV 311 Clutch w/ QCDA 6-111-300-303-0 STV 321 Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA 6-111-300-304-0 Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-115-180-102-0 Clutch only 6-125-100-110-0
STV 114H Clutch w/ QCDA 6-115-100-300-0 STV 124H Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA 6-115-100-301-0 Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-115-280-104-0 Clutch only 6-125-200-129-0
STV 214H Clutch w/ QCDA 6-115-200-300-0 STV 224H Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA 6-115-200-301-0 Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-115-380-100-0 Clutch only 6-125-300-113-0
STV 314H Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 324H Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA — Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-116-100-112-0 Clutch only 6-127-100-112-0
STV 116 Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 127 Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA — Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-116-200-121-0 Clutch only 6-127-200-130-0
STV 216 Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 227 Clutch w/ QCDA 6-127-200-127-0
Clutch w/ SDA — Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-116-300-118-0 Clutch only 6-127-300-112-0
STV 316 Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 327 Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA — Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-118-100-120-0 Clutch only 6-131-100-101-0
STV 118 Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 130H Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA — Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-118-200-143-0 Clutch only 6-131-200-307-0
STV 218 Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 230H Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA — Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-119-300-100-0 Clutch only 6-131-300-303-0
STV 318 Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 330H Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA — Clutch w/ SDA —
Note: QCDA - Quick Change Driving Adapter. A favorite of OEMs for the extra clearance gap between the clutch and Quick Change Driving Adapter, making the clutch maintenance less time
consuming. SDA - Standard Driving Adapter. A close couple design where clutch maintenance is not of prime importance.

Model Clutch Mounting Assembly Model Clutch Mounting Assembly
Size ATD- Options Number Size ATD- Options Number
Clutch only —
Clutch only 6-148-200-100-0
STV 430H Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 248
Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA —
STV 236 Clutch only 6-136-200-107-0
Clutch only 6-148-300-100-0
Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 348
Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA —
STV 336 Clutch only 6-136-300-109-0
Clutch only —
Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 448
Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA —
STV 336H Clutch only 6-137-300-300-0
Clutch only 6-160-200-307-0
Clutch w/ QCDA 6-137-300-301-0 STV 260
Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-142-200-301-0
Clutch only 6-160-300-304-0
STV 242 — STV 360
Clutch w/ QCDA —
Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only 6-142-300-300-0
Clutch only —
STV 342 Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 460
Clutch w/ QCDA 6-160-430-301-0
Clutch w/ SDA —
Clutch only —
Clutch only —
STV 442 Clutch w/ QCDA — STV 560
Clutch w/ QCDA 6-160-500-300-
Clutch w/ SDA —
Note: QCDA - Quick Change Driving Adapter. A favorite of OEMs for the extra clearance gap between the clutch and Quick Change Driving Adapter, making the clutch maintenance less time
consuming. SDA - Standard Driving Adapter. A close couple design where ease of clutch maintenance is not of prime importance.

Standard Vent Clutches

Coupling and Grinding Mill Clutches

Component Parts
1. Hub 7. Release Spring
2. Hex Head Bolt 8. Center Plate
3. Backplate 9. Pressure Plate
4. Shim 10. Hose Assembly
5. Driving Ring 11. Air Tube
6. Friction Disc 12. Air Tube Holding Plate
14. Socket Head Capscrew
16. Elbow
17 2 17. Bolt (Furnished by customer)



12 14


Coupling Clutches
In-line power applications
Smooth, controlled acceleration
Unaffected by
Optional high speed air tube
centrifugal force reinforced to withstand speeds
even greater than permissible
with cast iron.

All air connections on

outside for easy access.

Releasing springs insure

complete disengagement.

Air passages through

clutch greatly assist in
keeping clutch cool.

Demountable back
plate for accessibility.

Friction discs available in

halves easily replaceable
without dismounting.

Full width molded composition

teeth on friction disc minimize
wear on driving ring. Air-tube easily
replaceable without
dismounting by simply
removing these

The Wichita Standard Vent Combination the simplest and most trouble-free method of
Clutch-Coupling is designed for reliable applying air pressure yet designed.
in-line power transmission. The simple
Problems of speed, smoothness, engagement
air-tube design, with small air volume,
or disengagement with all types of
speeds engagement and disengagement.
loads…problems of compactness …problems
It is unaffected by centrifugal force and has
of simplifying maintenance and many other
no self-energization like drum clutch designs.
problems in a wide range of applications are
Ideally suited for large inertia loads where
quickly solved with Wichita clutches or
smooth controlled starts are needed.
The Wichita air-tube disc design combines all
the best features of a disc type clutch with all
the advantages of direct air engagement. It is

Standard Vent Clutches

Coupling Clutches

U - Tap or Drill Size

V - No. of Holes L
Y - Pipe Size Air Connection
Z - No. of Holes

Wichita Quick
Release Valve 1/2"NPT

AA - Thread for
External Roto-

W - Air Connection Hole Center



1. Air Hose Kits, page 135.

2. Quick Release Valves, page 138.

3. Roto-couplings, page 138.

Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.

Dimensions: inches (Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)
Model +.003" Max Bore
Size -.000" Rect. Key
108 STVC 9.625 8.873 8.50 8 8 1.93 2.75 1.938 6.625 9.625
208 STVC 9.625 8.873 8.50 8 8 1.93 4.125 1.938 6.625 9.625
308 STVC 9.625 8.873 8.50 8 8 1.93 5.50 1.938 6.625 9.625
111 STVC 13.375 12.375 12 11 11 3.00 3 3 8.50 11.938
211 STVC 13.375 12.375 12 11 11 3.00 4.25 3 8.50 11.938
311 STVC 13.375 12.375 12 11 11 3.00 5.563 3 8.50 11.938
114H STVC 16.25 15.125 14.67 14 9.375 3.38 4.313 4.50 12.50 16.313
214H STVC 16.25 15.125 14.67 14 9.375 3.38 5.75 4.50 12.50 16.313
314H STVC 16.25 15.125 14.67 14 9.375 3.38 7.188 4.50 12.50 16.313
118 STVC 20.75 19.500 18.75 18 11.50 4.00 4.75 5.25 14 19.375
218 STVC 20.75 19.500 18.75 18 11.50 4.00 6.25 5.25 14 19.375
118H STVC 20.75 19.500 18.75 18 11.50 4.00 4.75 5.25 16 21.625
218H STVC 20.75 19.500 18.75 18 11.50 4.00 6.25 5.25 16 21.625
318H STVC 20.75 19.500 18.75 18 11.50 4.00 7.75 5.25 16 21.625
321 STVC 23.75 22.500 21.75 21 14 5.38 9.125 7 16 21.625
124H STVC 26.75 25.500 24.75 24 16 5.38 5.875 7 21 27
224H STVC 26.75 25.500 24.75 24 16 5.38 7.25 7 21 27
324H STVC 26.75 25.500 24.75 24 16 5.38 9.375 7 21 27
327 STVC 29.75 28.500 27.75 27 19.50 7.00 9.75 9 21 27
230H STVC 32.75 31.500 30.75 30 22.50 7.00 8.50 9 24.75 32.375
330H STVC 32.75 31.500 30.75 30 22.50 7.00 11.50 9 24.75 32.375
336H STVC 39.75 38.500 37.50 36 28 8.00 12.625 13.50 30.50 38.25
342 STVC 47.25 45.000 44 42 42 10.00 11.875 21 35 44.125
248 STVC 54 52.000 51 48 35 12.00 10.875 21 40 52.375
348 STVC 54 52.000 51 48 35 12.00 13.625 21 40 52.375
260 STVC 64.75 62.750 62 60 36.125 14.00 16.25 22.625 46.50 61.50
360 STVC 64.75 62.750 62 60 36.125 14.00 20 22.625 46.50 61.50
460 STVC 64.75 62.750 62 60 36.125 14.00 23.50 22.625 46.50 61.50

108 STVC 8.247 4 .75 — .438 10.375 1.375 .50 1/2 NC 6 2.25 .50 1/2 2
208 STVC 8.247 5.313 .75 1.75 .438 10.375 2.625 .50 1/2 NC 6 2.25 .50 1/2 2
308 STVC 8.247 6.625 .75 3.063 .438 10.375 3.875 .50 1/2 NC 6 2.25 .50 1/2 2
111 STVC 11.763 4.125 .875 — .50 14.375 1.50 .50 5/8 NC 8 2.50 .438 1/2 2
211 STVC 11.763 5.25 .875 1.75 .50 14.375 2.875 .50 5/8 NC 8 2.50 .438 1/2 2
311 STVC 11.763 6.75 .875 3 .50 14.375 4.25 .50 5/8 NC 8 2.50 .438 1/2 2
114H STVC 14.451 5.125 1.125 — .625 17.50 1.875 .625 5/8 NC 6 2.25 .75 1/2 2
214H STVC 14.451 6.50 1.125 2 .625 17.50 3.25 .75 5/8 NC 6 2.25 .75 1/2 2
314H STVC 14.451 8 1.125 3.375 .625 17.50 4.75 .75 5/8 NC 6 2.25 .75 1/2 2
118 STVC 18.375 5.625 1.313 — .625 22 1.938 .75 5/8 NC 6 2.438 1 1/2 3
218 STVC 18.375 7.125 1.313 2.125 .625 22 3.50 .75 5/8 NC 6 2.438 1 1/2 3
118H STVC 18.375 5.625 1.313 — .625 22 1.938 .75 5/8 NC 6 2.438 1 1/2 3
218H STVC 18.375 7.25 1.313 2.125 .625 22 3.50 .75 5/8 NC 6 2.438 1 1/2 3
318H STVC 18.375 8.688 1.313 3.75 .625 22 5.125 .75 5/8 NC 6 2.438 1 1/2 3
321 STVC 21.350 10.125 1.625 4.25 .75 25 6.125 1 5/8 NC 6 2.375 1 1/2 3
124H STVC 24.312 6.563 1.625 — .875 28 2.813 .75 5/8 NC 6 2.75 1 1/2 3
224H STVC 24.312 8.625 1.625 2.75 .875 28 4.50 .75 5/8 NC 6 2.75 1 1/2 3
324H STVC 24.312 10.563 1.625 4.625 .875 28 6.25 .75 5/8 NC 6 2.75 1 1/2 3
327 STVC 27.361 10.75 1.625 4.625 .875 31 6.50 1.375 5/8 NC 12 2.375 1 1/2 3
230H STVC 30.361 10.125 1.625 3.75 1.25 34 5.625 1.125 5/8 NC 12 2.875 1 1/2 4
330H STVC 30.361 12.75 1.625 6.25 1.25 34 8.125 1.125 5/8 NC 12 2.875 1 1/2 4
336H STVC 37.159 14.375 1.938 7.125 1.375 41 9 1.50 5/8 NC 16 2.875 1 1/2 4
342 STVC 43.627 14 2 7.375 1.375 49.25 9.625 1.75 1" NC 12 3.50 1.25 1/2 4
248 STVC 50.815 13.75 2.625 4.125 1.375 56 7.125 2 1" NC 12 3.50 1.25 1/2 4
348 STVC 50.815 15.75 2.625 6.875 1.375 56 9.875 2 1" NC 12 3.50 1.25 1/2 4
260 STVC 61.700 16.25 3 5.50 3 66.75 9 2.50 1" NC 24 2 2 1/2 6
360 STVC 61.700 20 3 9 3 66.75 13 2.50 1" NC 24 2 2 1/2 6
460 STVC 61.700 23.375 3 12.50 3 66.75 16.50 2.50 1" NC 24 2 2 1/2 6

Standard Vent Clutches

Coupling Clutches

Standard Driving Adapters Quick Change Adapters

The driving adapter is designed to allow the The quick change feature, using a driving
clutch to be used in a shaft-to-shaft or elbow piece between the driving adapter and
through-shaft coupling arrangement. the clutch driving ring, enables replacement of
any wearing clutch part without disturbing
either shaft.

A M N K - Size of Holes
E E L - No. of Holes
K - Size of Holes
L - No. of Holes


J I G J1
D D H F D1

Standard Adapter (Standard Gap) Quick Change Adapter (Access Gap)

Dimensions: inches
Size A B C D D1 E F G H
8 3.125 3 .125 3.75 — .125 10.375 9.625 8.869
11 3.625 3.25 .375 6.25 5 .125 14.375 13.375 12.371
14H 5.375 4.75 .625 7 6.25 .25 17.50 16.25 15.121
18 6.875 5.75 1.125 8 8 .375 22 20.75 19.496
18H 6.875 5.75 1.125 8 8 .375 22 20.75 19.496
21 6.75 6 .75 9.50 9 .25 25 23.75 22.496
24H 8.375 7.313 1.063 10 12 .25 28 26.75 25.495
27 8.75 7.75 1 11 11.50 .25 31 29.75 28.495
30H 9.25 8.75 .50 14 14 .25 34 32.75 31.495
36 10.50 10 .50 15 14 .25 41 39.75 38.495
42 11 10 1 15 15 .25 49.25 47.25 44.995
48 — 13.625 — — 20 .50 56 54 52.000
60 — 16.25 — 24 — .375 66.75 64.75 62.750

Max. Bore
Rect. Key
Size I J J1 K L M N O
8 8.375 2.50 — .531 6 1.875 * —
11 11.75 4.13 3.375 .656 8 2 2.50 —
14H 14.50 4.75 4.125 .656 6 2.125 3.125 —
18 18.50 5.25 5.25 .688 6 4.375 3.50 —
18H 18.50 5.25 5.25 .688 6 4.375 3.50 —
21 21.75 6.25 6 .688 6 4 6.25 —
24H 24.50 6.63 6.625 .688 6 5.188 5.50 —
27 27.75 7.25 7.625 .688 12 5.563 4.625 —
30H 30.50 9.25 9.25 .688 12 6.50 5.75 —
36 37.50 10.00 9.25 .688 16 7.875 4.125 —
42 44 10.00 10 1.031 12 7.438 5.688 —
48 — — 15 1.031 12 10.125 6.125 —
60 — 18.00 — 1.031 24 12.25 11.50 2.50
* Consult Factory
Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.

Standard Vent Clutches

Grinding Mill Clutches

Designed for heavy duty applications

Quick, smooth starting
High heat dissipation for jogging and inching

Wichita Grinding Mill Clutches are specially

designed to provide quick, smooth starts with
limited current surge for heavy duty grinding
mills. The clutch is adaptable to remote
control allowing centralized operation through
simple air or electric circuits.

• No adjustment or lubrictation
• Eliminates need for special high torque
• Torque capacity not affected by
centrifugal force
• High heat dissipation for jogging
and inching

Standard Torque Motor with Wichita

Clutch vs. High Torque Motor










Technical Capacity

Model Total Total Driving Adapter Diameter Max. Speed (RPM) HP Lining Rated Torq.
Size Air Weight WR2 Ring & Disc Friction For 6000 FPM @ per 100 Area in.lbs.
ATD– Supply lb. lb.ft.2 Wt. WR2 Disc-in. Fric Disc O.D. RPM in.2 100 PSI
211 GMC 5/8"-18 130 24 57 16 11 2,100 18 228 31,800
214H GMC 5/8"-18 333 111 152 58 14 1,640 40 336 71,600
314H GMC 5/8"-18 385 132 190 75 14 1,640 60 504 107,400
318H GMC 1"-14 727 333 356 220 18 1,275 120 792 225,000
321 GMC 1"-14 980 663 500 280 21 1,100 150 1,086 263,000
324H GMC 1"-14 1,350 970 590 600 24 950 270 1,722 461,000
327 GMC 1"-14 1,580 1,130 675 540 27 850 300 2,190 517,500
230H GMC 1"-14 2,126 2,046 1,036 1,150 30 760 380 1,664 654,000
330H GMC 1"-14 2,600 2,100 1,125 1,250 30 760 570 2,496 981,000
430H GMC 1"-14 3,578 2,980 1,497 1,148 30 760 760 3,328 1,308,000
336H GMC 1"-14 3,550 4,650 1,510 2,215 36 640 885 3,450 1,813,500
342 GMC 1-1/2"-12 4,815 10,505 2,315 6,130 42 540 1,275 4,212 2,179,000
248 GMC 1-1/2"-12 6,580 16,275 2,825 9,523 48 475 1,600 4,020 2,805,000
348 GMC 1-1/2"-12 7,540 18,470 3,274 9,700 48 475 2,400 6,030 4,207,500
448 GMC 1-1/2"-12 48 475 3,200 8,040 5,610,000
260 GMC 1-1/2"-12 10,600 37,300 5,750 23,600 60 380 3,470 7,240 5,950,000
360 GMC 1-1/2"-12 13,390 47,850 5,900 27,550 60 380 5,200 10,850 8,925,000
460 GMC 1-1/2"-12 16,860 57,705 7,500 33,238 60 380 6,940 14,480 11,900,000
560 GMC 1-1/2"-12 20,050 78,642 8,300 28,512 60 380 8,675 18,100 14,875,000
372 GMC 1-1/2"-12 72 300 7,758 14,460 13,965,000
472 GMC 1-1/2"-12 72 300 10,344 19,280 18,620,000
572 GMC 1-1/2"-12 72 300 12,930 24,100 23,275,000

Standard Vent Clutches

Grinding Mill Quick Selection Chart

HP (kW)
100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,400 1,600
(74.6) (93) (112) (130) (149) (186) (224) (261) (298) (336) (373) (447) (522) (597) (671) (746) (820) (1,044) (1,193)
124 342
180 327

212 321
257 314H
1,200 Consult Factory

HP (kW)
1,750 2,000 2,100 2,250 2,500 2,750 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,400 4,800 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000
(1,305) (1,491) (1,566) (1,678) (1,864) (2,051) (2,610) (2,610) (2,983) (3,281) (3,579) (3,728) (4,101) (4,474) (4,847)) (5,220)
157 342
348 260 360

Consult Factory

HP (kW)
1,750 2,000 2,100 2,250 2,500 2,750 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,400 4,800 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000
(1,305) (1,491) (1,566) (1,678) (1,864) (2,051) (2,610) (2,610) (2,983) (3,281) (3,579) (3,728) (4,101) (4,474) (4,847)) (5,220)
120 E
164 348 448 360

Consult Factory

Standard Vent Clutches

Grinding Mill Quick Selection Chart

HP (kW)
7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 13,000 13,500 14,000
(5,593) (5,966) (6,338) (6,711) (7,084) (7,457) (7,830) (8,203) (2,983) (8,948) (9,321) (9,694) (10,067) (10,440)

460 560 572
Consult Factory

HP (kW)
7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500 13,000 13,500 14,000
(5,593) (5,966) (6,338) (6,711) (7,084) (7,457) (7,830) (8,203) (2,983) (8,948) (9,321) (9,694) (10,067) (10,440)
372 472 572


Air Hose Kits

Model Part Number Model Part Number Model Part Number

8" 8-908-812-200-3 18" 8-918-812-301-5 30" 8-930-815-201-5
8-908-821-200-4 QRV 8-918-821-300-5 QRV
30"H 8-931-821-200-5 QRV
11" 8-911-812-200-4 21" 8-921-812-301-5
36" 8-936-815-200-5
8-911-821-200-5 QRV 8-921-821-302-5 QRV
8-936-821-200-5 QRV
14" 8-914-812-201-5 24" 8-924-812-300-5
42" 8-942-815-200-5
8-914-821-202-5 QRV 8-924-821-302-5 QRV
8-942-821-200-5 QRV
27" 8-927-812-300-5
48" 8-948-815-200-5
8-927-821-301-5 QRV
8-948-821-200-5 QRV

Air hose kits contain all

necessary parts (fittings, hoses
and extensions) to completely
plumb only
the clutch.

Optional Quick Release Valves

can replace elbows on most
units (see page 138).

(see page 138).
Model Part Number Model Part Number
30"H 8-931-821-400-5 QRV 60" 8-960-812-300-5

Standard Vent Clutches

Grinding Mill Clutches

U-Tap Size
V-No. Spuds
(See Notes 1 & 2)

Driving Adapters Driving

The driving adapter is
designed to allow the clutch
to be used in a shaft-to- Z-Tap Size
shaft or through-shaft cou-
pling arrangement. The C
quick-change feature, using D F
a driving elbow piece be- B X G N
tween the driving adapter
and the clutch driving ring,
enables replacement of any
wearing clutch part without
disturbing either shaft.

Without axial E S2 S
locking device L

Dimensions: inches (Consult factory for drawing before final layout.)

Model C* C1* F*
Size Max. Bore Max. Bore Max. Bore
ATD– B Rect. Key Rect. Key D E Rect. Key G J L L1
211 GMC 3.00 3.00 — 5.00 2.00 3.00 4.25 11.94 10.00 —
214H GMC 3.25 4.13 — 6.25 2.13 3.38 5.75 16.31 11.88 —
314H GMC 3.25 4.13 — 6.25 2.13 3.38 7.18 16.31 13.38 —
318H GMC 6.00 4.00 — 6.00 4.38 4.00 7.31 21.31 17.43 —
321 GMC 6.00 6.50 — 9.00 4.00 5.38 8.63 21.31 20.50 —
324H GMC 7.31 7.50 — 10.00 5.56 5.38 8.43 27.00 21.56 —
327 GMC 7.31 7.63 — 11.50 5.56 7.00 9.00 27.00 20.94 —
230H GMC 8.75 9.38 9.38 14.00 6.50 7.00 7.88 32.38 22.63 24.43
330H GMC 8.75 9.38 9.38 14.00 6.50 7.00 10.88 32.38 25.25 26.94
336H GMC 10.00 9.38 9.38 14.00 7.88 8.00 12.88 38.25 26.75 34.75
342 GMC 10.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 7.43 10.00 11.88 44.13 27.63 34.50
248 GMC 13.63 15.00 13.25 20.00 10.13 12.00 10.88 52.38 29.63 36.88
348 GMC 13.63 15.00 13.25 20.00 10.13 12.00 13.63 52.38 32.13 39.50
260 GMC 16.25 18.00 15.00 24.00 12.25 14.00 16.25 61.50 40.00 42.50
360 GMC 16.25 18.00 15.00 24.00 12.25 14.00 20.00 61.50 43.75 46.25
460 GMC 16.25 18.00 15.00 24.00 12.25 14.00 23.50 61.50 47.13 49.63
560 GMC 20.25 17.00 17.00 30.00 16.25 17.00 27.00 61.50 — 57.20
* Maximum bore uses rectangular key, contact Wichita Engineering.
Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.

U-Tap Size
V-No. Spuds
(See Notes 1 & 2)
With axial
locking device Axial
The axial locking device is device Air Supply
an optional feature offered
Z-Tap Size (See Note 3)
by Wichita. This device
prevents damage to the
mill motor bearings during R C1 J
motor start-up by axially D F
locking the armature
to magnetic center.

Notes: E S1 S

1. Air Hose Kits, page 135. L1

2. Quick Release Valves, page 138.
3. Roto-couplings, page 138.

Size U V Z Air
ATD– N R S S1 S2 tap size spuds X Y tap size Supply
211 GMC 2.25 13.63 N/A — 5.38 1/2" NPT 2 1.62 — 1/2" NPT 5/8”-18
214H GMC
314H GMC

1/2" NPT
1/2" NPT

1/2" NPT
1/2" NPT
318H GMC 2.43 22.00 5.88 — 3.50 1/2" NPT 3 3.06 — 1/2" NPT 1”-14
321 GMC 2.38 25.00 6.25 — 6.25 1/2" NPT 3 4.75 — 1/2" NPT 1”-14
324H GMC 2.75 28.00 6.25 — 5.50 1/2" NPT 3 4.50 — 1/2" NPT 1”-14
327 GMC 2.38 31.00 6.50 — 4.63 1/2" NPT 3 3.75 — 1/2" NPT 1”-14
230H GMC 2.75 34.00 5.63 5.75 5.75 1/2" NPT 4 4.25 5.00 1/2" NPT 1”-14
330H GMC 2.88 34.00 8.13 7.43 5.75 1/2" NPT 4 4.25 5.00 1/2" NPT 1”-14
336H GMC 2.88 41.00 9.13 12.13 4.00 1/2" NPT 4 2.50 10.00 1/2" NPT 1”-14
342 GMC 3.50 49.25 9.63 12.69 5.69 1/2" NPT 4 3.50 10.00 1/2" NPT 1-1/2”-12
248 GMC 3.75 56.00 7.38 13.25 6.13 1/2" NPT 4 2.75 10.00 1/2" NPT 1-1/2”-12
348 GMC 3.50 56.00 9.88 13.38 6.13 1/2" NPT 4 2.75 10.00 1/2" NPT 1-1/2”-12
260 GMC 2.00 66.75 9.00 14.00 11.50 1/2" NPT 6 7.50 10.00 1/2" NPT 1-1/2”-12
360 GMC 2.00 66.75 13.00 14.00 11.50 1/2" NPT 6 7.50 10.00 1/2" NPT 1-1/2”-12
460 GMC 2.00 66.75 16.50 14.00 11.50 1/2" NPT 6 7.50 10.00 1/2" NPT 1-1/2”-12
560 GMC 4.0 74.25 20.13 14.60 — 1/2" NPT 6 — 10.00 1/2" NPT 1-1/2”-12

Standard Vent Clutches

Quick Release Valve

Quality Material
Body and Cap: High strength aluminum alloy
Stem: Molded nylon
Check Valve: Nylon ball
"O" Ring: Neoprene



8-263-610-011-1 7/8" – 14 Thread

8-263-610-021-1 1/2" NPT

7/8" – 14 Thread

The Wichita Springless Quick Release Valve 1/2" NPT
discharges twice as fast as any other valve
tested in our laboratory and is four to five times
faster than some common makes of valves.
1/2" NPT to Clutch
This valve will close and seal with less than 20
lbs. pressure. Most others require 25 to 30 lbs. 1/2" NPT (for Optional Muffler)
to definitely seal. In actual tests, the Wichita
Valve made many hundreds of thousands of Standard thread arrangement of 1/2" size.
engagements and disengagements before the 1/2" pipe thread on the tube connection
slightest leak occurred, or any parts needed and choice of 1/2" pipe thread, or standard
replacement. Other valves which were tested 7/8-14NF thread for flared fitting thread on
required major replacement in fewer than 20,000 inlet connection. (Fits standard No. 10
cycles. high-pressure hose fitting.)

• Long life, no maintenance
• Felt seal eliminates bearing contamination
• Fast, easy installation



The Wichita Roto-coupling is a device to

connect, or couple, a non-rotating air, gas, or
fluid line to a rotating shaft. G
150 PSI Max. Air Pressure
Dimensions: inches
Wichita Part No. AA B C D E F G H Max. RPM
8-240-701-003-1 5/8-18NF 1/4" NPT .40 1.046 2.250 1.500 2.13 3.297 3,500
8-240-705-001-1 1"-14 NF 1/2" NPT .75 1.250 3.188 2.500 3.00 4.438 3,500
8-240-708-001-1 1"-14 NF 3/4" NPT .75 1.313 4.688 2.875 3.69 5.440 3,500
8-240-710-002-1 1-1/2"-12 NF 1" NPT 1.13 1.937 4.875 3.250 3.44 6.812 2,500
8-240-712-001-1 2"-12 NF 1-1/2" NPT 1.13 2.813 5.250 4.250 5.38 8.062 2,500
8-240-714-001-3 2" NPT 2" NPT 1.50 3.000 7.062 4.625 7.00 10.062 1,000
8-240-716-000-3 2-1/2" NPT 2-1/2" NPT 1.88 3.250 9.375 7.000 7.75 12.625 750

Power Take-Off Clutches

Superior torque control for heavy duty diesel engines

Wichita has instituted quality assurance procedures aimed at achieving the ultimate in product reliability
and its Power Take-Offs represent industry’s most advanced PTO design.
Two mechanically activated PTO’s are now available in addition to the performance-proven Air Tube
Disc Clutch PTO’s. Complete clutch engagement of the mechanical PTO units is assured with each
release of the hand lever due to the incorporation of a heavy-duty Fuller® “Solo” truck clutch. With its
many outstanding features, the Fuller clutch used in the Wichita PTO prevents torsional vibration from
damaging engine or transmission components, or causing spline wear. The result is superior Power
Take-Off performance and durability!

Mechanical Power Typical Applications

Take-Off Clutches The In-line PTO design provides
direct drive operation with side load
capability. It has an automatic self-
In-Line PTO adjusting feature and does not require
2 sizes a pilot bearing. Other features such
as standard SAE flywheel mounting,
interchangeable clutch and clutch
housing, constant plate load and easy
maintenance add up to superior
Wichita 15-1/2" mechanical PTO provides long
service life for Cummins 855 diesel on rock crusher.

Side Load PTO

Side Load PTO’s utilize a pair of
2 heavy
heavy-duty roller bearings fitted in to
duty models
the shaft housing. The bearing support
system eliminates the transmission of
side loads that could reduce durability
or even damage the engine’s crank-
shaft. Its torque capacities range up to
420 HP @ 2100 RPM.

Wichita mechanical PTO handles shock

and heavy loads for wood chippers.
Air-Tube Disc
Power Take-Off Air-Tube Disc Power Take-Off
(PTO) Clutches Clutches provide dependable trouble-
3 sizes free performance on indirect drives
with large overhung loads on engines
of 250-700 HP. The Wichita design iso-
lates the side load from the engine’s
crankshaft for long service life. Simple
air controls can be utilized to remotely
control the clutch as well as the throt-
tle. Wichita PTO’s have been success-
fully used for oil field, construction and
marine applications.
Wichita PTO mounted on Caterpillar diesel

Power Take-Off Clutches

Mechanical design

Low hand lever effort.

30 lbs. vs. 100 lbs. for
In-Line over-center type PTO. Lever
can be mounted on either
Available with
driven discs

No pilot bearing

Adjustment free
adjusts clutch
normal use

Ideal for
vehicular flywheel

Support Base

Shaft is supported
by ball bearings,
eliminating transmission
of damaging side loads.

Design Features
• Side Load version incorporates a rugged reducing required axial force as the clutch
cylindrical roller bearing system which elim- is disengaged. The discs are raced with
inates trouble-prone pilot bearings. trapezoidal ceramic buttons, and are damp-
Provides 100% external support of take-off ened with an assembly of coaxial springs
shaft. Prevents transmission of side loads mounted in the disc hub.
that fatigue or even damage the engine
• Dampened clutch discs prevent torsional
vibrations from damaging engine or compo-
• Precise alignment capabilities of the bear- nents.
ing system ensure flywheel/clutch concen-
• Available in 2 sizes, from 14" to 15 1/2" for
tricity to minimize effects of diesel engine
engines up to 420 HP @ 2100 RPM.
torsional vibration.

• Performance-proven Fuller Solo Spring

clutch provides easy engagement. Axial
load is provided by three pairs of springs
placed at an angle to the clutch centerline,

Mechanical In-line PTO (Truck Flywheel)
Size 14" Flat, 14" Pot & 15-1/2" Flat

Lever Position Lever Position

left-hand right-hand
operation operation

F 15
Grease Tag
.50 E-Hole Size
8 Holes
1.62 4 Pairs 90 Apart
Side Load
of Pull


MODEL NO. ___________________________
TORQUE _____________________________

C 5/8 x 5/16
PART NUMBER_______________________

14" &
15-1/2" Keyway
B Flat
20.88 20.124 Clutch
A 2.500 No. __________________

2.499 Serial No. ________________

14" POT
Max. end thrust
20.875 on shaft not to
H.C. exceed 150 lb.
11.19 Serial Tag
15 Center of gravity
is 242 lbs.
E-Hole Size
8 Holes at 3 1/2" from
.25 4 Pairs 90 Apart
12 15/32 7.05 the Bell Housing.
Mounting Holes
SAE "1" Bell Housing 13.25 4.25
F 17.50 B
Clutch Mounting Detail

Dimensions inches
Clutch SAE Bell Pilot B C E
Size Housing (+.000/-.002) in. Hole Circle Plate Dia. D Hole Size – Qty F
14" Flat 1 16.50* 15.500 13.56 N/A 13/32 8 2.62
14" Pot 1 14.750 15.500 13.75 2.94 13/32 8 2.50
15-1/2" Flat 1 17.155 16.625 15.22 0.19 15/32 8 2.50
* Nominal diameter only, clutch is not piloted.

Center of gravity is 242 lbs. located 3.50” from bell housing mounting surface

Estimated Side Load Calculation Allowable Side Load (lbs.) at F

1,800 RPM
126,000 x HP
#1 L = x F x SF
X Side Load
Distance from (lbs.) B10
1,945,000 x kW
#2 L = x F x SF Bell Housing Bearing LIfe
3.62 1,600
L =
Actual Applied Load (lbs. for #1 and kgs for #2) 4.62 1,100
N =
Shaft Speed (RPM) 5.62 850
D =
Pitch Diameter (in. for #1 and mm for #2) of Sheave 6.62 680
F =
Load Factor 7.62 565
1.0 for Chain Drive or Gear Drive 8.62 450
1.5 for Timing Belts 9.62 400
2.5 for All V-belts 10.26 370
3.5 for All Flat Belts 11.25 340
SF = Service Factor
2.1 for Reciprocating Compressors and other severe shock drives At 2,100 RPM, derate side load by 20%.
1.8 for Large Inertia Drives such as Crushers, Chippers, and Planers

Note: It is recommended that the optional support plate be used in side load applications.

Power Take-Off Clutches

Mechanical Side Load PTO (Truck Flywheel)

Size 15-1/2" Flat
Lever Position
for left-hand
Lever Position
for right-hand
12 Mounting Holes operation
15/32 - 30& Apart

30 TYP

Side Load

of Pull


1x1/2 __________________
Serial No. ________________


10.96 Short

20.94 30

Remove Bolt 5
Before Installation 15
3/4 - 10NC
Note: For Clutch Mounting Details
see Dimensions Chart on Page 141.


27.10 9.88
30.41 12.97
Clutch Mounting Detail

Allowable Side Load (lbs.)

Clutch Engine Manufacturers
Size Common Truck Flywheels*
Dimension 1000 1200 1800 2200 2400
Caterpiller Cummins Detroit
11 in. 11,100 10,700 9,500 8,900 8,200
14" Pot FW1101 12 in. 10,000 9,500 8,500 8,000 7,400
13 in. 9,000 8,600 7,600 7,200 6,600
9N3136 14 in. 8,200 7,800 7,000 6,500 6,100
15-1/2" Flat FW1134 5138863
4W6800 15 in. 7,500 7,000 6,300 6,000 5,600
* Check with engine manufacturer for flywheel compatibility. 16 in. 7,000 6,600 5,800 5,500 5,300
17 in. 6,400 6,100 5,400 5,100 4,800
18 in. 6,000 5,700 5,000 4,700 4,400
Engine Flywheel Housing SAE Standards 19 in. 5,600 5,300 4,700 4,400 4,200
20 in. 5,400 5,200 4,500 4,200 4,000
SAE Bolt Circle Tapped
Size A B C D Holes
No. in. in. in. in. No. Size
00 31.000/31.010 34-3/4 33-1/2 3-15/16 16 1/2-13 11 1/4°
22 1/2°
0 25.500/25.510 28 26-3/4 3-15/16 16 1/2-13 22 1/2°
1/2 23.000/23.008 25-1/2 24-3/8 3-15/16 12 1/2-13 45°
1 20.125/20.130 21-3/4 20-7/8 3-15/16 12 7/16-14
2 17.625/17.630 19-1/4 18-3/8 3-15/16 12 3/8-16 8 Bolts
3 16.125/16.130 17-3/4 16-7/8 3-15/16 12 3/8-16
4 14.250/14.255 15-7/8 15 3-15/16 12 3/8-16 D 16 Bolts
A Spacing
5 12.375/12.380 14 13-1/8 2-13/16 8 3/8-16 B C
6 10.500/10.505 12-1/8 11-1/4 2-13/16 8 3/8-16 12 Bolts
For flywheel standards consult the SAE standards manual.

Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
Support plate must be perpendicular to side load pull.



Flywheel Spline Dia. Duty A to B1 Duty C to D1

Torque* Bore and Number Light and Heavy and Max. Max.
Clutch lb.in. Opening of Splines Normal Extra Heavy Speed Slip
Size (Nm) in.(cm) in. - qty HP/100 RPM HP/100 RPM RPM Sec.
14" Flat 10,800 7
2" - 10 17 13 2100 3
(109504-10) Solo (1,220) (17.8)
14" Pot 3 16,800 7
2" - 10 27 20 2100 3
(108050-59) EP (1,898) (17.8)
15-1/2" Flat 19,800 8.5
2" - 10 32 20 2100 3
(109701-74) Solo (2,237) (21.6)
15-1/2" Flat HC** 24,600 10
2" - 10 39 20 2100 3
(109701-15) Solo (2,779) (25.4)
15-1/2" Flat SHC*** 27,000 10
2" - 14 43 22 2100 3
(109706-32Y) Solo (3,051) (25.4)
* On C & D duty applications, Clutch Torque must exceed Engine’s Peak torque
** 15-1/2" Flat, high capacity clutch model – available upon request.
*** 15-1/2" Flat, super high capacity clutch model – available upon request and with a minimum quantity of 4.

Power Take Off Chart

PTO Flywheel SAE Parts List Drawing

Clutch Type Type Bell Housing Number Number
14" Flat Truck† Inline 1 Available Consult Factory
14" Flat Truck† Inline 2 6-714-299-210-0 6-714-202-915-9
14" Flat Truck† Side Load 1 6-714-299-211-0 6-714-202-916-9
14" Flat Truck† Side Load 2 6-714-299-209-0 6-714-202-914-9
14" Pot Truck† Inline 1 6-714-299-104-0 6-714-200-911-9
14" Pot Truck† Inline 2 6-714-299-105-0 6-714-200-910-9
15-1/2" Flat Truck† Inline 1 6-715-299-206-0 6-715-202-909-9
15-1/2" Flat Truck† Inline 2 6-715-299-207-0 6-715-202-910-9
15-1/2" Flat HC Truck† Inline 1 6-715-299-229-0 6-715-202-909-9
15-1/2" Flat Truck† Side Load 1 6-715-299-208-0 6-715-202-912-9
15-1/2" Flat 14" Industrial Inline 1 6-715-299-209-0 6-715-202-913-9
15-1/2" Flat 14" Industrial Side Load 1 6-715-299-221-0 6-715-202-918-9
15-1/2" Flat 18" Industrial Side Load 0 See 2 Consult Factory
† Alternately referred to as a “Vehicular” flywheel.

Estimated Side Load Calculation

Conversion Kits Flywheels SAE Bell Housing 126,000 x HP
#1 L = x F x SF
8-560-320-017-0 15-1/2" Truck to 14" Industrial 1 to 1
8-560-320-073-1 15-1/2" Truck to 18" Industrial 1 to 0 1,945,000 x kW
#2 L = x F x SF

L = Actual Applied Load (lbs. for #1

and kgs for #2)
Mechanical Side Load PTO N = Shaft Speed (RPM)
HP Rating based on side load using 12-1/2 P.D., D = Pitch Diameter (in. for #1
8-8V groove sheave at max. SF. and mm for #2) of Sheave
F = Load Factor
Speed Bearing Carrier Clutch Only 1.0 for Chain Drive or Gear Drive
1,800 200 HP 360 HP 1.5 for Timing Belts
2.5 for All V-belts
2,100 225 HP 420 HP 3.5 for All Flat Belts
SF = Service Factor
1 See chart “A”, on page 117. 2.1 for Reciprocating Compressors
2 15-1/2" Flat, Side Load PTO uses conversion kit 8-560-320-073-1. and other severe shock drives
3 Old style flywheel, often not available on new engines.
1.8 for Large Inertia Drives such as
See Engine manufacturer for flywheel availability. Crushers, Chippers, and Planers

Power Take-Off Clutches

Selection Example: How to Select:

To properly select a Power Take Off (PTO), the following Part 1. PTO Clutch Calculation Follows:
information is needed: 1. Select clutch duty from field of application =
1. Power transmission type: Inline or Side Load Reference chart “A”, page 117, Petroleum production shows
2. Application engine horsepower @ speed Mud Pump under duty “D”
3. Peak engine torque 2. Determine required HP/100 RPM duty capacity =
4. SAE bell housing size Application torque/630 = HP/100 RPM
5. New engine installation or retrofit to an existing engine 10,500/630 = 16-2/3 HP/100 RPM
6. Duty selection: See chart “A”, page 117 3. Select clutches based on duty =
Chart “A” gives application requirements ranging from “Light” to On clutch capacity chart, page 143,
“Normal” duties (A to B) and “Heavy” to “Extra Heavy” duties (C to shows the following clutches have sufficient capacity.
D) 14" Pot, 15-1/2" Flat & 15-1/2" Flat HC
7. Inertia of machine/load a.) This is a new engine installation and Note 3 states that there may
be an availability problem with the 14" Pot style clutch.
8. Pitch diameters of drive and driven sheaves****
b.) There is not an advantage in capacity to warrant the use of the
9. Width of drive sheave on Power Take Off shaft****
15-1/2" Flat HC style clutch. Therefore, preliminary selection of the
**** Not applicable to inline drives
clutch is the 15-1/2" Flat style clutch.
Machine Requirement: 4. Peak torque verses clutch torque =
Machine Required: Mud Pump – Triplex piston type On “C” and “D” duty applications, it is required that the clutch torque
Installation: New engine installation is greater than engine’s peak torque.
15-1/2" Flat clutch torque from clutch specifications chart on page
Transmission Type: Side load 143 is 19,800 lb. in.
Engine’s peak torque is 13,440 lb.in.
HP & Speed: 300 HP @ 1,800 RPM
Clutch torque > Engine’s peak torque
Engine Peak Torque: 1,120 lb.ft. 19,800 lb.in. > 13,440 lb.in.
SAE Bell Housing Size: SAE bell housing 1 5. Speed =
PD* Driver Clutch capacity chart shows that it has a speed limit of 2,100 RPM
Sheave on PTO: 12.5 in. which is greater than the required speed of 1,800 RPM.
PD* Driven 6. Clutch slip time, (sec.) =
Sheave on Mud Pump: 15.0 in. Clutch capacity chart shows maximum clutch slip time as 3 sec.
Width of Driver which is greater than the calculated 1/2 seconds.
Sheave on PTO: 9-3/8 in. (8 grooves –
8V section Belt Sheave**) Part 2. Side Load Calculation Follows:
WR2 – Inertia of Pump: 108 lb.ft.2 Center of sheave’s side pull =
* PD is Pitch Diameter of sheave/pulley. Sheave width/2 = (9-3/8)/2 = 4-11/16 in.
** See manufacturer for sheave details. Locate dimension from Bell housing to shaft’s end = 20-15/16 in.
Reference specific PTO drawing
Calculations: 15-1/2" Flat PTO side load, page 142.
1. Application Torque = HP x 63,000/RPM = lb.in. Determine “X” distance on PTO =
300 x 63,000/1,800 = 10,500 lb.in. (Bell hsg. to shaft’s end dim.) - (Center of sheave’s side pull)
2. Engine Peak Torque = lb. ft. x 12 = lb.in. (20-15/16) - (4-11/16") = 16-1/4 in.
1,120 x 12 =13,440 lb.in. Round “X” distance to the nearest whole number = 16 in.
Look up side load =
3. Mud Pump’s Speed = Check side load at PTO’s speed and “X” distance
Engine Speed x P.D. of PTO’s sheave Page 142, allowable side load.
P.D. of Mud Pump’s sheave At “X” distance of 16 in. and 1,800 RPM, chart yields a side load
capacity of 5,800 lbs.
1,800 x 12.5/15 = 1,500 RPM
Comparison on side load =
4. Reflect Pump’s inertia up to PTO’s shaft = Side load capacity > Required side load
Pump’s Inertia x ( Pump’s speed
PTO’s speed ) 2
= lb.ft.2
5,800 lbs. > 5,040 lbs.

Final Selection:
( )
1,500 2
108 x = 75 lb.ft.2 @ 1,800 RPM 15-1/2 in. Flat power take off,
Side load version with SAE "1" Bell Housing
WR x PTO’s speed
5. PTO’s clutch slip time, (sec.) =
25.6 x Application Torque Power take off chart, page 143, lists the associated parts lists and
75 x 1,800 drawings.
= = 1/2 sec.
25.6 x 10,500 Parts Lists Number = 6-715-299-208-0
6. Estimate Side Load, (lbs.) = Drawing Number = 6-715-202-912-9
HP x 378,000
Engines Speed x PTO’s sheave PD
300 x 378,000
= 5,040 lbs.
144 1,800 x 12-1/2
Air-Tube Disc design (Industrial)

Ideal for automatic


Disc design provides

smooth shock-free
Bearing support eliminates
sideload on crankshaft
High-speed air tube
not affected by
centrifugal force

No O-rings or
diaphragms to
wear out

Design Features Typical air control system

• Disc design provides smooth, shock free
start-ups. Low
3 Way
• Air activated-ideal for automatic or Valve
remote controls.

• Bearing support eliminates sideload on 30 PSI

Exhaust Air Throttle
• High speed air tube not affected by Air Compressor

centrifugal force.
A simple air system shows that the actuation of the
• No O-rings or diaphragms to wear out. clutch as well as the engine throttle can easily be
designed into one system.
• Dynamically balanced for high speed

• Models available for all popular diesel

engines. Up to 700 HP capacity.

Power Take-Off Clutches

Air Tube Disc Side Load PTOs


Side Load
Type A



Side Load

Type B



Type C


K Side Load

Dimensions and Specifications: inches
E L No. &
Parts Clutch SAE +-.000 +.000 Holes Type of P.D. of
List No. Size No. Type -.005 F G H J K -.002 M No. Keyway Grooves Sheave

6-715-204-302-0 214H 1 B 18.375 17-1/4 1.000 10-13/16 17-17/32 11-25/32 3.625 7-1/4 17/32 8 7/8 X 7/16 — —
6-715-204-303-0 214H 1/2 B 18.375 17-1/4 1.750 10-13/16 17-17/32 11-1/32 3.625 7-1/4 21/32 6 7/8 X 7/16 — —
6-715-204-304-0 214H 0 B 18.375 17-1/4 1.000 10-13/16 17-17/32 11-25/32 3.625 7-1/4 21/32 6 7/8 X 7/16 — —
6-715-204-306-0 214H 1 C 18.375 17-1/4 1.000 10-13/16 23-15/16 11-13/16 2.500 4-5/8 17/32 8 5/8 X 5/16 8-“8V” 12.3
6-718-104-307-0 118 1/2 B 22.498 21-3/8 1.000 10-5/8 17-17/32 11-25/32 3.625 7-1/4 21/32 6 7/8 X 7/16 — —
6-718-104-302-0 118 0 B 22.498 21-3/8 .625 10-13/16 17-17/32 11-25/32 3.625 7-1/4 21/32 6 7/8 X 7/16 — —
6-718-104-306-0 118 0 A 22.498 21-3/8 .625 8-51/64 20-1/2 10-7/64 — — 21/32 6 — 10-“8V” 15.2
6-718-104-304-0 118 0 A 22.498 21-3/8 .625 8-51/64 20-1/2 10-7/64 — — 21/32 6 — 10-“D” 15.2
6-718-104-303-0 118 1/2 A 22.498 21-3/8 1.000 10-5/8 23-15/16 11-25/32 — — 21/32 6 — 16-“8V” 12.5
6-718-104-305-0 118 0 A 22.498 21-3/8 .625 10-13/16 23-15/16 11-25/32 — — 21/32 6 — 16-“8V” 12.5
6-718-104-301-0 118 1/2 A 22.498 21-3/8 1.000 10-5/8 23-15/16 11-25/32 — — 21/32 6 — 20-“5V” 12.5
6-718-204-307-0 218 1/2 B 22.498 21-3/8 1.000 10-5/8 17-17/32 11-25/32 3.625 7-1/4 21/32 6 7/8 X 7/16 — —
6-718-204-308-0 218 0 B 22.498 21-3/8 .625 11-3/16 17-17/32 12-5/32 3.625 7-1/4 21/32 6 7/8 X 7/16 — —
6-718-204-303-0 218 1/2 A 22.498 21-3/8 1.000 10-5/8 23-15/16 11-25/32 — — 21/32 6 — 16-“8V” 12.5
6-718-204-304-0 218 1/2 C 22.498 21-3/8 1.000 10-5/8 23-15/16 11-13/16 2.500 4-5/8 21/32 6 5/8 X 5/16 8-“8V” 12.3
6-718-204-301-0 218 0 A 22.498 21-3/8 .625 10-13/16 23-15/16 11-25/32 — — 21/32 6 — 16-“8V” 12.5
6-718-204-306-0 218 0 C 22.498 21-3/8 .625 10-13/16 23-15/16 11-13/16 2.500 4-5/8 21/32 6 5/8 X 5/16 8-“8V” 12.3
6-718-304-300-0 318 0 B 22.498 21-3/8 .625 12-3/8 17-17/32 13-19/32 3.625 7-1/4 21/32 6 7/8 X 7/16 — —
Note: For standard SAE engine flywheel dimensions see page 142.

Allowable Side Load (lbs.) at 1,800 RPM

Estimated Side Load Calculation
Type A Distance X from Load Distance X from Load
126,000 x HP
base mount-in. lb. base mount-in. lb. #1 L = x F x SF
0 — 14 8,900
4 5,400 16 7,100 1,945,000 x kW
6 6,300 18 6,000 #2 L = x F x SF
8 7,500 20 5,100
10 9,200 22 4,400
12 12,000 24 4,300 L = Actual Applied Load (lbs. for #1 and
Note: Derate by 20% for 2,100 RPM. Kgs for #2)
N = Shaft Speed (RPM)
Distance X from side load Distance X from Load D = Pitch Diameter (in. for #1 and mm
Type B for #2) of Sheave.
base mount-in. lb. base mount-in. lb.
F = Load Factor
— — 12 4,400
1.0 for Chain Drive or Gear Drive
4 11,500 13 4,100
5 9,600 14 3,800 1.5 for Timing Belts
6 8,200 15 3,600 2.5 for All V-belts
3.5 for All Flat Belts
3,200 SF = Service Factor F
9 5,800 18 3,000 2.1 for Reciprocating
10 5,200 19 2,900 Compressors and other severe
11 4,800 20 2,800 shock drives
Note: Derate by 20% for 2,100 RPM. 1.8 for Large Inertia Drives such as
Crushers, Chippers, and Planers

Type C 6,500 lb. Max. side load.

Note: Derate by 20% for 2,100 RPM.

Clutch Specifiation Table

Recommeded Clutch Siip Torque Recommeded Maximum

Maximum PTO lb.in. at 100 PSI PTO HP/100 RPM With
Clutch Model HP/100 RPM .3 CF.* Heavy Duty Friction Disc
214H 18 71,600 23
118 21 64,500 27
218 42 129,000 54
* Recommend only 25% of rated torque on PTO’s (in.lbs.) - 30% with heavy duty disc.
Note: For mounting, use socket head capscrews conforming to the ASTM-574-97a.
Support plate must be perpendicular to sideload pull.

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

15 HSD

12.4 HCM

9.4 HBM

7.0 HSD

Formsprag Mesur-Fil® Fluid Couplings
deliver reliable smooth power Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings are
transmission. To consistently deliver, ideally suited for direct drive
we select only from the highest quality applications between electric
materials. Our manufacturing and product motors and gear boxes.
assembly are completed under the most
exacting guidelines and established
procedures. The result is unquestioned
consistent product dependability.
Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings are rated for
motors up to 2,500 HP. They have earned a
reputation for providing smooth, soft starts
while reducing current draw on the motor by

Typical Applications
Bulk Material Handling Equipment
and Mining Related Industries:
Conveyors of all types
Screening Plants

Petrochem and
Chemical Processing: Mesur-Fil 7.0 HSD allows
shock-free acceleration on
Agitators large inertia loads.
Centrifuges Picture Courtesy of Torpey
Compressors Denver, Inc.

Other Applications include:

Amusement park rides
Machine tools
Oil Field
Power Generation
Ski resort chair lifts

Mesur-Fil 7.0 HSD on

amusement park ride,
“Speed Boats,” giving
cushioned, smooth starts.
Picture Courtesy of Torpey
Denver, Inc.

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Design Avantages
Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings allow motors to start
unloaded and to reach operating speed with All Aluminum
smooth, controlled acceleration. This makes Housing for
it ideal for applications with high inertia loads. Low Rotating
They are available in either constant Inertia
or delay fill versions.


High Temperature
Viton Seals


For Ease
of Mounting
Smaller Sizes

One Piece Construction

(smaller sizes)
Eliminates Leaks.

Principle of Operation
Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings offer several INPUT OUTPUT
• Reduced energy consumption
• Jam/overload protection
• Shock load cushioning
• No metal-to-metal contact Motor Load
• Wide range of available mounting
• High temperature Viton seals Runner Fluid Impeller
• Available from over 700 Formsprag
Authorized Distributors. There are three primary components the chambers formed by the two coupling
to Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings: halves. The oil (fluid) is subsequently
1. Vaned runner thrown into the vaned impeller connected
to the load causing it to turn. It is
2. Vaned impeller
important to note, that as this transmission
3. Fluid fill of power takes place, there is virtually no
Torque, produced by the prime mover wear on the transmitting parts because
(motor) acting on a vaned runner, is there is no mechanical contact between
transmitted through the flow of fluid into them.

Fluid Requirements Coupling Fill Effect Motor Breakdown Point
Figure 2 reveals a typical NEMA B electric 100% 100%
Red: Too Much Fluid
motor torque curve together with the

Starting Torque–% Full Load

Green: Right Amount
particular operating characteristics of a 100% Of Fluid
d Blue: Not Enough
specific coupling with a designated fill t or Re
T y p i c al N E M A B M o 10–20% Fluid
level. With no power supplied, all of the e n
fluid is settled at the bottom of the Gre
coupling. Slip rate in this condition is Blu
en Less
100% with the input free to turn. With the Gre
Red 3%
motor starting and increasing in speed to
0 100
the breakdown point, torque builds in the
Coupling Input Speed–% Motor Sychronous Speed
coupling. As torque increases, the
coupling begins to deliver the load to the Figure 1 - Motor Breakdown Points
motor, eventually bringing the load up to
speed (refer to the load acceleration area Delayed Fill
in Figure 2). The area on the chart between Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings, sizes 15 through 34
the motor torque curve and the (30 to 1500 HP), have an available delayed fill
100% slip curve represents the option restricting starting torque to 140% of
excess torque available to the full load while still ensuring low slip at full
Starting Torque – % Full Load

100% Slip
motor to start itself without also speed. The result is a softer, more gradual
200 having to start the load. It is this start which can be advantageous for
r 10%
T y pic al N E M A - B - M ot o operating characteristic which applications such as belt conveyors and
150 7%
Running Range
Typical Normal

Delayed Fill permits a soft start with a one- mixers.
100 ou p 5%
ardC Load third lower current draw on the
nd Acceleration The operating principles are simple. With the
motor (see Figure 3). (It should
idle coupling (see Figure 5) the purpose of the
0 be noted that because the cou-
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 delayed fill chamber is to isolate a portion of
pling torque can only be devel-
Coupling Speed – % Motor Synchronous Speed the fluid from the main coupling. As the runner
oped if the runner is turning at a
Figure 2 - Starting Torque accelerates (see Figure 6), the chamber
slower speed than the impeller,
attached to the runner gradually releases fluid
an ideal small amount of slip of
into the main coupling through specially cali-
3% to 5% is necessary).
Typical NEMA B Motor brated orifices. The fill increases proportionally
600 The Mesur-Fil Fluid Coupling with the output speed. With acceleration com-
Motor Current – % Full Load

Current Draw 1/3 Lower

500 Current Draw (Motor Only) Current Draw provides for jam load protection plete (see Figure 7) at the high speed running
(Motor with Coupling)
400 to the motor and other vital position, almost all of the fluid has been
300 power system components. It is released from the chamber
designed to allow the motor to into the coupling, giving the
decelerate only to its breakdown coupling high fill/low
point (see Figure 4). The results slip characteristics.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 without the fluid coupling could
Figure 5
Motor Speed – % Full Load be a locked rotor condition, Standstill
Figure 3 - Start-up Burnout Protection resulting in excessive current
draw and potential motor
damage. Additionally, the
Typical NEMA B Motor coupling distributes the shock
Motor Current – % Full Load

of an overload over a longer

500 Motor with
Coupling Motor Only time span, thus reducing the G
75% Lower possibility of damage.
Current Draw

100 Stall Point
(100% Slip)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 6
Motor Speed – % Full Load Accelerating
Figure 4 - Jam Load Burnout Protection

Figure 7

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Mounting Types per Size

Mounting Size Mounting

Type 7.0* 9.4* 12.4* 15 17 19 21 24 27 29 34 Application

(pages 162-164) • • • • • • • • • • • Basic coupling for custom input & output

(pages 166-167) • • • • • • • • • • • For use with flexible gear couplings

(page 168) • • • • • • • • Shaft to shaft with flexible output group

(page 169) • • • • • • • • Shaft to shaft with flexible output group

HBM Shaft to shaft applications

(page 165) • • • • • • • • • • For stub shaft input/output sizes 7-12.4

(pages 170-171) • • • • • • • • Parallel, QD sheave application

* Modular design (See page 161)

HC Sizes 7.0-12.4 Input and Output customer supplied. HCM
Sizes 15-34 Output customer supplied. (pages 166-167)
(pages 162-164)
Double Engagement
This is a basic coupling with an input bore for direct Gear Tooth Flexible Coupling
mounting on the motor shaft end and a convenient bolt
circle for customer-designed output configurations.

Motor Load

The Model HCM Fluid Coupling is a complete unit with both

Customer input and output flanges. It is intended for installation between
Motor Supplied two halves of a double engagement gear tooth flexible
coupling which is customer supplied. This arrangement
provides for a wide range of input and output configurations
for ease of installation.

HCF & HCR Sizes 15–34 These couplings are designed to mount directly on the motor
(pages 168-169) shaft when mounting space is limited. The output is connected
to the load by a flexible coupling provided with the fluid
Flexible Coupling coupling. The HCF flexible coupling consists of a set of rubber
block elements enclosed within a bored and keyed output
member. The HCR flexible coupling consists of a reinforced
rubber element bolted to a bored and keyed output member.
This arrangement allows for easy accessibility, removal and
Motor Load
quick replacement of the flexible element without disturbing
either the input or output mounting position.

HBM Sizes 7–12.4 This coupling is a complete unit with straight input and
(page 165) output shaft. It is installed between two piloting type flexible
couplings supplied by the customer.
Standard Piloting
Type Flexible Coupling

Motor Load

HSD Hydro-sheave couplings are mounted to the motor shaft end

(pages 170-171) and provide minimal overhung loads for parallel (belt-driven)
shaft applications. The smaller sizes (7-12.4) are installed very
quickly and easily utilizing a slotted collet in which no drilling or
tapping is required. The slotted collet is finished bored to fit G
standard NEMA B motor shaft dimensions. The larger sizes
(15-24) are installed with a center locating bolt that does
Motor require drilling and tapping to ensure proper mounting.
The Model HSD Fluid Coupling consists of a basic fluid
coupling, input and output group, and a standard customer
supplied QD type sheave. The sheave is mounted on a
Load coupling that has been installed on the end of a driveshaft.

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Selection and Sizing

Fill Levels (NEMA B Motors) Figure 8 Quick Selection Chart

The Quick Selection Chart (see Figure 8) 1200 RPM 1800 RPM
provides the correct size coupling and HP Cplg. Fill % Cplg. Fill % HP KW
fill level for any standard NEMA B motor Size No. Slip Size No. Slip
within the Mesur-Fil range. It also pro-
vides the slip rate that can be anticipat- 1/2 7.0 12 6 7.0 8 3 1/2 0.38
ed at normal operating speed. Having 3/4 9.4 8 3 7.0 8 4 3/4 0.56
the correct amount of oil in the coupling 1 9.4 8 3 7.0 9 4 1 0.75
is extremely critical to ensure safe and 1 1/2 9.4 8-1/2 3 7.0 11 5 1-1/2 1.1
proper operation. Figure 9 shows the 2 9.4 9 4 7.0 12 6 2 1.5
effects of either too much or too little 3 9.4 10 5 9.4 8 2 3 2.2
fluid. With an optimum amount of fluid, 5 12.4 7 3 9.4 8-1/2 3 5 3.8
the breakdown point of the motor with 7 1/2 12.4 8 2-1/2 9.4 9 3 7-1/2 5.6
the 100% slip line of the coupling 10 12.4 9 4 9.4 10 4-1/2 10 7.5
provide the best combination of soft 15 12.4 11 5 12.4 7 3 15 11.3
start with slip rate at normal speed. 20 15 2 3-1/2 12.4 8 2-1/2 20 15.0
With too much fluid (red area), the slip 25 15 2 5 12.4 8-1/2 3 25 18.8
rate is lower and the start is harder. 30 15 1 4 1/2 12.4 9 3-1/2 30 22.5
With too little fluid (blue area), the start 40 15 0 5 1/2 12.4 10 4 40 30.0
will be softer but the slip rate will be 50 17 1-1/2 4 12.4 11 5 50 37.5
much higher. This can cause heat dissi- 60 17 1 4 15* 3 3 60 45.0
pation problems, and, in extreme situa- 75 19 2 4-1/2 15 2 3-1/2 75 56.3
tions, the coupling may completely fail 100 21 1/2 3-1/2 15 0 3-3/4 100 75
to move the load. 125 21 1-1/2 4-1/2 17 2 3 125 94
150 24 2 2-1/2 17+ 2 4 150 113
A choice of fluids is also available. In a 200 24 2 3-1/2 19+* 2 3-1/2 200 135
normal environment, petroleum oil is the 250 24 1 4 19+* or 21* 0 or 2 3-1/2 or 2 250 188
best fluid to use. For hazardous condi- 300 27 1 21+* 2 3 300 225
tions such as those encountering dust, 350 27 0 21+* 1 3 350 263
paint spray, etc., a special fire-resistant 400 29 1 24 3 400 300
fluid may be required. 450 29 1 24 2 450 338
500 29 1 24 2 500 375
600 29 0 27 2 600 450
700 29 0 27 1 700 525
Delay chamber is recommended 800 29 0 27 0 800 600
for the following applications: 900 34 1
Overland conveyors 1,000 34 1
Blowers/Fans 1,250 34 0
Mixers 1,500 34 0
Crushers 1,650 D34 0
Excavators 1,750 D34 0
Mills 2,000 D34 0
Large inertia drives 2,500 D34 0
* In these applications, coupling will develop
stall torque somewhat higher than motor
Figure 9 Coupling Fill Effect breakdown torque.
+ In these applications, frequent starts or over-
Motor Breakdown Point loads may overheat coupling. Use only for
100% 100%
Red: Too Much Fluid
loads at or below rated torque of motor with
infrequent starts.
Starting Torque–% Full Load

Green: Right Amount

100% Of Fluid
• Caution! 7% or higher slips may cause over-
Re Blue: Not Enough
T y p ic a l N E M A B M o
t or
10–20% Fluid heating if coupling is cycled too rapidly.
en For minimum operating temperature below -
3–5% 10° F, consult the factory.
en Less Note: For vertical mounting order unit with both
Than the standard and optional fill plugs on both sides
Red 3%
of the unit.
0 100
Coupling Input Speed–% Motor Sychronous Speed
Input speed vs. Horsepower Graph Fluid quantities (fluid ozs.)
3200 2400
HP 3000 2250 kW Fluid Quantities (U.S. Fluid Ounces)
Fill Number
2000 1500
1800 1320 Size 7 8 9 10 11 12
1600 1175
1400 1030 7.0 18.5 21 23 25.5 27.6






1200 880 9.4 43 49 54 60 65
735 12.4 87 100 112 125 138 150
800 600
600 440
500 370 Fluid Quantities (U.S. Quarts)

Fill Number
400 295

350 Size 0 1 2 3 4

300 220 15 8 7.6 7.0 6.3 5.7


250 185
17 12.4 11.5 10.6 9.6 8.7

200 150 19 15 14 13 11.8 10.6


160 120 21 20 18.8 17.3 15.8 14.3


120 90 24 30 28 26 23.9 21.7


100 75 27 47 43.3 40.2 36.5 32.8



80 60 29 52 48.4 44.7 40.7 36.5


34 87.2 81 74.6 70 66
60 45

50 37

40 30
Delayed Fill
30 22 Size 2 3 4
15 9.1 8.1 6.8

20 15 17 14.4 13.5 12.4

12 19 17.2 16.1 14.8
9 21 24.3 22.5 20.4
10 7.5 24 33 30.2 27.5
8 27 52.8 49.1 45.4
7 5 29 66.6 62.3 57
34 91.1 84.5 78.6
5 3.7

4 3

3 2.2
Fluid Recommendation
2 1.5 OIL: SAE 10W (Spec. MIL-L-2104 B)
1.3 Chevron: Hydraulic Oil EP 32 Shell: Tellus 32
Esso: Nuto H 32 Texaco: Rando HD 32
Mobil: DTE 24 Total: Azolla ZS 32
1 0.75





Fyrquel: 220



0.5 0.37
500 600 800 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000


Overload Protection
Fusible plug Fusible pin Electronic overload controller
In overload conditions, as the slip For sizes 15–34 (Torque limiter) G
increases and the oil temperature rises, It's possible to avoid loss of oil from For sizes 15–34
seals become damaged and begin to leak. the unit by fitting a fusible pin. When This device measures the speed of the
In order to avoid this damage, in critical temperature increases, reaching melting coupling, stopping the motor or giving a
applications, it is advisable to install a point of fusible element, a pin is released signal when the preselected limit is
fusible plug instead of a solid plug. and touches a cam mounted on a relay exceeded. With this device nothing has
Overload protection. For sizes 7.0 to 12.4 which gives an alarm or switches off the to be replaced, and after having
a 250° F fusible plug is available only as electric motor. Like the fusible plug there eliminated the cause of the overload,
an option. For sizes 15 to 34 a 290° F are three different fusible elements. This the transmission can run normally.
fusible plug is standard. (A 250° F or 350° solution needs only the replacing of the
F fusible plug is available as an option.) fusible element or fusible pin.

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Slip Curves
Size 7.0
Maximum speed 3,600 RPM (All configurations)

70 70
Fill No. 8 – 18.5 ounces Fill No. 9 – 21 ounces
SAE No. 10 oil SAE No. 10 oil

50 50
Torque ft.lbs.

Torque ft.lbs.
Drag Torque 10%
30 Drag Torque 10% 30
SLIP % 6% SLIP %
5% 3%
10 10

0 0
500 1500 2500 3500 500 1500 2500 3500
Input Speed RPM Input Speed RPM

70 70
Fill No. 10 – 23 ounces Fill No. 11 – 25.5 ounces 100%
SAE No. 10 oil SAE No. 10 oil

50 50
Drag Torque
Torque ft.lbs.

Torque ft.lbs.

Drag Torque 10%


30 30 6%
SLIP % 5% SLIP % 5%

3% 3%
10 10

0 0
500 1500 2500 3500 500 1500 2500 3500
Input Speed RPM Input Speed RPM

Fill No. 12 – 27.5 ounces 100%
SAE No. 10 oil

50 10%
Drag Torque
Torque ft.lbs.

30 6%

SLIP % 5%


500 1500 2500 3500
Input Speed RPM

Slip Curves
Size 9.4
Maximum speed 3,600 RPM Except HSD-Max. 2,600 RPM

360 Fill No. 8 – 43 ounces 360 Fill No. 9 – 49 ounces

SAE No. 10 oil SAE No. 10 oil
Torque ft.lbs.

Torque ft.lbs.
270 270
Drag Torque
180 180
Drag Torque 7%
90 7% 90 5%
5% 3%
0 0
800 1600 2400 3200 800 1600 2400 3200
Input Speed RPM Input Speed RPM

360 Fill No. 10 – 54 ounces 360 Fill No. 11 – 60 ounces

SAE No. 10 oil SAE No. 10 oil Drag Torque
Drag Torque

Torque ft.lbs.

Torque ft.lbs.

SLIP % SLIP % 10%
180 Continuous operating area 7% 180 Continuous operating area 7%
below this line outer 5% below this line outer
member rotating 150 5%
member rotating 150
temperature rise
90 3% 90 temperature rise 3%

0 0
800 1600 2400 3200 800 1600 2400 3200
Input Speed RPM Input Speed RPM

360 Fill No. 12 – 65 ounces

SAE No. 10 oil
Drag Torque
Torque ft.lbs.

270 10%

Continuous operating area 7%

180 below this line outer
member rotating 150 5%
temperature rise
90 3%
800 1600 2400 3200
Input Speed RPM

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Slip Curves
Size 12.4
Maximum speed 2,400 RPM Except HSD-Max. 1,800 RPM

360 Fill No. 7 – 87 ounces 360 Fill No. 8 – 100 ounces

SAE No. 10 oil SAE No. 10 oil 10%
Drag Torque

Torque ft.lbs.
Torque ft.lbs.

10% 7%
240 240
Drag Torque 7%

SLIP % 5% SLIP %
120 120 3%

0 0
600 1200 1800 2400 600 1200 1800 2400
Input Speed RPM Input Speed RPM

360 Fill No. 9 – 112 ounces 360 Fill No. 10 – 125 ounces
SAE No. 10 oil 10% SAE No. 10 oil 10% 7%
Drag Torque
Drag Torque
Torque ft.lbs.

Torque ft.lbs.

240 240 Continuous operating area

5% below this line outer
member rotating 150
temperature rise 3%

SLIP % 3% SLIP %
120 120

0 0
600 1200 1800 2400 600 1200 1800 2400
Input Speed RPM Input Speed RPM

10% 7% 10% 7%
360 Fill No. 11 – 132 ounces 360 Fill No. 12 – 150 ounces
SAE No. 10 oil SAE No. 10 oil
Drag Torque
Drag Torque
Continuous operating area
Torque ft.lbs.

Torque ft.lbs.

240 below this line outer 240 Continuous operating area

below this line outer 5%
member rotating 150
temperature rise member rotating 150
3% temperature rise 3%

120 SLIP % 120 SLIP %

0 0
600 1200 1800 2400 600 1200 1800 2400
Input Speed RPM Input Speed RPM

Slip Curves
Size 15
Maximum speed 2,600 RPM (All configurations)

500 100% 10% 7 1/2 %5% 4% 3% 100% 10% 7 1/2 %5% 4%

Fill No. 0 Fill No. 1
8 Qts. 7.6 Qts.
400 400
Drag Drag 2%
Torque ft.lbs.

Torque ft.lbs.
300 Torque 300 Torque

200 200

100 100

0 0
400 1200 2000 2800 400 1200 2000 2800
Input Speed RPM Input Speed RPM

100%10%7 1/2 %5% 4% 500 100%10%7 1/2 %5% 4%

500 3%
Fill No. 2 Fill No. 3
7 Qts. 6.3 Qts. 3%
400 400

Drag 2%
Torque ft.lbs.

Torque ft.lbs.

300 300 2%
Drag Torque

200 200

100 100

0 0
400 1200 2000 2800 400 1200 2000 2800
Input Speed RPM Input Speed RPM

Selection Example:
7.5 HP at 1,750 RPM Pullout torque = 2 * 22.5 lb.ft. = 45 lb.ft.
Normal running torque = Locate the pullout torque against RPM curve
7.5 HP * 5,250 = 22.5 lb.ft.
to insure the point is slightly above the drag
torque line. G
Pullout torque is obtained at approximately Locate the normal torque against RPM curve
85% full motor speed and for NEMA B motors, to insure the point is below the 7% slip line.
this is approximately 200% normal rated Ideally, plot the point between 3% and 5%
torque. slip line.
If the pullout torque is unknown, then assume
200% of normal rating occuring at a speed of
1,540 RPM, with full motor speed of 1,750

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Modular Design Concept

Sizes 7.0, 9.4, 12.4



Customer Supplied Output

Consists of Model HC and input group. The input group is finish
bored to fit standard NEMA B motor shafts. The optional output
groups available (HCM, HBM) are shown on this page or the HCF
output group must be supplied by the customer. Consult engineer-
Motor Load ing for details.


Double Engagement
Gear Tooth Flexible Coupling The Model HCM Fluid Coupling is a complete unit with both input
and output flanges. It is intended for installation between two
halves of a double engagement gear tooth flexible coupling which
is customer supplied.
Motor Load


Standard Piloting
Type Flexible Coupling This coupling is a complete unit with a straight input and output
shaft. It is installed between two piloting type flexible couplings
supplied by the customer.

Motor Load

HSD The Model HSD Fluid Coupling consists of a basic fluid coupling,
input and output group, and a standard customer supplied QD type
sheave. Hydro-sheave couplings provide minimal overhung loads
for parallel (belt-driven) applications. The sheave is mounted on a
coupling installed on the end of a driveshaft.
Motor Mesur-Fil Couplings can be installed very quickly and easily
utilizing a slotted collet for mounting on the motor shaft instead of
the center bolt that is most commonly used with other sheave
drives. Unlike the center bolt, the slotted collet requires no drilling
and tapping of the end of the motor shaft. The slotted collet is
finished bored to fit standard NEMA B motor shaft dimensions.
Available bore sizes are found elsewhere in this brochure.

Input Output

Note: HCF does not provide an output group. HCF Output Shaft
Output group is customer supplied. Customer Supplied
Contact Engineering
HCF Input
Department for Details.


HCM Output
HC Fluid coupling with
HCM Input bearing carrier group

The model HC Fluid Coupling consists of
the basic coupling with bearing carrier
group and seals installed. Optional output
and input groups are available as ahown
on these pages or customer supplied. This
arrangement provides for a wide range of
HBM Output
input and output configurations for ease of
HBM Input

Sheave (Customer Supplied)


HSD Input & Output

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Model HC
For Custom Applications

Sizes 7.0 – 12.4 Input Output


Dimensions: inches
Wt. Lb. US Oz.
Size A B C D E F Less Oil Max.
7.0 7.81 3.67 .56 4.23 3.188 17/64 10.1 27.6

9.4 10.25 4.70 .77 5.47 4.250 25/64 20.5 65

12.4 13.50 5.98 .82 6.80 5.650 25/64 38.0 150

Output Shaft
(Detail drawing) L


R Local Hardening
R .09 Note: RC 55 Min.
Groove Case Depth .03–.05
Y N M Oil All Over After
One Hole .06 16
80 Heat Treatment
40 30˚
Custom Designed
Output Mounting
1.625 U
V To Connect Fluid
W Gage Line S W
Coupling To Load
* Dia. Concentric
Within 0.004" T.I.R.
X Two Holes
X R.03
2 Holes Max.
1.500 ± .002
Taper Per Ft.

Z One Hole

Dimensions: inches
Size L M N O R S U V W X Y Z

.9845 1.124 1.250 9/64

7.0 4.17 1.50 1.270 1.91 .60 .750 x 1.10 .60
.9839 1.116 1.249 .26
1.3782 1.577 1.850 13/64
9.4 5.42 1.50 1.905 2.90 .83 1.062 x .96 .80
1.3776 1.589 1.749 .50
1.5746 1.785 2.000 13/64
12.4 6.75 1.80 2.05 3.156 .90 1.125 x .96 .90
1.5750 1.777 1.994 .50

Model HC
For sizes 34, see next page)

Sizes 15 – 29
Input Output 15
C C1

Wt. Oil
Q f7 ± U Less US gal
J f7 ±
.004 .004 Size Oil Max.
15 81.5 2.020
15 ▲ 90.3 ▲ 2.272
2 Holes 17 112.4 3.090
T 17 ▲ 125.6 ▲ 3.487
19 127.8 3.750
19 ▲ 141 ▲ 4.227
Standard Delayed
HC HCD 21 191.8 5.020
Tolerance: 21 ▲ 214 ▲ 6.076
up to 2 inch 24 231.5 7.500
-.000 +.010
Dim D V 24 ▲ 253.5 ▲ 8.243
+.0015 –.000
from 2 to 4 inch -.000 27 355 11.09
+.002 27 ▲ 394.6 ▲ 13.21
up to .500 inch -.000
Dim W 29 472 14.531
from .625 to 1 inch -.000
29 ▲ 512 ▲ 16.645

Dimensions: inches
Size D J W V A B C C1 E F I K M N O Nr. Dia. Q R S T U Z
15 ● 2.875 7.000 .750 2.992 18.110 5.945 8.898 11.575 2.205 7.992 10.039 3.425 3.5433 5.3543 .197 8 M10 7/8 3.976 5/8 .315 6.142 .748

9 11
15 2.375 5.625 .625 2.651 18.110 5.945 8.898 11.575 2.205 7.992 10.039 3.425 3.5433 5.3543 .197 8 M10 UNC 3.976 UNC .315 6.142 .748

15 2.125 5.000 .500 2.350 18.110 5.945 8.898 11.575 2.205 7.992 10.039 3.425 3.5433 5.3543 .197 8 M10 3.976 .315 6.142 .748

17 3.375 8.250 .875 3.635 20.472 6.693 9.764 12.913 2.441 8.858 12.992 3.779 4.9212 6.2992 .197 12 M10 4.961 .315 7.087 .748

17 2.875 7.000 .750 3.205 20.472 6.693 9.764 12.913 2.441 8.858 12.992 3.779 4.9212 6.2992 .197 12 M10 4.961 .315 7.087 .748

19 ● 3.375 8.250 .875 3.635 22.244 7.480 9.764 12.913 1.653 8.858 12.992 3.779 4.9212 6.2992 .197 12 M10 1-1/4 4.961 3/4 .315 7.087 .748

7 10
19 2.875 7.000 .750 3.205 22.244 7.480 9.764 12.913 1.653 8.858 12.992 3.779 4.9212 6.2992 .197 12 M10 UNC 4.961 UNC .315 7.087 .748

21 ● 3.875 8.500 1.000 4.106 24.409 8.071 11.260 15.195 2.795 9.842 15.748 4.330 6.2992 8.9764 .197 8 M14 5.354 .551 10.039 1.181

21 3.375 8.250 .875 3.706 24.409 8.071 11.260 15.195 2.795 9.842 15.748 4.330 6.2992 8.9764 .197 8 M14 5.354 .551 10.039 1.181 G
24 ●
■ 3.875 8.500 1.000 4.106 27.953 9.015 11.260 15.195 1.850 9.842 15.748 4.330 6.2992 8.9764 .197 8 M14 5.354 .551 10.039 1.181

27 ● 4.750 8.500 1.250 5.109 30.708 10.944 12.677 17.321 1.220 12.401 20.866 5.157 7.874 10.826 .236 8 M16 1-3/4 7.283 7/8 .551 12.125 1.299
■ 5 9
29 5.250 9.500 1.250 5.617 33.858 12.007 13.740 18.386 1.220 13.780 20.866 5.157 7.874 10.826 .236 8 M16 UNC 8.070 UNC .551 12.125 1.299

34 For Size 34 see page 164.

● Max. Bore
■ With Reduced Depth Keyway

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Model HC
For Custom Applications

Sizes 34

Input C U Output


R ± .004 N1 I
± .004

Standard Delayed

V +.010

Dimensions: inches
Size D J W V A B C Nr. Dia. N O E F G H

34 5.938 10.438 1.500 6.346 39.370 14.881 15.24 12 M14 22.440 .236 1.732 .944 .866 .28

S P1 Wt. lb. Oil US

K I M Q R Nr. Dia. T C1 Nr. Dia. N1 U Less Oil Gal. Max.
1-3/4 1
5.157 20.866 7.874 9.84 2 12.125 20.39 10 M16 18.897 .748 743 21.8
5 8
▲ 776 ▲ 24.5
● Max. Bore
■ With Reduced Depth Keyway

Model HBM
For Shaft-to-Shaft Applications

Sizes 7.0 – 12.4

Input Output

Keyway size both sides

7.0 # 91 Woodruff
9.4 # 15 Woodruff
12.4 TX Woodruff



Dimensions: inches
Wt. lb.
Size A B C D F G H J K Less Oil Max. oz.
7.0 7.81 3.67 8.25 .56 1.000 1.62 1.62 2.34 2.24 12.65 27.6

9.4 10.25 4.70 10.89 .77 1.250 2.06 2.12 3.10 3.09 27.70 65

12.4 13.50 5.98 13.67 .82 1.625 2.12 2.75 3.88 3.88 51.07 150

Single Flexing Coupling

7.0 AJ15*
9.4 AJ30*
12.4 AJ30*
* Refers to TB Woods Form-Flex couplings

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Model HCM
For Flexible Gear Couplings with Shrouded Bolts

Sizes 7.0–12.4

Input Output


X No. of Holes X No. of Holes
W Size of Holes C Y Size of Holes
Fusible Plug: 4-619-068-000-0 3/8” NPT

Dimensions: inches
Wt. Oil WR2 lb.ft. 2 Gear
lb. Max. Coupling
Size A B C D L M N O P W X Y Z Less Oil oz. Outer Inner Size

7.0 7.81 3.67 5.98 .56 3.75 4.70 4.56 1.10 1.21 1/4-20 6 .254 3/16 16.10 27.6 .42 .10 1
.56 Deep .256

9.4 10.25 4.70 7.49 .77 4.812 5.90 6.00 1.14 1.65 3/8-16 8 .380 1/4 32.25 65 1.27 .51 1-1/2
.65 Deep .382

12.4 13.50 5.98 8.67 .82 4.812 6.85 6.00 1.14 1.55 3/8-16 8 .380 1/4 53.25 150 4.12 1.33 1-1/2
.74 Deep .382

The Model HCM Fluid Coupling is a complete unit with both input
Double Engagement
and output flanges. It is intended for installation between two
Gear Tooth Flexible Coupling
halves of a double engagement gear tooth flexible coupling which
is customer supplied.

Motor Load

Diameter of
Maximum Shrouded Bolt
Size Manufacturer Model Bore Circle

TB Woods 1F 1.75 3.75

7.0 Waldron 1W 1.63 3.750
Poole MXB 1 1.63 3.750
TB Woods 1.5F 2.25 4.812
Amerigear 201.5 2.38 4.812
9.4 and 12.4
Waldron 1.5 W 2.19 4.812
Poole MXB 1.5 2.19 4.812
Note: Gear couplings must be with Shrouded Bolts!

Model HCM
For Flexible Gear Couplings with Shrouded Bolts

Sizes 15-34

Input Output
C C1

F F1 P


.002 .002

Standard Delayed

E Wt. Oil WR2 lb.ft.2 Gea

lb. U.S. gal. Outer for Coupling
Size A B D Nr. Dia. F F1 H L C C1 Less Oil Max. Outer Inner HCMD Coupling
104 2.02
15 18.11 8.385 7.000 10 0.502 0.354 0.394 1/2-20 0.945 9.85 12.56 ▲ 112 13.5 4.5 ▲ 14.6 2-1/2
▲ 2.27

146 3.09
17 20.47 8.385 7.000 10 0.502 0.374 0.394 1/2-20 1.000 9.84 13.079 ▲ 158 22.5 8.6 ▲ 25.0 2-1/2
▲ 3.48

165 3.75
19 22.24 8.385 7.000 10 0.502 0.374 0.394 1/2-20 1.000 9.84 13.079 ▲ 178 33 14.5 ▲ 35.1 2-1/2
▲ 4.22

240 5.02
21 24.41 8.385 7.000 10 0.502 0.374 0.394 1/2-20 1.22 12.44 16.38 ▲ 262 51 23 ▲ 57.2 2-1/2
▲ 6.07

285 7.50
24 27.95 8.385 7.000 10 0.502 0.374 0.394 3/4-10 1.22 12.44 16.38 ▲ 307 96 46 ▲ 102.2 2-1/2
▲ 8.24

454 11.09
27 30.71 11.020 9.500 8 0.750 0.866 1.220 3/4-10 2.008 16.06 20.71 ▲ 505 145 48 ▲ 160.0 3 1/2*
▲ 13.21

29 33.86 11.020 9.500 8 0.750 0.866 1.220 3/4-10 2.008 17.20

21.85 ▲ 613
▲ 16.64
220.5 66.4 ▲ 235.4 3 1/2*
960 21.80
34 39.37 12.159 11.00 8 0.750 0.866 1.102 3/4-10 2.283 24.96 28.90 ▲ 978 650 28.5 ▲ 668.5 4*
▲ 24.5

▲ HCMD *Exposed Bolts

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Model HCF
For Shaft-to-Shaft Applications

Sizes 15-34
Input Output
C C1


Standard Delayed
V –.000
up to 2 inch -.000
Dim D
from 2 to 4 inch -.000

up to .500 inch -.000
Dim W
from .625 to 1 inch -.000

Dimensions: inches
G Wt. lb. U.S. Gal.
Size D J W V A B C C1 E F Max. H K L Q R S Less Oil Max.
7/8 5/8
15 ● 2.875 7.000 .750 2.992 18.110 5.945 14.331 17.008 2.205 7.992 3.150 6.693 .118 4.331 9 3.976 11 110.7 2.020
■ 2.375 5.625 .625 2.651 18.110 5.945 14.331 17.008 2.205 7.992 3.150 6.693 .118 4.331 UNC 3.976 UNC ▲ 121.7 ▲ 2.272
1-1/4 3/4
17 ● 3.375 8.250 .875 3.635 20.472 6.693 15.236 18.386 2.441 8.858 3.543 9.843 .118 4.331 7 4.961 10 169.7 3.090
■ 2.875 7.000 .750 3.205 20.472 6.693 15.236 18.386 2.441 8.858 3.543 9.843 .118 4.331 UNC
4.961 UNC
▲ 185.2 ▲ 3.487
● 1-1/4 3/4
19 ■ 3.375 8.250 .875 3.365 22.244 7.480 15.236 18.386 1.653 8.858 3.543 9.843 .118 4.331 7 4.961 10 185.0 3.750
▲ 200.4 ▲ 4.227
1-1/4 3/4
21 ● 3.875 8.500 1.000 4.106 24.409 8.071 18.071 22.008 2.795 9.842 4.331 11.417 .118 5.512 7 5.354 10 284.4 5.020
3.375 8.250 .875 3.760 24.409 8.071 18.071 22.008 2.795 9.842 4.331 11.417 .118 5.512 5.354 ▲ 308.7 ▲ 6.076
● 1-1/4 3/4
24 ■ 3.875 8.500 1.000 4.106 27.953 9.015 18.071 22.008 1.850 9.842 4.331 11.417 .118 5.512 7 5.354 10 324.0 7.500
▲ 348.0 ▲ 8.243
● 1-3/4 7/8
27 ■ 4.750 8.500 1.250 5.109 30.708 10.944 20.00 24.685 1.220 12.401 4.750 13.780 .157 5.905 5 7.283 9 509.2 11.09
▲ 549.0 ▲ 13.21
● 1-3/4 7/8
29 ■ 5.250 9.500 1.250 5.617 33.858 12.007 21.102 25.748 1.220 13.780 4.750 13.780 .157 5.905 5 8.070 9 627.0 14.531
▲ 666.7 ▲16.645
● 1-3/4 1
34 ■ 5.938 10.438 1.500 6.346 39.370 14.881 23.622 28.780 1.732 15.748 6.250 16.732 .197 5.905 5 7.874 8 1019 21.8
▲ 1059 ▲ 24.5
● Max. Bore
■ With Reduced Depth Keyway

Model HCR
For Shaft-to-Shaft Applications

Input Output Sizes 15-34



2 Holes

Tolerance: HCR Delayed
+.001 W HCRD
up to 2 inch -.000
Dim D
from 2 to 4 inch -.000 V
+.002 -.000
up to .500 inch -.000
Dim W
from .625 to 1 inch -.000

When ordering units please specify

Dim.-D Diameter (G upon request)

Dimensions: inches
Size D J W V A B C C1 E F Max. H L Q R S

15 2.875 7.000 .750 2.992 18.110 5.945 15.275 17.952 2.205 7.992 2.756 9.252 3.149 3.976
■ 7/8 5/8
15 2.375 5.625 .625 2.651 18.110 5.945 15.275 17.952 2.205 7.992 2.756 9.252 3.149 9 3.976 11
15 2.125 5.000 .500 2.350 18.110 5.945 15.275 17.952 2.205 7.992 2.756 9.252 3.149 3.976

17 ● 3.375 8.250 .875 3.635 20.472 6.693 15.945 19.094 2.441 8.858 2.952 11.338 3.543 4.961

17 2.875 7.000 .750 3.205 20.472 6.693 15.945 19.094 2.441 8.858 2.952 11.338 3.543 4.961
● 1-1/4
19 ■ 3.375 8.250 .875 3.635 22.244 7.480 15.945 19.094 1.653 8.858 2.952 11.338 3.543 4.961 3/4

2.875 7.000 .750 3.205 22.244 7.480 15.945 19.094 1.653 8.858 2.952 11.338 3.543
21 ■ 3.875 8.500 1.000 4.106 24.409 8.071 20.551 24.488 2.795 9.842 3.543 14.882 4.331 5.354

21 3.375 8.250 .875 3.760 24.409 8.071 20.551 24.488 2.795 9.842 3.543 14.882 4.331 5.354

24 ■ 3.875 8.500 1.000 4.106 27.953 9.015 20.551 24.488 1.850 9.842 3.543 14.882 4.331 5.354
● 7/8
27 ■ 4.750 8.500 1.250 5.109 30.708 10.944 21.653 26.299 1.220 12.401 3.937 18.189 4.803 1-3/4 7.283 9
● 5 UNC
29 ■ 5.250 9.500 1.250 5.617 33.858 12.007 23.622 28.267 1.220 13.780 4.724 20.866 5.708 UNC 8.070
● 1
34 ■ 5.938 10.438 1.500 6.346 39.370 14.881 26.889 32.046 1.732 12.13 5.500 24.803 6.496 9.84 8 UNC
● Max. Bore
■ With Reduced Depth Keyway

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Model HSD
For Parallel Shaft Applications

Sizes 7.0-12.4
P = Standard Input Sizes

Size Bore Key

C 7/8 3/16
X 1 1/4
Input/Output Min 7.0
1 1/8 1/4
1 3/8 5/16

.750 TPR/FT. Size Bore Key

1 1/8 1/4
P Center 9.4 1 3/8 5/16
1 5/8 3/8

Size Bore Key

V 1 5/8 3/8
S B R 1 7/8 1/2
D 2 1/8 1/2
T 2 3/8 5/8

Fusible Plug: 4-619-068-000-0 3/8” NPT

Dimensions: inches
Q.D. Hub
Size A B C D Q R S T U V X Size Dry Wt.
7 7.81 3.67 7.05 .56 2.149 .84 1.15 2.54 2.687 1/2-20 2.00 SD 12.75
9.4 10.25 4.70 9.35 .77 2.736 1.12 1.45 3.53 3.313 5/16-18 2.50 SK 37.75
12.4 13.50 5.98 12.12 .82 3.736 1.24 1.87 4.90 5.000 1/2-13 3.00 E 68.00

Do not use Eaton QD sheaves.

Bolt pattern is not the same.

Vertical Mounting For HSD Important note:

When mounting the 7.0, 9.4 or 12.4 HSD on HSD Maximum Speed Size Capscrew Torque
a vertical shaft, the motor and collet should
be mounted above the sheave and fluid 7.0 3,600 RPM
7.0 38-42 lb.ft.
coupling. This position insures even the 9.4 2,600 RPM
smallest oil fill will react with the motor. 12.4 1,800 RPM 9.4 and 12.4 177-195 lb.ft.
Furthermore, order the unit with the standard
and optional fill plugs on both sides of the
unit. This allows for the addition and
Model Casting
maintenance of the oil level within the fluid Size on Housing
216262 A
216405 A
216438 A
216439 A
219463 A
219464 A

Model HSD

Sizes 15-24
Input/Output C C1
E B B1

Holes H .1875
Equally Spaced


.750 Total Taper Per Ft.

Tolerance: Standard Delayed

+.001 HSD HSDD
up to 2 inch -.000
Dim D +.010
+.0015 V –.000
from 2 to 4 inch -.000

up to .500 inch -.000
Dim W
from .625 to 1 inch -.000

Dimensions: inches
QD Wt. Oil
C H Hub Less US Gal
Size D J W V A B B1 Max. C1 E F G Nr. Dia. I K L M N Q T S Size Oil Max.
9/16 7/8 3/4
15 ● 2.875 7.000 .750 2.992 18.110 5.945 3.425 15.118 17.244 7.677 4.4375 5.625 3 12 10.039 1.181 3.397 6.663 8.032 9 6.362 10 F 107 2.02

15 2.375 5.625 .625 2.651 18.110 5.945 3.425 15.118 17.244 7.677 4.4375 5.625 3 10.039 1.181 3.397 6.663 8.032 6.362 ▲ 115.8 ▲ 2.27

17 ●
■ 3.375 8.250 .875 3.635 20.472 6.693 3.779 17.913 20.315 9.654 5.1484 6.250 3 12.992 1.378 4.331 7.25 8.976 8.449 J 156 3.09
17 2.875 7.000 .750 3.205 20.472 6.693 3.779 17.913 20.315 9.654 5.1484 6.250 3 11 12.992 1.378 4.331 7.25 8.976 8.449 ▲ 169.2 ▲ 3.48
19 ● 3.375 8.250 .875 3.635 22.244 7.480 3.779 17.913 20.315 8.858 5.1484 6.250 3 12.992 1.378 4.331 7.25 8.976 1-1/4 8.449 7/8 J 174 3.75

7 9
19 2.875 7.000 .750 3.205 22.244 7.480 3.779 17.913 20.315 8.858 5.1484 6.250 3 12.992 1.378 4.331 7.25 8.976 UNC 8.449 UNC ▲ 187.2 ▲ 4.22

21 ● 3.875 8.500 1.000 4.314 24.409 8.071 4.330 21.456 24.408 11.811 6.500 7.875 4 15.748 1.575 7.085 9.00 9.842 10.236 M 270 5.02 G
21 3.375 8.250 .875 3.760 24.409 8.071 4.330 19.882 22.833 10.236 6.500 7.875 4 10 15.748 1.575 5.511 9.00 9.842 8.661 ▲ 292 ▲ 6.08
24 ● 3.875 8.500 1.000 4.314 27.953 9.015 4.330 21.456 24.408 10.866 6.500 7.875 4 15.748 1.575 7.085 9.00 9.842 10.236 M 307 7.50

▲ 329 ▲ 8.24
● Max. Bore
■ With Reduced Depth Keyway

Engineering Data

How to calculate inertia (WR2 )

of a spoked wheel
of Spoke

L “A”
Rim OD
L “A”

Rim ID
Hub r
OD Hub

2 +
WR2S of Spokes = b L +

[( ) ( 144r ) ]
x (wt of Spokes) x (No. of Spokes), lb.ft.2

WR2 of Rim =[ (Rim OD)1152+ (Rim ID) ] x (wt of Rim), lb.ft.

2 2

WR of Hub =
[ (Hub OD)1152+ (Hub ID) ] x (wt of Hub), lb.ft.
2 2 2

Total Flywheel Inertia = WR2S + WR2R + WR2H

Note: All dimensions are in inches.

Clutch heat horsepower absorption rate

Absorption rate/in.2 of lining area. For one stop at 70°F ambient temperature.

Slip time
seconds 0 to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

in.2 380 617 820 1000 1175 1330 1485 1630 1770 1900
Heat .7 .56 .5 .45 .43 .4 .38 .37 .36 .34
btu .49 .79 1.05 1.29 1.51 1.71 1.91 2.09 2.27 2.4
Consult factory for slip time over 10 seconds.

Engineering Formulas
Definitions Formulas
T Torque-The moment of a Torque lb. in. = (HP) (63,000)
system tends to cause rotation RPM
lb.in. % forces.
Horsepower HP = (Torque lb.in.) (RPM)
WR2 Inertia-weight times radius of (63,000)
gyration2 lb.ft.2
Acceleration Torque (lb.in.) = (WR2) (RPM)
PSI Pounds per square inch. t= time in seconds for (25.6)(t)
Wt. Weight-lbs. acceleration or deceleration.

Btu British Thermal Unit = 778 lb.ft. HP/100 RPM = (HP) (100) = Required Torque lb.in.
or one Btu. (RPM) (630)

CPM Cycles per minute. Required Unit PSI = (Unit required Torque lb.in.) (100 PSI)
(Unit rated torque lb.in.)
CF Coefficient of friction.
Contact velocity FPM = (Unit diameter in.) (π)(RPM)
C° Degrees Celcius.
F° Degrees Fahrenheit.
Unit heat HP = (Total WR2) (RPM)2 (CPM)
LN Natural base log. 1.9 x 108

K and U Inflation coefficients for

specific clutch and brake.
See specification tables.

R, E and V Exhaust coefficient for specific

clutch and brake.
See specification tables.

KW Keyway.

RPM Revolutions per minute.

t Seconds.

TIR Total Indicator run out.

V Volume-in3.

HP Given amount of work in a

specific time. 1 horsepower =
33,000 lb.ft. per minute.

Engineering Data

Tension Value Chart

Material Tension (lb.in. Material Tension (lb.in.
of web width) of web width)
Steel foils 1.5 to 4 Nylon and Cast Propylene (non-Oriented)
Aluminum foils 0.5 to 1.5 .00075" 0.15
(1.0 aver.)/mil .001" 0.25
Cellophanes 0.5 to 1.0/mil .002" 0.5
Acetate 0.5/mil
Mylar and Oriented Propylene
Mylar (Polyester) 0.25 to 0.30/mil
0.0005" 0.25
Polyethylene 0.25 to 0.30/mil
0.001" 0.5
Polypropylene 0.25 to 0.30/mil
0.002" 1.0
Polystyrene 1.0/mil
Saran 0.05 to 0.20 Paperboard
(0.10 aver.)/mil 8 pt. 3.0
Vinyl 0.05 to 0.20 12 pt. 4.0
(0.10 aver.)/mil 15 pt. 5.0
20 pt. 7.0
Paper and Laminations
25 pt. 9.0
20#/R—32.54 gm/m2 0.50 to 1.0
30 pt. 11.0
40#/R—65.08 gm/m2 1.0 to 2.0
60#/R—97.62 gm/m2 1.5 to 3.0 Material Tension (lb./strand)
80#/R—130.0 gm/m2 2.0 to 4.0
Aluminum Wire
Paper #20 AWG 4.00
15 lbs./ream (3000 sq.ft.) 0.5 #18 AWG 5.50
20 lbs./ream 0.75 #16 AWG 9.00
30 lbs./ream 1.0 #14 AWG 10.00
40 lbs./ream 1.5 #12 AWG 12.00
80 lbs./ream 2.5 #10 AWG 15.00
#8 AWG 25.00
25 LB. PAPER/.005 Copper Wire
PE/.00035" FOIL/.001"PE 3.0 #20 AWG 8.00
.001" Cello/.0005"PE/.001" #18 AWG 10.00
Cello 1.5 #16 AWG 12.00
#14 AWG 15.00
When these substrates are coated with polyethylene, nylon
#12 AWG 18.00
polypropylene EVA, EAA, and EEA, add the following ten-
#10 AWG 20.00
sion to the values listed above for the substrate only.
#8 AWG 25.00
Coating Thickness
0.0005" to 0.0001 0.12
0.0011" to 0.002 0.25
.00075" 0.5
.001" 0.75
.002" 1.0

Glossary of Terms

ATHP Air-tube Holding Plate: A Plate DAF Driving Adapter Flange: A driving
having a cavity which houses the ring connecting the driving adapter
air-tube. and the clutch’s driving ring.

AT Air-tube: Actuating member, DI Ductile Iron: Nodular cast iron,

full circle polyester reinforced a semi-steel.
neoprene tube.
DSCP Ductile Slotted Center Plate: A
AT/P Air-tube Pancake Style: Air-tube ductile, cast iron center plate that
which does not have center hole as has thermal growth slots in
in regular air-tube. the plate to allow for thermal
growth of center plate.
AT/S Air-tube Split: A regular air-tube
that is split radially for temporary DCP Ductile Center Plate: Center plate
replacement of a regular air-tube. made of ductile iron (Nodular cast
This has a comparatively short life iron).
DR Driving Ring: Unit’s outer housing.
ALD Axial Locking Device: This device Transmits torque from friction
axially locks two shafts together discs.
without transmitting torque. Its
primary use is in attaching a sleeve DMBP Demountable Backplate:
bearing motor to an axially located A removable backplate which
pinion shaft. allows access from rear of unit.

BP Back Plate: The retaining plate E to P Current to Pneumatic Transducer

on the opposite end of the clutch
FD Friction Disc: Molded friction
or brake unit. It is either bolted to
the low inertia driving ring or the
standard-special ventilated F/P Floating Plate: Similar to Center
clutch hub. Plate, next to the pressure plate.

CCB Combination Clutch Brake FWJ Floating Water Jacket: Similar to

Center Water Jacket. Located
CI Cast Iron: Iron material with
between pressure plate and drive
sufficient carbon so it is not mal-
plate assembly.
leable at any temperature.
FP Friction Puck: Segmented friction
C/P Center Plate: This plate is of metal
element used on drive plate
and has a gear tooth spline or
other driving system on the internal
diameter of the plate that meshes G1S Friction Disc: Grooved one side.
with the clutch or brake hub.
G1SSH Friction Disc: Grooved one side
CWJ Center Water Jacket: This is a two with spring holes.
wear sided water jacket assembly
that is splined on the outside G2SBB Friction Disc: Grooved two sides
diameter. This part is used in a back to back.
water cooled clutch or brake of
more than one drive plate. G2SBBSH Friction Disc: Grooved two sides
back to back with spring holes.
CWP Copper Wear Plate: Copper disc
mounted to a water jacket. G2SSSH Friction Disc: Grooved two sides
staggered with spring holes.
DA Driving Adapter: A device to bolt
a standard ventilated type clutch
driving ring to a shaft.

Glossary of Terms (continued)

GID Friction Disc: Grooved on inside OSO Obsolete Service Only:

diameter. Discontinued service.

GPM Gallons Per Minute PLI Pounds Per Linear Inch

HUB & Hub and Air-tube Holding Plate: PLK Positive Lock: Special unit allow-
ATHP Special one piece design. ing direct drive between air-tube
holding plate and the ring in case
HC High Coefficient Friction of air-tube failure.
HS High Speed: Special air-tube QRV Quick Release Valve: Springless
designed for high speed exhausting air valve.
QCRG Quick Change Ring: A driving ring
HT High Torque: Clutch design with connecting the driving adapter and
pancake air-tube. the clutch’s driving ring used for
quick access to clutch’s internal
HUB & BP Hub and Backplate: Special
one-piece design.
RCS Roto Coupling Spider: A clutch air
HUB Hub: Splined tooth gear, keyed
manifold, with its center tapped to
to the shaft.
accept a roto coupling.
LC Low Coefficient Friction
RC Roto Coupling: An air rotary union
L/T Low Temperature: Special air-tube having a hollow shaft in bearings
designed for low temperatures located within a stationary housing
down to -40° F. to allow for a supply hose connec-
tion without twisting the air hose.
LPM Liters Per Minute
TSCP Thin Slotted Center Plate: This
MR Marine Reverse: Special Standard center plate is similar to the
Vent Clutch. DSCP but is of the thin, usually
nonventilated center plate design.
NC National Course: Thread type.

NF National Fine: Thread type.

NPT National Pipe Thread: Thread


OBS Obsolete: Discontinued part.

Parts List and Assembly Drawing Numbers

Parts List and Assembly Drawing Numbers

Clutches and Brakes

( ) - ( )( )( ) - ( )( )( ) - ( )( )( ) - ( )

G roup Numbe r Size of Unit Seq uentia l Numbe rs O rigin

6 Clutch 01 Less Than 2” 0 U.S.A.

7 Brake 02 1 English

03 2 Metric

TYPE OF UNIT 04 4” 3 Mixed

C lutches 05 5”
Numbe r of Pla tes 4 Drum Type
When Unit Numbe r is (6) 1 1 Plate 5
06 6”
Use These Numbe rs
2 2 Plate 6
07 7”
0 Low Inertia 3 3 Plate
08 8” 7
1 Standard Ventilated 4 4 Plate
09 9” 8 Deleter
2 Special & Super Vent. 5 5 Plate
10 10” 9 Indicates An
3 Kopper Kool 6 6 Plate Assembly Drawing No.
11 11”
4 Water Cooled 7 7 Plate
* *
5 Mechanical 8 8 Plate Seq uentia l Numbe rs
* *
6 Tooth Clutch 9 9 Plate 00-99
* *
7 Power Take Off 0 Other Than Above
00 Cannot Be
8 E.P. Classified In
Two Digits
9 Other Than Above
Type of Air Tube
0 No Air Tube
Note: “ H”Clutches are
Brake s 1 Regular
indicated by next inch
When Unit Numbe r is (7) size up from actual size,
i.e., 31 = 30H Unit. 3 High Speed
Use These Numbe rs
4 Pancake
0 Low Inertia 15 14H
5 Low Temperature
1 Spring Set 19 18H
8 Diaphragm
2 Motor Brake 25 24H
9 Other Than Above Or
3 Kopper Kool 31 30H Any Of Above When an
4 Water Cooled Assembly Drawing No.
37 36H
5 Spot or Caliper
6 Band Brake

7 Tandem Mount
8 E.P.

9 Other Than Above

And Combo

Use this chart only to interpret a part number

issued by Wichita Clutch. Do not use it to
determine your own part number.

Warner Electric Marland Clutch
Electromagnetic Clutches Roller Ramp and Sprag Type
and Brakes - USA Overrunning Clutches
and Backstops
South Beloit, IL 61080
815-389-3771 Burr Ridge, IL 60527
For application assistance:
Nuttall Gear and
Electromagnetic Clutches Delroyd Worm Gear
and Brakes - Europe
Worm Gear and
Allonnes, France Helical Speed Reducers
+33 (0)2 43 43 63 63 Niagara Falls, NY 14302
Precision Electric Coils - USA
Columbia City, IN 46725 Wichita Clutch and
260-244-6183 Industrial Clutch
Pneumatic and Oil Immersed
Boston Gear Clutches and Brakes - USA
Enclosed and Open Gearing, Wichita Falls, TX 76302
Electrical and Mechanical P.T. 940-723-3400
Quincy, MA 02171 Pneumatic Clutches
617-328-3300 and Brakes - Europe
For Customer Service: Bedford, UK
1-888-999-9860 +44 (0)1234 350311
For Application Assistance:
1-800-816-5608 Ameridrives Couplings
Gear Couplings, Mill Spindles,
Formsprag Clutch Universal Joints
Overrunning Clutches Erie, PA 16512
and Holdbacks 814-480-5000
Warren, MI 48089
586-758-5000 Altra Industrial Motion -
Asia Pacific
For application assistance:
1-800-927-3262 China 852 2615 9313
Taiwan 886 2 2577 8156
Stieber Clutch
Overrunning Clutches
Singapore 65 487 4464
and Holdbacks Thailand 66 2 322 0481
Heidelberg, Germany
+49 (0)6221 30 47 0 Australia 612 9894 0133


Wichita Clutch
2800 Fisher Road • Wichita Falls, TX 76302
940-723-3400 • Fax: 940-723-3436
email: wichita.info@wichitaclutch.com

P-1100 8/05 Printed in USA

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